The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 28, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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THE GREATEST CLOTHING OFFER _ EVER HEARD OF IN SAVANNAH. OVER 1,000 SUITS ON SALE! BEGINNING THIS MORNING. DEC. 28, AX 9 O'CLOCK, We Will Offer a Magnificent Line of Men’s Suits. TWO LOTS AS FOLLOWS: I THT MO I ABOUT SIX HUNDRED SUITS, AEZ LsKJ 1 INIVy. % SB.OO TO SIO.OO VALUES, AT .... $0.40 T fYT Mn T ABOUT EIVE HUNDRED SUITS, mn Ag l nw. & sn.oo to $14.00 values, at .... O a 9u THIS sale covers an advantageous purchase made some time ago to close out several manufacturers' ends and reserved for an after Christmas treat, to enliven the lull usually intervening between Christmas and New Year’s. These handsome suits need no commendation beyond their own appearance and impressive value. See examples in our Eastern Window. This sale appeals to the most economical as well as to those able to gratify their tastes without stint. BOOZ NOT A COWARD Ml Hl** IIHO'IIIKN Tt:*TlFllfif> U> TKHim. NOR WAS HE STUPID OR A LIAR. good i:\amiaatioa at I’R KI'AH ATirtt A M HIHIL. Kt-Ctmirratmaa §••* 11 i f> Tesltlles Thai Up 1)10 Ant Visit Academy to Keep 111. tun From tiring Hoard. Nili*l I'rarr Toll. of sonic ot llretl*'* experiences—AA tineas F.n deavored lo I phnld llnslng. AA'est Point, N. V.. Dec. 27—There was an unusually large attendance of ipcr:t tor. at both the morning on) oftornoon sessions of the military court of Inquiry ot fh academy to-day. The fact that taro wltncse* from tlltttant points would h- t .tiled upon to te.tlfy war the cause of the Increased Interest One of thee u Horace C. Booz a Civil engineer, of Buffalo, and tbe other I* O. Phillip, of Cleveland. The teatl mony given by the former waa princi pally a refutation of the siatcment made about 111- brother, I- Boo* of Br|s lol. Pa., who died recently. Several of the ca.let wltneaaea during the program of the Investigation aecuaed Boo* of having tthnwn cowardice In hi. tight with Cadet Keller In Angu.t I<9*. nnd they ai-o accused him of untru.hfulne*.. Inatrurtor of Mathematic Blent. Coe, 'n hi. teatlmony tael week, stated that Boot wa. not possessed of -.iifTh'lent mental ca|Htcity to pa a. the peccary examina tion at this academy HI. brother etat' .l to-day that thka wa. not no, a. the man ner ID which the former cadet had |>n*d hi. examination* at the preparatory .cbool In Bimtleton. Pa., wa. .ufnclent to prove U>at Oucar wa. possessed of suf ficient Intellect. On the other hand, ne wa. not untruthful ami he tva. nnvthlng but a coward. Mr. Phillips' principal reason for ap t.wring before the court wa. to .how lilt' he had not vUltd the academy I. IW. for the purpose of saving his son from being hased. He said that in hi* opinion Boo* aa. not of the kind ot material out of which good army officer, could be made. Cadet Wil’d. Q Peace of North Carolina, ild he kaew former Cadet Hreth and i.tar him loml in the tent of ex-Cadet l:dcr In tamp In 1907 The wltne.s. after Bing frequently asked to describe the form* Of hazing to which Breth wa. rub le' ted. replied: 1 cannot exactly rte.erlbc them in de tail. hub 1 think they were th' usual tor ms. such * holding out Indian clubs until n became tiresome, doing "Wooden willle" and other things which were In 'ogte at that time. Breth wa. a very awkward man. nnd did not seem to Is* able to do anything right. He was sub ject to nervousness and wan easily ral lied. • Continuing th. witness said: •*! got ■■ letter from Hreth abuUi >!< month* after he left here. In It he tried to explain his difficulty In doing "'lnge right while at the post here and shot he had been suffering from *lcßß*t* all tho time he waa in camp. * “ 4 ‘ J i hoped to get better In liarrack*. but did not The witness in reply to lien. Cions, .aid that he knew of nixiut eight fight, hav ing o< urreil during the first two yeurv he was In the Kcademy. and about nine during the next two years In reply to Oen. Hates. Cadet Peace sail that whenever a fourth cla*. man wa. In trouble or wanted advice, he would come to an upper man for Information and h< would Invariably gel ll.’ “1* there any hatred or feeling In ex istence bet ween tirst class men and torn It ilas. men? - ' asked the general. "I don't believe there I. any feeling on the pari of the first class men against fourth ilas# men but then- may Is- on the part of fourth class min against the np class. This may be accounted for by the treatment of the lower class, but tht reeling | away when the cadet, nr advanced to the ihlrd class Peace went on to say that he did not consider exercising brutal. Then you don't think that being re quired to exert yourself physically against .out will almost lo the point of exhaus tion brutalT" exclaimed tien Hates ”1 was exercised myself, sir, and I did rot think |i was brutal. It was uncom (ortable but I never knew It lo result In permanent injury ” The witness said there were some men who used to ha*e more than others and tbal some of them seemed to be without the faculty of judging when a man had enough After being closely questioned as to what he would consider brutality In har ing. the witness replied "I should say that If a cadet were nax.d to such a degree that he would lie Injure.! or had to he helped by hi fellows tit* fluxing would be brutal." This snawer was given after Gen Bales had Intimated to the arttnese that In ease ti cadet died from the effect* of such hazing the taw would hold all thoa who took part In It responsible for the man’s death. cadet Clarence II Knight of Florida. In reply to tien. Clous, said h*- had taken part In a fight when he was a third-class man. Hl* opponent was a fourth-class man named AA'ory. Who wn. since dismissed The tight took place In lass, and Knight won Neither wn. a selenilflc boxer. Cadet Walter H. 1-ee of North Carolina tout the court that on one occasion he a fourth-claw man do the "eagllng" exercise about three or four hundred time at one session What was hie name?" "T. F. Smith." "Do you know the sweating process*" ■Ye* air, I went through It. I bad to a r.iin coat and then a blanket out side I perspired freely This wa* In my tent In summer time and lasted about twenty minutes " Which would you rather do. one bun dled and fifty eagles or the sweating pro eies*" asked tien Hate*. "I’ll take the DO .-agle*. sir." Was the reply. The court adjourned until 9:30 o'clock to-morrow morning X 1.1M2 TO *1 MWKIIt 11.1. K. flty of Charleston Ashed for Street Hallway Franchises. Charleston. H. C\, Dae. 27 —The City Council of Charleston wa* asked to-night to grant right* of way through certain streets to the BtJiurban and Summerville Hallway, a corporation that propose* to construct a trolley line between here an-1 Summerville The petitioners are J W Herf*. J. W. Blmons. J J OConnell and Jonathan Buena The company has not been organized, but men who are Interested In the un dertaking claim that . notigk money •* In sight to carry It through auccessfully. At fhe some meeting of Coimel the city wa* asked to appropriate IM.IWt to aid the ftouth Carolina Interstate and West In. I iilau jigpoaiUuo, THE MOKNING NEWS: Fit I DAY, DEO EM BEK WOO. FOOD FOR MILLIONS I \'!'ii I'm nnn:\n: rHoi'f* i on IMJO. FIGURES ARE ASTOUNDING. V| UhTHIU IIYUF. IMIEU HIM REPORT PON rill*; YKIH. \\ lit-m < ro| for ll••• \ rnr F.iinmfril n t 11% rr font More Than 2.4NMMMMMNHI BubrU, On !• \*nrl> I Hrlry .ItMMMMMMI, II >r. 24.4NHMN10, Hni L %% lit'ni IO,INMI,iNNI, I'olnf>•>• <HHi, anil Hay SW,tMW.tMM> Tons. Washington. Dec 27 -Statistician John Hyde of the Department of Agriculture, i estimate* tbe United States wheat crop ; of I9W at 522 225*. Vi.' uuahel*. the area nc- I tually harvested being 42.495.385 acres, and the average yield |>er acre 12 29 bushels. The production of winter wheal Is esti mated at 250.025.tf1t* bushels, and that of ! spring wheat, at 172,SMASH bushel*, the area actually harvested being 26.225.5V7 acres In the former rase, and 16.259.1 M acres In the latter. Winter wheat arr ,g< totally abandoned in Ohio. Michigan, j Indiana and Illlnola Is finally placed at | 2.522.7*7 acres, and the spring wheal acr nge totally abandoned In North Dakota and South Dakota at 1.792.46? acres. The extraordinarily rapid rale at which the winter wheat average of Nebraska Is gaining upon the spring wheat averag of that eiafe. has necessitated a special Investigation of the relative extent to which the two varieties were grown dur ing the past year. The resuM of the invtwtigatlon Is that walle no change la culled for In tbe total wheat figures >{ the state. 590,575 acres have been added to the winter wheat column at the exi<en*c of the spring variety. The newly seeded area of winter wheat is estimated at 311.2*2.564 acres. While this acreage Is slightly greater than that sown In the fall of 1*99, as estimated at the time. It la W 1.451 acres less than fhe area that was actually sown, the discrepancy being due lo that remarkably rapid devel opment of winter wheat growing In Ne braska with which, as above stated, 'he department report* had failed to keep pace. A comparison of the newly seeded acreage with that of the fall of 1*99 shows that of the elevea slates amt territories that sowed I.OX).ADO acres or upwards with winter wheat one year ago. Pennsylvania, Missouri. Kansa6. California and Oklaho ma. report an Increase amounting to 571.- eM acre*, and Ohio. Michigan. Indiana. Il linois. Texas, and Tennessee a decrease of 1 7M.191 acre*. The average condition of the growing crop on Dec. I, was *7.1 per cent, or tho normal There ate many complaints of the Hessian fly. but th* low condition fig ures reported from Ohio. Ml. hlgau Ken tucky anil Tennessee, *6. 90, 97 ami *4, re spectively are fully offset by the excep tionally high i ondiilon* reported from Kansas. MlaaourLCallfomka. Dktohoma.ind other states. In all of which It la above ii ri * The production of com In 1900 Is esti mated at 2-1Ai5.in2.51il bushels; oats. .- 125,999 bushels: barley. 69.985. *33; rye. 25.- 995.927 bushel*: buckwheat. 9.4M.3M buah els. potatoes. 2H1.936.997 bushel*, ami hay g,Uv,9V wn*. fiat ufea from wtUob these i ro|w w*r K'Uhpml a* follow# In a# r*H, corn, R3,33*),?£!. oat#, 27,K1,7K; bar. I loy, 2.8W.2H?; rye, I.I0I.:,*£; buckwheat #W?.- potatof* 2.611,<&4; anl luy The corn *ro|o of IMA* wa# one of the four laryeat I'Vft altbi'inl. While the oat t rop h** only once lwen e*ce%Hlel in the other botul. th# barley ami rye crop* are the amalleat, with one excfitiot In ach cane #lnce IW7, th#* Imrkwheat *ro|* i# the #malle#t #luce lsH.l atvl th# hay crop ihe #malle#t with one ext #*|Hk>it. aln# Uhs ROBBED A^mSPENSARY. the One at KlttSXlree. H. 1.. Mlnu |I,MH>-Thr Krr|rr' Han 4 *lh 9 ihiri'tl hii#l ••late tin* buffer !.*••. . Columbia. C.. Dec. tl —The WlllMme i buri county liquor iHnpeniary lit King--- ! tree |# re|or;'4 to have been rol>bel *f fl.NfMt in ca#h We4nead.> night. K M 1 Player, the #hii*#ner. la allegeil to nave tflacoverad the lo*#* thi# morning Thl# t# the argit lo# by robbery In -1 rurreil i>> h county 4lapen#ary alnce the i In.tuguratlon of the ll#jen#.ry. Mr. II H Crum liquor <*oimnl##loner. 4la|Mitrhe I an |n#pertor to Klng#tr#- It i# remarkable that the Indemnity l)oii<b of the Jhjwwft #*xplr*l lie#-. I, an*l the #tate may #uffcr a total lo## T*ii i rather large amount of ra*h on han-l represent# the CNrlatma# aoiea. ,\ ap - clal to the Btat# from Klng*tr*- eay## that trie there |emat*l th#* re#lg i-ation of the .ountv ltuar#l of #ontrol the <ll#penaer ami all others connected with the <li#|>enaary at Kkigstree. A number of'country #tor# n#9 rail road dopot* have been \l*liwl by burglar thl# winter, uim) th#* e.ifeoracklng look* like th* work of expert#. Dick# Sc Hal ley. of Haliey*# Ntatlon. have Im-reu*# l t* 11.000. iheir offer of a reward for the capture of the burglars who robbed the‘r store of $7.d00 in gold la#t Krl#)a> right. 4 HHI*TM% K%T.%MTIKS. Inn %rel4ental Kllltnu* In linll rllo*lire 4 iiuilt), Columbu#. <la., Dfr 27.—That thl# se# - tlon I# havlrg It# shaft* of Chrlstma# nl%- haps 4* seen now that the return# are be ing had from aorroundtivg counties I intelligent** reach#*#! the r.ty to-lay of two aceldc#ntal killing# in Chattahoochee county. The pirtle# at#* i#*groe#. A l.iy or two ogo a t*’gro riMii anl hi# wife came j to f'olumltu# ftom that < ounty .tml l#ought i shot gun while her# Oft the way horn*- | the negro l>u<h*l an#l fir*#l Id# gnu #ev iial time#, and It #ee##n# left It loo#le>l When hi# wife went < get It from the VMKuti ui##*i reaching home, she receive ! the full charge in her heck an#l wa# lulled Instantly. A negr> Ik* while nut hunting, started over a fence. ll## OMiagle loader wa# #•!#- • hargetl ami half IH# l>ea#l wa# shot off OW. KIM.ICU. !%%4t KMt IFISIK Three Xegroe# Mrsrli b> •., |*. A \\ . ‘I rain Willi |aeer Iteaulfa. Thomasvllle. tla.. Dec. 27. -Three ne groes tttmptfd to cross the Havannah, Florida and Western Hallway track last ivight In front of a fast moving train at j |*eh In this county. The engine atni#'k the arnip. killing one man atralghtaut an*l taring the coat from another. Int not uHouily Injuring either one of the two who escaped Two saw th#* uciddefH. The hrsi elal*orate hall of the *w*oti I# In progTaag to-night at thv Mitchell iiouaa. THE STATE SCHOOL FUND. 111 OF tI’FHOFniATIONS TO THM IST I Ol M IK*. I lifllhsHi. N* I Milml. Gels llnel. Xlm.ul lisr-hsll U Itni She Pay* Into the Fund—F 111 Orn I nsie. First XXltti About 93T#91, While f haihaui Is Sreond null *.ls.s!*o.l> e-II lehnionil Gets 139,227.90 and Hlhh ffitl.ffilM.ito. The Pity of Atlanta Gels 9t1.3M.T4. Atlanta. Dec 27—The school fund ap propriated by ill* is-i I-eRi-l.itin•' has been upportloned to each of the counties rtf Genrßbi by h* eilucatlrtllnl d‘|Ml tmellt Kach county ill Ret mure money thl* year than last The apiiorOonmenl Is based on the number of school children in each county. Fulton county Rets the larßesi amount. Chatham receive* the next largest amount, her portion heiiiß 3Jt.M9.Or Th* followiitß are the amount* appor tioned to the counties Appling 1 9.332 61 Baker 4.707 59 Baldwin Pi. 395 46 Hank* 7.599 13 Bartow . 11.370.22 Berrien 11,141 vi Bibb 5t.6590S Brook* 12.697 04 Bulloch 12.992 <n Burke si m 1 02 Butt* 9.937.10 Calhoun 6.967.59 Camden 5,0H.t4 Campbell 7 9ft 00 Carroll 11.6J3 09 Caioo*n 4.0,2 *0 Chariton 2.026.14 Chatham 2.Uih<9 Chattahoochee 4 *32 42 Chattooga 9.130.40 Cherokee 11.07*62 Clarke 5.219.34 Athens, city -.'oo 96 Flay 6.191 lo Clayton r, 709.91 Clinch r. 204 7* Coffee 9.219.51 Cos 111 mb 7.000.29 Colquitt 5,199.96 Moultrie. cly 79*74 Coweta 15.16* 12 Newnan city xilTwt Crawford T.Viiot Dade 2,513.91 Dawson 1996 4 lie Slur l't.uV; 2! DeKalii 1t.1t1.90 Kdßcwood. city 623.56 llc 10 511.12 Dooley 17,419 H Dougherty 9.024.19 Irotißla* 6.291.94 Fatly 9.551 52 Fa tiols 2.093 72 Plffingham 6.231.30 Klhert It 395.94 Kmanuel 11.521 S4 Adrian, city 0,7 q Fannin 7.252 11 Fayette 7,017 fl Floyd .......#..,,..,17A97A Rone, city 1.009.19 North Home, city 1.097*1 Forsyth * *.634.1*1 Franklin 11.C5 4* Fulton 14 131.03 Atlanta, city 41 3X74 Fast Point, city 911.34 Hapevllle, city T 79.90 tltimer 7,STo 42 Gl iwock t*N9 11 Glynn fbor.ton t*,37,n; flrcene ....13.999 91 Gwinnett 19 Sia.99 il.t's rsham 9.167.11 Hail 14.W9.01 Hancock 14,799.10 llarralson 9.221.22 Harris U 974.74 Hart Heard 7.72', 91 Henry 12.611.62 Houston ~15202 46 Irvin 7912.29 Ftl9R<-tald, city 1,231.4*1 Jackson 17 '46 61 Jasper 10.210.63 John-on - 7.541 96 Jours W-796 Baurena 1* 749 50 l.lberty 9.916 *1 LJneoin 4.621 To | J.OWhde* 12.249 61 l.umpkln 5.152 9o 1 Macon 9.4*6 24 , Madison ... •**, Marion 6.419 40 McDuffie 6.667 [ Mclntosh 4.996 4o j Meriwether 21.1*9 76 Miller 4.144 911 Milton 4.994 6*> Mitchell B.IJO M I Monroe 14.524 ah 1 Montgomery 40.3* 42 Morgan - 11.972 P* Madison, city !.4S K Murray *-7#* #* Most ogee 7.971 02 , falumhu*. city 9.919 14 Newton 10.193 *9t , Covington, city •.*•* *• Oconee 6.391 90 Oglethorpe 11.944 10 Pnul-liiig **•* 14 Pickens 6.34* 49 i Pierce '.919 41 Pike 12.19* 12 : p„ 1, 10,950 26 I'uluskl H W* *° Putnam 11.951 41 (jiiltmaii 2.AM 42 j Kalnm - 4.642 04 j Handolph 13.503 40 Htchinond 29.227 40 llockdale 3.057 T* Conyers, city 1 A® 7* 44'hley . 2 701 93 Berevt n W.6M 70 | Bpaldlrut 3,795 62 Griffin. City 3.1*5 64 Rlewart 12.4 C 54 Bumter 12 626 62 Amertcua. tity 4.972 63 lalbo- ••• 10*63 35 Taliaferro 6.479.21 Tattnall T..yloi ...9.716.76 Telfair < <77 4 , Terrell Thomas A I Towns J 347 91 ! Trou|t .16317 51 Twiggs 7 <*7.92 Felon 6,022. pt I'nson W 99742 Walker 10 I*l*. Walton 14.157 73 Ware 5.343 1* sVa>cross city .'.7*291 W arren 4 462.e> Washington j Wavne 9.J1690 Je.up el| y ,**#? W#s)f6t*r %, j woke l-rJ'JJ i Whitfield * ! Wilcox ! 53 lik-s s'2l'T! , .<Kt. Worth i0.963.ti In ■ccordnmc with the recotnmendatli of thr roronerie Jury at th# Inquewt hel.l over th. Idv of Jom-ph IHtggs the oil man who w. kl! l on ib itur wlreet. James J. Crude, who was arrested on sus picion at the turn- the tragedy occurred, na* sent to jail yesenla> afternoon to await the outcome of a preliminary trial this afternoon I4mt Hoke Htnllh l* very 111 at hie re*- afen-r *•, We< IVa.htree otreet. He spent a rery rsstlsws night. BMI I* said to nc twlter thla omrnlsic. The news of Mr. Smith** nine*, will he learned with re gret by bl UU4UJ frtatvda, and It la hoped that he will eoon lie well enough to re ! turn to his office. I Thr Hlate of Georgia owes 95.794 <0 tho Franklin Printing Company, which can tos Is* paid until the seaati.n of the l-egts -llt lire next year. The dellcll came about on acs.imt of the largielature ordering some of the old volume- of the Georgia reporte printed. When the art was p-iss ed no provision waa made for the pay ment for the work except that It came .us of the general printing fund which amount* to 931.509. as a result the printing whl< h was done for the state from Jtilv I to the present time has not been paid and the company will have to wall until the net: session of the l-eglslJHUTe In order to get the money An appropriation for printing next year was made by tbe legislature, hut is, money was annroiirlated to pay tho present debt HISTORY ANoTeCONOMICS. JnlMl lire 1 1 na of American l.enno 1111e Aeeorleflon and American llisiorienl Asssrlatlnn In Detroit. Ib treat. Iter 27.—" An historian to mako hla rnat k must show some originality somewhere." said Dr. James F. Rhodes In hie address to-night on "The Writing of Ittelory." before the Brat joint session of the American K-onomt* Association atal the American Historical Association in the t'etvtral Methodist Church. Dr. Ithodes warned all historians against nasty am] Imperfect genr iallssUona, say ing that a historian la a sort of trustee and as such Is baund to produce nothing that he cannot vouch for. After the &Vi members of bosh societies gathered In the churrii had been formally scl miicl to the etty by Mayor May bury. President Richard T Kly of tho American Kcooomlc Asooctallon. who presided over the meeting, read a pwpor on "Competition. Its Nature, tie Perma nency ami Pa Beuoflcteaoo.** The afternoon session of the Am.ric.tA llls'orhai Society was devoted to a pub lic session of the cnurch history ee- tlon. A report on membership showed tks total to be I Alt, an Increase of 281 mem bers over last year. The cammlttoo OM neat place of m— etlng decided to hold tho mat sessions in Washington. In IWS. I.IKIT 04, At h lit: AD. Krnturlsy A olusleer Gives tp Hla l.lfe In 4'hlllpwtuea. VA ashlngton. Dec. TI.— A cablegram from Gen. MscAriimr at Manila, received at the War Derwrtmcnt to-day. innouncoa Urn death of First Lieutenant Walter t- Black Forty seventh Voluntr Infantry, trom dysentery, on Christmas night. Meut. Slack was a native of Kentucky and was horn July N. 1975, at Grayson, carter county. - | t uttnw Statistics. Liverpool. Dee 3X —The billowing ore the w-.'kly statistics: Total sales of all kinds 13,909 bales; soles. American, 16.0 ft KngUat) spinner* takings. 6i,fl9A Total eg |ion. 9,0n Imiiort of all kinds. 94,(94: kat fsirt. American. 122.A* Block of all kind*, 6ao. Mock. American, 531.99A. (jimmmHv sdiMt. all k.nds. ; afloat. Amerlcaw. 276.999 Total valea on specuiMJgg, 390. To tal sole* to exfioriers. ). Flrleaanu sails far Hampton Honda. New York, tree 27 -The United Hta’ex torpedo hoot Friiwaon sailed for Hampton Roods to-ds> H e will be one of ths torpedo fleet whicn. a •m .intad hy the hattleshtp AmJilta will snortly wall lo Join the North Atlantic squadron on Ho annual wtcttr cruize in the tropic*. vWt 5