The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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jQL FNTV i nce y°. ur klood LJ* .' VOLir * lte jj Thornes you to keep it pure. That; 1 who goes through the world without rejju " ■ fc—fcpal ul | ■ ■ iat A purifying his blood gets an aflliction. Nine ailments out of ten have their origin in thin, impoverished blood. And to rnTTeTrnaneiit^^orTistanc^irHimmTFn wfVf.T^-u 0 r f meJ y T lem * >r fP? ri !i ons rec(,n jniended especially for them is to lose sight of their cause, and the relief is cdies —so may rheumatism— so mav v 'V relieve eczema, but this ai inent will have another outbreak. Dyspepsia may find temporary relief in’certaFrt rem- Pure blood strengthens your digestive nraan* cn f rv^T e as arK * trou J^ s ’ but cure on b' comes when the blood is puritied. Pure blood builds up theconstitution. Graybeard Is the PUREST BLOOD PURIFIER Made. It ha* cured Canorr. , ' It hu cured R itmi. It baa cured It hat cured Catarrh. II has cured D>s;>*t*la. Mind you, theao were not trifling aJl fv nta. but every one an ailment which d'jciora had failed to cure. < Irwybcarrt Is tna<k> of fresh herbs, blO >tna ami berries It contains no mercury ■u potash. For rradh sting old and deap i mited ■llmnl* ae t’am-er, I'marrh. K- xc tiu. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. II hsa no . utMftl on earth. You want not tuny else to take. Try MMhtng else. Not tuns el so la ■ , esenry. In Graytiear.l you have every t to build you up and make you alrun* yer than your disease. It will .Tush out >car disease. It will leave you as you were fete the ailment seize.l you. l ucre Is nothing a hundredth g.aal <k Graybeard to do IM There is nothing made like < rraybeard—non* nvir mil be. Illa one of the groat Inventvous of the world. I Catarrh of Stomach i lake Gray heard and know It helps me mo., than anything I can g. t I have ca tarrh of the stomach and can't Ilnd any thing to relieve me but Oravheard "EUNICE FOUNT' N, "Locsvl.... Ind." A Drummer Cured. Mr. J M. Brown, many )ar a drum rv r in H*t+*vlll*. Ark . wriu* **l have ii irouWei| for a lonc time with rhruma m.iilam in my arxi joint** When 1 eat *iwn I eouWJ not ti*( up without per t.-m In# cr*at pair When I too*l on my I . any len/rih ol lime 1 wan compelled i > all down aful even even got no relief In riuing this ailment in ‘reae**.! 1 ocjraii the u*e or Oravheart) a few v. e*‘k* since and am plnsnl to say that tow I am all right Nothing ever gave me • *lt< f but Urayb<\ar\l. A Conductor Cured. I contracted cold • few year* ego work- Imt •*> the bridge gang over In Alabama k and jgax laid up with rheumatism 1 tried > ci. at tunny remedies all of which xeedu-d t" relievo me wane. bui non* cured me All dhi some good an far aa they went, but Inej .101 not go far enough • '.raybeard cured me before I had taken bne-third as much an of other remedies!. Win. w McDaniel. C. R. R. Conductor. Cet CRAYBEARD at Drugstores"-$I a Bottle , - 6 Bottles, S5. Or write to Respess Drug Cos., Props., Savannah, Ga^ THE WEATHER. r.mvaM for Friday and flattmiay: Georgia: JUin Friday; w.irnvr in oa*t ’i portion. Saturday fair, colder; fredi ?- hrily winds, #hlftlitg to northerly Friday night. camera Florida; Tartly cloudy Friday in and Saturday, probably rain; coKler Sat * i\ In northern and central portions; Si h east to aoutti winds W osli rn Florida; Italn Friday. Satur *i fair, colder. fr**#h southerly wind*, si siting to northerly Friday night. South Carolina Haiti and warmer Fri day. Saturday rain In eastern, lair mil . ' r in western portion; variable winds. V< -ifrdrt>*a VV‘ath*r at Savannjh. Maximum temperature 2:00 pm. 65 lgr'“e Alihimtint tempeiaiure #***#. ni. U degree* Mi .ui ( t* in;eratine degrees t* m|w*rature *S dagree** ianiN of l* nifwralure S degrees Act mulAte*l deficiency altice l*c. l 36 degrees A* t omutoted excess #lnoe Jan. 1 .... 2j7 <i**gr>e* Jtalnfall 00 incite* NorttMl 11 Inch Deficiency stm o Dec. 1 ’• Inch l>eflC|enry sin***- Jan 1 775 inoht** lllvcr Keport.—The hlght of the Savan i i river at Augusta, at h m nv tTilh m**- niton time) yotterday. was feet, a nse ot 0.0 foot dining tin* preceding teen f y-iour hours. ()nerviioti* taken at tin 1 satin moment ot time at all sutttons, I>ec. 27. lIOU, b I* in.,* 75th meridian Tine. \ IBM of motion T v H till Ju ton. dear J W I 6 N*w York City, oienr ... 22 j 12 .tw J iHadeiphla, clewr J 34 | L# I Washington City, clear ..j 36 1a • Norfolk, clear j IH | j .tw HulU i.o, dear It j 1* j -00 Wiiininirton. clear i 4* , 10 -66 Charlotte. ioudy { 46 | 1a J .00 Jtulelfh, clear j 42 Ia j .00 t Itarieatofi. clear ja2 la | .00 Atl.iutw, cloudy | 52 | 10 .00 Augusta, clear ! 4* j l* l .00 Sa\annh, pt. cloudy....| 62 } 1a j .00 J'c ksotivillv. pt. clOuly *.| r A ! Ia j .<*> •iuplter, pt, ckimly 7® i 1t i .tM K- y West, clear Tti J 14 ( .<* Tampa, cloudy ; 61 Ia .'W Mobile, cloudy ! 60 5 | Of) Montgomery, cloudy •*.) 62 j 6 ;.o Vicksburg, cloudy i 60 \ 12 .66 N*'W Orlaons, cloudy ....| H 6 | T * ihvdion, ckasly 66 12 j T rpta* Christ I. cloudy ..| 7 12 j .01 Tateftitle, lotxly i u i Ia { 02 * iphi*, cloudy tt | M 1 -36 < lnnatJ, raining j J 6 i L ! .1J Tti burg, cloudy | 36 ! 1- j .W 1 4 ** ft ilo, pt. cloudy ....) 32 20 T leUiH, c.oUfly | JO j 6 I w * b ugo. cloudy | 36 I Ia j .00 AJnrq lettv. Miowlng *...| 22 J 10 . .02 •' J ' I Bill, clear | 1* , 6 i.W l tvenport. cloudy ........j 32 I I j .00 is Is ulf. raining j 16 ’ * ' f M city, eloudy ....| 22 i j T * 'klahf run. cloudy ......j 42 | 24 , I*•> City, clear j 26 12 j .Oo N • rth Mat4e. pt. . loudy. j 22 ■ 10 J .00 - -n Boyer. l>*ca Forecast Ofllclal. k%*rr Out an Itltekmesl. The attachment eult of James T. Bew~ urt 4 Son against Jolt nut on. Nesbitt A To. was returned by Magistrate B. Noble J' Moa. before whom It wa* sworn out. to *h# City -Murt yesterday The suit * on the gr >wnd of the non-residence Of the lefondants and was levied Ivy serving pro c> s ef gamtshment upon Hunter A Tea*- di!e. The plaintiff* claim the defendants nrv ludcbtvd tu tluni In the lum of 11U.J5. Letter from Texas. Ballinger. Tk.. Jan nth 'I Iho.nht I would write you what your wonderful Urayneard has done for me. I bad catarrh of the head about XI years, and sun. red a great deal I have tried man kind, of medicines and have tx—si treated by doctors, though all of them fail ed to cure me Amt I bring an old and my disease so chronic. I didn't think there ws.*i any medicine that would cun- me Bill more than 2 years ago I had very plain symptoms of cancer on my nose and face and lral to try Uraybeerd not thinking that It would cure my .-atarrk as well as ranker I bought * bolt lea from Mr Fierce, and leas than g cured nee Tma has been more than 2 years ago new and no symptoms of the old dtsearw have, appeared I can praise Graybeard for whwl It has done for me Persons need never think they ere 100 old for Grey beard to cure them 1 am now TV "MRB. RHODA DEAN.” Graybeard Cured Him. "I would here aay for the benefit of the public, that I was troubled wllh rheuma tism In my hips for three months, and aa I handled Graybeard 1 concluded to give It e trial I look two bottle* and a half and was cured. I do believe It to be great medicine Aim Clstor IbLowh look It for paraly sis and It heipssl her surprisingly ‘ Rev. A R. STRICKLAND, "KaaterHng. Gk* Eczema. Do you krow when you have ecxemaT r>o >*ou itch’ I* your skin rough? Tn w:\rm neither doe* thi* stinging inerease** Wh**n you scratch do Urge blis ter* and sores form”* I>o they tormont you when you work? Kcaeniti is an outbreak of bad blood A person afflicted with enema cannot take undue exercise without aggravating the Itching, or get warm in bed without feel ing on ffre The blood Is aflame with ths peculiar poison that creates the disease and call* for a powerful alterative to re move it Nothing short of a BI.OOD MED ICINE will accomplish a cure. Eczema. I>afy#tt*. Al*.. M>* K I hir* vour <>r*ybr*rd an*l know for * truth that It U ff*otual. It rlirrA n- of wbtom* and a aevern at tack of IndMcrMion. 1 do not hraltato to wimßMli! It. All who try It her* will not bo without It R A JAIUUOJ. l ot %l. I’KRtOtU.. Mr. D. Sinclair of Moultrlo I* a u*M of the Pularkl. Mr. John 11. I’uwoll of Ocllla I. a itueat of Inc Puiiiikl Mr. \V J. Travla of Jcaup Is a suert of the Pulaski. Mr. M. Pui* of Rluffton la reulstered al the Pulaski. Mr. W. C \V.i<l* of Moultrie la a ftuest Pulaski. Mr. W. C. l.l(ton of CorJcle la a Kucat of the Pulaski Mi 1,. Si. T.'rlsh! cf Macon Is rtsialtri’l at the Screven. Mr. K. H Tally of Moffett la registered at Ilit*/ Screven, Mr. J \V Tolly of l.ako City I* a ttueat of the Screven. Mr W T Hint? of Augusta la a guct of the Screven. Mr P. A. Deonertl of Vienna ia a guesl of the Screven. Mr. V. A. Moore of Atlanta la a gueal of the Do Soto Mr. J U M inning of Lovett l regl*- lerrd al the Putarkl. Mr John McLean of Wilcox Is regia at the Pulaski. Mr. J. R. MlUen of Statesboro tn regl tered at the Pulaakl. Mr. 11. II Cneatham of Albany la a guest of the Pulaski. Mr J W. Kursn of Martins I* regis tered at the Pulaakl. Mr fiia K. I testan of Augusta Is a guest of the Pulaakl. Mr. Nathaniel W ilson of Macon Is a guest of the Pulaakl. Mr. Hampton Parker of Haxley Is reg istered at the Pulaakl. Mr. VV. A Spit* ol Thoroaavllle U .reg istered at the Pulaski, Mr W. W. Boa-h of Wayetoss is neg lat'red at the Pulaakl. gw Mr and Mrs. II M. tloetlhe of Manas sas are gtreats of the Pulaski. Mr. A. besroots of Waycross wa- amoug yestarilay'a arrivals at tha *ulaakl Mr Arthur I-otl of groxton was among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr w 11. Sellers of llugglns wa* among the gneats of the Pulaski yewterday • Mr. C. R. Moore of Macon * aroonc Iht- arrival* yralelday at Ihe Screven. Mre. F. J. Spain and Ml Marie Spain of Quitman are rrtl*inl *• th * 1,0,0 Mi CAL Andcrro*! of * dinona yeatccday’a arrlvalx at the Dr goto* Mr and Mrx. J. O tlnmett of A H uL wer. anvoo, h* arrlvalx at the Screen yaatrrday. Ur Vi W. Neill proprltwor of Ihe Brown Hour. Macon, and Mler Nrtll are cuextx of the Pulaakl. u, Walter u CtaVl*. hay. and Itra.a toepoclor for thn flpvannoh Hoard of Trade, returned yealar.lay front Saotlj, 8 C.’ Mr Arthur J O'Har. left yejmrtay af ternoon foi Hreen Cove F^.' where he will apen.l aomx 4ya whh Dr. j b Reed. The friend* In Savannah of Mr. John Oa.t Jr . of Norfolk. Va.. who *rad uated > year a,o With die Unction from the I'nlveralty of Virginia Law School. ukl ha* elncx been etu-Iyln* odmlralty WW rn Baltimore will be Ylcaxed to learn that he recently paee.d an xi rxllxnt ruamlnetlon bxfore (hx rxgxnl. of Ihx hxr of Maryland, and ie note ptab-tk'- M rn fbxvdflw PCK H a liuhaltikhnl admiralty lawyer of Bel Dmore. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 28. 190 U • • *•" -Osd wts-gwea easts meeewey arsvsea • -■ e j ©LOME® & ‘WHOLBSAIt: Fruits, Produce, parley Groceries, Jobbers* ms COMMISSION MERCHANTS HWtST-IKHCLL STRtET y . fi WUW.IU SW Rm 6 Drvg c*,, ‘ t * O♦AT sir*:• Ter thr- years I iuffarad (real pain and annoyance frea Catarrh and Blood Poison and found no reßody that would relieve ae. ORAYKAKB was to ae and throe bottle* aade a now ■an of 00 1 actually weigh 20 pound*more, and ny health it rore vigorous thgn for years, i think It is the greatest reaody that X ever saw. Tours Xruly, Minister Cured. Dear Friend*—l oufferert more or lea# ' all the tlma for ten years with rheuma tism. trying many remedtea. but falling to perfect a permanent cure fto I expected to live the balance of my days In pain. 4 But I began taking Oravtoeard. not ex tracting to be cured of rheumatism, hut hope to bet cured of letter on hands at and neck. And when I had only taken 3 bottles i •II my rheumatism was gone That was nearly a year ago and I have not had a pain from that cause since. The teller on my neck end ears disappeared, my geever al health has been belter, and I weigh *> pounds mors than I did before taking It. No doubt Oraybeard will do all that Is claunsd for IL R. M. WHAT LET. Atlanta. Oa. CITI HR lit ITIKS. Palestine Commander} - No. 7. Knights Templar, will meet to-ntghi at *IS o'clock. The order of The Red Croe* will be conferred. Mayor Herman Myers left the city yes terday t 1 o'clock for New York, on a business trip He expects lo return n the city on Monday. During his absence Alderman Ttedeman will preside >t lie t'lty Exchange as aetlng Major. Tlckei* for the military ball to tx- given New Year's for the l—ncflt of the lstugh ters nf the Confederacy are still op sale al the store of Messrs Thcus Pros They will be for any ta-kets that were sold for the promisesl prixfuctloh of "CWnl. Swift.’’ trr. sleil by llie Police. John Crsvle, a while man. went on the r tmpage yesterday afternoon in bis home at No. Of? Mercer street. He wa* arrest.d by Patrolman Woods who sent him to Ihe barracks and preferred charge* against him for attempting to kill hi* wife, for choking his child, ami also for breaking up the furniture that was m the house Robert I'lmer, a colored boy. II year* ■ltd. tu arrested by Patrolman Elvers ot. the charge of having a policeman's whistle. At**tier prisoner at the barrack* ia To*b<r Hangicos, a tlreek fruit dealer, well known lo the police through arrests. He was sent In this time by Patrolman Merchant, who charges him with disor derly conduct on tl|e street. (hrlilma* Tree at Oorrrd Heart. The Annual Chrlxlmax tree fxellvat of Ihe Sacred Heart Hunda) S. hoof will take place at the xrhool hall, at l: o'clock title afternoon. Father William will have ■ hr*<> and Mlax Filer Keli. will rejvat the r-hrlxlmae cantata which wae ren dered by hxr claaa at the ochool hall Uat Friday. To Urrrl Ihx New Year. There will he (wo aervlrxx of a pene- Irollal character at 8!. Paul'x Mrde ofiwl Church New Yxar'x eve. The tlret of Ibxee will begin at 111 m.. and the •er.Ml.l al 11.30 p. m. Tide will laat until midnight when Holy Communion will bo admloixiered. The Travel Core, From the Ixmdon Chronicle. I'nder what eondltloiia fa travel of ben efit In Ihx treatment of mental dlaeaxe* Thle quxNtlon wax under dlxcuion at yealxrday’a mextlna of the Medlro-Fav. (holoalcol Axaoclallon Dr Savage, phyxh elan In rharge of the mental dtoxaxxe at Cluy'x. held that to move a patient xuf ferln* from a eevxre mental dtxorder either for a aea voyage or other form of travfiltiK wax very inadvtxate The rreeh xartouadfllgx very oftJn eM' weartrr •• Where tha need xn for xaolotx rear On tlix oflter hand ho re.ognlgod that a xea voyatf flMght do good lo one mitaxrin, from melancholia due lo a love affair or tp a failure at examine lion. Sir Hermann Weber agreed wtlh Dr. Savage'* opfnlon and referred lo the cae of a coachman who had' become menially affected It oral believed hat he might recover ff he were eatid on a four-lo hand Tho ex periment waa. tried and eueceeled. Dr Ro’hbrf Jonee look'the vWw ffhxr xea v,v agr. ‘to not alxray* henxflt convalescent* He eald ha knew of a eaxe of a menially afflicted pn lent who wax ordered a voy age When Mre||lex wwa reached Iha par text' had X dxftitlari 'thxrt ht m attend ant was fnxane. end declined to go fur ther with him. Picture of Health. "Ortyiwird 4Hd m** mor* goivi than any • hlnx I 6nrk 1 my life I *n| troubled with lndlx***(lon. *hortn*-iit> ot t>-4th. n*l wa* ctvMi • icrMt <k| of mvdlclne by my lo* tor iHit it did m# m rood I <Jray hrard idvrrttivfl and bought 11. and It < urvd mr. I l*agqr> to iraui and welch twenty mor* tiian I <HI ** tdorl lime sik* MBS. J (J. BROWN. . **ll7 itrevt. MoMßonfry, Ala.*' i Sound and Well. "I had congestion ot the stomach— acute Indlgexlot). Last Augusk when 1 was au had off t hs-ard of Oraylssird and gut r**- daughter and son-in-law to imil for lire msshelno for me It did me morr g.swl than all Ihe doctor* .and I continued Us use until now I am sound and well. 1 am truly thankful for the d’s ovegy of sj great and wonderful e fnelV tr* -MRS *fARGARWT*A OLIVE. Ml Pella. Twin. | 111 111 HUH Tl HMI I.HIHIT, %*trr* tinl) Uanlnl to i hnnar It* llttr From fioldru to %nlttra. thy New Yotji Tlnv* tu< au>r John Kiohl, drunKi*! ot ITtird ivenur Hid Tnirlrmth void to Mi** Ulli* VorovMl cheml<l tht turns-I her halt itrryn In*tr4d of auburn. now *uin him for Js.utJ dujnvjty*. If tUn* win*. hoAevrr. Mr Ki*-hl will not t* out of for ho l* tnxurwl to th amount d**l* I tho "> of (M*iuiis llllg|<MPl> Mitw V troiiM hath 4i>i- 4r..1 wilt* \llliou thtrlrai omi*.ui**j* * *ou rrtt* Now *hv i* afraid tiiv hrr 4* r t* blight**!, for thr vaudeville iohuusui;* art nol pro du. tnK many |da>it, if an> at ail. in wiih lh*r* *ii**r tm|M*r*iaii!ftf) of mermaid* Fntli thrry wrekf mto th* hair of thr *s*ubr ttr wtn% of a yoid* n hup HHr w ant ed It rhnßpJ to :uibtirn Actordina 10 hr atory. the went to a tMor'-Minal hwir f hanaer arwl a*krl hi* u*lvl-y. He tol l hrr rhat ihr vtrr thin* th’do thy Ft w*- noltitlon of watyr and nowdrrrd hynno travtM*. Hynna In thvlr .|*ulvrrisa! form, or# for ntAklny mint* itud th* ilk*, but tly aoubryttr ffl not know that. A< ror!lnjr*\ *ly r*|/a|r< > and to fh* dm* ator* of 51 r Klahl aft| .iakrd for leti ryntif worth of thr po>lcj, A* 4o whotHwr told thy rlark what •ha lt|yndd to mak> pi thr drut la a rnattsr of iewHiMirihfl Tba dttk *y* no; thy aytryw *oy* yet In any <<***. *hy wytH awav from thr atorr and. aftyr r*arhin* hyr room, which I* at 132 Knot Hyvcntcyntli atryy#. thr mixysl thy solution a* din hy th pro- hair chanayr* Thl - wa* In thy yvyntmr Karly thy nnt i day *hc awok. and h*r flr*t thought mm* of tha kxion ippllot on th* pn Hotis What wa* her rtatonUhihcnV 00 looklnfv.imo iky mir rof to find that h#r flnx<p iryaay* w*-re atfeaked with WiUn No 4 thy ■any hue or gft*n had *pr# a.I ali ovyr b*r hvad, for In *ony |>hiryW thr w-a*h had takva a darkaa -color-Ihun to ohyr* Y: thy itynyral yffyot wa* dyyld*ilv verdant. A* to what happynyd aft#r thy dlarov yry her <ounvy|. M Stra*man, tell* thla v*ory: “When my nllenl found (hat *hc wax green on the hair ahe tried every kind o. n waeh to l.rlnc buck (he original gotten tint. No uee Then she went to consult hair N*eclMxte. They examined her head by the aid Of themtrxle. they waehed It much 'they dM everythin* they could think of lo drive away Ihe green. A* lent ell of them declared that the color was there to xtay. and that the only color they could ai|b-ttute forlt nrrmtd lx- x Jet bin k If they xhoubl apply any other color of dye. they said, the green xoiabl he hound to ehow Itxelf In xome ah-nle. Non. Mix* Verona doe- not want black hair. She lx a natural blonde, and black hair would j not be l>e<-omlng to her. "Oh* thing that wIH aid her In win ning Ihe caxe 1 the fact that opinion, have berm given by aeverwt eminent hair nptclalixt*. ab they are willing to testify, that the lotion xhe applle.l oatiwl xur-h ; Injury o her hair ax to make It all fell out. beoblex turning It green Our cla m lx that Mr Klehl aold her a bed qualPy o' Ihe leavra. or something that wax not the leaves at all." Mr. Klehl. when the etaUWdent of the lawyer wax repeated to him. said that the article he sold (o Mix* Verona wax the genuine powder of henna lo*vex of the best quality. He xald that he had no c axon to know that xb* wanted to apply It to her hair, and that. If be,had known. It would have been none af JMx concern fie added that he had nothing to do Wtef.’ the defense ot Ihe out!, thlf being tha duty of the Fidelity and Casualty Com (•any . Mr |klehl has a policy with this com- Dyspepsia. Bloailnr aftyr ••atinj: arwt a fwllnf of wytcht In thy otomach ary dvapypala'a aymptotm true tat low of Ka*-alrk pfom aeh. haartbtinl. vruißo. all rom* aionx Sour *tucna h. hyad-taln*. *-n*'ral drprm *lon ansi jfrrat nervoua condition follow Wy htar w*>myn nay that thvy oannot y.yyp. and that they feel linht h*ad.-.l as If al timrs they mint fall \\> hear m*n fiv that thyy cannot work Thy atoma>ti t* out of grmr. thyy ary rystlyay and ner vou* and form tho habit of UMi iking. Thla 1* dvopappta— It can by cutvd. (Jraybyard la a *afy remedy for this ailment It makv* f*tod nutrlik>oa and Ptrynftthvna and invigorata* tha dlgratlvy organ* b> purHyUg t fe% blood. Don't hcMiatc to taka 11, ji.iny hy which ihy latter agryy* to undcr tiky the dr?**n*i- and lUiuldatlon of lawpiiit* a* hr may Itaur through the itUMakc* of hmiTMdf and hi* yftutloye*. prmi<!inx the amount of th- *ha!i not y*c#rd 686. It appear* that the druggist* of tht city have been for two year* In th* habit of Insuring thcm*dv** ngaiiint thy r*- suit* liable to follow tnlstakcr In the flit ting up of preaerlpttona atul error* Inet (|<ntal to the gyneral paly of drugs and chnnloal* It wiiM ext.hiinp'l veatenlay. loth !*) Mr Rli M and hy an official of the Fidel ity and Casualty Company, that the pol tbuc -S-' r-sl tc .1r > ■ ta I u nn ly ISO* Ucts them agatnat losses, <lue to errors, not serving as a *afcgu*t*l lo any who might criminally iranagresr. the laws In the dispensing of drturs I'p lo tb> rwes ■ x.l lime there ha* been tulle iiltesi>pl on ,he part of the eomp'Oy to sell the poll elrs outside of New York, .iltluwigli a tew dmgglsts .dsewher. bay*- taken them "\f, have I teen doing IhP for two years now •• ~1.1 Mr l,ee of the Pi.|e||ty nnd Casualty fomi*.n\ "The policy Is sim ply u i fvii indemnßy. <>ur limit i* |s> and in suits up to that .mount we have to be resis>nsl>rfe for |he df.n* of tho* v. tio insure with us. A* yet we Jiave not trio! Very much to get subscribers ou*- skle of the city, hot we have a large num ber here " From a druggist |l ws* learned that the Items of payment on ths notifies are as follows: The proprietor of a store pays |lo for himself, ft for every full-hedged ■ lerk in his store. K for each Junior clerk miiJ II for every hoy In the eatsbllahmsnr. If be wants to take out policy for *■>.- issi.y For lower policies Ihe rate* are pro portional *< It I* arranged that the amount which dealer has to p*v for Hie !ml mn<t> H proportionate to the extent of tit* buslnsaa inid the eonseiiuent < hancea of'mistake* In hi* *tore tt|s-uklng of how she plan of thla kind of Insiimnee ho.I it* beginning a drug gist said: "Abnul two year* ago noclely of drug gists I* this city votnl as a body lo sug gest the |de 1 to some Insurance < omiwny thie of the members of ths soelsty hid thought of the plan and laid It before toe members In meeting. After the sugge.- tlon was made to the Fidelity and Casual ly Company thnt concern wa* not slow 11. putting II to praetlral use I think that almost every druggist in town i insured certainly most of the proprietors of Ihe houses that have a largo trade." \ VFt.ItIPX W ILD It IDF. M nun.led Derr (aeries Maryland llxrkl Into a Millpond. From the New York Time* HI -unmet Va . I>ec. 31.-Neal Hill, colored ol New Kent. In hla efforts to se cure a fhi txtma- deer, had a startling ex perx-O' e e den .1# will never forget. The young huntsmen of Ihe county, early in the morning started up a magnificent •leer One of them soou fifed a shot at It. which caused the animal to drop Hill. xupi**!ng the buck to !' dead. Jumped om in- back nnd drove hla knife In him With new life ihe deer started off on a m*d run with the negro on Ills haik. The old man dung for deer life and crl<-’ out Jor help. It was not a minute's run to a mill pond, which the Infuriated animal entered wtib Ihe d.rky still banging lo it. Some flxhermen In a boat made for Ihe Scene. The deer end the old negro had sunk. The young men. though, stood ready on the prow of their boat lo strike the buck's dead when If should appear above the • I-I a liv-IM-I ' - dark ■II./I-. ■ -horn In lh<- opd wlth terrific force Ihe boutme. elr ii k t'he ofcl negro on Ihe head, supposing ll was Ihe deer The old man quickly went to (he bot- Rheumatism. Hh*l'nailum originate* from exuaew al Weld in the t>.*nd Impoverished tn 4 impure blooJ li attack* rllfftwea* pm-in of th hod v It la komHlmr arateg m Iho In the |nrf aumMiiulliii Um Jmnli. in lh jointp h§n Ihe lufflu muiniltr and articular rheumatism. Whin In the hlpp I! Ip called frltlU* rtvwi vnanam. plmii in the ui'is k* of the bo It, lumtafo. Often when one nw to ripe from Pitlmar or atoof'.ng the u I*l. n "catching* ia ver** that they soiw itmep rr> ipH in ppm. Tin* feet amt jednta are BOinetlm-a swollen without ai firaf. rauir>M any particular lain. This symptom la aufTUlent Th*- all mem |p gelt ng a start on you. This Ip tha aim** to taka tlraybeard Tha -a/ept cure for rheumatltm Ip a I borough bkw.d c inmg Qraytward ip a known ar*** for rheu matism It checks the formation of arkl. 4Ua>ivra Ine arid detxoalt aim! produrp* a normal and rich flow of blood Ihmi'l hafti <a to aak for It A Boy Cured. Mm Hill, reaidinr aa Uft* W Mitchell at reel. Aiiinla, gave (iray heard to her eon who Wrap forced 10 stop work on a -count of a aavara attack of rheum j turn. ami U cured him aound and well ♦ g - • Lost Use of His Arm •‘Hlnre* t <king Orayiwprd l have liar of any arm which via ha'plea* by rhaumaitam. r W. C. FUiNNIKKN. “Kingr ton, Tex. You Get Strong. Kvaryhody who taka Graybaard fell* ua they pen Mronacr Thay rat more and U •lorn fy* maka (h**m l* k Thla I* th* aa- n of the curative power* of tlraybcard The flr*t thing it dor ala to make you go t< eating You will eat more than you have (titan In month*, and you will find It will not hurt you aa tt u**d to when you ilfl Miftill Bv making \xmi eat it make# you etronger. It maker you stronger a* Ihe n a w blood and hr>ne and tlsnue l**gln t iMN'ome part and tMtrcni of you. and if you are fffl|c*?**t with ersrmn you will fin*l ll gradually The ram* way with rhautnatl*m. catarrh dvapepala. cancer. In abort Oraybeard make* you Ptronger than \our dlneaaa and .ruthea out your dlMWaa. -m Gray beard Did It. “Like all other* who are on unfortunate ga to become a prey to IndigeM ton and bowel troubles. I tried various madtcin** arid a number of the best do* tor* *0 treat rny rasa, but found only temporary relief kail) Grayl* aid waa ikacavsrsd Tbs lUMie tom nf Fir pond ami the tlcrr made hie •••*. U hen Ihr iirft> was rracued h** mpr*erd hs regret thut h* hud ln*i hi* ChrlMma* m* it IIKI.MC7 HIM.iK Thr I.title Speeeh Hhr llellahted Her t lManiafee hy I tterlna—Her Fs • are. From the Bnetnn Herald. The m.iifh n *|>eech made by Ml** Helen K l!rr generally known a* *'lraf. dumb, anil blind,** l 4he luncheon of the lied t iim roiSvif clae*.. of which she I* Vice President, la a not*Hl#* ex ample of the prog re** she ha* mad*' fn Speech during the past seycn year* of p'rl*tnt effort. Her words were beard quite clearly through the hall. Hh at<J “('Usamaten; It !* a great pleasure, nnd I esteem ll a great honor, lo be pre*' ent here and apeak to you. I am glad to have an opportunity to thank the class for thetr kindness in electing in- their vice president, and 1 hope that I may be come acquainted wbh many of you, Al though 1 ignnot see you. I will soon know' you by touching your hands.** Every one heard, and there wa< warm applause |i was the ftr*t time that Mis* Keller tid Join**! In the aortal life Of her college. Miss Griffin, a sophomore, who can use the deaf and dumb alphabet, was by tier side nnd io*t no lime In getting words 40 the speaker to tell her aiout the worm reception her speech had been ac corded. This may well he regarded m* a sample of Ml*** feller's progress In sfwech. after some seven years of persistent effort. To some her talk Is more clear than to other*, hut ahe generally gets along very well with her end of the conversation, and all OM ha# 10 do I# lo listen rloeely. It Is hy pmoilca that Ml* Keller gains In clearness. She I* ancaurgged to talk as much m possible, and to depend less and leas upon using the alphabet of tha h*pd-. A Literary Career. In looking forward to future work, a literary career lx suggested Miss Keller already ha* wide knowledge „f VMgllsh, If from no other reason than that Miss 1 dnlllvan uses eaceptlonally line language ! Then. (*<>. all the reading required In the I allege work la tranalsird to Miss Keller j by Mias Sullivan, xml tier style and vo i-ahulnry ate ounsunlty bring unmoved "Hut how abouf this matter of experi ence T " Is the question that arises when a literary career Is suggested Those who have watched her composi tion find much lhal lx momlslng Al i though entirely deaf ami Mind. Mies Kl -i ler often show* that she appreciates sound ami tolor And. while she mat always he under the misfortune of lacking much In human experience (hat others have, she make- such rich use of wtigt she has lhal he future efforts tn the line of writ ing may bring forth tnanv One who has watched tier advance for sev ers! years says: Her writing shows much individuality, and yet If la evldepi that her style of thought and expre*lort I* stilt compel.i livcly undeveloped and of much Ihe same character as often found m any other vounr aergon eepeclxlly those who have not TTkT wfde experience. Bhe draws much from her Immediate surroundings, ami lhal mean# that she perceive* what there I* about her wHh almost. If not quite, the flavor (hat other* can. with all their facultle*. Take, for Instance, ome of her conversation It j* natural and on very much Ihe earns litre* aa you hear anywhere. I beard hr conversing Ihe other daj. withs girl ajxrui her age. The girl was WIHXf-about anew drees that (he hed. " 'What I* Iha color?’ asked MU* Kel ler. promptly. Catarrh. The roo-.ith. fhmaf, poai-npaal '••vllf hrai. hml twhea and air relit of the lungi are lined with a network of dal leal* bkaH veaeelp When ike blood Ip pure then l>iHid vaaaela are healthy and vigorous and exuda mu< ue which lubrls-alae (he all fxppAgoa and prote< ( Oihii from tbw ah factp tif cold dual. etc. When th* biood la Impure, thaao vwaaelg bv reaaoai of (hedr delicate aiructpra. aw tinable 10 carry It They hecorna cloggafi and hence repiiltp < atarrh Oraybearl (Minflee the blood. Invlgotmfai theae arr.all hkH*d veneela. and ♦nabM them to di- hargo ihe foul blood and ra* aforea health Catarrh will not exiat when the blood II pura. Ugly Ulcers. pear Friend a— I have bean piiffarlnir tl with an uhwr on my ankla. Borne I tvnei in best. inmetlmea on rrutehas. I • imt rcnietlie** of m> own and falMng la make n cure. I >klil In dtfTarewt phvwt- tana They all aatd that they could otlPl me hut found t to be of a aiubborn na ture and failed I aaw Ortyhcard advertlped and I bought four hottlee of 11. two Iwvxea of the pii!% one ho* of the ointment It cured mo well ArWI I hava on# boAtti left I aay that I am welk~not nearly well hut entirely well II haa been over twwlvt vmmiha and no wvniptom* hava returned I hope the auffcriflg wIU do aa I hvo lute It. have faith In II and ie cured Mra JANB OKOHOC. Roikvale Tawiw {cine being manufactured by friend* <# mine and< knowing It to be made from purs material of the forest, wn Induced to |tl It a trial I used ll alt works sMtirJlnf ta dbe (lona, and at tha eud af tha lima 1 felt aa well aa I ever d<d. O A FUETT. Ex-Alderman Butler. oa." Rheumatism. Rheumatic Bwelling In tho legs to euroi by Grwybaard Mr# Joeipb Brown of Hutlar. Oa., wae • fftit-ied with rhaumallsm It cauaed her great (lain Her acoiesnent ta (hat her lega •welted to unuauwl site Hhe waa not able to reMeve the ailment until ahe procured Urayliewrd She ta now sound and well. Arid to the blood produce# rahumatlsm. Nothing is half no good aa Gray ben rd (or rheumatism *My wife was afflicted four years with rheumatism and I waa not able to And anything to rsllevf her dbe took Gray- Nari about a month and sremed to bo aa wall as aver. It cured our Hide son of ailment Wa oorw.ot penis* Gray heard 100 b .ÜBU. BOOTH. tta.* " ‘Pink/ returned the friend. “And Mis- Keller was apparently a* much lutervMid and i-wl sn * tear an Idea cf pink a# you or I have. “Another Instance I recall. Mis* Keller Mood wdtlng for a car on a street cor ner-surely an experience quite common to the rest of us While waiting, one af \fie two persons with her remarked upon the reft action of the lights on the surface t-f the street, wet with rain Mi*a Keller was aware that something was being said nr id ask'd uiwsut It. And when informed, she wan unmistakably appreciative of what It 'looked like * Miss Kef let ret ent ly entered a room where the fumlly cat was at leisure In an armchair Khe potted the cat and then urhed its now. ‘*What a different purr this cat has from many other oat* I know' 1 exclaimed Ml*?* Keller. **! note these little things merely to In-** Jlrate what sense of ippreclwtlon she ta* of things wuli b come Ui her knowl edge. I accordingly can see where she may produce remarkable work. In view of the opportunities which she 4* now ac cepting at college I believe those Inter ested lb her wtfH sec that she finishes the courso. 80. you see. she is continually gmUtn§ ex|j**rlence, upon which she can build. Her writing certainly does not lack ffa \-or, and at times might be called emo tional At time*, too. It Is almost ornate, but whakp common feature that !•** “Mis# Keller," said another one of the teachers, “Is really the happiest fiegson 1 know of. And why? Because of the great b*ttt<4a* ha# mcrcowr.” Her f allege Mark. Mtes Keller's first few months at col lege have been watched with Imeees? slid hrr work ha* *ome up to the highest ex |K**- t4Iton*, which were. Indeed, high, a# all that she bad previously undertaken had been Mi'vwsful, and no small thing* were anticipated, Khe Is taking hlatory. French. Orman, aivl KmtllM. ■•■mwxwrttlOA. with dolly tlirnv. lc. Th. flft mbul •rr |.ylur* iwiriwni, with th>- I‘xt-aixtlan of •tvh Mittt.i. work •• I* r|irtrw(l and th ratilrri neat*. Ml.a KAlJer atlrralH lh<i -o!k#a thtr. limn, a nd lx allcntlnl ■ lh- lex> Uim by Ml*. Rttlllvan who trntwUtaa in Iwr what th- ln-tur*r oaya. Mlaa M. Ivy. ufiltln- nio.i of ihv otintaoU. ialtm no noim of wnot xh. m.-Ivt-. ox what xh* lW y irli oh. r. talna, Hu. h < at>a<Tiy for "liol.llKK faxt" Mil lhal It ivrn hr lx oh tkitv.l) ax attalnmr-nl of rxv value In dvx Bhr not only rmmt*rx artiat xhy lyxrnx In xtiMiy. bul alxo what otu- . onvi-yx to h*r In rvnixl nwivaraxtlon. tnl .hr MX thf hi>oy faculty af hHi ahir to txkr up with h.r frlcndx "Juat wlwr.- th< > l.ft off.” xo to Not nnlv by thr opwial alphabxl *• •h# utvlptxlnn.l hut alxo by tha vibration of on.' Ill*, khe exit InterpTAt whot owe I. .nylnx hy pln. lnx x tinner on the uopxr HP of the xprxker. If the taller lx at all <-ieor In awouilitton. By thoxx who are rloox lo hxr Mlaa Kxi ler. lx-. Idee lx In, one who tx Mn.-ar*ljr •■lmirrrl for hxr Intcllortua! xtixlMnentx. I* liklxwl xttrxcllvx bxexufx of hxr wholo xone xxnxe of Interxxt In other*, In hxr ■ipprxelntlon of Unix Jokxx and rjbllxx. xml ail that row tn-mxOo Hfe ptaoxonl. Ax ocu- of hrr irlond* xoyv rhe reakxx much xunxhlnx for hxrwxlf and avxry an* around hxr. Cat and Haaxx.l Hrr fit—a Corn. From *hx M inner nolle Tlmra. Huron. 8. P , Drr. 1.-!le<-auxx ahx wax unablx la prorure hxlp for Ihr aaiherlh, or hxr lar, crop f com. Mrt. Mary King, rc.ldlny a far ml lee xoulh of Hllch ,<> k. wept lino Ihe Meld with hxr non ■ml thr two worked till lba> had cribbed Ihe entire crop, • mount 10, to ipora than J, bunhrhi. 7