The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 30, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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MKI.r W VnCD-MALB. AN; 8< Hoof, supl'H**! country work; 110) Hilary and , ominlH'-loitk. K. O. Bmm & Cos.. Chi cago. 111. YV A'NTTSD. TKN EXPERIENCED nwl men; give reference*. experience; hustler*. no fake* New England Jnwe.ry C .mpany. CUy, la. ■4V A NT97I >. E V BRVWHBRK. TiTtt . In, to lark sign-. distribute circular*, -ample*. etc.; no • anvaaslng; good pay. | Hun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. |*\VO SALESMEN EACH STATE ant*! to sell tobacco and cigar*. 97x | rtrnra not absolutely necessary. J. N i: tggar. Thaxton, Va. KAHN A BUTTE It SALARY AND PO ,plon Study electricity, mechanical *n- K I,erring, mechanical drawing at home i hv correspondence. Thou*and* successful. Tho*. A 97dl*on Indorse* Inatltute Hook | ,'an I Become an Electrical Engineer?" i iatierl free. Electrical Engineer Institute, i New York WANTED. PY ESTABLISHED * ell-rated llrm. scheme or specialty men. 1,, sell an exceedingly attractive an-1 eala h e line. *|anlal term* and unique Induce ments; htgh-t>rlced men Investigate. Mox *. Pet troll. Mich. WANTED - BRIGHT ENERGETIC mm writing plain hand to travel In .ieorgla. IS" monthly and all expenee* to tart; self-*<klie**ed envelope for partic ular*. Ad-1 tees Mauager l‘htlli|a. Pontiac . Id tie. ‘ to 9 “SALESMEN -CAPABLE EARNING * rrtt a year; prefer one experience*! han dling specialties; on salary nr commls xinn; etandard line to merchants, hut new exceptional proposition; good territory; permanent: our man who worked on com mit* lon averaged aeven sales each lat week; s2l commission on each eale. Ad tlres* Box 41. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED. SAIJ2BMEN FOR FINE Kentucky whiskies and nines; barrel and case goods; salary or commission. The }| M. Rye Cos.. Lexington. Ky. SALESMEN* TO SELL IMPORTED and domestic liquor*. prln.tpally tine Ken tucky whiskies and blends, case and bar rel goods, to Jobbers and saloon trade; good chxnca to the right man: salary or commission. R 8. Strader A Son. 74 East Main street, Lexington. Ky. LAPIBW HATB-897VERAL GOOD traveling salesmen to sell from photo graphs our line of tidies* trimmed hat* and counter hats as a side line, on liberal commission; references required; state ter ritory traveled and line now carried Hartford A Lawson, Louisville. Ky. “SALESMEN.-TWO MORE WANTED; experienced! road or specialty; standard line to general merchants; splendid prop osition to dealers. Insuring lag sale* for next ten months; steady sale* and perma nent employment thereafter; our salesmen on commission averaged seven sales each last week: 121 commission on each sale. Address Box 41, Mlnneapoils, Minn. “FIVE KNIGHTS OF TY'THIAS. IN good standing in Georgia and every slate; all or port time: salary with commissions The Haxen Cos.. New York. “GOVERNMENT rottITIONS: DON'T prepare for any civil service examination without seeing our Illustrated catalogue of Information. Sent free Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington, I>. C. HELP WASTKIi-H wait WANTED. A COMPETENT COOK, references required. 114 Taylor, east. UItNDMM WANTED. FAMILY sashing, willing to work on premise* or take work home. 414 Gwinnett street, east A “GOOD “COOK WANTED AT~fI2 Wait burg street, east. Apply Monday morning. WANTED, A NEAT AND INDUSTRI ous soman to take charge of dairy In city. Address Dairy. Morning News. WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS COOK for a small family; must have good refer ences. Apply. 211 Gwinnett street, west. “WANTED. HOI HB GIRL - APPLY 2IJ It-at street, west. HELP WANTED ON PLAIN SEWING, lot* IJberty street, east. WANTED. NURSE FOR 3-YEAR-OLD baby. Apply No. I Barnard. 4\ ANTED.'' CAPABLE GIRL FOR GEN era! houao work. 608 Broughton street east. COMPETENT WOMAN can make Di month and expenses, permanent posi tion, experience unnecessary. Clark * Cos.. 231 8. Fourth street. Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED. ”^corset"'agent??^there IS ONI.V one beat—lhat'a the Hygeta. the standard of the century for aervioe and aatlsfac tion. For particulars address the West ern Corset Cos.. St. LouD. Mo. “ agent*” WANTED, To BELL THE latest Invention for producing LIGHT heats electricity; cheaper than kerurene, agents coining money; largest factory; prompt shipment*. The Best Light Com pany, Canton, O. “WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAF ers to write us; men of ability only; s*' to 3500 per month; salesmen and general agent*; salary or commission; special In ducements. Itacln* hire Engine and Mo tor Company, Racine, Wls. "“AGENTS. SPECIALTY BACKED* BY absolute guarantee to straighten kmk\ negro hair. N'-arly all profit and sell* on eight. Write Boston Chemical Cos . Rich mond, Va., for territory and particulate DOB EVERY MONTH DI'ItING l* 1 !. selling our brand new household novelty, greatest seller ever known; write prompt ly; secure exclusive territory, and Mart *o make big money. Southern Novelty Company. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS ON SA LA It V OlTco.M MIS non; the greatest agents' seller ever pro duced: every user of pen and Ink buys It on Sight; 200 lo 60) per vriii. profit: one a-'ent's sales amounted to $620 In six da> - . *i.other |32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg Cos., X. 46. La Crosse. Wls “ agentbTour secret processes. r- lpe, formulas, etc., teach now *o start Paying business In your locality; Instruc iiont and samples free. Wheaton A Cos. New Bedford, Mast. I MPLOI ati \ I \4 ANTED YOtfNG LADY WISHES POSITION a- *ogipanlon. or governess; country pre ferred; references exchanged Add re* Miss ti lt Sorof, Buvennah. Ga a riiurr class hotel cook. with iteomrnend.illon. want* position. SIO UairmfU afreet, reel. \V A NfrED. BY YOI'NG MAN. Posi tion s-x'ierk, can give nest of referi-n■*. salary |io object; am 21 years of ag A.ldresH “Clerical." care News “a“qoVd“ cook oh nurse wants place; wiling lo slay on premises Ap ply 440 Montgomery street. A CIOiR BUYER. MANAGER AND • ile*man|of a New York wlto.ri- i.e h.>u*e (ontrollti* a fine large trade. desires to make a cqarige with a good Florida inin 'ilactory. King. 34 Sixth avenue, Urook- Ln. N. A RKSIfICTAULE Woman WANTS to cdhk. '4! Gwlnoet street. ea*t. cross railroati. "ANTE A .\ I'mSITION IIV \ ' '1 pelant apothecary. Registered In Georgia. Addiess thit office. "Apothecary." BOY" lt“ “OLD ABI E AND wltllug to wrk, want* ;• situation •ad <0 a-hlres* Ril Bay street. eal W.VNTicDd POSITION AS 1 AIU* fireman or Inspector, either pine or cypres* by Aoroughly competent man Address Limper. Morning New*. A I'OMPK’ENT \\ VSll 44 <'M AN I’ll sites washing 61W Gwinnett street, east. HOI SEX 44 4\ T 970. WANTED HOUSE '"fill nat In southern sectloa of city preferred Afi4lr**j “K.,'* N w WANTED. To RENT A Nlf'97 SMALL home, furnish and or unfurnished tn select I I**'**' with desirable neighbors. Applv -\ 1 /. . rare News office. ROOMS yy in ED WANTED A FLAT OF THREE OH four rooms tn southern or central |*ortlon of city. Address Box 24, care Morning New*. I'l. AT yy y NTKI 1 BY YOUNG mTr rnd couple for light housekeeping, ref erence. exchanged. Address N A F , care New* WANTED AT ONCE A 4 OR 6-ROOM Hit In n.lg.borhond of Park Extension Address ('has. M stark. 203 liberty ■lret, Wf*nt. WANTED. UPSTAIRS. FLAT FOUR or live room*. fr..m Feh. j. with good fam ily; southern section of city, stale price Address I. Y., thl* office. WANTED. FROM 9 Eif 1. PARLOR fI.H of four rooms In giasl location. north 01 tank Aitdress N. Y., News office. BOARD WANTED. WANTED BY COUPLE. BOARD. An dre- elating term* and location. Post oflk*** Box 4TS. TWO YOUNG MEN~ WANT ROOM and hoard In private family; something homelike Address No lit West Ogle thorpe, dty. " INTEL. lIY TlVfi yViPNG MEN. boar.l In refined private family. Terms reasonable X. Box tl. W ANTEIt—MISCELLAKBOI’g. WANTED PARTNER IN BBT A RLIsTT e.I business. With some capital Address R.. care News. v> ANTED. FOR CASH, SECOND hand roller top desk, slate lowest price Address "Desk.'* News office. WANTED. A GOOD-SIZED ICF. BOX Address Ice. Morning Newr. WANTED. FOR CASH. DOGWOOD and per-lrnmon logs Sou' hern Hardwood Company. I* O. Box S3. Charleston. 8. & YOUR PROPERTY TO SELL AND houses to rent. We arc making many calls. Youmans A- I*emmond. LADIES TO FALL FOR MANK'Uif- Ing. massage, shampooing, hair blenched and dyed; also vapor haihe; private treat ment Bell 'phone 17*0. Mr*. Smith. 104 Harris street, east. ALL PARTIES INTERESTED IN THE purchase of timber for lumber or turpen tine purpoer*. will find It to their Inter est to write T. E. Biggs A- Cos., Ocala, Fla. IF YOU WANT A PI.ACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., frae of charge. Just si city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad etreets. EVERYBODY TO KNOW WF, GIVE satisfaction In handling property and col ieotlng rents. If your real estate does not pay w-hat It should, see us or tend card. Youmans A Demmood. IF YOU WANT OOOP MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy; tt‘s rich, pure and wholesome ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAL WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB SIFIF.D ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SOC MMH m inyy LOANS NEGOTIATED AT 6 PER cent, and upward on real estate; sales without charge Youmans A Demmond. Provident Building ■ 1—i11..—.. ■ 1 1 IJfIH HEWT —ROOMS. ELEGANT SOUTH FRONT ROOMS nicely furnished for one or two gentb men; all conveniences. 226 West IJberty. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM modern conveniences; southern exposure 310 Jones, east FOR KENT. NICELY FURNISHED, well-kept room suitable for one or two geirth-men; every convenience, hot and •old water; permanents desired. 104 Har ris street, east. FOR RENT. ONE NICELY FURNISH ed front room; also unfurnished room*. West Urate TWO LOVELY. LARGE SOUTH room* hy the lt of January; every con venience; splendid location. 12 West State street. TO RENT, TWO BASEMENT”ROOMS for rent. 337 Aberrorn street. “TWO LARGE ROOMS, NEWLY FUR nlshed. with or without board. 321 Bar nard street, facing Pulaski Square. DBIJOHTFUL SOUTH ROOM, FI R nllhed. bath same floor 122 West Jones NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent or will rend unfurnished. tl East Jones street. FOR MOTT LAflOl! SOUTHERLY exposed room. Apply 114 Liberty street, wrest. _ *TO RENT, A LARGE ROOM; ALL conventencee. Apply 644 Oglethorpe ave nue. east. ____________ FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 104 Oglethorpe, east. TO RENT.” TWO NICELY FURNISH , and rooms with Iwth on same floor 32 Harris, between Bull and Whitaker; refer ences required. KOI! RENT.'ROIiMS FURNISHBD OR unfurnished lo gentlemen or couple, southeast corner Tsylar and Whitaker “A COUPLE OF GENTLEMEN CAN g,- a comfortably furnished room with or Without hoard; hot bath on same floor. 2lfi West Huntingdon street. “FOR RENT. NICELY FURNISHED room 414 East Gaston, erms reasonable "for rent, two-rooms Fun nislied or unfurnished. 439 West Broad street. FOR RENT. SOUTH FRONT ROOM; al conveniences central location. 105 Perry street, east. ”, UtGK OR SMALL SOUTH'" ROOM, nicely furnished. ll* Harris street, east. FOR RENT. ONE NICELY FURNISH ed room: hath and mm,ern convenience* ;*t West Taylor. _ TWO CONNECTING ROOMS. DKSIR ible lor housekeeping, unfurnished. 233 Jefferson, corner Perry. for RENT. FURNISHED SOUTH front room for one or two gentlemen; all I convenience* No MU Jones street, west. near Barnaul. DESIRABLE room : SOUTHERN EX po*u£ convenient .0 bath; suitable for Zr or two gentlemen. Ml East Pres blent. FOR RENT. - TWO SOUTH ROOMB. suitable for gentlemen or light hu,, f j< keeping; also stable and large yard. 2* Abercorn. __ NICEI Y~FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen. 317 Tattnall strei t. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS. , business B m.derate real. 4,4 Bry an street, esst. _ FOR RENT ROOMS FOB OIWTL*- m en. or light housekeeping. IIS Off" thorpe avenue, weft. _ RENT THREE Ri>OMB. SEPARATE vfird Old water, |3 monlh. 44t I resident. itgV Wl n TRINTED IN CLAII iTriFD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORIV NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS l THAN *OC. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20. lDOft FOR HUNT—BOOM*. '"fußnTsiTe'd' R'ENfrAT , tht* Mii(hxf( I'ornrr Jonw .kI Bull , wtrr#tß; OfsrlxilMi Apwotion. NICKIaY PIRNISHKD R(K>M IN PR I I vat family; K'Uh n>l convrolvncti, 101 ’ fVrry. wrut. FLATS Knit It MSI ABBRCORN STREET. FOR RENT, flat southern exposure; furnished or un furnished. eti suite or singlet FOR RENT. FLAT. 13M WEST RROAD. rooms and baih. |x per month. C. Men del. 46N East IJberty. FOR RENT FLAT FURNISHED OR unfurnished; all conveniences; on sanm floor, sink In klleln-.'.. rant r>-ueonatile; <P sirahle location. 15 Y’ork sireet. east. | FLAT. FOR RENT AT ,07 DUFFY si reel, west. Inquire downstairs. “FLAT OF THREE UNFURNISHED rooms. 90s Holton, east. FIVE-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT MOD. ern conveniences; Sit Peter Reilly, K 4 Diayton street. FOR RENT DKfIRAHIJC FLAT, guol locality, with nice family. Apply at Ilk Ease Gwinnett, with reference. UOIt RENT DESIRABLE ELAT four room* with hath, on wecond floor, private family: to couple without children, i 222 Liberty. we,t FOR RENT. PARLOR FLAT AT 2nf. Wildburg street, west. Apply lit IJb erty street. West. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE FLAT. NO IS Duffy street, west; has four rooms and bath; rent, 112.50. FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS, WITH USE of bath Apply 211 Price, rear Liberty. “FOR RENT SECOND FLOOR. FLAT commodious and sunny. In small family. 212 Gaston, east, to parties without chil dren FOR RENT. PARI-OR FLAT. (09 East Jones street. TWO VERY DESIRABLE FLATS R iJordon, east, very low rental for so de sirable location Youmans A Demmond. Provident Building. CORNER FLAT ON RARNARD. SIX room, furnished or unfurnished; souihern exposure; separate. aa*. electricity, porcelain hath. Apply Bit Anderson, wsst. TO RENT A NICE PARLOR FLAT, to a couple; gas stove and all conveni ence*. 315 Liberty street, west. A LOVELY FLAT FOR RENT JAN 1 til 19 York street, east. “to rent. FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS 3 Cnarlton rtreet. “ PARLOR ELAT “FOUR ROOMS - 211 Oglethorpe, west, three connecting rooms. housekeeping. Apply Slate and Montgomery, “FLAT 3 ROOMS. FURNISHED OH otherwise; bath and plazxa; same floor; low rent. 212 Whitaker. FOR RBftT—HOI WES. No 217 tYaldburg street, east, between Aberoorn and Lincoln, first-class order and condition; every convenience Right rent to right tenant Estale Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton atreata. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE RES- Idence No 2W Oglethorpe avenue, west, near Barnard; Immediate possession Ap ply next door, or J. C. Postell, 12 Bay. east. TO~RENT IN MARLOW. - A DWELL tug containing live room*, a dining room and kitchen; five acres of land, a barn and stable Apply to W. T. McConnell, Marlow, Go FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE. 818- mwrek. near Burroughs. 17 50 per month. C. Mendel, 65N East ldherty. FOR RENT OR SALE. THAT MAG nlflcent residence on Ihe southeast rornar of Gwinnett and Barnard stream I. D. La- Roche. *. FOR RENT HANDSOME 5-ROOM UR tachel cottage; laivlnla street; pi per month. i*. Mendel. 468 East Liberty. A NICE. COMFORTABLE BKVEN room houee. wdth mislern lmi>rovements. on northwest corner Oxletliorpr avenue and East Broad streets Apply next door. 67d. up stairs. FOR COMFI IRT AKI) CONVENIENCE ree 7H Montgomery, near Gwinnett. Itent rrasotaible. 103 Park avenue, west. FOR RENT NO 13 HENRY STREET, east; possession given at once. Apply to Rivers A Gibbes. Drayton and Bt. Julian streets. 1 FOR BEN T. NO M DIIFFY STREET east, near Aberoorn street Apply to River* A Gibbes. Drayton and St Julian streets. FOR RENT. NO. 4K PARK AVENUE, west: possession given at once. Apply to River* A Gibbes, Drayton and St Julian streets. “FOR RENT. 424 LIBERTY STREET, east, eight rooms, possession Jan. 1. Pe'er Reilly. TOR RENT. TWO-STORY SMALL residence. Lincoln and Park avenue lane; eight dollars. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT. A CONVENIENT ONE story cottage, double house, eouthem sec tion: six dollar*. Peter Reilly. “FOR RENT. A MOST CONVENIENT residence, two stories, hot and coal wa ler; delightful neighborhood; extremely low rent Peier Reilly. ynli RENT. NINE-ROOM RES! with stable and servants' rooms on lane, near business renter; choice neigh borhood Peter ”Ft lit RENT, new HOUSES. JEFFER *on and Fortieth streets; seven rooms: every mO'lern convenience. YV. Woledge. 24 Bryan, east. for Kent if julian and had ersliam: large twelve-room house; all con. venienrea; very cheap to right party. W. Woledge. 24 Bryon, east “FOR RENT SIS THIRTY-NINTH weal, good roomy house, splendid condi tion. large gaol. sl3. W. Woledge, 34 Bryan, eoft.l Ei iR RENT. VERY DESIRABLE house. Jn7 Waldburg, we*. Apply l 7 Bull FOR RENT SEVERAL DESIRABLE residences, thoroughly renovated. Apply A. Wylly. agent. 12 Bryan atreet, east. “FOR RENT. HOUSES 531 AND 5 Montgomery. 317 H*V. eoat; also wharf west of Barnard. O H. Remshart. 14 Bry an. east. FOR RENT. TWO TWO-HTORY houses: A rale r sort and First streets, 113 00 lasi MAN D B l-eeter. ~~ .'FOR RENT OR SALK. THREE 1 room cottage, amt two lot* cheap. 13 ; West Second etreet. ‘FOR RENT, 4-ROOM COTTAGE, i Twelfth and West Broad; *lO per month: i good locality; good tenant wanted; will ) rent by year or month Apply *3O Con • grew, west. Mr*. Tipping "tO RENT 213 HALL. EAST EIGHT | rooms Hot nisi cold water; ffrsl-clas* con dition. also 444 Price; Immediate posses sion Apply W W Swlnton. 101 Thlrty elghlh strael. east. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE SEVKN room house with bath. Apply *H> Mom gomerr sireet. 114 ANDERSON," BAST EXCELLENT two-story house; only 323. Youmans A Demmond. Provident Rulldlog. 244 g FLORENCE STREET. NEW COT- I tH ge. 37 Youmans A Demmond, Provi dent Building. tn Hi'NTINObON. EAST. NEAR Plant By*tm. 314.* A lam mond. Provident Building I 3 GORDON. EAST; MAGNIFICENT i (oration: cheap rental to good tenant. Yount <n* nd Demmood, Provident Build i Ing. row hi:m—hoi ~tw?rr,KsrHXiurK hot Hdimm.ih, oonvrnltnt lo iihop*, •*a*h f' Youmtim it Dfmmonl ?A! RARNARI> OORNKK llAlel*. (horotiirhly rnov(d anti hp plumbinic. very low roiital. Youmans A lN*mniotu!. rrov(dmt RulUlinie. :. \s t . ' a r*‘W Injur** wl*h every convenience. Apf*ly flO Ilryon. weet 511 AND Alt IUTPY. WRBT. HIX \ rooms n<l bath. SM x*+r mouth. W. J. Mife'tlly. Jr.. 30 Rryan. ewel. 4ir BROtJOHTON WEHT. NKAR M<>*itgtMnery. sl6 .nn per month. W J MH cally. Jr. 410 FORTIETH ATRRRT WBAT, SIX roon%e ami hath, largo yard W J MU* rally, Jr. For RENT. 3TJ HI’NTI NO DON strr*t. eai*t, lietween Aberrorn ami roln slreeiß. A|*flv fo Rivera A Olhbea. iH'ayton an*l St Julian slnvts. *KnR RENT. ~ MoNTOTOIFeRY stre*t. ITeiittergaM A Oaiiahl. A Rrysn street ra<( FOIt” RENT. - DESinABLE* TWO- i story iesidener. 2CS Jones street, se-t. near Barnard, possession Jan J. J. K. Fulton A Son. it *R RENT. DWELLING. CORNER Jefferson and Duffy streets, every con venience. J. E. Fullon A Son. FOR ~ RENT. DESIRABLE ~ RESl dence. SO! I*nrk avenue, west, recently , thoroughly overhauled; large yard: 326 per month. J K. Fullon A Son. FOR RENT. THAT SPLENDID RF.Sl dence 3TO llall street, weal, near Barnard: In perfect condition; porcelain tub and all modern conveniences; 131 per monlh J E. Fullon A Son TOR RENT. HOUSE 3,3 PARK AVK nue. east; 316 per month. J. E. Ful’on A Son FOR RENT DWELI.ING 111 DUFFY street, west, nenr Whitaker; 122.50 per month. J. E. Fullon A Hon. FOR RENT. HOUSE. 131* BULL sireet. near Henry; sl3 30 per month. J E. Fullon A Son FOn RENT. DESIRABLE ~ nESl denee. 109 Bolton street, west; all con venience*. moderate rental. J K. Fulton A Son. FOB HKBT—ITOItrj. RENT*!" DFNCE INDIAN STREET NEXT GOR RIE ICE FACTORY APPLY NORTH WEST CORNER INDIAN-ANN “THE BUILDING NO 9 BAY STREET weal, third door from Hull street, occu pied hy C. K Stult* A Cos. Title building is moel desirably located and Is well suited for either store or office purposes Possession can be given Immediately: moderate rent. Apply to J. R. Anderson. No, 5 Hull street. FOR RENT. STORE ON DRAYTON street, between Parry street and Isne Prendergast A Ganshl, * Bryan sireet, east. “STORE FOR RENT. THE ONLY ONE for rent on one of the busiest blocks of Savannah Apply 28 East Broughton FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE store and dwelling northwest corner Duffy and Jefferson streets; established stand, moderate rental; Immedlatn poasesslon*. J E. Fulton A Son NO 824 BAY WEST. SUITABLE FOR grocery and lair: ha* large yard and sta ble. rent reasonable. Inquire s2n Hay went. WHITAKER STREET STORK. Mi large store; low rent, central loratlon. Apply Peter Fox. Tn RENT. STORE AND DWELLING. SI West Boundary street. Yamacrawr. P. S Claghorn. 110 Bryan street, eaat. mil WEST BROAD; EXCELLENT business stand: only $lO. Youmans A Dsm mond. Provident Building. FOR RENT S'DIRF, FROM JAN 1; northwest corner Liberty and Kwt ltroad. Apply 1931 BuH sireet. FOR RENT CHEAP. STORE. 124 HAB ershnm street. FOR RENT CHEAP. STORE AND dwelling, corner Thirty-fifth and Haber sham. Apply 121 Habersham street “FOR RENT. - STORE. 322 LIBERTY street, west, next to corner Montgomery and Liberty. FOB RENT. SUITABLE - FOR STORK or office, southeast corner Montgomery and Perry street lane FOR RBXT-NUCKUiKIJII 3. LARGE WAREHOL HE AND OFF ICE FOR RENT. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS. FOR MERLY OCCUPIED BY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. I* SMART , TOR RENT STABLE IN BROUOTT loti Street lane, near Drayton. J. B. Ful ton A Son. COSTUMES FOR MASQUERADE parties Slid hall*. Of all characters, from $' up Mrs. Haltarteb. 110 Hint*, west, near Whitaker. FOR RENT. SIXTY ACRESToF GOOD cotton land for 176. dwelling and six out building*. 2 mile* from Hylvania Apply Mr*. Hteln, No. 132 Aher.-orn atreet. FORT RENT. - 12%-ACRE FARM WITH dwelling* sultalde for truck or poultry firm Apply 21* Beat street, west. “INDIAN RIVER SUGAR CANE land for rent; cheap. 33 acres; nice ham mock la ml; former orange grove, fenced and ditched; clean condition, good house, on railroad and tine for cabtmge and on tans R. I Herndon. Min*. Fla. COSTUMES FOR MASQUERADE parties and balls of all characters, from $1 up. Mrs Hetterlch. ltd State, west, near Whitaker. TOR RENT ofTBALE. THAT EI.E gam farm, four mllea on the Augusta road (paved), containing two hundred and three sere*, fifty of which arw under a high stale of cultivation; there ar# on the place three dwellings, two large tarns and packing ahed. a line artesian wall; everything In ffrit-ctasa order; two rall roada run through the land. I. D. U -1 Roche . 101 l IALF—NEAL ESTATE. atreet. near East Broad; hava oniy been sold to first-class parlies, who will nuke ! gno.l neighbors, ami none cither* can buy. The term* are very easy, and tbay sre cheaper than any others In the vicinity M. Dorset t. “FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN drea doltara; easy term*, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. M. Dorsatt. FOR SALK TOTS ON NINTH STREET near E**t Rroad. no city Isxe*. ai S2SC each; twenty-five dollars rash, and easy monthly payments. C. H Domett. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR Eaat Broad at 3200 each, will anon be advanced to $222. whan a lot has been I>aid for I can arrange to get a homo built. C. H Dorset! FOR SALE. 119-423 YORK EAST AND t.W Price; lot rent* 333 month; big tatrgain at 33.600. Platsbak A Cos. |*OR SALE 214 HARRIS BAHT. WELL hutll ;w-a(ory brick residence; lot 36x100. and room to improve further, price 32.300. ] gat on quick! PUfehek * Oh FOR SALE. - a'cHOK'F. TEN A- lit: farm with tvell built house on White Stuff shell road front, four mile* from city; price $775; the greateat gift of the age; don't loee It! Plstshek A Cos. ; “u" — VALUABLE “BUILDING - LOTS. -lie 39x100. near West Savannah: price s>l : each, term* five dollars cash; balance two dollars a month; no Interest. greito* chance afloat lo make money! I'latahek t * Ce. FIII4 IIMi—HKU, MTtTK. FOR SALE. M PARITA Vl. N1 E west, lot 4c\146, coiyifortahla two-story •iwelling with garden, give us hkl' plat shek A Cos. FOR SALK 220 HOLTON."WERT; F7LI Kant 8-story to. 4 residence; alt tinstern comfort* nice local ton; (trice $3,340; ea*y term* l’iaianek A Cos. for SALE IU!I It :tt ION, F.\h7 fine targe 34*-*tory tenement; a value for I he future ami present; price 32 400, come early! Plstshek A Cos 1 "11 MLR 113-lii UAH M STItEIT hn Oixtait. two U-.(ory frame tenements, can bulht 5 more there: price 32.f1n0. make : u* bid! I'latahek A Cos. TOR SALK, TOT JOxlin ON WHIT i ker. next to corner of Htxth. an unequalled bargain! Platwliek A t’o 91 tR BALK, |JTS <*N NINTH. FAST, between I'rt -e ami Favet Ilttd, gtoo each, on easy term*; s(- the ptetty homes being built there Italshek ACo Ft iR SALE. I/IT Sl.xir:.. ON' EI.EV enth. near liarnntil. ha* south front Prte* j:nt; Hf t> . Uollar* cash, balance five doll.n* month P'Mtshek A Cos. FOR SALK. LIBERTY STREET, third tloor west of Bull, a good home or tine Investment. E. G. Black. 6 Bryan, cast. KOI! BALE. ELEVEN COLLINSVILLE lots which you can buy cheap If you like tha section. | don't wee why yon can't make money on them. K. G. Black. * Bryan. e*vt. FOR BALE. ,3 LOTS IN SOUTHERN section, between Barnard and Jeffer-on. get the price K. G. Black. 4 Bryan. e*t. FOR SALE. REMEMBER I AM selling real estate; if you wish yours sold sec tun at 6 Rryan street, east. E. G Black FOR SALE. NO 20* WEST NINTH This nice home can he bought very cheap. If treated for at afire. Owner wushr* to leave city; rork bottom price will be named; house situated between Barnard and Jefferson, tn good condition, and ha* all convenience* K. G Black. 4 Bryan eaat. FOR SALE. NO (17 EAST CllAltle ton large roomy, brick house on alxty foot lot. fiom emot parly will werept 3644 first payment, balance Interest 6 |er cent. K, G. Black, 4 Bryan, east. FOR BALE. HARRIS STREET IM S! denee, between Hull wnd Wldtaker, under good rental, will sell for October deliv ery; good chance to buy nicely located home Term* made convenient. E O Iltaek. * Bryan, east. FOR - KALE. LOT SO EEET ON SIXTH between Drayton and Abereorn; good lo cation for heme E. G. Black. FOR SALE. THREE 84 FEET LOTS on Bull: any of them can be bought cheap K. tS. Black. 6 Bryan, east. FOR BALE. RKSIDENOK ON GOR don. third east of llahepMhsm. No. 407 I can make terms on this If you haven't all the cash E. G. Black. 6 Bryan, east TOR SALK. 709 AND 711 Writ Duffy, two two-story houses renting for twenty seven dollars: will sell cheap; lot thipiuS; room on the rsar for two more houses, which will be ready renter* If built. K. G. Black. 4 Bryon, rest. TOR SALE. 625 AND 627 EAST HUN llngdon. two nice two-story hoti*ea rent ing for 334: will sell for 33 gift pay* good interest; houses almost new. K. G. Blwrk, 4 Rryan. out. FOR SALK, NOrik MAI'PAS AVK nue or Eleventh street, east, four <k>rs east of Hull; house painted yellow; will sell cheap, and can make terms. K. G. Black. 4 Hryun. cast. TOR KALE. IF SOLD BEFORE JAN I, No. 4f>6 ami *B7 Barnard, between Hwll and Huntingdon; will make nice home* jnr good Investments. I can name low | price. If you wish to buy now; will lend purchaser ss<**> at 8 per rent. E. O 1 Hlwrk. 4 Bryan, east. FOR KALE. FIVE SMALL HOUSES, facing 8 . F A tv Hallway, on Abereorn and Eleventh, renting for 330 h month; will sell for s2.lhn, 3'dO caeh, balance 7 per cent Figure the percentage on amount of cash put In. E. G. Hlwck, 6 Bryan, east. FOR SALE. CORNER BRYAN, PRICE and Rt Julian, two houses, one wood, one i brick, lot Oix9o. room to build one or two more houses. 3'no In cash will handle the : transaction, balance will be arranged. K <l. Black. 6 Bryan, eaat TOR HALE, if ARG H INVESTMENT ; property. 7 new houses renting for 32.10) a yr. Come and see me If you wwnt 1 something good E '• Black. I “THREE OF THE F7NKST - HOUSES I on Gaston rtreet. at astonishingly low prices If you want aomeihlng that I* belter than generally offered, see us. Youmans A Demmond. Provident Build ing. FINE BRICK HOUSE on JONKK street, near Prnytoo, only $4,740. You mnns and Demmond LOTS WE HAVE THEM TO ” RUIT any and everybody at wll price* 13 you want a lot. see us tvefore buying. You mans A Demmond IF YOU WANT SOMETHING YOU don't see advertised. It I* not because we haven't gef It. Try ue; you will be sur prled to find that we are headquarter* for real estale bargains Yoiirown* A Demmond. Provident Building 628 AND 6*4 GWINNETT, WEBT.“"AND ' three new house* In rear; all rented to good tenant*. *4l monthly; that’s 13 per : cent gro*s on price asked, 13.760. A rare bargain Youmans * Demmond. j “TWO LARGE NINE-ROOM HOUBBB jon large lot. now under goal rental. ' The greatest bargain vou ever had offer fd If sold this week only |2,4o>k. You mnns A Demmond. , “MAGNIFICENT LOT. "72 FEET j front on Anderson street, corner of First ■ Only *3.n* to quick buyer. Vou will never regret buying thin lot. Youmans A Demmond TWO NEW HOUSER RENTING FOR *8 monthly. If sold thl* week only *•. Youmans A Demmond. NICE TWO-BTOKY HOUSE ON Duffy street: hsth. ho* and cold water, gar etc; only *2.40. Youmans A Dem mond. FIVE HOUSER OCCUPYING HALF of entire block down town, only 33 *SO If sold tt4 once. Youmans A Demmond j ONE OF THE FINEST HOUSES ON Gordon street; modern bouse and good lo- I ration; 1t.<40 Youmans A Demmond i “four NBW HOUSER HOLTON ! street, east rents *BS monthly; to quick j buyer 34.300 Youmans A Demmond ; Provident Building. NORTIIEABT CORNER HULL IN'D i Jsfferson. residence, with room for an other house. W. J. Mlocally, Jr. I "for BALE. I HAVE AN INVF.ST ' men! of ten thousand dollar*, netting over 1 12 per cent.; see me and get particular*. VY J Mlscally. Jr. “CORNER STORE AND RESIDENCE on Henry street. In goo-1 locality, itaying over W per cent. net. W. J Mi*-ally. Jr. VACANT LOTH ON ANDERSON AND 5 Flot Sireet and Burroughs; for Invest ment purpose* none better to be had. W. J. Mlscally. Jr. j “roR SALK FINE FARM HUNDRED screw, on paved road, or will egctiange for city property. I D. I-a Roche i "FINE BUSINESS I/X'ATION WA . ters road and Wheaton atreet. I. D. Le Roche it FARM STREET. NORTH. TWO. story residence. good renter. I. D. l.a Roche. “■SGUTIIEASf CORNER OF HAY AND Lumber streets, splendid paying In vest : meat. 1. D. L*Roche roll BALK—NEAL rSTtTIt. 9*o R HALE dem-e, Jontwt etreet, near Hull; lot slaty feet front. J. 91. 9'utlun A Hon. TOR SALE. A SPLENDID IIOVSE. with large ground*. Huntingdon street, near Aheriwn. J 9! Fulton A Son. FOR SALE. TWO HOUSER II9'.NRY H|V#l. lH*4r Went llromt. mill pujr ni'l\ ; oit prl4'<* dukrtl J. I*l Kulloii A Hon FOR Al,v„ m ifaHINO I.oTH. IrTT in*nvUle; harctitn ill on or atUlreJS J H Cull), ltor*l of Tntile fh \ll -m.uabi.i % \ssni . A FH KK HAMI'LK OF BENZOIN lU.m for chiipi* **lit! roufttt akin. fttv*n Miy Iftdjr falling t drug Henry am) Abet oru. T>ior and Wtilto ker. IF YOt’VB HOT TWO UV NOB UK FT H**v. !t*rn will cure your cough, m U>lUr hoilU* Kiitit inifa| to cure or money rw fiindnl IVnuw'd Irug store* Wool* Oil AND <*AHOUNK FOU Kgie hv II I Mur tin. Zuhly unit Ht (Uul Mrretli |duNteg, Hell SS>I. Oeorgl-i, D-J FOR FAUIu MON HO FT HoAHDIN') Hotter, one of the beet tnifllfirMH etgn-tg In city; gMKS kH'gllty **) tr*df. ney to Im- iii.i'lc ; (or t.r uiml rritnu r.nt. will sell cheap an I win ltvtng etiy. Apply i ongre. v, Weet, Alra. F3. F. Tipping. FOR ffAUK ONB <*l2 - WOODS* ~4 •ih* planer, and mute her, price ll&U; c.iti he eeeti gt pigiung mill f llepiwirtl. Sn**l eker A t’o.. lleriry etreet wntl H , K. 4k U 15 > .. S.ivMiumh, Cle. FOR AUK. FINK IfOHMK. DOTNO •h) gentle; elm pheet*i mtft htirneee. ll** Hull etreef, treet. FOR SAUK. RDM I NOTON TYPF3- wrltcr, In llret-cUee itm4Hlon. for ewlc cheap AtMr*“N Remington. N*wn office. FOR KAUK. FINK ITRIUHT lH>N' over piano, bee been ue*l very little; cheiii-H td eecure fine Imrtrumenl cheep, will null (or canh or on lime. No. < Thirl)-ninth FOR SAUK. UADY H WHBBI* IN gts<t*l repair. York etreet, weef (Hv *OND- HAND BIIOW FAHF.B ANI> counter* (nr nftlv cheap. 2ft Ksi Hrough ton etreet. r>o yoi know Vor r an rky tiik bv* Wheeler A- Wlleon drop heed Hewing nui< h|ne. worth K. : n. (or sjr *a m | >t>( lejih, lit M A Ftoke*’, 14 Feet ItrmighKui etreet. bhadroat. nkt and no at for (Mile 1n R.-inttolph etreet. ANY ONK NKKDINO HORBRH t>R mule* will ihi well to cull m Younglove A Hippie’ etehlee; they have over m him dre<| on hnnit. eml you ran le eult *••1 with t ronleter. e s4liller or * work 'tor •. or any kind of • mule you ere looking for. >OR SAUK FINK FH’OtJY HORBK. aDo two tented tr*u li good condition, ale** delivery wagon coyerwt; almoet in is . n greet turgaln. Ad<lrm K R., 100. Morning New*. FOR HAUK (*HBAP~ A YOI’NO MT’UK. hfirpeee nn*l wngnti. 5 Hfciat Hroftd etreet VIAHtKJANY Ft'RNITt’RK, INCUtTD- Ing ward robe*, clew fool tnblee. workt •- Idee, ttltlngr tb>, burewue. I>ven|>ort eoree. eetteeg, etc., brats andlrone. Fox e FOR BA UK. AT YOtTNCI!OVE A HIV ph *• Ni.iblue. m combln.ttlon imny; price s£.'•; call im) e*-e hen. IRIHIf HFTTKR FfffPlDfl FtR HAUK K 1 Weel Rroml. DARHKR Hliop. THRF.K CIfAIRR; town over 4.0 u |M|ulitlon. for pgrtlt-übir* Hfhlreiui 0., Morning NVwe MAf’IIINKRV FOR MAKING' AT- Uni4 F< tiding Hi eel Hfirlng Rode; we fur nleh everything complete; (or prfco etgte mpicl i v wgnled. Atkintw Hprlng I’.i lory, N (’. i k SALKS OR THAI INK him k buggy mare, |jrrfe*'tiy gentle ami in good condition. No. 23M Ituil atreet. j “FOR HAUK. GOOD YOUNG MTUK Apply 21 York, weet. f6r haue. haljOon’h oirrFiT. fine f'oun'.er. Ice box, brer pipe, faucetii. wal nut tablet*, chair*, at Revcnth and Hull •trecta. Chat. Metier. rIRK fltoor HAKES- WE CARRY A fin* lln* of flrw proof swfss In stock at sll time*. Th* parties can s exactly what they sre getting Our pricra ara a* low a* manufacturers sett ||, with freight atd ed I'srtte* Interesteal. who wish a good flrw proof aafe, will do wall to Inspect our stock IJppman Bros, IJpproan Mock, agents for manufacturers. FOR SALE GROCERY AND BAI4; A good stand. A.tdres# G H . rare of News. COWS. WITH YOUNG t'ALVES. FOR calc Call 471 West Boundary strset, sea them. ADVERTISEMENTS SET TN QAP ITAIJi WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS sif!9;d ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LEAS THAN 30C. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed at illonery snd blank books from Mor .Irg New*. Savannah G*. 1.0 l IM) KOI VI). 1J >BT ItKTIV9IKN mTiLTON AND Horrls streets mat Aliercorn amt Whitaker streets, enamel pin; design, two crossed swords and crown Reward for return to W M. I!., care Morning New*. “LOST. ON DEC 27. CHILD'S GOLD ring, garni t setting. Reward If relumed to totti Monlgrancry street. * TOST MONDAY. ENGLISH FLAG pin Reward. 122 Henry, east. IJIHT. JERSEY “"COW! ONE - HORN twisted and cut off on end white stripe cut hnc|t. 8. Wilenrky, 524 Margaret street. * LOST. A HANK ROOK MONDAY; A reward given to Ihe tinder If returned fo Lrik Uncoln street, or to the Hoot hern Bank. FOUND TWO SPANIEL OR SETTER pntipte*. Owner must pay for advertise ment .-rid ex|<en*cs Inquire Wtlilam Vol lers. Taylor amt West Broad. Savannah STOLE V NOTICE. STOLEN ON NItMtT >r Dec. 23. one Colt's doulde-ltarrel. hammer less gun, with piece split out of stock at breech; lower strap raised a lltlle at muule A lite ral reward will tie paid for gun and proof to convict thief. E. M i Causey, Stafford's, 8. C, RE W AR**. “jij. fir. wAiti> for“thiTparty""'Tit parties with evidence to convict, who set my place on Are on the morning of Dec 19)1 Ren Remler, Whaaton street and Water* avenue. REWARD FOR R97TURN 09“ BICY cle. National 13.9**. ootor blu*. 1940 nuelel. < stolen from Souihern Hank Building morning Nth Inst No questions a she.l W. lire win. car* Georgia Car and Manii fqrlurll.g Cos. 4(1*1 ■LLAXKOt*. A "FULLLINE OF GRATES JUST received: will sell any of Ihe pi *l parts. Adams Paint company. Ml C graaa afreet. w**t. REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your hard-earned hard cash with tha Sou tiara Oroeary Company, 114 Barnard street NORWOOD'S BOOK. "■IB 9B CIE” For sale at all Newt Standi tn Savannah ■OAJ4DISO. rmijTdSjuS j table board. 311 Jonaa street, oast. TWO COUI'I.9* OH FOUR TOUWO men ran get good board and neat rooms •it MB Ihsrry. weal. NIC9Y R.-\t WITH BOARD. HOT lath, early hrrakhul and all ooovantaneca. WS Abereorn. FURNIHHBD BOt>MS. WITH BOARD; •Iso table boar.lera lit Bast Liberty street. BEV97RAL - OENTLU.MI N CAN Ik> • tire g.e<d board tn private family. ■ per week 624 Montgomery sireet. ItS WILL FIND THE REST acconamadaiion at Ihe corner Gordon and Drayton; terms reasonable. WANTED. JAN 1. H9IVBRAL GEN ttmirn Imarders. ibnilde and alngle room*; '*r> pleaeant. * Duffy, eaat. WANTED “SEVERAL iB4BC* boardoea; elcgwni moms; eplendM to,a --tlon; no rhlktren taken. 3M Job**, eaat. It I INUD FAMILY <IAN AO'GM ntodWla young man with desirable room and excellent toiard. It . Newn offlc*. TO ADULTR. SOUTHERN ROOMS, large nud email, beag hoard, convenient, ht Gaaton. east. CHOICE ROOMS. R9IABONABLB biMnl pleasant kcatlon. convenlenot to Jti7 Chariton street, west. 111 "A 111 9141:8* 8 4*lX9, ITATO WILL lii: PRINTED IN CIaAS -814'19:D ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN 9'OR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD- V9.RTIS9 MUNT TAKEN 9‘OR LESS THAN MC. 49194 EULAMBOI a. HOT STIiFFB; G9rr TII9'. HOT Mll'l'9'. WITH HOT BTU9'F BTAM,'9:i ON HEATER AT 9*. 11. h tllltNAN S, 10 HI'ATE STREET. 4V ia*T PAPER HANGER IGk'HRATOR. tuintrr by trade. Hetlle.l permanently In Savannali, front New York, attends work (N-reiMially for owners ami private; first liuss work Ktiaratile<-d; |*rlce very reason able; try 4o see my work tiefore you en gage any one else 9'iedler, 316 Jefferson -it" t * ' J METAL MEMORIAL DESIGNS. ■lriol sheaves of wheal, at twam-li slora oiqa-nhetmei. Stoat A Cos.. 12 I’-rougliton, east. STEP INTO MY STORE AND G97T A Im>tile of line old l.ewlr 44. remember It la '*. and not Mini* other brand. Old Crow Is great, trv It. William Illrrw. West ltroad arid Utterly. “1.AD19:8 AND GENTLEMEN. I'M ready with winter eh* k of umbrella*; parasol* repaired and recovered; to-k 9 ami hey*. M Domlnlts. corner Ogte thorjte Itarn.ird lieorglu 'phone HW 8F.91 TIB 48 93 HAINY-DAY BRUITS at M A. Slukes*. 14 Eaal Broughton street. *1 4V4: GIVE YOI EITHER IN>MBVfiC or gloss finish, |effort work. Forest C'wy lonmdry. Park avenue. HETOItE YOU PURCHASE WALL paper, don't forget Taylor, his new stock snd low prices will please you. 141 Bar nard. N9:w DOMESTIC. WITH BALL bearings, on easy term#; try ont; buy 4M*S deal with your people Penton A Hon. TOR FISHING TACKLE. NETS. ETC.! go to Cornwell A Chtpman. _____ 1 "it >, S9:u. STi > I 1 INI I RANGES ON credit; eu ami eaamlna our stock; wa are headquarter* for mantel* and gw* As tute* A C. Price A Cos., 'phonaa 464; State and Jefferson. WF. AltE HUAHQI'ARTbIRS FOR sewer pipe, fire brick. Are day. oil- awl varnishes, give ua a call. Adams Paint Oamggggr. , “g DON'T TROIBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furnllur*. relaying your car pets or matting I'erry A Kenton wUI re lieve you of all that troubla. OUR GERMAN R97ADT MIXED paint Is sold under a guarantee; hava yowr house painted with 11. Adams I'slnt Com P-y. „ 'PHONE 1576 TOR FOREST CITY Laundry They will call for your llnaa Immediately ______ LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF WALL paper. Just arrived, will make prl a* to autt you William Taylor. 141 Barnard NF.W DOMESTIC S97WING MACIHNE with ball Irarlng*. lock and chain atlieh; two machines In one. I'enlon A HuA FOR HARDWARE AND TOOUI. - bO to Cornwell A Chlpman’a. “CANARY 8979711. THREE POUNDH #.w Zm- nes klnrbli I food. 20' pound; flab foo<l. $1 cm doaen: bird medicine. Mrd tonic, at branch store t qqienhelmcr. IHoa4 A 1 d_ 12 Broughton. e**f. A BOTTLE OF FINE OIJ CROW will •* the thing these days, none so pure at William Dler*, Welt llromt and Liberty. j 1 FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS' FlßE works. a large stock of firework* at re duces! price* H Bernstein, corner Brough ton and Jefferson. * _____ J HOT STUFF HEATERS. *2 26. 12 59. 33 60 and 34.50; water hack range*; the vary best *t rockbottom price*; W u< figure with you. our plumber* snd Hi- ; nera are exfierienced stwl all work guar ant east A c I Tice; phone* Itt. “more than one hundred CENTS in every dollar of your hard-earned bard rash al the Southern Grocer/ Company. 11l Barnard street “PERRY a RENTON. 139 STATE streat. weal, will move, park, ship or etor* your furniture It short notice; also ren ovate your old matt reuse* at IMtia coal. Balt 'phone 1134. “THE MOST UP TO-DATE WORK - IB being turned out by 9'oraat City Laundry. 'Phone 1671. FOR TIIF. MOST SEI-ECT AND largest stock of wall paper In Ihe city, go lo Taylor. 141 Barnard. PENTON A SON. WILL IIENOVATR your machine and guarani** 11. Bell new or old trarhlnee. , “FOR RANGES AND STOVE*. OO TO Cornwell A >'n!pmawt. WANTED ON9: THOUSAND HUIC gry people *1 the fbiuihern Grocery Com pany. 11l Bernard streel. “DRT'MS! DRUMS! DRUMS! SMALL and large drums at reduced prices. 8. licrnaieln. corner Broughton and Jcffer son. . A NICE LINE OF IIAVII-AND AND 9*rcn< h china cup* and aaucers at sacri ficing |>l Ices 8 Hi-rnitcln, corner Brough ton and Jefferson. YOUR I'LU.MIIING“woRK"GIVEN Tt us is money saved lo you; >*i:imatg cheerfully furnished; have us make your sewer oonneerions. 'Phone* 439. A. C. Price A Cos., State and Jeffervion streela. GOODpG&mONS , ecu red I |k’ B/<xdt*e Wide 7&|U[.YOUN6MeN Women * take our practical '* (oiJrse picHMONo'o i ! BUSINESS , j COLLCGES.I ;.W*r'aiiiw jfa/riJtiunawf 5