The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 31, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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THE cradle, not the grave. , ,||!!*TI*IT hit WML BTARTKD ll* HOHK OF MI.VATIOV nr. James V. Fslr'a Klwqurni „,| it) (hr *>■” Arrwoß at l liurrh— %■ ABBT*r l a Hrernt (...rilun Thai I'hrlallanltj. la on Urrllnv— Thp l.oillpaa I Ivllian th* l*aal Hail U*.-n Kail. „ r < • nitkaii the \ ivir>ina nio.xi „l i hplal—Op. Fair Flnila In flic I ~...rlrnPP of Hip l*nal tiuwil Prnni l„. af tln* Fnlurr. jn Jim** Y. Fair t>r*rhr<l si . ...rvlanl rreabyt*rtan Church y*- , mornlnc an *lojii*nt "eivl-of-lhe • m-rmon." .Iwlßti*.! a* an aimwer n.. nlly-maUa -lamnlon that th* • ntury moult] aw Ih* grave of Chr -t unity. in look (ha position that Inatca.! i ..m Ulna the nr.iv* of Chrl*- Ull . it Is Inn It* cradle; anil that the - ir* held in more the time when string i>|>lr!t should leaven the .irilng with the assumption that iij - now about to clone ha* been i st In Intellectual ami material „ ment in the history of the world. . to tlnd in the storh-s of the ,th . xflauatlon of this wondrous t ntt! u nd these wonderful aecom|tll<h -11., sermon was designed to show that , intellectual accomplishment* nor perfection would *ufhce to rs u m the tvorhl, and that In addition to t' - there must tie the elevating and eri* i i,i mid purifying spirit of the Christ, jl rd the giowth of the ChrlntUn rotn Its conception In Kden. down , vl.tas of the centuries, the at ,ni i.t of Its perfection In the Savior , te victories vine* In every quarter ui t ulobe. I air's text was token from Kseklel i; . ■ These waters Issue not toward the , ... country mat go down Into the desert , ,i ... into the sea. wulch being hrougn- I, r t i into the ecu. It* waters shall be h, lied." • liking of the lieauty ami moral unity of the Hook of Kseklel. Dr. I'„, there was in the teat one of tl prophet's nneqj images. "It Is tins . it drought; all nature *• drying prophet r|ire*<nt* himself as Aiok in. i|* it a dead and alien! world. But. ac <,111., a Hash alliacts his eye. 11l ii aft of the grml rock of Mt. /.ion, on *bi. i the temple stands, lieneath the al ia ii fountain of water springs up; ll us kies down Ihe mountain side, growing ... ...lumc ~ It rolls, until It become* • xi. at river, sweeping through the land. "Whenyer It goes life ami fertility n< Irish, tree* fringe Its Uink* Harvests wavi In (he sunlight. The dead p. il l of nature Is revived Into reeurre •- i. lieauty hy the llfe-gtvlng stream. Not only so. It sweeps on to the desi-ri. and it blossoma as the rose, More woa •i.-rful still, this stream rolls into tie In ad sea. and Its. desolate shores teera with life atwl joy. Hy this emblem the i>oet-prophet re fers to tlie great stream of grace, flow ing through the ages." Tl • first thought l)r. fklr emphasixed was the origin of this stream of Influence. It sprang up, he said. In the temple at .!• : isiiletn, beneath the altur there, tin- I ’ mof Qotl's presence. It dl l not spring up Athens, nt the feet of the status of Minerva, goddess of wisdom, nor did U nag up,ln Borne at the feet of the •• due of Julifter Tonons. emblem of physical force. Thu* we are taught that (}od s tiurpose of love flows to the ra p through ancient Israel. The student of history. said Dr. Fair. u;jo look* iM iuath the surface and trnr* the flow of development is led hack to the old prophets, and wonder* that surh prlcHe** blessings flowed from them to the world. In oil ancient hb tory three eitie* hive bean pre- ir f rent. Athena gavt* to the world Intellect naii > . Home gave law ami government. J*-r usnlem gave the idea of righteousre>s. Education Is not aufllelent to save the world, nor run physical force Hot* Ha townward descent. The dead world needs th strain of regeneration that flowed fr.WT* the teaching, the example and the d* nth of Chriat. The beautiful stream of literature that flowed through the ogee n m Ath* ns has never had the vivify nir liower that came from the Word of God. Dr Fair next sketched the rapid pro, 1- Kiithui of Christianity. At first the lean er in Itcthk hem vas largo enough to ■ t un It. but the Influence of Christ rap idly extended, until It cove-red Asia nnd Eu* t**, and touched, with its transform ing power, the shores of this new word lr. i*om luaion. Dr. Fair touched upon tm* elevating power of Chrftot innlt y. W herever it ha* gone it has brought ill** from the dead; schools, chuiehe*. < olHges. hospitals, have alwumli-e. I* flowed through the Gentile world, whose spiritual demines*. Is fitly typified bv the sandy desert, and brilliant and abiding aes of Christian civilisation have arisen. It t runsformed barbaric tribes Into Chris tton nations. To-day It Is entering the dead sea of heathenism, changing its MrltUttl desolation into spiritual bios e-mi a!•I fruit-. “Cannibal islands have leon lifted up to sing the praises of God. So *vtent has been the life-giving stream thatlsaued from fh* riven side of Chriat. that n this century we have seen the fulfilment of the prophecy, that nations should be born almost In o day. And so. as we look back to th. pant, we see a marble t* mple. matchless In It* proportions, whet* in God dwelt and where men wor shiped him. We look forward to the fu ture ami we see th** perfected Temple of Humanity wherein God still dwdl* and the regenerated world gathers In worship around the altar of one common Bather." The mug! -• th< n tordity was of great excellence and of mor* tahn usual elaborateness. For the closing service* of the year and the cen tury. the pulpit of the church Had been Iw*u it tf ikly decorated wrlth pa bits and flowers. Ft SKH \l. OF It WIKI. OR A XT. faithful (till Beaton Muriel From hnri-ti Ilf llii*l 'fnl. A gtrlklng Iliumnillor. of th love In which the best people of the Snith hold their olil negro servants wan afforded In the funeral of Dunlel Grant. Which took place, o* announced In the Morning New*, from the Independent Presbyterian “lurch Saturday. The service was one of unustal stgnifl i nnce. For more than ecorl of years. Grant had been sexton of the church, uml It Won till- wish of the pastor and congregation thnt every matk of respect M ould be shown him. Itr. James Y. Fair, the pastor, conducted the service, robed In the gown and bands of Ufc- ll.'Ottlsh Church. There were present at the grrvlco very m..ny of the memtrere of tht congrega tion. who thus testified their respect for the memory of the faithful old sexton He had tolled the bell at many a funeral and when the bell was tolled for his fu ncrol and his body was carrtsd .town the wide aslle of th church, maiy eyes were filled with tears. There were some beautiful floral designs and bouquets of white roses ftom the sev eral church societies and frors those older members of the congregation who felt in Grant a special and peculiar kit crest The Incident furnishes a quite aifltclent an swer to the uninformed criticisms that the Northern press ta accustomed to iirlnt. TAI.KKD TO TOt AO MET. and II Ist. op lleadrlx A.I dressed the V. VI. r. A. Vies !'real, lent-Klee t Itooserelf* ad dress. “Twentieth Century Thoughts." Slid an address by Bishop K. B. Ib rnlrlx were Un tied to hy a large gathering of men at the Young Men s Christian Asso ciation yesterday afternoon. The Boosevelt address Is one that he himself ib liversd at the same hour In Carnegie llall. New York city, befoie the aseerob id t M. C. A niemls-rs of that city, and which was read In all of the Yi-mg Men's Christian AsKdattons throughout the United** The |- T* r w. an excellent on#* in ovt-ry r#*xpt*-t. and h lillt iiitcrxli-1 et>fM • Lilly f,>r th#- Y M C. A u contained thought* ami *ug g xtlou* that are adapted to th** ... rftous c<atkl ration of ail bodies. civic or re ligious In a short Introductory address. Mr W It Stubbi- a|il: "As we ar# n#w H'and h 45 u|hw irif threnhoid of anew century, fh. tn bars# of the You nit Mns (nrisim Association coneuired in the idt a if having a general address lo Its nMnU*ra. iit#l w#'r* aide to Mvurc fur HUCh an #..t#Jrct*t Gov. Roosevelt. I a.-k >mi to |Nnder well the thoughts that he ha* inbudl# and In hi* paper." Again. tt the conclusion of the r# iding. Mid preparatory t the introduction of Bishop liemlrlx. Mr. Stubbs said: “Th* Y M C. A. I* a brotherhood and such t* nds to the extension of the top* for the uni versa 1 brotherhood of man. but Above ail the Y. M. <\ A. is a Christian organization. i*o we have tilOUKht It wl#e to addrei** ur, also. man whose life ho* been *tent in thin work to round off the meeting and give to it the impetun. |iower. ami vitality of the (*hriatian splfH.’* Hmhop Hendrix prefaced hi* a!lreja with an eulogy upon Oov. Iloorevelt. "While tiwit admlrnlile paper wn* leinK road, he -aid. “In thought I was trans port •'t I to Came#*- Hall, where it wax Itelntr read by It* author, a man of healthy moral nnd elevated sentiment, and I thought what life meant to him. for he I* a Christian man. •‘Throuuhout the whole of the recent national political campaign," he said, “one of the facts thnt more prominently than any nthcr impressed the whole coun try was the irreproachable life of Oov. RooK vdt, for he had no skeletoo In the closet " The Ibshop then gpokc of the work of Giv Rooscvcit, when ax a |io|i.‘v com mtxx!on<*r • Nrw York, he #IWI s<j much to suy th# evil in that city, und ngalu when as Assisiunt Secretary of the Navy, he t4Khjc|*| that ofTV* • w>tn such <x•* .- ienre ax to leave behlrul him a st.iinksx rccor#! He wished to compare him. he saWI. with another Harvard man who compromised hie religion to meet the *x- Igencles of |K>lltl*s; the man th#t sail lh#t to carry the Ten Uommanlcnt* Into jhilitlon wwx an irhlex ’cni dream. an*l who tlnally. though of brilliant intellect aid attainments, sunk so low that he re ported a pris* tight, and finally hid his bfe go out in darkness. My dear friends.” xii<l the Bisho|>. "the Christian ivoria is looking for the manly Christian man. The is |o>k ing for th mam with stuff In him Ax it i- said In the Maine wooils. he Is looking f>r th*- man that can square twelve inch es am) thus Ih* suitable for the must of • ship in the time of storm. It has been said, and rightly, that until you have settled und settled aright your relation with Christ, you have not the power to .to good min is no stronger than l* hi* hold on Chriet. Christ is ever searching for m#*). for they are his tools, and Christ wants you. • There was no time when strong Chris tian Ten were more wanted than now You con measure the mrenjrth of evil l*> tm* resistance that you receive from It when you try to do good. What men rated to-day lx to t* aide to resist the temptation* of the great mod*rn city. To do this one must have faith in God, and look to him for heir It wax of such a man that Isaiah spoke when he said. "And a man shall us a hiding plae f.tim the wind, and a covert from the tempat; as rivers of water In a dry place. .I.* ih** shadow of a great rock in a weary land." These are the men that God wants • i nm sometimes troubled about my country; the greater' America has been accomplished; whatt we want now is the greater Americans, men of a wider hori zon. men who lead true lives, and arv ot uncompromising virtu#* Christ was the manliest man. and his life and 4he cross have been the inspiration of every great man." The Bishop closed his address by asking that God s blessings might rest ujmn his h. r rs. In thes#* solemn hours before the century and e*. and enable them to meet as they should i* met. the duties that th* 1,, w century will bring forth. %T THB TMKITKH. ~ Company Will <icn Hrrk'i EnM*l To-JTIbM. Th- Aubtry I>ram.itlc Company will o,m n wr-k'a -nim-m-nt to-nlKht prt- Miitln* a* th. opcnln* play ‘ Th- Pr,nc ' nf Russia." Miss Lillian Layer I* >* ,ar „f tho company. and of th. play, an.l l al.l 10 Invest the character which sh. ...says with a *tr-n*th that has mad h — favorite wherever she has playe.l The rial* to the play Itself has been ac quired by the management of the Aubrey Company, and the Messrs Mt.tentha. *lve .1 o production complete with aoenl fi The company Its. If Is said to >-• ma le up of c.|Nble people, end Its eti- H aement Is pleasantly anticipated. Gillette's "Secret Service." which Is to „re...,.te.l with ..II the orlatnnl scenery and effects Thun-. lay nbtht. w. a four a.-t dr.ima found.*! on Incidents In 'on neetton with the slette Of K.chmdnd dur- Ina the Civil War. Mr. t.ldette s pH vlous performanee. In the ptay-makl.:* line, ail of Which h tve hecat eminent su ■ cesses and some of which are still pop ular attractions, save r.noon for the ex nelation thnt h. would some day write The most striking American play aver penned, and If all that has '•’■'tt wrltten ..bout -Secret Service" is io i !>"<■"* he has reached that distinction In this ..rk It has proved u worthy successor to The Private Secretary.” "Hetd by the Enemy." "Mr. W llklr.sone Wtdotva, • and ••Too Much Johnson." t rn mi kvities. Julia Fraser, a colored woman, who h.i.l twin utwlfr tr™tm-iit l th<- Oeoi k!s Infirm,.ry for r-vml —k. >-"• terday morning A llitht lun.-h UI b- **rvl at th- Park Vi,-w H.iiiltrlum linky from 12 until 2 o’clork an.l Ih- frl.nd* of th- Imitltulloii will t>- (tlv-n an opportunity of InaiH-clini lh- n-w hoapitnl. At o r-cnt m—tin* of th- Iloanl of Trail' th- .omltiif -*polHon at Chari—- ton aa- llruart I* * <* unnnlmou. ,tntlm.-nt ~f tho*. pr—-nt that th. h. irty ~,>o'a ration of Sayannahlana -h0u..l I - I aaalKtln* In ev.ry vay •> mak- th- -apoGlton a *r-at auco— Th- V M. C. A ha* r-cantly Improv. l t„ aymnaalum to putting In a .talrway '.-atllna from th balcony to * h - symna*- Candy Esculetts Cores PILES or Money Reliißded. WHY SUFFER? Bold under guarantee at following sto-as: Mow I Inski s. Jones. Mascntc Temple. Knight s. W F. llSid s. Marlows Cievo land *. lionnelly's. snd W. A. I’lgtnan’B. Savannah. Ga. UPPMAN BROS., Savannah. Oa. and Vf. F. il£lb. Savannah. Oa, Dtatflbutora. IHh MOhNllsti isLVYb: iuONDAY. DECEMBKK dl, IDOu. lum door within mrv reach of the .lor leading to Bull street. This Is not oniv a convenience generally but would l.e ot very great use tn use of tire while an audience Is in (lie building An entertainment for the britrnt f the bo> of the orphan Home at Washington •la, will he given atom th.' middle .f January at the hrrrd Heart Hall Just what form tins entertainment will i .k. h..s no: yet been divided on hut will !•* within Ihe next few days. There nr. .■ numts-r of Kavsnn.ih vhtldrvn among thv Inmates of the Home. TTKltllKli A SOI.UII.It HOY. Hosallc i\ nu I linin'* Vlnrrlnge tn n Iflrrn til Iht* Mslnr. Informolion has been reeeivwl In Sa vannah of ii raih. r romantic marriage in New York on In*-. l. the Uid#* being a >oun lady of thl* city. She Miss Hoxaiic Kaulman and up to a \i ir uv rc *Me*l hctc. Miss Kaufmun r*dved her education in Savannah and i** v* r> well known She i* youna. |rt;y and ulto- K' tn**r tpiitc attra dive. lt-.dt * many a* 1 * quatntah fs the >v>uhk lady has *|\ ral relatives in this city and the story from the New York KvaiUiik WorU will be read with inter* *t l*i< lures of noth the bril-- and Kroom apptur. and in the N. w York pa pers* Th*- World sail: "Rosalie Kaufmin. a Rrxiklyn xirl who o ime from Havannah, <la.. a year .x was m.irri**! last nixh* to Harry B>,v. ?*t M ( aim. He t* on* of the few >-vd from the battleship Maine In Havana l irl*or. ini was on tie oid Kt ars.irge * aen eh strut k on Ron .ulor reef. N> lives were loxt at that lime, hut with his mates he *|n-nc eleven days on the desert island he fare relief came. "Th* marriage ,** attended with dlf fi 'tiiti* - Kff..rt* wr* to pet Father t'hidwt* k. who wa chaplain of the Mam* , to perform ihe ctrinoriy . but i dix{**u*.u tlon from Idshop M lHnnell was ti* . **- sary. and the R**v. Father Sullivan. fss tor of Si John the lUiptist Church, Wll touahliy and iLeWls avemies. was apf><ait*! to. It iM-inx A*lvent. however, no mar riaxe i'ou.*! In |*r form* and. A etjorh was drtvtn to the hou-< of th* Rev. Ixiulx Wolffirs. No 4?C Hart str**t. pa*t>.r of the'WilltHißhby Aventn* laKh** n Church, and th- minister mad. th oecupiwts iiusttarul anil wife. Miss Hertha lani*-.tux was biidesmaid, while Jos*-ph T. Shut* wiid la st man. Then the partv went to No. IC7 Halt rire*-t. where younf McCann restd*d, to receive his parents* biessiiiK His father is Officer .McCann, of th- Is-*- Avenue Court, and the family was much xurprix-u at th‘ marrinite. lat conjrratuiatel th brideirroom Th#* bride amt bridexroor.i left for ltoton. Harry McCann hax serve#! In the navy more than ten years, lie was on h* third quarter watch the nieh! the M was blown up. and it wus flue to that fact that he is alive McCann wet overboard. but swam hack to the Maine. Although wounded, he rowed ('apt Siaslw*#- and "Itill" An thony around the wreck until they were taken to Havana, where McCann lay It n hospital for two weeks McCann is now conne*’ted with the ord nance department in the Brooklyn navy yard. i.w ti. i*::hm>v%i.. Mr ond Mrs. J McC. Hill are at the PHTaskl Houe. , lan ltt of Waycross Is quartered at the Screven Houic. O. W. Jones of Augusta is among those at th* PuDskt Houh-. K. B. Bear-1 of Montgomery If o guest at the Pulaski House J. I*. Salford of Griffin vu at the Pu laski House yesterday. H. I* Brewer of Waycross was at the Screven House last night. M T Laff* tte of Hat 111 S. r., was a? th*- Screven House yesterday* J I). Taylor of Lik** ntjr, Fla., hn* quartered tit the De Soto yesterday. W. H. Massey of M t-on was among the guests *t the Screven House yester day. Mr. J. I. Johnson of Johnson City, n prominent naval store* manufacturer oC Florida. I* In the city. Mr. Henry J Thomason i* critically 111 nl hi* home. No. U Side *trc,>i. ca*t. II I* 75 year* old. wo* born in the house where he now live*. J. R., general eoun*el for the l’ortal T-Uqtraph fable Company, with headquarter* at Richmond. I* In the rlty. at Ihe Pulaski iiouac. J. W. K ate* of Richmond 1* rcstl-t—re 1 t the Pulaski House. Mr Kate* Is Kn eral aupatint—udenl of the Postal Tele graph Cable Company. Cap!. Evan P. Howell and da.ichter. with several Western friend-, cuma In from Atlanta yesterday and spent the day In Snvannah and vlelnity. A *rii> to Tybee. to *• •• the Brand old Atlantic, a new rticht to the Western visitor*, and a n*h dinner nt Mr*. Hannon - *, at Tluin derbolt. were a part of the proaramme Mr. J. C. Haile, the aeneral paa—nx-r aaent of the Central of Georgia, ami r.l* two son* r.lurn-d yesterday from i trla to Atlanta and Calhoun. A< "he latter plate the hot* were alven their nrst lilrtl shootlna. liriti cl tic Isiek hum*- thl* morn - l„g Utrse bunch of bird*, the result of their and their fat her'a Rood a hooting. Mr. H. C. MeFUdden. newly appointed eneral freight an.l p.a*enger uent for ttn* Waycross Air Line, wti* In the cltv yesterday, a Kuct of th. He Soto. Mr. MrFadd-n tnet many of hi- old friend* In Savannah during hi- brief stay nnd left during the evening for Wayeros*. which place he will nok- hi* headquarter* In hi* new position. He K...- , otheWay crosa Air Lin. from the Lehigh \ alley Hallroad. Tllti IHIIUSOhti Ml HltKtl. Three Witnesses t’onntl Who Wn Bottle trsr the Trine of Mnrder. Macon. Oa.. Dec. * -Three Important witnesses have been discovered in the Birdsong murder One Is u negro woman, who saw John Battle, the negro farm hand, go to the house between 10 nnd 11 o’clock, nnd the others urv two negro wugonrrs. tvho met him In the „ood about n half mile from the nous he was going to catch the Macon and Birmingham ehoofiy train Into Macon Kerry oosalble effort Is being made to locate Battle. e the circumstances against him are very strong. The Audubon Golf Club left to-day for Savannah, to play Its match game wtt.i the club of Savannah In n pretty game yesterday the New Orltans players de feated the Macon team. Dll Kt AMI- PI.IUTIFI I (olntnhla's Parts at Morphy's Island Expect nia Isttek. Columbia. 6. C.. Dec -Express agent Cleveland. Capl. Rodney Evans and others who reached Georgetown last night, proceeded to Murphy * Island to-day In a .team launch. Duck* are very plentiful and the first propitious weather for hunt ing them has set In. a northeaster with rain thnt may turn to elect. The party will hunt ten days r.rnlnif" of the* rontrul# Th earning* of tb Central of Oeor ■la Railroad for the week ending the Third week of Herein her. were. tlkUhl. agalnsl *l.*M for the corresponding week last year, and IUTSM* from Jan. 1 to the etui of the third week, against *ES - for the corresponding period In USA. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Mottda> anil Tuesday: Oeorgia; Fair in western, clearing In eastern |*ortton Mnmiay; cokler In south east portion Tuesday fair; colder m southeast pirtton, winds iM*cotmnK fresh north wester ;y. K*‘t*rn Florida: Fair Monday. mtK % h okhr in ttfttrnoiwi in northern iortlon. Tuesday fair and coldr; wimls btt-omiiiis fr**sh northwesterly. \V* stern Fkirida Fair Monday; much colder in the afternoon ami nlsht. Tues day fair and colder; Iresh northerly win#ls. uith Carolina Hah* Monday; colder In soul item jiortion. Tn—day fair; colder tn southern and *a-tern |ortioiis; wiidti t>e vv'mlng fresh northw**>teHy. V* stei lay s weather •t Havannah— Maximum (ftnperntut#- x p in ix degrees M it.inium t**ti.|M t* ture la m 4H degrees Mean temperature &7 degree;) Normal tcmi** r.iture no degn**a Kx • ss of temperature 7 degrees A 1 * iitntiiate I deficiency since U degree# Accumulated exceed since Jar. 1 773 degrees Rainfall iw inch N*tn tl 11 inch s l>efick , ncy sine#* J n. 1 ti.iai Inches Rixer Report—The hight of the Hav.m rail river at Augusta, at % . m (7ath ml i liaii lme) >. -.*-ria\, wus H J feet, a tall if i.2 foot during th* preceding twenty-four hours Observation* tekett at the sam* monv nt •f tlm* .it oil stations Iva. so, ISOO. s|. tn . 75tn nn*ridlan time; Name of Station J T. J V jßaln Boston, vloisly { :tx | • | .no New York, rain j 38 14 T I'hilade phia. rain j 3H L ox Washington, rain j M I. *4 Norfolk, ruin fid 12 * lint Cera*, cloudy ; no Pi :i* Wilmington, tain .| 5X b* 1U Charlotte, rain (o | h tti Raleigh, rain 42 ) lo S2 Charleston. < loudy i 4R 22 2# Atlum.i. ruin ....( 42 12 1.3d Augusta, rain { 44 ft I.nh Kaviitmah. l**ul> jfx ;14 16 Jacksonville, id. cloudy ..J 73 ’ 20 j .0$ Jupiter, pt. cloudy j 74 t | .no Key Went, clear ?H I , j oo Tam {MI. cloudy | 72 12 | .# Moldie, cloudy | 60 j |, > s& Montgotm i>. rain j .To j l, 66 Vicksburg, rain | 46 j 6 j .20 Ne* Orleans, cloudy ....j fid | Pi .40 Uaivesion. cltsir firt | 6 and Corpus Christ!, clear ....j fid j 6 00 Palestine, dear .( GO j t | .<Vi M• mphlt* cloudy j 41 R .40 ('incinnati. rain 36 ! \* { ox Pitts wirg, cloudy 42 , L | JM Ruff.ito. cloudy I 36 } IX I 0| l**tro|t, cloudy | so j io j t Chicago, pt. cloudy j 32 | 12 j T M ir<|uxte, snow 14 j IK 04 Ht. I’aul. |>t. cloudy J 4 j 24 | T !>3vet!port, thud}’ , 24 j lo .00 Ht. Louis, cloudy | 36 j L , oo Kansas City, cloudy j 22 2*i I .00 Okinhomn, clear j3X 16 j .00 I lodge City, snow | 13 | PI j .04 North Platt, snow J 4 j II 02 H B. Boysr, I'l Forecast ufbclol. |% WIITH C.FaOIIGIA. They %rc MmLliik (htnlrn .Spot* In ( nnidpii nml Hnirpwrlck. Go., l>*c. 30 —The vast lm rrnvornwh r ing mail* by th* Shaker** of Fnlon Village, 0., In their While Oak (Camden county) property aiul Glynn <*unty Alt mu pomciaionp. It-tve* but llttl* doubt In *the mln*ls of tliose fa miliar with the tr**nd of events transi*r log among-t lhwe devout |ieo{>U*. that they art shortly to move their headipiar ter* to Georgia. To the uninitiated the “Shaker Colony*’ sounds Ilk* a myth or the dream of a to m-iiH it. hut to tiiuae who know. It in a reality that means a great deal for the development of this section of tin* state. Since turning to Georgia a few year* ago they have Inverted over SiUMMo in tax •blo property ami are now developing It. while tii*lr recent moves warrants the Indulgence of a hope that the headquar ter* will soon Ik* moved here and some half-million dollars* worth of good West ern copih will b- traitsfrrrwd from the Ohio hills to 'the wiregniss of Booth Georgia. At llrst th*- Shaker Colony, fear In num ber. but under the head of that devout mun nnd shrewd manager. Hr J. !>• Hiiugeriand. cum** Into Glynn and after purchasing the 4d and historical Altama property proceed**! to deposit 130,009 In ash In the lot al Isinks. employ a capable manager In the person of Mr Junes Clarke and through him a hug*, force of men to rehabilliae tile place and sur roundings Altama, when owned by James Hamilton Couper in th** early days, was noted for the jtroducti vene*t* of Its lands ami th > ho-pitaiity of its owner. The lands, uncultivated *1 nee the Clvli War. only needed the influence of mon* y and practical minds with gool iaJwr to ni ik* th* in rich an*! fertile again. Hlood •tl tininutl* weto brought down, and the feature of stork raising was added to that *>f rice and lolksi culture. The old pia*'e under its newr owners has now be com* a garden spot and Is yielding great returns as a result of money ex pended under experienced and Intelligent direction. Dr. tilin* rKnd. and his council of a*l vlsers In the colony, then thou hands **f oeres of lan*l near ll*-}ok-n. and follow***l this nrith Imying the entire town of White oak. In Camden county. They own the town and all the buildings therein, but not being exactly satlstiel with any of the cottages for a colonv Home, contractii were let for a modern house. Here, at an expanse of nearly* and much time and thought. th* > have Just completed one of the most ele gant hem *s In the Mate, ami there Is not a convenience or protection that Is not provided In the construction. Yellow pin* ond Georgia oak and walnut are prominent materials used In Its building, ar.-d the urrung* met 4 of the rooms, bath*, etc.. Is a model of convenience and com fort. It i for the exclusive use of the Shakers, and they are now proceeding to t-njov It to Its fullest extent. The Shaker* arc a mow lnt renting and lndustrloua class of people. They are re ligious and devoted to conscientious work No dron*-:* or idlers ore allowed amount their number, yet all live together as the happiest of large families They are communistic In nature, and there arc al together seventeen serwrate societies In the UnUod States. These are located in the states of Georgia. Maine. New Hamp shire. Massachusetts. New York. Ohio ami Kentucky. The orlginu! Shakers in America were Ann Use and seven of her Knglltn converts, who cam** to this coun try in 1774 Th ir numbers now run to about 3.0J0, of whom !>r. Sdngerinnd. who makes his home In South Georgia, 1* the load. All of tne societies an* rich and prosperous, and they mak a specialty of alien ling to their own *us!nes* and let ting >ther peopWo iFme. 1 ney ilv* 1 In families of about ltd) p<-o jl,. iiui.c an*l female, and hold all their property In coriokni through a board of trustees, usually two of each sex. The sexes arc entirely setsirate In their living, even eating t separate tables, though at the same room A* agriculturists they t-xcall. and It Is the Intention of Dr Hllngerlaisl and his co-workers to make I heir property at White Oak one of the grandest vineyards in the South. With thousallda of acres of laud and gool lotnn. ample cash In the banks, and a desire to develop whst they possess there. Is reason to believe that Georgia hns gained wonderfully by the Interest th Shakers arc now taking In Ihe state, an I the people down In (his section of the country ore .hung uU In tb!r power to make their stay pleasant. CLASSIFIED AUVERIISEMENTS. mixoft.iL switches, in grey, btonde itrown, drab mwl shades, also wavy hair 4o make wigs, toupees, switches. |M)miwdotirw t. orxler. by the dcorgla hair exj>ert. 2ft Fast Krmivlitixi. the {>lm< e for sham;***- log, singeing, haircutting, scalp treat ment. manicure and chlto|iodkit work '4 *‘i orders prompt|\ rtlle*l, |n*lose u gtHMi sit* piev-e of hair to match by. LILIF-H OF THE VALLEY MY own importations; in oUI st*rsge, realv U * **•*•• ' 1 iMIVt tf. *lerw with J tlardtier agent. 12 Itrough ton street, cast A C oeischig, nursery (4>poiltr I'itMlr Cemetery. kef cm*no a co.. corner wiiit ak. r and UL ny street*-, hemlquarter* for ('hin***. and Japanese fntny gissle less, etc at low prl ca ort* ntal and Turkish oiiuiiKiiti ts-luw cost price. Come and Visit US HOLIDAY RFCM9. CARI*ETB. I*AR tleres. .ce curtains and n th>>usaiul and one article* t* glalden the g..*i wife s heart (’ I*. Miller, ag-'nt. Tor WILL like the milk from HpringfleM Dairy; it s rich und purs; try It. flbuant hejdroom furniture dining rs>m furniture, china clos.-jw, si. ver case*, snleboards buffet*, mlrrordhtf wardrobe* etc.; #*ur imnu-nee sio**k must h* seen to be appreciate*!. C I*. Miller, agent. CHOICE LINE OF WILTjOW ANO cobbler seat r<cker for th h -lllays, #t Treple s 317 Broughton, writ. I AM VOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Rrougt.ton. ring up llfti If jpom want to have y>ur fun. Pure mved or packed for shipment or Storage I g isratit*. pr **a ths same oa I tie he work that'* given to me. A H. Orlfflu, 414 Brough too streal, west; matlressFs made to ord. r CANAHIFaH and (IOIsI* Finn J Gardner. 12 Broughton street, east. MGILLIB- LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor KENSINGTON FARM MILK 18 UN surpassed for rtehnrgs. delivery la per f**ct. phone 334 ft TEEPEE IP BIIOWTNO A NIC* LIVE of cariwt* matting, rugs, shade*, 100 bum. cheapest tn lown IP ITS Rl'GB YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from MrOhlls GILT CHAIH9. TABLES. COUCHEB co*> corners, recaption chairs, leather * hairs; an assortment at rea sonabie prices. C IV Miller, agent. WHEN YOU BEK M GILLIH SlXTY inch 99-crnt rugs, you will buy thani. Just can t help it. will sell In r.ny gum tity. "FURNITURE MOVED WlTffi CARE." la a specialty with M<xllllls. IMMENSE LINK OF RATTaS ROCK erw from $1 4s up to sis. C. T. Miller. agent. M’GILTJ* IS CHEAP ON RT'O* NETS, lace curia in*, hammocks, water c>olsrs pihows. pictures, tiovw, <l *ai suits, and furniture of every dexcrlpttun. MILLKRB HOLIDAY CSIFTB FOR brothers and other feliows* brother you will have to call and examine our Immense line |n order to thoroughly ap preciate the subject. C. I*. Miller, agent FOR A mETTY BEDROOM BUIT. parlor and dining-room furniture, you should go lo Te*pie's. KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elavation in ha e uofry. fre* from city drainage. Impoaslbla for ml k to becotr.** eentamlnated, bv Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey silk. r-*o* 2345 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M’GILLIS MOVKJ4 TACKS SHIPS and stores piano# and furniture, t-eai work only, no "Cbeap-John" prLeo—no "Cheap John" jobs "MILLER'S HOLIDAY GTFTft FOR sister* and other fellows' elstera; toilet tables, Indies’ desks chiffoniers, pictures o' all kinds; com#- and eee us. we will help you out C T Miller, agent. TEEPLE CAN PAVE YOTT MON73T ON stoves, steel r.inges. o|| heaters and hot stuff heaters. 317 Broughton, wet MILLBiri HOLIDAY QIPTf Eon children, dolls au#t to*-s of every desertp tint), jrhnlr*. baby earring#*, go-carts. veloelp*#l#*s. tricycles, exprsas warons, p trol wagons. C. T Miller, sgem. M'GILLIS SELI-S SIXTY INCH HL’G.I —Smyrna |iatterne—for 39 cents. XMAS FLOWEftB. ROSES, IIYA cinths and Lilies of the Valley; w il b#* ready; or#lers oollclted. J. Ganlncr. 13 Rioughton street, east, agent for Oei schig'a Nursery. PHOTOGRAPHY. COMMENCE THE NEW CENTITRY right on to Wilson s studio. 41 Hull str#*et, an#! have a goo<| photo of your self or family mad# now Your friends will appreciate It a hun#lrw| year* henev Wils9f maks a s|iec.lalty of |s>rtrait en lnrg#m nfs and carries a fin** assort ment of frnm**s at low prices. #-#onipared with wlwt other* charge you. Go ther* for everything pht##<rphl( Wilson * studio, 41 Bull street. Established HUM MEDICAL iIOW AHK YOLK F*ET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. cull on mt and I will give you r*il-f. I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and *ll diseases of the feot without pain, charges re.ts.nai le; can give the beat references In the city; |in dents tmated at rewldencee; orders Cflß be left at Livingston’s drug store. Bull end Congress streets; telephone 233. Lem 7)avl* surgeon chiropodist 111 I.l* WAKTED-MAUC. UNK GM>| WOODSMAN WANIuP at oner; c itisf.i* t<r> references must he given. Address "L J.. Box I," McHen ry, Mis*. HA S AN f5 ft * BELL OtTR g.odfl by sample to wholesale and retail •rude, we are the largest and only man ufacturer* in our line in the world; libera! salary paid Address, Can-Dsx Mfg Cos., * Alee, Board of Trade Building. Savan nah. On MKLP IV %Vrt-:i>—FF.HALK. FIRMTd’LAMI COf>K. dc to read. Apply Unrasdlately. 22'* Hall otreet, east. KNI'LOIMCAT IV IUTKD. BTKNOGKA PI IKR. AGK 17. DKUIKKH iuilf-*iay poeltion g.*Kl |e*d and well experienced. Address ** Willing/* cars New* office. x 111 u mi sc K LI. %*no I E. and tierxlmmon logs. Bou'hem Hardwood Company. P. O. Box &. Charleston. 8. C. IK v<lt want a PLACE TO Dl lip earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., fre*? o! ciisigs. Just ai city Umlt*. hauling over hard road write or telephone Brown pros . corner Anderson and Bust Bw>ad streets. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. OFT IT from Bpringflekl Dairy ; It e rich, pure and wholesome. ADVBRTIBBMKNTB EFT IN CAP ITAL* WILL HR PRTN'TKD IN CI-AB fUFIEI) AfrVKRTIBKMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CKNTR A WORD NO AD V E RTIBKM ENT TAKEN FOR LKBH THAN IOC FOR lit;NY —ROOM*. nished. with or wtthout hoard. 331 Bar nard street, facing Pulaski Bquarr. FOR RUNT, FTJRNBEHBI) SOUTH front room for one or two gentlemen; all convenience*. No. M Jones street, west, near Barnard. Foil HICftT-ROOW*. LaTuhT^VICFLY ftimi*hel rooms, itls one hill t>stn, can b#* rented entire or separately; situation central; fine locality. Address W . M *rn. ing News FOR RENT. FFRNIHIIKD ROOM H; business center; imalerate rent. 410 Bry an street, east. APV FHTIHFMFVTb HUT IN CAP -ITAIa will BE PRINTED IN CLA.’ 1 - BIFIKD ADVERTIHKMFNT COLUMN COR TWO CKNTH A WORD NO AD- V F.RTIHFMENT TAKEN FOR LESfI THAN 30C Fl.ftT* Foil It HUT. TO RENT. FLAT OF HM'll ROOMS 3 Charlton afreet. FOR REM —Milt'MG#. rui. RANI. iXiolr OKI ABLE HOUSE. N> .17 V aidbutg street, east, between Abe room and IJncoln. first dan order aid condition every convenience R!ht rent to right tenant E*aie Habsn.m Cohen. West ltrosd aid Broughton streets. FOR rent several desirable n-iden* e th>roughl\ renovated Apt*! A. Wylly. agent, 12 Bryan treet. east ’1 • RENT -ltoo\| <•* ht Mil? Twelfth mi l West Broad; $lO per month: c*sm| Icto iiitv. g*ss| tenant wntc*| wi.l rent by year or month Apply 43< Con- Rtrws west, Mrs Tlppilis. To RENT 213 IIALL. EAST EIGHT hnt an#l k*! water, tlrst-dass dition. al> 444 Price, imnndlitto |Msses *on Aih>lv W \\ Swinton. Jux Ttilrty elgtilh street, east FOR RENT 221 DUFFY EAST] A rw Itouse wPh every ccnv**nience Apply 110 lirvvan. west roll HUNT-Mami e. y:\T m for rein >n ••n*- *f th** busiest block* of Savannah Apply 2x East Uroughtoa. FOR HI AI-MIV l i.UM Ul I. LAHt'.E WARlvliOl BE AND OFFICE FOR KENT CORNER BROUOHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS. FOR MERLY OCCUPIED IIY TIIE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H P S VIART "TO RENT. CHEAP. LARGE TMACI farm land, suitable f*r grsxing *r >ther purposes, af Pooler Apply R* Haheraham street, Huv mnwh FOR sm:RKtL KSTtTE. FOR HALF TIMER LoTH ON NINTH street, near Fast Broad, have only lMM*n sold t<> first-class parties, who will msks good neighbors, nnd n>tn* others can buy The term* are very easy and they are cheaper than any others In Ihe vicinity C 11. I>or*!t FOB BALK. A IX>T FOR TWO HUN dre 1 dd!nrs; rasy terms, on Ninth street, near Rest llrowd, no city taxation C. If. Dorset!. FOR SALK I.OTH ON NINTH STRKFT near Fast Broad no city taxes, at |Ufc) each; we*My-flv doilsrs r*h. and easy monthly payments. C. II I>>rett. FOR BALK. LOT 9 ON NINTH NKAR Fust Broad, oi IlOu each; will won be advance*) to t TH. when a lot has been pild for 1 can arrsngv to get a home built. C. H Ddraett RKBIDKNr’K AND BtTLDING LOTS for sals all over the city. Robert H. Tatem. real rstalo dealer. Na 7 York street. wet. FUR fHIJ.-tll.H KIXAtBOt a. A KHUK HAMPLK OF BKN7.OIN Ha.m for chaps and rouyth skin, given to any lefty calling at Per***’* drug stores. Henry and Ab*i*orii, Taytor and Whita ker. IF YOI’ VB <K)T TWO LI NGS LEFT. Sov. n**m will cure your cough; a dolkir Imtllf guaranteed to cure or money re funded. Perese s drug stores FOR SALK. MON HOF BOARDING House; **<- of the best buein*M* stands In city; go*id l*e ality; good trade, money to be made ; room for b*r and restau rant; will sell cheap as I *m Icoving city. Apply 430 <V>ni %v<“t, Mrs K F Tipplns. “|h B SALK >NK x!2 " *\VOODB**“’l alde planer. anl matcher; prl** siro. can k* seen at pinning mill of ltcp|irl, Sned *k*r A Cos.. Henry sfreet msl M„ F. A W. Ity., rkivannnh. Ga. FOR SALK. RKMINGTON TYPK wrlter. In first-class condition, for sab* cheap Address Remington, News Office. SHOW CASKS AND •'oiinters for sale cheap. 2# Kast Brough ton street. FOR SALK OR TRADE, ONK FINK bin. k buggy mars, |w*rfKtly gentle arsi in goo*t cusidltion. No 23Vi Bull street. “Ton sale, saloon s outfit, fink counter. Ice oox. beer pipe, fmgeta. wal nui tables, chairs, at Seventh and Hull streets. Cha* S**ller. FIRE PROOF HAFKh-WK CARRY A fln* tins of Are proof safes in stock at all times. The parties can see exactly what they ere getting. Our prlcea are &s low as manufacturers oMI It. wlfh freight add ed Parties Interested, who wish a good fire proof safe, will do well to inspect our ito*k IJppman Bros. Uppoun block, agents for manufacturers. “COWS WITH YOUNG (’ALVEI. FOR sale. Cali 471 West Boundary street, see them. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN OAP ITALB WILL HE PRINTED IN SIFTED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOlt TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LEAS THAN 30C. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order y*iur lltfographed and prints*! stationery and blank hooks from Morning News. Savannah Ga. HO Alt 111 VO. CIIOICK ROOMS KBAfiONAHU! board, pleassn' location, convcnlenct to business. 3)7 Charlton street, west. ■ 1 " ■ - iii t iiem-R*. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BB PRINTED IN CLAS BIFIED ADVERTISERENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I-ESS THAN 80C. UIM ISLEAKKOtJB. HOT STUFFS; GET THE GENUINE HOT STUFF. WITH HOT STUFF STAMPED ON BEATER. AT P. II KI HUNAN'S. W STATE STREET. WEST. , 'PAPER - HANGER. DECORATOR IMlntrr by trails, settled permanently In Savannah, from New York, attends aork personally for owners and private; first class work guaranteed; price very reason able; try to see my work before you en gage any one else. Fiedler, hi Jefferson st reel. WE SELL STOVES AND RANGES ON credit; call and examine our stock, we are headquarters for mantels and gas fix tures A. C. Price A Cos., ‘phoncii kk, State and Jefferson. WE ARE IIEAIHJI ARTEIUr FOlt sewer pip . fire brick, fire clay, oils an varnishes, give us a call. Adams Paint Company DON’T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying your car pets or matting Perry A Per.ten will re aevs you of all that trouble. fiIDUC* TOUR LIVING EXPENSE* by Investing your liard-esrned hard cash allh the Southern Orocery Company, 11l Barnard street FIREWORKS; FIREWORKS' FTRE worke; a large stock of fireworks at re duced prices S Bernstein, corner Brough ton and JeßorsOin SIM KIAANMW. ThcT' STUFF HKATEfS.’ njn |iS $2 fio. ftjik) and $4 fib. water buck rangsa; the very best at roeknattom prlcw. lot u figure with you. our plumbers and tit* ners ar** experlen*'w4 an#l all work guar r,l. *.! A < It.. i-:* t C* OT' It GERMAN READY MIXBT> paint Is s4d under a guarantee; hava yo#r house painted with it Adams Paint Coat* _________________ “PERRY a BENTON IF STATS street, west, will move peck ship or etora your furniture st short retire, slso ren ovate your old mattronsea at IMIIo cost. Bell 'phone ii 24. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENT* In every dollar of your hard-earned hard rash si the Southern Grocery Company. 114 Bar nerd etrrt “DRUMS’ DRUMS’ DRUM*? SMALL and large drum* at reduced prices. * Bernstein, corner Broughton and Jeflfer* son. YOUR PLUMBING WORK GIVEN TO u* Is money saved to you. eetlmefe# 'heerfully furnished, have us make your *ewer i*onnectlons. ’Phone* 413 A. C, Price a Cos Htat- n* Jeffcnson streets. A Ft*l.l. LTHR OF OBATE* JT.tRT r-*lvt will aril snjr of th* at. I*irt A I in. In In 1 . otniianr, ltt Oaa fie** street, west. WANTED ONE THOUSAND Htn% gr\ jso|te at the Sotithem Grocery Com pany. 114 Bernard street A NICE LINE OF HA VI LAN DA Nik French china cup** and saucerv at sacrl fl* Ing prices H Bernstein, corner Brough* ton amt Jefferson. NORWOOD'S BOOK. 'mn aa (*O,” For si •!( N.m NtaiMls la Havannah. LCUAI. NOTinct. Hxvatmah a* . !>*. is. t*x STATK I>r OKOROIA. tIIATII A\t thX'NTV Th- Merchant* >m] Vb-*' innnl ComiMiny ..n t ottinr* Itavlna ,iiq.l|n, fnr th. |wnliur *nt *tahll*hin*nt ot % n.-w i',ihllr roa.i •'omm*n. tnjr ahmit niw huii,tr*<l and *xty f*t from th* w-t iMiih of I'la.rfittn oanat. on th* (lUhtla ro,t known ** Ihtl* av*nun. an,l run nlnc th*nr* In a i,.wth*rly Jtr*otl..i thretivh th* lnn<l of th* *alt M*r*hanta .*1 Mrrhnnlm' !jn.| t'.mipany an.l t-r* moiaittiK at a ih.liii .hi th* Ronavmitnrw t.ranch of th* HkMaway ahall road abrntt •*v*n hun.|r*<i an.l fifty f**t wt of tha l.rl.lK* i.roaa th* I'la.-.-niin *anai on Tlm her Lain,in,x t-r**k. Th* l*nat)> of aanl I.IM v,r-l.* mirr ,* l*aa, an 4 •th* wt'tth lifty f*wt N'otto* la h*r*try Ktv*i. that aabt ipfJ' *t},>h will l final ly xraiit*.l imi Hi* Hth .lay of }• rnrnary, 1!1, If no aufllrlmit *jt'4aa la .hown to contrary. K A WUIU C C C. K H I.A TH HOP. C. C. C. JOHN I.YI-NH C. C. C. AMoat HKt ItKN fMJTDKH. ('l*rh, C. C. C. * NOTK'i: TO PKItTirTtH AND t’lirn- ITt *llß OBOROIA. i'IIATIIAM (-OUNTT No lle* la h*r*y klv*t\ to ail p*raona hav- Ing aaalnat tlaurcla ti. Hrr*v*n, iat* of aal,l county. *l*c*na*.l to (,r*a*nt lh*m to m*. imqM-rly mad* out, within Hi* tlm* |.r* rll-d liy law. ao aa lo allow lh*lr rhatintr and amount, and ail prr -1.0.1 • ln.!*l.l*<l to *o nt d*L*aj>*d ara ra i|ulr.*l lo nuke initn*.liate |mn*nt la in* , Havannah, Ow . Pnt , I*k) THOU AH tW'HKVKN. IBa—uwr. NOTIC* T> PKHTORB kkND CRED IT. >HB OROROM. CHATHAM CfWNTY.-Nw tic* la h*r*y *v*n to all p*r*onc hnv 111K d*manda akalnat WIIIMm Duncan, M. !>.. Ini* of aal.l county, !*r*an*d, to prr* a*nt them tn ua. immi— rty ma la out. within Ih* tlm* |>r*acrth*d by law. ao aa to ahow th*!r rharanar amt .mount, and all p*r av.ia l.i.l*l.t*<l to aal.l ,lcc*a**d ara ra il ulr—l lo n.ak* linn,, dial* to ua. Havannah. <M . Doc 29. 19U0. T M (TNNINOIIAM Bit. UKOIUIK J MII.IH. Kxacutoro. (IKOROI A. CHATHAM COUNTY,— Nolle* la h*rby Riven to all iwrnona In t*r*l.-d that the aatat* of> •. S. Harbour, deceaarj. It unr.prra*ntad and that tn trim, of h* law admlnlatratloa will Im> v*at*d In Jordan F. Ilrooka, county a.linlnlatrator, on th* lira. Monday In Jan,airy, next, unl*a* ot.jrctiona are filed thrrato Wllnra., th* Ifonorabl* Hampton L. K*rrlll, onllnary for Chatham county, tltia th* 9uth day of November, 1900 FRANK K Knil.llA<'if. Ci*rlt C. 0.. C. Cos. BTATK OF OKOHOIA, COUNTY OF CHATHAM Nolle* U h*r*by Riven lhat th* ui>d*rrt|t.i*d ha* ai<|>ll*.l to th* Or dinary of Chatham county. Ueorßla. for 1.-avr to aell for th* purfmaea of dtatrtbu tlon. an undivided one-half Inlereat In three ahar*a of Ih* capital atock In tha Aucua.a and Havannah Railroad, aa |>*r .-Willi at* No a.l. dated Jan. I. IMI. la- 4*tl to John Bcr*v*n, auardlan for MU M and Martha R Hcr*v*n; a*id undivkl e.| one-half l.vt*r*at l.ln th* properly of the ratal* of M R Wylly. lat* of ani.S county. d*c*a*d H.M application wilt be heard at the reßtilar term of th* Court of onllnary for aald county, to b* held on th* drat Monday In January. 1901. Thl* 10th day of December. ItW. A. C. WYUUY. JR. Admlnlalrator upon th* Ralale of M. a W'ylly. d*c**a*d. It;.non fr.. if Awarded at Paris / Quina \ /LAROCHE) WINS CORDIAL 1 \ Hiyheaf rtcninmfadiiioM for curt of PoenMta / \ of Blood, Mornich trouble* and Gaaaral Da /# \ bllltr. Iftcraaae* the appetite. atranftbafta M \ ihe rm and build* op lb eatira ayatem .ft •• raw Broot /M \ PARIS / \ K. Vstifprit A Cos. AfsaU, I.V. BRENNAN BROS, WHOt-BSALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc, RtJftav st Hiitfl. wuk IthrmatM. ORANGES. Headqaartera for FINE FLORIDA ORANOCS. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES o, all kinds. SEED RTE. SEED OATS. HAT. GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR, CHEESE. BEANS, Peak Rice Straw, etc. W. D. &i in kins & Cos, 3