The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 31, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Jiljr fflofnino sCc&>£ McraUi hew. Mulldlux savannah. *.v Wr~ - - . -> —gjill,.,a-ljrßar^3r HOUAV, KUIII.II at, lIMHI. E-~ r Jtegl-:*-**! at Ute l-o.iofflce In Batannab s=_ nil. UOKMMi KKM I* pu:4iihl •vary day In the year, and *rveJ t< auhaei tbar* u. tba oil), or e*.-nt b> na., a. m 11BU a itiorun, H .6 fur six nwnlh, aid K V ( r one year. 'I 111. 'lull MM. \t< njr mil., *U t;mea a n~ak (without Sunday Us ie). 4hrt. i ..toa, i. M. ala nurtiliia, D'O. eo M K ■mi \\i:i:kl.V newi two F.u-w a Vn. ..X mday and Thursday) by mal.. toie year J tO. Bubaerlptions piyable In advuoea. R*- tn I b, 100 .t-y urdcr. chn k or reglgtHrad latter. coirar„y aent by mail at tlh of tandei, I Tiati.imt advents* manta, othar turn apacla! *c4uinn, local or reading n itlcaa, • and cheap or want Column, 10 earns a Hue Fourteen llnoa of auata type "quat to ore In h In depth—la th* et.i'drd of mrauremant Contract ra'ao W and dlr> onnta m ido known (it application ht bunnaaa ofll *• Ordeta f. r delivery of the Uowar fl at to ellfcir revldenca or |*laco of burlneea Can b. ma le by m ill or by tele phone No 2! >. Any irregularity In deliv ery should le immediately reported 1-ett.ia and telex r ime should be ad • reeved "MORA IAO Savannah. Da. v UtTUIt omc*. 22 Park Row, Tien Voik city. 11. C. Faulkner. Manager. IN Dll 10 Mil ADVERTISEMESTS. Military Or.tere-Order* No. XI, Irlvh ( tap. r (Ireena. , Special Notk-ea—Suwanee Spring* Wa in. Ship Notice#. Htrachan * Cos., Con ftscerw; Wall Paper. Paper 11 an gtng, im- Vu.a.aa Building ftoppu y Comiaany; Ar.- aaual Conteat. Sovannah Hull* AaWKlatlon. dan 1. Business Notices-Franklin Cigar*; Jle tn Tea; A Ftn-vlr Sieele Idea, Hunter i Van Keoren. Ainuremetita—“Secret Service," nt The ■Wter. Jan. 3. Special Blink- t and Comfort Stile—A! KJogatt e kail Well—Means rurlty. , lateral Not I eta— Notice to TVbtore anti "Creditors, tjinrh B. Rcrevest. iNwasel; INollce to Oebtont and Creditor*. Kstate William I>unuwn. Deceased; Application tor Opening and Bstub;ihnn nt of a New : Public Read L Paper Shell Pet ana—William Girard* an. Idontlcello. Fla. Staamohip Behedule*—Merchant**’ nnd Bllneia' Transportation Company'* Stetitn t fra to Hattlmorc and I’hllo-K lphla. Waablng Powder—Pea Mine. Medical -Ciurtoria. HUBli-tter'* Stomach ' -©liters; Hood * Pills; Hr. Hathuway Company. Cheap Column Advert btemcnin— Help Wanted; hknploy inxil W ut. *>. I r IS*-n:; ! Cor Sale, bat; l'ersostul, Uiflcellancoue. I ""■ : v™' -= I w 'The IVeatbrr, I The Indlcatlona for Georgia to-day are tar fair weather In the western und j.’clearing In the eastern portion; cokler In I South-afft portion. wlcds b, onilny fresh rYtorthwesterly; and for Eastern Florida. ‘*fair weather, much > vlu.-r In the afternoon J (it northern portion, wind* .’►-coming fresh ttorthweateriy. The rumor that Germany Intend* to buy [y the Danish West Indies 1* most likely : wn.y a bear fake, put out to scare the | tolled StMtes into closing a bargain, I, Did John lbs pile of New Jersey pay a tilg.'i price for tit fortune? He went o (he Klondike , where he cleaned up about Vo ,OUU in gold, but during the time his feet were Rosen and both had to be amputated, fie must now go on stumps for the re ' maindur of bis life. The New York Work! Hum* determined to have the full value of the advancement wHI get out of the fact that l-Jdltor Murma worth of London will be Its ed Mor for one day—the first day of the new ’’Vontury—setting forth hi* Idea as to what the twentieth century newspaper should ijw. ■i—SS i .ii Th© Frswrh War Department Is not go 1m to permit a revival of the Dreyfus rose If It can he avoided. A Paris dU ftaich says that the Minister of War wilt complcicly Ignore the letter he received A from Cap’- Dreyfus tin other day. pro ■ tasting his innocence uial asking for u re- IfrUIOU- A statistician has calculated that Eng land* coal supply, at thu prumt rati* of consumption will disappoar In ISMO. Ht -1 fore that time arrive*. however, II la like ly that England will be deriving her heat <mul light from electricity generated by Aha wave* of the ocean, ur In tome other (Banner little thought of to-day. Advice* from the Northwest are to the •Sect that the wheat acreage (or the next crop will be at leant 91 per rent, larger than the acreage tor the lad crop. With ‘good eeusons, this would give at the next itiarveet a record breaking total yield. (Tilt next cotton crop, too, la likely to be w great one. Good price* and low .Block* kiave Induced the Increased acreage*. On the floor of the Stock Exchange of Jclew York for the nine consecutive iteys *ndin, on Sat unlay night last, there were galea of eonalderaldy timre than a million .glan a a day. This record I Hl* never be fltOre been equated. It la to bo hoped that ’this flood of speculation at the close of ifcti* himtesnth century does not mean 'that a spirit of speculation will provjil l®untig the twontloth century. I Before the opening of the groat Chicago sjdraltinpe canul It was claimed by those (Who were opposed to the scheme that the Yvatl amount of water which would flow Hthrough the canal would lower (he level L*o( l*ak Michigan ar.d thus do Imtalcu- Kltbl* damage to many Interest* Certain r-tneasub meat* token a few days ago, com pared with similar mcosuretnenta taken Mon the cotreHion.llng day and month a ■wear before the canal was opened, choir i'rist the lake level Is now, as a matter |ji fact, tig Inches higher than It was Julian the Prat measurements were taken. la n suggested, of course, that the ||yaanai ha- rlsed the lake level, but It 1* Hißiaiaied by the Chicago |>eop!e that th' demonstrate* beyond question ’-anal doe* no*, taku away water ■Mnough •<> **. . .a the *l)*UU.i thv level THREE Nm UTATKI PNOBAVLR. It *©* ms to l>© the opinion in Washlng t*i that three t rritort**. tmm* !y Aiw lu. New Mi<xkro nml Oklahoma with ihn Iruhan Territory, will h* ulmiu**l at **?iif j* at thta of rotiKreva. fien utor* tntrodu*() a bill Into the n day or two iiiro in which It H provkim that nkiah>m4 •*! the li.dun T* rriiory ulmli be admitted mt* on> *ta*e. iioth okl thoina and the Indian Territory h. ha<l u wonderful growth l\irlriK the iit t*i years. Together they ituve u I'.iiMiiatj(* areuter than uny one of eevt'ii tr* n jf the smaller states. At jr*’~ent it i* not apparent what op l>oHtlon there will be to the admiaalon o' .wy one of territorte*. It may !** that the Kcpubliciin* will t* .ikiliul (itliinttiiiK Oklaiioma and the lnlmn Ter ritory aw one state. #<r the rramm that th> sta i- suiiM be If* nn* nil-. Okla ■"fna iit>j(|# %%*■,! r’ liepuiiiiCMll. filtli m l<oih parties In ttialr latest forms in. on record an favor Ina d -miitiiiK tne (t-rritores in ijue.ftion, neith* er lk-mo rst* >or could oh* J*. t to the admission of any one of them witti any d' Kr* of ronlst*i.t y. It ap l* rs to N Ihf under? uuln.c that (he Okuhouiii hl.i wdl he tuken tip First, a Oil If t i.t Is * there will be but littl.* pp*itiofi to the umbltion of ♦ Ifhcr Antons or New Mexico. Arlsoitn h.iN grown in th issl decade four than New Mexico, though the lat ter HtlU has the larger jiapulatlon. Ac ording to tin- returns <klhom. tvlth the liidlun Territory ha a i>ofui.i tlon of pr* ty nearly biO.WO. Arison.i h e population of n tittle mere than fii*l N w Mexico nf aUoit The .kl nil- .t-n of th*- would brliifr the numhi-r of itnti> up to forty-eight. If th*r* la any way to arcumpllth It lh*r Is one thing <*onirrps ougnt to tk>. r.d that Is annex N vada to some om* .f the other statj*. She has not ikjjmj i. < no ugh to m ik‘ ; good Mxed eoun v ty. Ami her |iopuif9cion is atrniiily |e- I lining, it la unjust t*. the other Htates that an Inslgriltb ant state like Nevada should havi representation In the Senate equal to that of the grutest state in th * Union. THE SIOSQI ITO DKTfHnKI). A N* w Jersey man has < oni* to th# defense of bis fi-llow citlxen. th© mu qulto. During the p;©t year or * many eminent iwlentlfio gentlemen have 1.4■•• engigel In giving the mosquito it l*la* k eye, figuratively apcaklng. They have alleged, and quoted all sort© or experi ment* to prove the allegations, that thn muKlcul und pertinacious little ins** t Is not only a nuisance In the way of do tttroykiK sleep and lndu< ing profanity, hut is aolualy the purveyor f rnaLirla. yellow fever and fssitilbly other horrlhlo ills. An Italian professor of great n-fhiwn only recently published n |M|**r In which In* demotistrut***! that th© mosqult** was In r*ulßy an unlmated Incubator of tnu lari.t germs, as well as a p**r-*tstciit squirt* r of thus** germs into the human systeag Get rid of the mosquito, said the ltttllau do* for, und you will get rid of malaria* A Havaniiah doctor. *onmieniing on th© Italian's experiments und con* lu stona. sal*! to u representative of thi* pa|M-r: "Give me fair*- water to drink and pur*' air to breathe, and all of the mosquitoes of New Jersey may bit© me. und 1 wil! not have malaria." The United .States army eurg**ons In Cuba have re cently l**©n investigating the nsiaquito w'ith relation t* th© yellow fever, and It Is reported that they have found the connec tion between them quit© close. It is be lieved that cert am cases of fever have lieen traced directly to inoculation by moaqukoea. Notwithstanding Ihe cx|ert evidence against (lie mosquito a* a deadly enemy of mankind, the New Jersey roan referred to above lias no hesitation In saying that the Insect la a poor. tnullgtied, outraged, benefactor of the human race. It la not •appreciated because It la not understood. In the great ylan of Nature, every living thing was designed lor me good pur pose. What that purpose la. la often dlf llcult to be ascertained—os In the case of the mosquito. The New Jersey man, how ever, lias lived in clone dally communion with the mosquito all of I*hr life, and therefore believes ho hao learned Its se cret. He dot's not pretend to deny the presence of bacilli upon or within (he In sects little combined drill und Mood pump, but he asserts that tho Inoculations made by the mosquito are actually beneficial to the persou bitten. They ore. he saya. preventives of malaria, upon precisely the same principle that vaccination la a pre ventive of smallpox. The mosquito's Wle may deposit u few malaria germs In the blood, and a slight malarious condition may result, but It Is mrly temporary, and serves lo render the bitten Immune to the disease lor tho season. lleyond that, says the New Jersey man, the bite of the mosquito Is a preventive and cure of rheu matism. That he knows from hla own experience. He has seen well-sealed cases of rheumatism cured by, or at hast altar, tales Horn mosquitoes. It Is Impossible to say what the object of the New Jersey man Is In thus cham pioning the cause of the mosquito ugalnal the eminent scientists. It may be that be la a land agent, and lias some swamps and marsh tracts for sale. It may be unit he bus In tuut I the establishment of a great malaria and rheumatism hospi tal, with the mosquito as both doctor and apothecary shop, without coot to the pro moter. Ur It may be that the tu.ui Is merely tndtguuiit -because denixcus of bis native state have been ruthlessly attacked and lor stale pride be wishes to defeud them. Home years ago an arras manufacturing company of Providence, It 1., received from the Turkish government an order for a large number of Martlnl-llenry rules. The order was tilled. But It was not until many years had passed, unci alter the company bail about exhausted ita patience and Its resources lor collec tion, that the Ull was paid. The Cramps probably recall the circumstances ot that order, and that 1* why they have asked lor (OUO.UUO cash In advance on that con tract lor a cruiser for (be Sultan. At last the widow of the victim of a lynching lias managed to secure an In demnity for the loos of her husband, live years ago In Ripley county, Indluna, Wll harts Jenkins was lynched, lit* wifo In stituted suit for damages against the sheriff of the county who bad failed to protect Idm against the mob The bonds own of the sheriff have just effected a compromise with th widow, by which kuj as* to Mr*** THE MOKNINC. NEWS: 3IONPAY. DECEMBER 31. 1900. THi’ t OTTON wil l' liMKAMi. Tlx- cotton wilt dt*ea**. whU h l now knrrnn to occur at several* in tle states of tfoiXh Oirollns, <eorgia. Ala bam*. I'ioruia ard with alarm ingly IneTeasing and structiv# n* s*. has been lnv -*t V.t*d t v the tin' i*'f. il *• *: dtur il department. The nature of Ifw* dlsea;** arvl its ontrol *re embraced in o bulletin of Id* department (No. 27) Just H(orn of tnrlitilcililkfl, the dhe.a-a Is * fungus growth which • ai.* from the Kll. This rrowth gets Into und ohok* • th* glalabi through which the p.ant k le ll* I*Oal and water. Onre i plot of land geis the fun gus inf*etion it ret lin* It nn long as cot ton Is planted on llwl lui.f, #*XC4 jd the noil te properly tr* it*d. isl meanwhilo the area inf* ted steadily grows larger. Tien* are. how*v**r, rortsU) totlors whieh resist th** fungus. If tbeso 4an be oouln <rd. good cro| m miy Is* grown on even In*- tv t4N| ground An ex* dienl kk-a Is la altcmdo crops on Held* In whh’h the *otlon will dl-oaae tan made lt* ii*< araiM-e. <*orn, row peas, at .uk* . watermelon 4, etc., may with Sciif-*ty !*• plnnlccd on much land; but nkri shou.d never b* uw-cl. It may be that ids wid .. i enUrc'ly ellmimto the germs of the- ftu.uus and rure the land. In so far m rot lon I** concern* and. but It will lmfrov II und ut the- e.itre* Urn** giv** < ro|is. Th** government cxp rlni* liters*, ae a lion I* r of fa f. b \** not yet bee n aWe !*>' any m ana to c *jfni*lel* ly cure any tile *'as* I piece of ground. (Vrtaln * xpcrl rn* nte Wiv* been carried on for four years, at Iho end of which period micro e laminations showed the fungus germ still present. In the lack of a epe*r!flc for the disease, the department rrcamnv tab* the tresiment of the bind with lim* an*l various mix lun’s le*for** planting, the rwatton of ■ rops on infe* !*>d ureas, and the selection wh* reve r \* -ible of S h -of cotton that show Krt.aic.-4 re-slstence to the attacks of tha fungus. Fit \N(I. and INDIMi a ril.l*. Ite*('( ntly published statistics of tin* pop i/latioi) f France sliow ttiat the tntaJ surplus of births over df-ath** during tliw le ode from Jan. 1, I<W, to De<*. 21. was only 2XOOO, which numlu r. It Is esti mated, was practically, If not actually, wiiied out by emigration to the French colonies and to oth* r countries. Thus II appear* that France has stool still. In eo far its jßipiii.iiiun i* cunerinml, iw U* iOLst ten > < ars I Miring four years of the ten, as a matter of fact, the dc*ath rate was larger than the birth rate by a total of nearly KW.CWO. The** it was that the* |*olitic4&l (uonomlsln became itlarnu*d. and urged r* me ellal legislation and vari ous reforms. They saw the French na tlou decadent. whUe their hereditary ene mles. the CJe*rngins. were In.-reasing and multiplying in such numbers that their country was becoming too small to hold (hem. Germany. Indeed, baa been forced to look for colonies and other outlets for her teeming and Increasing fiopuliitlon. In the matter of legislation, the* French lawmakers removed many of tho obstacles to marriage. I'rUes wrre* offered for large families, nisi extra taxes have be*en placed upon bachelors. Officers of the army wre now permitted to marry without a ’’dot" from the parents of the bride, whereas heretofore It ha* been required that the bride should bring to her husband an es tate capable of producing a certain an nual revenue, sufficient for the ample support of the family establishment, in addition various reformatory laws have been passed, among them a recent one which abolishes the manufacture and sale of absinthe, and proscribes the dispens ing of certain drugs and drinks except upon the proscription of a licensed physi cian. Meanwhile on Intellectual agita tion has been going on. I&ola has writ ten a novel, ‘UhacoiidU*," In which the problem of the decadence of Prance Is sol forth In bare and terrible fashion. Many persons have condemned the book as unfit to read; but It In a novel with a purpose, and that purpose Is the patri otic one of making men and women hot ter, giving an Improved moral tone to the nation, and preserving and increasing the race. It Is prolmMe that the book has had as much effect for good an any other agency that has been employed to change the trend of events. When a population of 40.000,000 Increase* only 31,000 In n year, as wan the cane In France in ISS3. It Is evidently time for the thinking people of that country lo be stir themselves. Whether the remedial legislation that has been adopted will prova effective, only lime will tell. The last session of the Louisiana la*g- Islature pasaed a hill prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors, under penalty of a fine of fcli* to SkJO for each offense. The paper* of the state report, however, that the law Is practically a dead letter, it Is on the books, and that Is all that can bn sa.d for It. Nobody lays any attention to It, nd any child that has the price can hey all the cigarette* that m.iv l>e de sired. And Ihe use of the little "coffin lacks" is mid to be largely on the In crease since the adoption of the new law The promoter* of Ihe bill no douhl thought that their mere ae of It* passage would Immediately imt a stop lo clgaretls smoking try minors. They were immensely plcured when the bill became a law. and ■ cjolcrd over ih< lr great reform victory. This Is one more Instance showing the wide difference between proposing a re form und actually accomplishing It. Mark Twain recently received an Invita tion to visit Denver, it was from an old friend, and he would have liked very much to accept It, but he wrote In reply: "I would come to see you, but 1 have de cided never ugsirr*lo attempt long Jour ney on land. I like to ride on wialrr. but my over-land Journey* are over.” The genial humorist has reached the slip pered age, when he philosophically Idoks for comfort all of the time. A spirited crusade against cal* Is be ing; waged In Hartford. Conn. There l* an epidemic of diphtheria In that city, ami the opinion ha* become current that the Infection 1* being spread by cat* The people have therefore armed themselves with parlor rifles and other firearms ond an- shooting every cat that comes Into sight. _ Three year* ago a prisoner of (he name of Poet escaped from the Ludlow street Jail tn New York. Prom that time up to a day or two ago detective* were hunt ing him; then It was learned that he had been dead and burled for nearly two year* and a half. It Isn't often that offi cers chasa a man so long after bola In ,lhj BMW ’ ft^N, A writer In th** January Atlantic Month ly, in dlsruto'ing the* of ’The Tiroo-Ppirlt of tho Twentieth Century.” pays: “How we* hustbd the poor plintsd. formal, withered old e!ghte* rwh century oejt of th© nether gate! sm thing its Idols, tippling over Its altars, tearing flown Its tarnished hangings of royalty from the wall*, and l un*fling Its poor nniiqu t- I furniture of authority ou: of th* win dow.” In reference to woman, the writer says: “Woman caught her breath und lifted up her arms. The sui*ertltlou • Asl itic curse !lx(*e upon he r by the ClMirt was scornfully laughed away. Hhe* up free as the- kixr.iii, woman again fne* lo lu? proud of her se x. fre*** to we-d wh* re *h* chose, frro to claim as her own th** ■ luld for whom she had travail**! te give it life.” The freedom she- gained with the* going out of th© eighteenth century has Is *-ii igr*-ally Increase*! eluring the cen tury row closing wllh the g>ing out of the nineteenth century wo have th* "n-w woman”—a woman who thinks for herself, acts for herself anel. in many of tho avenues of e*mpioyment, I* standing •thoulil* r to sheAiUie-r with man battling for bre*jul And she is showing herndf • <iual to the reciulreme nis of her new position. Bo great has been her advance ment In almost every field of cn le-avot hat there Is some* ground for wondering whether she will not be* the real leader In tin- world's uffairs at <ho end of the twMiileth century. The prestigious growth of the United -States during the past century Is best shown by cim|*arlson with the growth o( other eountrles. A calculation by an au thority shows that the increusc in popu lation In this country for the* hundred years has been 1.12 b |rr cent. The ln ereaseie of the principal countries of Eu rope- are* as follows: Ruasl.i, 174 per cent.*. Untied Kingelom. 15> per cent.; Germany, 145 per cent, and France VI per cent. It appears now that th© only man likely to win a military reputation out of the current South African trouble* Is tie Wet. .\l••anwhile several reputations won else where tire l*e?lng buried in South Africa, honl Kit Wiener's may b** among them be fore the end. PKHMri % 1.. —The German Kmperor was at Letz hlngcti when the census was taken. I’h .b-i 4 he heading "Profession," he arrow "German Kmperor, King of Prussia. The card has law framed and preserved, a certified copy being sent to the census headquarters. —Mr*, ilenton Harrison, the novelist, has son. Francis Iturton Harrison, taking a post-graduate course In English .If Yale. This young man announces hi* Intention of writing a hl.-tory of th. War of the Rebellion from a Confederate view point. his father having been Jefferson Dav'ls' private secretary. —Miss Beatrice liarraden, the novelist, who was recently severely Injured while mountaineering In Norway, has returned to England, and Is rapidly recovering. Htx- found while In Norway that the Nor wegian translnior of her first novel had otr.lted Its lass chapter, saying that thus the story was much improved. —Rev. Frank A. Gregory, son of the dean of St. J*Hiit’. London. Is Ihe oldest missionary of the Society for the Prop agation of the Gospel In Madagascar, where he has been for the past twenty six years. He has Just received the Cross of the legion of Honor a* a recog nition of his services to the natives and French soldiers of that Island. Illllt.llP HITS. —Angelina—"That was a lovely engage nisni ring you gave mo last night, dear; but whut do these Initials ’E. CV mean on rhe Inside’" Edwin—"Why—er—that IS -don't you know? Thafs th.- new way of stamping eighteen carats!’’—Tit-11.;s. —As on Accommodation.—" Are you going to hang up your stocking on Christ mas eve?" asked the boy’s uncle, patron ising.y. "1 suppose so," answered th • modern child. Mill more patronising!; "Father and mother seem to exiwet that sort of thing uis.l It would be a pity to disappoint them."— Washington Star. —The Craxc.—"Sir—you remember that county-fair premium-list I got out when wc were not living so well us we aro now ?" asked the successful author. "Yes. dear," anewertsl his wife. "What of It?” “I want to know tf you have a copy of It among your keepsakes. I have Just reoelved an offer, with a good bit of money In It, for the dramatic rights.”— Indianapolis Press. —Fouled Again.—“l can't understand It at all.’* soliloquised the bank press lent. after the trusted cashier had departed for torts unknown. "Hr was u good fel low. smokisl, could take a drink when neoassary, and never attended church ex cept when forced lo by tils wife. Who would have suspected such a man was leading a double life find was suihtlii tendrnt of a Sunday School In Brooklyn? Nobody, I say Puck. t I It IIP. NT t (111 MIC.NT. The St. lamis Republic (firm ) says: •Senator II anna la doggedly resolved upon crmprlllng the passage of this syndi cate subsidy grab. In which he and hi* friends of the monopoly cult are so deep ly Interested. He did not anticipate any such vigorous resistance to his will na has developed In the present Congress. Huch resistance has angered him beyond measure. It will be characteristic of the burly boss to saddle the coat of an extra congressional session on the coun'ry rath er limn be thwarted of hi* desire. And that Hanna has the power to do as he Is reported to have threatened no one who Is familiar with the situation at Wash ington will be Inclined to doubt." The Springfield (Mass) Republican (Ind.) says: "A Western paper tins gath ered statistics of gifts to educational In stitutions. churches, libraries, art mu st urns and charities in the United States the past year, and flnda them to reach the total of f6O.JM.OJI>. Compared with the wealth of the country, that Is very smoll. Our people are really more generous. Most of the giving Is unostentatious and Is never heard of. What th* poor give to each other aggregates no small sum year In und year out." The Chicago Record (Ind.) says: "Self sustaining. ami with abundant resource* for a heavy export trade, the United gtate* Is acquiring a commercial Import ance the limits of which may not yet be discerned. It may be questioned wheth er the aiqiearanee of the United Blabs In the arena as the leader In the great commercial struggle of the nations may not b the moot slgnlllcant aspect of con ditions at the opening of the new cen tury." The Philadelphia Record (Dem) says: •• 'Principles live.' Mr. Rryart sententious, ly observes. Me m.ght have aa.lcu 'Prices change.' and 'ratios are Incon stant.' The trouble with Mr. Bryan has been that he has undertaken to pass oft upon the people of the United (bates a mercantile problem as a basis of political ' off - SubstllMle for MMchlug l*osf. There wn* no hit* lung |a>t near by. so he drove his horse up to the rear of a big produe e wagon and tie*d 11, says ih* Buffalo Express. The wagon was t o large* to l>e* dragged away ae*retly, h*!, and. moreover, th** two w hich were attache J 4o it were §* urely th<! to un Iron prt. When Farmer William Barg* r of Oar dcnvtiie had done that h* felt that it w o l* rf* *-fly *.fe fur him o r •Us i- t lo the* Chippewa m*tk*t and remain th* • It didn’t occur to him that p rch inc* Hcaben J Putnam, the* owner of ih** pro due* wagon, might de* klc to drlv* away M*lor<* li** returned It happen* *1 tha* He-uln-n did. He and his brother fii h* ! 4heir business on th** nwrk**i .*iout 1 o'clock in the ft*rnon. rtossce! Ellice)? ' up and start*tl for Wil • n by way of Delaware avnu* and Tonw.n*l Tin ir view to the* rear was obstructed by > heap of lioxfe and barrels, but had it rot been It Is probable that Farmer I**r-'r v horse would nt have* been ohs* rv'*i. ** - < ause the Uutnam brother bad th! ’ rn<>mefitoi. * to talk alu* Wh u V reached a point on Delaware avenue about i mile* and a half bey t I th* city line John Putnam said to his brother: "Hsulmhi,” said lie, “have you roll e* I that rig Juf abaft >f us?" Iteuben whirled around and saw the* top of ?he* buggy "Well," rt-sum* 1 John. "I've N-e*n a-no tlcln* It n>w for some tin . or' it i** u llar. Stop your team and I'll tw-t ih rig'll stop too ” Reuben <lrer. p on the lln*s. aial Mire enough, th© buggy to the r< ar rime* to a halt. "There!” said he. with a sparkle of iriumpb sim! alarm in his e y* of course. It may I**- all right and nil that, hut I say It's worth Investigatin'. IV been a-lo*ktn’ at it sum* time .in' e*v**rv llm** we slow up that slow* up.” The brothers ge*t out to look, nnd gr* a w* their dismay to a* e* that th** ve-hl l*- was unoccupied and that the horse's head was attached to the barklMi.ird of th* wagon. The two look*-*! at e-.ich other !n sheer astonishment. John shook his head Ills manrer U*s|*<*k* auspicious too base to uttei "Bfieak. John." Imploresi Reuben, "and you really think I—?” ”It’a queer; that a nil.” Interrupted John. "You say you didn't tmtlce it till I spoke n> you a moment ago?” Heuben's eyes filleel with t- ars and he thought of hi* wife and e hildre-ii an*l the* minister In Wllaon. "There Is but one thing to be done." sab! John, Vand that is to tak* it lw k whe re >ou got it.” A direct charge* was more than th-* honest Reuben could stand, and his ipt- h for a minute or two was not character ised exclusively by tho sweetest-sounding words in the language*. Hut when lie nn ish* *l John was oonvine e* l that all Is not gold that shines and that mistakes can happen. H uhen left his brother nt a road-hous** anel drove all the way hack to the city t< explain things. He went directly lo po lice station No. 3 and sorrow !y apo log lx *t for his a I >parent carelessness. In tin* station house he ©noountercsl Farmer Bar ger, who was on loud bunt for his bore© and who had u few suspi ions of his own. But Reuben was overjoyed to hear his solution of th* mystery, and cs he t-iimbe and up on his big wagon and (old his ste eds to start for Wilson, h*- ©aid. re gretfully: "If John could only have beM*n here to hear it!” Mic Was hot to He Itaucoed. Some time ago an elderly married couple, who had spent the greater tsirt of their lives in a village In Derbyshire, made up Ihelr minds to take a Journey to London, say* un exchange. They received plenty of advice from their neighbors ulsmt liow th y were to take rare of themselves, und especially to be careful of the London sharper. To save expense, they decided to go by one of the cheap trips that started from a neighboring town. They got safely off. snd nil went well till the train reached Bedford, at which place R stopped a few minute-. The old man, thinking he had plenty of time, went to the refreshment bar to get a glass of beer, and he was so flustered by the crowd that he did tho very thing he was afraid of—got left behind. An ex press train being due. however, In a few minutes, (lie station master kindly al lowed him to go by It, and he thus enabled to reach London twenty minute* before his wife. He was eagerly on the look-out when Ihe tripper* arrived, and seeing his wife, he rushed up lo her. shouting: "HI, Hetty, I'm glad to see ye agean. I thouftht we wor parted forever!” Belly looked at him Indignantly, and, remembering the udvtce of her country neighbors. Said: "Away wT ye, man. Don't bo cornin’ yer I.unnon tricks wT me. I left my owil man at t’olher station. If ycr don’t he off at once. I’ll call a bobby und hue ycr locked up.” When tiueen Victoria Sung for Mr ndelssohn. Mendelssohn was at Buckingham Pal ace In IM2, and, of course, there was music, *>■* the Sunday Magaz n*. A fa vorite song of the Queen’s was ’’ltaly,” which apt* ared In Mendelssohn’* first took of songs. "She sang II most beauti fully In tune, strictly In lime, and phras ed It charmingly.” Mendelssohn hus told us, "but where it goes down to D natural, followed by D sharp, she sang both notes D sharp! With this exception It was really delightful, uiid 1 have not heard the last k'tig G sung by ai.y amateur with such ease ansi In such perfect time ” On Mendelssohn on the same occasam pressing Her Majesty to sing one of his own songs, Ihe Queen mid that "If I would give her plenty of help she would willingly do so " Just as she was about to sing she exclaimed: "But the parrot must go out of the room first, or he will screech louder than I cun sing" "She sang The I‘llgrlm’s Hong.’ ” continues Mendelssohn, "really quite fanlllessl and with beautiful feeling ami expression, t praised her very heartily and wllh the best conscience In th world, for that phrase near the end having the long-sus tained C she sang so well. Joining Ihe P lo the three following notes—all In one breath, as one rarely hear* tt done -thot It highly amused me that she herscll rhould have spoken about the very long breath It required" "Oh. If f had nut been SO frightened!" said the Queen. The Doctor's Pee. A rich man. well known for hi* ex treme stlnglneas. drove up hurriedly In his carriage to the door of n celebrated doc tor. says an exchange. He was In a slate of acute discomfort and fear, because a piece of flshhonc was sticking somewhere in the region of his throat. The doctor speedily removed the dangerous obstacle and (he man breathed freely. "Thank yon. doctor!** he exclaimed, much relieved. ‘Til never eat salmon again—never! And with what ease you removed ll—a mere minute's operation, was It not? How much—-as—what Is your fee?" "Two dollars." replied I)r B . "To dollars!" exclaimed the gentleman “for hall a minute's work! linponslM. ' • t Ii man bone!" • What lias that gut to do with Hr* "Oh, a great deal.” replied l>r. n "Had It teen a halibut or fresh haddock I should have charged less—perhaps i dollar; cpdrisn or eels, 80 cents would have ooen atniir payment; mackerel a quar ter; while a red herring hone 1 mu at even have removed free of charge; but salmon at this time of the year—well, really, sir, one has to pay for these lux ***s - - .‘-taJE* itku* of i vn:Ri-:*T. —Th* |>.>wer that drives th© presses main vitit. :i Ih Ilßff 110 K*l>rr tm i.Motol i-.ctrtcU) bruutihl by wire fruin Nt agam Ii l liti K.itiatlo* ahow that Ml .Igan now I. 1 thv work! In th*' pruJurtlon ol I -an-. New York *t*U' lon* lieM ttrat I'.aov -.Mr. M .ry of Fort Hamilton, N. Y . kin* tit.—l u potltlon praying the iu rl (o enjoin her m from rourttii* a ~ir >iiur.K wuni.n who live* In u i’."ar -0) town. —On*' of the bti.leat men In Kann * * I* Ellhu W.'bater of Coman,he county. He i, unYer tiomt hiir*d with felony ha. . , i,:tj*he*l by eredltora. has 1.-en mine,l,' t into th.- b.*nkrup*'ty court iikl is tl* fi-nUitiK a *llvor ■■ eult. Nine i.*mlll*, embracing forty-four piraona In all, have i*t.irte*t from thr .hbo *hj4 of Olebolt, lu.. for Okla they win take UP farm land. Ul w.r. pn-(.Ton farm people In lowa. . i ii In that mate in order to *o where land !' cheaper. [*r Bruce H.iUtead of th*' Tcaae Srate l of.' ; 1;y ha cone to Mexico to pui-ue ii.. Imirtant ai harologloal Inveßtl-a- H, wlil a iso vlalt Ihe ancient rotoß , i... fuiin l on Table mountain. In the • it.- of Nuevo la-on. where brlKaixle are I lo have burl*.l a vaat amount of In.taurc many years ago. I'h. Uu-'.-ian navy will have the ,I vai.t.nie of a hn* b* I of coal, which I *a r, . ml) l n <ll ov**r*-*l ala place cal and ii, h usk, in the t'au .iaus, .wily a t w mb. ill- aut from the sea. Th*- coal t- Ml ,l „*,r un area of thirty mile* sad , i | |a •.* of the •> -- trie is Inv* sllgattsl Is caUmattd al ah it ra.ouu.uub tons. ~A J King, recently e lected prosecuti g attorney of Vi rnon county. Missouri, fi y hay* 1.. teniduel a l iwsuil ag in**t blmse f. Wo*-n , oui:t > re.-.'order b* was sued by l c outity lor |l * which it was * klm <1 h. ow*d th* county on fees iWlected 1 i,ot turned in. The < as*- has l* **n in mat Ircult court?* and has been fr©i tur a r hearing Jan. 2. Frank D* verett of the United Slat s x*-**l.glcal survey h- been in the nlg! - *orhooe of Ann Arbor. Mich., for six months making a study of rurfnee geo*- raphy for the g*vernment. He finds tha? tii. >ite of Ypsilanti was at one lime h Itoltom of lake , whk h was connecteei with an Immense* stretch of water, Inolud Ing Lakes Huron un*l Erie. —A terrific storm—the si roc o—recently swept across the* Mediterranean from the p.ihara Ih - seamen beiunging to th* >*-r liavt-n of Inde>n re;ort that showers at mud fell on th*- deck of that ves.-*-l. rierne- years age. during a. le-inpcst, sDoai i- of fine saiiti e arn*- from the Sa hara anel fell evil the flat foots of the hoii-*; uiii 4he decks of the vessels in the vi Inlly of Naples. —Leaders of the n.illonul party In Mas sachusetts hat* organised a club In Bos ton, with Moot field Storey n* president. The purpose of the oritanliatlon Is de dared to be “raising and maintaining tin* standard of got eminent. oigmstng the ring, the* boss and the spoils system In federal, state uml municipal politics, and uphokllng the Ideal- on which our repre sentative government Is founded." —The Court of Apwals nt Albany, N. V*., hold* that u tired car conductor has the b> eject a isi-*nger who Insists on Mundmv on the platform. Kiwi**! W. Montgomery, suffering from a violent headache, came* outside hoping for re lief In the fresh sir. The condo* tor pul him off after -.une argument. Montgom ery sutel amt obtained a verdict for |tio damages*, but this de udnn was reversed on appeal to the higher court. —John Bowen, a prisoner who wis taken *: k In the Marinette county, Wis consin, Jail with what was thought to be *nioll|a>x, has gun* Insane. It Is su|i l-**l thut th* worry und fear lndu***l by the Mi.-pleloua character of his ailment unhing'd his mind. After he had bean tsoiuiiei for several days it was found that It was only u rush that he wis -uff* rtng with. He soon recovered, but has sin**- become violently inonue. —A recruiting officer who was In low i recently says that the perceniogo of mn ur.-opted m that Mato on offering them selves ror army service Is considerably above tin* average found In any other ‘tale. Enlistment* in lowa are Largely from the f trm* u:*i the vnet majority of young fellow* offering themselves ar* young, strong and hardy. Then again, their Inielligence is much higher than in m " ! "Iher Mat. *, and Hits m ikes them still belter material. —The position of the United States In world polities at the dose of the nine, benlh century Is very different from Its position at the end of the eighteenth, as Indicated I y the following lines from "The Boston Ccntled” of April LI, The Alls— France lights nil. Britain pays all. Ilusstu threaten* nil. I’rtissla humbugs all Hwltarrlaml Is nearly plundered by ah Sliln docs nothing at all. Gi l many thinks Itself all In all. Tli. frilled States is *|K>llated by all. And. lest destruction should come upon all. May Heaven have mercy upon n* alt. Amen. —The cruiser Olympia, which Is under going nl>out tSW.COO worth of repairs at Boston, will Have i'ne finest ngureheu.l In tm service. It will la- partly ,i,- Hon of tie classic stntui, "The Winged Victory,” cast In l.ronxr. The figurehead and scroll will contain about ? ufx> pounds •if bronsc. The flgur.-plecc, which will la life else, represents a heroic young wo man in flowing drapery bolding over her head nil eagle .it- ait to take flight. The w.ngs of "\ iclory" are thrown lack against the side* of the prow. Her feet rest upon :i shoal of dolphins The llkurehead from the pedestal to the rag!.'* head will nnasuie ahout seven f* '■* 8< roll work containing the nutlooal • ' it of arms on either side will run nft and underneath the haw-c pt|*-s about I.’ feet. When th. whole ornament Is put In plat - .' It will be isiinted anil gilded. —lt will grieve. If It will not dishearten the Prohibitionists to learn that the past year bits been a very busy and a very profitable one for the dealers In whisky. "The old y. ar has been parti ularly bright for (hem.” to quote from the Louisville Courier-Journal, printed In u whisky cen ter M tny have had the lest business of their career*, and It Is said that all will iK-gln anew ledger with n handsonn profit on the right title of the old " Bach an swer* os "we have not had -neb u bus iness during our career;" "our business has Inrr ti-el Its) per cent, during the ln*t twelve months." "the largest year we have had since the panic of last ■• "our warehouses nr.- almost stripped of whlsgv,” have been received In answer to leters of Inqunry sent to whisky-dealers In Kentucky and other states Kvery lobMng-house In Louisville with hut one or (wo exceptions, is doing a rut tlonnl business and they have traveling s.lesm. n on the road covering territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Groat Lakes to the Gulf. This I* only Iruc of three other cities in the country. Cincinnati, New 'fork ,nd Chi “■* i" ™ n -'"' ,n *•• the large sale of whisky this year there are many ru nc rs all. at r. yarding the output by tho tni*t during th‘ current n whii the trust I. only running a f.w ho U s£ now. It is said that U will Mart tiols ear ly In the new year, and will j U n i them aißieir ml had. ij LULff HOP! fit HD C. 8 l U lIiUKUI U. For 110 of Hop. Montgomery,, bolt. Cattle Fark and West l.nd. I>aUy except Sundays. Subject lu chakg, without noilca. I SDK OF HOPK. Dv. City for I. of H , Dv lsl of Hops 6), am from T*-nili 00 m for Bolton 7SO am from Tooth (JO ora for Towh *k> am from Tenth 70u am for Tenth tli am from Holton gOO am for Tenth 10 SO am from Tenth jlO uu am for Tenth 12 <# n'n from Tenth jU ou am for Bolton 1 li pm from Bolton .11 S) am for Tenth 2SO pm from Tenth j 2 00 pm for Tenth 220 pm from Taoth j 2 *u pm for lloltoc *SO pm from Tenth j 200 pin for Tenth S If. i*i. from Holton ! i3O pm from Tenth | 400 pm for Tenth S3O pm from Tenth | iOO pm for Tentn ISO pin from Tenth j 700 |>m for Tenth g3O pm from Tenth | gOO pm for Tenth SO pm trv>m Tenth jtltipm for Tenth 10 Jo pm fioiu Tenth jlO Ou pm for Tenth MtiNTGGMI.It Y. Lv city for Mon* ry.| Dv. Moo t.corner y ~ S3O am Irum Tenth | 7 li .m for Tenth 33u pin from Tenth |lU|>o for Tenth kSJ pm from Tenth | 600 pin tor Tenth CATTLi: I'AKk. Lv _ c *t>' fur Cat.l atk| Lv. Chitie l*ark~ i J am from Bolton | 7 OU am for Bolton 7 SO am iron* iioiton | g uu om lor Bolton 1 U 0 pm from Boilou | 1 30 pm lor Bolton 2 SO put from Bolton j 3 00 pm for Bolton 7 0* pm fiuui Bolton j 7 so pm for Button a 00 pm from Bolton | g m pm for Bolton THL'NDBHBgBT Cor leayrea Bolton alteet junction 5.3 J a. tn and every thirty minutes thereafter until U;3up. m Car leaves Thunderbolt nt 6:00 a. m and every thirty minutes thereaftar until i: 00 midnight, for Bolton street Junc tion. l RBIOHT AND FARCED CAR. This ear earrlea trailer for passenger* on all tripe and leaves cast ride of city market for Is:*' of Hope. Thunderbolt and all tntertn*-<iiat<> points at 0:00 a. m 1 O' p m . 500 p m I.eave* I Is of Hop* for Thunderbolt, City Market arul all Intermediate point. s' J 00 a. rn , 11 00 a. m.. 2 40 p. n. Irnr end i'ak Car leaves west side of city market fer West F.nd 6-00 a m and every 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 11.30 p. tn Leave* West End nt 6:30 a m. and ni tty 40 minutes thereafter during the day until !2;00 < "clock midnight H M. LOFTON Oen Manager. Mercltoitis S Miners Fransuorioiion Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia l'lckt-U on Sale to Ail Points North az. l Wat. First-rlasa tlcketft include meals and >rtht Savannah lu Baltimore and Phlla- Uiphta. Acconunodatious und culxino ine-qualcd Th© steamships of (his company ar© ap pointed to sal) from Bavnnnah as follows (Central Standard Tim©): TO MALT I*ol*l2. CHATHAM. Capt. Esster, TUESDAY, Jan. 1. 2 to |. m TEXAS. Capt. i:idrc*lcr©, THURSDAY. J in. 3. 4:> p ni. t 11 MI LEEK, Capt P©t©rs. SATT’R DAY. Jan. 5. € 30 p. m. ITASCA. Capt. Billups. TUESDAY. Jsn. 4, S:00 |. m. TO I*lll LAOF.LPHI A. BFsRKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan, WEDNES DAY. Jan 2. 3:30 |>. m ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster, MONDAY, Jan. 7. 7 80 p. m. BERKIIHIBF. ru Ryan, FRIDAY, Jan. 11, 10:00 a. m. Tickst office .No 112 Bull street. J. J. CAIIOLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agt. H tvur.nah. Ga. W. P. TURNER. O. P A A. D. BTERRINB. A T M. I. C. WHITNEY. Tr iffi.' Manager. OcncraJ Offices. BxHlmore, Md. It never hia cost over S9ff P© year Th© wverng© coat for th© last 17 yarn baa hwn m trll© over f7.oh t>©r yenr. L H b THU BEST and the largest acci dent insurance cui|-nation (or Cummai clal 1 avelcrs In the work). We have a memlsrshlp of over ifl .in. We have a re serve urel of over IH.Ymq. N*. commercial travelir can . ff.jr.l t . I.e without the pro tection w. give nim. Write the Secretary, who (111 eh*, rfully give all Information II D. 'IXLEY, EDWARD TREVBTT, Presllent. 8c St Treas. ! argent's Gem Food <Chopper Chops food fbotli cooked and uncookc a nd, reduces kitchen drudgery, lessens house!mid labor. Takes the place of chopping Cowl and knife; useful isrsrsj? Mars* Lend s Saw Saramsk. MINGLEDORFF & CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS Ami BOILERMAKERS. Telephone ill, SIA Indian greet, Bavannah. Oa. J. D. WEED ft CO UtAJUIg, OA. Leather Betting, Stum Packing & Hose Agsnts tag MEW YORK KUltMth bl-tlvg and packing ctiurss - ,F YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL * nd work, trder your lit hogra idled and printed *1 *t inner y and blank books frsm