The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 31, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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JEWISH ORTHODOXY ■ 4iii.%' niHimn nv dk. *' " ii p. p ERf 'ANENT SYNOD NEEDED JinilfM 1% xix fOIVTRWs t| IV UK THK SAW. i|t ~f (nion of llffornitil ( nn* |fMM in hi Hlrhm>nl Or If I <*4arl. . i,|. ii of Jrwlh Nat ftottnllty ,! i.n tertalncd—The <lP4Muton , |||. n ulwl MrrUim of (he I lou |hl . uriliodoA Hcbrcwr (oiisrrgii. Hun*. l>ec. >.—The biennial meet- I nlon of Orthodox Hebrew was held to-day in this* ity. , , „• wdn atteuded by rtpresvntu , ninrtty-alx orthodox congregu i, 11 *, l H ll u •* n and ' • was organised two and a half . for the purpose of advancing .{ if positive Biblical rabbtnl , i -torleal Judaism It was the , n r fho meeting to tak** mi h ...h t - y could for the advancement p • .-*ta of the creed. |; v If. I*. M elide*, president. made , !..• address. If** said. In |art: .v, rs'#*r from reform Jaws In our In of tHir holy book combined with i„ the principles of obedience to I rulings, which shall not tg* I ev •pt by the best attainabl# iti >i experts. And perh4*s we dlf ,.in konu- upholders of one form of ~ „ x JUtlaiMl). which to US seems to r ,,, 4 permanent council to regard th#* of our r. i*fHm l’> d* J *A - i •> iii response to nw conditions, ,v a frequently arise, ,-vtr of reform Judalm Is that - ore made frequently by m* n who w ..i , laim to be experts. The stnnlard i. irnitiK among the oilier ministers was high, but among the younger ones w have received their Hebrew educa iah in this country only, the standard Js not ao us It should be. Kven lay • . i aa trustee* of congregations, pre . .m* to Introduce Innovations. and the and result of this !s th* *o* Individ* ih*y carry the principle of liberty o ilo as they please Into their hom* , ii. rsutial lives. The Jewish fea • ;r*s of orthodoxy are gradually omitted ar.d sooner or later nothing Jewish re mains. Thi necessity of a synod that should it i*. rnwinent body anti composed of i* |. illative* from all i*rtx of the w • I no that Judaism In ono country v. i it the s;m- ns Judaism in another wntry, becomes apparent when we read , th* action taken by the eighteenth ..h 11 of tn* I’nlon t*f American Reform- ii- Sr, w Congregations, held in Rich* m *.l -ii December of last year. At that .. a (hey adopted resolutions dec la r • t..*r ‘the Jewo are not a nation. Am* r - •nr Zion.* Against such a radl l • re from the teaching* of Jeremiah v. t emphatically protest, for suc h • misrepresentation* of Judaism m l id. . will mislead many Hebrews a* well a; many of otir ne|ghl*ors of an . < : ii!h. by causing them to ladleve t t w.- no longer entertain the Ideal of a. i nationality.’* Dr M.ndes said that many J*ws are tii with such tkvorces a* they eon *• Main from the civil courts of the coun- Thls, with the custom of widow* marrying the brothers of their decease*! husbands, and of the Intermarriage *f J* ws and Gentiles, he ilenounced as be ll.*,' inimical to the intercuts of Judaism 1 >r. Mendes referral to correspondence which he had hud with Beth I*>w of the American Peace Commission 1o The Hague, concerning the proposed action t the pear.* e*#nfer*-nce in rotMS'tion with t le Geneva Red Cross Convention. The I tter to Beth Ism and another to the r resident of the Fnited States Were In • ration to the substitution of n not her • rnMem than the Red Cross for Jewish pt \ sic tana, surgeons, orderlies, etc., who t ul . onsetentious scruples against wear ii c what Is an emblem associated with *• religion whose kx*trines are antagonist i to their own. T.ow n plied that the cmmiulon do what they could to carry the Idea into effect, end ‘the PrcfMmt replied, ay lug th* matter had been brought to the attention of the Becretary of Hfate. The following resolutions wore adopted "That a committee be appoirthd to form unions for the purpose of the ytuing In faigllsh. “Thwt on the ev* of ail Jewish festivals aiKl holidays, an explanation of the aU'- ntficance of the same he sent to the Asso ciated Pr****. together with a request Ihs they publish the same "Thai the R*eitfve OMMfilttsi' take Mich steps ns they may deem advisable t" further Sablmth observance. That a committee be appointed to communicate with the national govern nu nt ~| Washington, asking them to pro 'i l* chaplalms In the United thatea army and n ivy to minister *o the religious In f’truction of the Hebrews in that bran h of th. public service." ‘ electeil for 19fl |nclule Rev. Dr. Mendea, president; Reo r D. K. Bole. Mon treal; 1,. N\ Dlthlts. bOUiRvDIr; Dr. A. DrUdenwall of Raltimore and I>r K. 11. Burusch of New York, vice presidents. 111 It %>1 IIIIH HniCK DKAD. Wan l,aat of Ihr Three Founders of Fifth Avfnne lintel. Now York. Pec. SO.—Hiram Hitchcock, the lust of the founders of the Fifth Ave nue Hotel, <lled at the hotel thl* morning, after a few day* 1 Illness, from pneumonia. The deceased was born In Clare mot; t. M. if . A ll if. ST. 1X32. 11l ISSH. with Alfred Tl. Parllnit ahd Paran Stevens. Mr. Illtch . ock founded the Fifth Avenue Hotel, end with the exception of a few yearn spent abroad, has lived continuously In li and been actively engaged In the man agement. In ISS6 his health falleil and Mr. Hitchcock was forced to relinquish *he active management of the hotel. FIVK WHIR INJURED Parlor tor To>i|les Over at Mender son. Kf. Henderson, Ky., I)cc. *V— I Train No. It on the Henderson road was wrecked two miles east of this city this afternoon and live persons seriously injured. AH the Injures! were In the parlor car. which left the rails and toppled over on fls aide. About fifteen passengers occu pied the coach ahead of the parlor car. all of whom were more or less Injured. TWO KkP.I ATOM ACCIDENT*. • saa—is— Two Wen Instantly Killed by Fall ing Tlirmiah Elevator afinfta. Claraland. 0.. Deo. SO —Two frightful elevator accident* occurred hero thla morning within five mlnutea In buildings only e short distance from each other. Sydney Hamm of lamdon. Ont., stepped Into an open shaft and fell six stories, and Ralph Spellman, aged 19. fell nine stories. Moth were Instantly killed. ROOSEVELT TO MEN. <<’onUtmvl from Kirt t*ae.) hWp to lii an.uiti< ul 4bwUu Ut ,n„. that at, their .Ktreme ot>{M,itee. Wo.- to uns U Dalton If •< ev.-r follow the | M i t o, m.-n who seek ism to m..!i,er tmt „ tliflsme the wild tn-.m (loottile, of the tiuman li.-irt’ In Metal and Industrial nu l, '“ h n I" pOlMo* reform . . do hcolthv work, work ttl for a fre. ,oun try. tit for aolf-aovemtnir dene. racy, only by trradlJi,' In the loot steps ..f \\ .hti t*m. .111(1 t ranklln Adama. anil t'otn -a Henry, and not In the *le|w of Marat ltd Rob* pit rtv. The tnie < % hii*tlan is the trip* cltlaen. loftv of purpose, resolute in entleavor, ready for a hm>'n deeds, hut never look ing dewi on his task b* aue* it b .t in the day of small things s<x>mful of basenaas awake to his own duties ns well as to his rights, following the higher law with r\tr*ii , and tn thl* worl<l doing all that In him lies, so that when death ooinag h. i , f... (hat numidfid la in degr.. letter because h- has lived, iioben I Sp-t r. lay se< retary of the Pte-diyt. n.e. lUuird of Foreign Mission*, tiMidc the onduding atblress. woman’Fposition. Hell Caine l'la*es inirrlcnn Women Ml tile llend of the |,|st tn Mod ern iibinrvmrnt. Chllllcothe, Mo.. Dec. Yi Hull Cnin*. t. th* S.* r o*i-~ n lo il woman's üb, Uf*)*r date of Oreba <*nstle. Isle if Man. Iw k, ssye When on<* cottekler* what the position of woman hsh. even in the most rlvMlX'%l HintrltUS recently as ore tmii,ir*-l years ago. and hw # high n place she hit now won for herself, not only In the ► vtuf* looks of nations, but In the re- I’Ublio of irt, twit* cannot but feel that tne Chang* is even more remarkable than *ome #f the material developments which have distinguishes! th* century. "Speaking s one who hi? seen life n many countries. | feel that it is within e truth t*> say that the position of wo man is higher In Am* rl a than in anv •thc*r part of the worbl For this re sult American women hav*. no doubt, to 1 nk their own natural gifts and great irlc|H ndenne of mind, lait they hnv* also, I thli.k to be grateful to the spl* ndtd chivalry in the other sex. which 1“ where mtare conspicuous than in the best type of American gentleman." JEFFRIES’ HEADQUARTERS. Ilrndy to Open I p In ( Inelnnntl This Meek—Jrfrira tu 4* In lYsis- In* Neat \\ eek. Cincinnati, l>e< to It is announced that E 1 ("esak. us the representative of M.ina g r William A. Ilrwdy. will to* here to open up Jeffries’ headquarters this week anti that Jeffries is expected to go Into training at West Baden. Irul . next we*k Crus lie-n*ih Is trying to m.ik*- a match for the preliminary' of the Jcffries-Huhlin fight here Fob. IS OCEAN I.INF.MV RACE. New York nnl Etruria Kept ( *mpu ny for Tlirt-e Days. New York. l>ec Y -Tbe American Line st. im**r N* w York and the ( % unard Line steamer Etruria, the fortn*>r from Ckxitlv nmpton and Cherbourg, the latter from Liverpool an*i Qu**-twWown. arrived late last night at quarantine. For thr*** days the steamers were In company, and an In teresting rnce was nffonled the pi?*en g*rw. Do*, ar, 77 and 2R the steamers w*rc in sight. an*l It was evident that the CNumrder was constantly gaining On Deo 2*. at *| m th* New York was passed by her rival, and .luring the **n autng night ah** dropped out of night o-tern The New Y'ork brought the pas -engers'of the dlsa*le.l steamer Western of the Red Star IJne, which was towed into Southampton Dec. 22 by Iho steamer K*merilll. NO AGlir-EMI NT HK%! II:D. Negotlntion* llefvveen ( enlrtldf T* ■erar> -•**• Its Employes llrk -t n DIT N*'W 1 otk. Dec. 30.— The ITerald will auy to-morrow : Negotiations between the Board of Fed eration. representing the engineers, con ductors, ffrom*-n, brakemen ami telegra phers employed by the Central Railroad of New Jersey. nd the officers of the company. ovl * r lhe demand of the em ployea for o new wag** scale and agree ment. were terminated Saturday night, the employes and employers being unable to com*- to un agreement. Th** company virtually rejected the de mand- Th*- proposed wage scale has been under consideration since last May. t'IUAHM thKK at It IIIIC*. Wounded Ills I ode. Who lla<l Dls ebarged Him. Then Killed Himself. New York. Dec. SO-Abram Beckcr man o cigirmaker. killed himself thin afternoon at hie loardlng house. Ho worked for hla unde, Julius M. <*ohen. who last evening left a note for hie neph ew. saying his services were no longer needed Beckerman later shot his uncle, wounding him silgntly In the head. Tp-duy there wan talk of arresting Beckerman but before this coukl t>c done It was discovered that he had gone hone after the attack on his uncle, and pul a bullet In hie own head. KWPIIROH MM VISIT IS. Ills Order to Prlnre Heary fWages n Surmise •<> This Effect. Tiondon, lec. *1 —With reference to an order for Trlnee Henry of nutria to re pair to Berlin, which the Norddeutrche Allgemelne Xeltung explains as due to the wish of Emperor William to have him leum the affairs of government, the Ber lin correspondent of the Dally News men tions u conjecture that the summons Is preiwratory to a visit by the Kaiser to the United States. •( H IVTIIN STM IK H OFF. Men t,rt Two roots an Hour tnerrase and Ten-boar Hay. Scranton. Pa.. Dec. JO.-At 12:16 o'clock this morning the street car strike, which was Inaugurated a week ago. was called off. The men demanded what equivalent to an advance of S cents an hour. They were allowed 2 cents and a ten-hour day. Severe Snowstorm In Missouri. 8t Joseph. Mo. Dee -A severe snowstorm set In late this afternoon With a constantly lowering tempera lure The full Is heavy In all sections In Kansas. Nebraska. lowa and Northern Missouri Ambassador turn boa Arrives. New York. Dec. SO.— Among the passen ger* who arrived to-day on the steamer lui Gascogne from Havre, was M. f f*m mwi, French ambaasador at Washington. The Ashanti llebelllon Haded. london. Dec. H.-Cot. WllcocUs has ca bled the government that the Ashanti re bellion has ended, all of the rebel chief* having surrendered. THE MORNING NEWS; MONDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1000. OUR DOMESTIC SUMATRA. Tfce *>aerrM(ul l'\ periitirnl tn ( .-n• ' nr-(i-Mi triiaur* \\ tdeprenl latere*!. Washington. l*. k —The publication of I the successful refults of the experiment * 1 • undue ted by th- division of soils of the i Untt#- ! Htates I>e|Mirimeni of Agrlcultur* i with he Connectl ut Kxperlment Station I m the production of Buenatra tobacco \ near Hartford, ut.d the ul"*<iumt sab* ■ of tlw rop to a Kansa* City hrm has \ caused widespread Interest tn the exteri- t mi nts among tobacco tn, n In reply # to numerous oomtnunlcaDons l received, iTof. Milton Wdltnev. chief of ! the division of s*lls. st.t that thr- to- | Isicco wto grown by and was th** property | •>f the Connecticut Tobacco an*! Kx|M*rl j ment Company, which Is virtually u -tii*. | * X|K*riment atAtia. and was sold by the j company,the krrtmnt having no right* in the matter Th* crop whs merely ! grown under h dim*tion of the depart tne nt. Prof. Whitney think* a suggestion to s* ll at au tkm at a number of pla* • is x g*sd go ami .-avs ir !., work is continued next year ur ,1 u large r •>i is to N tamdbd thi** meth*sl of dlspoatov *f II ihottU ba a<U(>teiJ an*l bubtU> Will be by th*- Ton* I nectlcut fwopb . Growers .r* again warns*! again-* at- ; t'mpting to grw this tobaccb **xcept ; when there Is a r* asonabU* t hane, of sik - •**•*■ So far ;ts known the succesaful growth of Sumatra will he confined to Florida am! Connecticut. MILES MAKES NO REPLY. Hava tno.iHHi Soldier* Have (,00** tioior From *inttali War and Toll the Story. Washington, Dee. *o.—Gen. Miles Is not yet prepared to make any formal state ment in reply to the published article* of , x-H**crctary of War Alg-r regarding the us** of , anned l#ef an I embalmed beef during and after the Spanish war He is still und* * Ided i' to whether he will hav** any statement to make. Gen. Miles soys he iia* not even rea 1 th*- full extracts from Gen. Alger ar ticle published In the newspapers, such as he had seen being *0 full of mislead ing statements that h*- did not care to go through with the entire matter. "One hundred thousand soldiers have gone honk from the Hptnlsh war and told the story, and th** proper officers hove condemned the action of certain persons,” said Gen. Miles, "so that T question whether it is necessary to eny anything further about the controversy." (MILD T.IKKN BV THOIP. Man Is Believed to Ur Deranged, However. Mart|iittr. Mich., l>ec. 30 —William Sul livan. a trump, pi k,l up the ftv*-year-o|(l wn of Raymond Thlery of Hollar Hay. Saturday and led h)m to Point Mills, aome nrtles off Sheriff Ir-an apprehended the man eighteen miles south of Houghton this afternoon Thcr> was tSHtglderable excttrment over the nffalr. but It Is not believed Sullivan harbored any sinister Intentions, lie I* believed to Is* menially deranged .% Illlssnrd In Osloratls . IVnver. Col , Dee 30.—A billiard continued throughout the state all da\ The imlns are all arriving late. No groat damage to bve stock has been reported. The Mosunlto Flset on the Waves. Pnpe llenry, Vs., Dec. 30 The T'nlte-1 •States nwwjutto fleet, consisting of four vessels, |as*ssl out this afternoon. I snails Town's Disastrous Ulnae. West Ixirne. Ont., Dec DO.—A disastrous flro here to-nlghl caused sl36.<W> loss. “DBSTII'S TWIN UHOTHHII - The t'anse of Sleep and the fare of Sleeplessness Freshly llltetssed. Dr. Andrew Wilson lit the I .on don I'hron- Icle. I have been perusing a learned and high ly Interesting lecture by Sir James Saw yer. M. D.. on tt topic which imeaease* it deep Interest for all physiologists and for most other folka as well—l mean that of aleep and sleeplessness. The avenge mortal erareelv compreherals how llltlo we really know als>ut Ihe exact nature o' the "Ape of Death." as Shakepeure term* that state wherein we |*i-e peace fully Into the laind of Nod. I! Is not only the cause of sleep which constitutes a scientific puzzle; Ihe cur. of sleepless ness lx another matter which doubles a difficulty that before was single. There Is no doubt that a sleeping brain receives , blond than a waking one. Durham * observation* settled that point long ago. and su’aequent observer* Inclined to this k]t*> that they had explained what sleep Is when they had asserted the anaemic stale of the brain as Its real cause Hut It kt obvious that while our brain In creases Its blood supply when we woke, as <• inversely It diminishes that suptdy trhen we go to sleep, these facts do not lead us to the vera causa at all. They are retentions merely, and not causes. The movements of a door ore not to b* explained by saying that II move* on Its hinges What we desire o know Is what seta the door In motion. Aral so with sleep. Heyond this question of the hratn's blood supply, we have lo face that of the brain's constitution. It Is only hv dipping into the brain's structure that we are able to gain some adequate Idea regarding Ihe real condition* that legu- I I- I . ltd j eh if 'll., f mental door. When brain cells nr carefully etudhd In their different phases of activity and repose they are seen to undergo certain remarkable changes In shape. The pro eeusrs or branches through which con tact Is made between one cell and another are seen to be retracted In the resting state, while In activity they are extend ed However the changes In question ar brought tbout, we may conclude that It Is the switching off of the brain cells from each other and the breaking of the contacts necessary for the carrying on of their work whk h represent the true cause of sleep. Fatigue of the brain cell Is thus the dominant note of repose, and the mechanism whereby that repnee Is of their (tranches It Is all Just like a telephone exchange In this respect, where we fled contacts made ami hroken eon • Immllv In the active work of the renter. At night the connection* are practically severed, nnd such ns may he made in the ease of the brain exchange earrytng on the work of dreaming they represent the work of the night shift of the brain. If this view of sleep he correct, we see more clearly than ever that our resting period must represent a habit. Just na rib 1 1 Irr-— *■ In Ita essence Is a habit of another kind. We break Into the cycle of sleep when we suffer from Insomnia and substitute another hshlt for that of reiose Whnt our doctors do for us is to negative the vicious habit by replacing that of sleep, but hie labor, hoc opus est. With Hsnrho Pana-i. In truth. We may ! well agree when he exclaims- "God hires the man that first Invented sleep!” —Rear Admiral BcMey has accepted an Invitation to attend the Kntghsn Templar Conclave at Ixiulsvllle. Ky., next rummer He Is an old member of the order, but says he will not fide a horac In the pa rade because he could not keep his placo In the saddle, “even If thu animal were as gentle aa a carnal." THE CUDAHY CASE. \erhntim tap) f Thrctilenlitat l.el frr Given Out—( adnltv Will %ul W Ithdrsw III* tiger. Omaha. Neb !>e *X~Thc Cudahy fam ily remained at horn*- u>-i!a> uiui twyond gD ng out at ,\ * copy of th* txl of th* latest letters K-telvi-d by him from the kidnap* rs. Mr. t'islah> refu*d t see any repres* ntatlve uf th* |h>vs. Th* or thngmphy f th b*tt r Is |w>or. as is !>•> the writing, whi h I* In th* sum* hand a the original letter demanding t;i* isi.- an, The pot mark shows that th* Kttet was maihd at th** postofti •• at H .1 tn , Sat urday. Dec. 22, showing clear! > shut on* of the gang of ohductors vaa in the j*ut ofh •• ov that da?, That th** ,ngii w * the sama Is by (Jen John (' C>- win. who saw both mlriver Th*- letler reads "(*udahy if you value th,* UayS life nt th** price of a bullet you will withdraw th** Reward at mu- And I, t w,-ll Atioagh abMe. if You loci‘ tk) thi- we will finish the Job with u Uuirt. It any man whttli- r (Jilty Innoifiu ever arrested A Bul let will Mose th,* Bov tiKoith You wld think ,f this warning when it 1- to late." Mr. udahy says he does not pru|*>Ku t> withdraw the reward Ql II k, HKt HKT POPOMXi. It Ha* Hci'uinr %ln*t a l ost %rt. Fiam th** London Mail. M hen Mj . Grutely mad, on* of the characters in a Debt of Honor" die w'lthm .1 few mlnui.*- from th** effe. t- of takiiig an overtlos** of • hioral he comititt ted a great physiologi, al blunder. A lersuti with an ordinarily sound heart —almost every ones heart Is a little un sound In mime r*sj* t could take a dos**n o\oixUn*,vs anl not for main hom in fact, he would probably U* found tilvv nest morning, only it w mid be Imposshdc to rouse him. Chloral, morphln* . ,ipium sulphonyl-all the anaeathetlca and mqto rific atul hypnotlea— take time ms well as quantity to kill An author or * drama tist who wisher* hast** tn dtapatchlng hla ,*hara**ters. must use prussb ul (hydro cyanic acid). Il is th* deasllb -t drug In the phatmacopMda, both In rapkllt> of •f --fect arul in Finalities* of th*- |*}hal dose, and. acting dli* < tly rai the resjdratorv or gans. kill* palnb-ssiy an*i with awful aud dennasg *n a very f-w mom* nt When you *ee the vlh.iin of a |lav "a*! minister a cup of poison, ha! ha!” to hia unsuapaodng victim, and that victim lroi a dead with the cup in his hand, a* if In* had received a bullet in the brain, you may write Ihe author of the piny down an ignoramus— no poison wilt .lo that. Strychnine tuns prussic arid very < !■..*• tn deadline**. With for lime and quan tity. hut acting on the nerve centers It causes a terribly iialnful and by no m*ns instantaneous end. It Is, of course, u veg etable |Olson derived from a nut or bean, the pint vomica, whereas prussic acid Is a chemically prepared artificial product. Hoth these deadly drugs are very reality delected, not only from their physlolngl cal effects, but also by m.-ana of chemi cal analysts. In fact, nowadays, so fir has chemical science |*rogtthat se cret poisoning is an absolute Impossibili ty—at any rale, liy means of drug*. It Is lull so many y ears ago that the tM tlon of arsenl, aa* considered something of a feat. det>emllng prlnd|lly tiiwn ml crnsco|tlcal examination, and. therefore, unrellahle, except In the case of large overdose,, hen sufficient unaaslmllatsd particles remained for r. cogtulion. Nowa days. forty-thousandth part of agr .In In the human laxly can be Identified wllh absolute eertalnly and the utmost ease by rheme al analysts, by mean* of March's or Hstisch's test*. The irast difficult drug to detect chem ically Is atroptn. the active principle of belladonna, which Is. of Course. deriva tive of the deadly nightshade. it Is. however, very fortunately, unmistakable In It* physiological effect*, a. >l. although It la difficult (o rsoognlxe It chemically. II Is by no means Impossible. In old limes many of the vegetable poisons were undete table, especially belladonna, dig italis Ifrom the foxglove. a deadly drug) and atrephunthua (from the seel of a kind of dand. lion). The last named Is one of the famous Rottth American pois ons that figure so largely In romance, and Is Ihe active principle in most urrnw and dart poison*, for which purpose strych nine Is also larsely useel. Indian and Booth American poisons have for so long had such a hold of ple turesqueness surroundlnff them that It l almost *n act of vandalism to shatter thstr claim to distinction. In these utili tarian days they ur*' all scheduled In the British Pharmacopoeia, and when you read of "an obscure Indian poison" you may console your*elf w ith lln reff. tlon that there ar plenty of people to whom Its ilet eel lot, would offer no dHßcuMle* whatever. The only form of poison which you can use upon your friends with any chance of the analyst not being abls state with absolute certainty In what form It was adminlsered 1# an animal one and not a drug—either a bacteriological toxin, which you will find cosily either toproduc* or to purchase i.nd difficult to administer, or some of th>* ptomanle*. the |>l*on* that exist In putrid and purefylng flh oral meat These you will not be able to got any sane person to take, owing to the offensive smell and taste of any foo>l In which they are present H> that, a* al ready stated, secret poisoning may now he reckoned a thing of Ihe past, one of "nut i.i return to drug*: All drug* vary l.i their action on different peopl. There are is it Is put rather more scientifically, pereonal Idlusyni rsskw In Ihe action of all drugs Thus, a very commonly usl one. santonin, makes everyihlng took ydow to som- euhjecis. w hile most of tin- drug, already mentioned vary In the amount of physio logical reaction on different i*ron to o remarkable degree Home people can tak** qultA tt conJ4erabfa and of In ,ia donna: others. though such cases are rare, exhibit all th* symiflom* of alropln poi sonuig whet; only a small quanlltv of lira drug I* present In a loiton uses) externally De Qulncey. It will be remembered, used to eat opium In large lump# whereas a few drop* of laudanum constitute too large a dose for patients with diseased kidney* or for those unused to the drug. The prise of rmtny drug* used In medl rlra* Is astonishing to those who are not acquainted whit the subject There are several which are worth their weight In gold 1(4 an ounce) wnen sold retail, while 10* Ifi and fl an ounce are quite common price* In pharmacy The drug which I takes the palm for cost Uncial Is. curiously | enough, the one which Is perhaps th j most widely known by name of them *H. to the general public—tsamely, musk Its retail price at toe present moment I* about (IP *n ounce. 119' a pound apothe cary. or two nral a half tlmra the value of pure gold 24 earn:* line. It t* obtained from the muk deer, a very rare animal, and I* contained In a follicle of which there hi only one In each animal, so thit an ounce of th drug represents a tip roll nvttely one of these precious animals A. I It „ largely used for seem, the demand .-onotantly exceed* the supply and the price has been steadily advancing, having risen from IS b, an ounce to It* present price |n flve ysar*. and. so far ns one can I J,ee. there l no reason why It should not J go to ISO or fiat: an ounce during the next ! frw years, as Ihe musk deer |s gradually vanishing off the face of Ihe earth. >rn*Ot BARK RCO^Vs WAYS OF SILD TURKEYS. ti wirr* or thi: LiNtiHiT f>r dILIJII Bid Ml II1HP!. The Hlrd* \wrv Grentl) In lr and Other ||walttte*, ii-c.irdlng to (its,, araphlenl Distribution—Drcided In Their like* nh*l Dislike*— IVrsti Nut* the lle*l l ~,*l f*r Them, da \\ ' 1 •- ■ ® 1 r- 1 \ . pkl i. onf, **or and dstorlan to Cortex. r turned to ffpalg from hi* flrirt visit to M,'Xl>ln w !*(,* ,1 brief n.i? • 11v•- *f the tiMtv , tain, ** It w.i*l * that cam*- to hi* n• ti , dur? g his mem orable vi-It to tn* New World. He *li latml upon t < abumlai ~ of fin, fo >d fish in the VnuTi m w.itars siul sjsik • m*st uppi*ln(i\,|y of *he ventmai and of a variety of "wiki cattle” (mwanltig undoubtedly tin hipoii), "whii Ii were litinl •l f * r ' l i • 1 ,• m, a v • \ * I, tvn. adds the **>'h| nu i'-r ‘ Th*re is also a bird. mu*a greater In Iruu • than a i"*,iio k that p found within the <©r- and v* ;as (tn,-tdow a ill uv, r this country It *urp- t , f.**l an> w i>l bird w hav, found up to thl** tint* Th** natives do shoot th* * i,ird- with arrows m*l ixttch them In various kind -of *irin*- and fttat*> They .ir** eometitnes very large. I<eing as tnu'h * thinv iKninds In weight. la* v can fly, bur ir* f**r t*> run, which thr> *an *k> witl t\-,vllug rwlfl ness.” This Is the first introduction of the wild turkey to hi dorv Kr tAg ipida probably “l in mind th** wild turk*-> **f Artxotu "h* n a, wrote of It, w, itching im- inve h <h thirty poutkl* Ther*- 1* 4 w ild turk* v In ■i mntry wdd‘h frtvjtiently h i Hm that weight, ami the writer one** shot 01.• in th* Mogollon Mountains in Arttona t tat am,* nearer w*-ig ilr.g fort> jmi* g M *i. 1 declar.d |. It id 4,, |; wiki turkev-* in the mountain range mentlone*! that would '■**!•* iavt* weighe*! fori % |*oun*R and • uir party w*r* afl itk iuie.t to credit Iris -taieni*nt • OrtMiniy, Arlx>na. b* sid* * its nine foot rattler* thr,* in, he* thick, *ni tt wealth of s,Yrpi*>n and t.iramtilu life, glows th** larg* st gnm* bird* of c**r ain kuds that are known to out conti nent The range ,f th. wiki turkey on ~ r*> ?<id***l I r, m Mexloo to Artxoihu norfhw ~rd a* fnr hh the present state of Michigan, and men into tie p ovirv, #* of Ontario Turkey* were parUrul.irß abundant uni of a fine six. in Trnmse. m*l Kentucky .md tne contiguous states a hundred >**ars ago, at;d nr*- slid to he Mm I in these state* and also in parts of 1 Minot*. Indl • ’ > 'do . i r 1 A ■ , *ld**ring how they have boon huntad. In and out, by Indian* * %%.-n ~, whit** m*n for the (Kist hundred year- In fact. ;t is the high* *t |*ss*lld,- oottipli rm nt n tis- wiid turkey's irHridgem #* tnur It exists at all. iMd you over Mt unseen ami watch 11 flock of a hundred wild turkeys devastate .1 minii.iuinewM pntch of buck whwit or comV Strategy csjual to any exhibited by two-legged anlnuib whtioiit reathers Is de vstoped on an *h ,-uslcmi of this sort Hu* h 1 raid is a mutter for mu-b (ttsrttssbm jmong Die fath*rM. and tnon nprristly th rnothcers, of the art;*, king twrty. A Skirmish line, mud- up **f a due fi „J.| *in*l wary hens, usually maka the first reronnoiesance. Th**>- approach the pram ises nn*l ff> iiinori th*. f*n**> with the greatest clrcumn|*ectton. each boding It self In raadlnes# to run for its life, crying “Quit! quit!” nt every Jumj*. up*, the -tightest occasion for .iim A turkey much prefers running to flying, and tM r -1s gfod reiisoci f,*r it. It *an run with gr.xat swiftti.s*. and to |onr distant** witlioiu much fatigue, bttt ffylmr is an un narural method of motion, and it never resorts to it save uisW-r the extreme stress of vuddvn emergencies. s>me oceax lons requiring that It pit as great ks tanre between itself and the object of Its 'dread or Its enemy as pofolb!* Th** extrain* northern and extern hab itat ■>< the wild tuik*y, in tte country's •*.irly history, lux never been rt-url> dr fln*sl Wilson, one of the earliest and tn ’ •' ■ *’•* ’ t. tu.•’!■• think It ranged as far east as the western l**r. dvrs of <Yginrcticut, l*ut h*- given no rea son for his faVh. The *arly c-hronieb s of New KngMnl do, Indeed, mention turkey, but there is no proof that K was the wild bird. There were a f*-w, big never an ihundance. of wild turkeys in Western New York, tuit they ee-m to have dluiie p* *red sbiiH the b<-giuning of th** Anivr lean Rev* liitlun.. The wild turkry varies|y in site and In other desirable qualities, ac,v4d ing hi Its gefigniphical distribution, ft Is mver a cold weather bird, and It gr* itl> • 11 r'.lnii I'' * u 1 r ml v .x li ® • . * (-old wlnsers, with deep snow aco'impan imsnts, th** turkeys win birsake un oth erwise congenial region where they have live*! und thrived* for many years The B ißUftllgßOt SDOfl BM B UM) IHMROT .' , .'• t ; ( ® 1 1 W I II count for tli*' aban*l<mtn* nt f tboe- sec tions by the wild turkey upon this theory* and It has a strong degree of pkftusihlllty. Heavy snows render it very difficult fur*- hug* b!rde b obtain their food and they require a great deal of heat pro ducing food. Th s accounts for their jmr tlahty for liMltan *s>rfi mihl th*- other ***- rials, atsl in th*- Booth for oil nrcsiu, Ing 1.l I • : © © iutht- ' • w *i: I)' rn 1" •:• In Louisiana and Texas. In prt|. ulsr. arel Jit-., along neat i ill He rlv t !►>! tom- of Arkansas, Alabama and Mlsei*- sl|u>! iwlth ti f%w In Houttcrn MissourP ttore are great quantities of pecan tree of magnificent site, and I .curing the true paper-shell pecan, a nut one can crack between the thumb and finger. These nuts attain a rise and length scarcely to i>e crUt<el by those who have sc.-n only the thick-shelled mV of eh# West that one needs a hammer to crack Two or three times I have seen groves of these royal trees over UP fret In htaht. with the nuts lying two or three Inches thick on the ground under them after a high wind laid followed two or three light frosts; hut not for long do they lie In this luxuriant profusion. The deer seem to know when and where the pc an nuts are lying thick est. Mini >IS- leans are also pecan eaters The wtd turkeys Hteu have their richest feast. They can swallow the smaller pe can- whol- and the glxxurd or some other part of the stomach cracks tlw- nut After a feast of pe. on*, followed by s dessert of the Hub frost grain- width grows In 0 to beast, btrd and man after the first frost, the great gobblers majestically and with wail laltot fly U|> Into the branches of ■ big tree, where. 70 or M feet frotn the ground, they ran peacefully sleep wit heart fear of their great enemy, man. Turkeys are g*eg irlotis. They like to live. feed, roam and most together, but In every section wnefe those birds are ar all numerous there ore two or three bands of what the hunters of those regions coll l.e ther. i ® -at •- d'-l ■ < tgle > of their kind. who. having discharged the functional duib- In the propagation of their kind In their curly youth, have dis carded demo-tic duties slid determined to go It alone That they are of mature years Is proved by their well developed spurs, and that they have hod a vast amount of experience will be readily sworn to by gunfter* who have often fail ed to capture them. The late Hiram Pylehlynn, for years head Chief of the Choctaw nation, n uni versity man. an excellent physician, a crock shot, a skilled flshermin, traveled and secompllsned. and one of the fore mod and most observant hunters natur alists of his time ulttiough nr Indian rht*f, toll me curtous thing about the wild turkey, which he raid ne had often teeu. If a gobNer la t>s*lly Injured, or o hurt (hat It *4ntM>t take are of Itself, the hens of its entourage will In turn w it, Ii cvr It. procure food for H and fltsl a suitable •halter where their wounded lord and This exhibits the tutke> in n new and tno-i lute lest lug light It has long ls-*n kttown th4it turds arvt wi'.el fowl* that r malt ad i-iirc 1 pertnanentl> wt'l tigtd most tier*v*l\ for their natfes Itp4>n ** **dor bis Of tile m**| skillfull* conducted P*T cotnbots I ever witn*-f*ed wnr year# ago in North Dakota, between th* mt* of 44 wounded trumis-ter swan vgnus btw* Inatot atal n young and hungry cov Ote or iraltie wolf ihnt oivrtsd th-* wiMinit.l hifd. The lnjurel swon lul l*-n hit sonn-wlor* hv one or m*M** pellets of Bit shot, and fell stowi) stout *ivt' or elght> >ards ftagn a l*k, that w* till of small Is laid*' \ti*r ils fi I th* gr*a while hi id srviml reu|e?.te and started si>wl> 1w ,rl it. wa?tsid A w.uaietlng -oyiMe dashed after it F.\ 1 •It ntly It wa th* male tu and !tuat w is hurl 1U male pronvptly stepped in f •1. f in-r **l*,u-* at I with In tub and •* k *i *l t w*r*l beak *N'flh thr tntru*i*r u tdow .1, r,* th* • awe that must Imkvc made 11 * *>, watet atal snguged the wolf vlk<>tmis;> . telling l*i lord i., (mud on toward water w 01 * at! .0 ~1. 1 . w*o|. e* in Dakota oul I 1"i hav. ,a-•, t. him Tt;*- nia , bu*l mats • g**l to r, ,*i the ok* aid when ft,*- wis about t. a f.-et front tlu ore M lam C\*.;mi* guv*- lie in, n> m „xtta p-,'k at l a 4-rack with her wing that soun*|e I ilk** Mow fr,.m a dob. slid. uniling grntnUy awa>. Jolrwd her |. rd. who had rt t<dil t sii.cttl briii ,| and Wit ; afs. But to rv sums. As I l said, the site of tti* wild tar. key varies us the conditions for Its growth mid livelilHswl rtiux in* favorable or unfuvorabb It attains it- titghest ,l v, l i-mnt in si/.,- and physical condition about th* eial , f its ttiird i,*ir 1 once gr w a Ut of wild turk*\- fitmi a cJillch **f egk** t tk**n out *f a is-d w found in the was its oul car* orakes buck of m> main on fi* Id I ..,l tlu-ftn pia<d under setting hen. mid *,*• hai. lnd ttwan ail a\, .te , w filch 1 font*l ha l n*t Iteen fsr- LlUcihl The Jfoung birds wre conftne.l in a tract surround*d b> * wir- fence, in ml, of w hi, Ii was 1 place for then* !• ! flip and Im- sheltered, until they w*i> f sufficient si*,- to n> |N>*Mtldy 1 bun dled >stds The gra**diop|H r were |**if ! tlrulsrl) aiamd .ui that year, and were ,a 11 tig up niy carefully kept lawn 1 ha I | tiiei* fourteen turkeys drtv* n ii|Mn II with a I,a of grown tame gobblers and I hens, and the |*mii !m nt chwred that | lawn of hopis t -as though h fire had -wept over It Win never thes* i**<t* of | the far .Hoisih war, nt ull trutiblesom* all th, plainer ha*l t*. do was lo turn his j I lock of turkeys loose where they w*-r . id the bird* e*>n Ml*it*d the niMswnee N**w ms to Turkeys an- Ilk** men: I they ar- by no no ana **f equal stature or I avuirdu|c4 The largest wild turkey I ever killed and weighed was a goithier that I should say ittalrud Ids third year. \ little ov r two hour* after It was kllle*l ; I? wvrs W e!gb**d Of! the s<SlleS Of il gT*s*r I in th*- country who *%*-> reiaitad to be i fairly honest; it tl|4*-*i th*s talxncr, at I- und ' A friend kill*,l a gobbler csi the : * b-ar Fork of th* ; |irax,s. In Texas, two 1 'ears ago. that welgheik l***for*- being dr, -♦*! lilS |snmds <‘apt. toanton A Ma son, of the Fourth (nvrilry. I* H A shot <li largest wild turkey 1 know of havtttg I men killed and Weigh**! It was shot In Inks, and weighed Jfl’k pounds Thi* was one of th<se enormous turkeys tutu are peculiar t* Arlxona. Bonora, New Mexico, and a lew ar to be found in Hnuitlicrn Texas, near the border of oW and New Mexico The Ist*- Gen Ranald H M e k-nsi* I’. H A . wihj w.*)- In command *f th*- Arixons country for some years, told nn that a Whit** Moutßain Apa< h- chief one- j l>r*ugh( to th*- post where Mackenxle w.e in < ••mriMtid. a gobbler tlmt must t>v* l*4**i nearly. If not quite, 40 pounds in weight. They stood it upon its feet u* Weil as they could, atsl In life an,l erec*. M* -k-nrie siikl. it must hsv* been nearly five fat high But h!a Is tn- country for big turkeys, and they arc tolerably abundant there still However, the no ble A pacha does not ar* to en'ourag the |Mitsuit of the gams In his 'xmntry. ** he -ails It. by any ort of white man whatsoever, to say nothing of the casual tenb rfoot **r stranger, whom he !*•••** no want poking a s#'it ids foothills shooting him! frightening things away. The con sequence Is (hat nil hough the army offi cer call go and slmot where and when he pleases safety enough, yet tn**r might b* imnic risk to th*- e *alp **f the casual gun* r fr*#m New York or Fill* ago If h* were seen done in an Arlgona gorge by any kind of Indian who knew the visitor was hi n* wise ,-otiti'-* twl with the nrmv and |>ossse*l a rifle or gun of in urvustialiy d*slrabje *|iiali(y. Mistakes of that ert have o* urrwi within the p,t year or two. There Is probably not a state south n % the Rotofn.ic an*! (>hlo In whl<*h there are •m>( *M,m* wiki turkeys. Good big got* biers are killed w’Bbln thirty mllt* *f \N asldngtmi. down in Virginia. In isdti Ohio and Indiana there ar*- still a few of the nob!*' birds, and in some of Die coun ties of Illinois below Hbawneetown there are a g#*d mmy st times. Th*- turkey is a migratory crasum within Its environments. It likes food atsl plenty of it. with some variety, for II Is an epicure In Its way. In the summer It delights in the pursuit and capture of numberless kind* of grasahoppers that i swarm on the Southern and Southwestern ! prairies. When the luscious wild straw j l#erry b*‘gin* to ripen the turkey knows it j very early, atwl usually gets Ils share, ul though it k*-e|N* pretty close to cover. Whether It Is pursuing the elusive hop |sr or gntheilng strswl>errl#’s. It wlil sel dom l#e crtaxed *0 wander more tiian quarter of st mile away from worst or thicket. I oips caunle*! over 100 grown *utk* vs catching grssrtoi*pen*. i’onraalts) by the spreading branches of a live oak nearly half u mils away, I watched them for some time, hut a keen-eyed gobbler sk.*w me, un*l the hosts of the Black Rod • leri* k dk! not tliiwHsur with greater ce iirity or slietM-e. is in G.lrty itcoml* not a turkey was In sight. Hunting the wild turkey I* a superb sport, but the true turkey hunter, like the rvaek shot Is born, not made There I* n certain delicacy of Judgment and skill required If one Is to put himself against the wily gobbler with success that overlays .leer stalking far and away. The most skillful turkey hunter I have ever known—and for that matter, the most accomplished sponsman In America —was (Jen. Wade Hampton In Hl# youth. Then Ihe use of a call—why. MO of theae page* might he wrl'trn of that alone. To one who would enjoy anew sensation In sport wllh the brown barrels or the riff* 1 can suggest nettling In charm and fas cination equal to the hunting of the wild turkey. If by any chance the neophyte has a fried or an acquaintance In any part of the Indian Territory, let him fray that friend a visit th * autumn or winter, for the wild turkey Is found In greater ahuralance. and slxe, too. there than any where In Ihe t'nlted State- Hut one should not go there alone, as It |J not a very good plane to go fooling around If the hunter has no frend* there One should provide himself with a good rlffe of S2-t0 calibre and charge, or else a good gun. that he can shoot well. Study the game and learn a# much a* p-arathle about It Aral so may the good St Hubert, pa tron of oil true sportsmen, have you In his keeping. —Prof l.umatden toys that sighing Is but another name for oxygen starvation. The cause of sighing Is most frequently worry. An Interval of several seconds often follows moment* of menial disquiet ude during which time the chest walls remain rig SI until the Imperious demand Is made foe oxygen, thus causing the ,le<|> inhalation. It la the expiration fel lowtre the Inspiration that Is properly termed the sigh, amt thin sigh I* simply an sffmt of the organism to obtain the neeessatv supply of oxygen. The remedy Is to .ease worrying. One msy b an xious. but there Is no rational reason for woriyiug. f. WHIT IS ftl%l*l*lMN( tW MNIIB? %re flie I'lniiH'i InltsltltssYt T*stsg l vignsl I s—The lau informs flow %t*uf the I'lonel. From the Batttmor*- American. Astronomer* are wrought tap over anew ph*-r.r.mrnon observed on tftir plane* Mars. Tu*-*la\*s American contained the ortgi- il ann>Mincem*nt that an observer la Art*r,i had wltnees,| a projeetlofl Isst iii, v • 11 1 v mhiUtea, and those tnlereeted in *- romi oii'ly sr* waiting eagerly a more detailed account of the occurmnee. At- th Mvrtim* engaged In an effort to itt t the attention of their neigh lo? h of the larth** F< • n end of the century event this w< ift throw li t-* • hade all of !h- many and 1 Uiitrilc |*l *n* ling prepare*l Mam • b.. 11 an *d b t **f * urftoalty for yearn. 1 < in 1*77 the discovery of the gre.i \ 1.- ms , f cinnl* a!out the planet W *** mad* in 1 liter* *• ItUNie. thou -1 ? • trm, who Irml) believe that a vet. bn> i%o|>ulation fthrlves on that (•ki ' Just h*-w to make the acquaint mi < f •ir 1 t'lUirs t * Isen the f*rob- Icm I * i| pa* -Ible that on Mars the mi problem t ,* le*n In the minds of •h- 1* jli and wt* <h* projection lately **• n th*- begtnnlr* of m s*-ries of efforts to nttnirt our attsntlott^ If ttier* I* th*- barest possibility of thle. It and up t our dentists to let our idat w *rt friend- *f Mats know that wre have ** • n 111, if sigioil Mar Is a email planet Hie volume l !• than *ne sixth of the >f tbs • art t r*l his surface a little more than one fourth as areal His density Is a lit* H* lee than three f**ir?H* and hlr grav ity llttb* m**r*‘ than aie-thlrd of that *f th*- • arth. fi which become morn vlvkl whr It b* s.ld that as a restiH. a cub( f-s*t of matter of the average den sity of th* irtd weighe*! at Its own ur f- weighs lt> |Munls. but n cubk foot • matter f (he avt-rMge density of Mam weighed f Its own surface weighs only Si itoumls A man who wrlghs 18h pounds •*n the earth would weigh on Mars S7 (MMimb nti*l nn ,-arthlv mofistroslty of in (Minds trunsferre*l to our stall ir neighbor woukt ts |iilte an active and would fit ns -om fort a biy Into his sur foundlnt 44 0 man of lh pounds on earth. Mar* ther* fore, when opened for colonl /itlii will prove a veritable haven for th* obee on the other hand, a Mhr tlai f ,vrage avotr*ftut>ol In his own spher* if transferred to earth. woul*l fftsi hlm*e|f grown to mammoth pnqwrrtlont. whl 1 wouk| *hscommode him cnneldera bl\ in h rsc** for a montlanw tnolley car. With ♦ irth’s heavvweights amhlitvg lilt** f*thers tossed by th* wind over hill and dale n,l *nlv bitting high (daces of lit tle Mar were they taken there, and with pr'tepect of trebling hie loamotlvs difficulties confronting the Martini) should 1 trip to earth become feasible, |t vroukl se, r: that irterwte’lar transportation u "** * * f,|r off. even though Martians vroult soon to be flagging rdd earth If Mars ha* Inhabitants ami If plivsf ,l.x • onsldered they rs the |*mduct of ihelr environment as evoliHlonftsts assert is the case with us of the earth earthy. th**n • Martian should te alnwit eight font four Inches In stature and weigh 480 tsMiri'l on the **rth. or ISO on his native heath. It was Behla|utr> 111 of Milan who at art led the world with the announcement of his discovert of a system of mnala upon Mur*, nral announcement which set the * trs of the lav world wide often to hear I list Ihe tsillder* had been discovered as well For nine vears Ihe astronomers ef the entire world were busy seeing which could laugh katslest at the canal story, and many of them ivoved that It waa "flim-flam" and nonsense, and the work of dreams of an overwrought Imagination, and some unklratlv ones hinted at delib erate fraud The statements of the Mil anese have been confirmed. The canals of Mars, a* he originally mapped them, are to every student of the lora of the star* The question as lo whether Mars In par tlcolnr. and planet* In general, are In habited follow'd immediately on the Hehiuirarelll vindication. Th* argument In favor of peopling the universe, briefly state,l. Is or was that It Is absurd lo presume that our earth, which la a mers speck. I tearing a lees ratio lo the uni verse umiii a grain of sand lo the sea shore, should alone be Inhaldted. This view satisfied many, and they began to speak and write about Halurnlana. the Jovian*. Mercurials, l.unartans, Martians, etc., with much tbc same matigr-of-faot familiarity as of Africans. Asiatics, Aus tralian*. or Americans. Him tho theory of peopled planets tn general tiaa had soma hard knocka lo en dur. Mm than, and to-day It has aunk from sight. If, as tier the projection re cently otiserved and yet unaccounted for, Martians are signalling earth by a mean* of tnot o*o, then new life and -n-rgy !• given the i>eopltl-planet hocus -popup and there will lie more tm-lable talk about Martians, Jovlans and Ihe like, aa If the** strange folk were In the habit of dropping tn a few evening* each week. The absence of air and water from most of the planets la In Ihe main 4ha chief obstacle In the way of legitimately P**'- idintc the pianola Mercury has lie at mo*, phere. or. at least, that w* can crmcalva supporting any fumr of Ilf*, and a second d,m, ully In 4hl* Inalanee Is lliat Mrcury presents i.ut ins hemisphere to th# sun. ami life, we know. I* Impossible under these conditions Venus lias, on the other hand, a dense atmo#|>he-e. hut, like Mer cury, presents hut one nemlephere to the sun. hr polar axis Iwing le-rpendb-ular to the plane of her orbit. On both Mer cury and Venus summer and winter and day and ntght do not exlat. The moon la kteiwn to he tl dond world, destitute Of air a rat water. It ha* been studied more than any heavenly body, hut ha* never yielded one single sign of life, and. tit deed It" entire surface presents a scene of appalling desolation not equaled by any of ihe drear spots of earth. Aa lo the other planets, they or* too far removed to allow possibility of research. Mar* remains alone a ffsld for tlon Mars has days and night* but slightly different from our own. He en joy* the seasons In turn, as w do, add atmosphere and water abound. malady a* abundantly a* on the earth. Know Ire end eternal cold cap hie polea, a. those Of the earth. Krery condition Is met to provide a habitable world. Aral then there are th* canala. There ate IM of theae. built In a regu lar *• hem- throughout the southern hem- Isiihere of th> varying • “*<•' list iwfsdtti 1,600 mllw*, tho o®* ing I S., miles. M.ny <ir umatanaaa in dicate artificial construction, and volumes have ls-en written, end ran still be wrtl t"n. to provr instrumentality In these marvelous eons: r rad lons. The ca nals ere well conceived to be highways ol , ommerce, mesne of Irrigation, etc., and ..m * convincing argument that tha Martian of fancy exists In fact. |f these iVmsl* are th* work of hie hands hr is un Induetrtous end progress tv>- chap. this Martian, and probably has tieen cogitating, for years whether that strange neighbor of hie. Ihe earth, has occupant*. He may be signalling to And out Won't somebody please reply? For Dyspeptics. There Is no reason why any one should suffer from dyspepsia or any stomach trouble Hosteller's Stomach Hitters cures corral Ip a HOC, Indigestion, dyspepsia, ma laria. fevjr and ague. It bee done SO for fifty year*. Take It faithfully, it will regulate the bowel*, improve th* appe tite and bring back tieallh end strength. Be sure to obtain a copy of our liiue trated Almanac for MOt from your drug gtat. It Is free. A BLOOD Mostettcf** PURIFIER AM Stomach vfLESH BUILDER. Bittern 5