The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 31, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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I CENTURY FACTS. tl |tMHKI* BY I LKWS OK wall rmwrr. , r ,,ili <•( I •••*'! Stele, I „.. r r.l*u • ">alti Kler Thaa other >allß-rnaiairrrr and It, i.roM a la—' Tevrllorlel Kxpunalun. Mil. r Nnn • Speelnl Inlereai. s. lit, Dec. 29.—At 4h* close of th , k ol ihi- l.i*l your of the N.m ntury. H may bi> permissible to . ■ r .1 Mention from tho ordinary rou- W all **ieet operation- In (he hun- I iii- Of dcvi'toiiment which ha* mail* , retd Stile* the mo.t nolob.e suc the aorW'i history of tiu'. ion. . -in (lie century with of , Bin Iu C'kme li wMh 7t,3uu.v00; ah w , a :i.. Mane of 71.000.0i10, or at the rate m . I* i .(’lit. Mow thin iominrei with t growth of tile populations of Kuro)e . ai>i>ear from the following statement rn tuber of Inhabilanta in each < f ,t traneaUMUc countries In the year isuO , at the <!ut" nearest to the clone of ■. century: Clone of In- pr. rt. IW. Century, creaae. Inc'ne. rnl led K 1 .'lom 15.<*4.!*3 4U.3OJ.UUU 2f.M1.f1h7 159 I r i, . 27.Mf.0ia 3ft.000.000 12.syi.W7 40 Ilwminy 22.00v<t00 53.90U.000 31.M0.000 145 K iala, In 1 .-I->,l7o.oJO 1 H'.000.000 03,M0. 1100 174 Austrla l.iigury UjWO.OOO 41,700,000 r>.7f*Mglo 113 i7.3i>o.<jho If.OW.dW IMH|W *6 >,alll 10.331,000 1K.000.000 R.649.UU0 K 3.5 t-migal 3,630.000 i.VtO.Uni 1.370.000 33 (lum . 3.790.000 6.673.000<**i 76 . 2.751.000 6,100,000 2.3f0.011>> til -m ien .. 2.150,000 1,1100.000 2.041,05 t 131 >, Ia iy .. tthf.OOO 2,130.000 2,306,000 H3 Lift, mark OJti.OHM :'.33u.oi*' l.Cf.Uto 1M tinllaer ..lll,l .... 2.302.740 3,150.000 737.300 32 1C3.4j0.73t; 370,033.000 206.374.264 126 I' Will lie aeen that the European pop uwion hue. on the averatte. rmen to 2 1 * tie (hat ot 1100. while! that of our own . entry han expanded 144* Ilmen Our tet ruwlkt urea han risen from 1 Pls'viO.O"' it to 2.00&.00QJM0 an increase of 136 tea cent. 1h- gn*mt Klorv of thla territory IP - In the rapidity with which it has be* n .invertad Into the wealthleat and m>i, r Title nation on the luce of the glob- I ‘ erartisl Its career by bravely winning it tier (lee an<l organising them into a i übli whtiti has i'ontlnuon-l> con - t. dated Ita strength a rid steadily dev I "iieel Into the wisest nn<l moat pacific form . : :o\, rnnietit the world haa yet witness* •si The nation h.i* Iteen bull: by It* own muscle. Integrity and Indusirtal g< n and la thi- prudu% (of the finest r.i * ■ f mankind. Thank* to Providence, the n agnlttoence of our success must he large • ' • edited to thi unsurpassed richness of oir territorial heiitaxe. In varieties of si and climate. In richness of miner il .(• sisltis, in forest resources. In mignltt " of river and lake, urwt In our va rieties and limitless sources of unrhr f .iiiid wealth, we have formed liases of a dustry unsqunifed elsewhere on the sur f i e ,>f the globe. Hut to have cultivated ' -s. resource,* with such Intelhgcncv sist aier*y ns. within one century, to -il* created out of them the richrat isanmonwealth In history—that Is an hi* cement so tinpr. trnt| ttit w • n,ai uoast over |t with n Just and pa iri.ii h- pride. Th< foreign trade of the .wintry. In '*'• ' ir *t year of the century arooutdod •. t v >*).>; m ismi. it t m .| rln to t :*4 - " howl rip mii Inm-iiMe of $2.iJtC iti . **> cm at the rat# of 1.296 r * r cent Our prrji#nt rommorof by f I4*..OAO.oUu the foreUn traJt* of tombinM Kuroh In • l** n coninier >• iflrrr ir <l 15JW.000.0U0. or t th- average rate of 47’* per cent.; which i- ■ R lift!, over one-Ihint the rate of |*roffr.‘*a realised in our own trade within th * whole century* For the iat forty year*, however, we have pursued a policy f reatrtctlnK our Imporu by very high tariff- which ho * hal the effect of nnt*- k ‘ plug •loan th*' volume of our foreign commerce. fhir remarkable industrial proufre** *iaa •een irtn< ijmliy attrihtirahlc to the fact t*wfct our natural endowment* have qtuili - u * lo ■urpaF.c ail other countries in he production of rertwiu of the leading "tuple* of tnonufacturc. The new product •t the century. r*tu>lrum. for instance, ** produced in the ('tilted States to the x -•nt of o* tier * ent. of the entire world** output, ar.l vM<t* us an article of ex|Krt *irth |sr.nUf>.ouf) annum. Ala<>. we hiv- risen to the foremost rank as pto d u> of the world's moef rt fiber. At the beginning of the century. • workl’s crop of cotton was about l ,i * , .ts; hale*, of which only 1,000 bales "• • xrown In the I'nitcl State*. In 1-c-V the world'll yield w.i* 12.545.000 twi!.*s. which our Houihern crop contributed U.OTMDo bales, or K |wr entt. of the wh de supply. This crop yields us an an rial surplua for export averaging a valu* of w hile we retain for home man ufacltuc >G3.ooi) Imles Another of the great BUplA.t ot commerce In which we have risen to a fore moot i>ositlon la coal. The outpu* may 1* said to have lx- an on a visltih e.alc In about IMm. when the product was 1.10n.0n0 tons. In 1*99. our Hodu< t reached 235.000.000 ions; which was t.000.00M ton* in excess of the output of tie I'ruiwl Kingdom and Is equal to J 4 pvr cent, of the entire world'* supply. 1 oncurr*fitly with tne century's extrnor- rate of increase in th* production < ommodittoi, then tia-* been i still liigher scale of expansion in the outfMif of the precious tn< tui* Within the first half of the century, the world's prodo* - ilon of guld amounted to 9750.Uu>.*00. oi an average of llii.uuu.iM' per year. For the second fifty years, the world s output haa aggregdUd *,**> or at the av er age rate of li&,OM,UUU per annum, while, for the ytdr th* product was 1315. tut.ouo. or at the rate of S3J£o.UM>.O(Ju per decode. The I'nited Htate*. though rapid ly increasing It* product within late years h is not kept pace wNh the in the world's yield! our quota contributed to the w(iole product having been, in I*W. Si per cent., and In lh3* oniy 19 per cent What we have failed to tak** from our mines, howevn. we have not failed to get In exchange for our rapidly expanding exports of merchandise together with relative reduction In our lmtorta; the national stock of gold coin and bullion having increased over |i UtM'.uh since US*. It is equally fitting and. fortunate | tliat. concurrently with this large In crease In our stock* of he yellow metal. Congress ha* pu.esd >ur whole linanclal system upon the gold ba>ln—a most be fitting preparation to our entry upon the vast commercial and llnsndal operations that wall us in the new century. We might well have shrunk from th** great •Icstlnies and the high responsibilities that f iec us In the Twentieth century. If we wore not guarded nnd guars Meed by a •vund system of finance. u t.kk n m%ii kin it bv ikw. Holiday- tea eon Kalla In Ikeek Hip r.irltpnicnt In atoeke—< oftnn Hall. Racltament In etoeka drmeinued wKh scarcely any abatement during Ihe four (Java of the abort holiday week Thp open ing on tVedneiday was rUrrmtly ani mated and atronc, with stocks which had baen prevloualy prominent continuing In ha lead. Very heavy reaMaing aalea created aoene tendency lo react 1n the Iteneral Hat, Imt no persistent weakness a aw able to wltbst tnd the stiffening Influ ence of the great buoyancy displayed In Individual Instances. Of theae Ik Paul a eaaily the moat prominent, advancing la a sensational manner during the last MURPHY & CO , INC. £?*** ? f Tna * Mulldln Savannah. I rnau kun win • direct to Nw York. Lhlcago ai.U New or'#arp LOTTOS, STOCK* AAD tfRAIk. New York ju,,, No „ j, roadway. Re h flnr| l'l f hlea throughout h eouth WrMe for our Market Manual and msti unions for traders three ilays; It gain'd over 10 points, on very large transact km, to lit. and loe hiK at th. top. other Glamor. symjsi • hisetl io 'onie i xitut, at,,, t |„, p,, •Sugar was very feverish, hut finally ..„,,| at an u.lvnt e of I jiolnis itthwwp. the list show (or the week about as many declli, . as udv.iuciw The t.ank *t„ tf .. nient on rtaturdav was favor., i. Tl - 1 • " •< ■ ■ . . craxy stats of spi u;.itlor. th. Inflated bubble, anil th, day of reckoning which musi be near. Which slocks are unduly Very |s>oubly some are, lint In that i as. the tu ts arc not very apparent i hi** Mock* u hirh f-how ih* Kn ateit tain* Rlric I ** la- October ar*‘ thi* Pacltlm and Hoy them road*, and thi-* m. |. cttimnii--ly hlt;h r on imprmt'il (oniiNinn? l iiut later dlvlil*>nil rate* Thi* Mini* tna\ be vatd about a f* w ipcctaltlcf. of which General hl**ctric iin exaniii • . and In vi**r of r. rent d< • lopmcntP. Hf Paul Ixok a! '* n ** of thi* other “Inflated** i-tot k TANARUS n noknee * jI4 U*i In and .1 month q; It !*• now C 4 Federal at eel t-ohl ?:*. laxt v*nr. ruwsi t . Wire fold Ju<i y ir. now 45* 4 . an*l \m\-* 7|h r rent. dlvld<--ml. p hi laet > *ar. now 14,T\ Wi-et irn I!n on W. now M Prople'a Gap. I3* t . nmv 104*; Manhattan lit. now 11 It rook lyn. 137 now kn. AMropolltitn. '. v *' now 171 I’.vm *• tn.lard ralln>ail Pto*k e not all ttp to li*t vitii> high water mark. Hur ling on Mid 149*4 now 142** Is* avina <>tit thf* iron Induatrv which h*• I. . n under uolt < , Irmpurary lull, general trad** eon dHlona in thi* country arc certainly a* lro*-p**rouH aw they have over ta*rn in re <9nt yt-arp Hallroad i.irnlnge t>how thi* con lo ivcly Th* Iron huptneKt* la bound to rally again—lt la good, p\pn row. Wh 1 th*n. U the Inflation** Doe* It not rather look n* hough many of ilicm* In durtrlal ftoikf are peliln* much lower than si 'tual 1 ondltlon* warrant ' Ther** was no great Intercut in the cot ton market; prices for the m4*st part ruin! rat ier lower, an*l closed f w (mint* tin der lat week; January, t# tee . May. M 30r. Tit * December option went out quietly, aol Intercut Is now tr m*ferr*4| to Jan uary. in which u more pretentlouH effort at manipulation will probably b* made. The New York ftv*k han Increased u lit tle. but Is t*till far too email to liquidate t large outstanding Intercut without <*on e*llon and povplbly a small equeege of th* .-hortf Th* crof* movement !* wtll! pretty the week'* total exceeding ki-t year's by b'oo hales Small crop estimate* are be- Ing mote and more abandoned, and ibout the only visible* means >f euport to the ir.irket If the .’‘mall stork in New York. Wm. T Williams. COTTO\ REVIEW*. By F A. Rogers A C<x, New York. Although cotton speculation has been Interrupted by the holiday adjournment of this week and outside Interests eeeni to be busy getting their bearings before making new commitments, the market h,.* been active, with th* princijKil fea tures outside of ordinary trai** develop ments. being th*' “aqueex*-" of December •h*r<v and evidences of January manipu lation There lM*|ng an ainiONt total lack of public *pet ill it ion. the price of cot ton has been Influenced meetly by th natural condition.-, supply and demand, present and pro*|Mvilvt While the heavy movement of the pres ent crop would, on Its fa< • confirm <-stl maic-H ot a Im.liju.oUo bal* supply, th* ad vices from oot*:m centers t*nd to *>h w that the staple lias been f*i ke*l farter, rushed to market quicker than any crop In seventeen years, nod that remnant left in planiers' hands and at uncounted points h* consbierably lelow that of any previous recert saanoti. It being esti mates! that fully per **ent. of the endre crop having alread> om** into sight, fig ures placing production at t,750.0u* bales are Ix-t oming nw*re |*opu,ar with the con servative ei< ni*nt of th** trad**. Actual consumption of American cot ton last season was in # e**o !.*!. tnel Mr. Rttison’s lutest estimate of thi.- rea *oi is 10,190.000; a difference erf MO,to> hal* s. same being a 1 lowed for curtailment **f ronsumi>tion on sc ount of very *le- Natald*- causes. The Chronicle estimates spinners* takings up to Dec. 1 were only .'A4.601 bales less than last year, and In view of the steadily Improving dry gool* ondfttons much higher prices must pre vail for raw materia! to Incur a further curtailment of consumption. &lr. Klllson acknowledges he wrong tiw.uuG Inbl*-.- Ui-‘t season, and when actual s|>inn*'rs' takings do not reflect any such curtailment a- he predicts. It Is natural to conclude that Mr Ellison Is only wrong again and consumption will exceed his estimate. Statistics giving supply and demand ihow coiKdusively that to meet th** world s i equirem* ntH we shall encroach still fur ther on already small stocks, and with every indication pointing to small re rVij'ts from now on the situation presents to the public an Ideal opportunity to bull u commodity that shows inherent strength *v*n when left alone. Ho it is safe to predict that with the turn of th*- y* r. In terest and speculation in cotton will te rm* wed which, aided by smaller receipts. UooJ demand and strong spot msrk -ts. w4JI bring about the advance so loog an ticipated. _ \ ielble Supply of 4‘ot4n. From iho Now York Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Dec 39 The vlelble supply of cotton to Dec S* a* made up by cable end telegraph. 1* a* follow*: Foreign Block?- ** w-il r *i( - atioui, arc till* week return*, and ron- Mquantly all foreign flgure* ere l.rouglit itocvn to Thursday evening But to make the total the complete figure* for IMc 3*. add the Item of export* fron. the L'nltot State*. Including In It the ex irte of Friday only. 1 I*oo. 1899 Slock at Liverpool, bale* . 62i.UU> TJS.OdO Stock at London 13.0(W 3.01* Total Great Britain t - k. 637. MD 74:.<n Slock at Hamburg 16,0 bi IC.'.WJ Stock ai Bremen 179,00 305,(M! Stork at Amsterdam X,JOb Stock at Rotterdam *> Stock at Antwcr| S.OOh * Stock at Havre I*W W"** l Stock at Marseille* 2.KOJ 4,‘Ot Stock at Barcelona 29.000 T7.oi> Stock at Genoa Stock at Trleaie 3uof) Total continental slock*. 3*8.30) 643.9 u Total European stock* . 1.05.90 1.3&>,5c0 riNANCIAL. F.A.Rogers&Co.,inc. Hanker*. *<• •* Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions FOB CASH ok MAR4JIN. Prompt Sen ice Liberal Treanaeut Wlthto term., .penal tok.e( •• Satetr ead Cerleiel, la B#ece*'-e • •8 WALL kTRICKT, NEW YOKK. JOHN W. DICKEY, • lark and Bond Broker, LlOllTk, A. Writ* lor List. IHF MORNING NEWS; MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1900. ] India cotton afloat for American cotton afloat •'•r Kur< t* 664.00 b 418,000 r-iryi t It* aril, etc, afloat I ... . 2. eft, um ti; U ti, Alexandria, Stock in Itonibay, India ... 343,001) rt'.ock lit Is ports .1.069,an 1,171. Ml Hio k In L, s. Interior n.k. K.; I 1 exports to-duy x 21.11.1 Total visible supplt 4.691.233 t34.t.t'.’ Of the alove, i.i'al* of American ard I u'hi'f inscription* ite as follows American— I l.ivcipool Stock I..ties ... V.; out 6i ,m j ' ontlnamal wmk. . sue, s ., „„ | American afloat foi I'u I ~r T ., 1. **•" L.Uk ; **<Hk I.<K'.S3 l.tTJriv I .*• Interior stock. ... 31V -49 c r*s t■ • exports to-day •mi j] j, t | Total American l&i.m Sjfiuoij Total K.mi India, etc. .. €33 j-n 67 [ Total visible .supply t <6l > ! 4.;ui,012 Oontlnrnt i| paxt wek have tx<n K.oai lutlcs The ,U.v. flgurrx In.llcair a decrease In 1 "H of 249 ,:v Iml,-s. .., with c.inir ibiic „f ltcr., ~ loss of 1,432.233 t. a p from IWS i11,.1 U di line of 5ki.762 from IM7 MVItIM; IViKI.I.IIiIAt'R. Matters of Interest to Whipping Urn t.rnrrnll,. In Its annual shipping review* the Ola*. K*w 1 laity M.ul writes the year now dr.wing to Its close im< |*rove.l highly satisfactory to the Hrltlsh shipowner, and enabled him tt obtain Htiumlant ami profitable employment for his vessel*. K\r> market, with the cxiiptlon of In dia, has been In Ills favor. The steamer, no >)oiitit. has to contend with costly hunker coals, but thos, In the Htalc- trail.* were able to obtain supplies at 1.-ss than half what they would have hid to pay In Orest Hritaln; „n.| thi re cent r.-dii tion In t’ardlfr will help ull shipowners considerably. Hut while the yiar. ns a whole, has been n prolltable one there has unexpectedly urisen within the last three or four w.. ks a depression In the freight market, and rate* have flreplied considerably In many eases. Tills is noth-, so on the weft coast and In Australia, where almost ss semt-p.inlc has set In and freights have gone down fully 2* Sd per ton. This depression I, regarded by many as only temimrury. n.| It Is nought prolsthle that In uary lh,-r, will Is- a of activity and again a full flux of the tide. Th# frhoon(r Clifford N (Virvrr. which I? nchorci at Huiitina ? wh.irvr**, 4? bran new from th* stocks. Thl* a (? her fir?t vovaifc out. Hhe will load yellow pin** lumber for re turn r.irjfo North. Who i* commnruM by c.(pt Thompson. form# rly of the choon*r Char lea II Valentine. IMxon, Mitchell A* Cos. have piven up the wharf, foot of llamurri -trcct. where they loaded vc??c|? for .1 lonic tim*. The firm new u** the Havannah. Florida and YVc?t rn Hailroa<l wharve?. Tiic Hirhthoupe tender Arm**rla. which h.i? been In port a few day?. pa??cd down to Tylwu and anchored la?t niirht. She I? bound out. and will proceed on her round? to the v.irlou? lii;hthou?r- in thi* district The weather nt Tybee laxt night wm rouirh and aqua 11 y. The wind at 10 o’clock wan pnuth. Italian rhip Frßia Bate Record), from Liverpool for Savannah, before reported towed to <1 ?af* uncho:aK* after 'lraKL’inp her anchors at Holyhead In a rale, made agreement to pay ISO for the service ren dered. Savannah (Imtinar. Hun rljw? at a. m. and ret* at 6:06 p. m. IflKh water at Tybee to-day nt 3 16 n m. and 3:43 p. m IBah waiter at Savan nah one hour later. I'iiiUM** f th** for December. Biandard time— 90ih mer. t> H. M moon C 4 38 morn. L*t quarter 13 4 42 eve. New moon 21 € 1 eve. Flmt quarter 38 7 48 eve. Moon perigee. 3d and 30th. Moon apo gee. 15h. 4UKIY4I.H tNI) I It: I* %It IT HE*. \ rurl. , rrt .'d t.atrrilai,, BtMßrtlip ll>-gli<4 (<Jor). I’tlmaa. A F. t'hurrhtll. Two unknown harks panned In at Tybrr la.t nlßht nftrr dark. t ...ri. Went lo -rn. Rtoamrhtp Carperbjr (Br). Thomar, Brrmrn. Tuk Abram Mini.-, Frank Avery, lowing barger. Havana. -Mpplnir M*'mornfl. Frrn in.Hna. Fla, Iter SO—Arrive). jrhooner Ninrtta H. Porcella, Ninkly, from Barbados, rtartmton, H P , Per, SO —Sailed, ateam yaebt X—da. Savannah. Arrived, neimer A.lscnquin, Platt. New York, Port Tampa. Fla !>ee. *0 —flailed, whooner Charle* K. Bchull, Clark, Balti more. Arrived, .teamer Mascotte, White, Ha vana. via Key Weal. Key Wert. Fla Dec SV—Arrived. M.nmer* Olivette. Smith. Port Tompa. a rat -ailed for Havana: Miami. I >r|ano. Havana, and *aild for Miami Philadelphia, Doe. *o—Arrived, rtoamer Florida. Savannah; schooner Annie F. Conlon. Savannah. ivnurol.i. Fla.. I*ee Arrived, uteamahlp Penaaeola. Slmmone. QalV‘ >ion; United Hiaie ft >rridi Kenraartro and h:t tleehip Masaachusetti of North Ailantlo ■upiMdron. Bear Admiral Farquhar In com- Bland. Cleared. ,|eamhlp I’rnoacola. Simmon*. Oalveeton; Hannah M. Bell (Br), Uranifvr. Havana. . hotter to Mariner*. Pilot chart* and all hydroeraphle Infor mation will tie furnlahed m*ter* of v*-4- ind* free of charge in United Slate* hy drographic office In Cuntom Hoilfce. Ca,e t tin- are requested to call at the office Heport* of wreck* and derelict* rccelvi*! for transmUlaon to the Navy Depart ment. rtifl.tnlir Etport*. Export* per *teom*hlp Aliechany for Philadelphia. Dec tt-3T* barrel, rosin 171 barrel* turpentine IK,M3 feet lumber. 115 boxes oranaea. 2#S crate* voidable*. 10 barrel* rosin oil. k> barrel* cotton see 1 Oil. 377 ock* clay. IK packa**, mer chandise. 2 latck.ife* domestic* and yorn. 7S hale* eotton llnter*. IM.M2 feet lumber. i nmiti n noi >n fob *av ,>> tm. Men m*t 11* Atlantlro (Au). 3.M1 tone. Geroinlch; aid. Hamhury. Dee. 11 Coyo So'o (Bri Ml* ton*. Fernell: aid Antwerp. Pee 1* Framfteld (Br. 1.9 tan*. MHffht: due Jan 1. for Marseille*. Fremvr (Br). J.MI ton*. Brown, aid Man cheater, Dec. il. Fore*. Holm* (Br>. 11*0 ton*. Re,;on; •Id. Maryi*-ri. Dec. 1* ImmacoiMt (Austj. 2.317 ;ows. Osvlgban. due Dee *5 . IrU (Bet*), IMS ton*. Sytov. old. Antwerp. Deo. a I I*lnwood (Nor). 1081 tom, Stubbs; iSd. I'omaron. I*c. 7. i I’l-ric,. (Hr), 2,041 lonj, I' rM Liver | pool, Urc. 22 sS:lr. (Hr) :.T long. Atklnxon; M Mi* lelr.i, hw 16. Trin**;f>rt (Hwttl); nld ll.imbiirg. iVc 14 Y**tor CHr). I.iVI \on*, Kerr. aid. Man chester, bee. k. Argtim m (Gcri. 13; tonf. Hulling; aid Hamburg. lc . 2- Frla (Kon time Hr r.|. Hr), 1.722 tom*. Llvcrpol, D#c. IX. G* rtnanlc i.N>o 1 * tons*, Bji>ilt. rM kott.'Him Nm *9 ller ub- (Nor), uw ton*. Toblascu; !J. I‘ly mouth, 1 v ii. Ilnrki. Armonla (Ital). l.ftW Hcoto; rM Na |>b‘f, Nov 16. Alb**rto (ll). "15 4on. Cmuirar UI M* *iln,i. Or! 31 Augurtina (.Nor). fcJ4 tt>nf. M. Lon *An. lH*e. 7. Lily Blcfflngton (Not). 1,0*7 tonp. Kti g* bt irt!. put Duxloti. Nov. I€. I‘iixabcth (G*r. MM 4>n, Koimerr. pIJ Hamburg. Nov. 4 Krirda (Gcr). 1 146 ton, Falk. *l4. H*)t t* Nov. 4 Fraiictwca T. tl(al), 1,111 ton*. Trapani; >*kl Of 11 n.i, I Vet*. 4 Filippo tltal). 749 ton*, Giovanni; rid Tu- Mp. Nov. x. Kragcr* (Nor), ftw ton**. Monpcn; pUI. I’clf iPt. N*v 19 11* (Nor), 6.>6 tonp, Lundcgaard; nt Bre men. |)*r 7. I Maria Atltiultb (ltal). 460 tans, Ollvari. ‘)*l .< t i .1 • • (Ml Trl' pt 17 | Marla T tltal), 750 tonp. Trapani; aid l'orio Krnpekloch*. Oct 28 ; G.i i I'n.i (Nor) 612 ton?, J.teobaon; akl. Maranham, Dw. 8 lin- cil (Nor). ft)7 ton?. Han **n. pII Glaa gow. Nov. 16 ! ltolf (Nor). 1.168 ton?, Torgcrwon; aid I.oi -ikjtHlrrry, Ike. 18. HtriKft del More (IimI). I,UB tonp. loavagl •u? ?ll (Irma. Nov. 24 Vencxlan (Im4), M 6 tona. Ferrari; aid. Al glera. Irc. 4 Wuakarul (Nor). tV.\ tons, Krikacn. *bl Llvtriwol. Nov. 18. Nckwonrra. Thornu* L JaiDPf Y N- v for Limt H>d Sa vannah. Itflx*<v J Moultnr 527 ton? t'ook; wld. Baltimore. I> ■ 21 HOOK 80TI(*K9. •The Story of Cyrua.’* Adaptctl frn Xrnophon'p Cyrofaioll.. By t'larcncc YY (lNon, A M . of the Itoxbury Latin School. Cloth. 12*00, 202 pager. Price 7 ■ centp. Am**rlc.i) Bmak Company. N**w York. In the “Story of Cyrus,“ Just pub* li?h**l teacher* will find a book which will solve on** of the greatest Ultlep which prepent* If?#*|f. Adapttnl from X**- nophon ti Cyropaedka, it furnkihcs an In rerePtlng anl at the ram* !!m* ln?truetlva text for upe during the last half of th first >%ar of Ur< * k and th* beginning •>f the pt*4 on*ft It will supplement the work In the beginner ? book unit will lid happily the interval between that aiul the An abasia or the Cyropaedia. ' Twentleih Century Gukt" to Palmis try." by the Zntu tg. The Hcnneberry Company. Bubdahers. 409-429 Dearborn street. Chi) ago <‘lnth sl. This 1? the pimplept, clearePt and yet the mo?t ex haupttve preaentutlon thi? interesting nitv J* t hup yet received. All or the diecov eric?. Investigation.? and researrhes of centuries* are ruinnied up In thla prac tical treatise on palmistry. “In White and Mark." by W. W Tln aon. Tin* J YY'. Burke Company, Ma ori, Oa . publish) rs. Cloth. 81.25. The s ene? of this story arr lakt In tho South and YVest. and In that lr.Urc(riii iM tlod auc ceedtng the war. Its Incident* blossom amid the atruggles of m peoH< facing a new cotidition ami laying, amid tears and trials, the fourul.ition of a n>*w pros|H*r it.v. The author enters Into fellowship with the common sorrow* and struggle# of men and has (hat touch of nature that make* the whole world kin. Ills chanc ier* move on a human plane and apte al to the sympathies of the reader. It I? written In a pleasing style and abounds In the Itrearh and bloom of nature. The description* are charming word-pictures and are are made to see the scene* ami 1 which the char* of era move or post tie. whether of Southern forest or in the brood prairie of the YV*nt. Though not • dialect story the characters are made to help tell their own story In their own language. "Col leg* 1 * Entrance ncquir*mm(s In English." For study anl practice 15f>l -1505 Cloth. ICino. Price 91 00. Aniwrirwn lfook Oonuumy, New York Frnn th* well known Eclectic English Classics there have her** been collected Murke's Concil iation with the American Colonies, Hhake fv are's "MurMh,'* Milton’s "Minor Poems," Vl;i .inlay’s "Addison," and Ma aulay's Milton." These ions# It tile the coll* ge entrance requirement! In English for study and practice. 1901-1506. and have here been bound together for the conven ience of students wlk> are preparing tlietn sclves for them.- examinations. "Overhear*! In the Wittlngton Famllt." liluMratlons by C. Allan Gtlt>ert. (Toth. 1(H) by 14. Life Publishing Company, New York city. 93 Life sends us "Overheard in the Wlttinglon Family," one of the richest Illustrated books that has a;*p-ar e) this year. It Is oomj*os<-*i of drawing* l by C. Allan Giib**rt. |Mrt of them printid in blaek and |wrt In color on very heavy surfaced rsiH*r. The blnlinir Is a unique* and artistic one. one side cloth and the oilier paper, with a handsome drawing by Mr. (illbar*. Among the younger Illus trators, Mr. Gilbert, who works entirely Ir. wash. Is noted for his richness of ton**. hl fine sentiment, and delicacy of treat ment. His young women art* distinguished and beautiful, and are types of real life. "Overheard In the Wlttington Family’ would make a most attractive Christina* gift, and would ornament any library la bia. Naxaiiae*. An article In the January St. Nlcholna that will appeal to boy* Is "Jack Jouid’'* Hide” an Incident In the Revolution, when Tarleton"* men.eettlng out on horse back for Montlcello. were fon*talled by u young Innkeeper, who rode thirty mile* In two hour*, and warned Thomas Jeffer •cn of hi* danger, The author of !hl- ac count. R. T. W Duke. Jr., rightly hold* that the deed deserve* to rank wlih th* f.imou* rid- of Raul Revere Another paper lhat irein* with adventure I* "The Diver,” by Cleveland MofTett—the flret of I series of .irtleh-e on "Gsreer* of Dan ger and Daring." Some of the experience* of profees tonal diver* are exiremely thrill ing. and Mr. Moffett write* of them In a very vlvaetou* aiyle. The Onitiry Com pany. I'nton Square. New York city. In fiction, the chief Inter*! In the Jan uary Century attache* tn a complete story—lngenious and debate-provoking— by Dr Wdr Mitchell—"A Comely of Conaclenee." Other stories are Margaret L. Knapp’* "The Man Who Went With #he Place"—ei plaee In Connectleut; Charh-s W, Chewiut'* "Th* March of Progre**." a tale of Afro-Americans; am) ■’There'* Only One Non York." the ffret of a series of "Some Amerlran* Abroad.” by the young bumorlae Charles RaKell Isooml* Fiction Invade* the airy pre clncta of "In Lighter V*ln" In the form of a second Policeman Fiyr.n story-"Hn -a- Southern Railway. Train* Axrlvo and Uepwrl Baiamiah on 99th Meridian T.idw—Oca flour hlowar Than City Tim*. Rchadul* In KfTvot I'c . 9. rmo. > nows To tii ii*!:ast || SEadX'S No 3t No CCfMt • I , N..- 3.. N • ij' •- 12 Aim f.v Ruitiiu.uh 7... Al (1 k .Oani, 3 tiinx II (I3av:<rn Time) |, | 4 3l|an I 21,.ir HU. kill)* I.v 2 I7ani| t >9t>m 6 Intan 6 uam Ar t ohimhi.t |,, i 13am II *atn 9 !•"> 4-. mAr Chariotl tiV'i a ikfim * 19am Ar *. ... t,\ f Mpaa t,r..t,n * Warn Ar ...7................ Norfolk L.v|;. k l|.m U alant I Ifpm At Dan villa Lv|| |. 40, ni, 4 Slain 6 tk'ani 6 23pm Ar It. km.Ni.l . .... |,\ u9pm 11 tOpm ! Willi i t3,. m r.,.7 7 777.777 .777 Ur himr* 7~7 ... 7.7 l,\ 3 !2:>m, 3 :**■• 4 3-ini iS .|Mii Ar Chariot (Mi 111* L 2 ot>m;i2 7 33am 3 \ r \\ ..abhiittun l,v 11 l&.im| k k*:. ■ lawm ■ -, n. \r Hall twn Lt t S3wm *3 pm Ar Philadelphia La 3 Ram .. Mpan ’ Ar Nw 1 .'lk Lv|ill 10am| I Rpm \r Rp i,.1. Dv|; 9 oopm l<> IMa No ! Ta> TIIK NORTH AND \Vi:BT. |Nt 3i _ (Cemral Time) || l-’ 30am .Lv .77. yvann.ih 7".. i,vll I Uam II (Ba.iorn Time.) || ..nam f.v A'olumbla Ar 1 Cam 11 -'...m l.v Rporlatibtttk I.v t 1 I'm * jjw i.v a ini if* l.v ii awm ?|.m Ar Hot Rprliur* Lv|| 7 39pm Ar Kwoxvlllt l.v k 3Um tr Dt i.m Lvj 10 NP-n 7 43 am Ar cimlnnatl l.v 1 • 9ro . Rt I out i it Mm ' 3i9ini Ar labile villi. I.vj 7 L4M All trains arrive and depnrl from tin I‘lanl Hyetem Station. TIIHOCOII t Alt HKIIVICK, ETC. THAI NS 13 AND M DAILY. NEW YORK ANl> hLAJHIDA K.M'ItKSS Vaml hulr.l limited Inins, with Pullman I'iawinx Hoorn Bl"*pln( Cara In tween Savan. •lah and New Y,,rk Coon.ta at We ulna In oil. Colonial Kiiirr r tor |io"n. Hlre|dnx Cara between Cnarl >llr and 111 hmor.d and r'n.irh'tl* and .NOr lolk Hilling rare h. rve .ill b-tween Nnvannah ami Wasl.lngion TRAIN.< 35 AND H DAII.Y, THE DNITKD BTATEH CAST MAH. Veallhuled llnntr.l irains. carrying pul Drawing Room Bleeping Cura i atwe*,i 8 v,n oh and New York Dining Cars serve all mrale between Savannah and Waarti.gton Also Pullman Hrawtng ltoorn Bleenlrvk Cara between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville ami ' The leiml of t!r# Hky.” Kor romplet, Inlurmullon ato ra(,o acbivltile* ele apply to K. 8 UAN NON, *d V. P. AG. M J M CULP, T M . VV A. TURK. O. P. A.. Washington. D C. 8 II HARDWICK. Asst C.en'l Pas. Axent. Atlanta Oa. R C IU.ATTNFR, Tlrket Axent. Plat t Hvstem Station JAMES FREEMAN CP AT A 111 Rull street Savannah. Oa . Phnnea RS9 Ohjerta to Promotion •’ Ml * Ttunkle'a ynunif French nobleman and Mr Gar lund'a ''Mountain Dover" continue In their . arc te of adv mur* . anti ltot* ri T. Hill, 4h. icobartsi In "Running Ihe Canon* of (111. Itto Grande." shows mat one ran tie his own adventurer. If only he hove emir ae and atrenxth enough; the tab* he tells Is a record of recent exploration Nothing In The Century's "Y .so of Itomanee'' It self • in exree.l In Interest the Intimate story of Ihe life In the besieged l*s .lions in Pekin, as told In tho January ntimls'r. The Century Company. Union Square, New York city. In the January Atlantic Prof Woodrow Wilson o;>ons the llrrt of an lm|K.rtnnt series of |*i|'re hy famous h mde. with "The History of the Reconstruction of tli" Southern State. ” enumerating the stranee and new questions that arose, in I which no answers had been provided iti the consllttitbai; and showing that In tho end. wtitle Ihe splrli of union In the con stitution prevailed, the whole setllemer,t of the affair was exlra-eon-tltuilonul. anil tho "consent of the governed was no more thought of than It had been 'lur ing th" preceding years of war. Bllia- Isdh discuss, s ''Th.' Time Spirit of th" Twentieth Century.*’ the changes that the nineteenth century has wrought, and the programme and Ideals with whi h the new .'ntury will is-gln R Van Iter gen sketches the hislory of the Empress Dowager of China, her phenomenal rise to power, hrr present grasp of the situa tion. and the things necessary for tho fu ture of China Churl'- A C'Hiant dis cusses "The Growth of Public Expendi ture* " showing that If more Is spent nowaday* than formerly, more Is demand ed. and a higher grade of public aervi"" Is t'S|ulrevl In every direction. The for. going arc only a few of the good things of the number. Houghton. Mifflin A Cos.. 4 Park street. Rrwton, Mass. Hrrlbner’s Magazine has many projectn for the year 19W. several of th*- most im|>ortnnt hive their iM-ginning in th** number for January, which has Just been issued In fiction, reader* will w*lcom the half-dozen umitrur cracksman sto ries by E. \Y. Ilornung. each of which b* complete in itnelf; but the ingenious Raffle* imd his accomplice. Runny, ip lear In sil of the adventures. Thomas I" Millar*l who has twin In five wars Mini whose articles on the Boer army attract ed so much attention h* fVrllmer’s last w.*r. gives "A I'DitiiMiiraM of the Arm!**? In China.*' which Is th* !est critlvsl sum mary that has yet api*ear**d of the ex cellencea aini defects of the various armies in the field, with particular application to the weakn* revealed by the l’nite I Htntcs troofM# Htepben Itoneat fells th story of a surprising adventure In "The Plague Ship" along the China coast; there Is u shirf story of senttm* at by Mary Toppatt Wright entitle*! "A Day Together " G**orge Horton. r*s*‘ntly t’ni ted Htst*s Consul at Athens, and a writer of stories of modern Greece wnl* h have attracted attention, contributes the first of two papers on "Modern At liens," giv ing the Mfe of to-day with Its romantic, bieforlrnl Itackgr ound Po*-ms by Mar guerite Merlngton. Grace Eliery Chun nlng, and Itolsert Bridges, an*l a descrip tion of "Two Ib autiful MmtiM In Japan" by W If. Van Ingen *on*du*le the niim- Ixr. Charles Hcrihner’s B*jns, New York. Cyrus Townsend Rrady’a new novel I* publlshl—complete—ln the January num ber of tb "New" Llpplncott. Thl* la a Revolutionary love story, or, a* the sub title ho- k "A Comedy of Cro*-Purpo*e* In the Carolina*." Thi' rial title, "When Blade* Are Out and Love'* Afield," fit* p ■ 'I ■-•••. In Her ’Teen*," by Albert itching, relate* some new and intimate gossip about the "Divine Hurah's" early life. Her manner of avenging un Insult at school I* pareic ularly characteristic. Edwin L. H.ibln'* story, called "The Day of the President’s Message," I* a most pathetic one about a "Girl." a telegraph editor, and a railroad wreck Elliott Flower write* a good lit tle horse story that mines a laugh against the embryo racing-man. Apropos IO cel ebrating iho centenary of the founding of Washington a* the capital of the Fnltcl State*. Anne Hollingsworth Wharton’s paper, called "Washington: A Predestined Capital." Thl* Is not a mere statement of faela. but Includes gossip about social happening* of those times, and many names ore mentioned whieh ore familiar In the fashionable world to-day A K W Mason the popular English writer, contributes "The Trouble at BeauMau," an amusing story of a tipsy Englishman who l seur hlng for the Marquis of Salisbury. There are several notubln short stories. "The Personal Equation A Story of Cornell College," by James Gardner Handereon. fuiffls an editorial preparation of many month* to putdtah a eerie* of college tale* dialling with the prlmlisil universities of America.—J. It. Llpplncott Comimny, Philadelphia. Pa. A glimpse of the luxury with which rich American* surround themselves 1* given in the January l**u* of The Ladles’ Home Journal, under the title "House keeping In a Millionaire’s Family." If thl* issue of the Jourtm! In u fair sample of w-hnt that popular magaslne Intend* to give It* reader* In the new century It* already wide field of usefulness will be greatly enhanced. One of 4h* striking fea ture', "The Baltimore Belle Who Made the Moat Brilliant Match of Any Girl In America," re,sills (he fart that a Yankee vjucrn once sai .... „ vt.e-regal throne In Ireland Dadles* Home Journal. Phil adelphia. I'a. The December Issue of ilw* Universal I rothcrhorsl Path, the niufi;Mi puhlli'r Im of the Universal limthertniod Or ganlxallon. ami the TheoeopMcwl khieie ly. "pens With a very strong and well, written article on "The Hygienic Aspect of brotherhood Work," by 14 T Edge Tin urttele Is bculihy and vlgotoiis and conta II a Strong plea f.. r an all amuiMl development, for the w-iter save "Mental 1 uiture of every kind has ts cum., so pr‘- ■ ramta nt -that It haa Haelf Is i' ' ln ' i sensual Indulgence; while, on the "ther hand. |diy*4nal vigor lias so degen - > i it'd Hurl men's bodies net reform a w.ll as I heir minds The world dues no! I f"""* more Idealism rial ptillu. ; sophlcal specula I 100. Isil It needs to lie ; I 'Uglit how to live healthily and clean- Iv " The Theoopht'wl Publishing than puny, Point Laima. Kan Diego. Cal Chrvsanthemuma and snow typify the winter season nnrl the American yite.-n for January Is r*splenlcnt In such an ex lerlor Between this exquisite picture and Its back rover are pages devotrsl to fle- Mon, fashion, fancy work and woman # In len-sts grnei rllv. Its Action Is from th ' pen* of Annie Bwun. Mrs. E. T. C.sik and Hannah It. M.ickmxlc Its fashions are He- latest copies of Paris. London and N'-w Turk styles, sketched by Mrs Jes. -I" Shepherd The American Queen. 31 Kaat Seventeenth slrei t, New York city. 1 The January number of the American Monthly Review of Reviews has great , variety and extraordinary alertness and timeline*.*. It hapfwn* to have several important and carefully written articles it hoot people, prominent among which I* to be mentioned a very brilliant review of President Gilman's administration at the Johns Hopkins University, contribut ed by Ir Nicholas Murray Butler of Co lumbia University, th** foremost authority >n educations I work in the Untied Th**re Is a sk* 4**li of Mark Twain a|>r*>fr>- of his return to the United Htat*s*. whl*h give* a very convenient review and sum mary of his long literary life. Hlr John Tennlel, the great cartoonist of Punch, • ompletes this month fifty year* of con tlnuous work ujion that venerable ami umuslng London weekly. mhl l)r. Hhaw. with some comments upon Tennlcl's ca reer and tint hod* as a <*artfsniet are I draftsman. rerrsluces a oonelderabl*' number of hi* most famous otrUxsw, In cluding two or three of bis Lincoln car toons at the time of our Civil War. These and many other articles make this num ber a notable one The Reviews of Re views Cos., 13 Agor Place. New York city Thin number of th*' Ledger Monthly, the first number of the new year. 1901. contains new and attractive f*sture* whieh render It more Interesting amt val uable than ever tiefor* There is a great er amount of useful information and a larger diversity of articles on topb-s In teresting to women Robert Bonner's Hons, Ledger nulkUng, New York Oily. The current number of Leslie’## Week ly Is the New Year’s number, find th* beautiful colored cover discloses the obi and the new century with a very attrac tive drawing by Mrs. liaker-Baker. The front page Is a line view of the liewey arch while Ling torn down. A page l d>‘vtd to picture* of Christmas leasts for the poor in New York, one to the \\ ushitiffton centennial, and one to ama teur photographs In the New Year's ton test while th double page Is a drawing by Leslie's Weekly's special artist |n China. Itydney Adamson. Th* l*e||c Pub lishing Company, New York (Tty. "The Black <Mt,” for January hna flve short stories that are well worth read ing. Till* little magailnti ha* a strong hold on i|tular favor, due to merit. The Htnirt Htory Publishing Company, 114 High street, Benton. Mu** From the point of view o' the American clilxen, there could neurcely be a more Important magazine article at this time than the unprejudiced *tory of Cuba’s na tional convention, writien for trade's January number, by two Intelligent spe cial correspondents, and copiously ilium tratrd. Other I'ontrlliutlon* whieh must Interest every man who worU* with hand or brain arc "Trading in Lss’omoilve*." a vtvld account of a remarkable Indus try. ami "An Fncxpeeted Result," the *t->ond of Mr. H A. Nelson’* series of Wall street tuorle* This last takes up an ethical queadon of business anti put* It lit an unusually dramatic form Like alt Mr. NeUon’o stories. It represents bus in*** a* business men know it. We should like to hove the opinion of American wo men on Israel Thing will's story. "The Wo man Heater." a* we beitev* R will be hard to discover two similar criticism* on tha story, except that It Is womlerfully clever. Th# other stories of the- nutnlar are first rat- Frank loudl* * Popular Monthly, Hi-117 Fifth avenue. New York city. idscuasieni which appear In the Politi cal Science Quarterly are Invariably strong, practical and thoroughly Impar tial. such as only the most compel nt writers csui produce, and have brought Plant System of Railways. Trains Operated by 90th meridian time - One hour slower than city ti me. i Jn effect Dec 9. 1309. All train*. I.' M'isnnah DgJi) Ar Bavaaostw Xatwiag 9 7* 9ml Mai am ah 13 10 sre 9 19 eni| %V ay cross 1 99 an* *'o am J ksonvll'e I* an > 13 PM and Florida 13 46 pm p in s 7 00 pm between • 'am' Sai.mnah !t Sk ana 3 13 am Charleston 1 7 60 ant I fit, pm an.| East | 6 55 pm f.v. Brunswick. Ar. Brunswick, n*fween ( 91 on Brunswick R Of. rag Jes up R 33 pm .... ftsvani.ah aisl ..... 7 16 am J u k-uivlll* R .15 pm i'unnccilons at Port Tampo wMtr Penlns mi a. ind •' I l*n al steamers leaving fo K-4 Wr-i .ml llivanu Monday*. Thura* dalv*. and Katurdiys. 11 90 p. m Call .t Ticket Offlcea for further Infore mvrtlon. 1 J- II POI.HEMI S, T I* A M ARU CI,ARK. City Ticket Agent I'" Ato ll.Srl 'Ptione 71 H h IVHEN'N Passenger IV'ffl' Man* ager, Savannah. Ga. mGLORGIA % R*YCa J Imdiiln Effective Dee. 10, IF? ' Trag.s srrlv* wi and depart from Central Station West Hroedv ht of LJlrerty atreet. 90ih Meridian Time On# hour slower thag city time _ Leave Arrive Savannah: Savannah: J 9 di M. mi. Athuita.| —45 am Covington. MNledgovtlloj** OOpnt |arsl ail tnterm'sllate points! (Augusta. Macon. Atlanta.! (Alliens, M.mtgomery, Co-j *9 9li>m lunibue Hlunlngtiam. Am-|-f OOan* "Dcus. Kufaula and Troy I |R mpm Dover A cumm.slallon |7 4Ram |7 90pm Guvton Dinner Train ||4 ROpm •Dally. |Except Sunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTBICE. 'i'U .Meridian or Havannah city tlmo. HEAVE HAVANNAH. Dally 930 u m . I k p. m HEAVE TYUBE. Dally to SR ■ m . R3O p m. ' (onneetlona made at terminal polntg with ull tralrw Northweat. Weat aisl Hout lists! Sleeping cars mi night tralna tmtweag 8 iiwnnah and Augusta. Marco. A than to and Iltrmlncliam. p.irlvi sis on day trelne between ft*, varinaii. aisl Atlanta. For rnniidetn inf-.i meltoo, s< heduiea, rales and connectloM. apply to W. O. HRBWKIt City Ticket and Paps I scngir Agent, 197 Bull atraet. or W R Yb I NTT RE. Depot Tlckat Agent. J C. HAIHE General Paaeenger Agent, K II IIINTON Traffic Manager Til El) D. RHINE General Superin tendent Havannah. Oe. mp [IMITEO Double Daily Service Th* ahort llr., to Norfolk. YV.ic’.inctaa, natilniori), Ptilladtlphla, Now York ■—) (h* East. AUKIVAI. <(F l itAINS FROM No tt North and Eaat | (Oagu No. S3 liim,rk arul Boral Sta *'a 10 am No It North anrt East U !0 pm No M Jarkaonvlila and Florida... 1 to par No. 73 Montgomery no.I Weal ■ 1 par. No. 74 and Laval Coin 1,... I 4S an* No M JackaonvilU and Florida.. .U IS pm DEBAKTt’RR OF TRAINS ' FUR No. 17 Jarkaonvllla and Florid*... (Saul; No II JickMnrlllt and Florida... Ulf pro No 44 N.w York and Eaal 1 H pm No. 14 I 'rrimark and Auguita I 16 pm No 71 yiimtgutn-ry and Waal 7 31 am No. 71 Helen* and Hialton*. • K pm No •* Nw York and E**t II 5* pa* Manlflran( Bollman buffer al*ep4ad <ar •ervlc* to IVaehlnatun, Msltlaiora Pklla* delphla and New York; ai*o to Jeokaon vllle and Tampa Dining rara from Savannah to ll.mdot *nd Richmond lo New York Bußei parlor caro Savannah to M mt cranery. For additional Information apply t* Tick-i uffice. Hull and Bryan alraaln, Bhon* B. (hla Journal Into dceerved favor wUI* (ham* who cor for more than a •upMd.j <dal knowlerlxa of tha (rroblema whlc||| mark Iho prosreaai of the world * workJ Th- IhM'i-mlrer number irrata In a moat) comprchenalvc manner aeverol queatlona; tMaiririK on (h** fMI 'lit potHlcal and cco-. nomic altuatlon. In (hr leadlns artlotoj Edward Van Dyk*- Roblnaoit make* an e**L haoatlve etudy of "War and Kronomloa.**| a eubject of unusual interrwt, forcibly I pn-xented. Ginn A Cos.. Boaton. Haw. The Alkaheel for January I* a parti -u --larly line number. Th*( "Tablu of Cob tent*” I* an attractive ode. Tb arttctoS are by Icadlnk H..uthern writer*. Ttia Ik etendtly arowtn* In favor. Th*, Alkahawt. Atlanta. Ga. The World * Work for January rontalns evidence that It la urowln* aleaidlly in popular favor. It ha* the appearanea of prap*(liy. The artloiv* ara tlQMly. and are well wrtlten “A Hlatory of tha Month." "Fannin* a* ■ I'nofeaakm." ■•Great Tank* of the New CMilury," and other like topics, are dealt with In a way to attract attention and command re ntier! lhMihleday, Faye A Cos., 14 Union Square, coat, New York Cl4y. The Co*mopolltan for January la In tbs front rank of the popular mayasinaa. It htia lieeti prime favorite wMh tha pub lic for a tony time, and It promt*** to continue to be. The current numbor is a uperb on*. The liluat rat ions are (rood and th* articles are of a hlrh standard of excellence. An liluat rated artlcla, en titled "Some Chinese Oddities," by Francis E. Clark. D.D.. la certain 40 bo ( rntd with absorbing Interest. The Cos mopolitan. Irvington. New York. klfvrel 30 Year*. "Oraybeenl cured ms of catarrh from which I had suffered thirty-lira yaara. Nothing on enrtn eo far as I warn abU to obtain gave me relief. Since taking Orayb-ard l am a* well as aver. 1 had catarrh of the haad. Mrs. Ithoda Dana, Balling! r. Tax. Ormybmrd 1* mad. only by Beopeag Drug Company, sole owners, and U. told at drug*tore* for t: a buttla.-nd. 7