The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, March 15, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TEARING DOWN SHANTIES. Seaboard Determined to Hold It* Angosta I'ranohlte W hich Ex pire* To-day. Augusta, Ga.. March 14.—This afternoon under telegraphic instructions from Presi dent John Skelton Williams. James U. Jackson .general agent of the Seaboard Air Line. put a force of the hands to work tearing down the otie-atory shanties on the Harrison block opposite the Union de pot, to make way for tracks. Tile city's grant to the Seaboard of right of way through the city and use of va rious streets would lapse to-morrow by limitation, and the City Council having laat night refused extension for another year. Attorney Boykin Wright advised beginning work to-day to preserve the present grant. This grant is for the projected Chatta nooga. Augusta and Charleston Railroad —the new line from Charleston to Augusta and Athens, which the Seaboard a year ago declared its intention to build. The work begun to-day in Augusta was un premeditated, and cannot continue con secutively, but under advice of the com pany's attorney is sufficient to hold the city’s grant. General Agent Jackson declared that the Seaboard means in good faith to butid this road and that as soon as the work dan be properly organised and directed lhe number of hands will be largely in creased Ten men were put to work with new axes and picks this afternoon. NO MONEY FOR THE WIDOWS. legislature Hluudered In Makina He gt 00*11011 Appropriation— Must Wait I ntll This Fall. Atlanta. March U.-The Legislature at its last session seems to have made quite a blunder in appropriating *IOO,OOO for the payment of pensions of *6O each to the indigent Confederate widows of Georgia without providing the money for that purpose It now develops that there is no fund from which this money can be taken f.nd. in fact, that there will be no money on hand with which to pay these pensions before next December. The legislature failed to moke any special levy for the purpose, but calcu lated that the Increase in general taxes would be sufficient to provide for these pensions. This may be true, but these taxes will not be collected before. De cember next, hence the widows must do without their money for fully nine months longer than the Legislature con templated Their only chance is in the bare possi bility that the entire *2<x>.ttlo which Gov. Candler was authorized to borrow to meet any deficiencies may not be needed to pay the school teachers." AN ANTI-TREATING BILL . • rgrdifntallvf Howard Fropoira to Make It 1 Dlnwfpl to Sat 'Km Ip to the Bora. Atlanta March 14.—Representative Wm. Schley Howard of DeKalb county, says he wtH introduce a bill in the next legis lature, which will provide a penalty for •ID' nun who invites another man, friend or enemy, to join him in a drink of intox icating beverage. Mr. Howard already has the bill prepared, awaiting the as sembly. Following is the caption of the bill, "A bHI to be entitled an act to pro hibit the gift of whisky, rum. beer, gin or other Intoxicant, by any person, or per sons to another, or. to "treat" another in any barroom or tippling house, or other place where Intoxicants are kept for kale." The bill is constitutional, Mr. How ard said. In explaining It this morning "It is already a law In the state of New Jersey, and other states are considering NKKTIMi CALI.BD OFF. gain Jones to Give Dublin's Dates to hnvunnuii. Dublin, Ga., March 14 —Rev. Bam Jones has called off the meeting scheduled to commence in Dublin, April 28, and has given the Dublin dates to Savannah. In bis letter calling off the meeting, Mr Jones stated that if the ministers of the oky and the citizens would get together he would still give Dublin ten days of bia time at a date to be agreed upon. The objection the ministers had to the coining of Mr. Jones on April 28, was on account of the manner In which the invitation had been extended and the reason actuating the person sending the invitation. As soon as they heard that the meeting had been called oft the min isters met yesterday afternoon and pass ed a resolution pledging themselves to cp-operate in every way with the com mittee that is now seeking to induce Mr. Jones to co|ne to Dublin and pledging their assistance in the • meeting, if Mr Jones decides to give Dublin a lat er date. This resolution was passed with only one dlscentlng voice. The minister who so voted stated that he had already written Mr. Jones his views fully in the matter, and had promised the evangelist hip co-operation as far as he could. It Is the desire of the people that Mr. Jcpes come to Dublin immediately fol lowing his meeting in Suvgnnah. All the arrangements for entertaining the Grand Council Royal Arcanum In this city on the first Wednesday in May have about been concluded. The Woman’s Missionary Borlety of the South Georgia Conference will meet In this city, June 14-18, next. About 130 dele gates are expected. a prohibition candidate. A. nborn Wright May Ran for Gov ernor. Atlanta. March 14.—A report was cur rent at the Capitol this morning that Hon. Seaborn Wright, representative In the Legislature from Floyd county, would announce at once for Governor. Mr. Wright bus been talked of as a candidate for some lime, and It has been stated that hie platform would be for state prohibi tion. A telegram wae sent Mr. Wright asking blfn about the report. The response re ceived lends (strength to the belief that |te will run. While he does not etate In bis telegram that he wiil become a candi date. he Intimates very strongly that he would like to enter the race. :—. ♦ A ROOM ON AT OOUHHI S. Lots lirlna Good Trice— Police Drive I ngranli Oat. Columbus. Ga.. March 14.—Fifty lots gold at auction to-day brought good prices. There Is a big boom In city and suburban realty. The war being waged by the po lice on vagrants and idlers is having good reeults. Most of this class has been forced to work or driven out of the city. Fathers Rond and Kennedy are assist ing Father Uehlenke In conducting u mis sion which has resulted In a great awak ening of Interest In the Catholic Church Capt. James Tucker, special agent, of the labor department of the government 1f here collecting alallstlcs of the labor •tribe last sum trier This Is the only strike here mi the period of four years covered by the Inquiry. TO PREVENT PA El MO Alt 4M> GRIP. losative icrnovts the cause.—sd. THEORIES ABOUT FOOD. Alee ■ Few Facte on the Same Sob ject. Me hear much nowaday* about health ! foods and hygienic Uving. about vegeta- I nanism and many other fads along the same line. Restaurants may be found in the large ; cities where no meat, pastry or coffee is ; served and the food crank is in his glory, and arguments and theories ga -1 lore advanced to prove that meat was 1 never intended for human stomachs, and almost make us believe that our sturdy ancestors who lived four score years in j robust health on roast beef, pork and mutton must have been grossly ignorant of the laws of health. Our forefathers had other things to do than formulate theories about the food they ate. A warm welcome was extended to any kind from bacon <0 acorns. A healthy appetite and common sense arc excellent guides to follow in mat ters of diet, and a mixed diet of grain*, fruits and meats is undoubtedly the best. As compared with grains and vegeta bles, meat furnishes the most nutriment in a highly concentrated form and Is digested and assimilated more quickly than vegetables and grains. Dr. Julius Remmson on this subject says: Nervous persons, people run down In health and of low vitality should eat meat and plenty of it. If the digestion Is too feeble at first It may be easily cor rected by the regular use of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal. Two of these excellent tablets taken after dinner will digest several thousand grains of meat, eggs or other animal foes) In three hours, and no matter how weak the stomach may be, no trouble will be experienced if a regular practice is made of using Biuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets be cause they supply the pepsin and diastase necessary to perfect digestion, and every form of Indigestion will be overcome by their use That large class of people who come un der the head of nervous dyspeptics should eat plenty of meat and insure its proper digestion by the dully use of a safe, harmless digestive medicine like Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets composed of the na tural digestive principles, pepsin, dias tase, fruit acids, and salts, which act ually perform the work of digestion. Cheap cathartic medicines, masquerading under the name of dyspepsia cures are useless for indigestion as they have absolutely no effect upon the actual digestion of food. Dyspepsia in all its many forms is sim ply a failure of the stomach to digest food and the sensible way to solve the riddle and cure the dyspepsia is to make daily use at meal time of a preparation like Stuart's Dyspepsia 'Tablets, which Is Indorsed by the medical profession and known to contain active digestive prin ciples. All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at 50c for full treatment. A little booklet on cause and cure of stomach trouble mailed free by address ing F- A. Stuart Cos., Marshall, Mich. OPPOSED TO SALE OF ROAD. Attorney General Terrell Will Fight Proposition—'Treasurer Park Opposes It. Atlanta, Ga, March 14—Atorney Gen eral J. M. Terrell is oposed to tphe sale of the state road, and will no doubt fight the proposition when it comes up. "The state needs the revenue,” said Mr. Terrell, "end I will never favor the ale. It is a sure source of revenue to the state, and I will never be In. favor of disposing of It. The state has a source of income for eighteen more years at *420.000 a year. What would be our In come If we sold the line?” State Treasurer Park #a!d: “1 am op posed to selling the Western and Atlan tic road, because at present it brings in much money to the state. As matters stand at present, we get *35.000 monthly rent.” AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT. Athens t* Have One in May Imsting Three Day*. , Athens, G., March 14.—The Northeast Georgia Educational exhibit is to be held In this city, May 9, 10 and 11. iAt the ex hibit specimen* of work done in leading schools of the country, to the number of more than a thousand, and <en thousand specimens by the children of the city schools, will be exhibited. The exhibit will take place in Dupree Hall. It will open with an address by Hon. Hoke Smith of Atlanta For the three days an entertaining and instruc tive programme has been arranged fo 4be guests, among which will be an ep tertalnment by the children of the public schools at the Opera House, and a re ception at the Athenaeum. One feature on the 11th will be an address by Pres ident Bradwell of the State Normal School. Committees have been appointed to thoroughly work up the affair In every way, reduced rates on railroads are to be secured, and the hundreds of guests will be well taken care of during their stay in Athens. WAS SPEAKER OF WALLACE HOUSE Judge Wm. H. Wallace, a Beloved South Carolinian, 111. Columbia. S. C., March 14.—Judge Wll- Hem JL Wallace, one of the most be loved men In Bouth Carolina, Is ill at his homo in Union. The Judge has an stack of the grip, and his heart lias l*een somewhat affected. His daughters, Mrs. James Maxwell of Greenville, and Mrs. Victor Gage of Alabama, have gr rlvtd at bis bedside. He is believed to be bettor. Judge Wallace won speaker of the fa mous "Wallace House." organised by the Democrats when they could not get possession of the State House in 1876 af ter Hampton'* election. Later he became circuit Judge, and more recently has di rected his time to study. ~o~. CAROLINA'S NORMAL M’HIIOL Spartanburg, Ruck Hill and Cleinaon AD Bidding for It. Columbia, S. C.. March 14.—Spartanburg, Rock Hill and Clemsun College are bid ding for the slate summer school for teachers. This has grown into a big tif toir in the last few years. An appropri ation for the summer school is made by the legislature and thousands of teacher* spend a month at the place of meeting. The Ihree places mentioned hove the ac oommodatlons for the teachers, but be cause of women's colleges— Winthrop and Converse—being at Rook Hill and Spar, tanburg. these places Hre best suited for the accommodation of the lady teachers. The teachers occupy the domltorles and hoard in the college buildings LOST RACE IIOHWE WALK. Marshal Barnes Wants $4,000 Dam ages From Western Union. Augusta, March 14—United titates Mar shal John M Haines, of Thomsen). Ga., has Hied sulj before United Slate* Com missioner Calvin against the Western Union Telegraph Company fur |4.fgu for damages growing oifl of loss of Ihe sale of a race hors* In Yonkers. N V The suit allege that the telegram was not properly delivered, and timt It* contents were made known to parties wbu thwart ad tbs sale. \ THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. MARCH 15, 1901. ENGINEER RIVERS KILLED. Shot by >rgro Deckhand of Steamer Hire*—Body Fell In Hlier and Not Recovered. Columbus, Ga., March If— Theodore Jackson, a negro deck hand, shot Engi neer T. JB. Rivers of the steamer J. M'. Hires, In the head, killing him instantly, this afternoon while the boat was on the Chattahoochee river, not far from Oma ha, Ga. Rivers' body fell into the river and has not been recovered. The negro was taken on to Omaha, where he was placed in Jail. Rivers it from Wewa hilchka, Fla , where he leave a family. Tvrenty-four Honn to Get Rot. Atlanta, March 14. —Raymond Harkins, the spiritualistic medium whose fake se ance was exposed by two policemen, was given twenty-four hour* by the Recorder to-day to get out of town. Harkins said he would go to Cincinnati at once. 1 Locked One of a Centtry. Columbia. S. C., -March 14.—Miss Kate Bethune, 99 years old, died at Bethune, Kenshaw county, yesterday. DEATHS. March li, at 1 o'clock a. m. at the residence of her son in-law John H. Fox. Mr*. L. A. Barnwell, relict of the iste John B. Barnwell. Fu neral notice later. FINER AI. IN VIT ATI Off g. EGAN.—The friends of Mr. pnd Mrs. John M. Egan nd family are invited to attend the funeral of their daughter, Helen M., from the Cathedral of Lady of Perpetual Help, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. W EIJSH.—The relatives and friends of Mrs. Ellen Welsh are invited to attend her funeral from St. Joseph's Infirmary at ]1 o'clock this morning. MEETINGS. LANDRI'M LODUE NO. 4), W. AND A.M. A regular communication of this J* lodge will be held at Masonic Tem- jf pie this (Friday) evening at 8:16 /▼' o'clock. The M. M. Degree will be conferred. Members of sister lodges and transient brothers fraternally invited to attend. By order JULIAN A. TISON, W. M. W. C. TRAVIS, Secretary. SAVANNAH LODGE. NO. 'AMKi. G. l r . O. OF ODD FELLOWS. You are hereby ordered to meet at your lodge room (Harris street hall) Krtdsy, March IF, at I:3D o’clock, to pay the last tribute of respect to our deceased brother, Jesse Buxton. Members of sister lodges are also invited to attend. By order of A. E. MULLIGAN, N- G. R. B. HIGGS, P. S. arECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Office of Commissioners of Chatham County and ex-Ofßcio Judge, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 21, 1901.—A vacancy having oc currpd in the office of Tax Collector of Chatham county by the death of the In cumbent, J. J. Mcdowaoi on Feb. 6, 1901. and It is more than six months from the time the election can be appointed and held until the existing term will expire, an election for Tax Collector of Chatham county, Georgia to fill the vacancy IS hereby ordered to take (dace according to law at the Court House in said county on the 15th day of March, 1901. A. B. MOORE. C. C. C. A. VET3HURG, C. C. C. J. P*UIj*EN, C. C. C. (Best) Attest REUBEN BUTLER, Clerk C. C. C. NOTICE. Office of Commissioners of Chatham Oeunty and ex-Offlcio Judge, Savannah, Ga.. Feb. 21. 1901.—The office of Ordinary of Chatham county, Georgia, having be come vacant by the death of the incum bent, Hampton L. FerriU. on Jn. 5, 1901, before the expiration of h 4 term and the unexpired term exceeds thrift months from the time the election can be or dered and held, an election for Ordi nary to supply the vacancy for the re mainder of the unexptred term is hereby ordered to take place according to law at the Court House of said county on the 16th day of March, 1901. A B MOORE, C. C. C. A. VJ3TSBUKG. C. C. C. J. PAULSEN, C. C. C. (Seal), Attest REUBEN BUTLER, Clerk C. C. C. FDR TAX COLLECTOR. At the on:*et aolcit.lion gf many friends, Irrespective of political and fac tional differences, I beg to announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector of Chatham county. (Election March 16 inst.). The support of my friends and the public will be duly appreciated. If I could 1 would not buy the office and am absolutely free and untrammeled as to favor or promise of reward. THOMAS F. THOMBON. SAVANNAH FAIR ASSOCIATION. The first installment is now <Jue. I am prepared to furnish receipt tor same M J SOLOMONS, 14 East Bryan ptreet A SITE WANTED. Bids are invited for a site for the State Fair to be held in Savannah. Those having sites to offer will please rom qrunlqgte with the undersigned. J W. JA.CESQN. Ch*)rrqpn. SPECIAL NOVICE. Executions for State and County taxes gre now entered In the County Sheriff's office. To save Intereot and costs of ad vertising. parties Interested will do well to call and settle. JOHN SCHWARZ, Sheriff. DIVIDEND NO. IS. At a meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the People's Savings and Loan Com pany held this day, a dividend of three dollars per share was declared from the earning* of the company, for the past six months, payable on and after March 16. E. L. HACKBTT. Treasurer March U. FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAT. Green Cheese Cloth for decorating 6o Green Ribbons 28gc. 6c, 7c, 100 Shamrock Pins 2c THE BEE HIVE, N. Schulz. St Julian and Whitaker streets. THE PALACE SALOON 62 Bull strget Fine Wines. Liquor*. Beers Ales, and Cigars Mimed drinks a specialty Oys ters. Lunch 11 a. m to 1 p. m. every day. Special attention to private wine rooms M D ABRAMS. Savannah Ga LEE ROY MYERS SCO HUMBOLDT CIGARS A5 GOOD AS CURRENCY Superior to All, SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383. EVERY ONE SAYS THE SAME THING -THAT FRANK’S RHEUMATIC AND CATARRH CURE CURES, and You Remain Cured. PRICE *1.50 PER BOTTLE; six for *B.OO. TRY ONE BOTTLE AND BE CONVINCED. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACY CO. f Bull and Congress and 309 Bull Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW MATTRESSES AT FACTORY PRICES. (Medicated Steam Renovation of Hair, Mose and Feathers.) Scores to select from at prices ranging between *2.00 and *4O 000. We have manu factured these goods for "stock,” so that orders for new work will not Interfere with renovating and re-making, which from present Indications promise to keep us taxed to our capacity. We take as much paina with an old mattress as with anew one, do the work as well, make coat lees than in New York or elsewhere. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING COMPANY. 331 Prayton street. Bell Phone 1136. Georgia Phone No. 348. Bell Phone No. 348. \V. C. FRIPP A- CO. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Real Estate bought and sold on commis sions, and Rents collected. Representing Travelers' Insurance Company, Life, Ac cident and Liability Departments. New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Company. Greenwich Fire Insurance Company. The City Trust, Safe Deposit and.Surety Company. Issuing Bonds of Surety to contractors, administrators, guardians, etc. SAVANNAH PREPARATORY SCHOOL, MILITARY. Barnard and Harris streets. ORMOND B. STRONG (Cornell), Head Master. —Assisted by— MRS. P. N. STRONG, Vassar. JOHN STELZER. A. 8., Northwestern University. J. A. HENRY, A. 8., Princeton and Lelpelc. A. C. OELSCHIG. THE FLORIST. Is now offering for spring planting. Geraniums, newest apd most beautiful to be had. Lilies of the. Yalley, Freesias, Hyacinths, Azaiias, Callus, Pansy Plants $1 per 100. Booking orders for April de livery of Chrysanthemums and Easter Lilies for Easter. Leave your orders with J. GARDNER, Agent, Bell Phone 1630, or either Phone No. 496 direct to nursery. BELSIKGEH & CROSS, Successors to j. h. Ftitmai. Headquarters for Ice Creams, Sherbets, and Water Ices; Cinnamon Cake, Cinna mon Bun and Apple Cake. Candles and Bon-bons. Patty Shells made to order; Special Cakes made to order. Everything the finest. Give us a trial. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Phones 266. BECKMANN'S CAFE. 110-114 Whitaker street. OYSTERS—Apalachicola Oysters by express every day. The finest this season. Call and partake, in any style. Wuerzburger Hof Braeu on draught. ’ Phone 710, MANTELS, GRATES AND TILING. We have the largest stock, prettiest de sings. lowest prices. Call and examine our* before buying. Beautify your new house with pretty mantels. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. LOANS ON REALTY. Our clients loan money on city real estate on monthly payments, or for fixed periods, at low rates of interest. Histories of land titles. BECKETT St BECKETT. PAINT* AND HOUSE PAINTING. Wo handle nothing but the VERY BEST grades Of PAINTS and OILS, and employ the very best painters to be had. Allow us to make bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone 618. . NOTICE. Neither the master, owners nor con signee of the Bpunlsh steamship Ida will he responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. AROSPK, Master. NOTICE. Neither the master, owners nor con signee of' the Spanish steamship Niceto will be responsible for any debts contrac ted by tl> crew AtfCARRETA, Master NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignee* of the British steamship Homewood lloolsnd mustm, Urltlsh suamship Hurlcn Jas Twedd.e. master, will be reauunslov fin ally dbt contra' ted by crew* of- aid ves sel*. J. F MINI4I A 00 , Consignees. SPECIAL NOTICES. RECOVERING FROM GRIPPE. If you have had grippe and can’t get around again. If you are weak, broken down, out of temper. If you can’t eat, stomach weak. If you are left impaired in vitali ty, you are in condition to take Graybeard. You of all people need it. And you need it now. After removing the aches and pains it gives you an appetite, and so builds up your system as that all after-results of grippe will, disap pear. Do not wait. Get it at the drug stores. RESPESS DRUG CO.. Proprietors. Mr. A. Hanley. President Suwaive Springs Company Suwanee, Fla., March 11- Dear Bir: I was troubled with Eczema, and on my way South was advised to visit Suwanee Springs. I went there on Tuesday, March 5, arriving at noon. I commenced to drink the water, and the second day drank 4 of the bottles contain, ing about half gallon each. 2 galls in i 11, continued this and took the hot baths, and on Friday of the following week I left the Springs entirely cured. 4 feel elegant and have discovered no symp toms of Eczema. 1 am now at Rockledge and have advised quite a number of peo ple to visit your Springs at once, among them Dr. E. L. Diefenderfer and wife who is suffering with chronic stomach trouble, he will visit your Springs imme diately. I am sure he will be cured Judg ing from what the water has done for me and what I have witnessed it doing for others while at the Springs. Please send me a few of your pamphlets describ ing the Springs to my address at Scran ton, Pa. Respectfully yourg, A. P. BEDFORD. LKVY DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT. By paying your bills an or be tore the 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY A BRO. HOUSEKEEPERS You are reminded that novr la the time to o*e Paxton* B—D B—G. POISON. It will keep yosr premise* free fiom thig pest. Sold Ip large bottle* for 23c. DETERSIVE FLUID Makes old doth* look like new. Sold in large bottles for 26c. SOLOMONS 00., Cangres* and Barnard and Ball St. Branch Store. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY. We wash your clothes Just white like snow, so fair. We use Octagon soup and the olothes never fade. We give you satisfaction and guarantee the best work. Shirts Bc, New Shirts 10c. Shirt Waists 16c, Undershirts sc. Drawers 6c. Collars lHc, Cuffs 3c, Handkerchiefs HJc, Socks 2c. Pants Cleaned 26c. Family Clothes, mixed, a doaen, 60c. Family, all starch. Clothe*, a dozen. 8100, Duck Skirts 30c. Linen Suits 50c. Our delivery wagon will call for linen. ROBERT A TONG CO., First Class Chinese Laundry. Bell Phone 1200. 322 Broughton, s. CHANGE OF THE SEASON. Gents' now is the time to have your summer suits cleaned by the Resorclne Antiseptic Process. I will make you a new suit and you can take a trip with the saving. NEW YORK DYE WORKS, State and Whitaker. Phene >43. TUI. U It TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop, erly taken up. cleaned and taken earn of for the summer, is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or cal) at 22 Montgomery etreet. and they will make you sn esll mat* on the cod of th* work Price* reasonable. They alo pack, mov* and (tore furniture and piano* C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt and Mgr. JgS If You Have Been sending: away for you* shoes and are open to conviction, we are prepared to prove to yon C 0 that yon are losing money. We can fit you in all the newest §gfln and best styles, and yoti are not fIKJ compelled to take the one pair Wvm sent, but have a selection of styles, such as can be duplica- Wm ted only in the largest stores of *Wj&A New York or Paris, and we'll 9| do it for LESS MONEY. BUSINESS NOTICES. IF YOU NEED any Canned goods come to us. We are very particular about that part of our stock. We do not claim that we carry the largest stock of Canned Goods of any one In the city, but we do claim that we carry the best and fresh est. Isn’t that the kind that you want? Small Tender Peas per can 15c Fancy Baby Corn per can 15c Asparagus per can 15c Apricots, sliced, per can 15c Peaches, sliced, per can 15c 3-lb. cans Peaches per can 10c —at— JOHN T. EVANS & CO.’S, Congress and Barnard streets. Fones 286. EASTER GIFTS. Our stock is full of articles tit for per sonal wear, suitable for Easter Gifts. Chatelaine Watches. Pearl Pendants. Sleeve Buttons. Hat Pins. Belt Buckles. Wlule for the in Silver and Cut Glass the variety is complete. THEUS BROS. LOW RATES On Table and Bed Linen. Office 307 Bull Street. Phone 700. lo temper Piste For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It is in good order. Price *IOO. It cost originally *l,lOO, but we have no use for it and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, lavannak, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICES. GREER'S SCOTCH WHISKY. This celebrated fan.oue old vatted Highland Whisky 1* imported direct from the distillery by u*. This Greer Scotch Whisky le guaranteed to be bottled abroad and Is consigned to us from Glas gow, Scotland, and 1* in bond in the United State* Custom House in this city. This grand old Greer Scotch Whisky is beautifully mellow and mild to a degree and is soft to tha palate as one could possibly wish, and ttyere is a nutttnea* about It that 1* especially pleasing. We are glad to let the publlo pur chase a* small quantity as they wish, even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the best brand *f Scotch whisky extant. LIPPMAN BROS.. Wholesale Druggists, Llppman’s Block, Sole Agents for the Greer Distil leries, Glasgow. Ocotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies. 4 HON DM BtHfITKD By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author ised to execute locally (Immediately upon application) all bonds In Judicial pro ceedlngs In either the state or United States courts and of Administrators and guardians. HEARING A HULL,, Agents, Telephone 324. Provident Building SPECIAL ItOTK ■ The Vale Royal Manufacturing Com pany have started their new eaw mill, end have for sale at wholeeale or retail a full line of their famoua brunde of Cy pieas Shingles They alto have on hand a full stock of Cypraee and Ash Lumber si rrasonablo prices. Boat* can load at our wharves H P. HMAI4T, President. THE CHATHAM BANK. SAVANNAH. LEOPOLD ADLER, President. C. S. ELLIS, Vice President JOHN R DILLON, Cashier. BARRON CARTER. Asst. Cashier Solicits the account* of individuals firms, banks, associations and corpora tions. Liberal favors extended to correspond nig banks, as our unsurpassed facilities for collecting Insure prompt returns BUYS AND BELLS FOREIGN EX ™I*NGE. WRITES LETTERS OF AND IS SUES BANK MONEY 2? D £££o% YABLE IN Interest compounded quarterly on d *“■'"s'" ' bR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ren* fety 1,61)03,4 ®oxes and Vaults tor The Citizens Bank OP SAVANNAH. CAPITAL 5500,000. Tranaac a General Banking Builneu. ••licit* Aceoant* of IMlTtdanl*. rrehants, Banka and other Corpo rations. Collection* handled with safety, economy and dispatch lateyegt, compounded quarterly, allowed on deposits In our Sarin., Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storage Vaults. Brantley a. Denmark, President. MILLS B. LANE, Vlee President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK Papitili * SUle ° f Geor *“' DEPOSITORV n^ v i ded profUs -K DEPOSITORS OF THE STATE OF n , GEORGIA. Superior facilities f pr transacting a General Banking Business. Collections made on all points accessible through banks and bankers. Acc ° pnts °f Banks, BankersTMerchants nd others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Department of Savings, interest payable quarterly. Sells Sterling Exchange on London £1 and upwards. JDHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS JNO. FLANNERY. WSI W. GORDON E. A. WEIL. w. W. GORDON.Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY No. 1640. Chartered 1886. the t(tils in it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. 8500,000. SURPLUS. 1100,009 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. G. CARSON. President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President W. M. DAVANT. Cashier Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GO. Capital ...8200,009 Undivided profits 50,000 This bank offers Its services to corpora tions, merchants and Individuals. Has authority to get as executor, ad ministrator. guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Savings Department. Safety boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W. TIBDEMAN. Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN, Ase t Cashier THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK BTREET, WEST. SPWR CENT, per annum allowed oa deposits, withdrawable oa demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed o deposits of even hundreds, with drawable at annual periods. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN. President. B. H. LEVY, Vice President. E. W. BELL. Secretary. C. O. ANDERSON. JR., Treasurer THE CHATHAM Real Estate and Improvement Cos A MUTUAL LOAN AND BUILDING COMPANY, INSTALLMENT PLAN No loans made outside of Chatham county. Home* built on monthly payment plB -OFFICE. 14 URYAN BTREKT. EAST Savannah. J. H. KBTILL. President. C H DOHSKTT, Vice President. M J SOI.OMONB. Sec y and Tress F W GARDEN Asst Secy and Tree* DIRECTORS—Wm. Kehoe. Le Hny Myers. 11. £. Cunningham, li. P* Broaft. C. S. Cennerat.