The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1901, Page 5, Image 5
FLATS FOn REST. '"for rent, desirable flat, second floor. 431 Barnard street, fac ing Chatham square; possession Nov. l. Apply within. __ "FOR RENT. FLAT, BROUGHTON and Houston; sl2-50 per month. C. Mendel, 658 East Liberty. “FOR RENT. FIVE-ROOM FLAT, "05 York street, east. Apply to Rowlin skl. Pharmacist, Broughton and Dray ton streets. “TO RENT, SECOND FLOOR, 30 Harris street, “west. “FOR RENT. A DESIRABLE FLAT, in perfect order, and a second-story room, furnished or unfurnished; pri vate family; terms reasonable. No. 130 Liberty street, west. “FOR RENT. FOUR-ROOM FLAT” ;14 Duffy, west; large rooms, perfect condition. Apply on premsies, or next door, 218. “THIRD FLAT 409 PERRY STREET, east; parlor flat and basement, 309 Liberty street, east. Youmans & Petnmond, 6 Bryan street, east._ “FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS; PRl v&te bath; no children; references ex changed. 128 Taylor, west. “BEAUTIFUL FLAT CHEAP TO parties without children. 305 Jones street, east. “FOR" RENT, A FLAT OF SIX rooms, with all conveniences; cheap rent. Apply 39 Jefferson. “FLAT FOR RENT. THREE rooms and bath; 205 York street, east. Apply to Rowlinski, pharmacist, Broughton and Drayton streets. “FOR RENT, PARLOR FLAT, FUR mshed or unfurnished, at 112 Taylor, east. FOR RENT, DESIRABLE FLAT OF five rooms; all conveniences; to par ties without children. 221 Barnard street. ___ “FLAT OF THREE ROOMS, NEW- Iy renovated; hot and cold water; $9 per month to right parties. 313 West Waldburg street. “FOR RENT, CONVENIENT FLAT, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 418 Montgomery street. “TO RENT, FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS with bath and one furnished room. No. 435 Barnard street. “ FLAT THREE CONNECTING looms, unfurnished, bath convenient; also two basement rooms suitable for s. office. Apply 303 Liberty, southeast corner Lincoln. ‘ for rent, parlor flat isii Barnard street, with use of bath; sls per month; good neighborhood. Chas. F. Fulton. _ FOR RENT. DESIRABLE FLAT corner Duffy and Jefferson streets; four rooms, dining room, kitchen and bath; southern exposure, In first-class order. Chas. F. Fulton. ' FOR RENT. NICE FLAT,T3l6“Aß ercorn street. ' FOR RENT,” A NICE FLAT TO parties with no children; also two nice furnished rooms to gentlemen. Apply 315 Liberty street, west. FOR RE JIT—HOUSES. FOR RENT, NO. 221 WALDBURG street, east, comfortable house; per fect order and condition; hot and cold water; every convenience; right rent, right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen. Broughton and West Broad streets. “THAT - DESIRABLE RESIDENCE for rent, 226 Park avenue, east, near Lincoln street, in perfect oaler and condition; every convenience; can be used as two separate flats; right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. ~FOR RENT. FROM DEC- 1? A DE sirable dwelling 114 Taylor street, east. For particulars, apply S. Guekenhetm er’s Son, Bay and Jefferson streets. FOR RENT, SEVERAL DESIRA bIe residences. APPIy A. Wylly, 12 Bryan, east. , ‘ FOR RENT, FOUR-STORY BRICK residence, corner Barnard and Gaston streets; large yard and outbuildings. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. FOR RENT, 6-ROOM HOUSE, 631 Thirty-ninth street, west; SIO.OO per month. C. Mendel. 658 East Liberty. FOiTrENtT PREMISES N0715 AND 17 Bay street, east; immediate posses sion. Apply to Geo. W. Owens, 4 Bry an street, east. ~FOR RENT, 317 WALDBURG. west; possession immediately. Robt. H. Tatem. 7 York, west. ‘ 912 ABERCORN STREET, NEWLY done over; cheap. G. A. Mercer, Jr., Southern Bank building. “LARGE ELEGANT ‘RESIDENCE, 201 Charlton street, east, $75; 404 Hunt ington, east, in perfect order. $35; 109 Jones, east, splendid location, 440; 703 Barnard street, large and roomy, $35. Youmans & Demmond, 6 Bryan street, cast. THREE NEW HOUSES JUST COM pleted, Anderson and Lincoln streets; all modern conveniences, S3O; ten new houses. Thirty-seventh, between Bull and Drayton, now being erected, $25. Youmans & Demmond. ‘ 101 DUFFY, EAST, CORNER Drayton. $25; 216 and 222 St. Julian, east, $26; 823 Montgomery, west, ren ovated throughout, $22.50; 321 and 323 Bolton, west, S2O. Youmans & Dem m ond. 909 JEFFERSON STREET, *l7; 524 Duffy, west, sl4; 122 Habersham. sls; 406 Henry, west, sl6. Youmans & Demmond. ””FOUR-ROOM COTTAGES FORTY ••econd street, west. $6; one cottage Fortieth street, west, $7; 1805 Mont gomery street, six-room cottage, $10; three two-story houses, 'West Savan nah, $7. Youmans & Demmond. FOR RENT, SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE with all improvements, sls monthly. Apply to 655 East Huntingdon street. FOR RENT, HOUSE 512 BROUGH <on, east; 6 rooms and bath; reasona ble. Apply 510. “ SMALLCOTTAGE. FOUR ROOMS, large yard, good location; rent. $9 per month. Call on Henry Solomon & Son. FOR RENT. 415 OGLETHORPE avenue, east: only recently remodelled. O. Mendel, 658 Bast Liberty. FOR RENT. DWELLINGS 420 AND 422 Charlton, east; ten-room houses; in good order; best in the city for the money; look at them. G. H. Remshart, 16 Bryan. east._ FOR RENT. VERY NICE ’ TWO story residence, Gaston street, west; nine rooms; $18; also a two-sfory house * sls. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT. LARGE DWELLING, fourteen rooms; convenient to Union and Central Depots; suitable for a boarding house; very low rent. Peter Reilly. . FOR RENfT“ RBKIDENCC $ Hall, east; eight rooms, hot and cold water; excellent condition; also 709 Habersham; immediate posese*!on. Apply W. W. Swlnton.2oß Thlrty-slgh'h street, east. DWELLING' BURROUGHS AND Henry streets, $lO per month, W. J. Wise ally Jr houlk henry’ “NEAR BUR'- rough* street, $9 per month. W. 1. Mlscslly, Jr. I*ls BURROUGHS STREET? ~f> rooms, $9 per month, IV. i, Miscal* •y, Ir. FOR RENT, HOVK 414 DUKFT. "'rest, west; seven rooms and bath; * ■ Per month < has K Fulton FDR RENT, HOUSE NO. lilt JEF tersot* street, mm rooms and bath; bat (south. Chas. JO f iiwr FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT, HOUSE 215 HALL street, west, corner Tattnall; splendid neighborhood; all modern improve ments; desirable house at medium rent. Chas. F. Fulton. FOR" RENT, MODERN”HOUSE "905 Whitaker street, facing Park Exten sion; parlor, dining room, butler’s pan try and kitchen; five bed rooms and bath. Chas. F. Fulton. ” FOR RENT? DESIRABLE - HOUSE No. 216 Huntingdon street, west; seven rooms and bath, s2l per month. Chas. F. Fulton. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE 109 BOL ton street, west; gas and electric lights; porcelain bathtub; up to date in every particular. Chas. F. Fulton. FOR RENT, DESIRABLE RESI -424 Barnard street, corner Taylor, fac ing square; all modern improvements. Chas. F. _ FOR RENT, HOUSE 711 WEST Broad street, near Hall; eight rooms and bath; S2O per month. Chas. F. Fulton. 229 GORDON,' EAST; IMMEDIATE possession. R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bry an. east. _____ FOR REm\ 111 JONES STREET, west. Apply Rivers & Gibbes, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. NO. ?2 HENRY street, west. Apply to Rivers & Gibbes. Drayton and St. Julian streets. “FOR RENT, NO. 121 PARK AVE nue, east. Apply to Rivers & Gibbes, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, NO. 806 DRAYTON street, near Gwinnett street; possession given at once. Apply to Rivers & Gibbes. Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, NO. 407 PARK AVE nue, west. Apply to Rivers & Gibbes, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR"RENtTdWELLING 415 WHlT aker street. Apply N. Coleman, 12 Broughton street, east. FOR BEST-STORES. FOR RENT, STORE NO. 212 JEF ferson street; good stand; reasonable rent. Apply J. H. Quint, 205 Broughton street, west. STORE, HOUSTON AND PERRY streets. S3O per month. W. J. Mis cally, Jr. FOR RENT, FIRST-CLASS STORE and dwelling, corner DulTy and Jeffer son streets, recently thoroughly ren ovated; low rent to the right party. Chas. F. Fulton. FOR RENT. A WELL ESTABLISH ed business stand corner East Broad and McDonough streets, now doing a fine business; rent reasonable. Chas. F. Fulton. BARBERS - ATTENTION! FINE stand for rent, good neighborhood; special inducements to an expert bar ber; don’t need to have much cash. 239 Whitaker. " FOR RENT, STORES 12-30 BAY street, west, desirable for wholesale business. Apply to Rivers & Gibbes, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. STORE 2-33 BAY street, west, now occupied by M. Ferst’s Sons & Cos. For particulars ap ply to Rivers & Gibbes, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, A DESIRABLE LOCA tion on Bull street, formerly occupied by Prof. Taliaferro. For particulars apply to Rivers & Gibbes, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, PREMISES NEXT 'TO the northwest corner Broughton and Drayton streets; new building; every thing bright and clean. Rivers & Gibbes. and streets. FOR RENT, STORE, CORNER IN dian and Ann streets; good stand for business. W. H. Dooner, 17 Henry street, east. "store on“the“corner - BULL and State for rent. Apply Paul Coni da's. FOR RENT. BRICK STORE, ON Liberty street, next to drug store, Montgomery and Liberty streets. 342 ABERCORN STREET, $12?“23 Bay street, east, $55; 325 York street, west, sl2. Youmans & Demmond, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, THE BEST STAND IN the city for retail drug store. Apply Lippman Drug Cos., wholesale drug gists, City. “FOR RENtTfROM JAN. 1," STORE and dwelling southeast corner Bur roughs and Waldburg; an excellent stand. C. Mendel, 658 East Liberty. "FOR.“IEASE, NORTHEAST-COR ner Wayne and Montgomery, a fine stand for a store one block from Un ion depot. C. Mendel, 658 East Liberty. FOR RENT, STORE, CORNER Houston and Broughton; right rent to good party. C. Mendel, 658 East Lib FOR RENT. STORE ON ST. JULI an street, next to market; four floors with elevator; so-called Doyle’s annex; Immediate possession. Apply to T. P. Waring, 247 Bull street. FOR RENT. A DESIRABLE Lo cation on Bull street, formerly occu pied by Prof. Taliaferro. For partic ulars apply to Rivers & Gibbes, Dray ton and St. Julian streets. FOB HE>T—OFFICEi. OFFICE FOR RENT, BASEMENT 23 East Gordon, corner Drayton, for doctor's office; stable on premises; also flat to right tenant; reasonable. NO. 16 BRYAN STREET, EAST, $lO. Youmans & Demmond, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR REST—MISCEULAMEOU9. FOR RENT, PLANTERS HOTEL 38 rooms completely furnished, includ ing linen, glassware and kitchen out fit;-bar, with fixtures, barbershop; a fine opportunity for a hotel man. Chas. F. Fulton. FOR RENT. FOR A TERM OF years. Tivoli Park, made famous by that prince of caterers, Herman Win ters; besides a nice road house; there is a half-mile race track; one of the best, with stables to accommodate fifty or more horses. For a horseman this presents one of the best openings in the South to-day. Doyle. FOR - RENT. STABLE, YORK street lane near Lincoln, store and dwelling Wheaton and Waters road, furnished rooms, parlor floor. 310 Ogle thorpe avenue, east. FOR RENT. JAN. t. THAT DESIR able truck and dairy farm, corner White Bluff and Montgomery Cross roads; will also sell live stock and growing crops now on said farm. Ap ply 221 Barnard, or on farm. TO RENT, SMALL FARM, HlTU ated in Effingham county on border of Chatham, consisting of three roomed house, outhouse, etc., about 28 acres; enclosed by Elgin fence; good chance for an industrious man. Apply Dye Works, 21 York street, west, Sawan tMfch' FOR RENT, ••WHARF," MARKET dock, west of Barnurd. O. H, Rems hsrf. 1 Bryan, east. ” FOR “ RENT, HUNDRED-ACRE farm, near Savannah, upon which 18.- 000 worth of bay can be made at little cost. D. B. Lester. FOR RENT. TWENTY-FOUR mZr+% of lend at Greenwich Park; tau nt* for pasture • crop*. Gao W. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OT , tnr ia* ( turner Firougbton ana Waal Breed formally o*rupl*4 toV CJM *VSMfi '" afcfi Ws• i Company, JJ f. JwMk 1 THE MOKNING SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1901. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. ""think of" 'IT.TWO BRICK houses, two and half stories and two story outbuildings, Charlton street, be tween Lincoln and Habersham, only $3,100 for both; surely you can decide on this quickly. Youmans & Dem mond. SNUG AND COMFORTABLE home, 206 Thirty-ninth, west, excellent neighborhood, small cash payment, balance monthly. Don't fail to inves tigate at once. Youmans & Dem mond. A CHANCE BARGAIN. 120 BRYAN] west; three-story brick store and dwelling, opposite market; only $3,500, if sold this week. Youmans & Dem mond. wr are now~having~mTny calls for real estate. If you want to sell, send description, location and price, or see us. Yours may be just the kind of property we can turn quickly and advantageously. If you want to buy, let us know what kind you want; we’U do the rest. Youmans & Demmond. SIXTY FEET ON BROUGHTON street, at great bargain; small cash payment, balance at only 5 per cent.; don’t fail to see about this. Youmans & Demmond. FOUR NEW TWO-STORY”hOUSES within stone's throw of Union Depot, renting for $36 monthly; only $4,500 if sold before Wednesday. If you want an investment that will satisfy, here it is. Youmans & Demmond. MARK THIS AD? ELSE YOU MAT let a good thing pass. One two-story and three one-story houses, near Plant System depot, renting for S2B monthly; only $1,900, if sold this week. Youmans & Demmond. VERY DESIRABLE IS THE LOT on northeast corner Abercorn and First streets; has southern front 72 feet; is in the midst of one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Sa vannah; specially Tow price to quick buyer. Don't wait until it’s sold. You inans & Demmond. TWO LOTS FRONTING EAST ON Bull street, between Sixth and Seventh. These lots are the cheapest and best lots on Bull street. Buy now for fu ture needs. Youmans & Demmond. IT’S NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR property. If interested ring 34, either 'phone, and we'll call with one of our conveyances to take you out. Youmans & Demmond. TWO LARGE THREE-STORY frame houses on brick basement, An derson, near Barnard, in thorough re pair; now leased for S6OO, will bring more next year; only $5,000, if sold this week. Its a good thing; don’t lose it. Youmans & Demmond. WE ADVISE EVERYBODY TO”BUY real estate, because its the safest and best investment when properly made. If you are not posted in values, don’t be led astray, but deal with those you have confidence in. Youmans & Dem mond, 6 Bryan, east . AUCTION" SALE LOTS, BOLTON AND WALDBURG STREETS, BE TWEEN PRICE AND EAST BROAD, TO-MORROW AFTERNOON AT 4 O’CLOCK; SIOO CASH, SIOO A YEAR, 6 PER CENT. INTEREST; SEND FOR MAP. JOHN L. ARCHER. GRAND INVESTMENT, 1202, 1206, 1208, 1210 Lincoln, corner Duffy: four two-story houses, in good repair and well rented; price $5,150; pays nearly 10 per cent, clear of expenses; great opportunity! Platshek & Cos. GOLDEN CHANCE, FOUR TWO story tenements on large lot, in best renting locality, that pays 9V4 per cent.; price $4,500; see us. Platshek. 110 Bry an, east. THOSE FINE RESIDENCF.S, 605, 607 Barnard, at a price that will net you clear over 9 per cent. See Platshek. TWO-STORY RESIDENCE,NORTH east corner Hartridge and Price, just the spot for home or investment; price $1,650 and will give you terms. Plat shek. a thirtyTfootTot - AND TWO houses on State street, between Bull and Abercorn; we want $2,000, but, still, how about a bid? Platshek. THIRTY-FIVE-FOOT LOT AND two-story store and dwelling on Broughton, between Abercorn and Habersham; our price $3,750; but—give us a bid! Platshek. A MAGNIFICENT TWO-STORY home on large lot, in southern section; everything new; fine to live in or grand Investment; pays 10 per cent, clear; $1,475 will buy it. See Platshek. ”648 THIRTY-FIFTH. WEST.” A brand-new four-room cottage on large lot: rents $8 month; price $625. Plat shek; 440 WILSON, CORNER WALKER, large two-story dwelling in the best renting section; rents sl2 and $1,200 will buy it. Platshek. 1824“ WEST BROAD”IS THE NICEST cottage you ever saw for SI,OOO, on a corner lot; make easy terms. Plat shek. GET BUTTER”ON YOUR BREAD; don’t live on the lean all your life; Platshek is your friend; here’s his talk: Fine large lot, 35x120, Second street, west, $525; two lots, right in Barnard street extended, 37x85 each, three blocks south of Twelfth street, only $225 each; lot 30x117 on Thirty-ninth, near Montgomery, only $800; lot 30x115 on Anderson, east, only $400; three lots in Collinsville, on Henry street, 30x115, SSOO each; ten lots on Fortieth street, near Burroughs, 30x117, $360 each: lot 80x90, southwest corner Forty-first and Montgomery, has cement sidewalk and shade trees, $675; ten lots on Thirty fifth and Thirty-sixth, west, near Bur roughs street, $325 each; twenty lots, 80x92, each, on Thirty-ninth, near Price street, only $325 each; two lots on Thir ty-eighth, near Waters road, 80x96, sllO each; three lots on Habersham and Thirty-sixth streets, $676 each; lot 52x93. southwest corner Thirty-ninth and Price, $700; lot 86x109, northwest corner Thirty-sixth and Whitaker, sl,- 600; lot 30x128. east side Whitaker, near Thirty-fifth, $l,lOO, and 1,000 more lota, at any price you might name. Plat shek & Cq- 110 Bryan. eas*L AUCTION SALE 'LOTS, BOLTON AND WALDBURG STREETS, BE TWEEN PRICE AND EAST BROAD. TO-MORROW AFTERNOON AT 4 O’CLOCK; SIOO CASH, SIOO A YEAR, 6 PER CENT. INTEREST; SEND FOR MAP. JOHN L. ARCHER. SEVERAL FINE REAL ESTATE investments; will net you over $ per cent. G. A. Mercer. Southern Bank building. __ FOR SALE, 124 TAYLOR, WEBT. Apply on premises. “FOR SALE. THIRTEEN-ACRE farm at Guyton; farm house and out buildings complete; no city taxes and all town conveniences; SI,BOO. Geo. W. Beckett. “ISLAND AND STOCK FOR SALE. Egg Island, situated at the mouth of Altamaha river; contains 559 acres of pasture land; fine grazing winter and summer; alao 50 head of horses and 1$ head of cattle. Improvements, a watch man’s bouse, stock shed, and a fine flowing artesian well. Oysters and flah in abundance. Addreas W, A. Wllco*, Darien, Ga. _ AUCTION - BALE DOTH. BOLTON AND WALDBURG STREET*. BE TWEEN PRICE AND EAST BROAD, TO-MORROW AFTERNOON AT 4 O'CLOCK. sl> t’AMff, SIOO A YEAR. < PER CENT INTEREST. BEND FOR MAP- JO|4N L ARCHER. IF YOU WANT OOOP MATERIAL * erk foMM 111 iwiri4 stationer* end Meat* books two , iltnici New*, fle. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. "f BOLTON. NEAR Burroughs; rent S3O per month; room for another home, $2,500. C, H. Dor sett. A VERY ATTRACTIVE LITTLE farm of six acres and cottage; short drive from Central Passenger Depot on paved road; part of the way reached by trolley; price SI,OOO. C. H. Dorse tt. a lot”on FORTIETH STREET, near Barnard, at SSO cash and $5 per H. Dorsett. THIRTY-SIX ACRES OF LAND ON Thunderbolt road, running through to the trolley line to Thunderbolt; a beautiful plateau. C. H. Dorsett. A FINE INVESTMENT OF THREE two-story residences, one a corner, bay windows; always rented; monthly rent $77.50; will net S7OO per annum; will give a bargain. C. H. Dorsett. LOT ON ESTILL AVENUE, BE tween Habersham and Lincoln, for $350. C. H. Dorsett. WILL - SELL OR EXCHANGE - A large two-story residence and store on corner paved streets, In southern sec tion. C. H. Dorsett. _ CORNER RESIDENCE ON MONT gomery street; convenient to Central Railroad depot, shops and office. C. H. Dorsett. SPLENDID CORNER LOT. 60 BY 190. Jefferson and Forty-first streets; Just the place for a bakery. C. H. Dorsett. CORNER RESIDENCE, WEST Broad and Duffy; also one on Duffy, near West Broad; both good bargains. C. H. Dorsett. NEAT. ROOMY RESIDENCE IN eastern section, renting for S4O per month to reliable tenant. C. H. Dor sett NINE "HOUSES. ONE AND TWO-' story, including corner store, now rent ing for SSO per month, and can be in creased to S6O; all for $3,500. C. H. Dorsett. TWO BRICK AND TWCTWOODEN house®, monthly rent S3O, in western section; prompt paying tenants;?©*- $3,- 200. C. H. Dorsett. TWO-STORY“ON BASEMENT RES idence, fronting square, on Montgom ery and President; splendid tenant; pays S6OO per annum. C. H. Dorsett A FJNE LOT ON HALL STREET? near Habersham, 30 by 131, for $1,800; a splendid locality. C. H. Dorsett. THREE - BRICK HOUSES, TWO story, and corner store, in western part of the city, now rented to prompt pay ing tenants; room for another house. C. H. Dorsett. RESIDENCE FOR - $2,800 ON BAR? nard, near Thirty-ninth street; terms quite easy. C. H. Dorsett. NEAT COTTAGE AND GOOD yard on West Broad, near DulTy. C. H. Dorsett. THREE BEAUTIFUL LOTS - ON Whitaker, near Thirty-sixth; very best style of building in the immediate vi cinlty. C. H. Dorsett COMFORTABLE HOME IN SOUTH eastern section for $1,950. C. H. Dor sett. A WELL-BUILT AND ROOMY? separate residence on Barnard, near Hall; cheap and easy terms. C. H. Dorsett. SIXTEEN LOTS, ONE BLOCK ON Montgomery street. Just outside taxa ble limits; sure to advance in value. C. H. Dorsett. LARGE LOT IN DITTMERSVILLE? fronting the public park, for S2OO. C. H- Dorsett. RESIDENCE ON GWINNETT? oast, near Park Extension, for $4,500. C, H. Dorsett. TWO - very“cheap LOTS ON Thirty-fifth street, near Burroughs; owner anxious to sell. C. H. Dorsett. FINE CORNER LOT, NEAR THE power house. Harmon and Wolf streets. C. H. Dorsett. AUCTION SALE LOTS? BOLTON AND WALDBURG STREETS. BE TWEEN PRICE AND EAST BROAD. TO-MORROW AFTERNOON AT 4 O’CLOCK; SIOO CASH, SIOO A YEAR, 6 PER CENT. INTEREST; SEND FOR MAP. JOHN L^ARCHER. WE AP?E HAVING MANY CALLS for real estate. If you want to sell, send description, location and price, or see us. Yours may be just the sort of property we can turn quickly and ad vantageouslv. If you want to buy, let us know what you want, we’ll do the rest. Youmans & Demmond. “FOR - s"aLE. NEAR UNION DEPOT, on "West Broad street, two fine cor ners, the place for investment; south east corner of Bay and Lumber streets, 10 per cent, net investment; a Bay street, west, warehouse, full lot, very cheap; 505 Bolton, east; 245 Jefferson; 214 Oglethorpe avenue, west; 409 Henry, east; 214, 218 and 311 Duffy, east; all cheap Investments and good locations; 214 Anderson, east; 201 and 203 Ander son, west; 622 Jones, east; and nice five-room dwelling on the lane; also several tine building lots; also 1,200 acres near Savannah, with about a mile frontage on Savannah river, just the location for factory sites and su burban homes; 700 acres on Augusta road, well timbered; 86 acres on Louis ville road, and twenty acres Just south of city, I. D. Laßoche, real estate dealer. ‘iF YOtf~WANT TO DISPOSE”OF your household effects or any other merchandise, notify Mr. I. D. La- Roche, the auctioneer; he will either buy them or dispose of them at auction for you. _ LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE with I. D. Laßoche. real estate dealer; he will make quick sale for you. IF YOU HAVE TROtIBLE fcTGET proper returns from your property—let u* relieve you—we’ll do the worrying rates—low as the lowest—services, sec ond to none. Youmans & Demmond, 6 Bryan, east. AUCTION SALE LOTS,' BCLTON AND WALDBURG STREETS BE TWEEN PRICE AND EAST BROAD. TO-MORROW AFTERNOON AT 4 O'CLOCK; SIOO CASH, SIOO A YEAR, 6 PER CENT. INTEREST, SEND FOR MAP. JOHN L. ARCHER. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. What can vou do with a lot if you buy at to-morrow’s sale? Weli..Jiere is what the owners intend to do with some of the lots! You can build a double tenement on a lot for $2,000, rent for S2O each side, or S4O for both; say your lot cost $1,000; there Is a $3,000 Investment In a spendld locality, bringing you S4BO a year, or 16 per cent. —4 per cent, will considerably more than pay all expense of taxes, Insur ance, loss of rent, etc., and leave you a 12 per cent, innvesntmnent net. If you borrow $2,500 of the money, the rents will pay for the property in a little over six years. If you pay $1,200 for a lot you will still have a 14 per cent. Investment; If anything, such houses In that locality will rent for more than S2O a month. Or you can build a house with six flats on two lots for $5,000. Say the lots cost you $1,500. Tha six fiats will average $lB a month each, or $1,295 a year, over 17 per cent, on your Inveatment. If you get the lots cheaper, you get so much better Interest on your money. There ate lots of eleepy people In this town that don’t know how to figure. When they wake up and begin to put their ft)oji#y tn r**l out#, lotu iu< h in will Mid tO'lJlftflOW, will <loubli 111 v*lu* John t* Aich*r. wje wawt vou it hhopkh rv to , ft#lf lo colUcf l( , '</4m* *• U yoyr buftln**# Tva* i igtu It Dtlbikofidt I Hi? M, tuV j for sale—miscellaneous. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR GOOD man’s Liver Tonic for dyspepsia; Good Luck Embrocation for whooping cough and croup; Benzoin Balm for chaps and rough skin; Sov Rem, the cough king, for the cough you can’t cure with other remedies. Persse’s Drug Stores. FOR SALE? SAW MILL NEAR SA vannah, in first-class condition; ea pacity 20,000 to 30,000 feet; includes 80- horse boiler and engine, new; price $2,100. Davis Machine Shop. ’ EGGS FOR FALL HATCHING. Rhode Island Red, Rose Comb, White Leghorn, Black Langshan, Black Min orca. and White Wyandottes. T. J. D&vis,_llS West Bay street. FOR SALE. ONE SAW MILL COM plete, with 20 H. P. and Eclipse engine and boiler, in use only short time; a bargain for someone. Address Box No. 38, Screven, Ga- ___ for' sale, at reasonable price, nice team of horses; have been used in city one season by private party. Can be seen at Pulaski House Stables. “WE HAVE - FOITSALE a” LARGE lot of army tents, in ali sizes, from $3 to $9 each. Atlanta Metal & Bottle Cos., dealers in scrap iron and metals, 342- 348 Decatur street, Atlanta, Ga. GET YOUR OAK. PINE AND lightwood home before Thanksgiving as Snedeker & Cos., ’phone 783, will close on that day. FOR SALE, TYPEWRITERS; LAT est improved model A. Manhattans, brand new; guaranteed two years; manufacturer's net price $75; we se cured fifty; will let them go at S6O each; shipped privilege of examination; catalogue and descriptive matter mail ed free. F. S. Webster Cos., 317 Broad way, New York. two Milk cows (calved lXst June) will be sold at Younglove & Sipple's stables next Tuesday morning during the usual hours of sale. WHITE RABBITS FOR SALE. AF ply at 405 East Duffy street. FOR SALE. HORSE AND BUGGY, cheap, Apply 655 EasV Huntingdon street. _ FOR SALE,””A LOT "OF FURNl ture and household goods at a bargain. Call at 1303 West Broad street. “twenty-five jersey red and Poland China hogs for sale. Prince, care Morning News. FOR - SALE, “ BROKEN ENGLISH setter dog, 214 yeaxs old; staunch and good retriever; satisfactory trial be fore buying; no faults. 23 East Gor don street. _ FOR - SALE, YOUNG THREE quarter Jersey cow; giving ten quarts of milk. Apply 1211 Cuyler. FOR SALE. 17 MONTHS' OLD FK male pointer dog. cheap. Address 14 East Forty-first Btreet. FOR SALE, LARGE SQUARE Pl ano, heavy covered legs, fine tone, and in excellent condition; will sell very reasonable. Address "Plano,” care Morning News. FOR SALE, WELL ESTABLISHED wood yard. Address B-, care News office. “FOR SALE, THREE SHARES Equitable Loan and Security stock, class B, paid to date. Address G. W. 8.. care News office. _ “for - SALE CHEAP. SMITH-PRE mier typewriter. Call 212 Gaston street, east. “WELL ESTABLISHED - BUSINESS for sale, at a reasonable figure, to par ty desiring to purchase at once. Ad dress Reasonable, care News. “for“bale, timber, on a. l. R. R., or good farm for rent on easy terms. 513 Congress street, east. — FOR SALE; CABINET GRAND PD ano, solid mahogany; new;positive bar gain; must be sold; call and see it. 24 Libertyjitreet, west. A~GOOD GENTLE”DRAFT HORSE for sale. Apply 207 Henry, east. “CLEARANCE SALE MILLINERY. 500 hats for sale; your own price. Mrs. Tteple, 202 Habersham- SIXTY BELINERS’ GRAMAPHONK records, all fine selections and in prime condition, 30 cents each. Apply No. 22 Forty-first street, east, or phone 1323 (Georgia). A FEW MORE OF THE PRIZE winning Belgian hares for sale at the Forest City Rabbitry, 15 Henry street, east. From $1 to S2O. __ FOR SALE, $2,000 PRACTICE; steadily growing, in a lumber and tur pentine manufacturing town: collec tions good; single man preferred and one capable of doing emergency surg ery. Physician, care News. WANTED TO SELL OUR CAMP buildings on Ogeechee road; also old timber; must be removed from prem ises. W- J. Oliver A Cos. FOR BALE. THE JACKSONVILLE Steam Ferry and Terminal Company; consists of boats, docks and franchise. A good investment. Call on or ad dress J. D. Gray, care of above com pany. FOR SALE. SMALL, FAST STEEL steamboat, 62x1114 feet, built by Loril lard, now running daily schedule; to be sold because too smalt for business. Chas. E. Danner. Beaufort. S. C. “FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE, complete, 20,000 feet saw-mill. 1 loco motive, 2 miles rail, 6,000 acres fine timber, average 3,000 feet per acre; enough additional timber may be se cured to operate ten years; mill and timber located on Suwannee river; good freight route to Atlantic ports. Live Mfg. Cos. ,_ Live Oak. Fla. “FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, HEAVY WRAPPING PAPER, JUST THE THING FOR EXPRESS PACKAGES. APPLY BABEMENT. MORNING NEWS | “TdVeRTTSBM KNTS SET IN CAP ITA IjS WILL PE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN for two Cents a word, no ad vertisement TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 80C. LOST AND FOUND; FOUND. ONE GRAND ARMY OF Republic Veteran badge. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Apply No. 22 Forty-fire* street, east, or phone 1888 (Georgia). FOUND IN LOVELL'S BRICK yard, a bicycle. Owner can have by proving same and paying for this ad vertisement. Lovell's Brick Yard, Louisville Road. BOARDING. ■WANTED, A YOUNG LADY TO room and board with private family. Address Box 48, this office. BOARDERS' WANTED, LARGE rooms, good table, hot water In bath; j terms reasonable; also furnished rooms | to rent. 701' Barnard street, corner Hall. WANTED, A FEW MEN BOARD ers can secure first-class rooms and board st 809 Oglethorpe avenue, west. SPLENDID TABLE BOARD AND| newly furnished rooms at 212 State street. wst, hot and cold water bath; ‘ business center; terms reasonable. “ BOARDING, “ FRONT ROOM* ! with board. Mrs. J, P. Molntlrs, Tattnall, third from I.ibsrty. GENTLEMEN CAN GET BOARDi northaast rornsr of Liberty and Mont- | coinsry; nicely finished, newly furnish- j fil rooftttii not him] Ija'n, ittint j br*t tjf ! tiif- ru 1 GOOD BOARD AND LODGING FOR j $8.54 pei wtk st 10* Broughton street, •SAt, Ul.e tVVBU. lllMl 89k) i JACKSON’S. COMMENCING MONDAY MORNING aud during the remainder of the week, Thanksgiving prices will prevail as follows: BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK . NAPKINS AND TOWELS. Ladies’ Kid Gloves & Novelties. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS. 100 pairs Ladies’ Kid Gloves, in all the leading colors, for thia_ week 98c 75 pairs Black Kid Gloves, guar anteed and fitted at the counter $1.26 Silk Lambrequins, blue, white and yellow sj-49 Men’s Underwear and Ties. Ladies’ Eiderdown Bath Robes. Boys’ Clothing and Caps. JACKSONS. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCE—A LARGE wholesale woolen house desire* to open a local tailoring establishment about January and requires the services of an experienced tailoring salesman with a substantial personal trade to act as manager. A liberal contract will be made with the right party at a guar anteed salary and an interest in the profits; no investment required; in ap plying give references and state fully your experience in the business, also possibility of securing desirable store with locations and rentals. Box 560, Louisville, Ky. SMALL CAPITAL BRINGS BIG IN cc-me quick. $6 and upward invested in a straight-forward business, no gam ble. Our plan has been tested and found to bring large incomes on small investments. If you wish a straight business proposition that will bring you a handsome income, write for full par ticulars to the Louisiana Purchase Syndicate, 517 Mermod Jaccard Build lng, 84. Louis. AN INCOME OF $1,000.00 PER YEAR can be secured by any one who will take the trouble to investigate our plans; no gold mine, oil well or gam bling scheme; simple, straightforward business proposition. The Jumiapu Cos., 615-621 Fullerton Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. MONEY'! MONEY! WE CAN PUT you next to the best money-getting scheme of them all; the one real chance of a lifetime; complete description of plans will be sent on receipt of $1.00; send to-day, you will never regret Ik Davis & Cos., Dept. 2, Mansfield. O. EDUCATIONAL. STUDENTS ON "ROLL OF HON or” for the second scholastic month. Averages over 90 per cent, in conduct and studies: Cleveland Ely, Walter Collins. Carl Kraft, Walter Kessel, Geo. H. Lang, Gilbert Lang, Ralph Metzger. Laurence Mitchell. John Taliaferro, Principal, 808 Drayton street. _ “SCHOOL FOR GIRLS; MIBS WEST and Miss Pape, 128 Taylor street, east; full course; modern methods. millinery. ~“ MILLINERY! MILLINERY! LA dtes, we will give you a special bargain this week in black velvet hats. We are making a beauty for $4.98; oth ers ask SB. Others equally low. Hats trimmed for 25c. Remodeling a spec ialty. Kenner A Britton, 116 Brough ton at reel, west. plumbing. "“forest "city" plum pany. 430 Whitaker street. Plumbing, gas fitting, mi earn and hot water heat ing. Bell phone 1126, Georgia 'phone 624. WANTED, TO FIOURB ON TOUR sewer connection, ae I can save you money; call up 107 at any time and I will call at any pises, at any tin*. J, W. Wiggins, tha plumber. HIM i l i IM 1.1 a MKVKR4 IUGfuGRADE •o4s nu‘l iiiintrtfil vvjitfii; nil tltvofM. tny p#*rt** CryfttAl IS pray ul* It lUfMlt, It tiOD-lOg t lililjlHlll Itl4 viUUiitr* try kfife M$ THANKSGIVING SPECIALS. 200 yards double-faced Bleached Table Damask SI.OO 250 yards Double Damask, extra quality, the yard sl-36 60 Table Sets, matched napkins, satin damask, $6.50. SB.OO, $9.00. $12.60. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS. 100 dozen Napkins, regular size, new designs, dozen $1.60 75 dozen Napkins, extra size, special selection, dozen $2.50 300 dozen Towels, fringed and hemstitched, 25c and 35c each; $3.00 and $4.00 doz. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS. 100 dozen Men's Lambswool Un dershirts, perfect finish, the gar ment SI.OO 125 dozen Men’s natural wool Un dershirts, double-breast and back $2 100 Men’s latest style Neckties, 25c, 50c and 75c. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS. 50 Eiderdown B£th Robes, pink, blue, red and grey $3.98 60 Eiderdown Dressing Sacques. 'pink, blue, lavender, green and grey sl-25 100 Flannelette Wrappers, 98c. $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 THANKSGIVING SPECIALS. 25 Boys’ 3-pl*ce Suits, age 4 to 8, years, for Monday and Tuesday $2.19 30 Boys’ 2-piece Suits, age 8 to 16 years, Monday and Tuesday. $2.49 200 Boys’ Caps, Jockey and Mili tary 25c and 50c each MISCELLANEOUS. "~WE "MAKE ORNAMENTAL wrought-lron signs, brackets, railings, complete balconies, fire escapee, and any kind wrought-lron work; we also are prepared now to make the most workman-like repairing on fine machin ery. Herman Hill & Cos., 136-131 Dray ton Hfe Let Taylor and his skilled mechanics get behind the brush on your house and save money: paper hanging, kal somlnlng and decorating of all kinds. Taylor, 140 Barnard street; Georgia ■phone 877. HAVE YOUR LOCKS, KeYsC doors, trunks and all kinds of bells re paired and put up by Bradley, the locksmith and bell hanger. Blank keys of all description* at wholesale. 121 Drayton street. FINE UMBRELLA COVERS JUST received; see them before buying else where; repairing at low prices; locks and keys repaired. M. Domnlta. ’phone 1059._Oglethorpe-Barnard. __ TELEPHONE BAKER'S PHARMA CY for your prescription; will save you 25 per cent. Bryan and West Broad. GeorgiaJphone 1002; Bell 'pbons 1736. FURNACES AND BALTIMORE heaters—Cornwell A Chlpman. PHONE 1124 FOR estimates on cleaning carpets and stor ing your furniture for the summer. Perry & Benton, 120 State, west. "PANTS TO ORDER, REPAIRING A specialty; pants pressed for 15c. while you wait. New York Pants and Shoe Repairing Parlor, 112 Drayton. Bell ■phone 1881. _____________ GET WIGGINS. THE PLUMBER, to figure on your repair work a* well as sewer connection. ' ROYAL TAILORING IS THE BEST on earth; suits and overcoats to order. $12.50 and up; pants to order, $3 and up. MacDonald A Steinberg, US Broughton, east. RANGES AND best and cheapest, at Cornwell A Chip man's. "REMEMBER BAKER WILL CURE that cough in one day, 25c. Baker s Pharmacy. HOT STUFF HEATERS. NO ashes, no dust, complete with stove pipe and put up at $2.45. S. Bernstein. 303 Brougton, west. Branch Store, 49 Barnard street; , SHOES HALF-SOLED AND heeled 50c. while you wait; rubber heels put on 36i-. New York Pants and Shoe Repairing Parlor, 112 Drayton. -AN EXPERT KITS TRUSSES AT Baker's pharmacy. "NEW SEWER* CONNECTIONS - Have Cornwell A Chlpman do your work. _ _ __ _____ —fins'"lß THE TIME YOU - WANT your winter suits and overcoats clean ed and repaired; ring up 975, Georgia phone, the Royal Tailors; neatness, cheapness and dispatch. ELECTRIC MANTLES. FOR GAS or gasolens burners; nothing bettsr for 25 cants, only 16 rents Also • full line of gas and gasolene chim neys. S. Bernstein, 30$ Broughton strset, west. Branch Stars, is Barnard atraat- FKRRT A BENTON, ISO STATE street, watt, wtfl mova. pa<-k. ship or ■tors your furniture at short notes, [ also renovate your old mattresses at I UtUe Sail 'fcfeeua Us 4 5