Newspaper Page Text
Alleged Interview With Member of
Roosevelt’* Cabinet to Be Pub
lished in English Magazine—Los*
of England's Influence From Side
of Justice and Progress—Foreign
Representatives Urging Us to
Take Some Step.
London, Nov. 25.—Sir Thomas Wem
jf.? Reid, the author and editor, in
8 n article, entitled. “A Message From
America." in the December number of
the Nineteenth Century, will quote one
of the most distinguished members of
the cabinet as saying:
•'[ do not think you in England
realize the depth of feeling that ex
ists outside of your own country on
the subject of the South African war,
nor the extreme gravity of the sit
uation which that feeling has brought,
into existence. I am not speaking of
American feeling, which is largely on
jour side, but the more friendly wo
are to England, the more anxious wo
arf to see you extricated from the
mashes of the net in which you are
now caught. It is terrible to think of
the pitifulness of the whole thing and
of the loss suffered by universal hu
manity. owing to the effacement of
England for two years and the conse
quent absence of her influence from
the side of justice and progress.”
Sir Thomas further says the mem
ber of the cabinet In question told
him that almost daily appeals were be
ing made to the government, of the
T'nited States, by representatives of
European Powers to take some steps
to end the war. These representa
tions from the ministers of the Pow
ers were made unofficially, although
the United States government well
knew their respective governments
hacking them therein.
LOSS WILL REACH $1,000,000.
Morin Damage ia Vicinity of New
York Greater Than First Eetl
New York, Nov. 25.—Ttie great storm
which came speeding up from the
south on Saturday night has spent its
forces in this zone of the Atlantic coast
and the waters driven up on lowland
and beach are subsiding. A more
careful survey of the stormswept
coast indicates that the aggregate
damage will exceed the general es
timates of yesterday. Hundreds of
small craft were wrecked or badly
damaged, wharves and piers at every
exposed point were battered down,
many seaside resorts were unroofed,
lowlands were flooded, city cellars were
tilled and hundreds of town houses
were damaged.
Estimates of the aggregate damage
run slightly below and considerably
above $1,000,600. Down at Monmouth
Beach, where tlhe big German ship
Elottbek drove ashore and where there
was a thrilling rescue of her crew by
life savers, an angry sea was still beat
ing up on the beach to-day. Wreckers
have been, engaged, but until the sea
calms, nothing can be done toward
saving the ship and her cargo. The
big craft, firmly embedded in the
sand, was still Intact, and Capt. Zm
gler, her master, wiho watched her from
Ihe life saving station, was sure that
both vessel and cargo would be saved.
Storm-bound shipping was released
early to-day. but sea coast railway and
trolley service will limp until wash
outs are filled in. Linemen were busy
restoring prostrated telegraph and tel
ephone wires to-day, but It will Bea
couple of days before these services are
completely restored.
Wealthy New Yorker* Find Their
Summer Houses Ruined.
New York, Nov. 25.—Reports of the
damage done by the storm of Saturday
night and Sunday continue to come In.
Details from points on the Jersey coast,
the southern coast of Long Island, and
the upper shore of Long Island Sound,
show that the destruction was wide-,
spread and the monetary loss much
heavier than at first supposed.
Long Branch reports to-night show
that hardly a building there escaped
some damage- As evidence of the
force of the wind a plank about 20 feet
long 7 Inches, wide, and 2 inches thick,
was torn from the roof of the pier
pavilion and blown across Ocean ave
nue. It struck the Lenox Hotel end
on and was driven into the side of the
building to a depth of four or five
The wreck of the tflgHaddon at Long
Branch is complete. The ship Flottbek
stands almost upright in the sand. The
work of unrigging her commenced to
day. Sne will be unloaded as she lies.
This will be comparatively easy. AH
ihat will be needed will be to back
wagons up to her sides at low water
and load the cargo Into them.
The railroads are gradually getting
their tracks in working order, but at
sum places no trains have yet been
Besides the loss resulting from stop
page of traffic it will take many thou
■ ands of dollars to repair the breaks.
Temporary repairs are being made as
fast as possible
The wealthy New Yorkers who have
summer houses on the upper shore of
ihe sound to-day visited them to find
wreck and ruin in all directions. The
shore improvements are In ruins, while
fine shade trees are laid low and ex
tensive lawns piled high with sand and
w reckage.
Reports still conic in from points in
New Jersey on Wtaten Island Sound
ami the surrounding inland #a,ters. It
will take days to figure out the losk
Leaves One nig Corporation toTake
Charge of Another.
New York. Nov. 25.—The resignation
ef N. Baxter, Jr., as president of the
Tennessee Coal and Iron Compariy. was
accepted to-day at a meeting of the
directors. Mr. Baxter also retired from
'he directory, and his actual connec
tion with the company, begun some
fourteen years ago. will terminate with
the i lose of the year. Mr. Baxter's
successor has not been named. It Is
mderstood that Mr. Baxter will be
-1 orne the executive head of the Cum
berland Coal and Coke Company, re
cently organized.
Good Honda In Alabama.
Mobile, Ala., Nov. 25.—The Southern
runway's good roads train gave a
r radical demonstration of road build
,n * in the euburbs to-day. A slate
*ood roads convention will be held Frl
'“•y and Saturday.
Mother and Habe Cremated.
Lillie Hot It, Ark., Nov 25.—Mr*.
' • Uiu.ui Swift and lufant were bum
to death last night near Giannis.
" <• supposed Mr, ffwlft fell asleep
‘■ile holding the be by in a < hair near
' he fl repla/o,
—■ *m I
* Miasiaelgpi liia Wilted flat.
Memphis, Tenp.. Nov S6 -.JoimmAok n,
r K<>ur!##n *i >f **# smdi vli
vf tUi lift
Royal Baking Powder has
not its counterpart at home
or abroad. Its qualities, which
make the bread more health
ful and the cake of finer
appearance and flavor, are
peculiar to itself and are not
constituent in any other leav
ening agent.
* _______
Manager Leland Rankin Now in
Control of Richmond's Leading
Richmond, Va., Nov. 25.—The entire
capital stock of the Dispatch Company,
publishers of the Richmond Dispatch,
was to-day sold to Leland Rankin and
associates. The company w'as at once
reorganized by the election of Leland
Rankin, W. D. Chesterman and G.
Watson James of Richmond: Charles
H. Crasty of the Baltimore News and
George Trabue of the Nashville Amer
ican as directors and Leland Rankin,
president and publisher, and W. D.
Chesterman and G. Watson James, edi
The Dispatch has for forty years be
longed equally to the Cowardin and
Ellyson families and has always en
joyed the confidence of the Virginia
people to a remarkable extent. Mr.
Rankin, the new publisher, was five
years manager of the Nashville Amer
ican, and during the past year has
been manager of the Dispatch.
In his announcement, which will ap
pear in to-morrow's issue, he says the
paper will not depart from the time
honored policies of the past, but that
the scope of the publication will be
broadened in connection with the swift
development of the South, following
the leadership of the Democratic party
and fostering the material interests of
Virginia and Richmond.
Archbishops Adopted Desolation on
Thin Subject .
Washington, Nov. 25.—1 t was an
nounced to-day that the Catholic
archbishops of America, at their an
nual • meeting, adopted the following
"That we heartly commend, and will
practically encourage, work for the
raising of the amount annually needed
for the support, of the Catholic Indian
schools, and will similarly encourage
wider efforts aiming at bringing the
benefits of Catholic training to the
Catholic children in the government
The personnel of the Catholic Indian
Bureau is as follows: Cardinal Janies
Gibbons, president; Rev. William H.
Ketcham. director; Very Rev. E. R.
Dyer, D. C., treasurer: Charles S.
Lusk, secretary.
Connection Assured With Northern
Mi*l*,ip|ii Territory.
Mobile. Ala.. Nov. 25.—C01. F. B. Mer
rill, president of the Mobile, Jackson
and Kansas City Railroad, to-night
gave out the news of the purchase by
his company of the Kingston and Cen
tral Mississippi Railroad, and says that
the Mobile, Jackson and Kansas City
will now build north from a point near
Augusta. Miss., intersect the Kingston
and Central Mississippi at Laurel and
extend Its line on to Memphis, and con
tracts will be let within the next thirty
This new line to Memphis will open
up anew timber territory some 200
miles and bring Mobile into direct con
nection with the prairie and delta coun
try of Northern Mississippi.
The Bloomfield Takes 2.050.5G4 Gal
lons From Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Nov. 25.—The largest
cargo of crude oil ever shipped from
Philadelphia was carried away to-day
on the British tank steamship Bloom
field, Capt. Lowe, bound for Cette,
France. The ship carried 2,080,864 gal
lons. valued at $109,245.36.
Seventeen years ago the ship Lord
Wolseley, Capt. Dunn, sailed from here
for Japan with 1.000.000 gallons of oil
in cases, which, up to that. time, was
the largest shipment of oil that had
ever been made in a single vessel.
Hut Supreme Court AA’lll Take Poor
" eeks at Christmas.
Washington, Nov. 25.—1n the United
States Supreme Court to-day Chief
Justice Fuller announced that after the
close of business on Wednesday the
court would take a recess until the
following Monday. Usually the court
takes a two-weeks' recess for Thanks
giving. but this course was deviated
from this year In order to permit a
longer recess than usual for Christ
mas. The present understanding is
that the court will adjourn for four
weeks on Monday, Dec. 9.
Club Oraanlsod to Give Sparring
Exhibition, Daring Exposition.
Charleston. 8. C., Nov. 25.—The South
ern Athletic Club was organized here
to-day, with Col. W. D. Westlake of
Baltimore as general manager. The
object of the association is to hold a
series of scientific parr!ng exhibitions
In Charleston during the exposition
period and the best lightweights and
featherweights wilt be invited here.
Liberal prizes will be offered.
(1,1. Mann H*-*ia, at Richmond.
Richmond. Vs., Nov. 2i.~<V William
Henry Mu an of Petersburg, clerk of the
House of Delegates, has tendsrsd Ms
raslsiiaiiuu to Gov. Ty I*l. to take ef
fect st once, and John W. Williams
of Giles • .jonty has >**■ appoint'd b/
the Governor to sue, **d him
fo I M , Huuurr go Pari. t
J Ll t *rl sold SO M'c I
•r thick <*f Day •*** o*' l •** “
Mis parti*# far use as * pack* l W j
toitU at MtjM>
Immediate Tariff Redaction Sought
as Urgent Necessity.
Washington, Nov. 25. A delegation
of Cubans called upon the President to
day and presented a petition adopted
by the industrial organizations of the
island, urging upon his attention the
necessity of reduction in the .American
tariff upon Cuban products, particular
ly upon sugar and tobacco. The Sec
reatry of War and other officials also
were called upon.
After stating in a general avay the
economic situation in the island, the
petition asks for a number of reduc
tions in the American tariff on Cuban
prodqcts. These have heretofore been
The petition goes on to say that the
economical situation in which the isl
and of Cuba is placed is such that
the remedies asked for admit of no
The petition concludes as follow':
"We. therefore, respectfully entreat
you, either by virtue of the constitu
tional authority vested in you. or by
requesting Congress in your first mes
sage to grant you the necessary au
thority to immediately establish amr le
commercial privileges between the
United States—the almost exclusive
market for our products—and Cuba,
based on the foregoing petition, as a
measure of urgent necessity and indis
pensable for the salvation of the isl
Many Owner* of Blooded Dog. nt
♦he Eastern Field Trials.
Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 25.—A special
from Newton, N. C„ to the Observer
The attendance upon the field trials
is much larger to-day than it was
Saturday. Among the new arrivals arc
Charles and W. S. Tucker, Stanton,
Tenn.; Luke W. White, Pleasant Gar
den, N. C.; John White, Hempstead, N.
Y. ; W. H. Hammond, Eldrea, N. Y. ;
W. J, Giles. Jack Armstrong and C. E.
McMurdo, High Point.; Eric Ham her,
Winnipeg, Man.; C. B. Whitford, Chi
cago; F. L. Ames and Hobart Ames.
North Easton. Fa. Many of the states
north and west are represented, as is
also Canada and Scotland,
With the exception of a strong wind,
the weather has been favorable for
the races to-day. and yet it has been
difficult to find many birds. The fail
ure to find plenty of quail is not be
cause they are scarce, for the trials
to-day were held on the preserve leased
by Mr. George Crocker and Secretary
Bradley. For several weeks Mr. Brad
ley has had his dogs training on these
grounds and during that time found an
abundance of birds.
The membership stake, begun Sat
urday. was finished this morning, with
the following winners; Jean deßeszke.
owned by P. Lorilard, Jr., first: Tar
Heel, owned by W. B. Meares, second,
and Cranfield Nellie, owned by S. C.
Bradley, third.
Kansan* Charge* on Stork in Tarda
in That State Invalid.
Washington. Nov. 25.—1n the 1 United
States Supreme Court to-day a.n opin
ion was handed down in the case of
Cottlng and Hlgginson against A. A.
Godard, attorney general of the state
of Kansas and the Kansas City Stock
Yards Company, involving the validity
of the state la\v of Kansas, empower
ing the state authorities to fix rates
of charges on stock in stock yards in
that state. The decree of the Circuit
Court, which upheld the law, was re
versed. Cotting and Hlgginson were
stockholders in the Stock Yards Com
pany. and soon after the law went into
effect, in 1897. filed a bill to restrain
the officers of the company from com
plying with the act and the
attorney general from enforc
ing Its provisions on the ground
that such compliance or enforcement
would deprieve the company of its
property without due process of law.
It was also contended that the act was
class legislation. The Circuit Court
dismissed the bill of complaint and an
appeal was taken to the Supreme
It was claimed on behalf of the
stock yards company that the enforce
ment of the law- would have had the
effect of reducing the receipts of the
company one-half.
Relics of Rater Who Sold Louisi
ana to be Exhibited at Exposition.
St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 25.—The propo
sition is being seriously considered to
have a Napoleonic Museum as a fea
ture of the World’s Fair. Inasmuch us
Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory
to the United States and the World s
Fair la held In calibration jf the cen
tennial of that event such a museum ia
regarded as a very appropriate feature
for the exposition. While It may not
be possible to obtain the originals of
some of the more valuable Napoleonic
relics. It has been aacerlslnod that
many most Interesting things si e avail
able. Napoleon I# the most conspicu
ous man of all history, and the wide
spread Interest which cluster# about
his memory will tend to bring to this
proposed Western shrine Innumerable
persoua curious to see tip things that
were Ms. and to study hi* marvelous
career from material things dose at
Tssw Mare IFtseS ta Death.
<‘4*rU*t/vn M N’ov 2., This
■ iiuining two negi ll child raw were
burned is death *1 Jalap* in Mew berry
county Their mother un going * work
house • augl.i hi' e“d wee a*Muetr
burned Cm i hiM ** Ak
gUku 4
Dr. J. C. Moon of Marlboro Arrested
for Practlaing Without a License.
He Is One of the. Recent Gradu
ate* of the Charleston Medical
College for AA'hoae Benefit It I*
Claimed the Law Enacted nt the
Last Session of the Legislator*
Was Passed.
Columbia. S. C .'Nov. 25.—A ripple of
excitement was created throughout the
state on Wednesday when It. was
learned that Dr. James C. Moore, a
prominent young physician, had been
arrested in Marlboro county, charged
with practicing medicine and surgery
without a license. He was arraigned
before Trial Justice Crossland for a
preliminary hearing, but on account of
extra Judicial statement made by the
justice the case, upon affidavit of the
defendant, was transferred to Justice
Easterling, who proved to be a relative
of the accused and was thus debarred
from hearing the case.
Dr. J. L. Napier, chairman of the
State Board of Medical Examiners,
was the one who swore out the war
rant and it was he, who at this junc
ture, went before the grand jury and
made a formal complaint. A special
presentment was made to the court
which waa then in session, and the
next morning Solicitor J. M. Johnson
gave out a formal bill of Indictment.
This week the young man w’as to ap
pear in court to answer to the indict
Apparently tills was a simple case,
but behind It all there is a story which
is of intense Interest to the entire med
ical fraternity In this state.
The General Assembtly of South Car
olina, at its last session, passed an act,
a part, of w'hieh reads as follows:
‘‘Nothing in this section shall apply to
regular graduates holding diplomas Is
sued by any college of established rep
utation in this state which has a. four
coure of Instruction and a stan
dard of not less lhan 75 per cent, on
examination, and make satisfactory ev
idence of their standing to the State
Board of Examiners.”
There is only oue medical college In
South Carolina, and it is known as the
Charleston Medical College, located at
Charlenton. This law was enacted In
behalf of this particular institution,
which was regarded by many as being
on Its “last legs.” The faculty in
duced the General Assembly to pass
this act, knowing that it would
be the means of attracting
students to come to them, who,
under other circumstances would seek
other colleges outside this state. A
long, bitter fight was made against
the bill but it passed by a small ma
jority. Dr. Moore was a member of the
class of 1961, which graduated from this
“pet" institution and he and the other
thirty members claimed exemption
from examination before the state
board of medical examiners and im
mediately entered upon the practice of
thejr profession. One member, how
ever, Dr. Miahoe of Sumter, appeared
before the board and stood a creditable
examination but the others ignored It.
This matter came up before the
Medical Association, which met at
Florence last, summer, and the action
of the General Assembly was severely
criticised by nearly every member
save the former graduates of the
Charleston Medical College.
This is a. test case, and the am
biguity of the wording of the act
makes it difficult to comprehend. The
state board has no means of ascertain
ing the fitness of graduates save by
an examination, and the pubile demand
that, their lives shall not be endangered
by incompetent practitioners, and see
no reason why the Charleston College
graduates should thus be favored.
The class has employed ex-Gov. John
C. Shepard to defend them whenever
prosecuted, and he is now in Bennetts
ville to aid T. W. Bouchler. Esq., who
is also employed by Dr. Moore. The
State Medical Board has retained Col.
Knox Livingston to aid Solicitor John
son in the prosecution. If Dr. Moore
is convicted then the other members of
the class stand liable to indictment on
the same charge.
Determined Effort to Organize West
Virginia Miners to Be Made.
Huntington, W. Va., Nov. 25.—Dele
gates are arriving to-night for the
state miners’ convention, which meets
to-morrow. It is apparent that, this Is
the most important convention which
the United Mine Workers have held in
this state for years. The delegates
will have a convention to-morrow and
on Wednesday they expect to meet the
operators of the state in conciliatory
conference. Should the operators fait
to meet the miners, they may take an
aggressive course in dealing with the
situation in West Virginia. Many of
the National Mine Workers' officials
are expected to be here to-morrow.
President Mitchell and other national
officers will attend. The United Mine
Workers have met. with considerable
discouragement in Northern West Vir
ginia. by the indisposition on the part
of the miners to identify themselves
with the organization. Owing to the
situation in West Virginia the operators
have been able to sell coal in markets
where other operators have failed, and
Illinois operators have said that they
will spend money to see West Virginia
North Carolina Methodists.
Gastonia, N. C., Nov. 25.—This was a
busy day in the Methodist. Episcopal
Conference, and much routine business
was transacted. Rev. H. M. Blair was
elected editor of the Christian Advo
The conference accepted an invita
tion t meet next year at Monroe. Rev.
J. R. Brooks and F. H. Wood were
given the superannuated relation.
Two Killed in Freight Wreck.
Montgomery, Ala.. Nov. 25.—1n a
freight wreck on an extension of the
Louisville and Nashville Railroad, near
Georgians, Ark., to-day Frank Berry,
the negro fireman, and an unknown
negro tramp were killed. Four hundred
feet of track were torn up and seven
loaded cars demolished.
Don’t get run down. Keep up your ap
petite. K*ep up your strength. Don’t
get malaria. Take
Dr. W. N- Van Brederods’s
Malaria, Chills, Few and Ague.
It rn*k*t you strong It ||vn you
mr appctJt#. It moiMMi your work
my. It boo $ reputation lo in* 1
4efo4 by OjouMntfl wbo Ami v* uiod it
MiUrii vioifiiW before M Ulm dm*-
diope before cue tnomltif eon Tiy It
In lli# IttboitfUjri** *f Tbd In W N
Mi raiAi mure * d###*#*
diiueli, bt*
Thanksgiving Offerings
/n Enlarged China Department.
sr.9B ENGLISH PORCELAIN DINNER SET, high class border decoration, CC QO
100 pieces, to go at .#>*/•
$8.98 AMERICAN PORCELAIN DINNER SET, hand decorated, gold lined* Cf. QO
110 pieces, to go at
neat decoration $9.98 to
Just received, new line of ENGLISH PORCELAIN DINNER WARE, sold in open
stock, our own importation, See Broughton street window.
CARLSBAD CHINA DINNER SETS, 101 pieces neat floral decoration, embossed edges,
our regular $18.98 set, to go at C -f C QO
(See Broughton street window.) y l
Special each
PORCELAIN TURKEY PLATTERS, fancy edges—lo-inch 10c, 12-inch 19c, 14-inch
26c, 16-inch 35c. Value double.
PORCELAIN CUPS and SAUCERS, the pair 5 c
SHEET IRON TURKEY PANS, large sizes, to go at each 5c
Watch /M) i’ Watch Us
° 1 ° rC * 1/ BROUGHTON & BULL STS.
30 Stores under one roo{.
The Tilley t’onrtmartial Evidently
Entlrely Unnecessary.
(Correspondence of Associated Press.)
Tituila, Nov. 12, via Sain Francisco,
Nov. 25. —On the morning of Nov. 5 the
United States steamship Wisconsin ar
rived in tlhe harbor. It was announced
that Admiral Silas Casey had been or
dered to Pago-Pago to convene a court
martial on Capt. B. F. Tilley, the com
mandant of the station. The news was
received with great surprise by the Sa
moan people. On Nov. 6 the Sonoma ar
rived with Capt, Tilley and Mrs. Tilley
on board. Upon landing at the custom
house there was a large crowd to meet
the captain, who was loudly cheered
by whites and natives. Capt. Tilley
at once resumed his office as comman
The Solace arrived on Nov. 7 with
Admiral Evans and the officers of the
court-martial. On the same day Capt,
Tilley was formally served with a copy
of the charges and specifications and
was ordered to deliver up his sword.
The trial of Capt. Tilley began on
Saturday. Nov. 9. The most important
witness was Dr. Blackwell. He testi
fied that he once saw Capt. Tilley lying
down outside his cabin door undergo
ing a Samoan massage treatment.
This treatment is very common here
with whites as well as native chiefs.
The prosecution closed its case on
Monday, Nov. 11. rather earlier than
was expected. The trial is expected to
close to-morrow. It appears that Ad
miral Casey, after due investigation,
dropped the charges of maladministra
tion against Capt. Tilley.
Relatioua Among Office r Seem Not
of the Beat.
New Torn, Novi. 25. —When the
Meade court-martial was resumed at
the navy yard, Brooklyn, to-day, E.
M. Beals and George W. Hastings,
members of the Puritan Club of Bos
ton, were called as witnesses. They
testified that Maj. C. H. Lauehheimer
had acted- properly when at the club
in 1897.
Col. Frank Lee Denny took the stand
after Maj. Charles H. Lauehheimer
had corrected his testimony, and was
utyler direct examination for the re
mainder of the morning -session. Lieut.
Niblack, the judge advocate, introduc
ed as evidence the report of a board of
survey on the barracks of January,
last. The report contradicted Col.
Denny's testimony on many points in
connection with the condition of the
When asked by Lieut. NihUo k why
Col Meade was not placed in charge,
of the repair work on the marine bar
racks at Brooklyn. Col. Deny declined
to answer, saying that his answer
would be uncomplimentary to Col.
Col. Denny testified that he had no
improper financial relations with archi- '
tects or contractors engaged on the re- [
pair work. He also denied knowledge
of conspiracy against. Col. Meade. Col.
Deny was cross-examined at length,
the defense seeking to show thafc-there
were irregularities in the repair work.
Seaboard Said to Have Acquired
Virginia and Southwestern.
Raleigh. N. C., Nov. 25.—A special
to the News and Observer from Win
stcn-Salem says It is authoritatively
announced to-day that notwithstanding
the denial by the Seaboard Air Line
that It had purchased the Virginia aivl
Southwestern Railroad from Big Stone
Gap to Mountain City, one of the
agents has been notified that the Sea
board would take charge Jau. 1.
U has been understood for sooi e time
by railroad people that the chance*
are good for building the trsna-Appa
lachian Railway from Shelby, via Mor
ganlon to Mountain City, and It has
been believed all the time that this
Is a plan of the Mrabourd Air Line to
i reach the coal fields. The surveying
errps is now making the permancni.
location of the line and preparing aper
ifii ations to let the contract*.
I lag Preaeuled Itt (it*. H lirelrr Im
Flr O*er ship keearid b> Muheaa
Montgomery AM.. Nov s6 - <Jen Jo-
M-pii Wheeler bug prtiMtal to the
slat# of Alabama the Ural Awerbaa
flag which was floated over Haitii*ao
Ji w lit b run up on lie- Miaiu mast -4
the efforts aA < apt Hutsuaii The Its*
u>tt or raised ut Lb gltgiuu* V* Ul*
'gtl-riS * epitoL
Hi* Relation* With Mr*. Dale Not
Such a* to Offend Public Moral*.
New York, Nov. 25.—Elbert Waller,
who was arrested on a charge of sus
taining Improper relations with Mrs.
Elizabeth Howe Dale, was to-night
discharged from custody by Recorder
Stanton of Hoboken. The discharge
was obtained under a ruling of the
New Jersey Supreme Court which
holds that in such relations as were
alleged against Waller there must be
something of a public nature to offend
the morals of the state, and that in
Waller's case this had not. been shown.
The Hoboken police have received no
report as yet from the chemist who
took away the intestines of the Dale
child, nor do they expect it for a
week Coroner Parslow, after a con
ference with the police to-day an
nounced that the Inquest would not
begin until a week from Thursday at
j the earliest. By that time the police
expect lo have a preliminary report
i from the chemist and this will be used
at the Inquest.
Dr. Wlkoff 111 Yesterday and No
Other I’hysit-lan Wa* Called.
Princeton. N. J., Nov. 25.—Ex-Presi
dent Cleveland is rapidly recovering
from his severe cold. This is the re
port of Dr. Wlkoff, his physician. On
account of being indisposed himself.
Dr. Wikoff did not call to see Mr.
Cleveland this afternoon, and the lat
ter was so decidedly improved that it
was not neceasrv to call in any other
physician. Mrs. Clevelatid gave out a
bulletin, which stated that Mr. Cleve
land is still gaining in strength and
that he is resting very comfortably. 1
Shot After Her House Wa* Deimil
llied—Three Brother* Arrested.
Columbia. S, C.. Nov. 25.—A special to
the state from Walhalla, S. C., says:
Last night near Salem, fourteen
miles north of here. Mrs. Powell was
killed at her home by a mob. After
her house had almost been demolished
she was shot In the breast and died
immediately. Three Hudson brothers
were arrested on the road leading to
ward Georgia, twenty miles from the
scene, and charged with the deed.
Other arrests are likely to follow.
Aldrich Libby Causes Great Eathu*-
Inara in Chicago.
Chicago, Nov. 25.—Considerable ex
citement was caused to-night at Cleve
land Theater when Aldrich Libby was
singing a. new ballad entitled “All Hon
or to Admiral Schley.” The conclud
ing lines of the chorus are:
‘‘Then off with your hats.
And give him three cheers.
All honor to Admiral Schley.”
Over half the audience rose to Its
feet and cheered vigorously. The *ing
er was forced to respond to seven en
Guv. Voorkees and Senator Stoke*
Leave Him in Bad Shape.
charlotte, N. C., Nov. 25.—A special
to the Observer from AihevtUe, says:
Gov. Voorhees and State Senator
Stokes of New Jersey, who have been
visiting United States Senator William
J. Sewell, for the past two days, left
this morning for home.
Senator Sewell M confined to his room
most of the time and ta constantly at
tended by a trained nurse. He walks
little, but is w heeled around in # 9.
Operation* Ba*p*n4rd and Faneral*
Largely Attended by Miner*.
bluefieid, W. Vg., Nov. 25.—Funeral*
of the late victim* of the Baby mine
dt*aster at Focahontaa were held to
day. They ware largely atundod by
miners from all part sot the Flat Top
field, all operation* suspending work
for the day. The Baby mine continue*
to Pur 9 and tedve utrrum* of water
ate playing into it.
Ur. Graer Uretlaee Biahogrie.
New York Nov. 2i,—-Rev. Dr. Devil
M. *it gar, of UiM city iwceully < iecC
h) bishop of liar new guaa of West
fin Moaeachuarita, leaned g statement
I 1 hie evening ia which hr dociigefl the
—— mm
Netet Prerelied rs F.urtkqaaka.
ljoodoi, hi*v. its A* *o4drug to g dot
> Mail’ll f 1 oui .tfla—s Utt> pea mutt* p* t mi mi
t* the letMi ceiUc,i4l*c at J<4*at.tetr%.
Hl* Crondii to f.o Down ThiirdT.
Primitive Baptlata Adjenaa-
Valdosta, Ga.. Nov. 35.—Mr. W. M
Duncan, a, well-known naval stores
man of Otitar Creek, Fla., was married
yesterday evening to Miss Clyde Moore
at Ousley Station, in this county. Miss
Moore, formerly taught school at Ottar
Creek and met the groom at that, time.
An attachment sprung between them
which culminated in their marriage
yesterday afternoon. The happy couple
left immediately (or their future home
at Ottar Creek.
The primitive Baptists of the Och
lochnee Association have been in ses
sion here for three days and adjourned
last night. The meeting was attend
ed by prominent Primitives from all
over the state, and the preaching,
morning, afternoon and evening, has
been heard by large congregations.
The local members of that denorotna
! tion declare the meetings to have been
the most successful eTer held In this
Madison. Fla., is to have a big street
fair on Wednesday. Thursday and Fri
day of this week and Thursday is set
apart as "Valdosta Day." The outlook
is that nearly everybody in Valdosta
will go down and spend that day with
the people of our neighboring town.
The Valdosta Southern Railroad has
secured a half a dozen extra passen
ger cars and will run double tratns
each way for that day. A big ball
complimentary to the young folks of
this city will be one of the features of
the day.
Miss Ertle Lyles, the 18-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lyles,
died here this morning after an ill
ness of several weeks. Her remains
were laid to rest this afternoon in the
city cemetery.
The members of the Christian Church
have built a temporary structure op
posite the Valdosta Institute and will
hold their services there in future un
til their new house of worship is com
The young people of the city are
getting up a “Tacky Marriage” for
next Friday night, the proceeds to bo
added to the treasury of the Valdosta
Vldettes. The occasion promises to be
a very unique entertainment.
Diimaied Prohibition. Railroads
and Other Ratters.
Americas. Ga.. Nov. 25.—At the noon
recess of the Superior Court to-day.
Hon. Dupont Guerry addressed an au
dience of perhaps a hundred personal
friends and -political supporters upon
the gubernatorial situation. His speech
was very largely the same made here
tofore at other places. He dwelt more
particularly with prohibition and thr
railroad situation, though other ques
tions at issue likewise received atten
The speech throughout commanded
close attention, and doubtless made a
favorable impression upon the audi
ence. Mr. Guerry was reared in Amer
icus and has many personal friends
Dratli of Mn. Blviitg* and Sflaa Sel
lars— Other Mattm.
Balnbridge, Ga., Nov. 25.—Mrs. J.
M- Btvtngs died yesterday after a short
illness. She leaves a large circle of
friends and relatives. Mr. J. M. T-
Sellars had the misfortune to loose
one of his daughters yesterday. She
was about 1# year* old. She had been
sick for about a week of pneumonia.
The town Is rapidly filling up with
strangers, who are here to attend the
carnival, which begins to-morrow.
Everything la putting on a holiday ap
IH aranee, and many beautiful horse*
arc arm on the atrcata. The different
shows are ail here, and everything will
he In plan e when the gate* are opened
in the morning.
Miner* Eilablltb lumber Cams
Earitngton. Ky, !*ov. 25.—True to
their threat to maintain the ounp at
Nortoavllle, the union nutters erected
another tent to-day on the site of the
camp which Judge Mall broke up oniy
yesterday and hauled u> MadlaonvUl*.
The re-establishment at the camp to
day was a. great surprise
< til art's Hsasrtl at Sagas.
London, Nov, Sfi.—”t btiia Ilm asked
Japan,'* says a dispatch from btisngtu*
ia the Daily Eiprat, "U> lend one pn
e#al aitd till* orti-Jtrs to drill m CUitu***
tloops ami also to land ■ apei tv U) t*
| organise the **hlneae lai and piike
Hiatt ta
A Mlg < easeleurr I vairlUallea
I W * siting tsi No*' (t. *• i>e*#> Y
j sl# • #*>t * ttnirofli (jit • ' ‘itsi l<Ui tsf *44*- ■■