The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 09, 1904, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. Established 1850. - Incorporated 1888 J. H. ESTILL, President. Bankers and Bank in the Chadwick Case and Mrs. Chadwick's Son. ini nT'i~nir i H MRS. CHADWICK IS IN CELL AT TOMBS WEEPS IN VAIN FOR BAIL TIRED, AND ALMOST FAINTING, WOMAN GOES TO PRISON. Half Carried l!p the Steps of Rnild i nit —Nurse Not Permitted to Re main With Her—Mrs. Chadwick Promises to Explain “This Madam DeVere Business"—May Have to Answer Forgery Charge in Ohio. Rum Sandwich Was Her Supper. New York, Dec. B.—Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick is to-night occupying one of the scantily furnished cells in the Tombs. After a fruitless search all day for hail, her attorneys gave up the fight to-night and Philip Carpenter, her chief counsel, stood in the corridor of the federal building at 9 o’clock when I'nited States Marshal Henkel threw open the double doors of his office and led the woman out on her way to prison. Mrs. Chadwick was wan, tired and almost fainting. She made her way across the hall to the elevator, lean ing heavily on the marshal's arm and that of her son, Emil. Behind them came her nurse, Freda Swenson, and Deputy Marshal Kennedy. The party passed through a double row of cu rious people to a carriage which was In waiting on the Broadway side. Hail to I,cave Her Nnrse. They were driven directly to the Tombs. Arriving there, Mrs. Chadwick was half carried up the steps into the building. Warden Flynn met the party and after the usual preliminaries had ■been attended to, the woman asked permission to have her nurse remain with her. This was denied, the war den saying that she should have no privileges not allowed other prisoners. Mrs. Chadwick gave a handbag and a few trinkets to the nurse and whis pered some instructions to her son. Marshal Henkel formally turned his prisoner over to the warden and she "as taken to the matron’s room. She asked to say good night to her son and the lad eagerly rushed to his mother and, wrapping his arms about her, gave her a long embrace. Then she was led away to the Inner office, "here her pedigree was taken and she was assigned to a cell. First Statement of Woman. The son and nurse entered a carriage t'ltd were driven to a hotel. While ly ing on a couch in the United States marshal’s office awaiting a bondsman, Mrs. Chadwick, for the first time since her name has been before the public, consented to talk for publication and gave the representative of the Associ ate) Press a statement in which she denied ’ relationship to Mrs. York of San Francisco, who gave out an in terview to-day telling of the earlier life of Mrs. Chadwick. In justice to her son,.Mrs. Chadwick said she would not make a statement about "this Madame DeVere business" at the present time, but promised that later "Madame DeVere’s whereabouts and everything else in connection with this case will be shown.” Mrs. Chadwick also told of the Wade Dark and Oberlin Bank matters. Re ferring to the failure of the latter in stitution, she said: I would not like to live a minute If J did not think I could pay these poor people back.” Won’t Talk About (arnrglr, A hen asked concerning Andrew Car b'gi.'s connection with her financial adairs, she declined absolutely to talk, referring her interviewer to her coun- Sui. 1 his has no doubt been one of the f '’si momentous days In Mrs. Chad "ak's history. It commenced with ‘' r early departure from her hotel for lb. federal building, und ended with mi Incarceration In the Tombs. ! n the Interval she had been ar 'mgi.ed before United States Commls- Mouer Shield* nod held In *15.000 ball, hloh shu was unable to furnish. Ali '> long lawyers representing her tn -1 rests had sought In every quartrr i‘ r someone owning real estate In •Manhattan who would sign her bond, “od the marshal had. oul of sympathy jor the woman, kepi her In hi* offlee '■"or* after she should have been re moved. The endeavors of the lawyers "••re unsuccessful, rendering her Im prisonment necessary. Way Answer Forgery Charge, To add to her cup of woe, It was 'carried to-night that a charge of for- Rry would very likely be made the woman In Ohio, baaed on ”*■ Carnegie notes and other papers ■'JJf •• aeciyriiiea for loans. Efforts to g| ball will continue to morrow, although Mrs Chadwick eg. l'"**ed the desire to-night to go to bv eland at soon aa possible Iks she would go there voluntarily, Continued im Fifth Fag*. SiUnmnal) Jftofiiing X'rtos. MTMRF/R 17.5G7. C. T. BECKWITH. ODE RI.IN RANK CLOSED BECAUSE! OF CHADWICK LOAN. CHRISTMAS AT HOME HIS ONLY THOUGHT. “If I Die on tile Way Over Bury Me at Sea.” Norfolk, VtL, Dec. B.—William Thomas of Lancashire, England, fire man on the British steamer Marcia, was frightfully burned by the burst ing of a steam pipe in the ship's en gine room while the vessel was steam ing seaward in Hampton Roads to day. The man refused to allow his captain to put back and leave him at a hospital. “Boys, don't take me ashore. I want to be home Christmas. If I die on the way over, bury me at sea,” he said to bis shipmates. The Marcia dropped her pilot off the capes and sailed eastward. The pilot brought the story of the accident ashore. A stoker was burned in the explo sion, but not seriously. The pilot says Thomas will hardly live until morning. The Marcia is bound to England from New Orleans and put into Norfolk for coal. SAFE BLOWING^FOLLOWED BY TWENTY-TWO ARRESTS. Maryland Police Think They Have Lunfled Dangerous Gang. Frederick, Md., Dec. B.—At an early hour this morning a daring attempt was made to rob the Mount Airy Bank. The iron safe was blown to pieces, but before the robbers could open an inner door of the vault beyond which lay the money and securities of the in stitution, the thieves were frightened away by the citizens of the town, at tracted by the explosion. The front of the safe was blown to pieces. Several taps from a hammer easily dislodged the door and the cashier removed $4,000 in bank notes, which lay within' easy reach of the robbers. The local police, assisted by railroad detectives, have arrested twenty-two men in this city In connection with the attempted robbery. Complete sets of ■burglars tools, including besides re volvers, flashlights, "jimmies,” wedges and dynamite cartridges, were found In possession of some :of the men. Among the men arrested wei;e James King of Norfolk, Va.; John Collins of Wilmington. N. C., and Charles Knoor of Alexandria, Va. The’ police think they have captured a dangerous gang. COMMITTEE FOUND • AGAINST EXPOSITION. will Not Recommend an Aiiproprln tln lor One at Jamestown. Washington, Dec. B.—The House Committee on Industrial Arts and Ex positions at its ■ meeting to-day de cided not to recommend to the House the authorization of an Industrial ex position to be held at Jamestown, Va., In commemoration of the first Eng lish settlement there, or to report any bill authorizing the appropriation of any money for an Industrial exposi tion there. It was directed, however, by the committee that a sub-committee of three, of which Mr. Tawney Is to be chairman, shall be named to take up |or the Maynard bill authorizing an Industrial exposition in commemoration of the settlement of Jamestown and appropriating *5,- 0(0.009 and report to the full commit tee some suitable form of commemora tion of the event other than by hold ing an Industrial exposition. OKLAHOMA ROBBERS DYNAMITED SAFE. Enid, Oklahoma, Dec. (.—The Farm era' State Bank of Umlkrl, haa been robbed by three men, who dynamited the aafa. obtaining lI.MM aa th#fr booty, Wiill# two robber* worlM fnalufr lb* ihlH *tti*in holding th* Th# robber* making for th* (Mum mountJftlf**- A pr*M I* It) put* §UMs TRYING TO SAVE NATION’S MONEY SOME OF THE CONGRESSMEN OBJECTED TO CERTAIN PROPOSED EXPENDITURES. Legislature Appropriation Rill Un der Coil side rat ton and the Civil Service Coniinlssion Roundly- Scored by Bartlett, Heplinrn amt (iriiKvcnor— Some Want Retrench ment to Begin In the Home Itself. Washington, Dec. 8. —The annual fight on the Civil Service Commission was begun in the House to-day during consideration of the legislative appro priation bill. The opposition came from Messrs. Bartlett of Georgia. Hep burn of lowa and Grosvenor of Ohio. The legislative bill was scrutinized carefully in consonance with the Pres ident’s recommendation against extrav agance. Mr. Bingham, in charge of the bill, was required constantly to explain some particular appropriation. The pay of the stenographers to com mittess of the House was reduced from $5,000 per annum to $3,000, and the House refused to accept the provision. Increasing the pay of the secretary to the Civil Service Commission. But lit tle progress was made on the bill. The provision appropriating the sal ary for a janitor for the House Com mittee on Library met with some Dem ocratic opposition, led by Messrs. Bartlett and Maddox of Georgia and Clark of Missouri, and precipitated a discussion of appropriations generally. Mr. Clark said there were many su pernumerary officials around the House who ought to be got rid of. The Pres ident’s message, he said, had urged economy, and Mr. Clark contended that If the House was going to economize the best place to commence was the House itself. Needs More Time to Legislate. In a few vigorous remarks Mr. Liv ingston of Georgia defended the Ap propriations Committee in the prepara tion of the bill. He replied to a criti cism by Mr. Maddox that members had not had sufficient time to examine the printed bill by saying that even If the members were given a week to examine it they would "come in here as ignorant as a man from Porto Rico.” He lamented the fact, how ever, that bills appropriating millions of dollars should be hurried through in fifty-two days. "This hurried legis lation ought to stop,” he declared. Congress, he suggested, ought to meet In May and thus give a decent time to the legislation of the country. When the first of December was fixed, he said, there were not 20,000,000 people to legislate for, but now there are 80,- 000,000. The paragraph relating to the rtvll service commission elicited from Mr. Maddox of Georgia severe criticism, because of ft proposed Increase of twenty-three employes to constitute the rural carrier examining board. He declured there was no necessity for them and that It was the duty of this Congress to retrench If the state ment of the Secretary of the Treasury be true. "God knows," he said, “I want this government to stand and be able to pay It* debts without Issuing bonds or raising additional taxes.” This utterance brought from Mr. Lit tauer of New York an Indorsement of Mr. Maddox's retrenchment Ideas, but he said the ease In point happened to be one of the few Items of the bill where retrenchment was brought shout by the action of the committee, because the twenty clerks referred to already were at work by detail from other offices, The discussion shifted to the quos- Hon of the salary of the secretary of the commission. Ths committee had Increased It from 11,250 to $1,400, hut sn amendment by Mr Bartlett of Oeor- CwttUuued tt Fifth |'g|, SAVANNAH. GA.. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1904. FAMILY KILLED; THEN CREMATED FOUR MET TRAGIC DEATH. HI GHES FAMILY WIPED OUT IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Mother and Two Daughters Had Skull* Crushed—Bnllet in Father’* Head Told Story of Hie End—Pis tol With One Chamber Empty Near Clinrreil Body—Horrible Af fair at Trenton, Edgefteld County. Stir* Up Community. Columbia, S. C., Dec. B.—B. B. Hughes, aged 42 years; his wife, Eva, about the same age, and two daugh ters, Emily and Hattie, 19 and 15 years old, respectively, constituting an entire family, are dead at Trenton, Edgefield county, and nothing remains to ex plain the mystery of the tragedy. Citizens of the town were aroused at 5 o’clock this morning by a fire at the Hughes house, and upon reaching ttye scene the flames had gained such headway that it was impossible to en ter the burning building, and not un til the fire had burned itself out, and walls had collapsed, was it dis covered that the family was dead. Tlieir Skull* Were Crushed. The bodies of the two young ladles were found in their bed with the heads of both crushed. The body of Mrs. Hughes was found in a room across the hall. Her head was also crushed, with a pillow over it. The body of Hughes lay near the door with a bullet wound through the left temple. A pistol, with one empty chamber, was near his right hand. Hughes was a merchant and farmer. There Is no reason known why he should have been murdered, as he was on good terms with the white and col ored people of the community. The conditions surrounding all point more strongly to Hughes as the mur derer of his entire family and to sub sequent suicide. ■luglieN Sick anil Worried. It is known that Hughes was in poor health, was much worried over his wife's condition, and had mone tary troubles. These added to the fact that a brother some time ago killed himself ip a temporary fit of insanity has in duced the belief that a similar fate be fell him last night and that the trag edy followed. The coroner's jury had no evidence before it and has adjourned until Monday. Bloodhound* Found no Trail. The town of Trenton to-day was as quiet as on any uneventful day. Bloodhounds were brought to the scene, but could find no trail, and in the absence of a motive those who held to the theory of murder could not solve the mystery. There was so sign that anybody had left the house after the fire started. The charred remains were placed in coffins and taken t’hls afternoon to the Baptist Church of the village where to-morrow a quadruple funeral will be held. Horror, Vetted in Mystery. It wXs said that three tracks were discovered leading from the field up to the rear of the house. The county bloodhounds were secured and put on the trail, but the effort has availed nothing. The horror is veiled in mys tery. One theory is the house w r as entered for the purpose of robbery, that upon being discovered the robbers commit ted the murders and fired the house. Excitement runs high, but nothing rash will be done. Upon the request of Solicitor Thur mond, Gov. Heyward has offered a re ward for the apprehension of the guil ty parties. The Hughes family was one of Edgefield’s best known. FOUR WHITE MEN HELD FOR LYNCHING. Witness Wn* Found Whose Testi mony Proved Damaging. Charleston, 8. C„ Dec. B.—The pre liminary trial tn the Eutawvllje case was concluded this morning at St. George. Magistrate McCoy released Prince Martin and Adger Butler, and the following were committed to jail for Court of Sessions: Andrew Martin, Berry Martin, J. P. Palmer and 8. A. Eadon. Up to this morning the prosecution had no evidence directly Implicating any one. but a surprise was sprung when Solicitor Hildebrand put up H. C. Edwards, who had been one of the accused, who has become a witness for the state. In his confession he Im plicated the four named. He is an orphan and was working on the place of Lewi* Martin. He declared that the men mentioned had made threats against Bookard and had thrown him Into the Santee river. Edwards will be held In the peniten tiary for safety until he is called as a witness. The accused will he held In ]atl at Monk's Corner. TOMMY FELTzTosT” TO ABE ATTELL. •Frisco Day Was Inellned to Do Mast of Leading, fit. Louis, Dec. s.—Abe Attell of Han Francisco was given the decision over Tommy Felts of Savannah at the end of 4 fifteen-round bout to-night. The contest was slow and AttsU's narrow margin was due to his Inclina tion to do most of lb* loading. The “Show Girl” Charged with Murder Sketched in Her Cell in the Tombs. FRENZIED MEN FOUGHT TO SELL SURGED AND SCRAMBLED TO FiET HOLDINGS (JO AT ALMOST am mien offered. I'npiintrollrd Excitement Not Efinnlpfl on Npn York Klnpk Ex plinnup Since lllNtorlp Nartliprn Pacific Pan I c—St mauling ItroLcl's Shonlpd Like Mail llollom Dropped Out of Amalgamated Cop per First—Lawson's Advertise ment* More Their Fruit I'romittly. Markets Closed Feverish. New York, Dee. S— Amid scenes of uncontrolled excitement, and frenzied haste to sell securities, the New York Stock Exchange witnessed the most sensational decline in prices that It h'as known since the historic Northern Pa cific panic of May 9, 1901. Warned by the signs of the coming storm, made visible yesterday In the preponderance of orders to sell over those to buy, the traders were early on the floor of the exchange. When the gong sounded for the open ing of business there canie from the struggling groups of brokers on the crowded floor a rotir of voices so loud that it startled and thrilled all who heard It. At first It seemed that all were sellers and that none was left to buy. Men Shouted Like Mml. As the shouting men surged around the trading posts the "impending im portant developments in this stock," the "possible Increase of one dividend on another," the "coming agreement with its principal rival” of a third, or whatever were the bull arguments on which advances were based, were all forgotten and brokers sought only to get rid of the stocks they held. The scene was observed by a throng of visitors in the gallery. First to give way in the hurly-burly was Amalgamated Copper, against which a campaign by a newspaper advertise ment has recently been conducted. Dropping sometimes a point at a time, it fell until It sold at 58%, a de cline of 10 points since last night's close, and 22 points from the highest of Tuesday. The 22 point recession represented a decrease In the market value of the company’s total capital stock of more than $30,000,000. Shrinkage Ucpreseat* Millions. Next to Amalgamated Copper, the leader in the excitement was United States Steel Corporation Htdck, the common falling to 23% and the pre ferred to 84, over night declines of 6% points and 744 points, respectively, and the declines of 914 points for the com mon and 10% points for the preferred from Tuesday's highest. The shrinkage In quoted values from Tuesday represented over $45,000,000 on the common and $30,000,000 on the preferred, n aggregate on the com pany's stock of more than $80,000,000. Values throughout the entire list were cut down with great rapidity, weakly margined accounts were wiped out, and for nearly two hours the demoraliza tion was complete. During this period the transactions amounted to about 900,000 shares. The Cheek Cnme nt Noon. The frightened throwing over of stocks almost without regurd to price was checked about noon and there followed a period of irregularity. Heavy buying orders appeared, quo tations started upward and before 1 o'clock many of the active stocks had regained considerable of their losses. The tone of the trading remained fev erish. but the rally was well held and the close was. comparatively speaking, severely quiet. The total sales of stocks to-day were 2,905,400 share*. Many causes for the day's selling were suggested, but the general opinion seemed to be that the hull market had brought in many buyers on small margins and when the signs of an Impending break were seen yes terday, these holders were forced to sell out their speculative purchases at whatsver prices were obtainable. ' ' i II 4DK4I H'IPBIDI. New York. Dec. 8.--W. K. Nadeau, one of the officers of the Consolidated Block Exchange, has announced his suspension F.a< hang* offMsis say they understand llsftdni'i IlsbllllUis are comparatively small. NAN PATTERSON. REMAINS OF REMLEY FOUND IN CORNFIELD. Ilieli Indlnnn Mnn Fell from Pull man Near Atlanta. Atlanta, Dec. B.—The body of John Remley, a well-to-do citizen of Cr'flw fordville, Ind., was found to-day near Mableton, Oa., fifteen miles north of Atlanta. * It wis discovered in a cornfield by a farmer, about 100 yards from the tracks of the Southern Hallway. It showed a concussion of the skull, which is like ly to have caused death, also many bruises about the body. The body was clothed In the usual garments, ex cepting a coat. In the pockets were found about $lB In currency and also New York exchange for S6OO, payable to John Remley. It appeared that the man had fallen from a passing train, struck on the head and had wandered the short distance beforfi succumbing to the wounds that caused death. A coroner’s jury found a verdict In accordance with the facts stated, de claring that death was due to acci dent. The body has been embalmed and will be sent to the Indiana home. Remley disappeared mysteriously from a Pullman sleeper between Home and Atlanta Wednesday, Nov. 30. A. E. Tlnkham, of t’ruwfordvlllo, Ind., nephew of the dead man, who has been here searching for him, received notice of the discovery of the body, and went to Mableton this afternoon to thke charge of It. A reward of S4OO had been offered by Mrs. Remley for In formation leading to his discovery, alive or dead. Mrs. Remley, Her brother-lh-law, Daniel Remley, and his wife are now In Jacksonville. ANOTHER BILITaJMED AT SOUTHERN STATES. Morrell Int roil need One In Hnuae to Cut Down Itrpreneutstlnn. Washington, Dec. B.—Representative Morrell, of Pennsylvania, to-day Intro duced a bill to reduce representation In states where citizens are disfranchised. Tlie bill is more general than that In troduced by Senator Platt yesterday, and its provisions apply to any slate limiting suffrage. The bill, if enacted into law, would reduce the representation in Congress of any state which denies the right of suffi*age to any of its male inhabitants or in any way abridges such right “ex cept for participation In rebellion or other crime.” The bill provides that from and after March 4, 1907, when the right to vote at any election for tho choice of electors for President and Vice President or representatives in Congress, the executive or Judicial of ficers of the state or the members of the St'ate Legislature shull be denied or abridged by any state, “the basis of representation therein shall he reduced in the proportion which the number of such citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens 21 years old In such state." The bill makes It the duty of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to 'ascertain through the Census Bureau, by means of a biennial census, the number of such citizens in each state to whom the right to vote is so denied or abridged and to report the same to the Speaker of the House of Represen tatives on March 4, 1907, and btennlallv thereafter. Provision Is further made for the reading of the report In open session at the beginning of each Congress, which shall form the basis of calcu lation in determining the number of representatives to which a state shall be entitled In that Congress. “If it should appear," the bill fur ther provides, "that the number of representatives that have been ac credited by any state exceeds the number to which It shall be entitled according to the rule of apportion ment herein provided, none of the persons so accredited as representa tives shall be entitled to seats In the House of Representatives, but a va cancy In the entire representation of such state shall be declared by reso lution of the House, and the executive authority of such state shall issue writs for the election of a number of represents fives ut large for the same equal to the number to which it may be justly entitled, aa declared by the House of Representatives." K*< 41*4.11 HI TWO VOTE*. Parle, Dec. 8— In the Chamber of Deputies thie afternoon the govern ment escaped defeat by a narrow ma jority of two votee, (?* to $74 on * resolution Inviting the government to refer to the superior council of judges Ihe '*.is# of those magistrate* who hav# been guilty of making secret ln veeturatious. 5 CENTB A COPY. DAILY 18 A YEAR WEEKLY 2-TTMES-A-WEEK.iI A YEAR LAST JUROR FOR NAN PATTERSON STATE SUMMED UP ITS CASE. ACCUSED WAS THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE COtUIT ROOM. Assistant District Attorney Hand Nays He Will Tell Why J. Morgan Smith and Hts Wife Are Running Away—Cannot Promise Jury Wit nesses Who Will Swear to Alt They Know—No Eyewitness for the Prosecution, New York, Dec. B.—After John D. Benedict had beer, removed from Jury box by Justice Davis In the criminal brunch of the Supreme Court, the two Jurors necessary to complete the panel In the trial of Nan Patterson for the murder of Caesar Young, were chosen this afternoon, and Assistant District Attorney Rand at once began his open ing statement. Mies Patterson was the only woman in the court room when the nroseoutor opened, women having been excluded by order of the court. Juror Benedict was excused by Jus tice Davis after Mr. Rand had Inform ed the court that while serving as a juryman in a murder case some time ago, he had caused a disagreement by refusing to confer with his associates. In the second trial of the case a ver dict of murder in the first degree was returned. Mr. Rand practically repeated the charges he made at the former trial, which was brought to a sudden end by the Illness of a Juror. In closing Mr. Rand said in part: “I cannot promise you that the men I shall call will swear to all they know. I think you will say that, two of them, the cabman, Michaels, and the pawn broker, Stern, are not telling all they know, or agree with me that they are very ignorant men. "But there is one witness I cannot call, and he Is J. Morgan Smith. And I cannot call his wife, the sister qf the defendant, because they have run away. Smith is a most Important wit ness because he is the man who bought the weapon, and because he Is not here I propose to show you where he ran to. who helped him to get away and who are helping him to keep away from the detectives still hunting for him. I will not attempt to produce an eyewitness to the shooting.” After Mr. Levy, representing Mis* Patterson, had objected to certain statements made by Mr. Rand, ad journment was taken until noon to morrow. TWELVE mTnERS dII~ WHILE UNDER GROUND. At Least That Many Known to Re Victims of Fire Damp. Tacoma, Wash., Dec. B.—A dispatch to the Ledger from Burnett, Wash., says: . At least twelve miners have been killed by an explosion in the Burnett coal mine, and It Is believed that the death list will total fifteen. Searching parties were immediately organized and after working inces santly for about eight hours eleven burned and mangled corpses have been recovered. Of these eight leave families while three were unmarried. Later on one more body waa recover ed. At least three other miners ere In the shaft, but it was deemed unsafe to continue the rescue work and the effort waa abandoned. While there are •light hopes that these still may be living, they practically havo been giv en up for lost. It Is believed that Are damp was responsible for the disaster, but this will not be known until an Investiga tion has been held. At the time of the accident, there were about forty men at work Just prior to the explosion some of the miners had ascended to the surface and others were able to make their way to safety after the terrible bluet which shook the neighboring territory like an earthquake Two workmen ware rescued badly Injured, but U Is believed Uej kJU,