The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 11, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MARRIAGES. CONST ANTING-ALLAN Married, at St. John's Chapel of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Brook lyn, N. Y„ on Nov. 1904, Robert Paul Constantine to Adelaide Cather ine Allan. DEATHS. O’DONOVAN—Died, at the Marine Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.. yesterday, Saturday, Dec. 10, Mr. John O'Dono van of this city. His remains will be brought on here (Savannah, Ga.) for burial. Interment in Cathedral Ceme tery. Interment and funeral will be private. FI'NEKAL INVITATIONS. RANITZ—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. H. Ranitz are invited to attend the funeral of Freda, their infant daughter, from southwest corner of Farm and Indian streets at 4 o’clock this afternoon. SAULS—The relatives and friends of Mrs. Margaret Steckels and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sauls are invited to at tend the funeral of the latter from her late residence, Best and Montgomery streets, this afternoon at 3 o’clock, in terment Laurel Grove Cemetery. MILITARY ORDERS. MILITARY ORDERS. Headquarters Savannah Volunteer Guards, Savannah. Ga., Dec. 10, 1904. Orders: The regular monthly meeting of this corps will be held on Monday, Dec. 12, 1904, at S:3O o’clock, p. m. Mat ters of importance will be considered and acted upon, and all classes of members are urged and expected to be present. By order of MAJ. WM. B. STEPHENS, Commanding. Official. H. L. RICHMOND, Ist Lieut, and Adjt. MEETINGS. ~TjHSILAMERICA>fTw SOCIETY. The regular monthly meeting of the above Society will be held at its hall, corner Abercorp and Bryan streets, to-day (Sunday) at 12:30 o'clock v. m. The reports of several impor tant committees will be read at this meeting. A full attendance is earn estly requested. W. R. LEAKEN, President. A. S. KENNICKELL, Rec. Sec. LL " - . ■ W SPECIAL NOTICES. Fruit, Pound and Wine Cakes, and Home Made Mince Meat Pies FOR CHRISTMAS. 210 Jefferson, 129 Liberty, east, and 710 Habersham; Bell 'phone 1686; Geor gia 'phone 1742. Order Early. Mince Pies from now on if ordered a day ahead. WILD TURKEYS. ENGLISH DUCKS. CAULIFLOWER. CAYENNE PINEAPPLES. WHITE PLUME CELERY. FANCY TOMATOES. ALL PORK SAUSAGE. MY’ OWN LARD. M. S. GARDNER. 411 Whitaker Street. FULL SQUARE MEALS! The> cost but 25 cents here. Res tanrnnt Orders served at all hours. •Inst drop in Hnd try. VEHUKI'S CAFE. 42-44 BARNARD STREET. NOTICE. I. M. Rosenfeld, manager of Rosen feld's Orchestra, desires to inform the public that his Orchestra can furnish the best music for balls, parties. Ger mans, afternoon teas and reception. Address. I. M. ROSENFELD. _l2 Jones street, east, Ga. 'phone 1267. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. Oysters and the best of oysters! served in every style and delivered to any part of the city. SCHWARZ CAFE. P. S.—Remember that you may or der here anything that the market affords. Regular breakfasts and sup pers 35c. Corner Congress and Whit aker. I BUY LIFE INSURANCE Policies and pay more for them than the companies do. ALLAN SWEAT. Well Laundered Linen Plays an important part during Christmas holidays and the other kind just won’t do. To be on the sure side send your work to FgoodJ Savannah-Georgia Laundry Company. II West Congrats Hi reel. 110 Meat Congress Mrrrl. PHONO ggg, I|, 94. Asa source of pleasure, both to yourself and for others, we suggest CORTEZ CIGARS SUPPLY THE TRADE A Chocolate ; and | ‘ // Bon Bons. 1 Your Christmas orders will now be booked and delivery made just at the time designated. Foreign and American Perfumes In Fancy and Artistic Packages. Our Bull street store always open. c“L SOLOMONS CO. H“. Choicest Candies and Chocolates! The rush is on. Sweets for Southern Sweets are pouring f out of Savannah. Day and night f° rces at Conida’s exert- ir nimr him v * n ß everv effort to meet the N great demand. Christmas packages now ready. SPECIAL NOTICES. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT, by paying your bills on or be fore the 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY. BRO. A CO. TO CAPTAINS, MASTERS, MATES AND SAILORS. The latest New York, Boston, Phila delphia and other dally newspapers; weekly journals and monthly maga zines; books and cheap literature; letter and note paper, pens and Ink. —at— ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, 18 Bull street, corner of Bryan street (near the U. S. Custom House). FIVE YOUNG LADIES Can get employment at the E. & W. LAUNDRY*, 712 Anderson street, west. The Magnet That Attracts AND HOLDS SPELLBOUND EVERYBODY. A PERFECT WONDERLAND OF HOLIDAY GIFTS. Crowded every day with happy, delighted patrons. Come join the joyous throng, bring the children with you and make them happy too, OUR STORE—OUR DISPLAY—OUR GOODS. OUR PRICES—OUR BUSINESS. A GRAND TRIUMPH We could not enumerate, nor could you imagine the hundreds of gift articles we have. Our stock is the largest and best selected in the South. SEE OUR WONDERFUL STOCK OF BOOKS Gift Books. The New Books. Every book w’orth while for young and old. SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL EXHIBIT OF PICTURES It will astonish you. CALENDARS BY THE THOUSANDS. For your accommodation our store will be open from this date until Ten o’clock P.M. MEET ME AT THE CONNOR BOOK STORE 6 Stale St. East, next to Bull St. THE RENDEZVOUS OF EVERYBODY. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE COMING OF CHRISTMAS With the recurring question: What shall I buy? is made easy by an In spection of our stock. Never so com plete as now. We suggest pur chases of holiday gifts, that your choice may be made before the con fusion of the usual rush. We will be open evenings. THEUS & Cos. LET ME MOVE IT. I can do It properly If Its movable. J. A. Rimes Transfer Cos., formerly with C. H. Medlock, now at 117 Whita ker street. Bell 'phone 307. G‘a. 'phone 108. 4 .. 4.1..,. HOTEL BUSINESS FOR SALE. For sale, 5-year lease and furnish ings; 22 bedrooms; no competition. Only hotel In Georgia where rooms are occupied twice same night. Address W. B. T.. Morning News office. BUSINESS NOTICES. t GOOD “S I THINGS | This store was never better I equipped for satisfactory bus- V lness. Tt Is almost bulging B I out with all the good and B fancy things for the holidays. B l NEW NETS IN THE SHELL j NEW SHELLED NETS ft ' NEW FANCY RAISINS. B NEW CURRANTS. B BISHOP’S JAMS AND PRESERVES. H | H TYLER'S CHOCOLATE. B It makes no difference IS i where you trade you won’t B I make better bargains than B I those to be had at this store. fl I We are always growing— B growing better! If you trade V here you’ll have all the ad- B vantages of a store that Is B i run on the principle that it ES pays to please. High quality B at low prices! B A ~, Try— I Reading Lamps —and— Electrical Novelties —for— Holiday Presents —at— Electric Supply Cos. SB-40 Drayton St. 309 BuU St. Christmas Suggestions. Diamond Rings in solitaires. Rings in emerald, ruby, sapphire, pearl, turquoise and opal combina tions. Diamond Earrings. Brooches in diamonds, pearls and enamels. Gentlemen’s and Ladles’ Watches. Lockets and Charms. Cuff Buttons and Studs. Scarf Pins In beautiful and odd de signs. Gent’s and Ladles* Signet Rings. Fobs, Watch Chains. Neck, Lorgnette and Bead Chains. Hat Pins in gold and silver. Genuine Tortoise Shell Back and Side Combs. Pearl Opera Glasses. Gent’s and Ladles’ Umbrellas. Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets. Manicure Sets. Silver Deposit Perfume Bottles. Powder Boxes. Shaving Sets. Military Brushes. Cigarette Cases. Match Boxes. Sterling Silver Novelties. Cut Glass and Clocks. A look Is all we ask. Desbouillons, 12 Broughton St., East. New Store. Opposite Adler's. Bell phone 1167. Christmas Candies , Fruit Cakes, Pound Cakes. Place your order for Charlotte Runae, lee Cream, etc., for Chrla tnas dinner with ua. The Larg est assortment of Fancy Goods, Baskets, etc., ever shown in Sa vannah. BELSINGER & GROSS, Phones 265. For an Xmas Gift That Pleases THE DAYTON BICYCLE at $25.00 IS THE THING. WALTER F. HIGGINS, I‘I'C-klent-Drayton. YOST TYPEWRITERS On sale at J. W. FRETWELL/5 SONS OY’STERS AND FISH. ROOS' MARKET. Phones—Ga. 1121, Bell 1976. “To look neat is satisfying, To feel neat is gratifying. 99 Both accomplished by patronising the Opposite De Soto Hotel. 'Phones 700 Christmas TANGERINES. Rcnvzno MANDARINS. DUXcb. GRAPE FRUIT Shipped Anywhere. No Better Present EVER\ THING GOOD IN ALL OUR LINES. Fruit, Produce, Hay, Grain, Etc. W. D. Simkins&Co. MILL-HAVEN COMPANY. LUMBER In order to reduce our stock we offer for immediate sale the following material at very low prices f. o. b. cars our mill: 2 car No. 2 Com. Bevel Weatherboarding $5.00 2 car No. 2 Com. Square Edge Weatherboarding $6.00 1 car Sheathing SB.OO 5 cars Framing Stock. SIO.OO Weatherboards and Sheathing dressed, framing surfaced four sides. BABCOCK-CORTLAND. We are sole representative of Babcock and Cortland vehicles. We have on our floors a carload of each from which you can make your selection. We have buggies as cheap as the cheapest. Farm and Turpentine Wagons all sizes. Our Top Delivery Wagons must be seen to be appreciated. The strongest line of Harness ever seen here. SAVANNAH BUGGY COMPANY. pHI LrtAS itJ LIVINGSTON'S PIIRMI6Y. 26 West Broughton Street. Suppose you try a CASINO OYSTER CRAB STEW Nothing its equivalent on the market Sea Food our no ted specialty. Shore Luncheons our great success, and late hour tit-bits are always here. BUSINESS NOTICES. HOLIDAY GOODS IN FINE JEWELRY. Anew line of new nov elties, Ladies' and Gentle men’s Watches, Watch Charms and Fobs, Opera Glasses and Field Glasses. Just the newest things to be had and priced at prices that are -pleasing. If you have a gift to make, small or large, it will be to your advantage to see the up-to date things in our store. A point to be remembered is that we hand engrave anything bought of us. Diamonds at Very Moderate Prices. See the very suggestive display in our show win dow. Dr. M. Schwab’s Son Bull and State. A POPULAR GIFT! A Brownie Kodak, $1 or $2. The Gillette Safety Razor . A Razor that requires no honing or stropping—always In good shape and ready for business—just the thing for a Christmas present— ss.oo. business notices. For the Holiday Trade. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Umbrellas, Canes, Opera Glasses, and Fans care fully selected for the Xmas season. The stock Is now complete. R. Van Keuren 6 Cos. JEWELERS, H3 Bull Street. In Addition To onr very large and beautiful stock Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry, \\e have an elegant assortment of the world famous Rook wood Pottery. An early Inspection will save you the. confusion of the usual rush. WE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS. Theus & Co._ That Sunday Dinner. .. Ring either riione 587 nnd let us make a suggestion. “QUALITY" our motto. C. H. MONSEES, Hall and Jefferson. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Dec. 7, 1902. Dec. 7. 1903. Dec. 7, 1904. $196,132.50 $317,963.07 $631,966.94 •vtsvssi ■'“•’ypaw BUSINESS NOTICES. Everything Good to Eat and Drink Is Indeed a Truism when applied to our Holiday Stock, the iuom complete and extensive we have ever offered for The Season of Good Cheer And not only the stock, but the service of the house during the pro-holiday season will be ex ceptionully fine. We ask an In spection of our Christmas good- The Quality Is absolutely Best. Glace Red Cherries, White Pine apples, Melange, Orange Peel Lemon 'Peel. Shelled Pecans, Walnuts, Brazils Filberts. Bar le Due Preserves. Stuffed Figs, Prunes and Dates New Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds Filberts and Brazils. Finest Paper shell Louisiana Pe cans, largest ever seen in Savan nah. Full Pound Packages. New Raisins and Currants, 10 cents, 3 for 25 cents. New Citron. All Kinds of Fruit Cake Spices in bulk, 2 oz. and 4 oz. packages. Black Molasses. * Demarara. Sugar, etc. Maraschino Cherries, Pineapple Figs, etc. - vv ’ Huntley & Palmer’s Imported Cakes —Algeria, Opera Wafers Philippine, Reading Shortbread’ Crackers, etc., in bulk. In Our Wine Department We promise HIGHER GRADE, OLDER AND RICHER GOODS for the price usually charged for Wines of less merit, McGrath & Ransford Established 1866. Grocers and Wine Dealers. 37 and 39 Whitaker Street Phones 177. BRAG And bluster may make sales sometimes, but only plain, straight forward statements keep customers continually. That’s why we make It a point always to use nothing but fact. Put us in your list for a call when buying shoes—we might save you money. C. F. CLER 16 East Broughton. WKLCOME T OCIIRIBTMAB lOFfRi'IMT * - IC *.*/■** - ••••''* ” And the holiday season, which means to many the exchange of gifts and re membrances. Be sure and call to see our stock of holiday robes, in any style and quality. Nothing more appreciat ed or more appropriate, whether for auto, carriage or buggy user. Do not buy until you have seen our stock of the latest. New York Robe Company’s production. Cohen-Kulman Carriage and Wagon Company, sole agents. I pEi> c Ros s ’ CoffeE IMPORTED AND ROASTED cnENRy SOLOMON&SON. * SAVANNAH, 6A SCHNAARS & SEILER, Real Estate Agents, 27 BAY STREET, EAST. Estates Managed. Rents Collected. We attend to the paying of taxes, making returns, etc. Repairs made without extra charge. All business in trusted to us will receive careful a/t --tention. Georgia ’phone 1001. Girls' Bicycles . We have wheels tor the little girls as well ns the little boys. G. W. THOMAS, Jefferson and Broughton Lane. FURNACES CORNWELL A CHI PM AN. 108 Congress, West.