The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 11, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THE STOCK MARKET HAVING FITS AND SPASMS Lawson’s Grand Stand Antics Keeping Wall Street in a Hubbub. By W. G. NICHOLAS. New York, Dec. 10.—The stock mar ket has become exceedingly flighty and Is subject to violent nervous spasms ■which carry prices up and down (mostly down) without regard to legit imate conditions or excuse. Illustra tion of this is found In the erratic fluctuations in Amalgamated Copper, which was picked out by the eccen tric Boston operator, Thomas W. Law eon, as a fitting subject for one of his gallery plays. Mr. Lawson is having great sport with Wall street these days, and opin ion is mixed as to whether he is cam paigning on his own account or is really in secret alliance with members of the Standard Oil party whom he Is lampooning in his magazine articles and through newspaper advertisements. At any rate Lawson happens at this moment to be the most talked-about man in the United States next to President Roosevelt. He enjoys the notoriety and is performing to the best of his ability to retain his place in the middle of the stage. It is barely pos sible, as somebody has hinted, that Lawson is trying to reform the bucket shops of New England by breaking them and driving them out of busi ness. He has said that this is the only way to effect an enduring reforma tion. Semmtioiinl Days In “The Street.” Despite the flurries many of the "fancies,” or very high-priced stocks have had and held sensational ad vances lately and the same Is true of quite a list of "cats and dogs,” as the very low-priced stocks are called, although some of them broke badly on the "Lawson raid.” In the great middle ground the market has shown a reactionary tendency inevitable to heavy realizing and profit-taking and the forced liquidating by the reckless THOMAS W. LAWSOX IN A FINE! FRENZY. pyramiders. The bear element appears to (trow In strength, and four out of five of the experienced traders in the Street hesitate to say there will not be still further shrinkage in values. A large majority of these same men who tell you that the temporary ten dency is likely to be downward for some time declare themselves to be bulls on the general situation and pre dict very much higher prices on the next upturn than have yet been seen. Almost everywhere the feeling is deep seated that the year 1905 will be a record-breaking period in business and that every line of industry and trade will prosper and fatten as never before. The market is full of sold out bulls who are waiting a chance to get back into stocks at lower fig ures. Many of these begin sparing purchases at moderate reactions and buy on a scale down until the selling fever has spent itself and a turn for the better takes place. This situation Is likely to prevent precipitate de clines or slumps and make the gen eral reaction, if one should occur, grad ual. In the natural order of things prices should begin to substantially harden in January and then if busi ness expectations are verified look out for a boom. Tendency Toward Low Priced Stocks. There is a tendency among many ex perienced investors to get out of their Northwestern and trunk line securities American Club Ginger Ale Malt Iron Ale The Twin Carbonated Beverages. Sparkling. Pure. Perfect. The Finest Syrups and Extracts Used. MOST POPULAR Willi lliONf- wlo appreciate l*urr Relli-loim IteM-rage*. It<*rn>liiii( nml KtlmiilMtliig. ><•! liurntlnaa. Tin* I’un'nl nml Beat Ifrlnka over holil. DrtaU AMI.I(H AN Clil’U UINURIt AMI mid MAI.T IRON AUS and lirrp liapp). VIM! VIGORI VITALITY l Ktrni(ilien* mihl hulld* ii|t dll’ system, I w •nli- Ml Mil *kmlm I ouiiU Mild J-iim r liHKfrii'i. KALOLA COMPANY, Mild, OHXKM ANU IMMIRim I'OltM, ai'W Ami miwii hvm, . * • * • aihiiiiili Om. A• A. 10(1 Milt, I'll* Irwlikul and Ovin ial M*uag<r, and into the low priced stocks of Southern and Southwestern roads. This shift is based on the theory that the Northwest has had its growth, so to speak, and the great increase in pop ulation and exploitation of resources for the next few years will be in the South and Southwest. One large Investor not long ago sold out his holdings In Northwestern, St. Paul, New York Central, Pennsylvania and New Haven and put his money into Rock Island common, 'Frisco common. Southern Railway, Southern Pacific and some of the Gould Issues, confining his investments largely to properties lying within the territory south of Kansas City and Denver and west of St. Louis and New Orleans. He expressed the opinion that within the next ten years the population of that section would Increase 50 per cent, at least, and that that would be only the beginning of the development of the country. He had much to say about climatic advantages, and dwelt on the fact that in the matter of soil and other natural advantages, the South and Southwest were equal, if not superior, to the Northwest, with everything in favor of diversified crops and immunity against losses incident to more northerly climes. Official sta tistics—national, stajte and local—all go to confirm the theory that the great growth of the country in the next decade will be In the Southwest. ItesiNtence to L. Jt X. Lease of X. C. A St. 1.. It is said that legal resistance will be offered to the plan proposed for leasing the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis to the Louisville and Nash ville, on a 7 per cent, basis, the mi nority Interests contending that 10 or 12 per cent, should be paid if any deal is entered into. The property is eurn- Ing 2j per cent, on its capitalization and minority stockholders do not pro pose to be chiseled out of their rights. Louisville and Nashville owns about *8, 000, 000 out of the $10,000,000 share capital of the company, and would make a huge profit over and above the guarantee if a 7 per cent, deal could be put through successfully. Leather's Eight l*er Cent. Only for one year in its history has United States Leather been able to pay the full 8 per cent, dividend on its preferred issue of $83,000,000, and it Is at the present time barely earning 6 per cent. There has accumulated a deficit of $25,000,000 on acocunt of un paid dividends on preferred stock, and this great sum is to be in some way refunded or put in tangible form. By some mysterious method of reasoning the proposed reconstruction of the finances of the company is figured as advantageous to the common stock, although dividends on that issue are as remote as the coming of the mll lenium. There has been feverish spec ulation In “little Leather’’ and large sums of money have been won and lost In the price fluctuations. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who has gone abroad to recover his shattered health, must have left behind him some market medicine that workß while he rests. The wise old boys of the “Swamp” have been steadily selling Leather pre ferred on its rise from 80 to 106. The “Swamp" is that section of lower New York In which centers the leather In dustries of the East. The two leatjier trusts have their headquarters there SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1904. CONSUMPTION CURED AT HOME. “Keep the System Toned Up with DUFFY’S PURE MALT WHISKEY, and Any Case of Consumption Can Be Cured and Prevented,No Matter Where You Live or What Your Occupation.” “It’s Unsatisfactory, Cruel and a Mistake to Send the Afflicted to California, Colorado, Etc., in the Delusive Hope of Recovery.” “The Fight Must Be Made Right at Home Where the Dis ease Started.” So Agree Lung Specialists At tending the Medical Association’s Convention at Atlantic City. Dramatic Agent Putmon Thankfully Tells of His Provi dential Recovery by Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey. MR. C. PUTMON —Cured of Consumption by Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey. “I was flat on my back in Cincinnati. It was after ten long, hard months on the road as advance agent for theater companies. I had to be up early and late, exposed to all kinds of weather; often soaking wet and chilled to the bone. My system could stand it no longer. I caught a heavy cold and it settled on my lungs. Doctors dosed me as usual, but I was steadily going to a consumptive’s grave. "An old actor friend recommended Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I tried it. Felt better the first week. In two weeks doctor said heieedn't call again, to keep on taking ‘Duffy’s’ and I'd so.on be cured. And I am cured; strong, husky, never better in my life, and it took only four bottles. Have come through another season in per fect shape.”—C. Putmon, care Billboard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. July 30, 1904. DUFFY’S PURE MALT WHISKEY Consumption seldom attacks until the system is run down and weakened by sickness, overwork, worry, ex posure or inherited tendencies. The secret of the marvelous success of Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey in curing and preventing lung troubles lies in the fact that it’s the greatest strengthener and health builder known to medicine. It not only checks the ravages of the disease itself, but replaces the weakened, destroyed tissues; helps the stomach to more perfectly digest and assimilate food in order that more, richer, and purer blood will come from it; and regulates and governs the heart’s action, so that the circulation will be strong and powerful, carrying health and vigor to every organ and part of the human body. The idea that a consumptive’s only chance for life is to send him to Colorado or California to fret himself to death was effectually exploded at the Medical Association’s Con vention, a few months ago at Atlantic City, where leading consumption specialist declared that the only successful place to treat lung troubles was right at home, where the disease originated, and that Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey is the most effective means of fighting this awful scourge to the human race. Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey is absolutely pure and free from fusel oil—the only whiskey recognized by the Government as a medicine. It has been prescribed by doctors of all schools and sold by reliable druggists and grocers everywhere for over 50 years. SI.OO a bottle. Every testimonial is published in good faith and guaran teed. Medical booklet free. CAUTION —Be sure you get the genuine Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey, manufactured by Duffv Malt Whiskey Cos. Rochester, N. Y„ and put up In sealed bottles, with the “Old Chemist” trade-mark on the label. It’s never sold in flask or bulk. Beware of the many substitutes and Imitations offered by unscrupulous dealers, because of the extra profit. They not only will not cure, but are positively dangerous. and within a radius of half a mile are located two or three hundred independ ents with their sales agencies and their offices and warehouses. The men in that section have been large hold ers of Leather preferred for many years, but they are taking fright at the schemes being organized for a read justment of the finances of the cor poration and are getting out. The "Swamp" derives Its name from the fact that in early days of New York the neighborhood was monopolized by tanneries. It was very low ground, and the name then given it has always stuck. Control of New York City Railway Lines. The maturing plans for concentration of the passenger traffic of Manhattan and the Bronx looks to the lodgment of control of the elevated, subway and surface lines with the Metropoli tan Securities Company as the hold ing corporation. The remaining 50 per cent, of the capital stock of the Met ropolitan Securities Company will be paid into the treasury of the com pany which will then formally take over the Interborough, which now owns control of the elevated and subway lines. The share capital of the Met ropolitan Securities Company will be increased and eventually that will be the only traction security traded In on the Exchange, excepting, of course, Brooklyn Rapid Transit, which may remain Independent. The deal will strengthen the 7 per cent, guarantee on Metropolitan Street Railway stock, which Is likely to ad vance to the neighborhood of 150, if not to a parity with Manhattan, al though it is now notoriously not earn ing the 7 per cent, dividend guaran tee. The combination, however. will be in control of the whole nlckle-in the-slot transportation game of Man hattan and the Bronx and through its various lines will do all the passenger business and reap every benefit from the extraordinary growth in popula tion in the years to come. It is a magnificent scheme and In the very nature of things must- eventually pay enormous profits on the huge capital represented. August Belmont and Thomas F. Ryan will be the control lng spirits of the combination. It has taken years to bring about this stupendous consolidation, and al though the end has been in sight many times, something has always cropped up to block it. This time, however, the deal seems to be practically com pleted along the plan above outlined. Wall street and the newspapers have been kept guessing as to the real in side of the plans and It may be some little time before official announcement is made. Pac-lflc Mail's Contract, Washington dispatches are in confir mation of the story published exclu sively In these letters of the efforts made by the William Nelson Crom well combination and the Harriman in terests to secure an extension of the Pacific Mail’s contract for a mono poly of the through ocean business of the Panama Railroad Company now owned by the United States govern ment. The additional information Is offered, however, that the matter has been brought to the personal attention of the President and that he being strongly urged to veto the scheme for an extension of the contract, on the ground that the government should not become a party to any deal which would result in restriction of trade. It is possible, therefore, that the CromweU-Harriman combination may get a back-set Instead of pulling off the contract which they have beeen moving heaven and earth to win. Small Banks Png Well. The little banks throughout the country ure punning out remarkably well, contrary to the expectations of experts. When Congress authorised the formation of national banks with g capital of $25,000 the financial wise acres predicted that they would not aland the test, and that In the hands of farmers, who would own and run them they would go to plecas. Ex pertence shows that farmers acquaint ed with local conditions are quite us ia pa hie of running banks as the big I fellow* In Wall streot. A surprising ly small percentage of these minor bank* have gone wrong which speaks II well of the financial ability and level hradeduoM of the H*uben finale lei*. Alfsif* oj g facial decoration la pot seemingly a sure sign of fiscal im becility. The Biographical Sketch Graft. The financial district has been again Invaded by a horde of biographical sketch grafters. These people ara working overtime on the rich men of Wall street, to get them for magazine sketches, books about self-made men and various publications of the sort which are ever in preparation, but which rarely appear. The device em ployed by these people are many and ingenious. The game gives support to a dozen or more grafters, and among the number are some who are said to make from $15,000 to $25,000 a year. Borne years ago a bureau was organ ized to protect the rich men against these fellows and. although considera ble good has been done the work still goes on, and the grafters contrive to avoid the vigilance of the sleuths. The assessment on individuals ranges from SSO to SSOO. Speculation In Specialties. Speculation is extending to the spe cialties and to commodities. The “cats and dogs" in the stock list are experi encing wild gyrations, and a good many operators are becoming timid and going into other things. A great deal of money has been made In the Wall street district lately on the break in cotton, the “talent” having general ly arrayed itself on the bear side. Oth er stock players have closed out and gone Into grain, taking the bull side of both wheat and corn. VANDERBILT GENEROSITY TO YALE COLLEGE. Frederick W.’* Gifts to It Foot Up f 1,000,000. New York, Doc. 10. —Here's a Van derbilt story, but the hero of it is neither Cornelius 111., who married Grace Wilson and lost the headship of his family; Alfred GWynne, who in consequence has the headship, nomi nally at least; nor Reginald Claypool, who lives in Newport because he doesn’t want to come to New York and be questioned about his gambling experiences. The hero of this story is Frederick W. Vanderbilt, uncle of all these young men, and President Hadley of Yale is mixed up In it. Jt appears that, soon after Hadley was made president of the big New Haven university, half a million dol lars was wanted to put up some new buildings. Hadley started out to get the money, but he wasn't very success ful. Finally, in despair, he went to a friend and told him the scheme was a failure; that Yale would have to give up the proposed additions to her buildings. The friend looked at the subscrip tion paper and saw that less than SIOO,OOO was subscribed. “Let me take that paper, Arthur," IT WAS NO DRKAM Even Though Nearly Incredible. "For twenty years I suffered with piles, sometimes being confined to my bed for days at a time. The relief receUed from doctors, both In the United States and Mexico, was tem porary and more frequently I received no relief; other medicines had no ef fect; it was a continual drag; I was tit for nothing. I finally tried Pyramid Pile Cure; tlrst application was mag ical; I could not believe 1 was awake next morning. I experienced a relief I had not known for twenty years. "One box cured me. but not believ ing myself cured I bought two more and they are still In my trunk. I first used this remedy In July, 1802: HAVE HAI NO OCCASION TO USE IT SINCE. The world should know of Pyramid Pile Cure. I have no worda to express Its merits.” K. A. Leon ard. Nueva Calls de Han Antonio de laa Huertas No, 8, City of Mexico. Pyramid Pile Curs la In the form of a suppository, which la admitted to bs the best form of treatment for piles; H cornea In direct contact with the painful tumors and does Its work quickly and painlessly. It Is sold by druggists gem rally, for fifty cants a package, and there U no other remedy ''just os good.” Write Pyramid Drug Cos., Marshall. Mich., for their little booh describing the cause and cure of piles, as It Is ssnt free for the asking. said he. “You haven’t gone at It properly. You must get one man with plenty of money and a good big name to give a solid, respectable sum. After that, other men with money will tum ble over one another to come in.” “But how can I do it?” asked Had ley anxiously. “Leave it to me,” said the friend, and Hadley did so gladly. The next day the friend chanced to meet Frederick W. Vanderbilt, lo him the situation was explained with the statement that President Hadley would be Rind to have him head the subscription. Mr. Vanderbilt said he would be honored and promptly wrote himself down for $100,900. After that it was plain sailing. This story has a sequjgl. Frederick W. Vanderbilt had been a student at the Yale-Sheffleld Scientific School. One day when at New Haven the dif ference between the Sheffield and academic students was particularly borne in upon him. Thinking the situation over careful ly, he arrived at the conclusion th’at the trruble was due, at least partial ly, to the fact that the Sheffield stu dents had no dormitory and so were obliged to live where they could—at b larding houses or lodging houses, taking their meals at restaurants or "table board” places. So he went to the Yale authorities and proposed a dormltoiv for Sheffield students. They agreed as to its desirability, but wan dered where they v could find the money. Vanderbilt then told them to en gage the services of the best architects and have the plans drawn. When these were satisfactory to the uni versity the dormitory was to be built and the bills sent to him. But, he stipulated, as he did when he gave the SIOO,OOO, that his rtame was not to be known; the dormitory was to be considered from an "unknown donor." By the time the dormitory was finished Mr. Vanderbilt’s expenditures for Yale, including the SIOO,OOO con tributed previously as noted above had aggregated quite $1,000,000. Duane. SENATORS DIDN’T LIKE THE “DINKY CONSOLIDATED.” So the Railroad Whs Ordered Re moved from the Capitol Grounds. Washington, Dec. 10.—Senatorial dignity has been offended by a minia ture raliroad traversing the Capitol grounds and carrying dirt from the new House office building to the foun dation of the new Pennsylvania Rail road station. And the offense is to be stopped forthwith. This little line, known as the "con solidated Dinky Railroad,” was laid out across the east front of the Capitol grounds this summer to carry away the excavations of the House building, and a long haul by cart was thus avoided. Two or three little engines are constantly puffing back and forth. A ha’f a dozen senators conversing In the lobby wing agreed that this puffing constituted a nuisance, and the road Itself was pronounced a blot on the landscape. Accordingly, Supt. El liott Woods, of the Capitol building and grounds, was summoned, and a brief conference rosulted in a peremptory order to have the road removed at once. Mr. Woods notified the con struction company doing the work, and the order went forth that the road be removed. New I.lfe Raft Invention. New York, Dec. 10.—When the Sa vole, of the French line, returns from Havre she will bring a boat raft, in vented by Harry Matson, the chief steward, who believes It will taka front rank among the many appliance* to abl safe travel on the sea. Mr. Matson stall* that by a Isvcr on the bridge the officer In commsnd can In stantly release all of the life rafts on ons side of the ship, the supports being removed slmultam ounly. Two cylinders of galvanlxed Iron, more than right fret long, and fitted with numerous watertight compart* meiits, foim the buoyant aides of the rail, and two side compartments s*<h bold slatv-lwo gallons of fiesh water and a quarter of a ton of provision*. Th* raft will support slaty prisons. Uncle Mingo on the Railroad Tichet Question By W. T. WILLIAMS. ”De railroad people appears to be habin a whole lot o’ trouble on de subjec' o’ dem little checks wat de conductor gibs a feller to stick een his hat to show dat he done pay his fare,” observed the waiter. “I notice dat,” said Uncle Mingo; ’’an’ I see een de paper how it say some cote or udder up Nort’ gib a man damages for bein’ put off de train cause he didn’t had no hat check wen de conductor pass troo de car an’ In terview him ’bout de same. De feller bring witness to prove he pay his ticket to de conductor, but he say he nebber care to bodder wid no hat check, an’ so he jis chuck it out de winder ker flip, an’ away she flew. It seem de cote hoi’ dat so long as a feller shell out for his fare, de railroad ain’t got no right to insis’ dat he wus hoi’ on to no hat check, an’ dat by de ae’ ob wiolence an’ fo’ce ob arms, de said railroad had commit a ac’ ob mister demeanor contrary to de peace an’ good will ob de public, accordin’ to de stat utes made an’ perwlded, state an’ county afo’said.” “Dat recision ob de cote,” put in the proprietor of the restaurant, “sholy ap pears to carry on de face ob de same de weight ob soun’ness an' good argymen tation. For sich or sich a sum o’ cur rency ob de nation, de railroad con trac’ to haul de body an’ de pusson ob de said passenger an’ likewise sich baggage an’ ’quipments as he might be perwided wid, if any, on de said ’casion, for sich an’ sich a distance. I don’t see no jestice een fo’cln’ a man to pay twice, or udderwise 'resortin’ to de medger ob rejec’ment from de train.” “Nebberdeless howsomebber,” said Uncle Mingo, “dem werry same little hat checks has beeen de cause ob wari ous kin' ob trouble on de train. “De udder day a drummer feller was cornin’ to town, an’ he had pay his fare out ob de little mileage book wot he always carry roun’, an’ so he could show he had done paid by cje num ber on de ticket. Well, a feller git on de train at some way station or udder, an’ he git to talkin’ to de drummer feller; an’ een cose ob de conversation he pass de remark dat he jis’ had to git to town dat night, but he didn’t had no ticket nor neider no money to buy one, an' he didn’t know wot to do, ’cause he was ’fraid de conductor would put him off. “ ‘Don’t you worry ’bout dat,’ say de drummer, ‘l’ll fix you. Jis’ put dis check een your hat,’ an’ wid dat he gib him his hat check. "Well, w’en de conductor come ’roun’ cose he pass de feller wid de hat check all right, but he bone de drummer, wot nebber had no hat check no mo’. ** ‘Tickets!’ he say, holdin’ out his han’. "The drummer rouse up. ’I done pay my fare out my mileage book,’ he say. ” ‘Den w’ere is your hat check?” say de conductor. “ ‘Blame de hat check,’ say de drum mer, 'you kin see by de number dat I done paid, an’ I sho don’t in ten’ to pay ober again.’ “Well, de conductor up an’ run an’ cuss an’ prance aroun’, but de drum mer could show he done paid, an’ so dere wasn’t nothin’ to be did, an’ dey all bot’ come troo all right. IS THE CAME OF POKER A GAME OF MERE CHANCE? Local Opinion Differs With That of the Berlin Judge. Is the great American game of poker a game of chance or skill? Over in Berlin, the Minister of Jus tice of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, accused of being a gambler, declared that since being appointed to the of fice now held by him the only games in which he had participated were “scat” and occasionally poker. He asserted that he could not he a gambler because these were not games of chance, but of skill. The Judge be fore whom the case was called decided that poker is a game of skill and that the Minister of Justice was not a gam bler. Expert testimony on the subject is divided. Some declare that the Judge Is right; others declare that the game is one of chance. There are many devotees to the fickle Goddness in Savannah who pursue their inclinations around the poker ta ble. Names of those who might con tribute interesting dissertations on the question which has been raised in Ber lin would look well in this connection to all save the owners. One prominent Savannahlan, who plays the game purely for the sport there Is in It, enjoying a 10-cent limit Just as much as table stakes, having written a rubyiat on poker, is consid ered by his friends an expert on the subject—not because he wrote the ru byiat, but because he has In his library three handsomely bound volumes en titled, “What I Know About Poker,” with his name inscribed as author. He agrees with the Judge who presided at the trial, caring nothing for the fact that the pages of the three volumes are blanks. ‘•A Learned Jadae” Maya This One. “Poker is undoubtedly a game of skill,” said this gentleman. "Of course there Is an element of chance, as there is in all games, but only the foolish player reduces the game to one of chance. “Poker Is the most scientific game ever invented. Of course, there are Rich hnoiion oi Desirtie Holiday Gills mtraeiiveiy Piiced I FROM THE LADIES' DEPARTMENT I Velvet House Shoes, far trimmed, fleece lined, leather soles 98c I Felt House Shoes, all colors • 7B C I Walrus and Plush Hand Bags - -25 cto $1.50 I Leather, Kid and Silk Belts .... 25c to BO I Holiday Handkerchiefs of all kinds - . • gc to 50 ' FROM THE MEN’S DEPARTMENT I Silk Neckwear all styles 25 i * Silk Handkerchiefs 25° I I Japonette Initial Handkerchiefs • . . - |Q I I Leather Collar and Cuff Boxes .... jSe I Silk Suspenders • 50c Fancy Lisle I-a Hose 2§< I Kid Gloves ........ Tif I Many new novelties on display In all departments to-morrow. I *•*' ehon *Bl Tha Undsrsaillni flora. Ca. Phone IfO 1 !• T. COHEN’S SONS, 215 Broughton St., We it “Anudder time a feller was trabeMn* on de train widout no ticket an’ neider no money, an’ he had a shabby ole hat on. , "Bumbye de conductor come troo de car hollerin' out ‘Tickets!’ “Well, sah, de feller had git very much insorbed een ’zaminin’ de scen ery troo wich dey was flyin’ at de rate of fifty mile a hour, an’ he nebber had no ’tention to gib de conductor nohow. He was for all de worl* like de feller een church wot wlgorously looks aroun’ de udder direction wen de deacon pass ’roun’ de hat. “So de conductor holler ’Tickets!’ again werry loud, an' lean ober an’ push de feller on de 6houlder. “De feller gib a jump, he was dat startle; he knock his hat off ’gains’ da winder, an’ away it gone a flyin’. “ ‘Wot’s de matter?’ he say. " ’Tickets!’ say de conductor. “ ‘Wy,’ say de feller, ‘yonder is my ticket een my hat wot you has jis knock off my head. Wot right you got to startle a man so?’ “Gee! he was madi A bran new hat, he say, wot he had jia’ pay flbe dollars for. An’ now here he was, widout no hat none ’tall. “Well, cose de eonduotor was werry sorry, but he couldn’t stop do train an’ go back to pick up a hat. De feller snorted aroun’ an’ raise sich a fuss on ten de conductor had to han’ him ober a flbe dollar bill to buy anudder hat wid, let Tone gibin' him a free ride.” ‘‘All de same,” said the waiter, “it’s goin’ to ba werry hard for de conduc tors to know who has paid an’ who hasn’t, if ley don’t hab no mo’ hat checks to tell by.” “O, I dunno,’’ said Uncle MJlngo; “dere's plenty ob udder ways o’ doin’. Wy don’t de conductor stan’ at de do’ ob de car an' not let nobody go een ontell dey gibs up de ticket? “Spose you goes to a show; don’t you hab to gib up your ticket at de do’ befo’ you go een? Wot a fine ting it would be if ebblebody jis’ pile een, an’ de ticket takers had to pass troo an’ collec’ befo’ de performance an’ between de acksi” “Don’t you tink.” said the waiter, “dat de trabelin’ public might consid er sich a change as mo’ or less ob a en convenienee?” “I don’t see wy dey should,” said Uncle Mingo. “I don’t see wy a feller should objec* to plankin’ out wen he gits aboa’d.” times when, in the course of a game, one man at the table wins pot after pot. It is not good playing on hie part. His luck in drawing cards is such that the other players become frightened. “Then appears the skillful player. He has nothing in his five cards, but he has studied the man with the luck. He raises the bet, having watched his op ponent's style of play, and concludes that he has shot his bolt. His oppo nent fails to call the raise, and in scooping in the pot the good player shows that he held the losing hand. That is not chance. That is a case of skillful playing, “I learned to play poker in a club. I never had a winning night, and one night I was told that my game was too liberal for the other players. I guess it was. for after that I learned poker sense. If I thought I was beat en my hand went Into the discard. “All I can say about the case in Berlin is that the poker players in that city are to be congratulated upon hav ing so learned a judge. They ara also to be congratulated because they have a Minister of Justice who has mas tered the Intricacies of our great Amer ican game and who is convinced that it Is a game of skill and not of chance. An Instance to the Contrary. The curator of the Morning New* “dope" bureau, disputes the learned Judge in Berlin. According to him poker Is a game of chanoe. And he can produce the proofs to bear it out. With three queens pat, his only opponent was a man with a split straight, which could be filled only by drawing the case queen. What was the result? The man with the spilt straight, who, under all the rules of poker, should have tossed his cards io the discard, drew the case queen, and Exhibit A melted away. Tne curator never will agree with the decision of the Berlin Judge. Poker to him Is a game of chance, not of skill. He has a worthy necond in an out of-town gamester. Didn’t O. of T. Man once hold four aces pat 1n a table stakes game? After driving all the players but one out. didn't one player, whose stake was represented in the center of the table, stick, and to A nine of diamonds, didn’t he fill * straight flush, thereby beating the fou* aces?