The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 12, 1904, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. I Established 1850. - Incorporated 1888 f \T T Afl?Fl) -f7 CTA J. H. ESTILL. President. * 1 J -'l I I.FWU. MILL AND A HALF ON THE DOLLAR MRS. CHADWICK’S CREDITORS COULD EXPECT XO MORE IN A SETTLEMENT. It Is Said the Woman Cannot Be Indicted for Fsrgery as She Ob tained no Money on the Notes Pur porting; to Htie Been Signed by Andrea Carnegie—Sor Can Her Husband, It is Suid, lie Held Guilty of Any Crime. Cleveland, 0., Dec. 11.—According to the most accurate estimate of the es tate of Mrs. Chadwick that is possi ble before the receiver has investigated her assets and reported his findings to the court, her creditors as a whole will receive about one and one-half mills on the dollar. What lends additional interest to this showing from the creditors’ stand point is that one man, Iri Reynolds, will receive the whole of the assets visible at the present time. There may be funds in reserve somewhere, as there may be additional creditors who have not yet announced that Mrs. Chadwick is indebted to them, but it is not expected by bankers and attor neys of this city who have the great est knowledge of her affairs that any more large loans will be developed. The extent of her operations is now believed to be approximately as fol lows: Assets nnd Liabilities. Secured from Citizens’ National Bank of Oberlin, 0., and various sources in and about Lorain county, Ohio, $500,- 000; borrowed from Herbert D. New ton, $190,000; borrowed from business man in Pittsburg, $500,000; total sl,- 190,000. Against this stands surety of known value on one note amounting to SI,BOO, which is held by Iri Reynolds. It is not believed by any of the 'at torneys in the case that the Carnegie sureties will be of any account what ever. If they do at any time reveal value other than that of so many cents per pound of white paper, the delight of the lawyers will be comparable on ly to their amazement, and just now they are anticipating neither pleasure nor astonishment. The case of Mrs. Chadwick to-mor row will be brought before the grand jury of Cuyahoga county. The in vestigation will extend only to the al leged forgeries of the Carnegie notes, and a report from the jury is expect ed not later than Tuesday. Can’t indict for Forgery. It is the opinion of some of the lead in* attorneys of Cleveland that a charge of forgery cannot be made to hold in connection with these notes. They declare that it is not an act ot forgery for one person to write the name of another, but that the offense lies in the attempt to negotiate such a signature for a specific value. This, they say, there is, so far, no evidence that Mrs. Chadwick has done. She has not sold or attempted to sell the notes for cash. She has not said that she would be glad to obtain mon ey in exchange for them. She has obtained money from various sources, on the statement of Iri Reynolds that she, to the best of his knowledge and belief, held securities of a certain value and whether he proves correct or oth erwise in his estimate of the value of the notes, there can be no doubt that Mr. Reynolds believed what he said. There has been, according to the at torneys, no evidence, so far elicited, showing that Mrs. Chadwick obtain ed money on these notes in any other manner than through the attestation of Iri Reynolds that he had seen the notes and considered them good. If any man loaned money to Mrs. Chad wick, according to the strength of his belief in the ability of Mr. Reynolds to judge accurately of the value of se curities, then the affair, according to the attorneys, who hold this view of the case, is one that stands between that man and his own hard luck. Other charges may be brought home to her, they declared, but In their opin ion, it will be somewhat difficult to punish her for forgery in connection with the Carnegie notes unless it can ,e shown that she endeavored to ne gotiate them. This, apparently, is the opinion of the Lorain county grand jury, which failed to return an in dictment against her. Owes Pittsburg Millionaire. 1 he loan of SBOO,OOO said to have been received by Mrs. Chadwick in Pitts burg or from a man residing in that city, is declared to have been made to her by a multi-millionaire manu facturer of that city. Mrs. Chadwick, in discussing the statement, it is known, declared that she did owe him $•>00,000, but not SBOO,OOO, as has been claimed. The question of the rival receivers "’ill be settled to-morrow morning In the office of Nathan Loeser, who was appointed by the United States District Court to take charge of the Chadwick securities. Receiver Herbert W. Bell, "ho was appointed by Judge Babcock of the Common Pleas Court. Is ex pected to call with his attorneys upon Receiver Loeser at that hour and with draw from the position. Dr. Charles A. Eaton, pastor of the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church, through "hose good offices the woman managed to receive a hearing from Herbert D. Newton of Boston, occupied his pulpit as usual to-day. He made no refer ence to the Chadwick affair. He feels keenly the publicity given his connec tlon with the matter and heretofore has refused to make any comment. What Dr. Katun Says. To a representative of the Associated Press Dr. Eaton to-night said he could best explain his connection with the matter by quoting from an Interview "l*h Banker Newton, from whom Mrs. t'hadwlrk secured a large sum. In •hat statement Banker Newton told how he became financially involved, referring to the Eatons as follows: I believe that both Eatons acted In perfect good faith In the Introduction *nd that their confidences were ehused, •* were the confidences of many other persons." Tli* introduction of Mrs. Chadwtefc Mr Newton referred to resulted ”"m a letter from Dr, Eaton to his brother, John E Eaton, who present *4 the woman to the Massachusetts banker. Maltese* Mer t aresgrte’e sskl*r. President Iri Reynolds at the Wade wk Rank declared tonight that hie Satuinnai) ifiaftiinij fletog. implicit belief in the statements made to him by Mrs. Chadwick, in which she declared herself to be the daughter of Andrew Carnegie, was the impelling cause of his financial dealing with her. ‘‘She told me.” said Mr. Reynolds, "that she was the illegitimate daugh ter of Andrew Carnegie, and I be lieved her. I never doubted her story until on the occasion of my last visit to New York, when Mr. Squire came to me and declared that all the se curities she had given me as the notes of Andrew Carnegie were worthless. It was only then that I doubted her. When she told me the story of be ing the daughter of Andrew Carnegie, her husband, Dr. Chadwick, was pres ent, and he believed the story as I did. The stories of her giving large sums of money to her husband are false. He is now in Europe, and is penniless. Offered Him SIOO,OOO in Notes. "Just to show the methods of Mrs. Chadwick, I will tell of what she of fered to do for me about one year ago. She came to me in my office here and said that she was grateful for all that I had done for her, and that she wished me to accept a present from her. She then offered me SIOO,OOO in four notes of $25,000 each. The notes were drawn by her and she declared that they were as good as gold. They must have been, for I knew that her notes for similar amounts had been taken up at maturity. Of course, as an officer of the bank, I could not ac cept such a present and remain in the institution. I was compelled either to resign or decline the present of the notes, and I declined the notes.” The directors of the Wade Park Bank have to a man determined to stand by Secretary Reynolds and in sist that he remain with the bank. Want He t Kept in Jail. Both the federal and state authori ties have united in the determination to keep Mrs. Chadwick behind prison bars until she is brought before either the federal grand jury or the grand jury of this county to answer to the charges against her. District Attor ney Sullivan to-day wired the New York officials suggesting that if bondsmen appeared for Mrs. Chad wick to-morrow that the amount of bond in which she is now held be in creased to $25,000 and $5(1,000 if neces sary to keep her in jail. WILL GET NO BAIL FOR MRS. CHADWICK. It Is Believed She ‘Will Remain in the Tombs. New York, Dec. 11.—From present indications it is extremely unlikely that any attempt will be made to ob tain bail for Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick, who has been in the Tombs since last Thursday night. She was held under $15,000 bail. A person, who is in a po sition to know the various moves in the Chadwick case, said to-day: “Despite all reports to the contrary no active efforts have been made to obtain bail for Mrs. Chadwick in this city. There are plenty of people here who would sign her bond if asked, but the fact is that it is not deemed ad visable for Mrs. Chadwick to leave the city prison at present. If she were re leased on bail the government could demand twenty-four hours in which to examine her surety. Meanwhile the government attorneys could telegraph the Cleveland authorities and before the twenty-four hours had expired could have additional charges sent here, so that it would be necessary to procure new bail. “This procedure could be carried out as long as the government officials thought they had charges. Again, there might come a conflict in author ity. A county grand jury might And an indictment against Mrs. Chadwick, and then the matter of extradition would come up in a different light from any yet suggested. Will Kcmuin In Tombs. “I am of the opinion that Mrs. Chadwick will remain quietly in the Tombs for the present. Her examina tion is set for next Saturday before United States Commissioner Shields. If further continuance should not be asked by counsel on either side, the commissioner would listen to the evi dence with a view to determining whether or not Mrs. Chadwick should be held for the federal grand jury. •’lt is not believed that a decision will be reached that day. Indeed, It is very possible that it will be some time before the matter is definitely de cided. In case Mrs. Chadwick is held for the federal grand jury it is not at all unlikely that one of the great est legal battles ever fought in New York will follow.” Cmi't Touch the Husband. For several days it has been rumor ed that Dr. Leroy Shlppen Chadwick was either in Paris, Berlin or Brus sels, but an investigation by the As sociated Press representatives in those places failed to reveal his presence, al though many letters are awaiting the physician at the Hotel Metropole, Brus sels, where he is a regular patron. Philip Carpenter, Mrs. Chadwick's counsel, was asked to-night concern ing the whereabouts of the husband of his client, but he declined to say. A lawyer who has been connected with the recent financial difficulties of Mrs. Chadwick said to-day in refer ence to the report that steps might eventually be taken to compel the re turn of Dr. Chadwick to this country: "Any person who says that Dr. Chadwick can be brought back to the United States against his will because he gave Herbert D. Newton checks which wore returned marked ‘without funds,’ knows nothing of the law. Had the doctor bought a coat and given a worthless check, he could have been held for obtaining money under false pretenses, but in this case, there was no value received. He is said to have given checks aggregating $50,000 as a part payment of his wife's indebted ness. The checks were valueless, but no crime was committed, for Dr. Chad wick received nothing. Mr. Newton received nothing. In other words, there was no value received and therefore no crime committed. miration* That gZ.fWtO.OOO Settle ment. "It ha* been said that Mrs. Chad wick settled $2,500,000 of tire money she borrowed on her husband three years ago. That will be a difficult thing to prove. It must first be shown that she borrowed that amount of money and then that It was borrow ed fraudulently. It would seem rea sonable that if the woman could bor row such a large suin of money, sho must have had some excellent securi ties. It must be borne In mind that th* first alleged Carnegie note, which plays the moet Important role In this tragedy of finance. Is much less than four years old, while It was over three year* ago tkat 15,6<M,000, ware sold to hex been settled on Or. Chs4- Continued as fifth Page RAGED IN RIOTS IN ST. PETERSBURG “DOWN WITH AUTOCRACY” WAS THE CRY THAT BROUGHT THE GENDARMERIE CHARGING. D W'as Known That a DfmonHtra tlon Was to Take Place—People Were Warnril Against Attending, hut That Only Inspired Them to Do So—Police and Gendarmes Charged the Great. Throng, Slash ing and Striking—Many Were In jured. St. Petersburg, Dec. 11.—A popular anti-government demonstration, the participants in which included large numbers of students of both sexes, began at midday in the Nevsky pros pect and lasted about two hours. Hundreds of police and mounted gendarmes who were hidden in the court yard of the public buildings emerged and suddenly charged the crowd at full gallop, driving the demonstrators in headlong confusion and screaming with terror upon the sidewalks and into adjacent streets. This led to serious encounters, fifty persons being more or less seriously injured. Large numbers were arrest ed. Worst Since Comtack* Charged. Not since the riots of 1901, when Cossacks, stretched across the Nevski Prospect from building to building, charged down the boulevard from the Moscow station to the Neva, has the Russian capital lived through such a day of excitement as this. The authorities last night got wind of the big anti-government demonstra tion planned for to-day by the Social Democratic labor party to demand an immediate end of the war, and the convocation of 'a national assembly and heading every paper in black fac ed type was an explicit warning to the people to desist from congrega ing in the Nevsky Prospect near the Kazan cathedral. At the same time extensive preparations were made to quell any disturbance. The police on the Nevsky Prospect were sextupled and the dvordniks, or House porters, were marshalled in front of their re spective buildings. Half a, dozen squadrons of mounted gendarmerie were massed in the rear of tl*e Kazan cathedral, and battalions of reserve police were stationed in several court yards out of sight. Minister of the Interior Sviatopolk- Mirsky gave strict orders, however, that no Cossacks should be used, and M. Fullon, chief of police, issued ex plicit directions to avoid harsh meas ures unless it should become absolute ly necessary. Warnings Only Drew Crowd*. The newspaper warnings, however, by giving notice to those not apprised of the prospect of a demonstration, defeated the very object for which they were designed, attracting seem ingly the whole population of this vast city to the broad thoroughfare; and long before the hour fixed, de spite the pleading of the police, who literally lined the sidewalks, the throngs on the pavements were so dense that movement was almost im possible, while the snow-covered boulevard was black with a tangled mass of sleighs, tilled mostly with the curious. In throngs on the sidewalks were practically the whole student body of the capital, including many young women who have always been promi nent in Russia in liberal revolutionary movements, and also thousands of workmen belonging to the Social La bor party. Toward 1 o’clock the workmen and students seemed to swarm toward the corner of the Hotel Europe, oppo site the Kazan Cathedral. The police, recognizing that the critical moment was approaching, tried in vain to keep back the human tide. Then, when there was not a single mounted po liceman in sight, on the stroke of 1, from the heart of the thickly wedged crowd a blood-red flag, like a Jet of flame, suddenly shot up. It was the signal. Other flags appeared in the crowd, waving frantically overhead; and they were greeted with a hoarse roar, "Down with autocracy!" Sang the Marseillaise. The students surged into the street singing the "Marseillaise," while inno cent spectators, seeking to extricate themselves, crowded into doorways and hugged walls. Dismounted police made a single attempt to force their way into the crowd to wrest the flags from the demonstrators, but the stu dents and workmen, armed with sticks, stood close and beat back their as sailants. Then, like a flash, from be hind the Kazan Cathedral, came a squadron of gendarmerie. The doors of adjoining court yards were thrown back and battalions of police came out. A double squadron charged the flank of the demonstrators with drawn sabres. Five other squadrons circled the mob, cutting through the fringe of spectators, who gladly scurried to cover. The main wedge of the demon strators stood fast only a moment or two. There was a sharp rattle of cudgels and sabres, though the wounds, showed the police struck principally with the flat of their sabres. The women were especially fierce In their resistance. •Many were struck and trampled, and blood streamed down their faces. Scattered Proclamations. While the mob stood, those within managed to throw hundreds of revolu tionary proclamations over the heads of their fellows. The police urged their horses fiercely Into the crowd, driving those who reeisted into the court yards, the Hotel Europe and the Cath olic church. The Intense excitement lasted ebout ten minutes, after which mounted squadrona of the gendarmerie petroled the streets and the policemen devoted themselves to keeping the crowd mov ing Considering the sharp fight the riot ers had put up, the police acted hu manely with the crowd, avoiding bru ts my end roughness In keeping the throng moving, and showing really more oonetderation than the police of many American <itiao would do under similar dr< utnotan< ee In ike meantime those confined la SAVANNAH. GA.. MONDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1!>04 the court yards who were recognized as agitators were arrested, but others were allowed to go quietly home, the wounded flrst having their injuries dressed. Hundred Broken Head*. There were probably a hundred broken heads and several were severe ly wounded, though none fatally, so far as is ascertainable. So far there have been over 1(H) arrests. The ferment continued all day and far into the night, but only one or two other abortive attempts were made at demonstrations, the police being in such force that they had no difficulty in seizing the ringleaders, no resist ance being made in any ease. To-night the students of the Poli technique and other institutes held meetings, at which fiery speeches were made in favor of reform and the con vocation of a national assembly. The greatest distress is expressed by conservative Libenals over the day's events, all declaring) that just when the fate of the Zemstvo programme was in the balance! such a fruitless outbreak will be sure to prejudice every observer and put the strongest weapon in the hand of the bureaucra tic reactionaries. In .South Russia, Too. That such demonstrations of the Social Democratic Labor party are not confined to the capital is shown by a letter received here from a prominent Zemstvotst in South Russia, in which the writer says: ’The optimism with which we left St. Petersburg is beginning to vanish. The government is not showing a dis position to meet us half way and en ter frankly on the path of reform. On the contrary, there seems to be hesi tation as to whether it would not be better to return to the path of reac tion. The government seems unable to comprehend the real state of pop ular feeling, the importance of deci sive action and the disastrous conse quences of procrastination. The peo ple of this province are in a state of great excitement. Large meetings have taken place in many towns and very specific resolutions have been adopted; but the bad feature of the situation is the attitude of the work ingmen. “Incited by the underground press of Geneva and Paris, who declare themselves in complete antagonism to the moderate demands of the Zemstvos, they proclaim a definite Socialist programme, declaring they want no political, but social, freedom. It will, therefore, be the policy of the government, if it decides to concede nothing to us, to foster such dissen sions between the Zemstvos and the labor party. “The government, confident of its ability to repress -evolutionary at tacks by force of ar ns and apprehend ing no real danger from the working men, can use their antagonism to us as an argument a( ainst the expedi ency of granting th > reforms demand ed by the moderates, on the ground that they are not .In real sympathy with the wishes of the people.” The Proclamation. Following is the text of the procla mation of the Social Democratic Labor party, calling to-day's demonstration: "We have raised our voices calling for better things, but the government has turned a deaf ear to our cry. We day to day draw opt a laborious ex istence, a condition worse than con victs, while they convert millions into smoke and sacrifice thousands of workmen's lives under incompetent generals. We are shedding our blood for our torturers, while they are en tering into a shameless bargain with wealthy landlords and Zomstvoists. Enough: we cannot endure it longer. We must arise and boldly proclaim that we want an end of war and a gov ernment by representatives of the peo- Die. “Long l<ve the Social Democracy! Down with the war! Down with au tocracy!'' “All who are ready to fight for our demands assemble in front of the Ka zan Cathedral at 1 o'clock.” Official Statement. An official statement Issued to-night with reference to the rioting to-day says: “During the confusion and jost ling. the demonstrators freelv used cudgels and the police were compelled to beat back the rioters with the fiat of their swords. The rioting natural ly was not suppressed without casual ties, but none was serious.” The police have forbidden the as semblage of crowds on Tuesday, when another demonstration is threatened on the occasion of the opening of the trial of Sasoneff for the murder of the minister of the Interior, Von Plehve. SEVERAL WERE KILLED IN A RUSSIAN RIOT. London, Dec. 12.—A dispatch from St. Petersburg to a news agency reports that in a riot at Batoumen on Satur day several persons were killed or wounded. REFUGEES*! N TERROR When a Great Wave Struck the lleluru via. New York, Dec. 11.—With her bow stove in, the marine telegraph dis abled and forward windlass twisted, the Belgravia of the Hamburg-Amer ican Line arrived from Cuxhaven to day, with tales of a six-hour experi ence in a hurricane that threw 1,200 of her 1,870 steerage passengers into a panic Dec. 6. The 1,200 were Polish and Russian refugees sent to this country by London societies. A greut wave swept over the bows of the vessel at midnight of the 6th, tearing out the shield, disabling the marine telegraph, tearing away the starboard hawse port forward and smashing the windlass. It was then that the fear below decks, which had been continuous, arose to panic. It was necessary to send ail officers off duty below to quiet them. As the refugees left the ship to-day for Ellis Island, many of them show ed bruises about the face and head caused when they were thrown about in the storm. Attempted a Demonstration. Paris, Dei-. 11.—Several hundred boys ai)d school students assembled to-day with the object of making a demonstration at the grave of Deputy 'Hyveton, who died last week. The po lice broke up the group*, prevented a procession and closed the cemetery. Many persons were arrested, but re leased later. Freetier Attacked. London, Dec. U.—The Vienna corre spondent of the k lifidftrd t4lc|[fiphi< “Nows has boon received from Bud apest that Premier Ties* who was going to a political masting, waa at tacked by a hue til* arow4 and that his rents** windows wsrs atoned end broken." PUT THE FINISH TO RUSSIAN FLEET JAPANESE DO NOT THINK IT WILL EVER AGAIN BE ABLE TO MEET THEIR SHIPS. Naval Experts at Toklo Think Jap anese Shells Hill All the Damage to the Russlnn War Vessels at Port Arthur, Descanting the The ory That the Hiissinns Themselves Sought to Destroy Them to Keep Them from Falling Into the Ene my’s 11 ii mis. Tokio, Dec. 11, 4 p. m.—The Japanese continue to batter the Port Arthur fleet, and there is little ground for ex pecting that it will ever again engage the Japanese. The battleship Sevastopol continues at anchor outside, but possibly returns to the harbor at night and anchors in side the outer boom, which protects her from torpedo boats. The recent heavy weather has given added protec tion to the vessel. Naval experts are discarding the the ory that the Russians themselves sank any of the ships. The fact that the. vessels first showed lists while in ex posed positions and the efforts made to save the Sevastopol are regarded as conclusive evidence against the the ory of their being sunk by the Rus sia ns. A majority of the sunken warships lie headed northward. They received the bulk of the fire across their port sides, and the fact that at least two of them showed lists to starboard gives rise to the theory that Japanese shells exploded inside the ships and against the starboard armor, driving the ar mor outward and causing leaks. To make sure of the destruction of the Russian warships, the, Japanese continue to drop shells into the sunk en hulks. The whereabouts of the tor pedo boat destroyers continues doubt ful, but it is thought they are shelter ing outside the harbor. The weather prevents a good observation being made, but the Japanese are sending a searching fire into nooks which are not observable from 203 Metre Hill and other hights. The observers report a number of tugs, launches, dredges and small craft anchored near (he hospital ships in the west harbor, where they evidently have gone for the purpose of obtaining pro tection. It is suggested that the be siegers notify Lieut. Gen. Stoessel to separate these vessels from the hos pital ships or take the consequences. The Japanese are exercising care to avoid hitting the hospital ships, which frequently are in tho direct line of fire. JAPS DRIVEN BACK WITH HEAVY LOSS. Mukden, Dec. 11. —The Japanese opened a heavy fire on the Russian position east of the railway at 4 o’clock this morning, but the Russians had searchlights In readiness and for rhe first time used them. The army lights proved very effective and a deadly rifle artillery fire being con centrated upon the Japanese advance, they were driven back with heavy loss. JAPS ARE MOVING INTO MANCHURIA. St. Petersburg, Dec. 11.—There is no news of importance from the front. The bombardment of Poulltoff (Lone Tree) hill, was renewed vigorously at dawn on Dec. 9, but slackened after a few hours without a direct attack. It is reported at Mukden that the Japanese are largely colonizing South ern Manchuria. It is said that they are sending there 7,000,000 emigrants, and that they are also sending many young Chinese from Manchuria to Ja pan, paying their traveling expenses. GETTING A TASTE OF MANCHURIA’S WINTER. Gen. Kuroki’s Headquarters in the Field, Dec. 11, via Fusan, Dec. 12. The army has had its first taste of the real quality of a Manchurian winter the past week. Last night the thermometer fell 6 degrees below zero. The days are cold also, but sunshine and the absence of the severe winds makes the life tolerable. The hills are covered with snow, which on the plain is an inch in depth. All the streams are thickly frozen. NEWS OF THE WAR AS LONDON GOT IT. London, Dec. 12.—An unofficial re port- from Port Arthur, according to a Toklo dispatch In the Daily Mail, says that the Japanese torpedo boat destroyers attacked the Russian bat tleship Hevastopol at the mouth of the harbor the night of Dec. 9, with what results is not known. The Daily Telegraph's correspondent before Port Arthur reports, under date of Dec. 9, that there were desperate encounters last week. The belligerents, the correspondent adds, mutually rec ognize the Red Cross and collect the dead and wounded during temporary suspensions of fighting. The Dully Telegraph's Tien Tsln cor respondent learns from official Japan ese sources that the Japanese casual ties at Port Arthur the latter part of October were 3,000 killed and 10,000 wounded. The losses In more recent attacks, the correspondent adds, were much heavier. Tne same correspondent has heard that continual fighting is proceeding south of Mukden. The correspondent at Hhanghat of the Daily Telegraph, In a dispatch dated Dec. 11, says that according to Pekin report*, the finsslans have re treated >o the south bank of ths Hun river after seventy-two hours fighting with heavy losses On the fourth day of the fighting, the correspondent says, the Japanese assumed ike offensive. The Mukden station Is reported to be In a wild elate of confusion. The Dally 'telegraph think* the lu thentlctty f the foregoing reports from t'htnee* sow rose of heavy fighting is very doubtful. FOUR OF THE CREW OF FISHHAWK LOST. live Other* Who Took to the Dories Were Saved. Highland Light, Mass., Dec. 11.— Four of tho twenty members of the crew of the Boston fishing schooner Fishhawk lost their lives last night after deserting their vessel, which had struck and was pounding heavily at the north end of Cape Cod. Five others Including Captain Bly, who followed their four companions over the side, had a severe six hour tussle against a freezing sea and a gale in a dory, but managed to reach Provincetown harbor. The deaths and suffering would have been avoided had all stayed by their vessel, which had a miraculous escape, and four hours iater was safely an chored In Provincetown harbor. The Fishhawk was fishing off Cape Cod yesterday when the weather be came threatening, and Capt. Bly de cided to run Into Provincetown. Be fore he reached the end of tho cape, the vessel fetched up on the Peaked Hill bars. Capt. Bly burned his slg nul torch and then ordered his crow into the boats. Four of the seamen Jumped Tnto a dory, which was almost immediately capsized. Capt. Bly and four others left the vessel a few min utes later. Before the rest of the crew could follow their skipper the wind had driven the Fishhawk over the bar and she was navigated into Province town hurbor. WILL PLOT AGAINST - " THE BOLL WEEVIL. National Convention to Meet To-day in Shreveport. Shreveport, La., Dec. 11.—Delegates are arriving here In large numbers to attend the national boll weevil con vention, which meets in the Opera House to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The convention has been called for tho purpose of giving full discussion to tho boll weevil problem in all of its many phases and. if possible to de vise a practical plan looking to the extirpation of the cotton pest. Repjrts from many districts In Tex as and Louisiana indicate that the ravages of the weevil are spreading to larger areas, and it is the belief of many well known cotton authorities that, in order to protect the cotton farmer from a seriously growing men ace, immediate remedial action should be taken. The convention will be called to or der by Hon. John B. Pugh, chairman of the local Executive Committee. Gov. Blanchard of Louisiana will wel come the delegates on behalf of the state, after which permanent organ ization will be effected. Gov. Vardeman of Mississippi had been tendered tho permanent chair manship, but in a letter to Mr. Pugh the Governor declined the honor, be cause, as he said, of certain alleged criticisms on the part of the local press. MISS DAISY LETTER GETS A LORD, TOO. Nile Will Wed the Enrl of MafTolk and Berkhire. Chicago, Dec. 11.—The engagement of Miss Daisy Letter, sister of Lady Curzon, to the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire was announced to-night by Mrs. Leiter from the family residence in this city. The date of the wedding has not been decided as yet, but will be In the near future. Miss Daisy Leiter is the youngest daughter of the late Levi Z. Letter and is the third of the Leiter girls who have married Englishmen. Miss Mary, the eldest of the daughters, is the wife of Lord Curzon of Kedleston, viceroy of India. Miss Nannie, the second daughter, was married two weeks ago to Maj. Colin Campbell. ' ON THEIR LAStTeGS. Men With One Foot Will Form nn Organisation. Atlanta, Dec. 11.—The organiza tion of the one-legged men of Atlanta will be completed to-morrow. The club will commence with about 300 of the best known one-legged men in the city. A street parade will be arranged for, this event to take place at an ear ly date. , The club has started under the mu tual benefit plan. Each member pays $1.50 a month for five years Into the club, and he then receives anew arti ficial leg with a guarantee that It will be kept in repair. Harry Plum of the Pullman Palace Car Company Is the moving spirit in the organization. DUCK HUNTERS DROWN. Gore and Ills llrnthei—lo-Law Lose Their Live* in the Cape Fear. Wilmington, N. C„ Dec. 11.—John H. Gore, Jr„ law partner of ex-Gov. D. L. Russell, and his brother-in-law, John Brewer of Franklin. Vu„ about 18 years of age, were drowned In Cape Kenr river, five miles below Wilming ton, last night. A canoe In which they were returning to a steam launch up the river from a ducking expedition whs capsized by a squall. Two other companions in a ducking canoe were unable to rescue the men on account of the atorm. Searching putties In chartered tuga and steamers have been unable to find any truce of the bodlee. I'ltolr's Dead llody Found. Lynchburg. Vm„ Dec. 11.—-John Poole, u white grocer, about tit years old. was found dead alongside the Mouthern Railway track a abort dis tance below the city early to-day. A not# written by Poole point* strongly to suicide, ft is believed Poole delib erately etopped in front at a fast train and was killed lueiantiy. 5 CENTS A COPY. DAILY. *8 A YEAR. WEEKLY2-TIMES-A-WEEK.iI AYEAR SWAYNE CASE NOW COMING UP HOUSE IS TO CONSIDER QUESTION OF IMPEACHING THE FEDERAL JUDGE. 1* a Special Order the Impeachment RcHolntinn Come* Before tho House To- morrow—Fate of tho .Indue of the Northern District of Florida May Soon He Decided. Forecast of the House'* Huatne** for the Week. Washington, Deo. 11.—The House will begin the second week of the ses sion with consideration of private pension bills, Monday having been made pension day. On Tuesday the resolution reported by the Judiciary Committee to Im peach Charles Swayne, judge of the Northern District of Florida, comes before tho House as a special order, its consideration having been deferred by resolution at the last session to that day and authority given the Ju diciary Committee to take further tes timony. All (he evidence taken, in cluding that heard since the last ses sion, has been printed for the use of members of the House. A supplement al report has been submitted to tho House by the Judiciary Committee ad vising the House of the additional testimony. It Is probable that the appropriation* committee may report a short urgent deficiency hill during the week, and It is barely possible that the District of Columbia appropriation bill may be reported by the end of the week. CIVIL GOVERNMENT FOR THE PHILIPPINES Will He Voted Upon liy the Semite Till* Week. Washington. Dec. 11. —The principal event scheduled for the Senate during the present week Is the taking of the vote on the Philippine civil govern ment bill next Friday at 3 o'clock. The bill remains the unfinished busi ness of the Senate until that date, and It will have preference over all other questions in the matter of debate each day after 2 o'clock. Many Democratic senators are op posed to the bill, but the best informa tion obtainable is that there will b* no general debate on the Philippine question, as they consider the pannage of the bill a foregone conclusion. They will devote their efforts to securing a modification of provisions they re gard as especially obnoxious, giving special attention to the bond and Chinese Immigration clauses. After the vote on the Philippine bill on Friday the Senate will adjourn un til the following Monday, and It is considered doubtful whether other business of general Importance will bo undertaken until after Ciirlstmas. There is manifest a disposition to al low the House to have Its way in fix ing the date for holiday recess for Dec. 21. Senator Hepburn on Monday will make an effort to secure considera tion of the pure food bill, but if ho succeeds In getting it before the Sen ate it will not be seriously proceeded with before the holidays. It is be lieved that the statehood bill will not be reported from committee before the holidays. The vacancies on the Senate com mittees probably will be filled during the week. IN CALENDAR OF SAINTS Tlie Pope Placed Two Who Had llrtu Moat Devout. Rome, Dec. 11. —In the presence of 60,000 people assembled in St. Peters. Pope Plus X. this morning canonized Blessed Alessandre Sauli and Blessed Gerardo Muiella, descendants of whom, including Marquises Ambioslo, Sauli and Negrotto; assisted in the canoni zations, a ceremony so rare In recent times that this is only the second that lias been held since 1870. The Basilica was beautiful with elec tric lights. Its Immense hlght showing the illuminations to perfection. The throne had been erected behind the high altar and chair of St. Peter, hav ing a device of rays of gold with a picture of the Trinity In the center. Altogether the throne took up a space of 90 by 73 feet. Four banners hung under the dome, showing the chief miracles of the new saints. The Papal procession met in the Sls tlne chapel. When the Pope entered the church It was impossible for the authorities to repress entirely an out burst of loyalty from the multitude, which cried, "Long live Pope Plus!” His holiness was preceded, surround ed and followed by guards of the court und high prelates. He looked pale, fatigued and leas robust than a year ugo, as though the triple crown were bearing heavily upon him. Pope Plus X pontificated, preserving a calm, rev erential air to the end. although, as he later confessed, he was greatly fat igued. After the ceremony the procession was reformed amid murmurs of love and loyalty. MISTRIAL FOR PERRY. Re-Mayor of Grantl Hanld* got Cos. ▼ tried of Doodling. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 11.—The Jury which heard the evidence in the bribery trial of ex-Mayor George R. Perry wax diachurge at noon to-day, being unable to agree on a verdict. They had been out since 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon. It la said that they stood ten to two for acquittal. The charge against the ex-Mayor was the accepting of e bribe of ss.sss July 7, I*oo, from #x-Clty Attorney Lsnt K. Halsbury. This amount, it was alleged, wee a portion of said to have been received by fiats bury from New York promoters to buy a contract from the Mayor and City Council for a water supply free Lake Michigan for the eity of Orand Rapids. For the past seven weeks the ease has been on continuous trial rtf urn Judge Perkins ta the MugwtMr Court,