The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 &iuJk£j 'll WIZ-ils. bqf. 5 IwAa- ami. zAI NEWS OF A DAY IN GEORGIA’S CAPITAL LOWRY FOR THE CABINET. ATLANTA BANKER INDORSED Dl THE CLEARING HOUSE. Col. Robert J. Lowry In a Repnbll ran and a Friend ol Rooitevelt. Bankers ol Atlanta Want Hint Made Secretary ol the Treasury. Reported That He Has Been Sum moned for a Conference With the President. Atlanta, Dec. 13.—The Atlanta Clearing House Association this after noon unanimously adopted resolutions indorsing Col. Robert J. Lowry, pres ident of the Lowry National Bank, for appointment by President Roose velt in his cabinet, “Should he desire such appointment.” It is thought there is no possible doubt about Col. Lowry's accepting in case he should be tendered the posi tion of Secretary of the Treasury, as has been suggested. Col. Lowry is now in the East, having left Atlanta yes terday. Rumor has it that he will go to Washington for a conference with President Roosevelt, having been sum moned there by the President himself. What the significance of this confer ence is, is not definitely known, but Col. Lowry's name has been promi nently talked of in this connection for some time. Col. Lowry is an earnest Republican and is a personal friend of the Presi dent. On Rales on Cotton Bnlen. The Railroad Commission Nvill hold its December meeting Thursday, Dec. 15, and at that time will resume hear ing of the petition of J. S. Cowart of Arlington, who asks an order compell ing the railroads to carry what are known as "Munger bales," to Savan nah and Brunswick at the same rate as is charged for regularly compress ed bales of cotton. Considerable evi dence was taken at the former hearing and a postponement was had at the request of the railroad representa tives. There is In this litigation, if it may be so called, a menace to the big Vompresses throughout the South. These Munger presses are cheap, com pared with the gigantic steel com presses and if the Munger bale is giv en the same rate as the regularly compressed bale It would seem that the big compresses would have to go out of business. Car Inspector Hied of Injuries. Thomas J. Parr, a c*ar Inspector for the Central of Georgia Railway Com pany. had both legs crushed in an ac cident at Knott's crossing this morn ing and died soon afterward at the Grady Hospital. A wife and five chil dren survive him. Atlanta's Revenue increased. According to a statement from the Controller General made to the city of Atlanta, the total vulue of all rail way property within tip city limits of this city is $4,501,347, including both physical property and franchises. On this Atlanta will receive $56,266 In taxes, a larger ‘amount by some $15,000 than ever before. Atlanta’s revenue for 1905 will be about $250,000 more than for 1904. Barts Will Rr Manager. S. L. Burts, manager of the Char lotte, N. C., office of the Western Un ion Telegraph Company, will succeed C. C. Witt as the manager of the At lanta office. Mr. Witt will be given another appointment with the com pany. announcement of which has not yet been made. For Armories lor the Companies. Adjt. Gan. Harris will make the important recommendation in his an nual report, which will soon be Issued, that instead of the state paying arm ory rent for the troops every year armories be built for each of the com- SPECIAL NOTICES. Jurors of the City Court need not appear until Thursday, 16th inst., 10 m. By order of the Hon. Thomas M. Norwood, Judge. WARING RUSSELL, JR„ Clerk C. C. 8. . A CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. Mrs. Louis Lippman la holding a baranr for the sale of Fancy Hand* made Novelties at moderate prices for the Xmas holidays. All are cordially Invited to attend. Open day and even ing, beginning on Thursday, Dec. 16, and to continue ten days. MRS. LOUIS LIPPMAN. 4H E. Huntingdon street. 1.11.1 KS or THE VALLEY, American Beauty Roses. Double Violets. Something extra handsome are these products of our greenhouse, JOHN WOLF, Phones (24 Ott and Anderson Sts SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor the agents of the British steamship Jeese. h Kugg master, will he responsible for sny debts contracted by the crew of said steamship i. t. MINIM A CO.. Agents. mands. The plan meets with great fa vor and the officers who Isavs dis cussed It express themselves as being greatly pleased with the Idea. At pres ent the state pays out about $13,000 a year armory rent. The Idea of Gen. Harris is that the money now paid for armory rent can be used in purchasing suitable buildings for the different companies and that within ten years every company in the state will have an armory of its own. Hall anti the Governorship. Hon. Joe Hill Hall of Bibb county, who was here to-day, declines to make any announcement at this time for Governor or to state that will not be a candidate for Governor. FIDDLER WAS kIILED. Blade AVas Thrust Into Braswell ns the Movie Ceased. Monroe, (la., Dec. 13.—News con firming a tragic killing in Gwinnett just over the Walton line, has just reached Monroe. Saturday night at the home of John Braswell a party was given, and Ed. Braswell, brother of •tohn Rilaswull. Nvho resides at the Hugh Lowe place In Walton county, was stabbed to death. He was playing the fiddle, and just as soon as the mu sic stopped a young man by the name of Carter, it is claimed, thrust a blade into Braswell's back. It is further charged that a young man by the name of Ashworth, Braswell's brother in-law, did the stabbing. Carter and two of the Ashworths have been ar rested and placed in the jail at Law renceville for safekeeping. The difficulty was the result of a leng standing trouble between the par ties involved. Ed. Braswell was a married man, 22 years of age. C mII to Cotton (iroweri. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 13.—Commis sioner of Agriculture R. R. Poole to day issued a letter to the cotton grow ers of Alabama calling for a mass meeting in all the towns and cities on Tuesday. Jan. 10, to discuss the best and most effectual mode and manner of the disposition of the present crop now on hand and for concert of action in making the new crop. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. FUNERAL I INVITATIONS. KILEY.—The relatives and friends of Mrs. Johanna Klley and of her son, Mr. Michael Kiley, are invited to at tend the funeral of the former from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist at 3 o'clock this afternoon. LOGAN—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Logan and families are invited to attend the funeral of the latter from 410 Bolton street, west, at 3:30 o’clock this after noon. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. MEETINGS. CLINTON LODGE NO. 54, F. A A. M. The 57th annual communi- a cation of this lodge will be held at Masonic Temple this AJA (Wednesday) evening at 8:15 o'clock. Election of officers. Members of sister lodges and visit ing brethren are cordially invited to meet with us. M. DRYFUS, W. M. T. S. RUSSELL, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES^ 'XTHANCITToR^SPKCULA ; no>r' Two hundred and eighteen acres of land, known as the Lamar land, about four miles south of the city from Bay street, lying between the Middle Ground and Ogeechee roads. Eighty acres of this land adjoins the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad on the east, and the balance (138 acres), adjoins, on the west, the tract recently bought by the Atlantic Coust Line (presumably) for car yards or shops. I will sell this land as a whole or in tracts to suit purchasers, either for cash or on time, at a rate per acre that will surprise speculators. C. H. DORSETT. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT, by paying your biUs on or be fore the 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY. BRO. A CO. CARD OF THANKS. The fnmlly of the late J. H. Johnson desire to extend heartfelt thanks to the large number of friends, both white and colored, for their words of condolence on his death, and es pecially for the sympathy expressed at the funeral service by the several divines, and for the resolutions pre sented by the lodge. Nor can the family forget those who administered to him and inquired about him during his illness. Very respectfully. A. L. JOHNSON. INSURANCE. FIRE, STORM, MARINE. XV. M. CONEY & CO., **• Both Plionew 67. No. 124 Bay St. E. PARTRIDGES TO BURN —at— .IAS. J. JOYCE'S, Liberty and Ahcrcorn streets. IIOWS YOUIt PLUMBING? See BRODERICK. 242 Drayton St. Phone 1077. DIVIDEND NO. M. Tle Oglethorpe sating*, and Trust Cos. Savannah. Oa., Dec. It, 104. A dividend of three (S) per cent, on the capital stock has been declared bv the Board of Directors from the earnings of the past six months, pay sbfs on and after Dec, to I(04. JKO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. NOTMfL All Mila agulnat the Austrian steam ship Hermlna must be presented at eur fh before It o'clock, noon, this May, or payment wui be debarred Of KACHAN A CO. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY.DECEMBER 14. 1904. What a world of delight there is in a smoke just to your taste! (yj row B HEM OF BRAINS Wn&fViAR 5 -MADE AT KEY WEST>- 25 Per Cent. Off Eyeglasses and Spectacles. If bought as a Christmas present lenses will be exchanged to suit eyes. No better time for eye glass wearers to supply themselves than during this sale. We supply the most becoming frames and make no charge for examination. DR. M. SCHWAB’S SON, BULL AND STATE. SPECIAL NOTICES. WILD TURKEYS. ENGLISH DUCKS. CAULIFLOWER. CAYENNE PINEAPPLES. WHITE PLUME CELERY. FANCY TOMATOES. ALL PORK SAUSAGE. MY OWN LARD. M. S. GARDNER, 411 Whitaker Street. RIPE BANANAS. INDIAN RIVER ORANGES. Just arrived, Fancy Fruit. Prices low. Fireworks cheap. COLLINS. GRAYSON & CO. Both Phones 244. W. T. HOPKINS, General Insuranee, 18 Bryan street, east. Phones 219. Chas. Ingleshy. Mannger. SPECIAL NOTICE. I desire to Inform my friends that I haVe severed my connection with the Cohen-TCnlman Cos. and connected myself with the Savannah Buggy Cos., where I should be pleased to meet ray friends, and can assure them that I can take care of them and their wants in the carriage, buggy and har ness line promptly. MARK APPLE. Manager Sales Department. ANNOUNCEMENT. To my Friends and the Public: I am established in business for my self and would be pleased to have your patronage. JACOB STERNBERG. At Simon & Sternberg’s, 15 Broughton street, east. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 19 York. West. Cleaning. Dyeing, Pressing. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workmen employed. Bell Phone 1146. Oa. Phone 1264. A. C. OELSCIIIG & SON, Floral Decorators. Handsomest Palms and Ferns in the Southern states. Cut Flowers and Floral Designs. Your orders solicited. Both phones 496. J. GARDNER. Agent. 18 Broughton street, east. FOR SALE COTTON SEED MEAL AND HELLS. Sack, Ton, Carload. SEABOARD COTTON OIL CO., 22# Bay Street, East. Lumber, Laths. Shingles, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Hardware, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster. Large stock fresh new goods. Lowest prices. Call up SAVANNAH LUMBER CO., Georgia 'Phone, 347; Bell ’Phone, 425. POLLY CHROME RIBBON. Have you seen it? Writes in two colors. The latest models of the Remington Typewriter are the only machines equipped with this new de parture in typewriting. R. M. HULL. Sole Dealer, 10 Drayton street ROOFING PAPER. Large shipment Just received— 2, 3 and 4-ply. See us about it. ANDREW HANLEY CO. Phones 109. Visitor* to the city should eat at Sommers’ Cafe, I'iiMi station. Ex. ccJlenl service at all hour*. The Jutenlle Bicycles we are •riling are ju*t a* good a* the* can lie-418 and |||. u. W. 11l <mi AH. Jefferson and Brough. lon Lane. BUSINESS NOTICES. Perfumes . Le Grande's. Pinaud’s. Roger & Gallett’s. Hudnut's. Luben's. Guerlatn's Jockey. Plver’s. Palmer's. Riker’s. Colgate's. Lazelle's. Bottles and Boxes. Colognes. Genuine Johanne Marial Fa rina. 4711 Kaswell & Hazard’s. A sample of Riker’s Violet Cerate for the asking. LIIGMMICy, 26 West Broughton Street. In Addition T’o our very large and beautiful stock of Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry, We have an elegant assortment of tlie world famous Rookwood Pottery. An early Inspection will save you the confusion of the usual rush. WE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS. Thetis &, Cos. Friedman fj Vj Bull and York Sts. I M' H Ladies’ 63 9 s hBBHB YOST TYPEWRITERS On sale at J. W.FRETWELL’S SONS SPECIAL NOTICES. TO^CAPTAINsr^LASTERSr^IATS AND SAILORS. The latest New York, Boston, Phila delphia and other daily newspapers; weekly journals and monthly maga zines; books and cheap literature; letter and note paper,, pens and ink. —at— ESTILL S NEWS DEPOT, 18 Bull street, corner of Bryan street (near the U. S. Custom House), COTTON IS ALL MIGHT! I dye cotton just as good as wool Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents’ Suits and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN'S NEW YORK DYE WORKS, Whitaker and State streets. Both phones 943. Estab lished 1891. a otic*. PROPERTY OWNERS DO NOT wait until ordinance requiring you to connect to new house drainage is en forced. It will pey you to have It done et once by the former inspector of plumbing, W. H. COSGROVE, _ JL23 Drayton Street. DIVIDEND NOTICE NO. 84. Office of Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos., Deo. 8. 1904. —The Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent, on the capital stock, payable on and after the 21st day of Decem bsr. 1104. The transfer books will be otoeed from Dec. 15 to 11. 1904. Y. W. HARDEN, gec'y and Treas, OYMTKKII. OYSTER*. OYSTER* Oysters and the best of oysters? served in every style and delivered to any part of the city. SCHWARZ CAFE P. I,- Remember that you may or- j der here anything that the market { affords. Regular breakfasts and sup per* Me. Corner Cunpreee and Whit alter, I MILL-HAVEN COMPANY. LUMBER In order to reduce our stock we offer for immediate sale the following material at very low prices f. o. b. cars our mill: 2 car No. 2 Com. Bevel Weatherboarding $5.00 2 car No. 2 Com. Square Edge Weatherboarding 56.00 1 car Sheathing SB.OO 5 cars Framing Stock SIO.OO Weatherboards and Sheathing dressed, framing surfaced four sides. Good Resolutions When made in good faith are commendatory. Strength to carry out the resolution is essential. If you save a part of your earnings you will find a savings account a source of strength. A life of steady plodding and constant saving NOW will insure a future life of ease and comfort. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos. 8-10 BRYAN STREET. EAST. SAVANNAH GA. MYERS > President. JNO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. JACOB PAULSEN. Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT. Accountant. RED LION COURAGE GIN. Restores Lost Energy and Puts New into Your System. Retail Dealers Sell It. HENRY SOLOMON 6 SON Supply the Trade. Suppose you try a CASINO OYSTER CRAB STEW Nothing its equivalent on the market. Sea Food our no ted specialty. Shore Luncheons our great success, and late Hour tit-bits are always here. BUSINESS NOTICES. Christmas Suggestions. Diamond Rings in solitaires. Rings ir. emerald, ruby, sapphire, pearl, turquoise and opal combina tions. Diamond Earrings. Brooches in diamonds, pearls and enamels. Gentlemen’s and Radies’ Watches. Lockets and Charms, Cuff Buttons and Studs. Scarf Pins Jti beautiful and odd de signs. Gents’ And Ladies’ Signet Rings. Fobs, Watch Chains. Neck, Lorgnette and Bead Chains. Hat Pins in gold and silver. Genuine Tortoise Shell Back and Side Combs. Pearl Opera Glasses. Gents’ and Ladies’ Umbrellas. Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets. Manicure Sets. Silver Deposit Perfume Bottles. Powder Boxes. Shaving Sets, Military Brushes. Cigarette Cases, Match Boxes. Sterling Silver Novelties. Cut Glass and Clocks. A look is all we ask. Desbouillons. 12 Broughton St., East, New Store. Opposite Adler’s. Bell 'phone 1167. Just Bear in Mind This store can meet your de mands for holiday goods. Nothing is missing from our stock—simply everything here you need for your Christmas feast. . Plum Pudding, Mince Meat, Stuffed Figs and Dates, Fine Raisins, Shelled Nuts and Nuts In the Shell, Stuffed and Plain Olives, Maple Syrup, Candies and Bon-Bons PROMPT DELIVERY ALWAYS. Where Buying Is a Pleasure— Duffy-Drayton. I ferukVs Cafe , 49-44 Barnard, Near Market. Our It-Cest Meal* are good enough to rauae ns to be remembered. TRY THEM TO-DAY. The qualify of our work is superior to any in the South . Opposite lie Soto Hotel. Phone 700. BUSINESS NOTICES. Mince Meats To be good Mince Meat Pies must have pure ingredients. The Delmonico recommends the following: Atmore’s 3, 5 and 10-lb bkts. (m. A D.’s, 3-pound jars. Cuvtloe, 3-pound jars. Atmore’s, R. & R.* s and Fran eo-American Plum Puddings. Wine and Custard Sauce. Park & Telford’s Mi Favorita Cigars. THE PURE FOOD STORE. CompaNV Bull and York. Phones 555. BRAG And bluster may make sales sometimes, but only plain, straight forward statements keep customers continually. That’s why we make it a point always to use nothing but fact. Put us in your list for a call when buying shoes—we might save you money. C. F. CLER 16 East Bromrhton. (?ed Cros s H i CoffeE if InPORTED AND ROASTED cHenrv Solomon & Son kM } SAVANNAH, GA m? For an Xmas Gift That Pleases THE DAYTON BICYCLE at $25,00 IS THE THING. WALTER F. HIGGINS, President-Drayton. SAVANNAH TRUST CO . Comparative Statement of Deposits. Dec. 7,1902, Dec. 7, 1903. Dec. 7,1904. $196,132.50 $317,963.07 $631,966.94 WM. U MVhAIL GEO. S. BALDWIN, AVM. V. DA VIM, PsweldiMt. Ili President. nee', and ImW i 4% PAID ON DEPOSITS —la tfc*— Savings Department -of the— COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository. No. 1(40. Chattered U(l. The MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH. GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital $509,00® Burplua and undivided profits. 117.000 Total *627.000 Accounts ot Banks, Bankers, Cor porations. Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorable terms. Issues Time Certificates of Deposit bearing interest. Correspondence solicited J. A. G. CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President W. M DAVANT. Cashier. DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION IS REQUESTED TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR. JOHN FLANNERY, President HORACE A CRANE Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Caohler. MILLS B. LANE, President GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L, GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. Wiiizeislioisoiii Capital and Surplus SBOO,OOO We Solicit the Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals. Our patrons will receive cour teous treatment at all times, and every accommodation within the range of prudent banking. The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH. GA. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UN DIVIDED PROFITS. $500.40*. Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and up wards received In Savings De part meat. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY P.LUN. President. GEO. VV. TIKDEMAN, Vice Prea. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WAITER F. HOGAN. Assistant Cashier. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THE— Chatham Bank Is free from speculative dangers, yields an Income as large as is con sistent with conscrvaUve methods ol banking, and Is at all times subject to the control of the denositor. LEOPOLD ADLER,' President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vice Prea. FRED. W. CIjARKE, Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE. Asst. Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. Christmas Candies, Fruit Cakes, Pound Cakes. Place yonr order for Charlotte Russe, Ice Cream, etc., for Clirta mas dinacr with ns. The Lam est aasortment of Fancy Geode, Baskets, etc., ever shown In Ha vaunah. BELSTNGKR & GROSS, Phones 265. FURNACES CORNWELL & CHIPMAN, 108 Congress. West.