The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 15, 1904, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. I Established 1850. .- - Incorporated 1888 f \' 1"A l I A I,'' I>l rr Q~O J. H. ESTILL, President. 1 I I.fSM. COARSE EPITHETS FROM THE CROWD ASSAILED MRS. CHADWICK WHEN SHE REACHED CLEVELAND, WHERE SHE IS SOW IS JAIL. Home Coining of tlie Feminine Fi nancier Who Has Startled tlie World Was Sot Triumphal—Great Crowd Had Gathered, and Hisses and Jeers Were Her Greeting. Placed in the Mean Jail In City Where She Had Resided. Cleveland, 0., Dec. 14.—Five times indicted by the United States govern ment at the exact minute that her train rolled into the station, Mrs. Cas sie L. Chadwick came home to Cleve land this afternoon. She was greeted with jeers, hoots and hisses by the crowds that gather ed in the depot when her train arriv ed, and howled at by hundreds gath ered in front of the federal building. The last sound that reached her from the outside world, as she passed into the stuffy, ill-smelling office of Sheriff Barry in the county jail, was the hoot of derision from the people massed in front of the doorway. She made no attempt to give bail, and after a brief stop in the office of the clerk of the United States Court, was taken to jail. She is held to night in cell 14 in the woman’s de partment of the jail and her palatial residence on Euclid avenue, of which the furnishings alone are valued at $200,000 is occupied by her maid. Fell in a Dead Faint. Her courage held to the last, but her body failed her, and when she had mounted the three flights of stairs leading to the tier of cells where she is to remain, she collapsed utterly and fell in a dead faint. But for the aid of Deputy United States Marshal Kel ker, who held her up and almost car ried her along, as she mounted the stairs, she never would have been able to reach her cell. Breathless, pale and staggering, she was barelv able to reach a chair as the steel door of the woman’s corridor swung open to receive her. She sank feebly Into a chair, her head fell back ward and but for the marshals she would have rolled to the floor. Water naa quickly brought to her, and in a few seconds she revived, and was again a woman of business. Her first request was that Jier law yer, Sheldon Q. Kerrnish, be sent for, and she was soon engaged in a confer ence with him concerning her defense. Little Chance for Hail. There is small chance that she will be able to leave the jail before her trial. There are now seven indict ments against her, five additional charges having been laid her In the federal court this afternoon. It would require surety to the amount of at least SIOO,OOO to give her free dom, and there is nobody in Cleveland who will furnish that amount for her. She has herself no idea of giving bail, and will remain in jail. She has the best cell in the place, but it is not a nice ceil, nor is the county jail of Cuyahoga county a nice jail even as jails go, but it is the best there is and there she must remain. Mrs. Chadwick’s train was scheduled to arrive at 11:10 o’clock In the morn ing, but it was three hours later be fore it reached Cleveland. The delay of the train served but one purpose, that of Increasing the crowd of curious at the depot. When It finally rolled into the station there was a rush from the further end of the iron fence that kept the crowd of curious from the tracks. Broke Through the Police. This mob had broken through the police, swarmed over the fence and through the gate, and upon the tracks, so that when the train came to a standstill there were about 1,000 per sons about the cars. As the train drew out of Ashtabula Mrs. Chadwick said: ‘‘The next stop ■will be home.” During the run into Cleveland she conversed with her son and an Associated Press correspond ent. She was remarkably calm and In discussing her affairs said the peo ple of the country would soon learn that she had been more sinned against than sinning. Emil Hoover, who joined the party at Ashtabula, was the bearer of a let ter to his mother from her step daughter. Miss Mary Chadwick. The letter, which was couched in the most endearing terms, was written on the paper of the Hotel Continental, Paris, and was dated Nov. 30. It com menced. ‘‘My dear mother.” and was signed, “Tour loving daughter, Mary.” Showed Great Devotion. The letter said that the first Intima tion Miss Chadwick and her father had of the troubles of Mrs. Chadwick was gained from a New York dispatch In the London Dally Chronicle of Nov. 30, a clipping of which was enclosed, nd Miss Chadwick continued that she believed the charges against her moth er to toe monstrous, and that "No one who knows you as I do will believe such awful things.” The girl gave her step-mother as surances of the greatest love and re spect, and bade her to be of good < beer, as she was certain the matter would be settled In a manner satis factory to sll concerned. She begged to be informed If she or her father could be of any aeslstance. end said that If they could help in the "lightest degree they would return Im mediately. Mrs, Chadwick'S eyes filled with tears as the correspondent read the teller aloud. "Ms ry Is the sweeiost •‘i* Mt Uis world," shu sobbed, ‘‘sad 1 Jlatoaitnab lltenm# could not love her more If she were my own child." Mrs. Chadwick reiterated her former statements that as her husband and step-daughter couid be of no assist ance to her here, she wished them to remain abroad, that they might be spared the humiliation attendant upon their presence in Cleveland. Shrank from the Crowd. As the train neared its destination Mrs. Chadwick donned her outer gar ments, a tong fur-trimmed coat, a brown hat and heavy veil to match. She expressed her appreciation of the courtesies extended to her by the As sociated Press and a few minutes later said she would like to say good bye to the newspaper men who had accom panied her party from New' York. The correspondents, went in, one by one, and to each she gave a warm hand grasp and said a hearty, "God bless you." When the train drew in the station at Cleveland. Mrs. Chadwick caught a glimpse of the great crowds which swarmed about the train shed and was grouped on vantage points on the bights surrounding the station. She instinctively shrank back into a corner of the drawing room and said: “I cannot see why all those people should be here.” With Hoots and Jeers. After the train had been emptied of its passengers. United States Marshal Chandler of Ohio stepped aboard her car, the “Aida,” and made his way to the drawing room, where he was introduced to Mrs. Chadwick. She ask ed that she be taken out as speedily as possible, and preceded by Emil Hoover and Freda , Swanstrom, the nurse, the party made its way to the platform and thence through the dense crowds to a carriage in waiting. Although in her own city no friendly face greeted her at the car and Mrs. Chadwick stepped into her carriage as if she had been an entire stranger to this community. The crowd had become impatient with the delay of Mrs. Chadwick’s ar rival and began to jeer and whistle. As soon as Mrs. Chadwick's son, Emil, and her faithful nurse, Fred Swan strom, appeared on the car platform and stepped to the station, Mrs. Chad wick was recognized by the crowd and there was a spontaneous outburst of jeers, whistles and shouts of coarse epithets. Shouts of “Here’re the notes” and “Where’s the money?” greeted Mrs. Chadwick upon her appearance, and as the viciousness of the mob dawned upon her, she seemed to grow faint and wavered as though about to fall. It seemed that but for the deputy marshals’ support of her she must ut terly collapse. Cameras Trained Upon Her. The arrival of the woman was most spectacular in every respect and In marked contrast to her previous ar rivals in her home city. As soon as the police could clear arvay and bring about some semblance of order about the depot platform, the officers led their prisoner toward the gate and out through the entrance. There the street was almost blocked and well nigh im passible to the carriages and teams. The camera fiend w*as there in all his glory, despite the overcast sky and dark day, and through this battery passed Mrs. Chadwick, Marshal Can dler and his two deputies into their carriage. They were immediately driv en away to the federal building. All the time the crowd kept hooting and jeering, and as the carriages roll ed away from the station they were fol lowed by some of the crowd. The shouts and cries were taken up,, and passed along, all the way to the federal building through the busiest part of the city. Kept Up Tlielr Halting. As the carriages neared the building the crowds on the sidewalks broke into the street, and many began to run be side the carriages, expecting to see Mrs. Chadwick as she entered the building by the main entrance. In this the crowd was disappointed, for the carriage with the prisoner was driven into an alley in the rear of the build ing. As the crowd was being cleared from the alley, eager, peering faces were thrust into the carriage windows and vulgar expressions hurled at the occupants. Mrs. Chadwick was taken to the fifth floor on the freight elevator. The po lice continued to heat back the crowd, and out of the next carriage the nurse, Freda, was assisted and taken up to join her mistress. Emil did not leave the carriage. While Mrs. Chadwick with her nurse was in the federal building Emil in the carriage outside was subjected to the scrutiny of the mob, and was forced to listen to anathemas and maledic tions, as well as sarcastic and bitter references to “notes," "diamonds,” “se curities,” and the like. Even the clerks in the postoffloe, working on the ground floor of the building, flocked to a rear door, located next to the one entered by Mrs. Chadwick and laughingly shouted, “Let’s see the securities,” re ferring to baggage of Mrs. Chadwick and Freda, which they saw through the carriage doors. Through Another Ordeal. Mrs. Chadwick had a long confer ence with her attorney. Sheldon Q. Kerrnish. She said she did not care to plead to the Indictments just found against her, and was taken to the Jail. When she was about to leave the federal building the excitement was greater, if possible, than before. The carriage, after a few delays, forced a passage and, once out of the alley, Mrs. Chadwick was hurried away to the jail. She passed through streets with thronged curbs only to run the gauntlet of another mob that had been gathering for hours. Into the Jail the prisoner was hurried to the accom paniment of more shouts and jeers and the clicking of photographers' cameras. The son, Emil, following in another carriage, soon Joined his mother and not until then did the crowd, that for five hours had been increasing, begin to decrease. Freda remained with Mrs. Chadwick about half an hour, and when she came out entered a car riage and was driven to the Chadwick residence at 1824 Euclid avenue. Emil remained with his mother for nearly an hour, when he took his departure. tins llone lolhlns Wrong. While aboard the train en goute here Mrs. Chadwick summoned the Asso ciated F ress representative and to him dictated a “statement to the people of Ohio,” as follows: “Bearing on my side of the story, all has been told the people of Ohio. It ought to be sufficient proof to you of rny good faith to face my creditor* and ac users. I have lived In Cleve land for many years and outside of negotiating some large loarta, which have all been paid back, in Cleveland and some things that 1 may have done which may not be considered good business, I do not think any one who knows me wilt attempt to io'iim me of any wrong. I ask the people of Ohio to suspend Judgment until the esse has hod a full fcegrtng. Adiguedj “Coasts Id. Chadwick.” VICTIMS, TOO, ARE TO ACCOUNT FOR IT BOTH BECKWITH AND SPEAR AS WELL AS MRS. CHADWICK ARE CADE RINDICTMEXIS. Five Indictment* Returned by the Federal Grand Jury Asratnat tlie Woman, and Four Eaeh Against President Beckwith and Cashier Spear of the Bank Mrs. Cliadwtck Broke—Statement of Beckwith Was Submitted to the Grand Jury. Cleveland, 0., Dee. 14. —The federal grand jury returned five indictments against Mrs. Chadwick, three of which charge her with aiding and abetting officers of a national bank to defraud the institution, and two charge her with conspiring against the United States. Four indictments were returned against President Beckwith of the Oberlin Bank, two charging him with misapplication of the funds of a na tional 'bank; one with conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States and one with certifying checks when no funds were on hand. Indictments were returned also against Cashier Spear. They are the same as those against President Beck with. Statement of Beckwith. The first witness before the grand jury was United States Marshal Chan dler, who presented to the jury the sworn statement of President Beck with. This is the document which has been called the “confession” of Beck with. It sets forth in effect that there were two notes of $500,000 each, both signed in the name of Andrew Carnegie, and Mrs. Chadwick declared positively, both to him and Cashier Spear, thfat she personally saw Mr. Carnegie sign his name to both notes. It was also set forth in the state ment that a New York attorney, who claimed to be a representative of Andrew Carnegie, had declared to Beckwith in Oberlin that the notes were genuine. The endorsement of the notes by Beckwith and Spear was admitted, but the statement declared neither of them had any idea that they were to be used in the rrfanner in which Mrs. Chadwick handled them. Relied on Reynolds, Toe. Mr. Beckwith’s statement declared that they received from Iri Reynolds information to the effect that “every thing was all right” and that a large amount of securities belonging to Mrs. Chadwick were held by the Wade Park Bank. This encouraged him to make loans to Mrs. Chadwick. Mr. Beckwith’s statement set forth the fact that Mrs. Chadwick had se cured large loans from other bankers and had met them promptly. There was no reason to believe that she would not treat loans made by the Oberlin bank in the same manner. Several other witnesses were heard. District Attorney Sullivan handed in the documents, which he had previous ly prepared, and in five minutes there after Mrs. Chadwick, Beckwith and Spear had been indicted. CAN GO TO FLORIDA. BUT NOT TO CLEVELAND. Carnegie Explains He Is Really 111, anal That's His Only Henson. New York. I>eo. 14.—That Andrew Carnegie is willing to appear against Mrs. Chadwick when his health has sufficiently improved was made clear in a statement given out to-day at Mr. Carnegie's residence by his secretary. “Mr. Carnegie's only reason for not going to Cleveland at this time has already been given,” said the secre tary. "His health will not admit of his taken the trip, wave at considerable risk, as his physician has already said he is suffering from lumbago. “He has been willing to make a de position at his home, and later, on his return from Florida, he will lend his assistance and be present to testify at any subsequent proceeding, such as a trial, whenever his testimony is needed. His one and only reason for not going to Cleveland now is that he is unable to stand the journey in this weather.” BACON SAID CLYATT DID NOT FORCE THEM. Argument Before the Supreme t'onrt In the Peonage Cam. Washington, Dec. 14.—The argument in the peonage ease of Clyatt vs. the United States was continued in the Supreme Court to-day by Attorney Oeneral Moody for the government and Senator Bacon for Clyatt. Senator Bacon contended that the record in the case showed that the negro men whom Clyatt is accused cf holding in peonage went to his place of their own accord and argued that if there had been any peonage at all it had been voluntary and was not punishable under the law. The attorney general contended that Involuntary peonage comprehends and Includes voluntary peonage and that cither species of the practice Is In con travention of the law, and the federal constitution and opposed to the spirit of our Institutions. Judgment for lira. Ferris. Fort Kdwsrd, N. Y., Doc. I4.~dur rugate Frasier handed down a deejojon to-day in favor of Kate I. Ferris of Aiiania, <J*.. awarding her the real* due of she estate of Charles Ferris, Isle of dandy JiiU, M. X,, amounting to $16,069, SAVANNAH. GA.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1904. THINKS JAPS MISSED PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT. j Should Have Struck at Kuropntkln Some Tin|e Ago. St. Petersburg, Dec. 14.—The general staff apparently is entirely f 'tied with the military situation in ..lan churla, being convinced that the Japa nese have reached their high tide. A high officer said to the Associated Press to-day: "The Japanese army Is unique in military history -end probably the strongest in the world, Combining t'he strength of barbarism with civiliza tion, drawing from the former fanati cal bravery and scorn of death and from the latter the latest knowledge of the science of war. We have been fighting them under heavy handicaps, but have at last definitely stopped them. They have missed the psycho logical moment. They are not strong enough to attempt to turn Mukden now, and will not be, even if Port Ar thur fails and 50,000 reinforcements are sent up to join Field Marshal Oyanva. “In the meantime Russian troops are piling up behind Mukden. In Febru ary, before the port of New Chwang is ice free, Gen. Kuropatkin will have close upon half a million men disposed In three armies, amply sufficient to turn Oyama's position at the Shakhe river and force the Japanese back Into Korea and the Liao Tung peninsula.” legation'advisedof ACTION AT PORT ARTHUR. Bombardment Aimed at the Arsenal and Torpedo Depot. Washington. Dec. 14.—The Japanese legation has received the following ca blegram from Toklo: “Commander of naval artillery re ports that bombardment on the 13th was principally aimed at arsenal and torpedo depot at Tiger Tail and at steamboats in its vicinity. Torpedo depot ablaze one hour. Three ships were destroyed and one was sunk, be side building greatly damaged. Indirect bombardment upon Sevasto pol staying outside harbor was sus pended, owing to bad weather, which prevented observation. Togo reports torpedo boat flotillas attacked twice Sevastopol on the night of 12th and thrice on the night of the 13th. The result is uncertain. Each time they met enemy’s fierce fire and one of our torpedo boats was disabled, but towed back, while three received one shot each. Our total casualties, only three men wounded.” EVERYTHING VISIBLE FROM 203 METRE HILL Headquarters of the Third Japanese Army, via Fusan. Dec. 14.—Every part of the city and harbor of Port Arthur is visible from Two Hundred and Three Metre Hill. The streets of the city are deserted, and but few soldiers are doing patrol duty. Many buildings have been burn ed and others shattered. The shelter of the harbor present a strange ap pearance with turrets, masts and fun nels of warships showing Just above the water. There is not a vessel afloat In the harbor. The docks and build ings on the water front are torn and burned. The Japanese shells read) every part of the city and harbor. BODIES WERE TORN BY HAND GRENADES. Before Port Arthur, With the Third Japanese Army, via Fusan, Dec. 14. The effect of dynamite used as an of* fenslve weapon in the form of hand grenades la Instanced In an appalling manner by the condition of the iM4 bodies, which ate torn and unrecognl*. able maeaee of tleeh and boo**, Frag, menta of hundred* of killed unearthed from tlo- filled-in tren b>- presented a seen# of awful horror The heavy timber# and steel plated of the Continued M Fifth Fag*. ' —New York Herald. “FEMINIZED” FINANCE NO PRESENT TRIAL OF JUDGE SWAYNE EVIDENTLY NO HURRY ABOUT HIS IMPEACHMENT IN’ THE SENATE. Ilf May Not Be Tried Defare Next March—ln Fact, It Is Possible That Not Until the Next Conaress la Convened Will He Be Called Be fore the Bar of tlie Senate—Notice of the ilunar'a Purpose to Impeifeh Received In Due and Solemn Form. Washington, Dec. 14.—The Senate, which under the constitution is made the trial court in impeachment cases, to-day received official notice of the determination of tlie House of Repre sentatives to present Impeachment charges against Charles Swayne, fed eral judge in the Northern District of Florida. The matter was brought to the Senate’s attention by a House committee and the Senate appointed a committee to prepare the details of the proposed investigation. When, a few minutes before the hour of the Senate’s meeting, tlie House Committee appeared at the Vice President’s room to confer with President Pro Tempore Frye, there was a general scurrying about on the part of the officials to find precedents and to make preparation for the cere mony, the like of which had not been witnessed in the Senate chamber since the proceedings of 1876 against Sec* retary Belknap. Conferred With the Committee. While these details were being ar ranged, Senator Frye was engaged in conference with the House committee, consisting of Messrs. Palmer, Jenkins, Gillett, Clayton and Smith of Ken tucky. Their official action consisted in a mere notification to Mr. Frye of the committee's desire to bring the action of the House in the Swayne case to the attention of the Senate at ‘as early an hour fts possible to-day, and Mr. Frye’s reply that the Senate would be prepared to receive the committee at any time that It might arrive. A brief, informal exchange of views as to the time when the Senate should take up the case ensued. The House members sttfaed that it would be Im possible for the committee to present its articles of impeachment previous to the holidays, and It was suggested that the trial might be postponed until after March 4 next or even until the next session of Congress. * The House impeachment committee presented Itself at the main door of the Senate, being preceded by Clerk Browning of the House, who nMs an nounced in the usual form by B. W. Layton, assistant sergeant at arms. Resolution Was Head. Mr. Browning read the impeach ment resolution passed by the House. Mr. Layton then presented the com mittee, saying: "I announce the com mittee from the House of Represen tatives, appointed in pursuance of the resolution Just received." The chair announced that he would receive the committee, whereupon th* committee was taken in charge by Col. D. M. Hansdell. sergeant-at-arms rtf the Henate. and all the members were conducted down the center aisle to a point immediately In front of the president pro tempore'* seat. Mr. Pal mer spoke for the committee, saying: “Mr. President, in obedience to the order of the House of Representatives, we appear before you and In the name of the House of Representatives and of all the people of the United Htates of America, we do Impeach Charles ■wsyrte. judge of the district court of the United Htates for the Northern District of Florida, of high crimes and misdemeanors In office; and we further Infixm the Senate that the Houee of Representatives will In due time ex hibit articles of impeachment against him and make good the same. And In their name we demand that the Sen - ate shall taka order for the appear- ance of the said Charles Swayne to answer said impeachment.” Ceremony Noon Over. The President pro tempore said: "Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Committee: The chair begs to an nounce that the Senate will take order in the premises, due notice of which will be given to the House." The committee Immediately retired. The entire ceremony consumed less than three minutes of time. After the House Committee had re tired, Mr. Platt of Connecticut pre sented a resolution directing that “The message of the House of Representa tives relative to the impeachment of Charles Swayne be refei rod to a se lect committee to consist, of five sena tors to be appointed by the President pro tempore.” The resolution was agreed to, and the chair designated Messrs. Platt of Connecticut, Clark of Wyoming, Fair banks, Bacon and Pettus as members of the committee. All the members of the select committee are members of the Committee on Judiciary. COMMITTEE OF SEVEN NAMED IN THE HOUSE. Washington, Dec. 14.—Further action on the impeachment proceedings against Judge Charles Swayne of the Northern district of Florida was taken in the House to-day by the appoint ment of the committee of seven, pro vided for by a resolution adopted yes terday, to draft the charges for presen tation to tho Senate and by the recep tion of the report of the committee of five to notify the Senate of the im peachment. Immediately after the House met Speaker Cannon announced as the committee of seven to prepare the charges against Judge Charles Swayne of t'he Northern district of Florida, who was Impeached yesterday, the fol lowing: Messrs. Palmer of Pennsyl vania, Glllett of California. Parker of New Jersey, Littlefield of Maine, Pow ers of Massachusetts, Clayton of Ala bama and DeArmond of Missouri The committee of five uppolnted yes terday to notify the Henate that the House had Impeached Judge Swayne ■appeared in the center aisle, and Mr. palmer, its chairman, reported as fol “Mr. Speaker: In obedience to the order of the House, we proceeded to lt e hf r h f a he Ht ' nate ’ and In the name of this body Hitd of all the people of the United States, we as we were directed to do Charles Swayne judge of the District Court of the United States for the Northern district of Florida, of high crimes and misdemeanors In office, and we de manded that the Senate should take order to make him appear before that body to answer for the same; and an nounced that the House would soon present articles of impeachment and make them good, to which the response was, Order shall be taken.’ ” STOCK YARDS WERE DESTROYED BY FIRE. Mamra Caused a I.ohm of 800,000 nt Atlanta, Atlanta. Dec. 14.—Fire here to-night destroyed T. R. Hawtell's large stock yards. Stephens' planing mills and three negro residences. The total loss Is estimated at $6,000. The firemen were hindered In their efforts to fight the flumes by drizzling rain and sleet and the coldest weather of the winter. MUCH JEWELRY WAS FOUND IN HIS TRUNK. Richmond, Va., Dec. 14.—J. K. Wright, alias W. E. Htairs, Is In j|| In Manchester, Va.. under three In dictments charging him with house breaking and having burglars tools In hi* possession. In a trunk In his room was found a collection of watches, diamonds, ear rings, linger rings, stick plus and other Jewelry, worth In the aggregate, about 11.600 The mail la wanted In Wheeling, W. V#., slid Lynchburg. Va., on charges of burg lary, nnd la an Id to be a fugitive from Tennessee justice. To-night he is connected by the Huaton police with a diamond robbery ui Mutt city. 5 CENTS A COPY. DAILY. *8 A YEAR. WEEKLY 2-TIMES-A-WEEK,SI A YEAR ONE SMALL BUG CAUSES THIS TO-DO HE IS “RESOLUTED” AGAINST IX MOST VIOOHOI S MAXXF.It HA • OTTOS UROWERS. 1 - Plan to Eradicate (he Hotl Weevil by Horning All Cotton Stalk* as Soon as the Staple Haa Been Picked—Minority of Committee Wanted Texas and Ollier Infratea! Region, to Skill One Year, Plant- Ins no Cotton I util IfMMI. Shreveport, La., Dec. 14.—After pass ing resolutions commending the aid of the government In efforts to extermi nate the boll weevil and urging the farmers of the infected districts in Texas and Louslana to burn ail cotton stalks in the early fall, the National Cotton Convention adjourned late this afternoon. Prior to the adoption of the resolu tions, a spirited fight was precipitated on the floor of the convention by the proffering of a majority and minority report. The bone of contention was a plank inserted by M. L. Johnson of Georgia to the effect that the only way to destroy and prevent the spread of the boll weevil is to prevent the plant ing of any cotton within the infected sections of Texas or any other state or territory, wherein Infected lands ex ist, for the period of one year. The minority report agreed to all the recommendations of the majority ex cept this plunk, which was finally voted down. Tho resolutions. In part, follow: “That we extend our sincere thanks to the Department of Agriculture of the United Htates for the timely as sistance it has offered In an effort to overcome the cotton boll weevil. “That we think the department of entomology, headed by Dr. W. D. Hun ter, which Was accomplished excellent results In educating the people regard ing the nature and habits of the boll weevil and other Insect pests and for the well conceived plans and work of experimentation along this line. Ideas That Are Indorsed. “That we heartily approve the meth od* already employed as being both scientific and practical, and that we emphasize the Idea of thorough prep aration of the cotton lands, a reduction of the acreage, the rotation of crops and extensive cultivation with more vigorous efforts to secure early ma turing cotton for all the boll weevil districts. "That the cotton planters through out the infected districts are heretoy urged to co-operate with the general government in the plans for overcom ing this devastating pest. "That It is the sense of this con vention that the legislatures of the cot ton states be memorialized to enact stringent laws for the protection of ail Insectivorous birds, their eggs and young.” It was further resolved that a vigor ous campaign of public education should toe Inaugurated through the farmers and oedagoglcal institutes of the several cotton statea, the press and through the public schools. Hurn the (utlnn Stalks. "Resolved, That It Is the sense of this national cotton convention that the early full destruction of all the cotton stalks in the boll weevil In fected areas of Texas and Louisiana la an absolute necessity. "Resolved, That we commend to the legislative bodies of any Infected area the urgent necceaity of taking Imme diate steps under the supervision of proper authorities to burn the cotton stalks of next year systematically and at once behind the pickers.” A plan for organizing ail the cotton growers of the Mouth to combat the bill weevil was introduced toy Oswald Wilson, statistical agent of the United (Millet Department of Agriculture, ste mmed at rort Worth, Teg., was recsis- Continued on firth Page.