The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 18, 1904, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. I _ ; .1 Wished 1850. .- - Incorporated ISSB > \ | At RT-T'l? 1 7 CTA J. H. ESTILR. President. * I How Instructions Are Conveyed From Japanese Headquarters at the Front ■ Lieut. Gen. Tsuchiya Giving Orders by Telephone to His Brigades . JAPS FIRED ON THE RED CROSS BUT IT WASN’T INTENTIONAL. BO NOGI SAID IX REPI.Y TO STOES SEL’S PROTEST. During a I,nil In the Bombardment of Port Arthur the Russian Com mander Sent Letters to the Japan ese General—How Nogi Replied— Said it Was Difficult to Regulate the Fire—Shell* Were Liable to Fall Anywhere—Compliments Ex changed. Tokio, Dec. 17.—The following dis patch was received to-day from the Japanese army before Port Arthur: "Two letters from Gen. Stoessel (commander of the Russian military forces at Porth Arthur), to Gen. Nogi (in command of the besiegers at Port Arthur), reached headquarters at 8 o'clock in the evening of Dec. 15. The first read as follows: “‘I have the honor to inform you that your artillery has bombarded our hospitals, which are plainly distinguish ed by Red Cross flags. These insignia are visible from your artillery posi tions. I request you to prohibit the bombardment. X make the request from my high esteem for our brave heroes, who after gloriously fighting with vour force, lie wounded in the hospitals under the Red Cross. Among those heroes are some Japanese wounded. “ ‘I avail myself of the opportunity to convey to you assurances of my high respect.’ " Barashoff to Negotiate. Accompanying this letter was an other from Gen. Stoessel to Gen. Nogi, Baying: “ ‘I hereby entrust the bearer, Bara shoff Langa, hunt master to the Em peror and superintendent of the Red Cross, to negotiate with your excel lency in order to remove the hospitals outside the dangerous zone during bombardment. It is needless to say that we have respect for your right to promote the success of your opera tions.’ 'Penciled on the envelope was the following: 'Barashoff will come to the same place on the afternoon of Dec. 16 to receive your reply.’ ” Gen. Nogi further reports that he Bent MaJ, Saito, accompanied by Prof. Ariga and an interpreter, to Sallchlao to deliver a reply, which 'was accom panied by the following letter to Gen. Btoesscl: Nogi Said It Wasn’t Intentional. ‘I have the honor to assure you that the Japanese army, respecting hu manity and treaties since tlie begin ning of the siege, has never purpose ly directed shells against buildings or vessels flying the Red Cross, but the greater part of the garrison is invisible from our gun positions, and as you know shells do not always reach the place to which they are directed and especially owing to your long and brave resistance the deviation of our guns is becoming greater and great er. So with the greatest regret we a-re unable to guarantee to reach the places at which they are directed. 'I avail myself of the opportun ity to convey to your excellency as surances of my highest respect.’ ” Rude Promise*. The record of the interview between Barashoff Langa and MaJ. Saito is ss follow*: "Barashoflf: 'The Japanese army di rects Ith tire against buildings under the Red Cross.’ "Salto: ‘Never.’ "Barashorr: *Ws requeat you not to bombard the whole new town and the northeastern part of the old town.’ "Salto: 'We cannot agree absolute ly lo limit our area.’ "B&r-iahoff: ‘We will give you a map showing th,e positions of our hospitals, and hope you will not bom bard them.’ "Salto: 'We will receive the map supporting your request.' It was arranged that the map shall be delivered, Dec. |." NO DESPAIRING TONE USEO BY STOESSEL. **■ Petersburg. Dec. IT.—The csa. tents of Lieut. (Jen. itsstMl'i die torches Be Emperor Mir botes received Isst bight hgvc not yet been oemmani mated tv the public. White pasties- Mrs are unobtainable It ta understood Jlabatmal) Jteraitg HOOLEY NOT GUILTY. Lawson, However, Waa Given a Year at Hard Labor. London, Dec. 17.—After three weeks’ trial a jury in the Central Criminal Court to-day found Ernest Terah Hooley not guilty and Henry J. Law son guilty of obtaining money under false pretenses. Lawson was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment at hard labor. Execu tion of the sentence of was postponed to permit an appeal to the Crown- cases reserved court. He was admitted to bail in $30,000. Hooley, whose colossal bankruptcy and the proceedings therefrom were the sensation of 1898, was arrested in Lon don May 10, last, on the charge of con spiracy to defraud. Since his bank ruptcy Hooley had been connected with various promotions, some of which led to court proceedings. Lawson, another company promoter, was taken into custody the same day in connection with the charge against Hooley. The technical charge against the prisoners was defrauding A. J, Payne of $50,000 by selling him shares of Si berian gold mines and other worthless concerns. Hooley was bailed in $40,- 000, and Lawson’s bail was placed at $30,000. v In 1898 Hooley was the biggest com pany promoter in Great Britain. He was a multi-millionaire and was prominently interested in bicycle, land and meat companies. He reached the pinnacle of his prominence in 1896, when he promoted a tire company, as the result of which he was supposed to have cleared $12,500,000. At that time Hooley was living a sort of Count of Monte Cristo existence, buying yachts and race horses, and a number of historic country seats. BACON SMILEd'wHEN BELVA HAD THE FLOOR. Women Mode Their Plea to Vote for the Corntreomen, Washington, Dec. 17.—The resolution granting to the women of the various states the right to vote for members of the House of Representatives was made the basis of a hearing before the Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage to-day. The question was presented by a committee consisting of represen tatives of the Federal Woman’s Equal ity Association and including Mrs. Clara Bewick Colby, Dr. Clara W. MacNaughton and Mrs. Belva Lock wood. Mrs. Lockwood expressed the hope that the congressional representation of the Southern states would be re duced until the negroes are protected in their rights of suffrage. The dec laration brought a smile to the face of Senator Bacon of Georgia, who is chairman of the Suffrage Committee. Mrs. Colby called attention to a Su preme Court decision to the effect that negroes, being citizens, are entitled to vote in all the states, and drew the conclusion that as women are citizens, the same privilege should be awarded them. _ THREE BURNED TO DEATH. It I* Believed the Crime of Bobbery Wn* Covered In Harder. Little Rock. Ark., Dec. 17.—A spec ial to the Gazette from Monticello says: W. M. Stevenson and his wife and Mrs. Willie Barrett, a visitor, have been burned to death In the Stevenson home, twelve miles east of Monti cello. When neighbors reached the house they found the bodies of the inmates burned beyond recognition. Sheriff Wilson made an Investigation and sent to Pipe Bluff for bloodhounds. Stevenson was known to keep con siderable money in the house and It is believed the house was attacked for the purpose of robbery and set on fire to cover the crime. IN TROLLEY. COLLISION One Person Wn# Killed and dovoral Were Injured. Allentown, Pa., D"c. s7.— Ono person was klll*4, owe fatally Injured and several others received serious Injur ies In a collision between two trolley care on the tflotingtow line of the Le high Valley Treetton Company to day. The accident occurred at the Iron hyt4ge tn this dty and was duo to the signals falling ta work. William JMnh, an oJoetrtctan la the employ of the traction company, tea* caught liosee th ono of the cars and waa so badly erunhod that be died s Maori lIM JMdSs . MRS. CHADWICK SAID NOT GUILTY TO CHARGES AGAINST HER. SO, TOO, PLEAD BANKERS BECK WITH AND SPEAR. Reservation of tile Right to Change Her Plea to Gntlty Was Made by Mr*. Chadwick’s Lawyer, Though He Said He Wn* lint Taking Ad vantage of a Privilege That He Did tot Know He Would Exercl*e. Womun Weak and Nervous. Cleveland, 0., Dec. 17.—Mrs. Chad wick was arraigned before Judge Wing of the United States District Court to day, pleaded not guilty to every charge brought against her, declined to give bail and was remanded to jail to await trial. President Beckwith and Cashier Spear of the Citizens National Bank of Oberlin, were arraigned at the same time and were allowed to depart after furnishing bonds, each to the amount of $25,000 —an incre’ase of $15,000 over the value of the bond they had previ ously given. The arraignment of the three was very quietly arranged between District Attorney Sullivan, United States Mar shal Chandler and the attorneys for the three indicted. It was deemed best to have them called on Saturday, at a time when few people would be ex pecting to see them in court, instead of at a regular session of court, when a multitude of curious would attempt to invade the court room. Not over thirty people were present when Judge Wing took his seat to preside for the arraignment only. Court was adjourned as soon as it was over, the entire session not lasting over fif teen minutes. Mr. Beckwith w*.ts the first of the three to enter the court room. He was not accompanied by his wife as usual, and took a seat by himself at the west side of the court room. Mr. Spear came in ‘a few minutes later and sat beside Mr. Beckwith. In a Highly Nervous State. Marshal Chandler and Deputy Sampsell arrived at the jail, Dr. Wall, the physician of the government, was called to examine Mrs. Chadwick and decide if she was in condition to stand the trip to the court room, a few blocks away. Dr. Wall said that while the woman was in an extremely nervous state, bordering on complete exhaus tion, there was no danger in allowing her to be brought before the Judge. A carriage was then called, and Mrs. Chadwick was told by the marshal to prepare to leave the Jail. She dressed, assisted by the matron, and then went down the three flights of stairs. She was so weak that she had to lean on the arms of both officials, and was obliged to rest for several minutes at each landing. Dr. Wall remained by her side in case his services were need ed and also accompanied her to court Accompanied by Marshal Chandler and Deputy Sampsell she entered the court room so heavily veiled that It was impossible to see her face She walked very feebly and was supported at every step. As she approached the bar she sank Into a chair beside her attorney, J. p. Dawley, and placing an elljow on a table beside her, supported ner head with her hand and remained motionless until the court had ad Journed. Plea Wo* Not Gnllty. - Attorney Sullivan then stated to the court the nature of the case against the three defendants and turning to Chadwick will waive the reading of the'indictments, and fhat Mr. Beck with and Mr. Spear will do likewise ’• Mr. Hawley and the two bank ofli dais bowed In silence and the former rising, said: , ’ "Vour honor, wo plead not guilty to ail of the charges.’’ 9 There wa* a pause and nobody spoke either for Beckwith or Spear. ”1 understand that Mr*. Chadwick pleads not guilty,’’ ald Judge Wing "but is thst the plea of the other de fendant*?" Beckwith and Hpear hastily ogclalm ed: "W# pb-sd not guilty,’’ "1 would Ilk* to have your honor fig Ihe amount of ball to be given by th* defendanta," said District Attorney Hull! van, "Yur honor/' aald Mr. Dawley, "in entering a plea of not guilty, J should IIIm tlto y'lvlleg* of withdrawing it |f ws should, at a later time, doom It ML vies bis to do so, J have hod no op portunity as yM lo ihmlm Hite nooa, and rosily know eery llttio about it, I also would m IM pout! wot to Ik SAVANNAH, GA.. SUNDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1004. the bonds until later. We are making no application for bail.” No lJnll Was Asked. “You appear for Mrs. Chadwick alone?” asked the Judge. “She is now in custody, is she. not?" “Yes, sir. In cases where a prisoner is in custody and bail is to be given,” said the court, "the initial move must come from the person so held. If that person does not ask for liberty and prefers to remain in custody there is no need of fixing any amount of bail. I understand that Mrs. Chadwick does not wish to give bail, and she can re main In custodv.” “That is perfectly satisfactory to the government," said District Attorney Sullivan, and the case as far as Mrs. Chadwick was concerned was ended. The nature of the proceedings was a puzzle of Mrs. Chadwick. The af fair had been so hastily arranged that she had no previous knowledge of it, and had no idea what it meant. When the judge left the bench she turned to Mr. Davvley and asked: “What does it mean? Why was 1 brought here?” “It is just a formality,” replied Mr. Dtawley, “and fixes for the time being your standing before the court. There is nothing in it that affects the issue of the trial one way or another.” This was evident to Mrs. Chadwick, and she rose to leave the room in a manner considerably more energetic than that in which she had entered it. Wouldn't Give Her Drugs. When she had reached her quarters in the jail, Dr. Wall again examined Mrs. Chadwick and found her condi tion as good as could be expected. Mrs. Chadwick requested that medi cine brought from New York be sent to her. It is in the possession of Jail er Eggers, and Dr. Wall ordered that it be not given her. He said she. was under his treatment, and that while the drugs may be perfectly harmless, he nevertheless was unacquainted with the prescription and did not care to have her take the medicine. Sheriff Barry was to-day firm in his determination not to allow either Emil, Mrs. Chadwick's son, or Freda Swanstrom, the woman’s nurse, to see the prisoner. Sheriff Barry declared to Marshal Chandler that he was re sponsible for the woman's keeping and could not afford to allow any but her counsel or those who obtain an or der from the government officials to visit her. He did not think It safe to allow the boy and nurse to see her. Mr. Dawley was asked this evening if he intended to have his client plead guilty at some later time. “My request did not mean that,” he replied; “I simply wanted the priv ilege, and this was the time to ask for It. I meant ndthing except that I want as many privileges on my side as I can obtain." NAN PATTERSON WILL " GO ON THE STAND. Expected the Woman Will Make a. Statement. New York, Dec. 17.—-Nan Patterson, who is now on trial charged with the murder of Caesar Young, will probably go on the witness stand in her own behalf. She had for some time manifested a desire to tell her version of the af fair and from present indications her counsel will acquiesce. One of the law yers has opposed the idea consistently, but is said to have agreed to the proposition when it was pointed out that in nearly all of the recent promi nent murder trials in which the de fendant had not been allowed to testify, a conviction followed. It is believed that Nan Pattersdn will be the only witness for the de fense. THREE WERE KILLED. Several Olliers Injured At a Fire In Brooklyn. New York. Dec. 17.—Three persons were killed and several injured, two fatally, in a fire in a three-story brick residence at 184 South Main street in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn to-dav. The dead: Alice Swlnson. Arden Reynolds, aged 40. Charles H. Lincoln, painter, 20 years. The fire was caused by the explosion of an oil stove. Most of those who lost their lives were caught in the upper stories of the building, from which there were no fire escapes. DYNAM ITYWASUSED. Semin 1 inn Promised In the Burst Beservolr Investigation. Raleigh, N. C., Dec. 17.-—A special from Winston-Salem, N. C., says: Evidence has been discovered tending to show that the reservoir disaster by which nine people lost their lives here on Nov. 2, was caused by dynamite, used by parties unknown. It is stated to-day that a dynamite cartridge was found a few days after the bursting of the reservoir near the broken walls, and that it is now in the possession of a city official. An Investigation has been proceeding for some time, but Its results have not been made public. GULF STREAwTrUNS LIKE A MILL RACE. It la Impeding Home Vessels and Carrying Others Too Fast. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 17.—Capt. Hadden of the British steamer Monmouth, which arrived here to-day, reported at the hydrographic office that the Oulf Stream current Is running north at a rate of eighty miles a day, and south bound sailing vessels are stalled In great numbers by the current, which Is carrying northbound craft up the coast ahead of their schedules. HUNG IN THE*RIGGING OF SHIP FOR A WEEK. Norfolk, va . Doe. IT,—After hanging hmd downward from the rigging of the wracked sohoonor Montana for a week, the hedy of Henry Bdwards was washed to sea to-day, when the Ship pounded to Pieces All the urew. with the eseealtea of Kdwerdie. were saved Ms hoes to death la the <<##'<•# STRONG POINTS IN SMOOT CASE TESTIMONY WAS IMPORTANT. PROMINENT MORMONS WERE ON THE WITNESS STAND. It AVns Admitted Thnt Smoot Whs Present AVlieu Penrose, Known to lie n Poly an mist, Was Eleetetl n Mormon Apostle—Alleged Revela tions to Induce Mormons to Vote the Repulilieiin Ticket—How the Temple Records Are Guarded. Washington, Dec. 17. —More impor tant testimony was brought out to-day in the investigation of protests aganist Senator Reed Smoot than at any time in the present session of Congress. The witnesses were Charles H. Jack son, chairman of the Democratic State Committee in Idaho; John Nicholson, chief recorder in the Mormon temple at Salt Lake City; Charles W. Pen rose, editor of the Deseret News, and an apostle of the Mormon Church; William Budge, president of the Bear Lake Stake in Idaho, and Apostle John Henry Smith of Salt Lake. Mr. Penrose was elected an apostle last July, and the attorneys for Sen ator Smoot admitted that the Sen ator was present and participated In the election of Penrose. Mr. Penrose testified that he is a polygamist and was known to have been such at the time he was made an apostle. As an illustration of the local church Issue in the last election, Mr. Jack son said the vote for Gooding, Repub lican candidate for Governor, ran be hind the vote of Roosevelt in Gentile counties and ahead of Roosevelt In the Mormon counties; while the vote for Heitfeld, Democratic candidate for Governor, rart ahead of Parker in the APOSTLE JOSEPH SMITH ag is | I I President of the Mormon Church, Which is Brought Into Prominence by the Smoot Proceedings. Gentile counties and behind Parker In the Mormon counties. Revelation As to Ticket to Vote. On cross-examination, Mr. Jackson said that Apostles Matthias Cowley and John Henry Smith were among those who went into Idaho and told the people that there had been a revel ation that they should vote the Re publican ticket. ’ Questioned by At torney VanCott, representing Senator Smoot, the witness said he never had heard these apostles declare that there had been such revelations. Mr. VanCott brought out the fact that there were about 20.000 Mormon votes out of a total of 60,000 votes lri the state. He asked the witness if it was not true that although the Gen tiles were in a large majority and that the Democrats put an anti-Mormon plank In their platform and the Re publicans refused to put in such a plank, the Republicans carried the state by a very large majority. “That is a bald fact," responded the witness, but he added that the infer ence drawn by the attorney from the question was not Justified. Mr. Jackson contended that there were “Jack-Mormons,” or Gentiles who are Mormon In political affairs, who are able to control elections. Would Rather Go to .Inti. Much time was spent trying to get from Recorder Nicholson information as to the whereabouts of the temple marriage records, particularly the book where sealings were recorded. The witness would not admit be knew where to find the latter. He said he would not give up the book even if he were arrested and put in Jail. Mr, Penrose said he was polyga mist with two plural wives living. He has children by his first plural wife, but none born since the manifesto. "Did you receive special amnesty nt the hands of President Cleveland In which one of the condltjons was that you should hereafter obey the laws re lating to living In polygamy?” asked Mr. Tayler. "Tea. sir.” "And you have lived up to that am nesty?” "No, sir." Chairman Burrows aatd He wsnfad to hark U made clear whether Apostle •moot was present at the eonferenr# which elected Mr. Panroso an apostle. Not receiving s direct snewer Mr. Worthington. oounaai for Senator Mi itviuill h*±§*. WRECKED SCHOONER BURNED. The Clara Goodwill Hail liven Ahnu iloneil Off Diamond Slioals. Norfolk, Va., Dee. 17.—The United States cruiser Topeka reported on her arrival to-day the burning of the aban doned four-masted schooner Clara Goodwin off Diamond Shoals. The cruiser stood by the craft, but no signs of life were discernible. The crew evidently sought safety in small boats and probably have been picked up by one of the several sailing vessels In sight. The British steamer Mon mouth, which arrived to-day, also re ported standing by the burning ves sel. The Goodwin sailed from Port Tampa for Philadelphia, Dec. 1, with phos phate rock. She was sighted and spoken thirty miles off Diamond Shoals, Dec. 9. so she had not made much progress from then until she was burned. Portland, Me.. Dee. 17.—The schoon er Clara Goodwin, which was seen burning off Diamond Shoal, hails front this port. She la a large vessel of 94f> gross tonnage, and 840 net. She was built at Bath in ISB7. Her length is 191.2 feet, beam 38.8, and her depth of hold 18.5 feet. The schooner was owned by J. S. Winslow & Cos., of this city and was valued at $25,000. She was bound from Port Tampa to Philadelphia with a cargo of phosphate rock. Capt. P. J. OStman of Portland was In com mand and a crow of eight men were shipped here Sept. M, as follows; E. S. Mclntyre, mate; J. Smith, engineer; H. Seaford, cook; Oscar Oleson. W. B. Clark, Welland Waltrtous, Felix Wydell and Ag Oleson. seamen. POSTOFFICE aTeUTAW WAS ROBBED OF $1,500. Nashville, Tenn., Dee. 17. —A special from Eutaw, Ala., says that the safe in the postqlfiee at that place was blown open last night by professional cracksmen and stamps and money to the amount of $1,500 were taken. BIDS FOR AMMUNITION. Price* Uncle Hniii Must Pay for Mtoll* for Hlis Guns. Washington, Dec. 17.—Bids were opened by the Ordnance Department of the army to-day for a large quan tity of shells for the use of the depart ment. The lowest bids were the fol lowing: The Tredegar Company of Richmond, Va., for 1.000 12-Inch mortar sheila, $29 each; also 500 10-Inch shells at $17.50 each. The Richmond Iron Works, 300 4.72- inch shells at $2.78 each, to be delivered in four months. The United States Rapid Fire Com pany’s bid for the same shell was Iden tical In amount, but the delivery was to be in six months. The Richmond Iron Works, 6,500 18-pound shells at $1.53 each. James W. Carr of Richmond. Va*. 200 8-inch rifle shells at $9.13 each. The Phoenix Iron Works, 300 12-inch shells at $24.94. WILL DETAIL MILES - AS CHIEF OF STAFF. Washington, Dec. 17.—G0v.-elect Douglas of Massachusetts recently wrote Secretary of War Taft asking him If he would detail Lieut. Gen. Miles for the Governor's staff. If he should make the request after his In auguration. Secretary Taft replied to Gov. Dougins to-day, stating that by direction of the President he would make the detail when requested to do so. SIX WERE KILLED . BY WOOD ALCOHOL Ashland. Ky., Dee. 17.—A report hss reached here that Capt. Kprlgga and five others of the crew of a push boat from Frestonsburg sre dead at the mouth of Beaver creek, from the ef fect# of drinking wood Alcohol. Several others of (be crew wbe drank of the alcohol are reported out of dan. •AT. 5 CENTS A COPY. DAILY. $8 A YEAR. WEEKLY 2-TIMES-A-WEEK,SI AYEAR NEITHER EXILE WILL SURRENDER THINKS THE U. S. COUNSEL EXPECTS TO AVIV, THOUGH, lIE FORE THE PRIVY COUNCIL. Greene nml Gnynnr Case Arjtncd— Counsel for the Respondents Ob jected to Irrelevant Portion of the American Printed Case and the Council Seemed to Concur In the Objection—Nat Relieved This Will Have Any Effect. London, Dec. 17.—The Privy Council, which yesterday began hearing the appeal of the United States against the decision of the Justice of the crown at Quebec In the Pase of Greene and Gaynor, adjourned at the conclusion of the arguments to-day. Judgment will be rendered Dec. 19. Donald Mac Master, K. C., of Mon treal, concluded his argument In be half of the United States to-day and w'as followed by Herbert 11. Asquith, former Home Secretary, representing the two respondents. Mr. Asquith con tended there was no ground for the intervention of the Privy Council. The most their lordships could do was to express an abstract opinion on the mer its of the case. Mr. Asquith complained of the form in which the American government had presented the case. It seemed to him highly Improper. He read a para graph in the American printed case commencing, "Whether the Judge In the discharge of his duty,” and ending, "nor Indeed do they think it necessary to do so.” Mr. Asquith said he con sidered, "It was a serious matter that suggestions of this kind should be made In a printed document In a legal Inquiry of this description.". The Lord Chancellor, Lord Halsbury, concurred, saying; “The suggestion contained In that ex tract is absolutely irrevelant to the question of legality. I must deprecate the Introduction of such matters Into the appellant's case. They cannot affect/ our Judgment on Its merits." LaiiKUnge to Which They Objected. The paragraph in question is aa fol lows: “Whether a judge In the discharge of his duty who certainly has done noth ing to merit such treatment may be threatened with discipline, ‘judiciary or administrative,' by a law partner of the Minister of Justice and Attor ney General of Canada; whether one Judge of the Superior Court can cause his writ of habeas corpus to issue be fore another Judge of the same Court has disposed of a prior writ issued lu regard to the same matter; whether It la seemly that the petition of the later writ should toe applied for in the name of a law firm In which the Min ister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada is a partner and of which the premier of Quebec Is also a part ner, and that nearly a month should elapse and several proceedings Inter vene before It was discovered that the whole name of the firm should not have been used, but only three-fifths thereof; whether, equally. It Is seem ly that the partner of the Attorney General of the province of Quebec (the latter being a member of the provin cial cabinet and a colleague of the Premier of the province), should be counsel for the fugitives; whether it Is proper that the crown should be un represented throughout the protracted proceedings involving not only serious charges, but International treaty obli gations—are matters upon which the appellants do not at this time desire to make further comment, nor, indeed do they think It necessary to do so.” Thinks United States Will win. Mr. Mac Master said to the Associated Press that he was confident the deci sion of the privy council would be In his favor, but he declined to say what would be the next step of the United States attorneys. Mr. Mac Master did not expect Greene and Gaynor to sur render for extradition. As to Mr. Asquith's complaint. Mr. Mac Master said it would have no ef fect on the case. Mr. Mac Master agreed that the paragraph referred to by Mr. Asquith was irrelevant, but he added that by taking exception to it, the respondents emphasized the point made by the American government. Mr. Mac Master has left for Queens town to overtake the steamer Cam pania, which sailed from Liverpool to day for New York. TO CUT DOWtTtHE CROP. Tobacco Growers of Two States Have That Intention. Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 17.—The Ex ecutive Committee of the Interstate Tobacco Growers’ Association of Vir ginia and North Carolina met to-day at South Boston and took steps to se cure the curtailment of the tobacco crop next year of at least 50 per cent.. In order to wage an active fight against the American Tobacco Company. The territory embraced In the association Is the old bright belt of the two states, and represents 10,000 planters. The farmers are to be Importuned to grow diversified crops In order that they may be In a position to dictate to the trust. 8. C. Adams of Charlotte county la president of the association, which has grown with wonderful rapidity since Its organization last spring. BLOODHOUNDSSENT~ BY A SPECIAL TRAIN. Were Wanted to T-ark aa Aeeaeeln At Demotions. Selma. Ala., Dec. 17.— A telephone message reached Selma, asking Sheriff Blackwell to send bloodhounds to Da mopolle to assist in tracing assassins of a prominent citizen, and a special train was made up on which the dogs were transported to the seen#. The particulars of the killing, as learned over the telephone, are that Dr, r L. fosqua waa the victim, his body being found by a negro lying near the railroad track. A load of buebehut was sent Into hla body. A gold watch *as missing Thais is no Hue to tbs aoaaogtn,