The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 31, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 NEWS OF A DAY IN GEORGIA’S CAPITAL JONES FELL FROM ROOF \\l) LA>DKD on telephone WIRES FAR BELOW. Tinner Had n Narrow Escape From Death—Wm at Work On the Root of a Six-Story Baildinsr When a Wall Fell and He With It—After Catching In the W ire* He Jumped Into Sheet* Stretched Below nnd Sprained Both Ankle*. Atlanta, Dee. 30.—As the result of the giving way of a brick wall on top of the Farlinger, a six-story apart ment house, C. J. Jones, a tinner, fell from the roof this morning, but land ed on the telephone wires strung on the poles below. He caught and held there until several sheets were tied to gether. He jumped and landed in these, hut the force of his fail was so great that he broke through the sheets and sprained both of his ankles. His escape from death is regarded as al most miraculous. Atlanta'* Bank Clearing*. Atlanta's total clearings through the Clearing House Association for the year 1904 are $157,938,242, an increase of $12,966,204 over those of last year. Darien Commissioner* Xained. Gov. Terrell to-day appointed T. K. Durham and TV. McW. Young to be members of the City Commissioners of Darien, corresponding to a City Coun cil. These appointments are made un der a law passed providing for the ap pointment of Darien city officials by the Governor for the purpose of re moving the danger of election of ne groes. Appointment of the Mclntosh County Commissioners will be made by the Governor in the next day or two. Primary Indicated "A ox Popull.” On the ground that the action of a primary election clearly indicates the choice of the people. Gov. Terrell to day appointed Hon. John Murroiv to be judge and Hon. J. J. Murray to be solicitor of the City Court of Tifton. These were nominated by the people at the primary in April. At the fol lowing session of the Legislature the law was changed so as to make these officials appointive by the Governor. A tight was then made against those who had been nominated at the primary, but Gov. Terrell appointed them on the ground that they were the people's choice. Didn't Get Xotice of Conviction*. Secretary Goodloe Yancey of the Prison Commission to-day entered a ntrenuous denial of the charge that two penitentiary prisoners had been allowed to remain for a month in the jail at Valdosta at the expense of Lowndes county. If they remained there it was not the fault of the com mission, he asserts, because notice of their conviction and sentence was not received at the Prison Commission of fice until Dec. ID. Os the postmark on the letiter shows. These sentences were filed and recorded Dec. 3, but for some reason the Prison Commission was not promptly notified. Within three days after the receipt of the no tice orders were given providing for the transfer of the two prisoners to penitentiary camps. The weather. ■Washington, Dec. 30,—Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: Georgia and South Carolina—Fair and somewhat warmer Saturday: Sun day increasing cloudiness, light winds, mostly west. Western Florida—Fair Saturday; Sunday, partly cloudy; light southeast to south winds. Kastern Elorida—Fair Saturday and Sunday: light variable winds. Yesterday’s weather at Savannah: Maximum temperature 4 ,P- m 55 degrees Minimum temperature 8 w a - m 31 degrees Mean temperature 43 degrees Normal .. 50 degrees Deficiency of temperature . 7 degrees Accumulated excess since De< -- 1 18 degrees Accumulated deficiency . J®n. 1 246 degrees Rainfall 00 inch Normal 11 lnch Deficiency since Dec. 1 2.17 inches Deficiency since Jan. 1 ..11.49 inches River Report.—The hight of the Su vannah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m., (75th meridian t|me), yesterday, was 10.6 feet, a rise of 1.2 feet during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken ait the same mo ment of time, Dec. 30, 1904. 8 p. m„ 75th meridian time. Name of Station. I T I W | R. Boston, clear I 30 ISW I ,o<l New York city, clear ... 36 jS T Philadelphia, clear : 38 SW .oo Washington city, clear 42 SW .00 Norfolk, clear 48 sw .00 Hattera*. clear 44 \v !oo Wilmington, clear 42 SW .00 Charlotte, clear 44 sw oo Raleigh, clear 44 SW !u0 Asheville, clear j 38 x .oo Charleston, clear I 44 SW .00 Atlanta, clear : 46 j{W 100 Augusta, clear ! 46 SW .00 Savannah, clear 47 \v .00 Jacksonville, clear 50 NW ]on Jupiter, partly cloudy 66 XE !oO Key West, clear 64 NE .00 Tampa, partly cloudy .... 54 :N .00 Mobile, clear 50 NE .00 Montgomery, clear 48 SW .00 Vicksburg, clear 54 SE !oo New Orleans, clear 4 E .00 Galveston, cloudy 56 E 1 .00 Cprpu* Chrtsti. raining ..j 60 E .60 Palestine, cloudy 54 se .00 Memphis, cloudy 50 S .00 Cincinnati, clear !40 sw .00 Pittsburg, clear 38 SW .00 Buffalo, clear j 34 SW T Detroit, clear ‘36 SW .00 Chicago, clear j 40 SW .00 Marquette, clear 36 jNE, .00 St. Paul, clear 36 S .011 Davenport, clear 42 SW .00 St. Louis, clear 46 S .00 Kansas City, clear J 42 S J .00 Oklahoma, dear I 50 S .00 Dixlgr City, clear 44 K 00 North Platte, clear 46 |W .00 H 7! Doyi r. Loral Forecaster. fII'AnANTKK CI'ME KOI! PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud- In* pitas. Tour druggist will refund money If Pa to Ointment folia to cure you In < to 14 day*, -ad. A Pall Medina*. Kow I* the time to take Oraybeaid to forMfy your ayatem agalnat all. manta likely to prey upon you When o*i weather tehee the place of warm tone# up your eyetein mmmm you eet and digest etw.ViL*'*. !?..*• 4 ** •* '# ** 11-tt. a tetUe -44. PREPARING TO MEET CHARGES Congressman-elect Patterson ot S. C. (fathering Testimony. Beaufort, S. C., Dec. 30.—Congress man-elect J. O. Patterson, from the Second District, is in Beaufort for a short while arranging to meet the charges made by Isaac Meyers, who is contesting his seat in Congress. Mr. Patterson does not think he has any cause to fear that Meyers will be suc cessful in his contest, but thinks it important that he should be on the alert to meet the charges of fraud and irregularities in the recent election made by the contestant. Meyers, it is understood, will look mostly to Beaufort county to gather testimony, as most of the votes he received were in this county. Mr. Patterson is very much interest ed in the towns of Beaufort and Port Royal, and hopes, with the aid and ad vice of the citizens here, to be able to do something for these towns. CANSHIP THE SHAD. Judge Hold* Sooth Carolina I*aw I* CncooMtltiitloiinl. Charleston. S. C., Dec. 30. —In the United States Circuit Court to-day Judge Brawley filed an opinion and order declaring unconstitutional the law recently passed by the South Caro lina Legislature prohibiting the ship ment or transportation of shad fish beyond the limits of the state. A test case had been made, the complainants proffering the fish to shipment to the Southern Kxpress Company and upon the refusal of the latter to handle the same, action was brought with the result mentioned. In his opinion Judge Brawley brought out the fact that the law did not confine its mandate to fish caught in South Carolina waters, and was, therefore, in opposition to the inter state commerce law. HEADACHES FROM COLDS. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the cause. To get the genuine call for the full name and lock for signature of E. W. Grove. 25 cents—ad. DEATHS. DINKINS —Died in New York city, Deo. 29, 1904. Philip M. Dinkins, brother of T. J. Dinkins, of this city. Interment at Sumter, S. C., Jan. 1, 1905. MEETINGS. CALLED MEETING OF BEAVERS. There will be a called meeting of Savannah Dam No. 12, I. O. O. Beav ers, at Metropolitan Hall, Saturday evening. D<>c. 31. at 8:15 o'clock. Election of officers and selection of time and place of meeting. All mem bers earnestly requested to attend. Bv order of PLEASANT A. STOVALL, President. TV. \V. GROSS, Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Commercial Bank of Savannah, Ga. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of this bank on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1905, for the election of direc tors for the ensuing year, at the banking room. No. 411 Liberty street, west, from 12 o'clock noon until 1 o’clock p. m. Stockholders are requested to be present, BARRON CARTER. Cashier, ROST A. GA. DIVISION. T. P. A. A regular meeting of Post A, Geor gia Division T. P A., will be held this (Saturday) afternoon at 4 o'clock at Screven House parlors. The annual election of officers will take place and business of importance discussed. A full attendance is requested. HUGO 1. FRANK. President. MAURICE F. MEYER. Sec y, SPECIAL NOTICES. ’ JUST TO REMIND YOU. White Rose Lime, 'resh every day. Atlas Portland Cement none better. Atlas Ready Mixed Paint "Ahco” Varnish Stain, a superior article. Gold Leaf, fresh shipment. Builders' sup plies' of every description. ANDREW HANLEY CO. ARRIT I.VG DAILY. Florida Oranges, Tangerines, Grape Fruit. Pineapples, Tomatoes, Choice Selected Tennessee Turkeys, Poultry, Eggs, Cape Cod Cranberries, at E. MF-YERS & CO.'S, 318 and 320 Bryan street, east Bell Phone 2382. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 27, 1904. —The annual election for directors of this bank will be held at the banking house on Thursday morning, Jan. 12. 1905. from 11 to 12 o’clock. JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. NOTICE. Neither the master, owners nor charterer of the British steamship Homewood w ill be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. H. JORGENSEN, Master. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor agents of the Italian steamship II Piemonte will be responsible for any debts contrac ted by the crew. STRACHAN ft CO., Agent*. SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the British steam ship Zambesi must be presented at our office before l? o'clock noon this day. or payment thereof will be debarred. STRACHAX & CO.. Agent*. Pec, 31 194. SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the British steam ship Glenwood murt be presented at our office before 12 o'clock noon this day, or payment thereof will be de barred. STRACHAX & CO., Agents. Pec. 3L ls 4. LILIES OF THE VALLEY, American Beauty Roses. Double Violets. Something extra handsome are these products of our greenhouse. JOHN WOLF. Phones 634. Ott and Anderson Sts. A. C. OELRCHIG & SON, Floral Decorators. Handsomest Palma and Ferns in the ! Southern statea. Cut Flowers and Floral Pesigns. Tour order* solicited Both phones 4*6. J. GARDNER, Agent, 1* Broughton street, east, OYSTERS. OY'RTKKh, OVHTEKB Oysters and th. best of oyatera' aerved in every style end dellve.ed to any palrt of the city. •HIHWAHZ CAKE. V. K. Remeinbet that you r.ey or der hare anythin* that the market afford* H**u)ar brickfaata and sup- Uc. Corner Cohgtea. and Whit. Nfitt IH THE TIME To |w> it ciaal) up lh* dainty lltlia m., ~ for the season ao long folded away and not uoil W* rniiliv th+m *• °* w ** y Our work* mm *r kiij*4 i VAj*AH H'f Ka M IjY H j On. Hioii*; jf&4 f| Vork SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1904. r No. 10. Getting Down to Solid Facts What Ought Life Insurance Accomplish? First. Give complete protection to a man In old age. Second. Give safe and sure protection to the wife and children if he dies. I Third. Protect the children till the youngest is of age should the tvlfe die or marry again. THIS THE ANNUITY CONTRACT DOES, as it is written by Tile State Mutual Life and Annuity Association of Rome, Ga., the PARENT ANNUITY' COMPANY OF THE SOUTH. fcrss* Penniman & Ennen, DISTRICT MANAGERS. Geminnin Rank Building, Savannah. Ga. l Good Agents wanted for Georgia and South Carolina. /I Good Toilet Soap, SWEET MAIDEN. Sold at all grocery stores and recommended by all dealers. It is pure and does the skin good. Trade supplied by HENRY SOLOMON & SON SPECIAL NOTICES. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. TURKEYS. M. S. GARDNER, 411 Whitaker Street. PHYSICIANS ARE INVITED to inspect the thoroughly modern am bulance that has just been received at Carson's stables and which is to be placed in service immediately. At any time I shall be glad to show the ve hicle, which is complete in every de tail. F. M. BUTXER, Manager. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. Office of Augusta and Savannah Railroad Company, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 28. 1904. —An election for seven directors to manage the affairs of this company for the ensuing year will be held on Monday, Jan. 2, 1905, at the Savannah Bank and Trust Company, from 12 until 1 o’clock. A. G. GUERARD. Secretary and Treasurer, DIVIDEND NO. 68. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 23. 1904. —A semi-annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT. (4 per cent.) upon the capital stock of this bank has been declared, payable on and after Jan. 3. 1905, to stockholders of record this date. The transfer books will be closed until Jan. 3, 1905. Checks for divi dends will be mailed. JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. SAVANNAH ELECTRIC COMPANY. T* January interest on the out standing bonds of the Savannah Elec tric Company will be paid at par be tween the dates of Jan. 2 and 21, 1905, inclusive, on presentation of coupons at the National Bank of Savannah. After Jan. 21 Uiey will be paid on pre sentation In Boston. Mass., at the office of the American Loan and Trust Company. GEO. J. BALDWIN. President. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Office of Augusta and Savannah Railroad Company, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 23. 1904. —A dividend of two and a half (2Vi per cent) per cent, will be paid Jr.n. 5, 1905, on the stock of the Augusta and Savannah Railroad Com pany, of record this date. Books will be closed from Dec. 23 to Jan. 5, 1905. A. G. GUERARD. Secretary and Treasurer. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Conimerical Bank of Savannah, Ga., Dec. 27, 1904.—The Board of Direct ors of this bank have this day declared a dividend of Three Dollars per share, from the earnings of the past six months, to stockholders of this day’s record, payable on and after Jan. 3, 1905. The books of transfer will be closed until after that date. Dividend checks will be mailed. BARRON CARTER. Cashier. DIVIDEND NO. 72. The Merchants National Bank of Savannah. Savannah. Ga.. Dec. 30. i 904. —The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of two dollars and fifty cents per share from the earn ings of the bank for the past six months, payable to stockholders of record this date. Checks for this divi dend will be mailed to stockholders on Jan. 5, 1905. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. INTEREST NOTICE. Savannah, Ga.. Dec. 81. 1904. The Chatham Bank. Savings Depart ment.—lnterest for the fourth quar ter, 1904. is now due nnd payable on demand. Depositors will please leave their pass books that same may be entered. DIVIDEND NO. ,30. The Germania Bank, Savannah. Ga., Dec. 22, 1904.—The directors of The Germania Bnnk have this day declar ed a semi-annual dividend of three dollars and fifty cents per share, pay able on and after Jan. 3, 1905. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. SAVANNAH LUMBER CO.. Sole Agent for the Celebrated PERFECTED GRANITE ROOFING. Cheaper and better than (In. Bust Proof. NO PAINTING. Got our prices. Georgia ’phone. 147; Bell 'Phone. 4tt. Solomons’ Gough and Gold Mixture Will cure that cold which 1$ proving %c disagreeable. Give it a faithful trial. It hat been in use over $o years. KttLSaa SOLOMONS GO. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Monday, Jan. 2, being a legal holi day our respective offices and de pots for the receipt and de livery of freight will be closed. Perishable freight only will be deliv ered until 9 o'clock a. m., city time. C. C. MARTIN, Agent Seaboard Ar Line Railway. J. W. THOMAS. Agent Atlantic Coast Line Railroad B. L. BUGO, Agent Southern and Centra! of Geor gia Railway. S. R. HARRIS. Agent A. C. L. Railroad Wharf. G. C. SAVAGE. Agent Ocean Steamship Company. tV. W. TULL, Agent Merchants and Miners Trans. Company. CHAMPNEY'S ISLAND PROPERTY. On Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1905, the above property will be offered for sale to the highest bidder before the Court House door in Darien. Ga. The prop erty consists of an island in the Al tamaha River, in Mclntosh County, the land being in a high state of cultiva tion, well ditched and banked, and one and a half miles from Darien, Ga. There ate 750 acres of rice land and 160 acres of original swamp. The time from Savannah to Darien by steamer Is from eight to ten hours. The time from Savannah to Darien by rail is 3H hours. This is now and has been in the past, one of the finest rice plan tations on the South Atlantic coast. TANARUS, M. CUNNINGHAM. Treasurer. WANTED, 20,000 rorxDs prickly' ash • BARK. MUST BE FREE OF WOOD. MERMAN DRUG CO. THE DIXIE LAUNDRY. Our Motto, “THE BEST.” We are prepared to do all kinds Of work with neat.iess and dispatch. We ask a trial. A postal card to 522 Henry street, east, will be answered by our wagon. Lace curtains a spec ialty. Phones —Bell 1158, Ga. 1907. .T. H. FI’RBER, Proprietor. TO CAPTAINS. MASTERS, MATES AND SAILORS. The latest New York. Boston, Phila delphia and other daily newspapers; weekly Journals and monthly maga zines; books and cheap literature; letter and note paper, pens and Ink. —at— ESTIIX’S NEWS DEPOT, 18 Bull street, corner of Bryan street (near the U. S. Custom House). HOMAN CANDLES. SKYROCKETS. FIRE CRACKERS. CHEAP. COLI.TNS, GRAYSON ft CO. Both phones 214. GENERAL INSURANCE. Fire, Tornado. Marine, Accident. Sickness and Life Tsu-ance. Your patronage solicited. W. T. HOPKINS. 7 8 Bryan street, east. Telephones 219. Chas. Ingleeby. Manager. POLI.YCHROME RIBBON. Have you seen It? W.ltes In two colors. Tht latest mojels of the Remington Typewriter Ore the only machines equipped with this new de parture Ih typewriting. R. M. HULL. Sole Dialer, 10 Drayton street COTTON ii ALL HIGHT. I dye cotton Just as good as wool Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents’ Suits and Overeoati dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN'S NEW. TORK DYE WORKS. Whitaker and State streets. Both phones 943. Estab lished 1891. -- - - TURKEY. Don't forget to order your turkey In the old year for the new year. JAB. J. JOYCE. P. H.—Of course plenty of quail and ducks. Call and examine our line of n Cooking Stoves and Ranges, -j—Bfwli, 'l3 and Oil and Wood Heaters. <g f '- We have several grades to se lect from. Prominent among ©SS^l\] them are the celebrated Char ter Oak Cook Stoves and Ranges, and Barler Oil Heat- \ Our prices are right and satisfaction is guaranteed. !?-,} PALMER HARDWARE CO., 1 Bay and Jefferson Sts. -ft— TO ALT OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS, GREETING The officers and directors individually and collectively extend to you the compliments of the season, hoping that your Christmas may be a merry one, and that the coming year may bring you increased prosperity and happiness. THE OGLETHORPE SAVINGS AND TRUST C 0.,., 8-10 l.ryan Street, East, Savannah, Ga. Herman Myers, President. Jacob Paulsen, "S ice President. Jno. M. Bryan, Cashier. Allan Sweat, Accountant. MILL-HAVEN COMPANY. LUMBER In order to reduce our stock we offer for immediate sale the following material at very low prices f. o. b. cars our mill: 2 car No. 2 Com. Bevel Weatherboarding $5.00 2 car No. 2 Com. Square Edge Weatherboarding $6.00 1 car Sheathing SB.OO 5 cars Framing Stock SIO.OO Weatherboards and Sheathing dressed, framing surfaced four sides. In entertaining your friends during the holidays re member the THUNDERBOLT CASINO offers the great est advantages for all day or nightly functions, card parties, receptions and oyster roasts. Estimates fur nished. LEATHER NOVELTIES ARE ACCEPTABLE • For All CcftltoDg.— ■■ . • --A Unique Line Offered by I /. H. FRIEDMAN & CO BULL AND YORK. BI'SINESS NOTICES. WINES For New Year’s Dinner. The Delinonloo suggests Delnionieo Old Brown. Gold en Bouquet, Oloroso and V. O. S. Special—brands that Delmonloo patrons pronounce excellent. Ask for a Delinonico Pass book anti begin the New Year ns a Pure Food user. THE PURE FOOD STORE. pELMOIN'Co dCt' s*' company Bull and York. Phones 555. TURKEYS. CRANBERRIES. CELERY. PLUM PUDDING. C. H. MONSEES. Both phones 587. Hull and Jefferson. $25.00. Dayton Bicycles 1905 WALTER F. HIGGINS, President- Drayton. FOR SALE Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. SEABOARD COTTON OIL CO., 229 Bay Street, East. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. • City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Savannah, Ga.. Dec. 29. 1904. —Monday, Jan. 2. 1905, being a legal holiday, the city offices will be closed. By order of the Mayor. J. ROBERT CREAMER. Clerk of Council. Visitors to Kitvnnnnli will find no better plnee to ent than Sommer-' Cute, Union Station. Everything gives s:i(l*fnc(lon. Just try It to day. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor agents of the Austrian steamship Lucia will be responsible for hy debts contracted by the crew. STRACHAN A CO., Agent*. BI'SINESS NOTICES. It Doesn't Cost Much to visit our Menagerie and see the Bull Durham Tobacco. Cow Brand Soda. Cat and Mouse Matches. Bulls Head Mustard. Calves Foot Jelly. Campbell’s Catsup. Pig Hnins. Eagle Brand Milk. Ox Tall Soup. Animal Crackers. Horse Radish Mustard. Chicken and Turkey, honeu. Partridge and Duck In pate. These are all harmless and for sale by A. M. & G. W. WEST. pED Cros s Aei*^ CoffeE Ihported and Roasted cHenry Solomons Son ’ SAVANNAH, GA Second-hand Bicycles. Let us; show you a line of good ones at snap prices. G. W. THOMAS, Jefferson and Broughton Lane. We Have Been Selling: (6) NATIONAL BICYCLES (YEARS) A National rider never changes his mount. OAKMAN & O’NEIL, OLD NEWSPAPBRB. 200 FOR 2S cents, at Business Office, Morning News. ■ SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Dec. 7,19(12. Dec. 7.1903. Dec. 7, 1904. $190,132.50 $317,903.07 $031,900.94 No. 1840. Chartered 1888. The MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH, GA. I VITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital $500,000 Surplus and undivided proflta 127.008 Total 1627.00* Account, ot Banks, Bankers, Cor porations, Firm, and Individuals re ceived upon favorable terms. Issue. Time Certificate, of Deposit bearing interest Correspondence solicited J. A. G. CARSON. Presiaent. BEIRNF GORDON. Vice President W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH. GA. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND TTN DIVIDED PROFITS. 5500.J00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and up wards received In Savings De partment. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY P.LUN. President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN. Vico Prea. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WAITER F. HOGAN. Assistant Cashier. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. C trp l m a S nd ov ! rsl,ooo,oo6 Savings Department. Interest allowed at 3 per cent,, paid or compounded quarterly, at the op tion of the depositor. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. JOS. W HEFFERNAN, Asst. Cashier BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS solicited by The Chatham Bank Interest Allowed on Deposits In the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT and on CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Prompt and careful service afforded to all depositors. _ LEOPOLD ADLER, President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Jr.. Vice Pros, FRED W. CLARKE, Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE, Asst. Cashier, 4 % PAID ON DEPOSITS —to the— Savings Department COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository* MILLS B. LANE, President. GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. TftgilMMlfll Capital and Surplus SBOO,OOO We Solicit the Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals Our patrons will receive cour teous treatment at all times, and every accommodation within the range of prudent banking. 'bisijiesj ioncKsi Christmas Candies, Fruit Cakes, Pound Cakes. Place yonr order for Charlotte Itaaae, Ice Cream, etc., for Chrls mae dinner vrlth as. The Larg est a**ortraent ot Fancy Goods, Baskets, etc., ever shown In So vaunsh. BKLSINGKR ft GROSS, Phones 265. FURNACES CORNWELL ft CHIPMAN. 194 Congress. West.