Newspaper Page Text
“Libert)'uow and forever!”
TT Our readers must excuse our short matte ,
•wiug to the indisposition cf three effective hands.
O. K.
Still is Chatham the Thermopylae of Georgia!
Notwithstanding the vast exertions of our oppo
nents—their profligate expenditure of money, and
their zealous endeavors to crush our people, we
-have held more than our own.
Had persons not come from Bryan, Eflingliam
end other counties, whose names we can state from
the record, the Democratic majority would have
been 113 votes.
The Aggregate Majority in Chatham—Old Dem
eratic Chatham is
Hurrah for 4t old Chatham,” faithfully once—
twice, and thrice !! ! Ay, and forever !! !!
The following is the result of the election yes
terday :
Wm. B. Bulloch, 648
Milner Echols, 618
John Bates, 647
Samuel Beall, 647
Wm. B. Wofford, 647
John Robinson, 647
Samuel Groves, 647
Thomas Wootten, 647
Seaborn Jones, 647
Edward Harden, 647
James Anderson. 647
George R. Gilmer, 691
Duncan L. Clinch, 691
John W. Campbell, 691
Joel Crawford, 591
Charles Dougherty, 691
Seaton Grantland, 591
Andrew Miller, 591
W. W. Ezzard, 591
C. B. Strong, 589
John Whitehead, 590
E. Wimberly, 590
Scattering Votes 3.
An effort was made through a window in the
loof, to burn this office, last night btwen >„
and eight o’clock. It was providentially quench
ed, after the destruction of about Thirty Dollars
worth of property.
We shall abstain from expressing our suspicious
. until a legal investigation throws more light on the
There is no insurance on oither the building or
O’ The following Toast were omitted m our
last at the Democratic Festival :
By Isaac Russell.— William Henry Harrison —A
demagogue, a fit leader for the modern Whigs. Let
him, and them go to Liberia and there form's go
to mine lit.
By L. N. Fallignnt.— Dawson, .Ilford, Jftshit,
Warren, Ilubcrsham and King —The six faithless
representatives. Traitors to the rights of the South.
The Democracy of Georgia will mete out to them,
the Traitor's doom.
By Isaac Russell. —Martin Van Burnt. —The peo
ple's choice of 1336. He has carried out his mea
sures as he promised. He lias sustained the South
as he promised. And the Democracy of 1840, will
sustain him as they promised.
Ward No. 1, 5,269
Ward No. 2, 6,2!>6
Ward No. 3, 6,859
Ward No. 4, 10,839
The Neck, 11,876
Aggregate, 41,139
i rom the Loiulon Correspondent of the Mew York
Journal of Commerce.
That great and good man, Father Mathew, has
worked a perfect miracle in Ireland. Even the
most violent tory papers admit now the wonderful
effects of the temperance movement, but at the
same time they are fearful that there is some poli
tical! schema at the bottom of the whole, and that
the priests aie preparing some diabolical affair.—
Silly and absurd as Biich ideas arc, yet they arc en
tertained by many well informed men, who not
withstanding their abilities are so fettered by pre
judice us to believe that it is as impossible for good
to emanate from a Catholic clergyman, as for gold
to be extracted from tbe basest of nietuls. How
ever opposed l may be Catholicism, lam hound to
admit the truly extraordinary blessings which have
followed the labors of this apostle of Temperance,
and therefore to dissent from the opinion that he
bus other objects than those of morality and so
briety. On the 28th, lie again visited Dublin, and
administered the pledge to thousands, but the most
remarkable feature in his visit to the Irish metro
polis was his preaching at the Catholic Cathedral,
and Lord Morpeth, the Secretary for Ireland, with
the Attorney General and other I’rivv Councilors,
held the plates at the doors for s collection in aid
of the teni|ierunce cause. The other day the Mar
quis of Lauadowne, a cabinet minister, forwarded
the reverend gentleman a donation of one hundred
pounds tor the same purpose. Invitations have
been specially forwarded to him to come over to
England, and the Central Society in London nntic
ipatea that he will comply with their most fervent
entreaties. They express the greatest confidence
in the result of such a visit, believing that there
is strong disposition on the part of thousand* in the
capital to join ths various temperance societies in
which it abounds, and which have so suddenly
started into existence, but that they only require an f
excui to do. To have taken the pledge from
Father Majhew appears to have been a powerful in
centive !o keep it, and multitudes are now waiting
to receive ii only from him. “Stop till Father
to be is to he hoped that lie will speed
ily The
and ro n s
parlii tboo
t |i ,
will happily
The Jess at Damascus. —The following is the
text of the firman to the governor of Damascus,
issued by Mcbvmet Ali, for liberating the Jews of
that oitv : “ A rbaniorial from Messrs. Moses Mon
tefiorc a id been laid before our eyes,
containing their hopes and wishes. They have
been sent to us as delegatus from the whole of that
part of tbe people of Europe who profess the relig
ion ofM >ses. They entreat us to order the libera
tion of such members of their religion as have been
arrested, and to insure tranquility to such of then]
as have taken flight, in consequence of the inqui
ries into the disappearance of Father Thomas and
bis servant Ibrahim, in tbe month Dzy’l ldge, 1255.
VVe have considered that it will be worthy of us to
accede to the hopes and desires of deputies from a
people so numerous. In consequence, we ordered
that all those Jews who have been imprisoned shall
he set at liberty ; and as to those who have been
driven from their homes, I command that they be
permitted to return in perfect safety. Each may
resume his trade of commerce, and apply himself to
his usual occupations. We command that you
take such measures that no one of them may be
come the object of any ill treatment from whomso
ever. I intend that they shall he in full and entire
security from all consequences whatsoever, as be
fore the above mentioned matter. Such is our
From England. From jS’cw- York.
Great Western, Sept. 12 Oct. 10
President, Oct. 1 Nov. 1
British Queen, Nov. I Dec. 8
Great Western. Nov. 7 Dec. 1
President, Dec. I Jan. 8
From Liverpool. From Boston.
Caledonia, Sept. 19 Cct. 15
Acadia, Oct 4 Nov. 1
Columbia, Oct 19 Nov. 15
Britauia, Nov. 4 Dec. 1
Acadia, Dec. 4 Jan. 1
Due 9, a. M. daily. j Closes 13, m. daily.
Due 4, r. M. daily. | Closes 7, F. m daily, lor
Augusta and Hamburg, S.C. For ell other offices
on the route at 6, P. M.
Western Mail, via Milledgeville, Macon and Colum
bus, to .Yew Orleans.
Due daily, at 4 P. M. | Closes daily tor the above
offices, at 7P. M- For all other offices oo die route
at 6 P. M.
Due Sundays and Wednesdays by 12 at night.
Closes Tuesday and Friday at 10 a. m., until first, No
vember, when it will be dueon Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, and close on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
This paper is now in regular operation. It Is published
or tlie country, tri-weekly, ( ,1 in.lays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays.) at Four dollars per annum — always in ad
Latest dates front Liverpool Sept. 19
LatesidateslYom Havre Sept. 15
Latest dates from Havana Sept. 30
NEW ORLEANS—Brig Lime Rock—263 casks
Rice, 63 bbls Tar, 20 boxes Mdse.
HAVAN V—Schr Emma—B3 casks and 100 bags
Rice, 4 kegSjNails.
[By the Daniel Webster, at Charleston.]
Extract of a letter dated,
HAVANA, Oct. 22.
The last sale of Rice was at 12r. Our produce
market presents good appearance. Prices are firm
at our last quotations, Lard 18 to 18i; Flour 14 to
16. Exchange on New York I.J to I j per cent prein;
Boston 1 to 1} percent prom.”
Per ship Susan Drew, from Boston—Mrs. Stnrdi
fant, Messrs. Sturdil'ant, Crocket, Jacobs.
Per brig Philura, from New York—Mr. II Har
rington and lady, Messrs. B N Douglas, R Bassett,
N Campfield, J W Roberts, J VV King, F A Gib
son, II H Miller, A R Palmer, G Cosgroves, R L
Morris, F Dibble 1 II M Spofford, C Gray, J F Hunt,
and 15 steerage.
Per sclir Bold Commander, from New Haven
and Charleston—Messrs. J F Moore, C Mattson, G
Thomas, H Chapman, L Bradley.
SliiUUiua fcutclUfleticc,
.Suii Hues t> 37 j Moon nut** 09 07
Sun sets 5 S3 | high water 10 33
Brig Opelousas, Forrest, Baltimore—F Sorrel &
Brig Lime Rock, Faels, New Orleans—White
& Bartels.
Schr Emma, Symmons, Havana—Cohen, Miler
& Cos.
Ship Susan Drew, Rabhagc, Boston, 8 days to
Whi to A Bartels. Mdse to Johnson & Cos, E
Bliss & Cos, Clnghorn & Wood, Wimberly &
Jones, W tY J W Keinsliurt, E Henderson, L Bald
win A’ Cos, R Habersham & Son, A Wood &, Cos,
Lewis <fc Wilder, S D Corbitt, F Kbit Is, R M Good
win, E Wiley, N A Hardee, J B Gaudry & Sons,
I VV Morrell, M Eastman, N Wallace, J L Locke,
W II Smith, F W llcincmunn.
Barque Guzcllo, Allen, Gibrultcr, 32 days. Bal
last to S D Corbitt.
Brig Philura, Shearman, New York, 6 days pi
Cohen, Miller* Cos. Mdse to Claghorn * W.ooS,
Scranton * Olmstcad, R Habersham A Son, J
Walbtirg, C llartridge, T Ryerson, S Goodall, R M
Goodwin, F, Wiley, J Anderson & Cos, M II Mc-
Allister, C Ward, S W Wight, D Dempsey, A Tur
ner, and others.
Sclir Bold Commander, Wing, Now Haven, and
1 day from Clinr cston.
Sclir Savannah, Lawrence, Boston, 11 days. On
the 26th tilt. lat. 37 6 lon 71 40, lost overboard
Anson Stacy, seaman, a native of Marblehead.
Steamboat Chatham, H > jV
7 and 12 in tow to steamboat ’vA&Sjiß&v -T'U
Brig Opelousas, Forest, f
ling 1. Kuril. I .0.1, ‘ ‘
Steam | t ‘ket \\ m
Steumla -i packet
In'-rab } f . ’
VVaßtf'l ■ .
Amm boy, to the
I mod apply williotit^^B
!• and Vpply
nov 3 3t
Direct Itii
Ml PR ENI >Eli G
Ho ship Russell from ■ , ,
(I* Is, w hn-li lie otlrr-, as
6 4,7-4,8 4,9-4 and 10-H
Damask. j
3-4, “4, lb-4. i 1-4. 12-4,H *
Table Cloths. jP ,
4-4 and It Damask N£h
---f heavy London DiiHii -- ‘ ‘ :
9-4 do do do a J <
l(i-t do and fine
12-4 do and do ; 1
lii-4 do and do “
Ortjjjl ; ‘ i
TH11 E Pews in the
I St. John the
Morrow, (Sunday) the 1
High Mass. peer.) aB
oct 31 (G” .
Toys, rAs Exchange.)
(Bull-strcct, informs
MRS. J. COLINA, she has lately
the citizens of
received from New York, by the
anew, and splendid assortment of the following
Toys, of different kinds—. Perfumery, of different
descriptions—Dolls, dressed and undressed—Play
ing Cards, of the first quality—Pocke 1 Books, and
Purses—-Pen Knives—Silver and Horn Pocket
Combs—Lead Pencils—Hair Brushes—Shaving
Boxes and Brushes—Looking Glasses—lnk Stands
and Sand Stands, Ac. Ac.
With a quantity of other articles, which needs
qnly to he tried, to be approved of.
A quantity of Tooth Powder and Tooth-aehe
Drops, which needs only a trial to prove their en
tire efficacy.
N- B-, All that is asked, is for the public to call
and examine for themselves.
Out 29 247
City ShcrilCs Sale.
ON the first Tuesday in December next, will be
sold before the Court House, in the city of
Savannah, between 1 lie usual hours of sale, two
blids. New England Rum, one barrel Gin, four
barrels Rough Rice, and one barrel Corn; levied on
by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Hon. Court of
Common Pleas, and ofOyer and Terminer, for the
city of Savavartnah, at the instance of Snider &
Nichols versus Lawrence O’Connell. Terms,
Bankable money.
Oct 30 248 LEVI S. RUSSELL, Sheriff.
A Negro Wench for Sale.
ABOUT 20 years of age, healthy and active, a
good washer and ironer, cook, and general
house servant. For terms, apply at this office
‘ oet 30 248
Sieves, Brass and Copper Wire
Cloth, Ac.
THE Subscribers continue to manufacture at
the Old Establishment, No. 108 Beckman
street, New York.—Brass and Copper Wire Cloth ;
Iron Wire Web Sieves and Riddles of all kinds;
Aleut and Cheese Safes; Coal, Sand ami Grain
Screens; fine Strainer Wire; fancy wire Window
Blinds ; Rat Traps; Bird Cages ; twilled Wire Web,
for Locomotive Spark Catchers.
Wire work of all kinds done at short notice.
Jf Orders carefully put up and promptly at
tended to. - • M'UHI’SENY & MOORE,
out 30—2aw2m 213
Cheap Dry Gooffs.
‘SMIE Subscriber most respectfully informs his
1 friends and the public generally, that he has
opened a Dry Goods Store in Marshall’s building,
Barnard street, between Market square and Brough
ton street, where he has, and will always keep on
hands a general assortment of Dry Goods, which
he offers on as good terms as any house tn the city.
Those who want a winter s supply, would do well
o call and examine for themselves.
Oct 24 243
A Situation Wanted,
BY a young man, capable of doing an outdoor
business, who can be well recommended. He
is anxious for employment, and would also do any
indoor business, such ns salesman or storekeeper.
He writes a legible hand, and could act as wharf
clerk or collector. Apply at this office.
sept 12—ts 207
ONE thousand Imsilels Liverpool Ground Salt
For sale low, by D. DEMFSEY.
sept 1 197
Irish Linens.
Received per ship Russell, on consignment,
an invoice of Irish Linens, warranted free
from cotton, consisting of cases Sheeting 10-4 and
12-4, Shirtings, Diaper Table Cloths and Napkins,
for sale on iow terms by
oct 29 247 MICHAEL DILLON.
4LL persons having accounts against Betts &
Poole, are requested to present their accounts
for settlement, and all indebted to said firm, arc
requested to pay, in order to close the hooks.
oct 26—3 t
Playing Curtis.
fiM GROSS fine linen pbiving Cards, jtist received
9* and for sale by THOS. RYERSON.
sept 14 208
For Stilt*.
The whole or one linlfof a fine schooner,
vfcSL&F which lies at my ship yard, lower end Eas
tern Wharf, having been hauled up so that she may
be examined thoroughly. Any one who desires to
invest money in such a vessel, will find this schoo
ner desirable property. Apply to
oet 23 (Geor.) 242
A Situation Wanted,
AS Barkeeper, or Clerk. The applicant would
make himself generally useful. Apply at
this office.
sept 16 210
Broad Cloths.
rOW priced Broad Cloths,
J Blue, Mixed, Adelaide, Brown, and Claret
coloured Cloths. For sale low, for cash by
sept 12 (Geor.) 207
Whißcy, Clin ntid Flour.
BBLS. Baltimore Whiskey,
ax'” 50 bbls. White’s Git!,
104 bbls Baltimore Flour. Landing from brig
Oglethorpe, and for sale by
oct7 129 MICH. DILLON.
07.. French Sulphate Quinine.
1 case Turkey Opium,
f do. Flake Manna, just received and for
•ale by THOS. RYERSON.
•opt 3 198
U ‘“.iiiml ; - /
BL .too fiuß *
Da aiH
i 150 pcs I A*®®
Hl2 iod roc,To
are offered wliol^^^H
. W Cora. :
% hundred bushels Baltimore
T Kurn, lauding front brig Opelousas, and for
.1 IP 242
‘Puffin; from various Vessels.
BUNDLES prime Eastern Hay,
103 bbls Potatoes, a prime article,
i bbls No. 3 Mackerel, 50 do. N E Ruin,
blids Cuba Alolasses. For sale by
I Cavalry Election.
WY order of Major General Cone, an Election
wJI will be held at tbe old Court House in Bryan
County, on the 26th or October next, to fill the vs-
i oancy occasioned by the resignation of Major Wm.
Law, late SquaduTNS£i2vl*y.
taelmd -tO-fi-, Georgia Militia.
ANDERSON, Sen’r. Capt.
Sept 15 te 209 \
Indelible Ink.
I GROCE Kidder’s Indelible Ink,
6 doz Poyson’s do. do. just received
and for sale b THOS. RYERSON.
sept 3 198
Situation Wanted.
A PERSON, well acquainted with conveyanc
ing and law proceedings in general, would be
glad of receiving employment at a very low rate.
He would act as clerk, or in any other capacity.
Business u dug his object—emolument is only a
secondary i itisideration.
sept 14 208
I.owt on the liny,
ON Wednesday Evening, near Cornwel’s piaza,
my pocket book, $94.J, 2 notes of Major Win.
A. Hotchkiss, 333,50, and 11 sundry papers,
CHEAP CASH STOKE.— The subscri
her lias received, by recent arrivals, the fol
lowing articles, which he offers for sale at bis usual
low prices for cash, viz.:
Cross-barred Swiss Muslins; Plain Bobbinctt
Lace ; low priced Irish Linens; Worsted Plaids, for
childrens’ wear ; black, blue, white, and slate co
loured Cotton Hose.
sept 16 (Georgian copy) 210
Ilaytic’s Vegetable Fills.
UUST received and for sale bv
o* sept 21 THOS. RYERSON.
Just Received by Recent Arrivals.
PIPES pure Holland Gin,
50 bills Connecticut do.
50 bbls Domestic Brandy,
40 bbls. N. E. Rum ; 10 bags Pepper,
10 firkins Goshen Butter,
20 qr. casks Teneriffe Wine,
40 bbls. Irish Potatoes, and for sale on the
usual liberal terms, by JUICiI. DIJ.LON.
sept. 12 207
To Kent,
JtsSL TWO houses, having rooms, a kitchen,
SjjJJL and good yard eaol., o h . v 1 Lafayette
Ward, near the Rev. J. F. O veil! residence.
Apply to this office, or to
N. B. The rent will bo low.
Oct 23 242
Sight Drafts u New York,
FOR sale sale by MICII. DILLON,
oct 4 223
City SherilFs Sale.
ON the first Tuesday in December next, will be
sold before the Court House, in the City of
Savannah, between the usual hours of sale, our
Air Pump Beam, one Wrought Iron Shaft, one
Coupling Box, one Crank and Pin, one Fly .Vltcel
Standard, seven Pumps for Flats, one Steam Pipe,
two Brass Valves, and one Stove. Levied on by
a fi fa, issued from tbe Hon. Court of Common
Pleas, and of Oyer and Terminer for the City f
Savannah, at the instance of James Jarman vs. the
President, Directors, and Company of the Savan
nah and Augusta Steam Boat Company. Property
pointed out by the Plaintiff. Terms, bankable
money. ’ LEVI S. RUSSELL, Sheriff
oct 29 247
J. Kiordan,
MOST respectfully otters his sincere thanks to
itis friends and the public generally for the
patronage lie has received since the commence
ment of his business, and itopes that nothing will be
wanting on his part to continue that support. He
has at present on hands a full supply of Winter
and Fall goods, among which are
French, English, and American Prints, _,
White, red, and yellow Flannel, •
Cadets mixed Satinets,
Blue, black and grey do
3-4 brown Shirting, •
4-4 do Sheeting,
5-4 do do
6-4 do do
3-4 bleached Shirting,
7-8 do do
4-4 do do
5-4 do Sheeting,
6-4 do do
Brown Canton Flannel,
White do do
Russia Diaper,
Brown Linen Table Clothes,
8-4 Damask do do
French, English, and German Merinoes,
Colored Homespuns,
Apron Checks,
Stripe Shirting,
Lace Collars,
Muslin do
Kentucky Jeans,
Pongee Silk P. Handkerchiefs,
Swiss, Cambric, and Jaconet Muslin,
1 case sup. Tuscan braid Bonnets, new shapo,
do do do English split straw do do
do do do black and white do do
2 do Shaker Bonnets.
Oct 24 243
Chenp Grocery Store.
TS 11F, subscriber having opened the storo recent
ly occupied by Messrs Boston * Randle is
now receiving, and will continue to receive, a well
•elected stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. and
having made nrrangentents both in New York and
Baltimore, for a fresh supply by almost every arrival,
ofFlour, Butter, Cheese, Beer, Cider, Domestic
and Foreign Liquors, Bhoes, Hats, Crockery, Hard
ware, &c and Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
which nrc offered for sale, wholesale and retail, at
the most reduced prices. I). DEMPSEY,
oc 3-225 South side market Square.
■PMTf payment
H®I'!’ 1 '!’ . ‘ will in- .. ■. 'i t -K
Br utl'iw. r ftl Sat REfi i t‘ j. ‘ q.’/ 1 *
r d.i.” pi*- - I’ll* Tin- It
No portion of tin-
( u! i'il 11 1,0 put under
Proposals wil 1 bo received for ‘ J -.j£]*•'■ 1
if offered. IlHjSr -yjCßEgjl
oct 28
Cash Ololltiiigffl^^^Br
Corner of Champion's Build ings,7lta rket- SyaSe.
r I'HE Subscribers respectfully inform the in ha
bitants of Savannah, ail’d its vicinity that they
have just received by the brig G. B. Lamar and
other late arrivals, a part of their Full Stock. They
have now on hand superfine West of England wool
dyed Black and Blue Dress and Frock Coats, Pan
taloons and Vests; Cassintere Pantaloons; Vesta of
Satin, Silk, Boinbusin, Valencia-, Ac. ; Pilot cloth
surtouts, hunting and walking coats, full trimmed
with silk and velvet; heavy forest cloth ditto; sati
net goods of every description. Negro clothing of
all kinds. A complete assortment of youths’ and
children's clothing, &c. Fine cotton and linen
Shirts, Fancy Calico do.; Bosoms, Collars, ailk
Handkerchiefs, Stocks, real Italian Cravats Ae
emv',% W ° U ! li . I ,ar , tirularl y call attention ’t. the
01 ILL m which their Goods are got'up. Tim fash
tons arc of this fail, and the articles are equal in
notn, offimsh, to any that are made to order in
Country Merchants supplied on liberal terms.
D*All the Goods are plainly marked with the
selling price, and no abatement can he mad.
sept 8 2w 2C3
Justice “**
Return day win ie Tuesday nth Oc
tober, inst.—Court day, Friday 2nd inst.
Oct 3 * 225
ONE hundred hbls. and .50 hf. bbls. Baltimore
City Mills Flour, a superior article, warrant
ed free from garlic; landing from brig Opelousas.
For sale by MICH. DILLON,
sept 12 207
Aditiintstralor-s Sale,
ON the first Tuesday in December, will be sold
before the Court House, in Chatham county',
the following articles of perishable property, being
a portion of the estate and effects of Nicliofas Mar
low, deceased, viz : —1 silver watch, 2 gold keys,
1 iron chest, 1 sulky, (id law books, 17ri miscella
neous books, 1 table, l trunk, 1 bureau, 1 chest of
drawers, 1 wardrobe, I astral lamp, 1 pair andirons,
wearing aparel, See.
For the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. P. MARLOW, Adm'r.
Oct 20 1 m 239
\ PLANTATION, situated about nine miles
from the City of Savannah, on the Louisville
road, containing 850 awes, three hundred of which
have been cleared and planted, ip Rice, Cotton and
provisions. The Rail Road runs for about a mile
through tbe upper margin of the tract, and the ca
nal w ithin forty yards of the lower line. The pro
prietor lias the privilege of furnishing wood and
water for the Roil Road Company at.a station on
the land. With the premises will be sold, if de
sired, a flock of sheep, and stock of neat rattle and
goats. For further particulars, apply at this oliice.
Qt 19 ‘ 238
Ckcan Pash Store.
JUST received by the brig L. Baldwin, from N
York, the following articles, which will bo
disposed a* iihmhl, cheap for rash, viz *
Low priced dark Prints
“ “ light do
4-4 French printed Cambrics
Fine bleached Shirtings
Low priced do do
Russia Diaper
Spool Cotton
Brown Holland, hv
nugV) (Geor) 195
Biviffetiff No. 45.
Bask State or Georgia, J
Savannah, 23 d October, 1840. )
fHIIIF. Board of Directors having this day de
dared a dividend (No. 45) of four dollars (ter
share from the nett profits of the Bank, for the last
six months, ending the sth instant; the smite will
he paid to the respective Stockholders on and after
Wednesday next, the 23tli inst.
I. K, TEFFT, At ting Cashier.
ID’Tito Constitutionalist amt Sei.tincl, Augusta;
Washington News, Athens Banner Southern Re
corder and Standard of Union, Milledgeville, will
publish the above three times.
oet 24—(it 049
A till'd.
Shaving is the order of the day! !
K* DWARi) PENNY, favorably known to tb
® Community while late foreman of Monsieur
Desnoyee, he* opened a seat establishment oppo
site the Pulaski House, where he will he glad te
see hiefriende, and will pay thatatriet attention t*
them aa te ensure their eastern end establish him
-self aethe (ret Figaro ia the eity.
31 196—ts
City Slut lill's Saif.
first Tt ESDAY in November next, will
“MWs sold before the Court House, in the eity of
SaVanneh, between the usual houre of sale, Tow
Boats No. 9, 8 end 7, levied en by virtue of a die
tress warrant, issued fro* the Honorable Inferior
Court of Chatham County, at the instance of Janies
M. Wayne vs. Peter Bennoch. Also, at the same
time and place, Tow Boat Ro. 11, levied on by
virtue of a distrust warrant, ieeued from the Hon
orable Inferior Court of Chatham County, at the
instance es George Anderaon va. Peter Bennoch.
Also, at the same time and place, a large Counting
House Desk, one piece of Osuithergs, and a half
bag of Buck Shot, atrrf windrv odd volumes Books,
surrendered by Robert T. Webb, for the benefit es
bis rreditors. Terms bnnknhlemnney.
sept 11 206
Georgia—-Flintham County.
To all whom it ntny concern :
WHEREAS, John McMnhon hath applied to .
the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of .
Chatham County, for Letters of Administration on
the estate and effects of A. P. Morton, of Chatham
county, Georgia, hut lately of Florida, deceased.
I hese are therefore to rile and admonish, all tlnd
singular the kindred and creditors of the deceased,
to file their objections (if any they have) in the
Clerk s office of the said Court, on or before .the
twenty-fifth day of October next; otherwise let
ters of administration will be granted.
\Y itnese, the Honorable M. Mycra, on* of the
Jtißtieoa of the anid Court, the twenty-fifth day of
. eptentber A. I). one thousand, eight hundrrd and”
sept. 25 Deputy Clerk, c. o. e. e.
DOZ. Verbena Shaving Cream, large.aiae.
—P 6 do. do. do. do. email.
6 do. Guerlan’a do. do.
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