Newspaper Page Text
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Hr - 1 ’ ’
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Ife >P p! 1 Mw% f& ’ i• ’ *'•>?!. i■ -
iust received and
sept 2J THO3. uYERSON.
The Subscriber jiiksi iicceivoVl,
Thousand pcs Room Paper and bordering
.cF 10 cases Shaker Bonnets
3 cases plain straw and Florence do
200 pieces American and Foreign Prints
100 do Cambric, Jaconet and Book Muslins
50 do Satinet, 20 do Irish Linen
60 do Shirting Stripes, 25 do Ginghams
6 ! ) do Negro Cloth and Linseya
100 do | and fy4 Eng and Fr Merinos
50 do Apron and Shirting Checks
10 do Woolen and Cotton Carpeting
10 cases | and 4-4 bleached Domestics
10 bales'and 4-4 brown do
30 pcs assorted Silks, Satins, &c.
50 boxes Ribbons
250 Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, together with a
choice stock of assorted Dry Goods, &e., which
4**c offered wholesale and retail, by
l oct 23 242 South side Market Square.
4 Fall aatl Wiiitcj* €aoHii*i
‘Cush Clothing Stbrc % eorncr of Champion's Buildings ,
Market SMmrt.
fIAHE sibscribers bawr noLan aaanrtmqnlof
•R Gen lcuwn’s Clothing, for the prq%qt
and continue to receive fresh supplies by every ar
v Youths’and Childrens’Clothing of various quali
i Negro Clothing of all kinds.
, They would particularly call the attention of the
public to the style in which their goods arc got up.
‘The fashions are of this Fall,arid the articles are
equal in point of finish to any that are made to order
in New York.
Country merchants supplied on liberal terms.
(Ur* The subscribers are aware that customers in
general expect some abatement in the prices asked,
but they wish it to be understood that all tiie goods
are plainly marked with the. selling price, and no
abatement can bo made. By this means, those who
are not judges can buy as well as those who are per
fectly acquainted with the goods.
on 13 10w-233
Hair Dressing, Perfumery, An.
MDESNOYER, having laboured under se
• verc indisposition for some time past, is now
able to resume his usual attention to business.
He has procured the services of tiro competent
workmen. One of them, from London ; the oilier
from Paris.
In the art of Hair Dressing and Wig-making, he
feels he cannot be surpassed 111 town, and only asks
4 continuance of former favours.
In addition to his former stock of
Hn ran announce anew arrival from Paris , via
New York, of the following articles of Perfumery :
Kan l)e Cologne, No. Id—Creme Do Perse, first
;a)id secotul quid’,y.
German Cologne Water.
Creme tie Perse, in China Pots—Antique nil Ist
ami a<l.—Pomatum, Cosmetic, to dye hair, —Ex-
tracts of Odor Powder, Ist quality.
I Bear’s Grease, Court Plaster, Powder Puffs anil
Boxes, always ready. A fine article of Anibre
Lavender, Pocket Conihs, Ac.. Ac. &c.
Together with every Powder, Perfume and Soap
imported into this country.
jp’ All orders for Ladies Curls, Fronts, Tops,
Ac. attended to at the shortest notice.
rp- Jt would occupy too much space to enunter
jrc all the articles in the subscribers possession, and
with thanks for former patronage, he is the public’s
servant. A. V.DESNOYER.
oct 2—Uni (Gcor. anil Kep copy.) 224
AFRESH supply of very fine Leeches, just re
ceived,and for sale by T. RYERSON.
out I S22_
Cloths, SIMM'S, Ac.
JUST received per brigs Madison and Sterling,
50 pieces negro cloth,
40 do Satinets,
JO bales brown shirting and sheeting,
(j cases bleached do do.
3 bales shirting stripes,
CO pieces Linseys,
40 do low priced calicoes,
4 cases silk and cotton umbrellas,
10 cases mens’ lined and hound hrogans,
5 do do, a very good article,
40 doz woollen and cotton hose.
10 pieces French merino,
Which arc offered wholesale and retail, at the
most reduced prices, by
sept 24 ~
~ ,Yo
TkURING the absence of the undersigned front
1 f the State, his son, T. DEMPSEY, is duly
authorized to act as my attorney.
Aug 14, 1849. i>. DEMPSEY,
sept 1
” Low’s ol:i EißSAasli Soaps.
JUST received, a general assortment of Low’s
Old English Soaps, for sale by
sept 14 a& TIIOS. RYERSON.
Vanilla Bfttn.
JUST received a fresh supply of Vanilla Bean,
per brig New Hanover, for saie by
,„pt 3 108 TIIOS. RYERSON.
‘ Evans’ Camomile Pills.
JUST received and for snlc by
Infallible Cure for Ute *>ropsy and
White Swelling.
THE subscriber is in possession of an infalli
ble remedy for Dropsy .mil White Swelling,
Ho will undertake to cure the Dropsy in any stage,
provided the patient lias never been tapped. He
will also undertake the rure of White Swelling
in any stage of the disease, and will restore the
limb to its original soundness, unless total decay
has taken place. The author of these cures has
been successful in the Cure of the above diseases
for thirty years, and in the decline of his life, has
divulged the same to the subscriber, being no lon
tcr able to practice. Asa proof of his perfect con
dence of his success, the subscriber requires no
pay unless he effects a cure. Ho may be consulted
at Mr. Noel Lanier s, on the Louisville Road,
Scriven county, near the forty-five mile station.
sept 16—210 2t Scriven county.
Rjiasor Straps
CHAPMAN’S Putont Metnlic Razor Straps,
Saunders’ do do do
Emerson’s Elastic, do
Just received and for sale, by
sept 21 THOS. RYERSON.
I fil\l 11 C, Joseph •dEgi >’ Jf
Harms oil, John HMH
llaslv, John U vggjl and
I’iig-'i i.v, \d mi r
hrantlcy, It. iditi: I JB ;■; ■
ilia. 1,. .Mis .Mars V'tgjH a- ‘ ‘!iaw, .Mis < ’- ll ‘| | yH
liuriiard, Mrs. Ann *-■ JSS
Bell, W. 8.
Bennett, Andrew F.
Bennett, Mrs. Mary Butler, Edward W.
Bennen, 11.
Charier, A. Cooper, Mrs. Stephtnia
Caruthers, Mrs. Jane A. Crosswell, W. H.
Campbell, Robert Cooper, Mrs. Lydia
Cnstcllow, Henry Coombs, Asaph, W.
Campbell, Win. S. Condon, IVm.
Craig, Miss Jane Ann Conneron, David
Clarkson, L. B Conner, Patrick
Cancnl, James 2 Comstock, J.
Carlcy, Jane Ann Cox, John
Crawford, J. H. Cole, John
Carline, Christine Crumpton, H.
Cervcau, F. Cruvillier, Mr. J.
Crowes, Janies VV. Cuhhedge, Mrs. Uchrcea
Crowlev, David Cumming. John B.
Davies,Thomas N. Ditniers, H.
Dale, Wm. I. Dillon,.John
Dasher, J. M. Dolan, Janies 2 _ .
Daniels, David Don.
Denier, Charles Dußantr, Jolmi R.
Easterling, Henry E. Easterling, Thomas W. 2
Farics, George G. Foster, James
Fraser, Caroline A. F. Folliard, Will.
Treeman, George Fowler, Randolph
Teeny, M. Fulton, .Airs. E C.
Fitts, JohnT. Fulton, Win. M.
Finlayson, Alex. l iiiton, Robert T
Gardner, John Gilbert, H. J.
Garey, Nancy Grimball, Mrs. Ann
Graham, John Griffin, J.
Glass, Joseph Gillan Dominirh
Gregorson, George 2 Giles, Miss M. T.
Geiger, David Griffin, Henry
George, Joseph Gibbons, Miss Ann
Green, 11. Goldsmith, Samuc I
Gregory, Ephraim Golphin, G.
Germaine, Miss A. A. Godfrey, Wm. O.
Greene, Charles F Gould, John L.
Gresset, Valeutinc Guilmartin, J
Hart, Miss M. I. Harris, Mrs. Eliza
Hanley, David L Harrison, P.
Harris, E. M. Hanley, John
Harris, Iverson L llarbock, A. W.
Hathorn, Jefferson Harrison, Isaac
Harvey, Robert Hyrne, Peter G
Hardee, Thomas R Howell, Samuel C
Herman, Peter Hodgins, F F
ifeory, Thomas Holland, nirs Ann
Hewlett, Samuel Houston, mrs Betsey
Helmlev, Israel N Howland, Russell
Hines, Elizabeth Hugucnin, E I)
Higgins,Seth 2 Hubbard, mrsCliarlotte
Irvine, Mrs. John Johnson, Rebecca
Johnston, Miss Rachel James, W. 11.
Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Johnson, Mrs. Ann
Johnston, Benjamin N. Jones, G. J.
Jusepli, Al.
Kennedy, Eli Af Knowsly, Charles
King, Capt. Kuoche/, Theobald
Law, Edmund L. Lee, Edmund
Laugiilin, Wm. 11. Lloyd, Wm.
Laurence, Thomas H. Looke, F. j
Lamb, David Love, James
Lanipe, C. Lute, 11. B.
Alartin, Mrs. Carolina Millen, Miss Cornelia
Maher, Owen Moye, O.
Marlow, Patrick Mon !!,
Megraw, J Morel, Mrs. Eliza S.
Metskcr, Airs. Mary Moore, John
Miller, Mrs. Susan M. Mu'rprce, Mills 4
Aliilcn, Airs. Lucy
’ Me.
Af El he-an, Arch'd Mclntyre, Andrew
Mcßride, J. &J. McKinnon, B. VV.
McLaughlin, VV. 11. Mcßitchie.R.
Mclntosh, Lachlan McLean, Murdoch
McDonald, Christopher McNair, James
McGtiingle, Patrick
Navagh, Thomas Newell, Thomas M
Nash, Samuel L Neyle, Mrs. Frances
Nelson, Thomas Kowen,Peter
Newman, Daniel
Owens, Mrs. Eliza Oglcby, mrs. Clara
Odingsell, Anthony O’Connell, Laurence
Oliver, G.
Palin, John Af Pritchard, Robert
Patten, Daniel Philiphs, Stephen
Patterson, James G. Price, P.
Parker, mrs. Caroline Pitman, John
Pcrcival, James Postell, mrs Sarah C.
Pollot, Madame Postell, John
Peck, O O Purcell, T. H.
Pickett, Daniel Peck, Capt
Raltn, William Robinson, J L
Reichmnn iFrederic Rhodes,O E 3
liiety, Hugh Robertson, John
Rinly, Bridget Roberts, miss Caroline
Richardson, John B Rudcnill, E C
Rowe, Peter H
Stacey, Robert Shcftall, mra Sarah M.
Shaw, Robert T Scaly, mrs Naomi
Salfner, John Scaly, Thomas 2
Starkweather,miss EsthcrShca, J
Sarah. Smith, SE
Shcftall, S. Smith, H I
Scaly, John I. Smcth, Stephen H S
Shcftall, Moses Skinner, Thomas
Sweeny, Thomas Smith, VV Jones
Selkirk, JAI Smith, James
Scaly, N VV Skinner, Janies
Sexton, John G Stoney, Win
Sneed, Ilcnry Stokes, James F
Stewart, Char’s 3 Stokes, Win
Scaly, J. B. Shute, Robert P
Sultphirc, mrs
Taylor, Miss Mary Timmons, George II
Travicc, John Timmons, James D
Thayer, George Thomas, William
Tepps, Charles Turner, D
Tlicus, J T Turner, Mrs. Catherine
Thiot, Charles H,2
Ulmer, Philip Vcrdory, Dr.
Walters, John Willis, VV F
Wand, Emanuel White, Wm P
Ward, Benjamin VVinnce, Mra Margaret
Walker, William Williams, John
Wamhersie, E White Miller II
Washburn, Mrs Dorcas Williams, Frederic
Wray, Miss Susnn Wilkins, Miss Eliza
Wendall Thomas Worth, James VV
Wentz, George C Wood, James W
Wells, Mrs Alary E Wolf,Mrs. Elizabeth
Webh, Gsorg# Winnie, Mrs Jallia D
’ 1 1. . 1
ip? ‘"” “ Jill
IB>hc.-. *■ , *• 1,
” hav.t m tJ
S'II I', !iiii:cr>ig tJSS
a and the
’r 1 1 I. I . .a! ti SM e. r -
si":. imm ‘')J :
11.- ?•- ‘ ,/
-n 1 nB , ‘
i ,-s. ii T 1 1
__ ~ . ; jf * H i
- H „ in
I’l -i”' 1 ’ ‘I til (,
best style, and \ |
Stnndard “i r.
snd ■.
week Nrk, ano tlm
Family Groceries, A c.
Sulsrrihcr has just received bSliescnt ar
il rivals, N
20 bhls Canal Floqr, ’ s \
20 l bills do do, ‘
25 boxes heat Goshen Cheese
50 “ Soap, of choice brands \
20 Firkins Goshen Butter, a choice artiofe -
15 kegs Lard 4
10 hhds Cuba Afolcss’ s ‘
20 bags superior Coffee
5 bales Cotton Bagging
4 bbs loaf Sugar
15 hhds sugar, of different qualities
50 kegs nails
10 ton of Iron, &c.
500 prs heavy Dtifiil Blankets
100 Ploughs, different sizes
300 pcs. hollow ware, consisting of pete, pass,
ovens, kettles, &.c.
Together with an assortment of hardware, Croo
keryware, Liquors, &c. &c. which are offered
wholesale and retail at reduced prices.
South side of Alarket Square.
(Geor.) 240
Ocorjfia--Claatham County.
To all whom it may concern.
WHEREAS Garrit G. Shufeldt hath applied
to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of
Chatham county, for Letters of Administration on
the estate and effects of William H. Fryer, late of
Chatham county, deceased—
These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and
singular4he kindred and creditors of the said de
ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to
the granting of the administration *f the estate of
tin; deceased to the applicant in tha Clerk's office
of the said Court, on or before the second day of
November next; otherwise letters of administra
tion will be granted.
Witness, the Honorable Francis Sorrel, one of
the Justices of the said Court, the second day of
October, A. D. one thousand aijfht hundred’ and
oct 3—225 Deputy Clerk, c. o. c. e.
Essential Salt Lemon,
IjAOR removing Ink, Ironmould and other stains
from linen or fine goods. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by THOS. RYERSON.
sept 14 aoa
TA HE undersigned having associated themselves
in the practice of Law and Equity, in tile
United States, and those of the Aliddle and Eastern
districts of Georgia, announce to their friends and
• lie public, that either at their office in Savannah, oi
in that kept in the Court House, in JacksonhOro’,
Scriven County, one or other of them will Ik. al
ways found. Devoted to the profession and de
termined, fearlessly, to discharge a correct duty,
rliev respectfully tender, to their fellow eitixens,
their professional services.
RICHARD LEAKE, CounselloretLaw.
Seriven Cos., 17th Sept. 1840.
oct 6 1 raw 356
Law Koticc.
THF. subscribers, in addition to their proses
sional duties in the Eastern Circuit, win prae
ticc in the Superior Courts of Washington, Jeifcr
son, Scriven and Burke, of the middle eircuit.
aug 28 3t 1!)4 CHARLTON &. WARD
To Contractors.
Engineer's office, Central Railroad, )
Savannah, August 2, 1840. )
I PROPOSALS will be received by the subscri
ber until the 20th of October next, for build
ing a bridge over the Oconee river, for the Central
Railroad, and also for erecting about 4000 feet in
length in truss work in the river swamp.
The site of the bridge is about 18 miles below
Atillcdgcv ille; it is to be of lattice work, with two
spans of 125 feet each, and supported by two abut
ments and one pier of masonry, at an elevation of
about 22 feet above low water mark. The amount
of stone and lumber required, will be about 500
pcrclie of the former, and about 112,000 feet of the
The truss work will be supported by piles, at a
mean elevation es about 18 feet above the swamp,
anu will require 500,000 feet BM of Timber, ex
clusive of piles.
Plans ami specification of the work, may be
seen, and all necessary explanations will he given,
on a iplica.ion to the undersigned, at this office.
Application may also he made at the Company’s
oliicc, at Macon, from the 10th to the 15th of Sep
tember, and from the 10th to tl a 15th of October.
Air. E. P. Holcomb, assistent engineer, now en
gaged ill locating the line west of the Oconee, if
applied to, will point out the site of the work, and
give any information touching its locality.
Bids will be received, for cither the masonry,the
uperstructure of the bridge, or the truss work
one or for the whole together.
aug 23 Chief Engineer.
.Suvaiinnil Poor llonac A- Hospital.
July I. 1810.
IMTING Onmm'ltee for July an I \ug- Messi*
A II Fannin ami Chailcs Green.
I’lijsieiai'i. Dra Arnold and Tufts.
All applicationa for admission to the Hospital
>nut be unite to the Visiting Commit lee—unless
nca sol urgency, when snv member of the
nnaril may admit. Wjk DUNCAN.
Jnlv 1-14 A Prrjgnl a r a An.
Lamp OH, Elour, *e.
,) DHLS beat quality rectified Whale Oil
bills superb >e tin a an} tmet Flour, 60
bests llvsi'ii Tea, for lale by
p 30-92 MICH’U DILI OS
jK MR 4 iiiei'ira, )
S Wvs‘' T ? ? • .fy hlsuw 1 (
* * ’ ’ I HX'ft >• “r r -l: , I Jr- ■ ting
:> ‘ r J,': ij JBJL Ist I.” ir ■ -
■ w ‘••• “.i .
-3 >.
mb" 1 -jfefMSSiaHKßy i
’tHT. 1 “ rl \ a bunt
111 ji'inti and rc
’ lw je cutter \hhß|Hii!2
! K”l l " r fori ,
tlUßß^^^^^^B|^Jl erou J eßj of Bos-
Massachusetts, mine up in a pYnt boat and re
assistance, inlbrniing libellants •.bat the
. Hercules had gone ashore on the Gasfrn
: “W 14 “bout ten miles to the North East ofTyhee
: that ne wns afraid she had bilged, and re
lb” assistance of libellants in saving the
of his crew and il possible the cargo and vessel,
Hr at it_was then blowing a very heavy gale from
North East and a terrible sea was raging, that
I said libellants were unable to get out to sea at that
I time, but at one o'clock, A. M. of the fourteenth
k October instant, libellants proceeded to sea in said
r revenue cutter Crawford, and about seven o’clock,
A. M. succeeded in getting on hoard of said ship
Hercules that the said ship was thumping verv
heavily, she appeared to bo broken and the deck
was raised apparently about a toot above the sheer
level : that libellants got out the launch of the said
ship and the boats of the said revenue cutter, and
witli the aid of the crow of the said cutter (seven in
number) commenced lightening the said ship, took
out ona launch load ot the cargo of said vessel, and
finding that she then raised from the grounqlibef
lanls set the sails of the said ship and got Ufa said
ship off the said Gaskin flanks and left a portion
of the crew of the said revenue cutter, together
with the said William H. Sampson, the said second
Lieutenant of the said revenue cutter on hoard the
said ship until she was brought-safely within the
Savannah river, in the District aforesaid : that the
said revenue cutter was kept by the said ship and
the crew of the said revenue ruttcr assisted in pump
ing and navigating her until she, the said ship Her
cules, was safely moored at the wharf in SaYannah
in the District aforesaid, the said William H. Samp
son remaining on board until that time.
And further shewing that the said ship llercu
(les was bound from tin; port of Boston to the port
of Savannah, of the burthen of about four hundred
tons, having on board anew of about ten men and
laden with a very valuable cargo of drygoods,
groceries, &c and valued at about seveutv thou
sand dollars, and that the said ship is worth about
eighteen thousand dollars; that the said ship Her
cules was, at the time she was boarded by libel-
lants, in a very dangerous situation and in great
hazard of being lost, and that without the assist
tance herein before pleaded, the said ship might not
and probably would not have been saved: and that
previous to the said revenue cutter’s arriving to
her assistance she had been on shore one ebb and
one flood, but that such flood had not lighted or
floated the said ship: and that the libellants, with
the crew of the said revenue cuttc* Crawford, by
reason of the service they performed in saving the
said ship Hercules and her cargo deserve and are
justly to meet and competent salvage for such ser
vice, together with all charges and expenses attend
ing the same; and that all and singular the said
premises .are true and within the Admiralty and
maratime jurisdiction of th* said District Court.—
Wherefore the libellants pray that a salvage may
be.awarcd them and all others entitled, by a de
cree of this Honorable Court, a3 well against the
said ship and cargo: and also pray that Ad
miralty process may issue against the aid ship
Hercules anil cargo. And whereas the Judge of
the said District Court for the District aforesaid,
hath ordered and directed the thirty-first day of
October inst., at twelve o’clock in the noon of said
day, for all persons concerned to be cited and inti
mated to appear at the Court House in the city of
Savadnah and shew cause, if any they have, why
judgment should not pass as prayed. You are,
therefore, iicreh^- nuthorizej, empowered and .tro t.
ly enjoined peremptorily to rite and admonish the
master of the said ship Hercules, and all persons
who may have in their possession parts of said
cargo or the proceeds thereof, and all persona what
soever having or pretending to have any right,
title, interest or claim in or to the ship Hercules
and her cargo libelled against as aforesaid by pub-
Holy affixing this monition on the mainmast of the
said ship Hercules and by leaving there offix-d i
true copy thereof, and by all other lawful n, \ •
means and methods whatsoever, whereby this mo
nition may be made most public or notorious, to br
and appear at tho time and place aforesaid before
the Judge aforesaid, to shew cause as aforesaid, if
any they hav And whatsoever you shall do in
the premises you shall duly certify unto tile Judge
aforesaid, at the time and place aforesaid, together
with these presents.
Witness the Honorable John C. Nicoll, Judge of
our said District Court, this seventeeth day of
October, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hun
dred and forty.
Proctors for Libellants.
{ GEO GLEN, Clerk.
AH persons eoncarned in “.h above monition
will take due notice.
Dep. Mar. Dist. of Geo
Ont 30 3*o
Boat Found.
A YAWL Boat, supposed to belong to a ship or
brig. Ihe owner may have it on paying ex
expenses, hv applying ai this office.
,jine22-3’ U>2
6AUO LIIS Georgia boron, hog round,
SXFUXf5 XFUXf f ur p, ihe -uonriber, south
•ute ol ihe Markei, in llos-on 8c Rmille'l old stand,
j'l.e24 159 n. DEMPSEY.
(f5dV CR ATE'-, hsiulsonie. assorted, for sale In
illr-e ?J . 140
United Slates’ Rarshnl’s Office. )
AliLt-iDGEvULz, August 27, 1840. )
N OTICE is hereby given to Assistant Marshals
appointed for the purpose of taking the Cen
sus of Georgia, unde r t:.e acts of Congress of the
3d March, 1833, and 20tli February, 1840, that no
penalty is annexed to a refusal to give tile statisti
cal information, which the questions propounded
arc intended to elicit. This must be let! to the
V dilatory disposition of the individual who ren
ders tho account of persons in each family. It is
not expected that any friend of his country who
would be pleased to acquaint himself with its re
sources, will either refuse te comply with the sim
(de request of the laws, or be instrumental in
inducing others to object. I understand that it ia
alleged in some places, that this information is
sought for the purpose of levying a tax on the peo
ple, and in othersthnt it is intended to expose the
poverty of individual citizens. Such allegations
are wholly unfounded and intended to mislead
those who have not rend the laws for themselves.
However desirable the information expected to be
collected by the execution of this law may be to
tile enlightened patriot and statesman, if any refuse
to afford it, aa a matter left entirely to the pleasure
of each individual, you will resort to no coercive
measures to compel the statement,
sept 4 200 \V j. DAVIS, Alarshal.
Sugar and Jlolnsscv
gvvs 11111)8 prime MiuiceVla Sugar
‘rCvP i'o Culm Mol-.ise* (cew)
faf sale by MICH. DII LON.
jun# SJ no
I. Koyc*. /
A GROCK Soda >*,!., . y
9do Seitllct*. For sale r>v, •
j 176 I'DDA. It VERS ON.
Information Wanted.
D ‘.NIEL o’CONNEL*., a auve of Mallow,
Gouuty Cork. Ireland. |„. n | a - s t heard
‘rom, lie was working on a raiDoad cite >ate of
Georgia. His fjllier, who resides in ‘VviHland. ia
ery anxious to he ts om him. Any
Cespecting him, addressed lo his lather lianiA-O'-
Fonnrll, Or hi. brother. Callahan
Franklin street, Portland. Maine, aug 3 173
Ueorjfla—Mfclntonh Couuty.
Mra. Ann Sherman ami Nathaniel
* At. Caller have applied to n-e for Idles, f
upo he ■st .teand cflccia of B.n
-.l' Sherman, late of said county, deceased
These are therefore ionite and all and
-ingnlartlir k t.tired and credi-ors -*l sad deceased
‘• be and appear al n-j nffi. e, wi l hill ’he tißiw
pr. sciitifd by law, fosllrw cause, it any they have/
.ifiy said I.eGcr* shOnl.i nol be granted.
Jivei! under my tfipid at my office, this sixth
ol July, Eighteen hundred and tort).
J. E. TOWNSEND, e. o. m.c.
jlv 9 ‘ 151
BUSHELS IL It mure corn, a su
I perior ancle landing from EKauor
F- r sa'e in lots to suit purcliaseis, by
jv 28 167 M. DU.toON._-
Chatham Academy.
THE Winter Session in this Academy, will
commence on the first Monday in Novem
ber, at which time all the Departments will be
supplied with Instructors.
Classical Dep. H M Bpnfford, A B
Senior Boys “ A R Palmer, A B
Junior Boys “ D 9 Dickinson, .A B
Senior Girls “ ;E E Pynchon, A M
Junior Girls “ F B Foljer, A M
Junior Girls “ F B Folger A M
Junior Girls (2d div)
French “ Mons. Perot.
No efforts have heen snared, to secure the servi
ces of able assistants. The Professor of French
has been employed in several colleges in this coun
try, and recently, in the Goeihe Female Seminary,
in Northampton, Mass., where he gave every satis
faction, as a gentleman and la scholar. The other
teachers have had much experience, and are quali
fied in every respect, to discharge efficiently their
various duties. The Acadeyiv is ’supplied with
maps, globes and apparatus, which together with
what is yet expected, will furnish the means of il
lustration in all the branches of the natural sciences,
on which, lectures with experiments, will be given
during.the winter.
EDWD. E. rVNCHON, Principal,
oct 9—230
•Tow Lamlingr,
brig Opelousas from Baltimor-,
100 bis Rye Gin. To be fold low. from Ihe
IVliart, by p. HAI.LIGAN.
mar 2
For sale,
BV the -.uh.crrber. Cert ficr'ei of Deposit and
Bills ol ilie Hank of Darien.
"g 20 (Ge Ji ) IS7
Goshen Butter.
T UST receivtd per .top Newark,
20 firkins Gushen t ßuuer,ol a supero-quality
<■ family use. D. DEMr">F.Y.
Also in store, 1500 bushels salt.
r eh 5 ig
s‘43 Reward.
BROKF.N open on die niglU of the lC.h ?na.
the subsirPicrs store, and three tubs Vav
dnUer stolen. The ahnve reward will he given
for the recovery ot thr Uniter, ait-l thief or thltvee
with prof to convict itir.
j'tlte 13—130 THOMAS WOOD ,
KXGH ANGF. o > New York, lor sale Hv . *
I mav 29 M. DILLON. *
L'LOLR —9O oris Ivesli and nv, .t Gist rr-P.l
k anil ifr sale hy if. DIIVON.
,-on 18-tVJ
Uaslilc Soap.
jt BOXF.S Gastile Soap, g. ooine.’for sale by
M. iune J 8 THOS. RYERSON.
\GOOJ> COOk, w*.l,er. and le.mer, is
wan ed Uy a am.ll iknilv. Apply at tint
-linl 20 >
Notice. y
raiHF. undersigned requests any
• ing li on, now :i Patrick Fo>’ yard, in K .se
Mro*d atjret, to c->me fniwaul, prove propei-y,
pay charges, and ren.ove it. in three d:<\s from
jun* 5
Hay a>d beer— 199 nn.'lvß p,iifif
Ainb*\ H:y. li >rL l*n S Ale, ju t
per hrijr Clinton, ami for ale hv
june 16-132 \2 DILLON.
Domestic Braml, Ac.
/£ Domestic Ur*i.dy
50 bbi N. K Kuin
10 Peafk Hruiitly
5 l.htls of West liulia Molatset
5 bbia white Havana Sugar
H likiis N i>! Ivaiih Sug ir
50 bbla llo;r3 at. Kiour
it) bbls Fifot Rrrul
10 ki ga Goshen Hu l ter
20 Lust’ I .anl
2u quarter boxes buoeli Raisins
10 boxes Tobacco, 16* to tlke lb
5 quarter c *>ks Cognac Dramiy
3 pipes Holland Gua
t libd St.Cm.x Hum
10 quarter ca*ks Malaga Wina
5 do Tennerifte Wine
12000 first (|uniity of Spanish Cigar#
100 half -oul one gallon Jugs
100 do Demijohns.
For isle on reasonable terms by
t*. h alijgav.
mar 3—24 At the Market Doric,
ASH STORE- lu.i received aha wid ue
-old cheap fur cavil.
Mulione black lta mi *dk
Do blur blac ’o tlo
A few pieces j • red do
Silk scarfs and fsney shawls.
may I® 106
jo (|. x. Cungrcss and Spring Water, in
quart ini! pint buttle*, fresh, juat itceivrd per
brig * linton, and lor a de bv
jnne 18 THOS. RYERSON.
IMKNI)~ik ree Notes *• lisihl, on one
ol paper, payable to Joseph Strißin, for S3O
eaah, ami signed Morgan G. Sr*t m R
Kemp, Franc a Joiieaw-p.i);*ble one *lay af erriate, •
he given t* the owner, ow the expenses **f
tins adverlisemein, by JAMES DIGK"ON,
Broughton s'reel
max 10-ts -
” TohacfVi
m*. UfarbJMK* I* IK f, f
!|W snte ev MCCUf. ntl l &S.
T 4(