A Friend of the family. (Savannah, Ga.) 1849-1???, November 23, 1850, Image 3
From the Temperance Banner. \_ByTlcquest. ] GRAND DIVISION OF GEORGIA. Office of Grand Worthy Batriarch, ? November Ist. f&SO. \ To the Officers and Members of Subordinate Divisions of the Slate of Georgia. Dear Brothers.— ln the beginnng of tho new relation which we sustain to each other, will you permit me. through the oi our Order, to osier a few thoughts, or suggestions, tor your consideration and reflection. And as the space in the Banner, which 1 can reasonably claim, must neces sarily be limited, l shall confine myself to a few prominent suggestions, and then allow you to draw your own conclusions there from. It all the brethren could be brought to realize the nature and extent of the obliga tion which they have taken upon themsel ves as Sons of Temperance, it does seem to me that theio would not” be so much apathy manifested by them. Let me, I earnestlv beseech you, my brethren, to critically exa mine, “line by lino, and word by word,” the pledge which you have taken. It is of the utmost, importance that you fully compre hend it. And 1 would here charge my De puties to usp every means in their power to have the pledge well understood by all the members. I would most respectfully suggest to you, to bo cautions, “in recommending persons for membership.” Recollect that “neither the wealth of an individual, his influential position in society, nor his commanding talents, can entitle him to approach your cir cle, it with till these qualifications lie is found wanting in integrity.” But the upright, houeit man, are the characters we want and are tho ones too, who alone will prove a benefit to our Order. It may appear paradoxically strange to many, but it is nevertheless no more strange than true, that nominal temperance men ex ert a more deleterious influence against tem perance, than the drunkard himself. In the latter case, we receive what we expect of such characters. But not so in the former. When a person becomes a member of our Order, we expect him to comply with the rules and usages of the Order. But how la mentably does some of our brethren fail in this. How often do we have it said that brother A. and I>. have not been to our Di vision for months, and yet they profess to be temperance men. These things my brethren ought not to be so. Let me, there fore, urge upon you the great importance of attending all your meetings promptly. It is not the name of a member alone we want No.’ no.'! We want his presenco at the Division to cheer the wavering onward and upward in his temperance and to pro\oke each other to love and to good works. I would also suggest to the brethren the great propriety of being prompt in paying their weekly dues. This suggestion, l know will be needless to all high min tied temperance men. For all must know, that unless breth ren pay their dues promptly, that the claims of poor sick brethren, however pressing, enn not be supplied, which ought never to be allowed under any erf euinstances. I would also suggest to you, the propriety of holding union meetings, where there are two or more Divisions in a county. Let there be such meetings held at least twice in the year, and at each one let there be an address delivered, and it might greatly add to the interest of the occasion by having a temperance dinner. Meetings of this “sort.” properly conducted, would, in my opinion, be productive of much good to the Older, by the cultivation of a better feeling among the brethren generally. And. in conclusion, l would, from my heart suggest to every Son of Temperance to re solve, in the strength of liis Maker, to influ ence one friend at least to join our Order dur ing the present year. By that means our Order would be doubled. And may the Great Patriarch above influence each otic of us to act as though the perpetuity of our Or der depended alone upon our individual ex ertion. All of which is presented to your serious consideration, in L. P. & F. P. A. LAWSON, G. W. P. fV” Papers friendly to the cause will please copy. • From the Morning News. TO JOSEPH. I dare thee to forget me—go, wander where thou wilt, Thy hand within another’s grasp, or on the sabre’s hilt. Away ! thou’rt free! o’er land or sea—go rush to danger’s brink But oh ! thou canst not fly from thought— thy curse shall think ! Remember me! remember all my true and trusting love, linked itself to perfidy—the vulture and the dove. Remember, from your poverty I never once did shrink, But clung to thee confidingly—thy curse shall be to think ! Away, false one ! I would not grieve fur one so base us thou ; •Let retrospection sound the words you min gled in your vow ; I’ll teach my heart to scorn the wretch who broke the holy link — And when thy looks are light and gay—thy curse shall be to think! Go seek the merry banquet hall, whore fair # er maidens bloom ; But thoughts of me shall make thee there enjoy the deepest gloom ; Thy thoughts shall turn the festive cup to poison while you drink ; And while false smiles are on thy cheek—thy curse shall be to think! Forget me ! no—that shall not be ! I’ll haunt thee iu thy sleep; * In dreams thou’lt cling to slipping rocks that overhang the deep ; Ihou’lt shriek for aid— my feeble arm shall hurl thee from the brink— And when thou wakest in wild dismay—thy curse shall he to think! Anna. Savannah, JXov. 20, 1850. A youtid girl, Mademoiselle Terese Taures, lias been making a great sensation at Rome by her performance on the violoncello. The rise of the Nile this year is reported to be below the average, and it is feared it is next years crops will suffer from it. In the Sardinian dominions there are 9820 monks and 2840 nuns, that is, one monk for every '0 inhabitants, and one nun for every 1645. * POST C R IP T I ONE O’CLOCK, P. M. FIRE ! A b ire broke out last night about 8 o’clock, 5,1 u wo °deti building in Bryan Street, near the corner of East Broad, occupied by Mr. Sullivan, and owned by the est. of Worthing- I he flames rapidly communicated to the suiiounding buildings, some twenty of which were consumed. Tho tenements were chiefly occupied by the humbler class of citizens, and the loss lo them will be seri ously felt, owing chiefly to the scarcity of houses. We understand that a gentleman of wealth came nobly forward in their behalf and headed the list with a subscription of S3OO. Tho Firetneu worked nobly, but owing to a scant of water for a short time, five or six houses, that might otherwise have been saved, were destroyed. A body of Seamen did ef ficient service at the hooks. But wo regret to say, that a citizen when applied to by a member of one of our Fire Companies, for a htrle oil to renew a torch light, refused it. Distressing Casualty.— We learn from the Af D,lll y Register, that an infant child of i .c. Daniel \V. Gladden, living in the Eastern pari of tairfield District, was accidentally burned t<> death, on f- relay the Bth iu*t, at the residence of its father. The circumstances, as related, are as follows: ‘file child, a girl, aged three months, was Iving ni the cradle, some distance from the fire place, asleep, when the presence of the mother was de manded to another department. On her return tin-* crud e was discovered to lie in flames, suppos ed to have been communicated by a spark am mg the netting which covered the cradle. The child survived but fifteen minutes, when it expired. 1 ids is truly an afflicting bereavement, and its should teach parents never to allow their little ones to be alone, especially when fire is on the hearth. John McDonnongh’s Will lias been received. It gives six thousand dollars and house to bis sis ter, Mrs Cole, of Baltimore, and $23,000 annual -13 to the American Bible Society, and the bulk, of bis property, amounting to over SIO,OOO-,000, to New Orleans and Baltimore, for establishing Schools and Asylums for the Boor. lie bequeathes a large sum lo the American Colonization Society. Seventeen Executors are appointed, including tii> following Baltimoreans—Bemjamin C Howard, John B Kennedy, John C Smith, Brantz Mayer, Henry Duller, and also Henry Clay and R C Gur ley. ■An English paper hasbcpn started at Shanghai-, under the title of the North China Herald. The establishment of the Dominicans in France has been canonically recognised by the Bope. The Rev. George Copwav, the Ojibwny chief, delivered a lecture on the North American Indians at the Hall oi Commerce, in London, on Tuesday. The man who is just and firm in his purpose, cannot he shaken in his determined mind, either by tinea’s or promises. Every man ought to aim at emi lrnce not bv pul ling otfiers down, but by raising himself.. Speak a< you mean ; do as you profess, an 1 per forin what you promise. PLASTERS’ PRICES JIMXT. ARTICLES. From to B.\GGYng7itemp"-14 in.T7777. yd Gunny 13 15 Kentucky BALK HU I’M, Manilla lb Kentucky 8 1 B*- BACON, Hams lb I|l 12 Sides 6? I 7 Shoulders 6 j (ii BUTTER,Goshen, Prime. 20 | 22 Inferior 15 ; 18 CANDLES. Sperniacetti 45 Tallow,Georgia made 15 Northern made 12 lti CHEESE, Northern 10 COFFEE, Rio il 1 J Java.. ll| 12.1 ’Laguayra KB . 1, ‘ COM., Hard ton 700 COTTON, Upland, Inferior lb Ordinary -.. 128 125 Middling 13, ]3i Middling Fair 13.', Fair to Good Fair i 135 14 Good Fair . Choice.. f COTTON OSNABURGS, yd 8$ 10 1 BROWN DRILLS, 7.} 10 *5 j KERSEYS and PLAINS, II 25 Q | LINSEYS, 12 20 GINGHAMS, It 25 2 SATTINETTS, 3! 75 KENTUCKY JEANS, 18 30 SJ i SHIRTING, Brown yd I 45 8 I Bleached., 6 16 ’fi SHEETINGS, Brown 7 lo S Bleached 9 18 © CALICOES, 6 13 STRIPES, Indigo blue 4 12 •CHECKS . 8 16 l BED TICK 20 FISH. Dry Cod cwt 4 450 Herring, snrio’d box S7j * 95 Mackerel, No. I. bill ... 13 IKJ Do. No. 2 11 00 Do. No. 3 7 00 FLOUR. Baltimore 11. St bbl 600 I 625 New Orleans 6 00 Canal 7 8 Georgia . GRAIN, Corn 75 Oats. do GUNPOWDER, keg 375 550 HAY, Eastern . .100 North River HIDES, Dry lb Dry Salted IRON. Pi: Scotch L.ton! 23 00 English ib. 2 2‘ Swedes, assorted... 4 Hoop 100 5 Sheet Ib 4 5 Nail Rods 6 LARD, Ib 9 LEAD, Pig and Bar 100 575 600 Sheet . 7 White Lead 6 50 9 00 f Steam Sawed M 13 00 15 00 River 900 13 * 0 Ranging, for export ono 10 0 ) White Pine, clear 30 00 40 t 0 v |)o. do irtcr’able 12 00 16 00 ■§ Red Oak Staves 12 00 ]( 00 5 White Oak Pipe 35 00 00 00 ■S White Oak Ilfid 25 oO 35 00 White Oak Bbl 20 00 25 00 Shingles, Cypress. . 300 400 , Do. other kinds 300 LIME, bbl 100 115 MOLASSES. Cuba. gal 23 24 New Orleans.. 4.1 NAILS. 4d. to 20d Ihi 3J 4 NAVAL STORES, Rosin bbl 100 2 5.1 Tar, Wilmington 250 3 O'* Turpentine, Soft 2no 275 Spts Turp’ine gal 28 31 Varnish 22 22 OILS, Sperm. VV. Str’ed 135 150 Fail Strained Summer Strained 1 20 1 31 Linseed bbl 75 80 Whale Racked 65 70 Tanner’s Lard 15 in* 1G 00 Campbtne......- 45 50 POTATOES, bbl 350 PIPES gross 50 60 PORTER,... doz i 175 275 PEPPER, Black Ib 9 lu PIMENTO, ■ 12 RAISINS, Malaga box Muscatel Bloom RICE, Ordinary 100 Fair i Gi>od and Prime I SUGAR. Cuba, Mus’do lb 7 8 Port. Ac St. Croix 8 9 Havana, White New Orleans 8 9 Loaf. lli 12i Lump 1 1 12 SALT, Liverpool sack 1 12i Cargo.. bush SOAP, Am. yellow lb 4i 6J SHO TANARUS, all sizes C.J 7 SEGARS, Spanish f M 12 25 America 2 6 TALLQW, American lb TOBACCO Georgia 7} 12 Manufactured 25 40 TEAS, Pouchong 25 75 Gunpowder 75 1 Imperial 75 1 Hvson 75 89 Young Hyson j 5J 75 Bohea TWINE. Bagging Seine. .. 25 39 PAPER, Wrapping ..fearp 50 I SHIP SMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS. IHL Subscribers are prepared to execute all nr aers tn their line for Shipping. Steam Boats and Mills and Iron Work in general made and repair ed in the best manner and at short notice. Shop on Dillon's Lower wharf, now occupied by the Union Steam Boat Company. ‘not 23 3m BU>TZ & BROTHERS. ALTONLOCKE; TAILOR and Boet: an Autbiography. 1 -* polar Education: fin- the use of Barents and Teachers, and for Young People of both sexes: by Ira May hew, A. M., late superintendent of Pu’o lie Instruction. History of Madame Rowland; by John S. C. Abbott, w- itli engi avings. Music: As It Was, and As It Is; by N. E. Cornwall, M. A. Further supplies of Night Side of Nature; bv Catharine Crown, and Medical Delusions, bv Dr. Hooker. Received by no% JOHN M. COOPER. THE GREEN HAND; A “Short Yarn ’ —complete. Ihe History and Geography of the Middle Ages; for Colleges and Schools; by George. W. Greene. Second French Reader, by J Roomer; on Mezzofanti s System of Learning Languages. Cruising* in the Lan War; by Charles Peter son ; second series and complete. Household Words, No. 32. Leni Lenti; or Adventures in the “Far West; ” being a sequel to “Prairie Flower”: hy Emerson- Bennett. Received l.y JOlfN M. COOP-ER. nov 23 PRIVATE BOARDING. THREE or four gentlemen can be accommodated witii Board and Lodging at the corner of South and East Broad streets. lm nov 23 TORTOISE SHELL, INLAID with Pearl, Ring. Jewelry, Watch, Glove and Work-Boxes —an article of first rate manufacture and very rich appearance: also n large l it of Burt Monais, in a very great variety from 50 cts, to $10 —some richer titan ever offer ed in this city before, at GEO M. GRIFFEN’S, nov 23 Successor'to the late M. Eastman. LADIES’ 5Y ORK-BOXES and Cabinets.—Benrl inlaid and painted, the richest article now manufactured; also, Rosewood, inlaid with pearl, and plain do. all sizes ; now open and for sale bv GEO. M. GRIFFEN, nov 23 Successor to tho late M. Eastman. TOYS, CANDIES, & FANCY ARTICLES. THE subscriber has the pleasure of informing bis triends and the public that lie lias opened a TOY AND FANCY STORE, at. the corner of Bull and Broughton street where he will be pleas ed to serve liis old customers. J. M. HAYWOOP. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. THE subscriber is now openinga general assmt ment of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. GUNS, ME CHANICS TOOLS and every article usually kept in an establishment of the kind, which will he sold on a favorable terms us any establishment in the city. CHAS. E. WEED, nov 23 ts GOLD PENS. WARRANTED fnroneyenr. The subscribei has an invoice of Gold Bens, direct from the manufac turer, and a;l sold will be warranted to retain the 4 point for one year—upon failure anew one will be given in exchange. GEO. M.GRIFFEN, nov 12 Successor to the late M. Eastman. NOTICE. THE unrented Pews in the Lutheran Church will be rented on Tues-lav next 26 inst at 3;| o’clock B. M. ‘ JOSEBH FELT, nov 23 Chairman Trustee. FANCY GOODS MON! \ BELTS with for specie and bills, l’apier Mache, Bearl inlaid and Bainted stands from S3O to SSO. Shell tmd Brazilian Comb all varieties, silver cups aid card cases, a large as soitment, atao Ivory Hair Brushes, a beautiful arti cle all on sale at G. M. GRIFFEN’S, nov 23 Successor to the late M. Eastman. Instruction in the French Language. M. ETOURNEAU, OF PARIS, IS prepared to give Lessons in I ranch. Ho w ill give Private Lessons, if desired —also Lessons to classes or in S bools. Those wishing instruction in French will please make application at the Bookstore oi Mr. J. M. Cooper. M. Etoi kxkau proposes to form classes of five oi six each, to be composed of gentlemen, or of ladies and gentleman, to whom lu* wifi give three lesson- per week, at $lO per quarter (of lessons) for each pupil. He will wail upon cla-ses at such places as they may appoint, and as may meet their convenience. Sii.gie pupils receiving three lessons per week, at their own residences, S2O per quarter. For particular information as to qualifications, Mr. Etul’Hnkau is permitted to rest r, in this city, to Messrs. Montgomery Cumming. J. M CooPER) W. I'. Thompson, of the New*s, nov 16 J. L. Locke, ot the Republican. REMOVAL. I H E SUBSCRIBER tenders bis thanks to bis friends and customers for past favors, and takes this method to iribrtvn them ilinf he has removed bis TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT to No. 105 Bryan street, next door to Messrs. .lames An derson A Cos., Waring’s Range. nov 16 M. 1). MURPHY. CRACKERS AND BISCUIT. 25 bids and boxes Sugar and Butter Crackers ; 10 boxes Soda and Wme Biscuit; for sale bv nov 16 GEO. M. WTLLEIT & CO. JUST RECEIVED. MACKERLL. Salmon, Sounds and Tongues, Pine Apple Cheese, Neff’s Sugar Cured Hams ; in store and for sale bv nov. 16 ‘ GEO. M. WILLETT & CO. FRUITS. 25 hbls. Apples; 10 boxes Lemons ; 50 jars and fancy boxes Brunos; 30 drums Figs; 20 boxes Na ples Figs; 10 boxes Dried Dates; 20 whole, 20 half, and 20 qr. boxes Raisins ; 10 kegs Malaga* Grapes, and 5 kegs Cran be-ries; now landing and lor sale by G. M. WILLETT A* CO., nov 16 No. 63 St. Julian and 101 Brvan sts. EXTRACTS FOR HANDKERCHIEFS. FRENCH and American Extracts. Jenny Lind, Jockey Club, Jonquille, Bopinack, Jasmin, Rose, Violet, Sweet Bens, Spring flowers, Patchoule, Magnolia, Mignonette Miei, Ambre, Sweet Briar, 1 lellioti ope, Ainbrosu, Tubereitse, Boq. de Caro line, Rough and Ready, Moussileie, West End, Clove Biuk, Rose Geaauinm,Honey Suckle, Ced rat, Boq. ile Dames, Yerbina, Musk. Millt Fleuis, Cit fou Geranium, for sale by JOHN A. MAYER, nov. 16 No. 154 Broughton Street. COLD CREAM. A delightful preparation for chapped lips and hands, perfumed and neatlv put up. prepared and for sale by JOH N A. MAY ER. No 154 Broughton Street. NEW PERFUMERY. THE SUBSCRIBER has just opened a complete stock of Fine French Extiacts for tiie handker chief, to which the attention of the ladies is solici ted. Consisting of Jenny Lind, Boquet de Alice, Boquet de Caroline. Violet, Jasmin, Amber, Verbe na, Mjlle Fleur, Extract West End, and a vaiiety of others. MILTON HUMPHREYS, Druggist, nov 16 Corner Congress and Jefferson sts. CHAMPAGNE. 50 baskets Champagne Wine, Victoria Crown and other choice brands, just landing and for sale by nov 16 GEO. M. *\ ILLETT A CO. BROUGHT TO JAIL. ON the 11th inst., a negro man named BE TER, who says he belong- to YVm. Mooney, of Columbia, S. C. Said Peter is 5 feet II inches high, about 30 years old, and has been runaway four months. tiov 19 I D’LYON, j;C. 6. HARMONIC INSTITUTE, Corner of St. Julian Street and Market Square. Savannah, Georgia. The subscribers respectfully announce that they have opened a complete MUSICAL ESTAB LISH.M EN I as above, and hope that in so doing they will meet the wishes and wants of the musical public. 1 1 om its intimate connection with the Harmonic Institute. Charleston, 8. C., the same resources and facilities w ill be equally enjoyed. I IANO IOR J ES by J. B. Dunham, Adam Stodart, Wm. Hall A Son, J. Pirsson and others MILITARY INSTRUMENTS of every de script ion, including the latest improved* Sax Hums. Complete Bands furnished at New York prices. VIOLINS by the Dozen or Singly. Country Merchants are invited to inspect the qualities anil prices. Also Violoncellos, Double Bassos, Flutes. Gui tars, French and German Accordeons, Flutinas, Harmonicas, Violin Bows, Bridges, Screws, Rosin, Hair for Bows, Mutes, Capo d’Ast.at! Music Desks. Tuning Hammers and Forks, and in fine every article pertaining to the line. All ot the above being directly imported by F. Zogbaum, at Charleston, are off! red at Wholesale or Retail at New York prices. Merchants and others who .have been purchasing at the North, are invited to test this assertion bv a visit. In struction Books for ah Instruments, Sheet Music, Aic., including all the new standard publications. I tie best ol Strings tor all instruments. F. ZOGBAUM & CO. F. Zogbaum, G. B. Mitchell. dec 15 DANCING ACADEMY. MONSIEUR A. BONAUD Respectfully informs his Patrons and the Public in genet ill, that he will open his Academy at Armory Hall on Saturday the 9t!i of November, at four o’clock. All his former Bupils are respectfully invited to attend, as the Savannah Baud will p'ay on the occasion. During the season, beside bis former Fancy Dance, the Scottish Dance, as introduced bv hirn last Summer in New port, will be taught to his pu pi,s. 1 uition days, Thursday and Saturday, from four to six for young Ladies and Masters. Frice of Tuition, sl2 for twenty-four Lessons. N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to lake private Lessons in the I’olka or Scottish Dunce, canbe instructed by Mods. B. in 1 to 5 Lessons. lor further particulars inquire at the Academy during lesson hours. nov 9 “THE CAMPAIGN NOW OPEN.” OYSTERS AND SHRIMP. THE undersigned are now prepared to furnish their friends and the public generally, with a choice article of Oysfters and Shrimps, which will lx* put -I]) fiesli to order at the farm on the sea-boa- and, at the shortest notice, either Raw, Pickled, or in the •Shell, in such manner and in such quantities as the purchaser may desdre for shipping and other pur poses. Apply to G. M. WILLETT $ CO. nov 16 No. 68 St. Julian and I(J 1 Bryan sts. O HOUSE. R I HE OYS IER SALOON at this House, is now open torthe season. Ihe Citizens of Savannah, and the public generally, “will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly.” oct 26 . A*. B. LUCE. ARRIVAL OF MR. JENREE. FROM AUGUSTA, II here he his been Teaching tci'h unbounded success. JENREE A - . MILLAR would politely announce that, they will continue to receive Pupils during this week. 1 heir regular course will commence (positively ) on Monday next, November 13th, af ter which time they will discontinue to receir B u pils. N B. —A Ladies’ Class me- tsdnilvnt 12 M. ISP Terms for the Course, Ten Dollars. Suc cess guaranteed Rooms next to-Dr. Royal’s o.'hcc. Prom tlic Augusta. Constitutionalist. W kiting. — Messrs. Jci tree A, Millar have j usi closed*theirclass in this ciiy. They have exhibi ted to us several specimens of scholars on .their entianee and at the completion of the couise, and the improvement made must begiatifying t-> them selves and t!ic*ir parents. These gentlemen de serve encouragement wherever they go. ENGRAVING. I HE undersigned returns his thanks to his friends and the public for their kind patronage, and would inform them that he has removed to 110 Broughton-;;]., (opposite the Lyceum Hall.) where he intends devoting his time exclusively to Ensraving and Printing Visiting, Wedding, and 1 rotessioiial Cards, Bank Checks, Bunk, Society and oilier Seals, Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Ac., Ac. Also, LITHOGRAPHIC DRAWING and PAIN- I ING, such as Views'of Buildings. Portraits. Blanks, Ac., Ac. • R. IL HOWELL, bov 9 110 Broughton-st. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE Subscribers have entered into u co-partner ship for transacting a General Commission Busi ness, as follows : i< RI ERSON A IIOGE, Savannah. Ga., lIOGE A FRIERSON, Macon, Ga. Geo. S. Frierson, Savannah. Jno. S. Huge, M aeon. no.v 2 DRESS GOOES. 40 PIECES rich French Cambiics, 50 do. Mus lin de Lain, 20 do. rich Cashmeres. 10 do. col’d French Merinos, 20 do. rich black Watered Silk Vissetts, 30 do. Mantillas, Ladies’Silk Scurfs, for sale by oct 5 MARSHALL A AIKIN. DRESSING CASES. A fine assortment of Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Dressing Cases, Papier Mache and Rosewood, inlaid; Writing Desks, of different sizes ai?d styles, of Papier Mache, Rosewood and Mahoga ny. Also a tine lot of Papier Mache Portfolios, inlaid w ith pearl, different styles of finish. Re ceived by nov 9* JOHN M. COOPER. FRESH TAMARINDS. JUST received and for sale bv nov 9 JOHN A. MAYER. GARDEN SEED. FRESH Garden Seed just retviveil and for sale by nov 9 jJOHN A. MAYER. PEARL ASH. Potash, Sal Aeratus, Ac., just received and for sale by * nov 9 JOlfN A. MA^’ER. FANCY ARTICLES. PERFUMED BAGS, Indian Rubber Bales, solid and air Magnifying Mirrors. Pocket Combs, Vio lin and Guitar Strings, Razors and Razor Strops, a variety of handsome Cologne Bottles, Willow Flasks, German Cologne, Lubins, Roussels and Jules Hauel’s Extracts and oilier Pe-fumei v, Gilt Vials Otto Rose, Wax Tapers, Lead and Slate Pencils, Paints, \\ at-*r Colors; Back Gammon Boards, l’iaxing Cards Ac. Just received and for sale by nov 9 JOHN A. MAYER. ASTREA. THE balance of Illusions, a poem delivered be fore the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, by Oliver Wendell Holmes- Biographical Essays, by Thomas DeQnincy, author of “Confessions of an English Opium Eater” Ac. Received by nov 9 * JOHN M. COOPER. MERCANTILE EDUCATION. WRITING, BOOK KEEPING, AND COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. The above indispensible branches of a business ed ucation are taught in a thorough practical manner, by the subscriber, Weekday Afternoons and Eve nings, in Messrs. Feat A Rossigxol’s Rooms. Court House Square. Hours of attendance, from 3p.m. to 10. Terms for Book Keeping, $6 per month: Business Writing, $5. foi a course of 30 lessons. nov 1 T. O’DONNELL. PICKLES. 50 cases assorted Pickles, just landing and for sale bv nox 16 GEO. M. WILLETT A CO. BOOKS & STATIONERY STOKE. . J. B. CU BBED GE, CONGRESS STREET , SOUTH OF THE MARKET. SA VANN AH, GA. Desires to expiess his obligations to bis friends, and the public, for the liberal patronage heretofore bp stowed on his Establishment, and to inform them that having enlarged his Store he is bow receiving a 9iock of Books and Stationery worthy the afention of the public, and much more extensive and complete than he has heretofore kept, and which will be sold as low as in any other Establishment in the City 11 is stock will consist m part of Blank Books —Demi, Medium, Cap, See., full and half bound. Paper.—2 f 'o Reams Paper ; Cap, Letter, Enve lope, Note, Tissue, &e. School Books.—All the School Rooks used in the city or county will be sold Ivy the single copy or do 7. as cheap as they can he bought South.— School Teachers will be favored in all cases. Envelopes —A large assortment ot business En velopes, and the best assortment fancy Envelopes and Note Paper in the maiket. Gold and Steel Pens—Of various and superior qualities. Bibles and Prayer Books.—Plain and Fancy, cheap and costly, to suit any customer. i ‘Hank nuii M printing Os nil Uimi. executed sil ilii Oilier, with licntnrks nini ilespalth. HAVING lately put ouv Office in complete order and made large additions to it, we have now the most-extensive Job Printing Office in the City and are prepared to execute till kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY PRIN TING, with neatness and despatch, and on the most accommodating terms. Office 102 Biyan-street, entrance on Ray Lane. EDWARD .1. PURSE, Savannah, September 21, 1850. To the Voters of Chatham County. Fellow Citizens: I am a candidate fur the office of RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS at the election on the first Monday in January next, and respi ct fully solicit your suffrages. sept 28 R. W. TO LER. To the Voters of Chatham County. Fellow Citizens: I am a candidate for the of fice of RECEIVER OF TAX RETURN'S at the election on the first Monday in January next. Respectfully your oht. servt., sept 14 (it A. F. fOBLAT. BATHING HOUSE. .1. M. HAYWOOD re spoilt illy informs the gen tlemen of Savannah, and strangers, that his warm, cold and shower bathing rooms are now ready, and will lie constantly open, ea-t side of the Pu laski Mouse, adjoining his Ilair Dressing Room. Price of Bathing, 25 cents. N. B. I am now prepared to receive yearly customers. Prices reasonable, according to how many times they may l athe per week. sept 14 J M. 11. HARNESS MANUFACTORY THE Undersigned has opened an establishment for the purpose of Manufacturing Harness, En gine Hose, Firemen’s Caps, Mill Bands, See, Sec- Corner Bay lane and Drayton-strect. A share of public patronage is respectfully so licited. T. W. BRYAN, juiy 20 lyr Southern Mutual Insurance Cos. of Ga,. Asbury Hull, President & Treasurer. J.U. P.\RSons, Secretary, Prof. C. F McCay, Actuary. The above Company takes Inland, Marine and Fire Risks, and Risks on Negro Proper ty, on the most liberal terms. It is now in most successful operation. Its condition and success will be fully explained by application to the Agents, who are prepared to take Risks. YVM. KING, Agt. Savannah Gas Light Company. THIS Company being now ready to furnish Gas to consumers, notice is hereby given, to all persons intending to use Gas, that it is necessary they should register their names, number of lights, lo cation, Sec., in the Books at the Works, before Gas will be introduced into their premises. Office open from .0 to 12 o’clock, A. M , and from 3 to l> P. M. GEO, W. ADAMS, aug 3 ts Superintendent. Turner’s Compound Fluid Extract of CONYZA and STILLINGIA. THIS Preparation is a highly Concentrated Extract, containing all the Active Medicinal Properties of the Conyza, (commonly known as Black Root,) and the Stillingia, or Delight. These Plants have long since been used among our Southern Negroes and in etnpyrical practice, w ith the happiest results, in cases of Chronic Rheumatism, Ulcers of long standing, and Sec ondary Syphilis. It is much superior to any pre parations of Sarsaparilla as an alterative, being more active and prompt in its operation on the system. These (acts have induced the subscri bers to present to the attention of Physicians a preparation prepared according to strict Chemi cal and Parmaceutical science, devoid of all the feculent and inert parts of the root, not doubt ing that it will supercede the unscientific and crude preparations hithetto used. Price—sl per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Prepared and sold by TURNER & ODEN, Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. And for sale by T. M. TURNER <fc CO., feb 9 161 Bay Street. NOTICE. TIIE Subscriber will attend to the preparation of the Documents, necessary to enable those who are entitled to the benefit of the recently passed BOUNTY LAND ACT to obtain their claims. Office in the South West corner of the Ex change, immediately under ihe Post Office. ROBERT W. POOLER. oct 19 ts Attornev at Liw and Not. Tub. TO PHYSICIANS. THE Subscriber would call the a'temion of Phy sicians to the following extracts, Sec., which are undisputable puie, viz: Extract Colocynth Comp., do Cicuta. do Bella dona. do Gentian, do Hyoscyamus, do Acconite, do Dandelion Pure Sulpt. Iron in fine crystals. Genuine English Calomel, Chloroform, and a variety of fine chemicals, which for Purity cannot he surpassed. Also a Superior article of Pale Brandv for Medicinal purposes. For sale by MILTON HUMPHREYS, Druggist, oct 2C Corner Congress and J. tferson-sts. WANTED. TWO or three Journeymen Plasterers, to whom steady employment will be given, and the highest wages paid, enquire at this officTe. ts oct 12 KERSEYS & BLANKETS. \\ E have just received a complete assortment of the above goods. sept 28 “ CUBRELL & BOGGS. Copy Books.—The Subscriber would call ittcn | tion to the Copy Books for Schools, of his own man ufacture, which he feels warianted in styling the f best article on sale in the City. I Miscellaneous and Religions Books. A fair snpply ; and more than usual attention will be paid to receiving the must valuable publications as soon as issued from the press. Presentation Books —Annuals, Albums,Po etical Works, 6cc., a splendid assortment on hand during the season. Fancy Articles.— Port Monais Purses, Pocket Knives, Card I'ases, Water Paints, Portable Desks, Paper Cutters, Mottos, Ladies’ Work Boxes, Pen i Holders, Games, dec., &.C. FOR NEW YORK. SAT U R DAY, N O VEJIBER 23 and. J’he new and splendid Ocean icTjStvatnslii t , FLORIDA, of 1400 tons, ThOs. Lyon, C .mmandcr, will leave Savannah for New York as above. I-SST Passage $25. No B ei* th secured until paid for. lot freight or Passage, or any other informa tion, apply to oct 5 PAPELFORD, FAY A CO. WOOD YARD FERRY WHARF* D. REMSHART Is prepnr; and to supply oiders for Black Jack, Oak, Ash and P m* \\ ODD, In the b mt load or at retail. As usual particular attention given to measurement. lor the convenience of persons residing in the upper part of the city, boxes for orders are'plared at the stores ot Messrs I'unier & Oden, John Mur chison, John M. Cooper, and a - , the office of the Morning News, and at the house of JOHN T. I lIOMAS, .Tonos-strept. Cash orders promptly supplied. net 12 a card! THE undersigned respectfully informs his former friends and acquaintances, that lie has returned to SAVANNAH, in person, aid has taken the I store No. 96 Bnjan-st., Penlield’s Buildings, one door west of Whitaker, and will open thesame with anew tire neic and large assortment of SEA SONABLE READY MADE CLOTHING, all manufactured this fail, expressly tor this place, under his own immediate attention, unsurpassed by any other establishment. A. P. HOUSTON. Formerly Hamilton A Houston. Tiie above Clothing business will be continued it. all its various departments b\ t 1 e new firm of HOUSTON A GROUNDESON. * ct 19 ts NY. 96 Bryan-st. REMOVAL. ‘1 lIE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends public in genera , that he is now fully pre pared to wait on them at bis new store.ls7 Brough ton-street, next to Me- -srs. X. B. & li. Weed’s j hardware establishment, and solicits a continu ance of the patronage he has so liberally received. Call and examine my stock, w hich con-ists of fine W inos, Confectionaries, Fruits, Nuts, Wood and Willow Ware, and every article which constitutes a full stock of Groceries. M. J. SOLOMONS, 157 Brougbton-st. N. B. Orders from planters, factors, city and country merchants, filled with care and despatch, and on most liberal terms. M. J. S. net 19 . Gt CABINET MAKING & UPHOLSTERY N. A. NUNGEZER, A o. 50 Liberty Street, would inform the Citizens of Savannah that he has taken the above place for the purpose of carrying on the Cabinet and Uphold tering business, viz: making new and repairing old Furniture ', old Furniture bought and sold ; the bottoms of Sofas, Divans, Chairs and Ottomans made over and re-covered ; Carpets, Oil Cloth and Matting cut and put down ; Bells and Lamps bur g, Curtains and Roller Blinds put up. Every de scription of C(Jt FINS on hand and made to order, of thebe-t material and finish. Trices low, N. A. N. has been engaged in the above busi ness in the City of Savannah for a number of years, which enables him to believe that he run please all those who will favor him w ith a portion of then patronage. <>rt 26 YOUR HOUSE. THE Subscriber avails himself of this opportuni ty to return his thanks to his friends’and the pub lic fur the liberal patronage they have conferred npon him, and would inform them that he has re moved to the coiner of Bay Lane and Barnard S reel, opposite the Planters Hotel, where lie will he ready at all timesto serve them with Oysters and all other kinds of Refreshment. nuv 2, ts HENRY BURT. GROCERIES. APPLES, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, Pre serves, Tripoli Figs, Ginger Preserves, Citron, Dates, Malaga Gropes, and a variety of Candies. Brandy Peaches, Quinces, Pears, and Plums, Pre served Limes, and Pine Apples, Turkey Fig Paste, Bitter Almonds, and Nuts of all kinds, t rn Starch—a new and cheap article for making 1 Hi dings—English Sauces, Catchups, Cocoa, Cli.x-o* late, Peas, Olive S >ap, and S.arclt Polish, now opening and for sale bv nov 2 G M WILLETT St CO. No 68 St Julian, and 101 Bryan Streets. FOUR MONTHS AFTER DATE APPLICATION will be made to the Justice of the Inferior Court while sitting for Ordinary pur poses for leave to sell the following Real estate, viz : lots No. 7,9, and 10, situate on Harris and Drayton streets, La Fayette Ward, city of Savan nah, also the following slaves, viz: Nancy, Laura, Walter, Charlotte, mid two infants, for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of Caroline M. Fraser dec’d. ROBERT W. POOLER. Sept. 14 4 mo Administrator C. T. A. NOTICE. BY late arrivals the Subscriber has received a full and well selected stock of Fail an I vv inter goods, consisting in pmt of t he latest and improved si vies of Visettes, Mantillas, black and colored Crapel Sk awls and Scarfs, Poplin Silks of every descrip tion; Jenny Lii and, an entirely new style of Dress Goods; Cashmere, Mousliu de Lain, French Me rino ot all colors; also, a fine assortment of black and colored Alpaca, Table Cloths of Linen and Cotton, embroidered Piano Covers and Table Cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, and a great variety of Long Shawls. Jenny Lind Cravats, Infant’s Caps, Collars and Cuffs, Ladies’ Under Sleeves of Lace and Muslin, and Veils, of all descriptions. For Gentlemen's Wear, Fancy and plain Casimere, Tweeds, Broad Cloth of all colors, and a fine selection of Ves tings. Household. Ladies and Gentlemen w ishing a good selection, will find the following articles: Carpeting, Rugs, Linen and Cotton Sheeting and Shirting, wbite and red, and afiuearticle of Gauze and Welch Flannels, Silk and Gingham Uinbrel as, Bed Blankets of ail sizes aid descrip tions; English and German Hosiery of silk, linen, worsted and cotton; Bed Quilts of every size, white and colored. 12-4, 11-4 and 10-4; Gents silk wool mt! cotton Half H ise ; Under Shirts of silk, woolen and cotto-i ; and last but not least, a fine assortment of Ladies’ velvet and silk Bags and Purses, and a great many articles too numerous to mention, which will be sold very low. Also, a good assortment of Ready Made Cloth ing, which will be sold low at wholesale only, on the most approved terms. Country Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock before purchasing eLcwhere. Nov 2 k JOSEPH LIFFMAN. AUCTION SALES. Private Sat.e. BY T. J. WALSH & CO. Landing from bri- Oceo]a, from New York, 400 bales North River Hay ; 20 barrel potatoes ; 2 crates Onions; 10 boxes Lemon Syrup. 10 bas kets Crown Champagne ; 50 boxes No. 1 Soap; 120 assorted demijohns. sept I Private Sale. BY T. J. WALSH & CO. That well known Plantation in Bryan County, RE TREAT, 31 miles from Savannah, situated (> miles from the ocean, containing 351 acres DO acres on Bell’s Isle, which is connected to the main land bv n causeway, 50 of which is cleared and under cultivation, 85 acres on the Main is cleared and under fence, all in the highest state of cultivation, half a mile of fence encloses the L inds on the Main a"d Island—lso acres of Pine Land, of which 20 acres of the host quality Inland Hire Swamp. On the premises is a comfortable Dwell ing, Negro, Cotton and Corn Houses, with all ne cessary Buildings required on a Cotton Plantation, nil put up ai 1 well framed within the last three years- Goo Fishing and an abundance of superior Oysters within a quarter of a mile of the residence. Terms: One half cash, the balance in two in stalments with interest, and a moitguge on tho place. sept 21 _ “ JENNY LIND, ~ May or may not come to Savannah, but the sub scrilw-r lias made every preparation to extend to hei a warm welcome, and ail the Ladies that bavo taste anti will appreciate style and fashion, in a word, all that wish their feet ready for the artist , the minuet or the hall, will find in his new and splendid stock every variety which w ill please tho eye and gratify the tartc. LADIES’ SILK AND SATIN GAITERS, Green, Blue and Bronze Kid and Morocco Goiters ; do Black and Colored Lasting Gaiters, and Patent Leather Booties; Jenny Lind’s Ties, BuskiuaJ n-d Walking Shoes ; do Enameled Excelsior, with Rosettes J- do Bronze Worked Toilet-Slipper*; Gentlemen’s Calf, Sewed, Pump, Patent-Leather and Water-Proof Boots ; do Patent Leather. Con gress, Lopez nod Prunella Gaiters; do Calf, Goat Seal uud Kip Brogans. And every variety of MISSES’, CHILDREN’S &, BOVS’ SHOES Also every kind of House Servants’and Field Negroes’ Boots and Slops. A splendid article of TRAVELLING TRUNKS, VALISES and CARPET BAGS. Also Silk and Beaver Hats; Men’s and Boy.’ Cloth, Velvet and Silk Caps. The above Newark and Philadelphia stock will be sold w holesale ami retail,-at Northern prices. We challenge competition. CoMJt One I Com* ALL .* ! FRANCIS KOPMAN. No. 106 Bryan St. Savannah, Oct. stli, 1850.* 2m CHEAP CASH STORE. New Fall Dry Goods. M. PRENDERGAST & CO., have received per Hamson Jones and Augusta, fresh supplies to our already extensive stock of fall dry goods, and are prepared to offer an assortment of goods, whh-h for beauty and novelty of style, extent of quantity and cheapness of price, cannot he surpassed. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES. French and English Cloths it> every shade, do Black doe skin Cassimeres, Plain do, steel mixed drab and do., Fancy Tweeds and Vestings, Plaid Cloth, Satinets, Kerseys and Kentucky Jeuus. BLANKETS & FLANNELS 6-4 8-4 10-4 and 12-4 Blankets, Mackinaw in every breadth, Rose do, 4-4 6-4 and 8-4 sup. Flan nel, Extra sup. silk warp do, 11 al Welsh do, Red Green and Yellow do. SHAWLS. 500 8-4 Broche Shawl*, from 200 to S2O, Plain Thibet, and do w ith Silk fringe, all colors, Splen did plain and richly embroidered Canton Crape do, Black Gio de Rhine and Latin Turk do. WOOLEN SHAWLS. 500 Square Woolen Shawls, 400 Long do, Wool en 11 tk s, every size. DRESS GOODS. Plain and Satin de Chinee Silkr- in every shade and color, Splendid Brocade do, Black Satin lurck, Plaid and striped Arinuia, Black Gro de Rhine, W bite Scarsinet and l’oppiris Cashimercs and DeLaines of the choicest colors and modern designs, Mohair’s fancy and striped and plaid Al paca, Plain Linen Umbras, Do in dresses beautiful Embroidered, Plain, dotted and Embroidered Swiss, do in all colors for Evening dresses, Real Chantella Veils, Nottb gham do, D. my do, every color, Gauze do, Silk Umbrellas, Parasols, and two cases of assorted perfumery. EMBROIDERIES French and Scotch worked collars, Do Cltissi melts, Infants Robes, Cutis at.d Riobons in greut variety. GLOVES. Alexander’s Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves all colors, Lisle Thread do, Cashmere do. LINEN & CAMBRICS. 1 resh Linens made expressly by the most cele brated manufactors, warranted all (lux thread.— Damask Table Linen, all size, 6-4, 8-4, 10 4 and 12-4 Linen Sheeting, Table covers, French Cam bric Handkerchiefs, English, Irish and Scotch do. CARPETS. 2 and 3 Ply ingrane carpet, Brussel do, Chin nial Hearth Rugs, Tuft’d do, Drugget, Door and Carriage Matts. HOSIERY. English ingrane Silk Hose, Do £ lu.se, Do Spun Siik. English and German Cotton h >se. Boys and Misses’ do. White, Bros, and mixed halt hose, Un der V e.?ts, See. CALICOES. 1 tench, English and American Calicoes, war rented fast colors, 80 cases White Muslin every w idth, 4 do, for pillow cases, Linen finish, 80 bales Bro and colored Homespuns, Cotton and Linen Osnaburgs, Bed Tick and Corduioys. The entire stock we will dispose of for Cash or City acceptances. N. B. Goods freely shown, one price and no de viation. oct 19 JUST RECEIVED A superfine lot of while embroidered CRAPE SHAWLS. New style Black Silk. Turkey and extra Water ed MANTILLAS. New style of French SACKS. A beautiful lot f Velvet and Satin Bonnet Ribbons, iutest fashions, for e by ~ct 19 CUERELL & BOGGS. GREAT BARGAINS ! JUST received this day 5000 yards Mouslin de Lames, plain and figured, which will be sold at tho low price of 12£ cents a yard. •>OOO yards extra do at 18J cents a vard. 3000 do Calico, at do do 1 or sale bv >ct 19 SPENCER C. LANE & CO. JUST RECEIVED. 5 ELY ET MANTILLAS, Colored Silk do, entire new design, Damask table Lirtrit. Doiley’s Nap kins, and a large variety of Home Furnishing Goods, tor sale by Nv 2 ‘ MARSHALL & AIKIN. NEW GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. JENNY LIND’S Hair Gloss Pigmaturn, Toilet Soap, Extract, and many other choice commodi ties dedicated to the Queen of Song, for sale by nov 2 J. E. JOHNSON. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS 1 OF various styles and sizes. Also a few sets made of German Silver with points. Received by nov 9 JOHN M. COOPER. GOLD PENS. A NEW supply of Brown’s and Bagiev’s Gold Pens, received by •eptSl * JOHN M. COOPER. NEW DRUG STORE! THE subscriber has just opened, on the corner of i Congress and Jetferson-st reels, an a sortment of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Family Medicines, &c, which will be sold as low as can he afforded by any house in the cilv. oct 13 MILTON HUMPHREYS.