Weekly southern opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-18??, May 12, 1868, Image 1

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WEEKLY SOUTHERN OPIN T VOLUME Li THE AVAILABLE MAN FOB THE DEMO CRATIC NOMINEE FOB PBESIDENT. If there is any one thing in which the Democratic party should ho extremely careful, it is in the selection of a candidate for the Presidency against Grant. There is one tiling which the Southern wing of the Democratic party might just as well understand now, as to wait for circum stances to force the knowledge upon them: The first point in the case is this: The Democracy of the North composed the principal part of the fighting men of the army of the United States, are all devoted to the Federal Union, and h ie no sympa thies with any man who was, or is not an ardent supporter of the Union. Second, They fought for the Union and the Constitution, and therein alone are they separated from the Radicals of the North. They respect the supreme Law of the land, and will vote for no man who has fought against it. However unpleasant this may sound, it is true. Without the vote of the Northern Dem ocracy, the Southern wing is powerless; and the same with the Northern wing. There must be perfect unity between the two if they ever expect to succeed and be relieved from Radical rule and oppres sion. With these facts before them, the Dem ocracy of the South have but one course to pursue. They must, without reserve, ac cept the fact that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and that the ques tion of the perpetuity of the Union is set tled in favor of the Northern Democracy. They must embody in their platform, as its primary principle, the SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION, and as a National party they must support that principle. Beyond a proper interpretation of the Con stitution, they need no other platform. It gives the settlement of the Suffrage ques tion to the States, and in addition to it the people must demand the just execution of all Constitutional laws—laws that will re lieve them from the despotism that is now crushing ns. Then the Democracy of the South and Democracy of the North will be as a unit, and their united strength will sweep from power the villains who now sit in high places, and forever overthrow their hell-born doctrines. In selecting a candidate for the Presi dency the Democracy must find a man whose past record and present prineipies are consistent with the Democratic doc trine, and when he is put in nomination the name of Democracy will be the syno nim of victory. The great free party of the North will not t hen sit down with fold ed hands and see the Southern States ne groized. Then the question will not be ol the UNION, but of the rights of the States and their citizens within it. and for these rights, the Democracy of the North, the millions of freemen who are devoted to the Union, will stand ready and willing to do battle. And with them will stand the millions of free white men of the South ready to clasp hands with them and march to victory. The time ior compromise has passed. The Freemen of America must declare their adherence to the Union and the Constitu tion of our Fathers: and they must stand ready to lay their lives upon its altars as a sacrifice if need be. The old life and pu rity of the Republic must be restored, cost what it may. Th s is the work to be ac complished through the man whom the Democracy will select for the Presidency, and he must be one who supports the Prin ciples that these good results may follow our su ’cess. Who shall that man be ? No more Buch anans or Andy Johnsons. Giie usa states man and a patriot, whose heart is large enough to embrace the whole people, and whose mind is comprehensive enough to understand the great work before him. Congressional Blackguardism.— In past years, when the good old Whig and Democratic parties ruled the land, the Congress of the United States was a high toned, honorable body of men; hut since the Plunder, Penitentiary, Perjury Party have taken possession of the National Capitol, it lias been turned into a school for blackguardism, profaniy and filthy vulgarity, with Radical Congressmen as teachers, and so far they have been a per fect success. The people of the Fourth District of New York, which embraces ail the roughs and rascals of that great metropolis, not wish ing to be outdone by the people of other sections, sent as their Representative an ex-prize-fighter and present proprietor of two or three gambling houses; but to their mortification they find that the ••loy al-morality” Representatives are so much his superiors in the blackguard line, that lie has retired in disgust to the Hot Springs in Arkansas, to get into more decent socie ty than that which surrounded him in the balls of the Negro Congress. Neighborhood Reconstruction. —While the nation is dealing so largely in recon struction. we think it would be well for tlie people of each neighborhood to get up little enterprises of the same character, up on their private account. There is too much personal quarrelling going on among individuals, and until this is stopped in each neighborhood, we cannot look for it in aggregate. National peace will never be a sequence of local grumbling and figlit ing. RESULT OF THE ELECTION—COMPLEXION OF THE LEOISLATUEE. The official result of the election is not yet known, but we have sufficient data from which to draw a tolerably correct conclusion as to the political complexion of the Legislature. We have returns from one hundred counties, and in these we have twenty-five negroes elected to the House, and three to the Senate; making twenty-eight (28) negroes in all. Os white Radicals, we have fifteen in the Senate and forty-two in the House; making fifty-seven (57) in both. Os Democrats, we have nineteen in the Senate and seventy-one in the House; making ninety (00) in both houses. In the Senate the Radicals have eighteen (18) members, black and white. In the House, so far as heard from, they have sixty-seven (07) black and white; thus giving the Radicals an aggregate, in both Houses, of ninety-five (95), and the. Demo crats ninety (00); Radical majority, five. We presume, therefore, there is no longer any doubt ns to the political complexion of the new State Government. The patron age of the Executive, under the new Con stitution, is immense; and were the Demo crats even in the majority, the corrupting influences of Executive favor would de moralize many, and perhaps ultimately render a small majority powerless to shape legislation. As it is, with a majority to begin with, we may anticipate a State Government with all the Radicalism T>f Tennessee, without, however, a tithe of the brains and small degree of statesmanship exhibited in Brownlow’s Government. The Military Democracy.—A meeting of distinguished military gentlemen who claim to be attached to the Democratic party, was held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, last Tuesday, for the purpose of promoting the nomination of General Hancock as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency. This they regard as the only sure means of defeating General Grant and securing a Democratic triumph. The chair was occupied by Major General Gordon Granger, who distinguished him self at Chickamauga, and is of the Execu tive Committee appointed by the celebra ted Convention which met at Cleveland in 18G6. The members of General Granger’s Executive Committee were generally on hand, however, all zealous and enthusiastic for the hero of Spottsylvania. But notone of them seemed to have preserved any thing of that glowing admiration for Mr. Johnson, which they professed so short a time ago. It was resolved that a National Convention of Democratic soldiers and sailors, excluding those who fought on the Confederate side, should be held in this city of possible, on the same day with the regular National Convention of the Demo cratic party. It was the unanimous opin ion, however, that the Fourth of July will be too late for this Convention,inasmuch as General Grant will undoubtedly be nomi nated on the 20. h of May, and liis support ers will thus have more than six weeks the start in the campaign. A committee, of which Brig. Gen. Hal pine is the chairman, was appointed to wait upon the National Executive Committee of the Democratic party, to get the Democratic Convention called sometime about the first of June; it was also agreed that an a idress to the Democratic soldiers and sailors should be prepared and published, calling upon them to vote the straight ticket. Will the Members of the Legislature be Required to Take the Test Oath?— Thu above question lias been going the rounds of the various newspapers of the State, and none of them seem to have set tled upon any answer. We answer the question, No; and simply because there is no law requiring them to take any such oath, no other being required than the one set forth in the State Constitution. Con gress may enact a law requiring it. be tween now and the assemblidgof that body, but we think Andv Johnson will occu py their attention until then. Some gentlemen think, however, that Gen. Meade will take it upon himself to decide that the test oath must be taken by members before they can take their seats. We have too much respect for Gen. Meade to think he will do anything of the kind. Such an act on his part would tie nothing less than usurpation, and from his past re cord as an executor of the Reconstruction law, we cannot do him the injustice to even think that lie will volunteer to vio late that law which he has apparently made such earnest efforts to impartially execute. Our friends, therefore, may rest perfect ly satisfied they they will he allowed to take their seats without bell g required to take any other oath than the one required by the new Constitution. If they are, they will have the consolation of knowing that the Radicals will have to perjure them selves to get in. tS?” A movement is on foot in the South to erect a monument to Den. Patrick It. ('leburne. one of the bravest soldiers in the rebel army, who was killed at the bat tle of Franklin, in November, 1804.— N. Y. Sun, (Bad.) The above compliment to that brave hero Gen. Cleburne, is one that every Confed erate soldier will appreciate, and more partisularly as it comes from the paper published by Hon. Chas. A. Dana, who was Assistant Secretary of War at Wash ington. and who was in fact the brains of that whole concern during the war. ATI, ANT A, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 1808. ALTA VELA—JERKY BLACK AND THE PBESIDENT. In 1850, Congress passed an act known as the Guano Act, extending the jurisdic tion of the United States over newly dis covered Islands, not previously claimed and occupied by other governments; and protecting American citizens in the exclu sive monopoly of their own discoveries so far as the guano, which might be thereon,' was concerned. In 1860, a Baltimore firm, who owned a 1 line of steamers plying between that city and some of the West India Islands, dis covered the Island of Alta Vela, sixteen miles off the coast of St. Domingo. This little Island proved to ho almost a solid mass of guano, and the profits arisingjfrom its shipment to the United States, where, at that time, there was an increasing de mand for the article, were enormous. In 1802, the Dominican Government sought to enforce its claim to this Island, driving off the agents and workmen of the Baltimore firm, and so guarding the Is land at every point as to render its reprisal impossible without violence. At this stage of the game, the Baltimore firm applied to the Government at Wash ington, through their Attorney. Mr. Black, for protection in their rights under the ••Guano Act.” Mr. Seward, the Secretary of State, replied that tiie then unsettled condition of the country, and the conse quent impolicy of getting it to hostilities witli any foreign power, rendered inter ference by the Government ‘-inexpedient.” Meantime, a New York firm, in which some of Mr. Seward's friends were said to be interested, leased the Island in dispute from the Dominican Government, and be gan the exportation of guano to New York. Mr. Black, in behalf of his clients, remon strated, but tone purp ise. When the war closed Mr. Black renew ed bis application to the State Department in behalf of his injured clients. He was put off from time to time; and finally his demand for the enforcement of the Act of 1856, under which his clients claimed the exclusive rig t of reporting Guano from Alta Vela,was llatlv refused by Mr. Seward. Mr. Black then appealed to the President, but in vain. Ilis next appeal must needs be made to Congress. Meantime, he had been retained as one of Mr. Johnson’s coun sel in the Impeachment trial. Ilis prior obligation was due to his Baltimore clients.; and as he could not prosecute the claims of the latter, and at the same time take par' in the Impeachment trial, without embar rassment. he withdrew from the counsel of 'lie President, and Mr. Nelson, of Tennes see, was retained in Ins stead. This i«. briefly, the fii-iwrr <•*•• ■•■'•• orated Alta Vella ease, and its bearings up on the Impeachment trial The manner in which Bex. Butler and others have become mixed up with the fortunes ot Mr. Black’s Baltimore clients, and the nature of Mr. Seward’s connection with the New York firm which is still shoveling Guano from the little Island of Alta Vela, and amassing grea. wealth thereby, is rather inexplioa hie; in fact it looks a little ugly. Time will, however, reveal all the secrets con nected therewith. A Prominent Radical Lie. —The Rad icals in displaying their natural charac teristic of lying, occasionally get off a prominent one. upon which they try to make capital, and which many of their weaker brotherss actually believe. The last one of this kind which they are circulating is “that the Democratic party of Georgia and of the Nation, as a party, and as individuals, are the enemies of the Union and of Union men.” Wo pronounce the statement an unmitigated lie, such as could only emulate from the Radical par ty. Wo think tlie less these contemptible liars say. the better it would be for their credit; but men who have been in peniten tiaries or indicted for perjury have no credit or character to preserve that would entitle them to the respect of any descent men. Masonic. —We learn from the Chronicle and Sentinel that the Grand Chapter R. A. M. adjourned Thursday night. The fol lowing are the officers elect of the Grand Commandery of the State of Georgia, Knights Templar: Sir Thomas W. Chandler, Atlanta, R. E. Grand Master. Sir James M Bivins, Columbus, Eminent Grand Generalissimo. Sir Theo. B. Marshall. Savannah, Dmin ent Grand-Captain General. Rev. Sir David Wills, Macon, Eminent Grand Prelate. Sir Geo. T. Anderson, Atlanta, Eminent Grand Senior Warden. Sir Jos. Mosher, Augusta. Eminent Grand Junior Warden. Sir Joseph E. Wells, Macon, Eminent Grand Treasurer. Sir Charles R. Armstrong. Macon, Emin ent Grand Recorder. Sir Robt. L. Rodley, Forsyth, Eminent Grand Standard Bearer. Sir Rich. J. Nunn, Savannah, Eminent Grand Standard Bearer. Sir Christopher E. Lewis, Eminent Grand Warden. Sir John E. Navey, Augusta, Grand Sentinel. Thrkk-Gknt Bonnets. The present minute style ot bonnets has afforded scope for an economical invention in Paris. A new bonnet is now offered for three sous, equivalent, to three cents, it is composed j of thin, pliable strips of wood, reticulated i like a net. The interstices are filled with j very narrow ribbon. Os course the trim mings are an extra expense, and at the op tion of the wearer. A BOOK OF SCANDAL. One of our exchanges thus designates the book recently published by G. IV. Carlo ton & C#., of New York, entitled, •‘Behind the SceSes,” and purporting to have been written'by a negro woman named Kccidcy, who wajß Mrs. Lincoln's dress maker, if there could be any more contemptible epi , thet applied to the book, than the one given by our exchange, or any title expressive of j low meanness and blackguardism given to | the writer or publishers of the book, they certainly deserve it. Nothing but that low j money-getting,black-mailing propensity of ! the Yankee stould, would ever have perpe ] trated such an outrage upon the sanctity of domestic matters, as to have led men who mulct claims to decency, to get down to the dirty work of ‘‘pumping” a negro servant for the private affairs of a family, and then publishing them to the world for the sake of money. DtA jg the. war .when Mr. T.ineo.n had the puolic patronage at his disposal, the whole people of the North sang Ills praises loud and long, and all could then willingly bow to “Honest Abe,” and his “accomplish- ed lady.” But the Yankee knee only bends for the dollar. No truer expression was ever made than ‘that the people of the City of New York never had a principle which they would not sell.” So thoroughly a commercial people are they, that they are not only always ready to sell their own characters and reputations, but the charac ter and reputations of everybody else. — Gold is the god they worship, and if one of them ever should by accident, or through his sharp rascality, get a claim upon a seat in the Kingdom of Heaven, he would have it in the market at once. Men who would steal the private matters ot a family and sell them, without a. thought or care whether they ruined that family or not. would not hesitate at stealing anything else. And the crime in this case is only- made the \v< rse when it is remembered that the victim is a wife of a murdered man—that her troubles have already been so gre t that the Southern People, in their true and noble generosity. have abstained from even speaking unkindly of her dead husband, who was, as they believe, the author of their misfortunes. What a contrast be tween their respect for a dead enemy and the disrespect shown by the Yankee fora dead friend. \v<. - .netimes feel an emotion of pity for ... soulless dogs, for we know they are but following their natural instincts which have been sharpened by their train ing. And now what would they not do for money? Had the Saviour ol the world have had the reputation of having betray ed him for thirty pieces of silver; the Yankee would have stood ready to have done it for much less, and then published an expose of his private habits. We shall not be astonished at any time to hear of some enterprising Yankee setting himself up as the Messiah and coming a grand swindle upon our Israelite friends through out the country. 15 i 11 The high-toned, moral ex-Postinaster and present Ma\or of Augusta lias deliv ered himself of a message to the City Coun cil of that city, on thesubjeet of the wants of the colored brethren. It reads as follows: Gentlemen of the City Council: 1 feel it to be my imperative duty to call your at tention. publicly, to the fact which as indi viduals you are cognizant oh that many of our citizens have been deprived of the means of earning their livelihood and pro viding for their dependent families, simply because, at the recent election, they voted as their consciences approved, rather than in accord with the dictation of their em ployers. It is a fact not less humiliating than true, that simply for exercising the right of suffrage, scores of citizens have been thrown onto! employment, and those dependent upon their daily labor d> prived of the necessaries of like. 1 will not insult your intelligence by an attempted argument condemnatory of this unjust and unprecedented proscription incited by seditious newspaper appeals to the baser passions of men. 1 am content with calling your attention to the fact, and asking for prompt and suitable action in reference thereto. Apart from other con sideiations, humanity calls upon you to aid these men who refused to sacrifice prin ciple for bread. As the employ ers who have thus acted are, With but few exceptions, among our largest tax payers, 1 suggest, gentlemen, that temporary rations be issued to needy parties who may furnish satisfactory evi dence of having received such treatment, and that, if necessary, an additional tax he levied for carrying out this humane de sign. Very respectfully, Foster Blodgett, Mayor City of Augusta. We have no doubt but that Blodgett will be successful in trumping up enough drunken, idle negroes, who will be willing to swear that they have been discharge 1 because of the part they took in the recent election, whereas, il the truth was known, they have done nothing for six months, save steal from the whites, and organize their Union Leagues. But perjury seems to be a common thing about Augusta with some folks. dPTlie Washbunie family has another representative—making the fourth which has been, or is to be in Congress, This last one comes from Minnesota, and is a brother of Gen. Grant's political god father. £3?” B' ; n;l Toni, the colored Musical prodb Columbus, is performing in 1 New tuiK. THE WORKING MEN THE NOBLEMEN t'F THE LAND. No nation on earth ever did so much to , advance the interests of its working; people as ours lets done, and yet no class Is to-:.,. so much neglected by the rich and power ful. This is ingratitude of the ha- 1 character. The American working me., fought for the freedom of the < ohm;, they established the Government ol the United States, they built its mighty cities, its railroads and internal improvemei; its ships of commerce and its navy; ti er felled the iorest, tilled the ground, estab lished schools and churches, and set tin broad seal of Liberty upon all the National domain. Everything that our country had of goodness, greatness and wealth, tin working men gave to it. While uneasy politicians were plotting war and stirring up domestic strife among the States, the working men of the country continued to labor, and only left their simps and. ploughs when actual war ’came, and then;' as in peace, all that was accomplished was done by them. And to-day they are the people who will have to give peace and safety to the country. When we come nearer home and take our own city and us surroundings, we. see what working men have done in the way of reconstruction. Three years and a half ago Atlanta was a heap of ruins; the black and charred remains of what had been a city. The streets were literally blocked with tlie rubbish that Sherman had left to j the people as an inheritance from tlie war. i To-day not a fairer city in the South lifts its wails toward heaven than ours, and the working men have made it—laid every brick one above another, nailed every board in its place upon the beautiful cot tages that surround it. God bless the working men! They alone can make us great, wealthy and five, and to the nobleman with the tanned laces and hands made hard by toil, must we entrust everything in the future. Lahoi must be respected, and the honest mechanic ami ar.isan must he recognized as tin makers and saviors of the country. They must now take that, high position in society that their moral worth and merits entitle them to. In this age worth and not money must be the standard, and v en it is re ngnized, our workingmen wUI take the first rank among men, the position thai should have been awarded them years ago CSpThere will be three or four negroes in the Chicago Convention from Louisiana The white Radicals of Georgia who liavi taken negroes into their “Grant Clubs,“ had too much respect for their must rs up 1 North to intrude Sambo upon the Conven tion that is to make Grant President. The Louisiana Rads are less reverential. They want their Yankee brethren up North t< see Gully as he is. The Turf. —The Spring meeting of the Nashville Blood Horse Association opens, to-day. There will be two races —a stake for three year olds that did not win in their two year old form, subscription twenty-live dollars, play or pay, with 8200 added by the Association ; and an Associ ation purse of ¥2OO, mile and repeat for all ages. To the stake there are five subscrib ers and six nominations. Probable Change. — in view of certain emergencies, it is believed that the Nation al Democratic Convention will be called at an earlier day than the Fourth of July The Congressional Democratic ('ouimiUec unanimously recommend the change, ami other associations have moved, or are mov ing. in the same direction. Gen. M. D. Ector. —Late Texas papers announce that this distinguished soldier and talented gentleman is practicing hi.- profession in Marshall. Since the war the General has remained passive ii. polities, being for a long time on the Bench in hi District. We wish him success lor he well deserves it. HSf” The Rhode Island Baptist State Con vention has adopted a resolution solemnly declaring that in its judgment a church inviting to the Lord’s table those who havt not been baptized in accordance with the Lord’s commands (meaning by immersion,) is not a regular member of the Baptist Church. £s'"A party irom Louisiana have arriv ed in Washington toa-k the passage of a law ordering anew election in that State, on account of frauds in New Orleans and a Democratic majority in the State Senate, which will obstruct the ratification of the fourteenth article. £”•§“ Should Andrew Johnson bo impeach ed by the Jacobins, the future historian will ask the cause, and the records of the j impeachment trial will answer. -Because he refused to interfere in a tight over a dung hill.” Baptising. —There were eighty colored persons baptised in the river, at the foot ol Kollock street. Augusta, on Sunday last. The ceremony is said to have been very imposing. ESFIt is reported ol old Mrs. Ben. Wade, tliat she lias recently m ide large and costly additions to her wardrobe in expectation that she will soon lie mistress oi tlie White House. ES3UA vein of iron ore a mile and a quar ter long and eight to thirty feet wide, was ' discovered near Patterson, New Jersey. !N (JMi’EU il ■ln Interesting; DncamciU. We received the following document by mail tills morning, under the frank of Sidney Glark. M. G. We arc sorry we can not give it in full: Washi: :;;vn. p. <\ May 1. ISO . For • ii '- diiucua to deter mine c.xucEly uh.tr. there sienu* to_ lie a peachtu at ti and a eorr ponding rise in the hopes of Mr. Johnson's friends. A prominent, member of tlie copperhead or ganization in this city whose relation- with the White House arc rather iutiinaic ■ ;t confidential, as-niv.i rue this morning at there is no h nger any far of couth -G >n in tii • ranks ot ais parly; and that Mr. Johnson himself considered the case already decided in his favor. On our own side, one of tin; mo, i distinguished mem bers of Congfe--. and me who lias been prominent j as a eaniii late for flh e V i ee, i;'y . b ring yv.oi i- implying thu! h. fad on lip the Case. I ; any data by v. inch !;•. com t iV- I den despondency ; but on (die cm;:, ay have la on assured by irioinTs of ■ ral of the so-called doiilitlui Republican f’enat' is that they will undoutedly vote for convic tion. The jealousies ami rivalries of opposing candidates for the Vice Presidency arc per haps the most plausible reasons which can he assigned. Ii is well known that Ihcre is a number ol members of Congress whose aspirations run in this direction, and wiio, if they; consulted their own feelings and interests, would prefer not to put Mr. Wade in a position to eontr 1 tlie nomina tion by elevating him to the White House, before the Guicago Convention has met and completed its work. If tlie national i interests at stake were less momentous than they are. it Would he quite excusable to put liie pal rouage. of the Go vermin ; 1 in the hands oi an avowed candidate lor t!iu Vi, e Presidency. at sm-h a lime that ho would have the dialribution of it at, the very hour of the meeting of the nomina ting convention. Undoubtedly i .at bo !v will be eompo.si and ot men quite as honest as usually make up such an assemblage, and there 1- rei airily no m n in tlie coun try whose character is further above sus picion ol Lit improper Use o patronage, or of any other < t not absolutely pure anil honorable . mi. hone, t Ben. Wade; yet it am tbe conic and that the circumstances re unfortuned- and . .if u’. fcd to ex pose noth tl e oisj en-oi ml the -eel cr of e\et u t.ve taV'-rs r.o in :-u il tom stations. Ic.mo 't help, therefore, i I regard it as uiiiomi i.lS ■ ih.it Mr. W.cle ,ii- a’i. we : id- name to be used in tiiis connection : ami if would remove one important obstacle-"perhaps tlie m st important one —to harm,mi. us party action, it lie snonhl formally retire from tlie contest by the publication of a letter declining to ho a candidate. Such a step would he superfluous, because it lias been so distinctly understood that Mr. Wade is a Candida! e, t bat nothing less than a personal ,1 a laratiou to the contrary can remove the idea; and without such a de claration he stall Is before the country in ilmost the same attitude is if lit had in terms announeeo his eainiii ary. The net which 1 here suggest would be qui e in keeping v. iii Mi. o 1 un-elii-ii charac ter, and its recoid w aid be one of tne brightest, pages in tlie ldsimry ot hi- p ,* -j --otic public, lite. On the other hand, if im peachment should by any po-Sibil tty fail through tlie jealousies of his rivals oil tiiis question, he would bo heel mainly re sponsible for the result, and would add another name to tli.it lnekiiieholly list of me ii who have tarnished tlie brightness of along life ot usefulness and honor by a fatal mistake in their eld age. 1 stiv tti.it lie would be held ciii.lly accountable be cause none of nis rivals arc in such a posi tion that tlie result ot the impeachment trial lias any bearing upon their chances for the nomination, and therefore none of them could re a eve the (tiliieiilty by will - drawing. Mr. Wade, on tiie other hand, eould remove it at once; and when it is considered that hi.- lai.ure to do so. should it cause the failure of impeachment, \l ouid render the nomination comparatively him by destroying the chances of the Kcpnoilcan party for success iu the Presidential contest, tee reasons for his taking that step almost unanswerable. L. F. Boyle. We don’t know Mr. Boyle; never heard of him before, but we suppose lie is a friend of on is, and we therefore give him the benefit oi a notice. We don't under stand the object of liis paper, but hope he dOeS. Presidential CusnhdatCK. Under the above heading the National intelligencer makes tiie following sensible remarks: According to our view of political duty, we have thou/.4 it most pi uueni to avoid all discussion -'iqi-iragingtooiic or another of the Presidential aspirants, or cotnpari soi s bet ween candidates, until the meeting of the National Convention, which is en trusted with tiie gr..vc responsibility of presenting a si.iii.i.ird-bt ar.-r for the true t’ri uds oi tiie < bnrtitiition and Union in the coming contest. Ali the distinguished men who ha\ e be, n hr. light forward as dkndidates deservedly command tiie confidence and appreciation of the conn! rv .and whoever among fin m may lie nominalcu should atom-eei,i st me enthusiastic support,of those great Con servative masses w to arc determined to res cue the country rum misrule and corrup tion, am! to ; resene the integrity ot our free institutions. At tlie proper time we will all Hud! cordially ant) energetically in support ot the nominee, whether it be In n dletnii. Sherman. Hendricks, Seymour, Parker. Fields. McClellan. Hancock. Doo little, Farragut. It.xoii, Biair. or any other reliable -t.ti-maii or sohlii r. who lias proved his faith by ids work- in those per ilous times, ami testified his devotion to the great principles of liberty and law upon wliieh this Govenini nt rests. As we expressed these same views in our issue of Monday, we can only repeat, that unless tlie friends of a Constitutional Union every w here unite, there is no hope for ns. Perfect unity ot notion, and harmony of feeling is now .necessary to secure suc cess. EST-Woman: tiie only sewing machine that ever busted a goose.”