Georgia weekly opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 12, 1867, Image 8

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w GEOEGIA 1 WEEKLY OPINION Legal Advertisements! -OJLVITOOOA SHERIFF SALES, d town lot No. 13, and part ofloU i block five (6) in the town of bum- levied on to satisfy three Justices' satisfy three J ts. in favor of J. M. IUU vs. Allen Teal, Principal, and W. K. end fjL uleghora, endors ers on two. end Cleghorn ft Boss, endorsers on the tUior. Also, at the seme timo and place will be sold •vo town lota No. 7 end 8 in block thirteen (18) in flfaetofrn of Summerville, Chattooga county, Ge. JL«rled on es the proi*ertjr or M. P. Rodgers, to •stlsfye Justices' Court fl. 11. in favor of (7. B.T. Maddox vs. sold Rogers. Also, will be sold ot the same timo end plsci two lots of land Nos. 15 ami 51 in Uie 15th district and 4th section of Chattooga county, Ge. Levied on to satisfy two Justiecs’ Conrt A. fas. in favor of W. K. end J. 8. Usghorn vs. J. W. Glenn, prim}, pel, end Joseph Glenn, security, end J. N. Mill- •an, endorser. Also, will be sold at thesemo timo end place lots wTland Nos. 63,64 and 68 in thu 14th district and 4thsection. * ~ -—*■— ■*— *~ fn my hands __ ___.. —, •gainst John Taylor, cxccutor or David Coving, ion. deceased. All the above property pointed •at by the plaintiffs, Levies made and returned fto mo by Constables. Also, at tho samo time and place will be sold •no lot or land No. 150 in the 13th dUtrict and 4th •action. levied on to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from %• County Court of Chattooga county, In far •pencor liars* vs. F. N. Morgan. Property p •i out by defendant. Lory in ado and returned to —) by Connty Bailiff. llso. nt the same time and placo will be sold Legal Advertisements Spencer Marsh vs. F. N. Morgan. Property polllt- i out or dansdaat. — — e by County Bailiff. sfitloi of*1 and 8 jfi?. 8 l$Jn H tbo 16th district and 4th f iction oi Chattooga county, Ga., to satisfy two , flw., one In favor of W. K? Vann, tho other in vor .of Nathan Yarbrougli^rs. F. A. Kirby, admin- Iratorof John W. Glenn, deconxeit ' roporty pointed out by plaintiff. . October tSth, VUT O. C. CLRGHORN, Sheriff Ohs it •ov*-wtd* Printejfs fee # >i 00 NEWTON SHERIFF'S SaVFo WILL be sold bn tho first Tuesday to. D<r pir.bwr seat, within the legal hours ol sale. 1* f > » the Court House door, in the city of Oflvtagtoti, ta the Gl. Craven n. Kllaha Roberta. Pwjrarty pointed •at by A. B. Simms, plaintiff’s attorney This Also, at the same time and place will be sold tone house and lot in the city of Covington, known In the plan of said city as lots Nos. 8 and 0, In ~iuare C, together with theappurtenanoea thereto slonging, (thorn being a good dwelling and out *Sc Iwuact) contoinin g one 0 acre! more or lessT Lev led •n as the property of A. H. Loo, to satisfy the Principal, interest and cost on one fl. la. issued from Newton County SuperiorCourt in favor of A. •immsvs. A. II. Lee. Proporty pointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time and placo will bo sold all Amt tract or parcel or land lying and being in the •onnty of Newton, wheroon there is a good Grist •ad Saw Mill, it being all that tract of land on which Thomas F. Bom resides, containing oight hundred acres, moro or less. Levied on a* the property of Thomas F. Born, tA satisfy principal, Interest and oost on one fl. fa. issued from Newton •uperiorCourtyn favor of Andrew Ford rs.Thomas 9*. Born, and principal. Interest and cost on one fl .fa. Issued from Newton Superior Court in favor of Andrew Ford vs. Thomas l*. Born and James Born, security. Property pointed out by Thomas Also, at the tame timo and place will be sold i#no hundred pounds seed cotton. Levied on aa iho property of pilbcrt W. 8haw, to satisfy the co*t tued from Newton County Court In Sp favor of Rebecca jonoa Vs. Gilbert Nv. Shaw. ''Property pointed out by F. B. Jones. This Octo- •he* «th, 1 7^ ^ ^ BOWER, Doputy Sheriff. ociaD-WUls Printer's fee $16 BUTTS SHERIFF’S SALE. _WILL be sold beforothe Court House dooiy to the town of Jackson, Butts county, Ga., within nhe legal hours of sale, on the flrstTuesday in De cember next, the following property, to-wlt* Sixty-six (66) acres of land in Butts county, number not known, bounded east by lands or Robert Woodward, north by lamia of M. L. Harris and west by lands of Mrs. Coker, and south by Allred Banaston. Levied on to satisfy tho cost on a fl. Ih. from Butts County Court in favor of Wm. y. Douglass vs. Sarah* Jackson, administratrix on tho estate of J. 11. Jackson, deceased, and as be- longing to the estate^ofsaia deceased.^ OctoborSO. octST—’wtda Also, at tho l . v —- ..... Ally acres of land, lying and being in said county, number not known, but‘known as thenlnco form- crly occupied by Burwoll A. Benson. Levied on at tho property of said Burwoll A. Benson, to satisfy four fl. fas. from tho Justices' Court of tho 610th District, U. M., In favor of Jnmos Harper against B. A. Benson and William Thnxton. Levymwle and returned to mo by J. C. Thomusson, Consta- Me. October to, 1867. JOHN M. WISE. Deputy Sheriff. uovl—wtds Printer’s loots50 ~~ ~ COBB SHERIFF SALES. WILL lw sold before the Court Homo iloor. in the city or Marietta. Co'jb county, Ga.. on the first: Tuesday In December next, with in Die' usual hours of sale, the following propertv. to-wit: I.oli of hind numbers 873, W0, WT. lM0andf4T aud parts of 874.873 and in the I6th Uistric and second section of Cobb county. Lovied on & sbo property of Mrs. Joanna M.’Cass. executrix of John Cass, deceased, to satisfy ono 11. fa. issued from Cobb Superior Court in favor of Charles D. Phillips, bearer, vs. Joanna M. Caw, execturlx or John Cass, deceased. Sold for the purchase money. Also, at the same time «ml placo, lota of land Nos. 661,5!», 633 and 034 in the 17th district and 3d section of Cobb county. Lovied on as the proper ty of Hilliard Stone, to satisfy four Justice*’ Court Z W 11 imam oiuuu, w WIIHJ WM* vua,iv*» v."U!k fas. Issued from tho Justices’ Court of the 898th District, G. Mofsnid county, in favor of Hill A Bisaner, for tho use of J. A. Bisaner vs. Hilliard Atone. Levy madu and returned to me by J. F. Ferry, L. C. This 28th October, 1867. A. F. JOHNSON. Sheriff Cobb co. act*) wtds t Printer’s fees $3 Also, at tho samo time aud place will bo sold lots of land Nos. 389 and 396 lu tho 1st district and Sd section of Cobb county. Levied on as (he property of J.G. Albritton, to satisfy a Justices' Court it. fa. in favor of Thomas E. Winn vs. J. G. Albritton. Levy mode and returned to me by J. 11. CbatnlM»rs, L.C. November*, 1857. * %, 'IINO, Deputy S Printer's fee $8JS0 GWINNETT bHElilFF SALKS. I WILL sell before tho Conrt llonso door. in the town of LawroncevHle, Gwinnott county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in December next, 1867, within the legal hours or sale, the following property to*wit: One house and lot in said town of Lawrence- and W. fl. Smith, and fronting the street leading to McAfee's bridge, it being the place whereon Flcaiant A. Sterling now resides. levied on to satisfy sundry ft. fas. In favor of Wiliium Seales vs. said Sterling, Issued from the Uouniy Court or Gwinnett county, Ga. Also, at the same Ume and place I will sell one carriage or roekaway with the, top off; also, sixty bnshsls of corn, more or less, as the property of Charles W. Christian, to satisfy the costs on an. fa. la favor or William Scales vs. sald Christian, Issued from the Superior Conrt of said county. • ‘»y James llrowu and Win. W, J. BORN, Sheriff. Printer’s fees $5 issued from the Super Property pointed out bj Gamer. October 38th, 1 GREENE SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in Greenesboro, Greene county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, the following tract of laud lving and being in Greene county, on the waters or tho Oconee river, bounded by'lands of Lawrence r. Wheeler, James Watson nod W. B, Ellington’s estate and others, containing one thousand acres, SoKwless. Levied upon to fttisfY afl.r.vDsu- flOTl-wtdl Printer’s fec|i .UFSON MORTGAGE SALE. WILL ho sold before tho Court House d ThoiaassM. Upson count*-, Georgia, Tuesday in .January. 1885. °*00» wWrwi, Jack. «k*e, nDoiit . old: mouse colored Jen- aeL nboiit vo or six years''ol.TrhndTmo.fen net Oort. J ^ 8FALDINQ SHERIFF BALES* WILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before tho Court House door, Hpuldlng coun ty, Georgia, between tho usual hours of sale, the following'prbperty, to-wit: • (■> Two (ft) gray horses, ten or eleven years old; twr (3) bay horses, ten or eloven years old; two (9) chestnut sorrel horses, nine or ten year*{ two (3) close carriages and harness; one roekaway and harness; six (0) buggies and four buggy harness;. ono one-horse wagon and — —— wagon and harness;ono livery stable (brick front) _ half acre, more or less, bounded on tbo cast,, G. Manley’s stable, on tho south by Broadway; one livery stable (wood front) bounded on west by lot owned by J. A. Becks, containing ono-balf acre, moro or less: ono brick house and lot, front* ing on Sixth street, containing ono half acre, more or less, and now occupied as a residence by Mrs. Bowden. All levied on ns the property of *' ’ ’ G. Foster, to satisfy a fl. fa. from fipaldtnfc »ui>«. ri‘>r i ..urt in favor of thcr Merchants’ and Han- tors’ Bank vs.' £. G. Foster. The houses nnd lots all being In tho city of Griffin. All pointed out by W.IT Philips. Also, at the same time and place will be sold one center table, oue soft;, two (21 workstands, one bureau, one clock, ono wardrobe, one safe, one side-board, one dining table, one gray maro > satisfy one distress war rant in favor of 'Or or N. Lovel vs. A. J. Cloud. Proper- out hr A. D. Nunnally, plaintiff's at- Also. atthosamo timo and place will be sold two store houses and lots op the east side of Hill street, Griffin, and known as Woodruff's build ings, ono of which Is now occupied by Drfickcr St Hammcrslough. Dry Goods Merchants, and the other occupied by Woodruff as a Carriage Reposi tory. AH levied as tho property of yfj ff. Wood* ruff, to satisfy a fl. fa. from Spalding Huporior Court in favor of James M. Couch vs. S. 11. Ban ders, principal, and W. W. Woodruff, security.— Property pointed out by a. D. Nunnally, plain- odosk and ohair, vuu triMUUiiUi ,rrv *.i , vu-.w* chairs, I bonrd, one dining table, ono sido tabic, _ moo chairs, two small chairs, ono lot or crockory, one hat reck, ono marble top center table, two (t) small parlor tables, six parlor chairs, ono rocking chair, two (8) small sofas, two wludow shades, ono what-not, one parlor lamp, ono carpet. All levied on as the property of G. M. Gullatt atisfy ono Mortgage fl. fa. from Spalding County Court, in fovor ar Davis Dawson vs. G, M. Gullatt. Property pointed out in said fl. fa. Also, at the same timo and place will be sold -ae brick houso and all the land thereto belong ing. situated in West Griilln, nnd Mar- shall College. Levied on as the property of Mar shall College to satisfy one fl. la. from Spalding Superior Court, Infavor of A. R. Marshall vs. Mar shall College. Property pointed but by C. Peeples, plaintiff’s attorney. POSTPONED SALE. At tho same time and place will be sold lot of land No. (18) nineteen, and lot of land No. (14) fourteen, each containing two hundred two and one-hair acres, more or less, and being In tho third dUtrict of Spalding county. Levied on as tho-property of William Critteaden, to satisfy ono 11. fa. from Spalding Superior Court in favor of Wm- S. Herrington vs. William Crittenden.— Property pointed ont J. D. Steward, plaintiffs attorney. Also, at the same time and place will be sold the following lands: lltty acres off of uorthlslde of lot No. (815) two hundred and fifteen; fifteen acres off of southwest corner of lot No. (KM) two hundred find four: one hundred one and one-fourth acres sonthhalfof lot No. (*>i)two hundred and four; lot No. (835) two hundred and thirty-five, 808« acres, more or less; lot No. (914) two hundred ana fourteen. 809)4 acres, all In the third (Sd) district of Spalding county; one house and lot in the city of Griffin, containing hair acre, moro or less, and known as the late residence of Jacob Andrews, deceased tone vacant lot containing one acre, bounded south by Alford, west-by Dean, north by Poplar street, east by Sixth street. All levied on to satisfy one fl. fa. from Spald ing County Court, in favor ot Miles G. Dobbins vs. October 30,1867. D. D. DOYAL, Sheriff. Printer's fees $17.80 DECEMBER SHERIFF SALES—FUL TON COUNTY". WILL bcfsold.before thcOourt-housedoorln the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, on the first Tues day in December next, wltblu tho logal hours of sale, the following property, to.wit: All that tract or parcel or laud adjoining tho prem ises of Samuel A. Durand, on which is a dwelling house, now occupied by Doctor llarrisou West moreland, and known as lot number eight in the ■ubdlvlaior *■*—“• ty-twoon it — a front on tbo west sido of Whitehall street of twenty-five lect and ruunlng back one huudred foot. Levied on as tho property of James J. Mor- rison, trustee for Mrs. II. Ji. Morrison, to satisfy a fl. fa. issuod from Fulton SujHJrior Court in fa vor of John A.|Do:mo vs. James J. Morrison, trus- too for Mrs. H. II. Morrison, and to be sold for purchase money. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, that tract or parcel of land lying on tho west side of Crow street, In tho cMy of Atlanta, containing one-quarter of an aero, moro or less, on which is a dwell ing house now oocupiod by J. It. Barrtek, being the same premises wliich Wil liam Wilson deeded John A. Doano in trust lor William T, NVv, man, trustco for Arnes If. Now- ii, on tho Kith October, 1866, and known as city number twenty-five, in block soven, on land Legal Advertisements Legal • Advertisements. / CAIIROLL* SHERIFF SALES. 1 7 1 WILL 1)0 sold before the Conrt House•'door, ih Carrollton, Carroll VpudtVi oil the first Tuesday In deceased. Levy jhado nnd retained to mttby* Constable. . <•., , .. Also, at the same time And placo will be sold lot of land No. 180 in the fifth district of said county; ^ Sas 'Also, at the same time And place, lotofJafldNo. 28 In the tenth district of said county*. Levied on — *ho property of Charles Kingsbury, tosa'* '" Mortgago jt, fa. issued from the SUpi Court of snid county, in favor of Maudcville ft •tawartj^ ProyrWj-pointed out by John W. Stew- COBB SHERIFF’S SALE. TILL bp sold before the Court House door, in YV the city of Marietta, Cobb county, Ga., on tho first Tuesday in December next, betwoen the lawful hours of sale, two and a half lots of land, in all containing one hundred acres, more or less, one of said lots Doing No. 836. the half lot being No. 381, and tho number of ,the other lot nut known, all lying in the JDtb district and 2d ac tion of Cobb county, and known as the Jones g||Mr Whereon Andrew and Wm. Jones lately awgadjoinlng the lands or Mrs. Kolb, 31 rs. 'amp and Jno. 31. Edge. LcyJcd on as the property of Andrew Jones, to satisfy an attach- meat fl, fa. issued from Cobb Superior Court in fa- “*■“ of Isabella Burroughs vs. Andrew Jones. u — ,SB * F. JOHNSON, Sheriff. Printer’s fee $2.50 October 1*. 1867. FULTON MORTGAGE SALK. nrriLL be sold before the Court House door, in »" tho city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Ga., on ic first Tuesday in December next, within the 5 al hours of a ale, tbo following property! to-wlt: . K. Godfrey’s entlro stock of fancy goods, yankce notions and hosiery, Ac. Levied on os the property of J.' E. Godfrey, by virtue of and to satisfy a Mortgago 11. fa. issued from Fulton County Court, in favor of KHJah Brown vs. J. Krwln Godfrey. Property pointed out In said fl. fh. October 5,1867. Also, at tho same time and place, a part of land lot No. 51, in the 14th district of originally Hcnrjr, now Fulton county, known in the plan of city survey as city lots Nos. 91 and 84, fronting on reachtrce and Ivy streets, each lot containing half an acre, and being the lots whereon tho de fendant, John ii. LoveKW now resides. Levied on ns tho property or John II. Lovejoy, by virtue or and to satisfy a Mortgage fl. fa. Issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor or Maurice Livingston vs. John H. Lovejoy. Property point- l not in said Mortgage II. fa. July 6,1807. W. L. HUBBARD, Deputy Sheriff. oct8-wtds f Pr in tcr’s foe $10.00] POSTPONED MORTGAGE SALE ■fTflLL be sold before the Court House door. In YV the City of Atlanta and County of Fnlton, •*- * •** Tar ADMIN 1STUATOB'S BALE. f\ti tin lint TUM-Wy In [Vt cmhcr next wliibe \J sold before the Court House door In. Thomas- ton, Upson county, fractional lot of land number lixty-Mven (if the sixteenth-district ol orlglitally Thmuuston, now Upson county, contaUilag one huiKircd and ninety-one acres, more or less, he. bilging to the woaU, of Wllron- L. Williams, de- ceased- Sold by order of tbo court of Ordinary for the benefit of the noire and creditor* ■ of 4ald do-* prlnter’i fee $5 ., ADMINISTRATOR’S BALE. T)f virtue of snofilerfrom the hdiorable Conrt jD bf oi-dliary Of DeKalh; oounty, Georgia,.will liosold before the CourtHouse door In the. town of DahlOncga, Lumpkin county, Georgia, within the lega: hours of-fcale; oni the 1st Tueseuy Ih De cember next, the followifig probertyv fo-witt Lot or land No. 1973, in the 11th district and 1st section of Lumpkin county,.Georgia.. Sold as part of the real estate of George K. tjinlth, deceased. Bold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. -Tories of sale cash. Oct.LP'tn. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. WILL be sold by an order from the (Jourt of Or dluary of Gwinnett county, Georgia, on the ilr»t Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of xale, before the Court House door. JnThe town of Cartersviile, o-»*lnullyCa»s. now Bartow coun ty, 160 acres of Ian.., in the 17tb district uiid 18th section, No. 137. Sold as the property of WUey W. Webb, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the iuslrg of said deceased. Terms cath. October IV, 1WL ! Admimitralor,. oct»-w404 Printer’s fee $5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. I virtue ol an order from the Conrt or Ordinary of Paulding, connty. Ga., will be sold before —.Court houne door. In the town of Delia*, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the It gal hours of sale, the following lots of land, fo-wjt; 133, north part and 0 lot No. 89Ur Sold I Mabaffy, deceased. _ heirs ana creditors. T< Legal Advertisements. OEOItGIA. Baldwin county. fpO Mrs. An*i .’JuBignon of said county, Mrs X .Susan M. B.-iley,. of Spalding county, Mrs La roll mi Day, of the rouhty bf Ulthfon, Mrs. 'Vlr- Ann V. DuBigaou, of Baldwin county, and Mrs. Ssllle M. Tcbautt, ot New Orleans. X*., Anniq Voortilps, of Memphis, Tcnn., and Seaton ii. Mary flCTFjemlng tC and David J., minor chil dren orDuvid J. and Susan M. Bailey, of Spald ing eoontr. Miller Grieve, Sr., of said Baldwin ssahw Miller Grieve, Jr., - A Ve, ir., oPiald county of Baldwin, Catharine G. wife of Atwood, -Mrs. Sarah Tinsley, Executor of Wm. B. Tinsley, deceased, Emily. f woman of color and her minor «on, Orrln, and verson L. Ilarrli, of Baldwin county, aud George W Pollard. Mrs. Louisa Fountaine. Mrs. Beverly Dabney,. Jure Lucy Wharton and Miss Saran Dabney, of the Slate of Virginia, all Of whotn are named as legatees under the will of Seaton Grantland, deceased, except the two first named. Whereas, David J. Bailey a* d Charles DuBlg- non. urlministrators, with the will annexed, ofthe said Seaton Grantland. deceased, hare duly filed their application before us in our Court of Onlln- ary for the probate of the lust will and testament, and the codicil thereto annexed, of said Heaton Grantland, deceased, iu tuUmn form. Said pro bate to lx- made in and before our said Court ti tit olden on the first Monday in January next. These are, therefore, to cite uud admonish you find each und every ono or you. to be and appear before us, in oar said Court, to bo holdon on tf— first Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, If any you have, why snid last wlll^ and testament and the codicil thereto annexed shall not be n-lraitlcd to probate in MlflM/bne, according to the petition and application of the said David J, Bailer and Charles DuBIgnon, and make other and further proceedings then and there according to the statute in such cases made and provided. JOHN Tl AMMON D. Ordinary. Heptcmber 98.1867—wQOd f Prs fee $851 Legal Advertisements- GEORGIA, DkKai.b COUNTY. 8. FOWLER, administrator, and Mary fl. • Cobb, administratrix, oil the estate of Robert Uh* ‘- * ‘ dfl’5«a*r*d, having made application to mu for loate to sell thereul estate of said Intestate. 18 ^ MrM * mow or leu, of lot No. 8$ ooucemed are notified to file their objections. Ifapy, they have, wltlitn two montha from the first publication of talk notice, else leave will be granted for the sale of said real estate. SBBSfcrMfT" - . ,1, ”*‘ ur ‘’ J.,B. WilApN.jOrdlnajr. . F. r c6oK , TAdmlnDtralorT' Printer’s fee >$ ADMINISTRATOJUS SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary or Paulding county, wn., will be sold b* lore the Court-House door, in tbetownofDallus, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the leg * hours of sale, the following lots of land, Nos. 9i 2*20 and ten ucres of lot No V26, south side. Sold imevty of Joseph Mabaffy, deceased. Hu ■benefitofthe heirs and creditors. Tori cash. October 8.1867. ine Auanxa r era axe instirace' in the plan of said city as city k 100, the same being designated original land lot No. 61, in it tract or parac) of land situated, 1 '* *tlanta,wherein located, known fos. 97,96,99 and , h block No. 16, of .... the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, containing five acres, more or leu, levied on by virtue or ■ nl- Jtt favor of James K. 31avson. transferee, vs. William Krrard, President of the Board of Trustees or the Atlanta Female College. Property pointed ont in said fl. fa. _ W. L. HUBBARD, Deputy Sheriff. October B. 1867-wtds (Printer's fee $5) * WlUiaw T. Lovied ' 1 the property of mau, to satisfy a U. fa. issued from 1 1 county, in favor of John A. , »fy a l Court of said Tull —... Doano and John R. Wallace vs. William T. New man, triutoo for Agues K. Newman and to ho sold for purehoso money. Property pointed out by lJ A Iso* at tho same timo nnd placo.» part of land lot No. — of the 14th district of originally lieu- Icon county, Ga, fronting on the south diuu ... iuw. ieUa street, 6th Ward citv of Atlanta, and immediately opimaito Henry 1\ Latimer’s residence, containing half acre, more or leu.— Lev led on by virtue of and to satisfy n distress warrant issuod by W. M. Butt. J. P., in favor of in *’ lade by J. R. Thom November 3,1867. W. L. liUUUARD, Deputy Sheriff. Atlanta, November 1,1867. l’rs tec $7.50 POfiTrONiED SPECIAL BAILIPP’S SALE FOIl DECEMBER, 1867. WILL6ct-olilbefore tbo Court llouse door, in the city or Atlanta, on the first Tuesday in De cember, 1967, between tho legal hours of sale, tho tu a two-itorv hr,ok house, part of which is pour occupied by Hi Ivey ft Dougherty n-s a store, situated between Decatur and Lino streets, in the citj of Atlanta, upd ad- lolnlng a lot of U. \V. Collier, the samo being one- fourth Interest in said Unildlng till the first or January, lsM. Lovied on ns the property of J, K. S iysou. to satisfy a t\, in.- Issued irom the County nrtof Fulton county, in favor of J. M. C. itcii. Property injiuted ont by dcfohdnut. This Bthday bfNovemr *~“ PAULDING SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL lie sold before the Court" Homo door, in the town of Dallas, PauldingcdUhty, Georgia, on tho ilrstTuesdny In December next, within the legal hours ofsale, the following property,to-wltt ono whito speckle headed cow, an«l live hundred handles of fodder, for tho oost on lonr County Court il. fas. in favor of John Vt. Hul V«fJ. H. ('leghorn, Issued irera Panldinsc CoUnty Conrt. perty^pohited out by defendant. This Octo* »UMT>:R SHERIFF’S SALE- WILL be sold before the i;ourt House door, In the city or AtnerWut, Sumter county, Ga., on tho first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours or sale, tho following property, ^o-wit: one (1) acre of land. levied on by virtue of, and to satisfy a fl. fa. burned rrom ‘WRh Justices’ ttrart in favor of James Poe vs. Adam Soott. Levied o- “ kdsm Scott. Property point* Iovy made and roturned v- w • woud, Constable. November 2,1867. JOHN B. P1LLSBURY. Deputy Sheriff. -Wtds Prlntaps fee $2 50 DKIvALB SHEU^F’S WILL be sold before the court houAe door in lh ( town of licratur in said county, on tho first Too* wi'hlMho logal 1 ours j tain Hi s «.—rdiVti iiropcrty. lo-witt coloivJ Jack, Nfjauiun sIao, about of Stone Monn- about ono year old. Levied ^bja'liortiiagelh**- Loin Upson County Court in lav or of T. A. 1). W«*avur r» John hdgar. Also, j t tbo same thno and^laco.^two bureaus, child's crib. All levuvi ou under fl fa- Dorn tb'”foperfort.uurtof said county, In favor of Williams. Hsvorton vs WilllamC. Ssddlrr Said property peiatad on# by pUtmiff. No’ arw HENRY COUNTY SHERIFF SALKS. WILL be sold lieforo tho Court House door. In tho town of MeDonough, Henry county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in I»eceml>er next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, *—’It j hundred and forty acres of land, more or less. Levie<l on us the propert> oi Geo. R. Lewis, to satisfy a 11. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Henry county, in favor of M. F. Rosser, 1 trus tee. Ac., vs. G. It. Lowis, (tho placo whereon G. IL Lewis now lives,) in said county. Property twinted by said Lewis. Also, at tho same timo and place will be sold ono hundred acres of land, more or less, the placo whereon Wra. Jenkins now lives, in Henry coun ty, Lovlcdon as the proparty of J.J. Jenkins, to satisfy a 11. fa. from Lhu Superior Court of said county, In favor of J, M. Me Donald, for tho pur chase money, vs. J. J. Jenkins. Property pointed out by said Jenkins. Ootobcr 84, Iter. L. A. TURNER. Deputy Sheriff oct37—wtds Printer’s fee $5 BUTTS SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold before tbc Court House door, in The interest of John B. Dnuible described lands, to-wlt: the Inuds purchased from It. G. Byars by John B. Durable, In said county, numbers not known, contain Ing two hundred and sixty-two (863) mores, and hounded east by the Indian Spring Ileservo, north by lands of Robert D. Andrews, west by .lands of if. W. Collier, and south by lands or James Rowland and others; said interest being twenty-four hundred dollars ($3100) paid out of thirty-seven huudred and lltty .dollars (3700): also, ono yoke of oxen, ono two-horso wagon, ttar — ' ninggearof cotton, n and (3660) pounds fodder, more or loss. All luvied S in os tho property of said John B. Durable, tosat- sfy a fl. fa. from Butts Superior Court, in favor of Mary O. Ivey against said John B. Durable, and other fl. las. now In my hands against saidDum- ble. October lBth, octST—wtds GREENE SHERIFF’S SALE. ■wwriLL lie sold before the Conrt Houso door, in ▼▼ the city of Grcenesboro, Green connty, Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the store houso ami lot at Woodvjlfo, In said county, adjoining Janies IL Whltlavr, now In possession of wm. Guill. and levied on by virtue of a Mortgage ti. fo. Issuod from the Superior Ourt of said county, in favor oi James II. Cox against Joseph W. Whittaw, as the KSfSf 0? 01 September 24, .1667. SALE UNDER MORTGAGE FI‘FA. CX7ILL be sold on the «r»t Tuesday In Decern- YV ber, 1867, before the Court Ilonse door. In tho City of Urt-ohsboro, Greene county, Georgia, tho following property, to-wlt: > v . , The entire or Htook of Groccrlf* and Merchon* dlhU of every description belonging to James T. Scott. I.cvieil ou by virtue of a fl. S. Lenwlfwn Grceno uouniy Court, September 9b»t, 1867, In favor ol 40b,, Dunav.. Social llalllir Greene CouutyCmirt. Septembers^ 1887-ire, [Pnfret>M.} EXECUTOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order ffom tbo Honorable tlojirt ot OriHnary ot Ulison county, will bo .', '1 be* tore tbo Court Hon.e -loor. In the tou n of Thom* luton, tri«on county, Gu., on tho rtr.t Tueatlny .In December next, within the lexal hour, ot Ml,, ono ffiSaTWa and 166, In the 15ta district of originally Monroe, now Upson countv. Hold as the property ot the estate of Jacob lCing, late of Upson county, dp- eeated. Hold for the benefit ofthe creditors or said deceased. Terms cash. October 8.1W7. JACOB H. KING, Executor. oetID—wtds Printer’s foe $.*» ADMINlbTRATOR’S SALE. B IV virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, Georgia, will bo sold before tho court House door, in Carrollton, on tho firat lues- day In December next, within tho legal hours of sale, lot of land No. (to) tbirty-nlnc, containing (803R) two hundred two and a hair acres, more or lew, with about thirty acres In cultivation, toler- able improvements, lying in tbo sixth district of said county or Carroll. Hold as tbo property or William lvinney, deceased, for tho Ji ‘ heirs and creditors. Term* «aj JKHSE KINNKY. auii octlT—wtds Prlnti Octobcr'J, 1607 ADM INISTUATOR’iS SALE. WILL be sold by an orler from the Court of Or- iJS, i'fi»eiog the Mint half *jf joa No.voa, in the 5th district of nab! county, some three miles « LawrenoovMe- Hold as the property of Bias' >® r ; Sen. deceased. Sold for the benefit of the betas of •aid declared. Terms cash. October 19.18B7 J WHAM HUBFHT, Admlai#»rator. HidH irfll Pvlaser’s foe fi BARTOW MORTGAGE SHERIFF SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, (a the town of Cartorsville. Bartow county, Ga., witbin the legal hours of sale, on tho Hist Tuesday In December ngxt. the following prop erty, to-wlt: One saw mill, steam engine and boiler. Levied as tho property of Morrison ft Garrison, to satisfy a Mortgago 11. fa. lnmy.haods, Issued from Floyd Connty Court in favor oi Noble Bros ft Co., against Morrison ft Garrison. October 6,18Vt. W. L. GOODWIN, 8herlff. , OQtlO—wtd Printer's foe fR ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. "DY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina- -D ry of Henry county, Ga., will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court House door In the town of McDonough, as a por tion of the real estate of James E.* ceased, lato of said county, tho east half of lot of land known as the Bromfield place, three miles cHgtot UcDonongb, for the benefit of tho credi tors. Terms cash. October * 8 £, l ® 7 * W |5 K jjg Administrator With will annexed, octlfl—w40d Prlntor’i fco $5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. F * virtue or an order from tbo honorable Court ol Ordinary ot Butts county, Ga., will bo sold before the Court House door, in tho town oi Jacx. son, Butts county, Georgia, betweeu tho icgoi bours.of «nlo, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wlt: Part of lot land No. 134, first district of originally nenry, now Butts county, sold as containing 133 acres, more or less. Sold ns tho real estate of William W. Proctor, late of said county, deceased. Hold for the benefit of the creditors. Terms of sale cash. October ll, 1867. WILLIAM J. PROCTOR. Administrator. octlB—wtds Printer’s feo $5 ELIZABETH MORGAN,) Bill for specific per- and i formnneo, cancelation MARY W. MORGAX, loi|dued,ftc.,iu Walker by her next friend, ftc., > Superior Court. ADDISON b' iIOWAUD, I and othors. J TT being shown that William Morgan and Henry tion of this Order once a month for four months B revious to the next Term of this Court, in tho pinion, n newspaper published In tho city of At* lanta, and that said William Morgan ami llenrv C. Hunter appearand defend snidbill at the next Term of tbo Superior Court for said county of Walker, on the 4th Monday' iu February. 1858, or that in default thoreof the bill will be taken as confessed, and tho complainants he allowod to proceed as parts as to said defendants. Chambers, Scptcinbor 3d. 1867. JAMES MILNER, J. 8. C.. C. C. A true extract from Minutes of Court, Septem ber Mst. 1867. JAMES II. ROGERS,Clerk, octo—wlani-irn (Printer^ fee $18.00] NOTICE. T WO MONTHS after this date application will lie made to the Ordinary of Gw In nett conn* ty, Georgia, for an order to sell all the wild or mattered land* not lyiug In said county, belong ing g ii/the'estAte’of'Adam'' Williamson, ’decease^! icording to the law laid down in Section 8,610 or i tho Slat di*t»lrtand8d .Jtl the (kale of Gt I-otof land No. 1.186 fn l— - section,und lot No. 437 in thelRUi district section, and one.fourth of tho mineral Interest in (ot*No. 366 iu the 1Mb dUtrict am* At section.- The above Uamc«l are all wild lands, lying iu what is known to be thoCherokoo Purchase In said Htate. Halil lots are supposed to be of great > alue lor gold and other tainurnls, ami oonlu b*: sold to much better advantage probably than at public sale, wherefore your petitioner prays your honor to grunt him an order to sell tho same and any other wild Iambi lying out of said county .of Gwinnett and in this State, which beloagvd to said deceased, informs or tho law In such cases made and pro vided, your petitioner will ever way, «fo. ' C. L. WMMON8, Adm’r;, Por J. P. Simmon*, his Attorney. September 9$, 1867—w3m /(Printer’s fee |Wt GEORGIA, IIknuy county. WHEREAS, Martha George, administratrix on thu iStateof Jackson Gunrge. deceased, latent’ shid county, bos applied to mo for letters dlsmUsory from said administration: ' This is.thcrerpfe.tocite and admonish all und singular the kindred nnd creditors of said de ceased to show cause,If tiny exists, within the time allowed by law. why letters of dismission should not lw granted tho applicunt. Witness my official signature, this October 13th 1867. Q* It. NOLAN, Ordinary. octJO—w6m . Printer’s fee $4.60 GEORGIA, IIknby county. WUKRBAB, John J, Bailey, administrator on tho estate ot Joseph JI. James, deceased, Ute of said county, has applied to me Indue form for fottort dlsmlssory from said administration t This is, therefore, to cito and mlmonlNh all and sin gular tbo kindred and; creditors of said deceased to show cause, if any exists, w ithin the time al lowed by law, why letters of dismission should .aut.* octo. her 15,1867. (j. IL NOLAN, Ordinary, octaii-wflm Printer’s ftp $4JX) GEORGIA, IIknby county* WHEREAS, James R. Robinson, administrator on tho estato or Wm. P. Robinson, lato or said county, deceased, has applied to me in due form for letters dlsmlssory rrom said administration: This Is, therefore to cite and ndmonfth nil nnd singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to show cause, if any cxibts, within tho il by law, wrhy said letters of dismls- '•"anted tho an ll signature. _ tj. it. NOLAN, Ordinary. Printer’s lce$lik) ootaO—w6m GEORGIA, GwiNNirrr county. mwo MONTHS afterdate application will be X made tolho Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the reality of Martha Maiibie, deoeased. the same oonstsiing of three share* of Georgia Railroad block. • WALTER 8* MALTIlIIC, AdmT. •eptemberW, 1187—wt* (I’m fte 06) GEORGIA, DkKalb county. TAMkS POLK, one of the executors on the •I estate nf Stephen Mhrtin, late of said county, deceased, having made, application to this Court for leave to sell seventy-five acres of lot of land, number not known,adjoining lands ofG. L. Hum? pbrics and Thoms Adams, for tbebouelltof tho heirs and creditors: All persons concerned are notified to fllo their objections, if any they have, within twe mouths from the first publication or this notice, elso «oave will be granted for the sale of said real estate. Witness my official signature. October 1.1867. JONATUAN U. WJUOM, Or.Utmrf. octS—w8in Printer’s fet* *5 GEORGIA, Fulton county. riOUttT OF ORDINAUY, OCTOBER TERM. \y 1867—Wm. C. Peake, executor ortho last will aud testament of Joseph II. Dennis, late of said county, deceased, having applied to me for leave to sell the real estate belonging to said deceased, for the benefit of the legatees of said deceased: All persons con-erned are notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or Imfore the first Mou- day iu December next, else leave will be grunted for the sale of said real estate. Witness my official signature and seal of office, October 7th, 1£67. octihrtm DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. Printer's fee $5 GEORGIA, DkKal* county. TORN G. MCWILLIAMS aud Robert MeWUr Hams, executors on the estate of John McWil liams, deceased, navlng made application *o me for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, consisting of seventy-seven acres, more or less, of, west hair or lot No. 77 In the 15th district of DeKalb county, Georgia i All persons concerned gre notified to file theta obiectlons, if any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notice, else loave Will be granted for the sale of said real estate 1 . this Qctober 7th, JONATHAN B. WILSON, Ordinary. f Printer’s feeffl? GEOEGIA, Fl-ltok oountv. that he has fully administered said estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator should not be discharged from his said ad ministration nnd receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in March, 1868. Witness tho lion. Daniel Pittman. Ordinary of sahi county, this.4th day of September. 1867. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Uork. scp3—w6m[Printer’s fee $4 Ni-j GEORGIA, Bartow county. W HEREAS, Thomas J. Wofford, executor of William B. Wofford, deceased, represents to the Court, in hli petition, duly filed and enter ed on record, that ho has fully administered Wil liam B. Wofford's ostate: This Is, therefore, to eito all persons concerned, kindred ami creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not bo discharged from his executorship and receive letters of din-' mission. This td (Monday) Seufontber. te67. Ji. A. HOWARD. Ordinary. icpt4—wOm (Printer’s tee $4.56) GEORGIA, DsKalu bounty. M R& SARAH J. ANDERSON, administratrix on the Cftnto of William B. Anderson, de ceased, having made application to me for leave to sellt he real estate of sulil intestate (widow’s dower oxcepted) consisting of 140 acres, more or loss, of lot, uumber not known, in the 16lh district of ■ighully Henry, now DeKalb county, Georgia: All persons concerned are nutitlcd to file their objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notice, elsu leave will be granted for the sale of said real estate. Given under my hand and official signature, this SeptenilieraB, 1M7. JONATHAN B. WILSON, Ordinary. sep87—wfm (Printer’s fee $5] GEORGIA, Faykttk county. M ILLIGAN It. D’Vaughn, executor of tbo will of John D’Vaughn, late or said county, de ceased, haring made application to the Court ot Ordinary of said couuty. for leave to sell the laud Monging to the estate bf said deceased, for the benefit of lliu heirs and creditors; A'V person* hto notified to file their objections, lfanytoey have, within two mouths from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be grunted for vh** sale of said re-»l estate. Given und*-r my band, this 7th day of October, 1867. EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary. octll—vrfm . Printer's tm_$S __ GEORGIA, Clayton county. AT the October Term of tho Court of Ordinary of wild county sJohu A. Nusli, ndintu estate: This Is, therefore, to cite and admonish nil per- sous concerned to In* and appear ut my office. Within the timo prescribed by law, am! show cause, If any (buy cun. why loiters or dlsmlsdiou should not tie granted tho applicant. Given under tny hand and oirtcia signature, this October 7th, lbt!7. a ; octM-wfim GEORGIA, Fulton county. W HEREAS, E. W. nolbtnd, exei*nb*r of the last will and testament orjl. E Hargrave, accented, und guardian of Flora Hargrave, do. ceased, rcnre-cnU, in his petition duly filed, that be has inlly discharged bts said trusts and prays tor letteis of dismission: This is, therefore, to oite and a-lmonish all tier- sons concerned to show cause, uithtntho time allowed by law. if any exist, why letters of dis mission shall not lie granted tho applicant. Witness my officiarsigualure. this August 3M, 1807. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, aiigtl—\v6m[Printer’s fee $160] GEORGIA, Jabfsr county. W HEREAS, Charles T. Preston, administrator on the estate of KiriiyD. Lowery, deceased, late of said couuty, makes application to the un dersigned for iuttcrsof dismission from said ad ministrator shall not bo i the statute in such cases made nnd provided. Given under my ami official signature, at oftlco _ this 18th day of September, 1867. M. H. HUTCHisoN, Ordinary. {Printer’s fce$4t01 GEORGIA, Gordon county. TWO MONTHS after date application November 4th. 1867 late if said couuty, deci ARLE1TIA PUTMAN GEORGIA, Clayton county. F .EA8ANT M. GLASS, lato of said coubty, having departed this life Intestate and no nay. sen haring applied for administration on the estate of said deceased: These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all nnd singular the kindred ami creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they b.*ve. why letters should not be granted to the Ultra or tne Superior Court or suiue other fit t I "biMR m m this Dctooul 1th, lMJ7. > be granted i punor court or — r person. i under my hand and official signature, >67. L. A. DOLLAR. Ordinary. octlS— wSud ’»-inti'r GEORGIA, lltsur covsrr. WIIKUKArt, Tboibu W. Sim, .ml Samiicb* AIkln apply for letters of administration on the estate of John Bowden, doseased, late of aaiib' couutyi ' These are, Iherefore, to cite all and singular tb» noxtofkln and creditors Of said deceased To ha and appear at , my office, within the time pre scribed by law, and show cause, if any they c&u why said letten should not be granted. , 1867. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. Prlnter’a feo $8 QK K GIA, Grxbnm county. v; -»tF,%w Hatnnel M. Findley applies for lefl- . <*v *.*. ministration on the estate of Luolndlt FL:. «. »of said county, deceased: T:. • therefore, toefte and require all pft»- ttor. ■ 'T- rued, to show cause why said letter* M’oc!» i ;t be granted at the Court of Ordinary to lw held in and for said county, on the Aral Monday in December next. Given under my baud, at office, in Greoncsboto, October 14th, 166L EUGENIUS U KING. Onllnary, octfOwBt Printer's fee $8 GEORGIA, Grkkkk codxtv. WHEREAS, th« estate of Thompson McGwier, dei'CHscii, it unrepresented: These are, therefore, to cite and require alt p< »- - — why tne adialnla- tate should not be ... „ j|>erior Court, or to. rtv...e other fit aud proper person, at the Court off ordinary to be held in and for mid county on tbo first Mondav in December next. Givm under my band, at office. In Uree«n»boto, toiler 14th, 1867. EUGENIUS L. KING. Ordinary. ort*>—wSw. Printer's ft* $8 GEORGIA, Baldwin county. Z ACUARIAH RROOKINd has filed bis petUfon for letters of guardianship of the person anu* property of Aratoents Brown, a minor resldebl of said county i These are, therefore, to cite and admonish alb K rson* adversely concerned to file their ohjea rns on er before the dm Monday In December Given under my official signature, this llth. October, 1817. •ctlB—wSOtl JOHN HAMMOND, Ordinary. Printer f GEORGIA. dUMTHM COUNTY. WHEREAS, Joseph D. (Hover, applies to me for letters of administratfon on the estate of John W. Dupree, deceased t These are, therefore, to cite and admonish aib 3 ml singular the kindred and creditors of said uceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time i rescrlbed by law, to show cause. If any they have, why such letters should not bo granted* i terms of the law. L. P. DORM AN, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Baldwin county. WHEREAS. Tomlinson F. Nowell has filed hi* petition for letters or administratInn on the estate Newell, beu., late of said tounty, de- i. therefore, to cito and admonish the ceased: These < kindred and creditor* ot sabl deceased to Ilia their ob cctions In my office. If any they have, fore thefirst Monday in Deco ' * ‘ this 84th October 1HI7. hand and official slgi-nture. octaO-wSOd* JOHN HAMMOND. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fulton county. C'OCBT or OMDlNAar, NoVIMBICR 7 KBJI WHEREAS, Michael Flugerald having i mo lor letters of administration on theesiuicw of Nathan G«mM1iuu, late ol'sabl county, deceased i All person* concerned are hereby notified to ttlej their oldections, If any exist, on or before the tlisn Monday in December next, else, letters willbef granted according to praver of applicant. 4th. 1867. rdiuury. - L*$fi UKORGIA. Nkwton Coiistt. WUERKAS, RolMirt 11. Smith, udiniuistrator «>n Wm. A. Patrick, Uuceosed, re present* «»n iii»pt«4 tit Ion duly ilivd, that he bin ml.y dt->r.h.oge<i iiiu i, therefore, to rife and admonish aM and singular the kindled mid cn-difoi* <#( said . deceased to )>e und appear ut m> ofii.v on or l«# : fore the first Monday in May, l*»\ nndshovv rnu*e| r . if any they have; wuy li tters o» ulMut-siun should \ — * * ran tee the applicant. under my hand and official signature! I this November 5th, tn»7. Prim GEORGIA, Fcr.roN county. CO CRT Ot* OttDlX ART, NOVXXBKR T« WilKKKAS. Sarah »:. Davie applies id uiliiioiiish all s the lira; Monday in Dec» DANIEL PI fl MAN, Ordin.itC • ^ Printer’s f.-M | GKORG1A, Fulton county. Court os* ordinary, November Tkrm, lfic. vi WHEREAS, James Greenwood. P. O. L*.. :tpg U „ for totters of gnuriiiaiiship of the pei'son*unftfl property of Lula J., Mary Took and Geirgu^ Thomas Abrams, minor* and orphans ol Jir.iiho , L*. O. C., dccesscd: j M - irsons concerned nro notiflc l to lit. obleciions. If any exist, ou or before tho firstllmv^ day in December next,-else lot ter* will be gra.tM. GEORGIA, DkKai.b county. ALL persons concerned are hereby uotlfiej tlmiK George J. Howard, of tho Mist District. (I Al., tolls before W. il. Howard and G. It. tlaHfr<V« lioloers, an Estray yearling, taken up on t t freS hold or said (*feo. J. Howard, a auna cilonS: heifor, with a white blaze in.the face, white* 11> 8 nd end of tall white, no ear marks, supp^i -o e about fifteen months old, appraised to la- ih Eight Dollars said Estray will be told •rEre*- ■•ay. Uie 18th November, 1HJ7, unless nroviu urd akon away. i A suUtantial cony of the description m l ..u- praltomentfrom tlwEstray Hook of snid o-mtv. Given under my hand and official aigmuire. this November S, 1867. „ • -- THOMAS R. HOYLE, C. U . B-Wlw Printer’s rec$8 GEORGIA, Fulton county, I ’ ”IIERKAS, John J. Thrasher, adminiurmor . of the estate of Joseph A. Thrasher, .ntsof *. a .L C aiV n J 3r ’.. ,l ‘'T'? sc '. 1 ’ represents In his i.*tit,on duta Ailed, that be has luliy executed nL a,hi This l« Iherefore, to cite und ndmonlsh ill nnd singular, tho kindred and creditor* m said <t*. GKOltUIA. FctTOS couNn. i »ug*-Yt<m f-n rruvo MoNTiis.iinrcl.iu .ppiintion win be IGKOUGlrt, Fulton cui X m-le lu th. Lour, or Oraio.ry or Mie conn- m.VO MONTHS »n..r .l»t« appl|c.lloH 1 1/' /or le.Tf to -Lll th, ronl t.l.le 01 OurgG i miula to ihuLpurt of “ ' “ Iff'«n•»«“. Bapteas bar 5, HW7- wifoi LOYD COUttCS Y, Ad al a I* taafog, i ta .sed. (fn Cf. %iS>r " ifnt, t Ordtnary or said* estate of .Stephen. GEO. W. TftMHY. "