Newspaper Page Text
the weekly opinion,
—ii HI ILL bo sold before the Court Houm
-ar l "A Macon editor occuplel •oroctniDK rtoor in tho town of Calhoun, Gordon
leu than a quarter of oWumn in correct- ‘
Inirfc typographical error, which but or
his pain&Uking had nover been noticed.
“Figures Don’t LiE.*-ThI« used to bo
true.' Dressmakers now-a-days say the
proverb no longer holds good.
Removal or OmcKBs in Savannah
The Savannah Republican of Monday has
Information that quite a number of changes
will shortly be made in the Governmental
oflicers In that city,
Efcr Mr. llayes, odltor of tho Savannah
Republican, has so far recovered from Ills
recent Injuries as to be able to assume the
ilutic9>of his office,
Tun IIumuuu«?—T11urlow Weed Is
preparing to write Ills own biography,
Who will easo to read it ‘i
Rising tfc Tin: World.—General Fitz
patrick, of Alabama, is no longer a ‘•scala
wag.*’ He is a miscreant no more, lie la
Things in Tknnkssee.—They .have a sort
of patent Hell in Tennessee, ami the patent
is likely to continue good.In the middle
and westcrajjortlona.of tho State for some
tlmo to comef iThe 10th section of a .late
act, forbidding negroc* ttjp cwflumeuU of
civil office, fs souglit to bo repealed. Speak
ing of this controversy, tho Nashville Ran*
If tho 10th section is not repealed, the
negroes propose to call a State Convention
for the purpose of reorganizing tho State
Government. In that event, all who op
pose the repeal are to be disfranchised;
a negro is to be made Provisional Govern
or; a negro militia created; a negro judi
ciary established, and all tho essentials to
a perfect black man’s Government put Into
operation. This is the common talk among
very exclusive colored circles. There are
white men mean enough to encourage it
and hundreds of negroes ignorant enough
to believe it.
The Harder of Chief Justice Slough
A special dispatch to the Chicago Tribune
from Denver, Colorado, 21th instant, gives
the following:
Last Friday our city was considerably
excited over the news of the killing of
Chief J ustice John P. plough, of New Mex
ico, at Santa Fe. The particulars of the
terrible tragedy, received tills morning, are
as follows: A short time ago Slough had
a difficulty with Secretary Heath and In
dian Agent Amy relative to the swearing
in of the members of tho Legislature. The
Chief Justice had always performed that
duty previous to the assembling of the last
Legislature a few weeks ago. when for some
reason they called upon the Secretary ti
swear them in. This the Chief .lustici
took its a direct Insult to himself, and meet
ing Mr. Amy, charged him with being the
instigator of the movement, and assaulted
him in the most violent manner. He was
arrested and brought before a justice of
the peace, but refused to lie tried before
suck an officer, and left the Court-ro •
For these ami other acts unbccomln
Chief Justice, a member of the Legislature
named Win. J.. Kyncrson introduced
joint resolution, declaring that, in t
opinion of the people of New Mexico,
John P. Slough was unlit t <> hold
the position of Chief Justice. :u:
questing bis removal. For this Sluu.
nouneeii Rynerson as a liar, a coward, and
a thief. They (Slough and Rynerson) met
in the bar-room of ttie Exchange Hotel at
noon on Sunday last, when Rynerson de
manded a retraction from Slough of the
epithets he lias applied to him. Slough
refused to retract anything that lie had
said, whereupon Rynerson drew a revolver
and ilrcd at Slough. The shot took effect
just above the thigh, causing ids death in
a few hours. Rynerson gave himself up
to the officers, and a strong ^uard was
placed over him to prevent the excited
populace from lynching him, which they
threatened to do. The greatest excitement
prevailed for a few hours, and tho city was
draped in mourning. Rynerson was for
merly a Captain in the California Volun
teers, and held tho position of Quartermas
ter at Santa Fe and other places for a long
time. His friends claim that he was fully
justified in shooting Slough. Chief J ustice
Slough was a man of considerable ability.
Ho formerly practiced law in this city, but
on tho breaking out of the war he was com
missioned Colonel of tho First Regiment
Colorado Cavalry, and commanded at the
battle of Pigeons’ Runchc, Now Mexico,
whero he defeated tho Texas Rangers un
der command ot Gen. Sibley. He was af
terward commissioned Brigadier General,
and was Military Governor of Alexandria,
Vu. After the close of the war he was ap
pointed Chief Justice of Now Mexico,
which position be held up to the time of
Ids death.”
Tub Minister to Ecu a dor.—The re lias
been a movement on foot among the anp.i-
cants for the position of Minister to Ecua
dor, each to induce the others to withdraw
in ids favor, but up to tho present time it
has not been ascertained that any one of
the number has been convinced that any
person had any better chance for the posi
tion than himself. As there arc only about
a dozen applicants for this vacancy, It
would be interesting to know what kind of
assurances each have that lie Is to be the
successful man. Indications arc that some
body will be disappointed.—Washington
Star, 2Of A.
Troops pent to Milledobville.—Fif
teen soldiers under the command of Lieut.
Miller, of the United States army, were
scut to Millcdgevillc to assist the police in
keeping tho peaco during tho holidays. As
there has been some erroneous speculations
concerning tills movement of troops, wc
have been assured by the Mayor of our
city that they were sent at bis request, and
that the officer in command, Lieut. Miller,
had been of great assistance to him in pre
serving the peace.—FUerdl Union, 301 A.
Railroad Burr Came to Gmiv.—The
Pennsylvania Railroad Company was sued
for damages resulting irom the Call or its
platform at Johnstown, * whereby several
persons were killed ami others crippled—an
accident which happened whan President
Johnson was there in Septemi
Judge Taylor has decided that till
ny was only bound tb mnkd thelt-
sufficiently strong' hpd 1 sdfc to
their ordinary fmalftttkf .“' ( (
ty A litccllbii,
ilntliicil ncnnirruloV
and died. It Trail hi
county, on the first Tuesday In lebruary,
1888, within tho legal hour, of Mile, the
following property, to-wit: „ „„
The following lot, ofltnd: hos. 90, 88,
§ ’, and 95, In tho 11th dUtrlct, 3d Motion,
ordon county,conUlningSOl acre* more
or leu. All levied on a, the properly or
N. A. Jackson to satisfy onoSuperior Court
11. fa. Ill favor of Warren Akin v«. .fanies
i). Ingles, principal, and N. A. Jackson,
Indorser. Property pointed out by plulii-
tiff. " ... .
Also, at the same time and place, will be
sold two lota of land, Nos. DU und lU0,ln
the lfith District, 3d section of Gordon
county, as tha property of B. M. Ander
son, to.satlsry three SupcriorCourt II.Tas. in
favor of Joseph Rowe, for the use ot V\ iu.
H. Morris and II. H. Dobson, vs. Samuel
Simpson and M. 31. Anderson, security, on
appeal; and one In favor of David 1*. Bar-
ray vs.M. M. Anderson, und onp in favor
ofalason Cluer vs. At. M. Aiider.-on.—
Property pointed out by defendant.
Also, at the same time und place will be
trict, 3d section, Gordon county, as
property of John Malone, tOautisly.twu in-
irior Court li. fas. hi favor or Geo, \V,
Eaton vs. John Floyd, principal, ami J no.
Malone, security,' and one .Superior Court
li. fa. iu raver of Sums iV Camp vs. John
Malone. Property pointed out. by defend
ant, Malone.
Also, at the same time ami place will be
sold two mules—one black the other sorrel.
Levied as the property of W m. Al. Shuin-
bliu, to satisfy ouo Superior Court Ji. fa. in
favor of John Thompson, administrator, ,
4c., vs. Win. 31. SliumuJin and John Jones, ,
Property pointed out by Johu Jones.
Arso, will bo sold at the same time uml
place, mt of laud No. 304, In tho 13th dis
trict, 3d section, Gordon county. Levied
bn as the property of Isaac J.Collier, to
satiety one Superior Court It. fa. Issued
from Coweta county, iu fuvor of Wudlow
Walker Burnsides. Property pointed out
by G. W. Ransom.
Also, will be sold lot of lund No. 158 in
7th district, 3d seetiou, Gordon county, us
the property of 8. E. Hinson. Levid on lo
satisiy two u. las. issued from Gordon
County Court, one in favor of J. R. Alex
ander, and one iu favor ol J. N. Scott
vs.S. E. Binson. Property pointed out
by inc deleudant, ana returuuu to me by a
County Bail ill.
Also, will be sold part of lot of land
No. 113, in the 14th district dd section ol
Uordou county. Levied on as the property
of George U. Lay. Lot No. lu bus a
saw uiiu on it and cignt acres of laud
attached to the mill, .ill of which is to
satisfy one Superior Court li. fa. iu favor
of T. A. Foster, surviving copartner, «£«
Property pointed out by piaiutdf hi li. la.
Also, at the same time and place will lie
sold lot of laud No. 188, iu the bill district,
3d section of Gordon county. Levied on
us the property of Johu Maien, lo satbly
two Superior Court li. las. in favor of i.. it.
Dobson vs. Mathis Staten and John otateu,
and one iu favor of L. 11. Dobson, exeettioi
of the estate of ii. 11. Dobson, deceased,
Johu Staten, and other li. fas, in my hands
vs. J**hn Staten ami others. 1 to petty
pointed out by delenUant.
.Uso, at tno same tune and place will be
sob! town lots Nos.l and 2, in 2d section
of iuu town of Calhoun, each containing
hlty leet irontiug the street parallel witu
the \\ . <Si A. 1£. ai., and running sixty feet
back, and known as the Johu Hawkins'
cornel - . Levied tliepropcrty of de
fendant to pay.the original purchase money
due for satu’property by delenduui to
piaintiif oil tho within li. ia. xToperi
pointed out by phiintilf’s attorney.
Also, at tlio same time and place, will be
sold eighty acres of land, part of lot A
lffi. Ninth part hi the (»tli district. 3d >c<
property of C. J. Butler, to satisly one Su
t li. l;t. in iu\or oi Abraham
late V-. i . J. Butler. Property pointed
out by defendant.
ALo, at the same time and place, will be
sold one lot oi land No. Hfi), lu the 0th dis
trict, 3d section of Gordon county. Lt-
' e property of G. T. 'Uiomp-
one Sunorlm* Com-t tl. in
vied c
eon, to satisfy one Superior Court li. la.
iu favor of James Hendrix for the pur
chase money, ami controlled by J. il. Ar-
thcr vs. G. T. Thompson, and D. U. King,
security. Property pointed out bv J. ii.
Also, at the same time uud place wili be
sold one lot oflund, number not known, but
Is known us the P. C. Dempsey place, where
Dempsey now lives, uml joins the widow
Spencer, in tho 0th district, 3d section of
Gordon county. Levied on as the prop
erty of L. Sutter Held, to sutisfy one Justices
Court 11. fa. iu favor of X. A. Foster.
Property pointed out by plaintiff iu said
li. fa. and returned to lue by u constable.
Also, at the same lime uud place will be
sold two huudred and tlfty bushels of corn,
levied on as the properly of Suiuuul Pul
liam to satisfy one County Court ji. fa. in
fuvor of Charles J. Jenkins. Governor, vs
Samuel Pulliam.
Also, at the samo time and place will be
sold one red white lUcc cow, one large
ivmn L'ArMn n,m ... < v
well’ll ft»rm. All levied on as the property of
M. E. X’arker, to satisfy a II. fa. In Favor of
Charles 1). l.ctibetter, vs. Ji. E. Parker, and
other II. fas. in my hands. III favor of C. D.
Also, at tile same time and place, wilt lie
60ld ono house and lot In tho town of Cal
houn, No. not known, lmt is known as the
place whero II. M. Buckhnltcr now lives.
Levied on us tho property of II. JI. Buck-
halter, to satisfy one Superior Court fi. fa.
in favor of .1. P. C. Martin, bearer, vs. II.
M. Buckhulter, maker, and Ci. JI. Thomp
son, security. Property [minted out by
pbdntltr In 11. fa.
Also, at the same time und place, will be
sold. 80 acres of land, liclng the east half of
lot No. 311, in the 8th district and 2d sec
tion of Gordon county. Levied on ns the
icrty ol Joseph Shclic, to satisfy one
lee Court II. fa. in tiivor of Poster &
Ilnriand. l’ropcrty pointed out by de
Also, will bo sold lot of land No. 299, in
tho 6th district, 3d section of Gordon coun
ty, as tho property of A. Lewis.' Levied
on to satisfy ono County Court ll. fa. in
favor W. A, J. Bobertson, administrator,
Ac. vs. A. Lewis. 1*101x1117 pointed Ont
by defendant.
Also, at tlio samo tlmo’und place,
one house and lot, in tbs town of Calhonn,
Gordon counts', No. not known, but it ■"
.place where James S.1Harkins ndi
s, and bounded as follows t * West by I,.,
IV. Murphy’s, eouth by wlicrc J. «, rtdn,
did live, north by Mrs. Gray. Lsvicdoti-
tho property of. hk W. Brown, to satfafy
lists Justice , Court li. :Um. 'In nvotvef
tung\ Jackson vs, &< W. 4 Brown. Props
yWwSdrtoUiir* Wt «S«»nt[fJ"
\Uo* at Uie same time and place, Will' ba
sMoFphSlotofland,No. BH. In the Kith
district andihlseetloniof Gordon' county,
rts the property of C. JL Jolmton and J.A.
Je|in«(m, as guardian,-tor tltolr children,
to satisfy three Justice Court 11. fas. in favor
of Jease Miller. Levied on nud returned to
mo by a Constable. Property pointed out
by Jesse Miller plaintiff.
Also, at tbe tame tluio and place, will be
sold,lot of land. No. 38. in tbe Utli district
and 3d section of Gordon county. Levied
on as tho property of Nancy Coplln, to
satisfy one Justice Court ft. fa. In favor
of Jesse Miller. Property pointed out by
plaintiff In II. fa.
Also, at tho same time and place will be
sold one lot ofland number not known,
but tlio plnco whereon Berry Hurk now
lives, in the 8th district, 3d section of
Gordon county. Lovied on as the property
of tV. It. Woodward, E. Woodward, maker
and Carter & Ingles indorsers, satisfy ono
Jnstlacs Court ft. la. Iu favor of John
Smith vs. W. It. Woodward andE. Wood
ward, maker. Carter & Ingles. Indorsers.
Property pointed out by .1. X. Carter,
and returned to mo by a Constable.
Alio, at tho same, time and place will be
sold, one lot of land, No.32th In the Kith
District and Third Section of Gordon coun
ty. Levied on ns the property of Henry
Bowls, t<’ Satisfy one Justice Court li.
fa. ia fhvoro! Harkins ,fc < 'allot. Property
pointed out by G. W. Muller. This tth
day of Janunm 1sds.
- JOHN G1II.S1IAM. Sheriff.
jam—wtds Printer’s 1'eoP.Vi
With tie sold before the Court House door, lo
tho city of Ureeaeoboro, Greene county, UeorgU,
ou tbe drst Tuesday in January neat, within tbe
leant hour, of sale, the following property, to-wlti
one traol or laud, known na tan Huwland plana,
on tho waters of Ktcblaud crock, four miles from
Greenes boro. Greene 00., coo tabling alx hundred
and .sixty-six (MS) acres, more or leu. Bald tract
has a good dwctliog house and other necessary
halldlag on It, adjoining Zachry Itoltlns and
othan. I.evict OB aa tho property of Gram
klooro, to satisfy one S. fa. front urcuno Bupufior
Also, at tha tame time and plucu will be told
ono hope mule, six^v - ,J ' ■
Tbo Great Magnetic Physician,
Tim following named DMii’tOJ, (ugctlict
muny other loruuor
* -, fl m
Hit man Maladies
Not heroin tpeciilcd, viz;
4 hL DUeatek of the llrain, Uhuutnatiiiu,
N'crvoiu Debility, Neuralgia, Weak 8plues,
raturo of tho Spine, Im dnmetl Sore km, Par-
nly»l<. Weak Eyes, Partial JSliiulnc**, Dropslcul
Tumors, Uleors. .Scrofula in Us varied forms, On*
sumption, Diabetes, Weakne»s of the Limbs,
Bronchitis, Loss or Voice, Palpitation of the
Heart. Diseases of the Liver, Klifneys and How*
els, Dyspepsia, Falling of the Womb, Suppressed
Menses. Cuturrh, all kinds of Sexual Di«e*sfn,
Impuritits of the Illood, Ac., »tc. J’AltALYSis
and DEAFNESS are tlu* most umcrtiiin or all dis
cases to iMire.althoiigh patients iinUcted even with
thoso terrible maladies will Im morn or l«s* bone*
nted. if not cured, by Magnetic Trentmenl. Frof.
UOUEKTa will heal the sick at l/. S. Hotel, At
lanta, until February 1st, INdS.
Consultation* Free; char ires reasonable.
Saturday afternoon L devoted lo the treaiuent
of tlif piMir, ‘'without money and w itboiit
WILL bo foM iHJlore the Courh-lioin.c dour, in the
town of Calhoun. ..onion county, tin., on the lln*«
Tuesday m Kebni iry next, wltlilii the legal hour*
of hale, the following iirojscrty, to-wit:
One lot of land No IS in the lih dUtrlct und :t<i
section of tJnrdou couiuy. Levluil oil a* the prop
erty «f James M. Field. t«» satl>fy one tax tl fa. .in
favor of the State and Uiiinly. IVoperly |Miluteii
by Collect* - * '** “
Also, will hr sold, one h
of Calhoun. Igivicd on a>
Jturkhultcr, toHatisly one tax u. i t
County Tax. Lovied on and returned
Constable. Tlio property levied on
M. IJurkhaltcr now lives.
land No. IU. iu t
». r percy*.f
ot F. D. F. AI1I1
I to me by a llalllfl.
oriand No *» In the L’.th
county. Lovied on as
will ho a old, loi
by Aaroti J'n>(T, Agent .fanunry; I, i*^.
old. Levied on as the
property of (Jlyses D. King, to sutisfy two cost U.
fas. Issued from Ureene County. Court vs. U. li.
King. Property pointed out by defendant. This
December 6,1W7.
Also, ut tue same time and place will 1>c sold a
tract ofland In the 144th District, C. M., luUieeno
county, <*a.. eontalumg acres, more or lv»s, it
being the place whereon *m John NV. Uwau now
resides. Levied on to »atiftfy suuilry tl. tus. in .a*
vorof Elliot c. liowden, u«lm*r, Ac., vs. John W.
Swan, iosued from tho County Courtot ureene
county, Georgia, also, to satisfy sundry co»t il. fa*,
iu my hands, iu fuvor of tho ciilicor» oi tnu Court
vs. said John W. hwnn, iftsued from the same
court. Property pointed out by h, C. nowdcii.
11 im.i.u ^ ^ n(JTUIESON lioputy Sheriff.
lG.-i-wi* Printers f^‘ fft
.VILL be m#M IwSore t*io Court Jiou-e uoor, iu
ihv town of CuuiAiiug, Oa., wituin sue legal u*»m*
of -alp. on the tot WcMlay lu Jui.i...i> next
liic loli.twiiiif pioperly,to-wit:
MM :|UHili< - duioi ciguty-seten acit-ft ol laml,
li.. s- .emhiht nuts mV-, ad)oiufng‘ U»id» of JobU
rL. iv-,.au.| <dlicl>, iu .all'lv one II. f... I-mi-d
fn iii * or#ylh Superior court in invar of Daniel
K. hang v*. OsIjoiu Mclaiuui*. Properly poiuted
out tiy defendant.
Ai .o, at the same time- and place w ill be sold
thirty acres oO of the wesson., oi lot of luu#. No.
(Til) -.even hunitred and ihty oue, lu the 4*1 Uto*
anil first scctlou of sahi county of loisytu. 1-eviud
/ft* tho projierty of 11. D. AlcCorinack, to satisfr
WoVrfst.ou two uf rdi. Issued from Forsuh County
Court In favor ofoflleersof Court vsa tLV. MeUilk
mack. Property poiuted out by defendant* This
the author November, iwv .
J.ACblMfi, Deputy Sheriff
detfl-wu Printer's fee |5
Also, at tho same time and place I w a 1 two
hunuiod acres of laud, numbers not known, lying
In the 14th dlst.lst sec.of Forsyth county, kuowu
as the Armstrong creek place. Levied upon to sat-
isfy a a. fa. Issued from ror»yth .Superior Court, In
favor of L. II. Hutchins vs. Johu Armstrong.—
Property pointed out by dvleiulaiit. This the Al
day of December, ltfil.
WILL be sold on the llrst Tuesday ill Januury
ext, l'«J8, within the legal hours iif sale, bcloiv
le court House door. In the city of Covington, to
te highest bidder, tho following projierty, to-wit:
A pure of that lot or parcel or land situate, lying
und being within the Incorporate liinils of the
city of Covington, known and distinguished in the
• i or said e“ • - - - • • ••
in;-' three
square It. *
ed by E. Ko*.- .
said fence being the property of fc.
<1 ft.*i*l Norman omjointly, mid not
t lo Invorof W D. Con;
.icrty |H.iiitu*l .
attorney. This October 7th, 1S57.
Newton Uupcrio
cen hundred i>ound*
ui<i fifty bushels of coni
jii as the property ofC. a-
3 Mortgage ll. la. issued f
placo will be sold
. AI. T. JJOWEIt, Deputy bherifl.
GEORGIA, Rartow county.
IT appearing t » tho Court by the petitio
WILL ba sold before the Court House door, In
tbe town of Decatur, DeKalh county, Georgia,
within the legal bouri of sale, on the first Tuesday
la January next, tha following property, to-Wilf
Two oouage bedsteads, two large chairs, two
small chairs, on# shovel, a Jug and Jar, one oil can,
one pair tongs, one large knife, five head of bogs.
Thl * l, * C ““ l> *r VaMKB O. POWKLI., Sheriff.
Printer's fee $1.W
: December 8,
WILL be sold on the firet Tuesday In Februury
next, before the Court l!on»o «*>or, in the town of
Newton, linker county, Georgia, within the u*iul
hours of sale, the rollowii!g:prt>pert\, ni-wit: One
thousand liukhel* of corn, m*»ie or Ion*, sewn
thousand tiouniU of cotton in t io ac-d. more or
less, and six IIiou»umI poun-U ofliii* -«v*#*t.»i». more
or less. l.erle*ion t<» satisfy a Mortgage ll. fa.
issued-rom linker hiipei mr cour«, lu favor of J.
M. Keaton A Co.. V*. Jonepil ttl ilelewr.-r J*.»*, -
eng pfiin
Noveiiiour SCI*I, IMi”.
xtorttfioie II r*. Ttds
U. J. MILLS, Sheri if.
novSA— w«*l» I'rlnter't ice (5
WILL ,he sold heforo the Court Uouse, In thocit)
of Give lies boro, Greene enuny, G(‘orgi i. on the
i.rftj I’ucd.iy ill January neatw within the lega
hyi." of sale, the follow mg propemy, |o-w it;
Tract of l.oid lying mid neiilg -td v.A>
ia mi tilled by l.i!
ituluining tl v<
aiiilValii'.ililtf'griftt * Ills und saw mills. .
cpoli to »*t*My * wo il lus- one in favor oi Join. 1.
MbmIU vs 'tm Mihiic. J tin. - Muuie. M-.-uri j.
iiud HlUot C. Louden, mlimhi'lmuir ilfH m. F
Luckie, il* *’.. it>e'4. *e*:u:ii>, ami a.oljff !;<>».n r, on-
ilorivT, from tt.o Siiporior Cbiirttn »aid emility,
andkhe otlu-r iu favor of Allies W. I.*bvi-. A«-
sigiAe, ic, v* Klliutc. Ifowden, iwliu ryf Wiu. k.
I,vu-Ue., from Greene Sutierio.-Court.' !t*ai*l \ita$r
ertyspointed out. by iilniutiirat attorney. *) vrm»
cask Diicembor S, 18fl7
j. U. I1UTC1IK.SON, Deputy HherliT.
» • Printers fee
GEOHGIA, Vultox countv.
W iUGKKAS, KIIm Wood, adnilnl.lrrtor ofth,
esutoof Oliver, lau of a.M roantf,
oocokiod, roureHBU In hi. potltioB duly Sle.1,
thkt Hid Mule l. luMlroul, BBd tlul ho hu fully
discharged sold trust:
All persons upucerued are cited and admouished
to file their oljoctlons within the time proscribed
by law, If any exist, why letters of dUuunissioa
suould not lie grautejl the applicant.
Witness my official signature, ttii» Aiixiut ft>|,
»7. IMKIKl. I'lTfifAN, uriilu.r/
ail<04—wCm f Printer’s fee#4.50i
GEORGIA, Fulton County.
W IIEUKaS, Joseph Wiusliip, miininls’rutor 1I4
bon im non upon the estate of li. ii. o verbs', ue.
used, represunu to tile court in ms pmuion* - inly
ftle'idd not lie ill**'
"iij »aid admin-
thl county. thMui ua; ^ .. v ,. 1
allow k<i by 1
.. — • v-.rr ^ oilssion ahull nut lie granted the api.llcabt.
LtfA»KT..M°UGAN.4 18XV* «««,«
MABY w. MORGAN, of.lecl,la, in Walker auK*I-wfln» lPrinters fee $450] *
IV tll'l 1 hull IVii.lirl JO.. V I L- _ . ~
b> er next frleud, Ac., V ^uiwrior C01
I and others. j
I T nelng shown that William Morgan and Henry
C. IJuuter, two of the dufeudanls in the aliove
statoil case, reside lieyond the lliuiu of this State,
so that they cannot Iw served by the abend: It Is
ordered that said defendant lie served by publica
tion of this Order once a month for four mouths
previous to the next Term or this Court,
Dpinlon.anewspapiriiubiUhi’ -
lanta, and that said William *
C. Hunter appearand defend
Term of tho Superior
Walker, on the 4th Mom.
that iu defunlt thereof
confessed, und the complainants lie alio
proceed em jmrts ns to suitl defemlant».
I'hamhers, Heideuibcr ad, latiT.
.FA.MLS MlLNLU, J. S. C., C. < •
A true extract from Minutes of Court, Septci
berfilst, 1HF7. * JAMES II. ItOGLKS. Clerk
oetO—wlarotm . (Printer's fee #i‘i («M
GEORGIA, Gordon county.
Superior Court. October Term. lbHT—Prosent 11
Honor, Juuu-* 31 liner, Judge.
• f.lliel for Divore*
city of At
urgnn and Henri
>ld bill at tho next
Court lor said county •
lay in February, inis, n
' the bill will be taken n
ftt'i.K TO I’EKKkC
IT appearing
in the
: John S. Alien, deceased, late
Julitt* Skinner hi* bond «
s lifetime execute t
hours of f>jle‘, :ho fruiowl.i ' pv.(|. -l tr. to M it:
One lot of land No. 31S f 1; Ah- |.J h dlvtrif* •;
[trope rty of < , - h ai le* I) rag
gage II. fa issued from *.•)
favor «» r N nsbtn-g A Lester
in said fi. fa. TliisJanun
’•aid Julius Skinner for the
1 either appear
hi the full amoi
(>, and said Julius
- Court to direct
v u[>on tho e.fttut
i, to execute t
1 conformity wit
.0 file thuirohjcc-
v uiiico, within the
i lilies to said
lid Ibui
John ■(":!•> If AM.
Printer - * foe fa |]
GEORGIA, Gordon county.
MONTHS alter this date applicutim
bo made to the Court of Ordinary *
nd, it
iu» Rule be pub-
. liVnWItt’i,
to sell the lund* belonging
of It. A. Sfantou, deceased. Thr
_ i, 1)417.
A. L1TTLKFILL", Administratoi.
ty, Georgia, lor le:
to the t-staie of 1
November 25th, 1)417.
A *
nov»— wfim
81,000,000 IN WATCHES!
xaromc pinch *• ha.v,jb
Handsome and Reliable Watch,
Kor Uie low Price of Ten Dollar-!
Without Regard to Value 1
liw Solid Gold Hunting Watches..4*80 to $1,000
100 Magic Cased Gold Watches * —
100 Ladles Watches. F
UUO Gold Hunting Chi
3*. Enameled 1U0 to
Watches tQO to
300 Gold Hunting English Lover*.. 900 to
0U) Gold, Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to
100 to
5U0 Gold Hunting Amcrh
BOO Silvor Hunting Levers
000 Silver Hunting Duplexes....
BOO Gold Ladies Watches
1,000 Goid Hnnting Leplnc*
1,000 Miscellaneous Silver Wntchei
a,MW Hunting Silver Watches
B,UW Assorted Wutohcs, all kinds,
this Arrangement, eosting hut S1U, while
may bo worth $1,000. No partiality
Wo wish to immediately dU[>OftO of the abov
magnificent Stock. Certiilcait-s, naming the arti
cles, arc placed In scaled envelopes, und well
mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named
on their certificate upon payment of Ten Dollars,
whether it be a Watch worth $1,000 or ono worth
Tho return of any of our certificates enti-
you to tho article named thereon upon pay-
v J «* Irrespective of its worth, and aa no article
valued less than $10 Is named on any certificate,
It will at once be seen that this is
Ko Lottery, bat a itndghtforwtrl iaglttmat*
tfunotiaa, which may U participated in
ana by tha meat (utidlcaxt
AilBJlc ccrtlflckte will be .eat by mtll, po.t
p-td, of * oraa, on ror ft, clcm
hundred and most «np«rt) Wstch for lJS/^ro
Agents, pt.ftow wishing emnloyrtent,ftlilM
k ARI». ordinary 11.1
*• f-1*
NUTIfL i» hcrultv giveu t • all i«non» having
demand.* against William 31. Spier, late of said
co inty, deceased, to present them t<» uie, properiy
in.nle out within time prescribed l»y law, so ms to
show their character and amount, and all persons
Indebted to utthl deceased, are hereby required tr
make Immediato payment. December Ot, 1007.
MAltk S PI Kit, Administratrix.
K, Administratrix,
Printer** fee $3
GEORG1.1. Butts county.
WH KRKAS. L A. Har|>er applies lo mo lor let
ters of adtnlnUtratUm on the esUte of Albert G.
These arc, therefore, to cite uml admonish all
and singular tho kindred and creditors of said de-
cessed, to be and ummar at my office within thi
time prescriltcd by law, and sfww cause. If an>
tliey can, why said letter* should not be granted
in term* or the law.
Given under^ iny band and official signature,
Printer’s fee $.7
this January tfth^lMH.
GEORGIA, Burrs county.
WHEREAS, L. G. Wilson applies to
the will at
iimiiiisiration. with
uiocMnie of taster llood:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
ami singular tho heirs nml credit*
uuast-il, to lie. uiiil apiKsnr ut my
tiiuo prescribed by law,' ’ '
they can, why said letter
in t tius *d the law.
Given under my hand
this Junuary fith. ISik".
Printer’s fee $4
mi admonish
diton* of said...
office within thi
n«l show cause, if nn:
1 should not bo grunte*l
un*l official signatort
WIIKKKAH. William J. Phillips,
Eliza N. Phillips, lias applied M ihu Court of Or
Unary of said county, iur a ulschargo from Id,
said gaardiaushlp:
All iH*r*oa* concerned
day in February next,
.re 1.011 fled to file their
i«r heforo tho first Mon-
ithcrwlftu letters will bo
GEORGIA, UrtON county.
TWO MONTHS afterdate apnllestion will be
(lc.’,en*ei|. November tilth, 1
!. (! wmniiT . ’
at the next term of this Court,
be considered in dcfuult ami tnu pi
lowed to proceed. And it is further
this rule he mihlis -
J. C. Fain, PluiutiiT* Attorney.
1, II. C. Hunt, Clerk of tliu.Supcrior Court, cor I
fy that the uhovc is a true transcript from tlu
minutes of Gordon Superior Court. This Novem
ber lti^ 1857. II. C. HUNT.
Clerk Su[K.*Hor Court.
»UG l A, Fcltos cue \ i \.
VV *! f u S Vi , w ' t
«inou *ed. uml guaidlaji 1.. e.o.u ,
cea-ed. represents, in hm ... tit -n, .
holia'. fully du*-harge«| in. s.,„i tn
for lttlcn u( illsiuivsiyii:
tin- li. ili..eKr.7l!n.V ll
nuuj. ./'netirn,.! at mioi, . ...... „ i
lH>>', If any ixl.i, aIij
liu araiur.l tl,c a
GEOHGIA, IIknrt county.
WHKBBAH, John ■/. BttHjy, ailmlni.tralur on
tlw CLIU Ol JoioiiIi M .Inmy., ilmwueil. I t.or
UMWBBty.biu mpplic.l III mo III .hm ilirni (or
ijttiii* imm ..Id a.liiilnl.iriiiloii:
TUI. l.,tb«refor« B,cltean : a.liiiunl.b all and sin.
tfular thu klndrnd and ..ild dcceaa«i
ki .bow oauw, If any .xl.u, »ithin ibn Hina at-
luwndby law, wb,- tor. or loo .bould
uot be granted the applicant.
. '“S' h »“‘> “"■> ml .ignature, Octo-
ocr ID, IWJT. 11 *' —
GEORGIA, UwiNNkTT county.
W1IKKUA8, James W. Mills, ailiniuistrator
on tho estate of Joseph ll. Mills, deceased, haviug
inmle application to me for letter* of dismission
iron) said estate:
TI.CSU aro, therefore, to give notice to ail coo-
cerne-l, kindred uml cre<liu)r*. to apimar at air
office within the time prescribed by iaw. anj
tile their objections, if any they have, why sai-1
letter* should nut be grunted the applicant
Given under my hand ami official signature,
this Novemlier Bin. D4»7.
G. I - . RAKKSTRAW, Ordlnarv.
l’rlntcrS fine $4.flu*
WI!KKICA>. Win. li. Tucker, ndministrutor 011
the estate of .Samuel < hubb, deceased, person of
«vjlor, late of said county, applies to mu ior leave
loftClltiie leaUftiuio.ifsahi S.tiuiu I Chubb:
All persons miicernml are nutillud to file their
objections M any they have with two months from
ill I
r tile sub:
this November 11 ii, iNil
novil—w - lum4m
WHEREAS. Asa Ansley applies
a for let-
on the
These are, therefore to cite ami admonish all
and singular the kindled and creditor* of said
deceased, ami all persons concerned, to bo nud ap
pear at my office, within the time proftcribi-d by
iaw, and show uailso, if any they have, otlierwKe
letters will be granted in term* of the law.
Given uiiiler my hand mid official signature,
thi* l-.’th day of otnhcr. 1 SOT.
J.. 1*. DORMAN, ordinary.
octSO—wfim Printer’s fee $4 .7)
GEORGIA, Jasper county.
WilKUEAb, John W. A. bniitU, guardian for
Thomas b, bmitli, make* application ior letter* of
disiuissolnHorn said trust:
These are, therefore, to cite all percon* iutc’ -
csted to lllo their ubjections, if any they hav
ithin the time pres*'Tilled by'the statute insii.h
ca*e* made and provided, why said guurdiau
shall not l»e dismissed from said guardiuiisliip.
Given under my hand ami oiTb-iul signatun
this 17th Dcceiulier, D4i7.
M. II. IIUTCHISoN, Ordlnnry.
dcclW—'w40'i Printer’s fee $■'{
*.) 1
l Fulton huperlor Court.
HUGH L. THOMPSON,> returnable to the April
Term, 18G8.
IT aiipearing to the Court by the return of the
Sheri ii In the apove stated caso that the defendant
is not to be lound in thi* county: audit lieinr
further *■- * *-•*— »- —
State 01
of this Court: It I*, there fare, ordered bytheCourt
that ti>e service la) port acted on said defendant by
the publication of a Rule lor that purpose onee a
month for four mouths (in one of the publlo
Gazette* uf this city) previous to the next regu
lar Term of this Court.
.. , PUiptlg’s Attorneys.
A true extraci trow tltc Minutes of said Court
November 9, li*7. W. R. VENABLE, Clerk.
GEORGIA, Bum county.
WHEREAS, John White applies to the under
signed for letters ot dismission upon the estate of
Juincs T. W hlte, Into of said county, deceased!
All poisons Interested are hereby required to lie
and appear at tho Court of Ordinary on the first
Monday In Juno next, to showcauio, if any
they have, why letters should not be granted thu
Given under my hand, officially, this November
23th, lbttT. W. M. RILEY, Ordinary
nov’JU—wfiat Printer’s fee $4 50
, aiipearing to tho Court by^the returns of tho
bhtritt that the defendant doe* not rc*ido iu this
count j, and it further appearing that she doe* not
reside in this State: It is, o:i motion of coun.*ci,
ordered that saiddefenduut appear nml answer
at the next Term of thi* Court, else the eu»u w ill
he considered in default and the plaintiff allowed
tu proceed. And Ft is further ordered that this
Rule he published in the Alinntti Opinion once a
month for lour mouths prior to the next Term of
xtrnct from the minute* of said Court.
This October guilt, 1M7.
nov5— wlamlm
Clerk buperior Court.
GEORGIA, Chattooga countV.
WHEREAS, Adam Neal, administrator upon
the esUte of <jcor« W. Seal, deceased, applies to
^cfor^ Utters of dismission trout said admiais-
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish
all and siagular'tfcoso concerned toboand ap-
pear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, and show cause, if any they eon. why said
lettewshould not be granfetL T
r,tt«MMrt: 't>crs*>.' MBC. rB«i
Muse. U any they can, why -said admin-
feoulu not be d ischaiwed from his said ad-1
on and receive TetUff V f .UHmKsion on
official siguau
R. NOLAN. Ordinar
Printer’s fee t:,
GEORGIA. Fayette county.
WHEREAS, Juno Jones, adu.lnhl
the Court that she hu« I idly udminui
... . then-lore, to >
utui singular thu kindred
deceased, to Ihj mid ajuiear :
time prt-scribeii by law, n
liter* of *ahi
Within the
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
■yV’IIKREAS. John T. Akridgu. m'.niiuUtrator
the first .Mon*lav
i .M«nl,, 1-
hcp3 w fun j Printer’s fee $4.50..
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
W HEREAS, John R. Wallace, administrator
Ue bonis non, of tho estate of J. JI. Hadger,
deceased, and guanllanoftho estate or Giaucuslt.
Badger, deceased, in his petition duly filed, repre-
sents that ho lias fully discharged said trust* and
is entitled to letter* of dl-imission:
All jmrsou* concerned are cited and admonished
is ,c ™* of ibe
GEORGIA, Henry county.
granted the
, Jnunary.
[Printer’s fee $i.fid i
Md alngular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appaaratmy office, within
tho time allowed by taw. and show causa, If any
^ ao1 * «K» ®
GEORGIA, DkKalb county,
WUKIU3A3. Augustus L. PitU. administrator,
and Mary A. Greer, administratrix, of Robert 1>.
'IZE'iJSESm to . lhe Court . ln their petition
di y tiled and entered on record, that thSy have
r«l > administered Robert D. Greer’s estate:
1. I* * 8 * thoreforo, to clto all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, ll any they
have why said administrator and administratrix
should not bo discharged from their admlnlstra-
»ZuyiT^%° & m ° C ,l “ ml ‘* lon «* *•»
octvO—worn Printer’* fee $|..V)
GEORGIA, Newton county.
WHEREAS, John P. Mnrhut, executor 01
Jotliuu Marbut,deceased, applimv to me for k-ttcr*
of dismission from his administration upon sahi
These ore. therefore, to clto uil and singular
the next of kin nml creditor* ol *ai*l tleccasc*!, to
bo nml appear at my office, within the tiiuo pre
scribed by iaw, ami show cause, If any they oun,
why .-.aid letter* of dismission should not bo
granted to said applicant.
Given under my band and official signature,
Printer’s fee
'rdf nary,
e $4 60
GEORGIA, Baldwin county.
—SMBiaaaae 1