Georgia weekly opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, April 28, 1868, Image 4

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GEORGIA WEEKLY OPINION THE WEEKLY OPINION. Fucit CnoV^x Ka»r Xn-VNiasei!.—The Knoxville Whig, ortho22d, says: Wc receive from our country friends the gratifying intelligence that, after all the frosts, there Is plenty of fruit vet. The fruit crop of Kast Tennessee Is becoming an important item. Moiir Rascality.—The Columbus Sun, of yesterday, says: A letter was presented yesterday to the managers of the election. It was signed by the City Registrars. 11 states that three names were erased from the lists by mis take and ask that they bo reinstated, fits have this upon the best authority. >Y lien Registrars are candidates for olliee there is nothing too low for them to stoop to. Information Wanted.—Wc ilml this item In the Columbus papers of the 23d: Information Is wanted of an old man. 11. F. Willis by name, and a Baptist minister, who resided, when last heard from, in Ma rlon. Lauderdale county, Mississippi. Aliy information will be thankfully received by II. C. Neel, Greenwood, Florida. The Press will confera favor by noticing the above. A 1*kn Portrait.—A Washington cor respondent of the Cincinnati Commercial has the following pen and ink portrait of Judge Curtis, now acting as one of the counsel for President Johnson: Mr. Curtis is a man without a smile or a trifle. Sombre is his vesture, purple is his color. He is very much like Daniel Web ster in stature, face and manner. He Is eldotn in anybody's company—but with a slow and deliberate stride, leaning on a cane, he eouies alone to the Capitol, ponderously raounti the steps, wijies Ids forehead In the ante-room, ami, entering the Senate, sits in a condition of vigilant retirement. He exchanges no words with ids legal brethren, li he is introduced to anybody, he shakes bauds with that gravi ty that Webster used to revel in. lie weighs about one hundred and ninety pounds, per haps more. Nature gave him a good, large Websterlaii head, and his face is a line old liver color. DeATU OK A •PhKACHKK OnF HUNDRED and Eleven Years of Age.—A most ven erable Christian patriot is dead. Elder John Gllliert died in Clay county. Ivy., on the 11th of March last, in the one hundred ami eleventh year of his age. During tiie closing year of the revolu tionary war he rendered eilleient service as a scout and soldier In the American army. When the tide of population iirst jmured across the Alleghany mountains Into Kentucky trom Virginia and the Carolines. Mr. Gilbert came with them from Nortli Carolina, and settled on Red Bird River, all that region then being in Madison county.. On the organization of Clay county, he was a prominent and in fluential citizen, tilling in turn, with honor and usefulness, almost all the local oflices, magistrate, surveyor, slieriIf. and judge. He was the umpire in all neighborhood disputes, whose word settled ditheulties, ami whose influence made friends ol enemies. More than sixty years ago lie was licensed to preach the gospel, having pro fessed religion in the great revival of 1S04, and connected himself with the old school Baptist Church, and from that time forward devoted all Ids time, hi* energies and his character to the ministry. All over the mountains of Eastern Ken tucky ids name was a {household wont. He visited the sick, consoled the dying, warn ed sinners, and encouraged the believing people of God. Curiosities of Life Insurance.—A few weeks ago Cyrus IV. Field, Esq* re marked to an agent of a life insurance company, who had been about as perse vering in endeavoring to insure his life as he (Mr. Field) had boon in laying the cable, ♦•I do not believe life insurance a profita ble investment for a long-lived person. I have had a policy of ten thousand dollars for twenty-four years, and have paid nioie in premiums and interest than my family would receive were I to die now, 1 am sure.” “Let us see,” says the agent. The policy was produced, with the dividend additions, and a calculation made by the agent, the result showing that, should he die after having the insurance for twenty- four years, ids family would i evolve more than six thousand dollars over and above all premiums paid, with compound interest added at six per cent The result seemed so thoroughly incredible that he thorough ly investigated it himself, and finding the calculations correct, increased Ids insu rance to one hundred thousand dollars, taking twenty thousaud dollars in one company, and policies of ten thousand dol lars each In seven other compuuics, ul! of which were purely mutual. tSTA Cotton Manufacturers’ Conven tion is to be held in New York, at the St. Nicholas Hotel, on April 20th, to consult on the general interests of their business. The call far the Convention is Issued by six of the leading Cotton Manufacturers of Massachusetts, and the object of it is said to be “to observe legislation with con sistent care, aud with all proper influence to guard against enactments hurtful or erroneous, and promote those which shall bo right and beneficial; to collate, digest and disseminate among tiie members all the attainable information und statistics that shall In? accurate and trustworthy; to promote cotton growing in our country, and a recognition of the identity of inter ests between tho cotton grower and manu facturer; and generally to accomplish bv associated efforts whatever may he found right and expedient for the common good and within tne sphere of the association.” Miss Gay, of Gkoroia.—This estimable and distinguished lady Is on a visit to our city, with the view of soliciting subscrip tions to erect a church edifice in Decatur, Georgia. There is left but one church edi fice in that section of country, and the peo ple nrc too pobr to build. Miss Gay Is a Baptist, and will be remembered by many of our citizens as the lady who not only personally superintended the disinterment of ail the Texas dead on the hattle-Ueld of Franklin, but with her personal efforts and sacrifice raised money for re-intcring all the Confederate dead who fell at that time and enclosed the Cemetery with an iron fence. She is worthy of confidence us a lady of position, intelligence and piety.— Nashville Banner, 22tf. To Mark a Candle Burn all Nioiit.— We remember seeing, some years since, in an work, now out of print, an article on “economy of candles,* which may be new’ and tiseftt! to many of our readers. When, as in ease of sickness, a dull light Is wished, or when matches are mislaid, put finely powdered salt on the candle till It reaches the black part of the wick. In thU way a mild and steady light may Ik? kept up through the night, by n small piece of candle. Price* of Osrn In Various Markets* April Utb,UwMU«rKf. In store sacked, l)3al'3c. April 18th, Cincinnati, In elevators, with out sacks, 85a00c. April 18th,Memphis,Teun., sacked in store, *1.00. April I8U4 FhUadelphln, Pa., sacks re- so wed, 1.22al.24. April 21st, Baltimore, without sacks, 1.12a 1.22. April 18th, Chicago. In bulk, 85fi87‘*e. April 18th, St. Louis, sacked, 8Ca90c. April 22d, Atlanta, Georgia, sacked, 1.05a 1.08. From tho above statement our readers will readily see that the surplus corn of Georgia and Tennessee is being sold flilly twenty cents per bushel under its real, value. Why Is this done ? It Is predicted by deal ers that in less than thirty days a large ad vance will be realized by dealers and spec ulators. Tcolr reasons for this prediction Is substantial. The first Is the disproportion ate low value of corn In this section of country ns compared with other markets; and the second cause Is. the heavy demand which will be made on America for bread stuffs during the next four months from Europe. Wc reproduce an article on this subject from the London Saturday Re* view: English Need of Grain.—The London Sat urday Review says: Eminent corn brokers tell us that the farmers have threshed out from fifty to sc\enty-llve per cent, of the new crop, and they confirm our estimate that the British crop is about twenty per cent, short of an average In quantity, or about three millions of quarters, making our growth ten instead of thirteen millions as in an average year. If half the crop has been delivered by tho farm era, we have consumed five mil lion quarters less; however, tiie seed which lias been provided for the land, amounting to under n million, leaving about four million Quarters as the quantity eaten. And to this three and one-half millions, the quantity imported from the first of September to the end of the year, ami we have seven ami one-half millions of quarters as the quantity consumed and remaining in stock. Now, ns an average crop of thirteen millions, and an average import of seven and one-half millions, making together twenty and one-half mil lions, has been found enough for the coun try’s wants, deducting tiie million quarters supposed to be used for seed, we have twenty millions as the anntml consumption, or six and one-half millions for the four month* from Septeiu**er to December 31. Deducting this from the to:al of farmers’ deliveries and imports for the same period, which we have seen to be seven ami one- half millions, than we have (January) one million quarters stock now. plus what was on hand in September, which was very small, certainly mot more than half a mil lion of quarters. Tiie Mark Lane Express tells us that there are two millions of quarters on tin- way from foreign ports which we may ex pect to receive before the spring, and, ac cording to Messrs. Horne & Sons, five mil lion of juurters remain in farmers’ hands, making altoger eight and otic-half mil lions. We have »t 11 to provide for eight months’ consumption, equal to about thir teen million quarters, before new harvest can help us, so that we will have hi buy four and one-half quarters beyond what is on passage from foreign sources. The prob lem then narrows Itself down to the |R>int. whether we can obtain the required four and one-half million quarters in the months from April to August inclusive. What is on passage will probably arrive in tiie spring months, and prices may suffer a de cline on such arrival*, but the plncti will bo between tho time when our present stocks and expected supplies come to an end, and the shipments male after the re opening of navigation In the Baltic and Black heas. Nor should we conceal from our renders the grave doubts ns to the abil ity of the United States to spare much wheat and flour beiore another harvest. If America should fail us, we confess our selves unable to conjecturo any alternative source of supply, and the knowledge that France has not yet satisfied her wants, is sufficient to keep the corn trade in an ex ited state. lMrKACii.MF.NT.—Judge Boutwcll, who Is to open tiie filial argument summing up of the evidence presented, will speak Wed nesday, and will occupy the entire day.— On Thursday Mr. Evans will speak for die defense, and on Friday, Mr. Stanbery will make the closing argument, or, In ease of his indisposition, Mr. Groesbeek or Mr. Nelson will speak. Tho last argument will Ims by Mr. Binghum on Saturday, accord ing to the present arrangement of the pro gramme. it is believed ilmt neither Mr. Boutwell nor Mr. Evarts will occupy more than a day each. Mr. Stanbery may, how ever, continue his remarks over to the next day, being unite feeble. Mr. Blnglmm, on wliom devolves the wor- of replying to tiie arguments of both of the counsel lor the defense, may possible require two days, as his health is not sueii as to enable him to speak more than three or four consecutive hours. The arguments will undoubtedly be closed on Saturday or Monday, and the Senate will then hold secret sessions for tiie consideration of tho whole matter. In these sessions, each Senator will be limited to ten minutes* time in speaking on an In terlocutory question, aud fifteen minutes on the filial question, unless further time be granted by a majority vote. Idle articles will be voted on separately In open court, an the general result will be in uowise affected by a failure to sustain any single article, the sustaining ol any single article being equally as effective as though all were sustained. It Is believed that the question of conviction or acquittal will bo finally decided by tho middle pi next .week.—Washington istar, 20th. Helper and IIolden.—One of the “Helpers” (11. 11.) Is making a terrible tight .upon Holden, the renegade sccesh, now the Republican candidate for Gover nor of North Carolina. Helper Is repub lishing ail the old secesh articles aud speeches of Holden, which don't read well now, and caricaturing him In pictures in all sorts of ways. The effect lias been such, even upon the negroes, that great ef forts arc being made to force him off die track. Congress can hardly “qualify” him, if elected, after these Helper ex posures. OT Tho Louisville Democrat says; “Yankee? Let tho name cease to be are- f irouch. The Democracy of Connecticut lave redeemed it and made it glorious.’ That Is cheap applause from the pit. OT Tho appearance of a newspaper In Alaska has alrwuly been announced. It Is called the Alaska Herald, and Is printed In Russian and English. A Field of niooil. The soil of Bladensburg. Maryland, has a bloody record. It has been the scene of many a refined murder In days past. One who visits the place now will find the field green with verdure, which a few years since was trampled by tho feet of men ar rayed in deadly hostility. Here,on a beau tiful grass plot, surrounded by trees, forms made after the image of Gou, came to in sult nature and defy heaven. In 1811, Ed ward Hopkins was killed here in a duel. This seems to have been the first of these fashionable murders on this duelling g round. In 1818, A. T. Mason, a United tates Senator from Virginia, fought with his sister’s husband, John McCarty, here. McCarty was averse to fighting, and thought there was no necessity for it; but Mason would fight. McCarty named mus kets, loaded with buckshot, and so near to gether that they would hit heads If they fell oh their faces. This was changed by the seconds to loading with bullets,and taking twelve feet us tiie distance. Mason was killed Instantly, and McCarty, who had his collar-bone broken, still lives with Mason's sister in Georgetown. HU hair turned white so soon after the tight as to cause much comment. He lias since been solic ited to act as second in a duel, but refused, in accordance with a pledge made to ids wife soon after killing her brother. In 1820, .Commodore Decatur was killed by Commodore Barron. At the first tire both fell forward, and lay with their iieads with in ten feet of each other, and as each sup posed himself mortally wounded, each fully and freely forgave the other, still lying on the ground. Decatur expired in a few days, but Barron eventually recov ered. in 1821, two strangers, named Legu and Sega, appeared here and lought, and Sega was instantly killed. The neigh bors only learned this much of their names irmu the marks of the gloves lett on the ground. Lega was not hurt. Ill 1822, Midshipman Locke was killed here in a duel with a clerk of the Treasury Department, mimed Gibson. The tatter was not hurt. In 1820. Henry Clay, fought hi» second duel with John Ran dolph, just aeross tiie Potomac, as Ran dolph preferred to die, if at ail, on Virginia soil. The latter received Clay's shot and then fired ins pistol in tiie air. This was in accordance with a declaration made to Mr. Benton, who spoke to Randolph of a call the evening beiore on Mis. Clay, and alluded to the qu esc p of her child, aud the repo&c ol lue mother Randolph quickly replied, “1 shall do nothing to dis turb tiie sleep ol the child or the repose of the mother.” General Jessup was Clay's second. When Kumloiph tired he remark ed, -i *:o not shoot at you, Mr Clay,” and extending Ids hand, auvauced toward Clay who rushed to meet him. Randolph showed Clay where the ball struck ids coat, and said facetiously, "Mr. Clay, you owe me a coat.' "thank God, ihcdcbtis no greater.” They were friends ever af ter. In 1802, Martin was here kiileil by Carr. Their first names were not remem bered. They were from the South, in 1833, Mr. Key (son of Frank Key, and brother of Barton Key.) uiet_ Mr. Sherhoti, and Mr. Sherboii said. "Mr. Key, I have no desire to kill y«»u.” "No matter,” said Key. I have come to kill you.” "Very, well, then,” said Sherboii. "1 will now kill you,” and lie did. ill 1845. a lawyer named Jones fought with and killed Or. Johnson. In In51, It. A. Iloole and A. J. Dallas Inula ho-tile meeting here. Dallas was shot in the shoulder, tmt recovered. In 1853, Daniel aud Johnson, two Richmond edi tors. held a harmless set-to here, which terminated in coilec. In 1853. Davis and Uidgway fought here; Ridgway allowed Ids antagonist to lire without returning the shot. Anecdote of Butler —Dr. , of New Orleans, is in Washington at present. lie was a delegate from Lousiana to the Charleston ('invention, and a si rung Doug lass man. When the Breckinridge faction withdrew from the Convention, they went over to the Maryland institute, and held their Convention in that place. In pass ing out of tiie Convention, Butler accosted Dr. , and said: "Doctor, why kou't you get away from this crowd of u—d Aboli tionists, aud come over among gentlemen f” tSfTn tiie town of Milton. Wayne coun ty, Indiana, the other night, a party of about twenty women, with the assistance of four or live men, visited Crane’s and Bratton’s whisky shops, broke down the doors with axes, demolished tiie furniture, ami spilled the fiery fluid in tiie street. This action is supposed to indicate a pre judice in tiie minus of the Miltonian ama zons against the business ol whisky sell- lnff- This Bankrupt Law.—After the 1st of June next every applicant for the benefit of the bankrupt act must show that he has properly enough to pay rtty cents on the dollar, or that he has obtained a release from enough of his creditors to pay fifty cents on the dollar to the remainder. Old “Ad Interim.’' —Of ad interim Thomas a correspondent says: His eyes are ol a feeble blue color, and his liair Is white and plentiful. He looks like a man used to being bullied, and hap piest wqen most dependent. Not a hom eopathic dose of moral courage exists in Ills body.” ^ BT Captain Thomas Garnett, of Chicago, proposes to cross the Atlantic in u small boat constructed on the life-boat principle, lie will start in the middle of June, going down tiie St. Lawrence, and taking lor company only a Newfoundland dog. lirovesteen, Fuller & Co., 33 .fiercer Hired New York* PIANO FORTES. the LAST NEW ADDITION TO i'VT'ttI ou * different ft/le* is attracting the II f I II admlrullou of both critics and popu lace. We mention specially, some of the claims of this new l'iANo. Believing the exterior should tie as beauiirul to the c)c as melody to the car. we have paid great attention to getting them up in a style that Is conceded by ml who nave .ecu them to be the handsomest PIANO FORTE mode. They are an entirely new STYLE, with lour round corners, heavily carved leg* ami lyre. Imw richly moulded, and contain.* och latest imi'Rovkd new soalb and action. The tone it melodious, of Its adaptability to passage* of every shade aud ex* prcikion. from the softest murmur, the Cre*sondo, and the V F,gives the Periurmer every advantage of the CONCERT sound. Price, #5uu. merit—d*wiv MAEVEN’S PATENT ALUM AND DRY PLASTER, fire anti Bur alar Proof SAFES, WITH COMBINATION LOCKS. \\TAURANTKDTIIKBEST IN THE WOULD. 1 for an llInHtrntcd Catalogue. UtllVIY » in HARDWABH! Hardware for the Million! TOMMEY & STEWART, win rnuall street ATLANTA GEOtttt M , OFFER AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A largo and complete assortment of Hardware, at Prices Not to bo End or ho Id IN TU1S PORTION OK GEO HU I A, Iron, Axes, Blacksmiths’ Tools, Steel, Spades, Carpenters’ Tools, Lead, Shovels, Tools for sli Trades, Chains, Nalls, Farwlngllmplements, duns, Castings, Looks and Binges, Sheet Iron, Carriage Material, Mining Utensils, Hollow Ware, to., &c. Wo arc Agents* In Atlanta, for HOOK'S ANTI-FRICTION METAL, . BUFFALO SCALE WORKS, The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, The best machine of the kind in the World, “TRIUMPHANT IN ALL COMPETITION,” and destined to come into.goncral use at tho South. BROOK'S PATENT WROUGHT IRON SCREW AND REVOLVING PRESS, hall of the proiltaof which goes to assist in educating young men in Emory College. £5TREMKLtB£& THE SION OF THE Hold Saw and Game Cock. With a full stock always on hand and correct- ness of business principle, which we tru»t hits always characterized us in our business LONG ESTABLISHED In Atlanta, we are c nlldcuttf having continued to us that liberal and generous patron.*, u we have always received. V. R. TOMMEY. J. 8. STEW ART, marSrt—dswly* 'Itn A ill, oxford. On. F.STRAY NOTICE. GEORGIA, DkKalb COUNTY.-All persons con rd are hereby nut tiled that Martin K. Potts ...,-rks vitdhlc. Appraised to be worm twenty ft 20) dollars. Saul estrny will be bold on the 3d duv ol May. 1HH, on the freehold of said Putts, unless proven away. • - * 1 ext r his.'. THOMAS U. HOYLE. C. I. C. Printer’s fee #3 GEORGIA, Bimh county. WHEREAS, John White applies to the under signed lor letters ol dismission upon the estate of James T. White, late of said county, deceased: All persons interested are hereby required to be and uppe - *' * * “ t the Court ul Ordinary uu the Iirst i under my hand, officially. thl* November IT. W. M. Hi 1.KY, Ordinary. - wHm Printer's fee #1 fl» E.STRAY NOTICE. GEORGIA. DkKalb County.—All persons con- maned are hereby nuiiilol that Johu W. Tuggle, of the flftfd District. G. M., of suid county, toll.* before Win P. Rond and James R. George, free holders. an cstrny Mare Mule, atiout fourteen yutrs old, dark marks or brands, unout thirteen hands high. Thu owner is hereby noli, lied to come forward, proto property, pay charges and lake it way or it will be dealt with as the law dir i the Estruy I Under my hand and olliciai signature, tub the 14th day of April. 1868. THOMAS It. HOYLE, O I. C. _aprl5-u3m Printer's fee fiMJO GEORGIA, Monroe coil .y. WHEREAS, A. C. Smith, administrator on th* estate of Green P. .Smith, deceased, having inud« application to me fur letters of dismission iron tho admin 1st-ation of said estate: 1 vc notice to all These are. therefore, to give notice to all con- eerned, kindred and creditors, to be and appear at my olliee within Hie time prescribed bylaw. O. MORSE. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. WHEREAS. James A. Hutchins, administrator on the estate of Mary ijtunn, deceased, having made application to me lor letters of dismission These are. therefore, to give notice to all con cerned, kindred ami creditors, o appear at ui> olliee w ithin the time prescribed by law and flit their objection^, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted Hie applicant. Given under my hand aud otUclal signature, this November 5m, 1847. G. T. UAlvESTKAW, Ordinary. nov»— wflm Printer's fee #4.30 GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. WHEREAS, James W. Mills, administrate! i appear ut tny t be grunted the applicant. GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, Joseph Willis, administrator ol • of Joseph Wallace, deceased, repre- This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned. to ille their objections, if any exist w ith the time allowed by Uw, w hy letters ol dis mission should not be granted the upplieuui. GEORGIA, Haralson county. WHEREAS, Zebulou P. Duke, administrator 4, kindred aud creditors to upi>ear at mj ortho within the time prescribed by law and file tliuir objection, if auy they have, why said letters should not Ins granted the applicant. GEORGIA, Fayette county, WHERE AH, Francis Patterson, admlnlstiator of Frauds M. Patterson, represents to tho Court that he has fully Administered Francis M. Patter son’s estate: Tbit U, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause why said administration aud »the Iirst Mouday in ouuo, w». Witness my hand and olliciai signature, this ■ “*•*% IWT. EDWARD CONNOB, Ordinary. November JUtb, 1WL deed—wfim Printer's few #4.6* GEORGIA, Gordon county. TWO MONTHS after date application will be »r ude to the honorable Court ol Ordiuary or Gor don county, .or leave to sell the real estate be longing to Joseph Trimble, late of laid county, deceased. March IS, I MM. JOSEPH TRIMBLE. Administrator. marlT—w3u» Printer** fee #3 GEORGIA, Gordon county. TWO MONTHS after date application will be ntado to the Court of Unit nary or Gordon county, Georgia, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Malinda Townsend, late of laid county, de ceased. March 3*1.1868. THOMAS B. BARNWELL, Adm'r. tnarSl—wlm Printer** lee #3 K. «. BROWN. M. r. BROWN Hit OWN VS HOTEL*' OPPOSITE DEPOT, MACON GEORGIA. GEORGIA, Newton county. WHEREAS, John r. Marbut, executor of Joshua Marbut, deceased, applies to mo lor letter* or dismission from bis administration upon laid estate: These are. therefore, to cite all ami singular the next of kin and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at iny olliee, Within the timo pre scribed bv law, nnd show cuuso, if any they can, why said letters of dismission should not ho granted to said applicant. Given under my hund and official signature, decT—'wfim WM. Printer's fee $4*0 GEORGIA, Fayette county. WHEREAS, U. M. Everett, administrator on the estate ot Nonli Smith, deceased, represent* to the Court that he has fully administered the Said Nouh Hinlth’s estate, nnd prays for letters ot dis mission: Thcso arc, therefore, to clto and admonish all andsingutnr the kindred ami creditors ofsaulde- sensed to bo and appear ut my offleo within the timo prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature dec30—w6m Printer'* fee >4.30 OEOKOIA, Faykttk county. WHEREAS, Ellison Rush, administrator on the estatoof William Watson, deceased, represents to tho Court that he bus fully administered tho said William Watson’s estate, and prays for letters of to cite dit or* ........ to be ami appeal at my orth-o witiuu the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Givcu under my band and official signature thl» December the 18lh. 1847. EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary. dsqiB trflm Printer's foe f I ft) _ GEORGIA, Fayette county. WHEREAS, Sterling J. Elder, administrator of Thomas R Persons, represents to tuc Court that be ha* l'uily admiuistered Thomas R. Person's estate: This is, therefore, to cito nil persons concerned, ters of dismission ou the first Monday iuJune, 1HL8» Witnessmv hand; and official signature, this EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary. Printer's fee #4.M GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, Joseph Willis, administrator on the estatoof Thomas M. Lee, late ol said county, deceased, represents to tho Court in his petition duly tiled tuut he has fully admiuisterod said estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, it any they can, why said aduiiu. istrutur should nut bo discharged from his said ad- JN’U. T. COOPER. Deputy Clerk. GEORGIA, Gordon county. WHEREAS, Mary C.tiucroii, administratrix de letters of dismi These are, th and singular th tale of Alexander Cameron, in said u*/mini: 4 admonish all I and creditors o: said du al my office within tiie allowed by law, und show cause, if any they uby tetter-- should nut be granted the appli- run under my hund und official signature, December 2lUh, 1N*7. D. \V. NEEL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Bibb county. WHEREAS, 1. C. Plant, executor of lho estate John M. Ktinze, late of said county, deceased, make* application to the under.-igued for letters of dismissioi '* All imrsoa t tilt! taiiri ui <«niinnr, —. .... ..... — ie, it any they have, why letters Ui*un»»ory should not t»e granted the “ P « iny »d official signature, this Noveiutwr »)th. ic*»7. W. M. RILEY, Ordiuary. novrfl—wliui Printer's fee #4.50 GEORGIA. Gwinnett county. WHKID as, IS. A. Dinkey, administrator on the estate of Shepherd Ethridge, deceased, huv’lig made application to tue tor letters of dismission from suid estate: These are,'therefore, to give aoth-e to all con- eerned, kindred and creditors, to i»c and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and lllu their objection*, if uu\ they have*, win said letters should not be gruutc i the applicant. Given under mv hand and official Jgnati re this November 5th. 1847. u. 1. RAKE8TR.VW,Ordinary no\8—w«in Printer's fee #i.Cu GEORGIA. FaYKi WHEREAS, June -I time urescrtiied 1»\ law, and show cause, if' un\ they have, why said letters should not be grunted Given under my hund ami official signature, this November 16th, IN17. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, novin—wHm Printer’s tec #4.6u GEORGIA, Mon hue county. WHEREAS, James M. Ponder, executor of the last will und testament ul ilarium Ponder, repre sents to the Court in hi* petition duly tiled ami returned on record, that he liu> fully administered the estate of said deceased: This is, therefore, u* cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors, to -how cause, it any thev can. why s.dd executor should not be discharge: from In* administration und me.v« letter* di- uttssory ui. Die iirst Monday in July, 13US. Witnessiinv hui-d and official signature, tbi- tRh day of Junuary, 1stW. O. MOUSE, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Monhoe county. WHEREAS, Hold. G. Anderson, o. s. c. nppliei to tne tor letters of disillusion from admlBlstra- Uouun the estate ot Mrs M. A- huttou. deceased: sribed hy law. - - why said let should n»t lie granted hi said applicant iu iu tei ms of the law Givcu under my hand and official signature. thU the 83d day o Docemlmr. U417. O MOUSE, Ordinary, dccilfi— wthn Printer's foe # I N) GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. WHEREAS. Ml ram 8. Perry, administratrix oi the . stateor William A. Perry, luteol said conn, tv. deceased .represents in her petition duly tiled that said estate lias proved insolvent und that she has fully discharged said trust: All person* concerned are cited and admonished to ille their oh cotton* within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any exist, why letters of dismission should nut be granted to the appli cant. oZ2S&ml.uSt and ° mc,ttl ,,gn,aure ’ thlB G. T. RAREST RAW, Ordinary. dec!4—wthn Printer'* fee#4.fil> GEORGIA Newton county.. WHERE A of the estate to me for letters of dismisaiou. These are, therefore, re cite and admonish tha kindred and creditors of said deceased re die their obiection* in tuy olliee. If any they have, on or be fore the drst Monday in June nuxt, why Said dismission should not be grautud to the *p- Given under my hand snd official signature this November?)th. ih«7. GEORGIA, DkIvalu county. WHERE AH, Asa W. Howard and Ham: el Potts, administrator* or Janie* M. Brantley, deceased, repmen to the Court, in their petition duly died and entered on record, that they have lulljr administered James M. Brantlev's estater This is, therefore, to cite ail persons con cerned, kindred and creditor*, to show cause, If any they have, why said administrators should not be discharged from their administration and receive letters ordlsmisslon on the drst Monday in October, ittw. Given under my hand anl official signal tire, this March 81.184b. ' J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. mar*)-wCm Printer’s roe #460 SPECIAL BAILIFF SALES. .WIMi bp’Void before !the Court House door, in ‘he city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in May, 1868, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-writ: All that tract or parcel ofl nnd lying and being In the city of Atlanta, County of Fulton, tho same being part or land lot No. 60, in tho 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, containing one and one-fourth ncres,*ffiore or less. On said lot there is a single story house with basement, and is-bounded us follow’*: Beginning at a corner where Peters street crosses Peachtree street, thence east ward I y along Peters street 250 feet, more or less, thence touthwnrdly 837 feet, more or less, to Johnson's line, thence along Johnson’s line to Peachtree street 350 feet, mere or less, thence along Peachtree street 837 feet, more or less, to thejilncc of beginning. Levied on as Hie property or W. C. lloliue* to satisfy a ll. fa. Issued from the County Court of Fulton county. In favor of r.P. Rice. Property pointed pointed out by plaintiff. This April 1st, 1868. Also, at the saute time and place, one small, single etorv wood house, now occotdod by John Fields, ns a Matrcss Hhop, being iu the city oi At lanta, County or Fulton, situated on land ofL. P. Grant, and irouting west on Pryor street, nml Joining a Shoe Hhop now occntded by Chits. Hughes on tho North, nnd a Wood Hhop belong ing toLongly A Uobcrtson on tho south. Levied on as tbo property of John Fields, to satisfy a tl. fa- issued from the County Court ol Fulton county in favor of L, P. Grant. Property pointed out by defendant. This April lit. We. Also, at the same timo and place, ono small two story wood house, being in the city of Atlanta, County of Fulton, and situated on tho land of 1.. P. Grant, fronting cast on 1’eochtreo street, and Joining a store now occupied by Morris A liros , on the south, and .Shoe t-lmp occupied by G. W. Jenkins on tne north, s.iid house being now occu pied by Findley A Ifio , a* u store. Levied oil ns the property oi J. J. Findley, to mtlsfy a distress wurratit. Issued Bom the County Court of Fulton county, ia favor of L. p. Grant. Prnpeity point ed out b-. pluintiir* attorney. This 1st day of April, .fc03. WM. II HOLCOMBE, Special Railin' Fulton County Court. qpr4—wts Printer's lee #3 50 per levy. MAY SHERIFF SALES OF GORDON COUNTY. WILL be sold before tbo Court House door in the town or caihoun, Gordon county, Un. f on die first Tuesday in May next, wi inn the legal bout * sale, the following property, to-wit: South hair of lot No. 3vl tn the 14th district and 8d section of Gordon county Levied on as the: property of E D. Hudgins, to satisfy his rttute and Countv Tux for tiie year 1867. Also, at tl e sumo time und place will be sold lot* of land No. a in the 7th district and Sd section of Gordon county, us the property of Alexander Murray, to satisfy his Htute and County Tax. And lot ot land No. 56 in the 7th district und 8d section of Gordou county, u* the property of Alexander Murray, to satisfy his Htute and County Tax for Coustul/.e. ud returned ll *prT—with i'AUI.Dl.NG SllKllIKV SALES. WILL be sold before tho Court House door, i:i the to or u of Daltui, Paulding county, Georgia, between tiie legal hours of .ale, on the iirst Tues day in May next, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 445. in the 3*1 district and :»d sectiuu of suid county. Levied on by a CooUablu and returned to me to sstlsiy a II. fa. Issued from the Justice*' Court or the 8rtd district. G. U.. in • ' Marttu fruity th against T. Fall. Prvnx r- •d out by plaintiff. it the suiue time an Nos 333, 4UU, 4)1 mid 4». In t o against VTm. Tanti ao Taut, security. Levied vu- louue Tautt. Property poke),-a ills April 1st, 184o. P. P. ALLgOOD, Sheriff. UUAHOiAN’d .SALE. AftUKEARLE to an order of the hoaorahlc Court oi urdtuiiry of DeKalli ootnPy, Georg! * Hi b« *‘dd beiore the Court House in »uwi coun ty, within tne Icaal hour* ot su'e, on the Hot lut-Miuy in June next, mjiiic forty acres of land. oe the Mime more, or tat, it being the north side of ot* Nos. 53 aud 53. in the IS li district of DeKull* comity,Georgia: alidit thirty acres of said lao 1 rd Gnu**, Ho cd. adjoining Ed Use propjrty of .Io , "i.; i u C-I. a l-er.-uU of uusouxW mind ApiilH. it-ha TIIOAlAs N FADES, PO&TFON ED EX EUUTltlX'd SALE. DY viitue oi an order of the I ourt ••l Otditinry of Gordon county, Georgia, will be »ohi b. lore the Coil it IIouav door m the town of Culhoun, Gordon countv, on tne lli*t iue*da> iu May uuxt, within the legal hour* of sale, lots of lund No*. W 35,68, and ID) acre*, more o. le** of lot of mud No 107. uli in the 34th di-triet und *! scettou •>r »nid county. M»ld a.- ihui property of Elia* Pntuinn, late of said county deceased, for the •cncflt ol the heir* and creditor*. Term*—Fai t •a*h; tho balance on tune. March 16. 1WW. AULETIa PITMAN, Executrix. ni»ri7—wt* Printer'* fee<5 * A DM I aN 1 STRATH IA'a SALK* * BY virtue of an order from the Court r t n/jj a.. northeast part <*t l at of land No. ITU, GEORGIA, Uknuy county. * ok * r ' “'^n'nGimtor in right or hi* wire, tout te.tuuiento annexed, on the -"*•*' of Jume. R. McRtghl, deceased, ha* uiudc .aid Km., iieeca-cn, u ‘FP.tostton to me for tellers dUiuissory I **> clto n»'l admonish all v*d singular thu kindred and creditor* oi suid 5“^ ‘V!'* ww-wtr nt »•> office, w iUnti the • uue i re.-cribed by law, to show cause, l( any vuey have, why such letters should not tm granted n term* Ol the law. " - i** 41 *'* Official signature . ui* the *1th day of November, im»7. * „ q. R. NOLAN, OrdlUM.-. GEORGIA, Newton county. WllliKKAS, Robert U. Hinitu, adra-y^w/ittor- • ^ ,u - \ Patrick,deceased, roiirc>,ui' ( . uu nunc-, trust:' Ul ^ flU,t ' Ul “ l ,lu luUy wlsobarged\ii ’ t *i? re, Fr w *. 10 Slid admonish a | tad singular thu kindrtd and creditor* oi sal tl -leceaseil tube lusdatqwar ul toy office on or I*-, ore the firstMundni in May, 1HW. and show cause.-, 1 «» Ui»iul»»iou should! •iot ue grauted iho applloau 1,1867. WM. D. I.UL'ME, Ordinary.. novs-wfim GEORGIA, Gwinnett county* W1IEKKAH, James W. Mills, administrator on the estate of Uonert Hope, deceased, having uia.le application to iu* lor letters of dismission from said estatet These are, therefore, to give notice to ull con cerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my offico within the timo preset IImmI by Taw and ffio their'objections. If any they have, why said letters should not lie granted the applicant. Given under iny band * —/ ••*••••» -ud official signature., this November 6tb, 1867. G. T. UAKKHTUA W, Ordinate- novft-wKm Printer's feu ’ GEORGIA, Fulton county, iXmln W^Snun', This Is, therefore, to cite all persons cuscorjw sssafiar ordi " ,ri ° •—— JO,m T - y A. DkKALU COUNTY. .TJ* 1 * 4 ** application will I Ur, V n »ry w Delvulb count regular term after the exp JlSdiclSUu? a“ n, * c " aiwr ‘ 1 - . . J- OQWAK, A,,tnr. ■ptV-wtltl* l-rlntuf. fec,5 OkOUUlA, UOkllOX COUNTY. TWO MONTllttutter tlnUt ntinllrntlou .till Bad. to the bunnrntiln Court ot onllnarr ol Uo *"ror,lA fur litava to teh tint n •*«. or licnry Met iu 1M. o« «ld county, d<« Mttd. March 1«, lHBtf. I 1 , v. .Hi TH. Admlniatrut. r. ■*“- »*n rrlntcr’a fee a