The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 29, 1867, Image 1

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FT- % • a* * VOL. t—NO. 161. r-DAILY OPINION. ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1867. PRICE -5 CENTS. THE DAILY OPINION. BY W. L. SCRUGGS AND J. B. BUMBLE. OUNCE IN CENTRE BUILDING GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD St., ATLANTA, OA. T B STm S: SUB6CKIl*TlON.—oue oopy. oMK tire, fflOO; •12 XuNTUft, $4 00, TBKKK MONTH*. $2 00; ANT LANS Timoi', SEVENTY KIVK CENT* PER TEEMS UK WEEKLY : • Ob# copy one year a $8 Ob Two cople. one y Jiff copies od< Ten ooiiiu* one ,.... . _ __ boit l'»rmhi« the dull j 10 0(1 Hnhicflptlou# to both Mitlon. will he reeciviil fur six mouths. at ratesAoriuspou'iiiiK with the X-NG.—Cards In City Directory. uut Ip exceml five line.., fit (Mi per annum. »[>o« i»l leaded ihK1<*f Fifteen Cent* per line lor hr.i ii.sortion.and Five cksth per line thereafter. The tame ©bar*#* will be nude for advert Imsumuiu charged the follow, in* rates : ONI SqCABE, one ln*erlion, " a Insertion*, HARDWARE MATERIALS. lUKMtt*. liKin iikm. « tc , sign of the _... \\ hitehall street, Atlanta, IRS' DRY ROODS A It It NOTIONS W‘ Milo Whitehall street, between faSS—Ty MILITARY D1RRCT0RY. t Ilea. (Georgia, F ^quarters, t > AlarieiU ra.' stioet, Atlanta JL . oluuel J. F. Melinb. t’hlef of Bureau of Civil Affair*. uu'l General fcmpdrtor of Ro*r»sir*tlou for Third Military DUlriet. Office at Head quarter*. I Brevet Brigadier General \yit. McKee Du*N, I Assistant Judge Automate Genera! U I Judge VdvtKale Third Military District, i at 11oa>(quarturn. Brevet Major Wm. H SMYTHE, Captain l«th United I States Infantry. Acting Aoidstaiit Judge Advo- caUrUtouvral. Office at MoaAiuurtaro. h Lienteii.Tnt Colonel K. *MeK. HUDSON. U three Insertions, three months. • . 10.UU HUM) % 'i 60 hberlff's sales, per levy of ten lfnes or less Sheriff's Mortgage ft fa. sales, per square Tax Collectors'* sales, per square i itatlons for Letters of Ailinlnistration . Citations for letters of Guardlauatdp Letters of application lor dLraisdon from Administration 4 50 Letters of application for disiuissiou from Guardianship 3 W Applications for leave to sell Land 5 uu Notices to Debtors and Creditors 8 •*> Nalea of Land. etc., pe. square 5 UO >1 perishable inoperly, 10 days, per sqr. 1 50 ■Railroad Schedules. Wallace. Superin Transportation; W Wallace, < t* per mi ___ _ _ jident; JOHN 11. Pick, liuter . W. Clayton, Treaaur r; la a WkbhteM, Uneral Ticket Agent , It. A. Bacon, Gen'l Freight Agent, John M. bkumjkm, Agent at Atlanta: . NIGHT hAHNKNHE# TRAIN—DAILY. Leave Chattanooga Arrive at Dalton Arrive at Atlanta DAILY FAiEKNIJKR TKAIN—DAILY, (except Mu ud< ‘ 7.U)I\M. 4 WJ A.M 4.80 Mil. T18 #04. 1JJ5AM Leave Atlanta > ( Uatunooga • 8.&J A II . ifitS 4A0i.ll THE DAILY OPINION. THURSDAY MORNING;::AUGUST 29. DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES OK TUK UNION REPUBLICAN PARTY OF GE0R0IA, A V OR TED Ii Y THE STATE CONVENTION, Atlanta, July 4th, 1867. Whereas, Wo, bmubly acknowledging our de pendence upon an overruling Providence, who blmpEEtbedcstsniesoi men and nation', thank Al mighty God for having, through agencies and in strumentalities in III- w i'«loiii 'elected, pfeserved our Government when Its deepest foundation* were being shaken bv the mighty upheaving* ol the rooent rebellion. And Whkkkah, The loyal men of Georgia desire the earliest practicable seitlciueut of tiio disturl»e«l condition of the country, and whereat, we believe Arrive at AiTaeta - . i.l.% j ij. j that the establishment of Justice Is cs'ontlnl to en- DALTOff accommodation tkain—DAILY, luring peace, that patriot I sar should ho exalted \, (except Sundays :. L ‘ . *s a virtue, and It i* the duty of the State to cher- Leav© Atlanta - .■ JM iFd^ / Mi all IU peonies and who»m»s, thoae who assert Arrive id Uslios ... tl* t.these principles afe called Republican*, thiGUgh- lH*ave Dalton - . - j jot laTlel on t the Union. Therefore, at Atlanta - . . Vm» ICSt*.. Rmolred, 1st. That wo adopt the name ol‘the Union lenteii.Tnt C olonel K. *McK. IIudhon. U. S. A., Jltcpublioun party of Georgia, and (lociarts oi Assistant Uapeutor General ll iV at Uqad tflMRai A KAILKOAD-171 miles-Kare ‘sclveo in alltanrc with the National Republic quarters. %JL , ' Jj^wauu ubnUl#.—John P. Kino, President K i party of ttie Union, and Ibr the unconditional »i MB I ‘ “| f CTu.*, SupAintcndeut; G.T. Andiruok, Agent port oftho l'ulon of the*e States IMwctorfWjd trlot. Office corner'oi llroaa*, sUpMU.» Brtvoi Brlga?ti®a ^ftneral Ht’>j quartermaster Office at IMi! Brevet LieuU-uunt i^plouel M. • . , , Deiq^|||^rtcrins^ Kd|syth^street, Brevet Captain C. t'Acl a kli;, ClAf Onlnance Officer. Office c#rqer o^JBnmjLMid Marietta streets V * f \ • ^Leave Airunta lalor K. 1) JiHf. P -H. U. *AjL. Chief MAh. Ajiguata \tlanta*V L«li j}o (osurcof Mortgage, per aqy.eaelitime 1 U0 TIMLKKliUlULDKOK LEG.\LADVERTISING. Kales of Laud, etc., by AdinlBistrators. Execu- t »rs or Guardians, are required by lawr to he held on the lir't Tuesday in the uiouth, between the hour* of ten in tlie forenoon and three In the uf- terooon. at the loart Houle in the w iiich tne property Is ■ituatod. Noth sale'must lie given in a public gazette 4U da pre\ lolls 'o tin day of eulc. Sotieet of the sale of personal proper he given in like manner 10 dayprefti Atlanta. goon DAY PAMEN0KE TEA1N. .tary 'Ideate Atlanta uL Maf Icttr JM’fiye at Augusta.' ChIQ* fjjdv#^ ^ . J NIUIIT PAHHBNIiKK TKAIN. Arrive at Atlanta w NIUIIT THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. « 40 ?#r » »M4:ot4 y 8.10 (tin party o ort ol Revived, '2. That wo lup us PM ..8.10 A M . G 00 P.M. 4 15 A> day of »al'. Notices to the debtors and c in list also be published 40 day Not lee that applk editors of ill l*c leave to sell Land, must be published for two months. ( Rations for letters uf Administration, G diunship, etc., must l*e publlshiMl 80 days ; for dis mission from Administration, monthly 6 mouths; for <llHiuift»iou from Guardianship fe days. Kules for for eclosure of Mortgage must l>e pub ll'hed monthly for 4 months; for c*tal»lishing h» papers, for the full space of 8 months; for com pell iug titles from J.\ ■ All transient and foreign advcrtisomenU* City Business Directory• MOOTS <# SHOES Bffiii BGOTS, j#M<JKttmn i KWI NEWoTOKE—NEW GOODS r 1^Extra inducements to buyers at Wholesale and Metal!. Peachtree street, opposite Cox A Hill. myXH-ftin G r EU W. FRICK. UK A 1 HER OH Aim AND GROCERS. DAIR it RKEhK, AUCTION AND COMMISSION JET Eli LYNCH, W holes ale i trains a parrott. wholesale oro- J: CER9 AND COMMISSION MKKLHANTS, Granite Front, Poach tree street, Atlunta, Ga. tm—ij A J. ROBERT A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION • Merchant*, and Agent* lor Manufacturers and Producers, at the Bridge, on Broad street and railroad, Atlanta, Ga. A. J. ROBERT, n i »i-! v K W RORKRT. J ohn c. ROGUES, Uiaih Family gro ceries and C0UNTEY PROD ICE, Whitehall, one <Mor from Miu:heil a tree:, Atlanta, Ga Choice BANKERS AND BROKERS HJK GEORGIA NATIONAL RANK, Bank Block, Aluhaiua s'icet. John Rice, Prcsi- K. L. Jones,Cast ier, Harm in G Jones, Teh Air: Edward 11. Jones, Book-Keeper. DlkhC lolis—John Rice, John Collier, E. K. Raw son, I A Durand. W W Clayton. feSO-ly M. J H. JAMES. BANKER AND BROKER, AT- • laNT a, U., bu f4 and sells Gold, Silver, Bonds, au>cks, and Hunk Bills. Exchange* Bonds, makes investments lor parties in Bouds ami Stocks; ahows interest on Deposit* when lell for two months or longer. _______ O. DOBBINS A CO., BROKERS, corner ol Wlnu nolJ and Alabama streets. Ae/«r»*c«*—Trisbee A Robert*. New York; Ilop- ain', Trowbridge A Dwight. New York; B fl WaTon, kugusta, Ga.; I). r. Fleming, Charleston, 8 C ; .1, D Cunningham. Montgomery, Aia.; I* Peters, Atlanta; R. Austell, Atlanta; Edwar Pa*MIt l..i• l. savniuiah. <*.( A TLANTA NATIONAL RAN K-DESIGNA- Yx TED DEPOSITORY OK THE UNITED SI vTES. A. Austell, President; W. II. Tcller, Ct>hicr. DIRECTOR^—A. Austell, M. ii. Dob- l .na, W. R. Phillips,Jesse McLendon, J. H. James. r V . Canrfp- . Clayton, lenry, Newton, TKkulb, Milton, innett and Tlutta. et Brigadier Genoral Thom Ao fl. Huger, Col. Aid United States Infantry, Commanding Post.— Heodquurtcrs, Room No. 8, Willinghain Build ing corner of Decatur and ivy streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Brevet Captain O. C. Kna?f, 1st Lieut. 83d U. 8, Infantry, Post Adjutant. Office at Headquar ters. First Lieutenant C. 8. Ilslkt, 16th U. S. In fantry, Acting Assistant Quartermaster ami Acting Commissary MHRdstnnre Pist Offi-e, JSi (MB ?:#. 9r WfUngUam Building. Atlanta Postal Regulations. THUS. G. SIMMS, - - POSTMASTER FRANK MILLS, - Asmntant Postmaster office HorRS from 8 am. to 1SR rs ; and fYom 3 P.M. to 1 P M. SUNDAYS—From 8 to 10 A.M.; and from fl to 6R ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF TUB MAILS. NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN. Arrives 1.41 A.M. Closes (N. W.) tt.U0 P.M. ArursTA. Arrives - 6 00 P.M. Closes 6.00 A.M MACON. Arrives (Bavan.) 4.16 A.M. (Way’sboiw’J 1.16 P.M. Closes “ 8J0 P.M. “ 6.00 A.M. MONTGOMERY. Arrives • 6.45 P.M. Closes • 4.45 A.M, CARROLLTON. Leave* 7JX) A.M. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. Arrive* T.oo P.M.Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. DA II LON EG A 'MACE). Leaves 7.00 A M. Mondays, Wedaemlays, Fg-lday*. Arrives 7 00 P.M. Tnesdavs, Thursdays, Saturdays. RATES OF POSTAGE. Letter—Three r**G. pre-r*ld. for every hall ounce throughout the United States; ten c ents L < ana. I a, New Brunswick, and other British Pro Newhpaficr Portage—In the United States: Dailies, per qanrtef. thirty cents; Weeklies, five ; tree within the county where published. i, fifteen cent* per quarter ounoe—pre tiona). Panama, ten centa, iburg To Bremen, by Bremen ns'I, Me.; by II m’l, 15c. To Hamburg by Hamburg m’l, 10c.; by Bremen m’l, 18c. To Oldenburg by Bremen m’l, 18c.; by UanUjuri m l, Ur. To Lauenburg by Iiretnun m’1,16c.; by Hamburg 10 Till/ 06 TERN RAILROAD.--'8» mile—A. j. White, iipcrintundunt; li, X \\ EMT POI an.'lk—X-’jtor m P. Ghent, sup 7 45 A.M. SOU P.M. 7 15 A.M. .it point rah Agent at Atlanta ENUEK TRAIN—GOING OUT. 7 00 A.M. I Point 12.00 N. DAY PARHKNGEK TRAIN—COMING IN. TGOMKRY A WEST POINT KAIL* .__JikL4f\ CsAM, Suiierintendent. *T«el »«mH i J . 10.15 A.M. Arrive at Colbill bsl- . 144 P.M. Arrive at Montgonisy - . . 4 26 P.M. Montgomery Y. . . 7.00 Ail, ^ojnnibus • • - 1.11 P.M. Arrive At Wqjl Point - lift PM WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. 0 s ' 1 and aBer June 18th, 1867, Passenger Traifct ill run as ibllow GOING NORTH. it LEAVING ATLANTA- A ' -*• liAILt (BXCEFT SUNDAYS) EXPRKMi Passenger—Arrive at Dalton at 2.80 r. M., connecting with B. T. and Gu. It. II. trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash ington, Baltimore. Philadelphia, and New York. Arrive at Chattanooga 6 25 p. m.. connecting with trains ol Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nash vide. Loui 8.50 r B ills. New Orleans, etc. 1. Daily (kxceft wnd Sundays) Dalton Ac commudatmn.—Arrive at Marietta 540 CartersvlUe 8.08, Kingston 8.W, Dalton 7.00 r M. DailyGreatNORTHERNMau,.—Arrive at Dalton at 1.15 A M., oonneoting with K. T. f ndGa. R. U. trains for Knoxville, Lych- urg, Washington, Baltimore, Philudol- phia, and New Yg«k, arrive MCuatta- ngoua 4.10 a. m.. coanectlng with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Hard road for Nashville. Louisville, and the West, ami trains of the MoinpkG and Charleston Rail road for Memphis, New Orleans, etc. DOMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. educate all her children, and to thut . commend the establishment of ageuerul system of free schools. Rc*<4t «l 4. That tho Union Republican Party is ideal Hied in its history and by it* essential prin- clPw .-with the right*, the Interests and tho dignl- - ^> r , and is in symputhy with the toiling t»t.h*s of society, and’that the working men or (ivorgla will receive at it* hands every encourage, inent and assistance that may be nuoessary to pro tect their full rights; and, Unit in the innintcn- nnce of thu posit ion taken un4 tlio itrinciples we have this day avowed, we cordially invite the co-operation of all citizens, without regard to their political antecedent*. Re»oio«l, 6. That the of the State of Georgia the tree and legal 11. abide by the prescribed terms ol' restoration, in .TIi«cclliim-ou*. The yellow fever at Galveston and Indl- anola U abating. The mortality among tho Coolies In Cuba is v&ry great. San Francisco is about establishing di rect trade ylth tho Island of Borneo. The next meeting of the National Labor Congress will lie ut Pittsburgh* The cotton crop of eight counties in Texas is almost an entire failure. Tlie Omaha branch of the Union Pacific Railroad is completed live hundred and forty miles. The eight-hour system lias had a de pressing influence on tlie lumber trade of California. Tlie strike on tlie Mobile and Ohio Rail road coMttopes. BTo trains are allowed to run either wav. Some engineers were sent down from tile Illinois U ntral Hoad, but the strikers would not let them work. No violent or riotous proceedings have oc curred. The American bark, Ocean Home, re cently seized at Havana, is to be restored to her owners the charge upon which she was seized not having been sustained. Crokcr, formerly English Secretary of the Admiralty, was an Irishman anil re markable for his self-conceit and the posi tiveness of his opinions. Once, at a din ner party, he even pertinaciously insisted on setting the Duke of Wellington right as to tho battle of Waterloo. The Duke, changing the subject to percussion caps, found Crokcr still opposing his opinion.— The Duke lost his patience, at length, and exclaimed: “Come. Crokcr, I may not know much about Waterloo, but d—n it, I should know something about copper caps.'* The most serious joke of the season . . - . | — mime of Miss Dr. Abbotts, from iu»r t111 h 1 * 1 HiVpuhum 1 ^ lhe United Stales, and under the attire of n woman, has been practicing medicine ex- I tensively among the ladles and especially tho young ladies, in one of the cantons of NI'.mbkr 1. Switzerland. — I A model husband in Wales trundled his Editors Opinion: With your permission, sick wife two hundred miles in awlieelhar- ..1 Hhopr Till? SITUATION. f propose, from time to time, to furnish to your readers some short essays upon the great topics now agitating the public mind. They will be in the main, in furtherance of Reconstruction, and will he conceived and written in the spirit of a true lover of the Union of these States. Tho writer was a Union man in 1801, and though he spent three years as a soldier, in the service of the Confedracy, he is 11 Union man still, and accepts heartily, as upon the whole expedient, tlie plan of Reconstruction now in progress. Nothing Is »o unwise and uncalled for as the fierce and bitter toao in which certain 1. «»wrffgtit 1ii3fl1ge; nf tneir dis cussion of the Issues now before the people. Traitor, liar, renegade, fool, fa natic ami scoundrel, How from their pen or roll from their lips as though pan demonium were the scene, and “Hell” were in fact “ organized ” in this civilized and Christian community. The excuse is that the provocation 1* great; that society Itself is attacked, and will not survive the Wow should it really full. Let it, however, he remembered that no- ciety Is not so easily destroyed, and that tills is not the first time enthusiasts inooti- •crvatlsm have raised this alarm. We have all of us lived during the last *°ven years through scenes and chauges which, beforehand, seemed unbearable. 1.4 A. M. Daily Great Southern Majl.—Louv- an< l winch enthusiasts then pronounced I’‘ ntW P»«°i> thoy WO.W not survive. * “ imffii* ana ch aria* ton Railroad* 8Ji(l yet when the blow fell society rolled of E T. and Ga. ktailruiuJ*. I on, and these very enthusia«ts stood it«julte »“ *?•! *•*». Picking their flint, ter a l.uttle with . »ew windmill, and oiling ft.heir tongMos for li.05 P. M. Daily (exoeft Sunday#) Kxr J’ASiENOEE.—Leave ChaUanoorajit 3.20 a. m., ioakintf close connection* Wkh train* of Nashville and ( I.Attan»Oi**., hb<I Mein- phis and Ckarlostou liai.road*, and Dal- rmv to a “holy well,” where she could be cured of her malady. Presbyterian reunion is progressing in the South. A joint committee of tlie Old School and Cumberland Churches has been In session at Memphis, and agreed upon a platform. The action will be referred to tlie respective General Assemblies for con firmation. A physician in one of the London hospi tals outraged medical etiquette by adver tising his services and Ids charges, nml the whole consulting stall' immediately re signed. The first hearty laugh Napoleon ever in dulged In w as observed at the performance of Sothern In Paris. So says u Paris let ter. der the protection of her mother, and in oetnptny with Jennings, of the London Times, and his birds, nee Madeline nen- rimies. When gentlemen are out of literary em ployment in England, they make their wants known through the medium of ad vertising, a thing which 19 very seldom done in this country. The Ixmdon A then cum contains a list of these advertisements, from which we learn that a gentleman, long resident in France, desired tp write Paris letters; an other English gentleman, of independent ODetns, literary habits and high accom plishments, tenders his gratuitous servi ces for six or eight months, as assistant editor of e ne/wspajier, review or magazine; stlJl another, of many years’experience on tlie daily and weekly press, is now open to BY TELEGRAPH. FROM THE NEW TORS PBES1 ASSOCIATION. REGISTRATION IN AI.ARAJIA, UTRORS AltO.Tl WASHINGTON, PROSPKCTN OP COTTON CROP. SECRETARY BHOWNING ILL. hr Cubic Dispatches. Moxtgomkky, Aug. 2$.—The regUlro- tlon returns havo boen received from all the counties in Alabama, giving a total ol' HK),990—wliltos, 72,747; colored $8,213— Only ten candidates are announced in tlio State so fitr—one colored. Sixty-six bales of new cotton had been received in Montgomery up to date. Cotton lias been greatly damaged In tlio last few weeks for want of rain and by tlie worm. \Vasihngton, Aug. 28.—It Is stated that General Grant lias written to the Presi dent claiming that Congress has vested au thority in the llvo districts in tho General of tlie United States army. Grant is un willing to vest in another, and therefore, will, at least, delay ordering the execution of tlie Executive order relieving General Sickles and General Sheridan. Governor Brownlow lias appointed D. B. 01 iIV receiver, and M. Richards, of Mem phis, Superintendent of tlio Mobile and Ohio Railroad. Secretary Browning is quite sick this morning. Secretary of tlie Treasury lias leased tlie Boston news rooms for the Sub-Treasury. Sir William Kapler commands the expe dition from India, for tlio rescue of the Abyssinian prisoners. The Great Eastern was chartered to-day ii to lay the cable, in May, between Brest J and New York. Prof. Foraday is dead. Denmark lias renewed licr demand on 9 Prussia regarding Schleswig. Napoleon, in speech at Arras, said: *• 1 jjM have faith In the future. Weak govern- k,J ments often seek to divert public <\ untie- from domestic troubles by fomo f eign quarrels. On the editor h, t Governments which rest on the nntiohui ‘.I will have strength, and need only resort to J whatever stall tend to promote the per- manent Interests of their country its the S means of upholding the honor of the na- M Rdv.vatlclnatiwis of evil.and destruction Tile truth nf the matter is, tlie great . , , . -ass of the American U = ucy tional fiag.” London, August 28.—The latest advices received confirm the report of tho insur rectionists’ success In Arago, and also an nounce that the Spanish commander has been killed. New York, August 28.—The Washington embroglio has had the effect of giving gold a strong upward tendency, and it is now quoted at 142.4£. The market is ex am engagement as editor; and another gen- I cited, and in consequence nothing is doing tlcman. an experienced leader writer. Is in sterling exchange, mtiling to write regularly or occasionally, for any newspaper or review. * The new Tycoon,of Japan, Stots Bashi, I rer#on»i. is spoken of a« a very amiable and intelli gent man, with fine abilities for govern ment. lie Is tw handsome hs he is able, and wly thirty-one years of age. When in full •ourt cosUrme he wears white silk robes, with sleeves of waito sadn, having his rest embroidered In lilar silk. On his Judge Ladd, of the Cambridge Police Court, has sued the editor of tho Cambridge Chronicle for libel in the sum of ten thou sand dollars. The alleged libel charges the Judge with stupidity and dishouotfy in deciding a dog case. Mrs. Kato Totten has sued the Pacific Railroad for damages to the amount of Rtebili”‘ ° f lllr '* <| y di 2 pned “' ll1 simulated luW ft.ttnc-,1 witti a kiot of ribbon*"beneath hu^nd h wlm , |?M°r^. I i/«r r UlC | 1 Tfn 0, V , . er PULLMANS PATENT sijiEPiNO o»AUBEs\)>?» ItI ty pabulum. Sonuny of thOMlorrl- jhi^.? r « |» wafn a iewdayartnc^ d kl kH ,y | hie, ilaa^urous-tu-iiociaty. with wkk)li the < yokf a, ui b,“ ru rr te,i a I de-pots of Europe bare for ceuttirlo* The I^uifoa Coart Journal says: ALL NIGHT TRAIN*. JOHN B. IMDCK, Jel8—tin MoaOt TmniiportaKo q ate- u M I. stauk i.iNt muM ATLANTA I frightened tlielr subject* Into subnissiim iiresnmtaj the Kreat favor the recently puli- *| W«U,«0.t ^ ! tu 0 W»ression. Umt the cry is be*tonln* j J.f ICRNITL'BE Dealer in Furniture. Ufuoletkry and making. Parlor and Bed Room Mtk Md 191 FXniltare Repaired, iiy A. KRGKN/IN- «T* OKU, Hunter street, b#tw##a Whitehall aud Pryor. #ug7-tm SALOONS t UlBJAGO ALK UKPOT—M. K. KENNY. Pro / prietor dealer in Brandie*, Wines, Whlikies #nd Se^ars. Lhicauo Alk ulway* on hand. N >4 Ahtliaiua street, Atlanta, Ga. #ng4—8#i ATTORNEYS. A LSTON ft WINN. Attoeney# at Law, At lanta, Ga. Uffie#, Granite Bloci, Bi-oail ktrout. BOBT A. ALSTON, ^^ujti24-4m L. J. WINN. ^^hVUBOW A SIMPSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW f Atlanta, Ga. Office corner W hitehall and Alabama atreeta. over Jainu*’ Banking Hou*«. Kntraac* on Alabama street. feta—ly II. P. FARROW, O. r SIMPSON. i, 05,000,000. WM. Jinniko*. General Anti. Lynch'* Building, corner ot Alabama and whltaban aWtcto. accond ioor my8*ly CAMSUHM AND WA 0OJf MAKERS wWiiWitW^ l* amd Walton aimcrr*, jfeoKTiali# whiib w# ofcr to lh# pohUe ioo#o prk#a. lly purcUiUf * oath prlo«», aad work la* ##Ml(M ua total! eh>#» ##< CWU O# lit l.uiKN-k, inf Tmim and Taxb inent, by Bremen or IIuuiMur^ oiai>, 15c. ... !— irg To Settle*wig-Holstein a*id nen or Hajiiburg mail, lbc- To Sw fleer la To Italy To Turkey, l>e|AAir Deiunurk, by B|t- bur# mail, Sic S5< • “ If* • '* 20* To Greece, To GlbraJ Hamburg e Amusement llall. T\AVI8’ HALL, BROAD STREET. ATLNTa, 1 J Ga.—This spar Ion* and maynlflcentMA Hall i» centrally located in r populou* por-BJJ tlon of the city, baa # Stage 80 br 40 feet, feet high, and an auditorium 165 feet long, ifeet wide, and *2 feet high, w ith a capacity tbixom- fortubly seating two thousand persona, at* pro- Yld#d with ample means ol eKr*-‘*»- The Mil In lighted by 140 ga* burner*. Scenery and Difcaing Room* complete. Kent, $50 per night, et(, etc. Population *f Atlanta, S6,(JIX>. Diatance • Au- RUnta, 171 mile*; to Maoon, J01 mlle*^to qafcta nvoga, 138 mile*. Atlanta, March 1st 1867. TheHnnlon Combination inaugurated thouen- Ingof the above Han. aad I cheerlully hdorae MORRIS SlMMOrs. Manager Hanlon Comt>il Atlanta. Ga.. March fat. 1H#1 a* a through Deigh (all hail) ranged from that city to Atlanta via Cl at ()>K AND A HALFCKNT# PKR I llll>K8 in bal#a, the underslgacd noil • * ‘ “TW- jL. . (.ontmiaalon ] New Freight Route. NEW ORLEANS ATLANTA VIA GRAND JUNCTION A CHATTANOOGA. ALL KAIL. No Charge fur ln*vraiux, L/rayai/e, Com mins ion* or Forwarding. Who arp the Sproull murders is as much It is j * mystery as ever. The two men arrested on suspicion of complicity In the deed were discharged from custody at Pittsburg on t riday, one of them without trial. .. . , . . fl - —- j — —■■■■•'■ —i •/» wiw»• ntvu. Gou. Augur, in lilg ovhlGiico beforo tho rom tlie day when our haxon fathers; It is full of Interesting matter, and sulll- Indian (aimmisslon. stated that, should the jessed to he tin; bonded slaves »f their, elentlv learned to cause a regret that It; war become general, It will require at least i Xorioan lords, every 1‘iplif wrested by the | ♦LouUl he lost to the world in general.” | twenty thousand troops to suppress it. I people from -higher orders" has been lc srmmmm r l ,,- w lkl , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fariro, parents of | spite of tills very alarm, and to-dsv tlie < 1 , , < okuri osdrxlk.-M ash-, Hon. IVm^O. tareo, of Buflalo, celebrated jjV ... ‘ „ y J. L v , I Iniftotl telegrams say tlm President has tlielr golden wedding in Syracuse last ! sr c y o the ‘•Conservative party m mppressed the letters that passed lwtween "'’’K',. Hi® residence of the aged couple I LiglamJ. and the -Conservative ' 1-arty of I , llmscIf „ mI ,;,. Ilcral ,; rant , n r rard tot hc ,7“ 1 with colore.1 Tamp., and 1 Georgia, Is precisely the same. “Society L-nvnval of scant,,,, l si.,., i.i.' ,h< ‘ K r ? u " ( ’ 8 wlt h lo. omoiive lanterns. A itself Is at stake " The poor and tho Ignor- T- ? , , d , T j 1 ® lr ! P w ‘ m Anson G. Chester was read by the * "I. poor anu ignor leharaotur, however, has l)oeu made public. | author. Washington special to tho ( incinnatl |__Charles Stuart was shot and killed, on ant are dangerous—for God’s sake not enfranchise them, let, it will he (lone. give* a synopsis of them, as fol-! n, K Ilt ‘ h ! Itov. Roilcrt'oravVin and society will roll on and what, to con- f ; <>ws . Pulaski county, Virginia. Mr. Gray'was -i rvatlsra, seemed ruin will, prove, at last,; The lirst letter nrotestlmr ,n a barricaded to resist a mob ol , j , ,i | . , Jne ,,rsi tviwir )>roie.sriiig ogHliiht the negroes who had gathurud around it •mil to have been the only way to save tbs j suspension of the .Secretary of War, was shot Stuart by mistake. *' a State. Tlie - higher orders" of Kurope | abort,, Imt extremely forcible, in which I 1!cv n .... r ^ have stood aghast, as they have T* |j,™’ 18?“^*" America religion dissevered from the suspend Stanton, and tfft altlmuirh a*? I yy.. lM ^.** J Clnetnni3%ns State; suffrage made universal; pride of I astute lawyer might find a warrant in law, rtf. , ■* l m '?*'h ho#re ancestry annihilated; interests abolUhed; j {{« gSPjUEES*did tmtSSr 1 "^ T ° i to thc Avc.utc^hureh.'pn'shj tcrhu!! public lands bartered off; and while thoy ! V aecLi nrotesUn the ejSS'of Sheri- X ' w York ' The following »grce.l to., have listened to hear the roar of the un-1 dan, covered little over a jmge, mid is most A nPX '' roiifftoiw weekly Is about to bo R ing effect j . 1,1. ahtliiad lion, lo! all was quiet ixd orderly, emphatic in its tone ami language. In- i8* l, ed in CbfMga bearing the unione and mi uia** . .. per iuj poand* .... , i and society moved on in its accustomed I iettetit is severe- ( 1 Yt’ , Tbe^Atlvunee. _ The pa- 8*1 (Jem per luo i»ounffi» i v> I isiiiinnnlt nnrirt».i hoFFoervi » 1V ♦»,«' *- v offlc!aI in tono - ^ culls upon tho I L >or be edited by Rev. Win. Patton. D, iK.r luo pound* j channel!*, purHied and bettired bj tin president to withhold tho order in view of .U^ and represent tho InterestsofGongre- Through Bill# of Lading will bo given at |>«>int I change. It Is supposed, in soma countries,, financial reasons ami consideration* 0 f gationalism in tlie Northwest. TheAU- tf» r L - . . - 1 X- ‘ * «• * | .tevi.rr o. ii,<iilarv I l,iai » Judge Without a wig, or a minister Patriotism. Tfco reply of tlie J^sident was v , a ? c « h “ establUheil on u firm tinan J—" 0 -'- '" 1 I a ntvit. wrottld h* ntterlv itnhM.1.1 also ufflelal. It covers about a tlo*cu|iL“L U “ l V n J will move ou a. a power of fihiDDiont, #iul all lo*s. namugc uml ovprr.lurgo , •*...• -ill be promptly ol dellvsrir. Tsriflr, tiKm ing «-|R»*lflcRtion, c|g , may b#ob- witiiout a gowu. Would be ntterlv iiRod at office of Western .1 Atl*nU. H.iii • 1 C 1 "™ 0,M»*:-arM.r., rap«r Supn, n»r» sod PtetoralMi## ##ttay _ ___ Old oUPstatluM.r#11 d#Mrtp- taMikHi au«#t#.Ga )«Mm mined atofficool w##4ern A AtU»u< lUiiroad. Jl«4-3m JOHN B PKt K, M T JJ OOfl N G ROOFINC. R OO FI N C IfRFlng Mlablikhod a Manufuctory of Ute well known Felt, Vemmt and Graiml Roofing, The und#r»lfne«! would call the •p#et#l atUnlloL Ol builder* and imraona about v> build, to thta I TVI.K KOuriM.. ll I. ohMVtstr aad mors urable than any other Roofing In uae, aad Is 1KK-PROUF, and hM boon thoroughly t#tt«d, as can b# seen by rvrn enow ALL WUHK WARRANTED kinds rsuairwt Baantis aad rsferssc** o**n i>« *oup at tfe# oor Al . . i.i u r * .« : pages, and consists of a iiwcious argument fr 0111 the beginning. ed by sinner or criminal such, I believe, j a8 j 0 |,| s rights and duties In the case, and 1 Punch says as harvest time come* on, is the opinion in South Carolina to-day—. ends wltli.tho peremptory order already an- j complaints arc heard that reapers are not and yet we (Georgians have abolished them | n ®** nc ®5’ I enough. TiiU deficiency might bo I j lie fire* iI<vaulh ' m»nA.ii«.i «<• *i._ a ... . . r . I both without in. M-rlon. detriment Th ® ftr ** 'h-cl.lon was t» send It out remedied, If the Americans would only 1 1 '. UI , , | ny , ° ' , ° r solely aa a 1‘re.ltlential order In form, hut ! lend them their General Mickies. the public weal or to religion. The after Johnson'* reply Gen. Grant made It I An old town ledtrer at qtctihMv n "higher order." and ".uperior race." are In I hi* own m far a. toenahle Un to MBit out | contains tho “lowing memojitndi.tu everything will go i ft* Th * onll!r leftb J f »i»d j 'March *7, ltd#— By Jautea Gonlon Ben- poly of the rn.nage-, ‘tnowl^thU the above paper, exist. | bel'lfM^ 00 ‘ ° r,i,:r d * tWl la Interfered wltti and that the President haa aupproaaeil: ..... Booling Of all I and Roofing Matsrlsl (br 0*1# ■ 4 r#f«rose** omu b# •#•# si Mh ■or of Wbltrbftll si*d MUelisil slr«#d. or #1 ih« " ,|rr ttraak Maaufteinrr. ea rvaad the habit of thinking to wreck tf their monopo inent of public aflhlre Tltla la very natural, but and while It explain* the luat of the “auperlor race” to-day. It doot notjuitlfy It. Union. It I* very aelRah; them. I* creating aa muoh axcltemetlt In I p.i™. .._“! n P. 1 * l ' 1 * t »nevl at Bridgeport ■ nettlahiuwa and US*I»1 aMwaalbagarbling of DherMan't , thfSJn' JJ‘ r !', u,n "ghlhlt* lilui s iwuiMinwia aim j " •JRIB W the flail. Tlie General 1* the only tWUon.Jamca Alcorn, one of the aldrat advocate* of (’ongreuloital Keronitruc- . ^Tht rn "hH* tt,# B nT" U ,m.a' £ $ chart ought to be auppreaaod fcr publlah-1 Lour. In a rerlaa ol |>ubllc meeting* to be Ing lorgetl letter* over hi* algnatura. j held during Ota |>re«rul uiotith. _ _ _ > only tnllltBry man In tbo country who ha. no Madame Anna do In Grange, the great ounlatrlce, wUI arrive front Kurope In th* early part of next uoulli. when .lie will make her farewell appearance on the Mag*.