Newspaper Page Text
Postofftee Official Advertiser.
ATLANTA, <3--A..:
Of* The Savannah Advertiser, in notie-
ing the disaster to the train on the Central
Railroad last Thursday, thus alludes to the
narrow escape of the Express messenger,
Mr. HH1, from being crushed to death, and
his meritorious conduct. It says:
Mr. John C. llill. the mesMDjfer of the
Southern Express Company, was in his car
at tiie time of the accident,and was thrown
among the wreck. When he came to his
senses he found himself tightly jammed in
among the contents of his car, with the
forward truck (dose to his head, the heavy
iron safe within two inches of his side, and
several boxes and packages piled up overt
Promotion and Discipline in tm
French Armtv—The non-commissioned
officers in the French army are not often
reduced to ranks, although the colonel of
the regiment has the power to do so. They
ure generally punished by confinement to
barracks, or arrest In their quarters; or If
on active service, in the tents which serve
as the aalle de police. For offenses against
honesty, or for insubordination, they are i
always tried by a court martial. The eoni-
iiiiHHioTied officers, in like manner, are pun
ished by from three to thirty days’ arrest j
in their own quarters fbr any omission in >
matters of duty, or on account of anv folly
for which their youth may plead with the
Colonel not to Imj hard upon them. Some- I
times an officer who ha* misbehaved is ex
changed into another regiment, and occa
sionally, but rarely, is placed on the non |
act/rtte Mat. which i« equivalent to tempo-1
Gem. Sickles Relieve* bj ten. t'aaby.
Interview lie tween the President
and ten. Grant.
IliLXEfc* or t.t> . MIIOI'ILLD.
dll rigs at 24.
WiiJwOTOjf, Aug. 28.—Spirits turpen
tine quiet at Hi 2ttResin quiet—J.Hoa
London, August 23.—-Consols 94% 13-10.
Bonds 73%.
Liverpool. August 28.—Cotton dull; de-
I dined ; salat 8,000 bales; uplands IOJ^;
: Orleans 10$fc.
Frankfort, August 28.—United States
bonds 77.
e*lrea5*em**»us ofjF* Sheriff's Rale* of
*|ilAUauia Opinion
nty. (ia
tta, Ga., Aug 17, lrt»l augfl-
OrncKor me Court or orpin ary, August lfttk.
18G7 —Notice U hereby given that hereafter the
legal advertisement* of this office wil lie pubii»h
eil In the AtlantaOpinion
*ug»i--*4t J. T. STEPHENS, Ordinary.
THURSDAY' MORNING::: AUGUST 4b. | «nd around him. After some labor he was
— - . ,-t i dot out, when it was found that l«: had only
“ The unit Holllii*.” (as tic then thought) sustained several s«-
— I vere hrulses, hut on attempting to get U)i
The InltlWj'ncir of yesterday lias an ed. ami look after his freight, he dlseovered | - , ialf _. mv . The latter punishment Isre
itorlal under the almve heading, referring ;[J**" " s 7° V27]f* \ v ni'falii.Hi W)r[el i t0 goimriluira when oftleers have run
to an editorial In the Opinion In which we ^oh l.tsTah.d^h^ff.nmlort^to^^n- 1 ' f crT ''T 1 ’ 1 *' , i,lt0 *« Uioiufht
took occasion to speak in eom.dlmentary J j J&" «jft r JSiT &
I*utl> of C olouel
(•n on (he
frb | Good I oh Noth Racer.—Veiy generally
. the arntngenieiit between fanners and
lion freedmen has been for the freedmen to re-
1 ° n * ccivea certain jKirtlou of the crop. The
'Montgomery Sentinel says it is estimated
Washington, Aug. 28.—The following !-*»at the poilion of the corn crop prodm-ed
order was is*ued to-day : 1 Li Alabama this year, and falling to the
... .. . . .ilium ntc. KEiuimij until cum tfi punuaofle ofdhe foregoing order from [ fctaUuen their portion. wUl amount to
* AK * I ii 0 , 1 ??. AC S5f??•_.* entr i lst ^! I make some arrangement with their credi- j tl^* President of the United States. Brevet • ® greater number of hii«lie1« than the en-
. ri.i | .. . <Min. <11 i ,iii in< ill n ilii men
,l,h to Ida cure. Jho money packages were all | tnnli uu true that the latter
terms of Mcs-r«. Maukiiam. Uasku
row and Dinning, In icnncctlon
their la hors for Hcsonstriutlon. Ity
kindly naming these gentlemen, «'« regret
that sve drew down upon them the ire of
our cotemporary. Itwas ocrtainly not Ind The traid arrived here at 1 « . the
tended. And we aak "hat is the matt( r r j punhungers all thankful for their providen
recovered in good order, ns was also a large
part of tin* freight in his car, all of which
ne brought through and delivered them
safely at tin* office, although suffering much
rortng tin* In-
tial 1
Has some body’s Bull been
telligenccr'a Ox?
AYc have no idea that either of the above
named gentlemen had anything to do with
Issuing “Order No. ID.” Ami, if they sym
pathized with the Intelligencer, we have no
doubt but that Journal would pronounce
them all gentlemen of “large persona] in-
tluenee, commanding intellect, and over
powering eloquence.” But they happen to
be iu favor of the Union Republican party,
lienee they have not “an ordinary degree”
of “personal influence, intellect and elo
quence'’—hence the exhibition of spleen
to which we refer.
Below “ Ordinary! ” T.ct us sec who and
what the gentlemen are. who arc thus
Mr. M.wikjm.m is one of our most respon
sible citizens. lie 1ms served the city as
Mayor. Possessed of wealth, lie lias ile-i
voted hii means to the development of the j
city. Active and energetic, prudent and!
Industrious, an old citizen, he possesses j
qualities that have enabled him to con- | wcolf, at 28 cents,
tribute more to the advancement of the in- buyers as low mlddl
Z3T A correspondent at Mule Iloek
writes that up to the 20th Inst. 2,032 persons
had registered in that township, of which
741 were whites and 1,201 colored, it is
predicted that about four thousand voters
will bn registered in Pulaski county, and
that the Republican majority will be at
least two thousand. Our informant says:
The colored men will stand by tlielr^Jte-
puhlican friends, although the Conserva
tives are moving heaven and earth to de
feat us, and they an; well organized. They
hope, by registering as many of their ad
herents as possible, and keeping the ne
groes from the polls, to defeat (tic exiling
ul* a Statu Convention. The Republicans,
however, arc confident of achieving a
tory, although the opposition coiitliiiix to
control all the. important office* in the
State, the inllucnec of which thin know so
w ell how to y ield.
New Cotton.—Tim Albany fGa.) News,
of the 27th. says: “The first bale of new
cotton was sold in this market during lust
is ranked by the
Planters will sec
arrest them; hut still Indebtedness in
the French army is considered a dis
grace, uud unworthy of those
>Ajor General Canty will, on receipt of, Ure corn crop of Alabama of any pre
j tljls order, turn over his present command ] year. <t>
to the officer next In rank to himself and
that the legal u<lverthemeut« luuvl from th»»
Sheriff’s oibro of the County of M»nro« will
hureafter bu (jubli»hc<| iu thi* Atlanta Weekly
Oplniun. WILEY J. HI PEN, Sheriff.
For»yth. (J*. August IV, imh. an#*>-w4t
tice all the legal a‘iv«rti>emeuu trots the office of
the Ordinary of < lavton aOMiitjr w ill lie (jubiiaited
in the Atlaata, Opislon.
C. A. HOLLAB. Ordiuary.
.Ione*lH»i o, Hr.. Atuo»t 19. IWI. augai -« 41
OTThc Sun announces the arrival of| He# alt the legal advertiaemenu fro* thesherira
nave no excuse ror m*ing helium the won ., n . , ... Major to
The State takes {treat eJre that they shall |Major General Sickles of the eom-1 ^ #j)d
Imvo no excuse for extravagant
trades, tradesmen, workmen, and artifb
of a French regiment are of themgelvc
something to see ami to study. The bak^
ing of tbc bread, the killing of the meal
the repairing of the barrack building, tin
making of the boots anti clothes—every
thing. In short, that can |»ossihly )>e re-
if »
- Id
"V 1
It .
indication that they
defamers. Mr. Gaheili. has lived can get as high a price ft>r their cotton ' 1
•ng our people nine years, and like Mr. | here as anywhere else In this part of the j ',. K . ofthM'Imrd!? ibr’thmmh I *
1... . 41... ..F 1.1, ...» '' * . 1 i \ . ...... . • C. ..
tercsts of Atlanta than the whole coterie of | that tho ahov
invested tho most of lib menus j State.
here, and nooiie is more thoroughly alive m ~~ 77
. r ... . . * J .... Dr. .J. M. Gregory, i’resident
to the welfare of Atlanta, or has more faith . r , . , , St .
. t . .. . . . Illinois Industrial l nlvcrsitv, liav ng re
in its future. A lew vears ago lie was as- ... , .. * . ^ , ,
i eenth returned from a somewhat extended
I tour through Minnesota, expresses the
lev th
tile additions to thefr pay. Every soldier,
after learning his drill. f» expected to work
at something or other; and those that
can do nothing better, dig and delve and
plant and cultivate the gardens which sup
ply vegetables for the different regimental
messes. Nothing seems to he made out
side the corps, as those Who have of Ixtej
years taken notice of the French soldiers'
dress can vouch for. These changes whiefi
the present Emperor has Introduced in the
af the army have been very great
and are exceedingly popular in the service.'
It is the same with the officers. Without;*
being at all extensive, their uniform is
soldier-like, useuil. and alK»ve ail, the rank j ( | 4
of any of the wearers may lie ascertained
at a glance.—The Month. „
ind there are a-sua0o0Piat 'lie
Bishop Timon’n Will.— 1 The will of the if
late Bishop of Buffalo has just been ad- gate
mitted to jirobate by the Surrogate of Erie | Rhtimoxd. August 2s.-i-CHe « offline] of a
norn than thirty party charged ^evading the revc/Rh*
laws, lx*foie tiie United Mates Commis
sioner to-elay, pleaded want of jurjffli^-
. r .- f ^ ... 9H r,- • — |tlou, on the ground that the revei
.(Iiirnl m,«Hforil tlirmrpii Inn^ jmiriipy* of r , )nl , re4J nrovlJr, Unit a SUt
and many dangers, vet I only asked lor ! , , . „ .
f the help to build up the Llnircli and her ehari- j kave n> many In^ja’ctors at it has I.iyux-
table institutions in this diocese—n<
Major General
that he reached th'
The Muscogee Railroad.—Hon. J. I«
Meat a in, President of the Muscogee Rail
road, in hl^ .annnal report. rec«ntly made,
exhibits the<%yci|»ts and expenditures of
his road, jrtTfollows:
. nil »ourne*> fuj
bland of the Second Military District.
Hajor General Sickles, on being relieved,
will repair to New York city and report,
tier, to the Adjutant General,
nnmand of Gen. Grant.
E. D. Townhknd, A. A. G.
The order regarding thcyftfth DietriuB
as not promulgated at three o’clock io"
Internal Revenue regents to-day f5W<
Q0D. / f
(irant had a prolonged Interview with
the President thigjiforning. pf f . /
t l* the Memphis <1 Ohio, iifstead of the
bile A Ohio Railroad over which Brow n-
' has apjjointcd Cliff as Receiver and
hards Superintyndcuf.
i>iiring the inteiriefr U»-day lietwccn the ! vim»Uju dlffannuti isjtween Item', c»i.
bc-ident and (ien.* (JnnH. mat)i j|i weiy t | ,a>a, ’ lt:, f tlUilL ***’ 1 *■ l ’
‘.iv >\;»s withdrawn. dl^Hliiciitly tiie | nml ^jriiin.iry ^*4
, | ■ j., a oi.c-flhiFithumSa.tbPMiHiif //
rder relieving MelJu^^^Mtroiniil^ 1 ^’* 1 1 - - “ -
•oi’Ein Columbus, on the I «««• UayioB cimnij will be published iu the
Atlanta Opinion. J. A. Mc< ON NELL, Sheriff.
Jonesboro, lia., Ajig. 19,18*7. «ugX>-wlt
tice all tho legal a<lr«rtisements of the OOI
of the ('ouiity Court of Clayton uountv will be
pnbmhod in the Atlanta Opinion.
Jonestami, tj*.. Aug. 19, l-ff7. aug4ff-w4t
fFffinctf •
Tlic o\tfaormRary^ x|
fur the h»nn tiffio.
of have Injun
hut fur this item Kmuing out of the
cffiuRiUrs of therthr/lhe earnkU* *
over c»n*ii^«k wouli/h^P'o i»c**n 96,611 98
The exiraohlinarv ^pPn*eh, u* exhlh-
|tc<i in last n-fkirt. duly sfm US.ftn 65
fn two jeurs (t lias been *
To this add 17 shnre* guaranteed 8
.sMnffi redeeu
J«7JW7 <Jfl
1,700 «)
vertislng of GwinnRtt county will hereafte
j»ear in tiie Georgia Weekly Opinion.
latwrenrevllle, «n.. Aug. 19. Ihrt. aurtO
^. -- ji# tMUi aitiDunt should deducted \
;ind there are thftoiiucreffae in Hotel Account tor 1 ‘
Ibeting the Filth District will 4e jirmnul- i yjfir*. This, under ordlnarv cir* *i$tj
JjByFotild l,m>y u» j^t"
ourify. It was
years ago. it pr
sociated with the Proprietor of the Intelli
gencer in the practice of law, and was one
of tiie editors of that journal, at a time
when its influence was as great os it
over possessed. Iu days pa*t, when Mr.
G. stood by the side of the Intelligencer
opfftu political questions, wo suggest that
mt jourmXl did mu rein to him as it now'
was not bV./f. below -orb.nary”
|!tprfBCWBgr AJio.
for the change of oplniou i^ i»alpa-
hlo; Mr. Gamnim. i- mi earnest and ffjfltl-
ential advocate of a policy that will save
tho State—the Intelligencer opposes that
Col. Fakkow's reputation as a gentleman
of intelligence* UffJWt he depreciated l»y
such attacks as we refer to lie lias settled
among us and identified himself with our
city and State. We have no eitizc n of more
unexceptionable character. W o predict
that the Intelligencer will feel and acknowl
edge bis influence ere many moons wax
and wain. That journal entertained a^dif
ferent opinion of him when,
I opinion that tiie wheat crop of that State
j will reach a surplus of fifteen to tw enty
millions of bushels.
did ask for mvsoTf.
and ever eon^idere
my name in this li,
by my suet c»ors,
spirit of the law
:ht, to
tW A few days ago a man got oll'thel
ears at Peoria, Illinois, with a large bag in [the
his hand which he carried very carefully.
After walking up the street a short dh*-
4**44*pot hi* -bag nutie^lit Bril
lifted offt a good aiaed boy. Ho hud
brought him several Taitea as higgag^t
JS^The North Carolina University at
Clmpol Hill will soon be closed, because of
inability to conduct its exercises further.
It waff in a most flourishing condition
w hen the war broke out, but lost all of
Its money, and with that most of its
t3F* Business in Paris is worse than it
has been known to be for years. The Ex
position lias paralyzed retail trade, and
wholesale speculation seeius to be affected,
tho Chief jag it is in London and elsewhere, by the
lie Confederate States Nitre Bureau in excess of moucy and the lack of confl-
utativea in Congress; and as Vjrjffn*#
But though I consider, i j ms no Rcprcscutatlv& in.CougrftM it eaf
’• ■" tS»£di"*v« l-ira. At
limply w itli the sioner took time to coulider the mutter,
i as Is'really and | General Schofield is quite ill of fever j
legally mine, and iold under inv n;mn-. I 1 f|) , 1( . j j tn ,. (fu|(
bequeath to the Rt. Rev. dohn Lnughlin. j ‘ „ ’ . * ,, , 'ri... r-.t,-
BlilH.pof Bnx.klrn, Slut, of New York.l >> K " 9«' E * SS - tit)
all my real and personal estate; but with Council last evening appointed a new j
the condition that out of tlie proceeds lie Board of School Directors, Superintendent
pay myjtisnjchts [ also uamo the ^i, n ^ and other minor oflicinls.
Hev. .lohn MvCioskv and Uo* Right Rev. ^ ^ ... f ^, hA - n . . APO
John J. Conroy, U.Rhop of ABraoy. ex ecu ' ’ » rUie twcnty-qigljt .*?< jool Din tors
torsoTfW* my low w ill wuAkWuwjem,. fight Arc eqh>r^i-
JnH.v Ti,on. Hikhop of Iuft.i111. j' j ie iminVr of (Hulh- f. m y<B-« £
th'nUay were 14 5 vwtefduy, 1«.
Cyril* H»miltou, mn of «x-Prc«i<loi)t
rjiflu:- rW.'.\nkU
Ucperul Order No. 49, He»dqiuurt«n* Third Mili
Ury Diitrirt, dated A«fu»t It. fi*n. and to section
3iTi7ortlio Near Co«le of Georgia, the advertising
••onneeted with my office will hereafter be done
in the Opinion, in ttii« eity. Augaat 14, IffffI
ru(U w u ApeciN Bailiff
infonnity to General Onler No 49, Headqu tr-
Thml Military District, da let l August Itt:i
and Ui *e«-tl<m:i5T7,.ofthe Code ofGeorgiR. ti «•
. seal advertiftt'ineuto from the office of Ordinary of
Yayette muntv will l»e published In the W’eekly
Jpiniou, publisbed iu Atlanta. G;t. Aug 15, lMi7.
aurft«-pi4t KiaVAHUl ONNOft. Ordinary.
a bailee of H37,4tNJ
{ J Air N * >T ICK—l NT 11. FUKTHKR \
heti jfSlo to Iioast! udvertiseinaut* from the office of
A CbrOnlcfeand C^uianU 0 ° nntT WlU U p, “ ,li,,ho<t
! fro!
the 27fh, s
▲ u a left
*«‘ii»ffv A: Co* of N
tracUrs fur the buHdin
mi Messrs. H
York, the n
g of the Street Rail
lanta Oplnioi
Deeafnr, Ga.. Aug. 1R. 1W7 auglHi
roud, .UMbd the 13tli ins!., in which they
say Iron, chairs, spikes, tools, etc.,
mirepv.^^for the eonruction of the road
was ffhiitfettp Charleston on the 12th mst.
They al-*«ly that their Agents and Su-
perintendejlR w ill lw* <.u the ground ready
to reeeivqfiie material by the time it ar
rives here, and that the work will be put
through as r..phily as possible.
(*mviki4JANT.—The l^liilmlclpbiii Pres;
tl,„- alludo* to nmttm in Tenner: Itamllton , dW , h „ m ornl» F . from «n ai-
hWioe tiie Into ekn tlnn In Tennowae tin- ,
Stilt.' ItniwN »f timl l'iiniuM>iiwoHl(h lutvn tnrkof >ellmi fever
ii.lviim wl live iwrcuui. in tlw Turk It Ir reported that tho late Oty Attorney
market. Now that It 1* known that Ten- Aie*l*tant, and City Surveyor, have
ne**ee la free, with the tin); of onr (rovnru- gtops w i„ a tltuto suite aj{ai»si the
of I
Georgia, he eontrlUutvil tho putnmajfo ol
iiis ih'jiartmont iu that direction. When
he mis sustaining tho hdttli'jencer, no sueli
unkind thrusts wore made. Thou ho was
a gentleman of at least "ordinary personal
inlluenco and eloquence." Somebody lias
recorded Uie fact that “ Ingratitude is one
of the greatest Sins!"
Mi.Dt f.NikU has a eliaraetor for integrity
truly etiviahlc. Tlio mention of his nniue,
In this community, is almost certain to lie
followed hy the remark—lie is an honest
man. That he Is true to his principles, all
who know him during the war will testify.
Self-oonstitutcd Vigilance Committees
could not deter him fi'om tho open expres
sion of his sentiments. Ho maintained his
position against all opposition and perse
cution. As a business man, lie has no su
perior ; as a politician lie has always been
consistent; as a speaker ho is effective.
We Incline to tiie opinion that the force of
his arguments before tho people may have
called out tho slurs of the Mcllijcnctr
against him and the gentlemen whose
names wo chanced to associate with his.
Onr commendation of the services of the
gentlemen named was sincerely uttered;
many people will question tiie propriety
•f tho attack made upon them. They had
nothing to do with “Order No. 40.” It
issued as unexpectedly to them, wo pre
sume, as it did to the lHtclUgtn<m or tiie
OrUiiox. They Indorse It, we have no
doubt: tho Iulellincncer does not! Why,
w e need not explain. We hope the gentle
men wo have named will not regard our
allusiou to them in tho Opinion of Tues
day morning a* any just provocation for
the attack made upon them, or that the
foregoing remarks arc intrusive. They can
survivelbotli—the attack and this defense—
wo think 1
Cathouo Fwnvatr—With their charac
teristic energy In educational movements,
the l athe!les of Nashville have succeeded
in erecting a magnificent school-house,
which Is really not only a credit to those
engaged In the enterprise, hut also an orna
ment to the city. This establishment,
situated Immediately west of tho Oapltol.
hat just received the finishing touches, and
u« opening will be Inaugurated hy a grand
(eMh al and hall.
DR*The”First Uale”of cotton lies Ix'. ii i £fiho stringency of th* Prohibitory
received at Macon,by llardlman 4 Mparki.llaw was material), ‘ 1 “
show how completely Iron steam
boats are superceding wooden steamboats,
it may be mentioned that only forty of tho
latter were built in England last your,
w hile two hundred and eighty-three Iron
steam vessels w ere built.
tW The Viceroy of Egypt is said to have
been Immensely struck with the beauty of
the English ladles, and to have found but
one fault with them—that they rode on
horseback; In Ids eyes, a great Indeco
ay-Tlic only prolltntde trickle tnlno in
the country Is at Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
which produces about tluee thousand
pounds daily, and supplies tho Govern
ment mint.
CWAt the recent Commencement of tho
University of Georgia, the degree of D. D.,
was conferred on Rev. John W. Beckwith,
Rector of Trinity Church of Now Orleans.
tWHon. Wm. Windam. M. thorn Min
nesota, is now at Dahlonega. Ga., attending
to his duties as President of the Lumpkin
Chostatee Mining Company.
Vacancy Filled.—A special order from
General Pore has been issued, appointing
Wm. II. Price, a Bailiff of tho eonnty of
(]' The cattle plague returns show that
during tho w eek ending August 8d no ease
was reported I torn nny part of Groat
(ySanta Anna thinks he can buy him
self off.* Not if tho Mexicans estimate him
at his own valuation.
tV*Belle Boyd, now Mrs. llardtngo. is In
Baltimore. She has left her husband, and
win settle In St. Louis.
iy Emerson says: “The poor arc only
they who fbol poor, and povorty eonslst*
only in fowling poor."
t^*“Mapl*" sugar Is made from Mack
walnut tree* In Illinois.
Of Paul Is taking her smmuor repose In
ment final lug triumphantly over every
section Ol in the IhuuI-w ill not go up, hilt
Northern capital will be better disposed
towards Investments of all kinds in tin!
State. Will our Democratic eoteniporarim
inform us whether the Kentucky election
has bettered tho lluaucfcil prosperity of
that rebel-ridden State.
The St. I.olris Democrat sav- :
Immediately after the Rcpiihliran victory
in Missouri last josr, the hoods of this
State jttm|K'd eight per vent, in the New
York market within a few hours, and they
have since risen over thirty |ier cent.
What is the reason that Republican vig-
Corics make State bonds go up like a Iu«l-
loon, while tho so-called Conservative vic
tories do not y
Power or Imagination.—A box, stin-
posed to contain a dead body, was recently ,
forwarded from Boston to IlalifaN hv the
Eastern Express Company. Such fxixcs
often emit, an unpleasant smell, and when
this particular otto reached Portland, the
odor wtis so offensive that a teamster would
not load the hox into Ills wagon. The com
pany w ere anxious to get ft away, as the
polico ware urging tho immediate removal
of an article which was endangering the
health of the poople of the city. A second
teamster was sent down, and was so affec
ted by the smell that be became sick and
giddy, discharged freely Ills stomach, and
would have staggered over the wharf hail
he not been caugbt by those standing hy.
After a few more people had detected a
“strong smell," It was deckled that the box
should be opened. ThU was done, anil a
very handsome carved Indian figure In
wood was disclosed to the gare of the crest
fallen teamsters, everything about it as
clean and sweet as a new planed board. It
was intended as a sign for some enterpris
ing tobacconist.
Hovers war Cities.—'The practical and
philosophioal French )>eople have Invent
ed an order of houses which afford the
greatest convenience possible for the
amount of space occupied, and which, hy
their style and practical design, arc showy
and comfortable. Tho Idea la to supply
each family with a suit of rooms upon one
tloor. separate fronf each other, and opeu-
lng hy a front door upon a spacious fire
proof stairway. The lower floor may or
may not, as desirable, he occitplfld by a
restaurant and public' room usual In a ho
tel. The fivmtnca liring above may he
supplied from the establishment, anil at
their option, be relieved from the trouble
of a kitchen, take their mosls in a restau
rant, or have them servod lit their own
rooms. This is certainly well adapted to
some phases of dense populations.
WThc Shreveport South-Western, of
the 14th, says:
“The river has fallen about four Inches,
and was last night about seventeen feet
above low water mark. It Is now falling
at all points above here, with plenty of
water fbr all navigable purposes to any
C lnt this side of the raft. Tho upper river
s been uncommonly liberal this season
supplying us with water. It bat furnished
us with three floods and at liast a down
mom hers of the new City Council for HM
ill declaring them incom|>etunt for the
positions they recently held.
Oai.vksto.N, August 'J8.—Gen. Grillln
announced the death, yesterday, ot Col.
Wm. 3. Ohert, Adjutant General. He paid
a handsome tribute to hi - memnn.
Tho following removals for this District
Imve lien ordered: 3. Crosby, Cuntiiis-
slonnr of land*. W. L- Robanls, Gyrnp-
trollcr, M. H. ltoyston. Treasurer. Wm.
Walton, Attorney General vice Jos. Spm-
oer, M.C. Hamilton. John T. Allen. Vtn.
Alexander, appointed.
Avgvsta, Aug. 28.—General Bide
Hampton having been solicited hy ampn-
bor of prominent citizens for his view s as
to the duty of the people of South C'arollia
in reference to reorganization under he
Military bills, replies In a long letter. :f-
gtring against tiie injustice and itnconsl-
t'lttonalHy of the proposed measures-v
While he Is anxious tor restoration he pre
fen Military rule to the proposed term;
and Instances how Reconstruction work.
In Tennessee, and refers to the rejection o:
the Kentucky representatives, snd says:
If the people accept tho situation they
have no guarantee that the State will be
re-admitted unless Radicals are elected,
who will not represent tho views of their
constituents, lie denies the right of Con-
SuiciDX.—We are called u>n thi
tug to recuida melancholy
on Li in,
i parted an old and respocL.blo
Mr. Ueorgc Eherleiu. tao vloiim in
osjdiut bun self at a. little after seven ,
last evwiKjt • Tkjk- wwrii kauwti Ur
snd through a great i»rt of the i
Hr has lor many years past been
tioc that all the advertisements of She riff’* >al6",
for this uottnty, 9111 be made id the Opinion
newspaper, of the city of Atlanta.
Sheriff Fulton county.
_ A t l int 1.1,1 . Ai.iMiwt Vi. aiijil I u j-
i i::v‘> OFFICE COBB >U*Ki:-
IOU UOL'HT—(JOB* OotTXrr, (iA., Au^unt 17, 1UH7.
Until further notice all the legal udvertiftemcnid
emioating frota this office will be pnblisheil in
uit‘ide'1 the Atlanta’Opiiuon newspaper.
H. M. HAMMETT, Clerk,
• ojftt- w |i r*nperior Conrt.<A»ls^r*mwit it a
YHUP, Kf>4 CffltOHlrt TRRTUrwn. 1
U*o pmceas of teeDig. by tortura
Pliga^-il in the grocery bmioew* on the
qorlh-ea* I corner of Conirption anti Ad/uws
alrevlK and nt tlo time of the explosion,
lost almost all hit was worth, beside* hav
ing his leg so mangled as to permanently
cripple him. His losses and ids bodily con
dition have ever *iuce exercised a depress
ing influence upon his mind, and severA)
time* he has endeavored to destroy himself.
All his efforts of tills character, until the
last, were defeated hy the vigilance of ids
family, who wore ever on tiie tfuard.—Mo
bile Advertiser and Register, 23d.
IZf Til 0 Amerkan Legation, in Rome,
has )><*?» closed, As the Mission of the Uni
ted States to tho Papal Government has
been discontinued.
Special Mot tea*.
For Tin Henkfit or thi
Combination Claim, No. A 7.
Tho following were tho Drawn Non.. August 27th,
ang^—It BOTD, WITsHON A CO.. Managers,
flirt he rwotit'c, the adrertbements connected with
the office of Ordinary, Sheriff, Countv Judge,
Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of
Greene county, Georgia, wil! be published In
the “Opinion," anewapaper published in Atlanta,
Ga. K17GKXIU0 L. KING, Ordinary
J. H. ENGLISH, Sheriff.
Clerk S'
Angus! 27ih, im.
I’ain and spuamiHiic action, and is an® lasra*
TO RROCLATR tbc bowcLS. Depeiul upon it,
mothers, It will give rest to your selves, and BE
Wc have put up and soli this article for years,
and Can Sat im Confimnck and Tmitu of It
what we have never been able to say of any other
medicine—Nrvrh bar it Failed im aSinui.k In
stance to Effect a eras, when timely used.—
Never did wc know an Instance of dissatisfaction
by any one who used iL On the contrary, all are
delightou with lt>opcrAtlan, and spook In torm-
of coqtmemUtloa of its matical effects and medi
cal virtuos Wo speak in this mattwr “WHAT
WE DO KNOW," after years of experience, and
Flume ova Reputation for the fclpiliirnt of
WHAT we HERE DECLARE. In almokt every in-
stance whero tiie infant is suffering fTem paiu
and uxhaufttation, relief will be found in fifteen
j or twenty minutes after the syrup isadiuiniv*
| lercl.
Full directions for using will uucoaspan\ each
Be sure and call far “Mrs. Winslow’h Sooth-
inu SYRUP," having the fae-simile af “CURTIS A
PERKINS" on the out-»idc wrapjier. All others
are base Imitations.
Sold by Druggists throughout the world.
OFFICES—215 Fulton street, New York; 150
lliph, London, England; 441 St. Fau
street, Montreal, Canada.
aug28—<18meod _
Oil MERCHANTS, on hand or fnrnUhed at short
Prompt attention given to country orders.
At Slock in k Roe's Hag Depot.
P. O. Box SHE Atlanta, fta
frevss to interfere with suffarge in the ivoodworkmkx esa find .iesrij employmeui
States; counsels Justice to the blacks, and
Is in favor of Impartial sufiYatfc, anil ad
vises the people to register and vote
against a convention.
(’ii.ini..:*rox, Aug. 28.—Number regis
tered to-day 70, of whom 48 were w hite
and 44 colored.
Cnsulk-ton. Auo. 2S.—Cotton deeriined
'^cent ; wiles 75 hale.; middlings 35; re-
eeipta 484 bales.
St. Loi'io. An«. 48.—Flour quiet and un-
rhsrured- Wheat firmer, mud advanced
three to five cents. Corn flat; prime white
1.08; choice yellow 1.10ml.US- Provfaleu*
steady. Clear sides 16}*. , ,,
Cincinnati, August 28.—Hour dull and
iiuohmnited. Red wlieat 4.10a2.13; white
4.45»2JO. Corn scaree and hixher. 08«1 U0.
Fork .Kill at 48.4Sa23.50. LardliE.
BaLtimork, Aujtust 48.—Coffee dull and
unehanjted. Cotton dull; mlddl in It up
land. 47. Flour—all (trades declined 60,';
liimilv. 1300: hiKh utngp 13a13A0.
Prime red wheat 4.35; ajSRm dull and
lower. Corn declined lCfrarhlte, 1.07; yel
low. 4.14ml.18. OmtsjWhmdy; prime to
Wuil: inft'rloraBa40. Sti^mrArm.
>ut firmer, mnAfavmnccd. " hltky
it HITt HINS & BKO , Gsrrl.g, Shop.
14m Meseenirr enys it was brought trout i
tiie plsiitatlonnf Mr. Fsrker, Macon, coun
ty. clu«vd as good, anil wrlghej 418
, .....y relaxed in Boston oil
| Monday, ta enable the Turner sodutha to
, elrhrmtc their ftwtlvsl with Jiropcr spirit.
Tiie afternoon was devotee! tv athletic
siiorts and contests, and tiie flow of Isgsr
was nriirieriultllt.g.
elioisB. «
for low mlddllii
ex|airt*. 341.
st 48.—Cotton M'n
iv; sfRs. 275; receipts. lflS;
Flour'fi.PO for superfine—
Corn ndvunced 5e; while, 1 JO; mixed, 1.2V
. . . Oats drooping, at ««. Pork firm, «t 2* 50.
small-sited freshets. It his filled up A* Gold HI 1 *. Sterling Xl'kafifi. New York
raft to within a short dtsunee of the ftouns ( , h , w
outlet, tho only one now open to the upper
■ The Silver Cloud entno In from New ' Vst
Nxw Yowl August 28.—Cotton easier
sales last hJRs, ItB Floi
Oilcan- early vatterday, having smce.s. liruw.. Cora llriner; iiriarel ' ,
fully ran tiirvugh tii* canal, aud after ills- al.ll *. lhirk fit*. I.TIn
charging a lot ef freight wsnt through to " hl»“T quiet. Gres criea ban,
ctiumr.atl. | val I
H ■‘lour ilptfliufd lA l g;
■ m i.on'«
irgvjr H’aeU.
Va. K»-
OTNOTICEs-I hereby give no-
tr« that all the adveTtUemenU of Sheriff ’n Sales
i Bartow county, will be made in the Opinion
w»paper, of the city of Atlanta,
W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff.
LartenvUle. (ia. Aug.», 188T. augTT-w4t
leal advertisements of the Ordinary °f Bartow
oAnty, Georgia, will be pubiiHbed In the Georgia
Vfckly Opinion.
U J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary,
rsville, August tt, 1887. aug!4-w4t
Icj^l advertiftemonU pertaining to this office will
bekibibbed In the Atlanta Weekly Opinion,
i JOHN BRADY, Sheriff Butts county
k*on, «a.. August 19. l«7 augtS-wSt
b is hereby given that hereafter the adver.
» (rum the office of the Sheriff ef DeKaib
r will be published la tho Atlanta Opinion
ir, Ga., August U, 1WT augM— w4t
all the legal advertisement* from the
rthe Ordinary of Gwtanelt county will
r be published In the Atlanta Opinion.
I 0 T * A KE*TJUW, Ordinary
Law^etrille, Oa , Ang th, 1WT augffi-sMt
ormicE^rifTil rrRraER'so*
tier. allWal AdvertUementa from the Offer of
the «>rikrv ol Fulton county will be published
in the a\.mta Ortutoa
\t|5 .'YugufttlS, I«W1. augli-wll
and after thia date, the offoe will o|>en and olo?e
Open <
Close a
Open at .
Close at..
Open at
Close at .
Open at
Close at
«K r
THOfJ. ti. SIMMS. P. M
W ISHING to close up all my buhincss, I have
placed my notes, etc... in the hands of Far
row A Simpson, Attorneys at Law, who are au-
tkorlzed to locelre ail money due me.
T HE Annual Commencement Exercises of At
lanta Medical College, for the iiiiwent nest ion.
will take place on FRIDAY NEXT, *Kh instoat
tho City Hall, commencing at lOfc o’clock,
Board of Trustees arc requested to meet wjALr
"“ —* ‘“atlng Class, at the frail, Ik
The cltlaens generally, both
efruUy Invited t
early aa 10 o’clock.
Now is tho Time to Advertise -
ALONG lbe.ii ^ ,
PuhllshaU Veehir, L. oi the ?*••*
ion swt 1008 ,J the Plate of and
in pomiM to ffh< OhsTltUCTlOh Hdh«<
$4 Off per aUnuui
the Gw.rgiA Ua