The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 05, 1867, Image 1
: —_ ri n : i ^ i J r H [J D A J 1 stjttfe'faaUlU. VOL: 1—N€k:^7. . ' THE DAILY OPINION. IT W. L icaoooi AHB j. b. double. OFFICE Ilf CENTRE milLBlBG GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD «t., / ATLANTA, OA. ^ TBRM8: 8U\eVRlFTI0N.-O»* DD|rt, o*E no. §6.08; HI MAM JR*. f4.UM; TMBItX MONTH* fMU: i*t LEM a r**ioi> SKVENTV-MV* CKNT8 MONTH. 1 TEEM* BP WREKLY : One -copy one ye»r |8 W Two co|*ie* one year ^0 w Five coph;« one year ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY tfOKNlNG, SEl’TEMBEJt 5, 1867. i Ten copies one ye*r (*nd one free to the per- __ J. J udjre Ad vooate muff mu :U “ W Sa recelroT M « Xt. / won'forming the oAub.; Subscriptions to both for six month*. At ioreiroUg terms. Ai»Vfc.KTlMN« not to exceed Ay* leaded uoticos fI luEortitm.aml Five iSM ChATKeti will occupying Yeas ttuu uui*»»»« **—, ■ articles of » pemoaal unture. Gxcopt In DMM of special contract, other advertisement* will be •harced the following rates: Ohi squ sax, one insertion, - • fl W . “ “ two insertions, • • UJ 8 •• three insertions, - • * ® ** “ one weeh. ... MO ClTT UlHBCTOBT, r^nstssfl per line thereafter. The • (or advertisements obituaries, and all Sheriff ’6 Mortgage fl I Tax Collector** sales, per square .. Citations for Letters of Admlnistratten Citations for Letters of Guardianship Letters of application for disralsaion irom Guardianship • • •••••• } JJ Applioatious for leave to sell Land B 00 Notices to Debtors and Creditor* « 00 Rales of Land. etc., per square 5 00 bales of perishable property, 10 days, per sqr. 1 60 hstrny Notices. 30 clays 8 00 Foreclosure of Mortgage, per sqr, each tune .. 1 00 TIMK RKQUUtKD FOE LEGAL ADVEKTISIHG. Hales of Land, etc., by Administrators. Execu- r Guardians, are required by law — *— u "'-* Notices o£ tbe*e ..... ‘given in a public gazette 40 days previous to the day of sale. Notices of the sale of personal property most be given in like manner 10 days previous to the dav of sale. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate must also be imblLhed 40 days. Notice tliat application will be made to the , Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Laud, ete. must be published for two months. Citations for letters of Administration, Guar dlanshhi, etc., must be published 30 days, for dis mission from Administration, monthly 6 months; for disinisbion from Guardianship 40 days. Rales for foreclosure of Mortgage must be pub lished monthly lor 4 months; for establishing lost papers, for the full space of 8 months’; for com piling titles from Executors or Administrators, where bond has been giveu by the deceased, the lull space of three mouths. |*u Id nations will always be continued Accord ing to these, the legal requirements, unless cther- BABDWAME MATEMULM. MILITARY PIRMCTOEY. AlAhaJAA). Office At Headqeartess, go Marietta street, Atlanta, Ua _ „ Ooloaei J. F Malik*, Chief ef Barew of Civil Affaire, »*d ttanerta Inspsetor of Be*tatrs*loi> for Third Military District. Offio* At Bead quarto re. revel " AMI Judjr Major WM. M ffarrax, Captalal«tb United h to tea lufuetry Actlno JudfO Advo- cate General. Offlo* at Heeslquertan Lieutenant lelonel E. MCK. HDMOK, U. 8.A, Ana it tent Inspector General, omoe at Uaad. quarters. Captain G. K. Sandersoh, U.B. A., Acting Assis tant Adjutant General. Office at Headquarters. Brevet Brigadier General J. J MiUliU, Burgeon U. A A., Medical Director Third Mel> -■ad. Surgeon i MiliiaryDb- Office ooraer of Broad and Marietta to^^r! ibieut and foreign advertisements in i prepaid te secure publication ill letters SCRUGGS A DUMBLE. !BL Atlnnta^Ga. City Hu*t IH rectory. BOOTH At bHUSS. mfrlg BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. BUI NEW rifORE-NEW GOOD8 rl^ Extra Inducements to buyers at Wholesale mdRetail. Peachtree street, qpjwsitcCox^Hill. MERCHANTS AMD GROCERS. A DAIR A REK8K, AUCTION AND COMHIIBION A Merchants. Sign, Auction Uffuse, _Wbito- haUaireet, Atlanta, Qa. fe*>—If TJKTKE LYNCH, WholualK and EXTAIL X ou, and dealer in Varieties, Whitok»fl*i ^Atlanta. Ga. | " « PARROTT. WHO] r CER3 AND COMMISSION brsrflte JMIN8 fr JS te Front, Peachtree street, Al toM—ly hN c. w CXKLKS and COUNTRY PkoDi/CX, Whitehall, one door from Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga. Choice HaMSElwayson hand. aug*—6m EANMERti AMD BJtOMXMB rpai GEORGIA N ATION AL BANY BboS , X block, Alabama s’reet John Uicx. Presi- mng m <Siit: E. L. Jonks,Cashier; Daewin G. Jones. Tei- his lahtor; EdwaKD H. Jones, book Keeper. DIllEC- Inhnt rtJiORS—John Rice, John Collier, E. E. Raw nl * W * W A I1..U..I IT IV l"*..(hn IWM A. Durand. W. W. Ulayton. ie*b—ly ooct a> >ntoe^;iT, H. JAMES. BANKER AND BROKER, AT- . »r* laNTa. G., bu/s and soils Gold, Silver, bonds, the sut^. ^,,,4 Bauk Exchanges bonds, makes ^rested;»^tmunts for parties in Bonds and Stocks; ><fh able interest ou Deposits when Lett for two —nth* or longer. feSM—ly hii« nail and Alabama streets, wwacet—Trisbce Jt Robcru, New York; Hod-. Trow bridge * Dwight Ndvr York; B. U Brevet Brigadier General Rurrs Saxton, Qilet Quartermaster. Office at Headquarters Brevet Lieutenant Colonel H. J. Farnsworth, Depot Quartermaster. Office Forsyth street, near Railroad. . Brevet Captain C. A. Rockwell, Chief Ordnance Officer. Offioe corner of Brood and Marietta MiloM?: D. Judd, P. M. U. 8. A.. Chief Pay Mas ter and Disbursing Officer Third Military Du- trtet. Office corner of Brhad and Marietta Brevet Major T. C. 8ulliyan, C. 8. United States Army, Chief Commisary of Subsistence. Office, Room No. 1 WlllintfUem Buildings, corner of unn ion. U.H Infantry. Commanding District of Georgia, 16th U. 8. Jufantry and Assistant (bminissioner Bureau R. F. anil A. L. State of Georgia. Office at Headquarters, Markham’s building, Whitehall street. First Lieutenant John K. IIoSMI*. Adjutant 16th quarter; ir&t Lk-tp r^-, on duty with Headquarters, District of Majdrlf 1 ^It. Lswis. 44th U. S. Infantry, Assistant Inspector,General, bureau K. F. and A. L., htate of Georgia. Office at Headquarters. Brevet Major Fred Moskbach, V. R. C., 8ub. Asst. Com. Sill)-Hist. Atlanta bureau K», F. t A. L., Office, building opposite the Post Office, Broad street. POST OF ATLANTA, Composed of the Counties of Cobh, Fulton Camp bell, Carroll, t oweta. Heard, Fayhtte, Clayton, Spalding. Henry, Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gw inimtt and Butts. Brevet Brigadier General Tboma* H- RUOKB, Col. 3Ad United States Infantry, Commanding Post— Headquarters, Room No. 8. Willingham Hand ing, corner of Decatur aud Ivy streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Breveti aptaln O. (J. Kn app, 1st Lieut. 33d U. 8. Infantry, Post Adjutant.«Office at Headquar ters. First Lieutenant . , Assistant Quartermaster M»d ary Subsistence, ** " « • . 7, Willingham Building. Jgatfffld Schtdulm. MT WEhTJCMN A ATLANTIC w MMllss—Fare, IK oeMs «»er mlU.- W allaob. hupeiintendeott John B. P nist, W. G. Gramlino, 8. C. Shops; Chaw Wallace, Go*. Agent; W. R. Wkilrti, General E ket Agent; R/a. Bacon, Gen’l Freight Agent; IN M. BaibOE*. Agent »t Atlanta: NieBT FAHliNUKa TEAlte—DAILT. -tar- !|a Leave Atlanta - ArrlwOMt Chattanooga LeaveYmattanooga DAILY OPINION. D Rail AY MOWWlMolrSECT. T RATION OF PIUXCTP1X8 of mi WISH KirUBUCAV FAHTY OF 0B0E01A. ahoptxd a r tax stat a ovirr*!rrwr. Atlanta, July 4th, 1867. WauUA*. W6, h»*,hly taknowl*4^1n^_oui' Je- 4.89 P.M. mighty God tor having, through agencies i» 7.18 A XL NtrsmentaliUes in HU wisdom selected, pi - . ItallS A*r whun lu de.,ue»t tom I—daily, by the mtfhly npbei Arrive at Dalton Arrive at Atlanta > DAILY FASUNOIB TE AIN—DAXJ.T, .... _ 7 - (exwpt Sundays). fW^e reebnt relmlllon Leave Atlanta ... Leave Daitoe - • .106 P.M. Arrive at Chattanooga • • •' KM P.M. Leave Chattanooga ... 4.W A M. Arrtve at Atlanta - . U6 PJff PAXTON ACOOHMODATION TRAIN—DAILY, (except Sundays). Arrive at Dalton lteave Dalton • Arrive at Atlanta KM P.M. 11.60 P “ IM “ 10.90 ) P.M. ) pit. 1A.M. RUKB TWAIN. \l 6.09 A Jf* ,A46 PJL 6 00 AM. 9.60 P.M. BHT* GEORGIA RAILROAD—171ssllee—Fan flye cents per mile.-John p. Kino, PretedeotTK W. Cole, Superinieadeati G. T. Ahdhuom, Agent DAT PA99BEOB TRAIN. Leave Atlanta Arrive at Augusta. Leave Augusta ... Arrive at Itisnta. NIOHT PAISKXen TRAIN. Leave AUanta 7.15 PJL Arrive at Aqgusta. 6.1ff A JC. Leave Aegutea 6.00 P.1L Arrive at Atlanta 4.15 aJL WteMT THROUGH FaElGHT TRAIN. , Leave AUanta 6.49 PJL Arrive at Augusta 9Wf A.M. Leave Augusta t 6.10 P.M, Arrive at Atlanta * 8.06 i MAOON A WESTERN ItAILUOAD.—106 miles—Fare, live oouU per mile—A. J. White, Preiktant; E. B. Walkkr, Superintendent: K. A. Anderson, Agent at Atlanta: DAT PAMOSNaiE TRAIN. Leave Maoon .... 7.46 A.M. Arrive at AUanta • . . EGO P.M. Leave Atlanta > • - • 715 A.M. Arrive at Maeon . . . 1 JO P.M. Leave Macon ..... 8 40 P.M. Arrive 4i> Atlanta .... 4 90 A.M. Leave Atlanta .... 7.1* P.M- Arrive fu Macon - - - —4.10 A.M. U. M. Farrsk. Agent at Atlanta: DAT PABBRNGKk TRAIN—GOING OUT. Leave Atlanta 7.00 A.M. Arrive at West Point 19.0V “ DAT PAABKNtNER TRAIN—CUMING Leave West Point Arrive at AUanta. 1NG IN. . . , MT DtOBTGOMERY A WEST POINT RAIL- iOAIX^DAHUtL H. CHAN* Superintendent. Atlanta Postal PeguUUlons. TIIOS. a. SIMMS, - - POSTMASTER. FRANK MI LI A, , ASSISTANT PoSTMABTRR. Office Hours from 8 A.M. to 19K f.m.j and from 9 P.M. to 7 P.M. 8UNDAY8—From 8 to 10 A.M. and from 6 te 6K r jK ARRIVAL AND CUlhfNG OF THE MAILS. NORTHERN AND NORTHWXSTEEM. Arrives T \Ai A.M Closes (N. >f.) Iff) PJt- Arrive, . 4*£55K&m» • ‘tfillirf' »feW loo IS: Arrives r a’srssi.. % *<um 'aw (UDiaua. Lbtter—Three eenta, pre paid, for every hah ounce throughout the United States': tea oentaio Canada, New Brnnswlhk, and other Bvitish Pro vinces. Pre-payment optional, accept to Naw-' Fonndland. NewhpapeR Postage—In the .Ttaitod States* Dallies, per quarter, thirty cents; Weeklies, fl cents i free wlthle tbe county where published. Foreign Letter Postage to Greet Britain and Ireland, tweuty-feur cents—pre-payment op tfolnL To France, fifteen cents per quartereunoe—prtt pay nsec t optional. To Cuba, A spin wall, and Panama, ten offntt^ ^ To^Bremeii, by Bremen m*l, 10c.; by Hamburg m’l, 15c. To^Hamburg by Hamburg m’b 10c.; by Bremen To Oldenburg by Bremen m’L ISc.; by Hamburg i’l, 16c. To Lauenburg by BremhH m’l, 15c.; by Hamburg ml, 16c. W urtemb Mecktenb _ There and , aen or Ilain _ Tu Scnlowig-ncktein and ir Hamburg mhi* ^ Sweden,“by Bren io.\urw»j, “ To Holland, *' To To Belgtnm, , “ To switaerluiiL " To Italy To Turkey, Depart- Denmark, by Br«. TLANTA NATIONAL . . _l TED DEPOSITORY , _ ,m than rtr vTES. A. Austell. President; W H. Tcllrr, Ja ♦bier. DIRECTORS-a. Austell, M. G. Dob- ’ a t *»KP fl us, W. R. Pblllips,Jesse McLendon, J. H. James, te l« onecial attention paid te Collections in Atlanta Uainbprg dikiI, To Australia. India A China,I via Marseilles,97o bv Bremen or Hamburg, i Via Trieste. ““ LS3^ through this section. Prompt rvtuNi made ,js lowest eurrent rates. Our New York Cor- lKtndsnt, the Fourth National Bank, to whom - CORBETT * DOCKUM, Heme Painteriybrainera, Hirhlsn PAPER HANGERS, GLAZIERS A»u SIGN PAINTER* MURMITURJC. FuraUutw Repaired by A. EM GKR, Hunter street, between Whi fZlN- iaU and f-tm Etc ceroner urietor dealer In Brandies, wedth audSegars. Chicago Ale atw ledgi A a yy—. .. >w ... « --.w, * J\. lanta, Ga. Office, Granite Block Broad rntr^t. ROBT A. ALSTON, riff' IHICAGO ALB DEPOT-M. E. KENNY. Pro _ urietor dealhr in Brandies, Winev Wliiaki. audSegars. Chicago Ale always 14, Alabama street, Atlanta. Ga. attommeta WINN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, At rinea Whii vs on hand. eug4—6m gj r |>* Entrance te H P. FilBuY, U. r. UIHPMIM umrkjj/ei. W * CTNA LIFE LKSIRANI.F OIHI’LXY L A A.uu. 9y.uuu.uou. Wu Otiwn . tawL Lyoc*'« UuU-ll-c. wfuf o( Altwait w< 7 .UY-taV-on-a «mn. taiff-li * tutMua^Ajn WAaoxauMJua ~ B1-r . .M. L _ itly Giltod In Gold. Old Oil Paintings. «l _ descriptions, restored and put in nioe repair. Office, eas of the Southern Express Office. Alt* bamastreet Atlanta,On. Ire Am Amusement .AVIS* HALL, BROAD STRUT, Atlanta, _ Ga.—This spaeious and magnifleentjate Hall 1* centrally located in anoputeo* por- mrh tton of the city, has a Stage 90 by 40 Ares, sJByL feet high and an auditorium M5 reel lear. 99 Bset wide, ami 99 feet high, with a capacity for cere- tortably seahlng two thousand persons, and pro vided w ith ample means ul egress. Tbe Hall to lighted by 140 gas burners. Beanery and Dressing Rooms complete. Rent, 660 per nlgbt, ete , ete. Population ef Atlanta, Distance to Au guste, 171 miles; to Maeon, ME milesr to Chatta nooga, 196 mils*. LARKIN ILDAVrb. Atlanta, Mffrch 1st 1887. ing of the ghOvs Hall, and I cheerfully efiuorle the above card, and commend tbe Hall to the pro fession as the most capacious and best adapted to tauiumotao, Manager Hanlon Combination. Attaoth- Ge- ItoarwhTst. trim rehiRAre . Leave West Point HI Arrive at Columbus - Arrive at Montgomery Leave Montgomery - 10.15 A.M. 1 44 P.M. 4.‘* P.M. 7IX) A.M. LU 1*M. 1.08 P.M. WESTERN & ATLAATH] RAILROAD. rAN and after June 18th, 1897, Passenger Trains Vy will run as follows: GOING NORTH. , LEAVIMC ATLANTA, practicable heUlement of -r.o of the oonntry: and wher««H, «« umiow st the establbUmeat of justice is essential to ea ring pence, that patriotism should bo exalted a virtue, and it la the dutyer tlie State to chur- plej and whereas, those who assort ee^recalled Republicans, through- “ * wo adopt the name of the Union of Georgia, and declare ouy- vith the National Republican in alliance food, K Tha L « 8t Tklt it It fee duty of th* st»b 11 bffr children, tad to that end, wy tbo tatablbhmont of ayeuornl ly. ion,and tor tha uncondltloaat aup n of these States. at we pledge obr hearty support measures of the Congress of to tbe duty of the state to * ww re- system a Republican Party U by JU essential pr!n s and the dlgni- nth the toiling Forking men or hands every euootirage- nay bo nhoessory to pro. II: Daily (excrft pundaYi) Dalton Ac- fprsxtw R Sfe^asssaajssflate aud Ov B. B. taalni Jhr KuoxviUa, Lyeh- bu»t, Wtahlnuton, Aaltinoaa, MUadel- phla, and N*w Yuan, arrlya atuaaiYA- Noooa 4.10 A. Y., YoaaaaHay wUhAtaUM of Naabvllle anil chaUauoqga Raflread fbr Nashvtlta LounvIUoToqu'the Wtat, £L\ train, of Me Meaiphle and Chi ' road for hiemrihle, Hey u« COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. idl'd. — ■ rU a. S'K.lVTdo.^a'iJK.TB'Atta, do, cohuvciTiOF—Laaae Dalton at fa a. ««F.^'rssavfi^ wbrassi ParreNoer.—Leave Chattanooga at 9.90 a. m., making dose eonnactions wiahgrains KM a. oonncc'.lug withtcalnaoF East Taoameaa and Urarata Kallread. > < jfjA"a PATiJiT mstFlyo coTonts Jeltt—'lm Mr »AIL STAGE LINS FUUM ATLANTA toTahiainkua.- , Leara Atlanta Monday, IFodnftday and Friday . ■ A.M. jrl»aTuaall«i'.Thqrertayaad«Ayarday If r.M. New Freight, Houtei NEW ORLEANS ATLANTA VIA UBAXO 4UMCTION A CHATTANOOGA. ALL RAIL. Now is the Time to Advertise IVttt MADISON NEWS, ONX Or THE BEST MEDIUMS UK. of tao (laoryta BaUrea* ~ ' .UMtafde rtakaMCat ■ of Georgia aad daroiad JBCCTIO? (ahaartyUaa, OBO F BY vmk. t-reortator. Moryaa aa, Ga. A,, * \W~A\m So Okorgt for larvrove. Itro^agr, ’ Con- YtfMfow or FuruardiHf/. Tha follow In* low rata hat haan aaread ta. tahlay effqct »th, IWT: let Claw par 100 pound, ,..(1.05 OdClaaa .. .yar Ml poumle.... 100 >d Claaa par 100 pnaadt 1 JO 4th Uaee per 100 |iountU-.., LOO Through BfU. of Ladlna will ha a Iran at point of khtpnient, aa.l all lota, daotaya an.1 oran.haraoa Will lw promptly aetuad at polatol dalleary; Tariff, ihowina claakMealiow, ala . mar be oh* talard at otiaaaf W e.tarn A Atlpatta q,llread. J2LLSe potttlcul ahtecodents. MooolreJL, 8. Tliat the Union Rcnubllcan Party of the state of Georgia prodges itiblf to maintain the free and legal right* or all men, and to abide by tlie prc»crib«<l terms of ruatotwtlon, in electing to oflfrp those men only who can comply. In all rtopects, wriUi thorequirementsofthe Aowof Congress uml wpp prefer tbe (Government uf the Un(te<' Status to'nnr other that could las framed. tBK OGLORBD SCHOOLS OF ATLAMTA. The Maoon -Motaonpcr oxpreases much ottrprli-u that tlie Hluto. Kiluoutiouhl Asso ciation which Axacmblctl iu thin city a few tlajro since, ehonitl Admit to its councils such * Yankee lnter^opcts us a Mr. Ware, teacher of a nogro school in Atlanta.” Tlmt lmper suys: The ItudiCul party huving mailctlte «<lu- cation of this class ft governmental attVlr, it strikes u. that a cullforu meotingof the teachers of tli, State, did not include such missionaries as Mr. Ware and his co-labor ers l aud that ids being' present was a sig nal illustration of Yankee impudence and officious ness. We nil know pretty well t>y this this time, tvhat teach in ad- the prescribed course laid down lit the so much vaunted -free aehool sys tem of the North. They are all cither fana tics pr knaves—in tlie promotion of about five of the latter to one or tlie former, and these sola Mission is to stir tip strife and sow (lie Uros of lute and evil tn the mlpds What propriety, “-^^-juclntod with our ir$>5y«nl intelligent and raifeoc- the Southern people dp education of' the colored thd contrary, they ate disposed to cnoparagMt. Many of them have given of their scanty means to that purpose! Why then should they ostracise a North ern map who Is only hurrying out what EU good Men In the South hesitate not to sanction f htr. Wark Is n gentleman of line cptebM : and larcproachablo oliar- aetar, and Is doing noble ssrvlce tn tbeicmise So tbo, of his aooiaies In Oils city. Met) who kt|in!' most of the practical Inside working of thepe colored dhhools are tire last Its countenance sadh.'Sentiments as thgse uttered by the W*c<B editor, The schools are conducted in It highly creditable manner;’ and we caBnet, 1( we would, eiosc our oyes to the fact that these colored children are making progress in their staples that Is at once gratifyl*g and astonishing. Ho one hero, who kpows any thing about the manage ment ef these schools, call be made to be lieve that Ifr. Wau or, auy of Jtis co- laporaas sock to stir op-strife hctwceii tire On the contrary, it is a notorious fact that the colored people connected with these jAbaoicaro more iwUtoaud deferen tial to tbe white* titan are tlie generality qf iK grwes. If liHug a zealous friend of education is a orime,. tlicn Ur. Wauk Is unworthy of association with -our teach ers;’’, Hut If not, then the mere fact of bis beittg a - Yankee ” should net be made an occasion for this exhibition of littleness and 111 feeling. We had hoped that th 1 * contemptible prejudice had lost place at least among tbb friend* of education, aad those who make protrusions to intclll ganoe. . BSMTIST IN TRMJBLB. laapraprletlea lw Bla orate a. Ha fa tararaly Baatao by a Frlaad af tire Yatutghady. Tha XaMTllle, Tenn. Frea Prcaa, qf the fd, cootalM fuH particulsrs of an affair which ooanwed ln that city, on BaWrday evening last, and wbloh ieemy to bat* thrown that community Into great excite ment; , - We glean the following facts: Late Saturday evening our community was much excited over (be Intelligence that 1 >r. 1’. 11. Cardwell, a Well known den tin of till* city had been assaulted and severely beaten by Xr. Silas Vinson, a young umn equally wall known for his In dustrious bnbr Many reports dustrlous habits and peaceable demeanor. weresoqu prevalent as ta the oetise of this remgrkabla-disruption.” All we could then ascertain was that Vinaon had met. Cardwell on the streot, and after a abort conversation which none bat tbe two parties heard, attacked hhn vigorously with a formidable atlok—that Card well tied FRICE*~5 li Amkmcajt Widows tm Ewspfb.—The In. e nnarrtage of Amwtcaoa with Eurotvans the subject of much remark of the I’arl* correspondent of the Baltimore Gazette, as tollowff: T j|Oori hu. ROOFING. ^HOOFING. Utvisf tatatsluted ^Muufactery ef fat well WA Cemmt and frevel Eighty, numerous ii ^ by then). It Is hut a ftrw weeks attractive widow of a Northern Brigadier General, killed in the late war, was led to tho altar by a distinguished Irish com moner, though Site had ileclaiad her Inten tion, whtfn Coming abroad, to captivate an English duke, imlnotlilng less. Hite could not Itowevew Withstand Urn Dish blarney, but surrendered to a Uuhllnjqulret More recentlv, the beautiful Mnunewltt'of Loh- isiana, misgiven her hand to a Polish gen tle mah. a efalaen ef New York, temporari ly residing In £arjs. The marriage was celebrated at the American Embassy, and afterward at the Chapel Marbeaur from wticnce the hrMst party, with their friends, adjourned to 4rjtun*r as their beadwiine new auettwcBta iu the Champs Ely sees, other fair widows are reported find ln- and Vinson pursued, plying his blows aa opportunity permitted—that the flight and pursuit continued until Cardwell fell under a well aimed blow, and afterwards ploked himself up in a terribly demoralised con dition. An to the cause of thd difficulty, it was generally understood to have origin ated In an Insult offered by Cardwell to some lady who had submitted herself to dental treatment In hit office. The oase was brought up before the Major's Court. Mist Cynthia Rowlahd, a lady or prepossessing appearance and lady like demeanor, was atnprig tho witnesses for defence. Bite tostlflrd that some time week before last aha had boon suffering severely with the toothgclie. That she procured Mr. lius.4ell, with whom she it living, to ask Or. Card wen to cemc out aid' extract the tooth; that Or. Cardwell sqiit her out q preparation which ho said would relieve tlie tooth. Thntou Monday last, |n company with Mrs. llrltt and her little' *on, sho went to Or. O.’s offieo fok tho pur; pose of having her teeth operated ou. The Or. was engaged. Mrs. B. loft iu about five minutes, leaving her little son to re turn with witness. At about elovcuo'eloek witness tools the dental chair. She had six teeth tu bo treated. Dr.C. had cleans- td or scrapud iter teeth and irad begun tilling them. He spoke to wltneis about liaving filled some teotb for her a fow years ago.' Witness said he had and that his work had lasted very well. Bald lnq “you aro undorihany oiillgatlons to me.” “Tes,” saltl witness, “I reckon I On.” “You never paid me fqlly for that work,” said Dr. C.V •• That Is false. Dr. Cardgell,” said wiinesl; -1 paid Jou thompney, sir.” , - 15fa>” but , said Or. C, “money MoasnotJtiwayt tailify fle ttrek me by tjhe head and- squeezed It iaselvioufly. I jerked It away, Indignantly. He also put hts jund upon my shoulder In an Improper manner. After he had fluUbed tttet work upofr my teeth. I asked him what my bill was. He said no matter about that, now. Ha said ha would amc around to-night or some other night and we would fix that. I told him If lie came around to the house where'I Was living on such an errand he would never gw anywhere olac. I asked him three times to make oat my bill, which he' do- cllntxl In a manner tliat I considered grosffiy Insulting. I had the monoy to pay my hill and have not paid it because I felt grossly insulted. His keneral manner was such as to Insult a lady. I have no fattier nor brothers. 1 communicated these facta to several of my, female friends. I told It to Mf. Vis- son (the defendant) who I* an especial friend of mine. • (It is well-known among thslr friends ibat the witness and defendant are betrothed, though defendant would tret' permit Ms counsel to Inquire Into this nut* ter ou trial.) Dr- <,'anlw»U denied that he lia(l been guilty of apy design to Insult Miss How land, He denied the truthfulness qf her statement*, although he said her character for yiwarity wa# •* good at anybody’s. Ift said ho know Miss ,11. to Ire a lady. Tits counsol here suggested that tho doctor hail found that out, to which the tqoth cobbler lunile no reply. The court fined Mr. Vinson frffi for the breach of the peace. Tlie nnnonucement of the amount of the fipp called forth from tho crowd a perfect shower of greenbacks, and before they could Ire counted more than doubt* tho amount necessary bad been poured Into the lap of the defendant. Many exdtlng snd excited ejaculations were uttered to- BsavoaUsawEs Cong* EdUvft Qfjftom: Every ffidHI no Convention plays into tha 1 Badleal win* of the Republican j By keeping things In their present posi tion Just tiM sort of government wttf ex ist (n Georgia that Ifr. StevAni and Sis branch of tho party have boon endeabofa^) nnsuocosaftiUy to pus through Congress, Do the men who profess a preference lbf • bo Convention” know. wbs*“ no OffTen- tlou” means? They are much mistaken U thoj suppose It will be bat a continuation of tho preaent. Wo WIH retal<i Genoral Pope, It ts true, hut the provisional govern ment will bo different entirely. As each one of the present Incumbents of offioe goes out at tho expiration of hls-torm, his place will bo fitted by a mma whofaan take the Iron-clad oath-tin; effifatft he fiev»r sympathised with tr* febMion. We wlB elect a Governor all the same as now, and a legislature, eta, etc, but the voters wHl bo such only as have regfatared, Govorapr Jenkins cannot veto for his own dBm oessor; and there are ned flvs hondred white native Goorglsns who eta held office, “ This Is the present—this is tha state of things to be preferred to a Convention. The Convention will give the franchise- ' to all, wfalto atid black, and will, doubtless, make all qualified to hold office. Whites and blackt will bS equal, Nowi there aro 30)000 whites denied tha right to vote and nearly all denied eligibility fos office. After tits Convention those dtea- btlties will not aklst. Now the wldtes ore inevitably in the minority, tlicn tliey will at least have a right to hold nflfoe dlitfaparhaps, a majority, ■ . i •> Union. . ta i > i> . Tnt: I.axr fhnn in Cbattanoooa.—The telegraph iuts already informed us of tho destructive lire Iu Chattanooga euBstur- , day night last. Tho Union of yestefriay' Iuariwthnt tit ore is no doubt cutcrtaluod by Messrs. Webster and Mann that their foundry , was ret on lire by some person, it was .thought by some, that the life orig inated-in tbo core oven, but this byppthtals IS disproved by tjhe faot that; the oven Is , not damaged at all. Thore is no clue what ever to tito incendiary, Wo are glad to learn, however, that the proprietors of thnb estahlishmont do not foef discouraged fty their misfortune, hot are going to work Immediately to rebuild the foundry aud machine shop In better style than before, v • '■mrmaAjUSir, Correspeodonov of fa* Mow Turk WoHU.) , 5 . Logo Branch, August». Having nqtleed. In your tssno of yester day, the arrival at Uotig Blwnehtof General Beauregard, who’held It command In tho late Confederate army, I was Induced to seok, she and converse with him. I found him quietly ensoonqed In jb* vicinity of the Mansion House, whore ho Wss surroun ded by a few select souvenirs of other days, and In his oohrersatlon cxpresscd blmsslt feelingly and frankly in relation to that trying ordsal through which the country had passed, and the equally terrible one through which It is now making Its ttpn- sltlon. I found tho General to be. In manners, person and appearance, a fair repraaentattve descendant of th* Hp ' not*. He Is rutber ltelpw the um height, and of a slight but tnuscnlar t Iquc. I had the pkwsnre nf meeting In the winter of UB1 on. board a, flat on h it way to Nsw Orleans to be ana of the couuscl in an Important ease between prom iuent members of the bon-Mn,' wftioh many of tho discMea of Biselutone may yet remember. Ills locks were then raven muck—now they are touched with the froqta of time. He Is Sanguine ef th* fu ture If oonoJliatory measures ha adopted, , ami that tbe Government will for ages pre sent *n undivided front, standing Ass moil- < timont of terror, frn'd reoolvlhg the homage of an appreciative world. When Interrogated In relation to Maxi- oon a (fairs, he very frankly disclaimed haring at any time sympathised or en couraged the Austrlaii-Frouch alliance for tit* txtascsalon of Mexico, andlo->ketl upon tlie iuvaalou aa aentopinn Idea, generated In the brain of. Imuie Napoleon. life also entertained a hope Uiat titoru would yst arise one that would In tlmo bring out of '■boos tho distracted elements now existing in Mcxloo. which would eventually he* epmq an Integral part oT tlie American Union. He spoke of Gen. Gnmt ih very complimentary terms, and prarwnneed Mm a.tborOagn military taetiefen, bat ifan square stand uu fight, with equal numbers, 1 Dec his superior. ho oonaldered L In making allusion to some of the gen- orals connected with tlie late rebellion. i StonhwsU Jackson came In for a shareot ho w^tedto^hSlove^i^tereSgb r^- wagr toward hume. The Commercial says could lie no mistaking the sympathy of ths eltisens. "(tarred Mui right,” seemsd to be the spontauwnis verdict yesterday J ludt In tbe nSmhsr a young and Inter iig Italy from tiw Monumental Ulqr who ta about to be wedded to an offisor of to* English navy)** upon tbs high road to a second state uf matrimony, White young American maidens are complaining of tM scarcity of beaux, and many of them de clare Karl* to ho stripped from tbe went of RSfVaNrflK'XSYK son flamusl whsn Ho bids him "beware of the wlddVTS." BAiutOAO Rosaaxa to ns Taiso.—Ths Circuit Court openod I'rnuklln, Ky n on the fid. The first case on tiro docket 1* tbst of the fafn <*r three incu 'accused of being Implicated In the throwing off the track of the fomlsvlllo railroad train last year; and th* robbing of th* safa*. Requisition lias been made forth* witnesses who reside In this city, and tbsy will prob ably go np In s day oriwo. The two men hung a FrynkUn a tow weeks ago suflbrod th* extreme penalty of thq law not for robbing the train, but for mardotiag the ■an who revealed the robbers fo the au thorities. do boss IUmuvso in TbXaa—General Hheridan reports to General a rant's head quarter* that ho has appruvad the so tton of General Griffin in removing, on August U, Hires additions) Ulatrial Jwlyss In IWsaa, ou Hta tbatgaa af dfeloyalty. neat and recklessness ho sscrificedronner- essarlly the live* of many Southern sol diers. He cherished the hope Mist through th* Instrumentality of President fiobn- •en and the Gbntervatlve Itoonstruc tion policy Inaugurated by bliu the Gov ernment would lie again resinn-d to Its priinttive purity, ss transmit fad by the fathers of the republic. ITic Gcm raJ. in conelnslon, ex pressed s desire that Che American people la future would, In -tha language of CUfr, know uo "North, no flouth, no East, uo Jffesu!! sad that they were uf ou* • common family, plsdgefe for weal or woe, In sup|>ort of the only true aystem of government extnnt, ami thaftim joist should l« forgotten nidi, we cling to the shelter of tbe sense old vine and fig- tree, away from klagly misrule, where no th) ng can make ua straw, lie taunted that at no distant day, Congress would amlly yield to a systam of rcuoindructlon In «o- coidAnre wish UiavsMioa of a majority of