The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 05, 1867, Image 2

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POBtoffice Official l.lvrrtt*.r.
omcin' papo ‘rtVnfi cmfriu or
POLK, .a . •
THL'ILslMV HOOVIJfrt; sferf. J.
I%* linjwachijmul l*roJect Uiul dial, uful
ilssrlfftnstore bofonit salismctl of tlitoi-
sulvab tint for Oik J’rralilout'o runrWod l)ui-
tilHy ttatlu- liwi of (AmifraM. JmtBMltM
Black, so cordiiUljr iIik^iIhxI by Mr.
DOHM.JJM. <ui'l who wuh the uvll ifvulu* of
UrcfixN**'* Ai^jlmntratiua, hi .t*id to hit
tli* MUl #f Hr^unaox* u«w inspiration.
TboeMer ULofettoo, ivh* lias always Ihxiii
fOftanato in lilotearolroft for kilclum ufilil-
net pwsitloss, MCUM to Ito 0*11 of. Ui* uow
prlrj oemisulkife 4tf Uu- J’rsaidaut. L|«i
KuAtrii hr « Mafia.
Mr. Jacob Coutt, a popular conductor on
Uw Muscogee ffifoeod, wm “hot and killed
OO Monday uflcrnoop near Butter by a nt-
<rb* Oaium'iua .Sun givosrtbe Mtwlnf
nooonnt of the nlUIr:
fij 4e^egrapth.^E cy, Prcal.JoM ( <i,(to
non rut jrww tom* trims associate*. | Alui-st*. Sept, t—It I, not true, u
•toted In iotne Xorsfcern pa pent, that (tan
Pope ImkJaupprisMed the Albany »ws,
I. *l-udiMjl,»J that private IwMttJtmi
d been ImuciI forbidding Ircctliueii to run
for the Convention.
T Afl*rW° #°- l . ,jn . t,, S *«““** Mo.
of all. Fxn.s*N{H>,At'<ta«ta tlto Jioutl neuter
of the whiakfljiB^ ftuuhUnf Uip* pf -Now
Y*rt*. hM boon thiHed into a ouuoii. Xbti
jiroceeiniiftK growing out of UioM-unlbtia, ta tlie guttural. By this time Ofiaatt rtv
iwto associations, have aw tuta-pcntbwl
die Aortlwrn peoplo tint iujyeauluauiil,
to now among . Hr probahiUUaa. Mr.
CoonautA, ttki <nnMden(toh rrhipd of Gcu-
Orakt, And whs has Iwen lieretofura a Con
sistent opponent Of JiW|i*Mbi*ut4t Ins
I. AftcrTlie train hid passed• fet-nevn, lie
wm dheaversl to have lu hi* puaaaa-lon •
very line gold watch and elialn which be
vvaa offering to veil. He had not proceeded
vary hr before ha struck a, tJ-nrle * tali a
Gen**it who gate him a Match thought t»
!* u 'oi ,> 5! Ji • | ' v 0 or forty dollar* and
ten tltillsr* In money, for the gold witch
Atld ehAlu. Thli mirftod aulpleutrl. and the
attention of the condbutpr was called to
tlie unit tor. The conductor called on the
g'-ntleinun "who Inul the watch, and having
toon Ah mis ertIconicrtt of a stolen watch,
coiofuted It with the descrlptlmi give a
and flurnd it lo he tin- stolen watch, lit
took poaaaaalon of the watch and had the
(’s property returned.
Ily Mila time the train bud reached But
ler. Mr. (‘oiatt mitt I aoum gentlemen t< >
look after Idm—Mr. O.mhd, of Tullunton.
atnong them—while he atepped out to get
one or the military guard at that place to
come aad take porueoalnu of Win negro t 0
Miron. Alter UMtt ap plied out the tie-
grp la rcpnr«enteil to liuvn got, out of the
car he wan In anil walked to the front of
tbe i-aewnger oar. a* If In sonruti of tlie
contoietor. mid .topped on the platform
with a lAaioMn hie hind In a tadlgerrat
attitude, Aa Ire roan on llui nlatlOnii Mr.
1 Millet t-nught the IhimI Itohlmg the pUtol.
A Kindle chimed, In which tha jrirtles cam*
fEnvutiaa victomie*.
Velltaiv Feref UrrlwrrJ g r |«„
Havajc^, 4.“-Tb«r ni»W are
Hi:att MUSS if sum hui\i.
turned and fhtiind Iti the cllort n. wrench
the Lh HaH'
, >!sfefp| fri*?n lihtf. 9y' h vin»it move-
irt^nt the r ne^r«> :tnd nin.
aiMl WM pur^uiKla in iwlvnooft of the
j*urj»iMT»., A4or ^imio hun-
N.Cartilaa KcpubiiMii iMveatlaa.
lo be $*. It Is bg^l that tfadB* ^
Awm. w ill he revoked, —
Nothing liae hevn heard from tbe.HI*'
*mplt nrnisn. ' 1 • •
Th« e x tint of Uie troubles in Porto Kleo
are unknown.' HclnforcenieoLs have left
Spfln ftir the iSaad
Vouilk. Sept* iMKCStton—ao salef to-
uay ; reoclp-s fw twodai * g!M toilce.
t'lraiti.tniox, ScptX—Cotton dull and
Irregular; aalcstt hales; middlings it
recoips mine. ■
New Om.EASa. Sept. 4.—Cotton dull;
oalea to-day 200 bales; low middlings 24n
A); receipts 173 h«lea. Sugar and tuuhuwe*
unehangeal. Tobacco f|Ukit and unchanged.
Flour dull and depressed; superfine 8.50;
cliolec extra lOall. tV<m dull; mixed 1.20;
w hite mid yellow 1.2.1. (lata dull at tidasO.
Pork In request and held lirnily; quoted
mund leu at 20.80. Bacon active; aiioul-
ders 14a 14*f; clear rib sides 17^; clear
shirs ISal^J. hard steady and drill l*|ja
14 In tierces; UJt«alo in. kegs. Gold 1 A.i.
4M-'- —x
Oka the flrot Tsnatij iaOvUsUsr maxt will be
\J saM Mon taanut Baax dam. la ill w>vn
of IHcotar, la uU -mats, hetwoia the legal
l« Ik# blabel l.lju. lot of laid
IBQadrna aad eirbtr -aigbl (It*, ia Ihe
ipswatatlMk} litaUKI uT urisiaall) llanry. now
IMtalk rfuaw IsWiKl on ao ih« jirr.|wr 1 or
•owl. iutk. by virtue of a Mortgage If Ik
{aaaod tom Ike loperior toart ofaald oouaty la
POWELL. Ottataff
keplesniber A1*w—stda ifaa tea to""!
ynsfc MiiU M«l'ori I m C ourt bouse ‘Ux»r, iij
, ou th«
flrsl TutototUv in (MouAmr .text, Ujt« uu tbr U*gnl
bour» «* nJm, one huudi
niUMber i
. „uuilre4l arrow of tot of IagU
(19) iu the feisuwOtli ditoUietof
laeKully ronutpVM W*** Bkbar i M bjerriw uow
rohiuo*. Jx-t le-l uu aw Ihe uroj.Hrt> Of flirbartl *1
bierrt*. br vtrtiHfof a I fa. Immo4 froui ita© ttai;
““ of fVMaib rw'nuij - . In fcror ol Ini*luH
' ‘ Kli*h«r>t N * ■■■■■■■■■
On d yarUs or mon% Uiy i»e«n> olicnked up
‘ icCojutt, mltInjffdm
uu*! tahictluml ln*4 hc yo^ntt iiiitinu
aI»M)t thi* rf^oii (tf Hio Co/att
r*c«.H> dto-tared ids jnii juna to suj—j Ittrficd and rafnbrkwl rtmt lie was shot*
Hsivn.— "t" 1 moved but 11 few steps bef
port that meaantv at the next aeasinu
Bs-Vift Pri'.ident Hamms, another none j
aUtent op;ioncnt has IlkeWiac darhired
llmt tioddng slmrt of ■ that desperate
remfedy wHI nave Uio cotiulry. The New
VorV limes and othnr total lug jonruals of
tlie Chnaorvntlvo llepuhllriiu scliool, have
Imlmutod the necessity' of the removal of
tbe President, should ha panlxtiohls op
position to Uw spirit Of that Taw which he
hits sh orn to exooute. .
We <*irontcle these facts -ns iu> Impor
tant turning point in the history *r thcaa
troublous times. Of oao thing wa h oi
assured, and that la, that tha blind and
Ineffectual opposition of Mr. Johnson to
tho' lawk' of Gun great cannot long con-
' llnne Vvlthont bringing the country
Into ftirther trmihlo. W « are not many
xemdTcs from the ltelgn ’of tlie iFketliina
and the Kurtet of Urvoliitlon are Just be
t,"vt "»* ■■ "• sm» ssi"n h# fcii
[and illpd Jug law nmiiipnwi, In the cun
WA«n|Mqgo.s, Sept. 4.—Mr. George-C.'
Whitihg. Grand Muster ol' the Mason* Of
the IBstrlct of folumbiu. ami a prominent
olHoer of tbe Interior Itcpartlncut, ilbal
toslay. - .. tt V. '
Tbe amui'cty proclamation is expeg.ed
to-morrow. Tiiellst of exu<ptions will be
small. ' '•
All tlie ineuibers of the Cabinet weve
prrwiit at the loeetiug to-ilny. ex'uepiiug
Grant and Broxv'ning, sn<J apprtircd the
amnesty proclamation of tin- President,
with the exception .OX tiecruhity BewaML tower: mid,Bl"#t AtoUBH
nho tlionght the excepmu Hst Imprudently n ^.4f K;b, " )f ' 5 .' 1 h ’" r 11
exclusive/', • ., ,. . H
The llptipbtlca/f. bavy elected their ci|ii-
didutes I* WilmlngtoT], I Mini are. by a
Uiplorlty of 4,0..', •
The r lectifm In Vermont has been ca^-
ried by the Ihtpu) lleun liayty by a majority
ij tburtst ftokslk cmuiy, In Ikvor ol Longford
i towr vs Richard M. Harris Sabi -aln koisg
)<OBt]>oucd fn*in utole «tuy of A tigMky 1MH.
iaKWlto TG<iINM, lieputy *keriW.
teMcmbtort. iwi-mui*
*. T *_ ll»r«fM«ft^)
''-'ii'-lA. JiAKlOW COISTY.
TvriiEiucAS. waiiHui w.ump »pi>ikh t<>
Vf for lctlcn. ot «■ | mi ini* t rat ion ou iho e Utt
of Trarito ( otcon, lut© ui said roiuU>, :
Tfeotte nre. thorolore, to cite anti utluiouiaii ail
aud hiutoular the klndietl an«l rratitiorh of said
dect*Mtoe«l, to Ale their objei tu»n», if »u> they hare,
hjr the Artot hiomlay in OModer next, oihurwi*©
iatten of u lminiatratiou will be granted the ap
Utrra under my hand, this 3d day of Septem
ber. Itrja J. A. lltm Ait 1 tv O:dinary.
•epfr-at'-Xl • (I'riitler * fee
8|re*k their own praise wherever piaotod.
septs—dewtm Ptmadelphlm, Pi.
A .Zl 11 W '*•"’* ** U" 1 t aart of
i thi* o, ff,.
Ini».* m'vt-t.
loiu'iiig to .;>. M j: k. 7. Co
ot, \ 1UJ ' ° r ^Wn<* < oak,
I v« count',
le*«.) be-
TlioJuij *4m. 18-r
W) IaTal a M \TlffXs. Giimi
ik, yn (
Of Mid Oa
oih dercohei.
* fte#4
GEOlUilaV, Claytox couxty.
TA®. K. llOYIMiroX having lu pr<»j*.T lorm Ap-
v plied to ia«^n>rp4. rnicHuntU‘ttoi.s oftot!minl*tra-
<ra.rK.tagv evniiam;,, * -n irT, 0 ' .* "7'. ‘'“u ou the <*t*t© of Robert LowLi, late of salt.
•rMiriiilff iXchlUlKV OsiaUi* New York I oouuty, deceased
^iinit l v* Mvmiiini. ; v ,* ; Tlmie are, the.'iv:
C4*rm-d t U> be and a|<j
iltoy In OidoiKT nt*x(. ti» 7h’ow rau>c. if any
‘igltt ‘.JprtMniiiin.
Baltimokk, Sept. J.-
Cotton.Uull and |
KG I A. Baktow corx rY.
'rbianasi J. Woifonl, exesrufor of
ifltmi, dtotu'ahf■(, r» |»r. m.ut%
uicd aadenur-
“ initotered ItU-
iIImin l;
to ibe Court, iu b<
iwiaa that
lif B. Wofford *
fill* in, ttiviffura,
klodrctl and «radMa
uan, why Bald ext«i
mis*ion. This M
iw dihUkargtil
’letters of Ji»
Mcmdavi 8apto«*er. I <»7.
J. A. HowakU, Or<Ui»ary.
hept4—w6m (PriMtor'B tee $t 30,
GEOHG1 \. Baktow cvuxty.
J OfffcPtr r>AVI*v haring applied up)*- appointed
gnartli tn of the |ht,oi.h and Hi^|n;riv of y;!1a
.I.CaaueJl. 11. umt Jaiuew W. minom uudtr
ftiAinn tho nnarJ. tmMo tfootl ,
IiIk r-britiM*. lit* wiIh uftorwurd pursudd Mid I 'nK b,,r J* r - ^lpy. At the eighth tnil tiintl
if 13,00^.
Tlie Natbmal.- Ixctt'tbd L’jilnn^of Laps-
,ixl pur- toPHtoUBH
IhmaI'IVoiii In tlto illreptlun of Maetob hut Uimlngs Die ganje Itopd evVn. and upon
liivi not been oierluimi 'J ucgrlny nmrulng. | play lug a tenth tbe score wag tiyeutyi-eiglit
to thirty-',nc
Jfa.vjtTrr.Captpiieu.—A wi ll known and
intelligent gentlemim resbllng lu South
n.iKi lias-written a Jong letter tu oue of
niircltiaciis. In'vlilch’lin vtatus that he re
cently.captured ou the St Sebastian river,
lu that State, three of the rarely met with
animals, called Manatees or Siai Cows.—
The two Isruust were kIlbal In < a|>tiirliig
theui, ls»t the small one or tall, w as caj>-
A noth aw Stohv A Hour Booth.—Ben.
Mason, a* oWccr, hi a letter dated at New
Orleans, says; -That'ho knows Surratt
vtoa not In Washington at the time of Lin-
siMn's nstatolnptluo; tlint Jtc bus tho
hWcnce that IVlikes Bondi Is Alive In a
foreign country, and that John B, Baton, a
friend of Booth, nbd closely resembling
him, w»« filled ipaUad of Booth;'' .
|I' The W-j.pnli Ifeiuocrat suggests) In
view of the eoudttlen of affWlr. .In VVasb-
iogton, tlikt the UovernUrs of, tho loyal
States meet together at an early day, and
coninttta regard to tlw situation. It 1^
Also suggested a similar ponsultntlon on
the part, of tbe ufunagora of tpo Grand
Arpiy of tho Kapublic.
|9*The Govarnmeat has Jtekcn aixaetlvo
* Interest In saving tha life of Haato ^nna
and hat aunt iUtl*tch«% to our Minister In
JCkxlOu to ufge Vixuld*ut .InaroE to deal
with him lantenUy. lb addition to thiaa
, special'totroy. has been seat ta Mexico,
Vltto’lhtKnctiona lo'aecnre, If posslblo,
lenient treatment ol Santa Auua whUe ho
U in prison. jj • -
Ur It to aUogad ia a Washington .p^claj
/ that President Johnson has organised a
ayitetn «f topitmage upon the conduct «f
membera of Congress favoring lmpeach-
luent, by means of a corps of tecna de
tective*, who ate paid out of the secret ser
vice Aind. . ... *“
titfcd alive, and Is thriving ijndc_
care of Its c Apt Or,/who still rdtMv, ft to
range la Its native element. Tin- Manatee,
so-called, front the rescrutdnnve of it*
loro |iaws or swlmniers, to the hu-
innn hand Is one of tlio rarest ani-
tiials known to history, and there are
hut fcvxvhn believe such an animal really
exists. Home years age. while Gen. Har
ney wus In Hint section of F]orldu. several
of thus! Animals were reporteil killed nnd
captured, but slnco that time nonehas been
seen-until Uw rcedtit eantiier. They were
eiioa vorr coramon in Vlorldu, If we are te
bellevo the evidence of Isnu's,, which are
found embedded In the earth, in omnV pla
ne* so numerous as tq give tha Plus thui
lined to.
teat hards of them ulna! have peris'
gether tyr the vleloncnkr the saw er some
othnrconvulslpn in nature. Tim ruptured
Manateo Isduattn .nr..
ued-for fVminm's Museum.
Thomontllc Kkt«rprit«, *7fA. o
Viotobia's Kamii.v IfisoirtKSK.—One
day when tlie Queen mss present lu tier
rnrr\age at a mttwarv review, the Princess
iteyal, then rather a xvilhkil girl of alxnit
thirteen, sitting ou tlie freut scat, seemed
disposed to l>c rather familiar and eoqurt-
tlsn. M lth some young olilcera of the escort.
Iter majesty gave several reproving look,
without avail—^“winked at hor, Imt she
UTThe Iton. John MoQueen, tor many
years one of Uw most prominent politi
cians M ixobth Chrollua, died wcouiitly In
that State, agedslxty-thre* yaar*. Hawas
• member of Onngreaa, when the State
HTThe Charleston tapers rejiort aufs-
vorably oa tha He* Island crop prospects,
this season. The ruttrpUhw ts doing great
damage, aad hardly on* third «f * yWd
will be realised. ‘ .. ..
JJTA reataurent car, It U said, will b«
added to the train* on tbs Memphis and
Charleston Railroad. On North era ltoos
they bare been In auceeaiMl eporUthm
Mr son* time.
V The new City tounqB of Jfa»' O-
ieanA have aeturtatotohe Nrw Orleans Be*
pubtlcan as
organ of the ettyta
axoellent journal.
brother of the
Governor of booth Corolla*, It a** of the
Radical lender* in Mhslsslppi.
■■■■■ winked
wouldn't stay M-luked.” At length, iu
lllrtlng. her handkerchief over the side of
the carriage, she dreplied It—too Evidently
not accidentally. Instantly two or three
youug heroes sprang from their saddles to
return It to her fair hand, Imt the awftil
voice of royalty stayed Diem. " Stop,
fcntlaiieh," exclaimed the Quern. “ lonve
t Just where It lies. Now. my daughter,
get down from the carriage and plok up
r oar luyndkcrchlaf." There was no help
or It.. The total footman let down the
stops for ihe lit tin roval lady, who preccad-
ed to lift from the dust [lie pretty piece of
cam brio and Nee. Bhe hlualied a good
deal, though she tossed' he head saucily,
and the xx*s doubtless angrp chough ; but
inc mortifying lessen may nave nl|iped til
the hud her lint Impulse toward coquetry.
It was hard hut It was w holetmue. How
many American mothers would l<c equal
to such A piece of Spartan discipline t
Jno. C. BttaruNHinoa—General Jno. U
Breckinridge Is still lu l'srl*. A gentle
man of New Orleans Just from Tarls re
ports that Gen. Rrerklnrldgu was hand
somely dressed, ‘‘looked splendidly,’' and
was In due health, lie lj residing, with
kls Interesting family, In the Ohsmps Ely-
secs, about One mile from the iwlace of the
Kmperor. and near the Grand Royal areb.
To the Inquiry Addressed Oen. B. by our
friend as to his desire In reference to an
early return to tbe I'ulteil States, this was
the response i "I trust the day is not tor
distant when the political condition of the
United States will encourage me to return
there. 1 am hopeful *4 tha future, oral fa
vor aoy plans of reconstruction that will
bring about permanent prael- and harmo.iv
among the entire people."
The following 1» tho stutemeut of the
public debt; Bearing gold interest, In
crease. 9;Mi,7Kl.OOP; Inuring currency In
terest, decrease, *d«,32d.<100; matured tax
nut presented. Inerea^y. ♦SJKB.OOO; henring
no Interest. tner.'w, *7,16IJI00i; c*ln, de
crease, V1.042,issii currency, decrease,
f2lt.401.IKin; total iloercaso of debt, #32.-
t'lqgalii IV. II. Hale, of the marine corps,
died ut Pensacola of yelly w fever.
Payment on tho cotton claims recently
decided by the Court of Cla)nn, has been
stup[K-d by order of the Secretary of tlie
Treasury «t the request Of the committee
appointed to fule-riga^e alleged fottqn
lion. Thus N. Stillwell, of Indiana.has
been appointed Minister to V oner uela. and
AH. F. W, Svott Consul at Mntamoras.
lllspatclic* from Athens announce that
Cotton nouii-
, „ lull and Unchang
ed. U'heat steady—prim.- U> choice 2.30a
2.5B. White corn f.laal.lG; yellow 1.12a
I II. Gats (OsHA. Provisions lirm; bacon
tcrgling upward and held at a quarter
hlglwr; sides IS; shoulders 12Qul3. Mess
ilnehanged. Sugar unchanged.
CINCTXXATJ, Sept,4.—Flour lirm anil de-
uiisd Mf. Corji advanceil ami supplr'
unequal to demand at 1.10al.l2. Mess |H>rk
'•'■live, and closed at 23.75s2HKb Bacon high
er; shoulders 13\; clear sides 17‘ 4 'tl*.
Aiiochta. {lept 4.—Gotten nlore active;
•nles 120 bales of middling at 2H L ja2l.
Nxw York. Smit. 4.—Flour rather more
active; State, h.omlOJIe; Soul hern. h.lMta
JO.UO. Wheateteady. at 2-Ms2.35 for Sftuth-
ern amber. Corn unchanged. Gats lirm;
Southern. fiOaliN. Mess jsirk, 23.45:123.7(1.
closing of 23.55. Lard steady. Wldsky
2.:Kla2.;W. Coffer Hrin. Freightsdidl and
dower. Stocks Steady. Gold 112. '(12 cou
pons 114tg.
Savannah. Sepb 4.—Cotton more active;
sales 110. at 31 'tail; receipts, 51.
uiuisU'.tLiou nUouM not
tliuy cnij k «rli} ItilUrt
Ik; ^rauUMl to# 14 np|>lum.i,
Oivou umier luy haml mill oflldul »Un.iture.
he|ilciiil)cr Si|, lftHTT
C. A. i»<>LLAIt. OrtliWr.
,fPnu^r> Je©
GEOKGIA* Fulton county.
^WO^MONTIlH nfUr d«»o ft|»plirHti«n Mill Ik
tor luitVkj
e*lulu <*i i,forge
' Ordiu«ry ,
_ *k-U Uiu reui e*ti
sUtUam, «k'ct'tt*c»l.
U)\ I) ( Or lit K-Y, Administrator.
S«iptoinW6 1MM7—Vital [y*r* feu $5)
(JEOKOrA* Fulton cOuniy.
_>r- Lulas. Sept. 4.—Superfine dour «2i0»
. corn unchanged. Mess pork 24.50;
clear shies, 17’j,'; shoulders. 13al3G. J,ard
Lonuon, Sept. 4.—r. H.—Consols 9413-16.
C. S. bonds 73V
Fr.inkhikt. Sept. 4.—C. S ho mb' 77^.
LiyKmxHii., Sept. 4.—Cotton closed lirm;
uplands, I0W ; Orleans, 10* 2 ; selva 10,(KK).
Corn 31 6. \Vhcst f.) rt. Provisions irreg-
ular^pork^T^^torihMaM^tecomtS. p
for Iphvv to *til Dip
luCOHBud. OK*
S4!|lL-UllH!l 5. I8o7—Ui
lYumtm; fir
Ihf tt’l l.1 4*1 ills; t oil lO
Ml'U-r me* UXJM21 itUix
-* |4uLlii Htito4> id ij'is
Hu y cun, u it}
ol i to ii
r y, t<> bo
Jhatyii Davit
.1'. U»C" «.ill ui.- 4uar .iaii*toii> of
• I l iojHirt- of aaiM ramor*.
oiUri .l tfffUMtiirp. Hijra >viitvMiVr
J. A. JloW.UiU. (Infoiiry.
' (i'rii.Ctki n Am* N ‘
U'm. M. A U. J.
M ink of f.Jfor^la
Coirr of Fklion count
HpnK dtfTpndmits art
i the Superior
•tine's, and re.
. .. By Attorney, U>be uutl
toppektr ut tlie wm sui^rlor ( ourt, u> ].« held-ut
1 '■* ity, on tbe first Mon.lay ia OH
id t*
^ ll'rw fee
GEORGIA, Fulton caiunty.
INflHIP, jrnartlUn of Mlii M. Au-
discuargo from hls
J ffUsltoUUI ..
tlinary of .said county
tttol<l Kimnlluiistilp:
Hill In Uiciclwiti t4» c.ilG ill! ptfBOOl OOOI err.t*l
to show cause, if any thev Imre within Uie tiiny
pruitrlhed by Uw, «hy the said Josc.di Vflnbhip
I ns-ual I
of «lifeinlMf»ii
Wlinens the Hon. Daulel Pittman, Ordinary of
nty, this SeptvuilH*f 4 »Md7.
JNO. T. COOPKK. Doffutv ( lerk.
[Prs fee $>j
neh advertisements.
i f6r uknt.
entire *>f|unr«, with stMlilcK 'and othci
a general uuinafjty ha* been recently. 41P0- nsitasary ontb.aU If rn-iiwTi renlcn of the
clulmodJp Crete. f - • * AgJ raratoar. rented with tire
.A Swindle,—BoUfen throughout the
couutgy are warned to took out for parties
known to hA traveling, retimentlng thena-
aelres ns sent from xVaoNlngton
_ with tor-
«ruction*-to soldier sad claim agents re-
gnnllng udleetfen of aihlithmal bounty,
and also stating that soldier* *f Util are
ontltled toons hundred and aiEtjr acrea of
land. TU* obtret of the** panics appears
to 11* to ropy the nainu*. dataaaad tlreaum-
hart at the regkneau. ami the
(dgiiatare*. as set forth on the discharge
papers. With those data, farged applica
tions tor pay are probably made out.
■TA deaerter from tha Tenheaac#
mllUta haa boon avnteuoed to otvl year In
VTb*tmn Kmiouxnt* Oiv’no South.—A
letter from Dee Moines Iowa,, soya; *A
great lastly people In this regloB have a
uesirc lo go South to plant
Tas urr Tontuoai^-A Mtor ho» U»o
3ry Tatugaa aaya thare are hot few prU-
min than now, feity-flvo In ML aad two-
thM* of thara. If not ramm, ara United
HAMaa stodfera who bare .berti ay t dram
^ , mum. Onto-
ernor Stone, of Iowa, has Just returned
Alabama, and there never was a greater
opening toe capitaltau diau la now pre-
sen tod at the Sotitli. and advise* hU friends
to Invest there."
ngflald Ba
the ladles'
tar According to abc Hprli
ptollran toon. Mr. Gnlfev la
nmn. It SU'S: *Np Uthor ol ...
W «nWly the repository ef the
nine nffbetfcns; and were woman suf
frage established next year, the 0kHaut
Sneaker would wrelv win the prins front
even ttenrrel Grant or Judga Cha*n.]^^ra
New Yohk. S*pt. 4.—The Southern
mine Jtellvf Commission held a final meet
ing to-day. The total cash receipts have
been #2505611. AH expended. The hrnur
her of lutd:i>J- of corn purchased,, was
Advices from Kurviio hv the steamer
Persia, from Bailee tin. the 25th ult^an-
notiacr that the crh|>tiire turning out tat
Ufactortly'. . ,
Cholera is cpidmiiu hi Uottundati^ and
vicinity, and Is also reported'to have ap
peal nl on the Southern slope of the Alps,
|n Swltat'rhuifi. • • •
Tlie Spanish insurgents and the Spanish
troops had a severe rngsgenent, in. which
tli* Insurgents, with the exception of.'#
band of thirty, were rtlmplately cat t&
pieces. Tlie French, to whose Imrder Die
Insnrgcnts firel, delivered them up to tie
Monthour.KT, Sept. 4.—Tho Conserva
tive Sutc Convention lbct to-day. Thir
teen out of slxty-two counties xvererepre-
sented. Considershjo enthttslasm prevail
ed. Eigbty-aeven deiegatea-i-twenty col
ored. A platform will be reported te-Wore
row.’ '
New Oni rANS, Kept. 4.—There Were 20
deaths on ycdtardtiy from ycltew fever'.
Tlie Board of Health last night declared tt
epidemic, but dceeribe K as being ofh
mild type. A communication waS tent to
tbe Board of Health on yesterday an
nouncing the re-organUatlon of the ifow-
ard Association, but that It waa without
Thu otty tills morning was flooded with
The School einhfogil# Is tvtattag to 4 fe-
eus. Schools bpened'on last Meaiday, the
day speeded by iaw, under tbe auspices of
Board of lilrectere. Appointees by the City
Oonncfi, weN restrained from action by
sfrtt (NO warrant" returnable "It the 0th
Instant hefbre Judge DuplanteV. Tbe
Connell last nlgbt adopted reeoiutioa* sus
pending the schools until October 1st, ou
tbe ground of Illegality. The resolution
smou uts to nothing legstty, as the Jtosixt qf
School Director* exorctor authority under
State tews, n* Republic*** wggeated the
YutUBg off 6f supplies from the School! V
A mean* of overootaing the dittouttg,
' Rxlemu. Septenihet 4.—Tb* State Be-
publican Convention sesemblud to-d*y.
Sixty-six eountied war* represented'
oral by proxy, i’socseding* khrmuuloiu.
A permanent organtoxtlou was eibsted.
Gen. Joseph C, Abbott elected IfrvdMeUt.
Gen. Alfred Docking and Oao. Robert V.
Dick pure among tks Vloe-Frenldsat*.
A oouimKtee to drew platform was wise tod.
Mss* meeting'exiled to-ulgta.
ItaTVta—^The Republican* bald * grand
**• ntastlng at TueksrV Mali to-ulghu
A band of mnslt la attendance. Hymn
llosannnah wm sung. Several colored
were taado—all eatrymaly ndi-
Charleston, Sept. 4.-Onn. Sleklo* b*s
appelatol Bsvsrly Nath, a prominent ne
gro in Columbia, to bo a puMta magis
.1 rental
» aatl at tha nrasiUaa.
t s
a. S. KENDRICK to CO.,
OI>E32Sr TO-J3A.Y,
Btorc and Mtgmnt Patterns of
T A D k 8 T B V, ; B R U 8 S K L S
inxyow shades.
-A. T O O 3 T .
W HKRKAS, Thotnuo W. Sinos applies to me for
luiu-i-s ol aiiininiiitrativn tU b<mU t,om with the
will aunextod of WiUluui bintt, deectthoti, latent*
This lo, therefore, to Site and ndmonish all per-
soiif. concerned, Li show ;ctonne. if any tiity have,
within, the time preocrilxvd by law , Why said let-
tent should not bt* graiitcil tv the upolii anu
<#lven under my hand and olhuial hijrnatare.
Septetnboi 5. J«»J.
WH. D. .LCCKIE. Ordinary,
tepa-wJktol [Pi Inters fee fftj
untl for said c — w .
l»er uext. then and' thereto auswtor th espial miff's
demand hm action tu''’ar-s<uti|>sit. us!£lw dtl'auit
thereof Uie Court wlil proceed a* to juotiftVBhaU
Vlintifei*, tho Hon. John Collifer, of t
W. Ji. VKNABLK, Clerk.
1 i'riiilcrS fee •4)
It •! Lowry «#. The Northwestern
Bunk »/jGeorxia— Assanj>ait in the .iiipeiior
Court of Fukou county, tin.
rpo w. n Inmau. llobfc. K Curry, Mile*. Dirt
JL son. II. J. bprarlMirrv, William J. Whiineli,
.■ I • aim Jo*. 1. Mti( otinell, SUMikholders
nk of (ieorgiu: You ure
tlie first day t»f August.
hereby notified t
eighteen hundred ant|*i»y-#even t we commenced
suit again** the Northwestern Bank ol'Georgia,
in tne Court of YuUon county, Ceorgia
on tbe hills of said Bank, lor three tlbouhtoiul and
eighty »U dollars.
AugustMjisr st • ■“ -
* -W4t
SEQRGLV* Fulton County'.
\WJ HKRKAS, Joseph Winnhip, adminlslrator <U
Tl boni* non upon the to>Ute of B. 11. Overbv, de
ceased, represent- to theoourt in his petItiou duly
Med. that he has fully administered said estate.
l*cnvon« concerned
iatrator should n<
Nan, Why said toll lain
not be discharged fr.iro awauLi ad
mteireiration Mid reetdee letters of tU*iaU>biou or
the ffrat Monday lu March. IflRfV
Wituuaathc Hon. Daniel I’itf
c Hon. Dai
said uouutof, thin 4th on
Ordinary of
.[ Printer’s fe«_f4.50.J
GHORGIA.'Fulton coustt.
TOHKRKAS, John T. Abridge, administrator
TV upon the estate of Simeon Abridge, doceatoeti,
rwjirescntfr to the oonrt. In tls petUioa. duly filed,
that he hM fullr iMiujinistened said estate: . t
TbU is, cite .uH persons couoerned
show cause, If any they oan. why said adtuinik-
miniBtration an.i receive icirers oi tiibaiibbion on
the Arst Moaday in March, 1W8.
, Wituess the lion. Daniel Ulttinan, Ordinary
of «aid county, thh 4*h tiav of Seutemfeer, 18ft.
Lp-stairs, Whitehall street.
Atlanta, Oft.
£ Regular Line of Mail Stages
W ILL Wve XflTyAA* imatediatclr after *the
a or inti of Um ('nr* from Atlanta, ea
rt/it ARBirg AT ATr.VA.V o.v
Making rtoa* resbectlon With tha train f«r At-
laRta, ocergia.
luKtra trip* will ho on opposite days to
acooff.nMite trRTil *
ConnedtioRs will l« made to BOWDON with
^. T S£d ootaral rem and U
•quipped with aew Concord Coacheh and frequr-*
anwlMOR . - $W0
Fare to Dowdon 4.»
For iMusage apply at Newnaa Hotel,or to
Newnan, Gft , Septembers. 1W7—dim
I IWU Ota Kim nciunt tnc cuurv iivust urntr, ass
r the towa of OartenTille. Bartow,
. _ the lr»t Tuesday in October next, within the
legal boar* orsale. Che following property, to-wit
The tract of laud un which LowU P. Kavcs mnm
reside*, comprising ot« N*• 388,388,4*%4*6.441),W
*“1, aud fltc and g half acres of lot No 4M; aP
| tNft ,
the 4ih dbtrlct and 4th tectoiou ol originally cher
okee, but now Bartow eouuly. Alio, at the ».
time and place, the gro« mg crop ou said trm
r ivsks?
Superior Lou it. In favor of W tills Benham v*
Lewis P. Eaves.
Aifeo, at the same time aad place, tbe tract af
taadoa w hich tt. X. L. Ware mow resides, ooa-
tftinMigJtO »cret>, more or 1«M. number oT lota not
Know? tying Is the seventemtth dtatrict nnd
third sMCiioa of Bartow county. Levied on as the
'( K V wsf*. to satisfy a B. fa. from
rior Court. Ip TacOr of Thomas Tuft.
opon.T poiuted out by
[ PMnt er'sfee |480.
GEORGIA* Fulton county.
TETULKEAS, J K Fain, executor of Elisabeth
TT Fain, del-eased, represents to tho court, in his
petition, duly Bled, that he has fully administered
Thin is, therefore, to cite ail per«ou.s concerned
ini March, 1888.
Witness the
said county,
he non. Daniel Pittman. Ordinary of
, this 4th day of Hemtember, 18K7. '
JNO. T. COOPKH. Depnty Clerk.
*ftp&—w8m fPrintor’s fee $4 JOj
GEORGIA, Fulton Covntt.
rnex^elsu letter* will
Ihe find Monday in (X-l
•ness the I
court, this 4th day of fcoptcmlier, 1H87.
JXO. T. ^OOPKE, Deputy Clerk.
*cph—w30ti [Printer's fee >4.N)}
GEUKGLV* Newton county.-
IN ceme<t. that thee
»irty day* after tho publication
Ion. unless some ralld- ohjnclion 1* made to
GEOKGIA, Gmkenk county.
W HKKKAb. Willialu A. Blchard« applies for
loiter- of admlnitdratenn don* non. on the
Washington Ledbetter, Uuc«a*od;
•re. Ihcrofere. to cite and require all per-
oerued, to U) and appear at my o»* e,
.ao time iwrvcribod hr law, to show cause,
if any they have, why «aid letters should not be
■ESS 1 under my hand, atoftee, in lireenhboro,
hopumbor Vd, im:
fclV,EMI'S L. KINO, Ordinary.
(Pr later s tee |S]
Aten, at the same time and ptauc, the settlemnnt
«f tend known on tuo Joehna a Reaves ptece,
i net kaowK in the seventeenth
GEORGIA, Gi.kenk county.
yj IILRKAS. WUllam A. Hichartk aitpUcs tor
letters of Hdmiuiotraliuu on ahe estate of
Lucy Lctibetier, «feceased:
These are. therefore, to cite aad rounire all per
son* concerned, to fte and apuear at my office,
within tee time prnevribed by law, to show cause.
a c ooatame.
on*wh» .numbers
' ^
wUhin tee time nruecribed by law, to show cause,
if any they have, why said letter* should not be
^lilvea^ander mvlaod, at offioc, tn Oreeutboi
n.|>tata ta,X^frsrm LfOKt. orjD^rr.
GEORGIA, DkKalb county.
I ? J. B.VII.Y having applied to roe in proper
j* lorra for letter* of, administration ou the
(Mateo# Lewi. Ethridge, Sr., latcot.ahl eoustr,
deceased. *
Thi* UU> cite all persons concerned to be and
appear ut iny office, within the time prcwrilx-d
by law. to show cause, if ahy they have, wrhplet-
....* t m , K , ttnlwi t | JC applicanl,.
my baud and official signature,
J.B. WILSON, Ordluary.
[PHnters fee |S.]
augdh—w ftai
GEORGJAt.FtoYiyrTE county.
tration ou the estate of Bumry Pnlnuir, late of
eald county, deceased t
This I* to cite all and singular, tbe creditor* and
next dfkin Of fraid deceatved, to be and ai>pn»r «t
prescribed by taw, i ‘
ray office, w ithin ihe tli
show cause, irany they
ministration should not be gram
show cause, ir any they can, why permanent aiD
“ '*“■* “ ^ ranted the applldant
Wltije** my hand and official signature, Augfttt
ith, liW. JilDWAbD CONNOR, Ordinary.
[Printer’s fee #3]
A HWIa, Fatrttr col-sty. I
LLISON 8PKIR, Juu., administrator on the
estate of Allison bpeir, deceaae*L having ai>plication to this Ofiurt for leave to selI\lio
land lielongiug to tbe eatutc of said deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors, all penffin*
concerned are notified to file their objcctloi*, if
. - ----- noiice, else leave will- 1*6
granted for Ihe sale of said real estate. ^
August te, 1867. _ KDWARDlONNC
GEORGIA, Faynttk county.
r lALVIX J. FALL having in proper form an-
J Rlluil to nu fur 1.,ta.L . a J , '
plie<l to me lor permanent letters of admin
istration on the astute of Joseph Spier, late ot said
county ..deceased:
This is to pita 6
kin and c
G ar at u .
show cause, if aoy they can. why permanenh^
administration should not be granted to the appll-
van* on said « “*' 5 rr
is Is to cite all and singular, the next of
tnd creditors of Joseph fcpicr. to U ami ai>-
at my uflice within the time allowed by law.
ow cunse, if any they can. why permahenh
nislration should not be granted to the aptdl-
ou said estate,
tdven under my hand and official signature.
Ahgusl tint. Ui67. iDWASS CUNXOK.
augtt-w-JNM I Pr* fee $91 Ordinarv.
GEORGIA, Faykttb county.
ounfcy, dec’d,
c — Kiohard Kason, late of said c
haying mmie apnlicatioa to this court for'leave to
•ell the land lielonging to the estate of said de
ceased for the lieiefil of tho heirs and creditors,
all persons ure notified to Bte their object tons, ir
apt they have, within two months from the llr»l
publication of this notice, else leave will be
granted tor the sale of said real estate.
(Prs fee $5]
GEORGIA, Fayette county.
icreased, having inode application to thin
L lor leave to soil the land belonging to tha |,
a of said deceased, lor the UtucBiofiUe heira
rmy hand, this Angu^tSlst. 1087.
JKDWAUD ION No It, Ordinary.
! ^Pfnlheti;
GKORGLC Campbell county.
T WO MONTILs after date application will be
made to the l our* of Ordinary of said county^'
at the first regular term after the cxplrution offV
two months from this notion, tor leave to <ell all
the laeth belonging t-> the estate of Thomas A-
Lafhnai, late of sahl county, defeased, for ttoj
beaefit of the heirs and creditors of said devoaseri. *
J, ‘
August 17, 1817.
angit—wtte _
. Attaeta, Oa, September »,*ota..»
T li BUS TO Ol YE NOTICE i That, on the tlst day
ef Auguat, A. U.. lbfl, a warraal In Eaah-
W.Jd r _
of Gtnrgia.
rapt on hlsu
sepi^wKM v [Printer'
USOltGlA. Grrrnx Mart
ta .IU awt raqutra all,
lag » .aid llanknipt. M bit.,. ... ... RM
traataW u( an) ^j-ojuarl, by aim We fori,i,Wen
lav; Thai a maaflng of %ka eradtlon of ,i
Haakroia to iirora fea r Octal, aart lo rkan* t_.
78S ®*tar wl “ »• h «rt at a
ol Iwptemter. A. o'e^n*^ some other fit nhd proper per*
_ tana*aa-igr^Lbaa*,at odtaa. la tiroasfeoro,
t>avaxNaH,Sep. 4.—n»# Mwrhanta b* BftaT ' <,fck CTVfflMt
hang* wasqmatasd be-day. Wm. Wad- rfolstavt »*• to;
-..-of .ato, all ■ —
■ at t*Ta*lf Xante, lata of ,a<4 1
Uot'oaaoU. rosot.itsg of too hucdml two ■
rToota Ton*. J**,, Ybusop [
SOsailKMH t
VV IU< So sold before tbs Cmirt House
V V 4oor, In tb* town of (tartar.,Ill*, n.rta. ■
—qtyswtbo Sr.1 Taomtar Is ila.aaUMr salt
■£7b. Irgal hoSrSf.tai! ta. fSu.“^
W t 7( to - W ,: Tsrerow, 0*4 coir*, |„ M oa
» procafty at W l Stain, ta oao