The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 11, 1867, Image 1

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THE YOL. I.—NO. 172. .WjhttlflQ 'UUh$ SET ’TfT'w'T'i hk <*-•**’ ♦ %i*7 JlvPMai ,» 4t.,VJto *6 ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY M&RNING, SEPTEMBER 11,1867. THE DAILY OPINION. >1 W. L. IOBOOOI An t. B. DUI1U owes IB CBWTtB BUILDDtU GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD «t., ATLANTA, 0*. TERMS: SUBSCRIPTION.- •1XBONTB riBioo, r ISC’ RI PTION.—*Jmm •©*>!. «■ Tff A*. ffAQO; r*&wvmmEU!fE Tm o copi Five oopli TcO coplo mb forming the fffli 5 O) MOO _ Subjurlptknw to both etlttiou* will be reeel red for fix iBouta*. at rate* oerreapoudlag wM* »« IJO insert Ion,au<1 FivkLXRT* per lino Mune chacgeft will be made lor advesttaemeals occupyingTe»ii than a square, ohiiaariob, an*1-all Articles of a personal natnra. Except In crate of special contract, other advertise*ea% Will be chargeiI the following rate* s . On* oqi’dttE, one insertion, • • ** “ two Insertion*, •• three luaertloas, “ “ Q»* •• •• one month • u m three aottht Sheriff’a-salea, per levy of tea line* Sheriff •* Mortgage fl fa. aales, por i Tax i olleetors » nalea, per woara^^. Citations for letter* of Ad»i«t*trofctea SOW Citation* for Letter* el Gura4l anfMp.... .■ Letter* el application Cor 41—teti— ftwm , Letter*'Of applicatten for 41—teti** from imp.. § rjBfrig laUMdlanfitp ..... v y. IJR Apullo*>kw> ft>r l..v. to wU LMMl «ju No!Ii!«.w itebtua awl Credtemi J JJ Sale, of x.nd. etc. per ivun. ; J g S.lm af.wrUluM* nroptrtjr, 1« 4ay», e*> r te'- 1 » KvticM *1 <U> a-• ■ * JJ} »'or«ckiiiu'e<>rJlort*»*«. Ptvstr.tathtiaie... 1 UQ TIMB HIMfUIRKD KOK IJMA L AUWEBTISIXU Sale, of Land, ate., by Adaiiiistmtai-s, KXeot- tors or Geanllnns, arc rci|Uir«U by l»» to be belli on the Hist Tuesday la the month,between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three iu the " ternoon. at the lourt House in the county ft Notice* of the sale of personal property mm-t lie given in like mauuer Ml days previous to the day of sale. Unary for leave to sbU Land, etc., must be published for two months. Citations for letter* of Administration, Guar dianship,-etc., must be published 30 days; for dis mission from Administration, monthly 3 month*; for dismission from Guardianship <40 days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage-must bo pub lished monthly lor 4 month*; for establishing lost papers, for the full space oil months; forcOihf pelliug titles from Executors or Admin 1stmtorrf, w here bond has been given by the deceased, the lull Ktincmof three month*. Publications will always he continued accord ing to these, the legal raqufremeuU, unless other wise ordered. JftjT LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS will be mode to yearly advertisers. UMF* All letters on business, or communications f „, publication. must Vity Hubxhchm IMrectury. MUUTO A oMOMA. BOilXB. »HOB» snd LBATHKR. NKW SWRB-KII.W GOODS IUU tea»«y«»» m Wintesaiv ft street, opposite Cox & Uill. GKO. W. PRICE. ro*CK, W SOOTti and i MERCHANTS AMP HJtOCSMB. ‘ ft DAltt A JUS8K, AUCTION AMD COMMISSION A. MiHOBANTti. Sign, Auction House, White hall *v«et, Atlanta, Ga. F BI'Eli LYNCH, Wholjwauk akp KnaiL «no- cxr, and dealer in Varieties, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. ly__ F ’ AIN3 A PAilROTT. WHOLESALE 0*0- CE113 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Granite Front, Peachtree street, Atlanta, GA feM—ly A J. ROBERT A CO., UiKUti COMttiBsiON • Mekowakt*. and Agents for If unu fact ureas and 1’roducers, at.Hie Bridge, on Unad streot dwl f *Ssi? Aua,it ^ y.ygatsaa. iffliS. DICALKX IN Jt awur GHO- an<l t ODhTKT fwipnvL whitnhaU, oue Uuor from Mitchell street, Atlanta, «»' ’VV.rtflf llAMNalways i^uJi^mL augh^flft , MILITARY DIRECTORY. •tract, Atlanta. Ga. . G ionel J. r. Miunb, Chief of Bureau of UtII Affairs, and ffeneral Inspector of fegtetration for Third Military Distrust. Ofooi at Head Bravet^Hrimdler General WM. McKbb DtJim, Aaslstant Judge AdveraSe liraera) U. B. ▲., Judge Advocate Thud Military Diatrtot. OfooO at Headquarters. Braves Major Was. H form, Captain ltth United (States Intantry, Acting Asaietant 4edge Advo cate General. OfUoe ai Headeaartenr Lieutenant Colonel K. MOK. HPBaOM, Assistant Inspector General. OMce quarters. Captaia G. K. Hardbbmim, If. S. A., Anting Asois- taat AdJnteat Gomasai- Oilice at Headqaarten Brevet lMgadier General J.J. Nuvsc. fterrnua U. S. A., McMlical Director Third Military Dis trict. Office corner of Broad and Marietta B csj}2!s.r Brevet Lieutenant qtntrtt Anna B.XMH, CRIM SLWkrA itepot^uartermaster. Oflkoe Foreyth street. Brevet Captain C. A. Rsciviu, Chief Ordnance Offtee corner of Broad and Martelta Majt K.’ D Judd, P. M. U. 8. A.. Chief Pay Mas ter and Dttburslng Offteor Third Military Dis trict. Office corner of Broad and Marietta Room No. 1 Willingham liulldings, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets. Brommt fMrMlwttensniiCaX£ii). Bisaft-fo OH • nael lffth lJ. 8 Infantry, Gesnmandtng IMttntet of (teorgia, lffth F. 8 DkCaatry and Assist—t Commitbioner Barean R. K. and A. L. State of Hoorgi*. Office «t 1 leadqntriers, Markham * building, Whitehall sUeea^ d Aottag ■—i—r- ef Geocgta. Office at Mend- quarters. Wrst Lieutenant K. P. Dobwtt. Mb If. rym duty wdth Ueedquarters, Diofcrict of MtjotS. U. Diwif, 44th U.-S Infantry, AiniMnn, Inspector General, Bureau K. F. and A. L., Mate of Georgia. Office wt Hindquarters. Brevet Major Faso Mohkbaub, V. K. C., Sub. Aset. Com. Sub-Disk Atlanta Bureau 1L, F. M L Ottoe, building opjioallethe Pont Ofllie.foroad 'AMMO • *- *' ii-aifr ' M- tiw»w»iA RAn.uoAD-m uaiw- rja •v,«Mi p.r r. Kirn, IVMMmuflr W.f'our, Sn^rintemiont I U.T. AMnuuuK, A«Wt rent or mint, om noted of ihC'Gounties of Cobb. Fulton -Gamp- bcil. Carroll, isyweta. Hoard, Fkyettu, LUavtoa, Spalding, livery, NewVm, DeKalb, Milfou, Gw iniK-n and tiults. Brevet Brigadier General Thomas H. Krona, Col. * United Mate* Infantry,* “ “ *'* dquarter*. Boom No. i ing. ooruer of Beoatur and Georgia. Brevet Captaia O. C. Kxapf, 1st LienAJ8dU. S. Infantry, Post Adjutant. Office at Headquar ters. first Lieutenant C. 8. Ilslbt, lfith U. 8. In* fantry, Anting Assistant Quartermaster and Anting commissary tWbsistenne, Poet. Office, Room No. T, Willingham BniUing. Atlanta Portal Regulation*. ^ Posnutn UIUjS. absistant Potouafn Orriva lloi w frum !..a. to l*k wi.: aud ft- >m 3 r u. to 7 rjt. au»l>»v»—Fiom a to 10 a jt.; and from 6 to ffffi r.pc AKUIVAL AND C1AXHNG OF THK MAILS. MORTMUtN AND RORTKWI8TXKK. Arrives - 141 A.M. Closes (K. W.) 6.00 KM. ArSUWA. Arrives . 6.00 P.M. Closes CW A.M MACOtr. 1 .ffJM-IRj MONTGOMKftT. • 48 P.MTcSv^ff ♦00 i 4v45 A.M. Railroad Schedulm, i£X!\&t.B2K dioa; Wn. W. clattom. Treasurer; lag fl. Tat boa. Auditor; J. H Flynk. Master Maohl- w u .VsT-m- a s- , S. w Tinkct Agent; R. 1C IUoon, Oen'l Freight Agent: JoffN M Baipona, Agent *t Atlantai NIORT r ASS EMUS* T*A IN—DAILY. Leave Adnata .... T OO P M. . * v. tsn Arrive at DaUoa . 718A.M. Arrive at Atianta • 1.35 A.M. 9ALLY VASaXNUEa rXAIN—DAILY, lexoept bundaj Leave Atlanta • - - Leeve Dalttm - . Arrive at cliattanooga Leave ChAttauooga - * 4.1# A.M. Arrive at Atlanta * . 1.15 P.M. DALTON AOOOMUOnATION TRAIN—DAILY, foxoept duiMlays). . « Leave Atlanta , , * 8.15 P.M Arrive at Dalton * 11.43 P.M, Heave Dalton ffrlT 8.80 A M. %M P.M. &r Leave Atlanta Arrive at Anyui 5sat® 3 * AMuxaauiL Agent •AT riSIINW TAAUL Iffmu .'.'r.v.'.'.'. ■'* iiti 'IS . ■ _. ii»t ruiumtun Leave Atlanta Arrive at Augusta Leave A«| ugus Leave Augusta .. Arrive — Astanta nr KLACUH C^rtWKKN BAH.BOAD.-1M Dlnmi, A^eot at _ DtrmmiJ^ruw. . I»»T» Macon -140 A.! Arrive «t Atlanta . . . 1UI?J Leave Atlanta • 7.15 A., ArriTe at Macon . . . 1.80 P.; Ineave Macon • - . - . - am p ; Arrive in Atlanta Leave Atlanta J A.M. i In Maco tUT ATLANTA A WEST POINT KAIL- ROAD—87 inOeh—Fate, * per - Am-JOtY P. Kino, President; S. «P. Grant, Huperintcadent; It M.4rAURAR, Agent at Atlanta: DAT PAK8INMK TRAIN—OOfNO<Rtf. Leave Atlanta 7.00 A.M. Arrive at West Point 11.00 M. DAY rABKKKOCn TRAIN—OOlttMe INI Leave West Point Arrive at Atlanta . INI >• ::*84« Danikl U. Cram, Superintendent. Ineave West Polat . X0.15 A.5L Arrive at Columbus - - ■ 1.44 P.M. Arrive at Montgoina^r , . • 4A5 P.M. Leave Montgomery - - 7.00 A.M. Leave Columbn*. - r i ll P.M. Arrive at West Point - ^.og _pji. WESTHN l iTUnK UIU01II. £ ANA Sm AND tiliOSSMN r ' riUlE GEORGIA N VliOf^AL BANJtauR X Hloah, Alabama ihvct John Hick, Pr<?si. dent; K. L. .Ionks,Uisl.ier; Dakwin G. .IonksJTvI* ,'er; KDWakD 11. Jo’TN, lka»k-Keeper. D1RMC- .'i <JU>—John Rico, .f'.hu Collier, B. E Raw^oa, 0. A Du rand, W. WtC.ayten. HffD^ly J H. .IAM.K3, BAKIlEK AND BROKER, AT- • LA NT A, G., buys and sell* Gold, silver. Bombs Mycks, and Lank Bill*. JCxvdiangu* Bond*, makes Irvc^tmcht* for panic* hi Bonds and block*; ;dl< irs imortar ou i*cpa»ite when lull Jo» two months or loitjyr. licNO—ly diet A itoU. rt». New \ork; UPtw , ••vp«»iim AV A Dwigid, New York; |» fl reu, sugusia.Ga.t D. F. ^qpuitig.Charknhiii/ ; J. D. Lunningluifi. ALjuiitoqibiy. AUs-; R rh, AUauta; U. An/.tcU, AUauta; Edward Arrives Leaves 7.00 A.M. Monday*, Wednesdays, Fridays. Arrive* 7.00 p.M. Tuesdays, Thursday^ Saturday*. UAHLOXKOAfVf ACKJ. . Leaves 7.00 A.M. Mondays,‘-We«luesdays, Fridays. Avrives 7.00 P.M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, datardays. HATES dFK"*AGE. ' fc?rrTBn—Three cents, pr* ,..,*d, for every hall ounce throughout Die Unltw. States; ten a—to k Canada, New Brunswloh, and other BrMtah Pro vinoes. Pro-pajinent optional, except Do New Foundland. NewsvATKR Pcstaok—In the United lltates: Dallies, per nuaitef, thirty.cents; WeekUffs, Rve ountt; free W ltBfo the county where published. Foreign Letter Postage fo Groat Britain and Ireland, twenty-four cento— nre-joiynacnt op- tlonffi. IV* France, fl/togn cent* fcer fluarter ounde-pro- syntent optional. . To cnba, Aspniwall, and •Tanama, ten eento, pre-nffd. To Bremen, by Bremen ml, J3a; by ITatahhrg He. _ To Ifnmbnrg by Hamburg inti. 10c.; bff Bremen lU’l, lfic. To <M lenburg by Bremen thi, ISe.rby Hamfurg m’t, lie. ' ' To Lauenhurg by«Hrunaenm l M5c.; by llamEnrg m’l, lbo.. folR—'h* ' , _ . pufffo meat, by Bremen or 44ambmy m#il. 15c. To bchcswig-llolidiMii it ini JLic'iiuark, by Jive* men or Hamburg mnO, ISc. To Sweden, by Breaum or Hamburg mail, Xlo. To Norway, “ • “ “ iv. To Holland, “ “ l«a To KumsIa, r* •* •* SOo. To JUdgkiin, /' “ “ . li^e. To bWiUcrltuuL* “ “ v " Ita. TV* Italy ♦ “ *? 24c. , To Turkey, * •’ » V ;<r - J KrlUay 'i'o Gibraltar, Spabi, Portugal,.by Brciren ovJ Artlyd Tttivffay. Tbprsdajr and HalUVdiy7#0 JI.tmlNirg tnsil, »»<•. "** * It*. Ind,»«h BTflnjNbtirLV IfilA WEEKLY 0PIII0I. w A- ftVOTORY FMOPVIAL mils PUBLICATION OF THIS JOURNAL A commenced 1 uesday, Augost fob, cad It foil* hereafter regularly Issue Eiery Tuesday Morning. TiE WEEKLY OPINION * |ft.«te4h th.®, piM(MI tn «b« adrao*- •1 4>f UM DIuCI.A RATION OF PBB«JU‘UBS by tkh RTATB COMtiamoM htM to IfLiw «• trldloph of the policy lntHcoM In Um CmIuMMo ■Anted, will he tho prlmefy object of Of wftertore of tboiwper. Tito enaetuco- mcoils male after aainre MfleOtea. Ml rceeons Mr *m < Mm Son of ttiia coum, wtU appear as owartoa way require. ' < < TJT* WBXKJiY QPIjriOM Wtlt'w* complete aect« of CMri, mrtkfO (ban tho Mult. CMamoau upon the Beoato cf the Hear, rolitlct, the reyuler dlt- paMtout of the Press Assoclatloo, iTariet BeporM, state acts and UtoeelUeeeisi iatelllfeece, will as full at poatlble. 9o make It ( \M aail after June 18th, I8T, Pi oil. run at follows; GOING NORTH. LEAVING ATLAN 8.46 A. M. I>41lt- (MtcKrt ScsreaTa) 1’aaMtNuaa.—Arrive at Daaroe M., connuutlng all" ‘KSs W couaecting With (reins . _ , Chsttanoogn. Hall rood Xor Nnshvlj VUle, nnd the Welt, snd (rAlh* 3.68 e. il Daily (BssoErr Sl’cOatc) DALraaAo.- 1,6t T. if *AiLTGim*T N0»tb«*1iMail—Al et Dalton eti.tfi a. m., oociueeti S hshvlTic and Chattanoogto MtSns esbvllle, UHiUvtUe, end the W*#C end trains of tag Memphis and Charleston Itall* ivud for Memphis, Nit QkupAM t 4fn COMING SOUTH. , ^ . AffAIVE at atlAntX 1.41 A. M. r>Ait,r Ukiat Sorratax Maji..^Iai»v- Iiik CUATTtMnMA 4.88 f. tL, CdhneotUit »vftb traltc. ol hAUbvltle aad Usattaaooya, 'limiihls end I'llarloiUMI UaUruMM .Hon atl 88 ft Is., con net tint w u ol If T. »ud Ua. IbtUscmlh F ‘ . rutnu K illirnl 13.66 A tUft CUM FAMILY BrW3FAfSB, A wAottsi vl.fttr at etary f re. Ido, wiu ba the aim ertto aotdnetme, who feel confident that tealont andahttriuff efioVU will command succeta, nnd 8nw* Wnliln them to;odntribute to the Wolfnrt of 4*4 fie^Relfitnor.lly, at well nt tlie State at a. Aib tijrTjJxLY omioN is an; EI&feT PAGE SHEET, F^rty-eight Columns, ob dotait a. a. zu/a jbditioa. TJBOM* or ll'StCBI PTION: One topy,one ...r.. 8 00 “It,o4ieyhhr ' r . t» *,,»ne>MS; 10 00 ; one peer, (uni out Tree to tht foridlnff tho club,. . 10 ou S; OI’lMUS (amalted to snbMirlbtrt la* a *8 Ptr annum, . u I, at both edition, will herceelrad ter .lx moKba, ,a| otto, oorrmpoiutlar with Me nrcoTnienntoaaionl, thonld to 8GBUGGS * DVHBLB, v., DECLARATION OF ob m UHI01 SXPOBUCAH FABTT OF OBOMHA. ADoerto mi not tnua cojrrsimojr, Atlanta,' Jolt 4th, 1M7. thapec the dottlalc. ol moh and aafront, thank Al- sumnsenwitties tn his wisdom teiecte**, preeerveo our Government when its deepest foundxtioos were being shnKeu by the mighty upheaving* of the raceut rebellkm. And . Wiixkkah, The loyal men of Georgia desire the n —“a ^* **'—cut of the disttirbed earliest praetlcable eettleracnt < ia,\jfisvsfif &ntfc isMWfigt BtMlrtd, 1.1. That we adopt tho name of the Union HutWnl. 8. That we ptedge our heerty .upport to^llM mviuhructiem saoeturct of thnlloafrauef rnet It It Bin duty of tht fiuta tt educate all her children, nnd to that and, we re* commend tho ortabllthmmit of a general .yetem clple. wan the right,, Use luterete and tbt dtorni- tyof labor, andliln tympiBiy with the tolnng matte, it Mttety, and that the working man of Georgia will tocelTt at It. haad. trary encourage, ■met end aMUtenee mat maybe neocuary to pro tect Uvelr fall right# i and, that la tht malnltn. ance ot tho position taken and the principle, wohavcthl.daya.owtd, wn cordially mrlte tht oo-oneratlon of all cUltoa., without regard to thtlr political antecedents. fttM h That the Union Bepnhlloan Party oftho^tateof (leorglA pledge luelrto mainiala the free and legal rlgnta of all men, and to • ■— tho ure.orlhwl terms of rottorathm. In to oflfee those men only who can comply. In aU inspects, with Um raqulmntante of the Acte of Congress and who protor the [Government oftbo United swtts to any other that could he framed. Washington gtnme, TBS FRBKDJfKN'S BUIUtAU. The frtenda of Fred. bougla88 (whose name hubcen mentioned In connection with the office of Commlfilloner of tho Freed men’s Bureau) asserth that ho would not, under any cIroumntnncea|aecept that office nt tho hands of Mr. Johnson. Mr. Donplans ig anxlottf for the retention of (<en. Howard. mm.itabt caunta and nnoONsmucTiON ACTS. It will ho remembered that the Recon struction Acts provide that where the sen- tenee of death la passed by any Military Court, the approval of the dfinteUce by President Is required. A lettof t Orleans states that the findings tenoe tn the first ease of this Id nil' been forwarded to the Prefildept lit June tat a «ta. Maklsai antral taMntUgg New* Utsmeky ttsCtMt, HaTana, Sept. 8.—Santa Anna’s am tfi contemplating an expedition Into Mexico. Two hundred of the olgar makers, who were engaged In the recent strike, bare been thrown Into prison. The payment of taxes H progressing Ottcrbourg presented hli credentials Juarez, as minister plenipotentiary of I United States, on tho lOUliflt. M- MaJ ua, Prussian Minleter at tho Ctty of Mexloo, keeps in seclusion st San" ‘ Ho It supposed to*e Insane and ~~ orders from Prussia to leave the Admiral Legetthoff arrived at VWk Crua l the 30th, and left for tho Capital next day. . Ottorbourg telegraphed to Wafihlngton, after receiving hla appointment, his deter mination to leave In September. Portland, Min Sept. 10.—Chamberlain was elected Governor, yesterday, by about fourteen thousand majority. The Demo crats have made gains throughout the State. The Republican loss tn Bath Is two hundred and seventy. Blddcford gives 4 majority of two hundred and forty In fhvorof tho Democrats, against a majority of ninety last year. Tho Democr&te will gain a few Representatives In soma of the towns, but not enough to give them much power tri the Legislature. In one hundred and nine towns Chamberlain lias a"major ity of over six thousand, being a loss of over nine thousanti votes. Vicw'Yohk, flept, 10—The steamor Man hattan Ini/ arrived here with Gen. Sickles on board. , t , r ;, THE SlTLATtfilf. views at Lftiltf IMasi. UKN. dlUN'C'B POSITION. A Washington correspondent says : th* action of njr «J-^_ uf XftbhwnlP aufl Cl'sOttatuiDKk, mn4 Jlmr- l/i:ib *u<l Uiaiiraton IUBiomW*, niui Dai-. TM Ai fl *5 a. M., connucilna with train* yt E**t Xeuteftte* &ffd Grotyia IUBra«4. _ PCLLMAjrs PATKMT Sl.SKrJNG UOACHHS Ual AM AM. Mlfllir fRlflfi ’ (il* IT1MC MATERIAL*, r ulth a eu miser or ; Printing Machines, ( fo 111! drffWfor any kind of j i»iMasrd?i3src3-, [itPEBlOK BANNER. CSDIUl Solicited vox ' a S t* QUXAMKKTAIj PRINTING. lint tt WORK EXIDUTEP iTOH “At Romip” Lard** BrU Gar#*, WiHldlng Card*, Show card*, El ration Card*. * N dmiralon Oua«, Time 1’ahh *, Way Bill*, . .Uili k ^ ^ raa*tar Tranfiyo^qtlon* Ti?* "MR- m 0Or HilL NTAGi LI.nYc F4IIM ATLANTA TODAHDDNUIA,— 7 • Xaiave AtUuita Monday, Wodnestlky aa# , . Friday - • _ fl.00 New Freight Route. A .. ST ATES. A. ArrrCLL. 1‘rcslcfont: W. H. Tl'U.I’.U, C tiller. DIRECTURn—A. Au*tell, M «. Dob- i, W. H. Phillips,Je<»»e MrI>oa<lon, J. 11. Jacnca npecial att and througli thih section. Prompt return* inode i*t the lowest current rates. Our New York Cor respondent, the Fourth National Hank, th whom vre refer. feMB— ly riRsiruRJc. % making; Parlor and Furniture Repaired. Wjr __ (j Kit, Hunter street, betweeu \\ hRehall ami aug?—3» 1 Rood* Sett, and A. ERGEN/IN v-Uall SALOONS. C 1UH.AGO ALA GLHOT-M. K UkSnI 7 , Pro’ i wilofor dealer In Brandies, Win**, Whuklot and Sce*r*. CDICago Alk uhvty*ou luuul. No. 14 Alabama street. Atlanta. Ga. aug4—4m ATTvMAMktL _ . lanta. Ga. Office, btruet. iuhX4 4n* TOUNEVt AT LAW. At- Gramie Block. Broad ri lT w^ wK - Kbtrturt th Al.lj.iu, street. W» z 1jr aveMgMiA A wn a li rn_ insurance cutoPAjtr- AtttJ «*!; 138 stretu. WM ■.in hatooes=grr .sjLss BAMDWBKM MATMBiAlA TOMMkY A eTZWAKT, Dz.Ltat it Usuisss. ittt s»l nm civLtar, I Toou of til klo4>, IIasssu. BtsMat, AjHiwmeut Hull. 1IA/.L, 11KIIA1J torKKRT. AYLaNTA. This *|>Mcloii* xml tn.iyniv'ient Is centrally bmafod la * i».»|»ulnua tion of the city,/Jii« a Sta*fc .‘kr 1 " foot feilffk. pk AVIS' 1 1/ Gx.-T Hail Is cent rtty.tia* a mui iu. ftnd av HiMlItorni.w nd 33 t*et liigh, w itli l.\ 4i) feel, 3. II feet loejr. flu foot i capacity Uk con- wid*. ffrttt., . vide# with aiiii>Ui moan* of egru*». livhtad by 14U ga* turner*, tannery and Draealng Room* complete. Rent. fffiO jier night, eto., etc. Population •< Atlanta. 96,UJU. Distance to Au gusta, 171 ns ilea; to kluoon, 101 miles; to Chat u*oga, 118 mile*. LARKIN II J>A VJ«, Atlanta, March 1st I8fl7. Proprietor. Ingot’ th* alwv* Hall, and I the above card, and commend the 11*11 to the pro fession a* the most capuciou* and host adopted to •ravelling exfelMtiou* o^^fcijkUDufta^tUorM Manager Haul Attania. Go.. March 1#. Iffil 'Plague Take the Hindmost!" SWANSON, BOYKIN * CO., WHOl.WULI AND BfiTltL DRUGGISTS, BOAMffi COttMCR* VkltthaU at root .Aflaata, Oa. a >H YOICIANS. Dealers, f»untrv Menrbaato ami thepuhiic generatlv. are Invited fr> call and xANrtnoour kAHoa sad vaeird s**-rtm*ct of PrRK DRUGS AXD MEDICINES, , fa buy oatlrely wurar*. and we fra Mte aattofaettoa •Hco mr foods. We keep rontti Patty, Patau, Oils, V Psrttea*orp, T»d)*t Moag ffuua tat fit It srenCMUMM •StotamteStatht' ton* to P" M ‘ URIOIB QAI0UU.T nuriMD fit 4 tourmrr rtAMMAOimn. la Ua CO. NEW ORLEANS ATLANTA , W,« ft/ i. VIA GRAND JCMCTION A CRATTAMOGOA. PrfoesCurrcnt, Tltlh Detain, * 'Trunt I»igI* # * rUstcjuf*, «L- Tux Bills - Va McOUVOR, rp Bonita, Bill Heads, liuurancu I'ulicks, iSsm. i'oMtcr*—ail sir.ra. Posscngar Ttakefo, Dray Bills, Coal Tltkeft. %V,wd Tickets, linadTickets, MllkTIcketo, Itawnrd Tickets, KleetPm Tickets, L«rtlflcotaa of Stock, •a ftobola. LL'-. cto,. eta. i from onr friend* and the puldio respectfully toll cited. w MOTTO-NEAT, QUICK, CHEAT. ALL It A I If, No Charge for Inaurwe, OrrtfAgr, Com• mimhmt or foruardtagi teJfii«L' r L!r5ot{r&? ! - ^ AS lit Out l«!t 100 IKMltdS MOIttt i |ier 101 jNJuhrtf.... Udw war Kw Rnimito... U roogh Bill* of Lading wlU be giroa a* point jipuient, ami all Iom, damage and ovoKhargm will bepromptly nettled at poiat of del ivory. owing cla Dee of We*tor«i A Ail II we wonltl dispose of them nt t'lltTIIlf, tel COSUNluND iNTS-ft'- ( ® vt 'n A less* rate. It U liardlj possible thnt " wi oxMN'ttnnkr. fori>ureh«MnnJ the iiBwt reckjchs American stieculitor i, UONlsfi and GOLD. | wmiltl enre to snake kucIs n permanent ln- DfiNVBRSIVNS. I vrtUuent of his fninls: ami It It under- — she aertral Imom tf Mvee Ttis-1 JJjf hnnut lire wanted to fill ttaaittadimsikvarshhiBiarlietraie.lth>fiTte-: fi-uglltli order for a imall amount.— Twmttet, which, at i>resent »tl<e ef «oj«1. rltlU WatAfnytea titer, IMA. tht Si Alter abMit otie >>cr etna attrt i rite rest per — senate- Urenlare with full particulars rureUheh 1 ^tej^tetetn. 2^2g? _ BAN KIN C H O U•1 JAY CXX)KE & CO., N«. fio WAAL ftCBKBT, Css. a* lassti street New Work. tt buy mmI sJU et the now flheftsl current \l!1 •«« I•• nrriEN, n»<i tourouNit irtab.i e.'Mial' him. Gen. Sheridan had hint arretted and trlod hy a^Illittry OospBirteltm, which senfianced hlm to fleatli. ' Thte affie.hfie now beea sent ap to the President, aceerdtng to law. - - ; ’ " - 1 - Mckdkr i'N Cltbbrrt,—A n^ro mail, otithe 7th InUi attacked another negro, cut his thro&t from car to ear, and robbed hla. Tho assaulted party llve^ some half an hour Alter fount),, and disclosed the name and residence of lilt murderer. The hltrdcrer has been apprehended and lodged 111 JuU where he awaits hit trail. tar The New Yfirk Herald, which has h"*U for two long months urging Andrew Johnson to keep 6n the war path, now thinks his administration should be swept from power. ' • Will the unreconstructed papers In Geor gia continue to <;uotc Mr.' Bennett V Wt- slisil See. - * _ . r . , Tuc Tax ox Cotton.—It . is credibly stated that Senator Wilson it In favor of the repeal of tho tax on coftoiL This tax, he says, is wrung lu principle, and ex tremely -'up wise, uud lnj urlous to tbt; spread of loyalty and IIUtIiI sentiments in tbe otfon growing Wales. AcocsTa.—Tltey arc preparing to lsy (he track (hr'strwt cars In Alignsta. Ft 1s donbtftt! whether Angusta hfis at tained ftntllclent proportions p) support tills freak of city Hfc. ’ KTAndrew Johnson is getting lilt on all iddta. Tbe Conservative Convention of Alabama lias just resolved that “the Presi dent is not the Federal Government.” Coxfkdrhatk Bonds Wanted.—Some of otlr Houthern exchanges are conslderahly cxeix-ised over the advertisement of the First National Bank of this city, offering S&M) for each and every thousand dollars In Confederate Kper cent, bonds presented to them, and the Georgetown Courier ad vises Its Houthern friends to sell one-half or their lioiids and retain the other half. We have bo advice to offer tho holders of Confederate bonds; lint If we hits) any of .vs no hope through him. Now Is i time to sneak out for our country. Kvoty PrAldentlal oWlor signed,by Grant Is fin cneonagemant to the old rebel spirit But while at the Wot Department, Graut Is, Ip a certain senso, a “stop gag.” Ho keeps a rebel otit of the office. But Grant Is haMt- irally so ttoltdra snd rescrvfid that it is difficult to know, hi* rend peattIon. I do not know whether he k looking for the Presidency: there are thing* that look that way. The greatest difficulty In his posi tion Is that wo are left in harrowing un certainty with regard to bis opinions. Can wc afl'urd to be In any uncertainty on Usis point ? I have from the beginning been Insisting on Irreversible guarantees, JOQXaOX AND IMPCACnjtENT. The sfime Writer siy •: With a person of ordinary sense and a heart, reconstruction would he easy, The President is perverse, pig-headed nnd bru tal, ills talent, such oa it is, cornea front pugiaclty. When aroused against JsffT. Dnvls, lu the Senate, he was aroused upon the right side, and his tom per reive to Ills arguments additional force. We Ml sytii- {sathlsed.wttb him then, hnt did not see low fooIWi and id sallow lie was. qor did wo see his prejudices. I hsivo often said that no man hi history has ever dope to much evil to his cmintfy In tho same time. Of course he Is a tyrant opd usurper. The wonder U Congress did notoctaccordliigly long ago. Ills crime U shared by Con- ■ gross. I have pretested and Insisted. To me the case for proceeding was always clear us noon, emigres* lias hesitated,oil every point nnd nt every Important stage of Its recent history, andso It lm« hesitated In Us duty towards the Prcsldaut. Of eolirso every interest of thecountry suffers. I have never doubted that the president would Iso Impeached. 1 do not aav what Judgment 1 slibuld pronounce, hut f hfivn alwuys felt It proper to declare whnt 1 thought of him nnd my sense of the duty of proceeding against him. Some good man have Ixien befogged ou the law. Only a little study is needed to clear this up.— Aa a general rule. Impeachment is a politi cal proceeding for political miscond There are some iicreons who think JAY cook* A CO. Now is the Time to Advertise " Iff TVS MADIION NEWS, WZprtHu. ROOFING. . _ROOFUUe n.rl»t estabmhed t JUauteafioey of (he trtn PrU, Cement and Orcteel M Two Wav» ov Skeino tub Sahn Tiiirci. When colored men alt in a “ Conservative” convention or meeting, vote and apeak as they did In Montgomery and Gofnmhus, the other day, their papers think It all right, ami plaster the colored man with a thick i ei«t of fiattary. - * i Wlstn colored man tit In a “ Kid leal OSK O* TUX BEST MEDIUMS apnvantlon as they did at Jtalelgh. lately, i they tay It la Infatnoaa. horrible, - no place UM tiaargla Rsilraad. for* deeent white man." What Is right ‘v* , "f JH tab's* Lot-1 for “ Onsarrstlvet ” It wroeg for “Radl- /A‘M..|'{, ; ou < l;oM,.”—Avgavta UepeUtea*. UsvuKBi>e-Wm. Flynn, formerly Jfavjr Agent under Buehanaa, aod a dilsgtfit to the PbUadelphU Coo vest km, was appoint ed hy the Preaktent, a fow days slaoe, to tha sapaHatamteney of a HWtary depot. Gen. Great hat wwiStd the order, on the ground that the law pro elded Ibr the de tailing of military officert for each duty. S BSTKOCHILB * BBS < SOOTS BHOB8, l« fifoev Ttrk. cal proceeding for political luiseonduet. There are tome ]>ersonfl who think Im peachment would convulse the country. There Is but otie thing the country cannot stand, and that Is misrule, which Is pre cisely wluit we have now. There arc tome Henators who thought It “Indecent” to epcak plainly of the Presi dent, hut most of these hejongrd to his' friends, or at least visdted him and asked him for hLs offices. Of course, such per son's were naturally agalUsc any proceed ings, and enltlvated silence. Wrv.vir.-paoor Wunat.—Tho loaner*. Villa dnd.J Times says: There Is a variety of wheat which. U proof against tbe wecvfk Sum# bf our formers cultivated It this season. It ori ginated in Hardin oouaty, Ohio, rlgittaen years ago. It has never fallen oa account of the midge, sowed early or late, ft 1* an average wheat to yield, nialp-s good floor, and lias a smooth, red chuff, the cap of Um chaff covering tjve knrtiel being so clone that the midge cannot lay egga In It. Ouf . fanners woult| do .well to cultivate Vila wheat more generally. There who UaVelt ought to supply their neighbors. Blown Ur.^ThnTdatt .. America vaa broken hp at a l in Bangor, Maine, the other the ‘•Pioneer,* a tan-tun enftai Mm eafly machines built In tttephenaon, the Inventor of live. U waa baiH at j* worl ssasHite was done Auguit I* U*f.