The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 12, 1867, Image 1

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* m l i .% . sICT P«iNT‘' THE DAILY OPINION. VOL. I.—NO. 173. ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12,1867. PRICE—5 CENTS. THE DAILY OPINION. BY W. 1. SCRUMS AND 1. B. DOUBLE OFFICE IN CENTRE BUII.DING GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD St. 9 ATLANTA, «1. TERMS: SUB80BIFT1ON.—One eojiv, OR* TEAR, flOO; •ix Mouths, |4 uo, tbbke moitthj. 9BJM; tenr Utet rKHlo», KKVKNTVfIVB tiKNT* PER MONTH. TEH MU WP WKEELY: One copy one year •* {» Two cople* one year FH* copies one jrenr • 10 w Ten copieu one yenr (nod one free to the per- son t'onniug the club.) • •'On Subscriptions to both editions will he received •e going term*. _ ADVERTISING.—Cards In CiTT Directory. not to exceed live lines, fit.00 per annum tyecia! lea<led notices Fiftk*n gxktb per line for drut inscrtlon.aiKl Five ixmt* per line thereafter. The sauie charges will he inude for advertisement* occupyia^feuu than a square, obituaries^ and all articb |1 OU <» man a ummunwi, » _ personal uature. Except in of special contract, other a«l\ertlsemento will lie charged the following rates: One S^rxaa, one insertion, «\ •* “ two fbuertions, M •• three insertions, M “ one week. “ M one month • - • •• M three months. - Sheriff s sale*, per levy of ten lines or less Sheriff’s Mortgage fl fa. sales, per square. Tax Collectors’!* sales, tier square Citations for Letters of Administration Citations for Letters of Guardianship Administration • • 4 50 Letters of application for dismission from Guardianship Applications for __ * Oi RAMP WARM MATERIALS. STEWART, 1»KAI.EM8 IN TOMMKY _ __ H akuwaks, Ikon ami steel, ivtlrry, Too la uf all kinds, Maksim, Hridlks. Collar#, LeaTHKK. etc . Sign of the Mill Saw and Uamo Coek, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia.augt-Aqi iciLrrTBnTD irMfobt. Third Military District (Georgia Florida, and Alabama). < >ffloe at Headquarters, oo Marietta street, Atlanta. Ga. colonel J. » . MBL.Imb. Chief of Bureaa of Civil Affairs, and General Inspector of Eegtstratioe for Third Military District OMoe at Head quarters. Brevet Krigadier General Wm McKee DuiOt, Assistant Judge Advocate General U. S. A., Judge Advocate Third Military Distrlot. Oflioe at He,id quarters. Brevet Major Wm. H. Smtthe, Captain 10th United Lieutenant Colonel E. McK. IIudhon, U. 8. A., Assistant Inspector General. Office at Head quarters. Brevet Brigadier General J. J. MilhaC, Surgeon U. 8. A, Medical Director Third Military Dis trict. Office corner of Broad and Marietta trict. Office corner of Broad and Marietta streets. Brevet Brigadier General HuruR Saxton, Chief Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 11. J. Farnsworth. Depot Quartermaster. Office Forsyth street, near Railroad. Brevet Captain C. A. Bocewell. Chief Ordnam Officer. Office corner of Broad and Marietta Major K.‘ D. Judd, P. M. U. 8. A.. Chief Pay Mas ter and Disbursing Offioer Third Military Dis trict. Office corner of Broad and Marietta streets. . r leave to sell Land Notices to Debtors and Creditors .. Sales of Land, etc., per square Foreclosure of Mortgage, per sqr, each time... 1 00 TIME REQUIRED FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING. Sales of lmmt. etc., by Administrators, Execu tors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ton in the forenoon and three in the af ternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the property is situated. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette 40 days previous to the (lay of sale. Notices of tuo sale of personal property mnst he given in like manner 10 days previous to the day of sate. > estate Notices to the debtors and creditors of must also be published 40 days. Notice that application will be made to the* Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, etc. must lie p«bli»hcu for two months. for dismission from Guardianship 4 P»P ng titles from ju ecu tors or Administrators, where bond has been givpu by the deceased, the :nll apace uf three mouths. Publications will sir ay* Jm continued accord ing to these, the legal requirements, unless other wise ordered. jStl LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS will be made > yearly advertisers. aUF- All transient and foreign advertisements ‘-ifoai a prepaid to secure publication.. Ail letter* on business, er communications far publication, must be addressed to Vity Huttings# Directory. ~carriage avd waoob makers. 1IITC1I INS A BRO., CARRIAGE and WAGON M AND FACT U LEKS. turner LKI AND W ALT<>S HI’ItKKT .lotlte ttic First llapifst iTnirch,) 'Atlanta, Gji tiavu on i'.uitd a Igrge jiKsortniont of ( AKKI AGE: BUGGIES, WAGONS, DRAY WAGONS, VARNISHES, JAPANS, etc., which the public at low an* reduced prie< i-ling our material North at working the bat Mechanics, cheap and give satlstwccUm to our customers Gallon uk lielore butingvUcwhcre. Am. okihvK.s AND kf.PAIKING PROMPTLY ATTXMDKDTO. BOOTS A SB01C& HOOTS, shops h md LK STOKE NlfAV 8> - r wX Extra, imhtcements to boyars at Wholesale and Itcthil. iPeuchtreb street, opia»»iU; Cox ft Hill. myYjMim __ GEO. W. PUN K. m ti, 11. A A. W. FORCE, Wholesale and Retail dealers in BOOTS and SIIOKB-xffii of Big Ire* Boot. Large assortment always on h.uid lor City trade, Whitehall street, At lanta, Ga. ^ myff-flni Army,< Room No. 1 Willingham Buildings, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets. DISTRICT OF OBOROIX. Brevent Brigadier General Caleb C. Phlet, Col onel tilth U. 8. Infantry, Commanding District of Georgia, lfltb U, 8. infantry and Assistant Commissioner Bureau R. F. and A. L. State of building, Whitehall street! First Lieutenant John K. Hormkr. Adju|anfcl6th First Lieutenant E. P. DoniRTT. 5th U. 8. Caval ry, on duty with Headquarters, District of , . _ V9 t . Inspector General, Bureau R F. aou A. L-, State of Georgia. Office at Headquarters. Brevet Major Fkkd Mosesach. V. R C\,Sub. Asst. Office, building opposite the Post Office, Broad street. POST OF ATLANTA, GOBI! Composed of the Counties of Cobb, Fulton. Camp bell. Garroll, (tfweta. Heard, Fayette, Clayton, Spalding, Henry. Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gwinnett and Butts. Brevet Brigadier General Thomab H. RufijtR, CoL 88d United States Infantry, Commanding Post.— Headquarters, Boom N*. 8. Willingham Build ing, comer of Decatur aDd Ivy streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Brevet Captain O. C. KNAPP, 1st Lieut. 83d U-8. Infantry, Post Adjutant. Office at iteudquar- ters. First Lieutenant C. 8. IlSLET, 16th U. 8. In fantry, Acting Assistant Quartermaster ami Acting Commissary Subsistanro..iPost. Office, Hoomxp. 7, Willingham Building. Atlanta Postal Regulation*. THOS. G. SIMMS, - . POSTMARTKR. FRANK MILLS, • A MIST A NT PoKTMASTKR. Office Horns from 8 a.m. to 12Js F.M.; and ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS NORTHERN AND nAkthWEHTBUN. Arrives - i-41 A.M. V N. w.) li.ou P.M. Arrive r,'loM n/JO I’.M, Closes , 6.00 A.M . MACON. '**avan.) 4.15 A.M. (Way’sbflro’) 115 P.M. 415 A.M MJCUGUART& AJU> GROCERS A. Mkkcuants. Sign, Auctfou House. White *“ a, Ga. EaU UJMt, Atlantia, P ETER LYNCH, Wholes axe and Kktail GRO CER, and dealer In Varieties, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. ly If* A INS A ^ABBOTT. WHOLESALE GUO- t CERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Granite Front, Paaoliiree street, Atlanta, Ga. ft-Tt-iy and Producers, at the Bridge, on Broad street and railroad, Atlanta, Ga. A. J. ROBERT, F. W. ROBERT. J OHN C. ROGERS, Dealer in Family gro- Cmhimh and torxTBT'PHODdt’E, Whitehall, one d *or from Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga Cnoice HAMs alwayaou hand. i BARKERS AND BROKERS 11 MI E GKoltGl A N Ai ION A L BANK. Bank X Block, Alabama s'reel. John Rice, Presl- L. JoNES.Ca.--t icr, Dakwin G Jonas. Tel* loits—John Rico, Collier, E. 'per. E. Ui WONTROHICRT. Arrives - 64.) P.M. Clot I CArtRfLLTON. Leaver*T.D0 A.M. Mondays, Wednesduy*. Fridays. Arrives 7.<w l'.Ajl.’l'tieKdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. DA Itl.ON Ed A (HACK). Leaves 7.00 A.M. Momluys, Wcdm -d*ys. Fridays. Arrives 7.00 P.M. Tuesdays,Thursdays, satttrduys. RATRS OF POSTAGE. B—Throe cents, pre paid, for every hall ounce throughout the United States; l la, Now Brunswick, and other British rinc tdland. ,.„DBI.Ush Pu>- e-puyniubt optional, except to New Newspapkh Postage—In the United states: Dallies, per quarter, thirty cuifts; We'kMet*, five cents t frsu wubiu the county wtiere published. Foreign Letter Pontage to Great Britain and Ireland, tweuty-l'ouc cenG-pre-payment o|»- tbmal. < To France, fifteen »xmts |*rquarter onnee—pre- To Cuba, AxpinwMl, and Panama, ten cents, pre-pai<* To Oldenburg by Bremen ra’l, 18c.; by Hamburg m'l, 15c. To Lunenburg by Bremen m'l, 18c.; by Hamburg 18c. To Au .. WurtemUirg, Baden. Luxemburg, Mecklenlnirg-Schwetin 9ml Mccklennurg-rannuz, Lffbeck, and Tluirn and Taxis Postal Depart* ment, by Bremen er Hamburg iguil, 15c. To 3chU:»Wig*UdUteiu and Denmark, by lire, men or Hamburg mail, R’O. To bwmlen, by Bremen or Hamburg To Norway, '* Railroad Schedules. jyy WESTERN ft ATLANTIC RAILROAD- 186miles—Kara, &V cants per mile-—Camraau. Wallace Superintendent; John B. Pice, Master Transportation; Wit. W. Clayton, Treasurer! Ira H. Tayiair, Auditor: J. H. Flynn, Master Machi John M. Baiooi NIUHT Leave Atlanta Arrive atChatf- Leave Chattanooga 6RRTRA1N-DAILT. 7 .00 PJI 4.U0A.M 410 P xnooga »ga - 4.10 P.M. Arrive at Daltou - - . 7.18 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta - • 1.85 A.M. DAILY PAlMXNUKN TRAIN—DAILY, (except Sundays). 8.50 A.M. Leave Atlanta Leave Dalum • S.56 P.M Arrive at Chattanooga - - 5.25 P M Leave chuttanooga 4 • • 4.10 A.M Arrive at Atlanta - - - 116 P.M DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—DAILY, (except Suudays). 318 P.M. 11.40 P.M. 1.80 P.M. 10 «» A M At Atlanta. * GEORGIA RAILROAD—171 miles—Fare ntoiHir nUle.—John J*. Kino, President; K. rinienOent; G.T. . ANDERSON, Agent DAT FAMENQER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta . Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta * Arrive at Atlanta 1 NIOHT FAMENDED TRAIN. Leave Atlanta Leave August; Arrive at Atlanta. NIGHT THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta « Arrive at Auguata V Arrive at Augugi l^eavD Augusta Arrive at Atlanta t A.M. I P.M I A.M. Fare, five cents per mile—A. J. WHITE, President; E. B. W a leek. .Superintendent; It. A Anderson, Agent at Atlanta : . . DAY rASSKNdEK TRAIN. I.eave Macon .... 7 45 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta . - «. 900 P.M, Leave Atlanta - . . • 716 A.M. Arrive at Macon . . . 1.ft) P.M. 840 P.M Leave Macon Arrive in Atlanta Leave Atlanta Arrive in Macon 430 AM. lit P.M 4.10 A.M 1J-87 miles—Fare, - - per id tie—John P. DAY FADaKNOER TRAIN—GOING OUT. Leave Atlanta.... 7 00A.M. Arrive at West Point .18.00 “ DAT PAB8ENUER TRAIN—COMING IN. Mf* MONTGOMERY & WEST POINT RAiL- ROAi).—Daniel H. Cram, Superintendent. Leave West Point . - 10.16 A.M. Acrive at Columbus - .. . 1.44 PM Arrive at Montgomery - 4 J5 P.M. Letve Montgomery ... TJX) A.M. LeateGolumhus . • . . Ml P.M. Arrive at West Point l.oiy.M, WESTERN 4 ATlJMIIi RAILROAD. QN and after June I8tft, 1867, Passenger Truins going north. *, - LEAVINC ATLANTA, 8.45 A. M. Daily (kxokft Sundays) Ezra am Pamrnokk.—Arrive at Dalton at«.ft)p. M., connecting vyjih K T. aud tla. R. R, trains for f^noxrllta, Xynchnuiyf, Wash 1,i> At Chattanoogaww r. conneeftng w ith trains hf Nashvllld ami Chattanooga Ra‘* \ . vlllc, and ifie 3 phis and Chari ut^-, Wash atl>alk _ amlGa. It. It. trains' Jd* ftnoxville. LycU- burg, W'uAlUngtbt), BuRlnjore, Philadel phia, ami New Y’okk, arrive at Chatta nooga 4 id a. h.. eoonecUftg with trains ot Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Njishviiln, I/’UlsVille, ami the M’ot. and train*, of the Mom phis ami CnArteston rojrd for Mninphis, NEW orleanh. etc CXtMrNO SOUTH. ' ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. , — Daily Hwkat Soi.tiikke .m ah. Li-.iv- ing CHaTtaKooga 4 30 r. m., ODRueeUng w fill trains of Nashville uud CbuttiuiiHiga, •id IRemphls ami MigrleHon JRa «nd Dali on at 7 50 V M , connect ing n ., u trains of K. T. and tie. Railroads 9.46 A. M. Daily (kxoeft m-kdayk) Dalton Ac. con notation.— la-ave Dalton at 1 4ft a. Kingsum 4 :*>, OartersYllle 5.16. Marietta H. tff.05 P( 41. Daily (except nui4days) Kxpkksh P ahsrnoek—Leave Chattanooga at 3JU a. m , making close connections with trklne of Nashville and CLat&inoogn, and Mem. phis and Charleston Hail roads, and DaL GEORGIA WEEKLY OPINION, IHTRODDCTftBY PROPOSAL , mine PUBLICATION OF THIS JOURNAL J. aommeaoed luesday, August 6th, and It wRl regularly lssne Etery Tuesday Morning. Tp WEEKLY OPINION Is preneNted to the public, pledged to the advoca cy of Ahe DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES adtugMI by the STATE CONVENTION held in AtliXfca, July 4th, 1887. To seen re the trlumidi of the i*oliey Indicated in the declaration napied, will be Che primary object of the eonductors of the paper. This announce ment is made after mature reflection, and reasons for UM adoption of this course, Will appear as occasion may require. ■•fives inalHancc with the National It< party or the Union, ami for the uncondlth port of Uic Union ol' these States. Roolrtd, 8. That we pledge our hearty support THE WEEKLY OPINION Will b# a complete record of news from all pplnts, made up from the Daily. Cemments upon the Kventa cf the Hour, rolitlea, the regular dis patches of the Press Assoeiatlon, Market Reports, State Raws and Mlnpellaneoos intelligence, will be given a* full as possible. To make it ▲ FIMIT CLAM FAMILY VEWSPAPEB, A welcome visitor at every flreside, will be thffftlm of Its conductors, who feel confident that rollons and untiring efforts will command soceoss, and thereby enable them to .contribute to tee welfare of the public generally, ai well hi the Slate at large. TUB WEEKLY OPINION IS AN; EIGHT PAGE SHEET, Forty-eight Columns, OR DOlfRZE th4 BUS 0/ *4 DAILY EDIT/OR. TEB9I8 Of SUBSORirTI0N: One copy, one year.... v .V { .... v $ W Two copies, one year.... ,' f f . f 5 00 Five copies, one year WOO Ten Copies, ohc year, (qnd one free to the person forming tl^cluV..-1 W 00 The DAILY ORINION is mailed tv subsoribcr% every morning at $A par annum. Subsorlpthm* to b‘»WDdltlons .will bo received lor six moaUifi, at rates curve* poo ding with the foregoing terms. Letterspn^UtiKircm. oreouitminksUloni, should l e uddre&d ft) SUlUtitl^ A DU1IBLK, aug—tf ■' "'1 . Atte>te,Aa. TIid rrdtvrlcKwv of the Dally ami M'ecldy OpIuJ 1 Al hit <1 rmvrlcfurv of the Dally 1 nnVir.g Jw.-t received job pointinc materials, Hat I rixpr fur 41ein • phis. New Orleans, etc. • .* 3 50 P. M. Daily (FkOkrr SUNoarsn Hatton Ac- CUMMUhation.—Arrive at Marietta 6 45, (^artortMliu b.uO, Kingston 9.oo, Dalton tw v. *nj.u^r g Nji >w t,Min-Arri.,' 'Hofifs Fast Panting'Machines, Togcilu r with a aumboi'or Are preiwiro/V tu All orders for any kind of JOB IlPZEtlltTTIIKrcS-, IN A tirPKItlOIt man 111 it, l,KI»KKS ^OUCITKTI FOR Pl,A,tk AX1> ORXAMKXTAh JOB PRINTINC. CATitOflCt LIST ON W9RK EXHODIKIDNOK Morchanti, 1 Manuiaoturers. Meobaujes. Aiu-tioneer«, RTftreiM Uoffipanles, Insurance Uompanie RoardlogJftouses, Rallnoatle, “\l Jfome" C ards, Bull l.'nrdfe,, 'Wedding Cards, Show Cards, Klection C.’ards. Admlsstun Cards, T)reo Tables, THE DAILY OPINION. THUKHOAY MORNING s::::: SKPT. 1J. DECLARATION OS’ PRINCIPLES Of T11K ohioh BKFUBLICAN party OF 010R0IA ADOPTED RY 7BE STATE COEVEBTIOB. Atlanta, July 4th, 1807. Wibrbxs, We, humbly acknowledging onr de pendence upon an overruling Prorldenoe, wbc shapes the destlules ot men ana nations, thoak Ai- migkty God for having, through agencies and in strumentalities in His wisdom selected, preserved H Government when its deepest foundations were being shaken by tho mighty uphcavlngsof the recent rebelllan. And WiltKKAa, Tile loyal men of Georgia desire the earliest practicable settlement of the disturbed condition of the country: and whorens, wo liellovo that the establishment of luttlce is essential to en- luring peace, that patriotism should be exalted an a virtue, and It is the duty of the Stato to cher ish all its people ; and whereas, those wno these principles are called out tho Union. Therefore, Re4ol94d, 1st. That we adopt tho name of tho Union • assert Republican party of Georgia, and declare <mr She National ItepnUHcar loifkl sup- to the reconstruction measures of tho Congress of the United Ktetcs. of free schools. R«4olc'M. 4 That the Union Republican Party U idea lilted in its history and by its osaentiol Prin ciples with the rights, the interests and the dlnii- masses Georgia will receive at its hands every encourage ment and assistance that may be necessary to pro tect their full rights: and, that lu the mainten ance 6f tho jMiRitlon taken uud the principles we have this day avowed, we cordially invito the co-operation of all oiUzuus, Without regard to their political antecedents. abide by tlie prescribe*! terms of restoration, In electing to office tho*e men only who osn comply, in all respects, with tho requirements of the Aot»«d Ubngress. and who profor the iGovernment oft United Mates to any other that could be foamed Tu* Btatk ItOAU.—Wo bad the pleanro, a few day* Knee, of pasifnpt orer tM» Hoad and the opportunity of noticing the cohtli- Uon of tlio track uul the nuineroua bridges between tbh elty anil Dalton. We do not raaember to have ever seen the Road In •* fln« a condition. The bridges have been thoroughly overhauled, and many have been rebuilt anew, There appears to be no patch work about them, but every- thtOK Is substantial, safe and durable. The cars are new, clegnnMnd comfbrtahle. The rolling stock Is of the best quality, and tlnw whole inanatceiuciit of tho Road under the most periset system. We saw no road be tween this and Washington that appeared to lie In as ilne order; which the paesi-iwtevcoachcs were so uomfbrtnhlo. It reminds otu, o( tlie roads between Wash-; lnjftoti and Xe# York, whose elegant coaches aud smooth track buvu become so uommutui tijemr af ienuuk. XLuit>t Wn!> »aeo and Jfr'. Pbok TIescT»**Nvdn 'rtf tho Stale for tlie very able arid faithful manner In which tln-yJios-u. discharged tfldlr (111 ties, <' , . ' * TELEGRM non tbm nw max 1 THE STATE ELECTIONS IN MAINE- Washimoton, Sept. 11.—The heavy Re publican losa in Maine creates intense ex citement. The lower House, whleM lest session had but thirteen Democrats, is now , claimed by that party. The great eentral states—New York, Pennsylvania and. Ohio—are claimed as certain, and the de feat of negro suffrage in Ohio seems eon- ceded. Tlie It. 11. Edwards, of Tennessee, wb* was recently convicted of using seditious lauguigc lu McMluu county, in that State, ‘la eol “an cx-Unlon oncm-,* as hasten, us sorted. He was a secessionist, and made application to Mr. Davis for authority toi raise a regiment for tho Confederate ser vice. Gov. Swann, of Maryland, has postponed the militia parade from the lStk lank, tho day of the Border State Convention, to the lDth of October. Qen. N. B. Buford hat been appointed to examine the eastern section of the Union Pacific Railroad, In place of Frank P. Biulr. A disabled soldier with a ham) organ earned ninety dollars on Washington street, Boston, Massachusetts, a day or two since. Gob. Old telegraphs that Vicksburg is placed under quarantine, lloots front New Orleans must land at the station, two miles below tlio city.. More of the mckles-Johwon Con- Til« correspondence between Oen. Sick les and the civil antliorttfot Of North Caro lina, relative to the late conflict In that State Svlth the military, has been made pithily. D reveals sonio interesting faqts track 1. iu most excellent condition. *h*iS d #^ 1 W, ^ 1 ^ cars are new. cleranWtod comfortable. The Iuclmto the opinion Of Chief Justice CIuuc, Ivcred at Htf'Hgti, In Juuotagt, rcjrftr<l- Ipkr tbo relations of tho United 8ti\tc« ^ourt^ tp the ReconstructloQ vets. Tbo jfolloMiiia; is tho Hut Jotter of tho tvnUcdHUtes Mumbai to Gouqnil Sickles: “Office of tuk U. H. Maushal, > Ralkiob, N.C., July 30 t 18C7.J "rfiii: 1 have tho honot t</liiclo6e ft Copy of nit order ft ‘ ...... fMhn one of yotit gul>oriUft«teH to ihy* UcputY ;tt Wilmington,- whir It Don A>LU\tlu* «uioroeu>uuL of m. «MftMtitre of Tiif Indian Wajl—A Jcitvr from Fort Kiimlall re]»orts Hint Oenci^; SticrQiati, with Hie J > enceCoimui*RU*i)6ni' liml reached there on the'evening o^the Ailf. The Com- nfiwjloncrs Diet rt iuituhcr of the chiefs of tho Northern Sioux fit Fort Sully, some.of whom were diKpogod to return to the flon'iitlona. An uppointm^nt wns innrie \S tlio chiefs of tlie Sarttoe Sioux to meet the CoinmlasloncrB nt Ynnktoii, where n treaty will lio made. The Commissioners expected to return to Omaha by the 10th. YliwccllUllCAUN. all, 81c T li.n J • LAM Stock*,# I j, and Bank BUD. Exchange* Bomlt, makes lnvchtmenth tor partied in Bomis an«l Htcwkb; TIT G. 1M.1BBIN8 ft CO., BROKERS, corner of 1?JL. Whits noli ami Alabama streeu. Rl/4rmc4f.--Tri!,tHM A Robert*. Now York; Hop- kiUK, Troubridge ft Dwight New York; B. ft. W»nvn, \ugusta, Ga.; I).F.Fleming,Charleston, J. D. Cunuinghatn, Montgomery, Ala.; K. .v. . iisiuiiigiutm, Montgomery, Aia.; K. Peters, Atlanta; R. ▲ Retell, AtlanU; Edward PxIdifftH. Havannah. Go. Gfo-ty ATLANTA NATIONAL HANK—DMhlGN A A TED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED ffT4TE8. A. ApaftLL. Pratldenl; W. II. TullFr, Oxktcr. DlliKCTORn—A. Austell, M. G. Dsib- t .nt, W. R. PhilliptvJeMe McUmlon. J H James ' hueciai attention paid to Collect ions in Atlanta and tbrei aud tbreugh this section. Prompt returns, mode at tha lowe»t ourrevt rate*. Oar New Y«wk Cor- FURNITVRK nmtAliO ALM DEPOT—M- K- KENNY Pro L/ Rrieter dealer IR Brandies, Wines, Whiskies aadSagars. Cricaro Alb alwaysoa haaft. No. 14 Alabama street. Atlanta, Ga Wfl 9m Am Granite fefoct mu 1 InYAMBOW ft 8IMPHON, ATTOKN BY« Aft LftW r Attesta, Oft. Office sonsr Wkluftatl am) Ilaffitew ffiraats^ rw Jameft Bank teg U#um. **** ii.r.r arrow, o. r. ftiMiteon. mt i ETNA LI PR INVURANCX COMPANY- Wk. Jim mi ms •UdlRf, earner ef A) seooad •« To KUHsia, •* To Belgium. Todwiue»*»in.t. •• To ■ftnly To Turkey. Te Greece. To (iibraltiir. Sindn, rt«"l , Hamburg mail,‘LVa To Australia, India ft Chi bv Bremen s.r Hamburg. ftje. TBAINS. JOHN B. PK'-K, j( ]H im MnMs>r Tranis|R»rtatioi ffir MAIL STAGE LINE t llOti ATLANTA ToT)AHLONKGA.- Lttavs Atlanta Motuluy, Wednesday ansi Friday - / - - . . - HW A.M, Arrive Tuesday^ Thfinssi^v and Saturday 7j)» P.Mt New Freight Houte. “Plague Take the Hindmost!" SWANSON, BOYKIN A CO., WHOLKSALR AMU RETAIL DRUGGISTS, HOABK’ti CONNER, Whitehall etreel Atlaata, Ot T)HV1MCI ASS. KvsJers, Country UerckuM snd X the public Kenendljr. ere mviteil to tall ssU eismiae «ur Lisus eml TAtlth »»urti»uut of PUKE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, aj.l who will tune and lurent. Sittl w t; feel tile Katlsisettoo |iftce our rootls. . We keep coiMtutly on Und Whitlow dim, Putty, Peinti, Oils, Varnhheu, lirurhee, Gomtn. Perfuuwry, T..llet so»P». Ktute/ Article,, *c.. sod lu (art everythlue u.u^ly Sotiwd in m KIBST CLASS HOLfcE. Al«r*»*upplyof P w -KlJje"* uelebrated (ikXCJKk (iHuinttml 0) WUITk. LEAD, ou haul aud to arrive Contractor, aud Painter, will Sad it to thulr latereat to (Ira ua a call baiorv purckaabla« elaewhere PkEHCkIPTIOVH CAK1TULLT PRIPAkRU IT A COMHMTtST rBAUM A CEUTIbT Call and axanloe for yeuraelraa. Now la the ^,^ wb ;TA^,%tt k .X * CO. 8peak.their own praise wherever planted. DAVIU LAMDBCTR * SOW, I PhllaSsIphla, Pa NEW ORLEANS ATLANTA VIA GRAND JUNCTION A CHATTANOOGA, ALL HAIL. No Charge for Insurance, Dragwjf, Com mit* ions or PoriearUlng. The following low rate kas been agreed to, bin. «<v u ..t Ji”l V afith ion. $175 taking effect J t LY 80th, 1887 1st Clsht per 100 pounds EJ Llxsw per J00 peundi Threngh Bills of Lading will be given at point or shipment, and all lorn, damage and overcharge* will be promptly settles! at point of delivery. Tariff, show lug e loos iff cation, site, may book- ilnad at office of Western A AUeatte Railroad. WMwTBuCaM.T. talni Jf84—3in Y> DOPING. ' ROOFING. ROOFING, Hatlsi satshUabsS a Mauufacaory si Os well lik Osssrt mnd OrarM Jtooflnf, Tfta imstemteoed vssM eaU Iks ssssisl aWeRtteR Bueflan iu ua «alharte(hli Mai ef aU saa RSoEaf EsSsrlul Or Sola 1 ntSraaesa can ba aaas sttha a*r- WhltakaU sudllHeMl atrueta. ur at tha r:;fa»r *aSS-Zs HuSki. Thea'reti Hl*erlffV, (AmstablM, Lawyers^ Schosila, Business L'ar<ta, "'‘ipuff Cards. Way BUU, Clreulats, Cneokn, Notes,* Drafts, prlees current, Title Deed*, Trust Deeds, laoases, Keueiiits, Tax liills, Licenses, Bonds, TiaUli UNI BHIs oi' Lading, Kill if(-*ia, lpHurance Poliotas, (slenders. Uu nil tala, ah Inner*’ Receipts, Driigglate' Twibcis, "" i Paste Im— elks ires, I’gNsengor Tickets, Drav Bills '•Ail T“ 1 iflcet-, llrfiid Tickets, Kef ard Tickets, El#<’tton Tickets, (Vrtlfli attw of Slock, Toluvxw Label » lothhsg IoiIhjU, bills ol r Fare, ( onserf Bill's !?», Nanufitetururs Laltcl*, Etc., ate., etc Rfi^Onlers from our foiemU and the public generally are re*l>ectni!ly wdlsdtosi. OUljJKJJT’rO-ftrEAT, QY IC te, CHEAP B A lil k I N C Fo il 9 E JAY COOKE & CX)., Nw. «0 WAU STBEET, Cars ftf Rasteft atreel .Mow York. rE bay aad sell- at the tpoft liberal current * " es, and keep On hand a full supply of IEST BONDS OP ALL DMURM, rHIKTiRH, and COMPOUND INTER y and execute order* for purchase and ;Kh, BONDS and GOLD. CONYElllONI. :W. oetivert tke several Issues of Hxvjsm-Trtr- • sifts mostCsv o rah I# market rates Info fflve- rentUB, which, ai present price Of gold, yield • bdlier about one per cent, more Interest tar mnmJ Circulars wfth tell particulars furnished JAY COOKE ft CO. How is the'Time to Advertise MADieON NEWS, 0»X or THX BEST MEDIUMS MalTalrafig- Aaear R RoTMSCMILD o. K«T*loaua * mum,, VfOUSiU PR I LIBS |R BOOTS Ac SHOES, fl Ohma airtal, Raw lark. Governor linker, of linJlsno, Ims Issued writs of election to (111 vacancies In the LoKlsIutkre. This Is .iipixmcd to Indicate a probability of u s'Jill ltir an extra ses sion. In asauiuiny command of the flfUi Mili tary District, Gen. Gridin says all exlstine orders remain In force. District snd stall' officers will continue to perforin their cus tomary duties at headquarters In New Or leans until further orders. Isist week WHO immigrants passed tbrmiffh ColilinlmA 'J'M of them Intending to locHte In Ohio, K00 In Indiana, ZI3 lu Misaonrl, 7* In Kentucky, and the remainder in other Western States. Tlio Kentucky Rourlmn Coinpany’sstore- houso in New fork, containing I .'(WO Iwr- rels whisky, was seised Saturday, tinder an alleged violation of the lulrrifal rovenuc out. A train on the North-Western Railroad. In thu Western part of Iowa, was drla}ed on Saturday one hour and a qdarter by grasshoppers, which covered thu track so thick Unit the engine drivers slipped on the rati. Mnrnxa im Lvmi>uk.—The Dahlonega Signal, of Suturday last, says: On Wednesday last, according to previ ous notice, Joseph E. Drawn, of Atlanta, aud ex-Govcrjior of Georgia, and William Wtndom, memliur of Congrcsa from Min nesota, addressed thoneopie of this county In tlie court hoase. Tli* house was densely crowded, and tho speakers were treated with tbo utmost courtesy. During our short stay, much interest seemed to he manifested by the spectators, and all seem ed to be ready and willing to take advice and do what they thought to be best. We were not preieut long enough to give a synopsis of the specclies insde. conse quently. are not kulnciciitly posted to glvs the outlines. Ws believe, though, from the sppearance of everything, that the speeches had a good effect. Tho speaker* were very courteous snd respectful la their manner of delivery, tad everything passed of pleasantly. Chart. Di thlk, I ftel; . mistaken, since I ettnnot siMujoso that you t would undertake to set osldo a»y law of ‘ the Government to which you owe ullegh imoe. 1 am attopgthenod In till- view of Urn case by tbo oidnloli of till)'Chief Jus tice, delivered to tlio bar In this rity nt thu opening of the Court. '• Von aro aware that, my ilqty Is to obey tho laws of tlio United Status, anil, as I. at the same time,'greatly desire to avoid a collision between theetv,llnndiiilHtary‘au thorities. 1 have direeted my deputy to suspsnd thp execution of the writ untP you cap lie informed of the facts, " I have the honot to he. very rhspect- fnfly. «l)AMi*r. II. GooDtoa.’’ General Sickles, In reply, solicits a copy of the opinion of Justice Chase, and the naturoorthe process issued from Ids Court, to which tho Marshal thu* replied: “Unitkd StiTits MahmiiaI's OFnOR.1 Kaleioh, August SO, 18(17. \ Sih : As I cannot recognize tlie right ot tlie military authorities te obstruct or In quire Into tlie nature of tho process.of the United States Courts, put Into my hands, I. must decline to gits the lnformatkm celled formas to wlicra and when the final precesa of execution Issued. The address of the Chief Justice to the bar ws* published In the newspapers of Hie State about the 10th of June, and can doubtless be found at WUmlngton. “Dakim. H. Goodlok.” General Sickles, however, finally obtain ed the record of tho Court, and laid tba matter before the Judge Advocate of the Second Military District, who summed np the legal points as follows: “ First. That a revocation of General Order No. 10 would ho grievously prejudi cial to tho interests or tho people of tho Carolina*. “Second. That it does not appear that any conflict exist* between the United States Circuit Court for North Carolina and the military commander of this dis trict, hut merely a collision with the Mar shal. prematurely forced by tlie latter. “Third.-That ft U i reasonable to believe that Chief Justice Chase, with the qnestlwt before lilm, will compare tho proceedings on final proeees, to the local law, as modi fied by the commanding General. “Fourth. That Congress Intended to make the military In these diatrlets paramount to- all other departments of the Government. "Fifth. That to concede to the United.. States Courts authority 10 overrule tho-X . dlltary commander. M*l be apt to lead j xbstantfal nnlHfieattoO qf tho substantial tlon Acta." On this opinion General JMckle* baaed Ills report just published)* Tho remainder of the eon**|wiid*nce relates pn ... . Mlhr formal dataila between the eommandiag General and hi* subordinate ofilcera. Tho above,-with tlie telegraphic ( "iwhetween Gen- I’nuiA or FASHioMAni.xLsrE.—Tho New York Gaaette, startlingly nay*: ‘-Sad are t te stories that float In upon n* from the eamlval ef life at Long Branch, Saratoga. — J - * -- ser re- and other of the fashionable summer sort*. Frivolities we expect. A measurable Md gay aasaunt of dancing and' gayety l« not sur prising. But we do not look for such re ports a* those which are led to appal n* by Wtdoaot took toa SS£ h 2t~M~. who are prom hunt In tsettwpoiitaa aortal lift aaflMtag ta downright earomola. We mean Maktag and drnnkennesa ' not one wMt short at lea*. This has hams tho shame and pares of the season. It baa left a blight which will sadden lives through loag yean. It b ( to our certain knowledge, taken two |« n* straight down to death.” pondence already pubMahe ertls Grant and sickle*, makes the official history of the ease Maapiete. GTTlie editor of an Ohio paper say* that the heavens were block, one day hut week, with wild gseee.flying Sooth, and consequently preeages that winter will he . herein September. Kara.—A gentleman wbe kept the run . of the weedier Informs us that there were twentgsrtt rainy days In the nfenth of An- guet. .What year esn bsat that, aad Vfeat nave tba ootton bean to n> l~g*m 2*1- Mnw CottOmc-Ws Mare that eighty were brought h 1 at alMgbteea cents.— I tty bake received during