The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 29, 1867, Image 2

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THE DAILY OPINION. LARGEST CITY CIRCULA TION. JPoatofflee Official Advertiser. OFFICIAL PAPER FOR THE COUNTIES OF BALDWIN'. BARTOW, butts CARROLL. CHATTOOGA. CLAYTON, COBB, DeKALB. FAYETTE, FORSYTII. FULTON. GORDON, GREENE, GWINNETT, HARALSON. HENRY, JASPER. MONROE. MURRAY'. NEWTON. PAULDING, POLK. SPALDING, SUMTER, UPSON. Gr-A__: SUNDAY MORN ING ::::::::: SEPT. 28. Registration of Voters.—The return of registered voters published in the Opin ion of Thursday, and which has been gen erally copied by the press, was official, it having been carefully made up from, and compared with the records at Head quarters. «■«<»> The Country Method of Fighting. Vhe New Y'ork Times strongly commends the Tennesseean method of personal ren counters. Senator Patterson and Gen. Kyle, of Tennessee, met »n a Washington hotel. The Senator slapped the General’s face, wereupon the General knocked the Senator down, whereupon the Senator drew trigger on the General, whereupon “friends interfered, a reconciliation took place, the combatants shook hands, and then all par ties took r. drink.’’ There is nothing since Pickwick so fine as this. There is dram atic simplicity in the incidents, and dram atic climax in that denoument of “the drink.” The steps follow naturally one upon the other, and tiie “unities” are preserved. The Senator has his shooting-irons handy, as Senators, of course, should; “friends in terfere" just at the light point; nay, poeti cal justice is served out, for one man gets a -lap in the lace, the other a knock-down, ami both get a drink. «■♦•••* — Impudence Personified.—Gen. Roger A. PKYORJhe successor of John Randolph, of Roanoke, in the United States Congress In 1858; Gen. Beauregard; Gen. Long- street, a Georgian by birth and the ablest among Lee’s Lieutenants; Jeff. Thomp son, a Virginian and a man of mark in the social world; Gen. Wm. T. Wofford, a Georgian of distinction; Judge Bingham, another Gcoginn who lias the confidence of Georgians; O. A. Lochkane, the orator and poet, and former Judge of the Supreme < ourt; lion. Hiram Warner, and his two associates on the Supreme Bench of Geor gia; these, and thousands of others like them, are among the class whom lien. Hill and his satellites denominate “ poor white trash.” Only think of Ben. Hill, the Athens attorney, addressing sneli a group, and calling them “ mean whites," or '‘per jured tnutors!” Depravity hath no lower lenths. end impudence marvels at the har dihood of her little offspring. Superstition in High Places.—An omen of fearftil import to the Pope lias lately excited the Roman populace. At the beginning of the current month of September, a large eagle alighted upon the clock of the Palazzo Citorio, and passed the night there. The Palazzo is the resi dence of the Governor of Rome, and the seat of the Administration, civil, judicial and military, on which account the inci dent attracted to the spot an immense crowd. The populace, with the supersti tion of the old Romans, regarded the eagle’s visit as a presage,5 betokening the restoration of the Roman Republic, and expressed their feelings in shouts of triumph. This rendered the eagle obnox ious to the police, and efforts were made to drive him away, hut the royal bird contin ued. at latest accounts, to come and go. with sublime indifference to the hostility The Cotton Market.—There has been a steady decline iu the price of staple goods, at the North, for the past thirty days. The factories of Lowell are overstocked, and the same is said to he true of other facto ries throughout the North. The Southern and Western demand lias been much lighter than ' past summer, and the uh6U£dger.hej; mfiju has caused manufacturers to be more cau tious in entering into contracts for the ra\y. material. This has caused a decline in cot ton, which of course cflhcts the market in the Sothern States. , / t ' Another cause for the low price of cot ton, is found in the fact that a large por tion of the crop in this and adjoining Statgp, was mortgaged during the spring and summer, and planters are forced to sell upon the lirst market; and this market opens low in antiepation of forced sales. When tliis class of obligations are dis charged, the local market will be unembar rassed, and the price must advance. It is evident that the diminished demand for staple goods, and the consequent de cline in the manufacturer’s price, is owing to the deranged and unsettled political condition of the country. Should the Re construction scheme prove successful (as it undoubtedly will) there will be an active demand, and consequently an advance in prices. Wc conclude, therefore, that the price of cotton is now at its lowest ebb; that there will be a gradual advance during the ensuing Winter; and that consequently whatis wanting in activity in trade during the early Fall months, will he made good during the ensuing Winter and Spring. Found it Out.—One of the Democratic journals in Augusta has just discovered the fact that all the Judges of the-Supreme Court of Georgia favor Reconstruction un der the Congressional enactments! Some three weeks ago, when the Opin ion announced the fact that the Supreme Court was a unit on this question, one of the *• all-the-lalents-and-re.spectability ” party in Augusta disputed it. Some shrewd fellows down there! Military Arrest in Columbus.—The Sun of yesterday says; Mr. Milton Malone was arrested by the military authorities yesterday,and lodged in the guardhouse. We understand it is on account of an affray in Selma, which resulted in the death of a Federal soldier. Mr. Malone’s father, we learn, has gone to Atlanta to have permis sion granted to obtain bail for his son, and thus have the case iransferre 1 to the civil courts. d?" One of the Macon papers of yester day gives Joe Williams, “ the colored ora tor from Tennessee,” the benefit of a lull column of small type. Joe is working in the interests of the Democratic party, or rather what has been left of that party, and hence lie belongs to the •* respectable white man’s” crowd. Politics make strange bed-fellows. Fast Country.—A writer in one of the I I Columbus (Ga.) papers, just returned from Honduras, speaks of a field of cotton tiiere that had been planted only three weeks and was a foot and a half high. Tropical suns arc powerful generators! TELEGRAPHIC. FROM TUB NSW YORK PRESS ASSOCIATES. Washingron Sept. 28.—Securities heid 8329.000.0X); National Bank circulation $297,009,000. NE W AD V ERTISEMENTS. WHERE ! The people can trade at the best advantage is of interest to all, but In calling attention to our hou*e, we shall not say at this time that we DO Revenue receipts to-day $477,000; for^Jys two and a half millions; for/*'sold , ^&>.arc t fo’fired*ami three-quatj fale^crnYh^ « .... 1 ’ * •’■ ' W . - V. « th •-*-*- -».* n,k‘,i.,o goods,” at won- - millions.' <;,.i r rT”*4P& P ro perty, to-wit: LotofW«crS* H * ( Street Commander Chaulcs E. Fleming dr0Usl * vv-igin^jeenrr. n 9 w%.* J j , , —w *▼ 'F r * FEDERAL DEAD. OFFICE NATIONAL CEMETERY. Marietta, Ga., Sept. 25.1807. P ERSONS knowing the locality of graves df Federal Dead are respectfully requested to notify the subscriber, giving County, town and to whom to apply for full particulars. A. W. CORLISS. 1st Lieut. 33d Inf., In charge of National Cemetery. sep27—dim Marietta, Ga. is dead. Florence, Sept 2S.—The Garibaldi riots YOU have been suppressed. It is officially announced that the coun try is tranquil.' ** , New Orleans, Sept. 28.—The interments from yellow feVer to six o’clock this morn ing'were 67!-* London, Sept. 28.— 1 The Italian accounts are conflicting in relation to the riots at modern .Milan. Geneva, Naples. Sept. 28.—Tiie Pope thanks Napoleon for Garibaldi's arrest Wilmington, Sept 28«—A Jewish Syna- gouge will be consecrated to-morrow. 1] is the first in the State. Savannah, Sept. 28.—Weather cool. It has been raining all clay. The reports from crops are conflicting. San Francisco, Sept. 28 —An Oregon dispateh says Lieut. Small’s company of First United States Covalry fought} the Snake Indians, killing twenJtyrVsix and capturing fifteen. The soldiers were un hurt. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 28.—There was a grand Rally of the Conservative party last night. Resolutions were adopted declar atory of their devotion to the Union and constitutional liberty; against a white man’s party,confiscation and proscription ; in opposition to drawing party ‘lines fur- 1 £ ther than hostility to Radical rule. Half a dozen speeches were made. Gn at enthusiasm and perfect harmony prevailed. Mobile. Sept. 28.—Cotton dull and un settled; middlings nominally IS{ sales 7t bales; receipts 292. Augusta. Sept. 28—Cotton in fair de mand but one cent lower; middlings 17; sales 174 bales; receipts 220. New York, Sept. 28.—Money easier at 6a7. Gold dull 43 ! 4 . Government securi ties lijuavv and lower at 13. 1SG2 coupons m- Savannah, Sept. 28.—Cotton irregular; no demand—middling uplands nominal at 19 cents; receipts 1.121. Baltimore. Sept. 28.—Flour and wheat unchanged. Corn dull and scarce. Oats steady. Rice firm. Provisions active and steady. Colton very week—middling up lands* 22*.sa23. Charleston, Sept. 28.—Cotton quiet at a decline of lc; sales 23 bales; mid dlings I8UISV4C; receipts 36l>. New Orleans. Sept. 28.—Sales of cotton 325 bales; low middling 18)sal9c; receipts 217; exports 588; sales of week 1,225; re ceipts 1.883; exports 2.207: stock on hahd 18,3b2. Flour quiet and steady; superfine 10.00; double extra 10.50. Corn firm and unchanged. Oats scarce at 80c. Pork quiet and firm at 27c; bacon shoulders and sides dull; hams are in lair demand and unchanged. Lard quiet and firm; in tierce 14^al5c. Gold 144 Kj. Sterling 56a59. New Y'ork sight *8*^4 premium. visit our store, Which you certainly ought to do, and if to# BUY we will guarantee that you will not regret it. YOUR lion. II. V. Johnson* Hon. II. S. Fitch.—This gentleman, we regret to learn, was confined to his bed. in Macon on Friday, suffering from a bilious attack. lie is recovering. Capt. Crispin Macon.—We have advices Perhaps no man living has suffered so much from the effects of foolish letters, as he whose name heads this paragraph. Since he declared in opposition to Reconstruc tion. he lias taken special pains to so revise his ante-bellum record as to make it ap pear that he opposed the war for Southern independence. Like Ben Hill, he claims to have been one of those who opposed sectionalism. Here is an extract from a published j document, issued by Mr. Johnson in I860: “The contest in which the people of own interest demands a trial of our 1 BOOTS AND SHOES? of whic h we have a supply sufficient for ALL, and si/.es. styles and quality, good enough lor any body. Also, Leather and Shoe Findings. The trade [of Country Merchants is especially solicited. 13Q cases New Goods just in. Our Matto—Quick Salt* and Small Profit* for CASH. Remember the Sign and the Place; 1. T. BANKS, Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets, so i>?9—c BUTTS MORTGAGE SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Jackson, Butts county, Georgia within the legal hour* of sale, on tne st Tuesday in jieceiu <> er next, tLs. following property, to-wit: i‘ne L.nils whereon Tints. Folds formerly lived, in the second district of originally Hemy, „o«. Luits county, numbers not known, (the w blow sdower excepted;, said laud containing according to tin original survey, two hundred and thirty-seven acres, more or less. Levied on as .tie property of Thomas Folds to satisfy a Mortgage li. fa. issued lrom the Superior Court o» said comity in favor of iliohi is McKibhin vs. said ihos. Folds. Property pointed out in said Mortgage li. fa. iSO vV. BRADY, Sheriff. >epteinocrSt<, 1867—w (.•is [Pi* lee 65 J E STRAY NOTICE. ~ G EORGIA, Fokbvth county.—Taken up by Jl. C. i’aient, of the StiOUi district, G At , ol Sato county, an esiray Cow of tno following de scription :* Marked in• the left ear with a half c op; in the right car with an underslit and crop; In-ad and neck loin lie; fore legs ioinil.e; hind legs hrindle to tiie hocks; horns droopeu; ton or twolve years old; appraised to lie wortn t.veuty- flve dollars. • A substantial cony of the description and ap praisement from the Estray Bong of said county. Given under my hand and ofhcial signature, this September 5, U67. J T. llRoWN, Clerk superior and Inferior Courts. sep29—w30d [Printer's fee #a[ GEORGIA, DeKalb county. . TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ,-#7TLLIAM B. ROBINSON having applied to it me in propee form for letters of adminis tration de bonis non upon the estate of Malachiah 8. Donaldson, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at£my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they hate, why such letters should not he granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, •September 26. 186*. JONATHAN B. tVfLSON, Ordinary. GREENE SHERIFFS SALE. W ILL tie sold before the Oaim lb>*«® -i-^ the city of Grceue>.-oi<> »-recii c*,... v Georgia, tin the first Tuesday in nwemirr ,, within the legal hours of sale tl e store tm.,.,. u ‘lot at Wood, die in sai l county adnHniw4..*' • t. Wliitlww. nowin po-session of \\ o e.rj 'levied on by. virtue of a Mortgage 11 f, ,.. 4C from the superior C uxt of sai 1 count,. j n f 4V L.mij IJ.i s.v against Joseph W W’litiaa property of saivl Wiiltlaw, and sold lc. parties. sep28-w30d [Printer’s fee$3j HOME AGAIN. BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, Ac. I would respectfully call the attention of the public to the faet that I have moved hack to my old stand, where all those that want wood goods can be accommodated. I intend to keep the BEST GOODS MADE, and will Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. GEO. XV. PRICE, Markham’s Building, Peachtree street. sep26—d3\v Atlanta, Ga. W ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ILL he sold on thu lirst Tuesday in Novem ber next, before ihe Court House door, in the town of dimming. Forsyth county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the lands belonging U> the estate of Wui. Smith, deceased, Nos. 9 0 and 8u2, in thC 14tii district and 1st section of Forsyth coun ty. and 2h aere>, No. 533 in the 13th district and 1st section of Dawson county. Sold for the beuclitol the heirs and creditor* of said deceased. Terms, cash. J.T.NJKOWN, Clerk. September 20. 1P67. [PrsfeefS] sep29-w40d CARPETS. S. S. KENDRICK & CO., TT I? ~ S T .A. I ZED S , COR. HUNTER AND WHITEHALL STS., Will exhibit (and sell) in a few days the largest Stock of Carpets in the State. Always on hand. RUGS, MATS. CURTAINS, CORNICE AND SHADES. We confine ourselves exclusively To this Branch of Business, i and save rent and sell cheat hv being TIP-STAIRS, Corner of Whitehall and Hunter streets. sep2G—dlw NOTICE. S IXTY DAYS alter d ite application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of 1 peon county. Georgia, for leave to sell the real estate of K N. Richardson, late of sai l county, deceased v\. J. SIKKS. Jdin’r. GEORGIA, Jabpkk cduntt. W HEREAS Charles T. J’iv-...... admini 1 on f w.. .. .... , ... . r.. . the e.-tat, of KirbFj*. U.n , lute of said count/, makei designed for le.torsof UUmnuon , n>ll , , altJ nnni-tration: * These are, therefore, to cite rtad , . nersons interested in said estate t». ni« iL?ST jections, if anv they have, lu my office L* fore the first Monday in April nex. why,®** ininistrator shall not be dis-ni«»cd a-«JJ, ** the statute in suoh eases made and** to Given under my and official signature at , , in Monticello, thislSih day of s<-pirinl<cr 11c " M H. IDTl-HliklX, Ordlr,; »ep‘i>—wCm [t'rinter’s fee ^4 .'m September W, 1867. J 11. KS .LDii; Sheriff luevnr conai [Fnntcr s | v e I N THE DISTRICT COURT I UK l x|T t States for the Northern District ol Georgia In the matter of ) CHARLKB L. WoOtTLX, / IN BANKRUPTCY A Bankrupt. ' TO WHOM IT MAY COX'CERN: The undersigned herebv gives notice of 1,,. poinjm.ut as assignee of thanes L W.,,: ’ Atlanta, in the eountv of Fulton and >•, Georgia, within said district, who has hec n jndged a Bankrupt. 00 his own petition in ? District Court of said District. This i«;th n, September, 1867. HARVEY 4. SPKARKKRV sepM—w3w Assign^. Jxaas H. Lawhenck. 1 Liknl lor l>iv->rrr VS. ! BarUiw s#l,n .. Margaret II. Lawrence.> t ouTt >.,. Term, pi.; I T appearing to the Court by the return (t . Sheriff that the defendant'runnot he b n. lue county of IturGiw , aud it 1 eiug fUi tht to appear that docs u<>t ie>nit- iui State, it is. on motion of counsel, .ml. t, .t said defendant appear aud anour ut the Term of this Court, etse that the case ‘.c .-oils tin default, and tne plaintiff allow*! I ceed And it is further ordered that his m published in the Atlanta Wnekly Upiuiau. ■ , ( month for lour month-. JAMES MILNER.J. * 1 ,r , PtuNTrr A Fouche. plaintiff’s attornevs A true transcript fr.on the minutes oi Lap , Superior Court, ^cpte.nher 16th. 1*17. septiU-wlawtin ItiiiN. A. W11UI1. tlrrt THOMAS S. I'OWELL. Fult-n sun. t. e«. 1 Court. April VrtT JESSIE BORNIG and f leffl BCi i... |. ; . •JNO. G. WESTMORELAND J covery, n! luuj unction. In this . Jt*e it ap|>earing to the < ourt Btn iiig. oue of the defendants, reside' on. .: state of Geoigia. anil tliat he hu> not la .-1. -i n formally with the hill and process m Un it is. the r eIore. oldered lit (lie t ouit that | tion lie made in some public gazette publish, tile cttv oi Atlanta.Georgia, once a luontn . months, requiring the defendant. Boring, to p.-ar at tiie next Octolier Term ol <lt . make delemve. or said Hill la-taken for . .u. - . HAMMOND AMI NaTT Solicitors for riaiutif A true extract from the minutes of Court. V 17th. IpkvT w . R VENABLE, t Urt 1 eI5—iam4m September 26 1H>7 -w2in ri’rs fee (5] that Capt. Crisp anti liis dramatic troupe , Georgiti, in common with her sister slave- are advertised to play in Macon during the ; holding States are engaged, is one of vital coming week. Washington Gossip. Washington, September27,18G7. Correspondence Atlanta Opinion.] importance. It involves the destiny of tiie South, and the federative character of our system of Government. It is -waged upon the right of a State peaceably to secede from the Union. The gubernatorial candi date of the Southern Rights party main tain, the affirmative and the candidate of who attempted to convoy small-pox to the Federal camps during tiie war, still occu pies attention. Secretary Seward declines to consider his case, as included in tiie he bad excited. It is a curious coincidence I amnesty Proclamation of tiie President, that, before the close of the month in which this ominous bird made his appear ance Garibaldi should have advanced al most to the gates of Rome, blowing bis warning trumpet as lie approaches tiie Seven llills. Getting Out of tiif. Wav.—Gen. Chest nut. formerly United State* Senator from South Carolina. Hon. Portlier Miles, and Colonel Shackelford, with their families, have been spending some time in Staun ton, and contemplate purchasing lands and locating in the Valley of Virginia. We are sorry for South Carolina, but glad that Virginia has Iieen chosen as a place of refuge.—Richmond Dispatch. It would not be a bad idea to make a ne gro colony of “little Carrie.*’ She got us into the trouble, contrary to our wishes. Let lier little potatoe patch be colonized with the African. Mercer University.—Among the reso lutions passed by the Columbus Baptist Association, which was in session a few days since at Mt. Zion Church, was one requesting the Georgia Baptist Convention to leave the question of the removal of Mercer University from Pcntield, to the Board of Trustees of the institution. Eurote.—Tiie news from beyond the Atlantic portend a turbulent future in the Old World. Italy is tom and distracted by factions, and propositions are on foot to depose the King and establish a Protector ate under the United States. The days of Armageddon may not bo far in the fu ture. ___ Mosey Wouldn’t Give Happiness.--A man. supposed to be a returned Califor nian. committed suicide on the 22d, by hanging himself to a tree a few miles be low Detroit, Michigan. He was an eqMre stranger in the neighborhood, but letters found upon him indicated his name to be The ease of Blackburn, of New Orleans, j the submission party the negative of this great question, the one, that the right necessarily results from the reserved sov-i ereignty of the-fctate and the nature of the Confederacy, and the other, that it exists only as a right of revolution. The former insists that the general government has no right to coerce a sovereign State, and the lat and lias returned to him the oath of alle giance, which that individual had sub scribed and forwarded to the Department of State for filing. Mr. Seward character izes Blackburn as a detestible fellow, whose crime cannot be regarded as an act of re bellion. but as an offense kind. ter that such seceding State must depend for the maintenance of its position 7/pop the stout hearts and strong arms of a free peo ple. GEORGIA, Baldwin county. rriO Mrs. Ann DuBignon Jl' sai.l county, Mrs- I Susan M. Bailey, of Spalding county, Mrs. Caroline Day, of tno county of Upson, Mrs. Vir ginia Richards and Mrs Jane Shaw, of Talbot county, and Seaton G., Catharine A.. Fleming T and Cbristopha l’., minor children of Charles and Ann V. DuBignon, of Hal.twin county, and Mrs Sallie M. Tebault, of New Orleans, 'La., Annie Voorhies, of Memphis, Tcnn., and Seaton G., Mary S.. Fleming T. and David J, minor chll arenof David J. aud Susan M. Bailey, of Spald ing countv. Miller Grieve, Sr., of said Baldwin county, 'trustee for hi> minor children; also, William A. Williams aud his wife, Elizabeth, and Miller Grieve, Jr., of said county of Baldwin. Catharine G wife of Atwood, Mrs. Sarah Tinsley, Executor of Wm. B. Tinsley, deceased, Emily, a woman of color aud her minor son, Orriis, and Iverson L, Harris, of Baldwin county, and George W Pollard. Mrs. Louisa Fountaine,'Mrs. Beverly Dabney, Mrs Lucy Wharton ami Miss Sarah Dabney,oi me St of Virginia, o; whom are named as legate. > und r the will of Seaton Grantlaud. deceased, except the *wo lint named. lytier-a.', David J Bailee a d Charles DuBig- 11011, administrators, with the will annexed, ofthe said Seaton Grantlaud, deceased, have duly filed their application hefbie ns in our Court of ordin ary for tne probate of the last will and testament, an’d the codicil thereto annexed, of said Seaton Grantland, deceased, iu solemn form. Said pro bate to be made in and beiore our said Court to be hoblen on the first Monday in January next. These are, therefore, to cite and adiuonisli you. and each and every one of you, to lie and appear before us, in our said Court, to be holden 011 the first Moil.lay in January next, then and there to to show cause, if any you have, w hy said last will und testament and’the codicil thereto annexed, shall not be admitted'to probate in sol*mi* form, according to the petition and application of the said David J. Baile> and Charles DuBignon,.and make other aud further proceedings then and there a -cording to tiie statute in such cases made and provided JOHN 11 AMMON D. Ordinary. September 23.18rt7 —w9-A [Pc* fee #35] GEORGIA. Gwinnett county. rpWO MONTHS afterdate application will be I made to thu Co irt of Ordinary 01 said county, fur leave- to sell the reality of Martha Multbie. deceased, the same consisting of three shares of Georgia Railroad Stock. WALTER S. MALTBIK, Ad n'r. September 86- 1861—w2 fl [Vrs *'fc $A] GEORGIA, Newton county. riYWV) MONTHS after date application will be ' made to the Honorable ordinary of said coun- I t.v. for leave to sell the real estate of Jesse M. Haralson, deceased, late of said county. E. Ki.LloTT, Administrator. The great issue, f repeat is, the right of \ ty, to-wit CHATTOOGA SHERIFF’S SALE. MPKTHAIJE SALK. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the tow n of Summerville. Chattooga eoun tv, Ga'., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following proper- ‘ a State to secede from the Union, and the ce- j against rifan- | relative absence of any right on the i>art | : of the Federal Government to force such i ~ — 1 & State hack into the Union. It cannot be It is understood that the Secretary of the j fvnded by thp Mnseless damor nf Union (his Treasury has suspended the sales of Gov ernment gold, and the probability is that they will not he resumed until after the payment of the interest on the five-twen ties. which falls due in November. Gen. Grant entertained at his residence night before last, a large party of distin guished visitors, among whom were Gens. glorious Union! Tiie integrity of the Union is not assailed by the Southern Rights par ty in Georgia. Its real enemies are those who level their destructive artillery against its strongest outposts by counselling submission to aggression. injustice and rob bery. dec. ’ * * * * # » Whoever-observes the signs of. the times cannot fail, to see that the right of secession Sheridan, Sickles and Hancock, the mem- icill probably at no distent day. assume the hers of their several staffs, the Department officers and quite a number of others. It is well understood here by all parties that he endorses the. administration of Gen. Sheridan. It has just come to light here, that last Spring, when Sinythe was in the middle of his troubles, the Collectorshipof New Y'ork was offered to Gen. Sickles, with permis sion to name fill Officer and all the other oftlees. Gen. Sickles declined the appointment. This was looked upon at the time as a bribe of Johnson to buy up Sickles to support bis policy. Gen. Schofield has decided that only those excluded from holding office under the laws of Congress are ineligible to vote for delegates in the coming Virginia Con vention. Efforts to secure a postponement of the elections have been thus fur unsuccessful. The case of the United States vs. Frazier, Trenholin & Co., Is now in a fhir way of settlement, owing to complication^ by which the Jattey ace threatened to be juto In bankruptcy hy private creditors, which leads them to desire settlement with'the Government, as that course will coyer pri- Charles Brewster. He also had 84.200 in his pockets and in a belt, nearly all in gold. 1 vate as well as public claims. FORM AND MAONITTDE OF PRACTICAL IMPOR TANCE. The South is in a permanent mi nority in our Federal Legislature. The tone of Northern fanaticism abates not its phrenzy and violence. It presses on rapidly to the consummation of its diabolical designs. ****** The right of seccession must be maintain ed. It is the last, the only hope of the South. Town lots No. 11. in Block twelve and No. 5. in Block thirteen, in the. town of Summerville. Levied on to satisfy a Mortgage tl fa. from (Jhat- Superior Court, in of J M. Wardlaw L. K yer. Pi ope t . p )i/ited out in said H. a Al'O. at tne same nme and place, lot of land No 7 in the 5th distri t and 4th section of >aol county. Levied on as th- property of Samuel Walker, to satisfy a Justices’ Court II. fa. from the I SJd district, w. M., in furor of Samuel I) Sbealds v>-'-amuel Walker. I.evy made-and returned to me by a Consta de Also, at the same time ami place 6ix aeres off of land lot No 22 in the 13th district and 4 f h section ■ •li the line running a n th and south and near the center ol the lot. all l joining the land of R M. Hamilton, and on tne s.tiuc ot \\ i h Ilir.iiQ Gil reath'S property evict on us the property of j. H Gilreutli to s.iti 7\ t vo Jtfwiiees’court II fas. fro > the «27th district. G M.. in favor of J. S. U1 ghoin vs. J. ii. G il real 11. an! otliei fi. iu s in my possession Property point d mu by pi..intiff.— l.evt made and returm d 10 me by a Const ,bie. c < < I EGHORN. sheriff. September 28. 1861 I* 1— 'ee *7.‘0 umr-U-wfds September 26.1867—w2in [Prs fee $5] COTTON TIES, SWETT’S ZE^TlEilSrT, CJELF - F A STKXIXG Wrought Iron ^5 Buckle Tie for Cotton Bdles. All other Ties fastening by this method are infringe- meuts, and will be prosecuted at law as such. I am Agent for the Manufacturer, and will fill all orders promptly. I offer liberal terms to the wholesale trade in this city, and at all points In Georgia and Ala bama. and am authorized to guarantee this Tie equal to anv in use. and far superior to rope for baling purposes. Orders and letters of enquiry should be addressed to A. K. SKAGO. Commission Merchant, sep25—dim Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY.COXCKRN : T HE undersigned hereby gives notice :. v has filed hi' oetilion with the Urdi; * Bartow count v, to be discharged from hi- \. unship on John Patterson’s last will and I. - nient, on account of his business being such tl..,: is unable therefrom to attend to said trust. 1' . two months from the brtcluniug of the p tion ol this notice, he will apply lor vbe sain • of said petition, and to be discharged fr<m - Executorship. KtiBr.Kl'G. MAls. E\n September 10,1867—w2tn [Prs fee f-'. CITATION. Wm. M. A U. J. Lowry rs. The Northtte-- Bank of Georgia—Assumpait in the m j. Conri. of Fulton county, Ga. T HE defendants urc hereby rotifled . quiied personally, or by Attorney, t.. •. appear ut tne next Superior ( ourt, t'<> be f. and lor said Countx. on the first Monday in ■ her next, then ami there to answer the pi., demand an action of assmupfit. ms in d. thereof the Court \y ill proceed us tojusii. , -■ appertain. Witness, the Hon. John Collier, of or.. Judges of the Superior Courts. August 24d, 1*67. W. R. VEN ABLE. » . . aug-ft—w3t [Printer’s fee ft GEORGIA, Butts county. S Eli Ron L. II ALL applies to me for letto ■ j administration, de bonis non anexo on the estate of tl. a. Greer, late .»i . county, deceased. These ate. therefore, to cite all and sir; J the next nf kin and creditors ol said dece*-. lie ami appear at m\ office, within the tin., j Scribe*I by law and show cause if any .boy 1 \y hv said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand and official sign* this September 15,1867. WILEY GOODMAN, Onlrr sep22—wSOd [ Printer's fee $-'• •\TOTIOF if her lN Edward P. Si Win Jennings, J Extra F Choice Hams, WARRANTED. OR SALE by sep2a A. K. 8EAGO, -dtf Commis'finn Merchant. B’ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Y virtue of an order from the Court of (frdin- ry of Gwinnett county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court House dohr, in the town of Lawrenocville, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next. 12a acres of land, part of lot No 17a and 250 acres, known as the Dean lot. No. l‘.X). aud 17i i.eres. more or less part of lot No 214. known as the place whereon the deceased lived, all in the 6ih district of said county Sold as the property of Miles Barnett, deceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs of said deceased. ’1 er>ns, cash. 1) \MfcL J. BARNETT, Adm’r. September 2j. 1867—vvtds [Prs fee $5] Foreign Items. A dispatch dated Florence, Italy, Sept. 24th, but which the Superintendent of the Southern Associated PresSf gfeems to have overlooked, says': Another dispatch dated the day previous indicates much alarm in Rome. It says: \The Roman Government is taking pre cautionary steps to guard against an at tack from without or a sudden rising with- being withdrawn frpm outlying points in the Province of Cevita Vecchia, Yiiterho mnd VilReri. and concentrated in and around Rome. Another dated the 2oth indicates war. It says: The Goveanmenk is sendiagrfroops to thq frontiers of the Roman territory. Dis patches from Rome state tliat many arrest* nave been made there of parties suspected to be in 'correspondence with Garibaldi aud his followers. W GEORGIA. DeKalb county. 1LLIAM li. KOI.1.x-ON. of said county, having applied to be ;i.-pointed guardian of the per-on aud property of Dora Ann F. Donald son and M. Ann Donaldson minors of Malachiah Donaldson, deceased under fourteen years of age. residents of said county : fnis is to cite all |n.-rsons concerned to be and at the term oi the t ourt of Ordinary, to be held next alter the expiration ol thirty days from ihe lira! publication of this noti. e. and show cause, if any they ran. why the said Wm. B. Rob inson should not lie intrusted witii the guardian ship of tne per-on and property of Dora Ann F. Donaldson and M. Ann Donaldson.; w itness my official signature, this September 26. 1867. < JONATHAN B. WILSON. Ordinary. se..?<—at-aod [Printer’s fee $3] GEORGIA, Newton county. W r HKRE.VS. -lolin W. Read applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate Of Sarah F. Read, d- ceased, late oi said county : These are. therefore, to cite at 1 and singular the next.of kin aud creditors of suul dece used, to be and appear at iny office, within the tune pre scribed l<y law. and show cause, if ut y they can, w hy said letters should not be granted. Give under inv hand and official signature, this September 23, 1867 WM. D. LUCE IE, Ordinary. sep25—w30d [Printer’s fee #3] GEORGIA, Newton county. ERI 1 AS, John VV. Read applies for letter Tv of administration upon the estate of Euge nia G. Read, deceased, late Of said county: These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, with the time pro scribed by law and show cause, if any they can, whv said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this September 23, D67. WM. D. LUCKIE. Ordinary. sep23—w30d [Printer’s fee $3] NOTICE* hereby given that George W h. Smith, J nines Atkins. J. B Y John A. Rockwell. Joseph H Edward A. Ware, J mes L. Dunning and I rick Ay er, have this day filed their iwiiii' iucoriHiraied under the name, style and L' the Trustees of the Atlanta University w.b corporate powers for twenty v. am ’Thi- ■ tember 7 h, 1867. W. R.'VfcN ABLE < sep8—w4w i Pr- lee *2 :* ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court 01 <<- ary of Gwinnett county. Georgia, w ill I- before the Court House door iu the town 2 roe. Walton county, Georgi 1, on the first I - iu November next, w ithii the legal buu r > o' ■ the follow 111 g property in the town <*i 1- - ville, iu said county'of Walton, 1 acre N acre No. 4, l acre with a shop on the »a acre No. 5. with a grocery house on th>-- acre, more or less. No. 4," with a dwellitu out houses on the same. \\ acie*. aiore <>r number not kuo «11. with store house. *l»< out houses and garden, 3 acres, more or le" iiupiove<t' number not known. All the;*'- tiie fourth district Of Walton county, it btu - of lai d lot No. lrvt. Sold a> the property "I W. \i ebb, late of Gw luiietlcounty, ueceasi ■ TOi 111s, cash. J W. tVEBB, 1 K. M. BRAND, ) September 25,1567-wtds [Printer - ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the 1 ourt *>!' 1 ary ol' Gwinnett county, Oeorgia. w 1.. bt-l'oie the Court Utilise door in tin- tow 11 ■ rei.cevf lie, ou the first Tuesday in Novem • within the legal hours oi s de. i7o n r< - partot' lot No I6;i. andfi> acres of Ian I p < No 181 aiid’ZiX) acres o. lo. No. 1 7. al i ' ' district la Said county, w ten .-«• i»rl Ti provemeuts on said larul- Sold a* t.’n of Asa B. Wright, deceased 1 ertr- ca-' JOHN F. PREWITT, Ao.iii nstr septemlier 25. 1M»7— tvtds Prs net Admin i-tra' SALE UN ER MORTGAGE FI. FA.’ \\YrI.L lie sold un the first Tuesday in Deeetn- VV her, 1867, before the Court House door, in the City of <»reensl>o:0, Greene county, Georgia, in the city. All tbe Pontoficial troops property, to-wit: tu>Sn<v wtfh^nn-s fi-errs nntlriaa. I.. fhe entire of 8i>KSk , of-Groceries and Merchan dise of every* description belonging to James T. Scott. Levied ou b\ viitue of a B. fa issuwl from Grecue ounty Uoui favOr of .Iohn Dtmn JbilS.C PALMER. Special ill iff Greene Countv Court Septem.^r 26,19ft7— w8t [I’cs 'ee $4.60.] GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. W ILLIAM P. WILLIAMS applies to ire for letters of ad mist ration ou the estate of Samuel H. Starr, late of said county, deceased: Tnese are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors Of said deceased to show cause, if any they can, whv per manent letters should not be granted the applicant on first Monday in November next Given under my hand and official signature, this aeptember 25,1867. G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary. sep25—wjBWhF-[Prs fee $fi] County. GEOIJGlA. Gwi.v.xLTr cocxty. MONTHS i dot application will be yiudc lo the • > ii oi ir**,'of .wimett co.iiilj '» o'rgl • .0 ’Oscll l’ a real estate of Alexamlci •' . j .nTni -y. dt'ceased N ! > E : tl tilni’r. <eiite . — - 2 - vn* , t'ct $*.] ;ou rt -rt.b mrftT f 2lSt n i^ r °i5 COURT Of-fWIjtehttJnnyT. TERM rt Vs! James i* S -ott rVYHOMAS J BOZEM AN Ruminated ex 1867. r ___ _ L executor *j| < ol thetls^wilL-andro-raanent of John Harp. JaM uf said cohatv. decekabd. having propounded profikterofeaid a ill lu solemn form kb oniered bv t of sailtvlafieiised'be d tob. r Term ofirf thkhthe bcirs at law edlkd toampear at the Oc- Louxt to sb«w cause, if any they have, why said will should not be ad mitted to probate and record. A true extract this September 24. 1867. JCHN T. STEPHENS, .ordinary M. C s* p24—wfcd ^ [Pointer’s tee $3] 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court ■ ary of Gwinnett county, Georgia, w il* before the Court House door, in the «• Law renceville, on the first 1 uenday iu N«‘ next, within the legal hours of sale. 17 » land, more or less, w ith the w idow ? d<’* cepuil. ii b«'liig parts of lots Nos 72. > H the 6th district ol said county. fwild»» ,: erty of .lohu B. Coiluis. deceased. iw*l '• benefit 01 tiie heirs and cre<litor* of said •** Terms, cash. JOHN J. McDANlEl- A September 25, ls67—wt«ls [ Prs , ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE B Y virtue of an order of the Court of 1 ,r f of Gwinnett county. Georgia, will - loie the Court House door, iu the lo*»‘’J reuceville, on the first Tuesday in Noveiu. between the legal hours of sale. ll«S * * land, more or less, w ith the w plow's cepted, in the 5th district of said co uu, -’ i east side of the Appalachee. know n *» P* ! i , Patterson survey. Sold as the property • ^ erford Moblev. deceased. Terms. ca*n , MARY A. MOBLEY. September 55.1867—wtds ^PrsR*' GEORGIA. DeKalb county. M RS. SARAH J. ANDERSON, admj^ . on tbe estate of William B. ceased, having made application totae 1 ' .{ selit be real estate of said iatesUte - exceptedj consisting of 140 acre*, irore' .a lot, number, not known, in the lw» " |» origiually Ilcnry, now DeKalb county. All persons concerned are notified «* ■ r— objectio's, if any they haT*. wiihlt ' .Al from the first publication of this ■a****’_ w f will be granted for tbe sale of said Given under iny hand and ofid* this September 25. IffiT. sep27—w2m JONAtilAN B. WIT/flON. 0 ^ viinv.-.; % [Printer’* * <cr I