The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 13, 1867, Image 1

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THE DAILY OPINION. VOL. I.—NO. 200. THE DAILY OPINION. IY ^ I,. SCRUGGS AHD J. B. BUMBLE. office is centre building CRANITE BLOCK, BROAD St., ATLANTA, OA. T IB IR* S: it*INSCRIPTION.—One copy, oxx tsar, $6.00; .11 MOVTHU *4.00; THSBS MOUTHS. $3 (JO; AST LESS JVL,"" SEVENTY-FIVE CENT& i’EU MONTH. TKKM8 •P ▼■KELT: t me copy one year #•* 09 1a.* copies one year y i»e copies one year 1U UU leu copies one year (and one free to the per il m forming the club.) 20 00 inscriptions to both editions will be received p.rsix months, at rates corresponding with the I'ircioinK terms. %f*v bUTUslNG.-Cards in Citt Directory - ,.i to exceed Uve lines, $12 00 per annum. Special haded notices FiFTEia CEET8 per line for tlrst ■nsertiou.and Five CENTS per line thereafter. The ^aiue charges will be made for advertisements occupying less than a square, obituaries, and all irticlei of a personal nature. Except in cases of special contract, other advertisements will be charged tbe following rates: Use Sqi arc, one Insertion, “ •• two Insertions, •• •* three Insertions, - *• one week “ *• one month ... “ “ three months. - Mierlff •* sales, per levy of ten lines or less Sheriff ’- Mortgage fl fa. sales, per square lux collectors’s sales, per square City Business Direct ary. ATLANTA, GA.. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1867. LJUggli'Jjjg II L'.L ■Ifel PRICE--5 CENTS. PHYSICIANS. D R. W. C. ASHER has removed his office from the Norcross Comer to the junction of Mari etta aDd Walton streets, where lie can be found at all hours, when not proleaslonally engaged scp24— U6m OPINION JOB PBLYNNG OFFICE. fine l.GU MB 3.5u 10.U) 25.00 $2 80 5 00 . 5 00 uc I Stations f«r letters of Administration 3 00 t nations for Letters of Guardianship 3 00 letters ol application for dismission from Idmintsiration — 4 50 letter* of application for dismission from i.uardlauslilp • * 00 Applications for leave to sell Land 5 00 N-.ti. <— to Debtors and Creditors 3 00 >*le- of Land, etc . per square 5 00 -aio of perishable property, 10 days, per sqr. 1 50 y-tra' Notices, 30 days •••• 3 00 y.jrti-losiireof Mortgage, per sqr, each time... 1 00 I IKK REQUIRED FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING. .-ale* ol I .and. etc, by Administrators, Execu- oi Guanlians, are required by law to lie held • ■ the lirst Tuesday in the month, between the : ours of ten in the forenoon and three in the af ternoon, at the Court House in the county in which tnc property is situated. Notices of these ».de< must lie given in a public gazette 40 da/s |.n vious to the day of sale. Notices of the sale of personal property must Ik- given in like manner 10 days previous to the day of sale N .ti. es to the debtors and creditors of an estate must also he published 40 days. Notice Unit application will he made to the l onrt of ordinary for leave to sell Land, ete., must he published for two months. Citations for letters of Administration. Guar dianship. etc., must lie published 30 daj^; lor dis mission from Administration, monthly 6 months; lor dismission from Guardianship 40 days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must be pul>- II-bed monthly for 4 mouths; for establishing lost palters, for the full space of 3 months; for com pelling titles from Executors or Administrators, w here liond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. I’uhlications w 111 always he continued accord- n g to these, the legal requirements, unless uther- w isc ordered. LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS will be made t<- .irly advertisers. $r All transient and foreign advertisements m•.-1 lie prepaid to secure publication. \I1 letter* on business, or communications loi implication, must he addressed to SCRUGGS & DUMBLE. Atlanta. Ga. The Proprietors of the Dally and Weekly Opinion having just received an A1 lot of JOB PRINTING MATERIALS, Together with a number of Hoe’s Fast Printing Machines, Are prepared to fill orders for any kind of JOB ZPRUtTTIlsrQ-, IN A SUPERIOR MANNER. 0BDKB8 SOLICITED ROM PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING. CATALOGUB LIST OF WORK BXECUTED FOR Railroad Schedules. WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD MANS— Fare, 5\ cents per wile.—Campbell Wuu£i, Superintendent; John B. Pece, Master ransftfrtatlon; Wm. W. Cl a r ton, Treasurer; Ira l. Tavlob, Auditor; J. H. Flynn, Master Machi nist; W. G. GBAMLINO, S C. Shops; CHARLES B. Wallace, Gen. Agent; W. R. Webster, General Ticket Agent; R. A. Bacon, ticn’l Freight Agent; John M. Bridges, Agent at Atlanta: night passenger train—dailt. Leave Atlanta .... 7.00 P.M. Arrive at Chattanooga • - 4.00 A.M. Leave Chattanooga ... 4.30 P.M. Arrive at Dalton - - . 7.16 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta - - 1.35 A.M. DAILT PAB8BMGXB TRAIN—DAILT, (except Sundays). Leave Atlanta .... 8.50 A.M. Leave Dalton ... 2.56 P.M. Arrive at Chattanooga • « 5.25 P.M. Leave Chattanooga ... 4.50 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta ... 1.15 P.M. DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—DAILT, (except Sundays). Leave Atlanta .... 315 PJM. Arrive at Dalton ... 11.40 P.M. Deave Dalton .... 130P.M. Arrive at Atlanta ... 10.90 A M City Huni ters* IKrertorj/. ! SOOTH <t SHOES. BOOTS. SHOES and LEATHER. NEW STORE—NEW GOODS v nr» inducements to buyers at Wholesale r.idmt.iil. Peachtree street, opposite Cox & IIIH. mv*-lMi:n GEO. W . PRICE. g. H. A A. W. FORCE, Wholesale and LL j Retail dealers in BOOTS and SHOES—sign V VCof Big Iron Boot. Large assortment always <>n hand for City trade. Whitehall street, At- anta. Ga. my3~6m Merchants, Manufacturers. Mechanics, Auctioneers, Express Companies, Insurance Companies, Boarding Houses, Railroads, Banks, Theatres, Restaurants, Hotels, Concert Halls, Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Constables, Lawyers, Doctors, Dentists, Colleges, Schools. Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Notices, Bills of Lading, Manifests, -hippers’ Receipts, Druggists’ Labels, Tobacco Labels, Clothing Labels, Bills of Fare, Concert Bills, Programmes, Theatre Bills, Manufacturers Labels, “Atnome** Cards, Ball Cards, Wedding Cards, Show Cards, Election Cards, Admission Cards, Time Tables. W’ay Bills, Circulais, Cheeks, Notes. Drafts, Prices Current, Title Deeds, Trust Deeds, Leases, Receipts, Tax Bills, Licenses, Bods, Bill Heads. Insurance Policies, Calenders, Show Bills. Posters—all sizes. Passenger Tickets, Dray Bills, Coal Tickets, Wood Tickets, Bread Tickets, Milk Tickets, Reward Tickets, Election Tickets, Certificates of Stock, _ J* GEORGIA RAILROAD—171 miles—Far* Uve cents per mile.—John P. King, President; K. W.^le, Superintendent ( G.T. AmDbrbon, Agent DAT FAB8RMGBR TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 8.00 A.M, Arrive at Augusta 6.46 P.M. Leave Augusta 6.00 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 P.M. NIGHT FA88RN01B TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 7.16 P.M. Arrive at Augusta. 6.10 A.M. Leave Augusta 6.00 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.16 A.M. NIGHT THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 6.40 P.M. Arrive at Augusta 8.67 A.M. Leave Augusta 6.10 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 8.06 A.M. Etc., etc., etc. Orders from otir friends and the public generally are respectfully solicited. OCR MOTTO-MEAT, QUICK, CHEAP uug23— dAWtf MERCHANTS AND GROCERS V DAllt ,t REESE, AUCTION AND COMMISSION Merchants. Sign, Auction House. White hall street. Atlanta. Ga. _ fc20—ly P ETER LYNCH, Wholesale and Retail Gro cer, and dealer in Varieties, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. lc28—ly IAA1N3 A PARROTT, WHOLESALE URO- J; CERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Granite Front, Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga. fe*i—ly “Plague Take the Hindmost!” SWANSON, BOYKIN & CO., wholesale and retail DRUGGISTS ROARK’S CORNER, Whitehall street Atlanta, Ga. P HYSICIANS, Dealers, Country Merchants and the public generally, are invited to call and examine our large ana varied assortment of PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, We buy entirely from Importers and Manufac Hirers, and we feel coulldent that we can give en tire satisiaction to all who will come and price our goods. We keep constantly on hand Window Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Combs "'erlumery, T.dlet soaps, Fancy Articles, Ac., anc i fact everything usually lound in a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. A large supply..! F. W. Devoe’s celebrated GENUINE (Diamond S) WT1ITE LEAD, on hand and to arrive. Contractors and aimers will find it to their interest to give us call before purchashing elsewhere. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED BY A COMPETENT PHARMACEUTIST. Call and examine for yourselves. Now is the time to get your Drugs Cheap, for Cash, sepl—d3m SWANSON, BOYKIN A CO. A J. ROBERT A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION . Mekcu ants, and Agents for Manufacturers and Producers, at the Bridge, on Broad street and railroad, Atlanta, Ga. A. J. ROBERT, apE-ly F. W. ROBERT. J caries and COUNTRY* Produce, Whitehall, one door from Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga Choice II AMS always on hand. augfi—6m RANKERS AND BROKERS riYlIK uKOltGlA NATIONAL BANK. Bank I Block. Al.v>*um »troot Joiis Kick, l’resi- •lMOt. E. L. Jo.NK8.Caat.ier; Darwin G. Jones. Tel ler: Edward II. Jones, Book-Keeper. DIREC TORS—John Itice, John Collier. E. E. Uawsou, S, A Harawl Mf vv C.aytoti MD—ly $1,000,000 IN WATCHES! FOR SALK ON THE POPULAR Z^ONE PRICE P L A N GIVING EVERY' PATRON A ] landsome and Reliable Watch! For the low Price of Ten Dollars! Without Regard to Value AND NOT TO UNPAID FOB UNLESS PERFECTL Y SA T1SFA CTO It Y. M g. dobbins a co - \\!! and Alabama streets J it. JAMES. BANKER AND BROKER, AT- . lanta. G., bn , s and sells Gold, Silver. Bonds, -stocks, and Bunk Rills. Exchanges Bonds, makes Investment* for parties in Bonds and Stocks; allows interest on Deposit* when left tor two months or longer. fe2D—ly BROKERS, corner of ina streets. Reftrenc**—Trisbee A Roberts, New York; Hop* kin*. Trow bridge A Dwight, New York; II. ll. Wa-rct., xugus'.a. Ga.; l>. F. Fleming.Charleston, • t . .1 D. Cunningham, Montgomery, .Via.; R. Peter*. Atlanta; R Austell. Atlanta; Edward 1‘ad.ilt lord, -avann.ih. Ga. ft»—ly A tlanta national bank—designa ted DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED 31 ATE- A Austell, President; W. II. Ti ll*R, C'>hier. DIRECTORS—A. Austell, M. G. Dob- Ur.s, W. R. l’hillips,Jesse McLendon, J. II. James. bix-cial attention paid to Collections in Atlanta an-( through this section. Prompt returns made at the lowest current rates. Our New York Cor- res|M>ndent, the Fourth National Bank, to whom we refer.fc3P—ly FURNITURE. a Dealer in Furniture, Utholstery and Pi makinir; Parlor and Bed Room Sets, and Furniture Repaired, by A. ERGENZ1N- * 1 * GER, Hunter street, between Whitehall ami fryer. aug7—2m SALOONS. ( CHICAGO ALK DEPOT—M. E. KENNY. Pro- j prietor dealer in Brandies, Wines, Whiskies •od Segar*. Chioago Ale always on hand. No. >4 Alabama street, Atlanta, Ga. aug4—fiin ATTORNEYS. A LSTON A WINN, Attorneys at Law, At- XJl lanta, Ga. Office, Granite Block, Broad Street ROBT. A. ALSTON, mrU-to L. J WINN. W A SIMPbON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW r W hi tel Banking House TAARliO r Atlanta, Ga. Office corner Whitehall and Alabama streets, over James Entrance on Alabama street. n. P. F ARROW, fcflO—ly O F. SIMPSON. INSURANCE. A etna like insurance company— Assets, C-5.td0.bUO. Wm. Jknnisgs, General Agent Lynch’s Building, corner of Alabama and WnUehiJi streets, second floor. my8-ly HAP.D WARS MATERIALS iiALD'V.\RE.—J. M. AJ.C. Alexander V 1 : -hall t.oet. Iron, Stetl, Nails, i.:.- *ii :.ia- irisU. Tool:- for -Jl ’railes, Build X_-*r >l:v T Materials. >:tins* Cloths, Farming : v . J. .L Y J. C. AC iX.\NDER. J ,-.—d»=i 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches...$*0 to $1,000 100 Magic Cased Gold Watches 200 to 500 100 Ladies Watches, Enameled 1U0 to 200 Gold Hunting Chronmeter Watches 260 to 200 Gold Hunting English Levers. to 800 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to 500 Gold Hunting American Watches 100 to 800 300 230 200 260 150 260 260 75 100 500 Silver Hunting Levers 50 to 600 Silver Hunting Duplexes 73 to GOO Gold Ladies Watches 50 to 1.000 Gmd Hunting Lepines 30 to 000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches.. 50 to _ 500 Hunting Silver Watches 26 to 3.000 Assorted Watches, all kinds... 10 to £»-Eve ry patron obtains a Watch by this arrangement, costing but #10, while it may bn, worth #1,000. No partiality shown. JB We wish to immediately dispose of the above magnificent Stock. Certificates, naming the arti cles, are placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named on their certificate upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth $1,000 or one worth ie-s. The return of any of our certificates enti tles you to the article named thereon upon pay ment. irrespective of Rs worth, and as no article valued less than #10 is named on any certificate it will at once be seen that this is No Lottery, but a straightforward legitimate transaction, which may be participated in even by the moat fastidious! A single certificate will be sent by mall, past paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five for $1, eleven for $2. thirty-three and elegant premium for $3, sixty-six and more valuable premium for $10, one hundred and most superb Watch for $13. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this is rani opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly authorized Dy the Government, and o,>eu to the most careful scrutiny. Tbt uai WRIGHT, BRO- & CO- Importers, 161 BROADWAY', New Y'ork. sepl 9—da w6m BANKING HOUSE JAY COOKE & CO. Mo. 20 WALL STREET, Cor. of street Mew York buy and sell at the most liberal current TOMMEY A STEWART, Dealm** i> KXKDWALE Ilto* ami -."EEL UUTL.utV •f« OLi --f .wi kind-. HaBNEMS. UKIiM - • . - r.e t.-,. >li; Sa» I es, and keep on hand a full supply of GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL WCES, SEVEN THIRTIES, and COMPOUND INTER c-1 NOT I--S. and execute orders for purchase and of ii l’OCKS, BONDS and GOLD. CONVEBSIOK | We coavert tho several issues of Sevem-Thie t.»s at toe m.o.-t favorable market rates into Five Twenties, which, at present price *f gold, yield - r:e holder about one per cent, more interest per Circulars with 1 PAULDING SHERIFFS SALE. W ILL be sold liefore the Court House door in the town of Dallas, between the usual hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, the following property, to-wit: 60 acres, more or less, of lots of land Nos 621 and 836, situated, lying and being in the 3d district and 3d section of said county, levied upon as the property of William Pruitt, to satisfy a County Court fl. re in flavor of Isaac Oshurn vs. Wm. Pruitt. Property pointed out by plaintiff, it being Wm. Pruitt’s portion of said lots. Sept. 30,1967. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, tbe interest of John L. Rowland In a certain steam saw mill situated in the 8d district and Sd section of Paulding county. Levied on by virtue of a Mortgace fl. ra. in favor of James W. Curry, issued from the County Court of Bartow county. Property pointed out in said fl. fa. Oct. 1,1887. P. P. ALLGOOD, Sheriff. <rt2- wtds (Printer’s Fee $2 50.1 THE DAILY OPINION. SUNDAY MORNING::::: OCTOBER 13. MT’ MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD.—103 .lies—Fare, five cents per mile—A. J. White, resident; E. B. Walker, Superintendent; B. A. Anderson, Agent at Atlanta: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon - 7.45 a.M. Arrive at Atlanta - - . 2 00 P.M. Leave Atlanta .... 7.15 a.M. Arrive at Macon ... 1.30 P.M. Leave Macon - - . 8.40 P.M Arrive ip Atlanta .... 4 30 A.M. Leave Atlanta .... 7.1a p.M- Arrive in Macon ... 4.10 A.M. Mr* ATLANTA A WEST TOINT RAIL ROAD—87 miles—Fare, —per mile—John P. Kino, President; S. P. Grant, Superintendent; R. M. Farrar, Agent at Atlanta: day passenger train—going out. Leave Atlanta 7.00 A.M. Arrive at West Point 12.00 M. DAY PAS8KNGXR TRAIN—COMING IN. Leave West Point 12.40 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 6.30 P.M Mgr- MONTGOMERY A WEST POINT RAIL ROAD.—Daniel H. Cram, Superintendent. Leave West Point - - 10.15 A.M. Arrive at Columbus ... 1.44 P.M. Arrive at Montgomery ... 4.26 P.M. Leave Montgomery ... 7.00 A.M. Leave Columbus - . - 1.11 P.M. Arrive at West Point - - 1.08 P.M. DkKALBJi OV'BER SHERIFF’S SALE. W'TltL'bc sold before the Court House door, at Vl Decatur, in Dekalb county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November next, within tbe legal hours’ol sale, the following property, to-wit: Ix> t of land number one hundred and eignty-one. also the west half of lot number one hundred and eighty-two, all lying in the fifteenth district of DtRalb county, Georgia, and being the prop erty on which Robert A. Alston now resides and in his possession. Levied on as the property of said Itelwrt A. Alston, M> satisfy » Mortgage fl. fit vs. said if-ibt. A. Alston, in favorofB.’Sr Branncr, said fl. fa. having been issued upon a judgment of foreclosure, obtained at the April Term of the Superior Court of said county. October 1,1867. JAMES O. POWELL, Sheriff. oct2—wtds Printer’s fee #2.50 SALE UNDER MORTGAGE FI. FA. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday In Decem ber, 1867, before the Court House door, In the City of Greensboro, Greene county, Georgia, the following property, to-wit: The entire 01 Stock of Groceries and Merchan dise of every description belonging to James T. Scott. Levied 011 by virtue of a fl. fa. issued from Greene Couuty Court, September 21st, 1867, in favor oi Johu Dunn vs. James T. Scott. JOHN 0. PALMER. Special Bailiff Greene County Court. September 28,1967— w8t[Prs fee $4.60.] CARROLL SHERIFF’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Carrollton, Carroll county, Georgia, within the legal hour* of sale: Lot oi laud number two hundred and fourteen in the fifth district ol said county. Sold as the property of Solomon F. Williams, to satisfy the cost on one fl. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of James B. Martin, administrator on the estate of F. D. Bowen vs. said Solomon F. Williams. Property pointed out by the plaintiff. September 30,1867. NATHANIEL ESTES, D. Sheriff. octO-wtds] Printer’s fee $2.50] WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. O N and after June 18th, 1867, Passenger Trains will run as follows: GOING NORTH. LEAVING ATLANTA. .46 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.—Arrive at Dalton at 2.30 p. m., connecting with E. T. and Ga. R. R. trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. Arrive at Chattanooga 5.25 p. m.. connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Ruilroad forNashville, Louis ville, and the West, and trains of Mem phis and Charleston Railroad for Mem phis. New Orleans, etc. 3.50 P. M. Daily (except Sundays) Dai.ton Ac commodation.— Arrive at Marietta 5.45, Cartersville 8.06, Kingston 9.00, Dalton 12.25. 7.00 P. M. Daily Great Northern Mail.—Arrive at Dalton at 1.15 A. M., connecting with E. T. and Ga. R. R. trains for Knoxville, Lych- burg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia, and New York, arrive at Chatta nooga 4.10 A. M., connecting with trains ol Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville, and the West, and trains of the Memphis and Charleston Rail road for Memphis, New Orleans, etc COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 1.41 A. M. Daily Great Southern Mail.—Leav ing Chattanooga 4.30 p. m., connecting with tmins of Nashville and Chattanooga, and Memphis and Charleston Railroads and Dalton at 7.50 p. M., connecting with trains of E. T. and Ga. Railroads. 8.45 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac commodation.—Leave Dalton at 1.25 A. M., Kingston 4 30, Cartersville 5.15, Marietta 8. 12.05 I’. M. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.— Leave Chattanooga at 3 20 A. M., making close connections with trains of Nisshviile and UNsuiainiOga, and Mem phis and Charleston Railroads, and Dal ton ay 6.® a. connecting with trains of East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad. PULLMAN'S PATENT SLEEPING COACHES os all night trains. JOHN 1J. PECK, Jel8 Master Transportation. GREENE SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Greenesboro, Green county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the store house and lot at Woodvllle, in said county, adjoining James H. Whitlaw, now in possession of win. Quill, and levied on by virtue of a Mortgage fl. fa. issued form the Superior Court of said county, in favor of James M. Cox ngainst Joseph W. W'hitlaw, as the property of said Whitlaw, and sold by consent of parties. J. H. ENGLISH. Sheriff Greene county. September 24,1867. [Printer’s fee $2.50.] MAIL STAGE LINE FROM ATLANTA TOD AH LON EG A — Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday .... 6.00 A.M. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7.00 P.M. New Freight Route. NEW ORLEANS ATL A UST T -A. VIA GRAND JUNCTION A CHATTANOOGA. ALL RAIL. No Charge for Insurance. Drayage, Com missions or Forwarding. The following low rate has been agreed to taking effect J U LY 20th, 1867: 1st Class per 100 pounds $1.75 2d Class per 100 pounds 1.50 3d Class per 100 pounds 1.25 4th Class per 100 pounds *1.00 Through Bills of Lading will be given at point | of shipment, and all loss, damage and overcharges ; will lie promptly settled at point of delivery. Tariff, showing classification, etc., may be ob- j tained at office ot Western ft Atlantic Railroad. 1 jy24—8m JOHN B. PECK, M. T. POSTPONED MORTGAGE SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the City of Atlanta and County of Fulton, on the first Tuesday in December next, 1967, be tween the legal hours of sale, the following All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the city of Atlanta, whereon the Atlanta Female Institute was located, known in the plan of said city as city lots Nos. 97,98, 99 and 100, the same being designated as block No. 16, of original land lot So. 51, in the 14th district of originally Deury, now Fulton county, containing live acres, more "or less. Levied on" by virtue of ard to sutisiy a mortgage 11. fa. issued from Ful ton o’.iperioi Court 1.1 favor 01 James K. Mai son, transferee, vs. William Ezzard, President of the Board of Trustees of the Atlanta Female College. Property pointed out in said 11. fa. W. L. HUBBARD, Deputy Sheriff. Octobers. lS6~-wtiis (Printer’s fee $5) Meeting after sirrr tears separa tion.—Two colored men, brothers, found each other in Cincinnati, the other day, af ter sixty years of separation. As each was walking along the street, Joshua, address ed Solomon, recognizing him as a stranger in the city, and after the topics of the day had been discussed, mutual inquiries were made as to each other's birth-place, and much to their astonishment, the fact be came apparent that they were brothers, though each had thought the other dead. The remainder of the Sabbath day, and far on into the night, the two old men were quietly en" ying themselves, chatting of the remarkuL'. \ langes of half a cen tury. The Funeral of Henry Tim bod.—The Columbia Chronicle, of Wednesday, gives the following interesting account of the funeral of Henty Timrod: “This sad event took place yesterday afternoon, at Trinity Church, and called together a large number of the friends and relatives of the lamented poet. The ser vices were performed by Rev. C. Bruce Walker, Rev. Mr. Shahd being also present, but unable to participate in them by rea son of an indisposition, which for several days has confined him at home. “The pall-bearers were General Wade Hampton, Professor A. N. Talley. M. D„ Robert W. Gibbes, M. Professor Hugh Thompson, W. H. Talley, Esq., F. G. De- Fontaine, Melvin M. Cohen and James S. Simmons. “The coffin lid has closed, the grave is filled, and the pale face of Henry Timrod is shut out forever from the gaze of those who loved him well. He sleeps the sleep that knows no waking, in that narrow mansion, using his own beautiful language, “ Where gloom and gladness—grave and garden- mixed, Make it a place to love and not to fear. r “ Heaven shed thy most propitious dews around 1 Y'e holy stars I look down with tender eyes, And gild the guard, and consecrate the ground Where we shall rest, and whence wo pray to rise." BYT TELEGRAPH. FROM THE NEW YORK PRESS ASSOCIATION Washington, Oct. 13.—Cotton claims of loyal Southern owners amounting to #120,- 000, awarded by the Court of Claims in June last has been paid, less two and a half per cent. The successful claimants are res idents of Mobile, Charleston and Atlanta. The court required absolute proof that the claimants never voluntarily engaged In the rebellion. Forney telegraphs that Sharswood’s ma jority is at least six hundred. Ohio politicians seem afraid to speak on the gubernatorial results in that State. Commodore Barren, of the Confederate Navy, has been pardoned. Cable dispatches state that three Iron clads have been sent to the Irish coast. Napoleon complains of Austria’s delay In reorganizing the army. The Garibaldians are entrenched at vari ous points at Viterbo. Their plan involves the drawing of the garrison from Romes, when the home insurgents will rise. Napoleon and the King of Austria wil soon meet at Baden. PAULDING POSTPONED SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town or Dallas, between the usual hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesduy in November next, lots of land Nos. 282, 283 and 284, in the 1st district and 3d section of said county, levied upon as the prop erty of W. D. Harris, to satisfy one Justice Court fl. la. in favor of G. W. Teal vs. W D. Harris. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned to ine bv a Bailiff. Sept. 30,1867. P. P. ALLGOOD, Sheriff. oct2-wtds |[Printer’s Fee $2.50. | SUMTERNOV’MBElt SHERIFF SALES. W ILL he sold before the Court House door, in the City of Americus, Sumter county, Ga., on the first Tuesday iu November next, witnin the usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Fifty acres of land iu the south east corner of lot one hundred and sixty-five in the twenty- seventh district of Sumter county. Levied on as the property of John McQueen,to satisfy aJ ustices’ Court fl. fa. vs. said McQueen, in favor of J. J. ft J. W Kagan and controlled by]John E. Autry, and pointed out by Augus McQueen. Levy made and returned to ine byJ.W.Cobb, Constable. Sep- tern tier 34th, 1867. 1 Prs fee $2.50] AUG. B. RATFORD, Sheriff. Also, ut the same time and place, will bo sold, one house and lot in the city of Americus, known as the place on which N. N. Bruce now lives, to satisfy the cost on sundry fl. fas. in my hands, in favor of Carhart A Bro., and Dunlap A Harris, and others vs. N. N. Bruce, and Bruce A Sullivan, to satisfy the cost due on said fl. fas. in tavor of the officers of the Court. September 28th, 1867. JOHN B. PILSBUKY, Deputy Sheriff, octl—wtds [Prs fee $2.50] CHATTOOGA SHERIFF’S SALE. MORTGAGE sale. W ILL he sold before the Court House door, in the town of Summerville, Chattooga coun tv, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu November next, the following proper ty, to-wit: Town lots No. 11, in Block twelve and No. 5. In Block thirteen, in the town of Summerville. Levied ou to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. from Chat tooga Superior Court, in favor of J. M. Wardlaw vs. E. L. Roper. Property pointed out in said fi. a. Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No 7 in the 5th district and 4th section of said county. Levied ou as the property of Samuel Walker, to satisfy a.Justices’ Court fl. fa. from the 1063d district, G. M., in favor of Samuel D. Shealds vs. Samuel Walker. Levy made and returned to me 6y a Constable. Also, at the same time and place, six acre* off of land lot No. 22 in the 13th district and 4th section on the line running north and south and near the center of the lot, and joining the land of R. M. Hamilton, and on the same lot with Hiram Gil- reath’s property Levied on as the property of J. II. Gilreath, to satisfy two Justices’Court fi. fas. from the 927th district, G. M., in favor of J. S. C leghorn vs. J. H. Gilreath, and other fi. fa s in my possession. Property pointed out by plaintiff.— Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also, at the same time and place, will he sold, 9) acres of land, being part of lot No 49 in the 6th district and 4th section of Chattooga county. Levied on as the property of A W. Evius, to satis fy a fi fa. issued from the L- unty Court of said county, in favor of K. S. N. Bobo, administrator, etc... vs. A. W. Evins. Property pointed out by defendant. C. C. CLEGHORN. Sheriff. September 28,1S67. [Prs fee *10] aug8l-wtds R°° FIN 9 ROOFING. 3 O OF INC.! Having established a Manufactory of t'ae well „ _ _ kn ? w ° . „ _ Speak.their own praise wherever planted. Felt, Cement and ' — i;con application. .Unit—U3:n full particulars furnished JAY COOKK A CO. Gravel JRoajZu;7, The undersigned would call the s?cclal*s.ttent!oc of builders, and persoas about to Iruifd, to thjr STY LE OF ROOFING. It is cheaps.* cad ncr: durable than any other Rc *.ng in vf % arv: it FIRE-PROOF, and has been thoroughly w>*c ’, to cj j" be seen y re Terence. ALL 1.0".WARRANTED. EooOay c.* _F kinds rep tired. Moo hr j . «U and RooCa'T Material ftrle. Similes aud references can ti seen ; ’. i cor ner of xhltc-h 11 m: -litcaoM ititth. trt »t scptJ—JAwSra DAVID LAN’DRETH ft SDN. Philadelphia. Pa. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN 3DT CAL’ 13 S*T IT UT ION S. Rev. C. F. r. BANCROFT, Principal^ 'JjPRST CLASS BOARDING SCHOOLS for both .T? sen .•; ;/10J •V In advtneo. Next session, twen- ty w:cks, t-egics Novemher 13, "So.. »!;■.lufretory.oaFokklry itrtci-rekrci vVlaship’s J »\ ..'ars, with M'l • _rt'.culars. address the iury. O. A. SiflTll. Prir.aLi.--.. or C C. CARPENTER, Sojit., tW The sugar crop of Louisiana, accor ding to the New Orleans Bee, will be dou ble last year’s crop, and will reach eighty thousand hogsheads. The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of F. A. M., of Georgia, will be held on Wednesday, the 30th day of Oc tober, instant, in Macon. The Cattle Trade.—A letter from Knoxville, Tennessee, dated the 9th inst says? On yesterday, about 7,000 head of cattle were stopped here for pasturage. These cattle are from Texas. They were shipped from Memphis by railroad and are destined for Alexandria and Baltimore and other eastern markets. They occupied forty eight cars in their transit. This lot is hut the first instalmedt of about 70,000 head that are on their way to market. Found: Ja»—flii Editors Opinion: While I do not agree in every particular with all the principles in culcated in your ably conducted paper, yet, at the same time, I admire that gentleman ly courtesy extended to others who may honestly differ with you upon the issues now before the country. I am satisfied that you are not afraid of investigation, but from time to time are endeavoring, throughout your editorial colums. to dis seminate light and truth to the people, am convinced in my own mind that, had you have had the framing and construct ing of the “Sherman Reconstruction Meas ures,” perhaps, in many particulars, they might have been different; but, under the circumstances, your present position in advocating those measures is but the result of an honest conviction, on your part, that their adoption, will ultimately result in great good to the whole country. For candor, you deserve credit. How different with other papers which might he men tioned. They neither advocate one side or the other. At one time they oppose < Convention; at another, advocate the run ning of candidates for the Convention— while again they urge the people to sus tain rather a neutral position. Now, how in the name of common sense can country people keep posted on any snbject, when they read their papers to-day advocating one set of principles; when in three days more the very same paper goes quite a dif ferent way? All of which is the result of being governed and controlled by certain outside influences, or men. who pull the wires and conceive to themselves that they have the right to gag every press and put the impress of infamy upon every man who does not agree with them. Mr. Editor, I cannot refrain from ex pressing my entire approbation of every word and sentiment contained in that ably written article which appeared in your paper this morning, over the signature of “Icabod.” lie but expressed the views and feelings of nine-tenths of the people of At lanta in reference to the matter of which he speaks. It is the whole truth and noth ing hut the truth; and should attempts he made to upset the facts which called forth that article, there is much more connected with that “ Executive ” arrangement, rath er of a political family nature which doubt less will be brought out to the light of heaven—to the open gaze of all men, that will, I think, show that there are some se cret leagues existing in Atlanta besides Union Leagues. I am opposed to three or four men dictating to a whole community; more especially when they c.dtou a*rr.*e among themselves a • * - Cotton Items.—The Columbus Enquirer of the 11th has the following quotations: Northern middlings yesterday loaliiL . No demand for other grades. Ordinaries from 11 to 13e. Receipts B95 bales—338 by M. &. G. R. R„ 18 by O. R. It., 339 by wa gons. Shipments441 hales, all by M. It. R. Montgomery.—Tho Advertiser of the 10th says: The market was easier yesterday, ami there was some activity. Strict middlings were quoted at tax included. There were some sales in Atlanta yester day at 11%. Market dull. Lockout ifiouiitain, Tenn. been made tor th New and Strange. Elson, a Canadian pedestrian, recently ran live miles in thirty minutes. The new Legislature in Maine Is declared to he opposed to the extreme prohibitory law legislation, and Is sure to greatly modi fy the present laws. St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church, in New York, has the pretty little income ol #30,000. The new #50.000 gymnasium at Dart mouth College is completed. The Chicago Advocate says tho Mission ary Society of the Methodist Church will be in debt at the end of the year not much less than #200,000. They have mourning skirts in Paris, the bottoms of which are ornamented with death heads printed on the muslin. Commodore Vanderbilt is going largely into the manufacture of iron on the Jarne's river, in Nelson county, Virginia. Eighteen divorces were decreed hy the Supreme Court of Maine, at its last term for Knox county. Ivory ornaments arc to be fashionable in Paris this winter. The workmen of Paris are demanding bread and threatening bullets. British soldiers now carry ninety round- of ammunition as a result of thu use ol breech loaders. Rev. Mr. Simpson, of Exeter. England. is on trial for habitual drunkenness in Church. A meeting of the pap-eaters, called in Washington to nominate Mr. Johnson for President and General Sherman for Vi.-• President, has been postponed till the l^lh of November. A proclamation has been promulgated by the Mayor of New Orleans, appropria ting #70,000 for the establishment of negro schools. These schools will be separate. The printing of the impeachment testi mony has been resumed at the Government Printing Office. The whole will be com- S leted and furnished to the members of the udiciary Committee before the meeting of Congress. American Catholic Ladies Call on the Poke.—On Thursday, the 5th instant. Madam Mealier, and three other Catholic ladies from the United States, had an audi ence with his Holiness for the purpose ol presenting a banner worked by themselves and destined for tho corps of Pontifical Zouaves. The idea was originated at the time of the canonization and centenary solemnities by the Catholic American la dies who were in Rome at that period; hut as most of them left the city imniediately after those festivities, the execution and presentation of the work were entrusted to four ladies who remained here for that purpose, braving alike the danger of chol era and the heat of a Roman summer. Be sides the flag, which was richly embroid ered in gold, the following address, written in French, and signed by all the ladies who had contributed to the work, with a speci fication of the State to which each ha- longed, was presented to the Pope: Most Holy Father: We the undersigned, American Catholics of the United mate*, having come to Rome to enjoy the splendid triumph of our faith in the memorable fes tivities of the centenary of St. Peter, and being desirous of leaving a souvenir of such happy days, which wcshall never for get, have sought under what form our of fering might prove most acceptable to tha magnanimous heart of the august Pontiff, who in such eventful times guides with suavity and firmness the bark of Peter.— We see your Holiness surrounded bv dan gers anu trials hut supjiorted and protect ed hy intrepid defenders among wii. ro hold the first place those new crusaders the elect of all Catholic nations, whose he roism is admired and applauded hy the whole w'orld. Allowing, most blessed Fa ther, that the tribute of our profound an ! filial veneration may pass into tlieir hands we offer you a banner, the emblem of the ardent vows formed by our hearts that the entwining devotion of your Zouave* may become, in every •neonnter. the -aie- gu:ird of the Pontifical throne. May they, faithful to their mission, reproent worthi ly the hearts of all vour children, who would esteem themselves fortunate to watch over and devote themselves inces santly to your sacred person I Prostrate at your feet.’ O reverent! Father, wi- Implore j-our apostolic benediction on this hsiiner. on our.-idves and on ad the Cathob - cf our nation. Pio Nino received tbe ladies with the ut most benignity, expressing the satisfaction he fe!f in accepting their offering and !u»- > ting his blessings to them, their JaiuilieR ' .cir Catholic compatriots.