The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 13, 1867, Image 2

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THE DAILY OPINION LARGEST CITT CIRCULATION. Poetoffice Official Advertiser. OFFICIAL PAP KB FOB THE COUNTIES OF Baldwin, Fayette, Jasper, Bartow, Forsyth, Honroe, Bibb, Fulton, Murray, Butt*, Gordon, Newton, Carroll, Greene, Paulding, Chattooga, Gwinnett, Polk, Clayton, Hamlson, Spalding, Cobb, Heard, Henry, 8umter, Dado, DeKalb, Upson. ATLANTA, <3--A..: SUNDAY MORNING::::: OCTOBER 13. Union Reconstruction Ticket THIRTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. IX. V. XI. XIIIXKR, of Fulton. JAMES L. HUMMING, of Fulton. N. L. ANG1ER, of Fulton. JOHN H. FLYNN, of Fulton. W. C. LEE, of Cloy ton. HENRY G. COLE, of Cobk. DAVID IRWIN, of Cobb. “Under Which Kino, Bkzomian ?”—The “Democratic friends of the NortH” are at cross purposes.. In the West they are howling for Repudiation. In New Eng land they arc damning Repudiation to everlasting perdition. Thus it will be sees that their printiples respecting tbeNation- al debt depend very much upon how their spare funds are invested. This is good Democratic doctrine. Selfishness has ever been their motto. They care about as much for the South or the Southern people, as they do for the King of Dahomeny. They would gladly get us into another fight, and then appropriate money to whip us out.— They are a Janus-faced set; wholly un worthy the confidence of a true and hon orable people. Mr. Johnson ano tub South.—Presi dent Johnson has repeatedly advised those Southern men who so zealously support his policy to appeal to the courts for satis faction, if they feel that the military au thorities have deprived them of any of their rights. He has been particularly pointed in giving this advice to parties pardoned under his recent Amnesty Proc lamation; and they have obtained per mission from him to report his state ments. In several instances his friends assumed the authority from the permission to re peat, to put them in writing, and one of them has been seen by the Washington correspondent of the New York Times, headed, “To whom it may concern,” which embraces opinions about as follows: The President stated to the writer that he could not reopen registration without incurring certain risk of impeachment, al- thongh he had been advised to do so by some of the most earnest supporters of his policy, who argued that if he assumed the power to do so under his authority as Commandcr-in-Chief, giving orders to mil itary subordinates, he would be supported bv ibe Constitution-loving and law-abi ding Jportion of the people. On the other hand, other equally warm supporters of his policy had advised him that if lie attempt ed to assert his military power in din- ting the manner of the execution of civil du ties imposed on military authorities by a direct act of Congress, lie would be assum ing authority not vested in his office, either by the Constitution, the articles of war. or by any law now in existence, lie also stated'that the promulgation of the Am nesty Proclamation would result, if prop erly managed, in disrupting the Republi can party, because if the courts decided as be thought they should, that the classes pardoned bv it were restored to their full rights as citizens, and the leaders of tiiat party would persist in supporting the mil itary authorities in their refusal to allow them to register, the natural consequence would lie that the people would flock to the support of the judiciary. It will be observed that, according to this statement, the Proclamations of the Presi dent were nothing more nor less than elec tioneering documents, and that they were designed only for the campaign. This is the way he trifles with the vital interests of the Southern people. THE NORTHERN ELECTIONS. Opinions of the Press. The N. Y. Times says that the elections in dicate no increased confidence in the Demo cratic party, but signify a reaction against the extreme acts and measures of the Re publican party, and convey an admonition which ought to be salutary to political leaders. The Herald says: “The recent elections do not denote Democratic victories, but that the Republican element of the coun try has stepped aside to rebuke its leaders.” The Cincinnati Commercial says: “In addition to the assistance of Andrew John son, the extreme men in Congress have had the use of the Democratic party as an awful example and ever-present terror.— The moderate masses of the people have been driven, to make choice between the re actionary policy’of the Democratic party, rampant and unrepentant, with all its in iquities on its head, and the policy of the extreme Radicals. When there is no al ternative between going with the rebels or Radicals, the choice of intelligent and pa triotic people is, of course, to go with the Radicals. “But there is a popular weariness as to fighting the old battles of the war over all the time. There are some other things to think about. We begged Ben. Wade to stop the torrent of personal vituperation and partisan violence long enough to talk a little about some of the new issues which were particularly important here. Noth ing could be got out of him but the same old ding-dong. The third officer of the Government, Mr. Speaker Colfax, gave us but a very small amount of instruction in proportion to the latitude and longitude of his discourse, and indulged in an unseemly and untimely threat of hanging the first officer of the Government. The efficacy of such indiscreet harangues is seen in the election returns from Ohio. Something beside war talk will be wanted hereafter.” President Making.—A Washington let ter of the 8th says: “The evening Admin istration organ here announces that the meeting for the ratification of the nomi nation of Andrew Johnson for President, ana Gen. William T. Sherman for Vice President, which was appointed for the 10th inst,, has been postponed until the 18th proximo, when it w ill be held in the Cap itol. Tbe announctmeut is made with a great splurge of italics and small caps, and creates considerable surprise, as but few people kuew that such nominations were ever made. The fact is, that the Louisiana political bushwhackers, who have been here off and on for nearly a year trying to oust all the Federal office-holders in the Pelican State, got on a spree at Crystal Springs 6ome month since, and resolved themselves into a political party, number ing, all told, not over a baker’s dozen, and made tiie nominations. They agreed that they would meet at some future occasion for the purpose of ratifying their action, but. unfortunately for their object, a few of them got sober and failed to come to time. The result was that the bottom fell through and the new party of the future went to pieces.” Communicated.] Editors Opinion: The Intelligencer of yes terday morning, in its notice of the pro ceedings of the Georgia M.E. Church takes occasion to copy the following paragraph from the Enterprise (Miss) Star: In this connection, we desire respectful ly to enquire if the Rev. Mr. Talley refer, red to above, is the same to whom allusion is made below, in the paragraph we clip from the Enterprise (Miss.) Star: “A friend has just stepped in who gives us the following as a practical test of the sincerity of the newly converted Radicals. We recommend its general adoption by those of our colored people whose votes and influence the Radicals are endeavor ing to obtain by a regular system of equal ity hoodwinking. Rev. Mr. Talley, of the Montgomery Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, who is a “weak vessel,” has been bought up by the emmissaries of the Northern Methodist Church. In the igno rant zeal of a new convert, who. of course, wished to render some service for his raon- ney,he went into Summerfield district, over which Dr A. H. Mitchell presides and began the propagation of the perfect equality doc trine among the colored people. This equality was carried beyond Beyond; and as the legitimate result, was lionized by tbe negroes. An old gentleman of the white persua sion, residing in the neighborhood where this missionary of equality was laboring, saw proper to doubt Mr. Tallev’s sincerity, and told a favorite boy—an old-time house and body servant, who had placed great confidence in Mr. Talley as a sincere equali ty man—that he bad as well keep his mo ney—if he intended to give Mr. Talley any —until he could test his sincerity. A new idea struck Jack. Mr. Talley was to stay all night at Jack’s master's. When hd re tired to bed, Jack accompanied the rever end turncoat to his room and held bim in long conversation on tbe equality doctriney until Mr. Talley was fully committed to it, and. thoroughly sleepy, he took off his coat ready for bed; so did Jack. Boots came next; so did Jack’s. “ What are you up to?” quoth Mr. Talley. “Nuffin ’tall, sir. Eeg going to be *down to’ somefin. dat’s all,” replied Jack. “What’s that you are going to be “down to ?’ ” saith his reverence. “Well, I’se going to bed wid you, dat’s all dere is about it. I is jes as good as you is, accordin to the Lord’s gospel by you, and 1 is tired of sleeping wia myself in the shuck pen. So I is gwine to sleep wid you in master’s bed,” said Jack. Mr. Talley took a deliberate, indignant survey of Jack from head to foot, slowly put on Ms clothes, went to the stable, bri dled and saddled his horse, and left that ilk a sadder and a wiser man. The writer had the honor of meeting and making the acquaintance of the reverend gentleman in this city a few days ago, and believes that the Editor of the Intelligencer never would have permitted so gross and palpable a calumny to appear in the col umns of his paper, if he had taken the trouble to ask either Mr. Harrison or Mr. Crumley, of this city, who is J. M. Talley. The “so-called” joke is false, and was cat out of whole cloth to suit the purposes of a certain set of men, who can see no good outside of their own narrow circles. But seriously. Mr. Editor. It strikes me that if the gentlemen who control the columns of the Intelligencer would only take off their smoked spectacles, they would see in Atlanta a lot of Wue-eyed, kinky-headed niggers that were bleached out by somebody. long before the Radical party had any existence. Instead of try ing to Injure the character of a noble- TELEGRAPHIC. FROM THE KKW YORK PRESS ASSOCIATION'. Louisville, Oct. 12.—Justices Swayne and Ballard have decided that the Civil Rights bill is Constitutional. Samuel B. Taylor, nephew of the Presi dent, is dead. Washington, Oct. 12.—The pardon ap plication of R. M.T. Hunter, recently pub lished, was written soon after the close of the war. His expressions of approval np- ply to Johnson’s, and not to the Congres sional plan of reconstruction. Internal Revenue receipts to-day, $391,- 000; for the week, $2,500,000; for the fiscal year, $04,814,000. Gen. Sherman is visiting his daughter in New York. Gen. Schofield returns to Richmond to morrow. In a drunken row between stage passen gers and the escort at Cameron Crossfng, Santa Fe road, three were killed. Franklin Pierce was serenaded a£ Con cord, N. H., Wednesday night, and said: I warn you, my friends, to note the fact that these triumphs, whatever they may be, are no party triumphs. Tbe people have risen in their majesty, with a consciousness of their power, and, disregarding party lines and party aspirations, have been silently considering what belongs to them, their children, and their country*. I think the great battle has been fought and won. If the results are significant in nothing else, they are in this, that the white race—our race, the German. Italian, French, Irish, Scotch and Anglo-Saxon people—are still to be the controlling power on this Conti nent. Tbe Superior Court of New York on ap peal has decided the Gardner will case in favor of Mrs. Tyler. The Republican majority in Iowa is estimated at 20,000. Among a number of articles forwarded to the dead letter office from the army at Columbia, Newberuand Goldsboro, was an oil painting representing two children feeding a horse. The Department will res tore the painting to the owner on satisfac tory proof addressed to Third Assistant Postmaster General. The Gubernatorial result in Ohio cannot be positively known until Tuesday. London, Oct. 11.—Paris despatches 6tate affiairs in Italy grave. It is believed the whole nation will follow Garabaldi. Vic tor Emanuel will soon cross the frontier and proclaim Rome a part of his kingdom. Par's, Oct. 11.—Napoleon returned yes terday. Wilmington, Oct. 12.—W. Parker, whose trial has been in progress here for the last 2 days in the Criminal Court, was convicted of murder in the first degrre. He killed Win. Childress in 1863. Evidence circum stantial but strong. Weather clear and cool. Richmond, Oct. 12.—The case of Gen- I ui bode n is exciting some interest here.— He applied to be permitted to register un der the President’s last amnesty proelania- Nkw Obi,vans, Oct. 12.—There were 46 interments from the yellow fever for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 o’clock this morning. Mobile, Oct. 12.—There were three in terments from yellow tever for the twen ty-four hours ending at 6 o’clock this eve- ning. New York, Oct. 12.—Money easy at >. Hold closed firm at 144?/ 8 . Governments slightly lower. Stocks active and excited, with better prices. Cotton more steady; sales 2,500*, middlings 18. Flour firmer; State 9.10all.25; Southern 10.75al5.00. Wheat active and 2a3 cents better. Corn 2 cents better. Pork 22.50. Lard 14al4%. Naval stores quiet Freights higher. Nr,w\*s. Oet. 12—Cotton, scant supply; l>w middlings 17al7»£; receipts 467* exports 200. Stock 22.363. Gold closed at 144^144%. Sterling 65>£a59. New York sight>4 premium. Flour dull; choice superfine 10.75; choice extra 14.50. Corn dull and unchanged. Oats unchanged. Pork quiet but firm at 26.50a26.75. Bacon firm; shoulders 15),; clear sides 19^; su gar cured hams 27j*a28#. Lard quiet and firm at 14%al5. Freights very dull; little offering. Augusta. Oct. 12,—Cotton active, but prices easier and irregular; sales 587; mid dlings 15al5)6; receipts 319. Savannah, Oct. 12. —Cotton declined; middlings 16%; sales 600; receipts 1,450; closed quiet and steady. Mobil*, Oct. 12.—Cotton market aetive; sales 1,200; middlings 15}£al6; receipts 98 Wilmington, N. C.Oct. 12.—Cotton dull and nominaL Liverpool, Oct. 11.—Cotton sales yes terday 12,000; week’s sales 70,000; exports 19.000; specalation 4000; stock 737,000, oi which 216 is American. Baltimore Oct. 12.—Cotton very dull; middling 18)4- Flour quiet but firmer.— Wheat firmer. Corn declined 3a5; white 1.45al A0, yallow 1.58, mixed 1.41. Oats lower at 70a72. Rye declined 5c. Provi sions unchanged. NEW ADVEBTISEMENtTS. City Property and Mineral Land FOR SALE. F. CORRA. dealer in A M E It ICA X AND F R ENCII Confectionery and Fancy groceries. Fine assortment of WINES COGNAC BRAN Dll's. LIQUORS BITTERS, CORDIALS LIQUORS. SYRUPS, CHAMPAGNE WINES NATURAL FRUIT AND PRESERX F>. Select variety of TEAS, SUGAR, COFFEE, CRACKERS BUTTER, CIIEESE, HAMS DRIED BEEF, RICE, EGGS, GREEN FRUITS, NUTS, ALMONDS, RAISINS Ac- Ac- Large assortment of PIPES SEGARS SMOKING TOBACCO. SNUFF, Ac„ Ac. PERFUMERY, TOYS FANCY ARTICLES Ac, Ac. Whitehall street, west side, Atlanta, Ga_ A few doors from Alabama street. octlO—dim fk The undersigned, desiring to embark in business in this city, offers for sale the following valuable property: i HOU8K AN 11 LOT, in this city. One HOUSE AN 11 LOT, in tnis city, on Jones street. The lot contains a fraction over one-quar ter o fan acre, with an alley of eight feet on one side, and one of nine feet on the other, enclosed with a picket fence. The bouse (two story frame) contains s x rooms, four fire places, two halls thirty-six |»eet long, three closets, with garret, which is not quite finished, but can be in a very short time a d at very little additional expense. Also, forty acres of MIN £KAL LAN D in Pauld ing county, Georgia. The whole of the above will be 6old at A BAR GAIN if applied to within the next week. ISAAC B. PILGRIM, octia-dlfc Atlanta. Ga. QUA RTERLY REPORT O F the condition of the GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA, on the morning of first Monday in October, 1881. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts.... Overdratts Furniture and Fixtures. Current Expenses Due from National Banks... U. 8 Bonds Deposited with U. S. Treasurer to secure circulation Atlanta City Bonds Cush on hand in National Hank Notes $26,507 00 Legal Tender Notes 50.000 00 Compound Interest Notes ... 1.090 00 Fractional Curceucy 3 716 06 Cash items 8,997 15— $118,994 00 2;323 73 9,742 14 5.998 32 99,947 95 100,000 00 6,000 00 87 270 21 LIABILITIES. $361,874 35 Junius Letters.—The discussion rela ting to the identity of the author of Juni us' Letters, lias been reopened. Dr. J Craig, of Mobile, Ala-, writes to the Round TaMe, scouting the idea of identifying Sir Philip Francis with the Nominis Umbra. I >r. C. says “the Franciscans have not an inch of solid ground to stand upon in that controversy,” and maintains the Lyttletoni m» theory as convincingly established. On the other hand, we see it announced that the memoirs of Sir Philip Francis are i}*out to be published by Mr. Herman Me- rivale—of tlie poet of that name and brother of the historian of the Roman Em pire—and that Mr. Thurlow Weed, who has examined the materials, declares that this work will conclusively establish the identity of Junius and the qarrelsome bar onet. The Junius letters are chiefly remarka ble for the successful concealment of the name of their author. They were publish ed in a London newspaper iiefore the American Revolution; have since had a ]ar‘*e run in book form; the Havana of both continents have puzzled their learned heads to identify their author; but his name b as much a mystery to-day as in the morning when the first letter was pub lished, nearly a century ago. i —■ e >»*»" f3f' Wt; are sorry to see Dr. Miller, of Fulton, ani Judge Irwin, of Cobb count}*, i -tich bail company.— Opposition paper. You were likewise “sorry to see” Gen. Longstreet, Jeff. Thompson. Gen. Beaure gard, Gov. Patton, B. C. Yancey, the three Judges of the Supreme Court, and a host «,f others, “in such bad company.’ You will be more sorrowful still about the first of November. Bbkadbtcfks Advancing.—The Palace Mills of Columbus have advanced the price of meal and flour. Meal is worth in that n a rice: $1.73 per bnshel. Ped lie. Kef u'dienn candidate for Maj\°J Literary Notes.—Prof. James Wood Davidson, of Columbia, S. C., is preparing a series of critiques on living Southern writers, which will be published in the Southern Home Journal, Baltimore. Prof. Davidson expects to bring these articles out in book form in the Spring. The first of his series is on Jas. R. Randall, and is a well written paper. Dr. J. Parish Stelle, of Caseyville, Ky., is preparing a similar series of articles. Seven of his have appeared in the Waverly Maga zine, Boston, and others will follow as ra pidly as material can be collected. Mr. Stelle finds some difficulty in getting at a sufficiency of correct data, and would be very glad if the friends of Southern writ ers would give him such facts as they may possess. James Maurice Thompson, one of the most promising of the literati of Georgia, is at present quite ill. Mr. Thompson is one of the most vigorous of our young writers, and is exceedingly versatile and pungent as a critic. tion, upon taking an oatii to support the hearted Christian gentleman, and of ac- J Constitution, hut was rejected. He now cusing the Union men of the South of intends to apply to the U. S. District noRACE Greeley and Henry C. Dean. Henry Clay Dean recently wrote to Horace Greeley, inviting a discussion of the nation al debt question, from the stand-point of the Democratic doctrine ©f repudiation.— In reply Horace Greeley sent the follow ing note declining a discussion: Office of the Tribune., > New York, Septembers. 1867. ) Mr. Dean—Sir: I have yours of the *29th ult. Should I ever consent to argue the propriety and policy of wholesale swin dling, I shall take your proposal into con sideratton. I do not know where the cause of national villany could find a fitter ad vocate than yourself. Yours. Horace Greklf.y. Henry Clay Dean, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Is this a case for the “Code ?” It would be in some of the Spanish Provinces, and among certain classes in Mississippi and Louisiana. preaching social equality to the colored man, it would be well to cast a veil over the past. Fair Play. Can’t Control the Mind.—England has effectually suppressed Fenian out breaks hut it sees itself unable to repress Fenian sympathies. The Fenian Kelly having died while in prison, a great de monstration of sympathy for the deceased was made on Monday at his funeral. The English begin to feel considerably seared at the probable movements of the Fenians. Reckless.—The Georgia correspondent of tiie New York Times in a recent letter from Atlanta says “the kind of men that stand the best chance of goingto the Geor gia Convention, are those who in ordinary times would not stand the remotest chance of being elected to any office.” The ticket at the head of our colums for this (35th) District, gives the lie to this statement. Congressional Committees.—The vari ous, regular and special conim ; Toes of the House of Representatives a r <>“ busily engaged in preparing their r to be able to report at the m The Select Committee on ment of Union prisoners ot v . . its session at Boston on rlie der the chairmanship of Mr diana. The Select Committee on s roads proceeds South from ti. - 16th inst~ under the chairman-, , 'it*. McClurg of Missouri. A Sub-committee of the Judiciary Com mittee will assemble to-morrow at Jlimr room in the Capitol, to commence the in vestigation assigned to it, as to whether the State or Maryland possesses a Republi can form of government. Nothing has yet transpired relative to Gen. Butler's Select Committee on the as sassination of Nr. Lincoln.— Washington paper. red !<•- i.ef u uiCLn N.*.vark, N. J„ is elected by twenty-six >rity. “I Am an American.”—Garibaldi is proud of having become a citizen of the United States while living in our country. When arrested, he and his friends thought of appealing to the American Minister of Florence for obtaining his release as being an American. The Minister, it seems, could not view the subject all through in this light, but lie asked tiie Government to show clemency to the distinguished pris oner. Who Did the Fighting?—The New York Herald says that “there is not a sin gle great soldier of the country—there never was a corps commander in the Army of the Potomac—who was not a Democrat before the war.” So much for Copperhead- Court for a writ of mandamus to compel the registering officers to register his name. In case the court refuses to grant the writ, he will appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, and thus test the validity of the oath required by the Reconstruction act and demonstrate what virtue there Is in the pardon accorded by the President to the excluded class. The United States Deputy Marshal seiz ed on the British bark Mulhall, of No va Scotia, at City Point to-day, to satisfy a claim of the mate. The Captain resisted tiie seizure and was very insolent and threatened the country with English ven geance, and telegraphed for advice to the British Consuls at Norfolk, New York and Richmond, but was finally pacified and yielded to the law. Gen. O. Brown, Chief of theiBurcau, has received a letter irom Norfolk, explaining the troubles on the Taylor farm. The ne groes have been allowed to remain there up to this time unmolested. Taylor was j pardoned more than a year ago. ne ha I been endeavoring to get them off, but they !*.«’ persistently refused to leave. A few ru-e, a party went out from Nor- rnpanied by an agent of the Bu- ;.<*rsuade them to leave, offering • <‘;n Gen. Wise’s farm, which is still :i the bands of the government. They assembled together and through their spokesman refused all offers of a con pro mise, declaring that the President had no right to pardon Taylor and that they would remain on tbe farm and defend what they considered their property against all comers. Steps will be taken to eject them by civil process. There has been no outbreak as yet. and no armed demonstra tion was made. The conference was a peacable and a bloodless one, but is feared that trouble will grow out of it and that blood may be shed before the squatters will yield their sovereignty. The board of directors of the Chamber of Uommerr.-e held thier first meeting this Gen. Marion’s Sword.—We were shown, a few days ago, by Philodore S. Bell, Esq- a member of the bar of this city, the iden tical sword worn by the famous partisan fighter. Gen. Marion, in the first war of the Republic. The sword was captured by Captain Edward McKeige, (then Acting . . , , Master United States Navy.) May lst.lS'52. | evening and organized. The board of regis- at St. Mary’s, Georgia. It was found con cealed in the top ot an old wardrobe, in an ancient stone house. It was present ed by Captain McKeige to Commodore Meade, of the Navy, who presented it to Maj. Gen. G. G. Meade, who again presen ted it to the gentleman in whose possession it now is. The blade is an exceedingly fine one. The mottoes on the blade are charac teristic of olden chivalry, expressing on one side. “No me saques sin razoinj (“Nev er draw me without cause,”) and on the other. “No me embaines sin honor,” (“Never sheath me without honor.”) Gen. Marion's name is rudely carved on the handle, hear ing date 1773. It is probable that the sword will find its way back to Georgia.—Phila delphia Sunday Mercury. ISTRev. Mr. Homady, who was recent- ism. Washburne, however, says Grant was a “Whig,” and that he is now a Re- ^ called to the pastorate of the Baptist , ,• r: • ,, , „ .. . ! church in this place, has not yet signified publican. It is well known that < s - jjjg acceptance. It is believed and hoped, burneis Grant’s confidential adviser, and however, that he will do so .—La Grange is, therefore, posted. 1 Reporter, Ilf A. tration. closed its books last evening. During the fi\% days there Were registered in the city 189 whites, and 157 blacks— which leave the black majority nearly the same as before. The African Church has been refused to the Republican Mass Nominating Conven tion, and therefore, it will be held in Capi tol Square. Monday. A meeting is being held now to make preparations for it. Hunnicut and Underwood will doubtless be two of the five delegates nominated. Gen. Beuragard leaves in the morning for Washington. Augusta, Oct. 12.—A duel was fought near here this morning between Col. H. P. Farrow, of Atlanta, and Major O'Connor, of Rome. After an interchange of shots, the matter was settled. The difficulty grew out of a newspaper article. Capital Stock, paid lu $100 0(X» 00 Circulation 90.5UI On Deposits 146 423 19 Due other Banks and Bunkers 9,016 82 Surplus Fund $4 000 60 Discount and Exchange 8.544 13 Profit and Loss 3,889 61— 16 434 34 $361,874 35 I, Edward L. Jones, Cashier of the Georgia Na tional Bank of Atlanta, do solemnly swe .r that the uliove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. Jj. JONES, Cashier. STATE OF GEORGIA,! Sworn and subscribed County of Fulton, i belore me this eleventh day of October, 1307. D. G. JoXES, oct!3—dlt Notary Public. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court House door, in Carrollton, on the first Tues day in December next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. (39) thirty-nine, containing (302>i) two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, with about thirty acres in cultivation, toler able improvements, lying in the sixth district of said county of Carroll. Sold as the property of William Kinney, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. October9,1867. JESSE KINNEY, Administrator. oct!3—wtds Printer’s Ibe $5 GEORGIA, Clayton county. P LEASANT M. GLASS, late of said county, having departed this life intestate and no per son having applied for administration on the estate of said deceased: These are, therefore, lo cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased. to be and appear at my otllce within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted to the Clerk of the Superior Court or some other fit or proper person. Given under my hand and official signature, tbu October 7th, 1867. C. A. DOLLAR, Ordinary. oct!3—w30d Printer’s fee $5 NOTICE. T WO MONTHS after this date application wid be made to the Ordinary of GwloneU coun ty, Georgia, for an order to tell all the wil t «tr scattered lands nat lying in said ronntv b> lone ing to the estate of Adam Williamson, deceaaeu. according to the law laid down in Section 2 516 of the code of Georgia, a portion of the lands, to-wit: Lot of land No. 1 190 in the 9lst dirt id and 9* section, and lot No 437 in the 15th district and 2 a section, and one-fourth of tbe mineral interest la loUXo. 366 in the 15ih district nnn 2d sertion. Tha above named are .d! w ild lands, ly ing in what it known to be the Chemkt-e Purchase in said Stut* Said lots dre supposed to he of great value for gold and other minerals, and could be sold to nine* better advantage probably than at public sale, wherefore your petitioner prays your honor lo grant him an order to sell the same and any other wild lands lying out of said county of Gwinnett and in this State, which belonged to said deceased, ia terms of the law in such cases made and pro vided, your petitioner will ever nray, etc. C. L. 8IMMON8, Adra’r., Per J. P. Simmons, his Attorney. September 95,1867—wtm [Printer’s fee $5] ELIZABETH MORGAN,] Bill for specific per- and I formance. cancelation MARY W. MORGAN, | of deed, Ac., in Walker by her next friend, Ac., > Superior t our*. vs. I ADDISON B. HOWARD, and others. j r ’ being Bhown that William Morgan and Henry C. Hunter, two of the defendants in the above stated case, reside beyond tbe limits of this State so that they cannot be served by the Sheriff: It *» ordered that said defendant be served by public* tion of this Order once a mouth for four month- previous to the next Term <>r this Court, in tlte Opinion, a new spaper published in the city of At lanta, and that saiil William Morgan and Mrnv* C. Hunter appear aim defend said bill at the next Term of the Su|»erior Oourt for said county of Walker, on the 4th Monday in Febrnary. 1HW, nr that in default thereof the bill will be taken *- confessed, and the eomplainants be allowed in proceed rm part* »» to said defendants. Ciminner*, Scpleinoer 3a. ih>i. J AMES MILKER, J. S. C, C. C. A true extract from Minute* of Court. Si;item her 21st, 1867. JAMES II. ROGERS. Clerk oct6—wlam4m [Printer’s fee $13 00] EXECUTORS’ SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the honorable Conn of Ordinary of Umts c, Georgia, will be sold before the Court House door, in tnc town ef Jackson. Butts county, within the legal bour-i ©f sale on the first Tuesdav in Nnveml^er next tbs tollowing proiierty, to-wit: six hundred and eighty-live (686) acres of land, more or l«*s. in ths eighth district or originally Henry, now Butt, county, nutnliers of said land not known, bnl ad joining the lands of James>. Thomas P Atkinson, 8 Bivens and Gales Jinks, bold as the real estate of Thomus B. Burfonl. deceased for the benefit Wthe t.cirs and creditors of mi>. deceased. Terms of sale— Cash. s. H. BURFORD.I F It BUKFOftD.i Executors. September 15,1867. | Prs fee $10] sep89-wtd» GEORGIA, Fulton county. C OURT OF ORDINARY, OCTOBER TERM 1867.—Whereas, Mrs. Jane A. Welch applie- to me for letters of guardianship cf the penon and property of Thomas Fleming, minor unde* fourteen years of age, orphan of James Fleming, deceased: All persons concerned arc notified to Ole thel* ohiections, if any exist, on or Indore the Prs: Monday in November next, else letter* will be granted according to the prayer ofapplicant Witness my official signature and seal of office October 7th, 1867. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary oct9—w33d Printer s fee $1 EXECUTOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Upson county, will be sold be fore the Court House door, in the town of Thom- aston, Upson county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in December next, within tbe legal hours of sale, one hundred and ninety-eight (198) acres of land, more or less, being parts of lots of land Nos. 71. 99, lOu and 106, in the 15th district of originally Monroe, now Upson county. Sold as tbe property of the estate of Jacob King, late of Upson county de ceased. Sold for the oeutlit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms ca*h October 8, 1861. JACOB S. KING,, Executor. oetiS— wtds Printer’s fee $5 NOTICE. • S IXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, for leave to sell all the real estate belong ing to F. D. Boatfleld, late of said county, de ceased. Sold for the benefitof the heirs and credi- toi-s of said deceased. L. M. MUNFORD. Administrator. August 31,1867. [Prs fee $5] sep3—w2m Assignee’s Notice of Appointment. I N the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia: In the Matter of ) JAMES R HALES,/ In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEBN*. The undersigned hereby gives notice, once a week for ttiree weeks, of his appointment as As signee ol the Estate of James ft. Hales, of Cedar Town, in the County of Polk, and State of Geor gia, in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upoh his own petition, by the District Court of the said District. This 2d day of Octo ber, 1867. NOAH R. FOWLER, ocfcS—wSw Assignee. NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the es tate of Joseph Atkins, late of Henry county, deceased, are requested to present them properly attested to the undersigned within the time pre- scribad by law; and all persons indebted to said estate arc required to make immediate payment, o . „„ JAMES ATKINS, Adm’r, Sept. 13,1867. Atlanta, Ga. GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the COurt of Ordinary of said coun- ty, for leave to sell the real estate of Shephard Ethridge, late ot said county, deceased. August 23d, 1867. B. A. BLAKEY, Adm’r. aug94-w2m [Printer’s fee $51 Jam:ts H. Lawrence, ) Libel for Divorce, in vs. / Bartow Superior Margaret II. Lawrence. > Court, September Term, 1867. I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant cannot be found in the county of Bartow; and it being further made to appear that defendant does not reside in this State, it if on motion of counsel, ordered thar said defendant appear and answer at the next Term of this Court, else that the case be consider ed in default, and tbe plaintiff allowed to pro ceeil. And it is further ordered that this rule t>- published in the Atlanta Weekly Opinion, once a month for lour months. JAMES MILNER. J. S. C\, C. C. Priktcp & Focche, plaintiff’s attorney*. A true transcript from the minutes of Bartow- Superior Court, September 16th. 1867. sep20-wla\v4m THOS. A. WORD. ( lerk. GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. T WO MONTHS afterdate application will t made to the Court of Ordinary of -aid count- . tor leave to sell the lands belonging to the e-tat-. of Benjamin P. Weaver, deceased JOHN E. MAGUIRE. Administrator. August 29, 1867. [Prs fee $51 aug31-\v3in GEORGIA, Newton county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable Ordinary of said coun ty, for leave to sell the real estate of Jesse M Haralson, deceased, late of said county. K. ELLIOTT, Administrator. September 28,1867—w2m I Prs fee $5] GEORGIA, Paulding county. T WO MONTHS after date application will hs m do to the Honorable Ordinary of said coun ty for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of LA. Corruth, deceased, late of said county. H. M WHITWORTH. Adm’r. Avugst 27, 1867. aug30—w2m | Prs fee $5’ GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. T WO MONTHS after this date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Gwinnett county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to tbe estate of Samnel P. Williams, deceased. WM. P. WILLIAMS, Sen.. AdmT. September 25,1867—wtds [Prs fee $5} GEORGIA, Newton county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, fbr leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Joseph L. Rogers, deceased. JAMES N. SIMS, Administrator. September 10th. 1867—w9m f Prs fee $51 GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. T WO MONTHS after date application wiU be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the reality of Martha Maltbis. deceased, the same consisting of three shares or Georgia Railroad Stock. WALTER S. MALTBIK, Adm’r. September 96,1867—wSm (Prs fee $5}