The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 13, 1867, Image 3

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DAILY OPINION. SUNDAY MORNING:::::OCTOBER 13. TO SUBSCRIBERS—Our reader* should ir-.n min i that our term' of subscription re- rrirr *lY*i»re j»avmei»U from fubjerfbers. The towHr*U> at Which th. OriNios is offered will not hluttvlong -redite. «rexpense of collecting. Bear «l,i- in min i acl remit promptly. TO ADVERTISERS.—Except ir eases in v • . h ij»’ arrangement i» tnade, advertisc- ,, . sli.iiM U- paid for when delivered at the ui.ter o- utioii presentation of bill after puhli- r .t ion. tfcaT Notices, for appearance next n.orn jn will bereccired up to B o’clock. F M., daily To Subscribers.—-Subscriber i who fail i ct their paper regularly will confer a favor by .. uiptlj reporting the fact at the counting room !■ tbi* ot3- c It b tbi earnest desire of the pub- 1 >hers of the opinion that it lie promptly and rrcnlartc delivered to sitlxscribers and any fail- iii? on tic part of the carriers to ao so should be r , unrted in order that such neglect or careless- £ ” may be corrected. I>k. J. G. \r. Brown. of Sarnl IliU. Car- i»il i-ountv, will act HS agent of the Daily and Weekly OPINION in soliciting advertisements and subscriber*. A. Tidwell. Esq., Is our authorized a - nt at Dallas, Paulding County, Gs. M«.W.F. White, of Thomasville, will act a- agent of the Daily and'Weekly Opinion, in Fouthcrn Georgia. local affairs. Rev. A.T. Scalding, of Mobile, Ala., will (D. V.) again preach at the First Bap tist Church to-morrow (Suuday, 13th Inst.) at 1(>V o’clock, a. u n and at 1% o’clock, v. u. The public are kindly Invited to at tend. ■ M. E. Conference.—In publishing the official proceedings of the first day’s ses sion of the M. E. Conference yesterday morning, the name of the Secretary was inadvertantly omitted. We regret this, ns it gave the proceedings the appearance of an editorial report, instead of an official re- jfort of the officers of Conference, as in point of fact it was. Urlioiocs Notice.—On Sabbath, the 13th inst., there will be preaching in the I>avl« Ilall at 10j^ o’clock by R. W. Clarke, I>. D„ of Cinclnnatti, one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to be fol lowed by the ordination of several Ministers »« Deacons; and ai 3 o’clock by Rev. J. M. Reid, D. editor of the Western Chris tian Advocate. At 7 o'clock, r. m., Rev. T. II. I’earne, D. D-, of Knoxville, Tenn., will preach in a new church, three squares south of the City Hall. The public are cordially invited to at- leud these services. Lecture.—About the 15th of November, Rev. Father A. J. Ryan, author of the “Conquered Banner," will deliver a lecture in this city, under the auspices of the Young Men's Library Association. This will be the inaugural o ies of some ten or a dozen lectures which will be provided by the same institution during the coming winter anti spring. These lectures will be a prominent feature of amusement as well as a source of instruction for our people— especially for the young. A : ain in real estate may be had, if application is made, within the next week, lo Isaac B. Pilgrim, who desiring to em bark in business, wishes to sell his house an<l lot in this city, and some very valua ble land in Paulding county. See adver tisement in another portion of this paper. Bank Report.—The official report of the Georgia National Bank of Atlanta, will be found in the proper column. The fidelity with which this institution has been man aged is apparent from the figures given to the public. Thursday evening next the Turners hold their annual dancing festival, at Da vis' Hall. Arrangements are making to secure a pleasant evening's enjoyment to visitors, and nothing will be left undone to insure it. Ufa Sect In Hearca. Talking of sects till late one eve, Of the various doctrines the saints believe, That night I stood in a troubled dream, By the side of a darkly flowing stream. And a “Churchman” down the river came, When I heard a strange voice call his name “Good lather, stop; when you cross this tide; You must leave your robes on the other side.” But the aged father did not mind. And his long gown floated out behind, As down the stream his way he took, His pale hands clasping a gilt edged book: “ I'm!>ound for heaven, and when I'm there, I shall want my book of Common Prayer; And though I put on a starry crown, I should feel quite lost without my gown.” Then he fixed his eye on the shining track, But his gown was heavy and held him back, And the poor old father tried in vain, A single step in the flood to gain. I saw him again on the other side. But his silk gown floated on the tide; And no oue asked in that blissful spot, Whether he belonged to “ the Church ” or not. Then down to the river a Quaker strayed, His dress of a sober hue was made; % “ Aly coat and hat must he all of gray, I cannot go any other Way.” Then he buttoned his coat straight op to his chin. And staidly, solemnly waded in, And his broad-brimmed hat he pulled down tight Over his forehead, so cold and white. But a strong wind carried away his hat; A moment he silently sighed over that, A nd then, as he gazed to the farther shore, The coat slipped off and was seen no more. As he entered heaven, his suit of gray Went quietly sailing—away—away, And none of the aagels questioned him About the width oi his beaver’s brim. Next came Dr. Watts with a bundle of Psalms Tied nicely up in bis aged arms, And hymns as many, a very wise thing, That the people In heaven, “all round,” might sing. But I though* he heaved an anxious sigh, As he saw that the river ran broad ana high, And looked rather surprised as, one by one, The Psalms and Hymns in the waves went down. And after him with his Iff88., Came Wesley, the pattern of godliness, But he cried, •’ Dear me, what shall I do? The water has soaked them through and through.' And there on the river, far and wide, A way they wen* down the swollen tide. And the saint astonished passed through alone, Without his manuscripts up to the throne. Then gravely walking, two saints, by name, Down to the stream together came, But as they stopped at the river’s brink, I saw one saint from the other shrink. “ Sprinkled or plunged, may I nek you friend, How you attained to life’s great end?” “7A«m, with a few drops on my brow,” ” But I have been dipped, as you’ll see me now. “And I really think it will hardly do, As I'm ’close communion' to cross with you; Yon are hpund, 1 know, to the realms of bliss. But you must go that way, and I’ll go this.” Then straightway plunging with all his might, Away to the leftr-his friend at the right, Apart they went from this world of sin, But at last together they entered in. And now, when the river was rolling on, A Presbyterian church went down; Of women there seemed an innumerable throng, But the men 1 could count as the passed along. And concerning the road, they could never agree, The old or the ntte way, which it could be, Nor ever a moment paused to think That both would lead to the river’s brink; And a sound of murmuring long and loud, Came ever up from the moving crowd, You’re in the old way. and I’m In the new, That Is the false, and this is the true ”— Or, ”I’m in the old wav. and you’re in the new, Thai Is the false, and tbit is the true.” But the brethren only seemed to spark; Modest the sisters walked, and meek, And if ever one of them chanced to say What troubles she met with on the way. How she longed to pass to the other side. Nor feared to cross over the swelling tide, A voice from the brethren then; “ Let no one speak but the holy men; For have ye not heard the wards of Paul, “‘Oh, let the women keep silence all? ’ ” I watched them long In my curious dream. Till they stood by tbe lH>rders of the stream; Then, iust as I thought, the two ways met, But all the brethren were talking yet, And would talk on, till the heaving tide Carried them over, side by side; Side ny side, for the way was one, The toilsome journey or life was done. And all who iu Christ the Saviour died, Came out alike on the other side. No forms, or crosses’ or books had they, No gowns of silk, or suits of gray. No creeds to guide them, or MSS., For all had put on Christ’s righteousness.” tSfATLANTA GARDEN.—-MR. F. KELLER, of this favorite resort, has recently added new attractions, preparatory to rendering his guests comfortable dnring the winter season. Among other Improved features, It may be men tioned that t'is musical addition cannot fail to In terest his patrons. It is intended to make the GARDEN ” a place of pleasant resort through out tiie season. Good order will be preserved, at all times, and every attention afforded to visitors. octl3—dlw 1 |y ANNUAL BALL OF THR ATLANTA. TTJ UN-VERKIN. The Third Annual Ball of this Association will take place at DAVI8’ HALL on TUESDAY EVENING, the 16th inst. There will be Gymnastic Exercises during the evening by the members. Tickets of Admission, including Refreshments, may be bad by application to either of the follow ing gentlemen: HENRY G. KUHRT, Chairman Committee of Invitation. P. SCHRAMM, CHAS. BOHNEFELD, D-33. JONES, C. P. FREEMAN, a A. KING, LUDWIG HARMSEN. Tickets admitting Gentlemen and Ladies, $3.00. A. C. LADD, Chairman Committee of Arrangement*. octlB—d3t A Caravan.—Fifteen wajrons, loaded ■with late citizens of White county, Ga., passed through this city yesterday, en -oute for new homes in Texas. Serious Accident.—We learn that Mr Joseph Banks, of Hall county, met with a serious accident, near this city, last even ing. lie was driving a team, and one of hi.- mules fell on him, aud thus prevented hi m from escaping the wheels of his wagon, which paa-ed o\ - 1 im. The wagon was heavily loaded \v : passed directly < hope of his rec< the attending phy The aecident oe. .. *1 -yesterday, near i>.. tree road, a short distuu - and the wheels Blit- little •oed by • - uing. > .'dock, p. -uthePeach- i'rom the city. Superior Court.—The Superior Court for this county adjourned at 12 o'clock yes terday until Monday morning. The cases idjudu-Ated during the past week were of no general interest, albeit some of them were of considerable private import. It is probable that the criminal docket will be readied some time during the second week of the court. There are some interesting cases on this docket. The Hypocrite. “But then I sigh, and with a piece of scripture, Tell them—the God bids U9 do good for evil: And thus I clothe my naked villany With old odd ends, stolen forth of Holy Writ; And seem a saint, when most I play the Devil.” —Shaktpeare. Of all detestable characters, that of the Hypocrite, who “steales the livery of Hea ven to serve the Devil in,” is first and fore most, 1n the opinion of all honest men. He pretends to that which he is not. He joins some popular branch of the Christian Church and affects holy horror at the wick edness of his neighbors who are not in the same pale of formality with himself, while his heart is full of bitterness and all un charitableness. He turns up his sanctimo nious phiz iu the Sabbath-day conventicle and declares his purpose to lead a more holy and righteous life, and the next day brings a “railing accusation” against his neighbor, while he professes to De in “har mony” and peace with all that live near him.—Americas Citizen. Correction.—General Spinner, Treasur er of the United States, in a report to the Secretary of the Treasury says: “The stories which have been so indus triously circulated in regard to the abstrac tion or over issue of stocks, notes, coupons and currency, or of any other obligation of the Government, are entirely without foundation, in truth or in fact.” Special Notices. HTGEORGIA STATE LOTTERY— Fob the Benefit of the MASONIC ORPHANS* HOME Combination Class, No. 96. The following were the Drawbf Nos., Oct 12th, 7-62-57-38-32-50-73-23-61-13-24-1. octll—It BOYD, WILSON A GO., Managon. WUNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE legal advertisements emanating from the Office of the Ordinary of Heard county, Georgia, will be published in the Atlanta Opinion. W. H. C. PACK, Ordinary. Franklin, Ga., 8ept. 37,1867. octl-w4t BTFROM AND AFTER THIS DATE my legal advertisements will be found In the At lanta Opinion. D. D. DOYAL, Sheriff Spalding county, Ga. Griffin, Ga., September 36,1867—wit tar GRACEFUL POSITIONS, ELE GANT and Clear Pictures, at reasonable prices, are one of the characteristics >nd specialties at KUHN’S CELEBRATED GALLERY, 290 White hall, near Alabama 6treet. Fourteen years ex perience justifies us in saying that our PICTURES are equal to the best made in the United States. oct9—dlw gy UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE legal advertisements emanating from the Ordin ary’s Office of Dade county, Georgia, will hereaf ter be published in the Georgia Weekly Opinion, JOE. C. SUTTON, Ordinary. Trenton, Ga., October 4,1867. octS—w4t tyUNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE legal advertisements emanating from the Offiee of the Ordinary of Bibb county, Georgia, will be published in the Atlanta Opinion. W. M. RILEY, Ordinary. Macon, Ga„ October 1, 1867—w4t ty UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE legal advertisements emanating from the offices of Ordinary and Sheriff of Jasper county, Georgia, will be published in the Atlanta Opinion. M. H. HUTCHISON, Ordinary BERRY DIGBY, Sheriff. Monticello, Ga.. September 25, 1867—w4t jy UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE legal advertisements emanating from the office of Ordinary of Buldwin county, Georgia, will be published in the Atlanta Opinion. JOHN HAMMOND, Ordinary. Milledgevillc, Ga., Sept. 28, 1867—w4t ly UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE legel advertisements emanating from the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Bartow county, Georgia, will be published in the Georgia Weekly Opinion. THOS. A. WORD, Clerk Bartow Superior Court. Cartersville, September 20,1867—w4t OCTOBER 9th, 1867. STAPLE AM) FANCY GROCERIES. JOHN R, B0STWI0K, Cranlte Block, Broad street. FALL STOCK NOW OPEN To the Trade Only. /^REAT INDUCEMENTS. NS. he largest stock of Groceries ever offered in this section, at prices that will result in certain sale; to your interest to call before you purchase at Nos. 1 and 2 Granite Block. Sugars. 30 hhds. Cuba and Porto Rico, 35Q barrels Relined and Raw, 25 barrels Cut Loaf^ 100 loafs White, in paper. Call before you purchase your Sugars. Coffee. 300 bags Rio at great bargains. 70 bags Mocha, Java, Native Ceylon, Maracaibo and Laguyra. This line of Coffees is well worth the at tention Of CLOSB BUYERS AND HEAVY DBALXBS. Teas. 40 chests and half chests Black and Green, 70 quarters and caddies Black and Green. Molasses and Syrup. 125 barrels Molasses, New Orleans to Common, 50 barrels Refined Syrup. Candy. 100 boxes Plain, 75 boxes Fancy, 20 boxes Rock. Fruit and Vegetables in Cans and Glass. 200 cases canned Vegetables and Fruit, 50 cases glass Vegetables and Fruit. Tobacco, Segars and Snuff. 100 boxes Manufactured Tobacco, 75000 Segars, various brands.. 2000 pounds best Macaboy Snuff, 10 barrels Smoking Tobacco in bulk, very cheap, 5 cases in bales, from Good to Prime. Shot and Caps. 250 bags Drop and Buck Shot, 750 M. G. D. Caps, 250 M. Water Proof and Musket Caps. Paper and Paper Bags. 500 reams Wrapping Paper, 200 M. Paper Bags. Cheese. 25 Plain Cheese, 50 Goshen and E. D. Cheese. also, BACON, FLOUR, LARD, VINEGAR, And any kind of goods found in a heavy and complete stock of Groceries. This stock I offer at NEW YORK or BALTI MORE PRICES, charges added, far CASH, at wholesale only. J. R. BOSTWICK. oct9—dtf ty NOTICE.—UNTIL FURTHER No tice all the legal advertisements from the Sheriff’s Office of Henry county, Ga., will be .published in the Atlanta Opinion. B. H. HIGHTOWER, Sheriff. McDonough, Ga., Sept. 16,1867. sepl9-w4t POST OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA., October 2,1867.—From and after this date, until further notice, this office will be opened and closed as follows: Open at 8 o’clock, A a Close at 12.80 o’clock, p a Open at o’clock, r a Close at 6 o’clock, p a SUNDAY'S. Open at 8 o’clock, A a Close at.. 10 o’clock, A M Open at 5 o’clock, p a Close at 6.30 o’clock,^p“m oct3—dtf THOS. G. SIMMS, P. M. Seizure of Spirits.—The- Revenue au thorities on yesterday seized upon a small quantity of whisky at the store of Messrs. Loftis A Jett, on Marietta street, near the junction of Walton. We understand that propositions for a compromise were reject ed by the officers, and the parties required to give bond for their appearance to an swer for the illicit transaction. Sickness in Columbus.—The Sun and Times, of the 10th, says: The coolness of the past two or three days was succeeded, yesterday, by a tem perature of much warmth and oppressive ness. We hear of not a few cases of sick ness in almost every quarter of the city, though it is not serious. Store House and Dwelling FOR SALE. » With a view to return to Tennessee, I offer for sale my SIORE HOUSE AND LOT, on Peachtree street. 3l»v 100 feet—well built 01 urick ami covered with Tiu; will also sell the DW ELLING in which I live, on Peachtree street, considered by manv the most desirable in many respects to anv in the citv. October 6, 1&67- il2m JOS. L. KENG. Frost.—A slight frost was perceptible in the outskirts of the city yesterday morn ing. We understand that it was very de finitely visible in the neighborhood of De catur. BUSINESS NOTICES. Lad DCS in want of Hats or Bonnets would do well to call at MRS. KNOX’S Millinery and Trimming Establishment. She also keeps a splen did stork of Trimmings and Fancy Goods, t"Soaks, Ac. And is constantly receiving flesh supplies. MRS. KNOX, Whitehall st.. four doors from Alabama 6t. Emery's “Universal” son.tenser for sale by Cotton Gin and P. W. J. Echols. GEORGIA, Fayettr county. R ACHEL NEAL, in proper form, applies to me lor letters of administration on the estate ot Francis Carson, deceased, late of said county: This_ is, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, amd show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted to the applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, this 7th day of October, 1867. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary- octlw30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Baldwin county. Z ACUARIAH BROOKINS has made applica tion to me for letters of administration on the Brown, late of said county, e.tate of Elizabeth deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons adversely concern- d to file their objec- tions on or before th-first Monday in December next. Given under my official signature, this Octo ber 8th.1867. JOHN HAMMOND, Ordinary. Printer’s fee $3 cctll—wSOd* C^"MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR children teethino, greatly facili-' tates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay All Pain and spasmodic action, and is and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it wiilgive rest to your selves, and RE LIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for years, and Can Say in Confidence and Truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicine—Never has it Failed in a Single In stance to Effect a Cure, when timely used.— Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operatian, and speak in terms of commendation of its matical effects and medi cal virtues. We speak in this matter “WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after years of experience, and Pledge our Reputation for the fulfilment of what we here declare. Iu almost every in stance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhanstation, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis tered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure and call for “Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth ing Sybitp,” having the fac-simile of “CURTIS & PERKINS” on the out-side wrapper. All others are base imitations. Sold |p%ruggists throughout the world. PRKI& ONLY 35 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES—315 Fulton street, New York; 260 High Holboru, London, England; 441 St. Pan street, Montreal, Canada. aug23—d6meod WHERE The people can trade at the best advantage is of Interest to all, but in calling attention to our house, we shall not say at this time that we DO keep the “largest stock,” “best goods,” at won- drously LOW PRICES, etc., pre/ering that YOU visit our 6tore, which you certainly ought to do, and if you BUY we will guarantee that you will not [regret it. YOUR own interest demands a trial of our BOOTS AND SHOES? of which we have a supply sufficient for ALL, and sixes, styles and quality, good enough lor any body. Also, Leather and Shoe Findings. The trade jof Country Merchants is especially solicited. 160 cases New Goods jnst in. Our Motto— Quick Solti amd BmaU PnpUS for CASE. Remember the Sign and the Place) L T. BANKS, Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets. *ep30—« FALL TRADE. 18 6 7. A. K. SEAGO, Wholesale Grocer COMMISSION MERCHANT, Offers for Sate: PROPOSALS. Office Depot & Disbursing Quartermaster, Atlanta, Ga., October 7th. 1867. S EALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office, until 12 M., MONDAY, October 14th, 1867, for furnishing the Quartermaster’s Depart ment with BITUMINOUS COAL In such quantities as may be required from time to time from date of contract until 30th April, 1867. The Coal to be “Lump” or ‘ Egg” Coal, free from dirt, and to be delivered in such quantities and at such places within the city limits as the Quarter master may direct. The amount required will probably not exceed Twenty (20) Tons. Proposals must state the price per ton of 2240 pounds. Bids must be in triplicate, with a copy of this advertisement attached to each, and bear the endorsement of two responsible persons who are willing to become surety for the bidder in the event of the contract being awarded to him. Proposals not complying with the requirements of tnis advertisement will be rejected. Bidders are invited to be present or represented at the opening of the bids. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Proposals should be addressed to the under signed and endorsed on the envelope, “Proposals for the delivery of Coal.” Bv order of Brev. Brig. Gen. R. Saxton, Chief Q. Si. H. J. FARNSWORTH, 1st Lieut. 34th Infantry, A. A. Q. M., oct8—d6t In charge of Depot. ranted. Liberal terms are offered to ci*y and country merchants and planters. ROPE | ROPE!. GREENLEAF (RICHARDSON’S) K/Y/Y COILS and half coils in store and to ar tlUfLF rive, of Richardson’s Greenleaf, bein the only genuine, original Greenleaf in use. BAGGING AND GUNNY RAGS. OAbales Heavy India Bagging AAj 2,000 Gunny Bags, much used for baleing Cotton 600 pounds Baleing Twine. 60)000 Iks. Baugh 6c Sons Raw Bone Phosphate, TJEING one of the best Fertilizers new in use. 1) Price, $70 per ton. TO ARRIVE. Thirty Tons Reynolds & 'Sons’ BALTIMORE “CHESAPEAKE PHOSPHATE.** W E have the strongest guarantees as to the In trinsic value of tnis new manure. Price, $SJ per ton. Send for circulars. CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS I N any quantity—Red Clover, Herd’s Grass. Blue Grass, Hungarian .Grass, Orchard Grass, etc. FLOUR. 1000 bags Family Flour now In store. SALT! SALT! O/l OO bags Virginia Salt, in fine seamless bags, at manufacturer’s prices. RACON. A A AAA pounds Clear Sides, Clear Rib Sides and Shoulders of the best quality. HAMS. £000pounds superior Hams, warranted. LARD. g0 barrels and kegs Pure Leaf Lard. CEMENT AND PLASTER. 0Q barrels in store and for sale. MOLASSES.: IO hhds. Cuba Molasses and 5 barrels do. SUGAR AND COFFEE. Ajfh bags Rio Coffee, 60 barrels Sugar—various grades. STARCH AND SOAP. -gfkYk boxes Pearl Star h AvAr 100 boxes Soup. SHOT AND FACTORY \ *«N. GWINNETT SHERIFF SALES. •o'dboftwe the Court House dooi Iu the town of Lawrcnceville, Gwinnett coie. eorgia, dnring the legal hours of sale, on »*— (.it.™ 1 "'*' One hundred and twenty acres of land, the same being the north half of lot No Jones 3700 acres survey)—and a Lotni'n* i.- iTD 6 B. Davis, the Elllsih estite, I» r H man, and the estate or Henry p. Thomis ail ceased. Levied on as the property of the defmwi ants. Ellen E. and W ScottVomhS,^««u*£2fc executrix, to satisfy costs on three A fas Is*ue4 gogthe Superior Court of said county v» Ellen K. Thomas and W. Scott Thomas, exe.-utrixij?2 executor of H. P. Themas, decca-^t Ywolnf^ of Adam Pool; one in favor of B. E. Strict!and.™ Also, four fl. Iks, issued from the County court of said county, vs. Ellen E. Thomas and W Thomas executrix and executor, as afbresaiA aa!5 one in favor of Mathew 8trickUnd; osMsiaVSf of E. D. Summon, w. B. Smith and T W AtJ? r ander, survivors, Ac.: one la favor of N 1" Hutchins, Jr., executor of John P. Hutchins «£»* cease-1; and one in favor of Hyatt, McBurnevA Co., for the use or D. W. Spence r * Also, to satisfy costs on five fl. fas m W v—*. Thomas, three of which were issned from sjm Superior Court of said county to-wit: one in IBt- ' J. L. Camp vs. W. Soott Thomas and twot. >f Nancy £ Camp vs. W.ScoUT^mJ^J 111 awl fivun thn l Vn*. * w f— * . * * vor of favor of _ r two issued from the County Court of saiiFmulsw ltd w t v r h : ss* ln f »™ *?imc* . ard W. Martin vs. W. Scott Thomas and a favor of W. B. Smith vs. W. Scott Tbomae Also, to satisfy ooste on one fl. fa. issued from *7. »» favor of Thomas and Ellen — v ~ WOW VU vuc U. I a. Thom£ m “’ Property P°‘«“®** o«» *» • jscou Also, at the same time and place, ont bay bo»v mule, six years old. Levied on as tbe property of Court of said oounty, in faroroft^state use of the officers ofcourt vs. Jaame Property pointed ont by defendant. * w,w *- Alao, at the same tine and place, one hundred and fifteen acres of land, in thesEmh dtetriet/o* of said county, adjoining lands of James w Simmons,KenanT.TsSrell «S»d BonawmiSJt. in, and lying one mile east of LawreaoeviUm—.* a Levied on as tbepropertr of Jesse Lows, to ~nt| costs on two fl. Iks. issued from the Sa Dartre art of said county, to-wit: one in lavor of CfwSl D. Summon, Thom Si W. AtoSiL?AlSfw£ liame, John M. Wilson, Jeeee Low*, n* one in favor of Stephan Stanford re. William J Russell, Jeeee Lowe, John Bants to a lj.miL Brown et aL v*. Je2e Low*. ont by one of tbe defendants, Jess* Low*. ^ one hundred ■vuwwue, eaaava vu WUICU UrJUUURllk JOTJIIFf 1 T PM. sided, and the same heretofore ler ied on by virtue of the attachment on which this fl. fa is predica- ted, to satisfo one attachment fl. fa. in favor *f William H. Hardman vs. Manly M. Jackson (fo- the purchase money of said land) issued from and returnable to the County Court of said com- ty. September 80th, 1867. „ , WM.J. BORN, Sheriff Gwinnett e*. octfl-wtds Printer’s fee >171801 SPALDING SHERIFF SALES. O N THE FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER n « xt . will be sold before the Court House door, Spalding county, between the usual hour* ef sale, the following property, to-wit: C One house and lot, situated on the corner ef Solomon and Eighth streets and east and north, bounded on south by Vaahoo* lot, on west by val cant lot, containing one half acre, more or less. Levied on as the property or W. H. Hancock to satisfy fifty-three (53) fl. fhs. issued from Justicea- Court of tne 1001st district, G. M., in favor o Phillips, Giles A Co., vs7WmTlL fiM Property pointed out by W. R. Phillips Lew made and returned to me by R. L. Hobbs Consta ble- Also, at tho same time and place, will be sold two large fine mules, one a mouse color and tha* other a bright bay. Levied on as the property ef B. G. Foster, to satisfy one fl. fa. ftom Spalding Superior Court, in iavor of G. J. Drake v«E V? Foster. Property pointed out by G. J. Drake.' Also, at the same time and place, will be sold all that lot, tract or parrel of land situated lying and being in tbe county of S|.;»|.li D p «ud knows and distinguished as the dwelling lot in the citv of Griffin, whereon said C. K Newton resides lying immediately between H. I*. Hill and Mrs’ Bridges, on the east side of Hill street contain ing four acres square or four hundred and twmtv feet each wav Ain tSe -i-dir-.t-d «. .»«■ —* MARRIAGE and celibacy, and the happiness of true manhood.—An Essay for Young Men on the Crime of Solitude and the Physiological Errors, Abuses and D eases which create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of Relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKIL- LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phila delphia, Ta. sep36—d3m CARPETS. S. S. KENDRICK & CO., EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, CURTAINS, CORNICES, Shades, Cords, Loops, Tassels, &c., UP-STAIRS, ^3 Whitehall street Atlanta, Ga., Announce the arrival of a large and elegant stock, BOUGHT SINCE THE RECENT DECLINE, In addition to elegant novelties in Brussels and 3-Plys, They Invite Special Attention to their LOW PRICE CARPETS. Choice, durable goods at 50,75 and $1.00 per yard. Orders from a distance solicited and carefully executed. S. 8. KENDRICK A CO., octll—dtlstjan Atlanta, Ga A Good Investment. .A.. IKI. SEAGO, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF BAUGH & SONS Raw Bone Super-Phosphate, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Dear Sib—I am well pleased with my success in the use of the RAW BONE I bought of you last spring. I used it on Corn and Peas, and also on my vegetable Garden. I realized a handsome profit on the first crop. I desire to use it on all crops in the future. Very respectfully, L. KENDRICK. oct8—dim Fulton County, Georgia. 50 bags Shot. 20 bales Factory Yarn. Also, Tobacco, Segar- Barley, Hay, Ac. A. K. S Grocer aud Comini'M..- New Fire-Proof Hui!-L Corner ►orsytli and octl—dtf it► Oil IMl ■ f juioing tl.h. All the ttltot • ■HE re» - .+■ u* * 11 lb. "j property ofC. •* V«*w Bti Veit; louden u ib« satisfy one ft. fa. from favor of James L. & C. L. Varner, a no Prop utts Superior Court, Maddox vs. Edward ,v. _ W. H. C. Meckelberrv and C. F. Newton erty pointed out by J. 8. Boynton. Also, at the same time and place, will N- .ole one roane horse and one pheaton carriage ’ Levied on as the property of A. T. Brown la satisfy one fl. fa. from Spalding Superior Court tn favor or Amos A Allen vs. A. T. Brown. Property pointed out by plaintiff, A. D. Nunnally. Also at the same time and place, one hiuse and lot Nos. 28 and 83. in the city of Griffin, square eight (8), containing two (2) acres, more or lere. and known as the Tate residence of A B. MaS- thews, and now occupied by Mrs. Sprotlin.— Levied on as the property of A B. Matthews to satisty one fl. fa. in favor of J. W. Corbin. Prop erty pointed out by J. W Corbin. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold the following named lands: One lot No. forty (48. in sqnare eleven (11); and lot No. forty-oue (41) In square ten (10), all in the citv of Griffin. Ail levied on as the p-operty of A. B. Matte**, to sat isfy a fl. fa. from Spalding Inferior Court, and other fl. fas. D. D. DOYAL, Sheriff. September 26 1867—wtd« 1 fr*. *is ^ SPECIAL BAILIFF SALES. W ILL be sold before the Court House door In thecitv of Atlanta, on tbe first Tuesday in November, 1867, between the lawful hours *bf sale, the following property, to-wit: " J. R. Mayson’s interest in a two story brick >use. part of which is now occupied by Silrey * Dougherty as a store, situated between Decatur apd Line streets, in the city of Atlanta, and ad- ininin rr u Inf <u 4 — \l T YV»11 >1.a ____ _ 1 : ts, : I tllta. STOVE WA3E HOUSE. Now is the time to Purchase a Good Stove, without Risky AND AT REDUCED PRICES. I beg to inform the c itizens of At- x lanta. and surrounding country, tbat^.^J I have on hand a good assortment ut'creV BAKING and v-OOKING S fuVES.^S? which I will warrant. Any Stoves purchased of me and cracking during the first month will be re paired tree of charge. All Stoves purchased else where that do not Bake or Cook repaired. All kinds of Stoves repaired. Old Stoves taken in ex change. I also constantly keep on hand a good supply o.' Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware, Planished Ware, fin Ware. Tin and Sheet Iron, Lamps, Ac., at Whole-ale and Retail. Tin Ware, Rooting and Guttering and all kinds of work done in that line done a' snort notice The BEST KERgSENE OIL constantly kept on hand. fl^-Grates put up and warranted. L. Mill VLOVITCH, Sign of Gilt Key, Whitehall, near Mitchell street, oct3—d3m Atlanta, Ga. SALE UNDER DISTRESS WARRANT. W ILL be sold before tbe Court House door, in the city of Greensboro, Greene oounty. Ga., on the first Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One bedstead, m attress and pillows; one cooking stove and fixtures; one pair Fairbanks patent platform scales; one pair counter scales; nine chairs; two coats: one chest; also one lot of bar room fixtures. Levied on as the property of James T. Scott, to satisfy one distress warrant in favor ef John E. Jackson against James T. Scott. Property pointed ont by James W. Winfield, Agent. October S, 1867. jonx C. PALMER, Special Bailiiff Greene County. oct3—w4w [Printer’s fee $2.60] Cement for Sale. QYk BARRELS ROSENDALK’S cclc- OY-T brated CEMENT ju*t received. fresh rrom the manufacturer Abo, thirty barrels Plaster of Paris, for >a cChea'peh than the Cheapest. EARNEST A SPRV< El.EV, Corner of Broad and Walton -tivt-ts. oct8—dlw* Atlanta, Ga. joining a lot 01 G. W. Collier, the same being on* fourth interest in said building till tbe first of January, 1870. Levied on as the property of J U Mavson. to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from the County Court of Fulton County, in favor of J. M.C- Reid Property |«>inted out by defendant. This M day of October, 1 ‘-67. \lso, at the same time arid place, J. M. Nelson * •it<-i<*st in th:! following named property; a«in- ' »ry wooden building on Mitchell Street, in ■ ”1 Atlanta, on the Durham Jot, known a» a; No. 77, in the 14th district of I niton, . dlv Ilenrv, said interest being a right to ■" ut”ve the house off the lot after paying all tba rent due the plaiutiff. Levied on a, the proj»ertT oi J. M. Nelson, to satisfy an attachment for rent, issued from the County Court of Fulton County, in favor of Wm. Durham. Property pointed out by plaintiff. This Octobes 5th. 1867* Also, at the same time and place, a single story wood house and lot. the lot containing one- eighth of an acre, more nr less, and adjoining Mr*. Kelley's lot on the east, and Mrs. Wood’s un ths west, and fronting south on Fair street, in the city of Atlanta and county of Fulton. Levied on as the property of A. Hilton, to satisfy a fi fa. 1*- sued from the County Court of Fulton county, is favor or M L. Pinson. Propcrtv iminted out by plaintiff. This 5th of October, 1867. Also, at the suuie time and place, two burean*. Levied on as the property of P. Mctn.lly. te satisfy a distress warrant issued from the Countv Court of Fulton county, in favor of Mrs. Janis Frank. This 5th day of October, 18G7. WM. II. HOLCOMBE. Special Bailiff. octG—wtds Printer's fee $10. FORSYTH SHERIFF'S SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court House >loor. te the town of Camming, Forsyth county, G» , on the first Tuesday in November next, within th* legal hours of sale, tbe following property, to-wit: One house and lot in tho town of c'ummitur, known as the Mullins place, on the east side of tba Public Square, between the Globe Hotel and Har ris’ corner, with a good dwelling and store room, and one lot containing one acre, more or less, ad joining lot of G. W. I’oss and Pre-bvterian Grave yard and known as the Mullius Stable lot. Levied on as the property of James C. Fincher, to satisfy three Justices’Court fl fas. issued from the 87»th District, G. M in tavor or Thomas Rowland, administrator or H. II. Crane, deceased, vs James CL Fincher, maker, and S. G. Fincher Jesse C. Fincher and William Fincher, securities. Prop erty pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and re turned to me by D. M. Pruett, L. C. Also, at the same time and place, will bo sold lot of land No. 886 in the fourteenth district and first section of said county. Levied on as the property of Jas. P. Jenkins, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued trom a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of R. B McClure vs. said Jenkius, and con trolled by A. J. Taylor. ProiKMty pointed ont hy saiti Taylor. Levy made ami freturned to me by Wm. Bennett, L. C. J. A. SIMS. Depute Sheriff September 25,1867. [Prs foe $51 senK—wM* GEORGIA. Gwinnett county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be wade to tho • our* ot Ordinary of Gwinnett county, Georgia for leave tosell the real estate of Alexander Ilall. late of said countv. deceased. JOHN O. PERRY. Vdtu’r Septe nl>erS.) t«67—w2m fPrs feef i 1