Newspaper Page Text
Yomtoffice Official Advertiser.
ATLANTA, <3--A_-:
TJnion. Reconstruction Ticket.
H. V. IS. SILLER, of Fulton.
JAKES L. Dl'.INLMi, of Fulton.
K. L. A* *. Glint. of Fulton.
JOBS If. FLYilUj of Fulton.
W. C. LEE, of Clnyton.
HENRY r.. COLE, of Cokl.
Thb Daily Opinion.—The Opinion has
joat passed through one of those ordeals to
wfcfeh nearly every daily journal jn the
United States has. at some time or other,
been subjected. This caused the euspen-
fctoa of the Daily edition of the paper from
Wednesday morning last, up to yesterday.
The matter in dispute having been satis-
lectorily and amicably adjusted, we resume
publication this morning, prepared to live
down the combined opposition of avowed
enemies and pretended friends. Hence
forth, therefore, the Opinion will greet Its
numerous readers at the accustomed hour,
and will continue to be the pet aversion of
certain toadies and lieh-spittles, who,
taking advantage of what they supposed
to be a serious misfortune, sought to stab
us in the dark.
With this edition, we extend our compli-
aoents to certain disinterested gentlemen
outside the office who improved the occa
sion to make propositions of a disreputable
nature to some of our employees. These
propositions were indignantly rejected ;
and we beg leave to assure all concerned
that much more is known of their plans
and purposes than they suspect; and thaf^
at the proper time, the public shall have
the benefit of a full and complete expose
cl their duplicity and baseness. This will
make a rare chapter in the history of jour
nalism. and will demonstrate the faot that
There are quacks and unprincipled men in
our profession, as there arc in all others.
Convention To-dat.—We understand
that a convention of delegates represent
ing the -Conservative Union party” in this
senatorial District, assembles in this city
to-day for the purpose of nominating a
ticket for the fc'ate Constitutional Conven
The programme is not exactly clear,
'-ome prominent gentlemen in the party
advocate the nomin-ition of a ticket, whilst
others in«i«t that the Convention scheme
should go hy default, and that in order to
do this, none of their party should vote at
:Ae election.
We have not learned whether the diffi
culty between the Chairman of the Execu
tive Committee and certain other members
cf the party has been adjusted, but we
presume that it has. It ought to be. if it
►as not been.
Ry> ox* Thing or the Other.—We hold
;kAt it is the duty of every man who as
pires to the suffrage of the people to let his
vaith be known. The people whose votes
M seeks have a right to demand a public
avowal of his i*olitieal principles. If he
-tfb«es to do this we inay be assured that
.11 is not right, and that somebody is at
tempting to deceive somebody. As a pri
vate citizen, a man has the right to be neu
tral in politics; but as a candidate, aspir-
*g to official position, he can lay claim to
mo such right. Hi« record and his political
;wiih then becomes public property; and
f he be honest, he will honestly avow his
.*agu*ta Itepnbliean of yesterday says:
- The Maryland Republicans have nomi-
mated Gen. Grant for the next. Presidency,
And their movement has been followed by
Republican organization? in different parts
e# the eountry. The speech of Mr Wash-
bom, of Illinois, in which he defined the
•pinions of Gen. Grant, has set at rest some
doubt? as to the General*? Republicanism.
Tkere i? no question now that he is folly
r accord with the policy of Congress.”
gy The conduct and bearing of the In-
toward the proprietors of the
f riNiox during oar misfortunes was dig
nified and courteous- as became one who
i:ader*tznd« the u«agc of the profession.
Milk and cider men, rvtrrs, bummers, and
.-ecu* might have emulated the ex-
> of onr ar>l:-Kcconstrnctlon entem-
with rredit to themselves.
< T1 w J'iXANcrs of Alabama.—The
•pr.mrrr Advertiser, of the l-th.learns
:aat the Alabama State notes are eagerly
yetsg’.t aft* r. Rnt fir*r of the notes are be-
tf presented for redemption in green-
M«k*. The t,.*te« are perfectly good, and
.*h«! r rireaiation will aid in giving life and
iBim*tH»n to business, and increase fiacili-
r v* of the people for pay ing their taxes.
Macon Twjnjraph.— 1 This usually
tmtp and ewbrtcv-n* jonmal states, upon the
rutbority of the y«r Jfra of this city, that
b* OrraioN has -gone up." We presume,
««mrw. that the Telegraph, and all other
that have been thus misled, will
^ prompt to make the correct ion. We
i *ouM foel in honor bound to do so wore
*yr situations reversed.
to this date only 360 petitions
.aderthe teankruptcy acts have been filed
m Mae*»chusctts. Proceedings are in pro
ves la 111 cares.
Appointment! ef the Veorrln Con
ference of the NTethodlat Episcopal
Church for 186?-’eS*
Atlanta Dist.—Wesley Frkttyman, P. E.
Atlanta, First Charge—Jerome Spilman.
Second Charge—J. Thomas Johnson.
Forsyth Circuit—William Brewer. One
to be supplied.
Kingston, Adairsvillc and Pine-log Cir
cuit—J. Johnson.
Cartcrsville, Brandon’s and Stilesbor-
ough Circuit—John Murphy.
Little River Circuit—Peter Groover.
Cedar Town—Wm. C. Walker.
Campbell and Carroll—J. B.Powell. One
to be supplied.
Palmetto, Campbellton and Pine Grove.
F. Burrow.
Oxford Dist.—J. W. Yarborough, P.E.
Oxford and Covington—Albert N. Lee.
Newton Circuit—George Ansley. One
to be sup plied.
Mossy Creek and Dry Pond—James L.
Rock Spring and Walton County.—A.
Dorman. One to be supplied.
Griffin, First Charge—H. Breckinridge.
Second Charge—Joseph Lane.
Van Buren—Anderson Talmage.
Forsyth—John Walker.
Jonesborough—S.D. Brown, J. T. Smith.
McDonongh—George Kendall.
Butts and Jasper—S.M. Tidwell.
Tbomasville—To be supplied.
Dalton District—E- H. Waters, P. E.
Dalton—W. D. Smith One to be gap-
Walker and Catoosa—To be supplied.
Dade County—To be supplied.
Rome and Coosa Circuits—A. W. Cald
well, James MeHenry.
Connasauga—J. M. Hall.
Fair View—Newton Trimble.
Eli jay—B. M. Hipp.
Fannin County—To be supplied.
Dahlonega—To be supplied.
La Grange District—J. H. Call well, P. E.
La Grange—C. M. Caldwell.
West Point and Long Cane—To be sup
Whitesville—To be supplied.
Opelika—To be supplied.
Columbus—C. W. Parker.
Franklin—Jacob Freeman
Grantville,Hogansville and Greenville—
To be supplied.
Heard Circuit—R. P. Lumsdeu.
Newnan—George Standing, Ilcnry Elder.
J. W. Talley, James P. McGee and John
A. McCutchcn transferred to Alabama Con
Delegate to General Conference—-John
W. Yarbrough; alternate, John H. Cald
To preach the next Conference Mi-sion-
ary Sermon—J. II. Caldwell; alternate, A.
To examine candidates for admission on
trial—The Presiding Elder and preacher in
committee of examination.
First Year—Wesley Prettyman, J Mur
phy and J. L. Fowler.
Second Year—Wm Brewer. Jerome Spill
man and Jas. M. Hall.
H. Breckinridge, Statistical Secretary,
reported the number of members and pro
bationers, 9.750; Local Preachers, 61;
Number of Churches 46, valued at $19,100.
The amount raised within the bounds of
the Conference for benevolent purposes,
$2,793 50.
On Sunday, at 10% A. M., Bishop Clark
preached an able and impressive sermon
to a large and appreciative audience in
Davis’ Hall, after which he ordained ten
white deacons.
At 3 o'clock, p. m., Rev. J. M. Reid D. D.,
of Cincinnati, preached in the same hall a
most eloquent and touchinc sermon on the
humiliation of Christ; after which the
Bishop, assisted by five Elders, ordained six
white Elders. At the same time four Elders
from other Churches took upon themselves
the ordination vows, and received their
credentials accordingly.
At 7% o’clock in the evening, Rev. Dr.
T. H. Pearne, of Knoxville, Tennessee,
preached in the new chapel, after which
thirteen colorod Deacons were ordained.
The place for holding the next annual
session of the Conference will be settled
during the year by the Presiding Elders.
J. H. Caldwell, Secretary.
Wkbley Prettyman, Ass’t Scc’y.
Inconsistent.—A friend, writing from
Jonesboro, Clayton county, gives tli*- ■
lowing paragraph in a business letter
“We had, I am told, rather a novel p*>:i
cal meeting in this place, on tbc 14th in
stant, held by the anti-reconstruction
party of this county. Dr. Baker was call
ed to the chair. Col. J. F. Johnson ex
plained the object of the meeting. Mr.
Johnson stated he could not support the
Radical party, or any other party that was
in favor of negro equality. Speeches were
made by Col. Loud and others, to the same
effect. They then proceeded to nominate
delegates to meet in Convention in At
lanta, on the 19th instant, to nominate can
didates to run on the Opposition ticket.
They then called off until 7 o’clock at night,
for the purjjosc of inviting the colored
friends to participate in common with
their white friends in their deliberations.
**0. eonsistency, thou art a jewel 1**
The Planting Interest.—It has been
remarked by praotical businessmen, when
ever breadstufis rule high, cotton is de
pressed and vice verse. He states that he
has never known it to foil. The Southern
people. In their present poverty, should
draw a lesson from this strange coincidence,
and abandon the culture of cotton on so
large * scale and take to that of raising
grain crops. It Is very certain that the
priee of provisions promises to be high in
spite of reported good crops, and before
making arrangements' for another year
planters would do well to make very close
calculations as to the profit or loss of cot
ton raising, to the neglect of eorn and
ty “Fighting Joe” Hooker is in Switz
Washington, Oct. 18.—In well authenti
cated conversation, the President expressed
himself to the following effect regarding
his impeachment:
He apprehended that the Radical leaders
would become more desperate than ever,
and would hesitate at nothing to accom
plish their revolutionary purposes. Re
ferring to suspension before conviction, be
said he would resist with all the power
which the Constitution furnishes for its
own protection. In the Cal inet. he said
circumstances necessitated a change, and
before the meeting of Congress a change
would be made. He will neither consult
nor be governed by party cliques, but will
draw around him men of ability, nerve
and patriotism. Alluding to Gen. Sher
man, he said: He will be here between
the 10th and 17th of November, in ample
time for the discharge of any duties, how
ever responsible, which may devolve upon
In the Base Ball Convention at Harris
burg, Pa., twenty clubs are represented.
The Pythian club, colored, of Philadelphia,
was excluded.
Full Cabinet to-day.
Customs for the week ending on the 12th.
Silas D. Wood, Deputy Collector, has
been directed by the Secretary of the Treas
ury to act as Collector of Internal Revenue
for the 4th District of Texas until the ar
rival there of Judge Evan?, recently ap
The Secretary of the Treasury has made
a demand for reclamation on persons from
whom the Treasury has recently received
about $80,000 worth of alleged seven-thirty
counterfeit notes. The Department claims
that in the course of business the under
standing always i? that until notes, etc.,
are finally examined here they are at the
risk of the parties transmitting them.
Should parties refuse to make satisfac
tion for counterfeit notes, the Treasury
will take the advice of the Attorney Gen
eral in order to determine action.
Revenue to-day. 254.000.
Archbishop Spaulding arrived per the
The Retrenchment Committee is over
hauling the Printing Bureau of the Treas
ury.- Eleven hundred thousand dollars
worth of questioned 7-30 notes have been
traced. The suspicion that these notes are
not counterfeit gains ground.
Special Post-Office Agents—Mississippi
Charles H. Gowen; Tennessee. Jas. White.
San Francisco, Oct. 18.—Partial re
turns have been received from twenty-one
counties. Sprague’s (Dcm.) majority is
1.166; his election has been conceded.
Baltimore, Oct. 18.—There was twelve
•r fifteen salutes fired hy negro military
companies to-day. A white boy was kill
ed instantly. The Coroner’s verdict was:
Death occasioned by a musket ball fired
from the rear, rank of a negro military
company, supposed to be the Butler
Guards, and that it was totally without
cause or provocation.
Richmond, Oei. 18.—With a view to
making General Schofield defendant in a
case of mandamus, and to exhaust the
remedies under the Reconstruction Act.
General Imboden, under advice of counsel,
appealed from the decision of the Regis
tration Board.
The following is the Commanding Gene
rals reply:
Hd'qus First Military Dist. )
Richmond. Va, October 18, 1867.$
Mr. Imboden—Sir: In reply to your
communication, submitted to-day, appeal
ing from the decision of the Board of Reg
istration in the city of Richmond, in re
jecting you as a qualified voter, I am
directed hy the Commanding General to
inform you that the decision of the Board
of Registration is sustained.
Very respectfully, yourob’t serv’t,
S. F. Chalfin, A. A. G.
The Conservatives are full of hope.—
Never was there so much energy shown
in a canvass than is now being displayed
by both sides; each Is sanguine of victory,
and both are doing their best.
The moderate negroes arc dissatisfied with
the Democratic nominations. They say if
Stndivant and Evans were dropped and
| ’ .re. negroes substituted on the ticket they
; w-ruld rany it, and a torch light proccs-
; would crown the triumph; hut as it
;r;,‘ y will vote for Hunnicutt’s party.
There was a grand Hunnicutt meeting
held in the Capitol Square, and was ad
dressed by Mr. Hunnicutt.
The Conservatives are holding a meeting
and are confident.
The Congressional Railroad Committee
are at work and have had several railroad
officers before them to-day.
General Washburn, of the Congressional
Committee, addressed a meeting of Radicals
on the Capitol Square to-night. lie spoke
for more than an hour, and gave good ad
vice to the negroes, and related many an
ecdotes, which pleased his hearers very
Mobil*. Oct. 13.—There were two inter
ments from yellow fever for the twentv-
fonr hour? ending at ?ix o'clock this even
Wilmington, Oct. 18.—The Republicans
have nominated Gen. J. C. Abbott and S.
S. Ashley (white) and H. Galloway (col'd)
for the Convention- Some of the negroes
arc dissatisfied because there were not two
of their color on the ticket
Raw Orleans, Oe.t. 18.—There were 31
interments from the yellow ftver for the
twenty-four hour? ending at $ o’clock this
The Howard Association, of this city has
sent fifteen nurses to Memphis, te attend
yellow fever patients.
New Tone, Oct. 18.—A boiler exploded
In pier number five, North River, demol
ishing the buildiqg, and carrying itself in
to the river, killing 2 and wounding S.
Boston, Oct. 18.—Benz'ne, with which
women were cleaning furniture, ignited,
causing the death of one and terribly burn
ing another.
A premature explosion of slate blast, at
Burlington, Vermont, Injured 7 persons,
3 fatally. Two kegs poured Into the cre
vice and exploded. It is supposed to have
been occasioned from fire remaining from
a previous blast.
Havana, Oct. 17.—Santa Anna has been
sentenced to 8 years' banishment.
The Emperor referred the Austrian Bish-
hops* protest against Concordat to the Min
isterial Council. The Ministerial Council,
Napoleon presiding, resolved that France
should immediately intervene for the set
tlement of the Roman question, without
any longer acting in concert with Italy.
The London Tiroes urges Italy to seize
Rome, and then treat with France. It de
clares the boldest policy the best for Italy.
Liverpool, Oct. 18.—Cotton firmer, but
more active. Quotations unchanged, with
sales estimated at 1800 bales.
Manchester advices favorable.
Breadstuff's heavy and nominal. Corn
1.46al.49. California Wheat 1.16a 1.23 ;
Western 1.14al.l6.
Cincinnati, Y)ct- 18.—Hour declined %.
Corn 1.00al.03; New, 1.22. Shoulders 1.14.
Clear Sides 18. Lard 13.
St. Louis. Oct. 18.—Flour firm, but busi
ness small. Corn heavy at 1.07al.ll. Pro
visions very dull. Mess Pork 22.50a23.00.
Bacon Shoulders 1.14%- Lartl 14%.
New Orleans, Oct. 18.—Sales of cotton
800 bales. Low Middlings 17%al8. The
week’s sales 6,060: receipts 6,H)4: exports
3789 ; stock 28,043. Flour dull; lower
grades drooping; treble extra 12.60. Corn
firm ; white 1.40. Oats 75. Pork very
dull; nominally 26a26%. Bacon unchang
ed. Lard dull, and unchanged. Gold 1.44
al.44%. Sterling 55a59. New York sight
% premium.
London, Oct. 18.—Consols 93%. Bonds
New Yore. Oct. 18.—Stocks very weak.
Money 7. Gold 144. ’62 coupons 11%.
Virginia sixes 45a48.
Louisville, Oct. 18.—Superfine flour
quiet at 8.50. Corn dull; sacks 1.10. Pork
22.75. Lard 13%. Shoulders 13%; clear
sides 14%.
Baltimore. Oct. 18.—Cotton very dull;
middlings 18%al9. Flour very quiet.
Wheat dull; prime and choice declined 6
cents; other grades 10 cents; receipts
larger. Corn very dull; 1.43;il.J5. Oats
dull at 70a75. Rye very dull at 65u70. Pro
visions dull and* unchanged.
Charleston. Oct. 18.—Cotton market
opened with declining tendency, conse
quently dull and depressed; sales 365 bales;
middlings 17; receipts 850 bales.
Wilmington. Oct. 18.—Cotton dull at 16%
Savannah, Oct. 18.—Cotton steady—
sales 500 bales at 17%.
New York. Oct. 18.—Cotton easier; sales
of 1.800 bales at 18% a 19. Flour dull; State,
9.10; Southern, 10.75 a 14 75. Wheat— Am
ber State, 2.75; white Michigan, 3.35. Mix
ed corn, 1317% a 1.39, Pork, 22.31. Lard, 13%
a 14%. Groceries dull.
Mobile,Oct. 18.—Cotton quiet; middling, (
16% a 17. Sales to-day. 500; receipts, 1.900;
receipts for the week, 6,413; exports, 3.432;
stock. 16,250.
Augusta. Get. 19.—r’otton less active;
prices declined % cent; middling, 16; re
ceipts, 445.
The Sentinel, Mr. John Hardy's
Radical paper, at Montgomery, has hoist
ed the name of [Tlyses S. Grant, of Illinois,
for President. Vill Mr. Swayze, of the
Griffin Union, follow suit ? It seems to us
some of the papers are considerably ahead
of the cart in this matter.
Resigned.—We understand that W. C.
Lee. of Jonesboro, has resigned his position
on the Registration Bureau for this Dis
trict. and that he has accepted the nomina
tion for the State Constitutional Conven
Personal.—General Wager Swaync left
Montgomery on the morning of the 17th
for this city. The Sentinel says he will
probably return, Saturday night, with the
order calling the Constitutional Conven
tion together early next month.
Sef,d Wheat.—Good seed wheat is sell
ing at $2 per bushel in Chattanooga, and
the prospect is that it will be higher, as it
is in great demand.
WDr. Hall, while in the north pole re
gions dines on nine pounds of frozen meat
to keep him warm.
HJ“The Empress of Austria is again
CySeveral new buildings are in process
of construction in Montgomery.
- — — ..♦*»■»— —
I am so weafy, wounded, scant of breadth,
So dispossessed of Hope. So comfortless.
That sometimes, in the dread of this duresse,
1 hr,If persuade myself to fly to death!
But evermore springs up the generous Faith,
Looking a Godde-s! anil the life renews,
As grasses, sweetly fed by Heavenly dews;
An<\ f again upspring, and to the sky.
Look, glad to bourgeon 1 Shall it In" in vnin'-
I know that most of pleasures cud in pain,
And pain and pleasures In eternity:
.And thus we struggle on—so live, so die;
Happy, if yet, upon the blasted tree
There may be fruits ’twould plca-e a God to see.
S >vthtm Or inion,.
NE BARREL for sale bv
K pounds Peeled Peaches,
oJvFVf "J 5000 pounds Peeled Apples,
For which a liberal price will be paid in
cash by A. K. SEAGO,
octlU-dlOt Commission Merchant.
Atlanta, G* , October lith, 1881 1
rriHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That, on the 4th
JL day of October, A- D., 1SB7, a warrant tn
Bankruptcy was iscoed against the estate «u
of Kmree, In the County of Walton, and State
of Georgia, who has bean adjudged a Bankrupt
on his own Petition-. That thePavnent of any
Debts, and the Delivery of any Property, belong,
ing to such Bankrupt, to him or Tor bis use, and.
the Transfer of any Property by him are forbid
den by law: That a Meeting of the Creditors
of the said Bankrupt to prove their Debts, and
to Choose one or more Assignees of his Estate,
will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to toe
holden at Lamar Cobb’s Law Office, at Athens,
Georgia, before Gernett Andrews. Register, on
the 19th day of November, A. D., 1H67, at 10
o'clock, A. M.
T7. & Deputy Marshal as Messenger,
Atlanta, Ga., October l&th, 1887. }
the 1st dav of October, A. D^ 1«67.
a warrant in bankruptcy wa? issued
against the estate of
of in the County of Elbert, and
St:ite of Georgia, who has been adjudged
a Bankrupt on his own Petition : That the
Payment of any Debt?, and the Delivery ol
any Property belonging to such Bankrupt,
to him or for his use, and the Transfer ol
ary Property by him are forbidden by
Law: Tiiat a Meeting of the Creditors ot
the said Bankrupt to prove their Debt*
and to choose one or more Assignees of
his estate will be held at a Court of Bank
ruptcy to >»e holden at the office of the
honorable Garnett Andrews, in the town
of Washington and County of Wilkes, be
fore Albert G. Foster, Register, on the 6th
day of November, A. D- 10 o’clock,
U. S. Deputy Marshal as Messenger.
Atlanta, Ga., October l&th, 1881. }
the 4th day of October, A. D„ 1867.
a warrant in Bankruptcy wa? issued
against the estate of
of Monroedn the county ofWalton.and State
of Georgia, who has been adjudged aBank-
rupt on Ids own Petition : That the Pay
ment of any Debts and the Delivery of
any Property belonging to such Bankrupt
to him or for his use and the Transfer
of any Property by him are forbidden by
Law: That a Meeting of the Creditors of
the said Bankrupt to prove their Debt?,
and to Choose one or more Assignees of
his estate will be held at a Court of Bank
ruptcy to be holden at Athens. Georgia, in
the office of Lamar Cobb, Attorney at Law,
before Garnett Andrews, RegUicr. on the
12th day of November, A. D M 1867, at 10
o’clock, A. M.
U. S. Deputy Marshal as Messenger.
Sale of Property by Assignee.
O N TUESDAY, the 30th instant, at 10
o’clock, a. m., at the residence of Aaron
>niith, Bankrupt, of Pike County, I will
sell at public outcry the following proper
ty, to-wit: One horse, one colt, one cow
and calf, one heifer, one cart and one gin.
The same to be sold under a decree in
Bankruptcy forthe benefit of his creditors.
Terms positively cash.
S. C. WEEMS, Assignee. Ac.
Griffin, Ga., Oct. 14,1867. oct!9-wlt
Sale of Property by Assignee.
O N MONDAY.", the 28th inst., at 11
o’clock, a. m., at the residence of Wil
liam D. Redding, Bankrupt, of Pike Coun
ty. I will sell the following property, to-
wit: One fine cow and Yearling and one
cart. The same to he sold under a decree
in Bankruptcy for the benefit of his credi
tors. Terms positively cash.
Assignee, Ac.
Griffin, Ga., Oct. 14,1867. octl9-wlt
Sole of Property by Assignee.
O N WEDNESDAY, the 29th iust,. at 2
o’clock, p. m., at the residence of John
A. Davenport, Bankrupt, of Pike County.
I will sell at public outcry the following
property, to-wit: One yearling, live head
of hogs, nine sheep, one gin and the run
ning gear to the same, one thresher and
ten bushels of oats. The same to be sold
under a decree in Bankruptcy for the bene
fit of his creditors. Terms positively eash.
Assignee. Ac.
Griffin, Ga„ Oct. 14. 1807. octl9-wlt
Kale of Property by Assignee.
O N WEDNESDAY, the *29th iust- at 11
o’clock, a. M., at the residence of Jona
than J. Milner, Bankrupt, of Pike County,
I will sell at public outcry the following
property, to-wit: Twenty-seven head of
sheep, six cows with /our calves, five
yearlings, seventeen head of bogs, one ox.
five goats, on** horse, one rockaWay and
harness, fifteen bushels of oats, one gin,
one thresher and one set of blacksmith's
tools. The same to be sold under a decree
in Bankruptcy for the benefit of his credi
tors. Terms cash.
Assignee, Ac.
Griffin, Ga., Oct. 14,1867. octl9-wlt
Sale af Property by Assignee.
O N TUESDAY, the 30th inst., at 3
o’cloek, p. m.. at the residence of Ma
rion J. Grisham. Bankrupt, of Pike County,
I will sell at ptiblic outcry the following
property, to-wit: Four head of sheep, one
buggy, five head of beautiful hogs and four
hundred bundles of oats. The same to be
sold under a decree in Bankruptcy for the
benefit of his creditors. Terms positively
Assignee, Ac.
Griffin, Ga., Oct. 14,1867. octl9-wlt
Sale of Property by Assignee.
i^YN TUESDAY, the 30th inst., at 11
o’clock, a. »*., at the residence of Isaac
McLeroy, Bankrupt, of Pike County. I
will sell at public outcry the following
propeaty, to-wit : One blind mule, one-half
interest in a Stallion (Gilbert), one cow
and calf, one young heifer, one gin and
running pear. The same to be sold under
a decree in Bankruptcy for the benefit of
his creditors. Terms positively cash.
S. C. WEEMS, Assignee, Ac.
Griffin. Ga., Oct. 14,1867. oct!9-wlt
W ILL be sold before the Court House door in
the town of Cart< vsvilie,on the first Tuesday
in November next, within the legal hours of sale,
the following property, to-wit:
The entire crop of corn belonging to J. II.
Messer, one hundred and fllty bushels, more or
less. Levied on as the property of J H. Messer, to
satisfy one Bartow County Court fl. fa. in favor of
Wm Spcueer vs. J. U. Messer, and one Bartow
County Court fl. fa. in favor of W. R. A D. Moss vs
J. H. Messer. October 14,1867.
_ W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff.
oct!9—wtds Printer’s tee ffl
O N the first Tuesday In December next will b«
sold before the Court House door in Thomas-
ton, Upson county, fractional lot of land number
sixty-seven in the sixteenth district ol originally
Thomas ton, now Upson county, Containing one
hundred and ninety-one acres, more or less, be
longing to the estate of Wilson L. Williams de
ceased. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said rte-
•9*sed. Terms eash. October 16th, 1861,
oenfl-wPd Printer's fee (0
B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary
of HenTy county, Ga., will be sold on the firs*
Tuesday lm December nevt, at the -Court House
door In the town of McDonough, as the real estate
of Thomas Dickey, deceased, late of said eountT.
100 acres, more or less, part or lot No. Ml 1b the
lUh district of e«1d eounty, Terms cash. Octo
ber 18^1607. G. 6. WKKMS, Adm’r
octlft—w40d — - - -
Pinter's fee f8
B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary
Of Henry county, Ga, will be told on the first
i nesday in December next, at the Coort House
**?*£’*°fMcDonough, as the real estate
of Hiram F. Elliott, deceased, late of said coontr,
Oi" * * * * *
*w«©f land, more or less—less dovir interest
of widow—known as plantation ot intestate-
lying near Cotton Indtan River. Terms cash*—
October 18,1861.
^ BERT HAMPER, Administrator.
ocH»-w40d Printer’s fee |8
B Y virtue of an order from the Court ofOrd!‘*-
ry of Henry county, Ga., will be sold on »?»•
first Tuesday in l>e< ember next, at the Or>nn
House door, iu the town of McDonough in nil
eou ty, the real estate of John W. M.-rley d** .
cease-1 lute of said county, known n« Ms ;.Ur,(-
tion, and K ing part* of :ots 'o- Tj 39 68 and 41' -»
the tlth district of Hcnrv county aft »e-m
more or let*-|-*g dower interest of the widow
T«' ms cush Oeto er IV IW.
J*»HN TUB ' DWKI.I-, Alta r
octl9 -w40d Printer's fe« fs
T virtue of an order from the Court o Ordfa,.
ryof Henry oonnty G<», will l*e s- l-l on i ; ,
first Tneeday' in Dr- < m er next, at :he t< vr»
House do >r in the »o- n of Mcl*onough. t< *>,
re d estate ot John -imp on, dec**;t!-e-i tail *rr\v
more or less, ol lot of land No. 14? iu the 7th ik
trict of count —l* «s dower ir tere-i *4 tlw
widow. Terms n-h. October 15 1 >41
oct!9-w40d Printer's lee $6
B T virtue of an order from the Conrtof Ordlb*.
ry oi Henry county, Ga., Will be sold an th*
first Tmsday iu December next, at the Loan
Hou.e door in the town of McDonoagh, a* a ix>».
tion of the real estate of Jam- • K. Berry fie
erased, late of said co nty, the e>*st hall of lot ef
land kuown as the Bromfleld place, three mih.
eastol McDonongh for the benefit of the erwft
ton. Terms eash. October 18, ifel.
Administrator with wid annca«-4.
oc.tlfi—w40d Printer’*- r«e }B
B Y virtue of an order from the Coort of Ordlhi.
ry of Henry county, Ga., will be sold on the
first Tuesday in December next, at the rema
House door, in tbe town or Mcltoaongh. toacrv*
of land, more or less, known as the late
of D J. Laney. deceased, late of Mid county ns —
Tassabaw creek. 1 erms cash. October u iun
D. L. DU* FEY, AdmV
oetlP—w40d Printer’s fhe (0 *
W ILL be sold before the Court House daw te
the city of Marietta. Cobb county, Ga\ sa
the first Tuesday iu December next, between a,
lawful hours of sale, two and a half tots of Its*
in all containing one hundred acre*, more er te*A
one of said lots being No. 336 the half lot beta*
No. 331, and the number of the other let aot
known, all lying in the 1Mb district and at >ee-
tion of Cobb county, and known as the Jones
place, whereon Andrew and Wm. Jones lately
lived, andfadjoiaing tbe lands ef Mr* Kolb, Mr..
Wm. Camp and Jbo. M. Edge. Levied on »• ttv*
property of Andrew Jones, to satisfy an attach
ment fl. fa. issued from Cobb Superior Court in fa
vor of Isabella Burroughs vs. Andrew Jones
October It, 1867 A. F. JOHNSON. Short*.
octlS—wtds Printer’s fee
B Y virtue of an order from tbe honorable than.
of Ordinary of Butts county, Ga . will be eoW
before the Court House door iu the town oi Jack
son, Butts county. Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December
next, the following property, to-wit: Part of let
land No. 194 first district of originally Henry,
now Butts county, sold as containing 133 merr*
more or less Isold as the real estate «f W illiam
W. Pro- tor. late of s.ild county, dece.t-ctl. NM
for the benefit of tbe creditors. Term* <>f sale ca*h
Octob r 11. 1867.
WILLIAM J PROCTOR Administrator.
octlS—aids Printer’* fee |t
GEORGIA, Baldwin coukit.
Z ACHARIAH BROOKINS has filed his petition
for letters of guardianship of the person and
property of Aramenta Brown, a minor rusidaat
of said county :
Tin se are, therefore, to eite and admonish aK
persons adversely concerned to Ale their ob)«e-
lions on or before the first Monday in PtrsnMr
Given under my official signature, this Ifih
October, 1887.
octia—w30d Printer’s fee *9
City Troperty and Mineral Land
to The undersigned, desiring to emhsrkma
in business in this city, offers for »ah-w9w
jL the following valuable property: •—to
ne 1IOU8IC AN * LOT. in this --itr, on Jones
street. 1 he lot rental us a fraction over one-quar
ter of an acre, with an alley of ei^ht feet on nn*
side, and one of nine feet on the other, enclosed
with a picket fence. The house *two -lory frame
contains s x rooms four fir*- places, two halls
thirty six teet long, thr- e closets, a ith garrs*.
which is not quite finished, but > au be in » very
short time a ia at very l-tilc additional expense."
Also, forty acre* of MI.nLIIA L LAN D in i’auld
ing county, Georgia.
The whole of ihe above will be *«!d at A BAR
GAIN if applied to within the next week.
Titles indisputable.
oc.tlS—dlt Atlanta. G«.
GEORGIA, Paulding county.
T WO Months after date application will hs
made to the Honorable Ordinary in and Ihr
said county, for leave to sell tbe land belonging to
the e*t.*te of D. Llndey. deceased, late of Salk
county. It. M. WHITWORTH, Adm’r.
August 37 1867. aug90-w3 n [Pro fee $6]
GEORGIA. Butts county.
S IXTY DAYS after date application will hs
made to the honorable Court of Ordinary sf
Butts eov nty. for leave to sell the real estate vf
Mathew Ba* her, late of said countv. deceased.
Administrator <f« howto non coottovlamcnf■
September 13,1867—w3m f Printer’* fee f&)
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
W HEREAS, Littleberry Jackson applies to me
for letters of administration on the estate ef
Warren W. Bartow, late of s.-id county, deceased
All persons concerned are notified to file tbehr
objections, if any exist, on or before the first Mon
day in November next, else letters will be granted
according to tbe pra*er of petitioner.
October 4, 1867. [Prs fee |3] oct«-w30d
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
rpwo MONTHS after date application win he
JL made to tbe Court of Ordinary of said eon-
2 , for leave to sell tbe real estate belonging to
artba T. and Wm. H. Fergnson, minors and
orphans of Wm H. Ferguson, deceased, for the
benefit of said minors. Thit October 1,1867.
W. C. PARKER. Guardian.
oct4—w3m [Prs fee 951
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county.
T WO MONTHS after date application will hn
made to tbe Court of Ordinary of said coun
ty, for leave To sell tbe real estate of Shepbesd
Ethridge, late ot said county, deceased.
August 33d, 1867. B. A. BLAKEY, Adm’t
aug34—w3m [Printer’s fee f&]
GEORGIA, Nkwton county.
T WO MONTHS after date application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Ncwtos
county, for leave to sell all the land* belonging to
the estate of Joseph L. Rogers, deceased
JAMES N. SIMS. Administrator
September 10th. 1867—w3m FPr* fee f8|
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county.
T WO MONTHS afterdate application win he
made to the Court of Ordinary of said countv
for leave to sell the reality of Martha Mai this
deceased, the same consisting of three shares ef
Georgia Railroad Stock.
Beptemher36,1867—w3m[Prs fee $t)
GEORGIA, Paulding county.
fTtWO MONTHS after date application will
I made to the Ordinary in ana for said rouh
for leave to Mil the land belonging to the estbto ef
Oliver Ruosom, deceased, late of said county.
“ - ~ - 3L.
A ngust 37.1867. atig30-u3m j Pry fee]
T WO MONTHS after date application will Jto
made to the Honorable Court of OrtJlnajry^M
Greene county. Georgia, tor leave to Mil
* ” Bryan, deceased, for pnigiMS
real estate of Jesse Brya
ol distribution. „ ,..... unJ . n ,
Administrator of Jesse Bryan, deeearod-
Beptember 37,1867—w3m (Prs fee fiff)
GEORGIA, Paulding county.
T WO MONTHS after date application wUl 19
made to the Court of Ordinary of Faulffthfi
eounty. Georgia, lor leave to sell the real estate ef
F. M. Piekett, dMea^jd. ^OctoberA^JBT
D. Administrator,
Printer’s toe $9
GEORGIA, Paulding county.
T VO MONTHS after data anplieattoa will to
made to the Ordinary of Paulding eonatA
Georgia, for leave to sell the real estate of W«ul>
Lee, late of said county, deceased. October 4, MW-
LA YIN A LEE, Administratrix-
oetlfi—vr9m > Printer's Use 99
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county.
T WO MONTHS after date application will to
made to the Court of Ordinary of said ceuatY*
for leave to tell the lands belonging to the estate
of Benjamin P. Weaver, deceased.
JOHN E. MAGUIRE. Administrator.
August99,1891. [Prs fee $01 augC-utos