Newspaper Page Text
.KOlI^fiTAgQ&Ui 10 I2Z.
VOL. I.—NO. 260.
-rj; r t
) L
\ i
Central Building, Granite Block, Broad 8t.
^[iT c and Subecription Bates.
Vr o co^oneyear
F£cA onc >® ar ( , an '\ onc free 40 thc 1>cr ' on on
^^iptfons to beth editions will be received
f ^^nths, at rates corresponding with the
,V, ictci five lines. #12.00 per annum. Special
• 1, notices Fiktekn CKNT8 per line for first
5 ’ jnd Five Cents per lino thereafter. The
r ' l rh»rsres will be made for advertisements
»*“' . , n g T< - - than a square, obituaries, and all
‘ - of a personal nature. Except in cases
*,■ contract, other advertisements will lie
(•following rates:
i» ond insertion, - - fUXJ
two insertions, - - 1.50
„ • -r;rcc Insertions, - - 2.oo
m “ >nC week. - * - 3 SO
,.nc month ... 10.00
„ ~ t:>rt months. - - 2fi.H0
r let V of toh Hues or less.. #t M
:i fa «;:lc». iler aquaro— 5 00
V ' , p Mjaarc 6 (B
.uisiration 3 00
' ; .' ‘ ri Guardianship 3 00
. . , i. lor dismission from
^ 1 . ,, 4 &o
, /'.V : <*sii for dismission from
5 i a oo
• .dl I.and 6 00
-iii.d Creditors 3 00
etc, per square 5 00
■ :■ Laiile property, 10 days, per sqr. 1 50
Notices, 30 days 3 00
osure of Mortgage, per sqr, each time... 1 00
■ ; t required fob legal advertising.
r.f Land, etc., by Administrators, Execu-
u . ~ <>r Guardians, are required by law to be held
,.n me first Tuesday In the month, between the
i i ursof ten in the forenoon and three in the af-
u-rnoon, ** the Court House in the county in
which the property ia situated. Notices of these
tales must we given in a public gaeet-te 40 days
..jrTious to the day of sale.
‘ Notices of the sale of personal property must
he rivea in like manner 10 days previous to thc
a»vof sale.
Socket hi the debtors and creditors oi an estate
aiu-t also be published 40 days.
Notice that application will be made to the
<Jurt of ordinary for leave to sell Land, e^e.,
M ust be published for two months.
Citations for letters of Administration,
dii 'hi,.. etc., must be published 30 days; *or dis-
,'r>>:n Administration, monthly Guiolitiis;
iisiuission from Guardianship 40 days,
i. .|,, ior foreclosure of Mortgage must lie puli-
. ,c| ni mthly for 4 months: for establishing lost
;.a,» rs. tor the full space of 8 months; for coin
ring titles from Executors or Administrators,
wit- re imud has lieen given by the deceased, the
tu ! spa. e of three nioutna.
cation* will always Ins continued accord
ing to the?©, ti.c legal requirements, unless < ther-
wi^e or tc red.
l^-i ihkrai. DEDUCTIONS will be male
to .e.irlv advertisers.
All transient and foreign advertisement*
a. »t be prepaid to secure publication.
pjr Mi U tters on business, or communications
;or publication, roust lie addressed to
• Atlanta. Ga.
City lin*int»a Directory.
WA T< RES. 4 U>> KS, JE WELR Y, <tC.
\VM BOl.LM VN, Dealer in Watches.
Clocks. Jeweln. Gold Pens, Spectacles,
Ac . Whitehall street. 2d door aliove M.
iL-nch.t «o.'s Hook Store, Atlanta, Gu.
Repairing in good style and warranted,
no viz—tilt
HER CMA M n A Ml> aM O < ZR&
B Ol l», WALL'S A CO , Dealers in Produce,
staple and Fancy Groceties, Hats, Caps,
i>ouG. Shoes ami Notions; Hardware, &c., Ac.
tall and examine our stock.
nov7-d3in Cor. Peters and Forsyth streets.
HR A UEEsK, Auction and commission
ekcuants. Sign, Auction House. White
street. Atlanta. Ga. fe30—lv
4 D.1
1 )tl KK L\ NC1I, Whocesack and Retail Gro
ces. and dealer in Varieties, Whitehall street,
Atlanta. Ga. fe23—ly
uranite Front, Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga.
a*\. Merchants, and Agents lor Manufacturer?
i I Producers, at the Bridge, on Broad street and
railroad, Atlanta, Ga. A. J. ROBERT,
apt-ly F. W. ROBERT.
CRBIES and Coi ntry lhsoDCCK, Whitehall, one
djor from Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga Choice
Hams always on hand. aug2—6m
Block. Alabama s*reet. John Rice, Presi-
Jmt; fc l JosES.CasMer; Darwin G. Jones, Tel
ler; Luwakh H. Jones, Book-Keeper. DIREC
TOR.?—John Rice, John Collier, E. E. Rawson, S.
A Durand W. W Clavton fe20—ly
■ . lasta. G.. buys aud sells Gold, Silver, Bonds,
bt '<-k>. and Bank ftills. Exchanges Bonds, makes
Inve-iments for parties in Bonds and Stocks;
x!l' *' interest on Deposits when left for two
months or longer. feiJO—ly
M g. dobbins a co., brokers, over At-
. lanta National Bank. Alabama street.
ktfmue*—Trisbee A Rolierts, New York; Hop-
kins, i row bridge A Dwight, New York; B. ll.
" arren, i ugusia. Ga.; D. F. Fleming, Charleston,
S. C.;J. D Cunningham, Montgomery, Ala.; R.
Peters, Atlanta; R. Austell, Atlanta; Edward
PaddVford. Savannah. Ga. fe'JU—ly
A tlanta national bank—designa-
»T vTes. A Austell, President; W. H. Teller,
Cvhier. DIRECTORS-A. Austell, M. G. Dob-, W. R. Phillips,Jesse McLendon, J. H. James.
>pecial attention paid to Collections in Atlanta
an I through this section. Prompt returns made
at the lowest current rates. Our New Y ork Cor-
re-pondent, the Fourth National Bank, to whom
»« reler. leSO—ly
/ prietor dealer in Brandies, Wines, Whiskies
and Negars. Chicago Ale always on hand. No.
14 Alaiiama street. Atlanta. G*. aug4—6m
JT Atlanta, Ga. Office corner Whitehall and
Alabama streets, over James’ Banking House.
Entrance on Alabama street.
Assets, f5.000,000. Wm.
A -mi. Lynch’s Building, corner of Alabama and
H aiw-hall streets, second floor.
Jennings, General
' iama ar
I1ARDW AKK.-J. M. A J. C. Alexander,
/ W hitehallstreet. Iron. Steel, Nails, Car
riage matetiaU, Tools for all trades. Build-
Ping Materials. Bolting Cloths. Farming
lapli J. M. A J. C. ALEXANDER,
sepai— (Wm
TilMMEY A STEWART, Dealers in
Hardware. Iron and STEEL cutlery.
Tools of all kinds, Harness, Bridles,
i ullars. Leather, etc.. Sign of the Mill
and Game Cock, Whitehall street. Atlanta,
•rgia aug2—6m
D ti w. c. ASHER has removed his office from
I the Norcross Corner to the junction of Mari-
tiuand Walton streets, where he can lie found at
all hours, when not professionally engaged
In Bankruptcy.
P AMPHLET COPIES of the Buies and Regu
lations in Bankruptcy, adopted by the Dis
trict Court of the United States for the Northern
District of Georgia, can be hadfon application at
the Clerk's Offiee^Atlanta, % Ga. Price, 60 cents
Bank Checks Returned.*
New York, Dec. 26.—On Christmas
morning a lad entered the office of the
Chief of Police and left a parcel, which he
said had been given him to deliver by a
gentleman at the Anson House. The par
cel contained checks on the Bank of the
State of New York for three millions six
hundred and eiglity-three thousand four
hundred and thirty-five dollars, the amount
stolen from the bauk messenger recently
in Wall street.
Louisiana Convention.
New Orleans, Dec. 26.—The Conven-
t ion devoted the day to the consideration
of the reports of the Committee to draft a
Cor f'titution. Both majority and minority
reports were taken up at the same time.
The following, which was the second Ar
ticle of the minority report, was adopted
as the first Article of the Constitution by
a vote of 57 to 17: All men are created
free and equal, and have certain inaliena
ble rights. Among these are life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. To secure
these rights governments are instituted
among men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed.
Crawford, Cooley and Lindeburg opposed
its adoption, as it would bring ridicule
upon tlie Convention and work to the pre
judice of the State, inasmuch as, if em
bodied in the Constitution, no criminal
could be punished with death or impris
TI io following was offered but crowded
out by the previous question : Tiie citizens
of tliis State owe allegiance to the United
States, and this allegiance is paramount to
the allegiance due the State.
The Convention adjonrued till 11 o'clock
to-morrow morning.
Items via Washington*
Washington. Dec. 26.—The Bureau of
Statistics report the total authorized
mileage of railroads in the United States
at 54.001) miles completed, costing one thou
sand six hundred and fifty-four millions}
In the Eighth Congressional District of
Ohio, made vacant by the death of Hon.
Cornelius S. Hamilton, where the majority
in ls66 was 1S52, the contest for the nom
ination on either side is already bitter.
Messrs. Clingman, of North Carolina,
and Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, are
Revenue receipts to-day $537,000.
The Secretary of the Treasury has deter
mined to postpone indefinitely the sale of
Dismal Swamp stock.
A negro fired his pistol at three men who
run against him. One of the men is dead.
The murderer escaped.
Judge Underwood has appointed Ham
ilton Fant. of Richmond, Receiver of the
Rank of the Valley of Virginia. As
sets over one million.
Paris, Dec. 2G.—The Patria confirms the
report that twenty thousand more troops
had been ordered to Cevita Vecchia.
E. G. Baffrim. an old and prominent
American journalist and author, commit
ted suicide by taking laudamum. At the
time of his death he was a correspondent
of the New York Herald.
London, Dec. 26.—The apprehended
Fenian outbreaks did not occur. Tran
quility and good feeling prevailed yester
day. Extra precautions against lawless
ness were apparently unnecessary.
Thornton, the new minister to Washing
ton, sails in a few days.
The Marine Disaster.
Charleston, Dec. 26.—The third boat of
llie steamer Raleigh reached Kiawash inlet
yesterday, with thirteen more persons from
the wreck. They reached Charleston to
day. Their names are as follows: Dr. J.
Cass, Clarence Sweeney, Jas. Brady, Jno.
Sloan and Angelo Faragan, passengers;
Charles P. Marsbman, acting quartermas
ter, and the following members of the
crew. X. Boyd, Wm. Wilet, Eugene Ellis,
James Pentield, Michael Larkin and Pat
rick Harragan. Tliirty-one persons in all
from the Raleigh have arrived here;
twenty-four are still missing, of whom ten
were certainly drowned, nopes are enter
tained that Captain Marshman and those
who remained with him on the steamer,
when the first boats left, have been rescued
by some passing vessel. Tugs from Char
leston were cruising yesterday, near the
scene of the disaster, but without success
in finding any of the missing parties.
New York. Dec. 26—Cotton easier, sales
1.800 bales at 15>^c; Flour active, State 8.40
al0.65; Wheat quiet and unchanged; Corn
easier, prices nominally unchanged; Oats
dull; Pork quiet and steady; Mess pork
20.90; Lard, whisky and groceries quiet.
Money closed very easy, call 5a6; Dis
counts 7a9; Gold firm; Sterling firm, little
doing l()tg; Stocks strong; General im
provement in prices; *62 coupons 8^; ’64
5 l 4; ’05, 5*8; "67, 8% i North Carolina sixes
O n a Ri.ESTON.Dec. 26.—Cotton lower, sales
;t00 bales; middling 14^al5c; receipts 1.-
Augusta, Deo. 26.—Cotton market quiet
but steady, sales 5.000 bales, receipts 1,156;
New York middling lS^allc.
Savannah. Dfec. 28.—Cotton dull and de
clined. sales 1.398 bales; middlings 13*4al4;
receipts 3.400; receipts for the week20,016;
exports: to Liverpool 19.191 coastwise 4,-
658; stock 45.449.
Wilmington, Dec. 26.—Cotton quiet—
middling uplands 13.
Baltimore, Dec. 26.—Cotton very flat;
no demand—middling uplands 16. Flour
very dull and prices nominally sustained.
Wheat quiet—prime to choice red 2.60a2.70.
Corn very dull—prime dry white 1.28;
yellow 1.20al.23. Oats >
Provisions nominal. *
New Orleans, Dee. 26.-
mlddlings 14>.<e; receipts
3,075. Sugar firm and tendency
common 9al054; prime to choice j
Molasses firm; common 58; prii
65a75. Flour dull; jobbing sup
double extra lOalO.15; choice
Corn dull at 1.1081.12. Oats quL
Mess pork dull aud nominally 29.
shoulders retailing at 11; rib “
clear 15jL Lard in kegs 13%; i
14. Sterling in bank nominal;
cial 44^045%. Gold 33. New
exchange discount.
Railroad Schedules.
ON and after December 15th, 1S67, Fossen irer
Trains will run as follows:
7*56 A. J1. Dailt (except Bpndatb) Stress
Pasbenokr.—Arrive at Dalton at 1.23
P. M., connecting with E. T. and Ga R.
It. trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg,
Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia
and New York. Arrive atCHATTANoOGA
4.0'J p. m., connecting with trains of
Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for
Nashville. I>oitisville and thc West, and
trains of Memphis and Charleston Rail
road for Memphis, New Orleans, ect.
Al. Daily (except Sundays) Aowo
Accommodation.—Arrive at Marietta at
4.50 P. M., Acworth 6.25 P. m.
6*35 P. M. Daily cheat Northern Mail.—Ar
rive at Dalton at 12.15 r. M.. connecting
with E T. ami Ga. It. R. trains lor
Knoxville, Lynchburg, Washington,
Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York.
Arrive at Chattanooga :;o5 a. m., con
necting with trains of Nashvi'le and
Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville,
Louisville, and tli
the Memphis and
“ ■* ““ WHKftfcAfl; J. M'. Osborn applies for the guar
diaRship^ of shej*qrsoR3’xUid property ol Lott,
ON the first Tuesday in January next,'will be
sold before thc Court House door, in' Franklin.
Heard county, Georgia, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property, to wit:
„ Port of lot of laud No. 106. situate*
situated in the 13th
dlstrictof Heard countyjying east <W a line df-
Tiding said lot between Wllllatn Cheek and Pris
cilla Steed, now Priscilla Hendriokr. Levied on by
virtue of a cost fl. fa. issued from the Superior
Court of Carroll county. Officers of Court v*. Pris
cilla 8teed. Property pointed out by John Hen
Also, at the same time ard place will be sold
one cotton gin. Lor lea an as the property of
Jackson Allen Jby virtue of a fl. fa. issued fro
Superior Court Of Heard county,' i a favor of Wil
liam Ainsworth vs. J. Allen, claimant, and J. T.
Stodghill, administrator of J. McStewart, security.
Property pointed out by H. C. Allen.
Also, at the same time and place will be sold
thirty-four acres of laud, more or less, including
the tan yard known os the Cieaveland tan yard,
and now occnpied by Mr- samples, bald proper
ty pointed out by plaintiff and levied on os the
property of D. L. Cieaveland, to satisfy a fl. fa.
issued from the Superior Court of Troop county.
Ga., in favor ot Nathan McCaully vs. D. L.
Also, at the same time and place will be sold
one house and lot in the village of Houston, in
said county, bounded on the north by the Ala
bama road, on the east by the road leading from
Franklin to LaGrange, on the south and west by
Aarom Form by, aud now occupied by Mr. Kimp.
Said property pointed out by plaintiff and levied
on as the property of J«hn 'White, to satisfy a fl.
1a. issued from the Justices’ Court of the dis
trict, G. M., in favor of J. A. Ponder vs.* said John
White. Levy made and returned to me bv l’hos.
M. Awbry, L. C. November 25th, 1867.
W. 8. ECHOLS, Sheriff.
nov27—wtds Printer’s fee flO.OO
viiiaus WILL be sold on the first Tuesday In January
3*00 P. M. Daily (except Scwdays) Acworth I ncx *> within the legal hours of sale, ’elorethe
highest bidder, the following property, to-wit:
One house and lot in the city of Covington,
known as the residence of Mrs. Mary E. McCay,
it being lot No 17, in square B, in said city, con
taining one acre, more or less, except the uower
in saiu lot of Mrs. E. L. Davis; also lots Nos. 10
and 11 ia square B of said city, one bundled by
two hundred feet, square known as the Richard
Kcnnon lot, on which there is a large dwelling
WestT and trains of ' a,ui outhouses, now occupied by W. A. Clemmons
Charleston Ruiirnad ! » s a hotel, also, a large aud comparatively new
for Memphis, New Orleans^etc. ‘ !‘ vtI - v !! labl « and office, now occupied by*High-
1 ’ | tower & Lee, all in good condition. All levied on
COMING SOUTH RS the property of Mrs. Mary JS. McCay, adminis
tratrix of B. F. McCay, deceased, to satisfy the
cost on one fl. la. issued from Newton Superior
Court in favor of Joshua MitctMfll vs. Mary E.
McCay, administratrix of Betij. K. McCay, de
ceased, Wm. A. Dyer and Elisha Marrett. Also,
to satisfy the cost on one fl. fa. issued from New
ton huperior Court in favor of H. J Bates vs. J.
W. Leak, Mary E. MoCay. administratrix of B. K.
McCay, deceased. R. !»• W Blimps, administrator
of 8. if. btarr. deceased,, and lleury Anderson,
security. Also, to satisfy thc principal, interest
and cost on one fl. fa. issued from NtewtotiSupe-
M., Acworth at 6 25 a. m.. Marietta at i n>,r Court ip favor of Eunice H. Baker vs. Marv
8.15 a. m. E. McCay,j administratrix of B. F Mctav, de
ll.40 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) ExrRES3 ! ceased, \\ llllain A. Dyer, K.C. Marrett and Henry
Pahsenger.—Leave Chattanooga at 3.40 I Anderson, security. Prdpertr pointed out anil
A. M.. making close connections witn ] lew made by authority of J. J. Floyd, defendants
trains of Nashville and Chattanooga, and attorney, l’his December 2,1867.
Memphis and Charleston Railroads, and [ GEO. M. T. BOWER, Deputy Sheriff.
Lalton at 6.00 a.m. connecting with I dec4—wlds Printer’s fee |7 60
trains of Eust Tciincise and Georgia
Pullman’s Patent Sleeping Coaches
1*45 A. M. Daily Grrat Southern Mail —
Leaving Cu attaxooGA at. 4 40 p m , con
necting with trains of Nashville and
Chattanooga, and Memphis and charles
ton Railroads, an 1 at iiidton at 7 30 P.
, M , connecting with trains of E. T. and
Ga. Railroad.
10*10 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) Acworth
Accommodation—Leave Dalton at HU0
Master of Transportation.
__ GEORGIA RAILROAD—171 miles—Fare
five cents per mile.—John I’. Kins, President ; L.
W. Cole, Superintendent; G.T. Anderson, Agent
at Atlanta.
Leave Atlanta 6.00 A.M*
Arrive at Augusta 5.45 P.M.
Leave Augusta 6.U0 A.M.
Arrive at Atlanta 6.00 P.M.
Leave Atlanta 715 P.M.
Arrive at Augusta 6 1>* A.M.
Leave Augusta 6-00 P.M.
Arrive at Atlanta 4 16 A.M.
Leave Atlanta 6 io P.M.
Arrive at Augusta 9.57 A.M.
Leave Augusta 610 P.M.
Arrive at Atlanta S.05 A.M.
miles—Fare, live cents per mile—A. J. White,
President; E. B. Walker, Superintendent; R. A.
Anderson, Agent at Atlanta:
Leave Macon
Arrive at Atlanta ...
Leave Atlanta -
Arrive at Macon -
Leave Macon -
Arrive ip Atlanta -
Leave Atlanta -
Arrive in Macon ...
WILL be sold before the Court House door, in
the tow n of Buchanan, Haralson county, Georgia,
on the tlrst Tuesday in January next, within rhe
legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
One lot of lam! No. 172, containing 202); acres,
intlieGth district of said county. Levied on as
the prop' rtv of .John Houston, to satisfy the co«t
on two li. fa's, issued from the County Court of said
Also, at the same time and place, one house and
in the town oi Tallapoosa, number not known.
Levied on ;us the property of fi. J. Mann, to satis
fy one iu.\ li. !u. and one fl. fa issued lroiu the
County Court of said county.
Also" at the same time and place, the following
lots of aud. to wit:Two lets Nos. 206 220mifl north
hull of lot No 221, all in the 8th district of said
county. Levied on as the property of P. J Clark,
to Satisfy one tax li. la. and one li fa. issued from
the County Court on attachment in favor oi Dud-
can Monroe vs P. J. Clark. This the 23d day ot
November, 1867.
dec3—wtds Printer’s fee $7.50
ttffinle.giunor ch
of John
Ellen and
>1 leant,
nary of
sCkitedtbrfeY.’.awfrtbOWCMsa, 1» any aha
said conn
RtfiS)—87 miles—Fare, per mile—John P.
Kino, President; S. P. Grant, Superintendent;
R. M. Farrar, Agent at Atlanta:
Leave Atlanta 7.00 A.M.
Arrive at West Point 12.U0 M.
Leave West Point 12.40 P.M.
Arrive at Atlanta..... 6.80 P.M.
HOJTD.—Daniel H. Cram. Superintendent.
WILL he sold before the Court House door, in
the citv of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, on
| the first Tuesday in January, 1868, within the legal
ik » iii : hours of sale, the following property, to-w tjt:
nil p m* ' The south half of city lot No. S3, of block 14. of
land lot No. 51, of the 14th district of originally
Henry, now Fulton county, Ga., fronting on Col
lins street, and bounded by lot of John K. Bennett
on the west, by B. D. Ladd, on the east by R. A.
Pittman, on the south and said Collins street con
taining one acre, more or less. Levied on by vir
tue of and to satisfy a Mortgage fl. fa. issued from
Fulton superior Court in favor of Daniel Pittman
vs. A. P. Bell. Property pointed out iu said
Mortgage fl. fa. November 4,1867.
W. L. ilCBBAUD, Deputy Sheriff.
nov5—w8w Printer’s fee $5
2 00 P.M.
715 A.M.
l.GO P.51.
8.40 P.M.
4.30 A.M.
7.15 p.M-
4.10 A.M.
10.15 A.M.
1.44 P M.
4.25 P.M.
7.00 A.M.
1.11 P.M.
1.03 P.M.
Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and
Friday - 8 A.M.
Arrive Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday 7 (10 P.M.
Leave West Point
Arrive at Columbus -
Arrive at Montgomery
Leave Montgomery .-
Leave Columbus
Arrive at West Point
ON and after November 4th, 1867, the rates on
Cotton from Atlanta, |ier bale, will be.
Compressed. Not Compressed.
To New York ^
To Baltimore.. <75 5 42
To Philadelphia 555 6 37
To Boston 6 “(f*
To Norfolk 415 4.61
Through Bills of Lading will be given at point
ol shipment and loss, damage or overcharge will
be promptly settled at point of delivery.
Marine Insurance required between Norfolk
and New Y'ork and Boston. No insurance re
quired to Baltimore or Philadelphia.
4 Any further information will be furnished on
application to JOHN B. 1 I.,
n„v5—<18in Western A Atlantic Railroad.
WILL lie sold before the Court House door, in
the city of Americus, on the first Tuesday in
February next, w itliin the legal hours of sale, the
following property, to-w.itt
All the crop of cotton of the present year on the
plantation of John M. Worrell, in the county ol
Sumter, consisting of 40 bales, ' ore or less, to-wit:
5 bales ginm d and packed, lint and seed cotton in
the gin Douse, and cotton in the fields to be picked
aid ginned by the day of sale,to satisfy aMortgage
fi fa in my hands from the Count} Court of sum
ter count}, in favor of Adams, Jones A Reynolds
vs. John k. Worrell. Property pointed out bv
plaintiff's attorney as the property of John It
Worrell. This November 25th, 1867.
J. B. PILSBURY. Deputy Sheriff.
dec7—wts Printer’s fee $5
WILL be sold l>efore the Court House door, in
Jonesboro, Clayton couuty, Ga., on the fltst Tees-.
day in January, 1868, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property, to Wit:
One tow n lot in the town ol Jonesboro, contain
ing three and three-fourths acres, known as the
hotel lot, and al.-o as the property of the estate ol
the lute Dr. James A. Turner, deceased. Levied
on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued front Henry Superior
Court agaiust Let i H. Turner, administrator ot
Jas. A Turner, deceased, in lavorcl'W. 0. Lee;
administrator jc bonin non of W. L. Morrts, de
ceased, which fi. fa was issued from a decree ob
tained iu said Superior Court to assert the ven
dor’s lien. Terms cash. November 20th, 1867.
L C. HUl'cHESON, Deputy Sheriff,
not 22—wtds Printer’s fee $2.50
WILL lie sold before the Court House door, in
the town of CartersviUe, Bartow county, Georgia,
w ithin the legal honrs of sale, on the first Tues
day in January, 1868, the following property,
The settlement of land, eight hundred and fifty
acres (850) more or less, on which Dr G. G. Roy
and others now reside, in the fourth dDtriot
and third section of Bartow county. Levied on
os the property of Gustavu* H. Bates, to satisfy
one Bartow Superior Court Mortgage fl.'fa, ia fa
vor of Horace J. Bates vs. Gustavus H. Bates.
Propertv pointed out hy defendant November
"tli. 1867' W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff.
novb—wtds Printer’s fee fi5
Having established a Manufactory of the well
Felt, Cement atul travel R°°l I WILL he sold before the Court. House door, in
The undersigned would call the special attvntioi the C ity of Marietta, Coiib county, Ga., on the first
of builders, and persons about to build, to inis Tuesday in January next, within the usual
STYLE OF ROOFING. It is cheaper ana more hours of sale, tiie following property, to-wit:
u Lots of Land numbers NTS, 92a, 927, #46 and247,
and parts of 874, 875 and 9i8, in the 16th district
and second section of Cobb county. Levied on as
the property of Mrs. Joanna M Cass, executrix ef
John Cass, deceased, to satisfy one fl. fa Issued
from Cobb Superior Court in ravor of Charles D.
Phillips, bearer, vs. Joanna M. Cass, executrix of
John Cass, deceased. Sold for the purchase money.
This December 3,1867.
A, F. JOHNSON, Sheriff.
dec7—wts Printer’s fee $2.50 •
durable than any other Roofing in use, aud is
FIRE-PROOF, and lias been thoroughly tested, as
can be seen hy reference. , ,
ALL WORK WARRANTED. Roofing of all
ki Roofling Felt^nd Roofing Material fbrSr’e.
Samples and references can be seen at the cor
ner ofWbltehaH ami Mitchell streets, or at the
Manufactory, on Foundry street .rear of 8
Foundry O. A. SMliu.
Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills,
By Wholesale at Factory r* teen,
ocM0 d3m
BlilG A L E 1
factory agents,
street Atlanta,
Gt.CLROIA, Fulton
\ETHKMEAa, Elias Wood, kdmBitetrator or the
Vj. estntnof Jaae Oluer. Igto of sold county,
tiedeased, rfipfesents In his petition duly filed,
that said estate 1© insolvent^ and that be has fully
discharged said U pst:
t All porsuts eoncemod Me cited and admonished
to file their ejections within the time prei,orii>ed
by law, ff any exist, why letters of dismlmUsion
shotild not be granted the applicant.
Witness my official Signature, this August 23d
1867. Daniel PITTMAlr, OnTlnary!^
aug24—w6m [Printer’s lee#4.50]
GEORGIA* Fulton County.
VA7 HERE AS, Joseph. W inship, administrator d*
ff Mma upon the estate of B. H. Overby, de
ceased, represents to the court in his petition duly
filed, that ne has fully administered said estate.
This is, therefore, to cite oil persons concerned
to show, cause, if auy they can, why said admin
istrator should not be discharged from his said ad
ministration and receive letters of dismission on
thc ffrst Mondav in March. 1868.
Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary ol
said couuty, tliis 4th day of September, 1867.
JNO- T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk.
8cp&-w6m '' -. 1 Printer’s fee #4.50,1
GEORGIA, Henry county,
WHEREAS, Martha George, administratrix on
the estate of Jackson George, deceased, late of said
county, has applied to me for letters dismissory
from said administration:
This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred aud creditors of said de
ceased to show cause,if any exists, within the time
ul lowed by law, why letters of dismission should
not be granted the applicant.
Witness my official signature, this October 15th
1867- Q R. NOLAN, Ordinary.
o.-t20— w6m Printer’s fee #4.50*
GEORGIA., Fulton county.
IXT'liKKEAS, E. W. Holland, executor of thc
TV last will and testament of M. E. Hargrave,
dece sed, and guardian of Flora Hargrave, de
ceased. represents, in flis petition duly filed, that
he has fully discharged his said trusts and prays
for letteis of dismission;
This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to show cause, within the time
allowed by law, if any exist, why letters of dis
mission shall not he granted the applicant.
Witness my official signature, this August 22d,
1867. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary.
aug23—\\ fim [Printer’s fee #4 50]
GEORGIA. Henry county.
WHEREAS, John J. Bailey, administrator on
the estate oi Joseph M. James, deceased. Etc of
said county, has applied to me indue form for
tetters dismissory Ironi said administration:
This is, therefore, to cite un 1 admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to sho-v cause, if auy exists, witbiu the time al
lowed by law, why letters of dismission should
not be granted tbe applicant.
Witness my hand and oflWal signature, Octo
ber 15.1867. Q. R. N<>LAN, Ordinary,
nct^o—.\v6ro " Printer’s fee #4 St)'
GEORGIA. Sumter county.
WHEREAS, Thomas Davenport applies to me
for letters of guardianship of the person aud
property of James’ Cannon, orphan and minor of
Jan.cs M. Cannon, deceased:
All persons concerned are hereby notified to file
eir objections if ant exist, on or'before the first
Monday in January next, otherwise letters will
be granted according to prayer of applicant in
terms of tbe law.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this 30th day of November, 1867.
L- F. DORMAN, Ordinary.
dec3— w30d Printer’s fee #3
GEORGIA. DkKalb county*.
W fl FUR A 8, David M. Sheppard having ap
plied to me in pro per. for in for ;,criiiant letters of
administration on the <’»t,!i. u i William Aycook,
late of said eouflty, deceased 1
i his is. theielorc, to cite ail persons concerned
to be and appear at my office, within the time
prescribed by law to show cause, If any they
have, why permanent letteis should not be grant
ed the applicant.
Given under my hand apd official signature,
this 22d November, 1867.
nov27—w30d* Printer’s fee #3
GEORGIA, Gwinnett cglnty.
WHEREAS, James W. Mills, administrator,
on th" estate af Joseph B. Mills, deceased, having
made application to me tor letters of dismission
irom said estate: •
These are, therefore, to give notice to all con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, ana
file theirobjeotions, if any they have, why said
letters stiouid not be granted the applicant.
Given under iny hand and official signature,
this November 5th. 1867.
G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary.
xbv8—wfim t\ . Printer’s fee #4.50
GEORGIA, FayettF county.
JEFTHA LANIiRl'M, Admiiifstrator of the
estate of Wasliingtofl Landrum, late of said coun
ty deceased, having applied to tho< ourtol"Ordina
ry ot said county lhr leave to sell the land belong
ing to said estate ot said deceased, for the benefit
of heirs and creditors:
Alliiersons concerned are- notified to file their
objections, it any they have, w ithin, two mrntlis
from the publication of this 11 otic o', else leave will
bu granted for tiie sale of said real estate.
Given under my hand and official flgnature this
November the Sd, 1867.
nov5—wtm Pr’r’s fee #5 Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Henry county.
WHEREAS, Wm. E. Tucker, administrator on
thc estate of Samuel Chubb, deceased, person of
color, late of said county, applies to me lor leave
to sell the real estate of said Samuel Chubb:
Ail persons concerned afe notified to file their
objections if any tbey'have with two months from
tli© first - pfiblication of this notice, else leave
will lie granted for the sale ol said real estate.
Given uhder mv hand and official signature,
thit November 14th, 1867,
Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary.
n©vl6—w2m ’ Printer’s fee $5
GEORGIA, Fayette county.
WHEREAS, Jane Jones, administratrix on the
estate of Frances P. Jones, deceased, represents to
the Court that she has luliy administered the said
Francis P. Jones’ estate, and prays for letters 0
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at niy office, within the
lime prescribed bv law, and show cause, if anv
they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my band and official signature,
this November 15th. 1867.
novl9—w6m Printer’s fee #4 50
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
TYTHEREAS, John T. Abridge, administrator
y V upon the estate of 8imeon Abridge, deceased,
repgesenis to the court, in bia petition, duly filed,
that he has fully administered said estate:
This b, therefore, to cite all persons concerned
to show cause, if any they can. why said adminis
trator should not bed Isch a rgi*d from his said ad
ministration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in March, 1868.
W unete tbe 'Hon. Doirtel Pittman, Ordinary
of said county, this 4th day of Neptember. 1807.
JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk.
: sep6—w6m [Printer’s fee #4.50.]
GEORGIA, Henry county
mYRA CHA FKIX adml,,i,t r . lM »r
JL.Oi Ia. J. Ihatito. lau*oi Uil . n ,.
apples to me lor letter* oi
tdfflnist ration:
Yhne lit. therefore, to cite and *-i
aptl singular the kindred ami . *edit,
deceased, to be and aiiia-ar.d ■„ . ,.
the time allowed by law. and .how rT,
fixB^whytotters should not 1* gl
GlVen under my hand and official -
Sd pay of September. 1867.
w K NOLAN (j
OCtS—w6m ll’nnter »
GEORGIA, DeKalb county - .
WHEREAS, A’lgustUN L. Pitt?, admin
andMarj A. Greer, odmiuUtr u .rix •. i.
OreCL tupvwei'ts to thc tourt in tl.elr
duly fllerTand entered on rec >rl that in
fullv admint«tered Robert ll <4rv'ei’» ♦ >t.f
This is, therefore, u> cite all iv, ■ ....
kindred and creditors, to show c«u?, i,
have, why said administrator and admini-
should not bo uiscliur^ni tium thuii t-iuii
tlon and receive letters of dlsnn.-Mou uu .
Monday in May, 18*«.
Given under my hand and offlei il , t
this 16th Or toiler, 1867.
octOO—w6m Print) r - f.- *
GEORGIA, Sumter county.
WHEREAS, Asa Anslev applies t, n .e i
tors of dismission from uum ui-trati-.M u
estate of Lemuel M. A a sic v. dec, .imsI
These are, therefore to cite and idnion
and singular the kindred amt n.dnoi-
deoeased. and all
person-*'',«iioeru« tl. to a «
pear at my office, within the tune *.r<-».-ri
law, and show cause, if auv tf. v have ,»
letters will be grnntod In torus of 11., law
Given under my hand and otli, i»i
this 12th day of October. 1867
^ L. P. DORMAN. Drdu
OCtSO—w6m 1‘iint*.* ,|, T 41
«|ip b .
il sign-
GEORGIA. Gwinnett coi n
WHERl AS. B. A. Blakey. a l ... i.
estate of Shepherd Kibri«*„c. ,1...
made application touictoi uu. 1-
from said estate:
These are. therefore, to tire ,i*>t,
cerned, kindred and crcdi, , ,
at my office within thc tim.' )>,*•«■ ,
and file their ol>je*'tioDs, if any tn*
said letters should not be granted the
Given under my hand and 01’ * i.
this November 5th' 1867.
norS—w6in Printer?
GEORGIA, Faykte county.
WHEREAS. Marv A. R Horn, admiri
on the esUte of Thouia? li. Horn I.*,,
county, deceased, having applied
Court of Ordiuary of said count*, p
the land belonging to ?ai<i c?ta i Do t o- D-
the helm and creditor? of ?uid de <•.<- -d
All persons concerned are notifl. d 1,, 1;
objectio s, if any they have, w itliin two
from the first publication or till? noli -
will be granted for the saieof ?ai*l .eal ,-1
Given under my hand and ofli< ul ?u
this November 27th. 1867.
Edward lonnor uni
nov29—w2m 1‘rlulir - 1
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
WHEREAS, John F. Huff, adinitiisl t
Coleman W. Marchman, l.*t*- <>t ?ai<i <--
ceased, r present? to the Court in hi? •
filed that he has lull} aduiiui?Uic - ,.ud t—1
This is, therefore, to cite all iH-r-«>n» ,
tOShowcAUse, if any thev can. ulu ., .
trator should not bedi?ch *rg«-*l 1 •>.*■ n - - ,
ministration and receive U-iicr? ,.| ,1. *
the the first Monday in June. 1ST,?
Witness the Hon. Daniel, «»r .i j
said county, this 2.1 DeceinU- . in..
John t. cook. 16-put* 11-
dec4—w6m Printer’. 1 I #1
GEORGIA, Monroe county.
WHEREAS, A. H. Sneed having ii
applied to me for perm.inent it ;■■!- .. ,
trution on thc estate of Mary >i.< • .1 <1, «• -
of said county:
This is to cite all the kindred and •
said Mary Sneed to be and j: ...
within the time allowed by law. .1 ,1 »h
if any they cun, why Mnuaial
ministration should not lie grantet to a .
on said estate.
Witness my hand an-i official sig.iitu
the 4th day of December. 1867.
O. MORSE, or •
doefi- wOTd Pi inter - ? fe.
GEORGIA. Carroll county.
YVHEREA8, John P.Came?, of.-otid >
plies tome ft»r letters of guanii.uisflip <u
Carnes and William Caines, miuor call
Thomas A.Carnes, deceased:
Thes.; arc, therefore, to cit»; all and
next of kin to !>e and appear at my 01.1
the time prescribed by law . ami showTan.,
they have, why sai 1 letters sboulii not
the applicant.
Given under niv han.i and oificiai *i r
this December 18;h ly*>7
J. M. BLALtM. K. br i
dec.90— w30d I’rintcr’s •
WHEREAS, Jaines P. VV*?t applies t->
letters ol guardiausuip <d tiie p.i->,-
erty of George IL W.dkcr. Mary i Wait
Henry J. Wulker, minor? and orphan- ■. I
W. Halker. deceased:
All persons concerned arc notified to Cl
objections, if any exist, 011 or oelort the 1 .
day in January next, omerwi-c i.-ti.-r?
granted the applicant in icrm^ ol the law
Given under my band and **:l.■ i.d
this November 30ih, Ih;7.
L. 1*. DORMAN, Onii
<lec3—W30.1 I’rtntpr - ? i<
GEORGIA, Monlok ccuniy.
WHEREAS, Patience l*rinv;le. adimni?
on the estate of P. D. i’ringlc. docea-w* .
made application to me for letters <>. li-
from saiu estate:
These are, therefore, to give no-ice .1 i .
ed. kindred and creditor?, to ho ,.n 1 ,pp
office wi Bin the time pre.criiH'd oy D,
their objections, il any they hav.. wlr. -..1 :
should not be granted to itic uppii. int
Given under my hand amt official si;-
this 4th day of December, 1867.
deed—w6m Printer - ? fee ; •
dr let
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
W HEREAS,John R. Wallace, administrator
tfc bonis non, df the estate of J. B Badger,
deceased, and guardian of the estate of Glancus R.
Bailger, deceased, in bis petition duly filed, repre
sents that fie has Pally discharged said trusts and
is entitled to letter* of dismission:
All persons concerned are cited and admonished
to file their objections, it any exist, in terms of the
law. else letters of dismission will be granted the
applicant. *• • • 3
x... ‘ ‘ J — IbiKAteusttSd.
GEORGIA, Monroe county.
WHEREAS, no proper appliraiion !
administration ha? been made to me.
of John T. Stephens, deceased, taieoitiis-
These are, therefore, tn cite an-t :ilm<>r>i
persons concerned, kindred and credit..: - ;
cause within the time prescribed by u a . w
Clerk of the Superior M>ui t should iu» i>
pointed administrator on said c?t t 1
Given under my h i.M xixi olh- i d s : •
this 4th day of Deceuil^er 1867
O M.iK?r:. «ir.iu
dec6—w30d l*r<
GEORGIA, Baldwin county.
WHEREAS, Fre.: Hang I M nm I- s.,,.11
for letters ot admini.-traiixi ox t .
George Hautr, late of said county. *|e. e. - -I
These are, therefore, to cite un>i aiimoui
persons concerned to file their oh . i
on or before the first Monday in January
Given under my hand and official sig
this5th December 1867.
deefi—w90d I rinD r - * fi-.
GEORGIA, Bartow county.
TWO MONTHS after date applie..:
made to the Court of Onlinary --I ».n
leave to sell the real estate-if'Jo'i.i 1.
of said county, deceased. N .vein - . r I. •
novlO—w2m Prime. ,
uesday in January. ; Witness foyoiflieial signature, this^Ahxust **<
door, in the city of 1867. DANIEL PITT il AN, Onfinary-
mrgia, the folio* ing a«»gt4—wfim •[Printer’a fee §4.581
WILL be old on the first Tuesday in January.
1868 before th- Court House
tnerlrHs. Sumter county, Georgia,
propertv. to-wit: —
i lie growing crop of cotton on the plantation of OEORGlA. Pii'l.ffiNO COUNTY*.
George E. Clark, in the 26th district of Sumter * 1 ,, .
county to satisfy one Mortgage fl. fa. Issued from’ TWO MOMijs afterdate applfokBon will be
the t ounty Court of Sumter county, sain fi Tg- be- mode *0 thruocu-to* Ordinary-of Folding coun-
ing 1:1 favor of F. M. Coker vs. Georg© E-Ctoxk, I {y. Georghs for leave to seU
and said propertv pointed out by plaintiff. "This -to the estate ol M. Wallace, deceased. Tills the
November 6th, 1567. ' . 6dday of December, uyf. i •
J. B. PILSBURY. Deputy Sheriff. a.,. ... - ... * POt.^ Admin Is trator.
nov 16—wtds Printer’s foe fskB) 3 1 dirt Min • * WNtefi fteffi
:A'/r ..** » • nMNlI]
GEORGIA, Newton county.
TWO MONTHS after d tte applb :.ll-n w.
made to tbe Court of ordinary . i ?aul ml
leave to sell the real estate of Kc-lw-rt M.i,
of said county, deceastal. V.vasln-rWEl-<-i
novS9- w2m Pritit<-r*q4y- B
GEORGIA, Gordon county.
TWO MONTHS alter this date appiicaf
be made to the Court of Ordinary <>| .,
ty, Georgia, lor leave to sell the' lan i? .. m.* i
to the esta'e of B. A. btauton, de,eased I
November 25th, 1867.
A- LITTLEFIELD. Admir-Mi vt..r
HOV26—w2ni» Printer * b> (?>
GEOROIA, Newton county.
TWO MONTHS after date appliratMP will
made to the Court of Ordinary of saidi - ui.t .
leave to sell the real estate ol Green W Mr h.
late of said county, deceased I Id? Novell!I
99th, 1867. WM. J. MID HELL, vdiu’i
nov29—wtm Pnuier «^e $i