The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 15, 1868, Image 1

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6 nPTTTT I XI Hi S QL. I.—NO. 275. ATLANTA, GA.7WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 15. 1868. PRICE -5 CENTS. THi DAILY OPINION, c :ral Building, Granite Block, Broad St. 10 00 citTioN.—One copy, on nu, <6.W; ^ terms OF irnriT: ;pf o M yS? 1 * f> oneyear 6 ** ■' , ... year (andone freetotheper ‘ nne the club.) SO 00 . u. n2u)boU> edition* wlUbe received iaontb*. at rate* corresponding with the ,; X teJLNG.-Cari* in Cirr Dibsctost, ’ . ltd Ovc lines. *12 00 per annum. Special i irrxxn lxots per line for first ' r * Five Criers per line thereafter. The -«« will be made for advertisements than & square, obituaries, and all *. . tHTsonal nature. Except in cases , ( HitTact, other advertisements wrill be T i following rates: i t one insertion, - 4 *1.00 •• ’ two insertions, • • 1.60 three insertions, « - *.00 . •• .me week. ... $.® M .. one month * • * lO.uO •• three months. - 26.00 - per levy of ten lines or less.. .*2 60 ..uia ii. la.sales, per square— 5 00 .. T . rv :l ie>. per square r...... 5 00 i r ;ie.s oi Administration 3 00 rs of Guardianship.... 3 00 ' , ,,,,..,• *.11, ox tiinuiisaion from • 4» ■; , it ion for dismission from I 3 00 ,., r leave'to sell Land 0 00 i*. utors and Creditors 3 00 I ,nd elf.. per square o 00 - -i'al !-• property, 10 days, p®r sqr. 1 60 , : ' days * 00 reoi Mortgage, per sqr, each time... 1 00 • .tiL'lBKD FOB LEGAL ADVERTISING, f land etc, by Administrators, Execu- sidtaits, arc required by law to be held i’ ne sday in the month, between the tfi in the forenoon andthreein the af- *t the Court House in the county in tiw property U situated. Notices of those * w atbe given in a public gazette 40 days ,»M»a> the day of sale. ot the sale of persofial property must in like manner 10 dayB previous to the -1, the debtors and creditors of an estate s imWisbed 40 days. . that application will be made to the ur linarv for leave to sell Land, ete., 4-h.ii for two months. it letters pf Administration, Guar- . must be published30 days; for dis- r MM Administration, monthly « months; ft-oin Guardianship 40 days. »' ,r> .injure of Mortgage must be pub- nth!-. for4months; for ettxblithfng lost lull >p:u-e of 3 months; for com- i , • irom Executors or Administrators, , i ha*- !„ vn given by the deceased,-the ., .<i three months. uoiu uill always be continued accord- the legal requirements, unless other- ^ li.KUAL DEDUCTIONS will be made II r Users. Iq. a., transient and foreign advertisements , -x; aid to secure publication. ^q, i ic-tiers on business, or <M>mmunications iion, must be addressed to SCRUGGS & DUMBLE. Railroad Schedules. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ON and after January 12th, 1868, Pusanger Trains will run as follows: GOING NORTH. L E A V IN C ATLANTA. 8*80 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) Exrxxas Passxmqeb.—Arrive at Csattanooba S 03 r. x., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville and tbs West, and trains of Memphis and Charleston Rail road for Memphis, New Orleans, act. 4.15 P. M. Daily (except Sundays) Dalton Accommodation.—ATrlve at Marietta at 5.66, Cartersvillc 8.16, Kingston 9.29, Dal. ton 12.33. T.OO P. M. Daily Great Northern Mail.— Arrive at Chattanooga 4.00 a.m, con necting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Lonisville, and the West, and making close connection for Memphis, New Or leans, etc., VIA NASHVILLE; also, connecting with E. T. and Ga. R. R. lor Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and other Eastern cities. COMING SOUTH ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 8.35 A. M. Daily Grrat soi'tbum mul.— i.eaviug chjlttanooga at 5.35 p. n., con necting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga, Railroads, and at Dalton at 8.33 p. m , connecting with trains of E. T. and Ga. Railroad. 10.30 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) Dalton Accommodation.—Leave Dalton gt 1.26 a. m., Kingston 4.30, Cartersville 515, Marietta at 8. 18.05 P. M. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger —Leave Chattanooga at 6.36 a. m . making close connections with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga, and Memphis and Charleston Railroads. IPnllman** Patent Sleeping Coaches ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. GORDON POSTPONED PBBBtfAltfc SHERIFF SALES. : I v 7>ciJa WILL be sold befofe the GouFt ilouke door in the town of Calhoun, Gordon 1 oouoty, on the first Tuesday in, February. 1808, within the legal hours of lire, the following property, to-wit: IT' i iri - Thefollowlng' lots, of lands No■* W, 96, 87, and 95, in the 14th district, 3d section, Gordon epunty, containing 58l acres, more or less. All levied cm' as the property N. A. Jackson to satisfy oneSuperior Court 1 3d section of Gordon court,*. levied dec!4—<13m JOHN B. PECK, Master of Transportation five cents per mile.—.Jo W. Cole, Superintend^ 1 MONTGOMERY & W EST POINT RAIL ROAD!.—.Daniel JI. Cram, Superintendent. Leave West Point - - 10.15 A.M. Arrive at Co,ljiinbu.-. - - 1.44 P.M. Arrive at Montgomery - 4.25 P.M. Leave Montgomery " - - , 7.00 A.M. Leave Columbus - 1.11P.M. Arrive at West Point - - 1.03 P.M. GEORGIA RAILROAD—174 miles—Fare John P. King. President; E TV Anderson, Agent at Atlanta DAY FaKsUNUER TPUIN. Lpave Atlanta 5.00 A.M, .Arrive at Augusta 6.45 P.M. Leave Augusta 5.00 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta ; 6.00 P.M. MliHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 7.15 P.M. Arrive at Augusta 6.10 A.M.. Leave Augusta 6 00 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.15 A.M. NIGHT THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 6.40 P.M. Arrive at Augusta 9.67 A.M. Leave Augusta 6.10 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 8.05 A.M. id ft liu!>iue»s Directory. . ,_s. CLOCKS, JKWKLRT, SO. tv M rsoi.LMAN, Dealer in Watches, •k- .Jewelry, Gold Pens, Spectacles, a Whitehall street 2d door above M. x <».’* Boik. Store, Atlanta, Ga. >, -tyle and warranted. .11 v mr/icsAKTs and grocers. Cl." CO., I sealers in Produce, a. >i f ancy Groceries, Hats, Caps, - .uni Notions; Hardware, Ac., Ac. mime our stock. BOYD, WALLS A CO., ..II and Mitchell streets, opp. Dodd’s A KEESK, Auction and commission .vms. Sign, Auction House. White- AtUnta, Ga. ftSO—IT i.i m u. Wholesale and Retail G*o- . i dealer in V arieties, Whitehall street, i,a feSS—ly t PARROTT, WHOLESALS GBO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t, l’eachtree street, Atlanta, GA ...MU’ a co., Gxnwal Commission a a nt>. and Agents for Manufacturers - u tiie Bridge, on Broad street and • aula, Ga. A. J. ROBERT. F. W. ROBERT. i;*h.kR", Dealer in Family Gro- t smi country Produce, Whitehall, one Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga. Choice ;.js vii bsBii. augt—6m LASKERS AND BROKERS ~OMa.1V NATIONAL BANK, Bank t, v.abama street- John Rice, Presi L Jvxn,caskier; Darwin G. Jonhb, Tet- vaed H. .Jones, Book-Keeper. DlREC- - < Un Rice. .John Collier, E. K. Rawson, 8. ’ w w Clayton. fe*0—ly AMD. BANKER AND BROKER, AT- ' >.. buys and sella Gold, Silver, Bonds, uni Bank Bills. Exchanges Bonds, makes ■ents lor parties in Bonds and Stooks; mu-rest on Deposits when left for two » or longer. ft*)—ly it. fa. in favor of Warren Akin ^a.Jtunie D. Ingles, principal, and X. A- Jackson, hidorser. Property pointed oUt h^plain- Also, at> the same time and plate, will bo sold two lots of land, Nos. 99 and IQG* In the 15th District, 3d section of Qoraon ooutrty, as ths property of Jf. M. Ander son, to satisfy three SupetiorConrtfl. fas. in fkvor of Joseph Kowe, for the ufte-of Wia. H, Morris and H. H. Dobson, va. Samueltarter a.I Simpson and M. M. Anderson, security, on J^Mtleee GoHrt appeal; and one in favor of David B. Bar- ^knith,w».W.B. nett vs. M. M. Anderson, and cue I* favor 1 of Mason Cluer vs. M. M. Anderson.— Property pointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time and place will be sold one lot of land No. 324. in the 13th dig- trtet, 3d section, Gordon county, as the property of John Malone, to satisfy two In- frior Court fi. fas. in favor of $eo, Eaton vs. John Floyd, principal, and Jno. Malone, security, and one Superior Court fl. fa. in favor of Sams & Camp vs. John Malone. Property pointed out by defend ant, Malone. Also, at the same time and place will be sold two mules—one black the other sorrel. Levied as the property of Win. M. Sham- blin, to satisfy one Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of John Thompson, administrator, etc., vs. >Vm. M. Shamblin and John Jones. | Property pointed out by John Jones. Also, will be sold at the same time and place, lot of land Xo. 304, in the 13th dis trict, 3d section. Gordon county. Levied on as the property of Isaac J .Collier, to satisfy one {superior Court fi. fa. issued from Coweta county, in favor of YY r adlow Walker Burnsides. Property pointed out by G. W. ltansoiu. 'Also, will be sold lot of land No. 158 in 7tli district, 3d section, Gordon county, as the property of 8. E. Binson. Levid on to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Gordon County Court, one in favor of J. E. Alex ander, and one in favor of J. X. Scott vs. S. E. Binson. Property pointed out by the defendant, and returned to me by a County Bailiff. Also, will be sold part of lot of land No. 113, in the 14th district 3d section of Gordon count}'. Levied on as the property of George W. Lay. Lot Xo. 113 has a MACON A dies—1 W BA IK llN R AILRO AI>.—103 miles—Fare, live cents per mile—A. J. White, President; E. B. Walxkr, Superintendent; B. A. Anderson, Agent at Atlanta: DAT FA8SENGKR TRAIN. Leave Macon - - - - 7.45 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta - - - 2 00 P.M. l^ave Atlanta - 7.16 A.M. Arrive at Macon ... 1.80 P.M. I^ave Macon - - - 8.40 P.M. Arrive in Atlanta .... 4.30 A.J1. Lfcave Atlanta .... 7.14 P.M- Arrive in Maeon - - - 4.10 A.M. Abu, Bt th« *dme time and place, will be aoteb onadot oflland. No. 134, In the 13th qiatriet and 3d teetlon of Gordon county. We property ofU. M. Johnson and J. A. jg Johnson, as guardians for their children, 1.f. t > satisfy three Justice Court fi. fas. in favor < f Jesse Miller. Levies] on and returned to i le by a Constable. Property pointed out By JtpeeMUte* plaintiff. Also, at the«fcmfe time and place, will be sbld, lot of Uutdi No. 38. in the Mtb district eta as the property of Nancy Coplin, to satisfy one Justice Court fl. fa. Id fnyoi ctf Jesse Miller; Property pointed <by . l *Also,.»t!ibe same time and place will be spld one lot of land number not known, but the jdace whereon Berry Hurk now Uvea, in the tsth district, 3d seotiou of ^ 648, WfcTVfc KO. KM, 706,788. and 62., In the 14th district and 1st saction or rtytb county, Georgia, containing each 40 re*r, more or lean. Levied on or tke yroperty i Jtiomas Thornton, to satisrv sundry fi. fas. Issued {J 0 **. A -) u-tico*’ Uoart of said county, la favor of *1' Executor of A. G. Hutckias, do- ceased, vs. Thomfcrf Thornton, Renben X. TSotti- tjnnndR. a Thompson. Propoitf pointed o«rt by A. j Hutchins, plaintiff’s attorney. Loyv made and returned to me by D. M.Ptoett, Lawful CSnstaKe. Jan. 2, X866. • JOHN A. STMS, Deputy Sheriff fans—wt* Prinwrs fceftjj n Gordon county .Levied on as the property a> of wTfi. Woodward, E- Woodward, maker d Carter &.Ingles indorsers, satisfy one ' S. fa. in favor ’Of Jolih Woodward and E. Wood- ward^uaker, Garter & Inglee, indorser a Property^,pointed out by J. N. L’artcr, and returned to me by a Constable. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, eae lot of land. No. 320, in the 13th District and Third Section of Gordon coun ty. Levied on as the property of Henry- Howls, to satisfy one Justice Court u. fi. in favor ot Harkins & Cabot. Property S hinted out by G. W. Muller. This 4tb ^y of January, 1868. JOHN GRESHAM .Sheriff. jau7—wtds Printer’s fee >55 GORDON COUNTY MORTGAGE SHER IFF’S SALE FOR MARCH. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the tows of CalhouR, Gordon county, Go., on toe first Tuesday in March, 1868, within too legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One lot of land No. 319 in the Hth district and 3d section of Gordon county. Levied on a* the property of Charles Dragga to satisfy one Mort- e ige fl. fa. issued from Gordon Superior Court in »or of Vasburg A Lester. Property pointed ut in said fi. fa. This January 4.1868. JOHN GRESHAM, Sherifl. Jan6—wt» Printer’* fee $6 J&y- ATLANTA & WEST POINT RAIL ROAD—87 miles—Fare, per mile—John P. Kino, President; S. P. Grant, Superintendent; R. M. Farrar, Agent at Atlanta: DAY PAS8K.NOER TRAIN—GOING OUT. Leave Atlanta 7.Q0 A.M. arrive at vresi ix.wJ Jn. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—COMING IN. Leave West Point 12.40 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 5.30 P.M. ■0* MAIL STAGE LINE FROM ATLANTA TODAIILONEGA — Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 6.00 A.M. Arrive Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday 7.00 P.M. d DOBBINS * CO-, BBOKEBS, over At- jnu National Bank, Alabanaa street. •*«—Trisbee A Roberts, New 1 ork; Hop- i Ire A Dwight New York; B. H. > - -la, Ga.; I). F. Fleming,Charleston, 1 ..iiuingham. Montgomery, Ala.; R. V .. ta; R. Austell, Atlanta; Edward * •-ivs-'nah. Ga. fe20—ly i’K> ' M1IOSAL BANK-DESIGNA- DKP«»ITgRY OF THE UNITED rr.L. President ; W. H. Tcll*R, To Its- a. Austell, M. G. Dob- Mcl/endon, J. H. James- i j iid to Collections in Atlanta seen *n. Prompt returns made ei r»i,s. Our New York Uor- rearth National Bank, to whom fe*t—ly .'.4 LOOKS. E l»r l’OT—M. E. KENNY. Pro •i Brandies, Wines, Whiskies ■ t ■ aoo Ale always on hand. No ■ : -Vilanta. Ga. aug4—6m A ttorskys. A 'IMP-SIX. ATTORNEYS AT LAW . <mice corner Whitehall and ■ -. over James’ Banking House Alabama street. H. P. FARROW, O. F. SIMPSON. THROUCH RATES ON COTTON TO NEW TORE AND OTHER EASTERN CITIES, VIA NORFOLK. ON and after November 4tb, 1867 tbe rates ou Cotton from Atlanta, per bale, will be, Compressed. Not Compressed To New Y'ork $5 55 $$6.62 To Baltimore 4.75 5.Ti To Philadelphia 5 55 "37 To Boston 6.05 6 97 To Norfolk 4 15 4.89 Through Bill-of Lading will be given at point ol shipment and loss, damage or overcharge will be promptly settled at point oi delivery. Marine Insurance required between Norfolk and New York and Boston. No insurance re quired to Baltimore or Philadelphia. Any further information will be luriiished on application to JOHN it. PECK, M. T., nev5—d3in Western & Atlantic Kailroad. FULTON COUNTY SHERIFF SAI.K8 WILL be sold before the Court House door, L the City of Atlanta, Fulton connty, Ga., on *i first Tuesday in March next, within the hours of sale, the following property, to-wi : Five Billiard Tables, large lot or chair* o, a*, descriptions, large lot of bedsteads o 1 all descrip tions, large lot ot carpets of all sorts, besides ta bles, wasnstands, crockery, table ware, household and kitchen furniture aad other property too tedious to mention, being the household and kitdien furniture, Ac., Ac., in the Nation al Hotel, in Atlanta. Ga. Levid on as the property of Edwin B. Pond, to satisfy a Mortgage fi. ft. in favor or K. Y. Haughwout A Co., vs. Ed win B Pond. Property pointed out in said ii. I.i sale to continue from day to day until all <*!«; December 90,1867. ' Also, at the same time and place 100 bed* ca«n saw mill on it anil eiyrbt acres of land ! 40 washstands, 26 black walnnt tables, 14 « i attached to the mill All nf which hf n tables with marble top, 14 walnut marble op au aitacneu to me nun. Ail ot which is to r , aus J4 walnut rocking chairs, lou cane scat satisfy one Superior Court n. fa. in favor j chairs, 44 looking glasses,6 looking glasses, Kose- Of T. A. Foster, surviving copartner, <ftc. ! Wood set parlor furniture, center table, piano. Property pointed out by plaintiff in li. fa. j cornice, Ac., l black walnut secretary, stove Also, at the same time and place will be j n»rkhis.^°do, C ie’Sbl?da,n«k, sold lot of land Xo. 188, in the 6th district, 3u tray cloths, 27 cotton sheets, 150 blankets, so 3d section of Gordon county. Levied on I “ ru >y blankets, quilts, 86 counterpanes, window 1 ‘ —*— cornices, pillows, two Superior Court fi. tas. in favor of L. H. ' 4 barber cnaire, 100 spring ’bed racks, lUiiniiq* Dobson vs. Mathis Staten and John Staten. I room furniture, silver ware, gas fixtures, ' gario and one in favor of L. II. Dobson of the estate of II. II. Dohson OU OGVDIVU VI \JIVIUVII l VU1I t J • V ICU Gil ' '— J 1 »— , * — as the property of John Staten, to SHtisft' | 1W matr^sSjtoSV^ fi favor of L. H. 4 barber chairs, 106 spring bed ricks, duming John Staten. I room furniture, silver ware, gas fixtures, < parlo> son executor mirror, bar room fixtures, 2 street lamps, 1U0 arn ,i.’ „ £ „,i caue seat chairs, 1 cane seat sofa, 7 bihiar.; laldes. _ , , . , ui ceaseu. \s. 11 sa fecue racks, pool setU. 1 double al.-.-.>olei John Staten, ami other h. fas. in my hands i ic* coolers, l desk in billiard room, l oifi c cc»k vb. John Staten and others. Property 1 counter and oflica desk, l b.'- * **- pointed out by defendant. | t * ,rc “ i I ‘ d 7” r ,.* ttd i‘, unJ , ry Also, at the >uiiiu time and place w ill be . press, Ac., l baggage truck sold town lots Nos.l and 2, in 2d section 1 harness, door fixtures, sharing fixtures,' cups, of the town of Calhoun, each containing * » aurbank’* seafe*. musquiu» t>»i» and frames 1 SPWm l,,e r ireec pnr *! 1 ? !%& k oiK‘;S u ^;& the VV. & A. R. R., and running sixty feet I which was in the National Hotel, in the city back, and known as the John Hawkins’I of Atiauta, on toe 9th dar of March, 1867 Le- corner. Lev ied on as theiiroperty of de- ' “ **‘ e J' ro tf rk , y ot ’ B r l ! ona ’ , b / Tirt u“ fcndatit to pay the original 'puAha.i money j SL“?“ SSfjJSTgS^, Sr!SSSfSr’SSSJSff due for said property by defendant to N. Poullain against said K B Pond. Property piaintifi’ on the within li. fa. Property ! P 'iotvd out in said fl. ra. and by piaiutifl’s attor- pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney- 1 n S*le to continue from day to day until all Is bar counu-rand fix room furniture, t pumps, card racks, truck, wardrobes , 1 mm I FORSYTH SHERIFF’S SALE. i lfflLL he sold before Die Court Ifbuse door, ia e town ot GuStfatar, Foray to tosraty, Ga.. wito- BAKKK COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sokl on the fink Tuesday In February next, before the Court House door, la the town of Newton, Baker county, Georgia, within toe usual hours Of sale, the folio wing property, to-wit: Owe thousand Bushels of corn, more or less, seven thousand pounds of cotton la toe seed, more er lets, and six thousand pounds ef lint cauoa, more or! less. Levied Oa k) satisfy n Mortgage fi. fit. Blued 'reu Baker Superior Court, la ffivor el J. M; Keaton A Co., >s. Joseph Kiulehoover. Prop erty pointed out in said Mortgage fi. fa. This November aSd, 1807. B. J; MILLS, Sheriff. nov»&~wtds Printer’s toe $5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order of‘the Court qf Ordinary of DeUalb county, Georgia, Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at toe Court Hotis* door, in the toWn of Decatur IfeKalb’county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, par* Of lot o lami No. 183 in the '6ib district of DeKalb county, lying on the west side or said lot, adjoining lands of IK. N. Center and W. H. UraaswoU and others, abbot sixty acres cleared, the balance in the wdode, a small dwelling house, smoke house, stables. Ac., on the place, bold as the property oi Jabes B. Walker, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and -creditors. Terms of sale cash. This January 8th. 1868. WILLIAM B. PEN LEY, Administrator. Jan9—wtg.Printer’s foa $6 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday ia March next, before the Court House door, in the toa a of Dallas, PauUiug oounty, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, town lots No. 10 iu Block B, and Nos. 10,7,8, 9,19, 13,14,16 aad 17 in Block A. all ia the town of Dallas. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Paulding county, as the S roperty of J. C. N. Foote, deceased, for the beae- t ot the heirs and creditor* of said deceased. This January 8th, 1868. , G. W. FOOTE, Administrator. JanlO—wts Printer’s fee $6 EXECUTORS’ SALE. BY virtue of an order from the honorable Court oi Ordinary of DeKalb county, Ueortria, will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, Georgia, on toe first Tuesday in March next, within toe legal hoars or sale, seventy-seven acres of land, more or less, being west half of lot number seventy-seven ia the 15th district of DeKalb couuty, Ga. bold as the property of John McWilliams deceased, for the benefit ef the heirs and creditors. Terms— One-hall casa ; the balance oa a credit until 9Mh December, 1868. This January 8th, 1886. JOHN G. Me WILLIAMS.! robkrt McWilliams,! janlO— wtds Printer's fee $8 GEORGIA, Monrok county. WHEREAS, James M. Ponder, executor ef the last will and testament ol Murium Ponder, repre sents to the Court iu his petition duly filed aad rt-t.irned ou record, that he bas fully administered the estate of said deceased: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause,, if any they can, why said executor should not be Uncharged from his administration and receive letters dis wissory on the first Monday in July, 1886. Witness my hard «ud uiiieial signature, this 6to day of January, 1868. O. MORSE, Ordinary. janlO—w6.n Printer’s fee fl4A0* sold. Jan. 6 1868. Also, at the same time and place 1 barrel f J. sinaca rum, 6 barrels whisky, and all the stock of brandies, wines, gius Ac., in the National Ho tel, iu Atlanta, Ga. Levied on as the property of K. B Pond^ by virtue of and to satisfy a Mort gage fi. fa. issued from Fulton County Court, in fator of Milo Platt vs. K. B Pond. Property potuted out in said Mortgage fi. fa audby plain tiff's attorney. •lau.6,X8«8. Alsu, at thesametime au-i place 14\ walnut be.1 GEORGIA, Paulding county. WHEREAS, J. F. Cook applies to me ia proper form for letters of guardianship over the persons aud property of Eugenia £.. Joseph A. and Mary A. Muhaffy, minor heirs of Adolphus Mahaffy, deceased: ’-f'hiwo r a th.isfiifs In ^iip unit rannl-» "** per sons concerud to be and appear at my ofiice, oa or before toe first Monday tn February next, to show cause, if anv they cuu, why the said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand aud official >ignatur% this January, 4th, 1803. 8. B. McGREGDK, Ordinary janlO—w30d Printer’s fee $3 FOB KBST, AMERICAN HOTEL, AfftANTA, GEORGIA. atoo ** bo,u « win *x- jPlyotoeifito Jmae next, aad as we Will sell our FurniturG, fear Fixtures* HI BILLIARD TABLES, aad remainder of LKAfiE at a BEaAuNalk PRICK. The bous# can bo rented from the owners tor one or a term of years-, is the be-t located Hotel in toajelty, and has an mtablUhe l but tuff*! F*n ®« or correspond wlthjn* at Atlanta. Ga Jan9—dim WHITE A WHlTLOcK. W M. GRAY, WORKER AND DEALER IN Italian and White Rutland, awn AMERICAN ITATFARY MARBLE, MOJiTO'IwriEillSrTS, Tomh*y Head*****, Tablet*, Urn*. VASES, AND MANTLE PIECE WOUK, A** Earnlshlar MarhU mark, or tu sacstniwn. Designs ofManuesenU or any other M arid, furnished ftno of chars Wert . - - - charge. Motd:ug ia Poster done to ordnr. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Office and Yard opposi c Georgia ffojad. ». B. OATMAN. Agent. doc9t- ADMlNlbTRATOKS 8A1.K. ■Y virtue of nu order from the «iwit m GrUina ryotDeKalb county, Ga., I wilt srli iwfore me Court House door, ia. the cur «<f Atlauu aad eouaty of Fulton, on the first Tue«Uy i.i March next, lot of land number live ,6) iu tie s. rviitoei.ui district of origiually lleuiy, now r u.tou •ounly, containing one hundred and »etty-l|iree a,-r<'. This lot ot land is tun place eheieoo > Bellenger lived prior to bis diwth, ana is ->x unit s north oast or the city ol AU»>Ls it art all the necasaarv buildings > a, t franici dwetllng house^ery much injure.* b > »oldiei-» in in, %, „ r 1864. This property is sr*d for distribution am... g the legninns. under tor will of Jobu N deceased, rerms of •*'* CAMI. .1 .u i >. i(s>.a MILTON A. CANDLER. r. Do bonis bob t“* toe will annexed oi Jouu N. BeUeogOr, d#wsascd. JantS—wte Printer’s fee $16 GEORGIA. Urno.N county. VUrtK.18, F. F. Mathrws applies for the guardianship ol toe properly of haiah Pearnov new resideal minor, who uas property la this county: Thwnare, therefo-e, to cite aud admonish all E rsous interested to show cause, it an. they vn,on thnfirst Monday iu February next why the said F F. Mathews should not be appointed guardian as aforesait. — Given under my land and official signature, this 91st December, B17, WM. A. COBB, Ordinary _ dee30—w30d Printer’s lee $»• GEORGIA, Cajisoll county. WHERE IS, W. I Brown applies to me for let. tnr* of guardian.hit ofW to F Benjxiuiu. un.-i e C., Laura K., harah A. M., Marv P., a .d -ame* ii Letsetur, minor cHldreo of James a. Las.-. tier, deceased: These arn, thnrnbre, to cite ail and singular th.- next of kin to Luc aid appear at my ofiic- w ,Uuu the time allowed by law, and show cause. H auy tony can. why sad Utters should not ingrained the applloaat. Given under wy hand and otkcial signature this December lfiSt. 1861. J. M. BLALOCK. Ordinary. decJO— srSOd Printer’s fee |.t' son, U> sail.-IV Olid superior COUVl U. ia. j carpeting, ou ciotus. m iron, U.air m In favor of James Hendrix for ttoe pur- j L?"' ■ « .i I »„ r rr * j oi hi. l>. iona. Djr virtue ol ana wiul <u*nnoliC(l ll.^Ar- Mort^a^e ft. /a. isBiieil from Ful.un o tiler VS. G. T. Thompson, and I>. G. Kii.jr, i in favor of Jtion C. ilasciton vs GEORGIA DeKalb county. TWO MONTHS after date application will be ma.e to the Court of Ordinary ol said county, at the first regular term alter the expiration ol two months from ibis notice for leave to sell a portion of the north si.lcol lots ot land No> 53 and 52 in the 18ih district of DeKalb county, lodouging to the estate oi J >hn C. Paden (a person oi unsound mind) for the benefit ol the said John C. Paden. January tith, 1868. _ ,, 1 TllOS. N. PADEN, Guardian. janlS—w2m Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, DeKalb county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COKCKBN. W'HEREAS, Mrs Margaret Hightower having in proper form applied to me for permanent let ters oi r administration on the estate ot Paschal High'ower, late of said county, dece. fed; This is, therriore, to cite all amt singular the creditors ami next of km oi I'aschal Hightower, to be anil appear at my otfic/e within the time al lowed by law, and show cause, it any they can why permanent administration should not De granted to Mrs Margaret Hightower on Paschal Witnessmy hand and official signature, th 8 January 8, 1868. ^ R WJLS0N( Ordinary. janlS—w30d Printer’s fee^ Also, at the same time and place, will be sold eighty acres of land, part of lot No. 161, South part in the Gtli district, 3d sec tion, Gordon county. Levied ou as the property of C. J. Ilutler, to satisfy one Su perior Court fl. fa. in favor Of Abraham Tate vs. C. J. Butler, l'roperty pointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time and place, will b« i stead*, r^und ends; sjj; walnut bcu^eatG, Squire sold one lutot land No. 1!>9 in the 6th dis- e .d*f 7 > walau^maiOla top watostaads aniaiitm tnct, 3d >« <tion of Goi don count). Kp - [ Sa.ional Hotel, better kuouu a> Uie vied on as the property ol G. 1. iiiomp- j builing,** AUanta. Ga 'ihit levy indu.-lvr- the son, to sati.-fy one Superior Court li. fa. j carpeting, oilcloto*. murois, d.^*r m.iu, wiu'fow - - ...... i , Ac , Ac Alt levied on as the properly to eailtiy a ount Couu. - v ,. _ fc B. l*Olld. security, l’roperty pointed out iiy J. li. | ^intodoui in »aid ^Morgage n. *nn Arthur. " ' Also, at ihe same time and place will be j sold one lot of laud, number not known, lint j is known as the P. C. Dempsey place, where ’ FULTON POSTFON ED MORTGAGE Dempsey now lives, -mi joins the widow j SHERIFF’S SALE. Spencer, in the 0th district. 31 section of WILL be sold bciore the Court House dvo: Gordon eountv. -Levied un as the prop- toe «-hy Of Atlanta, rultoa eoimty Georgia, u erty of l„>a teifn'ln. to satiety out Ju. tht. pour* of sate, tuc following j.rapvrt, t.—wi.: Court li. fa. iu favor ol T- A. Foster. Tnu >»uto half or city lot No. fa ; f oIock u. Property p ^ipte'd out by plaintiff In said h»»d lot No. *i, of the I4tu of originally .: C.f .,,'1 returned to me hv -i < i.n-tabh- 1 ■ «ury. now Faltac county Ga.. imating on Col ». ,lua r< 1,11 m " lo ,,IL - ,|i- 1,1 - ’ 1 lins street, and funded by lot of John K. Ucaucu \ con tainiug one acre, more or less. Levied on bv vir tue of and to satisfy a Mortgage fl. fa. is.-uerf from Y ulum a iperior Court in tavor of Daniel Pittman vs. A. F. Bell. Property pointed out iu said Mortgage 8. fa. Jan. 6.1868. W. L. ULBBARD, Deputy Shertfi. jan7—w8w Printer’s fee $5 plaintiff’s attorney. Jan 6.1868. W. L. HUBBARD. Deputy Hhcrlff. jan6 wt* Printer’* too $ SSCRAKCE. •■it I. INSURANCE COMPANY— • Wm. Jxnninos, General » Lailding, corner of Alabama and et>. -.«-,x>nd floor. myfi-ly "--Jf ■' ff A £ K MA TIRIALS. " MU. -J. M. A J. C. ALKXANDKK, i -trert. Iron, Steel, Nails. Car- 1 dials, Tool> for ali trades, Buiid- 4at,rial,, dotting Cloths, Farming J M A J. C. ALEXANDER. iMEY A 8TEW ART, Dkalkes IN * ‘-M. I BON and STXXL CUTLXBY, ' ol lb kinds, HABNK8S, Bhillxs, 'a- 1.HTUXU. etc , bign of the Mill >** •■ to, k, W hitehall street, Atlanta, aug9—6m fl/rs/CIAKS. :.U has removed his office from " timer to the junction ofMari- -treets, where he can be found at not professionally engaged • II GEORGIA, SUMTLK COUNTY. WHEREAS, W illiam J. Phillips, guardian of Eliza N. Phillips has applied ter tne court of Or dinary of said county, ,o<- a discharge from his said guardianship: All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Mon day in February next, otherwise letter* will be granted the applicant iu terms of the law. Given under my baud and official signature, this 2d day of January, 1868 L. DORMAN, Ordinary. Jhhff wH Printer’s tee $3 GEORGIA, .lAorcR county. W HEUEAS, Charles T. Prostou, administrator on the estate of Kirby D. Lowery, deceased, late of *aid county, makes application to the un dersigned for letters of dismission from said ad ministration : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish *11 persons interested in said estate, to die their ob- jat-llous, if any they have, lu my office,ou or be fore the first Monday iu April next, why said ad ministrator shall not be dismissed according to the statute in such cases made and provided. Given under inv and official signature, at office iu Mouticello, this 12th day of September, 1887. M. 11. HUTCH ISON, Ordinary. sep95— w6iu [Printer’s faa$4 50] Cotton Machinery for Sale. rpHE undersigned offers for sale the following X articles of COLTON MACHINERY, to-wit: T o Spinning Frames; one Drawing ,9" e speeder; two Cards; one Pitcher; one Cotton Gin, one Turning Lathe, and al! other implement* necessarv for running a small Cotton Factory. As ti.‘‘‘undersigned is a practical manufacturer, he would lie willing to take an interestJn the business with parties wishing to purenase tne & Addre^, Cle8 ' WM. R. WILSON. jaii9-dxwlm Gainesville. Hall county, Ga. —r “ GEORGIA. Cobb county. YVIIEREAS, it is represented to me that the estate of Jackson Brain below, late of said coun deceased, is unrepresented: all These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail concerned, to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in February next, and show cause, u they can, why letters of administration should not be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Cour or some other fit and proper Pfrson clirM . nr( , Giveu undi r my band and official signature, this December 17th, 1867. JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary, decl.—w30d Printer’s fee <3 H ii n k r u p t c y. 1 '-i.i i iil’iEs of the Rules and Kegu- 10 bankruptcy, adopted by the Dis- 1 mted states for the Northern 1 ‘om gia. can be hadlon application at w ^’a^Uanta-'GA. Prto*. 90 cents : GEORGIA, Paulding county. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of.Orilinary or Po*ldlng county, Georgia, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Jesse Cooper, deceased. This toe 1st day of January, 1868. } Rebecca cooper. Adm’x. jan3—w2m B. E. DUNN, Adm’r. Printers fee |6 — , , i.i i I ilns street, anu nounaea lot oi .lottn n. Lean Also, Jit the saint: Tinn* JUKI place will be j ^hn west, by B D. Ladd, ou the easi by it. sold two hundred and fifty bushels of corn, j Pittma-, ou the south and said Collins street o Levied on as ilie property ot Samuel Pul liam to suti.-fv one County Court ii- la. in flivor of Cliai les J. Jenkins. Governor, vs. Samuel Pulliam. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold one red white faee cow, one large syrup kettle, one two horse wagon, fortv bushels of wheat, more or less, and defend ant's crop of corn raised on James A. Cant well's farm. All levied on as the property of 31. E. Parker, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Charles D. Ledbetter, vs. M. E. Parker, and other fi. fas. In my hands, in favor of C. D. Ledbetter. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold one bouse and lot in the town of Cal houn, No. not known, but is known as the E lace where 11. Al. Buckhalter now lives. evied on as the property of H. Al. Buck halter. to satisfy one Superior Court fl. fa. In favor of J. F. C. Martin, bearer, vs. H. M. Buckhalter* maker, and G..M. Thomp son, security. Property pointed out by plaintiff in fl. fa. . , , .t, . Also, at the same time and place. Will be sold, 80 acres of land, beiiiff the east half of lot No. 311, iu the 8th diatriot ami 2d sec tion of Gordon county. Levied on as the property ot Joseph Shehe, to satisfy one Justice Court fl. fa. in favor of Foster A Harland. Property pointed out by de- fe Also*will be sold lot «f land No- .209’ > n the 6th district, 3d section of Gordon coun ty, as the property of A. Lewis. Levied on to satisfy one County Court fl. fa - favor W. A. J. Boberteon. administrator, Ac. vs. A. Lewis. Property pointed out by defendant. • • ' Also, at the saipe P lace ' one house and lot, in the town of Calhoun, Gordon county. No. not known, but d 19 the place where James S. . \vl=tbv°H llvw, and bounded as follows. AA est bv H. YV. Murphy’s, south bj where J. C. i iiln* did live, north by Mrs'. Gray. Beviedon as the property of E. VV r . Browp, to satisfy divers Justice Court ll. fas. in favor o vounff Jackson vs. £. AA r . Brow n. ?rop- w j - w - jMuon - GEORGIA. Faykttk county. WHEREAS Franc!*- Paitcison, adminUtiatnr oi Francis M. Patterson, represents to the Court that be has t'ull> kiliiunistered Francis M Patter son’s estate: TIii- is, therefore, to cite all persons concerne*), kindred aud creditors, to show cause why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of ,ti,mission on the first Monday in June, 1868. Witness my hand and official signature, this November 30th. 1867. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary. deo5—vr6m Printer’s fee gt SO GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. WHkRKAS.i.mi A. HuL hins. administrator on toe estate ot Mary quinu, deceased. Having made application to ni* for l«tur» ol dismission from said estate; These are, inurelore, to give notice to all eerned, kindred and creditors. *• appear a', i. office within the time piescribed by law aud ft*e their objections, U any they have, why sniu lettei* should not be grouted he appLcauL Given under rsy hand aud official signature, this November bib, U»o7. G. T. MAKE3TRAW, Ordinary, novfi— w6m Printer's lee $4 ’•> GEORGIA, Nxwtun county. WHEKKAfi, John P. Marbut, executor ol Jesnua Marbut, deceased, applies to iuc lor letters Ol dislut**lou lrow his adaiiuistralioo u^iiu said estate: These are, therefore, to cite all and singular toe next of kin aad creditors oi said Jvw-sm,|. to be and appear at inj office, wituiu tne tnu.- pre scribed by taw. ana show <au>e il auy nicy , an, why said letters el dismission should uui ut granted ui said applicant. Given under my Hand and eifi.-ixl siguaturr. this tne hth day el Deeetuuer, 1867. WM. D. LUCK IE, ordinary. doc7— wfim Prinu-r's ;■ > $4 .***' GEORGIA, likk'sr couni y. W HEREAS, Win E. Tucker, administrator on the estate of Samuel chnUu, deeeswr i, iwno* vf color, lave of said county, applies to hc lur leave to sell the real estate ol saiu I Uiuuk: AU person* concerned are not,fie I to fi.c tiwir objections if any they have « it., two> from tiie first publication ol ti:it notice, else leave Will be graated for the sale ol -aid ’col estate Given under my baud au i official sigua.nrt-, this Noveinbor 14 h, 1867. q. K NOI.AN, «»r<Imarj uevlt—wttn Printer’s leu DkKALB SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House dooi, • the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the flr>t Tuesday In February next, the following property, to-wit: Two acres of land lying on the south side of the old Nelson Ferry roan, near the town of Decatur, and known as the Woodall Ton Yard lot. Levied on as the property of H- G. H. Miller, to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued from DeKalb Superior Court, in favor of U. M. Brown vs. H. G. H.Miller. This the 8tb of January, 1868. JAMBS O. POWELL. Sheriff- jan#—wtds Printer’s toe $2 so DkKALB sheriff sales. WILL be sold on the first Tim fed ay inFebiumy 1868, beiore tbo Court House door in the town o. Decatur, DeKalb county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, U-wit: Seventy four (T4) acres, more or lev*, ot lot oi land number (81: thirty-oue in the fifteenth dis trict of originally Henry, now DeKalb eJunty, and which land is adjoining land of Lewis Ethridge. Said land levied on as the properly of J acksaffi G. Brown, by virtue of s fl. fa. issued from the Superior Court oi DeKalb county, iu favor ol JamesC. Avory vs. Jackson G. Brown. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, at the tame time and place will be sold two lots of land, one No. 63, the othre No. 64, originally Henr», now DeMalb county. Lusried on he too property of Jackson G. Blown lavitd on under afl. fin. issued from toe 8*porlor Court of said county, in favor of Wm. Wright andoftwn, vs. Jackson G. Brown. Said property pointed out by plaintiff. Jan. 7th. 1888. LEWIS WIGGINS. Deputy Sheriff. jaa9—wtds Printer’s toe $6 GEORGIA, Fulton county W HEREAS, John J. Thrasher, administrate! of the estate of Joseph A. Thresher, late ot said county, deceased, represents in hi* petition duly filled, that he has fully executed nls said GEDRi>i-Y, 0ina cot'M r. WHEREAS, i. C. Flout, executor wl the estate Job a M. Run Sr, late wt said comity, uiw.i-i-u, UiOXes application lo the u*aeiri*ue*i foi folic*« Of dismission upon said dechased’sestate: All person interested are require*! to lie an l *p- Mar at tha Court oi Ordinary u*i tnearsi Monday n Jane next, to show cause, if auy ti,v> base, why loUor* dlmnissofy should not be granted *.n* applicant. Witness my hand aad official signature, this NovoasDer 99th, 1887. W. M. RILEY, Ordinary. aovffl—w6m Printer's lee $1 ob trust: This is tbereferc, to cite and admonish all and singular, tiie Yindi ed and creditors, of said da- ceased. to shou cause, if any exists, within the time allowed by law, why letter* o. dismission should not be granted the applicant. Witness my official signature, August 9M, 1867. DANIEL PITTMAN, ordinary. aug93—w6m [Printer’s toe 64-30] GEORGIA, Cobb county. WHEREAS, ft is represented to mo that ton estate of Mary A. Manning, late of said oouaty, deceased, is unrepresented: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish a(l concerned to be and appear at my office on ton first Monday in February next, to show eaaso, U any they have, why letters of- odmieUtraJlea should not be vested in the Llprk of too Superior Court or some other lit and proper person. Given under my hand and official signature, this too nth day of December, 1887. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. doc!7—w80d Printer's fee $3 UPSON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in l^bruary, 1868, before the Court House door, aad toexwooa the nsuai hours of sale, in too town of Thomas ton, and county of Upson, and State of Georgia, the following property, to-wit: The West half of lot of land number one hundred and thirty-tlx, la the fifteen to District of said eeunty, too same containing one hundred aerffi, more or less. Levied oa to satisfy one mortgage fl. fa. in favor of Amanda A. Donbam, Admr’x of John A. Denham, late of said connty deceased, vs. Daniel Denham, administrator of A. J. Self, late of said connty, deceased. OWEN C. 8HARMAN, Sheriff. Nov. 90,1987. wtds prs. fox $6 GEORGIA, Mokmok county. WHEREAS, Clayton Porch applies to me for leVUFfe of administration ou the estate of Nelson * > Hb£ < U^’tMrefore! to cite aad admonish all aad singular the kindred and creditoffi of sold de cease! to be and xppmsr at my office wlffiiin too time prescribed by law, and thorn cause, if aay they con, wby said letters should, not bo gramtod ^uTven ^nder my hand and official sigpstore this 8th day of January, 1*8. 7 O. MORSE, Ordinary. janlO—w30d Priator** foe <«« GEORGIA. Forsyth county. TWO MONTHS after date application will lie iffiM ta too hxaorobto Court ot OrUiuao oi ,.i■: eouaty, for leavo to sell all tbo land* and mim rat interests ia too Cherokee Uwld Ucgiun. betonging to too 0*1*1* Of Martin Kwhctt*. law «l »ai,1 ,uuu ty, dwc*o>ed. I’hU 4tn January. 1868. MARTIN B. ROBERIS,* -. id A AC L. HUGHES, I '* a “ n janfi—wfim Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. WHERBAA, James W. MUls, *uinini»ir itor u* too estate of Robert Mope, deceased, baviug xu vie application to mo for letters or di»mi»»tou from trtui mMM: Those are, therefore, to give notice to all con cerned, kindred and crealtor*, to appear at tuy oflkco within the time prescribed by i*w aua uie thmr objections, if nay they have, why raid lute » should not bo granted too applicant Given under my hand aad official signature, this November 6th, 1981. G. T. KAKESTRA W, Ordinary, mill xfcx Printer s lee *4 5u GEORGIA, UrfiON county. WHEREAS, Edwin H. Kelly, a-iimni«tr*i«»r m Laey Reed, deceased, files hi* petition h> in- ..t toreey, John Rutherford. B»q , for leave to >vn h- r undivided half of lot of land No I«, Iu the l*sh district of originally Uouston, bow L p»on couu - ^Thms are to eft* and admonish all person* re- tare* tad ta shew causa. If aay they h*vc. * uhtn two i---wby the prayer of the petitioner should nos bo granted. Giron ondnr my hand aad official signature, thl* November foto, 1881. WM. A. COBB, Ordinary Priatoe’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Gordon county. TWO MONTHS aftto daft application will be mode to the honorahia Court of Ordinary of Got- don county. Georgia, for leave to tell the lands be longing u» the estate of A. B. Echols, Into of said oounty? deceased. December 99,1887. county, a THOMPSON, Administrator. dm*l-w2m Printer's feofo- GEORGIA, U»on county. TWO MONTHfi after data application will ba asade ft toa honorahia Coart af ordinary of L’p*oa eouaty, for leave to *eli the real estate of Robert A. Dicks, left of said eouaty, deceased. 1 hts November 90th. 1MB. ' MAUHA A. DICKS, Administratrix, m* Printer's fra $S