The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, February 01, 1868, Image 1

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THE I) A11 - Y VOL. I -NO. 290. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1, 1868. I*RICE---5 CENTS. daily opihiojs . i.'^effirKrirasaTa ■»«. ^vs&'ssrjrszjs™ •a ■i, ■ l«»f of tea I . a U. saint, pec aquM. - will be made Mr *dTjrtlee«MBtt •*»*. Um *to°»re,ob«toartoAandnU * * - iMMtl D**»;rc llCtjH la CM6t * eUUSS^ rr * « Witt be * me to***" ’ 1 - rM ' ‘tVs'skX.oneLi : :o u '~ - twelei- -’ - three In**.’ ; : £££& - “ - three . -ale-, l^r Ir.M'rt**** * ,-7r»*le». P«r square ....... -,xuer» of AdmleUtrmtioe 1 le tter* ot Guardianship.. 1 spyiteation Mr dl* mission ft,r dismission :’1Tm lea ve w> eril"L<wi‘ .*.*.* ■, ixtikin and Creditor* IB -urcoTiiortKMie.Pt 1 ' *q r . e»ch»»m«-.. 1 00 v t ,, tgt IRtI» rt>B LKGAL ADVttttTranfG. ', | on,i etc. by Administrator*, Kxecn- : required by Uwto be held . . . 6M Tuesday In the month, between Uus -T l lea in the forenoon and three la the af- the court House In the county In • uc urouerty is situated. Notices of these ’ u^C rven In a public genet* « day* ,., the day of sale. . . -sirs ?L£,’T2ggx&f£ ' v ^ the debtors anifbredltoiv of an fiateL . ^ue published dt day*. . . mat application wilt be made .to the • 00 500 too • » 410 IN • 00 too • 00 , „ ordinary for leave to a . ur publi'he«i for two months. for letters of Administration. Guar. . ,i. rtr. must be published SO days; ier dts> .... iron* A Iministrailoa. monthly 0Months; ..a.- ten from Guardianship t) days. ., air lorerfosure of Mortgage as net be pnb- . -. monthly tor 4 months; for establishing lost , - f..rtbe fall space of t months; for oou- „ .-title* from Executor* or Administrator*, i , ...u l ha* keen given by the deceased, the •pare of three months. - .. ati-m* will always be continued a a ti. Ihor. the legal requlremghU, unless i .nlerrd ' 1 ^LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS will be Made a . irij advertiser*. r Ail transient and foreign adn m prepaid to secure pubi teat ton - \n letter* oa business, or mom •licatkm, must tm addressed to _ WILLIAM L acaPOOB, . Atlanta, fla sLsSi I Mill. W AUA A CO., _ 1) supl, and Fancy Groceries, Hats, Cap?, •mass and Notions', Hardwares Me., MS. u I examine our stock. BOY l>, WALLS M CO., » .u ball and MUcbell street*, om DotU’l fg /hwiitsid JWresftry. //£», CLOCK* JWWUM+T, 60. o N iiol.LM.VM, Healer in Watches •a», Jewelry. Gold Pens, fipecteclea i Whitehall street, tit door above M m il a u.'> Booh btore, Atlanta. Oa ng in good style and warranted. -Uy MMCSA/m AW* WMOOBMS \ ll.US a UKE.-E. ACOTIOB tiaitsTS. sign, -irret. Atlanta. Oa. lytlbK LI Nv.ll, WAOLMAtlsMIWHt 1 • 11 and dealer la Vartoti—. Whitehall* L'AlNa a PARROTT. WHO USA LN GRO- r> AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I rout, Peachtree street, Atiahta, Oa. A.i ROBERT M CO, Ol UtscHsirre. and Agents for rroduoers, at the Bndga, oa Broad street and Aha A. J. ROBERT. si.nisd, Atlanta, Ga. r. w la Commission Manafhctarer* oaS street a ‘ ■ffiSSS*. J "»N U ROGERS, toULH « FAMILY GfiO- I'tams and tocNTsr Pbodocs, WhttahiU, one - r u Mitchell sUeel, Atlanta, Oa taw* 11 **» slsray? oa hand. ■angKjM MAJiKKK8 AW* MM0KMM8 "<*• uhouuiA NATIONAL BANK. • *. AUtiama street. Joan Nr 1 t. i •ii.sto.i.ashlcr; DanWOfO.. •**» ii. Jonbs, Boot-Keeper. PI BBC >..nn Kic«, John Collier, B. N. BawlOa, I • • ^,1 v\ w. Clayton. .. ^ ^MM—Ty VMfca, UANBKB AND BBOKBK, At- ■ i * ii.. buys and sells Gold, SUrer, ~ • id iiaakBiUe. Exchanges > r.u lor parties la ltomM ^ iDicrcut on Dc;to«ito when left for two »r longer. fetb— ly B ifO K i. US, over At- AgTltes WISTI8N & ATLANTIC UUIIOAD. ADMINISTR ATOR’S SALE. BY Tlrtue of an order from the Court of Online- ryeTpeKalb county, Ga.. I will sell before the Lwurt House door, in the city of Atlanta and donatT of Fulton, on the first Tuesday in March r flre w ln serentoewth aifttricC or originally Henry, now Fulton county oontataing one Ahndrevl and sixty-three aeresr Thu lot of land ia ti e- place whereon John N. BeBenger lived prior to his death, hurt D six mile* socth east of the city of Atlanta. l> poa ttara aU property Is sold lor distribution.— legatees, under the will of John N. Bellenrer Terms of sale CASH. Jan. Ul 18M. ‘ MILTON A. CANDLEli. Adm'rT Ifo heats non with the will annexed of Jona N: Belleager, deceased. Jania—wts Printer** fee $10 ON anW alter January lath. 1888, Passenger Trains will run as follows: GOING NORTH. ^ _ LIAVINC ATLANTA.^ ch iniuml by ^oldler* in J* vm? ••®° ^pA88JtNQra.-AS?iv* 8C * > CMAtSAtoOoI' ^ #4 *- Thls P^P*^ * s » u tor distributionamoiair B OO p. ■., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Bailroad for Nashville, Louisville an<T the West, and trains of Memphis and Charleston Bail- road for Memphis, New Orleans, ect. 4*1$ P. M. Daily (xxoxrr Boxoats) Dauw Acoomxodatiox.—Arrive at Marietta at BA6, Cartersvllle &JS, Kingston • J8, Dal ton IMS. T«00 P. M. Daily Guay NonrHxnx Mail.*- Arrive nt Cbattaxooo a 4.00 A X., con necting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Bailroad for Nashville^ Louisville, and the West, and making close connection for Memphis. N«w Oa- lxaxs, etc., VIA NAJJHVILLB; also, connecting with JB. T. aad Ga. B B. tor Washington, Philadelphia, KeMr York, and ou er Kastera cities. 4* COMING SOUTH ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. ••84 A. M. Daily Guay Sodyhsax Mail.— Leaving Chatyamoooa at Bfo r. x, con necting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga, Bailroad*, aad at Dalton at 8A3 r. ■ .connecting with trains of K. T. and Ga Bailroad. 10«S0 A. M. Daily (xxcxrr Suxbays) Dalton Accoxxooatiok.—Leave Dalton at l.M a. x., Kingston 4.80, CartersvHle SJ8, Huriettaat 8. li.O> i*. M. Daily (xxcxrr Sundays) ezrax* Pass ANOKA.—Leave Chattanooga at 6-38 a. x., making close connections with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga, and Memphis and Charleston BaUrosds. GUARDIAN’S SALE. UNDER an order of the honorable Court of Or dinary of Pulton county. Georgia, I will seit be fore the Court House dt-or.-iu Csmpbeliton Camp bell county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, oil the first Tuesday in February next, tbe flowing property, to-wit: One fourth undivided interest in fractions 148, 53, 58 and 60, and land (Mate and to of the 14th district of originally Payette, now Campbell county, containing in ail ttJK acres, more or less, and known as the Poster hiaoe. teldas the property of Martha T. and Was, H. Ferguson, minors and orphans of W. H. Ferguson, deceased, for the benefit of said or phans. Terms cash December 15th, 18lft. WM. C. PARKER, Guardian. decap—wts Printer's fee gl<>00 ADMINISTRATOR’S SAI. BY virtue of an order of the Court Of Newton county, Georgia, will be sol Court Iloiuc door, in iTic town of Co said county, on tbe first Tuesday in 1868, within Die legal hours oi sale, two hu and ninety acres of land, more or less, lying sixteenth dDtrletof originally Henry, now Ne y- toecounty, being the place whereon Archibald Scott lived at the time of ins dealb. Sold as tbe Property of Arcbiliald eott, deceased, lor the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors of said dcca>ed Terms cash. December*. 18tfT ADDISON U1LKY. Administrator. dec4r~WtS _ __ Printer’s fee $5 ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. WILL l»c sold before the Court House door. In Fayetteville. Payette vouuty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the legal hours of sale, the land belonging to the estate ot Thomas 11. Uorn, deceased, it being the north half of lot or laud No. 163, in the 4ih district or originally Hunly.uour Payette county, cwntniniog one hundred one and oue fourth (UM> 4 ) acres, more or les^. Bold for the benefit of me heirs and creditors of >ald deceased. Terms Cash. De cember 16th, 4*in. MARY A. R. HORN, Administratrix. declT— wts Printer’s fee $6 PnUmaa’* Pattern* Sleeping Canches ON ALL NIGHT TBAIN8. NF MONTGOMERY A WEST POINT MAIL- boTtl — * Le_rc West Point Arrive nt Columbus - Arrive at Montgomery Leave Montgomery • Leave Columbus Arrive at West Point lfo» GEORGIA RAILROAD—1T1 miles— tar. five cento per mile.—Joax P. Kims, Presldeac; E W. Colk, Superintendent; G. T. Amdmsom, Agent at Atlanta. SAY PABSXMSXB TBA1X. Leave Atlanta M® A.M, Arrive at Augusta MB P.M. Leave Auguste * A.M. Arrive at Atlanta U® P-M. NIGHT FA88XKGHI TMAIX. Leave Atlanta. .Y.15 PM. Airivewt Auguste.. «® AM. Leave Auguste PJj- Arrive at Atlanta 4J6AM. MldXT TXBOUGH VKSIGHT T»AIX. _ leave Atlanta ® 4U FM. Arrive at Auguste AM. Leave Auguste «J0 P-M* Arrive at Atlanta BM AM. M U U • dllU N at ftfitti ;|I Ae w«—TrUULv *V U*>6* fte < i’# York 1 tv» i.ridge A ,;•:, >•%» York m. »ug«i^l». Us.. .1 * I* v unmngham • AUsats; R. Ausw ‘ At 'lord, ' iv > Oa it'as&ssn DESIGN A THAI UNITED A 1 l - ‘ ' » . NATIONAL RAN is U.U .‘KPOsll'ORY OF TM M I n_- A AIVTCLL, President; W. H. touts, t -" u * • tATORa- A. Austell, M. G. Deh- -*»' hr, •• -inin f mss Hr I sndon. f H- 't" i*. suenuon paid to Collections in Atlanta ti-^cgn ibis sectioa. Prompt returns mad< * :-i lowest current rates. Our New York Cor b ut, tbe Fourth National Bank, to when ' r ^ u r -_ fofo—ly SALOOW&. ’lib AGO ALE DEPOT—M. K KENNY, Pro- - • nrior dealer in Brandies, Wines, Whlakies : ^ **r*. LB 1C AGO A LX always on hand. No. 1 tu .in* street. Atlanta, Ga. a TTvjtjrwn. L'ARROW A SIMPSON. ATTOBKBY8 AY LAW I Atvsata, Ga. OfiUm eorner WhitehaH i ■' - streets, over James’ u« •RlfliCC OL Alabama street. _ , H. P. FABBOW, *^y O- F. MMPXON. JA&VMAJfCX. y ' a L I F K INdURANCK COMPANY— |6 UUO uuu Lv ach's build tag, -*d streets, second KNXiNos, General ref Alabama an* ■iMf UAMDWAMM MATXMIAL* me II AUDWA1U.-J. KA4.U f j M bite hall street, iron, Htoei. Nails, Car- fj^tiagc materials. Tools for ail trades, Butld- “6 Nate rials. Boiling Ueths, Farming *b., oictiu J. k. A J. G. ALBXAKDEJL -jwin dec!4—d3m JOHN B. PECK, Master of Transportation. FORSYTH SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be told before the Court House deer, in the town of Camming, Foisy tb county, Ga., with in the legal hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: Lot# of land Nos. 632, 7o6, 7u9, 5U), 70S, 70S, 783, 698 and 8*7, in tbe 14th district and 1st section of Forsyth county, Georgia, containing each 40 acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of Thomas Thornton, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of N. L. Hutchins, exeemor of A. G. Hutchins, de ceased, vs. Thomas Thornton. Reuben N. Thorn- tan and B. O. Thompson. Property pointed out by A. J. Hutchins, plaintiU’s attorney. Levy made and returned to me by l). AI. Pruett, Lawful Constable. Jan. 2,1868. JOHN A. SIMS. Deputy SheriK ian8—wts Printer’s fee $2.50 Daxikl H. Cnax, Superintendent. 10.15 AM. 1.44 PAL 4.26 PM. 1.00 A.M. l.U P.M. IBS PM. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, Georgia, w ill be -old before tLe Court House door, in said county, on the first Tuesday in February next, lots of laud numliers 125,126.136,138 and the undivided half of lot num ber 103, containing Mll>* acres, more or less, in the 3d district of Carroll county, the w idow’s dower a the above laud excepted, bold as the property «•*’ Win. A. Johnson, deceased. There is ou the premise* a good »sw and Grist Mill; also 100 acre* oi good bottom land, cleared. Sold lor the benefit oT the heirs and creditor* 7’cruis cash. This December21st, 1867. JOHN P. WATSON, Administrator. dcr*s—wts Printer’s foe $3 MW* MACON * WESTERN BAILROAD.—103 •iHes—Fare, five cento per mile—A. J. White President ; E. II. W alike, Superintendent; R. A. AxDKaaON, Agent a* Atlanta; DAT TAB8KNGKB TRAIN. Leave Maoon ... - 1M AM. Arrive at Atlanta - fito PM. Leave Atlanta - * I1®*JJ' Arrive at Macon ... Iai PJ| Leave Macon - - 8-40 Arrive in Atlanta • • • • 4 JO Leave Atlanta - - - - W' Arrive la Macon - AJW ~M^aYLANTA AlfifiB* FOlNT MAIL- MoZb-m miles—Fare, per mHa-Joxx W. King, President; S. P. Gbaxt, Superinteadaev-. B. M. Fahxak. Agent at Atlanta: PAY r AteKNOKB TBA1X—GOING OUT. Leave Atlanta .1.00 AM. Arrive at West Point 1*J0 M. BAT r AB8KXGXB TWAIN—OOXING IX. Leave West Point !*• Arrive at Atlanta... PM. FObTFONED ADMIX 1STRA’K’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordin ary of Gornon county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court House door, in the tow u of Calhoun, on toe first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 254 in the 14th district and 3d section of said county. Sold as the jroperty of L. D. Alarchman, deceased, lor the mneOi of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, with tbe widow’s dower to come out. Terms— credit to Augu-t 18U8; small notes with good se curlty, December 2d, 1M>7. OSLO UN REEVES, Administrator. decJl—wts Printer’s fee $5* MT MAIL 8TAGE LINE FROM ATLANTA TODAHLONEGA- Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday .... 0.00 AM. Arrive Tuesday. Thursday aad Saturday 7.00 PM. THROUCH RATES ON COTTON TO NEW YORK AMD OTHER EASTERN CITIES, VIA NORFOLK. OK and after November 4th, 1861. the rates on Qatton from Atlanta, per bale, will be. t Compressed. Not Compressed. To lew York To Baltimore 4.15 54a To Philadelphia 5J5 6« To Boston «M «W To Norfolk 4.15 4Jfi Through Bills of Lading will be given at point ok shipment and loss, damage or overcharge will ‘ e promptly settled at point of delivery. Marine Insurance required between Norfolk and New York and Boston. No insurance re quired to Baltimore or Philadelphia. Amy further Lulonnutioo will toe furnished on apotfoation to JOHN B. PECK, M- T-, nevg—dOm Western 4 Atlantic Railroad. 01.000,000 IN WATCHEO! FOB SALE ON TM* POPULAR *ONE JTRICR BEAN GIVING EVERY PATRON A Handsome and Beliable Watch, sou 260 TOMMEY 4 STEWART, PlAtM id arm cma IN Fa Usanwsaa, laex and \jr louts ot all kinds, HalNNW, Baito.BS, . * * ollau, Lbathbl etc., hign ot the Mill Game Cock. Whitehall streot. AUaate. For the low Frice of Ten Dollar*! Without Regard to Value AND NOT TO BN PAID FOB UNLESS PKBiECTLY SATI8FACTOBY. too Solid Gold Hunting Watches...$200 to $1,000 IU) Magic Cased Gold Watches.... *00 to Wb 1UU Ladies Watches, Enameled 100 to PU0 Gold Munbug Chroumeter Watches. 260 to POO Gold Hunting English Levers.. 2U) to JU0 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches 160 to T 000 Gold Hunting American Witchtt 600 Silver Hunting Levers DUO silver Hunting Duplexes....... QUO Geld Ladies Watches 1,000 Goto Hunting Lepine*.......... I nun pifiyiimwini Silver Watches.. INff Hasting Silver Watches 5,UUO Assorted Watches, ail kinds... (STEvery patron obtain* a Watch bv thU arrangement, costing hut $10, while u may be worth fMXW. No partiality shown ,jg| We wish to Immediately dispose ef the above magnifieent Stock. CertUloates, Mfofog the aftt- vcles, are placed in sealed ravetofc, and well rniMd. Holders are entttted to the articlesi named oa their oenifioate upon payment of Tea Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth $1,600 or eaa worth less. The return of any of our oertifieatee enti tles you to the article named thereon npaa pay ment, irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued leas than $10 is named on nay certificate it will at once be seen that this is Me Lottery, hat a straightforward transaction, which asay bo participated In oven by the meet fastidious! A single certificate will be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 26 ousts, five for $1, eleven for P. thirty-three and elegant premium for $6, sixty-six and more valuable premium for $10, aae 100 to SO to 76 to 80 to tO to 50 to 26 to 10 to Watch b; m PB YSJOJAJfM. * C. AaUER has • Nurcruss tor »»tou »tract*, Wt •cu net professionally engaged I (BEfiFYBE MWBWVWW to the Janattoa of Mari- whareheeaabefoaad at * Bankruptcy. .«1.ET COPIES of the Buie* Bad Bean i*uoi,, iii Bankruptcy, adopted by the IMs- uric: couit oi the United states for the Net thorn .' Uri ' 1 oi Georgia, can be had|oa appiieatton at fc , I^^ S2£ 2S5£Sm- Prt ^ 90 ilxty-six and more valuable premia , , hundred aad most superb Watch for $1A- To Agents, er those wishing employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately ouaducted ‘ sslne»s, duly authorised by the Government, id open to the moat careful scrutiny. Tut ua I WRIGHT, BRO n A CO r Importer*, pn BROADWAY, New York, sept*—dawdm. . ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue <*k an order isoui the Court of Ordina ry of Fuublivg cotmt , Ga., will be sold before the Court ilou.-c^t or, lu the town of Dallas, ou the first Tuesia> iu February next, lietween the legal hours of sail', the lolluwing property, to-ult: tx>u of land .Nos. 222, 223, west hall of No. >24, in i the 10th distriet and 2d section of l’auldiug coun ty , Ga.; also, at the some time in tbe county of Haralson .before the court House door, iu the town of iluchaDsn, lot No. 420 in the 1st distriot and 4th sect ion of Haralson county, Ga. Sold os the property of Nathan Baris, deceased. Sold for the benefit of heirs aud Creditors. Terms cash.— December 11th, 1807. JOsEl'lI BAGSDALF, Administrator. declS—wts Printer’s fee $5 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. BY virtue of on order oi the Court of ordinary of DeKaib county, Georgia, w ill be >old on the Amt Tuesday ln March next, at the Court Hoax door, in the town ot Decatur. DeKaib county. Us , between the legal hourrf ol c-ale, part of lot o laud No. 183 in the Hkh district ei DvKidh county, tying Oa the west side of >u 1 lot, obioio log -lamt of ETN Ceuter and W it. Br.isswetf and other , abeut sixty acres dwrel, the liatance iu t!ir WQoiIs, a small dwelling house, smoke litflU stables. Be . on the place. Soul as the property oi Jabex B. Walker, decease l, lor the Ix-nclD ol the heirs and creditors, ieuus of sale cash. This January 8th, 1888. WILLIAM B. BEN LEY, AUmini trator. jan*—wts rrinter’s fee $8 EXECUTORS’ SALE. BY virtueof au order from the honorable Court ol Urdinary of DeKaib county, Georgia, will be sold before tbe Court House door, iu the town of Decatur, DeKaib county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in March akst, within tne legal hours of sale, seventy-seven acres of land, more or less, being west half of lot number seventy-seven in tbe 15tb district of DeKaib county, Ga. Sold as the propc.ty of John McWilliams, deceased, for the beuefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms— One-half ca*;i; the balance on u credit until 25tb December, 1868. This January 8th, 1868. JOHN G. Me WILLIAMS,/ ROBERT McWilliams,j E *cc ut <> r8 janlO— wtds ' i*riliter’s fee $8 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtueof an order from the Court of Ordin ary of Bartow county, Georgia, will be sold to the highest balder at tiie court House door, in the town ol Cartersville, in said county, on the first Tuesday in February next, iu the legal hours of sale, all the land belonging to the estate of Wil liam Crow, late of said county, deceased, /except the widow’s tlower), to wit: Parts of the follow ing lots of land. Nos. 174, 175,187 anu 186. all in tbe fifth district of the 3d section oi originally Cher okee. now the county of Bartow, rold for distri bution and tbe payment of the debts of the estate. Terms cash. December 24 1867. ii. F. PRICE, Administrator. de<-97—wts Printer’s lee $5 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door, in the town of Dallas. Paulding county, Ocorgi i, between the legal hours of sale, tow u lots No lu In li ock B, and Nos. 10, 7. 8 it, 12 13. It, 16 and 17 iu Block A, all in tne tow n of Uallns. >old by >>r ler of the Court of Ordinary oi Paulding county, us the roperty of J. L. N. toote. deceased, lor the 1/eue- t of the heirs and creditors of suid deceased. This January 8tu, l.'-b-l G. W FOOTE. Administrator. jmnlO—wts Printer's fee $5 FOSTFONED ADMIXIdTRA'R’S SALE. BY virtue of au order Horn the i ourt of ‘/rdiua ry of Gomou uMiniy, Ueorgia. will be sold In fore tbe Court Mouse door, in the town ol Calhoun, ou the first Tuexlay iu February next, w ithin lire legal hours of *a*e, iot> ol tan t No- 208 and 200 in the 14th district un<l 3d se. t on Mold .is the prop erty of Fancis Henderson, deceased, lor tiie bene fit of tbe heir* anu creditor* ul’ said deceased. Terms of sale—one half co*n. balance six mouths credit with good security. i'eceinher 20.1867 G M THOMPSON, Administrator Ue Ijonis non. deeftl—wts Primer's fee $6* ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. BY virtue of an order from tiie Court of Ordin ary of Gordon county, G< orgia. will be sohi before the Court House door, in Hu- town of Calhoun, ou tbe first Tuesday iu Fe Jbiury next, wiunu the legal hours Of sale, lots oi lalld Nos. 26 and 56 iu the S4th district and M section. No. 55 cont iluing 1U0 acres, more or less, suoyee* to the widow'sdow- • Sold -ip the property of Alexander Carpenter, innani'l f-’- tbe benefit oi tne heir* ami er ditors of *aid deceased, ferms of sale part cash, tbe balance ou time with good notes, ibis Decem ber teth. 1867. TUORNTON TALLEY , Administrator. dec21 wts Printer’s lee $5* ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. BY virtue of an order Horn the court oi Ordin ary oi Paulding county, Ga., will b< sold before the Court House door, in tiie town ol Dallas, on tlie first Tuesday ia- tebruary next, within the legal hours ol >ale the allowing lots of land, to- wit: Nos, 2U2 a.ul 416 in the 2.1 di-trict aud 3d sec tion of Paubllug county, Ga., uls*l town lots Nos. 7,6, 0.6, 8, 4, in Block G, Nos. 11,2, iu Block F, No 22 iu Block A. Nos 10, 2 r, 21. in Block B. Sold as the urope/ ty of V\ ui. C Lee, late of said coun ty, de.;< ^?ei| noid for the benefit of ihe heirs and ,•’rod;.Tr furs. ash. December 11, 1867. LA VINA LEE, Administratrix. ■i mf., iattbk_JL_ ... Prwiter’s fee $* ADIN ISTRATOR'S SALE. 1 > u; of nn order from the Court of Ordin < •' ! ..ilb county, tieoigia, will lie sold l>e- *.<"’! fS s . i>uri House door, in Decaiur, iu said count,;.', on me fir.-t Tin -vlay iu Fcbrv.iry. 1868, be tween the legal hours of sale, part of the real erfote lielonging to the estate of W illiam McEl roy, deceased, late of s -id county, consisting ol loU Nos 247, 2-12 233 anti wes: hall of ioi No. 2 1; also, lot No. 102, w ith fractional lu No. 162, con taining 8t» acres, moreorbss all ly iug in the 18th district of Dekalb county, oeorgia Sold for the benefit or the heiis and creditors of said deceased Terms oi sale cash. December 5 1867 STEPHEN T. McEl.RoY, Adm’r de*:12—wts Printer's fee $5 Uf.MJN fOLNTY SHERIFF S SALE. W11.L Ire sold, on the first Tiiewlay m February. 1868, before the t.ouri llou.-edoor, and between tbe usual hours of sale, in the town of Tboinastou. •uid county of L psou. and State of Georgia, the following property, to wit: the West bailor lot of laud nuiahcrone hundred and thirtv-six. iu tin- iifleeutli District oi suid county, tiie same contuimug oue hundred acres, wor e oi less. Levied on t« satisfy o< e morrgagr U fa. in favor oi Amanda A Denham. Admr’x oi John A Denham, lute oi said < ouuty deceased, vs. Daniel Deiihuiu. administrator of A. 3. Self, lull of said county, deceased. OWEN C. SliAUMAN, Sheriff Nov. *u. 183. u tils prs lie g.'j GEORGIA, Uhon county. WHEREAS, F. F. Mathews applies for the guardianship of the property of Sarah Peurl'or, non resident miner, who has property ia this county: These are, therefore, to cite aad admonish all persons Interested to shew canse, tf any they have, on the first Monday in February next, why the said F F. Mathews should not be appointed guardian as aforesaid. * official signature, COBB, Ordinary. Printer’s foe $»* Given findte 1 ifiy hand and this Mot December, 1*87. WM. A. dec0O—w30d GEORGIA, Burr* county. WHEREAS. L G. Wilson applies to me for let ters of administration, with tne will annexed, on the estate of Baxter Hood: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the heirs and creditors of said de ceased, to be aad appear at my ofitoe within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they caa, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the law. Givea under my hand aad otteial signature, this January 6th. 18*8. WILEY GOODMAN, Ordinary. jsnC— w30d Printer’s for $3 GEORGIA* Monbob county. WHEREAS, James M. Fonder, exeoetorof the last will and testament ol Marie m Ponder, repre sents to the Conrt ia his petition duly filed and returned on record, that he has fully administered the estate of said deceased * This js, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged from his administration aad receive letters dis- missory on the first Monday la July, 1666. Witaess my hand and official signature, this 6th day of January, 1868. O. MOBSB, Ordinary. janlO—W6m Printer’s foe *4.60* GEORGIA, Paulding county. WHEREAS, i. F. Cook applies to me in proper form for letters of guardianship over the per.-on» and property of Eugenia K., Joseph A. and Mary A. Mahuffy, minor heirs of Adolphus Mahaffy, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and require all per sons concernd to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in February next, to show cause, if any they can, why the said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand aud official signature, this January, 4th, 1868. 8. B. McGREGOR. Ordinary. janlO—w*0d Printer’s fee f3 GEORGIA, Faybtb county. WHEREAS, Mary A. B. Horn, administratrix on the estate of Thomas II. Uorn. late of said county, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for loave to sell the laud belonging to said estate for the benefit ol the heiis and creditors of said deceased: All persons concerned are notified to file their objcctio s, if any they have, within two moutto from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be granted for the sole of said reul estate. Given under my hand and official signature, this November 27th, 181ft. . EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary. nov90—w2m Printer > fee #5 GEORGIA, SUMTKK COUNTY. WHEREAS, William J. Phillips, guardian of Eliza N. Phillips, has applied to tne Court of Or dinary of said county, for a discharge from hb said guardianship: All persons concerned are notified to file their objections. If any exist, on or before the firs' »! . day in February next, otherwise letters v granted the applicant ia terms of the law. Given under my hand and official sigmui.ic this 2d day of January. 1868. L. DORMAN, Ordinary. jan6—w40<l Printer’s fee |3 GEORGIA, Moxrok county. WHEREAS, Robt. 6. And.*rmm, e. 6. e. to me for letters of disfeisMon from odmia'lsire- tionon the estate of Mrs M. A. button, deceased- These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish ah my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, U any tbev ou, why said let- tors should liot be granted to said applicant la In terms of the law. dec26—w6ro teft Sty- GEORGIA, SUMTRR COUNTY. WHEREAS, Joseph I. Turner, applies tome for guardianship or the person and pronertr of Willie T. carter and Ue rge B. Carter, mteen of Charles Carter, deceased: • All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, it any exist, on or be i ore tbe Brat Mea- day In March next, otherwise letter* will be granted the applicant in terms of the law. Given under my hand aad official signature this 18th day of January, 1866. ■ L. P. DORMAN, Ordinary. jan*t—w3M Printer** fee $6 GEORGIA, Henry county. WHERKA8. John J. Rallev, administrator an the estate ot Joseph M. James, deceased, 1.1*ef said county, lias applied to me in dev form for letters uunrissory from said arliuiuistration: This is, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and sin gular the kindred xml creditors or said deceased to show cause. If any exists, w ithin the time al lowed by law. why letters of dismission should not be granted the mtpUtau t. Witness my hand and otfi tul signature. Octe- •ber 13.1867. Q. ft NOCAN, Ordinary. ocosu-w 6m Printer’s fee *4 60 GEORGIA. Fvlton county. W HEREAS, John T. Akridge, administrator U(M'n the estate of Simeon Akridge, deceased, rjJiircsents to the court, in his petition, duly filed, *"' re said I 1 " that lie hits fully aduriuLterec Thi- is. thcreTore. to cite all persons concernerl to show cause, il any they can. why said adminis trator should not l>c discharged from his said ad ministration and receive letter? ol dkniDrion on the fir.-t Monda\ teMsreh.tfua. .Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, this 4th tluv of September. M6T JNO. T. COOi’ER, Deputy Clerk. scp5—wfim i Printer’s foe *4 Su GEORGIA, Jabpbb county. W HEREAS, Charles T. Preston, administrator on tbe estate of Kirby D. Lowery, deceased, late of said county, makes application to the un dersigned for letters of dismission from said ad ministration : _ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested in said estate, to flic their ob jections, if any they have, in my office, on or be fore the first Monday in April next, why said ad ministrator shall not be uUmibsed according to the statute iu »uch coses made and provided. Given under my and official signature, atoffice in Mouticelto, this 12th da; -w6m 13th day of September, 1867. M. H. HUTCHISON, Ordinary. tPrinter’s fee $4.5UJ BAKER COUNTY SHERIFFS BALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday iu February next, before the Court House <1 or, in tire tow u of Newton, Baker county' Georgia, u lUmi the usu>u hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One thousand bushels.oi coin, more or less, seven thousand |ioiinds of Cotton in the sc-d, more or less, ami six thmi-aml |winnds of lint cotton, mure or less. I.eviedou ito satiety a Mortgage 11. lu is-ued rum Baker t»uperior court, in iavoi ol J M Keaton A Co., Vs Joseph Rbrlehoover 1’iop erty pointed out iu said Mortgage ti. la Tins Novemlier **<1, 1867. R. J. stlblA, Sheriff txiriS-wbl’ Printer'* f e c$5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order of the < ourt of Ordinary of DeKaib county, Georgia, will be -Old on the first Tuesday iu Mutcir Hex-', at the Court House door, in the town of Decatur, DeKaib com ty, be tween the legal hours of sale, one hundred and fourteen acres oi land, lot number oue hundred WILL be sold on the first Tuesday iu March and two; also one liuirlre-l acre- a part of lot next by virtue of au order from cue Court ol nmmtcr ninety one; said lands lying in the six- Ordinary ol Paulding couuty, Georgia, between ! u-euib district of DeKaib county. Geoigia, lying the .oral hours or sale, before the cour House ! h j- i Bitliouia, in said county. *SoD 1 as the prop ’ ej'ty of James L. Philips, late of said ca^ased. fold for tiie l»en< tit of the heirs and cred itors of said estate. Terms cash. This tire 2Utli day ol ,January, lb68. il U’l k 1 Is* \l IBj t/c S door iu (he town of Dallas. Paulding county. ,.k-« following lots ol land, Ui-w it: Numlrer thirty six seveu hundred ai-d sev a i.707 acres, more r toss, and southea'i coiuer ol No. 7U6 in the 4d district and 3d sec ion. Nolil a-the property of M. F Pickett, deceased bom lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, ierms cash. January 1st, 868 J. T- REA1>. Administrator, janl wts * Printer s fee $5 ADMIN ISTRATOK*t> SA LE. UY virtue ol an ordcrtroin the Court ol Ordina ry from Paulding county.-Georgia, w ill be sold on the first Tuesday iu February next, between the lt«| hours of sale, before Court House door, in the town of Dallas, the follow uig lots oi land, to-wtt: No*. 11*. 113, DU. thirty acres off oi lbe north side of lot No. 1*0. ouc hair <>t appte orchard an tot No. *26in the 18Ui district and *<: section of Paulding county. Georgia. Also ut the same time ...i ulaee lot of No.fikUin the 18tn district aud *d suction of CObb couuty, Georgia bold as the tv «rf Adolphus Mahafiy, deceased. Sold benefit ot the heirs aud creditors. Terms IteoemlmrKjW;, c6oE# A , lniinUtrat or. dnfft—Wts Pr iut- r’s fee flo.OO ADMINISTRAl'UiXb SALK. BY’ virtue ot an order oi the Court ol Ordinary ot DeKaib county, ueor 6 ia, wdl ^ firet Tuesday m February »t House donr, in tb* town oi Decatur, D«haib eounty. between the legal hours ol sale, lot No. 0. in lire town ol ntoue klouuuun, coniainiug one and three-fourths acre*, (once -old but terms not complied with ) Bold as the property ot Julian Y Johan deceased, for Hie Uu.Ut oi the heirs Wtd creditoreofsaid dectas- d Terms cash- ThUDecemtmr4th,lHffT LixAN A<{ministrmt ^ pnutePs lee *6 ADMINISTRATOR’S •'’ALE. J? Vp^HdUg^unty. G^rguu iUltetedte ttieOourtTIouse door, in the town of DaU*E Paulding county, Georgia, on the first 1 ** February UB8. between the legal hours of sale. .i, f lollow’tng property, to w* 1: D* 1 * 9* m **a and ten acres off dl south side of lot No. tUls me lath district and 2<i section ol 1 aulding mubIT tioorgio. Sold as the P ’operty ot Joseph eol, i for the berrefit of *e ,;,i creditors. Terms cash. Dec. 3, 18b7. heirs anu creui«*«. ^ aL U£Y, Administrator n me court of Ordin GEORGIA, Gordon county. TWO MONTHS after lists application will be mtnde to the Court of Ordinary ol Gordon eounty. Georgln, for leave to sell the lands belonging to Xhn estate of Josiah Campbell, late of said county, December *0,1861. WlLLLfik CAMPBELL. Adm»r. PriatePt fewfh* ded—w** Printer’s fee $6 GEORGE M. PHILIPS. Administrator. ian*l —wtds Printer s fee $8 GEORGIA, Goiuhin county. WHEREAS, 1 homos B Barnwell applies tome for letters of administration ou the estate of Ma- linda Towusend, dece »scd: These are, therefore, u> cite all and -iugular the kindred aud creditors of said dec- used, to be and appear at my office, w ithin tiie time pre scribed by law and show eause, if anv they can. why said letters should uot be grained the appli cant. Given under my hand aud official signature, this December 3Uth, 1867. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. dec31—w30d Printer’s fee $3* GEORGIA. Cobb county. WHEREAS, it is represented to me that t. c estate oi Jackson Bra.abeluw, late of said couu deceased, is unrepresented: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to be and ap;>ear at my office, ou the first Alonday iu February uext, and show cause, if tuey can, why letters oi administration sboul- cot be vested iu the clerk of the buperior cour or some other at aud proper person, Uivcn uml< r my hand aud official signature this December 17th, lti>7. JNO. U. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. dec!7—w3IM Printer's fee $3 sep* GEORGIA, Faykttk county. WUEBEAa. Francis Patterson, admlntstiator of F rancis M. Patterson, represents to the Court that he has fully administered Francis M Patter son’s estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause why. said administrator should not be discharged I rum Ins administration aud receive Ic'ters of dismission on the first Monday iu June, DBS. Witness my band and official signature, this Novemlier 3Uth. 1867. EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary. de«-3—wftm Printer’s fee #4.5 > GEORGIA, Fulton county, W HEREAS, John J. Thrasher, administratoi of the estate of Joseph A Thrasher, late of said county, deceased, represents in his petition duly filled, that he baa fully executed nis said trust: This is. therefere. to cite awl admonish all and • ingular the kindred and creditors of suid de ceased. to show cause, if any exists, within the tune allowed by law, why letters to. dismission should not be granted the applicant. Witness my official signature, August 3*il, 1867 DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. aug*3—w6m [ Printer’s fee $4 5U1 GEORGIA, DkKalb county. TO ALL WHOM IT BAY CONCKBM. WUEUEAB, James ft Cowan having in pro|>er form applied to me for permanent letters ot administration on the estate of William U. C. Cowan, late of said county: This is to cite all and singular the creditors aad uext of kin of William H.C. CoWae to be and ap pear at my office within the time allowed by law aud -how cause, if any they ean, why permanent administration should not be granted to JanmsC. I owan on William H. C.Cowan’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this December Hth, 1867. __ J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. declS—w30d Printer’s Ire $3 GEORGIA, DkKalb county. ALL persons concerned are hereby notified that Jose h G Johns tr Its before B. H. Cosh and John B. Johns, freeholders of said eounty, an e*tray taken upon the freehold of said J. J. Johns, a heift r about two years old, red sides, face white with two red spots, white spotted eyes, red ueck, on- marked. Appraised to be worth ten dollars. Said e-tray w ill l*e -old on the freehold of said J. G Johns, ou the 28th inst. A substantial copy of the description and ap pniiseiuent lroin the Estray Book of said county. Giveu under my band and official signature, this 16ih January, 1868. THOMS B. HOY LB, C. I C. jan22—wit Printer’s fee f* GEORGIA. Xknvton county. WHERE AS W L Peek applies to me for let ters of administration upon the estate of J mans M. Lester, deceased, late of New tou county-. These are, therefore, to cite and ..dmonish silt aad -ingular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to bo an.! appear at my office, within tbe time presci il*si bv law. ;uui show cause, if any they can. w hy -aid letters -hould not be granted to applicant. Given under my band and official signature this January the 4ih 1868. WM. D. LUCK IE. Ordinary. j;in4~w:#ld Printer's foe *X GEORGIA, IIknry county. W HERE AS, James R Robinson, administrator on tbe e l ite ol Wiu. P. K<iliiuMin, late of said county,deceased . has applied to me in due form for letters distnnsory irorn -aid administration: This is. therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credltor*ief said de ceased to-how cause, if any exist*,! within the time allowed by law, Why - dd letter-,of dlsmi*- m n should not be granted the applicant. fitness my official .signature, ibis October 15. •it. ti R. NOLAN. Ordinary. ict20—w6m _ Printer’s lee f4 S» GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, Joseph Willis, administrator on ihe estate of Thomas M. Ion:, late ol said county, deceased, represents to the Court in bit petition duly filed that he has fully administered said e-tate: 'I bis is, therefore, to cite ail persons concerned to show cause, il >uy they can, why said admin istrator should not he discharged from hi*said ad ministration aud receive letters of diamtssioa oa the first Monday In June, 1868. Witness the Hen Daniel Pittman, Ordinary nt skid county, *d Dccemlier, 1867. JNO. T COOPER. Deputy Clerk. dec4—w6m Printer’s fee $4te GEORGIA, Faykttk county. WHEREAS, Sterling J. Elder, administrator nf Thomas K Persons, represents to the court that he ha* fully administered Thomas B. Person's estate: This is, therefore, to cite ail persons concerned, kindred and creditoi*, to show cau-e. if any tisay cun, why -aid administrator should not be dis charged from his odminifttration and receive let ters of dismissiou on the first Monday ta June, 1868. Witness mv hand and official signature, this November iJUlh, 1867. EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary. dcCo—w6m Printer’- fee *4 Ml GEORGIA. Gwinnett county. WIIEICI AS, It. A. Blakey administrator on the e-tate ol' shepherd Ethridge, dci-ca-cl, hav’ng made application to me ior letter- of di-tni»»lon ironies.ud estate: These are, therefore, to give notice to all con cerned, kindred and creditors, to l»e and appear at my office within tiie lime pn-senbud by law and file their objections, if any they haw, why said haters should not lie granted the applicant. Giveu under my hand and official signature, this Novemlier 5th. 1867. G. X. HAKK8TRAW. Ordinary. nov8—w6rn Printer's fee $4JO GEORGIA. Chattooga county. WHEREAS. Adam Neal, admini-trator upon the estate of George W. Neal, deccgsiil. npclfos to me for letters of di»mi-*ion iroui said ailmlaui* tratiou : These are. the ore, to cite and admonish all anil singular ii u-e t.onceruad to be audMt- iiear at inv office within the time pre-crHied by Ikw, aud show can.-e, if any they can, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under tn> hand, at office, this the huh day ol Novemlier 1867. SAMUEL IIAWKTNs. Ordinary. U0V23— w6m Printer’s fee f) BO GEORGIA, Faykttb county. WHERE AN, Jane Jona*. administratrix on tbe estate ol Frances P. Jones, deceased, represents to tbe Court that she has fully administered the said Francis P. Jones’estate, and prays for letters o dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish al! and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, ir any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given under my band and official signature, this November 16th, 1867. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, novri—w6m Printer’s the $4.50 GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. W'JIEHEAA Mirain 8. Perry, administratrix of the estate of William A. Perry, late of s*M coun ty, dc eased, represents iu her petition duly filed that said e-ture lias proved insolvent and that she ho* fully discharged said trust: All persons concerned are cited and admonished to fife theirobieotions within the time prescribed by law, auU -bow cau-e, il any exist, w hy letters of di-mi—ion -liuulil not be granted lo the appli cant. Witness mv hand aud official signature, this December 6tli, 4867 G. T. RAKESTKAW, Ordinary. 'dec!4—w6m Printer's lee $4 50 GEORGIA. DkKalb county. TWO MONTHS alter date application will be mace to the Court of Ordinary oi said county, at she first regular term utter tbe expiratiou ol two mouth* trout this notice for leave to sell a portion of the north sideol lots of lund Nos. 53 and 52 iu the ibth district ol DeKaib county, belonging to she estate oi John C. i**den (a per-ou of uusouud mind) for the beuefit ol the said John C. Faden. January 6th. 1868. THUS. N. FADES, Guardian. janlS—w*m • Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Gordon county. TWO MoNTiis slier date application will be made to the honorable Court oi ordiuary ol coi tion couuty, Georgia, for leave to sell the lauils be long! ”, r t' .iiie Cstal.ol A. ft. Echols, late oi said oot:;:f ’ deceased. Decemberau, lt67. «... M. THOMPSON, Administrator. ?o_ Printer’s lee fa* GEORGIA, Uknky county. r |AY KA CHAFFIN, administrator on the estate X ol L J. Chaffin, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission lrom said administration: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, Within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if mto exists, why letters should not be granted t he ai Gi ven* 1 under my hand and official signature, this 2d pay of September. 1867. <J. B. NOLAN, Ordinary oct3—w6m l Printer’s lee 9tM, GEORGLA, SUMTKK COUNTY. W HEREAS,.!. C. and W. L White apply to me I for letter- of di-nii--ion from adiiiim-1 ration on the estate of Unbelt W liite, deceased: These «re, therefore, to cite and aitmonish ail and singular tiie kindred aud creditors of said deceased, and all per-on- concerned, to be and ap- i»ear at mv office, within tbe time pre»cribc«l ny taw. and file their ob ections, it any they have, otherwise letters will he grouted in term* of tha taw. . Given under ray hand, in office, at Americas, this 0th day of September, 1867. J L. P. DORMAN. Ordinary, sep!*—w6m I Printer’s fee >4 50! GEORGIA, DkKalb county. W HERE AS, Augustus L. Pitt*, administrator and Mary A. Greer, administratrix, ol Robert D Greer, represents to the Court in their petition duly filed ami entered on record, that they have fully administered Robert D Greer’s estate: This is, therefore, to cite all pereoas concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, il any they have, w hy said administrator ami administratrix should not lie discharged from their *« tail a 1st ra tion and receive letters of dumuaton on ten first Monday ia May, I8u6. ... Given under my hand and Official signature, this 16th October, is67. JONATHAN B WILSON, Ordinrry. octao— w6m Printer - fee$4J> GEORGIA, Forsyth county. TWO MONTHS after date application will Bd made to the honorable Court or Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the lands and mineral interests in tbe Cherokee Gold Region, belonging to the estate of Martin Roberts, late of said coun ty, deceased. This 4th Jan nary, I860. MARTIN B. ROBERTS,) Adm>r . ISAAC L HUGHES, \ „ janb—w*tn Prtoter**tee$5 GEORGIA, Tauldino county. TWO MONTHS after date application win bn . u:;.-ie to the Court ol Ordinary of Paulding cmfo- i ty. Georgia, for leave to sell the lands belongiag . p the e-tate of R. P. DreekUl, Into of said eounty, ff'.t. >ased. Jauuary 2,1868. G. W. STEWART, Administrator. j an8—w 2m . • Printer's fon$6 GEORGIA. Paulding county. TWO MONTHS alt r date appUcntieo made to the Court of Ordinary ol Paulding • ty, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Knock Pinkard, late of said county, rtetmreed Ibis the 3d day of December, 1867. WM.M. W ALLACE, Administrator. dec7—w*m Printm’s ten $S