The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, February 15, 1868, Image 1

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' THE D^ILY i.—NO. 304. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15, 1868. fit daily opinion. -1 Building. Granite Block, Broad St. ini a“d Subscription Bate*. copy, on ymak, S6.00; - ul, ^i T«nW»OliT08. fS.tW; AKT LB* , K CKNT& 1’KH MONTH. TB»« fBBT! ;10Q • ->> iar , ‘son "S w<» t “' rear (andone irec to the per- ’ ' * * *.i ,* flu's.) • 2U UU »«Mi editions will lie rereifwl ; ,i rates corresponding with the CITT Railroad Schedules. WESTEftS & ATLANTIC BA1LR0AD. [THE GREEN LINE. FAST FREIGHT LINE CCVEEN NO CHANGE OF CARS .i\(i Cards in CITT IU*KTo*Y.. \ !/v* hnes, $1JU) |>er annum. Special 4 hftckk CENTS per line for first ... j i e.vts per line thereafter. The . m iu be made for advertisements ‘ l a square. obituaries, and all < ' ou al nature. Except in cases | ;.tract.other adrertisewents will be; i..doffing rates: i ,.ne insertion. i*o insertions, inrcc insertions, one week, ,.uc month Uircc months. - * . e>r Icvv often lines or less ... age li fa. sales, i»er square *3ilc*, tier square ol Administration I. ol Guardianship i. .ill* oi for dismiss ion from Louisville or *tnd Atlanta. Hickman Jetu l* 1 •too! IN) 2.00 lo.uo 25.00 ft SO . 5 00 . 5 00 8 00 :s ui ON and after January 12th, 18(58, Passenger '' Trains will run as follows: GOING NORTH. LEAVING A TL ANT A. | St Louis, Louisville & Atlanta. 8*20 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) express i PA88KNGKE.—Arrive at Chattanooga I '**•*" 5.00 r. connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville and the West, and! „ „ trains of Memphis and Charleston Kail-1 *•»»••* road for Mcmpnis, New Orleans, ect. I 4.13 1*. M. Daily (except Sundays) Dalton Accommodation.—Arrive at Marietta at | 5.55, Cartersville8.15, Kingston 9 29. Dal- 1 ton 12-83. 1* M. Daily Great Northern Mail.— i Arrive at Chattanooga 4.00a.k., con- accling with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Ix>uisville, and the West, and making close connection for Memphis. New Or leans, etc., VIA NASHVILLE; also, connecting with E. T. and Ga. R. R. lor Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and oilier Eastern cities. COMING SOUTH • (H) THE REDUCED TO 55 HOURS. : — Reduction in Rates* j f|AHK ATTENTION Of SHIPPERS is called to ; JL the following low rates by the "GREEN ! MNE” TO ATLANTA. Prom Louisville. From St, Loui A. 4 50 if.'.lirjitioa *°r ilt»miM>kiu from ^ ^ W*', icai.lfMlI Land 5 00 ,‘,,'a and Creditors 3 00 , <-i* per square 5 00 ■ c'i*r«q*«*rtv, 10 days, per sqr. 1 50 . *( dal .' .. 3 00 Mortgage, jmt sqr,each tunc... 1 00 nil.R LEGAL ADVERTISING, i etc., by Administrators, Kxccn- ,r- arc required by law to be held i . lay in tbe month, between the , jt,.- i<.reno<>n and three in the at- «,.urt House in the county in >-1. i* situated. Notices of these . .n..! m a public gazette today* tii« : ilav of sale. . -ale oi (M-rsonal iiroperly must i, manner 10 days previous to the the debtor- and creditors oi attest.• . , to days. ■ *iq*lication will be made to tta uar. lor leave l<> sell Laud, etc.. , i-ti—i for two months. letter- of Administration, Guar- .. t lie published 30 days; lor dis- \ ;ministration, monthly to months; •I trout Guardianship 40 days. .-ure of Mortgage must be pub- l..; 4 mouths; lor establishing lost . lull -pace of 8 months; forcom- ,iu Executor* or Administrators, ..a- '.,rii given by the deceased, the ; three mouths. oill always t*.* continued accord- • .ul requirements, unless other- t.KAI. DEDUCTIONS will lie made • m-nut and foreign advertisement* i>aid to -snire publication. • :- „n business, or communications i. ici.-t be addressed to W ILLIAM L. SCRUGGS, Atlanta. Ga. itff Easiness Directory. iJZS, VLOCK’S, JEWELRY. AC. .. vt P.OLLMAN. Dealer in Watches, k- .lewelrv, Cold Pens, Spectacles, vv iteball* street, 2*1 door above M. A < >Book Store, Atlanta, Ga. , . .«i -t vie and w arranted. MEECRAXTS ASD GROCERS U tl.l.s * Ml, Dealers in Produce, and Fancy Groceries, Hats,- Caps, -- and N«Uo*»; Hardware, Ac., Ac. rMiuiic out stuck. miYll, W A1-1-0 A to.. „ ...i Miti bell streets, opp. Dodd’s a ::t-b'E. auction asd commission n:< s>:iru Auction HotlsC. White. Atlanta. Ga. IcHf-lV l Nt It Wholesale asd Retail Geo- ;. iu V ai tclics. Whitehall street, . letS—ly \ P VKktnT, WHOLESALE GRO- \NI. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ,t. tv*, litree street, Atlanta, Ga. tT A C» 1., GENERAL COMMISSION - act! Ageut» ibi Manufacturers . . Hi tdge. on Broad street and ...a A. .1. ROBERT, r. W. ROBERT. .er*. daalem is family Gro- ■iMd Produce, Whitehall, one .it stiect. Atlauta, Ga. Choice ban-1. augfi—6m ARRIVE AT ATLANTA* 2.3.» A M. Daily grbat Southern Mail.— ; leaving Chattanooga at 5.35 p. m., con- i IstClass . necting with trains of Nashville and i -d Class.. ChaUauooga, Railroads, and at Dalton | Claes at 8.83 P. M , connecting with trains of®. 4«h Class SH T. and Ga. Railroad. j P*acon per 100 lbs 96 10*3<‘ A. M. Daily (except Sundays) Dalton; Flour, Apples, Onions, Accommodation.—Leave Dalton at 1.25 1 Potatoes, per bbl l 82 a. Kingston 4.30, Gsrtersvilte 5.15, j Salt, Cement, Plaster, pei Alai ictta at 8. 12.(>. M. daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga at 6.85 a si., making close connections with _ _ ... trains of Nashville and Chattanooga, and bushel 38 Memphis and Charleston Railroads. Pullman’s Patent Sleeping Coaches ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. barrel,.. Beef and Pork, i»er bbl Corn, per bushel Wheat; Rye, Barley, pet- bushel l 74 1 48 1 18 2 18 2 73 33 1 94 1 ft! 1 38 1 11 1 11 1 97 2 til 2 98 39 41 dec.14—dSm JOHN B. PECK, Master of Transportation. HP* MONTGOMERY A WEST POINT RAIL (Tad.—Daniel It. Ckau, .Superintendent. R( I West Point Arrive at Columbus - Art ivc at Montgomery la-ave Montgomery - Leave Columbus Arrive at West Point Mg)* GEORGIA RAILROAD—171 miles—Fare five cents per mile.—.Ioun P. King, President; E. W. Cole, superintendent; O.T. Anderson, Agent at Atlanta. DAY PA8SKNGKR TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 5.00 A.M, Arrive at Augusta .. .5.45 P.M. Leave Augusta 5.00 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 6.00 P.M. NtGUT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 7.15 P.M. Arrive at Augusta. 6.10 A.M. Leave Augusta 6.00 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4 15 A.M. NIGHT THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 6.40 P.M. Arrive at Augusta 9.57 A.M. 6.10 P.M. Through Bills of Lading will be given at points ol Shipment, and all claims for loss, dam age aud overcharge will be settled promptlv at IKiint of delivery. Thariffs showing Classification, etc., ntay lie obtained at office m Western and Atl antic R. R. JOHN B. PRCK, M. T., feb4—dim W. & A. R. R. NEW ORLEANS AND ATLANTA. rpiIE following low rates have been agreed ou between New Orleans and Atlanta, taking effect February 1st, 1868; Leave Augusta. Arrive at Atlanta.. 4.10 A.M.! KAIL- ; M. LASkSJUf ASO BROKERS ■ U dA N ATIONAL BANK. Bank t . fctieel Joun Rice, Presi- • *i • ..-I,i. r. Darwin G. Jones, Tet- U -loses, Book-Keeper. D1REC- - 1 ■ l an « oilier, K. V. Rawson, S. Lfi. 1 < itfim fe20—ly - HE-. BANKER AN1» BROKER, AT- » • u,t m-II> tkinl, Silver, Bonds, * Bill* Exchanges Bonds, makes ! »rttes tit Koud* an*l btocks; .-i . :i Ik-iausits u lieu left for two i,**xer lefil)—ly - *1.1. Ns a iu, BROKERS, over At- V.t. a Bank, Alabama street. A Uolieits. New York; Hop- I's iglil. New York; B. II. t Fleming,Charleston, a* ry, Ala.; U. ta; Edward fe20—ly NATIONAL i’.AN.k- DES1GNA- MMMTOR1 DF THE UNITED STELL. Piesldetlt; >V. H.TCLLER, CBTOU-'-A. AUsU.ll, M G. Dob ... i -,Jrvc Mclo/ndou, .1. ll.James- u w |.*ni u> Collections in Atlanta istii*. Prompt returns made • ■’hci mV Our Sew York Cor t.'i.iUi Naiioual Bank,to whom USO—ly .8.05 A.M. MACON <St WESTERN RAILROAD.—108 es—Fare, five cents per mile—A. J. White, ■ President; E. B. Walker, Sujierititendcnt; R. A. ! Anderson, Agent at Atlanta; DAT PASSENGER TRAIN Leave Macon Arrive at Atlanta Leave Atlanta Arrive at Macon Leave Macon Arrive ip Atlanta Leave Atlanta - Arrive in Macon - tUT ATLANTA & WEST POINT ROAD—87 miles—Fare, per mile—John P. King, President; 8. P. Grant, Superintendent; K. M. Farrar, Agent at Atlanta; DAT PASSENGER TRAIN—GOING OUT. Leave Atlanta , A -J} - Arrive at West Point -. 12.00 M. DAT PASSENGER TRAIN—COMING IN. Leave West Point 1S.40 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta “MAIL STAGE LINK FROM ATLANTA rODAHLONEGA — Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday - - - - 6.00 A.M. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7.00 P.M. THROUGH RATES ON COTTON TO NEW YORK AND O T #/E R EA S TER N CITl ES, VIA NORFOLK. ON and after November 4tli, 1867, the rates on Cotton front Atlnnta, per bale, will be, Compressed. Sot Compressed. To New York $5.55 To Baltimore 4.73 To Philadelphia 555 To Boston 6.05 To Norfolk 4.16 All Kail via Grand Junction. No charge for Insurance, Dray- j age, Conintiss on or Forwarding. I 1st Class 1 73 ; 2d Class 1 3d Class i 4th Class By StcfHner to Mem phis, Tenn., or Hick man, Ky., thence all Rail without tranship ment. No charge for Drayage or Forward- 1 50 - ing. 1 23 1st Class 1 42 1 00 2d Class 1 23 8d Class 1 04 j 4th Class 81 •> 00 P M I Through Bills of Lading will be given at points 7 15 a m ' ot Shipment, and all claims for loss or damage p v.’ and overcharges will be promptly settled at 8 40 P M* i points of delivery. 4 30 am! Tariffs showing Classifications, etc., may be ob- pi}: • tained at office Western and Atlantic, Railroad. r JOHN B. PECK, M. T.. feb4-dlm W. A A. R. R. W M . GRAY, WORE EU A VXt lUfalVll IX Italian and White Rutland, AND AMERICAN STATIAKY HA It BCE, 2^03srxja^E3srTS, Tombs, Headstones, Tablets, Urns, vases, AND MANTLE PIECE WORK, Furnishing; Marble Work, And OF AI.L DESCRIPTIONS. ta. Ga.; l> ;i.iwlam, M i. If Altsi-i aMAh, Ga Designs of Monuments or any other Marble Work furnished free of charge. Molding in Plaster done to order. Orders solicited and promptly fillet). Office and Yard opposite Georgia Railroad Depot. dec21—dBm 8. B. PATMAN, Agent. Receiver’s Sale. IN pursuance of an order made by lion. John fffi.62 i Collier, Judge ol the Coweta Circuit, in the case of 5.42 Ilealy, Berry & Co,, John C. Peck and W. It. 6.37 Phillips vs. Atlauta Opera House and Building 6.97 Association, I, as Receiver In said cause, on the 4.62 i eight day of April, 1868, will proceed to sell on Through Bills of Lading will be given at i dnt. the premises at public outcry to the highestbid- ol shipment and loss, damage or overcharge will 1 der the following described property, to wit: be promptly settled at point of delivery. i Parts of city lots Nos. (21 and 22) twenty-one and Marine Insurance required between Norfolk ; twenty-two in the city ot Atlanta. County of Ful- aud New York and Boston. No insurance re-| ton, State of Georgia, fronting on Marietta street ciuircd to Baltimore or Philadelphia. one hundred aud fifty feet aud running Any further information will be furnished on ! back along, formerly Wadley, now Forsyth aoplication to JOHN B. PECK, M. 1\, 1 street one hundred feet; the Opera House is on ttovS—dSm Western & Atlantic Railroad. 1 said property. The terms of the sale are to be ————. i one-fourth cash and the balance in three equal $1,000,000 IN WATCHES! instalments, one respectively at four, eight ’ mii Vuif ON THF POPULAR and twelve months with interest, the purchaser t OR SALE ON lttr. iu a executing notes therefor. Bonds for the titles will MP() y E PRICE P Ij A Nj be given, but the title will be retained until all 1 the purchase price is paid. Said bnilding is four stories high above the basement, divided into GIVING EVERY PATRON A Handsome and Reliable Watch, For the low Price of Ten Dollars! Without Regard to Value high _ — six stores, five of them 25 by 100 feet, aud one 25 by 30 l'eet, with the basement under each. The tipper portion has 28 rooms fronting on Marietta street and six upon Forsyth street, and an Opera Room 70 by 125 feet and 36 feet between fioov and CANCERS_ CURED. To the Afflicted. B EING afflicted with a cancer, after trying many prescriptions and Cancer Doctors for several years, I was cured in A. D., 1656, by the last remedy I applied. I have been entirely suc cessful in the cure of above one hundred and forty eases. I refer to a portion of them by name: Major A. Nall, Griffin, Ga. Wm. Fambrough, J. I. G, Forsyth, Ga. Mrs. John Stillwell, Griffin, Ga. Hon. Wm. Harkness, Jackson, Ga. Mrs. Mary Thurmond, Indian Springs, Ga. Robert Dorton, Locust Grove, Ga. Dr. Wm. N. Fambrough, Haralson. Ga. Thomas McKibin, Esq.. Butts co., Ga. Mrs. V. Wardsworth, Barnesvillc, Gu. R. Goodman, Jasper county, Ga. Mrs. J. Carmichael, McDonough, Ga. MR. T. Roberts, Fairlrarn, Ga. Lieut. Wm. Ogletrec, Spalding county, Ga. Mrs. Fannie Settle, Liberty Hill, Ga. Mrs. A. A. Porter, Griffin, Ga. Rev. H.T. Dicken, Griffin, Ga. Mr. H. M. Bloodworth, Liberty Hill, Ga. Mr. D.G. McKinney, Macon, Ga. I prefer not treating a case that will not admit of a cure. After satisfying yourselves describe your cancer to me, and I will give you my candid opinion. At your request I will visit you at your homes, it circumstances win permit. Where thorn is a regular communication, directions and medicine can be sent by Express, when light or before the Cancer becomes rooted in the flesh. My traveling aud all other expenses paid in ad vance. My residence is twelve miles east of Griffin, Ga.. my nearest Express office. All communications strictly confidential and promptly answered when hacked envelope and stamp is sent. No pay required till the cure is effected, but patients will be required to deposit my fee tor services with some person agreed upon payable to me when the cure is performed. Address, J. M. HARDAWAY, Liberty Hill, jan22—w3ni Pike County, Georgia. GEORGIA, Baktow county. Court of Ordinary, November Term, 18G7. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of Julius Skinner that .John S. Allen, deceased, late of said county, did in his lifetime execute to said Julius skinner his bond conditioned to execute Titles in Fee Simple to said J uiius Skinner for the Pitts Hotel lots, iu the town of Cartersville in said county, located on lots No*. 18, 19, 20 and 21, in said toivn. And, it further appearing that said John S. Allen departed this lile without execut ing titles to said town lots, or by will or otherwise providing therefore. And, it further appearing that said Julius Skinner has aid the full amount of the purchase price of said ots, and said Julius Skinner having petitioned t is Court to direct Josinh It. Parrott, administrator upon the estate ol the said John S. Allen, deceased, to execute t. him titles to said town lots in conformity with said bond: Therefore, all persons concernsd are hereby notified and required to file their objec tions, if any they have, in my office, within the time prescribed by law, why said administrator should not be ordered to execute titles to said town lots in conformity with said bonds. And, it Is furthe vordcred that a copy of this Rule be pub lished in the Weekly Opinion newspaper for three mouths. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary Bartow county. Extract from the minutes, this 4th day of No vember, 1867. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary B. C. novl2—w3m Printer’s fee $20 NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS HIS Land, ( in DcKalb county, Georgia, for Wfl *- 1 '* * *mAb PRICE—5 CENTS. GEORGIA, Henry corxiv. WHEREAS, Martha George, administratrix < the estate or Jackson George, deceased latcor - . ! county, has applied to me for letter* dim I- sale. The tract contains three hundred. acres, more or less, whereon he lives, three miles ! from said administration: west of Stone Mountain, some two hundred acres i This is, therefore, to cite and udi>.oni-h alia;. , of woodland, with comfortable improvements, singular the kindred ami creditors of sabl >1* good water and plantation well watered. Any * cea«ed to show cause,if any cxi-ts, within the time person wishing to purchase such a place cau get a allowed by law, why letters of dismission sliouM good bargain by applying at an early day. The ; not be granted the r—” — ‘ land lie* in three-quarters of a mile of the Georgia Railroad. LARKIN NASH. P. S.—I also have a good orchard of about three hundred young apple trees and as many old ones now bearing fruit, and a go> ’ ' Witness my oftn 1867. octao—w6m cant. iguature, lhi< Ortolxv 1.V t* U. NOLAN,Ordinar- Printer's fee gt;*i February 8,1866—w3t* good peach orchard. L. N. GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. GEORGIA, Fulton County. W HEREAS, Joseph Winsltip. aalminisuatoi d l>oni» now upon the estate of P. 11.«iverhv, d> cca«cd, represents to the court in hi* petition dul • WHEREAS, John E. Maguire has made appli- | filed, that he ha* fully aduiini-tered said e-tatc ration for letters of guardianship ol the propel tv This is, therefore, to cite all persons roncerne of Thomas D. D., Reuben L. C., and John J. p. j to show cause, if any they can, why said admin Weaver, orphans of Benjamin P. Weaver, de* i istrator should not be discharged front bis <ald ad ceased: . ; ministration and receive letters of disml-'i' ;; ••>. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned the first Monday in March. 1868. to show cause, it any they have, why letters ; Witness the lion. Daniel Pittman, Ord n.n should not be granted the applicant on the first j said countv, this 4th dav of September. ist-T. Monday in March next. j J NO. T. COOPER, Deputy i lerk Given under my hand and official signature,! *>cp5—wCm Printer's fee January 25th, 1868. . x- G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary. GEORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY. jau28—w30d Printer’s fee $3 | WHEREAS, John P. Marlmt, excentor GEORGIA, Henry county. Joshua Marbut, deceased, applies to me foi l«-tt> i of dismission front his administration tqxin - u WHEREAS, R. H. Hightower, administrator j estate: on the estate of Eldridge Carroll, deceased, late! These are, therefore, to cite all and Angola of said county, having applied to me in proper I Die next of kin and creditor.- ot-aid deceased, t form lor leave to sell ilie real estate of said Carroll: All persons concerned arc notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Mon day In April next, else leave will he granted to sell said real estate me the lienettt of the heirs and creditors. Witness my hand and official signature, thi< January 28th, 1868. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. jan30—w2m Printer’s l'ec $5 be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, and show can-c, if any they can. why said letters of dismission -liotild not i» granted to said applicant. Given mulct my hand aud official signaiti*. Hits the 5th «ixy of December, lSt»7. . J WM. D. LUCK IE. Ordinal . dco7—w6m Printer's fee || :*t \ GEORGIA, Bartow county. \T7TIEREAS. Thomas J. Wofford. e\e« nt. i . VV William li. Wofford, deceased, represent I to the Court, in his petition, duly filed •nd enf.-. WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary J. Terry, one of the a«l- ! hi on record, that he ha* fully admini-tered \\ ministrators of tne estate of Thomas Terry, de- liam 15. Wolford's estate: ceased, having made application to me for leave ‘ This is, therefore, to cite all la r-ons c«>ne«-i iu t. to sell about twenty acres of land in the north east kindred and creditors, to shou cause, if any th. part of lot No. 179 in the 15th district of DcKalb j ran, why said executor should not 1« di-cliarg, i GEORGIA, DjeKalb county, county, Georgia All persons concerned are notified to file their objections. If anv they have, within two months from the first publication of t his notice, else leave will be granted for ihe sale ol said twenty acres of laud. Given under mv hand and official signature, tliis December 11th, 1867. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. decl2—w2m Printer's fee $5 'front his executorship and receive letter* ot ,Ti ! mission. This 2d (Monday) Sententlier, 1807. J. A. HOWARD, ordinary sept4—wfint lPrinter’s foe £i <i GEORGIA, Heard county. WHEREAS, Martha T. Whatley havi plied to me for letters of guardianshi person and property of Marcus and minor orphans of Willis J. Whatley, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office by or before the first Monday in March next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this January 23th, 1868. W. II. C. PACE, Ordinary. I jan29—w30d Printer’s lee #3 I GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, John F. Huff, administrator ol GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, Joseph \\ dlis, aduiini-tratm «• the estate of Joseph Wallace, deceased, rcpi«- scuts ill his petition duly tiled that hehs-tull- discharged Id*-aid tro-t and is entitle I to a .li mission: This is, therefore, to cite and udiuoni-li all jh-i me -in- sons concerned, to file their I intis, il anv o\i n for the ; w itl1 l,le tIU,c Allowed by Ian, a by letter* ol * Whatley | mission should not he granted the _ applicant. Witness the lion. Daniel Pittman. Ordinary in and fur sat. county, this 21st Jan. Isos. JNO. T. COOPER, Iteputy t 1< J jan24—w6m Printer’s foe fi U) GEORGIA. SUMTKR COUNTY. WHEREAS, William J. Phillip-. •;u.u.l,.ui ElizaN. Phillips, h:u applied to the court oi'Oi (Unary of said county, tor a discharge fro in hi said guardianship: i All persons concerned arc notified to tile then objections, if any exist, on or before the tir-t Mon day in February next, otherwise letters will •- Coleman W. idarchman, late of said county, de- i granted the applicant in terms ot the lav. ceased, represents to the Court In his petition duly ; ,. r , ,u - * mu " ° 1 '" 'b- 11 - 1 tiled that he has fullv administered said estate- ■ this -d day Ol January, lStoS. GEORGIA Newton county. WHEREAS, Mrs. Emily Neely, administratrix of the estate of Francis S. Neely, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections in my office, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in June next, why said dismission should not he granted to the ap plicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this November 29th, 1867. . WM. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary, nov29—w6m Printer’s fee $4.50 ; LviioIlGiA" Clayton county. AT the October Term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, comes John A. Nash, administra- torontho estate of Andrew N. Nash, deceased, and prays for letters of dismission from said estate: This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all ner- aons concerned to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, if any they can, why letters of di»mis4iou should not by granted the applicant. Given under mv band aud olficia signature, this October 7th, 1867. C. A. DOLLAR, Ordinary. oct20—vvOrn Printer’s lee $4.50 filed that he has fully administered said estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons ooncerned to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis- jattC—w40d L. DORMAN, Ordinary Printer’s fee $3 trator should not be discharged from his said ml- j r t \ it ...., v ministration smd receive letters of dismission on hbUiiblA, HARALSON COUNT T . the the first Monday in June, 1868. TWO MONTHS after the pub entiun < ; tb Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary oi notice application will he made <> the honor.n said county, this 2d December, 1867. ■ Court of Ordinary of said county, fi>r leave to *«• JOHN T. COOK, Deputy Clerk. that portion of lot of land number 136 iu the dec4—w6m Printer’s fee $4.50 district of originally Carroll, now Haral-ot t-, _ county, which is situated on the west side ol Tal GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. lapoosa River, supposed to contain Wit W HEREAS, E. W. Holland, executor of the ; or less, for the.k^l%Vrufc Jati. f. 1866. last will and testament of M. E. Haj.-g’-.i-e. ; SOPHIA McBKIDK, Guaidia tffff/mcd, that I janl8—w2m Printer’s fee $.i GEORGIA, Haralson county. WHEREAS, Zcbulon P. Duke, administrator ou the estate of John Duke, late of said county, deceased, having made app ication to me for let ters ot dismission from said deceased’s estate: These ate, therefore, to give notice to all con cerned, kiudred and creditors to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law aud file thejr objection, if any they have, why said letters should not l>e granted the applicant. Given under nty hand and official signature, this January 8,1868. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. janl8—wCm Printer’s fee $4.50 ** — . r,r, n ceiling, with ample room for stairways and ve ti- AND NOT TO lilt PAID FOP VNLESS ; kule. The walls of said building are built of brick FEPfECTLY SATISFACTORY. &a looks. > Al.E DF.POT-M K KENNY, Pro- *Wr in Bran.ties. Wines, Whiskies < ait.\u always on hand. No. street, Atlanta. Ga. aug4—6m a mv.rm A SlXnOS, ATTORNEYS at LAW . t.a • Hue corner Whitehall and - otcr James' Banking House. . Alabama street. H. P. FARROW, O. F. SIMPSON. LXSCMAMCM. • * t INSURANCE COMPANY — wj( Jessin. s. General . li.liag, corner ol Alabama aud - -« wnd Coot. tuy9-ly ’ware materials itDW.VRE.-J tteiiall -trvet. • .: atel : Tv M. A J. c. Alexander, <u, sted, Nails, Car- | * tor all trades, Build Bolting t ioths, tanning A •). C. ALEXANDER. 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches. ..$250 to $1,000 100 Magic Cased Gold Watches.... 200 to 500 too Ladles Watches. Enameled 100 to 1200 Gold Hunting Chromnetcr Watches 250 to poo Gold Hunting English Levers.. 200 to .500 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to “ 500 Gold Hunting American Watches 500 Silver Hunting 1 overs 600 Silver Hunting Duplexes 500 Gold Ladies W atcfics 1.000 Gold limiting Lepincs l.ouo Miscellaiieous SilverWatchei 2,500 Hunting Silver Watches 5.000 Assorted Watches, all kinds and has a splendid iron front, and is now com pleted ready for the roof, The building is ad mirably located for the business which it is tu- ^ tended, both for stores and Opera House. The 300 ! rai ml growth of Atlanta, its central location and _ . i its future prospects makes the above property 300 I WO rthy the attention of capitalists, as a good pay- ing investment. The sale being made by an 100 to 50 to 75 to 50 to 50 to 50 to 25 to 10 to 250 jit 200 i order* ofCourC it will be positive and titles perfect. WM. MARKHAM, Receiver OKA 1 J GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, Harriet Johnston haviug^tpplied for letters of administration upon tiie estate of Frank M. Johnston, late of said county, de ceased: This is,- therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, oil or before the first Monday in March next, why letters should not be granted said applicant. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, this 21st Jan. 1808. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk. janfil—w30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Gordon county. Superior Court, October Term, 1887— Present His Honor, James Milner, Judge. MARTHA M. ADKINSON.) vs. s T.iliel for Divorce. WILLIAM ADlvINSON. > RULE TO PERFECT SERVICE. IT appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the delendant docs not reside in the county; and, it further appearing that lie does not reside in this State. It is, on motion of counsel, ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court, else that the case be considered in default and the plaintiff be al lowed to proceed. And it is further ordered that deceased, and guardianof &VSWI tttffy Hied', that tVttiy'tlTscTiarged his said trusts and prays for letters of dismission; This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, w ithin the time GEORGIA, Fulton county. W HEREAS, Elias Wood, admini-tr; estate of Jane Oliver, late of >aUl( ul the ■ottntv allowed by law, if any exist, why letters of dis- j deceased, represents in his petition ditlv filed mission shall not be granted the applicant. that said estate is insolvent, and that he ha- loll > Witness my official signature, this August 22d, . discharged said trust: 1S67. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. All persons concerned are cited and udmom aug23—w6m [Printer’s fee $4 50] GEORGIA, Fayette county. WHEREAS, Arthur J. Hand having applied t be appointed guardianof the persons and proper ty or Charles Jefferson and Dorali Bailey (upon the resignation of William G. Bishop, former guardian,) minors under the age of fourteen years, residents of said county: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned -In' to file’their objections within the time prc-cribr* by law, if any exist, why letter* of di*iarap*i<>i should not be granted the applicant. Witness inv official signature, this August 2 1867. DANIEL PITTM AN, Ordinary. aug24—w6m [Printer’s fee GEORGIA, Fulton county. WT1IEREAS, John it. Wallaet VV tUbo*i» Holt, of the estate , I J. K. Badgt to be and appear at the term of the Court of i deceased, and guardianof the estate of Glaticn* It Ordinary to be held next alter the expiration of Badger, deceased, iu liis petition duiv filed, reprr fortv days from the first publication of this no- | .sents that he has fu 11 v discharged -.('id tru-t* an tice, and show cause, if any they can, why said ; is entitled to letters of disniis-ioit: A. J. Hand should not be entrusted with the All persons concerned are cited .'ind admnni-ln d guardianship ofthc persons aud property of the i to file their objections, if any exist, in term* ot tin said Charles Jefferson and Dornh Bailey. 1 law, else letters of dismission w ill be granted tin Witness my hand aud official signature, this , applicant. January 20th, 1867. Witness my official signature, this August23-1, EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, j iao7. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinal jan23—w40d Printer’s fee $3 , aug24—wfint [Printer’s fee $ I 3n GEORGIA, Sumter county. j GEORGIA, DkKai.b county. WHEREAS, Asa Ausley applies to me for let- ,, T .? A LI 7. WHO w IT M \ Y ,S ON . c . ,CKS , ters of dismission from administration on the H HEUEA6, Mrs. Margaret Hightower hav m estate of Lemuel M. Anslcy, deceased: >n proper form applied to me tor jK-i-ma.n-i.t let These are, therefore to cite aud admonish all , 0 } administration on the estate ol l a><ha. and singular the kindred aud creditors of said Hightower, late ol said countv, decee*i l: deceased, and all persons concerned, to bo and ap- I flits is, therrfore, to cite all aim -!n-;ul.-u . m u ■ ’ — -... ! creditors and next ot kin ol Paschal { - | January 8,1868. J. i; WILSON, Ordinar' l’ri liter’* fee $ ! Atlanta, Fcbrury 4,1868— d2w&d2wl>s 1UU j 250 GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. ! WHEREAS, James W. Mills, administrator on I the estate of Robert Hope, deceased, having made 501 application to me for letters of dismission from 7% i said estate: , „ „ 1 These are, therefore, to give notice to all con- ‘ ' ’ edit Every patron obtains a Watell by ! cerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my»»^£ y t, costhig b,,t«Rwimeit j ggjjssaajjs:'(sriss. &hMsas may be worth $1 V 0|X). paruailty j . j, ou m not be granted the applicant. * J mv horn) jin/1 nlKrii)] siernatlirc. shown. Wc wish to immediately dispose oi the abov^ magnificent Stock. Certificates, naming the arti- cies, arc placed in sealed envelopes, and well J __ Given under my baud aud official signature, t!'»* November 5th, 1867. G. T. KAK.ESTR.aW , Ordinary. nov8—w6m. Printer’s fee $4.50 GEORGIA, Gordon County. J AMES C.G ARLINGTON, administrator of Join. .. Ia -1?_ j — W r . Garlington, represents to the Court in his (GEORGIA, NkWTON COUNTY. | petition, duly filed and entered on record that he , WHEREAS, Robert B. Smith, administrator l has tully admnnsteretl John IV. Garlington s es- yy'nt. A. Patrick, deceased, represents mi In* i» i ' tition duly filed, that he has fiillv dischargnl h ! This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, i t ,. llst . J ’ kindred and creditors,^to show causej it itity tii(‘y j There arc, therefore, to cite j charged ters * * 1868. sept3—w6m [Printer’s foe $4.50.] GEORGIA, Carroll county. WHEREAS, Thomas G. Moss, of said county, applies to me for letters of guardianship of Nancy R. Moss, a minor ol' said county: loweu to proceed, adu .o , s in. u.m These toe, therefore to cite all and singuiar the this rule he published in the Georgia TVcckly ncxtol kinto be ®“^V^^^hoV“i«e^iranv Opinion once a month for lour months. JAMES MILNEIt, J. S. C., C. C. J. C. Fain, Plaintiff’s Attorney. I, II. C. Hunt, Clerk of the[Supcrior Court, certi fy that the above is a true transcript from the minutes of Gordon Superior Court. This Novem ber 16,1867. H. C. HUNT, novSl—wlam4m Clerk Superior Court. Jlicial signatun not be grunted the applicant. | Given under my hand and , this November 5th, 1H07. WM. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary. | novG—wCm Printer’s fee $4 50 GEORGIA, Hknry county. . j WHEREAS, John Cook and Wm. Blitlaii the time pi-escribed by law, and show cause, if any apply to me for letter- m gunruianship over tli. they have, why said letters should n*tobe granted persons and property of the orphan- m Willian the applicant. ; M. Cook, deceased, late of said county: Given under my hand and official signature, All persons concerned are notified to file llicii this January 20th, 1968. [objections, if any exists, el-e letters will Ur J. M. BLALOCK, Ordinary, i granted on the first Monday in March, to the ap ian22—w30d Printer’s fee $3 i plicant. ■ ! Witness mv hand ami official on their certificate upon payment of Ten Dollars, ] GEORGIA, HEARD COL N whether it be a Watch worth $1,000 or one worth WHEREAS, Harrison B. Lane and Nancy Jane less. The return of any of our certificates enti- ■ swinney having petitioned in proper lonuof law tic* you to the article named thereon upon pay-1 tor permanent letters of administration upon the meut, irrespective of its worth, and as no article estate of John Swinney, lute ol said county, dc- valued less than $10 is named on any certificate,! ceas cd: _ , , . . ,, it w ill at once be seen that this i» These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all No Lottery, but a straightforward legitimate ^^^“^be^m^app'ear atV/office^norbe- i tr»naar-.tinn. which mav he narticmated in 1 j- 01 - e tbe first Monday in M.n-Cli next, to si V l.'IH A si EWART, liKALLHS IN »»«, iKOS and STKKL CUTLERY, - <>i all kind*. Harness, Bridles, I.eatuek. etc., sign ot tbe Mill s-( iwi, \vLiieUull sired, Atlanta, aug2—6m rursicujm. ** _ A'llERbus removed tiisoffice from ■ lo-s Corner to the junction ol'Mari- -a -licet*, where bo can be found at -v* not prwicssionnlty engaged *n Bankruptcy. > -HI'lli.tT LDl'ILs ol the Rule* and Uegu -m U«*iro|itr), Aii(;|.'U-il by the Dis- •: the I uiicd state* tor tbe Northern 1 '•eorgia.rnn lie bad on application at • ’Hi. e^ Atlanta, ()• Pi li*, fill c.entF .. March next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should uot he granted. . „ . , , Given under inv hand and oibcial iignaturc, January 17th, 1868. W. II. C. PACE, Ordinary. jan20—w30d Printer’s fee $3 •li transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fastidious! A single certificate will be scut by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five for $1, eleven for $2, thirty-three aud elegant premium for $3, sixty-six aud more valuable premium for $10, one hundred and most superb Watch for $15. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this is a i T . u _ ,,,„. VTV rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted GEORGIA, llkNKT cob. TY. business, duly authorized by tbe Government, and open to tbe most careful scrutiny. Try us l WRIGHT. BRO., & CO., Importers, 161 BROADWAY, New York. , e g ta te: . , , . ,, scpl’.i—dAwOiu These ure, therefore, to cite aud admonish all — — — j an q singular the kindred aud creditors of said G EORGIA, FaULDINU COUNTY. deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the (jooooui, m. ... nreicribed bv law. to show cause, it any TWO MONTHS after date application will be , *1“®^“,'why^iuch letters should not be granted made to the Court ol Ordinary ot Paulding conn- ] T.V .i.5, i “w ty Georgia, for leave to sell the lands belonging lo’the estate of M. Wallace, deceased. This the 3d day of December, 1867. K. POLK. Administrator. Jer.7—w2m Printer’s fee $5 WHEREAS, James Coker, administrator in risrlit of his wife, coni testamento annexed, on the estate of James R. Me Right, deceased, has made application to me for letters disiuissory irom said in terms of the law. ... . Given under my hand aud official signature, this tbe 27th day of November, l&o7. Q. R NOLAN, Ordinary. nov30—w«m Primer's fee $4 5<i GEORGIA, Sumter county. WHEREAS, Joseph T. Turner, applies to me for guardianship ofthc person and property of Willie T. Carter and Getrge B. Carter, minors of Charles Carver, deceased ; All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Mca* day in March next, otherwise letters will l>e granted the applicant iu terms of the law. Given under my hand aud official signature, this 18th day of January. 1S68. L. P. DORMAN, Ordinary. jan21—w30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Fayette county. W1IEUEA8, R. M. Everett, administrator ou the .estate of Noah Smith, deceased, represents to tbe Court that he has fully administered the said Noah Smith’s estate, and prays for letters ot dis mission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aud creditors of said de ceased to be aud uppear at my office within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, if my they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this December thal8tb. 1867. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary. dec20— w6ni Printer’s fee $450 EMMA S. THOMPSON, vs. HUGH L. TIIOMI >SON >) „ L , il>cl / or I)iv0 ^ c ! January 28th, 18CS. > Fulton Superior Court, 1 ’SON,' re' * * *“ ianSO—w30d ignaturc, tli R. NOLAN, Ordinal \ I’rintcr’s fee $.7 eturnable to the April Term, 1868. IT appearing to the Court by the return of the GEORGIA. Gwinnett county. Sherifl’ in the above stated case that the defendant WHEREAS, Marcus L. Gordon appli* - is not to be found in (this county: and it being - letters of administration on the r-1a)> further made to appear that he is residing in the Gordon, late of said countv ilc< eased: State of Alabama, and is beyond the jurtsdieliou This is. therefore, to cite ail and sir-ulur GEORGIA, Paulding county. TWO MONTI1S after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary oi Paulding county, Georgia, lor leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Jesse Cooper, deceased. This the 1st day of January, 1868. RE Gazettes of this city; previous to the next regu lar Term of this Court. HAMMOND, MYNATT & WELLBORNE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. A true extract f* m the Minutes of said Court. November 9,186T. W. R. VENABLE, Clerk. deelO—wl w4r.- GEORGIA, Gordon county. WHEREAS, Wary Cameron, administratrix de bonis non on the estate of Alexander Cameron, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said administratiou: These arc, therefore, to cite aud admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ot said de ceased to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they cau, why letters should uot be granted the appli cant. Giveu under my hand und official signature, this December 20th, 1867. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. dec2l—w6m Printer’s fee $4 50* cant on the Si-ai Monday Given under ni? liano and official -iguu- this Februrv 1st, 1868. „ , G. T. UAKEaTki®-' fcb4—w30il PrintcJ>*i^T' NOTICE TO DEB RS AXD CREDITcJTS* GEORGIA, Fayette county. NOTICE is hereby given to all jiei-ou* havm.. demands against William M. spier, late of saiu county, deceased, to present them to me, propeilx made out within time prescribed by law, so a- to show their character anil amount, aud all pcr*oi:- mdebted to said deceased, are hereby required t.. make immediate payment. l>cceuiber 24.1867 MARY SPIER, Administratrix dec27—w40d Printer's fee $■'. ' GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. IV HERE AS, James VV. Mills, adutiuis rat-- on the estate of Joseph B. Mills, deceased, bavin made application to me for letters of disini- i. irom said estate: These are. therefore, to give notice to all «-,.!• - cerned, kindred and creditors, to appeal' at w * office within the timo prcscvilHid by law. an.'i jan'!—tv-in tKBKCCA COOPER, Adiu’x R. K. DUNN, Adm’r. Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Gordon county. WIWM1 UUIO -^onuea di , met heir object ions, if any they have, wh> leave said