The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, February 15, 1868, Image 3

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;U£ GAILY OPINION. .... KST VITt CIRCULATION. / JJ»** *' ■ ■■ - r „tofli*' e Official Advertiser. \\TA. GA tTl FEBRUARY 15. . affairs. Official Paper. , llt . a pi»emlet] communication, it , , that the Daily Opinion lias "* ll.vUnl a? the orjfan fertile publica- '' r ” ( , tl „. official re|*ortaof the proceedings ‘, , hl . t oiivention: ii.ti o» the Georgia Convention.! 1141 January 29th, 18C8. \ ,/ 1‘,^-rktof of the Dally Opinion: K mk : The Committee on Printing, \ . i.I. r. have instructed me to have ' ttirial proceedings ot the Convention 1,^1 ill the Daily Opinion’ ’’ and ~.,|,v ot each number furnished each during theses-ion. say in all (1G0) l.undrcfi and sixty-nine copies. Committee determined building an extension to the The tlmt the Lyneli for same. Alderman Cox submitted a petition in ref- i erence to asking Major General Meade to investigate the charges preferred against Mr. Boring, formerly a policeman of this city*. The Mayor appointed Messrs. Cox, Terry and Gnllatt to wait upon General Meade in reference to the matter. The report of the Finance Committee was read and adopted. apis^I&IIEIE^aiA.Xj. Xpert a l Mot Ices. OFFICE DAILY OPINION Atlanta, Ul, February 15,18C& ’ I. T. BANKS HPGEORG1A state lottery- Cotton remains firm at the highest ouo- f r ° B ™ BlHirrr 0F TH * tations of yesterday. XI e quote at 15c. ; M ASON IC ORPHANS’ HOME The very best grades possibly might ran<*ei Combination Class, No. ‘iOH, % above these figures. Receipts for the' The lollowinK wcre day were light. Gold.—Gold to-day buying at 1.40: cell ing at 1.42. * NOTICE.—BUSIXESS CALLING , Gold Dcst.—Gold dust buying at. 1 15- ' me temporarily to Marietta, I deem it proper to' The bonds of the Clerk of Council. City i selling at 1.22. * “ ' ’ ; state publicly, in accordance>ith section 1645 of; rmFrmoil]. De puty Mar,h,l. Firs, u„a Second I fta™.-S!1ver buying « 1.®; *m„* «£££ *! LOW PRIC EM tb« Drawn Nos.. Feb. I4th: 44-30-5S-9-71-G0-21-72-15-35-41-3 lcbl5-lt BOYD. WILSON A CO., Managers. I* Buying and will continue to Huy hi* good* where READY MONEY TWILL COMMAND Bricks and Real Estate FOR SALE. 500.000 HU " K '- ia “> Sis small comfortable dwelling hr*u»r Two diary farms, near the city. Forty unimproved cii v and .tihnrhaa v * *%■ lots. Two hundred acre,. «►/ land awr Ih4 r|t; : i *ale in '■mall tract.. All thi* property will .old ow u-naj \ K. Sf .UiO Lieutenants of the police, and City Sexton, 1-33. were examined and appro veil. Excuanoe—Exchange on New York buy- in the case of Miss Minnie Banks, who was adjudged guilty at the Municipal CourJ on yesterday of selling spirituous liquors without license, and fined 940 and cost, Council confirmed the decision of the Court. A resolution ottering to give onc-half of the fines collected from violators of the ordinances regulating the retailing of spirituous liquors and market regulations febli—d3t E. MoBARON TIMONEY. 1 to the informer, was adopted. »r. r published should be a succinct ro- ' the proceedings, omitting the re- i v. „f delegates.** Yours truly, P. M. SlIFIBLKT, secretary of tlio Convention. ; Wfl! * taken to a Ml Board of the Council.— ! t The case was re-investigated last night,; Uil! !. The best hand an( l | and the decision of the Court was unnni-1 Ax Appeal Trial.—Miss Minnie Banks was not satisfied with the decision of the Municipal Court yesterday. An appeal ing at % off; selling at par. Brfmos.—Bullion buying at 1.25; sell ing at 1.30. Bonds.—Georgia ti per cent, bonds 60a04; 7 percent. bond9 75a78; Georgia conpons 73a80. Atlanta (city) bonds 57a67. Au gusta (city) bonds 50a53. Macon (city) bonds 55a65. But few 9 changes of importance have taken place In the genera) market. We quote as follows: CO UN- White per bush per bush i i|i! OH • • kKRoSkSE Oil. at retail at Sevcnty-Uvo | . ^;l 011 % i MESHY SELTHft’8, ** *" Marietta street. ' inouslv sustaincHl. I HI fc3F* fit. Louis lias raised 3)120,000 to secure riia-r, living on the corner of j the Democratic National Convention, ar.d ,1 Luckie ‘Streets, in a two storv ; Cincinnati §16,000. The first named proni- CatoosH County -pring sin ldi:.g lontaining eleven rooms, pro-! Lses to double the sum ii necessary. . .. t ike six or eight boarders. (Day ! 'Lnler* preferred). Good, suh-tantlal fare ' 1 G* given, and at very moderate j Editor Opinion: Please givo notice ■ —W. Ijot. ! through your paper that the voters of the i Union Republican party of Catoosa coun- j ty will hold a public meeting at the Court \ salt— House on Saturday the 22d inst., to send i Virginia .... , . . - Liverpool delegates to some place (you know—I : sugar— don’t) to nominate some body for Govern- ; 1 or, etc. Ringgold, Ga., Feb. 14,1868. The delegates were to have been sent to i Atlanta, in accordance with tiie call of a I portion of the members of the State Exe- j eutive Committee; but as that call since been postponed indefinitely by the! Chairman of the Committee (acting in! obedience to the wishes of the majority ofj the members) there is no time nor place j set apart for a Stale Convention of' the Union Republican part}'.—[Ed. Opin ion. at y.'f.’v 13.1868—lw. Mftlgiou* service* To.Jtorrow , M... I-T KHseoriL Culkcu—Uev. J. firtL- JjV pa, t,, r . place of holding sen ice, Scho- fW* llall. Preaching at 10)» o’clock, a. li., It o'clock, r. R. Sabbath School at9 o’clock, . a i !«,- Meeting at 3 o’clock, r. a ..jft l hiw..*;!M. K, i ui’kcu,) I’eachtrce •..t I A. Kimball, Pastor. Scrv- . nt '.0s i m . .oul 7 r m. Sunday School 4 t ■< a. v. .,, y m K t m acir, Mitchell -treet, ueur the . itx Hull- H« r. W. M Carmlev, Pastor. Ser- Id.. * m , and 7 r a. Sunday School Yellow or Mixed Meal .‘per hush BACON- Clear Sides 9 lb Clear Rib Sides 9 lb Shoulders 9 lb Plain Ham. 9 lb S.C.Canvassed Know 9 a> BULK MEATS- Clear Sides p n. Clear Rib Sides 9 lb Hams 9 tb Shoulders 9 lb LARD— Tierces p 1b Kegs and Cans 9 tb FLOUR— Superfine perhbl Extra per bbl Family per bbl White Wheat Family per bid WHEAT— White. per bn^U Red ...per bush OATS per bush HAY— Timothy ......per cwt @1.15 ® ®1.13 «I5* X®15 ®14X ®13X ®17M l 14 ,3 i'l HR 1 o\i 16>i IF THE BROAD STREET RIA6E REPOSITORY.—The ware* r oom of A. T. FINNEY, in the Granite Block, Broad street, is now. CAR- A 11.I iiuw ha- in <tore af^tork ot BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER" Merchandize now in Storo. Feathers, fitted up with an elegant display of Phaetons, Rockaways, Top and Open Buggies, Plantation Wagons, etc., to which the attention of the public is specially invited. AH the work on exhibition ia home manuiacture, and built under the imme diate supervision of Mr. Finney. His workmen are the best that can be found, and none but the best material and most fashionable trimmings arc j whloli for QUALITY and PRICE could onlv be used. Now is the time to call. Good bargains i brought together hy can be had for the cash, and all new work war ranted for one year. febl—diw 1 d~4 A lT1 SHOE FINDINGS, CASH WXEW MARRIAGE GUIDE.—AN; Essay for Yorso Mkn, on Physiological Long experience in and clo-e attention to busi- , Errors, Abuses and Diseases, incident to Youth 5 aCi ' He -ells only for CASH and is content with ; and Early Manhood, which create impediments to MARRIAGE, svith sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Ad dress, Dr. J. SKILLIX HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania fobl—dSm SMALL PROFITS. My*Wholesale buvers will tereat to examine hi* stock find it to Iht-ir in- .‘■00 pounds new live t #)00 bags Liverpool and \ irginia Salt, i Jh0 colls and half coil- * |p. a,,^ Kopc, 23,IX*) pounds Swett’s W ronght I...ti In ■ i bales India Bagging. JO casks Bacon and Bulk Meat, 50 packages I.ard, 150 bags of Flour <<t hlga gin.hv 500 bags Corn, 200 bushels Cow l’ea», bales Kentucky Timothy ll.vj, 10 bales Factory Yaru, 13 bags Kio Coffee—Price it to ecni- *i barrels Sugar, 0 barrels Georgia c aim rup, 5 hbds. Cuba MoIas-o., boxes Starch, fid boxes Soap, •xXiO pounds "Ktlllcklnlck” sm iking T i-o— goo.1 quality only l-l rent. Crass Seeds, per sack @11.00 U.50® 13.30 U.00@14.G0 15 5U@ 10.30 2.60 @9.73 2 @2.30 @93 1.75*9.00 1.75@3.00 .per sack ,g3j3.tju@9.7§ lur C'm'Ht’B, Walton street—Rev. . , j’afhir. service* at 161* A. u. . r ». Sunday School at 9 a. m. L.wrJST t mcrch, Washington -treet— . in Bran 1 ley. Pastor. Service* at l0,q . m .uid 7 r. n. Sunday School at 9 A. M. eilTMia cncRCU, Marietta street— j - ; ' ;; ! Wilson, Pa-tor. Service* 10)» a. | OEOIlolA, Heard COCNT3. . 1 •! 7 r. M. Sunday School 9 a. M . Preset Chi kch, Warhiugton ; ..1 Rev. K. K. Porter, Pastor. Services .■» 1 l■' w a. M.. and 7 F. X. Sabbath School 9 a. X. 1‘'f 1 (EriscoPAL) t iiiRCH, Washington tmt-ki v r. W. Thom 18, Rector. Services a . ia t m an.! Ir w Sunday School at9 W HKKEAS. Martha T. Whatley having ap plied to me for letters of guardianship for the l>erson and property of Marcus and Whatley. minor orphan* of Willis J. Whatley, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all indifC persons concerned to be and appear at my office j by or before the first Monday in March next, and 31 1 14 show cause, If any they have, why said letters should uot be granted. Crushed 9 ft 1»K@19 Powdered 9 ft 18)4®19 Granulated 9 ft 19X@20 Coffee A 9 ft 18x@19 Coffee B 9 ft 17 @17 X Extra G 9 ft n@17tf Yellow C 9 «> 17X@17X Yellow Refined Fft 17 ®17x Porto Rico F ft 14 @16 New Orleans 9 ft 15 @15% has • COFFEE—RIO Prime 9 lb 27 @27 Good 9 lt> 25 ®i» Fair 9 ft €0 @94 Ordinary F ft 00 @23 Java Pedang Mats 9 ft 40 @44 Laguayra 9 ft 00i@2i> Mocha.. ft 63 @60 Gunpowder 9 ft 1-80 @1.55 Young Hyson 9 ft 1.10 @1.60 MOLASSES- New Orleans 9 gal 95 @1.00 Georgia Cane 9 gal 90 @96 Porto Rico 9 gal 90 @95 Cuba 9 gal 00 @60 SYRUP— Moller Refined 9 gal 1.00@1.10 Crystal A mber 9 gal @1.25 New York 9 gal 76 ty POST OFFICE, ATLANTA, OA, ; December 14,1867.—From and after this date, until | further notice, this office will be opened arsd closed j as follows: Open at 8 o’cleck, a m j Close at 12>» o’clock, r m Open at 2 o’clock, p 11 Clo-e at « 6 o’clock, r ii SUNDAYS. Open at 8 o’clock, a a Close at 10 o’clock, a m Open at 4)i o’clock, r 11 Close at 5 o’clock, r u doe!7—Utl’ THOS. G. SIMMS, P. M. COUGH. A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT, requires imiumediate attention, and should be checked. If allowed to continue, Irrltatfon mt the Lungs, a Permanent Throat Disease, or Consumption, is often the result. ; BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, j : Having a direct influence to the parts, glveim-i ! mediate relief. For Bronchitis* Asthma,! Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat ; Diseases, Troches nre used with always good i j success. Sinners and Public Speakers u.-c them : : to clear uiul strengthen the voice. Obtain only “Brown’s Bronchial Troches,’’ j ' and do not take any of the WortAless Imnitatiom i • that may be offered. Sold everywhere oct27—d4meod Remember the Place and Sign. I. T. BANKS, Raw son’s Building, Corner Whitehall and Hunter -tree)* Jan2—c 9#TH SEMI AXNIIAL EXPOSE. TOT A t, I.OSSKS I'Alli, #21,271,072 57! Vresh tV.-.m Ki ntuvky, Re.l Clover, White Oovn Rlue Gra-i, Herd* tin-., flmothy, Oa-hard inns* Fertilizers. to ion»and 150 barrel- Raagtr- f:»vr 11 .--n per-Phosphate, *13 tons and 2U0 bag. KeynoldS BaltL. Chesapeake Phosphate. These arc two ot the most r. llaliie and v Fertilizer* known to American farmers For-ale bv derlfi—dri' A K. ME AGO, •MSus-ion Merchant At Inn t. I0VTIIL1 SCOTT’S 1868. FIFTH \ Oil )| 1 T llk Proprietor HOI’TIIKRN > lAfiAZIXE. 1868. th JULY 1st 18 6 7 9 «> Adamantine 9 ft Para fine 9 ft 20 21 Given under my hand and oiticial .-ignatnre, . a } this January 25th, 1868. *,<uhoi tut INSACI LSTK CONCEPTION—Rev W. H. U. PACE, Ordinary. t utlu, .. Keily, Pastor. First Mass at7>, a. I Pr i nter *' * - •nd Mas- at 10 a. m Vespers at 4. r. a. GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. WIIEREAti, John F. Hnff, a Coleman W. Marchman, late of 1 „ , ceasetl, represents to the Court ia his petition duly ded that lie has fully administered said estate: 1 ......„..iv t... ov This is, therefore, to cite all person* concerned lm tt-ual reltjfioit -Uticw inaj i>< *x to sliow cause, if auy thev can, why said admiuis-! at N-hotleld Hall to-morrow *- ——. -—.a j.—r, a- ' ti- — *li anti at 7 oVlork ill the evening. ( ^h e the first Monday in June, 1868. ^,Mmth school at 0 o’clock in the morn- 1 Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary ol j Sperm j ■sOAP— Babbitt’s Eraslvc German Erosive. Colgate’s I> .. . Colgate’s B 1 . I Colgate's No. Pale air-' ( Brim, 4rt iloor Bell-Johnson Hall— j WHEREAS, John F. Huff, administrator oil Turpentine r* Ptatiri ra-tor service at 10j-: o’clock, I Coleman W. Marchman, late of said county, de- j SODA— ceased, represents to the Court in his petition duly j Kegs tiled that lie has fully administered said estate: { Boxes ty MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, dor children tkethinm, greatly facili tates the process of teething, hy softeniug the ) gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay All ;Pain and spasmodic acti«n, and U and 13 sure to reuclate the howels. Depend upon it, | mothers, it will give re 3 t to your selves, and RE LIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. W'e have put uo and sold this article for years, and Can Say in Confidence and Truth of it | what we have never been able to »ay of any other ; medicine—NEVER H*B IT FAILED IN A SINULK IN : stance to Effrct A CURE, when timely used.— In the . trator should not bediscfiarge’d from lifs said ad- P.p/lTHYmv and TTfimfi lYlHnSt/PV : Never did we anow an lu&tanee ol dissatistaction ministration au«l receive letters of dlsmi-Ssion on JJwUUUlj OiUU. AXUi-LlO AUUUOhl J « by any one wbs used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operatiau, aud speak iu term* * ft 9 ft 9 ft 9 ft * ft ■ 9 » 9 ft ■ 9 ft .9 ft @21M @22 @40 @35 13 @16 18K®15 10 @11 10,q@llS' 14 @13 7 @ 9 »q@io ii*@ia ( A T ASSETS* MARKET VALUE! 11 1 -1 ib: 1 si., : MONTHLY announce oa . .. tering the third year of it* publication, ,u, . patronage of several thousand subvert ,r-. .•■ I with a corps of contributors un«urpa--ed » tliis Continent, that it is their dc-lgu to ti.ri.i 1 MONTHLY! bc-t Northern nd of the pre-ent yi-sr A FIRST-CLASS Equal in all respects to the i English Periodical*. Among the lending serial- ! will bo- Mortgage Bond; Bank Stock Cash on hand and in Bank $ 315,886 39 Beal Estate 948,993 02 Bonds 696,680 00 1,206,400 00 United State*. State and City Stock, and other Public Securities 1,964,308 86 £4,660,938 27 Le-s Liabilities, Claims not due and unadjusted 377,668 46 Net Assets £4,273,269 tfi THE GEORGIA CAMPAIGN. By the author of “Field and Camp. ■ This will he a South side view of Sherman’- “March : • tt. Sea.” Battle* aud Campaign* oi the Army of TeantMer By one of the uio«t gallant Officer* of that IN partment. TENT AND SADDLE IN THE HOLY LAND. By Rev. iy Jlev. R. A. Holland, of Kt uturkv Alsu, a superb Serial by Lot. W. T. T : author of “ilaj. Jones’ Courtship.” *-*x • . t»*1 l The usual nuutlier of Uev tews, v;,..,, Fire & Inland Navigation Risks, i •• wlu Mlso homp' N« LtVl Stuck iNSUKANCt.—L. B. Davis, said county, thi«3<t December, 1867. JOHN T. COOK, Deputy Cierk. dec4—wfiut Printer’s fee £4 30 GEORGIA, Fulton county. K q . .\weni for the Ilartfortl Live Stock mi a. | f iB9i will »uu icaiaiucui. ui a. c*. uiiigiovu, n-urance t ompany, will Iinurt lior-cs, rt t . fc<s ed t and guardian of Flora Hargrave, de- \XTHERKAS, E. W. Holland, executor of the YV last will aud testament of M. E. Hargrave, nulcA. row s etc. The liurtfonl Is a p;ooil «kupuny. In ini (lit.—Col. J. IT. Christy, of the Wat. humti. ami Mr. S. A. Atkinson, of the R-’inet. Athens, Ga.. are at the American, •a it.w- citv. ceased, represent*, in hi* petition duly filed, that ho has fully discharged hi* said trusts and prays for letter* of dismission; This is, therefore, to cite aud admonish all per sona concerned to £how cause, within the time allowed hy law, if any exist, why letter* of dis mission shall not be granted the applicant. Witness my official signature, this August rid, 16U7. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinal; . aug23— w6m [Printer’s fee £4.30] ’ . , GEORGIA, Fayettk county. 'no F t (.lows' Libhaky . He are pleased WHEREAS, Arthur J. Hand having a{ fo.irn that Barnes Lodge, No. 55, I. O. O. lpplied t be appointed guardian of the persous and proper- .... ” , | ty or Charles Jefferson and Dorah Bailey (upon . of hi* city, have commenced the good t ^ 0 re8 ig n ation of William G. Bishop, former H,.fk of getting up a library for the use of a (U‘of fourteen years, • !ie uieuiliers ol" the Ortler. Tltla certainly . * u>o\e in the right direction, and one tut commeads itself to every Odd Follow - . _. : of commendation of its mutical effects and medi- SA V ti r, ffV K AixS* ' cal virtues. We speak in this matter “WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after years of experience,, and '*•*' Pledge our Reputation for the fulfilment of The Chlekasabogue Manufacturing what we here declare, in almost everyi»- edward Company \ stance where the Infant is suffering from pain ' | and exhaustatiou, relief will be found iu fifteen j UK uow prepared to purchase GOOD CLEAN or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis tered. Full directions for using will accompany each | bottle. Be sure aud call for "Mrs. Winslow’s i*ooth- _ ige towns in the United States. Applications for Insurance will be promptly at tended to. OFFICE—At their Bonded Warehouse, on For syth-street. augl—9m " N. L. ANGIEtt 4 SON, Agent*. A BE now prepared to pu COTTON and LINEN RAGS in any quantity, j ’ and to pay for them the Highest Market Price in Cash They have established a Depot ot No. 31 North J. HOI.DEN A CO., Successors to tholatc SAMUEL D. WlLLMOTT, manufacturers ok CAST STEEL SAWS AND FILES Of all description*, No. 4 Liberty street N>\% York. Water street, for the receipt and storage of Rags ! ing Syrup,” haring the lac-simile of “CURTIS A PERKINS” on the out-<ddo wrapper. Ail others j and Paper stock of all sorts, under thelmmedial chargeofCapt. Thomas Bass, who is authorized. , to pay a liberal price for all stock required for the | are “ a * e imitations. Company’s Mills, and brought him in suitable; . Sold by Druggists throughout the world. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary. Printer’s foe £3 residents of said county: This ia, therefore, to cite ull person* concerned to he and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held next aftei the expiration of forty days from the first publication of thi.* no- ,, , , , . , i tiee, and show cause, if any they can, why said • ! well-wisher of the cause. To the etui ; ^ j Hand 6hould not be entrusted with the «■»>• -««-d InthrirunderUklnif.Ux^^o^SViUX/’’" •utiibution* of bfxik.s are solirltetl from Witness my hand and official signature, this who have any to spare and feel dls- 1 to aid in this enterprise. Contrlbn- : Janas—w4<M .•■a- may 1m- left with J. M. nunnlcutt- j GEORGIA, Scmtkk county. Whitehall Street. WHEREAS, A~a Ana Icy applies to n.e for let- ters of dismission from administration on the ,, . , S estate of Lemuel M. Ansley, deceased: ltl*IM**.—Tlte gentlemen connected ! These are, therefore to cite and admonish all ;,i, T h,. i ti.- I»n-t-Oftlce had -i hnsr sea- ; and singular the kindred and creditors of said - ‘ l,! * , 1 O-I umce liau .1 OU8y sea- ( ‘^ c l eai( ,5 ) aj,,! all person, concerned, to be and ap- i vesterdav. Mr. Daniel inform* Us that i pear at mv office, within the time prescribed by ‘ , i law. and show cause, if any they have, otherwise . e etc_ were depositeil in the of- ! ;ptt t . rs will lie granted in terms of the law. He daily average is between two! Given under my hand and official signature, , * , . „ „ this 12th dav ol October, 1867. -ud three ihoitsand; the anniversary of St. L. P. DORMAN, Ordinary, v dentine Recounts for the increase. 1 °ct2t)- w6in Printer’s— condition. Rags may be eitliar white, colored or mixed, but they must be free from woollens, cleau and wcl". handled. Dealers in paper stock in the city and interior will find it to their advantage to communicate with us before disposing of their stock elsewhere. Newspapers will advance their own interests j by lending their influence to secure the saving j and collection of all the rags to be found in their ! respective localities. We will credit them in ex- ( change for paper at liberal rates for all the mer- ; A>D chautahle rags they may send us. i fYNTT V ATT P A TT PHTTTP Rags sent by the rivers ami Great Northern V/ilJjX ii 11-1—I XhixAij IbU U J-J-Jf Railroad, should be addressed to the Companv at | , „ , , . ^ Mobile. ! Ana the only Route having tico Daily t.o»- All shipments hy the Mobile and Ohio Railroad tier it ana. for St. Louis. ChlCOtto, should be directed to Beavor Meadow Station, the • — location of the Company’s Works PRICE, ONLY 33 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES—215 ;Fultou street, New York; 230 igli Holborn, London, Kughutd; 441 St. Pxu street, Montreal, Canada. aug28—dOineod The 'Quickest, Best and the TTesf, P**For further information apply to the Com- rn TT T a r ATTTCT r TT T Xi' I known brand of FILE pany’s Depot, No. 61, North Water street, or to the , A IA XjYJ U lo V i Engli*h Cast Steel; cut undersigned, in person or by letter, at the Office of the Advertiser and Register, Mobile, Ala. i—dim W. G. CLARKE, President. feblS—dim GEORGIA. Fayettk county. hour* quicker to Chicago. Cities, than by Condensed Time Tables. is E l'ROM ATLANTA the time via Louisville is 82* to 29 hours quicker to St. Louis; 16 to 25 rs quicker to Chicago, and correspondingly quicker to all Western Cities, than bv any otnei route. WHEREAS, Ellison Rush, administrator on the estate of William Watson, decensed, represents to the Court that he has fully administered the said [ ... ... . William Watson’* estate, and prays lor letters ol ! " c*tevn and Atlantic, Nashville and Chattanoo- i dismission: ga and Lonisville and Nashville Bailr:oads I This is, therefore, to cite alt aud singular No. 1. No. 2. j the kindred and creditors of said deceased j Leave Atlanta 8.20 a m 7,00 V M ~ j to be and appear at my office within the Leave Chattanooga 7.40 P M 4 20 am i GEORGIA. GORDON t OUNTY. | time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if any j Leave Nashville fi.OU a m ti.40 p st my ill ll»«* wicked anil perver*o gen- X YMF8U G ARLINGTON,administratorol Johu ‘ they Itave. why said letters of dismission sliouhl ! Arrive at Louisville 3.00 pm 400 tt'/ S PECl AI. attention given to the manuiacture oi our PATENT GROUND CIRCULAR 8AW8; also, Shingle, Mill. Mulay, Gang, Cross-Cut, Tenon, Hand, Panel, Kip. and Butchers’ Bow Saw*; also. Turning and Felloe Webs. We also continne the manufacture of our well E8, made of the best English Cast Steel; cut by hand ai ranted to be equal in quality to the best English. We respectfully soli y hand anil fully war lity to the best English. We respectfully solicit orders, whicli wo are ■repared to fill promptly, at the lowest rate* and Bgures. augSl—dly , ratio*.', who < r «i -ilioiit scctlixr nf, ur „ .T \v Garlington. repvo*enta to the Court in his j not l>e grant** 1 kCPKu, K ‘ trt ^ r a ! netItion duly file<l and entered on record, that he i Given under my naan an -t>fn -hntilil chance to paw alongf any of L, fully mlfoiuistered John W. Gorlington’s es- j this December ££^k\f£ OVVOR 0ldinai v Printer’s fee £4 5o" khy ted. my hand and official signaluic, ...--ir» - :n ...antH we f*N*i quite sure ' therefore to cite all lair-on* ooni't-iueil, j they would not “o far Indore thev will be ‘ j«l tTHHUTN, Uf 3UU» UttUNC. *a oai» ; can wliv -aid administrator should not be di.*- cnargeil from bis administration, and receive Let ters of dismission on the first Monday in March, 188ft. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. septS—wfon I Printer’s fee £4.60.j GEORGIA. (Jabroll county. WHEREAS, Thom a* G. Mo;.*, of said county applies to me for letters of guardian-hip Nancy R. Moss, a minor of said county: These are, therefore, to cite all aud singular the next of kiu to be and appear at my office within it the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if auy . al ,j toU nty. this January 2d. It68. trliv .uid 1 idtar* not urantfol ■ ~ * TYfl T 4 4ITlPFW ..;';!b-!. Ian-troll through tip: city this ruing we wen* reminded of the idea ex- ; r —C'l in the aiiove line* by the frequency : our * re* falling on a sign-borad which >-: -T.. II. DAVIS, Insurance Agent, Atlanta. Ga." V.'e think there i* a thott- -v* ' such -signs” in Atlanta. • ofncil*1*hockedinGs.—Council iuet)a*l at the u.*u:tl hour. Present his Hon- May-u William*, and Aldermen Peters « w-Uela-rry. Raw*011. Mitchell. Anderson. i my. Gnllatt. cox. Hayden and Holland, j QgQKG I A, DkRalb 1 be minutes of la*t meeting were read; whereas, Mrs. Mary J. Terry, one of the ad- j - i<d confirmed. ministrators of the estate of Tboiua* Terry, de- > After granting retail license to several 1 i-itie.-s houses. Council proc«-eded to the ! '••gnlar order of busines.*. Tii»->treetCouiinitt»*f* rei»orted adverse-; dcc20—w6m GEORGIA, Fulton county. For St. Louis and the West. No. 1. No. 2. Leave Nashville 6.00 AM 6.40 T M Arrive at Louisville 3.00 pm 4 00 a M Arrive at St. Louis 9.45 a m 1.00 A m 27 hours 43 minutes bv No. I, and 80 hoars and WUKREA9, A. D Wi„K,,v j ? h “S’c'S. ?&, ItSSktifiJ&JX!. A. L. Alsabrook, having applied to the Court ot j Qr i n di an apolis. Connect at 8t. Louis with Paci- Ordinary of said county, for a discharge irom hi* : jj c ani j North Missouri Railroad* for Kansas Citv, said Guardianship: ,! St. Joseph and the West. This i , therefore, to cite all persons concerned J . . ... . „ to show cause, if any they can, within the time ; For Springfield* Quincy and the prescrib d by law, why the said A. D. Wimberly : « should not be dismissed from his guardianship ofj No. i. Sarah A. L. Alsabrook and receive the usual let- Ltate NuahviUe... b.00 A M ters of dismission. i Arrive at Louisville 3.00 r M Witness the lion. Daniel Pittman, Ordinury "f Arrive at Indianapolis ^ they have, wliy =aid letters should not be granted the'applicant. Given under my hand an<l ortu ial signature, j ibis January 20th, 1?68. J. M. BLALOCK, «Jrdiuary. Iun22—w3tH Printer’s fe«£:i jan‘5—w4od JNO. T. COOPER. Deputy Clerk. Printer’* foa- £3 : GEORGIA, Racldixg county. TWO MONTIJfi after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ot Paulding coun ty, Georgia, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of R. P. Drcskill, late of said county, deceased. January 2,1868. ......... .. ^ -, G. W. STEWART, Administrator. ceased, having made application to nio forjleavc j Junb Printer’* fee £3 COUNTV. tills December 11th, 1807. J. B. dccl2—w2ui W I LSON, Ordluaty. 1’rlatei ’• too £5 % to ibe petition of sundry citizen* on Hunter street. Rej>ort adopted. The ( ouuolttee to whom w a* referred the iietltiou of J. It. May sou. aoking that 1 ollege IIII1 |»ro|M*rty be exempted from »»x. rejiortcd favoroblr. Adopted. The petitiou or complaint of Edwin ; leave to seTl the land* of lieury, I* Paxne, in regard toa public street running couut - T ’ coo'i’EB^AilmLai»tr* through a <-ertaln city lot fronting on Ms-1 feUi—a2m delta street, was read. Heferretl. | B ACON, i OIDJcS. ShotiWw*, o. K. Hi to sell about tweutv acres of land in the north east j part of lot No. 179'in the 13th district of I»eKalh j * it.. v .. v r „,,„ TV county, Georgia: : GEORGIA. HENRY COl.MY. All pi'rsou* concerned are notidcMi to file their W'HEREAS, James It. Robinson, administrator objections, if any they have, withiu two mouths ou t ao estate of Wm. P. Robinson,, late of *aid rrom the first puhlicatlou of this uotlre, cl*e leave i couutv, decease<I has applied to me iu due form will be granted for the sale ot *ald t-ueuty acres I f u r letters dlsmissory frurn said administration : of land. ! This is, therefore to cite and admonish all aud Given umler_ my hand and oilioai idifuaturc, singular the kindred ami creditor* of said de Arrive at Springfield 7.00 r M ! Arrive at Quincy 1.00 r m 31 Hours hy No. 1, and 31 Hours 50 . . ! 2 to Quincy. Only Two CUaBges of Cars, viz: at Louis vine and Lafayette. Connect at Quincy for 1 8t. Joseph, Kansas City and the West. For CkicRfe and the Northwest. No 1. No. 2. Leave Nashville 6.00 a m 6.40 r k Arrive at Lonisville 3 00 r m 4.00 a m Arrive at Indianapolis 8.30 v m I0.U0 a m Arrive at Chicoga 6.30 a m 9.00 p M 24 Hours 30 Minutes by No. 1, and 26 Hours 30 . Minutes hy No. 2 to Chicago. Only One Change of Curs, viz: at Louisville. Wines. Brandies.; Ac.,* No.. 16 Bbavkr strkxt, NkwVorc sep21—d6m GEORGIA, Henry county. WHEREAS, Abel A. Lemou, executor of Al- ander Lemon, deceased, late of said county, having petitioned In regular form for leave to sell all the real estate of-aid te*tator for the benefit of creditors, Ac.: All person* concerned arc notified to flic their i objections, if anv exist, on or before the first j ,** Monday in April next, else leave will be granted for the sale of sa’d real estate of said testa tor. Given under n v hand and official signature, this 28th day of January, 1868. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. Poster's fee £5 s the time to subscribe. TER MS, {ISVMilABl.} IS Al> i JSCS 1 copy, one year....... £ 4 5 copies, one year 10 copies, one year x (>, 20 copies, one year . ai i>. 40 copies, one year ia>i (*> 60 copies, one year IV t* Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmaster* suapth . at £3 30 jrer auntini, aud they are autboriz**! r, act as Agents, retaining lu per rcnt.c4<uimis*i <u i6ff“Ncw* Dealer* supplied at 28 cent- per I cony, cash iu advance. j Remittances at our risk may he made bv r s ; press, or Post Office < i:\lcrs, or by Dratl. Address, M OTT A PITTMAN Atlanta, Georgia UP* Will not the Press generally give the ahov • ; Prosjiectus a lew insertion*? Wc especially • * this favor of our Macon, Augusta, 8>avannai> Columbus, Griffin, Nashville, Montgomery’, helms Memphis, Mobile, and New Orleans - and will reciprocate the favor. : Jau3- Attention, Housekeepers! YOUR LAST CHANCE I Closing Out! Closing Out f "VTOT having dlsuo-ed of all mv b.kmI. xt ,\u I JAl tid". I now offer at RETAIL AND WHOt t | SALK tile remnant of my goods at ORE A TL Y R EH l PEG PRIC ’ES. Como Price and judge for ycuraoivee. The stock consist* of 3 cooking stove* 18 hi nt tug stoves, iron aud tin kettle*, jmrci lian filers wafllo irons, 6tove pot*, andiron*, a. ate - brass kettles and a small amount of tinware tno and eeive wire, hinges, screw*, stove pioe’T’’ ners’ trimming*, rivet*, linner* tool*, rand; sticks, window glass, wood saw*, pi . tin *■. . • tin, Kerosene lamps, oil eau>, KEROSENE OIL Lump chimneys, ,\r. I.. MIIIaLUVITCH, Whitehall street, ■ uei. <• >ign ot the “Gilt Kky. • PHCENIX PLANING MILL, NEAR MKDtf: \l. • f»l I.Ki.E Atlanta - - - Furniture M Georgia. a. ti factory, A !.*<> SASH, I POORS AMP HI.IS l>>, Slade and warrunti 1.1 MBER DKI> • I t.» ^iVe -,.t SKft TO ORDER. ■ /J HOUR?? QUICKER TIME ! this January 2»th, ItsiS. io~ - ' JanSO—w2m GEORGIA, IIekry county. WHEREAS, Beujamin Crahb, a citizen of said county, having departed this life intestate, nud'no proper application having been made for letter* of administration on said estate: Thi* is, therefore, to cite and nduioni-h all per sons concerned, kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, to show cause, if any xiats, within the time prescribed by law, why letters should not he gTauted to the Clerk of the Superior Court, pr some other fit and proper person. Given under my hand and official signature. WE cull the attention w ork and price*. Ou/ Flit mi ii re i* man rate* a* in lui North d dcalci- to warnin' Furniture q. n. GEORGIA. Gordon county. TWO MONTHS after dato application ry of I made to the Court of Ordinary < ______ will lie said county, for ate ot c«a*ed to show cause, if auy exists, within the time allowed hy law, why said letter* of distuU- *iou should uot be granted the applicant. Witne** uiv official signature, this October 15. 166T. Q. R. NOLAN. Ordinary. oct20—w6m Frlnter’s lee £4^0 Ybw f'ouiiuittee oil City Mf»g«Htie was .n*Prac*.ed cooIom a Coittraat with Patrick imLaUtrator. I’rlii tar’* tefl £8‘ ^ I'sAISf ftbT GEORGIA, Paulding county. TWO MONTHS after date application will l>e made to the Court of Ordinary ot Uauldlug coun ty, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Foock Piukard, lato of said countv, deceased. This the 8d day of December 1867.' WM. M WALEAtds. Administrator, i d*c7-w %m ViTaftr’'* foe f« THIS I AOThan is made by any other Route , jau30—w3tKl Only Four Changes of Cars; GEORGIA, Henry county. FROM ATLANTA TO 8T. LOUIS, AND Only Three Changes of Care FROM ATLANTA TO CHICAGO. See Condensed Time Table. Ask tor TffKKTS NOLAN, Ordinary ^Printer’s fee £3 MADI. T</ uUDKR uN S||oRi All Xia<i> oi Lumber F o r UVU'BlIi uov 24—Uly Sal — GEORGIA, Forsyth county. » HARRI*. Proprictar- A*k tor Louisville. . . ^OHDi.vxxT’a uurtx. WHEREAS, Abrahaui Faith, a citizen oi said Gumming, t.a., Januarv :j, j*..,*. county, having departed thi* lile intestate, aud no WHEREAS, Martin Graham r • proper application hav ing beeu made for letters ofiicio administrator ot Wm V Stroi/o- ... . of administration on saiuesute: , makes application to n»c in t. rin* , This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all and letters of Uismlsaion from h-» >aid o hr i singular the kindred and creditors of said de-• The*e are, therefore to ci e -ii ■ ! ceased, to be and ap n ** Iir at rnv nAlr* within n*..i 11 in lIum. ....... 77 “ . pev. j the time prescribed" I existi, why letters Clerk of the SuperiorCou ALBERT HCNJL General sunerintendent L. AN. H. R I proper person. Glv tven under my haud audj>ffi>:inl signature, thi* Januarv 28th, -19*8. Q H NOLAN, Ordinary I jasSGRwtOd i’nntar. tee H made and provided. Given under my hand thi* Januarv 3 IW. . * * ** Jar.*—w4Ad and oUii-lal *lfTUatO* ' >TLEY. Ordinary PrtnWi fou f«