Daily southern opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 186?-1???, May 16, 1868, Image 1
« :i:>: i VOLUME II.I Kates #f A*rer»isl»i . ,» tillTslNG.-Uar** 4» <*** D**™™*, cxcec* av« line., flffOUper sssn*. bpecUl T h JoOpo rirrxwi cmirrs per lias tor first 1 » u j fiy» CMsr* per line thereafter. The 1 "arKc* will be made tor sdTertUeme&ta ; . ss man a square, obltuariee. sad all « * personal nature. Except in cates * . contract, other advertisements will be - V : -V- i the lollowla* rate*; a**, une insertion, two Insertion*, three Insertions, ATLANTA,. O/L, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 1868. THE GREEN LINE. -A. ^ « INUMBER 73 one week, • uontn • fU» • 1-5U SOW - 3.60 10.00 • 36.0U „ »• uue mont_ •• three months. - - . a w per levy of ten lines or less.. 9» 80 s Mortgage U. la. sales, per square.... • 00 ' i ..ilociors's sales, per square 6 00 ‘ , p.r Letters oi Administration 3 00 *. u S for Letters or Guardianship 8 00 1 ■ oi application tor dismission from L lustration ............. 4 50 ' ;o r~ oi application lor dismission from 1 tu?iup 8 00 ; ations tor leave to sell Land B oo . - to Debtors aud Creditors 3 00 • ! and, etc., per square '..>6 00 ' 4 , ; ,« A #.ablel»topertr, 10 days, per sqr.' 1 60 , Notices, 30 aajs 8 00 .*■ ,„^reoi Mortgage, per sqr.eaehtlme... 1 00 * v, r . UtQUiKKD FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING. * c , of !.and, etc., by Administrators, Kxecu- , ,'or uuardiaus, are required by law to be held ‘ me hist Tuesday in the month, between the r\ s oi icu in the forenoon and three la the at- at the Court House In the county In ' tiie property u situated. Notices of these ,k» given in a public gaaette 00 days ‘ , u* to tho uay of sale. ‘ cs of me sale oi personal property must ,co in like manner 10 days previous to the j ,. ot sale. ‘ ; , K ,. to the debtors and creditors of an asiat. . aiw he puhHshed 4b days. . ..i.c that appiicattoa will be made to the r ; ot ordinal* tor leave Wo sell Laud, eto-, w ,r.i be published tor two mouths. .tt.oi.3 tor letters of Administration, Guar- p. etc., uilist be published 30 days; tor dis* -roiu Administration, monthly tt months) :i:iMiM><on from uuaniianship 40 uaja. id io: tc.oaure of mortgage must be pnb- <.,1 monthly lor 4 months; lor establishing lost . 1#i mr the lull space of 3 mouths; tor oom- i.u.g titles iTom Executors or Administrators, .... e houi ass been given by the deceased, the n. - ace oi Luico mouths. . loatioo* wdi always be continued accord- .. ... mere, me legal requirements, unless other- v.. or'lcrcd. j-j»- l.li.r. KAl. DEDUCTIONS WlU be i . at!) odviruser*. - au luuMcat and lereigu adverttaemeats c ue ^repaid to secure publication. litulriuMi acaeduias. lygjf- utUKolA RAILROAD—171 miles—JTera u\c • cuts per mile.—Jon* t. Aina, President; A. u ...o.i, .superintendent; vi. X. AMUiuwoM, Agent .vu-uta. dit raMsnenn main. L.ie Atlauta 7.U0 A.M. at Augusta 6-30 P.M i Augusta ...............4.1X1 A.M. a: ::»« al Atlanta .4.4) P.M. NO 1U A 1 N Si UN SUNDAY. stuUT raseaaeaa raaia. LcaVc Atlanta 6. SO F.M. .i.ii . e al Augusta... 3-tW A.M. I..SU Augusta 101b P.M. Arrive at Atlanta i.44 A.M. a 1 Lam a a warn point hail i. v. - miioa—Pare, per mile—JOHN P. Al>u, i resident, a. P. Gnaxr, Superintendent; n al tiAKiK, Areal at Atlanta: SUMMER aUKaNGltMKNT. I»av l AriSS.SOka TSXIS-Ot’IViU. l.«ave Atiaiita ...........1:15 A.M .Virile at West Point 1:10P.M. urt i-ASHUsuam TBAIM—inwasd. L* .ii** W cst Point. .13:36 P. M .nun at Atlanta 6:16 P.M. N.wMr KKalUMT AND riUVSUkl—OCTWslD. Lt.li Atlanta 4:!»P. M A.ncil W rst Polut 13 :J6 P. M MuIlT KKKibUr AND rAaSNNGNA—IN W AaD. i._U tV, rt Polut 11:40 A. M. . ■ Atlauta 6:46 A. M CMT MACON A WKs'i'gKN KAlLJtOAD—1U1 W..C- fare, lire oenta per mile—A. J. Hmra, 1 ir-hicut, t. U. W AlAsa, auperluteudent; &. A Anulnson, Agcut at Atlanta: DAT rissvKots mis. • csd Maciu ... A. r*'», at Atlanta ... L< aVc atlauta ... Arrive al Jia.di - . . » s.o Mucou - * Arrive in Atlanta ... Atiaiita ... Ain s i:< jl.i.on ... 7.48 A.M. 3 ou P M. 7.16 A.M. ID P.M 8 40 P.M. 4.30 A.M. 7A4 P.M 4.10 A.M. aor Al Ail. oi. AUK UMl PUOM Al LAMA 7 < I'Alt Lo.NgtiA.— L a,<. .Vl.aiila Monday, WeAutviiS) Arid rndav 6.00 A.M i lo lay,Thursday and Saturday 7.UU P.M. i. 4 y LU d/tess iMrecU/ry. ..AJ, * LUCK’S. JUWALMY, SC. 1* nr.itai AN, dealer in W arches. Clocks •uii JeHdr). silver W are aud Pancy ">wi,, nuld Pcu» aud Dpcetacite, corner •tal l, tta and W UltCaall street, (old Nor- ’•< r. ; Atlanta, Ga. 47 etcher, Clocks, Jew- . c t .aired vtii warranted bill s, " Ji iiULLN AN, Oeslei in Watches. \ m ’rK t-id-hs. -levrelrj, (aold Pens, Spectacles, _ k v ’ altcllall rlicet, wl door above M eiUMt *.j mh a t-o.'s Hook store, Atlanta, Ga. *• 11 * >u ruuil style and warranted. d). IH6CMJJTCM. \ t-i.VA Lii f. l.vsLSAkLk COMPANY- Assets, Wi. JanMtoe, Genera. a,,ui acu s building, corner oi Alabama and •v ditc:..!,. street#, second door. myS-ly s. ■t± .hL Jyt nsr 1ST , *>v*tt* IN riliST CLAM 7 " ATI 11KS. J EW ELHY, SIVEli TABLE &L18. FLNE TABLE ULTLKKY, " ^ ‘ 1 article pertain- l ,7° YI ~ 1 Jeweler’s iso. une W atenes and Jewairv lolu.ill l togive^..^ Marietta au be proui fsMMi ®^Sk.4“T 1 II U'C Also. Une w aicnee and Jewelry repaired proMptli, aud Warranted tojrlVe nou Call at corner oi Marietta au,. u u.tc..au , lr *ets. w here orders will bepromutl. fehao—tuba ‘ - bc - Dentist Office, |gp, Giaiuu ll'ock , broad street, ad)«iDiag ICailroad Vtcrglg, 8*08 Atlanta uoo.n mm. g» OiMCK OVKK MBaUOR * H U BaDUK*. r-iGsu -dr»ni E. XI. A II. A. OLC’OTT, Auctioneers and Commission MtrehanU, Nos, W and 64 Mark-l street, Montgomery al.vbama (S ^ ILL give Stiecial attention totCTYV, jL iJ, of IteaPKstato, Stocks, H LN I IT UE, and gO'Kls of all de-fllH i '«Tiption*. Consignments of al kinds re- t.ulij solicited. marl3—dU DAILY PASKNCCR LINK BMTWKKN Atlanta and Naw York, Philadelphia, Washington, AND OTHER EASTERN OITIES, VIA Western and Atlantic, —AND— Yirginia & Tennessee Railways. ALL RAIL ROUTE! :o: Tint. TabU, May 11, 1stIS. NORTH. Leave Atlanta Leave Dalton Leave Knoxville Leave Bristol Leave Lynchburg Leave Washington L*ave Baltimore Leave Philadelphia Arrive at New York . TOO r M . 3.3U a M .11.17 A II . lit r x . ttWAM .morn . 818 r M . 138 A M . 6-80 A M SOUTH. Leave New York 7-88 r * Leave Philadelphia U.4M r n Leave Baltimore tto a M Leave Washington 6 8) a X Leave Lynchburg 886 rn Leave Bilstol 710 a if Leave Knoxville 8 68 r M Leave Dalton 8 44 r u Arrive at Atlanta 4 48 a M :o:— Time between Atlanta and lev York, f"t keure. The GKKA.T M VIL between Atlanta and New lork is cajrie<l exclusively by this Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Sight Trains : o: THROUGH TICKKTI GOOD UNTIL USED, —AND— BAGGAGE CHECKER THROUGH TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. may5—«13m JOHN R. PECR, Master oi Transportation, W. A A, X. K. FAST FREIGHT LINE BKWKKX St Louis, Louisville 4; Atlanta. NO CHANGE OF CARS Between Louisville or Hickman and. Atlanta. THE REDUCED TO ^ HOURS. Reduction iu Rates. 3 . me following low NK" TO ATLANTA. — -to • to- - -- HE ATTENTION OK SHIPPKICS U caUed to the following low rates by the M UKEKN From Louisville. 1 74 From St, Louis. 1 M lot Class. 3d Class l if 3d Class i is 4th Class M Bacon per 10U lbs «,W Flour, Applea, Onions, Potatoes, per bbl 1 83 Salt, Cement, Plaster, pei barrel * is Beef and Pork, per bbl 3 73 Com, per bushel 36 wheat; Bye, Barley, per bushel *8 Through Mills of Lading will be given at points ol Shipment, and all claims for loss, dam age and overcharge will be settled promptly at point of delivery. Thariffa showing Classification, etc., may bo obtained at office of Western and AU antic E. K. JOHN B. PECK. M. T , mart—dStn W. A A E. R. I 63 1 33 i n l li 1 «7 > <N 8 !M 38 41 given NEW FREIGHT ROUTES. NEW ORLEANS AXO ATLANTA. T HE following low rates have been agreed ou between New Orleans and Atlanta, taking effect February 1st, 1868: AU Rail via Grand By Steamer to Mem- FAINS * PARROTT, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants, 1 8 6 8. Summer Arrangement* GREAT WESTERN PASSENGER ROUTE TO THE NORTH AMR EAST, —VIA— LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI —OK— I IN ZDI^ZESToA^OIdlS 5 Pa*8cugers by this Route have choice of Tweuty.flvo Different Rentes le NEW YORK, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. I’as-engers holding tickets by tills roHto to New York, J’uila^el^hia, or Baltimore, cam visit Washiugtou without extra charge. S^I'are Name as via Kaexvtlle er Augusta. TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA CWDaily at 7 a. in. and 7 p. After arrival of all Southern Trains, and make close connections 10 above named cities. V py*Check Bajfffage to I»uUvllle, and i* will be ru-checkeu to deetinatioD on Tndn» ot Ixtulsville and Nuidtvillo Kailroud be fore arrival at Louisville. : o: Magnificent Sleeping Care ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. : o: AMPLE TIME 70K MEAL! A GOOD HOTEL* ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE. Junetton. No charge for Insurance, Dray- age, Com tu is eon or Forwarding. 1st Class 1 73 td Class 1 30 *d Class 1 36 4th Class 1 00 phis, Toun., or Hick man, Kv., theuee all Kail without tranship ment. No charge for lirayage or Forward ing. 1st 4 lass 1 49 WU.iv 1 « 3*1U CTf..V?...' ? (Vi 4th i. tss M Through Bills of Lading will ue given at points ef nhipmrut, and all claims for l^ss ordaiusg. and overcharges will bo promptly seille-1 at points of delivery. Tariffs showing Classifications, etc., may be oh Mined at office Western and Atlantic Railroad. JOHN B PK( K M. T.. mar4—d8m W. A 1. K. K. RECEIVE j THIS WEEK,' AT I. T. BANKS’, UVKU ONE 111/ N DUEL) CASKS BOOTS AN1) SHOES. Style xml variety suite 1 to the Sexuori. TEN CASES LITER LEATHER AND CALF SKINS. TEN THOUSAND Famids Hemlock ami Oak Sole Leather. SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS AND STOCK Of ull kinds. Also. HAKNKSS LEATHER. Selling for CASH OXLY. aud at prices satisfactory to iho closoet buyer*. gge me tuber tl*e Place and Sign. I. T. BANKS, Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets. xptW aOXKTS ROSWELL COTTON TREDEGAR NAIL WORKS, J. O. EARNESTS' FLOURING MILLS, No. 7 Peachtree utrert, ATLANTA ...... GEORGIA* Have in Store and offer to the Trade the following articles at Bottom Prices for Gash: W CAH LOADS CHOICE WHITE CORN. kAl sock. j. o Munpcat s ceieoratfcd Family and Extra riniitv Flour, - 300 sacks K P Ksrarsl's Extra and Extra Family Flour- very One, Wt sacks ,\ BowtnauS Extra Family Flour, very line, 130 sacks lfrah-on’- ani Washington Mill* Extra aud Family Hour, 160 sacks Waiauoo Mills Flour, ISO sacks Nathaniel Kogan’s Choice Family Flour- none lietter, SOJ sacks Fresh Ground Corn Meal, 30 barrels Florida and Southwest Georgia Cane Syrup—a beautiful and excellent article, 36 barrels Choice New Orleans Molasses, 35 barrels Baltimore Golden ■'Jiup, 60 bairels Portland Molasses—cheap, f. bags Fair Rio Coffee, 33 bags Good Rio Coffee, 60 bags Prime Rio Coffee, 36 bags Choice Uio Coffee, 10 bags LagusraCoffee, 30 barrels baltiiuoie MxtraC hugar, 10 barrels Baltimore A Sugar, 5 barrels Baltimore li Sugar, 6 barrels Baltimore Crushed Sugar, 5 barrel? Yellow C Sugar, 60 barrels bright Havana Sugar, 50 barrels Fan Havana -ugar, 7 tierces Prime Carolina Uio*, 6(> boxes Star Caudles, TO boxe» Starch. 10 boxes soap—common and Hue, 600 kegs Nails—ail sixes, 10 cases Sal dines, 6 cases Co*e O> sters, 5,U0U pounds Tennessee tta. on Hams, 36 gross F..r.or Mat<:ties, 300 dozen Mas.u’s Blacking, 60 boxes v6 lbs. eac.h) Spanish Float Indigo, 5U) pounds Mauder, 3,Uo0 pounds Copperas, 36 dozen Brooms, 3b y>ouuds Lonllard Maocoboy Snuff, 30 nests Market baskets, 3J poun is Ground Pepper, 300 pounds Al spice, 3ub pound. Race (linger, 3u0 sacks Virgiua Salt, Besides many other articles usually found In a Grocery House. Call and examine our stock be tore making your purchases. FAIN a A PARROTT. No. 7 Liierut.ec Block, aprlO— Peachtree street. From the Southern Recoidor.} *®*ltx C'ouMtitu(miaul Ausendiuoul. Atlanta, Ga. A1TENTI0K, UmRQIARSl Cheapest House in Town ! a LL who want to 8AVK MON ItY before buying Jy jour GROCERIES and DRY GOODS, go to BOYD, WALLS A CO., Corner Whitehall and Mitchell street*. (ATLANTA GEORGIA. ...•1 A . ii.3a *TU kete hy this Route tor sale at General Ticket Office, Atlanta. JOHN B. PECK, -* w may 6— <Wm Masi«r of Transpenailoe, 'A. B. B. .rl4 dam LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN Educational Institutions. Bcr.C. r. F. BANCKOFT, Principal. OF TWENTY WEEKa IC7 irtiri-- may i*. Board and ruition, |lOU. *prt7-RSw kU riEribloN t* May 18. 1»»- . In mivauee. , , , for particulars send for Circular. C C CA Itl’EN l ER. auperint* ndent. Lookout Mountain. T«us. Mi Chicago Ale Depot. i K. KENNY haa c- nstariHv on hand1 a full snpply of the eelebr»tortf"“ * B * CAGO ALK, aud la prepared, ILL’S CHIC AG to supply dealers in any quautily. He i. dealer in BRAN DIM, WINK8, WHISKIlt 8x41. Sample Rooms. No. 14 Alabama street, next do to the United States Hotel. apri—dly HOB7L A ttUHDOSI, Importers and Wholesale Dealer* is WIN E8, LIQUORS AND SEGARS, Bay street. BAVAKSaH GEORGIA. HOLE agen ts for Georgia and Mori- a*&{ McPhenou A LKinaia 8mith’»cel«- brated PALK ALE, in barrels and half muria-dlT COTTON GOllJJS. 3 /\ BA LEA AUGUSTA 4-4 SHEETINGS, LV/ l(i,»al«-? Aiktfiutajl-S Shirtings A) bales Kos .veil cotton A ants: For sale hy FAINS * PARK r IT, No. 7 Cherokee Block. I’eachtiee stiect. aprlO— Atlanta. Ga. HERRINC «1 LEYDEN. CLOTHING HOUSE, (toiupriaing all Branches of the husines^ rnpre- seuted in the Custom and Ready Made Departments of Mon’s, Boy’s and Children’s OJ-OTHIIfcTGk STAK SU1KTS! With FURNISHING GOODS of every description mi LOW Eli PRICES lor READY Ua.sU O.i L i than ever sold in this market. HE it KING A LEYDEN, Whitehall street, Allan ta, Ga. BOCK ‘iSXjA.iN'ID Manufacturing Company. IAIN E all-wool SPRING CAsSIMKUKS, JK AN8, £ Ac., on consignment, for sale VEnY LOW to it liolt-nalu buyers. Merchants are luti.cd to call and see Sty les and Price*. UERitlNc A LEYDEN, Agents, Whitehall street, Atlauta, Ga. The follow iutj tlw reimtitutiotu] or 14th article, th:it theSouth- mi biaiw arc asked to jm-^ed; which if done, declares ourselves and those we have u • t t ■ honored In dars past traitors ami ivl.cis. MiLLiB, We. a« s people, t!m>ti*yh «»or legislators. rmut brand ourselves :ts guilty of rcl;-l!wn. w dt the legislators of Georgia elect do sutdi a dauininw act. We would miller our right arm cut oil’ before we would touch it. As Governor Jenkins has a bill before the Supreme Court- let us rather await it.? decision, than with hot haste condemn our selves. This whole reconstruction Im-i- nesss will yet be brought to a judicial test, if the Supreme Court is not utterly cor rupt: Resolved by the Senate and House Representatives ol the United Slate- of America in Congress assembled, (iwo- thirda of both Houses concurring.' That the following articles be proposed lo the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution ol the United States, which, when rat hied by three-fourths of said Legislatures shall be valid as a part of the Constitution, namely: * Article —. Sec. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and sub ject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of tiie 5>*aie wherein they reside. No State shall make or eutorce any laws which shall abridge tiie privileges or immunities oi citizens of the United States, nor shall any State de prive any person of life, liberty or proper ty without uue process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law a. See. '2. Representatives shall be a por tioned ainoiiR the several Stales according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of pe rM>lt s iu each State excluding Indians not taxed. hut when ever tiie right to vote at any election for electors ol Rresideut aud N ice Fresnient. or lor Lulled Stales Representative* iu C'ougress, executive or judicial otth ers of a Siati, or members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhab itants of such States, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United states, or iu any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or ot er crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens twenty-one years of age iu such State. See. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or electoral President and Vice President, or hold any oltice civil or military, under the U nited States, or under any rst.He, who having previously taken au oath as a ineuiiierot Congress, or as au officer of the Unit'd States, shall have engaged m i.j -nrr 't :iwi or rebellion against the same, or given aid or conilort lo the enemies the reed; but Congress may, by a vote of two-’birds of each House, remove sueli disability. See. 4. The validity of tiie public debt of the Uuileel State?s au horizetl by law. in cluding debt incurred lor the payment <•! pensions and bounties for service- in im pressing insurrection or rebellion sii.nl m>t be questioned; but neither Uie Imho Btat« s nor any State shall assume or j».;y any debt or obligation incurred in am .u insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim lor the loss or email* i- pution of any slave; but ail such hcni-, obligation and claims shall be held lib g .. and void. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce by appropriate leg s.ation me pro visions of tliis article. Passed June 13, 181X5. We believe ibat tiie adoption of tii.s amendment by live of the stales now uu dergoing -reconstruction” is needed io make, it a part ol tiie Constitution. DOMESTICS At Wholesale Only. 4 a sheeting, “4lt 7 8 SHIRTING, 3 4 smuriNG, 7-8 DRILLS, OSNABL RG8, si Ui I'Ea, YARNS, lit ULAI’S. For sale at FACTORY FRICKS. I»y Unit RING A LK i DEN. Agents, Wlritctiall street, niffil-Y -Vtlanta, Ga. Atlanta Medical College. 'pilE Nf.AT REGULAR COURSE ut LEC- 1 TUKkt iutl.a Institution will » ; »eu ou tiie in at MONDAY' IN MAY NEXT, aud continue* till too Unit of Supteinocr following. FACULTY: A. MEANS, M. D., Frol, of Goncrol and Medi- r.*l . liciulstry. f .1 -l-ul-l-l- vt o., Prof, of Theory and GEORGIA, Fayette cui.MV. WHEK .VS, It M. Everett a*liiiini>lr»U>. u the estate of Noah Smilli. decease*l. rv|>rrM ill, o the Court that Ue ho* iuii) adtuiiiisic-reU tiie >.u i Noah suiitb * estate, aud prays for letters <>i *u urissioii: These are, therefore, to cite and adm.iuisn all and singular the kindred aud ere utor., >l - «i-i -le ceased to be and appear at tuy oOioe u iiiuu ti e tune prcBotibed l-y law, ami show *;ai!,e. u ,e._. they nave, why <aid letter* of ui.mu is-ion ,|iuti.*l not' be granted. Given under my hand and official Mjcnalurc this December tiie 13th, 1867. EDWARD CONNOR, Oidin.uy. deefiff— w6in Printer’? i.-cfi:./ D. C O’KEEFE. M Practice ol' Medicine. W. F. WE.sTMOltKL.VND, M. I)., Prof, of! Principles and Practice ol Surgery. JESSE Boring, M. D., pror. of oustetrio* and j Diseases of W omen. H. V. M. MILLER, M. D., Prof, of Cl laical Medicine. J. M. JOHNSON. M. IV, Prof, of Physiology. W. S. AKMiTKONG, M. D., Prof of Aua’.omv. I. G. WESTMORELAN D t M. D , Pro.. of Ma teria Mcdicaand Therapeutic*. G. L. JONE•. Al. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. V D’ALVIGNY.M D,Curator. For lurther It ioruiaiiun addres* J. G. WESTMORELAND, Dean. Atlanta. Ga , March 36. iNW— IU GEORGIA, Henry county. WHERE *8, Jaiuc* coker, a*hn ni?irat*»i in I ri^hl of hi* wife, com U-* tauten to anuexe-i. *»n the . estate of Jaiuc U. McUi^Ut, *iccca?c.i, n.u- ui-.de ' application to me for letters dtsmis?ur> ir**m ?.ti<l ! estate: These are, therefore, to cite and a-h:ioni?h all ' and siuic'-ilar the kin<lre*i and creditor* *n -.u.l i deceased, to be aa*t appear at uiy oihcc, w tillm tlie ! time prescribed by iaw, to »i.*>w <an.-c, i- ... > i tney have, why such letters stiou.d uoi lie ^rann-d ! in terms of the law. Given under my liana and othc.iai M^naiiirc, this the 37in day of Noveuiiier. «J. R. NOLAN. Or*! uovSb—wftin Printer'? I* *• f I ** Important Notice T8 C07SINUKS OF bOib. WESTERN VND ATLANTIC RaILROAD omet M VHTXm of Tkaxwoutation "1 168 / uKOKGIA. Kaykiie county. WHEREAS, Kliison RU*n, »*liunil'll.u n on the estate oi Wllitam Watson, decease*!, icpic .-cmlo the Court that he h . * lu.lv admiuioU.c*! .u«*n William Watson » estate, ali*l prays ’or leltei'.? <»l dismiss ion: ihis i*, therefore, t*> cue *.l an-1 *m^u ...• the kindred and creditors of .?a»u -ie-ea-ei to be aud appeal at uiy office witniii thc- tliue pre*orih*jd oy law, and >;i*> v cu **c. -t any :liey nave, why »ai*l letters of di?iui?si-»a should r.ot be granted. . . Given unde-' my hand au.l o*li-'iai si^natuic, this Decernoer the 18l;i. 18»i7 EDWARD CON N * * K. Or dm-r'. de<*30—w 6m Printer’? f 0 (l V- Atlanta, Ga.. March 33,1368 O N and after April 1st, 1868, the Kates of FreirV on Coal will i»e re-luced to One an*l a lull Cei.u per mile pur ton of 2.0U0 |<ound«. ’Thi Rate to continue iu lorn* until G»'tober 1st. after w ioh the present rate of Two Cent* per ton will be? esumed. By order of the Superintendent. JOHN B. PBCK. mar»-ut Master Transportation. GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHERE as. John K. U iiff. ailmini'trator ot Odemsn W. Marc.hni vn, late of ?aid e.uinty, •n - ce.iseil. represent? toluc Guirt iu bis pc- iiion liuly ill,--! that he U.i* fully,Administered -aid e-iat*-: This is. therefore, to cite all per-on? c*»neeri)e*l toshow cause. If any they can. why ?ai*i a-Uniui'- trator should not Ire discli.ir<eii iroiu tu- ?.nd ,i-i- mutistrariou aud receive leuer? of di-m-*.-i *n *.n the the first Moudav in June. 18HS Witness the !I<m. Daniel Pntni in, <»r linar> ot said county, this 3d Decern lie r. 1867 JOHN T. COOK, Deputy U. lk. dec4—w«m Printer * R, to