Daily southern opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 186?-1???, May 27, 1868, Image 1
VOLUMEII. Bates et iiTtrtttiat. vcRTlSING.—Cards in CSTT DuNN*iV«tl n0 , to exceed five line*. tH.Q0 per aanaia.^Special cbi£«* Will be «ade for advertisements ^"" t'V.nKicss than a square, obituaries, and all ^ tes oi a personal nature. Except la cases * Kuccial contract, other advertisements will be c ,J r Vd the following rates: Was*, one insertion, - . fl.Q0 « two insertions, - - U» •» •• three insertions, - - LOO .. “ one week. • • . S.50 m *• one month - - • IOjOO .. « three months. - - - 3R00 s sales, per levy of ten lines or less.. .$3 60 :, .niT’s Mortgage fl. la. sales, per square.... K 00 t,1v collectors'* sales, per square 6 00 , T «ltions for letters ot Administration 8 00 l >uii> for Jitters of Guardianship... . 8 00 V fj u . rs of application lor dismission from vluiinistration...... ■•••* • • •................ 4 60 litters ot application for dismission from i.uarclianship v.'V'i 8 00 , '“i C ;,tions lor leave to sell Land 6 00 I ill', to debtors and Creditors 8 00 of Land, etc., per square 8 00 V. ... oi perishable property, 10 days, per sqr. 1 60 Stray Notices. 30 days 8 00 foreclosure of Mortgage, per sqr, each time... 1 00 X1M K REQUIRED FOB. LEGAL ADVERTISING. 'ales of Land, etc., by Administrators, Kxecu- . 1 oi Guardians, are required by law to be held Urst Tuesday in the month, between the . ,, ilP . of ten in the forenoon and three in the aT- u-nioou, at the Court House in the county in «i, idi tue property is situated. Notices of these .J C' must be given in a public gazette 40 days previous to the day of sale. .Notices of the sule of personal property must k’given in like manner 10 days previous to the of sale. voices to the debtors and creditors of an estau ou «t also be published 40 days. .Notice that application will be made to the ourt of ordinary for leave to s«U Land, ete., must be published for two month*. citations for letters of Administration, Guar- •iiati'hip, etc., must be published 30 days; for dis- siuu lrorn Administration, monthly 8 months; for dismission from Guardianship 40 days. Ki.ies lor foreclosure of Mortgage most be pub- lhued monthly for 4 months; lor establishing lost , apers, for the lull 6pace of 8 months; for com pelling titles from Executors or Administrators, a here bond has been given by the deceased, the luu space of three months. Publications will always be continued accord ing io these, the legal requirements, unless other wise ordered. iQjrUBEKAL DEDUCTIONS will be made o Nearly advertisers. lor All transient and foreign advertisements ■asi oe prepaid to secure publication. KaUroad ocAeduUte. laf- GEORGIA RAILROAD—171 miles—Fare five cents per mile.—JOHN F. JtlMO, President; E. w. colk, superintendent; G. T. Ajtoxbson, Agent at Atlanta. DAT PASSING!* TBAIX. Leave Atlanta 7.00 A.M, Arrive at Augusta 6.30 P.M Leave Augusta 6.UU A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.20 P.M. NO TRAINS ON SUNDAY. MIGHT PASSKMOXB TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 6.40 PJM. Arnv-at Viutusta. Leave Augusta 10.10 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta .........7.46 A.Ai. JMT~ATLANTA A WEST POINT RAID K<jai>—87 miles—Fare, per mile—John P. Ki.no, President; L. P. Gbant, superintendent; K. M I ikkak, Agent at Atlanta: 1>AT PASSENGER TRAIN. i.iave Atlanta. ....7:68 A. M. Arrive at West Point .13:30 P. M. Leave West Point 13:50 P.M Arrive alAtlauta. 5A5P. M. Mf.UT FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 4:36 P. M. Arrive at West Point 19:35 A. M. j cave West Point 11:40 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta 8:45 A. M. W MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD.—106 mue—f are, live cents per mile—A. J. WHITB, President; E. B. W a leer, Superintendent; R. A. anueksun, Agent at Atlanta: DAT PASSRNGBR TRAIN. Leave Macon .... 7.46 A.M. Arr.ve at Atlanta ... >UI P.M. Leave Atlanta .... 716 A.M. Arrive at Macon ... IM P.M. Leave Macon - • - 3 40 P.M. Arrive u> Atlanta .... 4.30 A.M. Leave Atlanta .... 7.1V P.M Arrive in Macon ... 4.10 A.M. Mar MAIL STAGE LINE FROM ATLANTA f 1 uAHLONEGA.— L ave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and r riday .... 6.00 A.M Arrive iuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7.00 P.M. City liut*iut}»s Directory. HA/tVLEs, LOCKS, JKWKLRY, SC. 1*. HERMAN, dealer in W atches, Clocks 'v*■> and Jewelry, silver Ware and Fancy If-* Ja^oetils,ejold 1'ens and SSpectaclU, corner larieita and W Inteliall ■creels, (old Nor- 1 '‘uer,) Atlanta, Ga. W atclie*, Clocks, Jew- cl Ac., repaired aiul warranted aprlN-dliui W M. BolLMaN, Dealer in Watches. -* r*. ( k>, Jewelry, Gold Pens, Spectacles, Whitehall street, *1 door above M. L*iicii a Co.’s Book Store, Atlanta, Ga. 11 * in gooa style and warranted. >vi dly -fc± £3 JR, M A JfcT DEALER in first class watches, jewelry, siveb table >ets, Fi.N k table cutlkky, And every article pertain- «•. 1 Jeweler’s . !ng .to a .sw. r ueweier s , Also - Ulie Watches and Jewelry 1 Aircit promptly, and warranted to givt I '-uiMacliou. Call -* ——— —• , ^«aa wiucr oi AtHTJ LU.T *“ strecW * where orders wUl be promptly , IBMftR AASU ... ... ^ prym feboO—d< XD. BADGER Dentist Office, Icramte Block ; Broad street, adjoining Railroad. 1 erngilT^ ROOM No. g, lOFFICE OVER MEADOR * BROS fcwCStf" *>"»“• L. II. A II. A, OLCOTT, luctioneers and Commiaaion Merchanta, a., * Nos < 53 and 54 Market street, L vn,? 1 ALABAMA I 1 ^ ^ * E ut, and goo<ls of all de- GUO. M, ALLEN * CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 1 >TTUX AND TOBACCO FACTORS, ATLANTA, GA^ WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 27,1868. GREEN LINE. ^NUMBER 82 DAILY PASSENGER LINK BgTWEKN Atlanta and Naw York, Philadelphia, Washington, AND OTHER OITX23S, FREIGHT LINE BIWXKN 8t Louis, Louisville & Atlanta. VIA Western and Atlan&ic, —AND— Virginia & Tennessee Railways. ALL RAIL ROUTE! :o: Time Table t May 1st, 1868. NORTH. Leave Atlanta 7.00 T Leave Dalton x.80 a M Leave Knoxville J1-J7 A M Leave Bristol 701 Bit Leave Lynchburg 9 00 A N Leave Washington 700 r W Leave Baltimore 8 56 r M Leave Philadelphia IS an Arrive at New York 680 AM SOUTH. Leave New York 7.30 r X Leave Philadelphia 11 JO r M Leave Baltimore 3.50 a M Leave Washington 6 SO a X Leave Lyucbburg US p a Leave Biistol 7.10 AM Leave Knoxville 9S0TM Leave Dalton 9 48 r U Arrive at Atlanta 4 46 A M Time between Atlanta and Hew York, 5? hour*. The GREAT MAIL between Atlanta and New Tork is carried exclusively by this Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains THROUGH TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USED, —AND— BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. may5— d3m JOHN R. PECK, 1 8 6 8. Sommer Arrangement* o: TO THE NORTH AND EAST, —VIA— LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI —OR— IJM IDXA.XT^X 3 OrjIS.5 : o:- Passengers by this Route have ehoiee of Twenty«five Different R*ute> in NEW YORK, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Waabingfon. Passengers holding tickets bythia route to Mew York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, can viait Washington without extra charge. Half-Fare Same as via Knaxvllle or Augusta. TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA Daily at 8 :15 a. m. and 7 p* m -t After arrival of all Southern Trains, and make close connections to above named cities. : o: tyCheek Baggage to Louisville, and R will be re-checked to destination on Train* ol Ixmisville and Nashville Railroad be fore arrival at Louisville. :o: Magnificent Sleeping Cars ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. AMPLE TIME FOB MEALS A GOOD HOTELS. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE. I : o: Tickets by this Route for Bale at General Ticket OfBtce 9 Atlanta* JOHN R. PUCK, Master of Traaaportatioa, W. A *• R. */ NO CHANGE OF CAMS Between Louisville or Hickman and Atlanta. TIKE REDUCED TO 55 HOURS, ■ • Reduction in Rates. E ATTENTION OF SIlirrERS is called to the following low rates by the “GREEN "1“ TO ATLANTA. let Class. From Louisville. From St, Louis. 1 74 1 94 WQasi 1 43 1 63 &a*M 118 138 4th Class 9i i ii Bacon per 100 lbs UG ill Flour, Apples, Onions, , Potatoes, per bbl 1 82 i 97 Salt, Cement, Plaster, pei barrel 2 18 2 83 Beef and Pork, per bbl.... 2 73 2 98 '^rn, per bushel 35 ao r heatC Bye, Barley, per busbel..- 38 41 Through Bills of Lading will be given at points oi Shipment, and all claims for loss, dam age end overcharge will be settled promptly at point of delivery. Thariffs showing Classification, etc., may be Obtained atothce of Western and Atl antic R. R. . JOHN B. PECK, M. T., ■UU-4-dSm w. A A. R. B. NEW FREIGHT ROUTES. NEW ORLEANS XXD ATLANTA. fTIHE following low rates have been agreed on X between New Orleans and Atlanta, taking effect February 1st, 1868: All Kail via Grand By Steamer to Mem- Junction. No charge phis, Tenn., or Hick- for Insurance, Dray- man, Ky., thence all age, Commissou or Rail, without tranship- Forwarding. inent. No charge for 1st Class 1 75 Drayage or Forward- M Class 150 ing. 3d Class l 25 1st Class 1 43 4th Class 1 00 2d Class 1 23 3d Class 1 04 4th Class 84 of‘s“hVpmen?/ , ibH f fe. ,lin K win be given at points and overcharges will be proriipftiy 6 PJ damage points of delivery. Tariffs showing Classifications, etc., may be ob tained at office We mar4—d8m restem and Atlantic Railroad. JOHN B. PECK, M. T., W A A. R.R. RECEIVE U THIS WEEK, AT I. T. BANKS’, OVER ONE HUNDRED CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. Style and variety suite! to the Season. TEN CASES UPPER LEATHER AND CALF SKINS. TEN THOUSAND Pounds Hemlock ami Oak Sole Leather. SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS AND STOCK Of all kinds. Also,HARNESS LEATHER. Selling for CASH ONLY, and at prices satisfactory to the closest buyers. Remember the Place and Sign. I. T. BANKS, Comer Whitehall ami Hunter streets, gAf§§ Atlanta, Ga. may5—d3m Chicago Ale. M K.KKN.N1 has constantly on hand • a full supply of the celebrated I.lLL’S CHICAGO ALE, and is prepA to supply dealers in any quantUy. He dealer in nulnl si8 BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES and SKOABA. Sample Rooms, No. 11 Alabama street, next do to the United States Hotel. aprl—dly ATTENTIOi^GtORGIAN S! Cheapest House in Town ! A LL who want to SA V K MONEY before buying your GROCERIES and DRY GOODS, go to gOYD, WALLS A CO., Corner Whitehall and Mitchell streets, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. aprtt-dfm lookout mountain Educatlonajl^lnstitutions. Rev. C. F. P. BANCROFT, Principal. r^rruifpp SESSION OF TWENTY WEEKS S Board aid Tuitioo, *100, ■TSKVfrTS'ars Mid for Circular. VrittPENTEK, Superintendent, aorM—dSw^ l^»k*ut Mountain. Tenn. “ HORNE A GORDON, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS, Bay street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. aayjMTTA - FAINS a PARROTT, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants, Aonrs ROSWELL COTTON MILLS, TREDEGAR NAIL WORKS, J. O. EARNESTS’ FLOURING MILLS, No. 7 Peachtree street, ATLANTA GEORGIA, Have in Store and offer to the Trade the following articles at Bottom Prices for Cash: A A CAB LOADS CHOICE WHITE CORN, TtU 500 sacks J. O. Earnest’s celebrated Family and Extra Family Flour, 800 tacks R. F. Earnest’s Extra and Extra Family Flour—very fine, 150 tacks A. Bowman’s Extra Family Flour, very fine, 150 sacks Brabson’s and Washington Mills Extra and Family Flour, ISO sacks Watanoo Mills Flour, 150 sacks Nathaniel Rogan’s Choice Family Flour—none better, 200 sacks Fresh Ground Corn Meal, 30 barrels Florida and Southwest Georgia Cane Syrup—a beautiful and excellent article, 35 barrels Choice New Orleans Molasses, 25 barrels Baltimore Golden syrup, 60 barrels Portland Molasses—cheap, Ni bags Fair Rio Coffee, 25 bags Good Rio Coffee, 50 bags Prime Rio Coffee, 25 bags Choice Rio Coffee, 10 bags Laguyra Coffee, 30 barrels Baltimore Extra C Sugar, 10 barrels Baltimore A Sugar, 5 barrels Baltimore B Sugar, 5 barrels Baltimore Crushed Sugar. 5 barrels Yellow C Sugar, CO barrels bright Havana Sugar, 50 barrels Fair Havana Sugar, 7 tierces Prime Carolina Bioe, 50 boxes Star Candles, 50 boxes Starch, 10j boxes Soap—common and fine, 500 kegs Nails—all sizes, 10 cases Sardines, 51 cases Cove Oysters. 5,000 pounds Tennessee Bacon Hams, 25 gross Pnrior Matches, 200 dozen Mason’s Blacking, 50 boxes (5 lbs. each) Spanish Float Indigo, 500 pounds Madder, 2,000 pounds Copperas, 36 dozen Brooms, 3UJ pounds Lorillard Maccoboy Snuff, 90 nests Market baskets, 30) pounds Ground Pepper, 300 pounds Allspice, 800 pounds Race Ginger, 800 sacks Virgina Salt. Besides many other articles usually found In a Grocery House. Call and examine oar stock be fore making your purchases. FAINS A PARROTT. No. 7 Cherokee Blook, aprlO— Peachtree street. Pi T; COTTON GOODS. 1 A BALES AUGUSTA 4-4 SHEETINGS, JLU lo bales Augusta 4-8 Shirtings, 20 bales Roswell Cotton Yarus. For sale by FAINS & PARROTT, No. 7 Cherokee Block, Peachtree street, —*— Atlanta, Ga. HERRINC A LEllitm CLOTHING HOUSE, Comprising ail Branches of the business repre sented in the Custom and Beady Made Departments of Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s ax-,0Txxx:isr gk STAK SHIRTS! With FURNISHING GOODS of every description at LOWER PRICES lor READY CASH ONLY tnan ever sold in this market. HERRING & LEYDEN. Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. ROOK ’xSXjA.XTID Manufacturing Company. F ine aii-wooi spring cassimrres, jeans, Ac., on consignment, for sale VERY LOW to Wholesale buyers. Merchants are invited to call and see Styles and Prices. HERRING & LEYDEN, Agent*, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. dom'estics At Wholesale Only. 4 A SHEETING, 7-8 SKIRTING, 3 4 SHIRTING, 7-8 DRILLS, OSNABUUGS. STRIPES, YARNS, Uli RLAPS. For sale at FACTORY PRICES, by HERRING A LEY DEN, Agents, Whitehall street, mar20—IT Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Medical Collage. T he next regular course of lec tures in this Institution will open on the first MONDAY IN MAY NEXT, and continue till the first of September following. FACULTY: A. MEANS, M. D., Prof, of General and Medi cal Chemistry. D. C. O’KEEFE, M. D., Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine. W. F. WESTMORELAND, M. D.,. rrof. of Principles and Practice ef Sargery. JESSE BORING, M. D., Prof, oi Obstetric* and Diseases of Women. . , H. V. M. MILLER, M. D., Prof, of Clinical Medicine. - . J. M. JOHNSON, M. D., Prof, of Physiology. W. R ARMSTRONG, M. D. t Prot of Anatomy. J. G. WESTMORELAND, M. D., Prot. of Ma teria Medics and Therapeutics. G. L. JONES, M. D.. Demonstrator of Anatomy. N. D’ALVIGNY, M. D., Curator. For further information address J. G. WESTMORELAND, Dean. Atlanta, Ga., March 26, 1868—dtf Important Notice TO CONSUMERS OF COAL* WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD Office Master of Trarsfobtation. $ Atlanta, Ga., March 23,1888. O n and after April 1st, 1868, the Rate* of Freig* on Coal will be reduced to One and a Hail Cents per mile per ton of 2,000 pounds. Thi Rate to continue in force until October 1st, after w ich the present rate of Two Cents per ton | will be? etumea By order of the Superintendent. JOHN B. PECK, mar28—dH Master Transportation. RMMierr. A Reconstructed Georgia Rebel In Distrcsi. From the Chicago Tribune (radical.) May 23 J ^ponthc heels of the session of the Na tions! Convefitlfin of the Republican partv, Foster Blodgett, Esquire, a delegate to the Convention from the State of Georgia, was arrested. The arrest was made in a civil proceeding instituted In the Circuit Court of this county by one James Urangle, who has within a few months been admitted to ractice at the bar of the State of Illinois he bail was tixed in the case at live thous and dollars, which amount of real estate security Mr. Blodgett, being a stranger in the city, was unable to furnish, and he therefore was compelled to remain iu the custody of the Sheriff. Mr. Crangle sues Mr. Blodgett in an action on the case for damages, assessed by him, at the modest sum of one hundred thousand dollars. The affidavit on which the capias issued, stripped of all its technicalities, says that during the month of February, 1N00, the plaintiff Crangle, being a resident of Sa vannah, Georgia, went to the city of Augus ta, in the same State, for the purpose of collecting some debts against a rtrni by the name of Turley, Gray <fc Turley, and* that the defendant incited a mob to offer vio lence to him. It is alleged that atiout the 6th day of February the plaintiff arrived at Augusta and stopped at the United States Hotel, and the defendant, maliciously con triving to ruin him and bring him into public scandal, to prevent the collection of the debt and to put his life in jeopardy, represented him to be an abolitionist who had come to Augusta to stir up the negroes to servile war. The result, it is charged, was that a large number of persons called upon him at his room, and ordered him to leave the city. A second visit, under the like circumstances, is charged to have been in like means incited, and it is charged that at this time the order was accompanied by a threat that his presence there on the next day would be rewarded by hanging. A third notification of the same nature it is sworn was given, and it is charged that at least at one of these visits the defendant w as present. On the following morning, it is averred, at about two o’clock, the plaintiff' was visited by a crowd of people, who broke in the door of his chamber, being incited by the same means, took him from his bed, and led him down stairs to a gallows whicu had been erected for him from the balcony of the hotel. Prior to the act of leading him down stairs, the affiant states that a rooe was placed around the neck of Mr. Crangle, as though there was not only the me ms, but the intent to hang him. Froui this difficult position he was rescued by the police of the city, who conducted him to jail, the mob in the meanwhile making way with his valise and its valuable con tents. It is further alleged that on the 10th day iiig’vfe^Aipe month, Mr. Blodgett contriv- liefore a Justice of*Vi.,phiintiff', appeared accused him of being an inciter oi'.-ebere. war, an abolitionist, and an abolition lec turer. Sometime after that there was an examination, followed by an acquittal, which was not, however, followed by re lease, but bv plaintiff*s beiii" taken to the office of Mr. Blodgett, as Mayor of Au gusta. when he, Blodgett, spat in his face, kiched him and beat him, and incited the bystanders to like acts of indignity. In consequence of all this, Crangle charges that he was compelled to leave liis home at Savannah, to his great lo»s. The case come up in the Circuit Court, yesterday, upon a motion to quash t. e capias writ. The motion was based ujnm its general w'ant of sufficiency. * * • Judge Pollard, of Georgia, stated that probably it would make but little differ ence what the bail was fixed at, inasmuch as his associate upon the delegation was a stranger here. He desired to know if the Court could, under the statute of Illinois, receive and consider counter affidavits. He stood ready to prove that the w hole statement was false, in so far as it referred to the defendant, apd that, on the contra ry, Mr. Blodgett, being an originial Union man, rescued the plaintiff from violence offered him by a mob at Augusta, as well as that the defendant came into disrepute by reason of this and similar acts, in viola tion of the then public sentiment of his section of country. The Court suggested that such an in quiry was more proper upon an applica tion to discharge under a writ of habeas corpus. Further proceedings will, in all prol»a- bility, be taken this day, if the records of the courts have not been closed until Mon day. Tb« Judges of the Supreme Court, it is understood, w ill not sit, and Judge W71- llams has left the city. Blowing.—If your friends want a live paper, tell them to take the Era. It has triumphed over all opposition, and Is to day the largest and best printed paper in the State. It has given the disunion press a hard tight, and has a large amount of vitality in reserve for the opening cam paign.—Atlanta Era. No one doubts that the Era Is a very ac ceptable journal, despite Its stereotyped blowing, which, perhaps, is simply aqua tion of taste. We have heard it intiuiah-U. however, that much of the “vitality” al luded to escaped during the unloriunate spell inflicted upon our Atlanta neighbor which caused him so long to keep -an open rear.—Augusta Republican, Mag 26. Thk Crops.—Cora and cotton are back ward, particularly on clav lands, and are more or less diseased on the latter. Wheat harvesting will fairly commence in ten to fifteen days, some forward people have already cut. There is some rust on the wheat, but the general opinion seems to be that the yield will be fair.—Mimroa Advertiser.