Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Railroad into the mountain
ous region of Georgia.
The great Georgia marble quarries
are reached via this line, and the scene
ry at Canton, Jasper, Ellijay and White
Path is extremely attractive, and the
climate is absolutely unequaled.
Visitors to Marietta can also come
to Atlanta and return on the numer
ous trains which run over the Western
and Atlantic Railroad, there being
about half dozen passenger schedules
each way, per day?
MONT LILY. —This little station
lies in the midst of the historic scenes
among the mountains where occurred
the battles of Tunnel Hill, Rocky
Face, Mill Creek Gap, the Buzzard
Roost series of battles and others. The
scener} r is unusually attractive to all
who love to be among the mountains.
RINGGOLD. —Ringgold Pass is ini
mediately in the edge of the town.
Here occurred the famous battle be-
Jacksonville and Atlanta,
Cincinnati and Louisville.
JACKSONVILLE. -- s <, l , l h-i> O H„ l l.
930pm930 pm Lv J ACKSON VILE S!• \\ Ar 805 am
10 20 pm 10 20 pml “ Callahan, “ Ar! 7 10 am
12 45 am 12 45 am “ Waycross, “ Ar 4 55 am
8 40 am Lv SAV ANN AH C K K Ar ..I .
5 40 am Lv ALBANY “ “11 10 pm
7 11 am “ Andersonville “ “ ; 9 24 pm
945 am 540 pm “ M ACON “ “ < 10 pm
12 46 pm 842 pm “ Jonesboro- “ “ 359 pm
1 35 pm 9 35 pm Ar ATLANTA Lv 3 10 pm
1 50 pm 11 00 pm Lv ATLANTA W& A Ar 2 30 pm 7 25 am
2 40 pm 11 55 pm “ Marietta “ Lv 1 36 pm, 6 32 am
249pm12 14 am “ KENNESAW “ “ 1 17 pmi 613 am
3 25 pm 12 40 and “ Allatoona “ “ 12 49 pm 5 44 am
5 05 pm 2 25 am “ Resaca “ “ 11 07 am 4 03 am
5 38 pm 2 58 and “ Dalton. “ “ 10 32 am 3 31 am
5 54 pm 3 15 am! “ Tunnel Hill, “ “ 10 15 am 3 14 am
612 pm 332 am “ Ringgold “ “ 957 am 254 am
637 pm 400 ami “ Chickamauga “ “ 929 am 227 am
646pm4 15 am “ Boyce (Cin. Sou. June.) “ “ 920 am 213 am
707 pm 430 am!Ar CHATTANOOGA Lv 8 7,5 anr 200 am
35 pm 8 oo am LvCHATTANOOGA Q&C Ar 9 30 am, 5 50 pm
650 pm 810 am “ Boyce (Cin. Sou. June.) “ Ar 910 am! 525 pm
2 45 am 2 28 pm “ Junction City, “ Lv 1 10 am 11 50 am
2 56 am 2 37 pm “ Danville “ “ 12 48 am 11 25 am
4 05 am 3 31 pm “ Lexington “ “ LI 43 pm 10 25 am
6 50 am 6 00 pm Ar CINCINNATI “ Lv 8 47 pm 8 05 am
630 am 645 pm 1 Ar LOUISVILLE “ -■ Lv _ y 00 P m 750 a,n
Pullman Palace Buffet and Mann Boudoir Buffet Sleeping-Cars daily between Jack
sonville and Cincinnati without change- Upon the above schedule, first class Day
Coach daily between Jacksonville and Chattanooga without change and without extra
charge. Polite porter in attendance.
9.00 p. m. South-bound train from Louisville, connects at Junction City with Pullman
Buffet and Mann Boudoir Buffet Cars for Jacksonville, Fla., without change; and 9.30
p. m. North-bound train from Jacksonville has Pullman and Mann Boudoir Buffet Sleep
ing-Cars via Albany, Macon, Atlanta and Junction City to Cincinnati without change
First-Class Eating Houses—meals at seasonable hours—in Union Passenger Depots.
Pullman Palace Buffet or Mann Boudoir Buffet Cars leave Jacksonville at 9.30 p. >n
daily, for Cincinnati without change, as per following calendar. Large figures repre
sent Pullman Cars ; small figures, Mann Cars.
JUNE, 1886. i JULY, 1886 n AUGUST, 1886? ~ ii SEPTEMBER, 1886.
.... i . z' 3 15 .. . . .. . . 1. 2 I 2 3 4 5! h 7 04
7 8 910 11 12 4 5 t> 7 8 9jo 8 9 to 11,12 13 14 5 6 1 910 LI
13 14 15' 16! 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 ig, 17 15 16 17 18 19 20! 21 42J3 14 15 16 17 18
‘>o •>] >2 23'24 25; 26!'18 19,20 21 22'23'24 22 23’24' 25! 26 27 28j 19! 2o ! 21 22 23 2 4 25
'97->B'29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 so’ 31 . . .. .. . • ,26,27 28; 29 30 ~p.
1.. y: L|..|..
Pullman Palace Buffet or Mann Boudoir Buffet Cars leave Cincinnati at 8.47 p. m. ,
daily, for Jacksonville without change as per following calendar. Large figures repre
sent Pullman Cars; small figures Mann Cars.
' T~ JUNE, 1886. JULY, 18S6. AUGUST, 1886.
1 -1 ——— H
.. 1’ 2 3! 4 5 1 21 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. .. 1 234
6 7 8| 9 mill 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 ™ 8 9101112 13 14 5 6 7 8 910 n
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12! 13:14 15 16 17 i 8
20 21122! 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24(22 23; 24! 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 p 24 25
27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29| 30 31 j 29 301311 26j 27j 28 29|30 ....
• tween Pat Cleburne and “ Fighting'
Joe Hooker,” Nov. 27th, 1863, in
which Hooker got a very rough hand-
• ling from the Confederate commander
■ and his men. Six miles west is the ta
: ' mous battle-field of Chickamauga.
! About three miles distant are the Cher
okee Springs, and about the same num-
■, ber of miles away are Catoosa Springs.
Ringgold lies in the midst cf the beau
tiful Chickamauga Valley, and the
scenery is very fine.
I ‘
Excursion round trip rates from
Marietta to Allatoona and return, 75
cents. Allatoona is the place whereon
was located the fort to which General
Sherman signaled from the top of Ken
nesaw mountain, near Marietta, “Hold
the fort, for I am coming,” whence
comes the famous gospel hymn.
The Kennesaw Route always ahead.
111. L KUHNS,
Atlanta, - - <>eorgia.
In the City.
An Elegant Lot of
New Scenery
Send 25 Cents for BIRD’S EY£ VIEW of ATLANTA
Doni forget die Number. U7l
Jacksonville and Atlanta,
Nashville, Louisville
<• . , . FROM JACKSONVILLE. < ,11
North-bound. bouth-bouua.
9 30 pm 9 30 pm 2 00 pm Lv JACKSONVILLE, SF& W. Ar 12 00 n’n
10 20 pm 10 20 pm 2 4.5 pm! “ Callahan “ Lv ll 27 am
12 45 am 12 45 am 500 pm Waycross “ Lv|lo 00 ami
’ 6 15 am 7 58 pm Xr SAVANNAH Ar 7 01 am ......
9 45 am 5 40 pmi 3 35 am “ Macon “ “ 10 50 pm
12 00 n’n 7 56 pm i> 53 am “ Griffin “ “ ' 8 29 pm
12 46 pm 8 42 pm 6 47 am “ Jonesboro “ 11 : 7 39 pm
1 35 pm 9 35 pmi 7 32 am Ar ATLANTA Lv 6 50 pml
555pm11 00 pml 750 am Lv ATLANTA W& A Ar 635 pm 725 am
6 47 pm 11 55 pm 8 42 am “ Marietta “ Lv: 5 44 pm 6 32 am
718 pm 12 14 am 901 am 4 ‘ KENNESAW “ “ 525 pm 613 am
7 42 pm 12 40 am 9 27 am “ Allatoona “ “ : 4 58 pm 5 44 am
i 8 47 pm I 49 am 10 33 am “ Adairsville “ “ | 3 48 pm 4 37 am
921 pm 225am11 07 am “ Resaca “ “ 313 pm 403 am
10 04 pin 258am11 40 am “ Halton “ “ 240 pm 331 ara
10 21 pm 315 am 11 56 am “ Tunnel Hill “ “ 224 pm 314 am
10 39 pm 332am12 12 pm “ Ringgold “ “ 207 pm 251 am
10 54 pm 345am12 25 pm “ Graysville “ “ 1 54 pm 241 ara
II 08 pm 400am12 38 pm “ Chickamauga “ “ 140 pm 227 am
11 18 pm 4 15 am 12 50 pm “ Boyce “ Lv 1 31 pmj 2 13 am
11 35 pm 4 30 am 1 00 pm Ar CHATTANOOGA Lv, 1 15 pm 2 00 am
11 55 pm 5 20 am 1 10 pm Lv CHATTANOOGA,NC&St L. Ar 1 05 pm 1 00 am
3 25 am 8 55 am 4 15 pm “ Tullahoma “ LvJO 00 am 10 08 pm
5 05 am 10 25 am 5 40 pm “ Murfreesboro “ Lv! 8 40 am 9 00 pm
j 6 20 am II 45 am 7 oo pm Ar NASHVILLE Lv 7 30 am S 00 pm
725 am 725 am 725 pm Lv NASHVILLE !.. & N Ar 725 am 800 pm
9 25 am 9 25 am 9 15 pm “ Guthrie “ Lv| 5 35 am 6 00 pra
1 15 pm 1 15 pm 12 30 am Ar Henderson “ “12 15 am 2 20 pm
1 50 pm 1 50 pm 1 30 am “ Evansville “ “ 12 55 am 1 10 pm
745 am 745 ami 740 pmiLv NASHVILLE L&N Ar 705am7 40 pm
10 25 am 10 25 ani lO 15 pm “ Bowling Green “ “ 455 am 510 pm
12 30 pm 12 30 pm 12 30 am “ Elizabethtown “ “ 229 am 234 pm
2 20 pm: 2 20 pm: 2 25 am Ar LOUISVILLE “ “ 12 30 am 12 35 pm
6 40 pm 6 40 pm’ 6 35 am Ar CINCINNATI “ Lv 8 20 pm; 8 15 am
8 00 pm 8 00 pm 8 15 ami Ar CINCINNATI 0& M Lv! 6 30 pm’ 7 30 am
Pullman Palace Sleeping-Cars between Nashville and Cincinnati, without change.
Train leaving Nashville at 8.00 p. m. has Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta without change
also day coach through, without change and without extra charge.
IFirst-Class Eating Houses. Meals at Seasonable Hours.
“*The above line may be justly termed THE HISTORIC BATTLEFIELDS’
ROUTE OF AMERICA, the passenger traveling this route passing through or near
the famous battle grounds of Fort McAllister, Griswoldville, Jonesboro, Atlanta, KEN
NESAW MOUNTAIN, Allatqona, (“ Hold the fort; for 1 am coming!”) Resaca,
Rocky Face, Tunnel Hili, Ringgold, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Tullahoma, Murfrees
boro, and many others, nearly as famous.
Train leaving St. Louis at 7:20 p. in. daily, has Pullman Palace Sleeping-Car, without
change St. Louis to Nashville. Train leaving Nashville at 8.00 p. m. has Pullman
Sleeper to Atlanta, without change; also day coach through, without change and without
extra charge.
Trains leaving Savannah at 8:10 p. m., and Atlanta at 6:50 p. iu., have through
Sleeping-Cars between those points without change.
Train leaving Atlanta at 5:55 p. m. has through Pullman Palace Sleeping-Car, At
lanta to Nashville without change, and through coach, Atlanta to Little Rock, Ark., via
Nashville and Memphis, without change and without extra charge.
' ' ' ■ . - ■ . - ■ ..wrf
If you arc going to travel between
the northwest and Atlanta or Florida
you should by all means go over the
Western and Atlantic Railroad through
i the wild and historic scenery at and
near Allatoona Pass, and amid the
Allatoona Mountains. The Western
: and Atlantic Railroad passes through
1 scenery which must always be im
pressive to lovers of the gospel as it
penetrates the mountain fastnesses at
and near Allatoona Pass, and every
lover of the stirring song, “Hold the
fort, for I am coming !” should travel
through the scenes where the moun
tain signals were exchanged just be
fore the famous battle of Allatoona.
Only via the Western and Atlantic
railroad and Marietta you can go with
in one day’s ride of Georgia’s highest
mountain —Mount Enota —4,802 feet