The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, November 08, 1881, Image 2

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o THE WEEKLY COKSTITUTIOX, NOVEMBER 8, 1881 OLD VIRGINIA. DANVILLE AND ITS LARGE TOBAC CO TRADE. TbeLaatSaTi of the Confederacy???The Home That Sheltered President Savls at the Time of Lee'e Surrender-Colonel Sontherlln's Hospi tality???In tereatinc Beminlseences. Special correspondence Constitution. 1)AXVIIX*, Va. t Octolier 27th, 1881.???It is pleasant to pc able to turn from the busy bus- . tie of politics to the contemplation of things more nearly affecting the material anil social life of the Old Dominion. There is little in politics worth writing about. I did intend to give you a pen pic ture of the sextette that is leading the rebell ion bore against the democratic party, not only of Virginia, but of the nation. Mahonc, Wise, Uiddlcberger, Cnmoron, Owner and Massey, are the men who desert ed the democratic party localise they could not govern it, and have seized the debt ques tion as the wedge to split the party and give them control of the oftices. They have ar rayed the poor man against the rich, and given force to a conflict of caste, under the guise of securing the freedom of the ballot and the purity of elections. What the outcome may he, ami what it means for the future of Virginia, no man can now tell. The history of the world teaches that an issue of caste may he a dangerous one; and it may yet prove so in Virginia. I will give you a pen picture of the six rebels, when 1 can get one or two points with which to complete the sketch. There arc really many things in the social and industrial life of Virvinia that are inter esting. The old state is also so full of history that you do not mount a hillock or travel a vale that does not recall some tradition worthy of reproduction. The place from which I write is the busiest town in the south, except Atlanta. There arc more neat and handsome residences here than I ever saw in any place of equal size in all the southland. It reminds you of a miniature Atlanta, or a thriving western town. The houses are mostly new, and arc surrounded by beautiful yards pro fusely decorated with 'flowers, shrubbery and shade trees. The principal thoroughfare run ning through tiie town quite forcibly recalls l???eachtrce street, although it is by no means a match for it. The people, too, are full of dash and business vigor, fully comprehending that the world has not stood' still for two decades. As in Atlanta, the people here are bold in business and affable in social intercourse. Every man stands upon his own bottom and wins or loses in the busy struggle by his en ergy, merit and luck. There seem to he no poor people here. Every one seems at work and thrifty. There appears to he no room for idlers, and the ten thousand people who make up the inhabitants of Danville are all out of the poor- house, and on the road to prosperity. Danville is the capital of the tobacco-grow ing region of southwestern Virginia and west ern North Carolina, a thriving section of beautiful rolling lauds, which yield millions of dollars??? wortli of the finest tobacco for chewing and smoking purposes gathered any where. It is the greatest market for leaf to bacco in the country. Thirty-four million pounds was sold in this place last year at an average of thirteen dol lars and eighty cents per hundred pounds. This brought ??4,092,000 to the farmers of the Piedmont region. The forty odd great tobac- - co manufacturers here worked tivo million pounds of the loaf into the best grades of twist, plug and smoking tobacco known in the world. This gave employment to five thousand people, who demanded nhd received a lialf a million dollars for their labor. The government exacted a tax of a million dollars upon the leaf tobacco manufactured in this section of Virginia. Yet nearly thirty mil lion pounds of the leaf grown here was scat tered over the world to he manufactured. These statistics tell why Danville is a thriv ing town. 1 Young men do /its work and con trol its destinies. The very nature of the to bacco business demands young blood and brains. The whole of the tobacco product of this section is brought to Danville, and there arc nine great warehouses when it is sold at auction under rules proscribed by a board of trade. In these warehouses each fanner???s to bacco is placed in piles, eacli grade by itself. Two warehouses are permitted to self at the same time, and the board of trade designates the order in whicli the houses shall eacli day sell. It is a curious sight indeed to visit one of these tobacco sales. The scene remindsonc of flic clamor and friendly encounter which one can witness any day in the stock exchange in New York, or the grain exchange in Chicago. Here, as there, hundreds of young men are gathered, full of adventurous spirit, each striving toget farthest into the fever of specu lation, and ahead in the hunt for rapid wealth. The rules of the'bonrd require the auctioneer to sell ninety piles of tobacco an hour, and it therefore takes nerve, judgment and quick decision for a buyer to keep pace with the auctioneer, and to got liis share of the golden product at a living price. There are no old men to lie seen on the ex change. It is purely a conilict of young blood and brains. Competition is so great that combination against the producer is impossible, for foreign buyers are iVnstantlv contesting with home manufacturers for the control of the product. This protects the grower and gives him a better price for liis tobacco than lie could ob tain at private sale. There are. therefore, no private sales. Eacli farmer prefers to run liis chances in the hazard of the auction. Tiie tobacco crop in this region is short this year. Tiie best authority here dors not think it will exceed twenty million pohnds, which would Ik* more than one-third less than it was last year. The tobacco, too, is of poor qiuflity, so the manufacturers say, and taking it all in aW, the excessively dry- summer ap pears to have injured tiie tobacco crop much more than it did tiie cotton. There are many other interesting points alaiut. tin* material resources of Danville and tiie Piedmont region, of which it is the capi tal. that press for notice, hut I deal with the tobacco product because it is the great in dustry of the place. It is grow ing in importance every year. Unlike tiie tobacco grown * in other sections of our country tho color to a great extent regulates tiie price. The lighter the color the more valuable it is. and as tiie uin lands impart a brighter color to tiie leaf they are mostly used for its growth. It is proba bly tiie only instance in husbandry where tiia poverty of land increases tiie value of the product. Danville, besides being a busy, thriving town, and tiie center of the greatest tobacco region in the country, has a history full of in-, torest and importance. It was the last permanent seat of the con federate government. It was the place chosen by Jeff Davis wherein to make a stand alter Richmond fell and Grant was pushing Lee toward Appomattox. It was here that tiie last meeting of tiie confederate cabi net took place, although all of them, except j Benjamin, met Davis in Washington, Georgia, i afterward. I dined in the same room, and at the same table where they ate their last meal together, and discussed the questions ' naturally uppermost in tlieir minds, upon tiie j eve of the final dissolution of the, confederacy. Tiie place where this memorable meeting took place, is at the head of tiie principal street leading down to the business part of the town. It is one of l he oldest homes and most magnificent places in all Danville. The old, time-stained mansion sits well back from the street, in the midst of a grove Rut a short distance from this house was tiie Danville hank, of which Major Sutherlin was the president. In this bnilding was de posited, during Mr. Davis???s stay here, all the gold and silver tiiat belonged to the confed eracy. Humphrey Marshall came here and tried to iaducc Mr. Davis to divide the treas ure with him, and authorize him to raise re cruits for guerilla service. Mr. Davis refused, saying: "The money is not mine to dispose of. It is the treasure of the confederate government, and the legislative power must direct its dis bursement.?????? t><.nerai Marshall was very angrV at Mr. Davis???s refusal, hut he did not show it in his presence. He was very bitter in liis criticism ???it Mr. I)uvis afterwards. ???It was at this very table." said Major iuthcrlin to me, as we sat at the spacious mahogany, filled witli good tilings to eat and drink, ???that Mr. Davis took his last meal with ???is full cabinet. It was anything but a pleas- int occasion. They discussed the situation with much warmth, and the prospects of suc- ???ess were talked over with great freedom. Finally the question came as to what should i??c done in case of actual dissolution. It was >bought probable that Davis and the whole ??????abinet would he obligedd to Hy the country, ind almost immediately the' question was tsked: ???How can we get away?" "Each man then gave a statement of his financial condition; that is, how much gold >r silver he had on hand in case it was found accessary to leave the country. The count icgun with Breckinridge. He had something ike two hundred dollars, and every man iround tiie table had from fifty to five hun- ircil dollars. Mr. Davis never said a word while tiie count was going on, but when it line liis turn to speak, said: "I haven???t a cent of money that will pass outside of the Confederate States. I haven't ???i dollar of gold or silver. I think I have the confederate money I drew for my last month???s salary. That is all.??? , Other subjects came up and the talk about money was dropped. The next day the news came that General Lee had surrendered, and Mr. Davis began to make a hurried preparation to go south. I shall never forget the day he started. There had been quite an amount of commis sary stores gathered here, and as they could not he removed they were abandoned, and the citizens, negroes, camp-followers, and the weary and foot-sore soldiers of Lee???s army who liad reached here on their way south, fell upon the dying confederacy and carried off whatever was portable. None who wit nessed the sight will ever forget it, and there is many a confederate soldier still living who remembers the ludicrousand sometimes angry scenes of the (Sunday when Danville was evacuated. i drove Mr. Davis to the station when he took the train for the south, and an amusing incident occurred, whicli I frequently recall. It was almost dusk, and as we drove out of the grounils and got fairly into the street, .... ..lie came ruling up neb inti the carriage nd shouted to my driver at the top of his nice, ???Hello! Hello!??? I paid no attention, nd drove on, but the rider was so persistent !iat I told the driver to stop. As I did so, ti officer whom I did not recognize rode up '<??? the carriage and asked if Mr. Davis was inside. Mr. Davis recognized him and said, ???Good veiling, General St. Johns.??? ???Good evening, Mr. President,??? replied the hief commissary of the confederacy. ???I hur- icd on here,??? continued General St. Johns, as soon as I could. Mr. President, to assure ou sir. that General Lee???s capitulation wasin nowise due to a lack of commissary stores. Mr. Davis smiled and said: ???I am very glad to hear it, General St. Johns.??? We drove on and the officer left, apparent ly satisfied. I couldn???t, help thinking what sarcasm there was in his assurance to Mr. Davis that an army that had been lialfstarved for a year had finally surrendered with full stomachs and plenty in their haversacks. There was a very touching incident attend- ng Mr. Davis???s departure from Danville. I si not been very well the winter before the surrender, and had gathered together what gold aijd silver I could to be prepared for an emergency. I had a thousand dollars and gave it to my wife. She heard the conversa tion at tile dinner table and heard Mr. Davis say that lie had not a dollar that would pass current outside of the confederacy. She sewed up a plain cotton bag and put the thousand dollars I had given her into it. ???Give that to Mr. Davis,??? said she, as I was entering the carriage to go with him to the depot. Just before the train was ready to start, as I took his hand to bid him good-bye, I pressed the bag containing the gold into it saying: ???My wife handed me this for you. She hopes you will accept it as a token of her esteem.?????? When he felt wliat wnsTn the bag, his eyes filled with tears, and he handed it back to me quickly, and emphatically declined to receive it, exclaiming: ???Is it possible that onr cause can fail with such evidences of devotion as this on the part of onr noble women!?????? A moment later the train moved off, and Jeff Davis left Danville without a dollar, save the few confederate notes lie had received for one months services, as president of the con federacy. F. A. B. FOREIGN FLASHES. It is reported that Mr. Sexton is dying. The French column from Zcber-sa has arrived at JCnirwnn. The Greeks expelled the Turkish post-office em ployes at Larissa. Coujrr Vox Moi.tke was defeated in the late elec tion in Prussia by a clerical. .VRCHBisiior McCabe has issued a pastoral de nouncing the Dublin riot. The land league-s are still hesitating whether or not to transfer their headquarters to Paris. Elmo as have been discovered in some of the re turns of the elections in France, which may possi bly cause their invalidation. A rasr.vrcn from Berne says that the elections for members of the national council show but little b'lngein the position of the parties. ) Owing to the interest in the trial of Lefroy, fo the murder of Mr. Gold in a railway earriago,r , pedal trains will be run to Maidstone. ??? its German steamer slopped at Constantinople i.i the supposition that she had dynamite on board, intended tor Russia, bus been allowed to proceed. Grew asked C.nrobetta to take office and the latter. consented. It was agreed that Gatnbetta might assume the presidency of the council, with or without portfolio. The funeral service in memory of General Gar- 111 ^???thn. dh Sunday, was largely attended. Professor Griest delivered an oration before a colos sal bust of the late president. A Berlin correspondent of the London Times says me arm adherents of Prince Bismarck in the uew rciehstag will probably not number more than one-third o: the whole house. Count Von A KMX. son of the late Count Ilarrv \ on Amim, who was severely treated by Bismarclc, has conquered for the progressists a district in B nndeuburg formerly held by the conservatives. Among the persons arrested to-dav were the secreta ries of castle Dermot and the Athy branches of the land league, {.resident of the Newmarket brauch, and Mr. lleffermun, league organizer of Kildare. A Dublin dispatch says several more arrests are announced to-day in various parts of Irelaud. 11 is stated that a secret meeting of a branch of the land league was held in Dublin on Saturday, when 200 new members were enrolled. The Fall Mall Gazette, commenting on Secretary Blaine???s circular, says: "The United States, in re fusing to settle the status of the canal by interna tional agreement, is setting a precedent a great deal worse than inconvenient." Parnell has been forbidden to see the solicitor for the purpose of instructing him to take steps to test the validity of his arrest, uulcss the warden be present. The proles- against this order has been lodged with the governor of the prison. The Berlin Post says Prince Bismarck in replving to a telegram from the anti-Semitic club of the Ger man students at Lcipslc university rvgTetiug the result of the Berlin elections, says that he is neither surprised nor discouraged by tno elections. Chronic diseases, he says, require time and patience for cure. It is cruel for parents to let their children suffer with coughs and colds, which in so many cases lead to consumption and prema ture death.' Give Dr. Bull???s Cough tryrup. I???riee 25 cents a bottle. PINKHAM???8 VEGETABLE tuMPOUND BRlimOiRi?? CHICAGO SCALE CO. U. S. STANDARD SCALES CHICAGO SCALE CO., 147, 149 and 151 Jefferson Street, Chicago, MANUFACTURE MORE THAN 300 DIFFERENT VARIETIES. Buy the Best Quality at Lowest Prices. LYD3A E. PSKKHAM???S VEGETABLE COaiPOUND, Is n???Ppgltlre Cure for all (hose Pninlnl Complaints no j WcakneMC* , ???ocommon to onr beet female population. It will care entirely the \rorst form of Fcin&le Com* plaints, t!l ovarian troubles, Inflammation and CIcera tion, railing and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to tho-* Change of Life. It vrill dissolve end expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development.* Tho tendency to cerous humors there Is 'becked very speedily by its It removes faintness, Cadency, destroys all ertr for stimulants, and relieved vreakness of tbo etomac-f It cures Clotting-, n*ndachcs, Nervous Prostration, 1 General Debility. Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing dorm, causing pain, freight and backache, is always permanent!^ cured by Its It trill at all times and under all circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIYKHAITS VEGETABLE COM POUND Is prepared at 233 and 235 ???Western Avenue, v - Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottlesfor ??5. Bent by mall in the form of pills, also in the form of lezenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Paper. i _< No family should be without LYDIA E. P1NKHA1T* LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, torpidity of theltver. ??3 cents per box. SST Sold by all Druggists, "4T* f une2fi???illy -uii wed r <fcwly nxt rd mat 2- Ton Wagon Scales (Platform 6x12) $40 3- TON, 7x13 ISO | 4-ToS, 8x14 $60 The Best Scales for cotton gins in use. 700-13 Brass Cotton Beam and Frame $45 Sold by reliable merchants everywhdYc. All Scales warranted. Send for price list. BECK, GREGG & CO., General Agents, nctfi???d<fcw3m. Atlanta. Ga. Atlon,^R9 GOLD MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A new and great Medical work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every man, entitled ??????the Sci ence of Life, or, self preserva tion:??? bound in finest French muslin, embossed, full gilt, 800 ( pp., contains beautiful steel en- A* gratings, 125 prescriptions, price jrunw THYSET.P on! >' *1.25 sent by mail; illuatra- UMW lUloIiLii ted sample, 6 cents; send now. Address Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch street, Boston mayil???dly tues thur sat & wly iverpool and London and Globe I ASS El L- Surp , Losses INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS OVER THIRTY MILLIONS DOLLARS. Resident Secretary - - Assistant Secretary ??? Dep. Assistant Secretory AT ??? ?????? " Office HENRY V. OODEN JULES P. ROUX CLARENCE F. LOW - JOEL HURT, Agent - - Atlanta and vicinity I. C. PLANT Jc SON, Agents - - - Macos W. H. DANIEL, Agent - Savannah R. P. CLAYTON & Co., Agents - - Augusta YONGE A GRIMES, Agents - - Columbus ???HAMILTON YANCEY, Agent - - - Ko>H THOMAS A GRIFFITH, Agents - - Athkni Agents in other Principal Towns. iilTlSn???dll Klin thur* jfrwlcvlv . THE OOMPARATSVH EDITION 0? TROPIC FRUIT LAXATIVE. BOTH- versions! IN ONE BOOK! FULL TEXT. OF KIND JAMES & REVISED VERSIONS IN PARALLEL PAGES. J glance. Only One SavesUcimo saves labor, insures areurr faction. Sells Rapidly. Containing AGENTS J Prl o. ?? J. H. CHAMBERS & CO.. WANTED <91.501 Atlanta, Georgia. sep8???d<tw3m A Delicious and Re freshing Frsait ILozengej Which Serves tlic Purpose of Pills and dis agreeable Pasrgafcive Medicines. TROPIC-FRtTtT MXATIVE Is the best preparation In O onsnnss, ire-idAcl plaints. It actaj clous to tak< It Imparts ??? Melancholy. HypocMondrlv, Ac. One trim con vinces. Packed In bnraied tin boxes only. PRICE 25 and 60 CTS. SOLD BY ??L'. DRUGGISTS. ????????? feblO???d.twly thur s RESIDENCE_F0R SALE. POWDER SPRINGS, Cobb Co.. Ga., Sept. 28,1881. A TWO-STORY HOUSE WELL CONSTRUCTED, containing nine rooms, with fire-places and closets to every room; all necessary out-buildings, some 4 acres in the lot: fine selection of fruit and shrubbery of various kinds. The house is beauti fully located in center of town, within 300 yards oi the Atlanta and Rome railroad and Mineral Springs. A No 1 stand for boarders or hotel. Good school and churches of all kinds and surrounded by . me of the best seetionsof country in upper Georgia Would also sell the farm adjoining the lot contain [ ing 90 acres, more or less, abou t one-half cleared, the balance well timbered. Also several bnilding lots omebodv will miss a bargain, ns I will sell. 824 sept~2???wtf It II MARCIIMAN. HOSTETTER???8 BITTERS. ONE OF THE REASONABLE PLEASURES Of life, a properly cooked meal, affords little or no present enjoyment, and much subsequent torture to a confirmed dyspeptics. But when chronic in digestion is combated with Hostette s Stomach fit ters, the food is eaten with relish, an J most import ant of all. is assimilated* by and nourishes the sys tem. Use this grand tonic and con- ctive also to remedy constipation, biliousness, beumatlsm, fever and augue. For sale by all Druggists and De t ers generally. novl???dim files thur sat A-wkylm nxr i mnt IMPERISHABLE ?????????MB?????? PERFUME. Murray & Lanman???s FLORIDA WATER. Best for TOILET, BATH. and SICK ROOM. lASTHfM Quickly and Permanently Dr.Sunsic???sAsthmaRemedy I is uneqtialed as a positive I Alterative and .Cure fbafl Astima and Dyspepsia, *- and all their attendant evils. It does not merely . a permanent cure. .of Belmore.O-.says of it: ???I am. surprised at the speeds! effects of your remedy. It is the first medicine In sir years that has loosened my couch and made expectoration easy. I now sleep all r.ighl without rouphtno." If your druggist does not keep It, send for treatise and testimonials to 833 Broaii octs dthur sat tues&wSm '>?? Yor OttUtf .*i??r,>a<ne Habit Cared In 10 , ??????* howii, VHrru mi to i SSSSkSSKSSSSfTO Ginger, Lucnu, ??? _ drake, Stiningiu, aad many of t!.e best medi cines known are com- ! bim-dia Parker's Ginger j Tonic, into a medicine ( of such varied powers, as to malic it the greatest Blood Purifies end the .???ySfCy -EcsinccUh ^Strength * Restore r Ever Used. . _ It euros Rheumatism, rt , i Sleeplessness, & discacss ramer s ? *= ???=??*, .Bowa* lair balsam. fruiu oroi .Ailcrb, Oiiircr l..sscncco 1 youthful color to gray luitr. & Co. t Chemists, N. Y. ] COc. iui*1 $1 ftze*. Lnrgf Sovlag Paying Pollftr Slzo. novlh???dly tno* thu?^ ^wkyly HOP BITTERS? (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS hops, Bucmr, mandrake, dandelion. TIES OF ALL OTI1EB TnEY CUKE All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver. Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, her- vousness, fili-cplessnessaad especially Female Complaints. SIOCO IN COLD. wm be paid for a ease they will not cure or! hwlp, or for anything impure or Injurious found in them. ...Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try i them before you,sleep. Take no Other. D.I. C. Is nn absolute and Irresistible cure for Drunkeness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send foe Cnx-tJLAn. aug27???illy sat tues thurikwly DYE???S ELECTRO-VOLTAIC BELT. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS??? TRIAL, DR, DYE'S Eiectro-Yoliaie Appliances TO aCETKT- sufferlne from Nervoa??Wc??ItBosso??i, Oon. eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othek Causes, or to auy ortb nffiicu-d with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Sidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Buck, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Sjtg.'dy relief and complete restoration to heal* guaranteed. These n??- the only Electric Appliances that linve ever been coiiKtrnctei! 115:0,1 sclemlSc p> in* ciplra. Their thorough efSnnf 1ms been prac tically proven with the ,n,*sl wonderful snecess, and tliey hate ll??e highest cndnrsetnvnls from metllcnl aril scien tific men,and from Immtmls gtn have been quickly anil radically eni-etl by their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giving ell information free. Address. VOLTAIC RUIT CO.. Marshall. Mich. jgne5?????liv su c wed ri&wkylyl 37 A. 0. M. GAY & CO., CLOTHIERS. HATTERS AND FURNISHERS, 37 PEACHTREE STREET. ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA. Before you buy Clothing, do not fail to sec our stock, which, for Elegance, Xtvle and Perfection of FIT, you will find unequaled. E. VAN WINKLE & CO. Manufactcbebs of Sfj.f-Feeding Cotton Gins, ??? AND.CONDEN8ER9, COTTON PRESSES, 37 882 oetlS worn D CKMEBER SALE 1881.???MILTON COUNTY Sheriff???s Sale.???Will be sold before tho court house door on 1st Tuesday in December next, in the town of Alpharetta, county of Milton, state of Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, two-thirds undivided interest in the following lots of land, to- wit: No 920. 870, 872. 926, 874, 873, 927. 853, 875,854, 871, of the second district of tho second section, Milton county, Ga; also 799. 798,800,869, 784,797, S02, 855, 801, 806, 857, 858, 859, 800, 861, 796, of the second district of the second section of Cherokeo county, Georgia, levied on ns the property of James A Graham and Robert C Graham, administrators of the estate of Phillip Graham, late oi Milton countv, deceased, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Milton countv, Georgia, in favor of Samuel B lloyt and W II Venable vs said .Tames A Graham and Robert O Graham, Administrators as aforesaid; property pointed out by plaintiffs in H fa. Tenant in posses sion notified. This September 28, 1881. oct4 w4w CLINTON WEBB, Sheriff. G eorgia, fayktte county-ordinary's otliee, October 14,1881. William H Thomas, lias applied for exemption of personalty, and set ting and valuation of homestend, and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o???clock a m, on the 3d day of November. 1881, at my office. L B GRIGGS, 853 oct!62t Ordinary. O RDINARY'S OFFICE, JASPER COUNTY, Monticello, Ga, October 1st, 1S81???John E Pye has applied for supplemental exemption of person alty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead. And I will pass upon the same at 10 o???clock u m on the 22d day of October, 1881, at my office. ocl6???w-lw F M H\VAN-OV. (>--<! 1 n???'-v. MS ILTON COUNTY??? SHERIFF'S SALE???WILL bo sold before the Court-house door in thq town of Alpharetta. Milton county, Georgia, be tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to??wit: Lots of Innd numbers four hundred and twenty- eight and four hundred and twenty-nine,' in the first district and first section of said county, con- mining each forty acres, limrUor less. Levied on ns the property of Henry C Rogers, to satisfy u ti fa issued from the Superior Court of said county in favorofC W Webb. There is a small liouseand about three acres cleared and in cultivation on said lot number428. ThisOctober 12th, 1881. CLINTON WEBB, ootl2???wtds Sheriff. G eorgia, jasper county??????ordinary???s office, Monticello, Georgia, September 26, 1881. John M Aaron, administrator of James C Aaron, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition duly filed that he has fully administered James C Aaron???s estate: Ail persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration on tiie first Monday in January. 1882. F. M. SWANSON, sop29 wlnwSm Ordinary. Circular Saw Mills, with Simultaneous Levers, Head Blocks. All kinds Mill Work, Castings, Shafting and general Iron Work. Call and see us before pur- and general Iron ?? chasing clsewhpre. O. POX 83. am 25 wly 212.216,218 and 220 Marietta Street, I?': ATLANTA, GA. $72 A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily mad??. Costly .Outfit free. Address True & Co.. Augusta, Maine. QTARTL1NG DSSCGVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful imprudence causing Prema ture Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., having tried in vain every known remedy, has dis- ccvm-il a simple self cure, which ho will sena FREE ir> his feUow.snfierent, address J. II. UEEYiS, 45 at, A. Y. seplO???dly sat tries thur iwkyly PRESCRIPTION FREE TT-or tl*c *pce<ly Cure of Nervona Wcaknm, Lout A- \ itallty* Premature Debility. .Nervounnnus I>n*j*ot??dencT. Confmrion of Idea*. Defective Mem ory and disorder* brought on br over-work and ISO Wo??t Sixth Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. 8TTf??? Jy 81000 Ulcerated or Protruding PlLrE t REWARD For any one case of 1 Bleeding, Itching Ulcerated or Protruding P1I3S that DeBiNG???S PILE REMEDY??? fail* to cure. Prepared by J. P. Miller. M. D., 915 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Nonegenuine, with out his signature. Sold by druggists. $1. Bend for Circular. Daniel & Marsh, Agents. Atlanta Ga. avi-v. at- -n* Irxou thnr iv -wly DIAMOND SPECTACLES These Ppectacles are manufactured from ???MIN UTECRY???bTAL PEBBLES??? melted together and are called DIAMOND on acconnt of their hardn-ss and brilliancy. , . , Having been tested -with the polariscope, tho dia mond lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent less halted ravs than any other pebble. Thev are ground with great scientific accuracy .are free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before at tained In spectacles. _ . ... Manufactured bv the Spencer Optical Manufactu ring company, New Y???ork. For sale by responsible agents In every city of the union. J. P. Stevens <& Co., jewelers and opticians, are sole agent* for At lanta, Georgia, from whom they can only be ob tained. No peddlers employed. Do not buy a pair unless you see the trade mark Celluloid Eye Glasses a specialty. feb!9 dly sat wed&wly eow DR. WARNER???S CORALINE CORSETS. Boned with a New Material, ailed Coraltne, which is vastly superior to horn or whalebone. A REWARD OF $10 will be paid for every Comet In which the Cor al' e breaks with six months??? ordinary wear. It is elastic, pliable, and T iry comfortable, and is n >t affected by cold.heat o moisture. Price by mail foi Health or Nursing Cor sets. $1.50; for Comlint or Floxiblo Hip Comets. *'..25. For sale by lending of worthless imitations boned WARNER BRO'8, Broadway, N Y. a,009 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE LIFE OF BARFIELD! Hi* early life and career as soldier and statesmen; his election and administration; bis assassination; his heroic struggle for life; wonderful medical treat/ luent; blood-i>oIaoning-; removal to Ell>eron; death, etc Ihrofiseti/ Illustrated, Splendid portrait of Garfield Jiis wife aiul mother: scene of the shoo tine the slck-uiamber; Guiteau in his cell; the surgeons, end the Cabinet The only complete and authentic work. There is a fortune for agents first in the field iri'h this hook. Outfit ,50c. Speak quick. Address 'roniiAP.D BROS., Publishers. Atlanta, Georgia A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE-ON THE FIRST Tuesday in December next, will be sold before :he Court-house door in Alpharetta Milton county. Georgia, within the lawful honra of sale, lots of land numbers 564, 587, 610, 559, 636,609, 588. 563, 562, 540 and 527. in the first district and second section of said county, and eontninirtg each 40 acres, more or less. Bold as the property of Philip Graham, de ceased. for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceased and subject to the widow???s dower, which has been laid off and assigned. Said bind is well improved and in a good spite of cultivation. Terms cash. This October 21th, 1881. JAMES A. GRAHAM, and ROBERT C. GRAHAM, oct27???wtds Administrators. A DMINISTRATOR'S 8 A L E???GKO RG I A . Fayette county.???By virtue of an order of uie Ordinary of said county, I will sell at public outcry for cash, before tho Gourt-house door, iu Fayette ville, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, tho follow- ng lands belonging to the estate of HiHctiy Brooks, i'-'eased, lying in tho sixth district of said county: Fifty acres,???more or less, off of tho south side of land lot No. 70; nine acres, more or less, out ot Uio north west corner of said lot 70; four lots, eoiiPiiuing olio acre each, off of the west side of said lot No. 70, fronting on tho McIntosh road; three lots, contain ing one acre each, off of south side of said lot No. 70, .!???<?????-* Gaud N A U R. Tho foll-.wi Pits in Brooks Station: Lot No. 2 fronting Main street 20 fectfront and running hack 37 feel: lot ing Maitl st. 20Teet, running back 37 feet; Storehouse , .-o.fronting Main street 'jj t??v n.,w ..... .mg back 43 feet; lot No. 9 fronting Main stret 24feet and running baek52 feet; lot No. 10 fronting Main street 24 feet and running buck 52 feet; lot No. 19 fronting Main street 65 feet and running back 183 feet; lot No. 20 fronting on Main street 21) foot and running back-15 feet; lot No. 21 fronting on Main street 31 feet and running back 16 feet; lot No. 22 fronting on McIntosh road 47 feet, running back 77 feet; lot No. 2! fronting on McIntosh road 174 feet, running back southeast 159 feet, thence in a right angle back to McIntosh road 120 feet. Said lamia sold for tiie benefit of creditors and legatees. Octo ber 28th, 1881. ROBERT H. WOODS, oct29???w4w Administrator. O I Monticello. Georgia, Octol*or 18.1881???Emma F. Watkins has filed her application for permanent letters of administration ou the estate of James M. Darden, late of said county, but now deceased: All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any they have, on or la-fore the first Monday in December next, else letters will be granted the applicant as applied for. F. M. SWANSON, oet'Jl???w4w Ordinary. RIGORD???S VITAL RESTORATIVE Has been Indorsed by the Academy of Medicine, Paris, and stood the test of over half a century as a speci fic for Nervous and Physical Debility, loss of manly vigor, etc. Is an infallible specific for nervous and physical debility, etc., contains no phosphorous, cantharide* or other poison: Is purely vegetable: is a sugar- coated pill. The genuine can be had at Schumann???s Pharmacy Atlanta. Ga. Boxes of 100. S3: 400, $10: sent by mail upon re ceipt of price, by all Druggist*. Ricord???s Vitaf^i^irativb.^liire^iB other meritor- ous articles, has been extensively counterfeited by rascally impostors. One of these S^iHsTilb?e!dp ills as Ricord??? Restorative and publishes a forged letter. Anothe put out his counterfeit as Ricord???s Vital Rostora live. They earrv m^^rai^^iarE^ label, and forged lautograph signature, thus working a positiveinjury o tiie public. The Genuine Ricord???s Vital Restorative, alone has a United States PRIVATE PROPRIETA RY??? STAMP, in blue, on each box. bearing the full name and monogram of Dr S Brown Sigesmond. Take none other.??? Dr. Sigesmond agrees to forfeit $5,000 for anv fail- ure to cure with Ricord???s Vital Restorative (under special advice) or for anything impure or injurious in it. Over 10.000 cures in the U. S. alone has been ef fected within the last five years. Address, with inclosed post stamp for descriptive circular with testimonials and symptoms, to Dr. 8. B. Sigesmond, 40 World Building, New Y???ork. DRUGGISTS SUPPLIED, sep 610151820 24 29???oet 2 413 16 27 30??? nor 1510 X51924 27 29???dee???r 3 6 8 111317 22 25 27 31???wky eow A DMINISTATOR???S 8ALE???BY??? VIRTUE OF AN order granted at the October Term. 1881, of tho- Court of Ordinary of Jasper county, Georgia, ! will sell lit Monticello, Georgia, Rt the place of Sheriff???s sales, on the first Tuesday in Deeeinlier next, at. public outcry, to the highest bidder, one hundred and ninety acres of land, more or less, in said coun ty. belonging to the estate of Sam Toland, deceased, adjoining lands of Abram Greer. II B Rldlev, Allen Clark and others. Sold to pav the debts and for dis tribution among tiie heirs at law of said Sam To- land. Terms cash. October 6th, 18*1. W II HEAD, oetS???w4w Administrator of Sam Tolaud. O RDINARY???S OFFICE. JASPER COUNTY ??? Monticello, Georgia., October 25. 1881???Thomas J. Malone, guardian of Mary Lucy Matmsa, has ap plied for dismission from his guardianship: All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if anv they have, on or before the first Monday in December next, else letters of dis mission will be granted said applicant as applied! for. F. M. SWANSON, oot2S???w4w Ordinary. G eorgia, fayEtte county*???ordinary???s Office, October 31, 1881???J. P. and Josephine Graves have applied for exemption of jiersonalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestend, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 21st day of Novembet, 1881, at my office. L B GRIGGS. nov3???w2w Ordinary. ???VTOTICE.???all PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Jl_*1 estate of Ann Head, deceased, will please pay the same without delay. All persors hating de mands against said estate will present them to the undersigned. November 2,1881. E. GRIFFIN, nov3???w4w Administrator. G eorgia, milton county-???ordinary???s Office, October 24th, 1881???Mrs. Martha E. Bowen, wite of Jackson G. Bowen, lias applied for exemption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o 'clock a. m., on the 2!st day of Novem ber next, at my office. W. H. NKSBJT, octV7???w2w Ordrnary. ros THE HEAP Dr. Peck???s Artificial Ear Drums PEBFGTHT RESTORE THE HE ARING and perform trie worn of the Natural Ill-urn. Always h ?????? ' "???"" * All -Copy tlnctly. V _ ??? descriptive ???circular with testimonials. Address, H.P.K. PECK &. CO.. 853 Hroadway. New York. 121???wky26w -^JTCUOSCOPES, OPERA GLASSES, SPECTA- clcs, Telescopes, Barometers, Thermometers, and Compasses. R&J. BECK, Man ufacturing Op ticians, Philadelphia, Pa. Send for Illustrated Priced Catalogue. jan25??? wkyly c3w