The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, February 19, 1884, Image 1

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CONSTITUTION. VUIjUMX xvl %! TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 1884.—TWELVE PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS A COMPLETE PAPER. The Constitution Interests all Classes and Appeals to all Tastes. Tbe leading topics of this week's issue are: Talks op Travel—"Mexico and the Mexicans,' "How Pompeii Looks," and other bits of de scription Abound the Campfire—"War’s Grim Humor," '•The Flag of Verley," "Cleburne's Grove," "Lee’s Surrender." News op the Week—"Congress Condensed." "Tbe Week by Wire," "All Through Dixie," "Short News Notes." "Points About People," "Across the Water," "Our General Summary." Our Humovous Warners—Uncle Remus, "The PimeamlyPhun," "Bill Arp" "BetsyHamllton," "The Log Rollin’," "Brioa-Brac," "Humor of the Day." The Constitution Departments—"Tbe Woman’s Kingdom," "Our Young Peoplo," "The Kuowl- edge Box," "Farm and Farmers," "The anti- Liquor Fight," "OurSloiy Corner." The Week's Sensations—"The Western Floods." "The Danville Riots." "The Copiah Massa cre." "Pretty Girls on Ice," Tales of Adventure—"Tho Rope Round Her Neck." "Chased by a Catamount." "A; Chat With a Highwayman." Editorials-NOTES ON CURRENT TOPICS; LET TERS FROM THE PEOPLE, sua many other things of interest. not state how he found it out, or gfre any far ther particular!, and the police doubt the troth of tbe statement. He would not answer any questions in regard to their rela tions. The pistol used by Miss Almey is e Smith & Wesson self-cocker, of large caliber, and was entirely new. Dayton,February 11.—Eighteen drunk men boarded the Toledo, Cincinnati and St. Louis coal train Saturday at Mllledgevllle, O., and took possession of it, driving tbe conductor, Thomas Curtis, away, after seriously injuring him, while the brakeman, T. S. Collins, who came to the rescue, was frightfully beaten. The latter was brought to this city and can not survive. The engineer was compelled to cut his engine loose from the train to run to Milledgeville to save his life. There have been no arrests. Williamsport, February 13.—Lloyd Brit ton, a colored man, was hanged in the jail yard of this city, by SherilT John Piatt, on March 22. 1871. Britton was arrested and charged with the murder of Jacob Bay. Bay was supposed to have been stabbed with a sharp-edged tool, thought to be a chisel, on the evening of November 10,1870. The real murderer of Jacob Bay, although thirteen years have gone by, has been discov ered. ana the evidence is from tbe lips of the murderer himself. A mulatto named Thompson, who recently died in Canada, while on his death bed made the startling confession that he himself inflicted the wound that caused Jacob Bay’s death. This confession was made in tbe presence of a col Something to please every member of tho family. ored man now on a visitto Williamsport. The Only 81.25 n Yenr. In Clubs of Five, 811 cause for the deed, as stated by Thompson was jealousy. I Chicago, February 14.—James L. Wilson, vnnrn r>er mmn was murdered with liis wife at Winnetka. HhWb BY WIRE. I Though the murder was not discovered un til Wednesday morning it undoubtedly oc- ME LATEST TELEGRAPHIC HEWS cur " d ' r “*? day "‘fl* 4 * ,¥ r * Wilson's body TO THE CONSTITUTION The YVetk'e Hodge Podge of Crimg end Cat* URltlet the Country Over ns Telegraphed by Our Correspondent*. THE DANVILLE RIOT. I the meeting. Witness remained in the opera [ house until the resolutions had been adopted, I when he left and got out on the street. He I NEWS OF GEORGIA. THE STORY OF VIRGINIA’S BLOODY I saw fifteen or twenty white men confronting WHAT ME PEOPLE ABE SAYING ELECTION TRAGEDY, an infuriated mob of negroes. The latter were AND DOING. I violent and threatening, and shouting out The Whites Pressed by Insolent and | gome persons amone’Sem el Jvdteimen’ I w!.^> AU the Leading Crimes, Casualties and Armed Negroes. Find Themselves Forced to Fire in Self Defense. I Some persons among them, policemen, were endearvoring to alloy the excitement. The negroes would not go away, however, and soon the shooting began. The white men 71 fired a volley which tbe negroes returned Washington, February 14.—The investiga- and on the firing of the second volley by tion of the Danville election riots was begun the whites, the negroes ran,firing as they ran. this morning. Congressman Cabell and John ™e witness wis armed, and fired with the I rest. He fired four shots into the crowd of Wise (V irginia,) were present. Walter With- negroes. He said he was obliged to do it. He ers, colored, who at the time of the riot was I did not make any inquiries as to the cause a policeman in Danville, was the first witness. I f b ® trouble. He only saw 10 or 15 of hia He described hi, experience on the 3d of No- b p * vember, A white aud colored man were I pie. fighting, and tho crowd assembled. The wit- When the witness fired hie pistol, he fired ness arrived after tho combatant* were sepa-1 ['f ^ .* n ' tri 1 j , C J° w d ; „ Hodid not know whom ....... , , I he hit. He did not fire after tho crowd be’ rated, but the crowds remained. Tbe whites p, n to ran, and tried to prevent others from were ranged in a line along tho curb, and the I firing. Like every other gcod colored men were in thestreet. Thewhitemen Isitlzen J“, said he wanted It had pistol, In their bands. The witness advised SfirtSw hS? T "e wi’tnSi'bid Sf SnSifd the colored men to leave, fearing they would I he would leave the country if that get hurt. He heard a white man say they I government were not overthrown. (the colored men) oonld get enough if they I “j! “ft! 1 ’!?', 1 ? 1 w , Ba tb ? 1 t bo P e ?P le wbo built " , and owned the town had no voice in it, man- wanted it, and if they didn t leave some of I agement He snid that every white man, them would get hurt. The witness was sue- I women and child had been enlisted in the cessful in his efforts. Some of tho colored I light to get rid of tho government they corn- men objected to leaving saying that the %*&&££ ftfttSl whites were trying to override them. The I examination by Senator Vance, witnese said witness stepped to one tide, and upon the I that he had not known of a collision be* sidewalk just before the firing began. The IfiS" 1 ®* " hit X and ne *roes in his county * DO, g j nce tho wa| . tbat JJOme meaQ Wi ,| te man .... - nnT H . CE . wm not responsible for, and that they inva- The colored oeonle began U> run after r (, ab, y Wttneir negro dupes to bear the brunt which the whites aimed at them whenever I fheffilBimcion the°Dart* ?? them. The wimess did not I*™ n ™ e ° c ® < ° n wSnJSihSniH if SSS make any arrest, being afraid to do so. The I ° me ° {£JLJJJf^\ml Vw local officials were reed just era. The mill- rilnefiSl tury company was called out an hour after the I ffSJSi? ft thnl i tliwiil k^n * Jhn fit riot. Some of the white rioters were on I fSiSKr!?£!5 riot, some oi roe wnue noiers were on i #h _,a i guard that evening. None of the colored I twSld?£55?t2SS5L» , rS5awiii» I i2IH rll, ir« , «r«Jii2 r men, so far as the witness knew, had pistols I There wereV2' One man was shot dead and several were I butthSTSiKSn wounded. In reply to Senator Vance,the wit-1 ness said his affidavit made before the com-1 th. SSS2 mittce of forty at Danville, was incorrect, in I b-aHnff manner of formal v so far ns it averred that the colored men lmd I used firearms. The witness had signed the I ci?oS,?nt Sd thSt aflidavit, bu^dl^notwri,.^ tt5 Jack Redd, colored, was call to tbe witness I *° uld not ba ™. b «" demanded “ y chair. Ho was chairman of tho republican I other raoe. Witness thought that might be committee. He lived three mites north of <">• Wiluesii thought tbe chief difficulty Danville. His precinct was New Design. He from tbo insolence of tho negroes, went iuto Danville on Saturday, November Tbeir “0° oi insolence were of everyday oc- 3d to see Colonel Sims. He had heard that I furrenoe. He had seen a white man escort Colonel Sims was threatened in consequence I white lady to church or opera house, of a speech he had made. About two o’clock f nd lmd *«•» » negro man push right through he was told that there was fighting and went | llelr urms - towards tho spot. He left hastily, as did the other colored people, when the tiring began. Afterwards returning to see the result, he was met by Colonel Cabell, who usked where I a chaste u Lit Over VaoSerbitt hr OetUac • Car* he was going. Colonel Cabell said:. I bcfob Ueas. ‘ This is just what I have been telling you I From the New York Hun. MILLIONS IN IT. would happen.” Ned Hatcher came along with another man, and asked Cabell who wit ness was. Being iuformed, Hatcher said: a vim. jueuig lun'tiu-u, cm Let me blow his damn bruins out.” Cabell said: ‘'No; let tbe d—d scoundrel leave liero.” Hatcher struck witness, and then as witness left they began firing at him. Witness saw his white ncigbbers ville that night, end “If I owned all the hens in this country," said the marketman, as he counted out a dozen eggs snd put them in a customer's bas ket, "and had a place to pasture them in, all I would ask would bo ten years In business, and I'd make it very warm for Vanderbilt." “How's that?” asked the reporter. . "How's that? Why, easy, that’s how. May going into Dan-1 he you don't know, young man, that over returning with 120,000,000 cackles, announcing tho birth of THE WEEK IN CONGRESS. tbe hearing Judge Krebel held James, re fating bail. James,will probably be taken to Alabama ttda week. Nxw York, February 12.—Victor Crofton I In tbe senate tbe com'mittee on naval Andrea was rtanding on the platform of the I affairs bat mado a favorable report elevated railway at Mih street and 3d ave-1 the relief of tbe Jeannette expedition, nne, this morning, accompanied by a seveu I telegram from Richard Smith, of Cincinnati, year old boy, waiting to lake the train down I urging congress to appropriate $500,000 for the town, when a woman stepped np behind him I relief of tho Ohio river Hood suffers was re- and shot him in tbe back, and os he fell, I ferred. Subsequently a house resolution thinking she had killed him, she pat a pistol I authorising the appropriation of $300,000 was to her own temple and blew her own brains I concurred ia. A resolution was adopted oat. The station was crowded with people. I directing tbe committee on agriculture and and intense excitement was creu-1 foresting to inquire into and report upon the ted, Tbe dead woman, the wounded I government tea turn in South Carolina, man and the little boy were taken to the I In tbe house tho committee on coinage, stationbonse. The man’s wound was probed I weights SDd measures agreed to report a bill and he was found to be probably fatally hurt. I for tbe exchange of trade dollars for standard Andree described himself os a journalist con-1 dollars, or their receipt for government dues nected with German newspapers, snd n I within tws years. Among bills introduced teacher in the educational eatablisbmcnt of I and referred were bills by Mr. Oates, of Ala- J. G. VonTaubo, at 10 Gramercey park. He I hama, limiting tbe number of naval cadets; admitted that he knew tbe woman who sho’ I by Mr. Bisbee, of Florida, imposing duties on him, but refused to give auy explanation of I coroanuts, pineapples and bananas; by Mr, her act. The boy who was with him when I Oat a, of Alabama, restoring to the pension shot was George Beckel, son of Joseph J I list names dropped on accoffnt of disloyalty, Deckel, in whose house tbo wounded man I A thtrp debate occurred on the joint resotu. lived. The woman was about twenty. I tion appropriating $300,000 for the relief of two years old, with handsome I the Ohio river ilood sufferers. Hiscock, of regular features, fair complexion, dark brown I New York, asked Follett, of Ohio, to the bair snd bezel eyes. Nothing was found on I necessi y of the measure snd its constitu her person which would lead to her identifi-1 tional warrant. Follett replied that necessi cation,’except a white silk handkerchief I ty knew neither law nor constitution; a ill having tbe letter "E" worked on it. Andree | there were precedents for the measure before has been in this couotry aoout six months. I the house. During tbe spirited debate, p ir- He acted as correspondent of tbe Booisen I ticipsted in by a numberof members, Cox, of Courier, of Brriio, a financial paper of which I New York, questioned th> constitutional.t/ his father is the owner. Andree was taking I of tbe measure, but said it should be pasted the boy down to school when he was shot. I io silence, and if there was any breach of the Nothing is known concerning faia relations I c institution, God Almighty would pardon it. with any woman. I The resolution pa sed; yeas 233, nays 12. The police have discovered that the young I In the debate on the chalmers-Mam woman who shot Victor C. Andree u! Fifty-1 niug election case, Mr. Be /jrd, of Colo- ninth street elevated station this morning, I rado, opposed tbe admission of Manning in was Miss Jennie H. Almey, aged 24, who I tbe interest of politi lal decency. Ho said tbe kindergarten school. She lived I that the democratic party on two occasions at No. lit west 25th street, where she had I had seated Chalmers when he bad not been hired a room for sometime. A large package I 'elected, and now it practically refuses to seat of letters was found in Andrea’s room, which I him when he was elected, and tba. in the she had written to him. I face of the fact that Manning bad confessed From these it appears that be had I that he had no case. Mr, Cook, of Iowa, and promised to marry her, and had I Mr. Candy,of Missouri, made strong speeches afterwards deserted her, from some cause, I in favorof seating Manning. Mr. Adams, of bat whitlier he had betrayed her or not could I New York, said that Manning waa not em not be aecertaioed from tbe correspondence. I titled to a seat under tbe certificate; first, Tbe police thinks that desertion alone would I because it waa fraudulent; 2d, because it not bare sufficed to induce her tocommitthe I was issued io violation of the injunction of a crime. It was evident that Andrea knew I competent coart, and 3d, because he had re that she was waiting to see I fused and still refused to accept it. Mr. Tur- him, and that be dreaded a meeting. For ner's management of tbe majority report, this reason he reported at tbe school where I which declares that neitberof tbeconteatants he taught, tbathe was sick and had remained I is entitled prints facie to a seat, waa cbarac in bis room during tbe whole of tbe past I terized by marked ability and did much to week. I secure the adoption of the report. This morning he ventured out for tbe first I Senator Vuorbees has Introduced a bill time. Xt was eaid at Miss Almy’s boarding I making it s penal offense for any person in house that ehe went away every morning I goveromentservice to contribute money for early, and did not return until night, and it I political purposes. John W. Langston hss is supposed that she spent the day watching I been confirmed minister resident and consul Andres's house. Tbe police find that tbe two I general to Hay ti and to bs charge d’ affairs to became acquainted last autumn, at a house Sin Domingo. where they boarded together. Their I Tbe resolution limiting tbe amount to be actions then did not indicate that | expended by tbe president on tbe Greely re- tbere waa any love making. As I lief expedition to $500.00) was indefinitely far as cm Id be ascertained, they appeared to postponed in the senate. The McPherson be only friends. There was nothing in Miss I bill lor the issue of circulating notes to the Almsy's deportment in any of tne places I national banking associations is now pendiar, where she lived winch was inconsistent with 1 The majority report in the Chatmers-Man- the idea that she was a virtuous woman, her I ning election case declares that prims facie manners being always modest and I neither contestant la entitled to a seat, Tbe ladylike. Nothiag, however, could minority report pronounce* Manning tu be tanned of her antecedents. titled to the seat. Her body was taken to the morgue, where I The bill Introduced by Mr. Young, of Tea- it welts tbe disposition of the coroner. An- I nessee, to restore the board of health with its dree’a condition grew rapidly worse at the I former authority is not likely to pass. The hospital, and he vomited blood continually. I majority report in the Chalmers-Manning vu ni,,,ii,;,n. ... *— ——* —o- 1 - — - case was adopted by a vote of 130 to 5fi This 'eaves the contested seat vacant until the The physicians say he cannot possibly recov er. In bisante-monem statement,taken this afternoon, he admitted he was engaged to marry Miss Almey, bat said he broke the promLa upon die covering _tbu; she case is decided on its merits. Friday a resolution passed both houses ap propriating on oddiuonni $200,009 for the was a divorced wife. He would 1 relief of the Ohio flood sufferers. puns, which they had procured iu Danville. I the samu number of eggs, kept Ilia farmer 1 le saw them going to the polls on eleciion I boys busy every day last year gathering in tlio ■ with the same guns. Tha colored pooplu ■ if over 30.000,000 bans? But , »nd concluded not I they ‘ flfd. Well. tlioau efforts for ly to Senator Vanco, 1305 days resulted in 0,600,000,000 was found behind the library slove. Two pistol balls bad entered bis body, one passing through the left cheek, breaking off several teeth and tbe jawbone, and the other Ida chest, passing turough the left lung. His head, arms and legs and tbe furniture of the room gave evidence that there bad been a „ | ,, , , , „ _ I terrible straggle. Nine of the murdered man’s Scranton, Pa„ February It—A fraud ona l rit)3 wt , rB broken on(1 hi , face was ma9hed be . grand scale has been unearthed in this city, I vonc! recognition. The assassin had finished in which an attempt has been made to inflate I His work by stamping on his victim with his £V r ?n U rt t 7 1Ut * ° ( n “‘ eIection h witl * Wilson'abody liy onVeTd. Thetaad^ra ?Ki?s$ a -ii de rp? rte ‘J V i? t fi rs t0 the „ n, J mb ? r ot I so beaten and the features so mutilated as to The inflations occur in strong be utterly unrecognizable. The flesh and Tk b * , T< J _da J r ® n •, ord f. r waa ® b * I Skin of hfr forehead were entirely stripped off £S nrt * caato- .nfltbe skull was beaten in. Tbe akin that JnL °11* 0 ,?.® 3 °/, cle . Ye S city Pr««incts I was not paralyzed was beaten black and blue !SA he »i7 ,tl ** »°' tie ' lrs4 . National bank, I fr u m the shoulder to the finger-tips. The bed ih£J b «h£ m &. “*? «f anllue ,b » . r '6 ' tr y sndwall. and even ibe ceiling were bespat- J I . , in. , i-‘.k*“. b03 ?*l to . dl,cover » be ‘?* r tb ?y tered with blood. The heavy bane which she tb ? frnndulent names with those in I used to rap on the floor for her husband lay nfc , of , thfl coo, ,‘, y commissioners. on the broke n and covered with bloocf £ be “y at "y ia ' how, were these lists tampered At tbe foot the bed we re a broken pair of with when they were locked up in the vault fire-tongs and a sword whioh had hung In Mr. ° f „ ,b ® “ nn, y treasury. The matter has Wilson's room. There was every indication ia ‘ ene «.«c t . ,e ment in politics circles, that tbe woman bad fought heroically with abd ?“|" 1 , nled 1 late i. nveal,g,U1011 by the courts tbe aMas3in and had been li-eratly beaten to W ira«o??n. r fw Vk ’ „ii t $ j . I death. The entire house had been ransackfd. „ Kansas City, February ll.-In the crim nal It is thought the murder was committed by ! uornu 'K’ State Attorney Wallace I bul i nea8 asiociateol Mr. Wilson. Tnes- dismissed the case again.t Frank James and day evening, when last seen, he said he ex- °m the i? h ? rg . e t°* p ik 01 ’ I peoted a friend who was to stay with him that P a V?“ *“ th «, f . robbery I i n the dining room the breakiast ta- .n e i l J, a JS!«?i® U » bl ° was set for tliree perrons. Ik is evident ln which he said that owing to tho refiisal of |lmt the cr [ n , e wa , committed by someone n x fi?, .. Cr t ^ d r n i to Lffr d ? ^f > ck ^ yde i familiar with Mr. Wilson’s habiis. For yeats , a, l’ I past bebas come to Chicago every Wednesday Henen°ho I lo ,le posit money and trausact other business. » .Kfgi SJ’SftiJgkZ had just received a considerahlo sum of ®i^hh?» d enfn.t > ®T^?L*Lnn 1 M ^ money Iroiu the sale of some land io Michi- *?' ** ly ,hi ' n ell tnf K»» a “ d ‘a thought to have had at the time of fimeimLe? ?®\Vu ' n"’ ® ‘he murder more than a customary amouat indictmenIsin Missouri. Theanriouncement I o( mon , y 0Q bnnd There is no clue to the created quite a ripple of surprise iu the court I identity of tho mysterious visitor The ex- . , room. James ww immediately taks*Wore l dJJ with the same auns. The Judge Krekel, of tbe United States court, ar ™ i|th each hour LM^ evcmnea mJci^ l ,tore lhcl ; eby '"‘Immated, and where a hearing Is now in progress on the f^^Jritlsens offered a rawa?d of one thm!. to go to the polls. In reply tol . ... charge of rubbing a United States paymaster I for leadtne »n the witness became excited, and evinced igno- separate and distinct eggs, or80,000,000dozen, at Muscle 8boai, Ala. On tha conclusion of ggSffi'g! nmrrtnrm 1 “ 8 ranco of the distance from Danville to New as near as I can calculate. Now. it took jnst 1 ol murderer. Dtsign.wltneia’ own precinct,where tbe color-1 760,000,000 dozens ot those eggs to supply the ed people did not vote by reason ot Iniimida-1 demand for Tom and Jerries, puddings, hard tlan.snd from Danville to Wlmbesher’s,where I and soft-boiled eggs, eggnog ana ham and they did vote. I eggs in this country last year, and fgvs SHOT DEAD IN ins TaACKS. I were eggs at that I figure that L. L. Ivey, colored, huckster, was called, I thirty cents a di sen, for 1883, was He saw the people runningand thought there I about the average price. Thirty cents was a fire, lie went to the corner to oscer-1 a doz-n for 750 000,000 dozen climbs plumb tain, nnd saw tho white men along the curb I up to the comfortable Hula purse of $225,- with their pistols aimed.* He feared some-1000 OtiO There's nothing mean about me, body might shoot lilm, and went back to his I and if I hail the handling of those offerings place of business. Then the firing began aud | of the na'ion's hens I'd be satisfied with a the colored men ran. One was allot dead I profit of two cenla on a dozen, across the street. Jack Redd, the preceding I "What would be my little illvy? Well, if witness, came aiong>and asked tbe colored 11 haven’t forgotten what old Daboll drumntod men: I into me. 1 make it out that when tho old "What are you all running for? De white I year died I would lug home something like people is only burniug powder." I $15,000,000, clean and slick ahead of the They replied: I game. Ten years of that, and I think I could "What'sde mcaningof dat dead man oiler Isit down with the boys y and stay with as dsr ef dey don't mesa harm." [ heavy a jack pot os any of ’em," tiir wiiitk sms I’lizsRNTgD. I "What would become of the other 50,000,- The proceedings were resumed at 2 o'clock. I 000 dozen?" asked the reporter.” nnd W. It. Taylor (white) tohicconlst, of I "There you arc again!" replied the market Danville, took tbo witness chair. Replying I man. “II I owned all the hens, there’s au to a series of questions by 8enator tfhetman | other little item that would help me to keep and Senator Vance, he said that on tbe alter-1 from worrying about the punctuality of the noon of November 3d, he was doorkeeper at I rent and the infalibillity of the gar meter, a democratic meeting in the opera house in I bast year must bavo been a good one for Danville. Mr. Noel told witness he had been peopfo visiting in the country, for insulted by a negro named Herse Lawson, I folks broiled, fricasseed and roast and asked witness and Mr, Leeto go down and I ed something like 600,000,000 szo fair play, while he(Noel)lbrasUed Lawson. I nhlckens, young ami old. That used np the The three went down the street, met Law- little balance of 50,000,000 dozen eggs. That son, and Noel administered the thrashing. 150,000,000 dozen of eggs were turned into Two policemen came up to separate tbe com-1 chickens that gobbled up $300,000,000 of ibe hatants, and witness told Noei he bad done I bard earned coin of this realm, ciphering tbe enough, and the two were parted. Just then I thingilown close at 60 cents a chicken. I Lee called witness, and the latter turning I don't deal in poultry, but from tbe size of the saw a large negro trying lo taka Lee's pistol I diamond pins of tbe ones that away. Witness struck the negro on the back I do I don’t hesitate a minute with a cane and then tripped and fell. At io say that there can’t he less than 5 this moment Lee's pistol was discharged, cents profit on every chicken they sell. G!d but whether by accident or design the wit-1 Daboll comesnp again and lays it down fora ness did not know. Tbe negro ran anil I nickel-plated fact that if I owned all the a crowd of colored men began to gather, bens in this country I would, have io make asking, “Who fired at that negro?" Witness I two trips home from tho shop at the end of was pointed out by some one ss the man who I the year, for here t would have $15 000,000 fired. A negro named Davis Llewellyn I more piled in tbe till to be carried eway anil stepped out of the crowd, and witness said to I staffed in tbe stocking, and $15,000,000 is him: “I have not fired, but if you want the plenty for one man to carry at one time, contents of my pistol you can have it." I "So yoa see what a nice nest egg I’d have Llewellyn drew a white handled pistol from I at the end of ten years. And you’d hardly bis pocket and returned it again. The crowd believe that New York city would chip in increased,and became threatening. When the I shout one-thirtieth of the who'e pot every fight began there were but three white men and year, would you ? But she would. Last year some fifteen negroes on the street In sight lit took 25,000,000 dozen of eggs to satis- At the climax there were between twenty and I fy her, end she paid $9,000,000 to get thirty negroes snd about fi (teen white men. I them. Now, New York state only keeps In witness'opinion had the white men shown I bens enough to lay about 8,800,000 fear they would all have been murdered I dozen, and so, of course, we have to then. Witness saw two or three pistols I go knocking around alt over the country anil among the negroes. Witness emptied five part of Canada to keep up with the cry for chambers of bis pistol at tbe crowd of I eggs. It would take all tbe eggs that New negroee. He would most assuredly do so York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maesa •gain under like circumstances. He didn’t I chusette henaare responsible for to supply know whether be hit anybody or not. There | this dty.with all the eggs it wants. The 2o,- was not, to witness’ knowledge, any premed- [ 000,900 eggs used here last year, if laid in a itation among the whites to bring on a riot, j stogie line,one after another, withouta hair s Tho condition of affair* w. s threatening. I space Iwtween them, would ranch from Bos- in consequence, os the witness I ton to San Francisco. I tell yon there s a thought, of tne character of the local govern- big thing waiting for tome one who can get a tnent at Danville. The negroee crowded the I corner on hens.’ white men and white ladies off the sidewalks. Other Events—How the Crops Throughout the State Stand. Macon, February 15.—There came near being a riot in the town of Forsyth yesterday over the.arrest of United States prisoners, in which the town officials were Involved, United States Marshals Cash and Weld left for that place Wednesday night. Well went on to Sunny Side to summon awitness; Cash stopped. Yesterday morning he arrested Dr. M. D. White, a prominent citisen of the place, forviolatingthe revenue laws. Marshal Cash said: "Dr. White was wtdkiug down thestreet when I met him snd told my busi ness. The doctor understood the situation and asked me to accompany turn to his store. I did so. On the way a crowd began to gath er and swore he should not be arrested. They began to curse nnd use threats. Mr. White arkcil them to stop, explaining tbe matter. Mr. S. B. Mubly, a citizen of the place, made an attack on me snd interfered with the discharge of my duty while on the way to the store. About tills time a crowd of 15 or 20 men had gatherd and the affair was assuming a serious nature. Dep uty Sheriff James King was on hand and did nil he could to stop the trouble. I turned to i lie town marshal, who had stood watching the affaii, and asked him to arrest Mobly. Ho showed nu disposition to do, so finally he took him by the arm and toid him to leave. He re fused to do so, when he blew a small wbistle, Mr.Cabinass, a lawyer ot tbe place, took hold of bim also, and instead of being locked up he was taken lo a warehouse near by. His daughter ap|ieared on tbe scene and begged hint to go away quietly. Tbe marshal told me afterwards that he was too large a men for him to tackle, was the reason he did nut ar- rest him. Dr. Whit* was allowed to attend ess, having agreed to be ready to come to Macon on the train that led about six o’clock. The crowd dispersed and I pro ceeded to summon witnesses for my case. During the day wherever I would stop a crowd would gather around me and use threats. When 1 left in the afternoon 1 was followed to the depot by Mobley, who thrust bis hands in his pockets and kept them there looking hard at me. He afterward saw he had gotio loo far, and tried to make bis friends settle the matter. The mayor aud all of the prominent citisens of Forsyth were with me in (tie matter and upheld me in the discharge of n.y duly," The marshal arrived Tlie facts of the esse were that Mr. W. J. Bush, of W. J. Busli k Co., druggists, sold his Interest in ilio business to his partner, Dr. Rudisill. Dr. White was employed as eik, who continued the business, snd re tained tho revenuo licenses of the old firm. Ho was charged with retailing liquor without a license. The evidence not sustaining the charge, he was released, and returned homo to-day. Mai-on, February 12—The colored politicians ot tbe district iro going to hold a secret caucus here next week for me purpose ot utglngupou Ihepto- plo ol ibis district to elect two colored men to (ho nations! convention ss delegates. The following nsmes sic smoog tbote wbo will be ohoteu here: Pnlsikl lloll, John Ulsckshear, Ueo, Wallace, James II, Deveaux and Homoo Maxey. Thera acorns to bo considerable cxoltomont among them about tho matter Jeff Long Is a quiet mover ot this rlug, and bus a Unger la too political plo of thodlatilol. lie said to day: "Wo arc gnitg to denounce thcao while republicans and Ssacrl our rights. 'Ibe Col.-I'-Il people bays been sold out long enough aud nuw are going lo aland up (or themaelraa. Thera are nolruowhlto republicans Ibe district unlesalt bo James Fltspsiilck, and a while man la selected In the caucus, he will be ibe ono. We have lest eonOdenoe In them and have been living on promises long enough. leg from tUedlnctlonol tho lake. He ran spot aud dlaooveied two Hula glrla ■trugglluu I dually to gel out ol the waier. lie aaw the da la an Instant, aud plunged lutn the lake. He suc ceeded Iu rescuing tba Hltle girls. Mis. Professor Horry .Happened to be out driving, and abe took the little gtrls homo, Tha child ten wets Maude Waid, aged 0 yearn, and llcluu Ward, aged 2 years, the dauMitcrs ol Mr. 1’. It. Waul. They were accompanied by Martins Kill ian, acousln aged 10 years. They bad strolled oil lo pity and were catching tadpoles Iu the lake, when Mamie lou her balance and tell In. Martina, scream wnleh attracted tbe attention nf Thomson, wbo rushed to Ibe lake and raved Hum When Mamie was rescued she was almost drowned, her lips had Uuged, aud abe bad ibe appoanuico ol * taken tbo ' city „ ______ ______ received mooli intention.. tfhe Ta* gueat of Iho National hotel, ao- nomiMinled by herpatcnia. Hboitf lonklna remark ably well, and la much pleated with Macon. A CoNaTiTUTioN reprcM-uiatlvu called on her to da/ and learned that aho had purchaeod over|H0 worth of gooda fiom ono of our retell dr/ Kooda bou*ea, and laRoloa tohaveaome bantUomecoainmea made. Tho party leave for Ferry, Georgia, In the morning, where the/ will vlalt relatives. LutlMJTON. February It —Hon. Charles M. Whal er's friends here would llte to aee him In the leg- iNlatureaaaln. Home, February 13.—'Thli section waa visited by a heavy wind and rainstorm about ! o’clock this morning. Trees and fences were blown down In some forth<ns of Iho county. Two mllee from Koine- Captain Gordon's barn waa blown down and ono mule killed and two Injured. Ills loss la about oue thouMuid dollars. In tho dly no dam age la reported. Tho O Mtenaul* river li rising to night, and aomo fesra of a freshet are entertained. Mrs. P. <J. Bale died Uiia morning at the age of li years. Atukni. February 13.—Athene now baas board of trade. Tbe Parr brothers have In their possession tho raw that waa In use Iu building the Unit house ever erected In ibis city. joined tho Mormon church In August, 1831. Ia March 18S2, he and his father desired to go to Colorado to better tbetr fortunes. His wife cen- eentedteg; with mem. but at tho last moment wa* dissuaded by her parents. He went to Colorado alone, did weU, bec&mo a Mprmoa preacher and in January, 1883, afterwards, came back to Floyd county to spread the doctrine of the Mormon church and to rejoin his wife and child He does not practice polygamy. Echols gave in his testimony in a quiet and modest manner with apparent frankness.' Tho witoes.<es wero then In troduced, two of whom were Mormons and one a substantial dtlxen of this county, who testified that be was a man of good character, moral and up right. Mrs. Echols was then lntroduoed- She Is a young woman of preposserslng appearance,cool and sol/ possessed. She testified that for some time after hor marriage, her life had been a happy one. Then esme some slight jars. She was compelled otico or twice to work in the field when not In good health. She and child did not have physician’s services as often as necessary. After wards her husband joined tho Mormon church. She wai then baptized, but by the constant persua sion of her husbaud, and for the sake of peace,she finally consented to Join the Mbrmgn church, tihe did not understand the doctrine of Mormoulem, especially that they practice polygamy. Her hnsband then constantly importuned! her to go with him to Colorado. She finally yielded and consented to go. Meanwhile, however she learned from reliable sources the doctrines ot Mormonlsm, especially the practlo* of polygamy* . which she abhored. Wllh pain she refused to fol low her husband to the far west, where she knew not what fate awaited her. With her child the went to reside with her parent*, poor but highly respect able peoplo. For two years abe did not see her hoe- band, nor did he contribute one cent to the anpport of horarlf and child. Though still devoted to her husband, she would never consent to follow him, wandering bshedid about the country preach ing Mormonlsm. Mr. Vincent, father of Mrs. Ech ols, was then Introduced and testified to his will- ingnets to support his daughter and her ebikL After hearing the evldonce and able arguments by Captain Reece aud U. M. Wright for the plaintiff and Henry Harvey for the defendant, Judge John son refused Echols’s petition, aud decided that the child should remain with the mother. The de- chlon is universally approved. Elrrrtom, February 16 —Dr. Henry T. Gatchet a sisteU by Colonel K. 8. Taylor, captured the largest still ever captnred in tho county and de •troyed about 12,000 gallons of beer a few dayi sga Heard, February 16.—Frank Ward, 8on of Major B. F. Ward, of Butte county, was seriously hurt last night at nine o'clock. Ilia hone became ' frightened at a train on the B. T. V. and Ge. rail road, and ran away, throwing him out of his bnnr and against a fence, aud being alone, ho lay on tne B ound all night, and was found next morning by ■ friends In an unconfcloua state. . His recovery Is thought doubtful by hls physician. Butlkk, February 16.—We wrote yon In refer- erenco to the money found on Mr. Respoia’s place. As stated, tho warrants wore served on Joiner and Hill, when (hey confessed not owning It, and turn ed over about 8330, aud warrranta dismissed. Coi.umdus, February 12.—In a dispute, thh after noon, at Clapp's factory, Dr. J. W. Drake shotted killed Mr. John A. Scarborough. Scarborough wag at Drake's store endeavoring to settle an amonnt which be owed Drake, when a quarrel aroeela which Scarborough's father drew a knife. At tM same lime the young man advanced on Drake, 'wm drew a pistol and shot him through the left side, touching the heart. Drake left for par's nnkuova. Tho coroner’s Jury returned a verdict of dOAth from a gun shot in accordance with the above lact*. Auousta, February 16.—Georgo P. Curry, private banker, and proprietor of tho Huinmcrvlllo cottea mill*, mado an alignment this morning for the benefit of bis creditors. Th > liabilities foil up two hundred and soven thousand dollars, Including a mortgage of sixty thousand dollars on tho mill. The snots are .as follows: Mill, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; mill supplies, manufactured goods, stocks and bonds, and ac counts, forty-four thnuaanl and four thousaud dullara. ' twenty tl _ lives In tho mill to whom dollars lidue, are pre bank amount to about twenty thousand dollars The depositors and operative about twenty-five hundred i Witness had been insulted by Lawson two days before tbe riot. Liwsoq advanced toward witness, drawing some kind of a weapon, when witness threatened to shoot if Lawcon advanced beyond the particular spot. a blunt wir.Hxsa. Dr. D. B. Tempi**, of Danville, was the next witness. He testified to having been present the meeting at the opera honsein Danville the night of tbe riot and that there was great excitement among the GOO and more perrons present. He said there was a stir in the street, and somebody said there was a igbt, which added to the excitement. Quiet was restored, however, through tbe exertions of the chairman, who aaid tbe dutur bonce on the strae; nUJ cou-cJ by some one who wished to break nn I'tHHitlif UIbCiIm*. Lomdox, February 16.—A mam meeting waa held this afternoon at Princes hall. Plead illy, for the purpose of denouncing the Egyptian policy of tbe government. The hall was thronged with people, and *o many come who could not fl nd placea that an overflowing meeting was organised in 4t. James square. Biron Borthwlck presided The most prom'neat conservatives prerent were Sir Kobart Peel and Lord Randolph Chur bit. A speech waa made by Lord Randolph Churt-blH, iu which he propbecied that GUd*r*n« w*ul1 hereaf er be knownas"SI ikat" rttehtoue. dir R»b:r. P«1 of fered a reao'.nt tei, which wh earrl-sd, to the effect that parliament had ceaatd to be In accord with the people aud ongbt to be tnrued out. The av;.l_s up ' ended la gnat uproar poke root, mistaking It for erdchokes. Tbe police arrested a little boy oi ly eleven yea ta old, beastly Intoxicated. They are now after th* men who gave him the whisky. A test oi tbe purltv of the water from tho water works reservoir has been made, and It Is the purest water nted In the dty. Marietta, February 18.—Monday a negro named Phil Mmlth had hi* hands terribly lacerated by tbe premature explosion of a dynamite cartridge he »aa attempting to use in blasting In a well be was dig- Ring- Hooky Franklin, an old half blooded Indian wo man. whose face waa very familiar on our streets, died at her daughter’s house last Monday nlsht. Hhe was very old, some asy as old ss lio, but others claim that she waa only 91. Hbe waa active to thd last, gaining a llveiihool by making and Ml ling baskets upon the streets. Lawrckcevillc, February 13—Lut Hatutday a Mr. Westmoreland of this county bad an Infant child to die. Ho having no money with which to buy shrouding for hls child, and have a coffin made, applied to hls landlord, one of Ibe wealthiest men In this county, and related to him the death of hi* child and hls condition, and that be was a stranger to the peoplo. 1 be laud lord told him be could not help uim, whereupon the father with tears In bis eyes sought the lonely and scanty shelter of bis sick wife and dead child. Wo m xt-ee a man all alone, with tbe exception of a Urdu wooden box Jn hls arms, plodding bis way through the fields to a grave dug by bis own bands. s and lire In a land wllh cburcbea on every ill top. Rome, February H.-The habeas corpus case of Ham Echols against Mary Ichola for tbe possession of hls three year old boy, was heard to day before Ordinary Johnson. Echols testified that be bad married in November 1879:bad never given hls wife esuze of complaint. He and hltfatber during a I visit of lformon preachers to their settlement, had LaGranox. February 14.-8ome week* ago a little dog belonging to Mr. J. T. Harris gave signs ot hydrophobia, biting a number of other doga and then died. On last Toosday one of these dogs which waa batten, belonging to Mr. C. F. Akers, went mad and bit soveral others and was finally killed by Mr. J- K. Bwanaon. On hut ;Hunda/ this dog bit the little son of Mr. Akers In two or three place*, mere scratches on tho face. Yet throe the dug has gone mad, Mr. Akers Is much troubled about the little boy aud will take such precautions as are uecessarj. lie was not aware until ‘luce hls dog wenlmad, that it had bseu bitten by Mr. Har ris a dog. Blakeley, February 14.—Wo were tidied with a flue rain last night, the first in rcveral weeks and greatly needed, la tbe lower portion of the coun ty the pond* and creeks are all atilldry and la some places no water In the wells. Nashville, Berrien County, February 11.—We aro being *ble»s<.d with rome showers, enough to moisten the parched earth and put It In condition for the plow, bnt the water Is only surfioe water. Our wens are like tbe wells of Hcnpture, they hold no water. In some localities the checks and p-mda arc still dry. Not a grist mill has turned around la our county since July. Villa Rica, February 14,—The hardest rain Is now falling that we have had In several months. Farmers very badly behind with plowing. A grea many :oats are b«!ng sown and rs aown, as ever fall oat waa killed through this section In January. Wheat la beginning to know up nicely now, and a good harvest Is anticipated. Dawsomville, February 14—Slice the warm weather with soft showers, wheat shows Itself tin Injured by the recent excessive sold, and white North (iaontlaoonvlct question, onr people seem a little disheartened. On Hunday night while tbe choir waa practicing In tbs Methodist rhurcb, some abandoned wretch fired a pistol, the ball pa*alug through theglaM at one side aud out at« window on Ibe oppciite side. The males present made a rush for the penetratoc, but he had fled, Fortunately no one waa hurt. Albany, February 14.—Your correspondent nrede a hurried trip over to Old Morgan, the capital a Calhoun county, this week. The old town la some what dilapidated, though a good deal of bnslucMte done there. The oountry between there aud Leery is beautiful. Tbe residences are large and com modious, aud while they have not felt tbe touch of a painter’s broth since the war, show marked signs of wealth and prosperity In the anil-bellum days. Mr. John Spen cer, the contractor for the artesian well at Izcary, has struck water at last He r preay Bow of about one and a half ga minute at632 feet. At 650 be expects a fine Howl And — "*“*“'■* **•“ w * - - and c. edlior o basai gallon* —t— — rr'i" «*’ a fine fln., I then. Captain Boyd, the bonanza ot the town, one of the substantial men of Georgia, and ir Mereer, Calhoun county Courier, "will be <>u tho train we were fortunate enough to fall ia with Mr. 8. P. Balter. of til firm of 8. P. Balter & Co. Mr. 8. has long since demonstrated the prsctlcabil- — done, of raising your own . . .. ir-or j bom . # - . He run about thirty plows, raises all hls bacon. In fact everything from a guinea ken up that Luted or consumed on the place, and then as many bales of cotton to the mule aa any ofbls neighbors. He is also a great lover of fine stoca, baa bis own raoteourse, the ficestone In tbe south with no exceptioo, id mile upon the style of the w Jerome park **r. 8- to JW. enthusiastic on the subject, and when asked by the writer If it ever I? 1 ^ Why no," said be, "you can take a msr- ble and shoot It from the stand and it will go clean around the track and come out where you started it." lie baa six thorough brads nova In training. I will take a trip down in Baker; county next week; will wheop up The Coxsmum!* white there, **-d i?vo y?ur rwd?n the ne»r« from tha good old county. ^INDISTINCT PRINT