The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, September 27, 1897, Image 9

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ARROYO WAS TIED ’ DP BY THE THUMBS Man Murdered for Assaulting Diaz Will Bo Avenged. THE LYNCHERS WERE POLICE Investigation Develops That Sworn Os- ficers Had Hand in the Crime. TEE RESIDENT OF MEXICO IS INDIGNANT Mob Will Find That It Has No Friends in the liepublic Across the Bio Grande. City of Mexico, Sepfeml>er 31.—The mur der of Arroyo, presumably by memebrs of the police, contiues to be the one topic of discussion in this city, and newspapers Fell extra editions in order to supply the demand of the public. Frej-li arrests have been made today, mainly among tl-s officers attached to the d police st: ti< n, supposed to bo Im pl. in tile bloody drama. (Ini l of the mo i arrested, named Carmon. Is illi dto i. ilie ■' • who wielded tile dagger so eftei t i\:. iy. An><i:r; those mm. ;-<I are servants of tho ]•.•• in. peeler pi itt. il of police and tho i . d . 1 ‘lives, it being" be- Ji. v- d t ■ ■ ■■■ know much of what look ]>;.><■ . I l ' bit oral- i indirectly implicated in the k Al t prisoners were cans gned to the t ' -m old prison of Belem. 11 is S.lid s.eno • t ;h" -kief prisoners, in cluding ti '■ i.i- i '■ lor gen Tai and assistant chi.T of deb-el . -.<• confronted by iti -Im- ruble i. :: lim police were the rial authors of tin ei . and have begun to admit their knowledge of the affair. I'roba'uly Hie man mm: intimately eoti .. ■ tor \ 1 ■ 1 . o'; I' lo i ■■■.■•, d station, who wa . lid to have sug : d the kill:.I. 1 of Arroyo and disguised t 1 • . t] >o , , aio I , ma.!. ■ rme.-. who pen* *- iiato'l tli. pel; ■ he dquarters where their In .pa-. victim i iy. Tied. Up by the Th" mbs. ' iot!> 1" Vet ion Wil 'll newspapers tiro giving as n. rue or. is tha for <xc Hi'iit I'.is.o; , whien ri-v.-nli’d, the police - fijeials ft It suti that Arroyo had acecin plici s. Fa . to . ur from him an ad mission confirming the.r suspivions, they prmeimd to string him tip by th- thumbs, and lie being an epileptic, v. nt into a swoon, when they tl; 1 . it him dead, and th.- idea arose of getting up a pretended ly: .'hin;'. in order to prevent the b1..m0 coming upon tlmm oil' . . 'I 11.- hail of tli ■ chamber of deputies was crov.'.!'■! to -,v< riiowing this afternoon on tin <> i-asion of tha appearance at. the bar of tlie hiiiiu-, of the minister of Cue inty tioi. lie said ttii; imismtw.t a; front the report of the chief of police, it was ev lent the erimin it hail not be n properly guurdi d : I,. 1 ' been in '.lie. proper place, and as thi implied a seri m - ri sponsibiiity for J. ; . tpr.-s ordered that the < hie! should at once be discharg- d, ;■ ... Bia: ;||J.‘ill I o app int'-'J to take his yin- c, ; rovisiomtliy. 11. .ml the pr0:.,.-nt has fe’t tlm utmost J . ■ ■ . I o Ihe ! ■ ■ nee oi this' crime, and Ims .:!■!- I and will -■ontiini-' nd tho Judge -n marge of ■ • i .i. ■ . that tin- - 'ini’- 11,... not go impiin'sh-'i and ti .it he full I ■ . • 1. '." i. ■; tall I I the g'.nit v. V . .mb- • I t'm / , .' . ... i: :. I by tie < .- ■ .1- Vclasquez Cr-ttfcssed tlie Deed. dtv <!' MiXi'-o. ft. mb.-r t.2—Senor i?on V, , Zi ~| , , e. I ite today ~..n f w . I to t‘ .. d. <1 of lhe li Hing of Ar r. .. • ... .... • ~r from,|, ut Inez. ; niov • d from tho offii o and d m 11- lain prison mi suspicion of h iv f, o; o p.!. • .1 in tl. I mm of v.royo To- < ... 1.• -th., oil. ~1 a. ' iti.m ..I the |O t! .. O in, r » ' of ! 'll .■ was d on ti 1 I. T.<! and ..; k- 1 to d' lail iiis con i'. .- ton with tho matter. i . ..!! q.;. ti'csl. :• .•pomled that he was a it admlr. r of m ; id.m; .and that 1•• felt that tho searidalijm'. attempt on his l.f. nii'.-iti'..; .. . v. ro punish:.) .it. Ju.! o t t;dtt- d this i' ive reply for some ■ < noi red the inspi ctor to reply dir. < tly to tl.o -pm. tion:'. It . . ■■ po the ch;, f cons- s red with- o i. |. if.atlon the part ho took in tho V.'-mquo?, Kills Himself in Prison. ■'tyof id xl< o, pt I -24 Ex-1 * r 'it..:! o! 1 ’oli. . itmrdo V■ 1 ■ inmit: •! suicide in Helam prison tod ty. Ti : ir i.i- w , ■ i-r.iins out with .a r.ich. r. !,,■ was a man of pri<l-. . .-Xi o. d » • t • ■ i .'u . mi.. \ d am mt ions Id's i • from an litim- \ ; ■■■ 1> .1 11 - | . io;',-; t . \ . : ■ ' - ‘ ' 1. \ e tho alleged lynching plot was < I • .-V nd he. wi: it otln r poll ... was im tad, he has 1 ngc. ... ...I:- retk ■ ■ tnd ■ v id< ntly s us- He v ibjccted yesterday to a long < v mmi.vmi by Judge Flo: s. .and at the .o- Imdon .if tho or.:. ;!, . n his return to the prislun, It was not. d that ho ■ : ■ • . ■.■ ; ■ . angu h of mind . • bad always bet nin i' ■■ habit of i- -I 1 i ■! !: .. up . \ E Full Information for the Cure of Weakness in M«n. VI 1., nam. a!. s p ■. •. f or ninny year* th a weakm .... . . ■ A' Ife worth ' ■ 1, . : .. s t.' k 1 > tin the power an i , ■ ■, ' - '"’-A Is'it S' to uint lost forever o naturally f. els generous. H e wants his ' ■ t to kr ... feels hat his ml ' ion on < arth ' . lift out of bon age men who are today battling with a ehnttered. nervous system, Just as he did" men. who. by their own secret follies »‘.;rfir!rg a m-Wml torture that words'c’in i. ' ao -iuately describe. The world lint • otui to look at such sef f.-rers in ■ .lifm.m 1 Ifgnt from former days It now regards t nern as unfortnnatu not -■: :" 1 I ha ve ta< ke I moi a! courage. They- may bo vict ma ot inherit ed parslon. or they have a.-qulred secret habits from evil associates. But, what ever may have be a thr incentive that causes n man to degrad ds b< / and Isolate himself from society, ho needs a f i lend. He i eds tho i igh t ha nd ot fell >v b! ;. and good ■ It wrong ; . r.ounce him foe bls folly, ami It is equally -. . ss to a e lln advice lit mu 1 hungry man’s bread, not i stone, of ■.' him This Is ■■ y I ■ . ■ met that made me a man among men, fi ■,• t,, any one who writes for it. I know tho eversion that suff. ri; : men have to tho 1< cst semb.ance of pub! city, and I thet fore semi the Information securely s. a1..,l In a plain envelope, without marks to show v. here It came from. Thoir ends of men have written me to say how glad were to get this remedy, ami every n .11 brings encouraging report of severe cases of pi.yaical debility cur-d and emaci.ited par's restored to bitural str.-i ,th. Now, my friend, do not sit. ami wonder how l’ can afford to giv- away this v:ti* i, ble Informat ion. hut writ< for it toda y. it is free to ail. and I every mail to have It- Address, in tho will, st . ontidence, THOMAS SI .ATER. Box 102. Kalamazoo, Mich. when his presence was required by tho judge. East, night he retired late and. at 11 o’clock this morning the warden of the prison went to call him. The warden went to the bedsldo of Velasquez ami said in a I friendly’ tone, as lie knew tin- prisom-r well. “Come, my boy', It’s time to get up; the judge wants you.” He Was Found Dead. ■Receiving no answer he began to shake the ex-inspector, saying “Don’t be lazy.” when ho noted that Velasquez had a bullet wound in the right temple ami on inves tigating further found a small, two-barreled pistol, with which tlie act had been com ’ mitted. Tho weapon was a small one. Tlie muzzle of tho pistol hail been placed so clcso to the temple and pressed into the ■ skin that it practically made no noise on being discharged, la nee the reason of no report being heard by tho guards. 1 low tho t pistol reached tlte prisoner is under inves tigation ami a. corlnin person is si’spo. tcd. Tho body lay’ in a perfectly natural posi tion, one arm thrown across the body, ami tho eyes were closed and the face perfectly 1 tranquil. Tho warden Immediately notified the Ju dicial authorities, who went al once to tho rtiom of the suicide and summoned med ical mi n. Judge Flores remarked that he had given tho strictest eiders to j.revent Veiasquez attempting suicide; that he had carefully' watched him and every tirecau tlon was taken to keep weapons trom him. At first tho authorities were inclined to censure Colonel Campttzo, tho warden. During the afternoon the relatives of the dead man v.",to allowed to ent. r the prison, wi.-ieh liad been closed to tlie pub lic. 'rite doctors had concluded the exam ination and found that death must have beiii instantawois, the buliet !>• Ing im bedded in the brain. Judging by til- tem perature of the stomach, the physicians came to the conclusion that the act must have been committed about 9:311 this morn ing. The body was dressed and deliv red to relatives. His Death a Debt lie Owed to Society. A I-Iter was found in the room, in watch Velasquez made bis st a’< 'ir.ents to the pub lic, saying that 1 ■. 1 itl was, he felt, the satisfaction he ow.'.i to F.'ci-i.v and ho should, til. ref,-.'. . give th:’’ s: "i'ion by leaving tlie wot<d. He 'I > .". I<l that tho crime w..s stiggc. :c<l to Icm b\ In.-poetor \"i’!aVieeiici >. of . • S • ".d poll. , district, who i.s in pri on. Vie.-qiaz .aid'd tha", un der any other crcumstanees, not having been a li cit <ifi authority, nothing could have i; ■■ a•. 1 ni t i fake, |iari in the crime. He frit, it Is said, that his loyalty • o 111“ chief mag i I-• '■' who. ■ 1 I if.’ had !>. ■< a alternated v. a'ranted him in putting Ar re; ■ > to <b nth. In fact it.l this r-’pe-ito.i:y ye t- rlay on being qtie;. ia. ■, I. I: g. >v ;i iy :i. by-his Hi. lais tli i’ A’illavieen.-io was his .vil -tv h vb" !■■:.> tl-. - time V. ' irq became chi' sos police c".tin. da r- marl; ibl inllio nei’ ov. i" irni, altliou' i Im was warn ed by il'io.-u 1 win. bad his welfare st la-art to lieware .if th' man. \ . i.i ■■qitez had a v.ry large ■tcqu.alntance, having been enipi.... .<1 aft. : l<.!\:ng e.ill- go in tho dep:: ri 111- !!' of tn.;,.. . all,| wan rotary to tin min;a ■ r of !.■■■. At <no tilin'- lie was oi p.'ct. d with it... m. wsp'ipor F.l Comb::'.', as.l hoi ::t s;i < T’y ago lieon - lee tcd ’.<»<" I* lie ]•,..< I < ; , | ma aV" reforms during iii.s itieaml . n.-y as ms'ie. - tor. BEVEBSES DEOVE TO SUICIDE. Business Man of Washington Takes His Life. V. ■ tiglon. j. ptem.i.'r 21 F. Lewis, presid nt of .; .•.iiir.rn styl'd I'm Ame.' t’.it'.o'i Inv. :.t I'ompuiy, witli ot!i.'..s in l city, i mimitf. 'i .-ui.-ido today in bis otli. ■ by '.mjtii .; lim If In til.' head. . .I 1 ■ \ I . • ■■ ’ ’ - I ) . . ■ ■ :<: ■ . i t• 1 lawyer i■! ■ at. d .at i. .. s and h- . .m- ; pony In -t • .1 ... : ■ ■ ■ mo.) l.y I'i • I <: id'.tro r<. ently of -< v :al I irge bo : .v t I i 1 tvis wis about forty-five years old, a | | <|. ■ nby birth an.l a !'.■.•:•;■ ;i; of Bo .n . prior to • -iiniir, (.■ V.'a .mgi-m. STORY TOLD BY THE SAILORS. Charge T!iat One of the Men Aboard the Willey Was a Murcr.e". Brunswick, G:i.. September 22. (Spec' 11.1 Sailors on the American t m.-a.-i" E'.l.t M. Willey, avr.ved in port from <’a;-o ■ Tow n. South As. ’■ repot a ■ n.sational story against <"!: ri. < il d- il, a ta- -ii- r ' the < '- v . now - n route |.> w Y..,rk ■, i . the Mallory line. They allege that Bed-11. in c -mpany with ! lit ' chum, '"l-iv-'t pool .Tael. ” murder.-d and rob!. .1 .; w- iltliy -i iiii'i'd min.- own. r in ' Soul t A irio i aid div id ng th- proct <ds e;s- | . . 1 to th ■ in. ■. >:«•.;• li ,v <.i 11.. '! to Iviv... ss,Kill in )!■ .1.1 g .1.1 in a i. around his body, w ' .1 mk” was similarly loaded. : ■..<! <‘ii r<m|o to (lie state via A l ’,' 'i' I. I'-p.lty . nit-sl St at • s Marshal Taylor arr sted F,ed< I! and ■ ■ arch- ; Ing him i 'liial nearly t.'i.'h:) In ab, It .'-roiit, 1 his wait t, and all kinds ot dlamon 1 and . i ■ up mou ly. Bed II a pervci i p im-r :.' I did 11-.; time ; I. : ’l’ .v i.n's ! .a.. ■■...aminatloti. lit admitl.-I kno.vhdg | fl-..- < s the g fll-ii".-. made, but -i- - . n.-d ti" m, static;;, howev. r, libs fa miliar, i y . witii tn - laws of tills country .i t hi.-, j utmost rel'.inei in proving itimi .If clear, i !!'■ <l:ited that m 'UCy and ,lev.".'lrv v, ■'.• I his own prope ty, ml for posses ion of ! them th.- South Afr.ean government had : cot.' tied !’l!:i. elf am', hirt v-thio: tiers in jiri am. 'li. -e imn. v. h hlm.self, w«ie r.ovi rnment conductors .n a diamond ndno ralivr.i.v amt va-;-.- ,-u. uoete.i of stealing, 't 1.. v wo;., irre-’id ami I i<ig< <l in Jail, and , est v.'.'i m;.d to -'Onvi.'t. them. After man.v day B-.deil and tor.-■ others vs ro r ’ • e ■ discharge. .... Bedell exhibited to Mar '• I Taylor. Viewing all the «.ircum.stanc.s, with li'd.T.’s statement, 'Mars iia I Taylor Concluded to rclear. Bedell an-l ho left on tho New York steamer, laughing at. tho discomfiture of his sailor ae; users. Bedell was a com al's man on beard tho Willey. Another con: ill’s m: n was. E. ill. Bauman, son of a wealthy 11. brew Chicagoan, E, Bauman. Bauman . "ated at the <u; torn house, while, b. ng pal-1 off, that !).■ had b'-n In Cap.' Town four y.' trying to i ■' home. Lat- r lie »as as- tultod on the streets by .-a h-rs. who .m: i.n-k him for B--i' ll and wanted to r.-b him. Bauman seemed chummy with Bedell, but Bed-11 steered clear of iiinras much as jiossilile. I'niim.i’.'s people wir. d him money and :t ticket to Chicago owt the Southern. Bauman had no share, in Bi dell's < di ami it is suspi t ied was shadowing him. WHITEC.APPEBS ARE ON TRIAL. South Carolinians Are Cha’ "with j Whipping Mormon Elders. Columbia, S. C.. September 23.—(Special:) The ease of the Fairfield w'dlecapp. r.s Is tonight la the hands of a jury. <>f lhe thirty name:", in the indictment as original ly drawn tlie grand jury threw out all but .... Nettles, Charley 1 finkins, < le.arge Moore, I.e-.i Moore, John Moor.- and John Hat-ell. Nine women testified, sev. ral of tie nt pretty girls, and all -Mormons. 'fhe state cndenvorcil to show through Its wit;-S'-.'S tii.ii an armed mob had invaded tlie haijita:ions of certain persons who bad espoused the eause of tlm Mormons ami v.. r.. eonverts to that faith, and Unit Hie i prisoners were memb of tlie party. Ihe . ~ , pi tl’. main, ni.ide an effort to I provo an alibi ::nd to refate the :<■ timony I given by tho w'tness. ; for Um .prosecution I At a late hour '- night the jury is delib erating. A mistr i! is considered p- liable. Great inter. : I was manifested in this . is. , but ther * was no unusual excitement throughout the trial. Miss Maggie and Miss Alice Branham THE WEEKLY CONSTTTT T TTON: ATLANTA, GA., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1597. are the girls who hebl tl.o mob at bay guns wtD’ii th<*y burning F*”' Mor- ; mon <*!<.!< i’s. They t«- i ifiu-i poi itivvoy to • having r< « ugnizud < rsi <»f the accii' 5 •<». : Tho men were m.i; L' >1 but thoy io* i< J v.s- , (lernoa’ih, and, !■••.•;«!<rceo;;n;/.!•«! «•' i voices. NEGRO POSTMASTER FOR ROME? The Return of T. M. Dent from Wash ington Creates a Stir. Homo, Ga., September 21.—(Special.)—A ■ colored postmaster for Rome! That is the story hero today. Romo is in the throes of tho greatest sen sation that she litis known for a long time, and in all probability tho wrath of the majority of her citizens was never before wrought up to tho pitch that it la now, over tho rumors to the effect that tho present postmaster, John M. tan Diver, who went into office under tho democratic administration, will be ousted, and that i. M. Dent, a prominent colored republican leader of this section, who has just re turned frem Washlngtoif, will bo given his job. Dent Was Quiet. Tho candidates for office, arc numerous, and tho light has been on for some days. Din ing this time Dent kept quiet, ami little was thought of It when his friends first an nounc-d that ho would bo an applicant for tho position, of postmaster, until It was lean < d last week that ho h id gone to Washington <i:y, carrying with him In dorsements from a. munb r of the most prominent republicans in this congressional district. He Smiles Serenely. TTe returned this afternoon, and when ask' d if bo thought his trip to the <".i;-t'ol a. succ-'.sl’ul one, he replie-1 with a. confi dent smile by saying that was yet to bo . ti. He w. eld ".uivo nothing further to suy noon the subj-i i. It is learned tonight tlrat M. C. Parker, Dent’s right-hand friend, who is one of tho best known negro poli ticians here, is making pi'eparalions to leave for ’Washington tonight, and it is i ijjy ; ' hat ids trip will r ut in tii< n< gro ; 1 ■■■ c' ' ippoii ted. Who the Negro Is. Dent, tlm 11 aimlicalit. is one of the n. . U promin-. r i ■ wo. s' :n tins e.'j" ami is supi " ii'end.nil of tin negro public “"bools Ot item, ilo known tln <ne;!-.oul tho stalo for I.i'- iirorniner. e in -du .il i'.. . I v.'. : 1;, ai l I: is i.'i" va- ril ye.n iaiu.> d among tlm ter* u k-.i-iers ot 1: ' r".--"- in the .... d i'.- get th ■ ll ; ser'ous trouble will li! • ly follow, a • Van Diver, tho pre.« :-.l post inn.• "". is dv <■;<:, d)y th© Hio.-: i.op'nar • al li ■ :i. . ever .'die<l that ollie-' here. Should be be lii, in .. .1 •i .■ p. . >!’!. ..;:iy tiny ,'t : .nt w.i lit a white min put in I;. 1 : and not a neg m. Rome Is Indignant. Pnbli ' llniigmit -m running l: ; gh. So pref-.'ind is li. : on that ii::.' <'.'i;'.:- nated from lae iiimc l of Hom. ig a negro po.-; ma stcr :i :l the i ope have forgot all about til" yeliow f-v-r scare, Wl'.a il W 'S '.'l tile i n:', of eV. I.V Oil'.' ,v.‘.-'.- ter-lay. :nJ tile ■•.!■ top .' in Hoi-', p.night is “v. tint v.' il we do il a. a. ;.;ro ; '. ;.p; -int. d to tho vffict Cabinet Discusses Shooting of Loititr. Washington, Septend 1 ot Postmaster Loftin, of liopaioviin . -hi., viio was shot and niigiitly wound, d some days ago, . .tine up for ai. ’a: ion ;:i t lie cabinet meeting today. Tlm r. port of the agent s nt to Hogans ville by the posloffi.-,. J. p: it no i to m.iae an investigation was pr-.-.aPd b. Post master General Gary. It is said that tlm report show 1 that t' postmaster was not at all d yed by tlm -our:'.- ‘Vents have, tak- n ;,i:-l was fully d. . rm;;., d not t‘- ye id '.a Ills no - lion I, .a. :: i ... ■ .....ii:, t In: i SkH’S ;■ :'■■■/ i poiutment. : < among .. >i. th ui.s I : that he was highly re t ire d, i n ng b- . u i "1 ' ■ «b.:.. vol. ■ a. • p . : I a. I .‘lu 11. .' in tho ptiblie school . Xo a. , a.n I. aS t'l ken fl.I" I > pre .“It. 1 1 I I president hoping that th- c.iiim r jt:d “a. :.i j |of the ).. o i> :.. of Ho- Hl Viil •w i; ... i | | and T.o Hu be jierniitli to cnntfia. the ; dllli-.-i ot’ ii.:. position wm ■.. . tai .m. Colonel Garrett Appointed. Columbus, Ga., Septemb, - • Colonel J. S. Garrett, who w ■; t -l iy ap pointed postmaster forj'.iiuml-'is. s at the j head of the Ural of Garrett S whole- 1 rale liquor .Fillers, of this h ■ 1., - n i I a repiudi. an several years. :i.i I |.re 1 I of the local protect! .Cl - lub, organized just I ■ ■ . cm--. I ■. ;■ ..I oi" : ■ ! fi.i..’. H-.l I'.ioetii- nd. . M: ■ :• I d i ■ th. Indor cment ■ i d d tri-.'t repiii'd'. an ein've < • m-in., i, b;:t th-: i , Hanson intiuen- ovorc 11 | i'fs'■'? "i ; A A".. . Eatonton’s New '’ istmtr i r,: i.i..:'UTX . ki.o'v s•. : .mth ; ;go la w i-• n. : k:-‘‘,vn of both 1 c and Join . . i mtiy i .-ippo.iitnb nt. Char ..- !■’. I m.- nlmrv. ■„ I o : out. has | J b... a i-oiim cl d w.; n ila < . ■ • num- I I to< •. s■. :u,d wa ... ter f- t >ur ■ * Mnjr Cause Copper M.ines T-> Suspend. , Chattanooga, T< nn.. a•-■n-b. r (t’-pe- I rial.) - Cham ell< r McConnell overruled al motion to dis an I i.ii: u . . ia what is i known as Ducktown ’ t ults will be heard in ch; n< iry court at The smoke from c r sm.-lTrs at ' Ducktown. T- iu . . toly 1; 1: s trees | and n’t vegetal Io i .'or sum. liuslam-.i around. Owners of property near the i mines brought suits foi <’aia:,for loss ! of VI g< till ion aggr a. Jir . . a i asked for an Injitnclimi against the de- i struction of v-itm".. if th" compl 1 in: m. win. tlm Immense I copper mines will be forced to suspend. I The Truth Stated. From The Albany, Ga., llcr.-i.ld. The negro Is all right In Georgia, an l can have friend "■ amongst tlm ’--st wlilt. people so long as he knows his place and keeps it; but. the time has not come yet when It Ih safe to nut him In otli ."il >, ..'itiea ovi r wiilte people. Tho somie'" in republicans : understand this .. - ■ accept it as a. faci rim better for alt eon cerned. Whether we iiae. a. i. jmbii.’a.n ad ministration or (l democratic ;-din:ul.-Ira tion at Washington. Georgia I:- and wdi continue to be for g- i" tier ■to come, a ■ m’s tale and anyth vors of negro doniin.iti m will b,« r- ar, ... i 'filo better idem, n will m "ei' r ~rt t> j such deeds as that a:t"mpt I i. Hogans ; vllle last Wedn. ri'ay night, m’.i w>, ..t ' public opinion is d- lied by political I . ■ , . , as was done in tills case, th"'"e will ho those who cannot be restrained from vio lence. LIGHTNING BUTTER MAKER. Butter Made in Two Minutes. T have tried tho Lightning 11:;. t ■ Mr you described in your paper, amt it is .i yonder. 1 can imik" 1.■):•■;• in two utos. and it Is ( . '.: ;.n'. Yim get mor-- bttt t, r than when you use a common churn. 1 took the agen . ai '• \ . imtt-'r nak r that s< .; it. buys me. 1 I a, done pl :,- -i'd. ami made a.s 1:1, i a■: weolc. I have old three dozen, and il'i.y giv.- tlm b, st of sa I isfimtion. I know I .ti s—ll one Inindr. d in this township they :: aka t,-‘ o quickly, and makm so much more than common < imrim . -i.i are sa cheap. Sonm mm in every tov.'m'hlp e.-in mak. $2iD or S3OQ eliing tli m. By v,... ng to W. FL l;,:ird iX Go.. H<l H. HI, lilnnd .iv-miie. Sta tion A. I *i::shurg. I’you -m ge; circu lars and l ull inform:: tion so you c. n make big money right al Imine. 1 have mad" S6O In the past two week: and 1 never soid anything before In my life. | ARP WON’T GET MADI liis Old Faiiier Used To Walk fno ■ Rii3!iiaatisin Off. HE DON’T LIKE M’KINLEY I Bartow Philosopher Is Not Pleased with the'Appointment of Ne gro Postmasters. When Abasuerus got so dreadful mad with Haman he dident <’ > anything r.isli all of a sudden, but walked out. In the gar den to Cool off—to let his eholer down. That's the. way I ant doing now every day, and am thankful that I’ve got a garden to walk in. When my goo-1 old father used to fe.-l th.' rheiunatic pains coming he dident sit down and gi ant and look mis erable, but seized his hat and bis cane in a hurry and started out to peruse the farm. In an hour or so he would return all in a sweat of perspiration and the rheumati.''.in was postponed for a time. Walk about some and commune with na ture when you feel o '-i. Almost < very lay I take on a new mad. a Irish Irmigna tion -McKinley, and it' I <1 dent walk in the garden and pern the roses and pone:: or teed the. pet r. I.bits ami tlm pea fowls or pi.-k a 10l "f tomato- s. i .r din gey my < hol- r wouldeut eomo down and I would Io • my :. ,q. i ite ami my serenity. Dogoii l::m, c.:tiloli'.id him, dad bl ; ; t him! The good book says "Curs d be the dei iw r,” and if lie hasn’t ileecive.l ’•is no mail - ver did. 1 never vo-i ,1 for him. and 1 am thankful for it, but 1 did i.i'.e iv-spec; fur i.irn and lab ved his sincerity and hi:; r. ii-..‘.;;l patriotism, but i. has falsified our ta.:!> a: .1 Icolien our h-ip an-l my personat contempt for n m I.s amazing. 1 dident know what my kind, genii.' -imposition could generate s i niu. li contempt for any man. We dident know tin.l il' was a south li.ier per s - an 1 lm-1 smothered .1 in his bo . i all tn- : years Ol.iy to be uncover J aln n lie got us m Ins power. Si'bn s'i.v iie is a tool, some say a and soin. that In. b : b .n hypi'iot.z. J by ilan: .'.; bu; my i-mv. :tion 1:. 1..::t il Is a u-'i I- 1.1 : ' party policy in o| • i.i I'ie b...ii; ini v. ‘in tin ll'.ilj al.d th'.- si. alu, to s l the he.ilmg wound to bi eiiing again. Tin y I: de.-p. r i of cap:u. ~g a ii;, soul letn an-l now si ek : I In 11 I ■ ■ . -Ith ..'I.. ">h, i.iy ioi • ary I was i.. .. ver such in .. .t --le.-s, reck!■ s tji'am.y of .jllieial power, j. -a ir.-: :i::g hurnitmi mi’’ Let me stop .- 1. ■ n . ami waik in the garden. 1 : "i- : n- I. autiful liow-rr from lhe window, the -'annas, wi;h tn ir ttirb.,iie.i tops, wav ing in tl' ■ "veiling bui'Z. , z- i .: .d . ildias and g . tlieii varie- gi'ci iidors. 1 " !!'■ -locks of little b:: !s pi. King tiie sun.: '."i . .d. I am looiciii'.’,' upon ti- noii-mi of until.', . 'i.i I laii i" m i'i only er. ature :I. i: ■. 1 and -I. ■< ives us. 1,, t me ; o o'.g a;...-:'.; : ii" ard rt:: i■' i.‘ <• and calm my fr-ated ii: ami "Hl.;. :t my oli'ae I cries with a : i'i'ig of lemon r i rl-. n;i i id in :i.itr<si". W il, ; ...■.■.• I think 1 sci i b. :' r. I. -: M.-Kiui y pro. . i will; mi. 'I ■ ... \'.-mc ■<j th" press will aitc.mi to him. I lik'd tin’ e headlim s of the goten<>r, “M. :■' in' Skir: S st.' i•.- J \\ I . it I > I' i . t Is :i and hi. pa-t,'s : Kir; ha'." 1- .it st line I w ith a good d< al of m ;ro bio d nee th< wti not tt ly n< has tak< n place i’i . i. a•. ■ ■ J lo< W. I >-• a . 1 . • . • ../i ibe.r . : 1..11H1 .-lan ' .rm cm.' .strife mid • * J sout! hat I this 1n ? What net es ., . 1 ■ .hat .'n. J ' p.-'ple of th. towns and titles. Th.-v are i nearly as eiose akin to the color line ns I tho schools and churches. MeKimey knows t d and knows the temper of our people ' - i this subject, and he know;: H at ir wilt ■ not be peaceabiy perm! led. It will widen ! | tl." breach not oniy I--:..- n tiie nort t J 1 : ." ivutii, but b'tw-.n .• •••.•Hit- . and ; lie ' i»:.i"ks. But ..11 t i!s ha n >..:d over and ; over again l y t. . pre.- and our i-eimto:'., • r- pr-';at: - . .'il . v- r tiie soutli. ami i 1 ‘ been o.v ~i ... v. 110 tl.lnk much ; ami say little. I won... r if Hamm. .Mc- 1 & Co. t ct can by Lorca re- j • . ’ ■ of a great ; anti -i. n. .rib \v;.o want i pt ;'.ce. bu’ not al’nt ;l o' war when I l' < \ are trampkd o.; . r j;:< d. H.. I • ’ . .' .. I.’. ,: I I'm- li::|.. era.uh ’•,il-lr."t d ■ .. lu : ■ for I ’ th< m. 1 lik. h t. I ha I rutlii i ittrs- and | ■ pct tin little ■ ■ th; .to ■ <■ MeK: ■ I have now is In trying . . ke :> my !-• j.-et | Ito him. Ido t .«< y out man | • ti j end Shakesp-are says puilti. :an would j .-it imv- nt < led. ’ Bu : . got b k to the eame content' Ile ibj ct. Plagu ; take tht nig I ger... 1 wi: it Bish" i Turner v.oa.d i hurry up Ills transportation. This - v-.r- I I ki.-ling I'.is.s has in . n going on thirty-four l years sin. <• freedom e.:ai- ai I half .. ■ • j j tnrv before a.nd th.- 'ml f.s not la sight, i j mid now half the 1■: -l it ir,- is in .. -:.m ; as a ' rmmitteo to determhi" wiiat to -io ; jv. ith tiu I ir< ■ or .ur ' lions ;mi . ilo:'. d ; ■ tho state a million of dollars before the J i n- w plan is carrl-.i out. .md the national government • it to pay ot p them away. Th" north Hrs* brought them over ' i here from Africa, mid In course ot time 1 • sold them to us and then set them free and i : refused to pay the money bark, dogon ’em! i ! confound’- nt! But we .ire getting aleng 1 fair- . I ly well notwithstanding eur troubles. Wo ; . were hoping for a peaceful and prosperous ■■ administration, but my faith weakened ■ wle n I read that McKinley was boo-hooing : over John Brown’s grave and said the very ' pl; ... was an. inspiration. Ves, sympathiz ing with that oid er izy fanatic who seized the arsenal of the I'nlted States at Mar- ' li--.’., l .'iy i ' ft.: arms to murder Virgin- ' • lans. . .Hi he is look'-1 upon as.a saint and bi ■■ grave an inspiration. J. wonder If he ' : d dn't the shoes from off his feet. ■ ’ B it 1 must have eomo fresh air before I .mil. -..’.n't do Justice to tlm subject, and must wait until J peru.-e the dictionary [ ami find some nn re fitting language where- ] wi h to vent my Indignation. As it is. I ,m , i..; i..:. iag , 'u• ; entiments of our J- o - our \ e people. Vny negro who s. "l:s and iie.apts ;i postofllce place in tho smith 1s a fool-hardy fool, for there are ; .some lawless, -le perate in-n in every com ; niunity north ami - oitlli. if Lincoln had a ’ Booth asd Garfield n Guimau, how can n i defiant negro [lolltici . t ■ xpeet to escape wh. n the entire community is against him? Wh it would !>■ .'o’l'o of Id'.i in Versailles? What good will bis arms do him even though furid. I'.'al T,. th" m'v'-rninen t? Now look at. the fob'. . .' tit- ■ n politicians. ■1 is limit. :!m -i:p. i'im.a.ilent -.f Tlm ! m ... , Si'iniols in Itome. He lias a good | pi le, .ml .i good aI.U'T . but wants ' i R.,M.' pestofl'me. \\ . 1. of . our. ■. h ■ a I . 1... i :i'.i".l -ui of th' .- iiool ’lid Im will be mi ' "li i" ill tile postcll'ico if 11" gl to It. j an.l .v< ' \ v.'!:"" mam v.omaii and ebml ill Ron e ' W ill t" M< Kinley for it. It : I" im iiiat i W"i'ld rather li.iv" 11m ' love slid !■ po. I of til" jH.:opl.‘ 'b.i.i Bi. :r I h.ui-.d ami <nipt. BILL .A RL’. ' Dispensary Advocates Spilt. ; law: on, > la., > ptei ib< r 2 . (Sp ) • A split in tl.'" ranks of the dispen" try ad vocates in Terrell county ha-- m- •, vel (,| J. In today's D;iw:-'.:i K. ws :.o:-' , pears a not t e . -ii.- : , y ' , to 1..- i.'itr.idm -al at lhe next meeting of i tlie legislature. The spilt arises from the fact that the j bill agreed upon by tho council of Daw- I son ::mi the Terrell county commi.-s!oners I provides for only one disp-nsary in tiie I county, to be located at Dawson. Tim'citizens of Hie smaller towns object, h'mause, they claim, Hi. y should 'lie enti tled to dispensaries also if they wish them. This nniV'. tho contest three cor nered, and a lively light may be - xpeoted. FOUND IN GEORGIA. ' J. H. Conkell Slips Away from His Family at Canton, 9. Marietta, Ga.. September 23.—(Special.)— The Marietta Journal has unearthed a sen sation wl I h has its other < nd In Ohio. For several days the telegraph wires have brought telegrams to The Marietta Journal from t'anton, <>.. Inquiring if J. il. Gotikeil was in M.'.ii'ielta, and it’ so, ascertain if lie was tlm .; im. < '<mk tl who. ai ■ - r put ting up a monuni' i't at Leetonia. <»., in O-'toher, IBM, I’.ad sudd, niy <!!:'ti-twar. <1 ami v. n supj'osed to have been murimred lor amount of money he itad on h;s per on, some si’oo. It seemed that Conkoll lived In Canton, €>., witli his wife and .-i • elrldrcn am! was the proprietor of the Monumental Marble Works. Alter going to Le.'.oniii ami I'm-. Ishii:;',' the pulling up ot a monument th. re, I:tools were carried to the depot. This wa.o October 'l3, l-T. Then tlm ground seemed to h:'..‘ op. n. I up mid swallowed Conke:!. Legal Investigations were bad and :: gra v* -: ■ : v. named L ti’ V- itzman, was . < Conkell’s murder and was ari'.’sied and kept in jail three months. 11. was finally d;-charg'd, sold iiis home and li ft for Springfield, <>., under suspicion a.-. Ill'll ■: Tera ml In : ii.■ mean icm i.ewly 'm'de ;rr Ive wa3 op-iii d, 1. it th: re no b" ly there ind ■■ l i. dlsap] ' ' ' ■ ■ 1 : .a,-': .'ml mom ’." was . ." nt to find the nr"- ' g man. Recently Robert Graham, formerly of Ch v< lan i. O, in mar ■' I>r in K< n ne-iw Mari ' - Company, had i"'> to Vi" t Mor;. '.. nm...le rk. in Marie:!". ... i Wit! J- : f- te ...:i. i!;..' -.v- i J Hie I I”- I ' The 1. '.lit was ("ontiol! a. kmm i- dm'd that he w;m tiie mis 'n; mm- <li:ih:m w - t back to Canto'.i. <).. and Clove! md. <>., and told of hi-' sudden -iis.ov. iy ’.hat tlm I'up po-"*l . ".id n.: n w:' : livii:;; ' i Marietta, *■:>., wiirking at his trude. ■j" ■■, ,-ii. t"b ■■ rain ti itlng tile editors of T‘ Join mH to im Comm'd ■ H sec J' Gi ini’s ■ • was trim. Th< ..■ ■ . but I:: • r !'- ' ts:: el .1 1 1 i ' de. - i. # - 'I I ;i a р. ..’ oi I. 11 . ".mi'. "'"J ... W. ■' *m> - ""al I 'I! I lie ' idi .i’-:- " '"i from i., :1 . ii. in < ;■■!’ r. i il-’ pa-. ed under lhe imm< o*' J. IL Commll imr-. RICH ORE OVER THE LINE. Mr. Hickey Britigs Down Some Beauti ful Qimi'tz from North Carolina. A. S. Il:ek"y. pr. . i'i. nt .ni l 1 n:'n- im'.r of th-' Vietoi il Gol.l Minin, and Mill ing C->:ii! in", ■ • li",ai "a '. 1,1 A lai>t:: on liis way til i 1 -’ '• ■ • ■ 1 -. t ■ hav; " nd an ■ . ' " ■’ ...... ■ . th Gem■ iin n N ' ■> . |, 1.. I belt < th ■ lim' fr . n l.'i'i e-iunty. Tho - wii -li Mr. Ili-'k-y brott'th: d-'.vn to AHm. ... .. . mitily look.' attr.iet a ■•. I '. mil f frae'.it "' o; Te" vms '. tin from t ::r-. '■> four :. n Hi'- •■' .ml the or. w ... i <] S 2 t»> orn out* Let a- .1 '. s maimr :m ■m' V'a In gold. Bi ; ;p T "in "I Ml ; J i". ~w,,, ih.- I; n-l. i ix-l. :>;<«>•. < ?..v. in .r Jon -. of t ; . ami stat- . .. al ■ int< ret :• d mailt- i ■. m. ' ' I ' ■ west, or A .' ■■'lLw ;in Alaska a few ■■i ■ - ago. l-efore tii ■ K'-'.i . I I ■ ...;.. . ■ ■ 'tiy. i ill .; lim ai.'Aeii .i. u •> - ■i ■.,i ■ mi. r ■ man sled by ■ ■ glans •! C ' i.i.-'O :!■ tie- Alaska gold i. :h own ri;:. I- at lion’,". If such .■. i" :■ ■'.' re mad in tlie w -st as I ■ . ... I. "' I i ■l' . ' I ' " ■'l d ’...' a i im '.■!•- ■ : . . - • i • • I :■■■: • ■ t tth w ti r:. and n uru and th I ■ >m ig in and in . I ■ go d pr -. Th. y i .:l i..m ■ )>;• n’y of Mr. not -Ivc’ded on the kind of nmeliim ry lie wi'l pul in. Im: h ■ will put i:;!m . in h -". r. :l w!i n . up ;. mJ ... :. inent wis »tiu J in . . -ml . .•■ ■ ■ . . : . .- . b • i • ha ■ ■... . i >ne on I", hop ’I . ...■ lan- ■. ■ . . ..1 thousand doii.irs in gold : • pi>eket. PEN NSYLVANIA’S MONUM ;N' S. Marl;er-: on Cliick ' Bcttlefl-Id To Be Dedicated. October 25tli. Ch ittai Te: n. S [it ■ r 22 (Sp< - с. ii.) . ■ u-y G< . .■ ■\\ Wrn r, ot te | tit! .1 th- K.e il .' I imt 111" ( a’." <t.. I i"". i'i i t ;.lv." amen .meri..;, •.. the Chick ■ Nat lonal M q „ -■ .. • v. . m do th: ' tl. ■. Uo'.v ■ ■■ .re would not inter! re w .' . .< w;n be “• '■ c : • Monument Vlas Dedicated. ... T . . f ■'■ ml r 2" <.<i.o- ..... ' '.' ■' Ob ',. : to.lay a. <'!>!■ mtmatiya udi'i;; tlm ,!,,i; ili..;; .;' th.- )■: .-.lit. -I.mrtit Lidia:.;i regiment . r-. '-.-.l i.y Hie M ij. •W. B. Miller made Hi" Ji-' a.i.-y nddr.'s; to ab.m; (:::■■■.• immir..! .JI .'!- Ji, i". many oft: ::i numbers ot the regi- nii.i’iin . «:• ■ formally r-• iv. -l on tl ..; . : ■ ■■ G •■■ ■ll Boynto I. pr. sid. 1.1 of tlie pari; commission. GOVERNOR GRANTS PAFvDONS. Johnston Liberates Convicts Who Are Reported Dying. Montgomery, Ala., Septcmb-r . .. (Spe cial.) I'.irdons w-ra gr.,nt' d by Governor J. la tn i today as follow Robert Collier, of Coffee, s. .tenced for four y.-irs lor bi;'"lary; served three. 110 is now dying of eon mmptlon. Stewart Kyle, of Cherokee county, sen- I tenced for four y eai for ■ and l:irc< ny, eerv e( j tvvi ; now dying oi const imp tion. fi.-nty M Gruder M i- on . smitenc fd for bur:.'.ii'. tin;.' would expire- next . spring: will -lie of per.carditis. Jam. ) R ims.'. ... A:.t:ig:i. eiitene...! for two ■ . .ms for f 'onions as-mult. In this < .■ al! of ll.e emmiy ollie, s and many mHz. ns . t, sHlie.l the pr.-voii t ion war. tlm j daniago slight and the convict's character ( at, : nd recomm- nd-’d Ills jiard-m. : Several slight commutations were also I gr.ii'hd am! ;i big liui 'li of p .. i..ns for ■. pa rtlob wa: r. : ii l ■* ■ DEMAND FOR ALABAMA PIG IRON Furnaces Have Orders for All They Can Produce This Yee-r. Birmlngh ini, Ala.. pt< mb r : Spi - clal.i -It Is givmi out t’rni'. Allma fur n have<! pig iioii up to January Ist , next year. As u result a number of orders are beimt I ti. , opted for dehvc' y aL. r that d;.l--. Siteh I eolaiiti..". Im- ' mJ ’ d ill t i.i • : <•- I t'.m ii: m:in\ i. u'L■- ... m'Lvi:.' ..!' lim pig iro:i market is t.m subject of much mini- ■ rn-nt. I: ,:: biol’eis buying !n tills market are; no: purclia- ng pi. mnt from tin- fur p.:, . :, b'l" from Hu' wamy y..rds. wiiete i ti .* sp<‘-’iii:■•'-' have th* ir j-tir- 'laser, of I .... .: back took. 11 is al > a 1; . iy lot"- --'.n trade is om of :1m features 1 o' the A’m.'inw irou niarke:. Tli.- | and a.'.:.: ri-. .. ■'■ Jmost on a parity a ml tim to the for- . i m irk- I are nos" at current pri-ms, Imt larimly by sp. euLibm.- >vbo ar-, unloading'.s made some time back. Fifteen furnaces arc In blast In tho Blr- HCKSON’S LIMBLESS KERIM COTTON. OHLY A FEW POUK3S OF T§iS HEW SEED WILL BE OFFERED F2H ALE . SEASOH. ■" a t \ . ' ■ Ir ■ b' - Y V- - \, "■ \. • ' ■ W-’ ■■ i/ .'y 'e".k\ • 1 ’. ... ’■'■ - •»" Th!.-' Is an ex • t . ' a . : -.t 1--'Coin-' fanm t - . > . ' ’ ' a revolution ii: H ■ ' ■ i' n leaf formation not. mo ■ ■ ’ g.'.'i-w.s from ti : ; :i‘■ * i ... i i.i ■: to • -■*> st :I';. Tii -■ h-- '■ • :;. ■ -i ■ stances. ;i’ : ... L : ! r"O * ’■ ’ re touch \\ ive I ■ ■' 1 ■ 1 ' ' w.■ w’ll gel t iv- my Im. ‘ ‘ . ■' ’ ’ : th ■ mo.-i pr >'i|'.' -r.-tt" iin i.i ’ ’ i . .. : rd. ; ■ . and for tile pmi '~i " : I < ba ■ ■ I W 1 ■’ J i m'y . i "I , oil 1 :• Hie \ 1 : g': ■ n ill Am , I' ll ' J" :■ , ’•< ■ •; L'S P"r a- 1 r. . :. i 1 . i'■ 11 i : ■' ■ ... i" . m. 11 m I !>" i-.m. h ■lt -a : valll: Te A.-' ' ami '"Ph ’ - ’ 1 -1 ■ . 'i ■ .:! v 111: ' 11 11 . i ■ iH; . 11 w l il IT ,'lke I m J. ' . e " 1 ■ ' ' ' ’•(•?>' ,11: a .-r ’’ V n F ... of At' . < In.” Tim merits of t’d I nil. •• . ■ ■ ■ ' " • ■ • ■ .•••:. n f>-. • We t' 1 *■ ! ..... '.A ' I ■ .-■ to j spose Ot ■„b ■ A. r . ■ .A. Ad ; mini’ lldi 'rV *1 " ' ' lor the torch. 11 ■• ' ■ Iron ar.- report d. - MORMON ELL' S HI , Missionary 1 'Tennessee To B' Tea-*■■ ! Huntsville, A 1a.., (Spe- cial.)- About st * ■ M< .. ■' . * T . r |., .... hnv" ■■’■i-•■ * 1 ■: ."■■■ . four <1 a.vs in i ’■! *-; ' from ' This was the hr r cons ri:tl(v of It- I. ■ 1 r bdil in A!-'b * r • • ' ; * * * ;: " i - »’ ... ' : '. ama him i■■ ■. ■ ■■ ■ ■ . ■ : th * * I • • ■ o ' I '■ II • * ; mai ’ ■ RUSSELL CHOPS CEE TIE/TS. C overnor of Change.-/ in I*'. *': iC. r. ■' ! Raleigh. N. i'„ S m Ku mil s .■ i- S. J , ■ I Wilson. ;■ -puli. t. T :<■,.! ■ * '• Ily unexp. ' In " ' I cd John 11. 1 n i a d ; ten, and L. C. < ul'iv.' il. >p. i* '■ Ville. 'J'.'ie presn nt fnciirnl..■: ■■■ 1: ' refit " i ■ yh ' • ■ ’ apj oiute. wm, • • ' j sworn in. The I-' ■' ”1 ”1 tile governor ba his act ion i’.< I Honed Knob hotel. The hotel, he a)l< ges, is ov ■ ! W. AVil.-on and Colmml A. B. A’ ■!** ; vice president of the Sou:!. ■*.■. I kept this summer, :.• I !:■ '.. * ; state, by the mother ... «»■ i-» V n ... r furtliei i dent. Andrews has h'd . • r ■ ; nt Hound Knob and the it: • i on either side for ihv pu ; * ■ >' i the pl ica profitab! >hn El. Pearson v ‘ and sa id he woa’. I tn. io . i 1 here tomorrow morning and I demand the oilico I’orn tn <> W i be will bring it in W. ■ 1 ■ October 24th, and that tin w c. I bo an appeal to the in .in ■■ ■■ 1 . w 1 ' will advance the ease. Ho add.'!: I “This pl: e < „in» to nm niirely tm o llc.tted. 1 think the si.. ■ ’*; in r. ■ . be served without oppi • iir.; : :'v..i\ .. m p ink's in tho le.i< ■." Caldwell will go to Morganic.a o.d d - maud tho office of Cha .rni:-n K ' - <.:i w: » will i- fuse, and Caleb oil will tin :. ■; ■i. in ‘ tho same manner < )tho V. ' ■ '' ' of tile commisslom rs having :.! ■ > ’ - ’ of a court ;tnd a Iso 1 hat a s a e > . i quest ion is involt cd under th. I an eiidnu iit is tim rd a of i, . .: i I the I’nlted States supn ' HIS WIFE IN THE CLASS ’OOM. The Husband Calls and Tells th Story of a Secret Marriage. LaGrange, Ga.. Se:.'emli.-r 2'. ’ A romantic m.iri iage. v. lied o ’m r. d i about three wicks ago at Corinth. In nd I county, was n .id puidl" I. -: ni : e weeks "J. 11. Boos Ma t tie Copeland, wlio . r< i" ' . ■ ■ i would gel married and did so. Ta- a-'. ■■■ O s t J ' • e ■ < ■ end under the reque t of ti. ■ .'.mu:: I pl.« the marriage w i - !:■ In t .■ i mean lime Miss M i, par, u : ,| | she should mice i . .':ie:iti.j . and on lith of tl th sd .. i j iriculat J at the l.iGrangc I'enmle co!.e:.e | as a boarding student. The young lady i ' b.owi ver, had a husl and. and she ihought i more •>:’ him than .. : u a.,,1 ]>.e w::.s thinking mom of her than die . of the ; ;ghborhu"d. lb' made up hi nfi .1 to take her away f r om eolhg... ..t ■_ J:.,ox- ' went to the oi'.i er who married tin. m, g.d i i' . ri:. i coming to I .aGro "ge sou . ; i ■;■. ;W. Smith. .is ■ r i.. ■ ■. ■. i -im of Ids busim ss, I an,i <p:;. i;l; m i< d him ,i "i 1.1, sti 1 '!- nt ' w’ ' ■>, ’ j - ‘I. ■i ■ <* a :iil. bill wes ' .. ■ ■ . 0:< w, end In v. anted ). • , .■ ' in.- as t. .a I, r to ci Ims of t iiusii;:nd. C ’RANCE SOUTHERN STORIES. IP fi rr ii't to tho thirteen-;.*' ir-old colored .l. .y hl M- ~i eotmiv. K* • I icky, who is * a prodigy in mathemaiii's. , . ilart ('out tj I, ■■ ■ d Siy i; "lie S * soa r*- mt with i 1.. .lie;.-, v. riJw m-'l -P L:: :*. aad laika p. ; ,. ,p or ii> a*y ’:b.ii'''ts. A : *.v * (I.'’, . • '’ ii < i l.'i.’i j»w b.« '..-'ller r< <‘ti v (-vl ■ t ■: Iriit’.'. I.: ■ - 1 H'e will I I;.■ \ ery r< .so,/ v, e" :i*. .'i.i of an i imdruetor In po •■* ■ ■■ ■ but few * brivs <■>:■■> 1 bin:. n;:<! <'»' i- • ••iii- ry he |is * iin •■>:! r ■' • • Mr. I 'J homp.-.-e*.., al.-a . e .*.;*. mi >n. Ihe tole- • . d 11 -' : **‘* ' of :be j .'. * n*.i'* I bl;. ;*I. 1 * d .•• V. ...*• * ‘ : i‘ t* !:! a ill V int b 1 i ,i ; ■■ ■: <■ ■:■ ly ..* iI. That i o i has f. u in.o : "I mis i * *' l'*s*. dby : :. : .. !;.:.■ i maliiu*r in ,-.*., c . :i ■ * * .*■ *.'.* m'* : s' . will <I- y. |.i:. ■ ! I.: wonder, t1>,,.: of 1,.' a < fill '. > .■ m al ad Im> ■ r ' 2!' Iy■ ’' Th., i ■ Is « ci of V- .■!; up In the I* ■ t : 1: : ted ..: m. * ■ mt bu.-m d n;y- . of w'.K : i for iwo I.u o : < hm i n found in more, wii a i" ' ■ ' vh, ;;Vi' ..i lci .•» thr.ibh it '•' I l‘ : 1, ‘.:,.v a up S \ ra.l i>. iim have ma u burn .1 i:*> io lim* :■ ■ tmil ■> ohig the past few '..■•* st iv. ry • CUT there are co .-er, on I' ■ <i‘? num tie re for hitc- Illum.ratlvc of th.* f'n’t that things ira not .. ■■* * * • ' ■ ' ' ■' ■ i d. at (H ■c.lll'l . : d"!.,o: in 1’ neville, Ky.. I Sunday ini. St . .dm., on the platform * waiting for tho train was a pr tty young . lady in a pink white <iri •'.*.. look:.:;; too i Hweet aitiii -t tot tn.s wor.d. Suddeniv sac j p e-lvef*. : ip 1 < ns HI til ..'ll eini io ■ I a ...;c. m < ■.i .1 i. ... in ..:.r I*. it I, i, no o. .a ; :.* L -mi r.i'i '"ii ; I' . *t i u ■ r cf tile w *'. d .iml didn't cjiu 1...0 : knew it. Speaking of s'ratme things, Murray, Ky., i In, i a Slaughter In t! i" hi r business, . Salty Ham ecmdu - * Ind moat market, a. Chur, mil in til undertaking *, a. V,* m the lumber busi n ■■ Stubbled, io >1 r'atiii- r are among * 11.,, *; . ii*i, ■ \ ■' ■ I • irt i*a one oi the ’ l.aui" .* im ■..* : 1 ■ aml Ail Im: ii pi. cuts the c’ ..').:* e :l. ■: oli tla.m; h li.e I. nk i ot Murray. Lat'Tda, Ky., has lilt upon a novel plan . for ridding In r * ■ ‘i.i < ■* oi'.i ■ lionnbl" veg- etation and lain . .* it one and the same * tiim . liw i;.- hobo m 0,!*.. ,r. ■■ itch on tho ■ : . ■ . iking a bulb ' ami in,, to jail for :: aly d iys or . Utting iue ‘i n> of we- ds The tramp < booses : t i,. o * : iu- :'.■*(>• v * eu: thi w. 'da ai d d* p , in ‘ r i ■ I'" ■ '*u tli i e any ! more. Snow in August Is something unti ual, pa rtli ularb. m tho Salisbury section of * • it! .. lit it snowed rceently with ' . . >t! .v. . .t( ' l oad. I'a rt i'S who ■ tin,, dov | I-,.. i train ..t iled that : it s:mw. d i" r Old 1 >rt and u’.her points , up tho west' . n. i Eighty Stitches Were Required. i Athens. G September 21.—(Special,)— J, ni 1.. John ,m fed ii’.ainst a gin at his * pit ||. ry : th : city today. II s face and 1 arm- .'.er" badly lacerated, requiring eighty i -■ .. ti, .*. to - w up tho wounds, ills inju ries are not fatal.