Newspaper Page Text
Led to Further Liquidation by Holders
of Long Cotton.
Relieved Spinners Will Pursue Hand
to-Mouth Policy in Anticipation
of a Bumper Crop. , closing quotations for spot cotton:
Allan;:! ijuivt; middling 4 15-16.
Liverpool—Limited demand; middling
3 N.-w" York- Weak; middling s’-»c. |
x. oil. an.. Easy; m..idling s*4c. I
fnvaniittli ljuiet; middling ee.
t; i.a; quiet . middling s'*c.
Nor:.6k quiet; middling s’ic.
W.a i-.: middling 5".
iet; middling 5 3-l Cc.
Q ■ ■ . middl s’ic.
< i, . t; middling a l-16c.
Hous: n -Sa ads'; middling 5’ N e.
St. J.otiis Quiet; middling 5 3-I’"..
y >rk, S 'pternbt r 17. By Assoc ated I
J‘i. : Tii, cotton market opened steady ,
i day with prices 3'u.5 points lower, the lat- ,
t ;■ ... i:i-r in sympaihy with a break of
. nts In futures at Liverpool. Weak- 1
: ... d. dop'd iminedi.:lv following the
v < ildation of 1 >cal long
.:a ft by discouraged holders and prices
die sharply. Hamm'ring by the bears
a a d in to some extent, but pres
it iow prices and the heavy J
, , :ed tin more conservative snorts to
i, utm lookout for a possible reaction
■ t k . At tvorabl ■ w athcr map
.i omplaints of rat and shedding
,i o 1 wo's of the bull crowd, as did
> marked itnn ase in port and interior ,
fie.-ir w -t in the middle and I
i i ■ ins in t a■ western ;
>i wet said to have
: ~.-.| the out." >|< for a big crop very
• 1. • in tl'e- for. noon futures |
. . : u ,ae i i|. ■ on covering by s .oris I
tits in sight |
ml .. q . •; Sunday to possibh forth- r i
I, WI k. Till I I<ISC W(s
. . y pi I prices nt a lie! loss of s’q9 I
: tim te 1 ft r the dav i
■ ' 15.71'1 last weel and
,':7 51 last y ar. I'ort ro i'ip.s .st muted ■
... i||, W'.'l. at against 111.175 last :
w- I. .nd 1'11.50.' di year. At. Mempiiis I
I ... e i.mat. d. against 86<> last year, and ;
i ■ . nst 12,J i 5 ’ : • x n
- S
I f bI T 1!
i c ; u* r _
| e I 3 -s -
' ; • r> 2S t> i>»-23 l 3,->-3l)
1'm:',...,-. n 34 b .141 529 fl 29-30 b 38-3.1
■ : fl .< 7,6 1 14 i; . 42-43
4 1 J4l 3. s ;, mi n 46 4 i
. r roiart . ■ 4*. 642 fl -I : ■l3 fl .- 0 -1
)eh,„„r» ... 649 .5 Mt ■’ 4ii fl 46-47 fl . 4 ■
H. . . . fl fl! i f> flu 5 50-51 ,> fls
1 .... ' fl 3 fl S.« fl 54 .. 54 .... 7. C. IXI i
5 61 fl >ll i 57 5 67-54 fl 64-fl.> ,
Comparntive Cotton Statement.
?.. York. pt. '.i;. r pl. Tim following '
i.. . i.: :ve cotton statement lor '
■ ; . i:; it i<l:iy ; !
■ i. ,t I nii-d States per: 5...111. 175 i
■ . st yea, 176.114
>' ’.’''J '
■ Sept, mb r Ist.. 17". 1 m
il im .'•■ a of S '..53
for thi .-. k ■ ■
.. .'e . .|' ? •*.■ 0f’;.""..”".."
■ n s -im ■ S' I. mlnT 15t.... .
n ■■■:■. of : "* 7
I Sial . ■
. tow ' : .... ..116."7t
: . .. ..i vino
. ■ for <1 real Britain .. '
•• ”•<■'.’.f 24,900
Visible Supply of Cotton.
y, v .., , .■ S. pt 'mber 16. Secretary
i ' . . , ... ■ oi Id's visible
■ . m id. up from sp eial
i .•> ' ■ iclvift -. «-• tn. i■
v< k i’ week.
• | ~ . t ; Im. r Hi" .
r i, . ~,-.vs an for the |
f 21.61'.! bales, agai ist an
■ ; . ■ r and ..a
\p. bl,- i.d'.'s . ag ilnst 1.577.-
. . ~ ■ - last year and 1.911.351
. ■ lot al id \:m ri -an eot -
t n si 1.:75.<Cd : i-i w
gear and 1,5’5.251 in ISH4, ami of !
■■ ■ n ■ -■ ■■!.■ Heyp:. Brazil,
: ’ •••• " last we. k,
.. i . , r mil 'l2.l'"' in Isiil.
■■ ■ .i woidd’- x‘i able supply of cotton i
. ei, . eonipar. d wit 11 last we.-k I
■ a. n increusi compared with :
. ; d. er< ase com- :
p > - d' with Id'- of .112.6 W.
\, T c Cottrn Crop Statement.
, O ;>' m r 16. -S. er. lary
; • .. . ; . •1; ■ . .-II: ' ‘ 11 < : i.. 11 ’
J..t ! .:/ • u I<l H I!'.;. IjlJ.- U' Srf hOUTis tu- •
’ ~v . i. hi .nun:. brought into ‘
•.,r ;it • g this al b-rnooii i
■f’iaicr. ; sa-i.s! f»’l’ tlh‘ SrV li I
. S< !'I ■ mi.", r If: h, Im-1 year,
1 » • if t 4 1 lor
.v . n ■\ . , t (|). m w s- a>on i'>
:mo time in IMM.
; s'; '» i" a‘ .-how m ■ ‘ipts a! all
r >'.;•!• s ports ii!C<* Sept' mln r Ist
;al .-. 262,17’J f«»r the cor- j
y ca i ■
, . -1 IGl.Xal ,n b'.’l- overlaml
11 :■? . < >hi<i »iil I'tom t«‘
n 314,
- • ■ ■> \ rar. 1 ?- • r before ;
.i ] i :::: .m< i imc in la'.'l : Interior
: t -• <>f tim. ’• Irnld .H the Hmm .
i , • tarn in 1 ‘.‘l: smitlmrln mill takings ■
;h'<l :‘*7 ,- ame time in IS’.'l.
- • ;.. ’i < x torts ’’t th” sixteen <lavs
i. n ?r7: , f. m;m; 19.927. The total I
• ■ f Arm r i mill.', rmrth and south
■ . ■/ . ihu- far this m-ason have be«‘n
by northern si'ium-r.s, against >
•■,i c] • . of th” commercial year :
;h Aim rb-in psrts and th” twenty
b :.'; a sou ■ :c r n bit ”I*ior <• mit»• rs have
si -"d 11°.7f.' b ibs, auainst an in-
”■ t’ th” same pori’ifl last season of ■
•io> :h'” now 12..'75 more than at
an'"iucs left over In storks at
' ird *!• • ’ v, ns from the
• ’ ’’"o ’ ml op of bab-s brought
■ 1 ’ • •■■>•• f. r the new cron, the
• \ 0.. H.. >. -.iic;. .orainst 522.464 for
■' 1 mo per: last year.
In the Face of Known Facts Must Be
Ttas’arded ns Favorable.
" ■ ' 1 ■ ■' :■■ . ■ i • ■ 7 The Fnancier |
!' 'in :i 1. a of over cloven mi-
' ■ ' . t 1 ■■■n rv i”d • o t :. ■
■■ w ' w. ■ !■- the rurptus reserve of '
■ • 11 • • I 1 i nk- sin i w.' a sh rink ago of
< ! ■ ■ . ■; ■ 37.'. making the excess above ro
ts $1.24 Th* .stati m o', in the
kii".vn '"iet- 1,.': ■ li’ regarded as I
•A i".ible. a '.i hoii'.tn tile blink . ,-m loaned j
r llmi:. T"' o;> ration by which a
-. di in :h it norma! v would have l..f|
1‘- '■ • wiio it .Uiy yiiipliis reserve his ‘
■ ime' l !. is \ y .simple. | ..inns
■" - ■ .nt rii." .il to t "i. a mount of
fl ivitb th" Io ■ of $7.795.1101 tn
' >19,>34,5 ■ .
■ i la. lo's in thia item alone about
' - w . I.oan.s in the same
lia'.'- f ’.!■ n off more than s!S,oo'.',(ilii', I
..... . ~.y, ng la.- effeu, ~f t;,e payments :
... : wI. 1s . Xew banks, it ma" !
■' ■' i:' ■'■ ,">. u its of
I-., in. i ... now sii..."".i."'i) lower than on
.lull . ire ' :ii v s'l.i >i.i,-
■ a .. a r. Tnis, of enure. , iris resulted
• a i Ir avy contraction of re " ryes, the loss
in • . atlng I tween ■'->
and $57.060. The principal causes which
have led to this decile of rest rve ate now
ending, and further trouble will be obvlatd
by treasury operations. The New York
institutions have added six or S'ven mil
lions public deposits within a week. Only
( about J2o,<H> of the new bond issue re
| mains unpaid, and this will be collected in
I installments. On the other hand, gold im
ports received or arrangeil amounted to
$7,000,000, exclusive of Australian consign
ments, and the firm rate prevailing here
has brought considerable cash from sur
rounding cities. Tl’e net loss to the inte
rior last week did not exceed $2,000,000,
wlii.-h is very much under lhe av'-ragc at
' this season, and the shipmnts will continue
small for some time. I', is not a scarcity
of money—that is. a lack of per capita cir
culation—which lias caused the, present
state of affairs, but rather the adjustment
dm. Io temporary treasury- absorptions.
I This factor, happily, is being eliminate*!
f and within the next few weeks will have
disappeared. If there was apprehension
otherwise money would not bo frely offr
ing today in th'princ pal citis under 4 ney
cent. N’e\v York was a dear money mark'd
last week simply because the greatr part
of the work in connection with the new '
loan fell to local banks.
I The weekly bank statement shows the
1 following eh.nnges: «. o one •>—
Resi rve decrease ' '
Loans decrease 12.1™-™
Sneci” decrease 2,''2
Legal teiid- rs in.',' is.. ”
I'. iio.-its. deer, ase 19.5?.t r.'j.l
Circul tllon incre 3t!'.l"»
The (.inks now bold $ I.ti».-l<«0 in excess of
the requirement.s of th" 25 per cent rule.
The Treasury Statement.
Washington. September 17. —Today’s
stnti'incnt of the condition of '’ b '
| shows: Availn’ilo di balance, $317,968,181,
. gold reserve, "13.591.531,
The Gold Movement.
Now York. Sept. inl"l6 'Zimmerman *
Foreshow bnv.. '. tiling" I .1T.0,0n In gold in
• London, and lb l"lbi l |i. ickelhelmer <Sr Co.,
have engaged .JScO.ieii for import.
London. September 16. -Amount of bul
lion withdrawn from the Bank of Hnglaml
on balance today t'sf.'ii'O. This .amount in
cludes £38,000 for shipment to New York.
coxsTiTtrnox’ o"".-t" •« i
Atlanta. <>».. Sept 'iibi r 17. 1898 ,
Flour. Grain sv.d Meal.
Attnn” Snstember t 7 —FI ."r. alt « hra’. **■;» wit
. *nt. 175 00; t*cond put ent. 5?4.27>; ,t tail ent 8.65: fan-T 1
"flo c-rtra fondly 3.00 >'.>rn. wliltf 44c: mixo.l 47c
Oats. »* 37<-: tnll.'il S7 r 'I <■ 1"» riot pri of 37
i live. Oorftn “fle liar No. 1 I'me.ttn targe "a'm
. ... tuietl bates 80c; No. 2tln.cthy anta llbales 75c.
i Men; r lain 7.0> : totted 47. c. 43 beat I ran InrynsaA,
; 7"o; •mn' 1 •n<k> 7 Short, 90 Stock wm! 77>x
i ot. ton ird rrcal 9flc per 100 !’n: hi’llßyti.flO ;»*r :<>n
. P. as Stuck tSOuiOflc pi-rl.n, couuivoi wuilo
1 laitysl. 15 i&t-25. (trits 70.
/>fiintn.Septcnibvrl7 —f'lr'.r lb- *wnol 5 7 <<'V.
tlo.Ar ice-cured b<‘!i!e* SiiEar-rnred
Fovu California brcnkfQM bacon 1 a’
(ul4c«l. L€ii quality bo; treund quality
coin pound
September I? Ttoa r .te<l eoffe* JFI 1 : * -t **‘
r>oc per 100th rases. Green rofTeo ctr'lce 1 ’ f.xirjl’:
prlniß 9. Sugar «.tamiar-| granulate'! Now
Orleans white SH: floypliow Sirup N w >r
'.enr.-ropen kettle 25(<J40c; miinl 12'-v r -*'oc; aigif
littupc 2'.' 1l eas, black .ci tb3ti; gn-'-'t 2 •
H’ce bead G',. l'>V •‘“■Mt. c’aiiy frac<*
i *l. <*o. bb!x :i 2/.‘b . i’«‘•'HH $ 1.00 ; <•< tin mon *}>• I
<i47oc. (’!) •• .tn !l evram 1 (> 1 1I ' Mat I’tifs, 6. «s
j fine; f 00**1 .Shut* I-75. SO«H $ .'A* Hoda, l»>x,»s 'h‘. ;
('rack c rs, sod a C ere a i h :. <'a i
j . common stick <’>.•: fancy Oysters, I*. \S
tf’l Jib . L. 15. _
Naval Storoc.
Savannah,So»’ombrr 17—Tur penttne firm at 2?:
I sales 33s casks; receipts 1.173. Bosln frm; sales
11 ! '7 70;A K <' I» t1 <‘; i t
I *! Il $l 40; I $1.40: K $1 45; M .r’. oO;
( Nsl 7.’h wlDClowhJas.s $1 .’JO: watt rwhlte $3 35.
<'harlnston. September 17 -Turpentine firm at “ < ;
saie» notic. itosln quieit; sales none: A. B. ( ?•• ■B, IC
Shi JH), h $1 Hi:Gsl.2o; ll$l.:k.; lsLW:ksL4(lnM
$1.4 5;.X $ 1 'window ► JUfch.f i .'iU; «<itar> hituS •70
Wllmliirton. S(‘ptcnibe! 17 Bosh. tii:n: ntralnGA
tpl-OU; fCK'd strained + J .05, spirits turpentine fi m
ai."'.,” '1 ur st;oii. at $1 „’O. ( ruas;
Urm a: sl.. n’tP 1 • 0.
and Confectlonerlafl-
AGanta September 17 Apples now cr ; .|>
. 3 ()0. Lemons. rhoicesl s(M’> "0 fancy f ‘ n».
’ Oranges (’ttllL-ri.ia «.<•.•<:’ im, *><> ? L’. 5 J'.’H. i > r
Haiuu-Jif. sualM/i!. 1.0’?-. J. 2 5 iumli; •0. i
pOc. k nzs. v-Minpi” GimPt’ i'.nl‘''>nsn • (jiii-
K r;ui .• ' 4( v. L.’-O. k I ”.x< •> 50<’ «>oe < ' ! > 0 < : >j
Jeg he; i n ci 11 o»i 11 (<■ II <. >il $ A 111 < i t-s ! 0c;
pecans B •'
i ris * - iOc; mixed nuts b’a, iOo- Peanuts \ irj;i a
eJecti uii > ana ; »W
gla zj'fi 3 Mt
Country Produce.
Atlanta. q eptem | 'f rl7 i *gr, But tor.west-
chit: ♦> s r . i,.ia V >• I i\e poultn cliicl, :>•'
‘ : ,
i . lie ' 1 , 1 '■
J..'4:(>'-25'' Irish potatoes por bushel GO v. 7b<'.
rwret potatoes. n< w < rop 7’> <•>•)(• ; >r l.usnel
ll< «<l
Coffee and Sugar.
New York. Sept :n • . 17. Coffee, opt! ■
op. .-nd stc.idy .1: uti' b '-ng'd pit e • , j
points d. ' iine. slmw"d >") y w.'.tk un". : -
I loti"; l-iuropi .1 n and Brazilian cniii 's being
I im.-.i: i. ; i">'. .-p. eul.i tors indiffi r -it .n d
; eoasumem- proerartinating on a' -oiiut ~r
: heavy vi.-il'te supply, inn sei.ii.g 'el>. ■!
by low prii'.s and contlum-d disappointing
niovemi'itl of t• <• ,v Brazilian i/rop: c'. . . I
■ ■ ut hanged to 5 points lower;
i 9.25'1 bag. , ill- i <llll : S, •] >' • mbur ,5. 'iiiie.t;..
: ; ■ " . . i . ' . ■■
I 6 1 . No. 7 i"i' 'lag 6 ,; mild quiet; Cordova
I S4rls.
S ig.’ir, raw s-.rong; fair refining 3 1:: : <>i
e. ntr fug t. 56-test 4% M las ... 3 9 '■ -
': ; r. lined strong; multi A s ; h; granulated
New Oil' ins. Svpt. iuber 17. Sugar, :o
... ■-a ket 11.'; eentrifu; strom " o
:Va 1 3-lt’, M>'.;i.->'<'s ' ■•••ntf::a;;.t.l lyil. ■
Fruit an.' Vegutabioa
Correct' d da >.. by M"Ciillouch Bro».
Snail beans. per crate.
Tomato, s, $1 |.i $;.25.
New J ri■: p.,.:a ti>".-, $2.25 to $2.50.
r I 1.. I."- s'-‘c io '.'..1 per crate.
\'. :t •. rit:"!"i::- s4’> lo <6u per ear.
I'eaihi'S. $1.25 to $159.
Him >. i'"i' to 7.i" p- r JOO.
I’liiis. $2 to $2.25 per barrel.
> ' ilif": nia fruit:
B.irtlelt p. :irs. $2.75 to $3.
Assorted peaches, $1 25 to $1.50.
As.-"rt."l grap. s. $1.75 to $2.
New \ ork st at • gr .j>< •■ .
I "ti pounds o. .iii'in d, 25.■.
'l'. i. ;."ini Is Niagara ', 39<'.
T "it pounds It. I:,ware. 350
McCullough Bros. Fruit and Frcduce
Atlanta, flt. pt.-mi..•!• 17. The w< "k jt-st I
"los'd has l'""U quit, an a.'fiv" nne f.>r ;i,i' '
handt":s and of friths and pr >du"e. 1
Bananas :.:>>•.■ been coming in quit, ir.'i'-
l.v. but owing t" th" reduction in price- i
lt:iv>' ill'll selling' readily, and ill rci.-jpls ’
have met ready sale il qnot ,i t ion ]; : .
L"ii:on,s are s'-limg' slow, owi ig lo the '
fact that lhe price is rather a.sit for the |
average buyer. Howevi't', t'ter.- • n.s to
la. no indication of a de,’line m (lie near
| Virginia apples and north Georiia cdoik :
are coming in quit.- fr. . ;y, and la- pr,< .•
I>. : ig on:.lined 10.- tle ni vary i c to I
s.ovk and quality.
'l'.ie tr i o cistern gripes will ri::eh :
our market Aloud:. y morning in i -n-p. t.n.l |
baskets, md the on ’.look l.iiils '"air for »• ■ I .
prices. Ttic yield th 'Ougii "it tiie i.r.ipe
section good, ami v.-• ate ' .oking 1. : low '
j li es througliout tile season.
i al forntu fruit is arriving i< t iy. and :
al recei t are ing - 'l*l ' 1 quotation
readily. Tins market s eniH to be I
,dt.. i. : lor tit" .'"irroundlng < on.tty. |
: and is recoiving liborai patronage t'o tn all
1 directions for lais espi' class >f ft mt.
i Irish potatoes are coming n freely with
pr... tilling low; the t- ceipts i ' in.; in <-x
--(■< >s Os t lie' demand.
(minus are slow ■■ale nt quotation pticis.
I Cabbage arc wry plentiful. Will.? the
demand is good, f .■■",•: >- ■i : ery heavy,
; whu. ll Ueevs.'-i: a ICS low prices.
Poultry has been in very good demand
i for the past four or five days, and all re
ceipts haw- sold readily. Large fries and
hen.- at.' in I'.qu'i'ial..v got'! demand, and .ill
i shipments to t'iiis market have been sold
' fer good priees imm.dlately >n arrival.
But 'er iia - I. ' n . -m. • a for ' past
f< .v d \and t i- price for 'lie letter
: . :is mill'll 11 ghe.".
i lag:;: -r. som.wiiat at as: :nl-till, and >
: indteations point to n d>?eline of possibly
1 per dozen, on th ■ ■ o£ tin- mar
. g, tn.- tit ■ of '. In ai- k.
lion . is m ....I demand, .md Is bring-
i Ing good priws.
H a ■ I ! ■ ■ H ■ V "y pi ’lli fill; Ibe
p: il ,'iple part of tile H "I" '■ ng Sm plied
1,-, ta. ii'itn- g irdett. t.... Tit.- price I-ing
obt i Ined is very low.
'Rug weaving Is an art older than the
Pharaohs, and the history of the tirst 10011!*
Iles shrouded in obllivion
Due to Heavy Expert Clerances at the
Coast Saturday.
Corn Wits Dull, but Firm—Trading in
Oats Light —Provisions Firm
er but Quiet.
Chicago. September 17.—Heavy clearances ;
at tiie coast today held prices steady in I
the wheat pit. September closed tiucliang- .
ed and December ’,<■ higher. Corn rose
he. Oats advanced h/sCi". Pork left off
unchanged; lard 2'.-c higher and ribs un
'l'll.- wheat situation bad no fresh light
sited on it by early ealdegranus or dis- ;
patches, lint tiie market stal ' d at a slight. I
iinprow nn.nt for December delivery. Sep- ,
ti mber, howev' r, showed a tendency in -
thi. 1 opposite direction, and that becom
ing mote pronounced, it dragged the ac
tive op: ion in its wake. A factor which
helped the market somewhat at the start
was a report that a prominent business ,
man of Ohio, who is now traveling in Rus- i
sia, had written to this i ountry that he i
had b d from a Russian oliieial that ,
tiie wheal < rop in the Volga district was
a failure and 80,000,000 busltel.s of wheal
from other parts of Russia would be re
quired to feed tile population of that pro
vince. Tiie rank and file of the specula
tive crowd was like the leav< s of the aspen,
which quiver own when tile air is calm,
and that impel, t itsitit etti ss was shown .
by the Hutter in the market ','iat attend- ,
l ed lb. 1 cprcai.lir.g of ihi <u. tout ta:e from
Hie Volga. Chicago receipts Were 1.6 ".u...
I again.-t 216 the came Haj' last \ > ar. Aiintle-
I spoils and Duluth le. ived 1.:i2 ears .<nii with 1,113 a year ago. ’the Atluitu-
I-.i i : . ... wheal and Hour lor
I tin- di\ amounted to a heavy ag;;.'i.gate,
1 and that was tile cause oi eon.-idet able
lirmt - n it k in tin close. 1a-
< < Inces from New ' 1 ' . Gal-
[ Vi .-i ni and Newport News, wheat and
: flout amounted to 71.5,W0 bushel. Septein
' I'l-, aft.-r opining uneha .'ig'd to
>-.• lowet .it 65' s fl;6.. p' and declining to
’■t'.-e, was again wanted in the last ten
minutes at tin? price il started at, and
closed firm at 65'p'. I>. . . mbi t was stm
ihirly affei'ted and turned fl m b n quite
weak to me.letaieiy strong and cl".- d
practically : ;li.- top. The i.p. nim: was Xc
higher at 12 •. 'Oi.'-'ac. declined to ' 2';e, th'n
firmed up to ' I .uid'ce, lite closing pl ii ".
Corn ».: dull but firm. The market
op. n.d a'.'Ve the jni. e of calls., and ti .-re
V. . ■-. ■ ' ■ " pt
but tiie oi'fi 'i:i"S v.-tc not .-'iHi.-i.-nl to ma- ,
terially influence valuis. The Initial up
turn was due to niodiiat" buying v com
missi.m itousi'S. J'ric.g bold si- tdy on a
Very dull trade throughout, tin session and ;
closed near the lop price of the day. De- !
I'cinbor open--1 higli. ;■ a: t: ',e. declined
to 2:--.a. I.lined up to 2! ■ 29 7 -i- and closed ;
: at 2:' ; sc. '
<>at; d. mor.- tra te.) their ability to follow
corn. 'I t.oiing was light and nothing of im
p'.rt inei. <l. vei-.pi 1. .Al::y started 'up
nt declined to 22e. then improved
to ■-. th< closing price.
Pr-ibii'i!.: were lit'tier, lei: very quiet.
l’ack..'is v.cto inclined to buy :.nd there
was no pr '.r ■ to sell. The feature of
t': day’s trading was th" pur'litse >.f
I.tiW.GOO pounds of rilis by a prominent
i' • ' ■ lir. lit and
th" range of prices in. oii '. ipi rit!:•',
!■' <timali'd ■-. • for Mon lay 'V':. at
170 cats, coin 520, onto 300, bogs 36,"00 bead.
Prime's Weekly Summary.
Frot.i Tse x, York Stock'-tolder.
cago, S< ptember 10, IN'S. I wrote you
j: st I tic Week today v. 't. n th" aver- ■
ag" t< inp'-r.i tut'e of tit ■ country . v-r the
en;ir. lengtli and breadth of tiie land was
1V > deg re> s.
Toda.; the weel clot up .al'tiormtiH> 1
OV' ■" ■ utile in :■ " when I and ■ "in
1-e.t... .ml litis tiie wires till us
of kdimg fr-st in t. " la);, region and the
not : .; wa st.
(it eourse t';." n'cvt forty-eiglit hours w 11
■1- fraught vr.tii more or less danger to tiie
I'.i- intense Cn at of a week ago push' d
corn :ilot • very rapidly, and we today
have a small p' re a tag- of th" eatly . ■ rn
out of tiie way of th- fro t, but is so
small ha t dlj a.- : trting. I
i' the.'a are facts li'at go lo make u;> file I
iii.'ioiy oi ;i ;ish’.i.
Theie is a u licit larger proper: tan of the 1
corn clop of : a ei".:.oi\ wiial we "a.l ate •
eor;;, and I .. . not 5-ik to ■.■ litis <■■ tll ,
ni.|i|,r<-. utitd the let of October. We nave [
no:, had tor y. a. coin .. top so < ;dt ■
to foil.iw s . i’.e emit crop of ifl'.'X. it w.i-
р. a..:, d nil tiir way i'- nt toe first .-. turd I
t:n:.| tic :ir ' o: ..'ni.'-. and n.ak'-s it
difficult lo follow it. as a wt-> t ■ is i
till- ,a.a "U v." i::\e keep looking after i
i. in limited at •
A w i iqn ' i t lie .nd of t lie corn .".a- ’
ma, , -:: a : • rather di crease than incre.tse. ’
.iml I mink .a Ute lost the eotrnay v.til j
have to .at:'.." a x • t.-' uneven croft is,:..i .
■i: qua II (;i 3' and qnali t y
T'aere s »tm v. .—at s':ll uii' ilt n the ;
spring wheat .ileus, -ml al-oui 25 per cut ,
с, u of th.- ci- p o' -till uni iit'asheu. The .
vicid per tel'., will av- rage about lift l '* u :
bushels. Tie movement ti." |ir<-.-m: W '-.<
I . - hevll 1 : . . Util i th tk it will
’ j. to told th and w.ll not <i si'"S. of it until me i
markets . - t'e .■■ i: > r ta- -: : i.m ,t e now.
Tit < ■ dim ■"■ «im’ ■ - '■ i' ■' c |
I meiteed, i, I ■ I '■ small ■ - ' been .
pu in. 'l'l>. month of August jii'oy, d to be ,
i UU ideal month for plowing and pi'.pai'iig I
i■ . 7a - . 11.1 ■ r wI ■ a l."i t
v . |.t I •dl.' . and I h*.. A ill i.' ’<■ '
1 ... -a,.:, ' .pri veld seeding ■ plisit- '
I e,| j;i. .a’ !!>■ |>r.sent t ni". 'S th ■ ground
p. Xu p'-ow'.-'i :md r id;.' tin go it work i
lof putting m th" crop o"' lflt-9 v. •.I not <-■ i
v -'orou.-B push, i until about t .. mth of I
<,7, , >i,i.. r. 'l ucre is no compu: son with j
J ' .as mol : 7on 1 m". We had ail ” ;
, ... . . t the ground plowed and lite
. : ..a ion oimd tr ■■■•■ up. Ev- -
erything favors t tis autumn a good acre- |
The movement of grain tile present we. k ,
■ has not I" on huge except spring ,
Ti>e ifits ol corn ii:‘"e I 'ilen oh very (
1 .j. cid.'ilL . w -i' ll tiid'-'u t. s l hat farmers |
! w ill not cell th; ir reserves 'rn untd |
i , whieh is now maturing, ts all i
: salclv nou:-"d, and w.- know a..nt-,
pair, a' nt: if than we do at th" pre.-mu '
'I ' ,1. li-lit fnl cii.ingv to Coul W eather !.: i
stimulating travel on our railroads. Our
' \ ,s til'.Jiß up with 'll w «> Ji” i
Ik i<‘ for aiuunin purchases. Ih Tr is nn I
< oini lain! Ironi any li f tra<
• m.'..,: iti.-ii:. On i contrary a• • ■ ■ lo
. -• ;!!>• W"H il >f li' i ■’ 3 th” r”SH!IS |
■so f .r' ot th' ir Septi. mb"r bit ne-" I would |
, ,-j like. rv mi" li 'o' - ' an ■ 'flY t''"-' l '
Win',, tim' m gut advance prices ol corn
t -tja op the .-'it' r hand, 1 means .a pie. i
. 1,,..,., i , the afrmer wim makes co mue.n < al- |
. nation on ais corn crop j
Bradstreet’s Review.
I New York, H 1(1 -Bradstreet’s to-
j up>rr »\v v. ill say :
••ib noris <>f still further enlarged distri-
I on in almost ah ' rn ''' ' •';/
Slumt imino', "tm n: a' eastetn '■ a ■ -.
wl'i r. 1 10 in;l ' '
I Z , ; , niarged forei-m demand tot .
stuff- it., .eased railway .'aunngs, not en- I
i tii'.lv’du.' to tit" swelling movement <d t
grain to market, wlii - ■ ■ - . 11 be-
i hind last year's record. ; bank ei.-.irmas tn- .
creased over last week and over .ill cor- I
responding we. ks except one ago, .
vlteie , . I'tilat am was very activ ; rather I
better than expected government crop f - |
ports and enlarging "xiiorts of American I
tii.a n a fact orcs, are all f eatures tending to ■
I mike tiie trade situation at present al
Tn the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach i
disorders, constipation, dialrho-a, dro,. ical s in;;-., Bright's diesase,ctc. ;
n 3 Ii ■ Misplacet lent . irregularities, 1< u< orrho a, ul< ration, etc,
. 'i-'. Thick as piles, h-tnl i, fissure, ulceration, mu.ou aid bloody discharges
£ ? cured without the knife, pa n or cotilim u ir.
Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural Io« . impotency, thor
oughly cured. No failures. Pamphlet and quest;.>.i list tree. Cures
guaranteed. All letters answered in plain envelope. Address
W. J. TUCKER, n. D., Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga.
notable one. Crip impairment in August,
not unusual nor unexpected, proves to liavo
been less than leafed, and average con
ditions of leading crops, notably’ wheat,
corn, cotton and potatoes, are oetter loan
one year ago. Operative in inducing the
improved foreign demand for our wheat
and flour peril ips lias been a tendency to
shade early estimates of the world’s wheat
crop this year, some figures being as low
us 2,500,000,669 bushels, which while larg.-d
than last year, is still below that ol 1894.
This, with the low state of the world's
wheat supplies and tiie slower than ex
pected movement from American farmers’
hands to leading mark"!", has increased the
premium on cash wheat, and nervous short
sellers of September delivery have cover
ed with the result of advancing prices.
The continued rise in ocean freight rates is
taken to confirm reports of recent large
export sales.
“The quieter appearance of the Iron trade
I Is confirmed strictly to new business b"-
[ cause .mills ate still fully provided wita
I orders, and in spite of a slight increase
in production, stocks of pig iron are smail-
I er, pointing to a Iwavy consumptive de
mand. Tile heavy export demand for
southern iron noted one week ago, still
c<inii;i'; 'Tito whole.'■ .1" demand for lum
ber continues undiminl lied in spite of some
complaint from retailers.
“Expert trade, as a w!iol“. continues very
satisfactory, the August total swelled by
I larger shipments of cotton, provisions and
j tn.'inufactured goods g .".erally, _is larger
I than August one p:ir ago *'Y !’!' r '“T’, '
notwithstanding a In tvj’ decrease in ship- i
meiifs of breadstuffs.
“Import trade as yet shows no particular
expansion, amt for tiie eight months our
exports are 82 per cent in excess of imports.
•'Unfavorabli trad f. attires ar ■ few and
, presented principally In the textile man
; ut'ai'f'iring trales, but here it Is hoped
i that the uttdiniably large distribution 01.
' dry goods this fall will soon be reflected in
! imptoved d. mand.
'•V.' shipments for the week retle.-t an
enlarged foreign demand for American
v.'ieat and flour, . ggreva ting 3,’..e.291
bushels, against 3,J00,2'’S l>' l iels last w k.
6,2X9,918 bustnls ir tit' corresponding week
one ye ir ago. 2."tit:.9‘_'6 i'lisieds in 1 ■•■'>. I
fi.8.5 bur' i Is in 1895 and ’.■.:.7,23 bushels In 1894.
Since .Tttlv 1 t. this y r. exports of wheat
;a: r. eat. "'f. I'''.'f'l bi- "Is. against 14,601,<00
I.o"' 1- last .ar.
"Corn e: ports for th* work are consld-
< sm ti! :■ tie'” I wc"k’.: heavy
.. ... . 2.331.0 I 1 ngalm t
i ■ v. el 3,901 '" ' b 'ls :
in lb's v.eek of 1X97, 2. 7x7 bii in-ls in txf'G, ;
1605 998 Its’’"' I't 'lX!'s :trd 115.2"! bushels i
in 1-91. .Tn'v ' '!>!-' y.-'.r, exports ;
of COTn : I ' 1 ■ >"5 bu against :
::"7 ‘Ti i, u "'a Is dur'e ; the corresponding,
p. riod last year.
"p,,--j0,.-.; f.dltircs for the week numb- r ;
173 against 112 1 , t w "k 169 in litis week I
a year go, 315 In ' I 21 In 1895
- Canada numb r .
' . ■. . 17 la weel 3G i:> this week a
y'• .■ (l go, 11 in and and 13 In 1894,’’
lie Declares That tits United States
Should Retain the Philippine
Es eport. 111., Septi : tb"r 15 The Joint
i. inion of the I'; xth Illinois and
St'trien.-'-n " "inly soldiers brought thous- |
ands here t"d:>y. A"> "g the speakers
wire C -I Borri:.’: ■r, of the .'ot'.y-
sixth; I'.iptaln E. H. Marsh, Judge <' ab- |
tree, ’ Gei'erti! i’y-ts. of Wi-consin, and '
General tlrusvc:.or. Tsentiment pte- ;
v.,i!, i that ail of the i'liilipplnes .should be |
(fcneral <lri<.-'v.-nor, who d"'.'.v"rc<l the .
, ... ; y, said in part:
"Now we C.jtne lo : sotllb. r and e.TS j
■■ Hi actory 1< s o ti is -"' • >“"■ ■
Imve died. Up to nt tin e : '
lieved tit le.itb • ,y : ■ ; md
wound and by d so 1 ■ ■ ■ o : t-
ribli figure - .. irly : ' m< ven |
t ioilsand men f. i ami or::. '-4 -a ■
' ('ii.' U'.'.a and mor< man !• m it tail
I.' nd and Aoanded at '" • ' >n- I
hour at (fettystiurg ""St t Atm ri. tn P"O- !
I-:- more li\".s titan h;?.x ti .s Par .? : . i'ie |
in file spring and summer of J-'d in the i
union tn v t han ." n must er> d ium
.. rviee, in 'luding the t gulars. Thi> simply :
shows til.:: w:u is war and tb.'t yon will !
tail ii.'V' a. war in my other way. '•<■: us I
’• : • •
not r l tb.h Id! d
young men ■ suddenly e 1 togetiier to
defend 'Otinttv ;c<i march to the '
< mm of inobili-.: '.ti a :mo lr.<trm tl..n,
"They Hi one - ot grout I '
size of a regiment; t he; eat tin rations of
the United >S::iti y ■: iii 'ic. mt;."' in .
quality, :i mp! " in e'K : .'. le t < e • I
and distr'i>ut".i I ' ’ initial d .. k.< ot
tin- cotinti v. TI ■ ■■ ' V . .’.ut,' .1 •
tie y are drink;.a: - fl r. t water .■■i’.' tn- y
.. re . x i". -.1 to al :l •• ' hings which ft re
in idi tital to i camp, at t during ’ • - -
f.ntr or fit moi't". a ■ ordinarily during
. ... it t y :-. : 1* ' ar ■ ■ xposml to almo it
ad the dis< ‘ ■ ' ■■ nto afflict the hun n
".is <',.. ■ s-t i n:: - 'ft : logo >’■ omni ov t
the et ' ■ ' " ' 'uba th
again on tiie An • . ind the war was
“But sickness ar:" d. It held high ear
th v> 1 and ." » 11 :■ - - ■ surg l "it n-
eral’.' di p.'ir’.nu "t Z" I• .'■ a .li:’"n ;
■of thing,; unjttir.'ilh : I " the history of the
world '.'.:,t we i’ . i .wn, and it Is not
strange o hear it ■' e h;is been
lai . ■ ' ! y ■'.: in :.’ : ■' •
A n ■ ■ ■ Id t rs'. 1 lint
I : . t of God.
I mild not I"' mid ! ■ '1 ordinary fit"'.". :it \
our ollie, rs but il suffering of sol- ■
I lifer.-' th • !:" k f .an and a'tention i
1 to lit" ;-i.k that coil I save been prevented
J by the utmost net.', t; of tiie r.-presen;a- ;
y inve.itij tted md 11 the facts made
i kna'Ari and those w’o >v<> con'riiuitod by '
| nr. lit-' nee or >vert acts sb.tll receive :
tit,. .;:d"::n:a t ion ■! inishment which a
< rime of ihi- terrib mraeter justly ,t"
I mamis: hot wo sh.,’: not for".'' bow weak
vowel ’ ' ■ . ■■■■■
governn nt was drha w> re, to pre-
.■tpitat" actio.t .nr.; . ->w falihfully the !
1 great departments o- tee governmeru have
.tcconi -iisiied th" ’ ■ a ndous r-suits to i
.. :- i I have refer '
Woman Slays Two Persons and Then
Commits Suich'e.
1.0111. villi'. Ky., .<■ .l inin' 15.—Joseph I'".
Vill-er, a street < .motorinan, bis two- 1
year-old chill and ■ woirran nam'd Nellie i
: Al.'Guilin were found d : d in a room In the |
: Enterprise hotel at - - .'lock t’ais morning.
I ' From notes left l>y i.'ie woman, it waas I
; learned that, she h id first given iter pata- ■
i mour and his elmd ,'Morphine in sherry
i wine, but. fearing tim’ this would not be
I . ff"otivi'. had shot Y tier through the
I right ' !ii|>le and t) . a turned the revolver
upon het.- If, death ..:na instantaneous in
tea - Tin |i " ... dead
I from the effects of lit, drug.
Villf.-r wa > a li’.oto: in for tile Ixmis
vllle City Railway Cintpany, and was I
t Went i x Viers . d. lie was a widower, I
tie chilli being tim of .tis lawfully wedded ;
■ wife. Tin- woman was a domestic, wito had i
, om e been employed by Vlilier.
Long Was Not Tendered Hay’s Place. .
i Washington. S’pteri T r 1’ Secretary .
i. ■ ty lon ’ . ■ - pn sident had :
I offered him the p ■ lion of ambassador to |
i London, as site.--..sot- to Mr. I lay.
Wife Killer Hanged.
Bra""b-i.lge. out , fl. pt. ail,er 15.—Will- ;
- lam J ::n. s IJ.'imnmnd » -s banged here j
1 today for tiie muni, r of 'his wife.
Columbus, Ga., Birmingham, Ala., Houston, Tex., Jacksonville, I la.
CITITATIOMC riITADAMTPPn and students’ railroad fare paid. The largest, cheapest and best Businen
A 8 tlAKrtll M L-iCM Schools. Endorsed in the highest terms by governors, bankers and busmesl
men. hot elegant catalogue address H, C. ELDRIDGE, SECRETARY, COLUMBUS, GA.
Tells of Some Letters He Has Recently
Whose Wife Had Left Him—Another
from n Poor Woman Whose Son
Is in the Army.
"How small of all that Human hearts en
That pint which kings or laws can cause
or cure."
Dr. Johnson never wrote a sadder truth
than that. It comes home to every man
am! woman and family. Neither kings nor
pre '<l< nts nor k'tvs can give us peace of
mind, good I>< alth or itappiness at hom< .
; nor can they prevent it. Tin y cannot bring
| tl’e rain or the drought or the pestilence
■ nor stop it when it comes. There are
some things in this life so much bigg>-r
i than presidents and governors and laws we cease to regard all human oppres-
■ sion. When a family is broken up by dis-
I coni or sin or shame. It Is a greater ca
; lamity to them than war is to a nation.
"How very sad and weary is the room
Where love—domestic love—no longer nes
But smitten by the cruel stroke of doom
It:: corpse lies on the trestles."
What an awful picture Is that! The
corpse of love shrouded and coffined in
the family room, but never buried nor
removed. I was ruminating about this be
cause I have u letter from a disconsolate
man who upbraids me for telling tin: girls
not to marry until they are su: ■ of a
good husband. lie says: “Why not ex
tend your caution to tiie young men, for
my sad exp lienee is that the girls ar"
more < :i].ir:e' : ous and uncertain titan th"
I boys? I thought that I had made a. itappy
I cl'tolce. my wife has gone away and
I left mo and the childr. n that she bore to
I m" and our lion', j are desolate."
Well, that is bad. and sad, but it is one
' cise among a in fact, it is the
only on,, f ever «teard of. The conti'a-t to
| it is another letter from a distressed moth-
l er who begs me to help her find her boy -
| her darling boy who enlist* <1 In company
j It. Tw.ilth United States infantry, and
! was sent to Santiago and .'--lie lias In ard
I nothing from him .■-■in.'" tiie t'ith of July
, when he was lying sick in tiie hospital, i
.-■'ne bn. writt. ,1 him o’t".i . inc • then, but
' ' ra 1! n .. .... ■■;[..
was mways good to wit t to me," she i
I says, ".;nd loves me d-.irly, and now I i
. am almost heartbroken. I saw in the pa- j
; pet's t.4i.'it hl.: r- glment had h- n sent to ,
, Camp Wik.iff, w.nre is my boy?" j
: ■■ ivi - many of tho eases there
: are and wlto is r t-p nudble for it. Tiie I
• de.rdng boy I - . :3, 1 re- kon. but I have ■
I written tu a friend in N"w York t<> visit I
■ the camp and t , I. .<rn w.iat he can. There I
I no.e ,y t ;., ~ i )er ,.ay,.,| mothers!
:."W but to w, ,-p and wait -wait for d.'.atih
amt th. re.-urreetion. The glad t" union of
: ' "i ''■ ‘U in I- aven is • nough to
make ;:nyi,.,,!y g ( .f religion.
lucre is trouble nt our house, too. just
nov.- a troiil..' t . tii it. man did not ."tn
■' ' : ■' man cannot . tire. I do
rm: like tu write a sad litter, bid. trouble
■ love, sympathy, and most, loves
five ' Sym tatlty posts 1
worm more titan m >n y to those witm- I
"" : ' ar< - ‘ing- Eor four 1 mg, anx ous 1
'reeks o'tr titt ie orpitan girl has ■. -< v ■ - [
‘ Ing and burning with a fever tiiat sc-rnts j
Imp :-.!>l. ■'> I,real;, and tim dear little !
i patient child grows w. tker i.very aay. I
. and never complains, l-’or three ’.niters I
■we nurs<d her in Eloiida, and she w; 4 !
. getting strong and growing tn . i.i'ure am! I
’ in girlish beauty -the joy and <'omf- rt of ■
her widowed mother -tho, light of our
- house, and all who know 1< r 'ove her. I
What can we do but pray an' plea! and !
hope'.’ Air. mly we are try ng to s.-o the ;
silver lining to this cloud the wcnome ;
tiiat she will "ive its when we <■:■. ss the 1
river If s'te souid dio and Join tit" ttr.m ls. i
But < raiugli of this. Now wb:'..t i< s •'! s
shall W" jearn front all the horrirs of this 1
j four months' war? One occurs to ire: !
■ whenever a soldi- r is "ek in the b. ,-jital |
tho otlle. r In charge should 1" required to ,
, acquaint his family lay I .'-r or . are eve- ■
1 ry day of his condition, .and l h- dits, to
j make known tim manner .and p'ace of Ids I
bui lal. E\ -:'y hospital should k. 1 p a r< g- j
ister of the name and reside :eo ami near
est of kin of ev ry soldier re .awl. Why [
should this mother have to hunt In teip- j
less Ignorance for her son? It he is too ;
Sick to write, why should n.d sonmbody .
: be deailed to write for nint? I ..m md i'"W <
arraigning those who virtually n toileted I
I ho tdreds of our boys, but there si mild b" j
' some new army regulatla'is lor tm' m 't j
war. or else the \o! tn r ■ > s’< 1 1 of
which the nation 'ha.- boosted li.'.y. to 1
l.e abandoned. No man Wrm was at t'arnp ,
Thomas will ever volitate-i t.n . •>' i" :
Chat Colom I Howell will accept ■ -1 :
dent's appointment and t ike al’ ’" " '
ttgation; no Utter seio
' t-.- n made. Il" knows from cxt.-Nemm
i what war is, and what camps ;.mi - • ,
Pirn ■ shoul 1I- He Is aU r m- 1 ”. 7”* 1
set-vitive and fearless. I have km w n h.m I
intimately from "iirly manh » 1.- "ti .-tnt .
bold to say he would make a comi" '< n- j
and reliable juror in any earn, an t wiu.'t (
render a Just verdiet without ivy'- ot l.t- j
vor. If any whitewashing is f > : >e m.m', ,
ho will expose It and the nation v 111 neat
Wo see that some of the New 5 ork .
papers are very funny over that negro
v . - . v. bu iness 1 hat .
: ,r in Virginia by nort'lmrn ttoops m
' passing through. Dim paper s ys .me.. .
; took the colored wenches by surprts- a "I ,
I kissed and hugged them ad libitum and it ,
. . . 1 •,. be ni ' n (Uy agf ■ title. I tey did
■ the same thing h( re at Carb n ville. I U t -
■ number of wenches mar the ears y. as v ty ,
limited Not more than halt - doz. n 1 |
; <.,.1., ,] 1! seulations and embrm es ot |
j their northern friend.-. |
! Well as Mr. Lincoln once stu.l anot’i
i the hi'gli kicking of th. ball'd girls, "I |
I reckon that those folks who ilk" that sort I
; of a thing find it to be the very thing they |
I do like." Those are the kind of soldiers -
I w-ho ought t<> be sent to Cuba and I otto
1 Rico. Eor there are &iO,(.OO darkl. s in Cuna ,
i and 100,060 in Porto Ri'o. ami they have
i nmalgam.iti'd with coolies ami Indians- j
and Spaniards so long that thi it- wiv<
lie open to receive n.'.v levers. A wtltei |
in The New York ''re.-s . tys these islands
will be .an Eldorado for our s.nt.tern u • ]
groes, and predict:' that within a year
after pence and quiet is established n d i
less titan 3,006,009 of <>ur sotithern negro-s |
will migra-.i! and settle tin re where they )
e.m do nothing but
Eat. molasses candy
And swing upon lite gates.
Well, we can spare about tiiat. many. !
but I predict that the exodus will not
come to pass. The typical southern negro I
won’t go anywhere. He had rather stay |
here and be lynched or go to tho chain- 1
gang than go north to tiie yankees or to !
Africa wit It Bishop Turner. The good
negroes around this part. of the ;
country who have families arc '
content, and those who have homes I
around Cartersville wouldn't sell them to I
anybody. They are a curious people. They f
don't like their northern friends, but will I
vote with them ami for them at every elec- |
tion. They claim General Grant as their |
deliverer and you can’t make one of them j
believe that Grant was a slave owner up
to the very day of Lincoln’s proclamation
of freedom.
But still we can hardly do without them,
and I lhad rather have Uncle Sam and his
wife, Aunt Ann, and their children to
work and cook and wash for my family
titan to take my chances with white ser
vants from the north. And so We are
not worrying over the negro problem,
it work out its own solution.
It Is Said Mrs. Lascelles Has Had
Enough of His Lordship.
' Fitzgerald, G.t., September .15.—(Special.) !
i Professor and Mrs. Mclntosh, accompa- I
! nit.'d by Mrs. Sidney Liseelles. the wife 1
of the notorious "Lord Beresford," l"ft j
I on Sunday for their future home in Prov- j
I idence, R. I.
: Mrs. Mclntosh is the guardian of Mrs. |
1 Lascelles, and s'he goes east to wind up '
i come of the aIT tins of her ward relating
’ to the Pelkey estate. It. is reported tihat
'Mrs. Lascelles is thinking of giving the
“lord" tiie go-by and applying for a di
vorce. It will be remembered tiiat she
lias recently returned from Mexico. Mm
MclntosH went out to the City of 'Mexh-o
1 about sixty days ago, and when she !'■
turned brought Mrs. Lascelles back watt
her. Since that time sii- has been spend
ing iter tim'.' her. with th" Mclntosh fam
ily. Their decision to go to R-hod. h laud
seems to Umv'- b*-n rea-'lied rather ■
denly. for racy l» glut to close up tie r
affairs, disposing of all real estate and
personal jiroperty they could In order 1 .
leave. So far as can be a-eertained, tli>-
“Jord” is keeping rat her qul t since . his
t.-c. nt “touch” of tiie Alcxleans in their
. capital city.
— •.
State Board of Health Makes an Offi
cial Announcement.
New Orleans, 1.a., September 1,.- Presi
dent i'.-mund Soilchon, of the state board
of health, gave out the following tonight:
1 “Office of Board <d Health, State of l, nt
i isiana N<*w'Orlea ns, Sept ember I,.—\\ lt< re
: as v.-ilow T ver is reported in the city of
New Orleans Jt is the duty of th" nr"-i-
, dent Os 1.:.' Louisiana s'.lto board of "Ift
to proclaim a quarantine against that city
pending ’ investigation. Freight ami
■ pass..liger traffic shall be carried on itti>!i r
' tiie rigulat lons of the Atlanta conventloa.
I Copies' ran be outnined by applying to tho
office of the Louisiana state board of
I health."
Tiie following telegram was sent to oth"r
I health authorities- ,
j “N. w Orle.ans. La.. September 17.—Sec- -
ret.-.ry Board of Health: One case of posi-
I tive ' yellow I "'.a r is reported here. Pa- |
1 taut, doing u- 1. All proper pr. <■" nt tons
‘T’resi'lent State Board ll>:>!tli."
The case referr. 1 to is that of Mallory
1 Kennedy, son of Dr. T. S. Kennedy. Th.-
pata-nt Is annoum-eil today to be out of
any danger and on the- high road to re- ■
Jackson Puts on Quarantine.
Jackson, Miss., September 17. 'l'htt case ’
of yellow fever having been Oilicinlly r> - J
ported to exist in New Orl< ms, tiie 'stale
of Mi-.-ssippi has quart.mined aga ns'. Dial
: city. Tito h >ard of heaith openly c.harges .
J that yellow' fever has exist' d in N-w Or- .
I leans some time ami that tiie it alth an- ’
lori'.i'-s have t>■■■ 11 code.l v.>::ng to cone.'a.l
it Th" situation in Jackson is q’t'et. No
! t: ..V ease,-'. Ab nit half t:>" population re-
I mains the city. 'I" fol . cgrnm
I was ri'.'-ivi.d tonight from Dr Gant.
"Orwood. two new cases; Taylors, one. I
1 S!"k genet'.illy doing Wi 11. No news from
; Oxford.”
I-. t u- Gant wires from Winona, that ■
: .ho has diagnosed tiie suspicious case at.
I tiiat place and believes it to tie \ "How
fever. No c>::.< r . tses have appeared and '
; th“ Infected premises have been thoroughly !
' quarantined. Surgeon Cobb, of the marine
, hospital service, is cn route to the place .
■ with disinfecting forces.
Texas Puts on Quarantine.
I Austin, T x., September 17.- Tonight, up-
■ on roelpt of the information that tlmr"
! was one ease of yellow fever in the city of I
i New Orleans, State Health Oflleer Bl unt 1
1 declared unconditional qtmrantlne ;i;.:.tii -t ;
: that city and Issued orders to till TeX:i.'i i
[ quarantine stations to allow no passenj:.•:*
I or freight trains to enter tiie state from .
! New Orleans until further orders.
Suspects Are Improving.
I Oxford. Mis-.., S.'ptemb r 17 'T'e’ two •
i suspected fever eases are much better to
| div, one Os them. Miss Mantle Jumper,
1 b< ing free from fever. The local physicians j
i here think th” suspicion of yellow fever .
| very slight :tnd predict an e.arlv declara
tion that Oxford has had no yellow fever.
! No other suspicious cases In town.
No Malarial Infection in Lee’s Camp
Jacksonville. Ela.. September 17. Dr.
I James Carroll, the bacteriologist expert |
! sent hi re by tiie government from Wash- j
j ington to make an investigation Into the I
' diseases prevailing in Camp Cuba Tdbre. I
■ and particularly with regard to malarial ,
I and typhoid fi vers, announces most, pnsi- ’
j lively that be has been unable to find a |
single case of malarial infection. The >
! continued fever cases are said to be ty- 1
! pltoid.
' Agents and Subscribers Take Due No
The clubbing offer made by us with Wo-
■ man’s Henn- Companion, of Springfield, ;
(:hio, at $1.60 per year will close on O-to- !
i t» r 20th. R member the date. We will !
i fill sub-crij.n inns rcc lved at the regular i
I price up to October 26t!;. lint ’tot later. I
'1'1,.. publh ters of that eXi 11 in monthly
| Woman's Hont'- < 'mill'; inion, have changed !
i the price fri.m 50c per year to SI.OO |.. r |
• year, an I will greatly improve the inaga- j
zine ami give good value for the money. (
Our pri o will b" .-ueh that we cannot give !
i 'l ite Woman's Heme Cenip.atvon with The
| Constitution for $1.90. Do not put this ;
j aside .ti.d forget it, and when you send ;
I your subscription lati-r on try to claim it <
i ai! for only SI.OO, bi'eaus.' we v.’lll no: be 1
; able tn till tin- order. After October 20th ,
I th" price of Tit" Constitution and Woman's 1
j Home ( '.imy.i nliin (no cook book, or other .
I premium with it.) will lie $1.25. and even at. 1
I this t ale you would i> ■ getting two SI.OO |
I miners at a dis< ount of 75 cents.
i ' (ddtess all ord. r.- to I
Silver Plate Men Unite.
■ New York, S plumber 11. Ihe Merid' n '
I Britannia Company and the Will- x Silver '
Bmie ('ompm'.y bare i.-su.-d citetiiars to I
1 their sto.-kli 'ldi : s stating that the Inter
| 11 itiunal SiA' t Company has been formed
I uniter lite laws of .Now Jersey, with a cap-
I -tick . f $15,060,000 preferred and •-
I 606,000 common stock. Most of the stoek
-1 holders, it is said, have agreed to accept '
SSO in cash, SSO in preferred slock and $25 j
‘ in common steek of the consolidated com- »
| panics for tacit shale of stock.
Taught thoroughly and quickly. Positions gunma
i t»*cd. Expenses low. Particulars free. GEORGIA
J ELEG R A PH S( :HGOL, Senoia, Ga.
-7 ✓Sullivan. Crichton „
j .1 Smith'; f^ ATI^,.e.A .
| Tho Coi>i|.!‘"» Bind'.i.K-i mir«o, Lot .1 Cost, ? '.>.'>o.
* “Actual i ami loss i i oih b‘/u t t iin d-.’i Most t.or»> i. »
| bliurtban’i D»*p’t in Aiuoricu. 40v0giaduiiten. <’ut fr&e.
N(< Ill'll mill Ladies Wmiled t” l :ir i
a 'i'.li'gi'apliy unit li- L ll"’ik-Ki:<i>ing. .’
k no«'le.!'"'il hr Irioling railw.'iyi to be tin' t
perfect school of Its kind. Send for catalog
Morse School of Teieginphy, Oshkosh, XV Is.
p . . want, a position? Write for
6i*H¥ Hl S ! ° ur spec!:U " ITer- A<vlr, ' sa
Li IS J now T!, ° Atianta bu in ‘ ,
“T* r" n C'B e Wanted I nlon lejicherti
Tt£ B JFWhv Agent as, Washington, D. < .
'•aiiK'R, \ 'Llr*- i-' <V I’h'.l'ts «>’ft • ,
1 H Kuwnn, Milwauk.e.'Vi*
■ ;.a I'?. SA YEAR. $75 MONIHU.
i pin
7 5 ... «.
: Afo 0
(ft Several tmst-vorthv p ntlmu'n or ia ti« wanted In
$ .-a. bfl tatt! to jiiauagt .:;r I.u> .; •- ■ ■ n t h»-ir oc.u
anti ip'ai by connth s. It is mainly work c<>*.
(’.\j)« r..-rs- -(i« .'.jiite, ; ...tubli , n>) <:<•. tin'. - ion,
Xto unib'r-tr. <l. .’(X -u in 1 n ■ in”-- »'n>!
5? to hr.ii'tl’'onr riq.l.U'.' i.-r."'. i>i - trail ".i.'iu'eii X
,fuel"'-■ I'l l:-ml.: ljilamp. il . iiv. lopc.
§ tiie mmi, p
■ ikJcpL JV’4l, - GHilcapo. £!f
FOR SALE- Good farm, with mercantile
’busitt ..'S .11tucli* d : ace. ■ i'ble to railroad.
. Bargain. L, A. Lttkc, llazi-n, Ga.
irtwfrsy wurnuitiid licsl fast color, all-wool black
/! f"' \ eli'o'i.t. elw.mtb line!, siuerl’!" s'-tm
■ /J ■Z7 pi j'.’.l., I,"'7't fit si."'- Iqual to
| >? Z 1 M'.Nl> X(r '.' ’■ i ■ ailv lint ret.9
V' I I tlita mtv i ■ i.
• :
I I'• I „„'t co I i.i".' vou 1.. careful! .• cue
' ! Inc and try it ot m•oe I
, , j>«, Ifnetaar.i.ii-sei.t’.'il.
IS L today sot
* fl/ John It. ID nip fl < ",, totl f nrtl'H :il. ,<.hk»|S'*
‘ Mention Tho Atlanta Constitution.
HOW TO MAKE MONI V IN v ' '> I- 1 ;. !.'
i.i-tetand best p:an < v-r devl-ed, free. Write, A.l'.
Searle, 60 Bread way. NY.
Something Smooth and Nico To Shave
Your Face.
When you want. a. good, clean, comfort-
I able shave get a Constitution Razor. When
: you go to church,-town, market or visiting
' you will appear to better advantage in
1 i v- rv way I’’ you shave before you start. It
; will not take fifteen minutes and you will
f,. • ! much b"tter.
These are the famous Faultlriss Razors
■ that j htive. They uro sold on their merit and
j money will lie refunded if not satisfactory.
' They are first-ciass in every r spent, from
;.a to ICO per cent lower than they can bu
i bought from the dealer. \v e have bought
j u huge quantity direct from t" • fuc'ory,
thereby saving ’th" profit that middlemen
■ have b< ■n cl a.rgin We t ■ omm n I these
' articles to our friends and g:;ara: t e them
I just :u- represented.
! No. 110. a now razor, a novelty— Wo have
; lar iy .-.Ture | from the manufacturers of
: the cek brated Fault! ■ ; Raz this splen
i did Male, highly tinishi d, with an alumi
j niun handle. This is practici !y indcstruc-
-! - ■ tho hat die as light as any ru bet
' and is as str. ng as steel. This razor with
I The | ’onstitution one yi t-r onl; $2 '■ . W a
v, id send tiie razor postage paid to s :b
--( scrib. rs for $1.75.
: Our Faultless R.u’ >r No. '.'B is b tnd forg. d
' from tho very best steel. temp.Tc i b> t
I nroeess known only to tho manufacturer:',
: which renders it fa’ilt 1 . in every re.-pee‘.
! This razor warr.intcd t...ive ( sati.sffU’-
; lion. The price of the razor alone is $1.25,
I or witii The Weekly one y. ar
‘ Our Faultless Razor No. i. made ex-
I actly as above, but 1" i ddition is full hol •
I low ground, which, with proper care, will
; last a generation. TT raz- r has a w.-rl i
: wide reputation among barbers. Tho great
i beauty about this razor is that you are not
i required to have It liom d as often as other
razors. We can titrni :t . tit!' : ■ t
I $1.19. or with the W> ■ kly on ye .r for $2.4".
’ No. 20. fancy handle Faultier Razor
' Wiii.e we h: - - ■ ’ hand . >od suppl
i our celebrated Faultless Razors, we have
secured a novelty for our subscribers winch
' wo know will be appreciated. This Is a
Faultless Razor No 26, han ,orge<l from
i the. best steel, lull hollow groit. I, tempi red
I by the most successful pro.'ess, so that
i with reasonable care it will last t genera
tion The new feature is in the hand... It
i Is of hard, m d ivoryine. having the appear
ance Os the tines' J. onyx, ."itbef
i plain or carved. Tins is band omer than
I the ivory, is more durable ami is ;n many
i respi ets the best value we have ever <'t ; r-
I ed In a razor. This new razor 1 p-j.~:-
! paid or $2.50 with the Weekly one year.
I Faultless Razor No. 35. Evers one who
has used one of our Faultless Razors
knows what they are. We have sold Hun
dreds of them .md they have given pe rs-ct
satisfaction. Faultless No. 35 is highly cr --
cns polished, set ready for use. These
world renowned razors uro hand forged and
tempered by a process known only t > t ie
manufacturer and ground by tho most
', Skilled grinders. .Size, %.
1 Regular Barber St "" No, 6. Tho strop Is
' a regular barber .strap, double swing. One
i strop, woven hose, the other horse hid.'.
! held together by a s\vive!. R zor No. :...
■ prepaid, fur only $1.50. The regular pri. e
| of the razor js $2 and Hie strop retails for
I 7.5 ci tu.', Iml by buying in large quantities
1 we are ( nab' 1 to send to our patrons f-r
I Just about iial:'-;n i. ". i'his razor and strop
I was put up < rpei i.iily for us and has nev. r
I len-n off-■:■. .1 in this way bes .re. The uraa s
- above! ate or the pr-. mi tm iy. .Add $t
• when sending for the paper. I you ate
dy a st ribet « f
: these premiums by sending tho pile*
i named.
I * ntr Wade * Bn:"her Razor. This 1s an
I imported razor and is known throii-: 'tout
'tho country. It is ti r. - . . : e
I sped md is fully guarant d .>y th. manu
t'ad .. ■. . v ■ azor for
~tl.ln. or with tn. W.. .in.- :t. $2.10
' Stroi>. ara '.er to.'. : ■•’ strop.
Iwo are jtrt pared to ol'f.-r to cn- pt" -us oar
I Fretniuni Combination St. - ’ 22. with
I patented tension. A few str k"s a this
i ... op will tn ike an . to ti e razo ■ k
-1 which make,' . having yottr-oll' a luxti v
L’he price of thi 75 . ■ 4
I the \> kly one ye :r 81.75.
Ail our razors _;;■■■ : -n be r. ,i.-t. re.l
mail, posta :.• pri a ■ ,'i. You wii‘ •• yours
pt.nppli;.' ami wa wilt ks' . v It d- T. re l.
Address all ord’ -.: ; . T ... Con-tlutim,
m ■. . r to an individual. Reml: by i o.stal
i money order, cxjir-ss or letter,
I wherein we assume all risk.
-i Atlanta, Ga.