The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, October 03, 1898, Page 8, Image 8
8 SLACKS PROPOSE IO COLONIZE AND CONEfiOL NOiHH CJHOLINJ Continued from Fifth Page. .in convention held here in Raleigth. Jim w.>-. in hi.« full uniform as a colonel, and so appeared in the convention and bossed it to suit his pleasure. Jim has sense. He seis that the negro is most too conspicu ous m politics, just now, while t'he cam paign is on, so he said that there must not be any negroes on the county ticket. Vx i>ite republicans and white fusion popu i -:s we:.- accordingly put on. The no g: ■ s were partly pacified by the promiso ... two jobs in lite state house, each worth . i a j ear. it V..IS a plain deal—a soil out of t'he m e roe., by their leader and the Ayer out lit of fusionists. lint Young wanted to get the white pop ulisms mi., tiie r. public in party, and ho ; v, il that it was b st for them U . in tile Lack ground. If the state p,. . i. pub n tiiis tall, the blacks can Halifax County. T , ,p .... ;i j., ■ 1,, hfax is not so bad as in . uh. but t is b.d enough. .. ' .... . V c i majority of 3,'WO, but > and nominated two ne- for the legislature, one of whom I-,R, .- his In nin 1..-ted for stealing ■ *met" on Thnrsd .y to till out th" I? let. They put up a man H Hi was origi nally a den. ■■ i it. then . 1 mm'. xt il ~ . ami mw he i. litnnug as a .'' . ' nt the di: trict . . n t hi • nate a ad« mo- .. .. do r ' t" f ■ l"»l»- 11 ■ ounty, and eome , xvill tn< ■ t next • ticket ail x . nlj stick to " /,rv one of the S 3 m v I, v . in bcl . ondl t . He .-aid that it . nd in addition there is the ( itiz< n works >■ ' 'end'd'' V. ■■■ men w rk . . : .. m by under the Retie County. I. 1' ii. I . in;; . :7 III.' lini of travel. . . .n- tor l ViJclice of negro ~ x way of Kelford to . | , ■■ Wi idsor has cite. of I ,i\x , Todd, fits on poptt I A ind >r township, was con- I .. i , :;i 'v in IS?:', line negro magis- ! i. r'.y; constable ran away . ’ c 'aft.'r behi • ' Iceti <l, was ‘ Lit I ;< .nd (».'»•» n«' ■ ... J ; 1 : :•;.•<! the cu c. • , c . r .■ " ro. W tile | w • .•■■■' ’. till •.!■ '•• nd.lilt ' ■ . : : , Windsor, ■ ■.■ .i .inil r, who r publican party in . ak’a.'-t to him by .., ::a : do a. thing bat eat ; • . i. .. (n the cell and t',.. n. id a white man named Jor- a woman. Jordan demanded a. ... ... 1 . ■ ~ .... white magistrate, ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ red • t.. ... . i , ni,; i.. t rat - . named Mtidiin, | x ■ i xx ■ .'i .b.rd oi ■,...s mH on co. d ierms. | .' r bout ' ■ n, one .. I'm it ot ~'.cd.m right, and 1 will M i • trl. d Io l:no -k the m i ro down, : . ' ,n.' : lie evidence, . b miased Ti.otnpson's Smutty Jokes. T: c o ,0 X .•■ tin w gro !■:. \.‘w Ilan- < . •• <’r: i1 of 'IV 11l to 1 • ■ - r ''»uir • n< r!y n - ...t.l off. I’ut they Neither is I- >'i t to tl<i (•; the s 11 hit- wh!'*}! ’ r , . n fusion rule, uor of the •• 1 • xj» . of the guv r .moat. \.i ’ h .* . • ■ ~<i'..iis’.s t'Uy is t > -..isiy the ti ii . >■ is of State t’y ’1 mo -on < .l» <I ;o> i’T -•-■ur.s with re*.lining m .■ \ .i's [,) the st.tie. ill has b-'e’.i enm- d to i ict because Iris own re eipt ' : . xv is produced and he wa-s ivicted of ink?! ; facts. r ! lemje II . • • '<! -.Vi-l! ‘ere his u.irty ami t:;e sin e 11 til be uas .shown ui»- In. mm.-mi is the • tdiug chanipion of f.;- . -I . ’1 iio stui. p. He s.'iys m* is rrn- - ■i■ ■ i !><■(■ iu:-e . '■ < uinot *ell !:is smutty ■, k'.- He jl'c.'ini:. •! for his <h fca: in joint t xxi'.i Aye.H-K by staling timt the leme'-rats had som* i.ulics proent. .... •;. ■ bne is <>liver Dockery, Jr. His i’.. Un r is a enn- t ■; tui : ■ - ■ . • • . ' •: . A.. • il -e C'S.i ■ a (I a 111111 li' ;■ of fe- . colun <i n. ui aft the auda-nce. ii < mini.U' e <•: \x hiu lie. n .vim inform 'd him gives his .i ; .i pr yi io < v< ry n.ght forth * . :■ ,i i . popuiist parly because it .. i.tiie repubm-ans io c.irry the i . pulist handbook is.-ued for cain v by the trad rs is - made!- I. i; ■ oil olio p ig'- ;■■ <:i.-p. lived by sonic i .i ’ na iii on .uiuiiivr page. Them is not. .' p.i , . o: pjpxiast phi form m i.. 0 w oit- uo-'k .oil if *t » imt labeled > h Thu two iu on iogt-iatuics of 1.595 and we!-' < omit iniiui alike by decent ru i, . i p"pu; and democrats. (Jnc p s . ... ■ pap' i', The I ’rogr< ssiv«■ I'armer, ;.| , • < I to ii. povernur not to call the lo i-ai.-Ia ‘ ur« together in extra session. i•? o i >■ r lid that the people of the xx • .:d i.iimT r offer famine, pestilence . • ... h i .-nothcr session of that •!!!• the fm mid.-ts are trying to make 1 ».;• . ;ii .J by <‘e< iaring that if the , , -1 . • • .•, ■ . wi 11 di s ’ *<l H PM] ( VI’AK K H ('I I* ! . , . ••• 1 n ■ r'. liey y> ars in !!»■• trc.itr.iont of Cat , ■ I • na ny spc . . di . ks I must s >n n j ; r •. ) :n iI v ill, ft >m th> 1 me on, send the j:i a oi trealim nt und h u-.-.i ~i my pr«K.ti< **, rrrr ano p -st |u*i'i to every r a l< r. of this paper who u ? ;<troi'i ih » ;oiitliesonie, danix'ruusand disgusting < 1 • a«e. Ti.e- - i sine oe offer which anyone is tree t<. accept, .\<!drr <. i’R<)FE>SOR J. \. Lnurnirr, 1 J I V* csi 3‘2<l SC., New York k- T' h „sx S , c ' j jy I . HON. F. M. SIMMONS, (Jidiiinan of the State Democratic Executive Committee of North Carolina. franchise the negroes and poor white peo ple. The Populist ll.ind Hook inswer.s this by’ stating that the democrats want the negro vole an 1 points (o the fact that al though the party xva,- in pow. r for twen ty yi irs It .lid not make the ati. mpt. t'.-ngr.-s: mat: George While l s tilling the postolliies .n liis district with negro post masters. Only two white postmasters ate left in Halifax county. The.c negro post masters hav. given the patrons and the gowrnment much trouble and have help d to till the penitentiary . A colored juror in the superior > ■ urt of Columbus conn refused to cat s ipp. r and breakfast a side tilde was provided for Idm with the same food which wis furnished th.- white j.irorr. some of w.iom were at. another side table themselves. TERRIBLEI IN WILMINGTON. The Negroes Rule the City—A Barber for Judge. Wilmington. N. September ?'.< (Spa eial.)—Here is a city of LM.tiOO population dem nated by negroes ami the white re publicans w::o train with them. This city has a great, commerce. it is the . business metropolis of the state, but it i- ' under fusion rule. w..ich means negro I’eeent white peoph’ managed the cltv i affairs p: \>r to the evil day on winch the ' ; i ionists name into poxver. a i s was the home of tlov ,-nor Dan 11 ,vhoin his own part! can. threatens to Jn:/ ..all. Perhaps it Is , unfair to the repub:.cans to sax- ' .al Hus . sell In ’onga to their organ za tion. because i a fexv Vc.l.s ago he s>. nod to b more populist than anythlng else Anyway. I Wilmington was Hu sell’s home before he , became governor. Jim Young, the only negro colonel in ’ the United States tinny, us. d to live here I and th.: city has others-of whom sho do. ■■ ; not boa.-.t. Negro domination is very much in evidence. A negro p....'a . carrying a. club behind hi; back just :.,i.: 11; <" I past the hotel. N : 1 s arx’ tba k now at tile fed. ral bu a ng just across tile .street. John Dancy, . ..11.' tor of the port, is a negro, .o Savannah h is not tiie only .adored pebble on tne be . i. Several negroes holxl positions at tie ti.e board of aidermen. Tiie full b■> ird consists of tin mcml.ers. One of the fu sion legislatures forced a imw charter on th., city. This charter made five aider men elective In- the people and the governor to appoint, live more. It was known tiiat the democrats would ebet pointed five republi 'ans. mailing the hoard stand seven repub m 'The register of deeds is a negro, anl there are m gro school committeemen in th,- county. New II mover. A bitter campaign Is on hero and the democrats, under determin 'd I. a.lers, ate going to carry the county ii' it can pos sibly be don. ’ f trou hi,, about eloction lime. A little more than a month ago winchesters began to be shipped in here and there Is no tail ing how mn a Liz. ns ave taken tho precaution to arm liiemclv. s ro tbit the-.' may lw prepared if a riot breaks out. Twenty-live rilles were bought I.v work men in one .shop, 'i hey mmelied elf a. night with the guns on their saonlders They said that they did not know how soon arms might bo need, d to d’b nd the r wives and children. Walle mnr.v oi the'blm kr are respectful, there arc others xx ho are insulting, coarse " hleh ,■ ■ , ,i t iie ■ >r ~ bite women of til" stat". There came mar being an out break then. Now that ptp-r i. advising Hie blii'k men to avoid anyth’, ug wh.'a mac cause a general collision between t.n. r„ees. Manly, IHe editor, holds a p.b otlice her", but he has tom.d down for tao time being. Dancy, tiie collector of the. port, is vice president of a negro organ:.', item in which the proposit ion was made re.-entlx to be ,in an aggr sslv. tig it to np.l in l« all Slates which forbal man ag" bet ween whites and blacks and mixed schools. The republicans I.aye not nominated a county ticket. Two years ago t ii < ounty sent one white and one black rx jinbm'an tu tiie ligisla: are. As no nom.nati cis have been made, it is not quite possible to say whcllu.r tiie white repair." ms Will hav.- a. snow or not. Tin. 1 republicans have madxi one nomina tion, Loclxey, tor superior court judge. Doekey has a barb, r shop on P’roiit street opposite the mark, t lion.- . Ii" ims three chairs for customers. When 1 went up by there this afternoon there were only two barbers in the shop. I.oekxx- was over at bis other place of business, his law idli.e. lb is white, but Governor Russell, .n a. letter written six years ago, eallexl him a scoundrel. Hm- "11 was a re publican himself then. The letter was ad dressed to Mr. A. Brady, I'harlotte. N. (’. in ii Ku. I "11 said: "1 hear that you ant Colonel Myers were n.mml by the Jim Youm.'.-Docb.'y gang al He. k nglumi. The decent ’ep.l blicans at t-’iis end regret that men of d>..raeter like yoitr.df and Colon ! Myers should l> ■ yoked with a gait"' of scoundrels with whom not on" single resp"table mm in tills region will atliliate. tat course you may answer that tin y are just as good as such ras< ais us Gordon & Company. It. seems that the rascals are on top at both ends (of the congressional dltrict). “We had made up our minds not to bo bound by hoodlums and thieves. 1 hope THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1898. Col'inel Myers will nol permit himself to bi. humiliated and degraded by running on the same tb-ket with Hockey.’' In a postscript Jtussell observed that "the negroes gem rally go with the ras- fl’oiir years later Russo’s was the can didate ot the mgr. H-s for governor and after lie was elected, he appointed this same Jipa Young a dire tor for t te white asvlum for the blind and Young was made chairman of the committee on edu cat ion. Hip "11 wanted to defeat Hockey for nont ln " . on the judii iary ticket, not be cause 1.0. h.'v Is any worse than some of Russell's P"is, but. be -.mse the Wilming ton barber was unfriendly to him. l.ockey t h< tgainst the got . . | a ttet ■ end d. . wlng the barb, rto take county’s delegation. , All the .stalo votes on the jud.< iary ticket lust as is propose 1 in ' .eorgia. Ihe dem. <r its think the\ wi.l beat Hockey. The barber repr. s.mted Ids county in the legi; latur and i itnl that on ono • « me b;11 ul la xv xv he wa cutt - hair and sii.iving anl xvas admitted to practice law. II- op< i d a law oiliee ami , it a sign. Business was not verj good and when times w< re dull in ti.e h, xx- he XX oil 1 go over to bls barber ...up and Si, ..O hi:-, clients, his 1. "Ot >er • credit fx>r the success he h ....Hl.. I, bat ill. ’ .Ods met the coti- ,1, line ion I v 'll of Hu . ■ 11, and when a . .' P.O bad for Rt: sell he musi b" a Bernard, edi r of The Wilming ton star; Colonel T. tn Strange, eh. irmait ~,■ . M dem... -a'. executive x ornm i t b-c for New Hanover; Geot H. Rountre. .1 o', hi ninent men m 1110 parly say thxy will render up a good ac- New !I al I 11 Novembei ... : tiie county would go democratic. Major Bernard was c ic r. Hive. 1 am not , ... v . ... . alm said lo m» . "but we are going to put up the. hottest light in t.'iv.-e parts sincx* 157'1." .Major Bernard Is managing Bellamy's campaign for i.'on.'-'.i ess and he is \ . J . . fu| 01iv<'t I " kery, Sr., the re lioth the re[>u d the popnl arc divided. Tl mo ve .re t'ior.e.i;’lil'- organized and iner- • v. fl th. ir strength. While the r< p tb liavx- a. .I.C 'I .1 majority m the dls ti ■ ■ t , e■ et I:. lb'.my and tl." reports wld.'h ar" ,~e jn are full of eneourag mu nt. The and ■ " ■ ' ■ registra- tim cat ful ' ■ South Carolina , • I I ■ 1. This di itrk't ' ■ ,m1 eolonizaUo 1 have an”■ •'>'.-I ir. tin border eounti s, but l;i[, j ; t, uu them and :b"v will not all get on the registration books. 1 told in The Con. titullon of September t'ar.d.i.a. Anv man. or boy for that mat lf.r , xvill make oath tlhat he is tW< nt.x - one f It'S o) ar c ami it ' ? t."■ n a ~;iiz"li of I "-' st.i‘.e twelve months and of the county x months and had not been c-unvi ted of a. f.'lony can register. T;. bill'd :i is on C.-- challenger, as It saou.d I. pel:; ips. but there is 100 much burden her.- and is not at all ditlicult to get a iprge fraudulent registration of negroes in lite counties where there Is a mg.o r.-’i rar tn )■ u'l.V every precinct. An cix-eviiv'.l'l car, inox e into an adjoining county' wnere iic is not known amt regis ter, and nimbi'' A , possiblx' thousands, did register ami vote two years ago. But ask a white man anywhere you meet him how lb" slat, is going in November ami s a fusi. e i is, he xvill answer is a detnoct he will reply; "We intend to carry the iegisiatxire." T d.mi .erats want, the legislature, both h. s, .m J the c "itnty otli < s. They da n-.i c : pi iip.i h about, the c mgr l . - I tick, i, although tli"x> a’, working I ard for it in the di riets where noml . - lions lave been made. Tile slot' jitdi e~i x ticket is al.-o \'.-ry important and it Stands a. go >1 eimme to elected. 1. is no' ' ic only easy mark on the lu ion ticket by any means. Chinese Refugee Arrested. Yokohama, September 29.—A dispatch from Bai' in announces th" arrival there of tiles Chinese refuge . Kang-Yuivei. the Canton reformer who recently escap. d from Ih kiiig. ami also his arri st by tiie Japanese anti.crith s Straight from the Shoulder Dr. W. J. Tucker lias b«« n located In At lauia niu* years. **. lias the largest praeti’ c of any spc< isl -Ist in the .< ff states. lie treats his / p:H;.nfs io cure them, ’” 1 l money lor nothing. He -i treat.-: ill chronic dis- e,. of both . ex.S. If ZS-'W, ■ Ddir 4■’ •" :in< write to ’• .. . iiim. di eribiti.', your .’''li mp’.oms. H. will oil hi honestly and free of eh.iiae the ii.iur. vour troubb and xvhetlier curable or not. You will b" tin ier no obligations whatever tl , pm vour: •: ’ under bis li • atment. 1 f x-Il decide to be ii. al'd the doctor guar- Jiiiteea that Ir. i rm.- shall lie within your ■ . ■ 1 >on’t dis' ouraged be- vour home doctors have failed. If ni.'tr.’i t . Dr. I I’erer has b ■•') treating itist -itch trouble.-: as yours for niany years. !>■ n’t put it off any long- r. The doctor can yon at home just as xx <ll as though yon wmo here in person. Pamphlet and question list ffe. w. j Ti ''i<t::t. m.d., 16 Dr ad :t. Atk'.r.ta, Ga. TRADING VERY LIGHT Wcathe? Reports Favorable, and Re ceipts Were Very Full. LIVERPOOL SALES VERY SMALL Futures Broke Very Sharply at the Close Under Liquidation and Es timated Heavy Receipts. Official closing quotations for spot cot ton: .Atlanta—Quiet; middling 4h< . mld(lllne Liverpool—Demand moderate, middling 3 l-It>d. New York-Dull; middling n'-c. Now Orleans Mea Iv. middling 4%C. Savatiqali- I'lasy; mi Idling I ri'. Galveston ■ Sit dy; mi.l.i'.mg I’sC. Norfolk -Sfeail": mid i mg •' /'• Mobile- Dull: mid Him ’ >" ~, Memphis—St. ady mi-idling 4 I -It.c. Augusta—Quiet; middling •> '-Hie Charleston Steady . middling 4 13-16 c. Houston-Ste idy; middling I «<'. St. Diuis—Dull, middling sc. Nexv York, Octob. r 1 Tiie cotton market opened steady with prices 3@4 points lower, later being in sympatiiy with an easier feeling In the Liverpool market. The bull crowd xvas also restrained by more favor aide weatiier reports from the cotton belt, full receipts, scattered S'lling orders from the south and abroad, and absence of sup port from outside investors, [''olloxving the call t lading was vqry light and prices changed but little from the opening figures. Sales of only s.OOO b.ii"S spot cotton at Liverpool, despite cone, -sions of 1-lCd, was •in (I’-ixvback to expensive ti* xv Investment business here. Spots closed dull with prices l-l'M lower to '.lie basis of G-’a-c for uplands and a'sC for mid dling gulf. Sab s xx re limited to 200 bales for spinm-rs. Futures broke sharply at tiie /■lose under aetix, liquidation started by estimates for very it.avy receipts next week and favorable v ".ather prospects. Tiie bear crowd hamm' i' d the whole list. At the close the mark"t was steady, hav ing Improved on a. momentary flurry of coverin:',. The n<-t Im., was a. matter of 45,'a points, l ist limited receipts at the par's for the day wer.- 45.000 hubs against 37.11'0 last xveek and 34,395 last year. Estimated rex'elpts at the ports f .r the week wore 310,000 against 312.059 list xveek and 2M.920 la st year. At M- mpl 3 012 again • 3.270 las' year and at Houston 22,G1'l against 12,296 last year. 'I J I JdOX'THX J J a ' LI i_l.J_ Oet«W9T 617 6 1 5 15 5 15-1 7 A 20-21 November A *_’'•> 5 .■ 5 1 •*’ .*» I*s-I •’ ’ ‘JS-2-4 Deroiobcrl 5 5 2 628 5 24-25 528 -29 Janwarr I 5 29 5 ’ 5 27 5 5 5 <-3 1 February 536 u * <* 36 6 33-34 5 Varc.t. 5 / 5 5 : '• 5 !*6 5 3’ 3S 5 42 -43 April . 4 3 5 4 ’ 5 42 5 4’2 »> 47 -48 aCuy 7> 4 .* 4•• 5 <7 scl 52 Jutt*. 6 ;52 5 7'6 50 6 .50-51 5 65-.»6 J ' lT Anru-t j : • BepiembAr ! . Closed steady. Comparative Cotton Statement. New T rk. Septembi :■ 30.- The following . >mpa ' . . tton tatement for the ending todayg Shot? - " f. 4: .'"’l Tot ,i ri . lots .-im .- S ;>ti mber 15t..0x6. ro Sanio lime la : m ir. 7- xf Showing :i deer, ase of .x|,r,?7 IP ports ’or the W" k .. .. .123.126 San c ’ .last y. ar 22 .- "2 Showi-ng a <lecrease oil‘ i.x.'. Total exports since September Ist.. ..291 111 Same ' ' ' ' ■' Showing ail ii.-'i • ise f I I' 1 Stock at U. S. port M.'I.X-’.'J Same time lust y. r.ix'.l'-O Showing an of Same I Ime last y< 19.7.0 Shewing an inera... e of 2'.2'1.4 Sto.-k at Liwrp.ioi ...........6■".■..i O’) s 'in ... 1 .X • 2 <> Shom ineri iso of 33■ 000 American allm-it foi Gi at Britain.... I',:."Hi Sain" time las: y- ,r.. . SZ.fHO Showing ni i'll* !4,000 Weekly Cotton Crop Statement. N’t .. ■>: e I ns, ’: i •', 'i • i- 30.- S ■ '-"la ry Hester’s New • i..,n< cotton e.xeli:. nge statement, issued today, covi r i tii ■ month ly u.ov.-mi ruber a lii. Compat I wil i ■ t X. a .it ■ w I di'Cr- ie fm the l;;. Hill It I. 'Oi. I' 114.00) ...lies (, lIU . p . red with yi are. :or. a.-l, '.l cruise of V.T.i.HiO and wnii i'll ; "in of b't'.'-uo. Tbe iota 1 for >e; u wa. :? amimst I.' 1: t y. r, 1.211.417 y ar be- fore last ~1 d 67”..737 mime time in I'9l. Tiie • -m-.'it . m>. receipts at the Ports for the m":.t:i '>7.524 bales, ag.:: st 773.07 last year, 913.165 xear before Im: and 517.241 ..ime time In i'l' l ; net sbipm- nts by y< a r. ' M-sot < 297 same t me j " .southeri m takings, excl t txm of amount < m inu-l at ports, 1'7.11 6. . ~.. t 103 5711 year. 91.570 year bi 5 ■■ •. ■ n d 70. ' ■ ’n< in 1594; interior stocks in excess ot amounts hel.l on Sep tember Ist, 12X.42.X. against 155.::'? last year. r year bi iota : t md 51.264 same time in IX'.H. Ani.ri.’itn mi!’.- hive taken during the mim’.lt 1X1.533 b " .-. mtalltst 24 '.!XX| la d x . ar. of xv'e'ch ' n 'T.imrn spinners and , ■ Ins t 111.1 rn ■ ■ 594. !|is: year, :< t ,d a dm-rease Under ut |i., .) and the twenty- nine leading • . . Interior m : i.. lit tip- close of September were 746.515. eg-amst i'.!2.lls'mt ■ ■ ■ 9 t'l 6"9 ye.t r b- f. c • I. I: "'mling'Stoeli. ’.ft ver nt ports and in- Itueri'Or toxvns ami the number of bal".-- ot th-- ri. '.v crop la..ugh'. Into .sight 'luring September the to .late is 1 1 1.516 biles, aimtnst I'. .'.'t'3 ' t year an.l 1,579:76 t .. v. i r I ■ f >r. Tim movement Into sight for the past . dm t sot ’ . ■ seven days ondh September 30th last year 359 i'.'.'l ye ir befor, i and 216,450 same time In 1894. World's Visible Supply of Cotton. Next' Orb an- p- -mb"r 30.- Secretary Hester’s statemmit • ' the world's vfyliile supply of cn'.to.i. m'de up from special mild, and tel"-: nti'.x' advices, compares t:m ligures of lids xxek. last xseek. last year and 11 1. the latter the 9.901,01i0 crop It snows :m im i'mise for the wei k jus' closed of 2'i: ;2'.i hales, against an in l ermise of -3",3?' I i and an increase Os 193,73'> n 1894. rim pd.'il vls.b. Is 1.958.833. against 1.i5.,- 107 last week. 1. '.'2l last, year and 2.211,- s:ix In 1894. of this the total of Amer.can t ■ " against 1.751.107 last I week 1.2110.1'21 l ist ye ir and l.stl.HXt in ISIH, q : - Including ICgypt. I Brazil, India. 179.00, against 1x4.0n0 ! last iveek, 173,W0 last year and 367,000 in ixi'l. The total world’s visible supply of cotton i Shows an inet, , compared with last i week of 2'13.7211 1 le . in in< ’ r ' a, “’; pared with last x "ar of 194,912 ami a de crmi -■ • with l.xiq ~f 252.7C5 _ Four Years Cotton History. Editor Ooiv'itu ion I ve just read your article hmided ”i .mr Y- irs' ' 'otton His tory.’’ from Th" N w York Tribune. is so much said about 'he overproduction of Cotton that it sets our minds working on the subject, and this article has a good I deal to t-ay a1...,' “tiie market for goods” j n..t xvarrantlnn such a consumption, , Now, a.f’.er much thinking, 1 have com.' to the conclusion that there is jio j overproduction of cotton; in reality there ' is. a gloat deal too much for the good of ■ the i cton farm. r. but. not mie bale too i much for the us.- and >' ’n‘ •*( of t,le "orld. How many p. haxa all tiie clothes I they : eed? A pxv very rich perhaps, but i of tie? teeming millions of moderate means, I of the thou; ands of lilt 1( farmers, do th> y ! have tile actual n.<assary amount of cloth ! they med f r tile comfort ami llrie ol ' their i families? Ther<? i. not one one-horse larm er xvlio would not gladly purchase irom "1„, l( , 25') yards of cotton cloth tor tiie j various uses ot a. household it lie had the means—if the price of cotton allowed him I to do so. They did so formerly. It was a I common thing for a m gro renter to J»uy ( three and lour bolts of cotton cloth. '1 hat A SYSTEM OF Columbus, Ga., Birmingham, Ala., Houston, Tex., Jacksonville, Fla. CJ'TI I A'Tir'tN.lC. fl! I A D>AMTPPFi ani ' students’ railroad fare paid. The largest, cheapest and best Bustneis 258 8 UA I 1U1N25 XJUAKAIN 1 Schools. Endorsed in the highest terms by governors, bankers and businest i. f ‘ ei .i?i<ll kTe, secretary, columbus, ga. is a thing of the past; now they are obliged to content thems-ives with twenty or thirty yards of cloth for the most pressing needs, and go on patching and darning tiie old things to malte them hold together a. little longer. It. is a bad state of things, Mr. Editor, and I do not think you say half enough about it in your papers. The Con stitution has a great.-r circulation among I lie farming people than any other p iper I know of, and it ought to be constant in defending the interests of the farmer. I believe Neill’s estimate of the cotton crop last year was a lucky hit; that it became a fact was owing to tiie late freeze. ’ 'ur first killing weather came on January 1, 1898, giving the crop tlm" to mature every boll, every' bloom and even ex'ery form. His estimate this year is entirely unjusti fiable from facts, and 1 doubt very much, with even the advantage of late winter, the crop could possibly come up to his esti mate. Texas cannot make over 3.500.1100, and the cotton Is. from all accounts 1 gath er from the papers, short every where else. This letter Is not meant for publication, but for your own consideration on a sub ject on xx hl.di the xx dfare of thousands de pend. A. E. WAYNE. Bender, Ga., September 30, 1898. McCullough Bros.’ Fruit and. Produce. Atlanta, oetob"r 1.-- For the past week the Atlanta prodine dealers have been qu te busy rec.- t ing and forxva tiling all classes ot fruit.s and produce. Bananas have been very plentiful on this market, with a heavy demand, con sequently there has been no glut what ever. and all receipia have moved off smoothly at quoted prices. Demons have changed very little at Im p.i .rtatiun points in price, consequently the Atlanta market is standing at quota tion price. The receipts are not so heavy, but are equal to the demand. Apples are coming in plentifully from North Carolina and Tennessee, with a f. xv shipnn nts from Virginia. As a gen eral rub th. st ; to< k Is selling fairly well at ?2 to ?3 tier barrel, there being little or no stle for hard, inferior .do -k. Mux'll to Im' surprise of the jobbers In general, tin* drb .1 fruit market lias open . d up much higher In price this season than was expected. The output of the California dri d peach crop is very light wit.ii prices ruling from 7 to 8c per pound, t'.o.b. tl'..- I'O'ist. for the best sto< k. as at Must 5 to tie Inst, season. The pri, e of dried apples from N-.-w York is from 2 to 3c li’gli'-r than 1 -'st season, cons.-qiieiitly tiie leiodlers of this class of fruit are not v-ry active, but are holding ass, axvalt- Ing developments. i’.l’lfornia green fruits nre being re ceive! nleiitifully. However, the demand is equal to the supply, and with a few except!.ms all receipts have been sold at quotation pries readily. Thilo Is being received here California :car lots the price being ddainexl for them '■ good, taking ..." n their qua lity Our nt : 1 ’ been glutted with ■■ th b'lgo for llu- past weak. :a.l s.-veral sliip nieiits hav" ben refused f"r charges. Irish i ' tooi • ■ pl with a liiht dim.ind. Hoxvever. all reeipts of fanev stock ar" m Ing ■ "• ady s He. iin':.m< ar<‘ v.ry bountiful the supply and .! nt'ind l> in ' llg'it wit 'i 10-. x prii -. ■; . ... t car of Califon ■ a 9 r - d this market Frid; 1 ...'. and the price from 1 to I'p’ I" 1 ' pound higher than the first ' brought last l> ’ ’ti J-T' 11 s<•;ir<■.t v «»r pout trx- I ' S milk t forth.- ;.a<' week, and its ji ave t tilx sold at i'-.od price.'’. Hens and largo fryers arc Ic . -neeiai'i- good demar,.l T’.l-i -. .-ei ms to have taken a tumble In ... ■ ‘caused I>X’ tl e heavy r ’< I"'" which h: ve been fry heavy f. xx - davs. Th.? selling price today is fr.'.m 13 to 14<- with a probability of a de ci ■ . first of 'he .veek. I’.utDT Ih In (Ic' I. b« st bti-o ing good prices. Th" Mipilv f- light. li.mex- soiling .x-Il nt in to in...-. Re ceipt.-' are ligat xvlth fair demand. xv York state grapes ar" e.nning in v.’rv plentifully. However, tiie demand Is equal to the .supply. :nd nil stock Is readily dlsp'a.ed of at fair prices. Coffee and Sugar. New York, October 1. Coffee options qui. t m t unchanged to 5 points lower; sales 4 250 bags, including Nove nber 4.55, Janimrv 5.55, February 5.15. July i’..25. Spot ■ . i ■ V, No. 7 invo ■ ; so. i n ',i quiet and steady', Cor ;i„x , S'. 15 Hall'-tioli<la.y mark. :. Sugar raxx dull and nominally lower; fait- refining 11-.; ■ ■ ntrifug tl 96 test I’c ’ " . ’ '■ . st .n.lard 5\ .onteetion.ts A •As.'Ut loaf V>- pov.'h n d .h] granulat* <t a’k] cubed r-- ' ' ’ ' - NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. Cm rent Exhibit Is an Argument in Favor of Lower Money Rates. N"w York, October 1. The New York Finan ter . -y. ’ his « ' ’’ k • "Th.? N. w York l ank statement for the current week is an argument In favor of ■' T ■■ ' , ".5: ... pr ~ ■. V the same re[ j <1 'in l i co.-respoiMing U"ks durmr. two ih'evmus ' mhe opera ti> ns with the trea.-ury . ,i ■ mnt ire nearing an < ' demand from th" nt. rior is v ry . ici.. u the bank rweryes ire r< Pl n- i a.-I by imp >t ’"I gold now >rt vi g. there . '.heno " t for fut th t fear as to the future. The ,-..n’r:irtion «t '’'s,' . reported for tin wi t> efforts of haul r rve ; but. aside from that :ae I..tin . a.- tion <1 ie to stock exchange i *’-g -J’ -nee’e xxa< brought about prt' a • . ,'..pxt< Os imported gold. It Is rtat'd that some go <1 arrived IHe in tin w. ek from n import.®. flu gold re conrse. excelled the ncpe tts and ' Pi'-reis.' .O' $1,371,900 in that Item I- th ■ml. 'rted m'five W" k>. Logical’.v. Cm ~',r-i..n shon'.l have b. -n larger. Ab" . ■ end. i -t imling of the 00.-ition o' the nation.l beaks is obtained fr mi a <:om ” risen of their September totals pub.ish ... 11 x last week. fh< bond.- 1 ’ , ■ ■■., I'nl'.ed States deposits f" 'I up 44 1-.. and legals have deerense I ■ I Ith 11 mt 12 n '"- ms have off miliums, bank deposit ;ho x , I. , ie .se of 19 millions and ot let deposits ;p.', Hie ,S. This will serve to shoxv effects pax merit In th" treasury on bond . had in the In ■’ ntn ■of t n weeks for xerv little of the total of oo 'd bank balances have gone to Interior I, oiks Since July 14th. and counting to !>,, ..‘nd of tin- week just elapsed, tin.- . Ir i-i.m o' N'. xv York national hanks has ts',s it least I’s millions, prlnelpallv 1 cent bonds. I'liym-nt of cur interest and principal by the treasury from this time on will release large sums of moin-v. The outlook favors a <l. cline In intrrc'?* rates to a love’, reported bcfor»' t io bon-1 {..iyincnts h '’.an to disturb the mar k‘\. W York October I.—The weekly bank statement shows tbe following Surplus res rve Increases• T'oati.s 'le i -.' r,.’,7 SIX’) Specie . j.'.-eal tenders Increase increase -i .] Clretilat’on Increase The banks now hold $T5,270.1t>6 In excess O s t y t e re iniremot ts of tho 25 per cent rule. SEAL HERBS ARE DECREASING Skaguay. Alaska. September 21. via Se attle. \V isli.. Soil- ■mb'-r 26. Governor Brady has returned her" from an official to Hl,. Pribyloff islands and other points south. Ho said that h e found ev erything running smoothly nt every point b? touched. Speaking of the Aleutian is lands. lie said: •‘Ta"x- are di -lined to bei omo the home of countless herds of cat'ie and sheep. Some of tli<‘ islands havf »t <t stick ot timber on th".a. but are covered all over with a luxuriant growth of grass, afford ing tiie finest kind of pasture land for cattle and stock.” He saNTs at tiie Seal islands bo found that the seal 'herds are dying o ffr.apidly. Pe lagic sealing is daily decreasing the herds. WHEAT STILL WEAK Esorffious Receipts at Primary Markets ffas the Principal Cause. CLOSED AT FRACTION DECLINE Corn and Oats Were Stapfmi nt nnd dined About l-8c Each —Provis- ions "Wer© "Wenk and. .Lower. Chicago, October 1.-Etmrmous receipts of wheat at primary western “ creasing Russian eft’erlngs and estimates of large crops here and abroad were at the bottom of the weakness shown by ub - today. Besides trading was excessively • December dosed t.t ><?■ decline. ( orn and oats were stagnant, each market decllnln., about in sympathy with wheat. io vislons were weak, partly on account, of grain and partly on bearish Independent features, closing 7'../'Osc lower. The opening in wheat was at a slight a - over ye.steiday’s closing price, De cember starting at 62 5-Bc. The Improvement was apparently due to Bradstreets figures on the week’s exports, which were put. at IStWOOO bushels, compared with 5,(1—. bushi Is the previous Week. This had caused a .strong curb market yesterday, and the strength was still noticeable at todays opening. Shorts were moderate buyers to n short, time after the start, buying being heavy enough to cause a further slight advance, December getting to 6A,< . •(' holding for " time at. that figure. 11 the market slowly began to woken, - tm the rest of the short sos.o.n the . tundl ' f prices was steadily downwanl. Gte ■ • plenty of news of a bearish tenor'but trailing was .♦<<> extremely dull, minis ‘d the most prominent brokers having gone to Omaha, to witness the Clr.eugo d.iy at tne exposition, that the decline was v. ry grml wil. Northwest receipts were apolis and Duluth reporting against t. 091 last week and 1.183 a year . co. Chicago receipts were 33. 'ar.s „t> of contra." qualitv. i’rimary receipts tor tho div were 1.692,000 bml'els. which wero largely in exce.-s of last, year's. Atlantic rances, ext tslve of ■■ and gulf ports, amounted to 625.000 btislie.s. Brokers reported an almost entire absence of <nsh bids at anything approaching a xxorking basis. Liverpool xvas Ud lower for futures, thougl : t wheat w un< tangta. London reported free oil. rings ot ixii.-..'inn This, witli foreign n ' imat of Ru.-sian and world's crop, both of which were icavy, deepened tl ■' sioii In the local market. ilm (H inge Judd Farmer estimate of 700.000,0-0 bushels as the I'nited Stat' ■ crop also helped to fok li pries downward. The mar ket became wry heavy toward the close demand a.lntosl d.-'ing out. Dec ruber sold down to "2c and closed ar 62'1'!62 I 4(C. T re xvas x ery llttl. tr In c >rn, and changed x.-ry lilt)". The feeling was easy, principally through sympathy with wheat. The c ish demand was slow, it eeipts xver.? 849 ear,®. I’li'arances were mod Country offerings were on a small : :,10. T>. ecmb. r ranged from 29 3-B'ir29'.’2'3) ;. . ... d c bw. 1 ..: . ’I he market tor oats wus stagnant, the pil at times being almost deserted. Prices xv re Influenced bv wheat and corn and averaged .a little lower. Eley .tor people v. Io 'seller.; of May. Iteeelpts were 158 . There wa - no >sh Inquiry. Ma v r.oc.-'d from 22 5 > to 22 3-8 c and closed a shad" lower at 22%j122 , .-c. Provisions were dull and heavy. The opening was lower on yellow fever news and heavy lard deliveries, and a still fnr r decline t Ited fron sympathy with the market closing at about tho bottom figures. Packers bought sparingly of ribs. At the close January pork xvas 15c lower at. $9.02';.. January lard 10c lower at $1.85. and January rib.- lOe lower at $1.67 , .V Estimated receipts for Monday Hogs 36,- OCO head. GKAIN, PROVISIONS, ETC. CONSTITUTTOX nyytlpfl Atlanta, Ga , October 1. 1803. SritTAT, Grain and Meal. At’sn'a. October all wbcat. !tr«it nat rnt. *4 ® 8 irronc p.'" *'■' >4 1": Mi nl*' I't A 60: fa i.-r 8.40; . .’-I family 3.00. Corn, wliltc 48o; mlxel47c Oatt, white 37c: mued SSc 'l’exna n«i rioof S7b" Jiro.Georgln 85c. Bay. No. 1 timothy larye bale, Hsc; smr 11 t n'ci Mir No. 2 tin otliy sma II balls 7e Moat, i lalti 4Si". lelted doc Wt-.albran iaraeaxi'Ki ?3c small 'ackM 75c. snort, 90 stoi'k ’’ic. Cot inn r«ert nwal Ofm per HID IH: hrllaSU. 'iO p -r too I’l'in Stock SO iti’g.e porin’.: coiuinon whits l«dysl. 10 Jl-25- Grits $’ 7'). Provisloßo. Atlanta. October 1 ■ Clear r|b’ mthl hMm s’4<v. clear aldr.iJ'H: Ica-ciired l -liteiT'Xc S’urar-cnred liams Skittle; California 7wc: breakfast bacon 12 XX 14" l ard, oral quality loeonu quality Jhm compound 5 Groceriw. Atlanta October 1- llo.xstat rowaa 911 30 ’r’s 6')r per 101) It i-ases. Green rot Too choirs 1" fair 10: I’Tlni, !). fiuaar rtamlar I Rranulatod f.'.c: Now Orleans white ’.M : ilo imllow ftk; ■. v.esor- .’rnrsopen kettle ’..’.Vu. tor. mlxi-J 12M,it20c; sugar irniiae 2'l *3sc. Teas, biark 3u i 4050; groin ziixc.n.ia. Hire l.wl 7ke:rtio|.-o ’-n't. Cairr Micas si ■ ■>. do. t'bls 9'.-.25, ice I'le.'iu ;fl.OO: common i.-. To-- Clieese. full erx'um lo'yi?. 11 'xc- Mai cm ■ fur: .'OW :FI .30'41.75 B'>'>s« 'o' 1 " boxos 6c. Crackers, soda 6 h.c: cream 8c : giiisersnups<"an - di. < oiiimon .-1 iok iti . 1 ancy 12'3 1 3c. Oysters. I- M ■ $1.60; 1.. W. 51.00. Naval Storts. Rnvaonnh, October I—Turpentine firm nt nnlir Sl2 ranks: receipts 84*. ttesln firm: aales 2’.r .1 I. bls; rec el |-Ci .8.5 95. A. Il C, I» I*. > : I-. tl.’ ’6 : 1 $1.10: G 51.20 H $1.35; I $1.85: K $1.35: St $1.4": N $ I .lit): ss I ndowtfluss $ 1 .80; waterw til to s*?. 15. Charleston. Oetot'or 1 ■ Turpentine firm at 27: mie’.no'ic. Kosln qnlot; sales none; A.8.C96: U.K JU.Oil. f $1 111: U $1.2(1: II $185; Isl io . Ksl 40 »t sl.-1.:;.N $1.55; wlrulowgi aths 1 Jill: w alar whitesl. <’l). Wilmington, October 1— Uoali. flrmi strained fluii ,ood strained $1.05. Eptrlia turpentine linn nt 27‘4(u2754 lar strong at sl.2t). Cruee lurpeniine tlrrn at $1 ■. osf 1 _ Country Produce. Atlanta. October 1 Biots 13@14c. Putter, west ern creamery l’ti'422H< : fancy 't r-nnessim 15'31 choice ®r . Georgia leiDPTi'C. Live poultry, chlcki'ns. bens ?sw27k,<': spring ehli'rens. large. 1 Kw22kc; sii.a’l I .'rf I 7'w'' oui'l'-'' pmtdie. 2O‘c !2 L i'': Peking 224 25c. Irish potatoes per bushel 80 ' 70c. sweet potatoes, new crop 5®45c pel bushel Honey, strai nod 6to7e: In the comb I Hu 1 le t Inions, new c.op. dOlartOc per bu; $2.75uf1't.00 per bbl. Jrrults and Confectioneries. Atlanta. October 1 Apples, new '’mj' ’■*<6 3 00. Lemons, choice $5 OU <5 ..0: (iincy if*' ( ‘T®’ ". Oranaes Cnlllornla sc '<llim:s.3 OV'J>:: ?-6 ' ml none. Bananas, $1.0(1.11.26 l.nmli; culls.m„; I'Uc. I' tgs. B<tfhc. owingto quality Kais, ns u..xv ( all- ton.i:: B’l 41 <4 1-50: '« loxes tOlilbOc. Curtains li‘ 4 .y 7 < J .egborn cilrcii 1 ("o 11 c. N '■' ■-A.u in. s i Ou; pecans 4®sc; Brazil DWlOc: filberts UHo; wal nuts swlOc; inlsed nuts «<ii()B. Peanuts Vlrgi bi electric hglil 6«6«v: tuucy hand-picked «<s. 4 i»e, t»oor giu Bsl>3>o. Fruit and Vejstablen. Corrected daily by McCuhough Bro*. Tomatoes, $1 to $1.25. New Irish potatoes, $2.25 to $2.50. Peaches, $1.25 to $1.50. Dim "S 50c. to 75" p. r 100. Fears. $2 to $2.25 per barrel. (’.ulifornia fruit: Bartlett pears. $2.75 to $3. Assorted p $1.25. Asserted grapes, $1.75 to $:.. New York slat" grapes. Ten pounds Concord. 20e. Five pounds Concord, 15c. Ten pounds Niagaras, 25c. Ten pounds Delaware. 3?c. Five pounds Delawares, 2t)e. Stricture mid Varicocele Permanently cured. Particular.® free. Dr. Tucker, Broad street. Atlanta. Ga. TELEGRAPHY ' Taught thoroughly and quickly. J’osltfonß guara!i- I Expenwß low. I’artl'iilars free. GEORGIA. . TELEGRAPH SCHOOL, Senoia, Ga, i XTOI NG Men and Lniiies Wanted V> learn I I I'eleg r phy no I 11. It. Bu tk-keepln*. Ac- 1 Jcndged bv leading rnihvuyH to be the most ; perfect Nch' M of Pa kind. Send for catalogue. Morse School of Telegraphy, O«hkosh, Wis. -7 xSulllvan, Crichton The Complete BuHineKHt ourno, lotal Cost, “Actual BiiaineKß from start to finish ” Most thorough Shorthand Dep’t in America. 400) graduates. Oat free. a | wont a. position? "Writs for aAH onr B P eclal offer. Address Illi I Illi rtoxv The Atlanta Buslneia MUI Dept A, Atlanta Ga. Southern Shorthand and Business University, ATLANTA, <iA. i Tho] ending Business (’o’logo or tho South. Ove 7 oi><> graduates in positi-’ns. Il <'d vpscu'lh <!ully froni» I ’isltu-h men lor P.ooki;cp» r -U-nographers and OH • Assistants. Hiim'hh'sm < ournc. Shorthand Courwr and spiininh Coarse, all tor SOS• linter 1 non . CatnloKne free. MAGIC DIP NEEDLE For Im'llting Guhl and Silver Ore. Lost | or IPit'li-n I’r- iisnres. Oirculurs and u. t. testiiiionlnlH li"'. P. A 11. iGi .NBY, Palmyra, Pa XUDVtt IRS WANTED: TUB MISSISSIPPI COKRESFONIIENCE ’LL’B, srookhavau, MIM The Hancock Rotary Disc Plow and the i Weekly Constitution [For 545.00. : We iiave an arrangement with the South ern Agricultural Works of Atlanta i by xve c m furnish the Hancock Rotary i Disc Plow, freTht prepaid to your own i depot, for $45. With thio offer wa giv. ; Tho Weekly (’onstitutlon one year. We furm h the plow :. .> 'n tho Absolut* I guarantee of the manufacturers, which vr. quote In full: The Hanaock Rotary Disc Flow Is The G-’eafest Flew Earth For !:r'tin ■ i- 1 ini', breaking black pratrl. or red clay binds; for turning under c-ra or cotton -talks, ■ ;it or wheat stubble, ber rnuda Join ro Is no implement ma:iu,’ :■ im ’. xvhich xvill equal it. It cuts ’ hes wide and from i. t" in 1.1 . • > it tho will <>t th« user, it xvill fir :k up two t.o three acres :t fi ty and xvill do It with lighter draft rind pulvt rizc Hie .-t mnd bettor than any other plow m.inin'.ietiti>l. To Get the Best Results Alxvays k-op th. b rim..s w-11 oiled Keep all nuts set? wed up tight and keep the also sharp. When trti:; Is done We Guarantee Every Hane 'ck H-t it'." Di-'e Flow to give entire sntlsf.'ction ir any kind of soil or under any condit ill rei la to ab- solutely free of charge f o. b. cans at Atlanta any part <>•■ p rts wh it may bleak within txv.-ivn months from date of pun-hase. THE SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL WORKS. ATT.ANTA. GA." ItOiV To Go? ?hs P’otv Whout Tho $45.00 Carh Vih’th Orders Send ns ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY yearly subscribers to The Weekly Consti tution at $1 e:ich. Do not retain your commission on thesa | subscribers, bitt state with each order that I It is for your "plow club" an l c, xvill both ’ keep an account of the number and yon ■ will soon hfi' e the plow. Tell your neigh- I bors xvhat you are working on and they i will help you out. I We have sold Llwusands of sewing ma- I chines and have hid ex p y customer 1 pleased. This is a xvhere we are again bringing the factory and farmer face ( to face and we have no fear of the result. I You will alxvays bless The Constitution for j making you ride a Hancock plow as you I turn at.d pulverize your land and stir deep I the ground that has never before seen the : light of day. ; No time to lose now. Got right at it and ; keep it up. If you are a. farmer you cannot I do without It. and If you are not a farmer | you nod to mike every farmer buy a ; plow and double the returns of crops to . bring bett"f times In your community. Send all orders to i THE ATLAMH CONSTITUTION NOTICE. NOTICE. Agents and Subscribers Take Due No tice. The clubbing off. r made by us with Wo : man's Home Companion, of Springfield, ' Ohio, at SI.OO per year xvill c lose on Oc-to her 20th. Remember tho date. We will | fill subscriptions received at the regular , price up to October 2011., bitt not later. Tiie publishers of that exe?ll'Ut. monthly, , Woman's Home Companion, have changed | the price from sa.' per y. ar to SI.OO per I year, an i will greatly improve, the tnaga | ziii ' ami gix e peed \ line for the money. Our price xvill be f.u < innot give The Woman’s Home Companion with Tbt» Constitution tor SI.OO. Do not put tills a.ido and I'ci'gei it, and when you send ( your subscription later on try to claim it all for only $1 xxdll not b able to Illi the order. After October 20th Hi. price of Tiie Constitution and Woman’s Home Compaiii ni (no cook book, or other premium w.t ; it,) will be .}’l.:s. and even at this rate you would l.c getting two SI.OO papers at. i discount of 75 ico s .'Midl ess till ordi rs Io Till: ATLANTA COXSTITI’TION. jStOltU. Go north from Atlanta. Jacksonville, Ma con. Savannah. N< w Orb ans or Chattanooga on Ihrougb Pullmans ami fast trains of Queen and Crescent route and its connections. Finest trains in Hie south.