Newspaper Page Text
Bright Bits of News, Not Printed in the Regular News
Columns, Collected and Condensed for Readers
of The Weekly Constitution.
Miss Taylor Loses Suit.
Th" r»istri't «>f Columbia supreme eourr
i M"i<L*v the sail of M ss IT -
■ i J. Ta v lor against Secretary of War
for reinstatement in the war d»-
; <i truant from which she had been dis
r. . . -• J tor ? rit i<‘!sin*’ in a newspaper <vY
• ■ • the administrations policy in the
I ‘h . a n.-. 'ph, ( uurt held that the power
• appoint to nflie. implied the power to
• ’ -miss and that if Secretary Root had
”>’ omplied with the civil service r<
’.ements such failure was an irrogu-
■ and not within the court’s jurisdic
•n The ehiof justice said that while
-•av of sp. h was gi:.<T intc-’d to all
.uzor.s bx the constitution, li-ense >f
was not so protc- tr i. MDs Taylor
C; i ppral the .rise
Secretary Loeb’s Assistant.
7 i-rph I'l’iirr. of Virginia. u.<s ap
’•’ ' d Monday to a -<.sta nt se, >.a t >
e president. succ»-ding Mr L-»?b,
’a w;« < n. de secret.iry on Mr. <
a s Apiedn: in ut a- s.vr'ary of ,<»tn
and labor. M•• •-D r ’ l;u i 1•• ••'•n
■ ..e -stive <!* rk in th.* whiD- irri--- f.»r
two y♦ arS.
Foreign Cables in Guam.
Pr-- ddent ,it a . . . u grai-tiiur
: * tnis-slop t - G- rm. H-r and Holland to
.’-,d a iron--Pa< ihc eabh on the Gland of
x cr.iv hG opinion that p.'rmi.-sion of
P»-d th' Tight. ;• i-• now contended
■f\ • < • d ’ Vni- ’
-’•••’• . unpa..ind that f-»’•>-;trn nn
- mb's mu r •• • k the approval ■■ongi’-ss
More Western Irrigation.
S.' ‘ • • dr- -I Dmxmd d land
Wv-tmiru. <'o’ : -J. -. \ ada
X • ; re i■ > h- ms• L* f- .lea t
D- • iid- ri: a ib part im mi of a
British Capture a City.
1 • t d’>. -’- b■ - fri in \ : • ■ ■ ta t
■ , . ;■.•-■ *; .Mo. i-i :id
I ami d»..L po--<, of the cite
• ’. • r- of th. So -i. oatb I
T i S-erd i i •
: I. ; i British proto torale crl ha s
. rood th’Oiigh :ao rioivo governors
Russian Reforms in Danger.
■ - - ■ Ma ... ■ ’ ; ;1 <: p. ;• -•
’ rt np--; ; - vid prov iiH-’a I governors,
■ ■ ■
’ Witt- .ad r-1-...0n formul <img a nif-t’i-
?: .- Co-- TH- -P-. • It ! -.'to U! 3 -
r rd-' I mH* j*• t«d?c I tn -a«tp■ .? ’
grig land Coercing Turkey.
• ' " ’ . •. • ■ ' ;
-•. .o, ( . n TO,-. h. t .-d- • an 1 warned tl
;. . that b:- promise ar-
Outbreak in Portugal.
■; A n:-01-d ; th-'- ri«H which foHoWod.
Holland rears Germany.
England's "Church” in Danger,
■» Ren irkable Operation.
-. . parm Machines.
- • K-AO ™ E ! ’ EasON WE S *V G-S FOB
I*2 * ’•r** •>» ™. » *Lr «It E. meoicini is bfcausi it-s runt
' rn<i ns ’ r ■’ rd'-r for t $r f-;J quarts of ten-year-old Rye for $3.15,
\ Aprrss prepaid, and we will send you. free of charge, two sample
ir . ’■ ' ’ t -veh-e, on .e hiteen-yf nr-old—Rye. a c'-fr. crew and a
'C K ’ wliiskcy Rlass, We nwke this offer simply to get y’.o to
also have this same brand -Ight years old,
h "W dispose of at $2.50 per gallon, iu lots of two or
‘ morf i; , 'l'-.-b at nn'» Mhpment. We aho Rive sample hotties,
’’H FP\TRA f * , 'l ln<lc tl.--r jp.otD. A;D»ur R ids are put up in full
? ..v i quart buttles, and sent express prepaid. If goods are not satisfac-
TEN year gid terv, return them at our expense and we will refund your money.
j ?r -Alnnist impossible to net pure whiskey from dealers. These
MA, '. T \ IdSj- ' 2 - hipped direct fr-un the Distilling Co., which g: arantees
g,-;- middleman’s profit. We are the only Reg-
. ? : • : -'Lhrrs io America selling to consumers direct the entire
.’.D ’ ’ > - ■ ’ ■ ‘'■ r i’ ,trre.l Distillerv" others who claim to are
•$ ~ '. 'h- selling. REf FRENCLS, any Express Co.
* O; ,' ■ ' s frem Arir.. Colo . CrL. Itiaho, kfcLt.. N'ct.. N. Hex.. Ore .
“3; ; -' ’A vo. K;o..must ca.' for twcn’.y quarts pr-paid. JpEga
- ' ' ! : rnsTr rr-G co..
‘I ■ KrflDrMrass FD" . ‘i C.’f’o '>\t. ’-' T
The a bo*-** firm nr- ~ole owners of Registered Ditillery. No. J. of th* . ..v.o Dis
rr! ! of V.’h' n v,r tire th* rn. please mention Th*? Atlanta ConstitutiurL
and soe.l drills mark the r<'\v.-. fertilize,
sow the seed and cover it ill in one
operation and an even alternate different
kind-- of seed when desired. One of the
latest wonders is a tra nsplnntili;; machine
wTiieh lifts the young sprouts tenderly,
digs ". . .... and waters
them, doing from four b> six .K-ros a day.
Colored Preacher to Liberia.
Pl-1 sident Roosevelt .mi- I tl'.e it v.
f»r i-J lie. t I >||. pa -I or of a ■ sloped
i hitr -h hi Baltimo: to i . ..d ,1 R A.
Crossland, of \1 i<<c..-'. a- minister to
Lorenz Operation by Machine.
l>r. I.'rederiek Ma. liar the pupil of Dr.
l.r.ronz, the Au-tfiin snrgeon.
operated on six <a~ s of congenital hip
dis. ao- it X. w York last Sunday with
Dr l.oien.’ s '■• edri a>si a llle.
whi.-h s. ,-n. d to d<> the work as
well as could its eminent inventor. The
h.avv sji\-, r-pl a ted a p;.a ru tns is strapped
on the opera t inp. tald'- .‘ind .ontains
Clamps, s.-r.-ws and -rt ■ which arc
made to do the trni.-'viig. after whi. h
• ho child is plac'd bl the piaster cast. An
other devi<-.the "ost. ~. last." was used
for . !;d> feet. trit... indications showed
that -he operation-- u• to . .imp', t-lv s>:.-
A Serum for Typhoid.
Lord Listei a ntiounced in London Dr.
Mi.-a M ! fa iy, n'- di-- > " • "la pi onh
la ■-. .Old ■■■':■ at IV. 11-. a tty nt ‘ I. i.-j.l
fever, it is a serum . b*.iine<l from i-rii'h
iug t j pi'oid ba.-IHi hl i'.pdd a .v
Reliance, the Cup Defender.
Tim syndicate for wired ti, new cup
defender i; being built nt Bristol .• i
■ in■ i. d M..nda i tin: th- -ii tm L ll- I ->■; ■
ti ul b. . n sclei-t'.’l for tin- new e lit. \\ >rk
I.; ogres - i n>: and h -- -■ sp a t I th ■ t --: i- -
will be read-- ’or 1 nt- ’’ ng I-' th•• middl"
Stadium for Harvard.
The li u ird . ■ d -a d d.-d to
give to the imh ersilv .in nrtifi.-ial aren.i
mod. led after Ihe tirecriti Stadium. Tim
t!eld Is to be snrround.-d with p. iman -nl
iiatdiS of se ifs with e:ne!ei:i .if I I'eo
pie | i Wi ’ I be < oil -I:■ : < : (.. I, . I I,r ■k. -1 -el
Rockefeller’s $88,388.88 a Day.
• m Mm ■ „ S< oi.o wen: '. ■ .1 'a D Ho- k.-f.-lb"
and s:t imhi Oiiii to id b -oi ’- '-r Wtil am l- nr
tin la t t'm.-e month- .lolm D Ro.-kef.L
h-.-’s income from tills soui.-e lom has
Disagreement Not a Trial.
Tic- Lnited Stat.-- nip>emo .- mrt Mon
day d.-. id" I that new trial .iftei' a ois
Ophtm, Morphin# Free Treatment.
Painless home cure jpjaranteed. J’rw
trial Dr. T-acker, Atlants. Ga.
iZ'-ut.H .- of ;i gncM
: ■ <• :iti ■ ? >n ■ . ! i. - - w. i! • r Is ’ > b«’
- ••.! \ p .< r<; ■ ' oiv to bo
•-••t bi).-fl bv th-' run so wh»n th'*
i • -th- q mien ’!
■ - :;iv. -■ :1 ’b. ‘ or
•: ■. r; ■ • .• , ' t; ■ r.i i • of :■ or 10
: ■;is ■■■ : -nr ,- - .i' .; - r- . rvo-r ni.i y
t-'tb .- hob* -big bi H i-r • Hid
> ■
. ..- . nh" ■ torn w.rtbr 11 v. • .I«i . --
T.t .■ ’ • -t .* ; , w<-’ . hi;: b t-ii. mi' ■, 1<»
-rh' r th- w.tif 1 i-• G .1 the unoblor
1 <j tii::; • ’’ W ’ lid be U .tbO-’ to
1 1 ■<l . - ! ’ ■ tn* 10 th i. . . •
\ • AX t ■ I f . AX ■
f.i MP'f JAW
< * M Ib !• 11.* nw. .! < . !
n. • w: a t t< i f» ■ • r ■
Ar- v. r I! ! übti-
• tn;,* >- '»r ! !H:- i •,» If j >•■ 11. ,1
I ■>r J • ■ \ > I■ I .; ■: <MI U’ a: li .' >1
W»” k I ’ 11 - .‘; •> ... i. < .t; 'j
127 W bo v our
- \V- i• CM Jt ——
whore at the price \
Kbr Harden patent \ Vy
, wheels, elliptic end \ ,>m{M
> Rpring* rtn t> l> r gSr% v-r
drill top and -\i *\
-i•r in g c u h • Z\ \ \
ft i * lG' '
hnn<l«-> in *» Iv f .. V'' *.- z /
pointed With vVy^/TIV\7V / l\Xz
a plain h<»dv I
n d d .» r k
vreen gear !n either wide »»r narrow atrlpe. St
this buggy in not perfet flx - itHfacf >ry and th*»
• ,u U of bugglrn vonr lo< al dealer «»oIK for MH 0(
i f-tiirn it at . .ir expense and we will refunt
4 \< iir monev. Wosell x«»u vehicles at the samt
pro <• vmnr tleah-r is <->»tnpe:ird to pay the jobber
• -1 Li'ijH jp ‘■o !<■. iir.-.f th it we can :»ave you frv<n
; -. no to JA.CM) freight < barges on a buggy • r
"agi-n over other market-* Uemembpr thi*
when buying \<>ur buggy W>- will send
ii’' n receipt - f request, h ahow* you < »ir
’ , « oniplete line of high grade aurrlea, Manhnpe*.
S hnoton«. buggi spring and farm wagon*.
1 ' l uylies Bros. Mercantile Co.. St. Louis. Mo.
rom Page 5.
i -i ' -i li ti- •- J'L - - ipi’-rne court, however,
took the otb't \i»-AA mid sustained Ihe ;
b"Ud Gsii'- and iur ideut .t lly the x.ilidilA of I
I al! bond i ut < (hut hu\«- b> « n made by ,
• <)thei • itb • of IT- st;u>- under .-•irnilar
: (iiNumstaniu-s.
Robert Roman Takes Life.
<'• <i •:nib j s. Vi.- -■ . Ma t i-h - 1 Speei,-» !.)■—• .
\ i ■ UAud hoi'- shi 1 --' aft*-rn'<>'»n ■
luiioiiTi • oii'-itb •.! It'ibor: Roman
in X'.-w Orb-.i us today.
Mr. Koman was traveling reprosf nLu I i 1
• I’. il’i Bros , « <dtou agei.-’-. and made
this cll.v Ir.'-' iG.-dpoarto’ •
\o i - i'on wii,* t--\<'i is assigned for the
Justice Terral Is Dead.
J.oLmH). Ms.- Mir b - < Spm iu I.) -■ ,
\ ••nii>r ! ,Diii; , : no lids .afternoon rtf-riv-
. d th.- IH-AA of | h-- de.u! h t 0.1.3 v ( .f Judge
S 11 ■'■‘•ith i'. - p.isi;-.:-' of !be
stat*- .supr* rue oourt.
J-i-Ju - ’'. • i r ! 1 ' ibout Ilin-.- .a- • k - ago re
td >1 from th- 1 H'-.a-h (‘‘mporari’.v on a.
.■uDt «»: hi.- 1 ’h h x '.!!.?< to i
bi?: .-,-h ,it Hi. oj • -nii-i; of th'* fa I i term.
. J.idgf Pi; oi Magnolia appointed
|., id.- t‘-mpo!.uy \ aie y while h'* Avent
t his !>l horn" :-i •? ’ county to
I< >t . nd ’•• np< 1 ale Ids health.
H. \v:< .* in- tnb'-T of the so'i>ss’on c-oi-
‘ vet’.l ion. an officer if: til* eonfe'ler.l 1 e
. --in-.- | -.i p>-;i •-. < or.--, -li >i'h t attorney for
eivht . and Wi-idt judge in oily six
n Vai .-, until ;< op >:■ t- J <;ipr<-m'- court
■ La < I no S - M -I.aurin in l<‘7
Two Saloon Safes Ciackecl.
<i t.i m ...g i. Tenn.. March IG iSpp-
i ~ul • Tin. • • osi Ti.nht dynamit' d ai d
• ' .Li’ d th • ;.•(■♦• in Ahh-rn’.un Uym-h's
.ulooh and • -ure.s about in eash.
'l'd- si!.- in tin Red -;u -saloon, own d
■ it. ti-. (’hrin.i -00/..! I-h'-we-ry. aa;i> also
' bi iAvn t.p.-ii .-•mi a ‘oriad amount us <-.u;<h
Negroes To Go to Mexico.
‘ ■‘u.-i it.'TD'Og.i id-.:i. March 17. (S]te
• '.i' > Thor.’ is a strong mo . riiH-nt her**
'or i. •• ••nngrati-■of negroi-s to M'-\i.
: l! : • h' -idr.i bv I P Hash y and S. 1.. '
II at v'nii! • :>• in. m pr<.indent m-gro law
y<-r.- ■:! ih- '-its. and sev'rn’ hundred are
taking advaniago of Tii<« import unit v. ■:
Th»' - m.iking eone.-rn- :
ing the c-ni rll i n arc J that the; wiil
re 'dv- M.iiU tor L-oniriHoi Labor and b‘ for
<-erp'nter ,a;:d oih-'i Laborers of ’ike
grade, s-. th.-it d >z> i: - are biting • v.-ry
1 h : re g:\‘-r. a tiekof ,X.* 4l , the
mom--, to I>.- paid after the.\ got t - M>-x
;• o aud • uro it Ii -■ •. iaino-d that wealthy j
11/.’ljlld til'- U) OVt• g} • |) t .
Line of 35 Miles. 1
Lh" S.- Hiei Ti r.iiiw:'; will, whhin :i feAV ;
i.i-, y s'-ud au •utgini --t nr: < orps bi make!
i :r\ • <>f . ! ,).■ from Pi >r, •• ’. '? <-nn .
a ■ .--.o’; oi Im i\- \\-.h- ()h: - ■
: lira'D-h f.j p.dnt .-ii H;e 'dncinnaii ;
Si ' :.»!.’• d *l. -T Tie.ii I I *'b-|| Wooii.
J. • a 'i'll'.- ii:.* as id’ I-.- about thir’.v-tive i
t)io,. s in J( will he a <-oal road
i -ii;.:. I- .d it \\ ii: i • net ia n• soire : of the i
; ;-T e.itl 0,.;-. •. :• 1.:. /»! 111 e <-•-< • Kt‘P.- .
fuel; '-etion. Tn- coal properties are •
< : irih’d P'-uiip ix aMa people. 11
■ ii.)’- b- i- it ii:* T‘-u n» - and Ken-
i . ; . :■: >:. .a.I. ■> wc d the inter* o.s
!< - - d h- HL'-p M p . ,Ins.>n. of Xexv
y..i\ vi ’ 1 in -oTp •»’ >-d in this seln-m".
Iron tl
Refused To Be Vaccinated
K i .•- . ' : • -ii- M i! i- ’i ! s \ speck: I
t.. i <■•.!.-’ f r.'iu A ’hevilb’. N
p: •» x T. \V< tv.-: at rhe b- id
..dal ion - ! I ho t Button, has
i.. i. e b* ■ etu <-d to be
> !■• -.i of bls : ■
. , • • '’J for the hip-
■ i* d • < a pr* cau-
i i'.o*. .i Weuvi
i- ;d Ul.t •
Pi -up- court of !
?\ f ew Industi ia 1 School.
I \V< .rd Jinl.isir! d
A ■ tii . ib .j Til!.- n.•>»n to
\\ a . :ia - - . ■ \vl, --.."k-ug
id o: io i - ii- ' at:- fit*- of -ha rg-
Killed on Log Chute.
I • v-. 11. x .d . » pr>-min- -A . ; t izen
-■ < !■:••■! 'L- m killed j
rnp a : * ’ • ' \ umb. r of log •
1 a- r- • nt o- -a a the ehui. t > the I
I A'.’ '.- • ■ < A . ’ ‘ I'l > ! AX •! '• Tl -• t ‘''l .*d |
• . . : ITI|H • I’d- t hlll..- 3 rnl Struck
X• , ; ;. ||.- -AA I .■>!!■•:. m.! Tubal 3nd
v..- oi.intl kil’- d 'l'hc logs AA I e go
bi.; at < \. r' I. g’li .u”T , d. \mlerson was |
Cecil Dead —Sheriff May Die.
’ • , -.. o’.' . T- ’ i M • ii l r ‘ Sin riff
I ’ giu I . •nd William
<i il. Jr. : 'i Avipun the sle-riff a
v jip i in a liltl-’ tor*’ at Isham. 3 ’
• u S< -It *unt > ' .- -da a* as
u.-.-j ’Ax.n/ h t.loth tir- I* 1 -’ .ur 1 /h. ’
;i • t ia- :f r- i .tall.A ini-iring sheriff
When th" smoke elr-ar.-d .a x\ ia aa.i-'
lying d*3d nn the floor.
Orators for Vanderbilt.
. x.ido! Ten March iSp. •.) j
r | h •Tnni'm-n.. ,:t sermon nt X ander- |
i b-lt will n- <bl.\'i'd t'. i year b.v Dr. i I' G 'i-db-r pr --ld.«nt of the TDK i
limor<- \V-'fii3:d -o|h g.' a!' S ioda.' morn- :
1 ing. Ju'H 11
Th' .inn-:.;’: litorar.A' add res« will lye J
g’v. , t I Gov* rcor X -ek. of X'-rtb ('ar- ,
id i . tin !'Jng of Tuesday. Jone l‘L 1
Th- V . iini orutor f.r eommriv. oment |
ii . p Winton, editor of The Nash- '
i . I’b.rKiian \d. »t* and a graduate;
■ of th" H.p department of Vander- -
j oi’.l iifii v.-rsit s'.
Was Hacked with Hatchet.
Si’i'hig ‘'ii'. T o): March 2*’.- A T».
pi 1 om of the np'-t nrominoiit citizens
fhi.- obi. ■ and president of the bank
'•(. ••. was as-a Lust night by Dock ;
Darwin, a neg:", whom In had dis- 1
i-liai-g. d from his sr-rxice.
Tip- negro used a hat' het or some like
’- - : r-urn nr. ai.d Mr. Paul’s -kill) w,u « i
fractur' d in .u blitim; to other injuries I
•.vl'u-’n he I'-. pi’ -'i. IL- is in a precarious
! condition,
Darwin fb d .. f t • commit i ing th-? as
••i'. and :< p" - - xxith bloodhounds gave
■ . has". .. aprnring him uftor a long run
through 'h-- oimtrA. Officer? with diffi- I
. i.iD pre’-outed a mnh forming and tak- (
Ing the
Darwin wa - removed to the county j
Jal! at Dayton this morning. j
; Mhint.-I . . -I i'. 9 7 6 1
i < IMv'-rton. l’"u 'ii 9 I 5-1 6 |
I Norfolk St..i l> |0
B.ltinioi.. • Nonilnil |0 I 8 j
Boston Qul. t 10.15 i
! Wilmington.. l-’inn 9 I-2 i
• Philadelphia Quiet |0 40 i
I Savimniih .. .. .St.-ady 9 3-4 |
i X.'u Orleans .. . l-’iini 9 3 I
' .Mobil! Nominal 9 5 8 I
j Men.pliis . . • I'n nt 9 3-4 I
; Augusta - ■ I’iriii |o
: 1 'bnrbt t on ... i'll in 9 3-4 |
< in.-inniiti . .. . .. .. ■ . Qni.-t 10 18
Louisville .. h'ii m 9 7 3 I
St Louis Si.-h 913 16 I
Bouslen .. Sim.L- 9 7. a
N. v. York Quir-i 10 15 I
I Review of the New Orleans Market.
New Orleans. March ill.—ln the spot i
cotton market prices were firm, some :
factors holding their stocks above present |
board figures. The news from tin- conn- i
try was bad. Rain was reported in man.’,' !
districts, and the forecast, said that more I
I was coming. While some parts of Texas
I reported planting, work in the greater '
part of the belt was said to be at .1 '
standstill, with planters giving their
I whole time to trying to get cotton to
market. Spot dealers say that very little
j cotton Is offering from the country. Sales
| 1.-'O't. including- 3i*> to arrive
| The future market immediately after I
' the opening took on a strong advance :
1 that carried prices 9 lo in points above '
: the closing of yesterday Most of the I
I trading was eontliiOii to th,. . .irlicr hours.
i anil toward the closing ib" ring was ’
> quieter than it has been for sever.-, I ;
I week- This caused an easing off ,f !
i (.rices from the highest point of th. |
morning The board at the , showed I
| not gains- of but ? to I points.
The Dry Goods Market.
New York. Marell 21 .The rlrv goods
I market has possessed the inevitable ejtar- i
..cteri-i i.-s o'- the cm! of the wook. Pi :, s- ■
are without change !n the majority, of
I instance.--, but rnanufaetni’rs in certain >
<111:11 ter-- I'4 less in,lera nd. it regarding I
future oontiacts. Jobbers arc not aetr o
: but condition.; .hroughout the country i
warrant hope foi H,.' future.
World’s Visible Supply of Cotton.
' N'.-w < ul-ans Mar-h 20.- S.ei.tar- 11 • '
1 ter s s-ta l( mfiil of Ihe wot ,T S visible
: supply of cotton, made up from S)io. i R !
; ■ .ib-" and ifL'giaph: - nii; •!>•»••- t .imp ips '
111 n figure's ttf nd- we* I with L’S’l Wf-r-k, I
• Lis’ a1.3 r am! th? .> ar h"fmn
i It shows a foi th" wf-*k hist i
I closf'd *»i h'Hjd:’. Lipl'-.'-- against, a -b * roas" J
,of I . .-ISO List \ '-.i: .'.id a d i ■ ase oft..
. 077 th" >"3i- :ast.
Th-- total visib’” :- UL. '-.fiK,. ,against
3.777."i»x List v, *•’» !. L’TI.L.I nst and ’
<ar hi i’or- last.
of tiiis ;h" lio.-i "•:’ Xm-'ii in ;
; D ’. I7*.U.'»;.'>, again -a ’..'.‘J.l.'i--. Last wook.
■ I L’>. List .nd id,::?..; -. •. (
last, .-nd ttf ait "th- r kinds ai- hiding •
I'Uxid. H: iZ'l India. • a LlfhUK)".
against I,hit,»>!»•' '.a wok. l.llS.iW last :
year and 1 ,n:.’s <».*• ■a: h"for<‘ last.
The total \A<n;.)' xi-J.'h supply /*f C"t
• fop as abuv" Dioaa.- a .!• <-i"as-- .-. I’inj.a r"d
With ast. W'-"k •" 101.043 ha?---. d"-
t!' <sc . onipar-’d v/ith Lnsi x.-ar o| Js'-dSb
Jib) a •b<- •;js-‘ -•impal'd aa it h ?'‘or I -
i I"!*- last nf 31(l*’U.
as a!><>\»\ thei'- naw afloat arai h"!d .
in ’ Iri-a t I tr: la i"■ and Ti"i> ■.. 1-? • -<>j ■"
I igainst ” JU. lost a -if and ;
’ i.SJ-t,'»(;U y.-ar b -i'" -.- iasl; in Kg.', pt Dj* l ’ l . '
.-nainst mu y<-ai ana IT?."" • \f-ar
: :--d"F.- ,ast; in India 7i9J - >". ag t 7’7'<.-
Dm |;i't ' < ir and ‘.L'HO a ar b» io’-.- last,
Cid in th" U nt'-'i Status srJ,o*»'i. against :
I.INl.biM last (Hid 1. L'-b -hiij v. ar b*dt>re i
: List
Liverpool Weekly Cotton Statistics.
I/. Vf-rpooL Mari h 2b ,'•'•»))• -u ,ng *r»‘ (Im
V(*-*'k!; C'>fl"ii s’aii>', - Tdal th- •■!’ ■
■'ill kind • 41.•>»•! -ah'.-: Inin! sains. Amori- •
; ■ m 3.', "'Mi; baigii-li sph mors’ takings i
■' < t»da i .-x’ : i’nn >:t f .- I kinds ,
■ '«”■ imr-ort. r r -a ;i -d".. k <«f
all kind:- iiSJ.u.fy Mo<k. Amorjt-.nn
■ C ■’i n*i <y a!L>a - : nd.*- a*»•»<»; -pianiitv
a!! ’ Amor - mta: sales on
sp"( nation SAi; sab-s to exp-•rt» , rs
Cotton Seed Oil and Meal.
’ Now Y.i’-k. March 21. •: otton s-.'-d nil
quir-i and admit -?»-a<l'. Prime crude
• an*' 11.umma : . :»r in<- <rud'-. f.o m mill- ■
‘ 1 • TmA •. pi im." ■ :i.'.in>-r "i’m;v (t l-Ja;
• fl ‘'am!!)*’' A'-IIOW 1 J’uJth-; {U'ini" Wh i ‘ ;
I.’", pnrm wintt-j ••.>w 4.. . p-inm nma! •
: .Si’.?."''//U.-*i mnmimn
• Mompb s. ?dar< !i < mtmi a- ■ d oil
j< arload lots jmr i-aaom pi mm •-mid*- ;
-. (, ff - inj. ?!'a, n-iim- - inmo-i ,v*-'do’.v
off .'imirn»r >?;• irnm'si:; <hoi-' i
; < ookmy • ammu'r 43 Mm;' Prim -
N• xx <>r L- tn- Ma •}. < -a t. m I
oil Piini" r« fiimd in rr- ’s U) l< of?
■ t dim-tj in him- ■ .it’, |<> c prime ciu<D
Sea Island Collou.
i ta i'. Ma < h ’- otton
H* • ft- -• •. .• • ■ -1. xp rts j o- k
• ‘hai .• stun. \! :> - h ) S - I md r >•-
; stmk
Secretary Hester? Crop Statement.
X' >n.• .i i . V • ■ - S» U’c! ar ■ 11'■<
AA ■•k i A N 1/! • iC'.'U -*n ; \
t hang s*a(, jH.-m, is a.j th-Ltv the < h>.s.- ;
'•: bu mess to«it i- as a (Increase i
tie ncV'-iimm i!.’.- -I’-.!.;, compand with *
: tin- : o\<-') t.ays < ndipg this dab last yea;-.
ill i.'Uiai tigUF' '/ i»i|. f a dec me
uni* : '•.-• tm» p i -d ir L -'or »• !a - •
L..""' .< '|J at; . r • i-. .• [ !’.;■• S 3 III" t j IHC
I' •! sh" ■ AA. . . . u M 1 ’-. h !; t.
’t Is it -aa ■’i a:'. not la s; »-a j
Ji 1,0 •( ii i» • • • r tin- s i( m- poi iod
" ’ * *‘d • i ind an m : > i
■ ■ ■ ■ ,’le- '' • I ' ' ol ..UIOO
she ■ ■ * - m • ci t .
1 • ’ • -of ’g 1 b is aln a .
• t ! ’ .i !) <• . j 1
of ‘it Ti" ’ n ■ if T" i ;S* s.I Hf<» ;
«o . ; \ .u a
the P ■ . av. "k I D --d. againsl
>• oj ■ t?l .. . . . lhH
o :as’ • a j ’ ad*. ,- .. l)"f. r| , i, ( . ( (
i i i - de -.i n; urn ii !•*.•-. , t fl ] r,, r
J ’:" ! AA’et: t \ da;.- Mi: a , • s h. . a
Im/MC again-t ... t .- ~a J 44J,!7s
\*-ar he:..|.' las* ... j- ", -am». in
‘..Sir., (I*.; Jigaiio! •• ''■•-• ;4- Mm y, >r 4 »•. •!«»,-
• 5?7 a t ir fm .• i• -r a i :..!*':|- ime
I time in I.W; overland a. t<>•. . Dm Missis
sippi, Ohio and I Hom river* to north-
i * !’!i mills ami '’amnia !»••''.again-h !U".
i Last year .
, t me- in I?*". :ntei!->r stocks
in exoe-s of tho-- m . al i’n < lose «.f i
th" • »m moi < i.,1 y-n: against .‘sl,-
'fl last A .-a ! . I" . • .1- •>.-!.)!•" and 113
It? sam. ime hl !‘n miii lak-
' ings L.JJ a:, i.ti ! iJPJ.'cs lasi A cm,
- •-.■’•> .-ar b<-!- a . ’ ■ tnd j •<;» s;t Inc
' imp in 19CH'.
Th",-, make the b-ml irmv mont f »r the <
J"I <la\s fr'tm S"p:em!"-r I to dale f’.J'm
.’V, against !)/j;:o b.? List a ear, 5,670,337
; r bt-for* last and s IJ'‘.4?4 > i?n time
, l». .-n 11'1.77;:. igaii-- |. ls * x, . }T - f niak- ,
! ing Die t-dal (him far b-r th, s* ason ;
' .'..* l ns,::'- , .‘. agaim-1 - 11. ..- .mt car, an
I !n--ft-aso <tf l'di,.7S4
N’orth"in mill takings an.i t’amida dur
. ing the past seven da.vs shoiv an in rr-asf
■ •■!’ 1,234. as < ump ired with the m/ure
: sporiding period last year, ami their total
takings sine- 1 Sept -nibi-r I h ivo deereast-tl
! 30,«‘N".
'IL'- tola! taking' "f Am* mills. ’
: north ami r- tuth ami Daeada. thus far
for tin' season luix- men 3.M1,775. against i
; 2.970.3'd last year. Th* so include 1.7D.339
hy northern spinners, against 1 .Tsii.Ol'.L
Stocks at the. seaboard and the twenty- ;
nine hading smith'-ru mterior renters
have deroi:"-.) during tin week 7'J.nos
bales, against a decrease during the m>r- j
; Tfsponding period last -"mon of 16.595.
i and are now :;3*'>.<9»’i smaller than at this ;
. flat" in 19(rj.
lib lujliivr stock- lett o\ . t - at p*»r s
and inf* ’ ior town fi -mi the last i rop 1
J and the number of bale- brought into
I ,<dght thus far for the n* av crop, the
supplx I • dab- is 9.5J",663. agnin ? . : 9.-''9..-
925 b»r the -u’n - peri-"! last year.
Comment on Bank Statement.
i New York. March ~L-The New York
■ I'inanefer says:
"The striking feature f the offleial ) ,
j «ta.toment of the Now York associated .
. i nks this week was a further impor- j
I taut loan contraction. following that i
I which has been in progress since the ,
| maximum on record was reached on Feb
: ruary 21, ami as th*.- result of such con
i traction a. decided decrease iu deposits.
through which reserve requirements
j were lessened, thereby enabling the
! banks, notwithstanding the loss oi cash
I during (he week, to augment the stir
, plus reserve. Ihe loans were d*'errascd
last week $1:.’,953,000, making 535.61.300 since
, February 21. There was, a reduction in
■ cash of $1,713,500, or $1,13.300 more than
: was estimated from the traceable m<rv<-
i merits of rnom y during the week. The
! deposits were decreased $15,479,6'"’. mak
mg f6_ , ,536.9’”i slm •• February 21. ’The re
i quired reserve was reduced s2,K69.!♦"<’, and
deducting from this sum the $1.713,500 loss
. of cash, left $2,156.D0 as th- irn re;me in
1 surplus reserve, carrying this item to
; $3.1b0,400. Computations made upon the
I basis of deposits-. |e<-s s4‘U'2s,4OO of th"-"
; of public funds, show a surplus of SL’L-
237.500. it is noteworthy that ihe Mans
■d the banks w-ro $10,865,000 in . xcess
; of d’ptsii-. against $5.37*,400 in the pre
; vious week, and twenty-three individual
banks, among which number are those
; having the largest capital ami surplus,
aro loaning amounts exceeding those de
t posits This simply shows conditions pc
; culiar to the condition, and it clots not ,
j indicate impairment in any sense. 'Though ;
the clearing hom-v flops not recognize in ;
its statement, except incidentail.v, the
permlssabb? elimination <»f reserve re* •
qulremonts against government deposits, j
It s*ems clear tliat some of the industrial
’.inks arc taking advantage of th" per- ’
mission giv*n by the secretary of the !
treasury and take m» a ‘count of reserve ;
against public deposits The li.dM.i Hons ;
last week pointed to asp - d\ beginning '
• f th*'; return flow <>f money to this cen
ter from the inMrior. I’nlc -s subtr*;isury ■
! operations shall again Largely absorb ■
ash from the banks these institutions j
may be -xp. rted. in the near future, tn 1
Jiow gains hi ash and a gradual im
provnmenf in reserve < onditions
New York. March 21. The smterrmnt .J •
the average of rhe clearing- hmisc banks ,
of (his • Ity forth" week were
Doans s9ll 547.400; d.- r.'ase $12.95.-:.00.0.
I ’ eposits £62 ,<»•'. dc' r• m s ■ $15,479.600
< iroifla t ion docreas.- *74.900.
Legal lenders $64 75:.5n0• fm-i-■••
Sf'" '• M-A,.’ .■ , ■ t’ ,y
Reserve L l -x. 351 .(DO; d" i"3-.- $!.7!J..500
required $.”5 170 .'AI i
rj»bi : 190.400; {•..<■• . jc,-. $ 156.400.
Flx-Vt S rl its $1 o; In
ci .-a $2.167.L'.-a.
The Treasury Statement
W:i Mlilißton. Ml.", >, ,'t -Todav', trofls-i
ury but;:. .■■ 1:;1 x. ~f :!ip sold r'-s.-rvo.
show >i';ih'.' nnsd, babinciv--- ' '?
•<27. cold $1:1.27: 714
Allen-Miles Co.’s Hide and Leafliet
Chi, ig >. Mii-vh 2i ind.-rlone '
i "ill inui-s in i-oon’rj market on light i
iiid"s. hut there !s less di-marid fm heax v,
i-V'.T’t nt tuw pi i,whli’li dcilec- d"
cline to a ( -,-.-pt other than in i-ola.tzi 1
instances. I'wu cars buffs sold to eastern |
tanners at S l-b- and 7 l-4c. Ver,-, few
to had. Heavy st", . < held at s 3-.x<a
S 1-2", and cow.- x I f with blds of X.- r.
fits, i, i:\tremi.s quotable at X l-t'<<:- I :’, .
Calfskins a shade "asler at unchanged I
prices, f: i talking 9< lor late kip. bu:
none ot.Li via bl- ntid. r :> I-_e. TiHiow quiet i
but steady. Sho«p pelts dorlining sligh
l.v with :ajr demand Dry hides steadj
for sole leather stock, but. quiet on light '
hide.-. I'ackci' hi le: .strong foi Tcx.i--
steers and branded ’"W hides Native
aver and .-iw hides no firm'-r and nut :
active. Two thousand Januari ■ I’ebruary
light Texas steers sold at lie with ex
trema iight |i 1 4c. Three car loads l-'ort I
Worth. Tex . pucker branded ~-ow hides ;
su’d .at S 3 >< witfi the No. 2 at 7 -4r■ Nev
York wires .7.IHX) kos-hers Match native
-t", rs ~dd at iu , I,'- with .7,<je*> butt brands
Hi 1-1, ami -'o lorn dos 16-. Also report 1-4 c
advance on dry hide, s.-'les as follows:
Bev-:-, tno.i.s.and Puerto ctiballanas, Ven
■’zmla. sold to :i large eorji'ira t ion to at
rive at :) i-2e Seven '.hi.usand sim. sold .
to outside tains rs later :i t 21
McCollough Bro.'s Fruit and Produce
‘cl int i. Ca . Mat .n JL Pr"m or. sen: ■
indications and with fair, crisp weatheC
anticiiiate some reaction m tiie apple I
market during the nex- f. w da’, -. F<>r
more than two weeks a slate of d-morali
z.ation lias existed on these g iids owing;
t<> the soft, wet weather and ex -, ssive ’
Th.-r,- is no noticeable ,-hange In T’,. '
orang', situation, with, both pr'",‘s mid I
receipts normal
The l'**.-'ing in lemons cotitinues strong i
will-, indie.l l i, ns •>: :':rih"i Jva in s.
There i better feeling in bananas,
ari'd favoLible weather conditions will re- I
ot in mereas-d demand ami mg ut ;
Not In th" history of -lie maritet hast
the situation been more thoroughly tie
rriiirali-zed on onions. Numerous car lot ■
siilpni'-nts have, been rejcied for freight!
during tli" la<t w k l-'.ating It <!i po
tatoes are in m>,t demand w: il pLc;'
- bowing a d< .-line
'i'iiere is littb i.ti-iti in i tn- muket
• . I.n seed li.-li P -it - -.nd .ml<m
T demand f. r N,m V, 1; S.. te Da .
:.<h cabbage Is qa ; -i. I:-. • will; citis
fm torr , c ing I .lized I 'ior,,la
. n ,1, lg- ar- lll’irr pi’ dll',:: w ■ii tin "I
--m ind imi pi I. , s -um w< ik■ ■
Tin mark"! Is w> Il ■ I".med up .. •
n ■ . :ii re lien- at ■ . ml- ' ■
of ;,!-. i , $1 pel ,r:i'. pH", ailing >n the
nest gtald, ■ 1 ■ > ID , a , r . is ■■ : ;
ri ei'.. l |. tile large; p.-t ci at if which -
art • ill ba I " idi or, win i il l ■ i ■
p< pp<-: •: c :nii" ’ ••. -’r ng „ .in-- :j ;
■. d ,i. .1 6 ■ly ■ i'. al f.i ii ■
Tin we., tbet i- ■ o : ''■ . 1 u harm n;,
dressed p, • - i . a 11 i g v t:.
is ample!
. ', an . : ■■ > c-g r- • : -
i. :■■■ ilde will-. :he niark’t assuming a
down w.i: d tender, \.
in.. aml la ‘ ,1- .ut, ■
Well at '.I: : 'C, ' • -
I'. is ,-v. rv .!■ - rip:;,,i, a■■ , i ~ . •i!
sqifi'x- with tin- m.irkel we.ik ami ,-a
pH i■ • lit
Flour, Grain and Men!.
Att 11l Li. L i.. h 1 l-'i In,
ntond patent SS.W; second patent Jt.59;
straight. 14.00: extra fancy, j.,70;
f«ncy. 13.30. First patent spring wh»«t.
14 75. Corn, choice white OSc; No. 2 whits
toe, No. 2 mixed 66c. Oats, white clipped,
:,4c; No. white 52c, No. ? -.,ife<i ■■'V
B> an $1 15. Brown shorts 11.20. w-hite
shorts $1.40. Victor food $1.25 per 1(0 ibs.
Quak'-t so ,d Choice large bale $!-'■?.
No. 1 small $1 No. 2 small sl.lO Plait-,
corn meal me; bU 'd 60c. Cotton seed
meal $125 per 100 lbs. Hudnuts grits
Atlanta c, Marell « i.'ff... p--r
tm pound.- Arbii' kl-'s Jlo.Sfi; [.ion $10.55;
Cordova, $10.05; Blue Ribbon, $10; green
coffee, choice, lOe; fair Sc; prime 6c. Su- i
gar. standard granulated, s’s, . Sirup, New :
Orleans open kettle, fofi 405: mixed
ctioiee, 2<>''i2S< : south ileorgia cane. 35c
Salt, dairy smks. $t ,to<&’l.4<>; barrel, bulk. I
$2.50; ice ci cam. $1.25; common, 5547:60c
C)p "sc, fam-v. full cream, twins 15c.
singles. '5. Match, s. 15. 15 3-47.
sous $1 504/L75. Soda, Xrm and
Hammer $1.75. crackers. soda 6 ;
, ream. 7c; ginger snaps. ii 1-lc. I
I'ic peaches, $1 ,5; table p-aches $2.7577'1
Canned tomatoes. sl. Canned cmn s!>■
tifl.jHi Best mime meat, 10e lb.. choice.
7c lb. Oysters, F. W. $1.75: L. V . $1.20 I
l am v head rice 7c; head rice 6 Wliite
fish, 60-lh keg, $ whit, fish l-'O If,
kegs $1.4". mullet fish So It, kegs. $4.50;
macaroni. 7e lb., pork sausage S'ic lb.
Bologna sausage 7, Sardin-s. oil, , as", '
$2.75; sardines. • mustard, $3.50; salmon,
case, $3.50tji’5,50. Jellies, 30-Ib pads. 4c lb
Pepper sauce, dozen. 60c; Worcester, doz
en. 35c; catsup,, pints, dozen, sic. mus
tard, dozen. 90c; krout, 15-gnllon kegs.
$2.75. Pickles. 15-gallon 60ns. $5 50.
Country Produce.
\i anta. March 21. l-'.ggs. fresh. \
r; j .-. storagi sto. k ili'l.- -Pnzen c miry
smoked bacon. 11fal'_p 2 c: hams. 13@15c
Butter. Georgia fresh. 15 to IS; Tennessee .
table 18 to 2"; Jersey 2iVa22 l-2c Live
poultix, in ns 3M35; frir . large, 254727 1-2,
medium 16@1Sc; small Hot 6 Ducks, pud
dle S-'. Peking. O' 1 ,’. Live turkeys 15 t"
I 1 - Dressed poultry, hens 12 -2
Whiskey and Pure Fruit Brandies Made by the
One Old-Time Distiller Not in the Trust.
Dist illed bv four general ions of Shawhans in Virgi iiin. Kcntui kx an ■' *
souri. for over 125 yeai s. Uro. H. Shawhan is now the only olfl-time
ler not in the Whiskey trust. Shawhan is absolntel v pure and is the nesi
whiskey in the world tot all purpose-. Bouledby the distiller ana sum
direct. Straight, honest whiskey and tnll measure.
Beware of rectifiers and fake distillers: the woods are full of them
’ ence bet
Send u - $3.20 tor I full quart s«■ I .<h;> a-.- ,i i-. h: =■ < r ; Poo • b'>n or ■ ve.
3W $3.50 fori full qu«3
■c \ $4.00 for 4 tuH quarts of Shawhat; - S«-l"- > - k.
.AjmL $3.50 (or 4 full quart- <>t Shawhan* Pea- ;B: in or Appl" .U- K,
jMEBr- distilled from fine Mi' i i’ru ’
'‘Sffr u *n'riJr Will send assorted ordei if d«- Wr ■■■ H ST. tax -i an, or
B’S—yiCOCCI It COCE Os CCO " 1" "■ • ’ 1 ■ T.-tUt • 1 ‘
kw ut LuIAL rHEC urrLii ( , ".’‘.o
■BKwW WM' bottles of I’e.u 11. Ap]>i<- or G-',ip, un .. ' ' Sor Hot
—la,lay Rye Whisker.
I per lb.' fries 15c pound. , k:- S'olO 1
I pound; turk-xs I'iH'ic nmmd. Ouimis ... to
I 35 bn. Cabbage, New York Danish 1 1-4:
: Florida green. I I Tomatoes. j
I per crate. Irish potatoes-, northern 8.7 :
| @9O per bushel; Tennessee and Virginia
: 7<if't7sc per bushel. Sw. t polo: .. .. i-, •.
bushel Peas, white 'LJifil ' I .sh
indy $1.75<712.(«i; stock '<@l. Died
' fruit. Georgia apples 5<- pound, do
j peaches 4f,tsc; do. peeled Jo'dil2 l-2c. ''aii
| tomia dried peaches 7c pound. Celery,
, per : " -•■' *° *■ - Navy be.ii $ 1.90 i..
i bushel. Butter beans GlfO I . Turnips,
I rutabaga, le pound. Beeswax 22 1-2 to
i 25c pound. Honey in comb BCW< pound !
lln fiames lo'g.Lc pound; sL .iim-,j 65j7:
: pound.
Atlanta March 111 - ' :: .- b
■ boxed 9.55; half riba 9 1-2; bellfes 10; 1C«
; cured bellies 19 1-2. Sugar cured hams
i 15c; California hams 10 1-2 i.ari. 10 Ji.
; compound 8 l-4e.
Fruits and Confections
I Mlanta, Ga M >r, h Appl ;■ .
! aiig.-c Florida I'6 to 216 ts th" :■.-v
■■i ,0 box. ' 'aiifoi ula. orang : >
: ~ 75 Bud : .70 Tang.-i c.
I Grap.- fruit $6 to S l '-a b--v L- ,n- ■
; ram v $. t" ' mb--. s.' ' M- . ■
• g-rap.•■« $3 .'• "'u l p-T keg. H imi" , ;■ ••
bu ich culls, iWAfTSe; straight
i Strawtierties, 12 12 to 17 I :• per icia'.
Nuts: Walnuts, No. '. 12 12. No. ..
I almonds 13; pe.-an 9 1-2 to 1", Brc.z'l 1.
; mixed nu't i'-AaC Peanuts, Virginia, i 1 “
|to 6c; Georgia. 1" <’■ ci :i■ its. r JOO,
$ 75. I’ll. Ippl' fi ' '•i::..'.'i •■Lite l >af "I,
| 00-lb. boxes, i/f'-; I<T; 7 1-2..:
Coffee and Sugar-.
; New York M "cii ;.'J - Ti" mm L"
- • •ffc" I'm.ire- .Ip-m H q Het at i.'ii. '■;<- i
I prices an I following th, c.i.'l ruled g- n
cr.ilb qni-'t in k-> ping with • i:iim;. •- : i:::
I foreign news, hut the imorior rm-eipt
:• ■ nl!nm-'l tn! « < rehm: -d, I:-. m-■
: crate and off, rings, w'.m- m.ill. fm::’->
I 'lo r, :’.dy tale rs. tint K- .:• -■ v . . ■
. quiet it a p.iriial <i- ■ iim- of 5 ~;n . •
j:,.,; : i i«j<i bags; M:c i.25',7-1 S- •■•■■ m.
I 1,,-r - ■ -i I■ > . "ill:: - 4.75
5.0,1. Coff,". spot Rio quiet: N- 7 in
I\. i. " 5 1-2: mild ul. . i-m q ~ . ; ; t
S’raw f-t -,ii.'; : Di! r • in;ii", . , >. i ■
>3 |-1. "PHtrifiigM ;• sl 11-1*;. m--’ ■ .
J L'» R*’fhi"<; -i-,;-r . \ , >’ .
; ( 1": N > ; 4..J5; N-I. ’> t j- 1 . -- • > D\ Nc
; I’) ( jo; N ' II 4-15. N" ’. LT'. N..
. LiA. N<* ' ‘ I-’- 1 • <' ■ ' •"■ ’ J -
j mould A ,t• ut i’ .if 3.4-': cri-b' .i - i
! ’JiAW'h J r -1 I V .1 '-M I '
N-'W OrLuns, M;"vu L”.
t'T>"li kvtti" ~ T.'.'-’ o-a. k'-tti" f!
IrifugM 3 I v '/3 JLI; < ••ntriugu] wiii:--- :
i 4 l-‘J. a l!<«w 3 I. kkiuHn j 1-s ?. ; ;
, M'.:.l y . Ojt‘-H k’-Tii" li'Hllllb'i'
; -• t-Ti ?1 i ■ ,2- '-. ’ S: ’ P 111 'U ■': I'. I 1 ■ ’ ■ >
Naval Stores.
i Say.Hin.-T.; Man h 2! • Torp- -r. J' '
I Arm; r-- - ip!< ... ■"’•. •••..'• -- ■’ -y '
F S G vJ J". H D D I ; -• K -D. ’ ■
: M 1" N -A : -a - . - ' '
' HiririrsfoH Mnr. hJi 'Torp.-nl ir -i:; m
; a I LI; sales- K -if '.‘ ;
t ; • I-: .<• 1 : . ? 1 rr ’ ■ ••
i !<’ fl): M ■«' ’ ?< ’■ a " ■ ••
i ?.?■ 7.'; wa w' i : • ? I
i I.andthrift A r’--m: ’ -■: Assault -k j
12-Ye;tt -Old Girl.
G.ijsd.m A,. Mar,: is N,w-- 1...-
- Lim“ n.m
. , ast of i i idsdell ■ : ■ W.i
one al r.-m tim a! i-, t
. i-. Emil- M. ■
thrift, a-m I- • . ■
Sunny South s 1905 :
I sci -.nd $i g~i The Sunny Soutli t
form i 1 >• <■ on Mar. hio !• g ..- r . . :
appii>p-i.G. souve - ’ii lor •■■ • < ii- ,-;> --
names to increase our r.ipiill\ v;.-
'Jo;.- ' o> ", ,| ~ , j ;. ■, r-. 11, ! c
Sunny South. ..nd w. ,i-:i *o
Such 'HI IB- 1 I- l <1- ; be ;olll: :
every ■» her .-mbs. rib i ■-.-c.liii me im-
to get or.-, and to c- \er 1 ."■ <leii , i i
Seu< us a chib of live for $2.50, and with -t v-c ■ '
your five subscribers an estimate in our ctmte•iim •?
allow you as agent one estimate on ea. l; vearb ..u’- ; i:-' :- ;; v-m r :--
nish, making five estimates for you or. your e’eb. I-'.-: --'.a ii we
will also extend your own subscription one year a:- :w: ■-<:i-.i you ■?
handsome souvenir of our anniversary It .» il be -i ver .' omoir’-.e
contain!'.g maps of \lal.ama, Florida, 1 ie-cio.i. Ke- 1 " ■> •■■■ : ■',
Mis-iiss;North ( arolina, Somh Caro!in:<. i'c-i;--.-ss. •■ -.- ■: Tey.-s,
seven of which are double pay- size. !:<■: • l. b'
•\tlas is trom the best map pnhli-i;- i■ in tb< Ib - i > ■
McNally & Co of Chicago. Ills. It has fu
census statistics and should be in < r-r\ .- r or -, •ri !‘;. e for
daih reference The \t ia- is easily v. or;’. ■ rub ycar'.v prima
of the paper. Don't get confused renv. the sou-'Cnir ;« Lt m. <
cender r.f the club, in addition 10 vonr ow 11 s-?'--. • -..■ ; m ; a ycai, an L
it is no’ for the member- of \ our rink
Why Jlpril 20th?
Besides celebrating the anniversary, it is important ns ,se m’ *’ 0 $lO.-
000 contest. Be sure to mail your club in time to reach us by April
20. Send the full amount. $2.50. get The Sunny South one year and
an estimate in the SIO,OOO contest for each one of your five subscrib
ers. and your own subscription one year, your five estimates and your
souvenir Atlas of the Southern States, all with the one remittance.
Should yon wish to send five combination subscriptions to The
Sunny South with The Atlanta Constitution. t!>.- r< ; ;r - ’w’
SIO,OOO contest we enjoy, we will tor $1.25 each send b->tb. papers ona
year, allow two estimates in the contest to each subscriber and ex
tend yon. subscriptions to both papers one year and give you ten
estimates in SIO,OOO contest on your club of five names accompanied
bv the full amount. $".25. The Atlas of the Southern States will, of
course, be sent vou on this proposition as well as on the other.
A-’rcss all orders, estimates and remittances and send all in one
envelope by April 20 to
The Sunny South, Atlanta, Ca.
■ 'lnin - home and attempted tn tno
■ child Stic sercame.i and seme negroes
I ;.,I1 to lim - - i-a.ince, and '.amilhrift ran
I off. Snp'-rint"iid'.'nt Gaines, of the eon-
vi t farm, with tour bloodhounds ami
,1,-piiti, acre s-on hot '-n th'- trail.
A'mint after ~ hot ■
■ .in tn.i'r. the <1 .g. , am-lit I.andthrift.
it" was . idly bill".i and his tb-sh was
torn befor- the .lo:; • . otild ■ ■ pulled -iff
! imiti: ri ii w.i i-r. .m lit t ■ Ga •..- •!, n aml
. idm ,-,| in inil.
Tie ;• ."•!•■ of La.Garde re greatly
rtl'ous 7 up am' '■ tr ’ak- the
I law into ;2■ ir •w n •;. iml - Im- grand.
■ me- ami Im wnl be mime-
i d-.ilec mdicted
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‘ nit? |..i- ;b'- -r. would him ■->
.-••n- ■; g M I- ■■ ■■ i’L- 1 M ' h: • --f
. :it ifc ■-• ‘YO- '• ’ I’!’:"!' '. ■' '' : r; '
Commandant Joubert. Is 111.
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-.g';- tH.-'ki"-’H'l c’s 11 ‘-r» ’‘ringer: ? bra-*
"e lk n'u . ■: rtricf"! Mnk< r«. Vnur local den let
wcild .•»■>:•-u-*- • >■' "Tiro •or rht*
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l.uylies Bios. Mercantile Go.. St. touisAx